HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-08893r OltOIVAKE WI 1sta 13 AN OROINANCt AntNOINC SECTION 1 OF ORD1NANEt 871-91 AbOPTtD OCTOBER 26w 1'977, THE SURMARY ORAN? AMAMI* ATItNS ORDINANCE, At AMMO, SY ttTADLISHIN4 A NEW TRUST AND •AMOY FUND; APPROPR1AT1N6 PIMA FOR THt OPERATION OF THt NW TRUST AND •AdENOY NINO Minn "tbAD bt ORO elNt.CIACULO CULTUANIe CONTA1NINO A APAL R PROVISION •AND A StVtRABIL1TY CLAUSE, WHERtAS, the Cultural Experieneet bivition of the Department of Mitch ServIcet has developed a program of tlastid Spanith.,Longuageflims for the residents of tha. City of Miami which proaram lt also the tubleet of support from the fine Art t Council of florida through a $250b'. grant award; and WHEREAS, the Cultural txperieneet Division will provide an estimated MO. In "in -kind" strvieet 'towards the grant program; and WHEREAS, funds are available 111 the Citycath match account for Spedial- Programt and Acounts n the amount of $2000. to help support the qdad de Oro tine-Circulo Cultural" program; and WHtRtAS, the City Commitsion adopted Ordinance No. 8719 on October 26, 1977, establishing resources and appropriations for grant.funds anticipated Or by the City of Miami, Honda and for corresponding City cash matchrequire- ments; and WHtREAS, it is necessary for the anticipated resources which are to be used, for the grant programs to be appropriated for use as.specifled in.the applicable contracts and/Or agreements; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE. COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA; Section 1. Section 1 of Ordinance No. 8719, adopted October 26, 1977, 1/ as amended, Is hereby further amended as follows; "Section 1, The following Trust and AgencyFunds are hereby established.and resources are hereby appropriated' as —described - herein; * we * * * * ' * 1/ Words and/or figures striken through shall be deleted, Underscored words and/or figure's constitute the amendment proposed, The remaining proyisions_are.now in effect.and remain unchanged. Asterisk's Indicate omitted And -Unchanged material. AII figures are rounded to the next 118 Wr tUNO,Tttltl AttOURC,B1 APPROPRIATION; d d de r UrTh Cultural State trantsPI A s Florid SpddiAl ProArAin Anti Atdimmtt 'iketerve 'for yixtel „Sundly katchin Funds f: r Federal Drahts ... a'a a a a * .$2000,t Section 2, If any section, part of section, Paragraph, clause phrase or word of :this ordinanCe is declared invalid, the remaining Or6- vitions of this ordinance shall not be affected. Section 3, All ordinances or parts of ordinances Insofar as they are inconsistent or in conflict with the, provisions of this ordinance are hereby.repealed. PASSED ON FIRST READING, lY TITLE ONLY this 14 day of OEOI31BER 1978 JANUARY PASSED AND ADOPTED this 18 day of 1979, ATTEST: G. 0461E, CITY CLERK BUDGETARY REVIEW: HOWARD V. GARY-, DIRECTOR , DERARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET LEGAL REVIEW; MAURICE A. FERRE MAURICE A. FERRE, MAYOR • APPROVED AS TO FORM AND COREOTNESS; ROIKAT—F. CORX-7-7— OEORGf F. kNOX, JR. ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY CITY ATTORNEY A A, Joseph El Or esial City Manager Margarita Rosa) Coordinator "64 Cultural Experiences Divi Department of Citizen Sa MIT i5rliktiL niortttik INTgri4re1C2 1.110410MANtINJPit t'i December 1, 1078 ph& Pine Arts Council of Plorida CrAnt Award: "Edad de Oro tine Ctrculo Cultural" ekcLeAurttd: (2) Attached is a:resolution accepting the,grant from the Fine Arts Council of Florida for a -Spanish language film pragraM, and AtAraDance appro- Tlng $4500. for the gdme : $2500. from the Crantand:$2066. fin the 1978-79 Special FrograMs and AccOunts, Cash Match for Federal