HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-79-0009RESOLUTION NO. 70 a 0 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT A GRANT AWARD FROM THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES FOR RECREATION PROGRAMS FOR THE MENTALLY RETARDED AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE NECESSARY CONTRACT(S) AND/OR AGREE. MENT(S) TO IMPLEMENT THE PROGRAM. FURTHER AUTHORIZING A NECESSARY OUTLAY OF REIMBURSABLE ii' ap� 1` FUNDS FUNDS N NOT TO EXCEED S15,000,00 FROM BUDGETED F THE DEPARTMENT OF LEISURE SERVICES. DOCUME i FOLLOW" WHEREAS, the City Manager or his representative has applied for a grant from the Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services for Recreation Programs for the Mentally Retarded; and WHEREAS, this program will expand or improve the delivery of municipal services to the residents of the City of Miami; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The City Manager is hereby authorized to accept a grant award from the Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services for Recreation Programs for the Mentally Retarded. Section 2. The City Manager is hereby authorized to execute the necessary contract(s) and/or agreement(s) to implement this program, with a necessary initial outlay or expenditure of reimbursable funds hereby authorized not to exceed $15,000.00, such funds to be obtained from budgeted funds of the Department of Leisure Services PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 18t1' day of RALI' G . ONG I E CITY CLERK PREPARED AND APPROVED BY. fl 6' ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY 0 p AS TO FORm CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF JAN1 81919 gnomon ! ,41„T.. wavaitzsttxettee+eeeeepee�eeq! ORDINANCE NO AN EMERGE NCY ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION I OF ORDINANCE NO, 8719s ADOPTED OCTOQER 26s 19771 THE SUMMARY GRANT APPROPRI. ATIONS ORDINANCE, BY ESTABLISHING A NEW TRUST AND AGENCY FUND ENTITLED; "RECREATION PROGRAMS FOR THE MENTALLY REWARDED Ord YEAR) " AND APPROPRIATING FUNbS FOR THE OPERATION OE SAME IN rtin AMOUNT oP $15,076,00; coNTAIN1N( A lj.`Ffi1Att•'.1: PROVISION ANTS A St V1.1tA8tLITY cLAUSF. WHEREAS, the City Commission adopted Ordinance No. 8719 on October 26, 1977 establishing resources and appropriations for grant funds anticipated by, the City of Miami, Florida and for corresponding City cash match requirements; and WHEREAS, the State of Florida, Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services has approved a grant award of $7,588.00 to the City of Miami for "Recreation Programs for the Mentally Retarded (3rd Year)", and WHEREAS, the above -mentioned Stat e of Florida, Departmentof Health and Rehabilitative Services requires that the City contribute an additional $7,538.00 in cash and/or in -kind service toward the "Recreation Programs for the Mentally Retarded", and WHEREAS, funds in an amount of $7,538.00 are available in the City's fiscal year 1978-79 "Matching Funds for Federal Grants" account of Special Programs and Accounts to support the "Recreation Programs for the Mentally Retarded,' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. Section 1 of Ordinance No. 8719, adopted October 26, 1977 amended, is hereby further amended in the following particulars:1/ 1/words and/or figures stricken through shall be deleted. Underscored words and/or figures constitute the amendment proposed Remaining provisions are now in effect and remain unchanged. Asterisks indicate omitted and unchanged material, Figures are rounded to the next dollar. "SUPPORTIVE aCCUN1gN"I' FOLLcW,,: 79 9 Tab TITLE: RESOURCES: State,.:ofJ1 on dcl_5: .'tilt nt_ of He .1 th. and