HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #03 - Discussion ItemC. * TO; Honorable Members of the City Commission Joseph R. Grassie City Manager FEBRUARY 15, 1979 Joint Development Projects Enclosed are three summary reports prepared by the Miami Planning Department that identify proposed joint develop- ment projects around rapid transit stations at Douglas Road, Culmer and New Washington Heights. The City Com- mission passed Resolution 78-453 on July 13, 1978 which called for concerted public section measures to encourage private investment and development around transit stations in the City of Miami. These reports were discussed with private developers in an effort to stimulate investor interest in projects that would fulfill the objectives of the joint development resolution. A major development of mixed use office, high density resi- dential and commercial space for New Washington Heights has been suggested. At the Culmer station, a potential exists for developing a mixed retail -housing project on existing public lands adjacent to the station, and at Douglas Road a complex program of renewal actions would seek to stimulate major high density office and residential development or more employment intensive businesses immediately west of the station. The potential for joint development has been discussed with citizens in the three station areas. Two preliminary joint development projects will be discussed with the City Com- mission on February 22, 1979. An outline of the presentation is attached. Enclosures f t DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES IN CONJUNCTION WITH TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF MIAMI PLANNING DEPARTMENT FEBRUARY 15,1979 • 1 OBJECTIVES OUTLINE POSSIBLE PUBLIC/PRIVATE ROLES IN THE JOINT DEVELOPMENT PROCESS DISCUSS SPECIFIC JOINT DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES REVIEW NEXT STEPS r� STATION AREA PLANNING/ PROJECT DESIGN STATION AREA DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT . ALTERNATIVE DEVELOPMENT PLANS . RECOMMENDED DEVELOPMENT PLAN REDEVELOPMENT PLANS OR PLAN AMENDMENTS DEVELOPMENT PACKAGING LAND ASSEMBLY/ PREPARATION . LAND ACQUISITION . RELOCATION AND DEMOLITION . SITE PREPARATION . INFRASTRUCTURE/CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS . LAND LEASES . AIR RIGHTS PROJECT FINANCING LAND WRITE DOWNS GRANT ASSISTANCE JOINT DEVELOPMENT - UMTA AND OTHER $ TAX INCREMENT FINANCING INDUSTRIAL REVENUE BONDS a DEVELOPMENT FACILITATION AND CONTROL ZONING CHANGES SPECIAL ZONING DISTRICTS STREET CLOSINGS PROCESSING/PERMITTING DEVELOPMENT COORDINATION • SPECIFIC PUBLIC PROJECT AREAS NEW WASHINGTON HEIGHTS STATION CULMER STATION DOUGLAS ROAD STATION a • POTENTIAL FOR PRIVATE INITIATED JOINT DEVELOPMENT . COCONUT GROVE STATION . VIZCAYA BRICKELL . SANTA CLARA . ALLAPATTAH NEXT STEPS ANNOUNCEMENT OF JOINT DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AND SOLICITATION OF PROPOSALS EVALUATION OF PROPOSALS AND SELECTION PROCESS FORMAL APPLICATION FOR FUNDS pC7000A5' k'0.4z2 T AW..57T 67;4770A/ DOUGLAS ROAD C' ) .J. .4 war v .r -. STATION NA: Douglas Road LOCATION: TRANSIT STATION DESCRIPTION: DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES: • REID 7rr_c'or The Douglas Road transit station is located on the south leg of the Phase I alignment, at the northwest corner of the intersection of Douglas Road (SW 37th Ave) and South Dixie Highway (US1). This site is within 1 mile of the rapidly growing business districts of Coral Gables and Coconut Grove. The Douglas Road station is situated near several major arterials (Bird Road, Le Jeune Road, Ponce de Leon, Douglas Road, and US1) enabling it to serve large areas of Coral Gables, Coconut Grove, Westchester, and the Douglas Park/Shenandoah neighborhoods in Miami. The station will be designed to serve over 11,000 patrons daily by the year 2000. Approximately 59 percent of these patrons are projected to arrive by local feeder buses and an additional 23 percent by automobile. Long term surface parking will be provided initially on the site; however, year 2000 projections indicate demand for a parking garage to accommodate 1300 vehicles. 26 kiss and ride spaces and 6 bus bays are also planned for the station. To diversify the land uses through development of office, specialty service, retail, entertainment, and cultural arts activities. To increase the density of employment and business/ service related trip attractions within walking distance of the station in order to encourage transit ridership. To realize value capture objectives through an in- creased tax base. To provide alternative housing opportunities within the City for moderate income persons. To remove blighted structures and economically unproductive land uses. - rir.: . ;, a PROJECT DESCRIPTION: To provide alternative investment opportunities to adjacent high cost markets in Coral Gables and Coconut Grove. The proposed redevelopment project involves public assistance with land assemblage, relocation and clearance along with important public infrastructure and environmental improvements such as street widening, drainage, landscaping, and pedestrian connections. Proposed zoning changes will permit a wide variety of high intensity uses. A May 1978 study by Gladstone Associates, economic consultants, predicts a market for 300-400 rental housing untis, up to 150,000 square feet of office space, and up to 25,000 square feet of retail. SITE The 7 blocks west of the Douglas Road transit AVAILABILITY station present the primary redevelopment opportunities (SW 38th Ave to SW 39 Ave, Bird Rd to US1) Estimated land cost is $4 to $5 per square foot, with total acquisition of land and improvements estimated at $11.3 million. There