Cranta. Ve are forwarding this proposed legialation to -the taWDepartMentand the Department of Mahagamant and Budget for their approValS. The Cultural' Ekperiences Division willalso be providing approximately $500,in in, kind Services for the development of this prOgraM. Thii program will provide worthwhile cultural benefits to the residents of the-tity':of Miami. The "Edad de Oro aria" program ia eti expansioft of a Pilot project 6mi- ducted earlier by this Division. Assessment of the previous program indicated that over 80% of the senior citizens served are of Hispanic descent and resources for Spanish language Cultural films virevery li- mited. The proposed series will be executed bi-weekly on a rotating basis among City of Miami senior citizen centers. Leased and/or purchased films will be shown in recreation and auditorium facilities at the senior centers, based on a three-month schedule provided by the project director. During the grant period, alternate slide lectures and demonstrationswill. be interspersed with scheduled films on art or cultural topics. All pro- grams are presented in-house, free of charge and will be publicized through local media and special flyers designed and printed for this purpose. cc: Cathy Leff, Assistant Director Department of Citizen Services John Baldwin, Grants Officer MR/vj/jw Aberr, Pei MIAMI, E EViri'1`Yf'PtORIDA LLsaAAL'mama, All Intetelted will thee htnitll; 1116,001M ISM Say of JOAtii ,1 f this eft, Eemmiltilen of uiiafnr Ptbrtee pantie efie i3d+ 1e atla*` Ina titled ereleMiC•: ,. 6AbNANO E NO, W3 7 OADOPTED S CMD E lI 26 MI, THE SUMMARY 1GRANT APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE, At- AiMENDEt�, EY :ESTASLtSWINt3 A NEW TRUST ANb<AGENCY PUNb, AP•':' r PROPRIATING t=UNDS FOR THE 'OPERATION OP .THE NEW TRUST AO AGENCY PUND'ENTtTLED'r'EOA'b bL /ORO CINE,CIRCULO CULTURAL,'' CONTAINING: REPEALER PROviSiON ANO A SEVERABIL1TY CLAUSE,. RALPtt 0: ONOIE • CITY'CLERK Pubtlebtlon of, this Netlee'bn the 4 boy 'of • ,,......>+A -01$1131 MIAMV ittstIVW AND bAILT trtbR'tt PuolllPte'lt dbil* l►ttce'pt Satiftday, SUalfay 86'8 f9dttdayS Mlaitil, bade Coulify, #td'tida. StAt" -00 FLo ibA CfiUNt, 15A0E: &tete 'fhe unde't•li .ftet 6iifhdri? �iirltllialt Se- -home Sagan Willtaffil, *hd on Oath ayfs'that Pit lilt birectbr Of legal Advei`'fising Mine MIaehl Jtivte* and Daily Raced; a daily (ektept Saturday, Sunday Ilia legal.yfblldayll -newSESab'ei` published e'f 'MIAMI'In Dade County,: Rlorlda; that MO afwhet! top, of adeff• fiterfieAt,-belnd a Legal Advertisement et Ndtil:e in Mb Matter of. CITY OF MIAMI Re: Ordinatidti No. R89 XXX- was hpubiilhed in salti nest/Wiper. r;:burt, in the illuel Of den. 24, 107 Aftlant further says that the Said Mtbmi Review and baits Oecord Is.a newlp8Pel' published At Miami, in said Dade County, and that the Said hew -Oilier has heretofore been contlnuousiy published ih Said bade County, Plorlda, each day (Wept Saturday, Sun- day and 'legal' Noiidays) and has beep entered et second class Mali matter at the post Office in Mltiml, in said Dade County, Florida, for a period Of one year next preceding the first publlcetlon of the attached topy of advertis rnent; and affiant further sayyS that She has neither id nor promised any person, firm or corpora- tioh a iscount, rebate, commission or refund for the putt) - .f securing t erttseinent for publication t .Idnewspap: tii♦Mtt►t,i'. • Sworn toAls �t1Ese�l>�r erlror♦ebe}f his 12 ♦r,uajV Ury ` 713 . f :..,_..4........... ... ....... A.D�19...,:..,, ♦ssecky Ceske Notary,', is#ijSt� rif♦‘i�ri f S E Al t +/Ii °J♦ My Commission expires 9 N M b'riNntO t,ll,lltl{r MR-5tt a arge •. Y,.w co'w4m%)tJ .ulynit_...n.S: EX ei41 '45>•<t-n;:•nxc:.