Rehabilitative.Services City: Gash -:!Match Cot►t?ibut.iott frotil Cenetat rued it.iscy1. ye.nr ]g78-79,) APPROPRIATION: Recreation Proprahs for ehe MentellY. Retii-led (3rd Year) sect oh 14 Tht.folibWing gust and Agency aids are • hereby estabiidied and resources.are hereby apprOriated as described herent * " eereati mi ,._PlAelr mt fob alien Mo l ly..,.. e4r4. ". $14 5 8, o 0 7,538.0o' Section 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances insofar as they are inconsistent or in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed, Section 3. If any section, part of section, paragraph, clause, phrase, or word of this ordinance is declared invalid, the remaining provisionsof this ordinance shall not be affected. Section 4. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure on the grounds of urgent public need for the preservation of peace, health, safety, and property of the City of Miami to meet contractual expenses to insure the timely execution of preliminary arrangements and purchase of goods and supplies essential to meet the contractual agreement with the State of Florida, Division of Health and Rehabilitative Services. Section 5 The requirement of reading this ordinance on two separate days is hereby dispensed with by a vote of not less then four -fifths of the members the Commission. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of 1979. RALPH'G, ONGIECITY CLERK BUDGETARY REVIEW: "SU PPORTN E MAURICE A. FERRE MAYOR LEGAL REVIEW; ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND ORREETNEGS! PPA.(Mht1 u N NA��r..�IrNT AND 13 J Pct;T- (UMW F `.KNOX', ' R TY :A `f RNEY. 7 Gth1' OF MIAMI, f-Lbo b4 IN''i ti3.OEF{c:.E Mrtme A ibUM Joseph Rw Orattle City Manager a Albert H, owl d4 Director Department of Leisure.Services ' - L'Ai F. OCceMbef1 1 §7 nergefcy Ordinance State Grant for the -.Handicapped • L : i My Memorandum to you, Dated December 6, 1978, "' RLSOLt1TION accepting the from Florida H iLE The City of: Miami has received a grant, October 1, 1978 from the State of Florida, Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services. Thisgrant is for recreation and transportation services for mentally retarded citiYens, A delay has occured in the execution of this grant. Lateness was caused by the wording of certain sections of this contract, between the City and State Law Offices. We are requesting the ordinance for this grant be treated as an emergency so as the Programs funded by this grant will be able to begin as soon as possible. AHH:1g Law Department cth r C•iit.�jl, 1"LOrUDA tNtEf =orncE M MbWANbUM r� i i:t•'j? k `.1 a t 1 t yt t o ii s 1 `t't $ i Joseph Ps Orassie' City Manager 1` , '' Albert H: Howard, Director Department of Leisure Servioes-- l!FIJE January 11; 1070 State Grant, programs Pew The Handicapped The State of Florida, Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, has allocated. $7,538.00 to the City of Miami for its Programs for the Handicapped, These funds were allocated with the expectation that the City provide a cash match of S7,538,00. The projects total budget is S15,076.00, The grant period is October 7, 1978 June 30, 1979. These funds will beused to provide recre- ational and leisure services to mentally retarded individuals, so that they are able to live as "normal" a life as possible. programs are offered mornings, afternoons and evenings. )1Ti11t1'itl.ftt' Ot' WAtTfi ! nb liI:Pf,lil11'1Ait tWt iii: Vidiir9 1t1t31'i,ItlSA'l'it7;I ittAlt t✓UTII,AC ` A (wfitb•titt,ctclithc'ht:;) Zit iitetnbei' by ttttd ,�:t�iti`'.:1�i1:1r(', c•ntc�rrcf Into Hilt; day o('_`ic' _ ) ,..�.� _ .�._ ...