HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1979-01-18 Marked Agendaanuary 18, 1979 Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance, CON itTTEE:_b1. I'11 WHO Discussion of proposed World Trade Center/Parking structure. - World Trade Center Feasibility Studyt. Analysis and Recommend Recommendation of consultants to analyze Feasibility Study - Report on partial financing by U.D.A.G. application - Review of Feasibility Study and comment by Chamber of Commerc Conrad Report recommendation to acquire two out -parcels to square out site in order to build proposed parking structu Report on City's efforts to evaluate, appraise, and negotiate the acquisition of two out -parcels for parking structure FORMAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING 060 EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Establishing a new Trust and Agency Fund - "Children' Creative Experience"; providing tor the collection of $4,500 in revenues from participant fees; and appropriating that amount to provide pre-school activity programs in City parks. City Manager recommends RESOLUTION Accepting:a grant award from the State of Florida, Depart- ment of Health and Rehabilitative Services in the amount of $7,538 for recreation programs for the mentally retarded; authorizing the City Manager to execute agreements necessary. to implement the program. City Manager recommends EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Amending Section 1 of Ordinance 8719, by establishing a new Trust and Agency Fund - "Recreation Programs for the Mentally Retarded (3rd Year)"; and appropriating $ 15,076 for the operation of those programs. City Manager recommends. ORDINANCE = SECOND READING Amending Section 1 and 6 of Ordinance No,::8858, the Annual Appropriation Ordinance, by increasing the appropriations' for Special Programs and. Accounts, Social Service Programs , in the amount of:$43,401,, by decreasinpr ; the approiations for Special Programs and -Accounts Contingent Fund in the amount of $10 261, and by increasing anticipted revenues, fund balance ap rp oprration, in the amount of $33,150 from fi cal year 1977=•7i Federal Revenue :Sharing Social Service Program unex.ended a ropriation. City Manager recommends. ORDINANCE _.SECOND REAPING Establishing s Trust and Agency Fund entitled, "Social Service Programs -. fiscal' year 1978-79" appropriating $552,1B0 for the nperatitn thereof, (SEE LATER R. 79-64 tions AS AMENDED) Pl/Go, UNANIMOT)S R. 79-59 Pl/Gi e NOES: Go ER7RGEN(.:' ORD. "3r•` Go/Pl A3SEN : R. i9-9 Go/P1 ABSENT: Gi EMERGENCY ORD.`r 8888 Go/P1 ABSENT; Gi ORD. 8889 P1/Go ABSENT: Gi ORD, 8890 Go/p1 ABSENT; Gi. (ROINANCB SECONb ktAbTNC Bstab ishi18.. Anew Ttukt.._atd_Ageno _. 'und_...entltied, "Internatiohal F�31kw.w 'e.at.ival_"; ap ropriete__thetetov a ft amount of_$.5,4,705 $194000 frot the bepattteht of Tourism Promotion and $15,705 from Spedial Ptograma and Accounts Citywide Events. ORDINANCE SICoNb READING Amending Sectioh 1 of Ordinance Nod 8119, the Summary Grant Appropriations Ordinance by establishing a hew Trust and .Agency Fund. entitled, "Cotinunity Economic bevelopfnent:_ DEtnonstration- Pro ect", and appropriating $45,000 for its operation. City Manager recommends. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING Amending Section 1 of Ordinance 8719, the Summary Grant Appropriation Ordinance by establishing a new Trust and Agency Fund entitled,.."Edad de Oro Cine-CirculoCultural", and appropriating $4,500 for its operation. City Manager recommends. ORDINAAmending ESectionND1 READINGfdi N. - - Ordinance No. 8719, the Summary Grant. Appropriations Ordinance by establishing a new Trust and Agency. Fund entitled, "UDAG Second Mortgage Housing Assistance Grant Program"; and appropriating $1 million for the execution of same. City Manager recommends. 10. ORDINANCE- FIRST READING Amending Section 1 of Ordinance 8719, the Summary Grant Appropriations Ordinance, by establishing five new Trust and Agency Funds for CETA titles I, II-D, III, VI-PSE, and VI -Stimulus Projects; and appropriating $13,989,991. City Manager recommends. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING Amending Sections 1 and 6 of Ordinance No. 8858, the Annual Appropriations Ordinance; by increasing the appropriation for the Planning Department -by $21,602., by decreasing the appropriation for the Contingent Fund by $10,801; and by increasing "anticipated revenues by $10,801 from 4th Year Community Development Block Grant Funds; for the purpose of funding the position of Grants; Administrator in the Planning Department. City Manager recommends. 11. 12. 13. ORDINANCE FIRST READING Amending Section 1 of Ordinance 8858, the Annual Appro- priations OrdinanCe,:by increasing the appropriation for Tourism Promotion by $3500;,and by decreasing ,the. appropriation riation for Special Programs and Accounts, Quality of Life - City wide,Events, in the same amount; to:reimburse the Department of, Tourism Promotion fora portion of -the funds allocated to Florida A & M University for the annual- _ . Orange Blossom Classic Football Game, City Manager recommends, ORD, 8893 La/Go ABSENT: Gi ORD. 8894 Go/P1 ABSENT: Gi EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Amending Sections 1 & 6 of Ordinance 8858, the Annual Appropri- ations Ordinance, by increasing the appropriation for Spec»1 Programs and Accounts 7 Reserve for Employee Benefit and Salary Adjustments, by,T.O. 2_1,4.,268; and by _inereaPipg A g ,gated Rev- enues by LL hie, same_ amount, for the purpose of g=pntin- 0 5,7 salat7► increase for the cit' £of MiaQgcne City Manager recommends, FIRST READING P1/La ABSENT: Gi FIRST READING P1/La ABSENT: Gi FIRST READING Gi/P1 UNANIMOUS EMERGENCY ORD, 8895 P1/La ABSENT; Gi CITY C6MM1§§INN AdENDA ME `'Ii tG 6ATF : January 18, III§ 14. ORDINANCE FIRST RFAMNC Amending the City of Miami Cade, Chapter S4. Section 2461 "Parking tot Reviews toad", by retstgb1i.shing :�a_$.datd con sisting the ,members appointed by the City_Manager, replacingthe present, .iive. (5)m,memberr8oard_,: City Manager recommends. 15. ORDINANCE t FIRST READING Amending Section 39-15.1 for the_pur,pose of restricting reduced greenr.feerates ,dur,ing ptiihe Weekaday,,houts of 8t00'to 11:00 a.m. during the winter season at the City. of Miami Golf Courses. City Manager recommends. 16. 18. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING Amending Section 1 of Ordinance 8716, the City Capital Itnprovement Appropriations Ordinance; by appropriating S1,20.7,700 from Pollution Control and Incinerator Facilities Bonds in order to finance design and construction expenses of Incinerator No. 1. City Manager recommends. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING Establishing fees for specialized recreational and instruct- ional classes to be conducted by the Department of Leisure Services, City Manager recommends. ORDINANCE FIRST READING Amending Chapter 56 of the City of Miami Code by providing a new section, Section 56-59.1, requiring that each taxi cab licensed by the City of Miami be equipped with a device known as a "drop safe"; and providing specifications for such devices with appropriate public notice that said taxi cabs are so equipped. City Manager recommends. ORDINANCE FIRST READING Amending the Miami City Employees'. Retirement System (Ord 2230) providing a procedure for payback of service credits for. Military Leave by requiring the filing of a form with the Board to exercise this option; providing this form be sent to eligi- ble members upon the completion of ten years of service. PAM NO ORDINANCE - FIRST READING Establishing procedures in contracting' for certain professional services by the City; establishing competitive negotiations for. firms or individuals providing such professional services;; and providing for the, incorporation of said procedures in the City Code. City Manager. recommends. 