are nearly 50 individual property owners within this redevelopment area, however, there are several parcels of 1 acre or more. SURROUNDING The Douglas Road station and adjacent redevelopment AREA: area are located in a small industrial triangle bounded by Bird Road, Le Jeune Road, and US1. To the north and west of the industrial area are high quality residential neighborhoods. South of US1 is the largely Black populated Coconut Grove Community Development Target Area, which is currently undergoing intensive renewal activities aimed at stabilizing the community as a low density moderate income residential area. PROJECT DEVELOPMENT PROCESS Dade County in cooperation with the City of Miami and Coral Gables is currently seeking federal assistance through the UMTA Young Amendment program to provide funds for public land acquisition and clearance, as well as needed public infrastructure improvements. Assembled parcels will be marked for private development. • . I 1iLl.� 11 1 �_U (1 11; `, �� REDEVELOPMENT —Ps-k'rcK PERCI ISELECTIVE CLEARANCE AND REPLACEMENT WITH ,; OUSLOW IHG�SITY HOMEOWNER f 11' 4j ..1. 1 LV �I 1 p` l .lam v. .\. �'c DOUGLAS ROAD f sw SHIPPIt E y PERC 0 A K FROW I►;lill 11 liil►III 11 FLORID N _ 1 1 I 1 III I I i I I I I I I =(�j 7; .NIII�II!(I !I I11 m 1 1 1 1 1 North WirdargarAS „wit ••?:-. 4 ' mosimium 111111 NEW WASHINGTON HEIGHTS STATION AREA STATION AREA: New Washington Heights Transit Station is located just north of the New Governmep t Center complex and is bounded by N.W. Be) Street on the north, the F.E.C. Railroad right-of-wj- on the_, N.W. 6th Street on tne south, ante F.E.C. Railroad right -off -way, N.W. 7th Street and N.W. lst'Court on the west. !:F!?) STATION The New Washington Heights station will be the first stop DESCRIPTION: north of the Government Center Station and is expected to serve both residents of the surrounding community, the employees and visitors to the Government Center complex and the proposed New-Town-In-Towrn development located to the east of the station area. By the year 2000, this station will serve more than 8000 patrons daily; 17% of whom will arrive on foot, 22% by bus and the remainder will be dropped off by private automobiles. No long term parking will be provided at this station, though there will be a limited amount of short term parking available. The majority of patrons (66%) will leave tne station on foot and this increased pedestrian traffic will create many opportunities for new development. DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES: To redevelop the southern portion of the Overtown Area for new commercial and residential development. To provide ancillary support facilities for a) the Down- town Government Center complex that will house 10,000 employees when completed b) the proposed development of a New -Town -In -Town just east of Overtown which will add thousands of higher income households to the area c) the New Washington Heights Transit Station serving approximately 8000 riders daily d) planned expansion of the adjacent Civic Center Complex e) the expanding Miami Central Business Dis- trict. To provide new employment opportunities for the residents of Culmer. To remove blighted structures and economically unproductive land uses. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: SITE A PAI.AniLAY: To provide convenience commercial uses for the residents of the area. A recently completed study by Gladstone Associates, (December 1978) economic consultants, has concluded that this area can anticipate major new development. Prelimi- nary market findings indicate a potential demand for 150,000 to 300,000 sq. ft. of office space, 500 units of market rate housing, moderate size hotel facility of 125- 150 rooms and from 40,000-60,000 sq. ft. of retail space. No definitive project has been designed as yet but it is anticipated that mixed use development would be most ad- vantageous. The 5 blocks located west and south of the New Washington Heights Transit Station comprise the primary redevelopment area (N.W. 6-8th Streets, I-95 - F.E.C.R.O.W.). Estimated land cost is $5.5 million, current assessment $3.3 million. Currently there is an overall fragmented ownership pattern, although there are a number of large land holdings. SURROUNDING AREA: The New Washington Heights Development Opportunity Area lies at the southern portion of the blighted Culmer neighborhoods directly north of the Downtown Government Center and west of the proposed New -Town -In -Town. During the last few years this area has become characterized by residential and com- mercial abandonment. Through the Community Development pro- gram both Dade County and the City of Miami have undertaken a program to upgrade park facilities, rebuild and beautify streets and remove blighted structures. PROJE T DEVELOP MENT PROCESS: Both Dade County and the City of Miami have allocated Com- munity Development funds for land acquisition within the im- pact area. These funds will be utilized to remove blighted properties and assemble parcels for redevelopment. In order to encourage private investment, it is anticipated that this land will be resold at (a cost -write down). Additional funding mechanisms may be provided through an Urban Develop- ment Action Grant and the Young Amendment Program which will allow for substantial public land acquisition in tandem with private redevelopment. 5 4 N. V; 4 Pet T .••111.111•11IIMPI ••P I I ! w • -z ST ST ST CNJ LE. ' :PROJeT r/F-71 oil Et / 37 ' S T 0\4E01 CENTE Ti N-r ST ST. / / ' ' / —J N j ; • E ••••••1 ••••••• I N E 0 I 1 1 I N E 9 NE NE TOW114 NW. 7 ST. • -**---ft••••• N. Vi S NEW WASHINGTON HEIGHTS STATION AREA N.W. ST. B D s-. 3 $ T. 2 ST. 11\1 TOWN N. E N. N. F . N North