�, _ _ �, ,mow br_twocty the t;tntc of Florida, 1)rpa tt,ent or Hoalih and itrhabili1ttivd Services; P,eturilatibn Prot r;itti, hereinafter tefttt-cd to as iIa 1 ORS/tU , tltid,,w;: , , City of t'1t, trli heron -miter rof crred to at th "Providct:": t411:1:;,t,l"r1tt tfiit:ltrA r, the St.ite of ri.oridn, fiep;trtnicht of 11c'cilth 5tyct ttc mbilitotive Servicet, Itetat-dation P oLr,itn, by authority granted in Chapter 393 and 402 Could t rehnee services or cotisaodities descr.ihcd.in attachment _._v,,:_. �.___ ,._.►..._.__..► ._:...:_ _.�i from the Provider; and ttllrr.rAS, the rrovider is engaged in furnishing such service; and/or cottnodities, 3/4 TNthi l'ORt it is agreed by both patties that the following stipulations s1;a11, apply t The Pro - der Arr 'e t A. To abide by provisions in the Attachments t;hich are trade a part of this contact, fur provisions•of the specific serviceor cot:tiodity+ for which this agreement is drawn 13. Civil ltiGLts, human Rights, and Religious Freedom, 1. To assure under the Civil Rights Act of 1964: n. That there will be no discrimination against any employee or person served on account of race, color, se::, religions back— ground, ancestry or national origin' in its performance of this contract:. b. That Provider shall. Comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42USC 200CD) in regard to persons served. c. That Provider shall comply with the Title Vil of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 USC 2000E) in regard to employees or applicants for employment. That: It is expressly understood that upon receipt of evidence of such discrimination, the DIMS/RP shall have the right to terminate said contract. That Provider shall include these Civil Rights Act Requirement: in all approved subcontracts. 2. To comply with the TIURS/RP's agreement with the Florida Associa— tion for I:etarded Citizens, creating; the Human Rights Advocacy Conanittce a (li.l;.A.C.) Agreement. This includes allowing properly identified rrcmbers of an U.R,A.C, access to the facility of Provider and the right to speak t.it'o any retarded citizen being served, as well as staff or volunteers who serve them, 3, To comply with Article T, Section 3, of the rl'orida Constitution, which rcado in part: "t+o revenue of the State, or any Political r ibItvision or agency therLof shall ever be taken from thr public trc•;i;cuty ttir ectiy or indirectly in aid of any church, sect, or r41140oui; denomination or in aid of any uect:ar.1. n. inetitutitn," 4. "i'.n °then inv (;ai0lfirtl r:4c•ntally or phynieally handicapped aldi vislna1 nhiJl, by rear:nn of bii; h:alnlicnp, do c',.cJuded 1rom t1to paint. 1p;ttion in, by t'ofunt'•LI totlil('yment :ini+irtr, iio t4•nied_ belief- It t, of, or be a.uhJected to di:icrlminot1()n under this contract The Provider agrees to_.-4.i1 t' ,n1 ilr'ni;at Ivc+ ,)ecltrl t.n tmplOy,-�istt;tt►cr• 1ri '''l►]nyiwnt nip( othet't:ir,e treat ri►i:t11'fJcd h:aitclit','ilil'cad individual without. discrimination t:;t ;atd .upon t IlL it >>lt lllorl2. or ntt,•ntal lt+cll41r pop ill ;illy ('mploypiont practic 5, nSU DOM MENTet‘ FOLLOW P79, 9 3/4 C. A'rCtt t tP• t'i((1 ►t' vii(1 i (.it r :iv,”Mid 1'('ot111 tfrtlr To cottfitt'tn to the nppl icatll cf Parts of the liotiai /let 1 ,ttilj all artt'i1ttHIL ttt n 1.'h(tt" l't'o i i(tltt the applicable Part!, of 0.r.. Public 1i;t0 92stibh (r;tat.0 and Local 1' i1;f:;tt As i:;L;ltic(' Act of 1972) and an. ;ittt('tttittt't1t:'+ I twrolo, 11t int'erj�1'r,tsft• tittl of said Acts, Prov dct' will be 1;oVLflt'd h L1ie fivp,irtrIont(:; it►1et'i't•t'tdltitlii. 2. `Yo ctilift'IIU 10 the t`t' inip titc'nt?; itltjll.it',11tjc' LG :toc1;tl. :40Viect: al; i01 forth in:the ('tidy of )Wci-o1 I;c'rul,-ttititt Title A.54 Chapter 1t.