HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #02 - Discussion ItemRESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION BY THE CITY OF MIAMI COMMISSION ENDORSING A GUIDEWAY ALIGNMENT AND STATION LOCATIONS FOR TIIE DOWNTOWN PEOPLE MOVER SYSTEM AS SIIOWN ON TIIE ATTACHED MAP AS ALTERNATIVE WHEREAS, Dade County has received $999,000.00 from the Urban Mass Transportation Administration for technical studies to be undertaken prior to the implementation of a Downtown People Mover System; and WHEREAS, Dade County has contracted with the con- sulting firm of Gannett Fleming/SKBB to provide these pre- liminary engineering and design services for the Miami Downtown People Mover project, including the designation of a route alignment for the Miami DPM; and WHEREAS, the City of Miami Commission on November 9, 1978 by Resolution 78-712 approved in principle the 1978-1984 Capital Improvements Proc;ram which specifically designated $750,000 as the City of Miami 3. share of the development costs for a Downtown People Mover project; and WIIEREAS, the Downtown People Mover Policy Committee will on Saturday, February 24, 1979 select a final route align- ment for the Miami Downtown People Mover from the alternative alignments presented by the consultants; and WHEREAS, the Downtown People Mover route alignment will have a significant and irrevocable impact on the vitality, growth, and development of downtown Miami and adjacent areas, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, that Alternative for the route alignment and station locations of the Miami Downtown People Mover System, as shown on the attachment hereto is here- by endorsed by the City of Miami as the preferred Downtown People Mover alignment. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1978. day of , ATTEST: City Clerk PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: Assistant City Attorney APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: George F. Knox, Jr., City Attorney MAYOR �E+o: Joseph R. Grassie City Manager Richard L. Fosmoen Assistant City Manager ? NT. FEB 13 1979 IECT DPM Alternate Route Discussions .ii"F' F�hNGC9� ,, : E.c :,,.: f7:, Attached are copies of minutes of actions taken by the DPM Policy Committee members on January 27, 1979. Thirteen alternate routes for the DPM were presented to the Policy Committee. The Policy Committee narrowed its choices to six which are indicated in the attached maps. The purpose of the presenta- tion to the City Commission is to acquaint them with the six remaining alternatives prior to the Policy Committee's meeting on February 24, 1979. It is expected that the Policy Committee will select a final route on February 24 which will be considered at a joint City/County Public Hearing currently scheduled for March 9 in Bayfront Auditorium. • Joseph R. Grassie City Manager i.1• C' • Jim Reid, Director Planning Department February 15, 1979 Status of DPM Project City Commission Agenda February 22, 1979 On February, 22nd, the Dade County Office of Transportation Administration will make a presentation to the City Commission on six DPM alignments selected by DPM Policy Committee at their meeting on Saturday, January 27th, 1979. Miami Planning Depart- ment staff will assist in the discussion of service goals and objectives and trade-offs between the alternative alignments and station locations. Subsequent to this presentation, the Commission may decide to express its endorsement of a particular alternative or recommend a different alignment in part or in whole. This expression by the Commission would give direction to the Dade County DPM Policy Committee meeting sched- uled for February 24th. The Policy Committee will be asked to select a final alignment and station locations for the DPM System at that time. BACKGROUND On May 9, 1978, the Urban Mass Transportation Administration approved a federal grant for Miami's DPM Preliminary Design and Engineering Studies. Following circulation of a Request for Proposals (RFP), the Board of County Commissioners on October 4, 1978, approved contracts with Gannett Fleming Cordry and Carpenter, Inc. of Iiarrisburg, Pennsylvania, and SKBB of Coral Gables, Florida (heretofore called GF/SKBB or the consultants). The consultants, who are charged with pro- ducing all the necessary design specifications for the devel- opment of a Downtown People Mover, began preliminary design and engineering studies on November 6, 1978. To date, GB/SKBB has analyzed local conditions, DPM related problems and opportunities and has developed 13 candidate route alignments and station locations for the full DPM System. Page 1 of 2 r� Joseph R. Grassie February 15, 1979 The DPM Policy Committee, an appointed group of civic, political, and