HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-79-0097• 5Y CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Joseph R. Grassie City Manager Dena Spillman, Director Community Development DATE. February 6, 1979 FILE: SUOJECU 5th, 6th, 7th Year Proposed Community Development Funding nrFFnENcea• 2nd Public Hearing February 22, 1979 E NCLc dakilegal. On Thursday, January 18, 1979, a staff presentation was made to the City Commission regarding recommendations for funding for 5th, 6th, and 7th year Community Development funds. After the presentation, interested parties were given the opportunity to comment on the proposals and make additional recommendations. Comments in 16 subject areas were received and have been reviewed by staff. Recommendations on each are attached for your consideration. It is requested that the City Commission approve the program as recom- mended so that a final application for funding can be submitted to the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. /rjf Enclosure "SLIP2ORTIVE DOCUMENTS 7S FOLLOW" • 79-97 79 - 98 "SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS F:;`LOW" RESPONSE TO COMMENTS ON 5th, 6th, 7th YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUNDING PROPOSALS 2-22-79 AREA Allapattah / Coconut Grove Culmer J 1 ISSUE Residents expressed a need for Crime Watch services on a neighborhood basis. A request was made to include legal services as a project for the 5th, 6th and 7th years, since the previous legal services project is no longer avail- able at the center. The renovation of Culmer Center at 490 N.W. llth Street should be under taken with City and County cooperation. RECOMMENDATIONS Examine the needs of the area using•crime statistics and have City Police Department implement a Crime Watch program in the public housing area which is the area where the complaints originated. Funding could be made available to support this program to the level of $10,000 per year. This would replace the community crime pre- vention newspaper which was not recommended for funding. Funding of new social service projects is not being recommended. Legal Services, Inc. has internally con- solidated their services and services are available to residents at S.W. 1st Avenue and 13th Avenue. Commu- nity Lawyers is being funded by the County to provide legal services in several locations in the County, the closest of which is South Miami. However, these services would not be available to City residents. It would be appropriate that the County provide these ser- vices for City of Miami residents as well as non -city residents at the Human Resources Center, which is a County facility. The existing agreement with the County requires the City to maintain the existing structure and permits the County to operate programs from the facility. It has been proposed that the County pay for renovations and that the City then operate the facility. The City is not prepared at this time to operate programs and maintain the facility above current standards. This position would be reviewed if funding became available from other sources to operate a day care center. Meanwhile, the planned Culmer Neighborhood Facility, a County CD project, will be bid soon. The plans now include a free-standing day care unit which, if funds permit, the County would include in the neighborhood facility construction to be completed in the summer of 1980. RECOMMENDED PROJECT ALLOCATION 5th 6th 7th $ 10,000 10,500 11,025 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- r.�r�rl�iYii�� III I I I • •AREA Culmer J Edison -Little River ISSUE Residents express con- cern that the economic development program in Culmer is not achieving the perceived goals of the community. A re- quest was made that the program be improved. Objection was made to the recommendation to not refund the cul- tural arts program in Culmer. Dade County is withdraw- ing funding from the Little River Commerce Association over the next three years, the City was asked to fund this activity. Residents of the Buena Vista area asked that the whole area get re- built streets and that it not be done as an assessible project. RECOMMENDATIONS RECOMMENDED PROJECT ALLOCATION 5th 6th 7th Total funding for economic development activities in Culmer remains at the same level as previous $106,050 111,352 116,920 years. However, the recommendation of which agencies should receive partial or full fundir would be made in May after further study and prrU'7 to the beginning of the new grant year. PPOR TIVT- OLSUME\IT_: FOLLOyv„ An agreement for a new implementing agency for 21,000 22,050 23,152 the project is being finalized using existing funds. It is recommended that funds be conditionally recom- mended in the three-year plan at the same level as in previous years, pending favorable evaluation. As Dade County withdraws funding, consideration will be given to assisting the agency to obtain other fund- ing through other federal programs. Another alternative would be the possibility of incorporating these ser- vices into the City's overall economic development program. The current estimate to complete Buena Vista streets is $10,000,000 for rebuilding. Community Development funds in the amount of $1,000,000 is being allocated over the next three years. Alternatives for use of these funds include rebuilding of a few streets or remacadamizing, landscaping