�- SOCial. "1iu1 _Rehabilitative itt'tvit'.e (/,:;8i:;tat1Cl', 1tt'ot',f,in':), I''iit't(i a�iiiI _..t , odd i111 ntltt`tltlttic''11t't 1 Itt'1'C(?f t or, it said p1ovir;lc't :11'c' t'Ct'ot;ctdt revised anti/'pit tranttf r.t'1(ti Ao a Itt!t: I`art: itt the (;ottr of 1 rtlrt•lt t t; p,Ul,ILl0tts tts crti;til ;l \r'i ttt F::1 i(1 ilc'Y Part, cittd all i intt.t tult'.ititt'$ Litt , ai;tl" Lilt? 1:iit:F;, and titll .'!+. .-Itt(1 itct,ul tt1 itti►.'i of tltl!iit'.atc of )'bride', itnd fedi it 1cp,u1li"tiotts, ntltl,t„ t11;►li thoe;t.' slntud above, 7f this contract: is in, ecc'SS of_ fii 00,000 td co tpij u'ith rill appl icab1c :st.antt:tt'dst .otdet's, of regulations issued jtur:u;,tlt t:,o the Clean All Act of 1970 an Clt4.nued (42 USC 137511, eta • 4, iri lice best t'ffrl'ts to obti,in all supplies and seLviCts fnr use in the petrCirt't%t11Ce of this arret•1.tcnt at the 1ot.'t'st 1`1'aetici:t)lc c(t1°t and to purchase .11y 1.. enn:; ttf dfiyFt. r of competitive 1,.idtling 1t1:Cneyer 1'Ctluil:('Ct. to do so by 1at1t, or tdlonever practicable even If not rCtlult'Ld by l.at:>,. 5, 'i'o comply t:ith il1 'state licensing, star:datdr, all app1.tcP.ble :ht.1ndardsi, criteria, alttd rnik!ellops attached to and trtda n part of 0:1s contract, established by DR/RI'. ltttltl iclty zr.dl 1'ul'1 1r. 41 not -ices, infi:'rrlational piirtp111cts-, press rc'len...lces, rereilrcb reports, and slitllilr public ttt?t1cC prt:pnrc't' and rc;loni:edl by LI:a' 1'rovidcr- F;1:a1l include t 1 j funded in pa,t't under an agreelrtettt c:it.h the ;; uttizc.nt : 1lli:; tto cct is t Uil1;Si1;!'. t' Cl icnt 7nformrtt:i(tn 11i:;clot;llrc' The 1'rovitler cha11 not use or disclose an, information concerning a recipient of'he vice -01' C(tl'1 tl&lltiet; 1.!1ICi(_`Y this agreement for any purpose not directly related to the provir,lons of the service and/or coif?tmodity• 1'.ttnl ;or inn' The Provider shall permit ante and Federal perronn-1 to monitor accord -ins; to npi l ii•ab1 e regulations of tilt fcdcral r.nd state government::, the.,serviees or corlmoditics uhleh are the subject of this aIt;rCL'Ment. G. ('O:st r,f Cr'rvie,e 11, The total ccist for !,erv:ices rendered through this cLtntr tctuul a reemetnt are 1Itclltded in the mite It;tytt'.tont referenced in the stttztcltNC1tts t:hac'il ago p o 1 of this cc tttract:, t }:Ct'pt t+itt:n rpeci i ie standards of sillrvirt: provision are vaivt`(l 1n c1C(:A111:11;(:L' W'1th Il{L' Retardation 1'iogram (►ffici: Ualvtrr Comtnit et.! 111•ocodorl i tit(tt',rf11f iCn1io11 That Provider :.ital 1 act ;18 an independent coat V,1t.:t ctr on0 not of on employee: of 11t,t 11111d'q 1;1' in cti er;lt#ttl; the 1tt1'ort•)1rn1:iuitr---t1 t.hrv'iev. Provider :;Ball 1:v 1 1:ttl.lx', i1v('t:':; to lttt -liable for, il;ul shall illttt'llilt.t f ' dof t't) (l . e � , � and bold 141l':l/" tt:,l'Ilt3,+1,:;''iot" the t:acLs of om4ssl.on$ Of the'providers' Agents or employees, 11rf•0.r.i ;i1 ('tn t;,,.,t t :: r,(,1•.,,'�(I'1' i'r1:':1tb r :ltnll :;%iIIa'lt: (.e( .Liw lt(':1t:1Etrtw itr_.of health .Ilal(1 1't!1s,t111 J)rativt: :1t)'S''trot, it1.111..t1'1'1'!('11I ;11t'l prow il'1 11:%it ,t +, ior i li(i i it', C l i.i ;i ;i('tit i l".;tbl,ioi„:11 1t}' 'i fie ,111'l1,t1 ,I,t.tt1l.t ;l ,tl• neidl'; i o1) in the C'111; nt. li1ci1•rlat icil' a,\'! 1. t 14y i : 119! fP `/i1 At Tri f iif ti I!:h re.