HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1979-01-18 AdvertisementDETACH AND' RETURNiWITH!REMIETUANCE iiAA) LAS AROMAS P, . tot 3117, Miami, Pia. E CLIENT NO. 222oo.f SOL DATE(S) OE INSERTION err 5/714 114 Y 92698 TPLE. 633-M4i AMOUNT DUE 2115 LINES TIMES 1. City of Ib:arli Ptirchasirg Divisior, A'IT Ralph Ongis P.O.3o t 33070& iiar;i ?la 33133 P.O # 93514 NO DISCOUNT THIS BILL DUE WHEN RECEIVED DIAMO LA& AM€ricAt ►mm, cLIENf NO. 22C80:; ZLV 92698 SLS3 28 ANT 32.50 Ci bVi O1 -lam ami MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: DIARIO LAS AMERICAS STA' 0 ' F LORIDA - SOUN`i -OP 'DAM 1 iPersonally appeared before me the undersigned., thriveb Peret, to ire Weil..knew i, Who being duly sworn dowses and says that he is Advertising Manager of Mario Las Americas j newspaper of general circulation, p ib .iahed daily except Monday, in Miami, Dade County, Ploridai Affiant further says that the above named newspaper has continuously published daily except Mondays in bade. County, Florida, for more thah one year immediately preceding first publication of said Legal Notice or advertisement and was during all such time and now is entered as second Class snail matter in the united States Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the Legal Notice or Advertisement, all copy of which is hereto attached, was published in on the -following days: Signed DIAR O LAS AMERICAS fr %vdyg///,1S174 9Jsia a042eiht. „edowis Sworn to and subscribed before me this;,✓;_ day of i9,~�` f , in Miami, Dade County, Florida. AViS0 DE AUDIENCIA PUBWCA A todu 1as various intaaa- das se le ruega tomes nota de 1a Audiencia Pdhlics que ten- dril lugar en el cuarto de reunio- na de la Comisi6n de Miami (City Comiulon Meeting Roodad ddee el MOO ity Pan Amert• Ameri- can Drive, Miami, Florida, el da 18 de enero dee 1979 a laa 6:00 p.m. pars considerar 1os contratoa de Administracl6n (Management Contracts) para Dinner Key Marina y Mlamarl•. na. Se les notlfica que lu co- . piss de proposiclones pare di• coos conitrratoa en ambos, Din- . ner Key y Mlamarina atarin es en 1a oticina del CityfMClerk (City �1ph Gaffce) nepe City Clerk City of Miami, Floridi Notary Public:f ffcrat SECTION B Siiidav, January 28 1979 NOTICE TO PUBLIC Alt -interested persons pkofe forte notice that the Nolo, fl•bruory nleetmps of the City Commifuon of - :, Mtamt will be held oh Pebruory 22, 1979 of 9 A.M.'and 7 C.M.-re�pec, Mty. RAEPH G. ONGIE Crt7 CLERK bMARIO LAS AMEA AS P 0, tlax 1 /7, Miami, 'Pia. kd169 WEN? N6. 22200,E SOLb EY 2G AM6uN1 (hie 3266 DA1EIS16E iNEE tioN LINES ?IMES , • ' 92693 1.kyV 926981 ht 3 CC • SLst 26 City Of Yaarli Pui'ohasite ATT Ralph origie P.C.3o : 330706 niami Fie, 33133 P.O. # 93514 NO DISCOUNT THIS BILL DUE WHEN RECEIVED cutNfi Nb, 2`�2cb:r 1- w W 6 4 Al iT 32'60 w of MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: bMARIO LAS AMERICAS _ day of '- <Y-A..i1: COUNT OP DADL Personally appeared before ale the undersigned, Enrique Ja Perez, to the well-known, who being duly swop devoses and says that he is Advertising Manager of Diario LOA Americas, newspaper of general circulation, published daily except Monday, in Miami, Dade County, 'iorida, Affiant further says that the above named newspaper has continuously published daily except Mondays in Dade County, Florida, for more than. one year immediately preceding first publication of said Legal Notice or advertisement and was during all suoh time and now is entered as second class mail matter in the United States` Post Office in Miami, Dade County) Florida, and that the Legal Notice or Advertisement, all copy of whichis hereto attached) was published in on the following days: DIARIO LAS AMERICAS wv fay' '/1/70 top 93s/ei t / Signed c Sworn to and subscribed before me this .... 19„in Miami, Dade County, Florida, AVISO DE AUDIENCIA PUBUCA A todu las Deraonaa interesa- dsa se le ruega tomen note de u Audlencia Pdblica que ten- dril lugar en el cuarto de reunio- na de la Comlaibn de Miami • (City Comission Meeting Room) en el City Hall de la Liu - dad de Miami, 3500 Pan Ameri- can Drive, Miami, Florida, el dia 18 de enero dee 1479 a las 6:00 p.m. pare considerar loe contratos de Administracion (Management Contracts) pars Dinner Key Marina y Miamari-. ' na. Se les notiflca que las co - piss de propaiciones pare di- deer contra(a en amboe, Din- ner Key y Miamarina atargn disponlbles en la oficina del City Clerk (City Clerk's Office) Ralph G. Ongie City Clerk City of Miami, Florida Siytitltiv, January 28 1979 NOTICE TO PUBLIC All inttreited persons please tale notice. that the Regular February Meetings of the CRy Commission of Miami will bt held on February 22, 1079 at 9 A.M. and 7 P.M. resew Neely *MPH G. ONGIE CITY CtEstr FPiday,.Jafluaty,TheNliatni News fs.�a NOTICE TO ► PUBLIC Ail interested persons please take notice that the Regular City Commission Meetings of January 11 and 25 have been changed to take place on Januar/1A, 1979 at;9 A.M. and 8 P.M. respectively. RALPN G. ONGIE CITY CLERK a CITT OF MIAMI, FL/Ili/l Frida , Jan. 5, 1979 THE MIAMI HERALD 0000 5 D NOTICE TO' PUBLIC All interested persons please take notice that the Regular City Commission Meetings o January 11 and have been c ange to take place on Jatuary 38, 1979 at 9 A.M. and 8 P.M. respectively. r.•11! RALPH G. ONGIE CITY CLERK CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIO&