HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-78-0809v 11/28/78 s t~~i~~NAN~'~ Nc~ , AN t~RDIIVANCE AMRN~I~1G ORDINArICE NO ~ 6871., fiHl; 'COM~R~I~ENSIt~E ~~NI~G O~t~I~ANCE` F`0~ ~~~ ~~~~ OF ~tIA~tI, $~ C~A1~GII~~ `IHE ~ONIN~ CI,AS~I~'ICATION OF ~NR SEC ~tICE`T~OF=.~AY _BE`~W~~N A~'REO~IMAT~I,Y --f~ ~~ s 42Nb ANb T~#E0:> 52Nb STREETS , I~EINC `WES~'ERL~ 12 y ~ ~ OF 1'ROFOSEb LOTS 1 Tt~R~ 26 EESS SO~JTHERLY + 105 - OF LOT 26, TENTATIVE RI,AT Nb. 101.8 - 1V~RTH $~ENA VISTA CORCIA1, SITES, FROM R-1 (ONE FAMIL'~) BETWEEN AP1~~tC~~IMATEL~' NE 42ND .5T~tEET_ AND 48TE TERRACE; ,~=3 (LOi~'bENS~TY MULTIPLE) $ETWEEN: APPROXIMATELY` N:Es 48TH TERRACE AND THEO: 50TI~' TERRACE;"AND R~4 (MEbI1JM DENSITY MULTIPLE)-$ETWEEN APPROXIMATELY N.~. 50"TH TERRACE ANb THEO. 52Nb -STREET td C~1 (LOCAL 'COMMERCIAL), AND B~ MA~ING'THE NECESSARY CHANGES ' IN T~iE zONING DISTRICT NIAP NtADE A PART OF.THE'SAID ORbINANCE NO. 6$71, BY 1tEFERENCE NAND bESCRIPTION IN ARTICLE''III; SECTION 2 :THEREOF, BY REPEALING `ALL ORbINANCES, CODE SECT-IONS, OR PARTS ;_~ ~ THEREOF LN CONFLICT; AND 'CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY . PROVISION, WHEREAS, the .Miami Zonin~:.Board at its. meeting of November 6,;197.8, Item No. 1, following an advertised hearing, adopted Resolutiom'No, ZB 189-78 by'a 7 to-0 vote recommending denial for change of zoning classification as hereinafter set forth, and ~~~~ o WHEREAS,-nottaithstandng the recommendation of the Zoning Board, the City Commission, afteL~ careful consideration and due deliberation of this matter, deems it<advisable andin the .best. interest of the City of Miami-and its inhabitants to grand a change of zoning classification as hereinafter 'set forth; IdOW,'THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINEb BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MAIP~II , FLORIDA : "DD CUM EfdT INDEX ~A~ p~~ ,~ Section 1. Ordinance No . 68711T'~P`~'e'Cb a Zoning Ordinance far the City of Miami be,'and the 'dame is hereby amended by changing the Zoning classification of the FEC'right-of-~aay between ,approximately N.E. 42nd and theo. 52nd Streets, being westerly 12.5' of proposed hots ~. through 26 less southerly + X05' of Lot 26;, Tentative Plat X10. 101$ - NORTH BUEIIA VISTA COi~7ERCIAL SITES,` from R~1 (One Family) between approximately N,E, _42nd Street axed .48th .~''" ~''+~ ~' ~;~ ~. ~~' ~~ Teti"ace acid then k 50th- '~eY~ace ~ an ~ - _ f d R 4 (Medium ~ensit~ t~tt~t~.p1e) bet~ieen ap~~d~timately t~, ~, 50th Te~tace and then . 52nd Stt'cet to C~1 (i,dca~ Cetntne~Cia1) ; and by tnaktig tote tie~essa~y changes itl ttie zoriirig distt^iCt trap; made a pa~'t of the said O~dina~tce ~o~ 6871, by ~`efe~ence and description in A~tiC1e ITI, Section 2 theteof.' Section `2. What all laws or parts of -~atvs in con~~iCt herewith 1~e, and the same are hereby ~`epealed itisofa~ as they are in Conflict. -Section 3. Should ariy part or provision of this -0rdinance be declared by'a court of competent jtirsdietion to be; invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the ordinance as a whole. 'PASSED ON FIRST READING BY TITLE ONLY this 14 day O f DECEtr1BIsR 19 7 8 . PASSED AMID ADOPTED ON SECOND AND FINAL READING BY TITLE ONLY this 1~ day of D~:cFh>BEF 1978. t~lAURICE A. FLRR~ MAY`0R l'"`' ~ONZN~ ~°~,~~' ~ft~~m ~ZOC11~ln*~~~~~~~ ~l~ofic~a fast ~~a~t ~ai~t~3a~ C6, , ~ic~~t~~~~wa~ bett,~eei a~ip~ox ~ ~' ~ 1; ~ ~ ~n~ and ttieo. t~. ~: ~~~id ~ti*eet. fihe ~~~ 1!t ~~ ~ 5' of p~ond~Pd Lots 1 t~i~~t ~~ less the ~' ~.~ ~ :~.~~' o~ dot ~~; ~entati~e plat ~ltil~~ +'~O~2~I'Ii'~3~TE~~ ~I~T~ '~~~'ii~1)~tClt1~, SS'I`~~'~ a ~S9 i~ E I2/f'~p P ~ I ~1~NT/ ~7E`V~bOpFit ~'lo~.ida Fast Coast Rail~ay Co. coo ~to~e~ ~. Ba~reto, ~ssis. ~iCe Presidetlt 105.~i );~ ~lst 5t~eet,_ t~ialeeh, 33.013 ph: 8~5~4388 7OtdItdG ~t-1 (One ~ainil~ b'c~ellinc#) , ~t--3 (Low DonSit~ Nitiltple bt~ellinq) 'and ~t-4 (?•iedium Density Multiple D~el~.ing) REQL`EST Application for a Chance of zoning Classification as follotas t From R-1 between approx. N. E 42nd Street and .48th Terr. From ~y3 between appro~ N, E. 48th Te~r`and then. N. E. 50th Terr. From R=4 bet~~teen approx. theo.N. F. SOth Terr. and then. N. r. 52nd Street To C-1 (L~ca1 Commercial) E,nLr'123ATIOt1 12.5' of the proposed lots have` Residential Zoning. This rezoning t~~ill make them uniform. RECOi;L~'iEi1 TJt~T I0i~1 S I?LANi~ING DEPARTP•~r~1T nPPROVI~L. The rezoning of a 12 c 5 foot strip of this land from R-1, R-3 `and R-4 to'C-1 is consistant with the Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan and'will not have a detrimental_ affect on adjacent properties.- The existing railroad tracks create,`a "natural" barrier between the; residential and. the`conunercial properties.` Since :this 12.5 foot st-rip is located immediately to the'East of :these tracks-:and away from the residential area, the "natural" boundary is being preserved. ZO:']I~TG ~»'~ Deferred to let t}ze ~~ppl~ cant consider' chanRinc; his ap?~lica- tior. to a conditional ,usc t~ei-mit for parking. Recorimeded Denial.,.. November-,G, 1978, bh-a 7-0 vote. r ~r ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~~ _.~