business representatives, on Saturday, February 10, 1979, selected six of these alternative route alignments for detailed study (including patronage analysis). (Maps attached). The DPM Policy Committee will make a final selection of a full sytem DPM route alignment on Saturday, February 24, 1979. Following their review and approval of a single DPM route alignment, a joint City and County Commission public hearing will be held on Friday, March 9, 1979, to discuss and endorse a final route alignment. On April 21, 1979, the DPM Policy Committee will again convene to review and approve a plan for staging the construction of the final DPM route alignment and stations. A draft report for the recommended first stage DPM will then be prepared and following, this, on May 25, 1979, a joint City, County, and State public hearing will be held. At the end of the consultant's 15 month contract, the County will have the information necessary to bid for the construction of the DPM System. Final design of the DPM System, including preliminary drawings for stations, guideways and vehicles will be the major task confronting the consultants for the duration of this year. The City will, as of March 1, 1979, be under contract to Dade County to provide professional planning services to be rendered by the City of Miami Planning Department for the preliminary engineering and design of the DPM, including an assessment of joint development and redevelopment opportunities in relation to DPM Stations. Attachment Page 2 of 2 MEMORANDUM 107.07-17A TO DPM Policy Committee FROM Commissioner William Oliver Co —Chairperson DPM Policy Committee DATE FEB 8_1979, SUBJECT Downtown People Mover Policy Committee Meeting February 24, 1979 The third meeting of the Downtown People Mover Policy Committee will be held Saturday, February 24, 1979, at 9:00 A. M. in Plazas I, II and III of the Howard Johnson's Motor Lodge, 200 S. E. 2nd Avenue. Enclosed are the minutes of the January 24 meeting and maps of the six alternative DPM alignments selected by the Committee at that meeting. Within the next two weeks you will be receiving additional materials regarding the six alternatives and an advance agenda for the next Down— town People Mover Policy Committee meeting at which the Committee will be asked to review and approve the final alignment and station locations for the full DPM system. WO:njj Attachment t MINUTES OF THE DOWNTOWN PEOPLE MOVER POLICY COMMITTEE January 27, 1979 A meeting of the Downtown People Mover Policy Committee was held on Saturday, January 27, 1979, at 9:00 A.M. in Room 1164 of the Miami Dade Community College, Downtown Campus. The following persons attended: DPM POLICY COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Commissioner William Oliver, Dade County Commissioner Theodore Gibson, City of Miami (for Commissioner J. L. Plummer) Barbara Levenson, Co -Chairperson Kim Ballis (for Stuart Thomas) Sears, Roebuck & Company Rogelio Barrios Latin Chamber of Commerce Commissioner Ruth Shack, Dade County Manager Joseph Grassie, (for Mayor Maurice Ferre) City of Miami William Miller FDOT Allen Norris, Sr. Allen Morris Co. Lester Pancoast Pancoast, Borrelli, Albaisa Jackie Bell, Renee Ross New Washington heights League of Women Voters Office of Economic Development William Rubin Miguel Brazlaysky. (for Emilio Calleja) Jordan Marsh Downtown Business Association Priscilla Sargent Harvey Hall William Stokes FDOT Miami Dade Community College Roy Kenzie Downtown Development Authority Call to Order, Committee Procedures The meeting was called to order by Commissioner William Oliver. After welcoming the Committee Members, the first item on the agenda, Committee Procedures, was addressed. It was suggested that the Committee adopt the proposed Rules and Procedures with the following changes: • That Rule 1.0 Quorum be amended to read: "One third of the whole number of designated voting members of the Downtown People Mover Polley Committee (DPMPC) shall constitute a quorum. Alternates may he designated by a Committee Member and shall be counted in a quorum and have voting privileges provided that the Committee Member notify the Chairperson prior to the meeting." t • That Rule 4.0 Regular Meetings shall be amended to read: "The Downtown People Mover Policy Committee meetings shall be estab- lished and Committee Members shall be notified at least 7 days prior to a meeting." A motion was made and seconded to adopt the Committee Rules and Procedures as Amended. The motion carried unanimously. Milestone I Meeting Results George Smith of Gannett Fleming/SKBB introduced Jack Hargrove and Willy Bermello who presented the results of the ranking and rating of the Goals and objectives and Activity Centers, respectively. It.was