and improving swale areas in most of the area. Without leveraging the CD funds with other funds, such as highway bonds, the total pro- ject cannot be accomplished. Use of bond funds would mean a prorated assessment for the ratio of bond funds used. The recommendation remains at $1,000,000 of CD funds to be used to remacadamize, landscape and im- prove swale areas. If leveraging with bond funds is acceptable then more can be accomplished in the area. -0- -0- -0- 100,000 600,000 300,000 �IIIII II • .AREA Edison -Little River Little Havana ISSUE The City should complete the N.E. 2nd Avenue beautification project as previously committed, particularly the block from N.E. 78 to 79 Streets Contractors training is funded by the County, therefore, the City should not fund the agency. Catholic Services Bureau wants to establish a new day care program at the Community Center. Centro Mater, a currently funded agency is request- ing an additional $24,000 to provide additional programs aimed at curb- ing teenage delinquency. RECOMMENDATIONS In this area N.E. 2nd Avenue is being designated as a County arterial in July, 1979. The design for the improvements has not been completed and it is recommended that the current budget of $100,000 be maintained for the 79th to 84th Street Area. Further funds are not recommended for this commercial area where an assessible project could be developed. An alternative would be to use the $100,000 for design of a project from 78th to 84th Streets and make the constructin a joint bond fund and CD project with a prorated assessment for the bond portion. The small amount of funding proposed is to supplement County funds and to provide specialized information to contractors and bidders who want to bid on City projects. The Department of Citizen Services is currently evaluating the need for a day care program at the Community Center. There are other organizations in the area providing these services, including a City of Miami Day Care Center in Little Havana. It appears that expansion of existing centers might prove to be more cost effective in light of the salary structure proposed by the Agency and the requirements of the proposed program. It is recommended that no new funds to awarded at this time until a more detailed needs analysis is developed. When this report is complete, if these ser- vices are needed, the City will assist potential providers to obtain other funding. This agency currently receives CD funds in the amount of $30,000 per year. It is not recommended that the scope of the program be increased at this time as need has not been established and additonal funds are not recommended for other social service projects. RECOMMENDED PROJECT ALLOCATION 5th -0- 6th -0- $ 5,000 -0- -0- -0- $31,500 33,075 7th -0- -0- 34,729 AREA Little Havana ISSUE Umbrella Agency - $50,000 was requested for a new cultural services prog- ram. Additional funding was re- quested for Action, a trans- portation program. Industrial Home for the Blind requested $50,000 to expand an existing prog- ram. An objection was made to the amount of funding going into the Specialty Center project. RECOMMENDATIONS "SUPPORTIVE. 'DOCUMENTS s FuL`ow The proposal received from this organization suggested dual responsibility for administration between the Florida Repertory and Umbrella which represeftS a potential for con- flicts in program coordination between the agencies. No rationale is given why two such diverse programs have been joined for purposes of this proposal. Further, Quality of Llfe Programs are at the lower priority spectrum of service category. Funding for this program is not recommended at this time. After evaluation by the Department of Citizen Services, Action was awarded 13 CETA positions, which will offset both the funding and staffing problems the Agency has reported. In lieu of this action, and other funding received by Action from City and County Community Development and Fed- eral Revenue Sharing, it is recommended that no additional funds be awarded Action Community Center at this time. RECOMMENDED PROJECT ALLOCATION 5th 6th 7th -0- $ 10,500 This agency currently receives $107,000 in City Federal Revenue Sharing Funds, CETA funds, and income from the sale of soap which program participants make. The proposal submitted does not propose serving residents of Little Havana specifically. There are some record -keeping problems with the Agency, and the proposal did not contain sufficient information on which to perform an in-depth evaluation. Additional funding is not recommended at this time. -0- -0- -0- .11,025 11,576 -0- -0- This project will provide a community -wide benefit. Other 1,000,000 2,000,000 244,000 sources of funding are being investigated. However, applica- tions for Federal funds are judged competitively with other cities' applications and may not be funded. Therefore, suffi- cient funds to attract private investment must be earmarked. Should other funds be received, CD funds allocated to this project can be reprogrammed. AREA Model City Wynwood ISSUE Area residents want Manor Park funded as a Neighborhood Strategy Area. urchase of YMCA site at 5Bth Street s 15th Avenue in King Heights Area Recommendation by several target areas to increase social service agencies funding to reflect in- flation. The Garment Center ex- pansion project was ques- tioned as to the