►r.r+EiAbl e toncultatinn hhd tvehni ca t't•Uv'talet tipuo i t'I1►iet t t l c `llir 1'► roWWf t Antt t'l.t` /h P /04 `ta A$ With i eferoapr to tit'itt••ir`t'. Ar it',tiftiont'i Provider nhal-1 brat t►:,: i-1;n thlt ngror•nerit ttitlicut prior ,t,Titten tipproVtil of the ltliltS/itP, which t,hill he htttit'hrtt to thc'orit titttl ag Genie t and ctibjedt to :meh condition:I and provisions as tho billlS/Itt' way deefti necessary, I:o 'tJ h approval by the 0111;S/1t1' of at y Assignment shall be deemed itn_ any t i.Yt or in any tanner to pi'oVide ter the itneut`rcttce of any obligation of the Utilt8/Itt' itn addition to the total agreed -upon t:att t li. t;.l,ttj ,.r..ef,(Vd to Conttr� rt; fieneWa1.. This agreement may be renewed for up to an additional one (1) year tern cor.:riencing at the end of the term provided in tlieagreement, including such additional terns :as the parties Mny agree, Said renewali' subject to the availability of private, state, and federal Rinds to fin:tnec the :;a:^e and to satisfactory performance of the service under the current agreement, With reference to,Altcr.nticns, !codifications, or ¶'givers of Contract Provision Any alterations, variations, modifications, or waivers of provisions of this agreement shall or1 ' be valid when they have been reduced to writing, duly signed, and attached to the original of this contract if revisions of any applicable laws, regulations or guidelines makes changes i:n this aerec'.t ent necessary. Univers- of Specific Stand;irds must be obtained in accordance with the Retardation Program Office Waiver. Committee 1'roc.cdures, •1'irh Perpreneo t•c Tcrl^irrttinn of Contract. 1. Termination ait't,i1l.i All of this agreement, or designated services or cornnoditie:, purchased by this agreement shall expire en the specified date in the attachment unless sooner terminated on written notice by either party, submitted thirty (30) days in advance of said terninatien, said notice to be delivered via certified Trail. 2 TerMin:aticn berailf:r of lack of vnds: It is further agreed, that, itt the event funds to finance this cig,ratiment', or part of this agree- ment, become unavaii ble, the obligations of eacl2 pant}` hereunder may be terminated by the DOSIRPr upon no less than twenty-four (24) hours notice in i.ritii r 'to the other party. D1'hS/RP shall be the final authority as to tl:e availability of federal or state funds and as to how any available funds will be allocated among its various providers. Termination for Breach,: Unless the Provider's breach --is excuse the MR /1 P may, by written notice of breach to the 1'r;ovidcr, terminate the thole or any part of this agreement in any of the following clrculn^,t;ince ,; ra If the Provider fails to provide services or commodities called for by this agreement within the time specified herein or any extension thereof; or 11. If the Provider fails to perform any of the ether provisions of chiti agreeril llt.. Vntice of termination shall be delivered in writing in do less than ,'4 hours by ►:t. tJt`ic:.1 moil, '1'1►e Provider ::11411 continue the porfulit',il'•c'' .a1;1 a't'1! ont P1• pnrt i► ilia :1f;1•Ct:1?t1;nt:, tp the extent net. tertatnated by the written notice. Waiver of breach of tiny I't•cc. i :• 1'11 of 1 lug :i$ 1 t 1110111• Oh.111 hot be d..%111 d t.o ltu ,1 vt.l.vvr of i11I)' cat) . 1•' or i.1►la;i4'ttt1ent breach i11 ti shall not be considered (u hc' 11 4nudi1,ie4t44).n of t.h& t:ormn .ef the s1};'1•c'L-'n1L:nt, .'9,e 9 i M1 a rrr- t 1�1C1°IrC�- (Y �'tttilll IICC'i(l�'tftiC`��t,I�i�l1 itttmc Sioc-..,°eri ��. 1`llrl it,li•tl' �+f l�i�. official (:1ty, of tlinnii 1=, ► f frcJ Nt, hrltg � This cottt'rnt_t 1:,1.1.j. 1yeeald of feetivc oh the _1std y of t • _= �bth _� This t ontr�1ct shat1 terislitatc on the da y of ,1ut1e���9. t�IT r,S8 1.1iLT ',Or, the h;�rtics'here_to have caitscd this aSrcement to be Itd T' executed by their officials thcrcunto duly authoriacdi STATE OF FLORIDA DEPART:1E1T OI HEALTHIAND REHABILITATIVE SERIVt:S 13Y rror,ram Sunervi ser TITLE DATE BY District . dninictrator TITLE: DATE PROVIDER BY CITY T'ANAGfiR TITLE DATE CITY CLERK