pointed out to the Committee that these results became the premise for developing alter- native alignments. Details were mailed to each Committee Member during the week of January 22. MIA Remarks John Dyer introduced Steve Barsony, Director of the Office of Automated Guideway Transit Applications, Urban Mass Transportation Administration. Mr. Barsony stated the need for use of simple, proven technology in the design of a DP`1 for Dade County. This is in keeping with his office's desire to be success oriented. He stressed the importance of keeping operating and maintenance costs to a minimum and pointed out that simple technology can achieve this. A brief film on existing people mover systems was then presented to give the Committee a clearer conception of the technology of people movers. "r. Barsony concluded his remarks by reemphasizing the need for Dade County to be economical and urged the State, the County, the City and the business community to work in harmony. Presentation of Candidate Full System Alignments, Selection of Alignments for Further Study George Smith presented 13 candidate full system alignments. It was requested that the Committee identify six alignments for further study from either the candidates presented or any that may be developed by the Committee. He men- tioned that Alternative A must be a candidate for further study as it is the one which was originally proposed to the Federal Government. In his presen- tation, Mr. Smith described each of the 13 alignments and its relative service to the activity centers, Following the presentation, Mr. Smith informed the Committee of the consultant's ranking of alternatives. Alternative E was in first place, A and J in second, C in fourth, D in fifth, H in sixth, F in seventh, B in eigth, N in ninth, G in tenth, L and M in eleventh and Alterna- tive K was in thirteenth place. • Following a short break, Commissioner Oliver suggested that. barring any objections, Alternatives C, K. L. M and N be dropped. There were no objections. The Committee continued consideration of Alternatives A, B. C, D, E. I', II and .1 through discussion. Harvey IIal1 of FOOT inquired as to how the Miami River would be crossed at Brickell Avenue. Ur. Dyer explained that it would require a fixed span. Joseph Crassie, City Manager of Miami, expressed concern as to whether there was enough clearance to cross the river at lirickell Avenue on either side of the existing bridge. Dr. Dyer responded that the actual alignment may have to go further west; but this will be dealt with in a later planning stage and the Committee's present concern is to decide on a corridor for the alignment. More discussion en- sued and Commissioner Oliver pointed out that while all the questions were valid and good, the remaining ,alternatives can all address these concerns with further study. Roy Kenzie asked that Jack Luft, of the City of Miami Planning Department, present a modified alignment. Mr. Luft presented his alignment, deemed E-1,and more discussion followed. Commissioner Oliver asked if there were any objections to having Alternative E-1 replace Alter- native H. Before considering this, a discussion of the second stage of the rapid transit system as it relates to Biscayne Boulevard took place. I)r. Dyer explained that at this point we have not been authorized by the Federal Government to do an alternatives analysis for Stage 11 and, therefore, have not taken Stage II into account in developing the DPM alternative alignments. Following more discussion, Commissioner Oliver suggested that the Committee accept E-1 as one of the six alternatives, eliminate Alternatives H, F and B and consequently consider Alternatives A, C, D, E, E-1 and J at the next meeting. Hearing no objections he stated that a motion was in order. Lester Pancoast so moved, there was a second by William Rubin. The motion carried unanimously. Roy Kenzie expressed a desire to ask the staff to consider the use of Second Avenue as opposed to Biscayne Boulevard north of the loop. Commissioner Oliver responded that the Committee may ask the staff to do this any time during the process. A short discussion of aesthetic impact as it may or may not relate to routing took place. Public Input There was no public input. Future Meetinjs Schedule Dr. Dyer announced that the next meeting of the DPM Policy Committee will take place February 24, 1979. at 9:00 A.M. in Plazas I,'II and III of the Howard Johnsons Motor Lodge, 200 S. E. Second Avenue. • Dr. Dyer stated that at the February 24 meeting, the Committee will be asked to review a more detailed analysis of the six alternatives and approve the final alignment and station locations for the full DPM system. Commissioner Oliver suggested that the OTA staff send Committee members any necessary materials as soon as possible and that the t)I)A and City of Miami staffs Meet with the OTA staff prior to the• next meeting. Allen Morris, Sr, suggested that consideration be given to moving the Brickell Stations further south in Alternatives C, D and E. There being no further business, Commissioner Oliver thanked the Committee for their participation and the meeting was adjourned. Attached are the printed materials which were handed out at the January 27 meeting. 