benefit for the residents of Wynwood. It was suggested that it be subject of an Urban Development Action Grant application. Mer- chants of the area also stated a need for buses to transport people to the area. RECOMMENDATIONS Although this was originally considered as an NSA, there is not enough CD money to start another NSA. The City will look into using some of the housing bond fund money in this area. This property is located within an NSA and is well -suited for housing re -use. Strong consideration will be given to acquisition of this site with either CD or City Housing Bond Funds within the next three years. It is recommended that all social service projects funded through Community Development receive a 5% increase in the 5th, 6th and 7th years, to reflect inflation. RECOMMENDED PROJECT ALLOCATION 5th 6th jth The Garment Center expansion is a project which will benefit the economy of the City and provide many jobs for low and moderate income workers. Due to the close proximity of the Wynwood area it is expected many neighborhood aura residents would benefit. This project will be the subject of an application for other Federal funds, but those applications are reviewed in competi- tion with the projects of other cities. It is felt that local investment is warrented in this area. The County is responsible for public transit in the area. -0- -0- -0- -0- 300,000 250,000 500,000 500,000 600,000 `.,irrrr!Rill PROJECT "SUPPORTIV DOCUMEN ! ; 5th, 6th and 7th Yeats'-J��-'��� r RECOMMENDED PROJECT ALLOCATIONS CITY OF MIAMI 5th 6th 7th 3 Yr. TOTAL ALLAPATTAH NSA Rehabilitation Streets Land Acquisition Public Housing Mini Park Curtis Park Improvements Market Analysis Transportation Program Crime Watch Services Sub Total COCONUT GROVE Land Acquisition Street Imrpovements Housing Rehabilitation Graphic Employment Training Mental Health Clinic Sub Total CULMER Culmer Housing Revitalization Dorsey -Wheatley NSA Street Improv. Land Acquisition Overtown NSA Land Acquisition Economic Development Interim Assistance Cultural Arts Program Sub Total $. 450,000 50,000 150,000 150,000 60,000 15,000 31,500 10,000 $ 916,500 100,000 350,000 50,000 136,500 $ 636,500 200,000 150,000 200,000 106,050 200,000 21.000 $ 877,050 $ 460,000 33,075 10,500 503,575 100,000 200,000 300,000 143,325 743,325 $ --- 510,000 34,729 11.025 555,754 1,975,829 910,000 560,000 150,000 150,000 60,000 15,000 99,304 31.525_ 100,000 300,000 200,000 150,491 750,491 35,000 350,000 150,000 150,000 200,000 500,000 111,352 116,920 200,000 200,000 22.050 23.152 718,402 1,340,072 300,000 500,000 850,000 50,000 430,316 2,130,316 200,000 385,000 450,000 900,000 334,322 600,000 66.202 2,935,524 PROJECT 5th, 6th and 7th Years RECOMMENDED PROJECT ALLOCATIONS CITY OF MIAMI 5th 6th 7th 3 Yr. TOTAL DOWNTOWN I,ummus Park Land Acquisition NSA #1 Relocation New Town in Town EDCOM 625,000 Elderly Services Sub Total EDISON-LITTLE RIVER Buena Vista NSA Rehabilitation Street Improvements Land Acquisition Sub Total LITTLE NSA #1 HAVANA Street Improvements Relocation Riverfront Park St. Improvements - Community Center Transportation Program Homemakers Service Centro Mater Cuban Memorial Blvd.* Sub Total 100,000 50,000 625,000 16,800 $ 791.800 550,000 100,000 100,000 $ 750,000 250,000 300,000 500,000 56,000 10,500 89,250 31,500 20,000 $1,257,250 250,000 125,000 250,000 17,640 642,640 550,000 600,000 1,150,000 375,000 500,000 11,025 93,712 33,075 250,000 50,000 500,000 500,000 275,000 800,000 625,000 18,522 52,962 818,522 2,252,962 550,000 1,650,000 300,000 1,000,000 --- 100,000 850,000 2,750,000 250,000 150,000 500,000 500,000 825,000 1,500,000 56,000 11,576 33,101 98,398 281,360 34,729 99,304 20,000 $1,012,812 $1,044,703 $3,314,765. WMOMMMMWM PROJECT 5th, 6th and 7th Years RECOMMENDED PROJECT ALLOCATIONS CITY OF MIAMI 5th 6th 7th 3 Yr. TOTAL MODEL CITY ,King Heights NSA Revitalization Rehabilitation St. Improvements Land Acquisition Tacolcy Recreation Tenant Education Sub Total WYNWOOD NSA Rehabilitation Streets Land Acquisition Senior Transportation Sub Total TARGET AREA WIDE PROJECTS Garment Center* Special Center * Economic Development Building Demolition Dinner Key Island Park * Tre Planting Little Havana Fire Station Historic Preservation Handicapped Mobility Contractor Training Sub Total $ --- 400,000 150,000 52,500 21,000 $ 623,500 100,000 75,600 $ 175,600 500,000 1,000,000 200,000 25,000 400,000 100,000 676,000 50,000 80,000 5,000 $3,036,000 $ 300,000 $ 250,000 $ 550,000 400,000 --- 800,000 50,000 • 700,000 .750,000 -- --- 150,000 55,125 57,881 165,506 22,050 23,152 66,202 $ 827,175 $1,031,033 $2,481,708 300,000 400,000 700,000 100,000 900,000 1,000,000 100,000 --- 200,000 79,380 83,349 238,329 $ 579,380 $1,383,349 $2,138,329 500,000 2,000,000 200,000 25,000 100,000 50,000 100,000 $2,975,000 600,000 244,000 200,000 25,000 100,000 50,000 100,000 1,600,000 3,244,000 600,000 75,000 400,000 300,000 676,000 150,000 280,000 5,000 $1,319,000 $7,330,000 ^ ^ ~ stx, *tu and rtu Years uacoamom000 puoJoor uLLncAczomo ozrY or nzAmz ut» stu 7th 3 Yr. TOTAL oraoa paoxuoru ^ planning and xauagemeut Administration Project Repayment Contingencies Sub totals GRAND TOTALS $10'764,000 $10,921,000 $10,921,000 oz^000,ono ^otn*r funding sources such as Urban oovezoemeot Action Economic oevezpe=°ot Administration, Urban eackn, etc - sought for *uuitiuuaz fouuiug, ~ Grant, will be