11:30 P.M. ADJOURNMENT FOR LUNCH Special dedication ceremonies will be held at the new Little Havana.Community Center at 12:00 noon. 2:00 P.M. PRESENTATIONS, PROCLAMATIONS AND SPECIAL ITEMS Presentation of a service plaque to Mr, FranklinG. Williams, of the Property Maintenance Division, in recognition of 28 years of service to the City of Kami. 21 2130 P.M. 22. PUBLIC HEARINGS RESOLUTION Confirming ordering Resolution No, 78-790 and authorizing the Clerk to advertise for sealed bads for Ci,ty�Wide Sanitary Sewer' Extensions Improvement c F1a1ier Street SR545R=G, City Manager recommends. RESOLUTION 2 s confirming ordering Resolution Nor 78'791 and authorizing the Clerk to advertise for sealed bids for Avalon Sanitary Sewer Improvement :SR$545 c+snterl4ne Sever); --City Manager recommends. WERREb DRFERREb FIRST READING F1/Gi UNANIMOUS FIRST READING Go/Gi UNANIMOUS FIRST READING Go/Gi UNANIMOUS FIRST READING P1/Go UNANIMOUS DEFERRED SEE SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA R. 79-12 Gi/P1 UNANIMOUS g, 7943 Qi/Pi UNANIMOUS 24. RL8OLUt1ON Confirming otdeting Resolution No, 7$-791.1 and euthorititig the Cletk to advettise for Seated bids fot Avalon ;Set'itaty Sewer_ttnptovetneft.:.S1tt54.53=S,(Sidelitie Sewer) . in the; vicitiitY of S,_.._W•_,26__Street_, _S, W4 32 _Metlue, tailroed4 arid S,_ W. _37 _Ai enue, City Matiaget tecommends. 25. PERSONAL .APPEARANCE AND PRESENTATION Ms, Gladys Brown, President of the Martin Luther King Neighborhood Association, to discuss citizen participation plans in the king Heights Great Neighborhood Program: 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING 26. To hear citizen input and comments regarding the City of Miami's proposed 5th Year Community Development Program. 27. NEW BUSINESS RESOLUTION Project: Location: Pines Sanitary Sewer Improvement SR-5450-C&S S. W. 22 St., S. W. 26 St., S W. 27 Ave. and S. W. 37 Ave. Contractor: Intercounty Construction Corporation of Fla. Total: S3,700,000 Funding: Sanitary Sewer G. 0. Bond Fund Accepting the bid and authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract. City. Manager recommends RESOLUTION Reappointing Marx D. Cauthen to the Off -Street Parking Board of the City of Miami: RESOLUTION Reappointing Arnold Rubin to the Off -Street Parking Board. of the City of Miami. RESOLUTION Appointing certain individuals to the City of Miami Affirma- tive Action Advisory. Board. RESOLUTION 31, Allocating $19,500 from the. General Fund-Special:Programs and Accounts, Reserve for:Fixed and:Sundry; Matching Funds for Federal Grants, to Metropolitan Dade County to be used by the Dade Miami Criminal Justice Council as local cash match for a grant from the U. S. Department of Justice. City Manager recommends: RESOLUTION 32. Accepting dedication of the bridge to Claughton Island and. authorizing the City Manager tQ enter into an agreement with Frates Company and Edward N. Claughton, .Jr. for maintenance o,f they bridge. City Manager retoutmends, RESOLUTION 33., Authorizing the City eager to issue a building permit to Bascom Palmer gye Institute = University of Main or n addition to the existing institute at`900 N. 14, 17 Street without the recordin of tentative plat 787-B. It, 70.44 Pl/Oi UNANIMOUS DISCUSSION DISCUSSION R. 79-18 P1/Gi UNANIMOUS R. 79-43 Go/Gi UNANIMOUS R. 79-44 P1/Go UNANIMOUS R. 79-45 Gi/Go UNANIMOUS R. 79-46 Go/Gi UNANIMOUS. R. 79-10 Go/1'1 ABSENT; Gi B. 79,47 Go/Pi UNANIMOUS MErtiRd DATE: dafiva !ifs, 1 79 kt oLUt t M4 Re.gatdifg an agreement between tha City of Miami and keg AbSodiates, Ines RESOLUTION 5. Accei,ting a. Deed �f...Dedication for a strip of land located at the northeast Cornet of South M1atni_Ave►,.andStreet, subject to thereservation.of_.Ythe_ ..title in and to Florida East Coast Properties, Inc. above__the._.height.._of,;15..feet_,,,abov ._grade; authorizing the recording of said Deed of Dedication; and authorizing the City Manager to ;_issue. _a..buiidittg_perm►it to allow cantilever construction of the dedicated property and to allow Construction and maintenance of below -ground storage area and tanks under the dedicated area; and authorizing the City Manager and the City Clerk to execute a covenant to run with the land with FEC Properties, Inc. City Manager recommends. AU Ant RESOLUTION R. 79-48 Authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Dade PI/Go 6. Countyfor professional planning; services to be rendered by UNANIMOUS the City of Miami for the Downtown People Mover for a fee not. to exceed $40,000. City Manager recommends. 37. 38. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to ne for professional consultant services, for not more than $45,000, to implement a Community Economic Development Demon- stration Project; the executed contract to be presented to the City Commission for ratification and approval. City Manager recommends. otiate and execute a contract RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and execute a contract R. 79-50 for professional consultant services, for not more than Go/Gi. $70,000, to conduct an Economic Analysis and Development UNANIMOUS Strategy Study for the City of Miami; the executed contract to be presented to the City Commission for ratification and approval. City Manager recommends. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to executean amendment to the Supplemental Agreement with O'Leary -Shafer and Associates, PA, forprofessional services in the redevelopment of Dixie Park; revising the development budget to $1,302,000 and revising the consultant's design fee to $114,576. City Manager recommends. R. 79-49 P1/Gi UNANIMOUS RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement between R. 79-42 the City -of Miami and Morton/Wolfberg/Alvarez/Taracido/Seiglie Gi/P1 and Frese, for, professional and technical services for design UNANIMOUS 'and construction modifications of Incinerator' No. 1. City Manager`.recommends, R. 79-51 Gi/P1 UNANIMOUS RESOLUTION 41, Authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with Metro ' R, 79-52 politan Dade County for' the lease of property at 451 NW 5th St, Go/Gi not requiring any y rental payments. UNANIMOUS City Manager recommends. RRSOLUTION 42, Authorizing the City Manager to enter_into a Collective , R, 79. Bar ainin A reement w�_� ,._.__s.�r _.. ��_�.�______. ___ with The �ti.a�� ��neral. R�p1.ey�ee, AFSCMB p�/Qi Local 1907, =CW for the period January 18, 1979, through,. UNANIMOUS Septa ei $Q, 1981i City Manager recommends, 44, RRSt LUTIOt1 Authorizing the City Manager to enter into lease ateamet. With rat proflt_.s ciel. §e. vied_or.gahtt tiaee for the lease of space in the new : LittleileVanep CctnthUi itY : (Mist accord' ing to teams and conditions of the agreement, City Manager recommends. RESOLUTION t)esignating newspapers. in which the notice of sale cettificate issued by the City, of Miami for delinquent special ittprovetnent assessment liens shall be published. RESOLUTION 45. Arcepting the plat entitled,.."Mello Grove; accepting the dedication shown on said plat; and accepting the covenant to run with the land; and authorizing the City Manager and City Clerk to execute the plat. City Manager recommends. RESOLUTION Authorizing the Southern:_Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company. 46, to use the City streets inaccordance-with certain terms and conditions; payment therefor to be made on February" 1, 1979, and February 1, 1980; and authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement reflecting the terms of this resolution upon Southern Bell's filing of its acceptance within thirty days of the effective date of this, resolution. City Manager recommends. RESOLUTION 47. Authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Wismer Associates, Inc., to provide for the purchase of and installation of the "M0IEYMAX" computerized cash flow forecasting and investment management system. City Manager recommends. RESOLUTION 48.' Establishing an Advisory Committee to be known as the Miami Center Advisory Committee,' consisting of nine voting members; describing the terms of office; describing: procedures for appointment and removal; describing the committee's function and providing' -that the committee members serve without com- pensation. City Manager recommends. RESOLUTION Appointing nine individuals to the Miami _Center Advisory Committee and describing the terms of their offices. City Manager recommends. RESOLUTION 50. Supporting the application by the South Florida Regional Planning Council to the Economic Development Administration for federal funds to develop a public/private economic develop- ment'strategy for theSouth Florida region. Manager'recoaanends batkldb PEtRUAR? 