1 ]I11 r-� Al 11 El ALTERNATIVE A SUMMARY - 1JNFI'A PROPOSAL - 7.1 MILE GUIDEWAY - 17 STATION - 18 TRAI1,1; • - 4 MINUTE TRIP (GOV' T STATION - rot IVFIITION (FITTER) J( igij'i 731 3( A 7:1_71V 1:110U l� f,c.or.«m.t ►e,1 VwN,.e Coss Y.c►r1.rr Csr.J 1 0 500 1000 1500 2000 CLAUGNTON ISLAND MIAMI DPM ALTERNATIVE A JANUARY 1979 *-A0Lu[J0[JC] p!_ !L_ (= - l ,J witt-4Litit ;:jil 111-- Ilbl ill I - -- ---71 Er 1 i----7 �HD_f IA _ig_rirrirr - EiqtRiii-dv [dworaori- -11- [99T fuurtlirsuairiiii----ii EJEL1:; ,/Ifiniouwr!Jf]��_=..-i - _,_:,_ uc«� t11L1iiFE]LJ[ I_iU_ ilii[J[EDUDSi-f 'SW4SI it I1C][_L.1[` ]L i- �I 11 tit - J1 iC-„,1[_- --i 1— t ! 1 t l t1 r �_ j l 7—_=ti-_-11 I 9:11 sw11Sr, sw"'�s, _ ALTERNATIVE C SUMMARY - REDEVELOPMENT - 7.4 MILE GUIDEWAY - 13 STATIONS - 18 TFtA 1 N. , 3 mull.: Nul9: DTP P (cc)V" 1' STATION - d,,y:44yyIaloa'itlr.:su�t-�KreS'Fr�., -�r e1:0e0...i.1 Par! Vowelise, 522i}. N.cArtlrr go z 0 N 0 500 1000 1500 2000 MIAMI DPM ALTERNATIVE C JANUARY 1979 . ALTERNATIVE D SUMMARY — ACTIVITY CENTERS — 7.1 MILE GUIDEWAY - 13 STATIONS — 17 'PICA I td: - 3 mit4U'rE ITC P (GOV "I' :7TATI ON — COI JVE IJTION CMIER) J 1] M� 1JCw7St — �`swfS1r J l �l swlls1( 7 1-7ii 7.y Volts* i.o c..i. .c het Ss! C.o.? .y,e erg. W z 0 500 1000 1500 2000 MIAMI DPM ALTERNATIVE D JANUARY 1979 JLIJ 1 E ALTERNATIVE E SUMMARY ACTIVITY CFI l'I'ER/DIPLOYMENT 7.4 MIIE GUIDEWAY 14 STATIONS 19 'I'RA TIC - 3 MI1nn'I: TRIP r- 1,1 J i m ((!M l"I'IIIJ (1,7P14?1t)."1 V DICMIMNIal ►a.li VfMlisP Cia7. MaC%, IIiY/ 0 500 1000 1500 2000 MIAMI DPM ALTERNATIVE E JANUARY 1979 •411111 111. J D D DO DUEID F-1 DEE Li_Jr1 =Cr 1 21:a C:=L 1 Pq 1 r--1 LT4 —El rs 1 0 I I n F-1 (t1 F- ADC LESFI:Vni-ir ELil 14 St Bicentennial Pork Viaition Cool Mocartnat Cate a 1111i:-- li RIVE L__111ft sw..sJPI!igj 4,. CLAUGHTON ISLAND MIAMI DPM ALTERNATIVE E • 1 4 ir ir AL' ERIJATNE J SUMMARY - 1985 DIIiLOYMr.1nVR :nl n :I OPMI;IIT - 6.9 Milk: (MIN.:WAY - 13 STATIO1J., - 17 TRAY W • 3 M I NU`Iti `I'RT P (COV"1' : JA'I'ION- rr�tM'tI VrN .e Coe/ Y.c1,lurr CI!? a- ior z Vl 0 500 1000 1500 2000 MIAMI DPM ALTERNATIVE J JANUARY 1979 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1976 Apr 6 May May Urban Mass Transportation Administration (UMTA) announced guidelines to consider proposals for Downtown People Mover (DPM) systems from among which, nationwide, UMTA would select three proposals to provide funding support in demonstration programs. Two joint meetings of Board of County Commissioners, City of Miami Commission and representatives of the Downtown Development Authority and of the Downtown Action Committee of the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce to review policy for a Dade County DPM proposal. Draft Milestone Report #15, Route Alignment and Station Locations, was published. The entire 3.7 mile system was defined including the loop arrangement with the north leg to Omni and the south leg to the Brickell Avenue Rapid Transit Station. See the attached map showing the basic alignments and some options. Also included in the Report #5 was the staff recommendation regard- ing the alignment of the eastern segment of the CBD Loop: "The eastern segment of the CBD Loop could be located anywhere between Biscayne Boulevard and East 2nd Avenue without signi- ficantly affecting ridership levels or the overall operation of the People Mover System. However, the East 3rd Avenue align- ment is clearly superior because of its easy accessibility to both the Biscayne Boulevard and East 2nd Avenue activity corridors. In addition, the following points support the recommended East 3rd Avenue alignment: a. People Mover line on Biscayne Boulevard would be visually unacceptable, due to the unique identity and character I ... . e`!'" I ( i — - I . . • 1 4 lir 1 ' , ',11. .1 re, r. •-•'-' ", V kli 1 iT I ..IP.I " A-;" 4 Al 4 - ------'--::-,... . _ t ,' i " , - --- • 16 • k I SS • • SI slur „, • • it - x 1 •.sk I ; r .rxr L _ 11 I I V 10.7 ST -. k • kl ,t V I - / I I Y. I I 11.1.t•VIII IS! MANI DP11 SYS71-21 ALTER:IATIVZ KLIG12.1=1.1 CO:ISIDERM IN 1976 Jun 4 associated with the Boulevard. b. A People Mover line on East 2nd Avenue would cause major disruption to existing activity due to the narrow right- of-way (55') and