1,1979 CONSENT AGENDA Unless a member of the . City . Commission wishes to remove specific items from this 'portion of the agenda, Items constitute the Consent Agenda. These resolutions are self- explanatory and are not wetted to require additional review or discussion. Each item will be recorded as indivi- doally numbered resolutions, adopted unanimously by the following Motion; ",,,,that the Consent Agenda, comprised of Item 51-71 be adopted," MAYOR OR CITY CLERK; 'Before the vote on adopting all items included in the Consent Agenda is taken, to there anyone present vim is an objector of proponent that wishes to speak. on any it= in the Consent Agenda? Rearing none, the vote on the adoption of the Consent Agenda will not be taken,' R, 79=5S Go /Gi NOBS: PI R. 79-54 Go/Gi UNANIMOUS R. 79-17 P1/Gi UNANIMOUS R. 79-55 Go/Gi NOES: P1 R. 79-56 P1/Go UNANIMOUS R. 79-57 P1/Gi UNANIMOUS R. 79-58 Go/Gi UNANIMOUS i datum/ 1 + 107§ CONSENT.END A A RESOLUTION Authorizing .the. Director of Finance..to TOY totorir.Eivits the 51. sum of $8,500_ in. _full_ and ,complete settletnent.,_of all claims upon releasing the City ftotn all claims and demands. City. Attorney recommends. RESOLUTION Authorizingthe Director.of Finance..to pay _to Arthur _Williams.. 52. Pattie Williams and George Williams_13 $,000 in. full and.:comp�lete. settlement._of- their claim against the cityandJohn Charles Chapman upon the execution of a release. City Attorney recommends. RESOLUTION Authorizing the Director of Finance to pay .to Joaquin rernandez 53. City p a 'release,: u on the execution of t of and, Gladys Fernandez $5,.100 in full and completesettleneemenne all claims against the and to pav to South Carolina Insurance Company $658.57 in full and complete settlement of the collision subrogation claims against the City upon the execution of a release. City Attorney recommends. RESOLUTION Accepting the completed work of Pneumatic Concrete, Inc. for 54. structural repairs at the Marine Stadium,: and authorizing a final payment of $114.15-. City Manager recommends. RESOLUTION Accepting the completed work of Russell, Inc. for the I-95 55, exit ramp landscaping Community Development Project, and. authorizing a final payment of $1,823. City Manager recommends. RESOLUTION Inc. for 56. Accepting the completed work, of Holland Paving Company, the Buena Vista Community Development Paving Project - Phase II (Bid A - Highways), and authorizing a final payment of $13,723.39 City Manager recommends. RESOLUTION Accepting the completed work of 57. the Convention Center, Phase Joe Reinertson Equipment Co. for II - Site Preparation, and author- izing a final payment of $10, 604.80. City Manager recommends. R. 79-21 fl/Gi UNANIMOUS R. 79 22 Pi/Gi UNANIMOUS RESOLUTION ' Project; Northern Drainage Project E44 (B-5451) 58. : Location; North portion of the City lying north of N. 36th St Contractor: D, M. P Corporation Total: $212,995 Funding: Storm Sewer General Obligation Bond Funds Accepting the bid and authorizing the City Manager to execute a Contract, City Manager recommends. 59, RESOLUTION Project% Location Wyndwood Community' Development Paving Project *. Phase 4 Between NW 29 St, & NW 36 St, from N, Miami Ave, to. NW 2 Ave. Contractor; F6F Construction Company and Luis M.Ferrer. Total. $ 266,545,000 Funding: 4th Year Community Development Funds Accepting the bid and authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract' City Manager recommends, R. 79=-23 Pi/Gi UNANIMOUS R. 79-24 Pi/Gi. UNANIMOUS R. 79-25 Pi/Gi UNANIMOUS R. 79-26 P1/Gi UNANIMOUS R. 79-27 P1/Gi UNANIMOUS. R. 79-28 P1/Gi UNANIMOUS R, 79-29 F1/Gi UNANIMOUS :el§gtoN A6E PAdE Nos M INE bAtt: 6 Jd ivar 1.._1079 RESOLUTION Ratifying and approvit'tg a one year a ttension of employment past the age Of 71 for Arthur Hatgray, Laborer tt, Department of Parks, from September 7, 1978, through September 6, 1979, t.zith provision that, it the e\ient of a rollback or layoff, Mr. Hargtay rather than a junior employee, ttold be affected. City Managet recommends Removed. from agenda_ duplication, RESOLUTION 62. Appointing Mr, Daniel R. Gill and Mr. John J. Engle as members of the City of Miami Committee on Ecology and Beautification. City Manager recommends. RESOLUTION 63. Authorizing the City Manager to accept a grant of $1,250 from Reading Is Fundamental, Inc., to fund a children's reading pro- gram for a second year: and authorizing the City Manager to execute necessary implementing agreements, using funds from the City Cash Match account for said program. City Manager recom mends.. 64. 67, RESOLUTION Item: Furnishing Ready. Mix Concrete for one year Location: Public Works Department Vendor Rinker Materials Corp. Total: $118,800 Funding. Department of Public Works Operating Budget Accepting the bid and authorizing the City Manager and Purchasing Agent to issue the Purchase' order. City Manager recommends. RESOLUTION Item: Location: Vendor: Total: Funding: RESOLUTION' Item: Location: Vendor: Total: Funding; RESOLUTION Item: Location, Vendor: Total; Funding: Furnishing 500 Tote Barrels Department of Solid Waste Controlled Environments of Florida $9,525 Operating Budget of the Department of Solid Waste 100,000 Color Brochures Department of Leisure Services The Graphic's Organization Company $5,185 Leisure Services Operating Budget R. 7940 P1/Gi UNAN1MOt)s No.79-31 NOT ASSIGNED R.'79-32 P1/Gi UNANIMOUS R. 79-33 P1/Gi UNANIMOUS R. 79-34 Pl/Gi UNANIMOUS R. 79-35 Pl/Gi UNANIMOUS R. 79-36 Pl/Gi UNANIMOUS • 2 Automatic Ice Makers R. 79--37 Department . of Solid Waste P1./04 Gray Products Corp, UNANIMOUS $16,470 Operating Budget of the Department of Solid Waste CITY CoMMfatoR AdtMbA MDiTItd DATR`.n. RESOLUTION R. 79 8 6$. tteT: T oteo1ot..tt,ititingtress., Locatioh: Print Shop, Dept. of Bldg. 6-VehicleHaintehante Pl/Ci Conttactort Addressogtaph Multigraph Corp. UNANIMOUS total: 051604 6 Veh Maine: Furidingt Opetatihg Budget -Debt. of Bldg. . Accepting the bid and authorizing the City Manager and. Putchasing Agent to issue the Purchase Order. RESOLUTION Pro�ectt Demolition andremoval of buildit'tg_.2 Contractor: Juelle Brothers Inc. Total' $22,670. Funding: Community. Development Target Area Demolition Prog. Accepting the bid and authorizing the City Manager and Purchasing Agent to issue the Purchase Order. RESOLUTION Project Demolition and removal of unsafe building 70. Location: 806-808-810 N. W. 2 Avenue ContractorBen Hurwitz, Inc. Total: $8,500 Funding: Community Development. Target Area Demolition Prog. Accepting the bid and authorizing the City Manager and Purchasing Agent to issue the Purchase Order. ..R. 7939 Pi/0i UNANIMOUS R. 79-40 P1/Gi UNANIMOUS RESOLUTION 71. Item: Automotive' and Heavy Equipment Parts and Accessories R. 79-41 Locations Department of Vehicle & Building Maintenance P1/Gi: Contractor: Several suppliers on contract basis for one year UNANIMOUS Total: $360,000 Funding Operating Budget -Dept. of Vehicle & Bldg. Maint. PUBLIC HEARING RESOLUTION 72 Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Biscayne Recreation, Inc. for the operation and development of. Dinner Key Marina for a period of ten (10) years. City Manager recommends. RESOLUTION 73. Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement with New World Marinas, Inc, for the operation and development of Miamarina for a period of four (4) years. City Manager recommends, ilee75ei$ted Go/Pl UNANIMOUS •DEFERRED BY ,M.`79-60 Go/Pl UNANIMOUS DEFERRED BY M. 79-6i Go/P1 lANTM0PS ` ktgtNtAtleN. tiffIttMtNTAL,Adnim P S ATION$ , A t1 y 16 10/ 6 i. presentation Of a service Plaque to Net Franklin Gs Williams, of Property and Maintenance Division, in recognition of 28 years of service to the City of Miami. tEgENTAtioN. 2 presentation of a Proclamation designating Saturday, January 13) 1079 as " PhyticiarilS Association of C1in1Cs, Hospitdis and Annex ( PACRA ) Day. Accepting_the proclamation will be Drs. Alfredo Sardinas, M.b., Manuel Campo) M,D., Marcel Hill, M.D., and Tony Aivaret, PA t1A is an association which has greatly contributed to the betterment of docters completing their internship in area hospitals, PitMNTATI(lN , i Presentation of a proclamation designating the month of Pebruary as " American History Month " . 1eciev'ing the presentation will be Mrs, Doris Thieryune, Past Regent of John MacDonald Chapter of the. Daughters of the American Revolution, Mrs. Connie Leech and Mrs. Esther Peterson, current members of D.A.R.