intense vehicular and pedestrian traffic. c. The use of existing underdeveloped private property offers opportunities for joint development ventures. d. The City of Miami has planned to extend N.E. 3rd Avenue northward from Flagler Street, thus the objectives of improving traffic circulation and providing optimum access with the People Mover can be accomplished jointly." The third joint meeting of Board of County Commissioners, City Commission of Miami and the City of Miami to review the project proposal for a DPM system. At the conclusion of the discussion on the Milestone Report ii5 the Miami City Commission, on recom- mendation of Commissioner Plummer, adopted a modified route plan for the proposed DPM system. In general, the modification con- sisted of moving the north -south line on the east from the recom- mended 3rd Avenue alignment to a Biscayne Boulevard alignment. Also, a minor modification was made in the southern alignment of the loop to bring it to South 2nd Street which will provide a substantially improved access to the proposed convention center. The original 3rd Avenue alignment north -south, was approved as an acceptable alternative in the event that the Biscayne Boule- vard alignment could not be made workable. Following this meeting, Milestone Report #i5 was revised to include the following which remains, as of this date, the recommended eastern alignment: "The East Segment of the CBD Loop could be located anywhere on or between Biscayne Boulevard and East 2nd Avenue in order to serve both of these activity corridors. However, Biscayne Boulevard is the preferred alignment because: 1. The DPM line and stations can be developed over the parking area currently within the public right- of-way without interfering with traffic flow, and with minimal reduction in the number of parking spaces; 2. During construction of the DPM, no disruption of business and traffic flow would occur; 3. A DPM line on Biscayne Boulevard gives high exposure and direct access to Bayfront Park, and offers a scenic view of the park and Biscayne Bay to riders of the system that is considered to be of unique aesthetic quality; 4. A DPM alignment on East 2nd Avenue could cause major disruption to existing development due to the narrow right-of-way (50-60'), intense vehicular and pedestrian traffic, and already restricted sunlight illumination along the street; 5. Construction of the DPM system along an East 3rd Avenue alignment would require demolition of one or more buildings in the block between East Flagler Street and N. E. 1st Street. It would also require the acquisition of easements through parking areas on private property from N.E. 2nd Street to N.E. 5th Street which could be more costly than the Biscayne Boulevard alignment; 6. With the Biscayne Boulevard alternative, all curves in the system can be accomplished with a radii not less than 150', whereas on North 2nd or 3rd Avenue this is not possible, and 7. A potential link to the Port of Miami is possible with this alignment." Jun 15 Board of County Commissioners approved the routing and financing plan for the proposed DPM system and authorized County Manager to prepare and submit a Project Proposal to UMTA. Jun 17 Miami City Commission passed and adopted Resolution No. 76-616 as follows: "BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, • • 06 Jun 17 Jun 25 Jun 27 Dec 22 FLORIDA" Section 1. It is the intent of the City Commission to express its full acceptance of the proposed routing of the downtown "People Mover System" in the City of Miami as set forth in the attached map. Further, if the eastern leg or alignment of the system cannot be placed on Biscayne Boulevard, the Com- mission agrees that said leg or alignment can be placed on Northeast Third Avenue." Miami City Commission also passed and adopted Resolution No. 76-617 as follows: "BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF I4IA14I, FLORIDA" Section 1. It is the intent of the City Commission to hereby expressly indicate its agreement with the following breakdown of funding for the $83,000,000.00 initial cost outlay in connection with the construction of the "People Mover System"; further the Commission specifically approves the herein proposed 3% assessment as the City of Miami's share of such cost." "80% 10% 5% 3% 2,. FEDERAL FUNDS STATE FUNDS COUNTY FUNDS CITY FUNDS D.D.A. FUNDS TOTAL = 67.4 = 8.3 4.2 = 2.8 1.4 = 83 MILLION DOLLARS MILLION DOLLARS MILLION DOLLARS MILLION DOLLARS MILLION DOLLARS MILLION DOLLARS Metropolitan Dade County and the City of Miami formally adopted, following a joint Public Hearing, the project proposal for a proposed DPM system. Dade County applied to UMTA for a grant in the amount of $58,110,000 for Stage I of proposed DPM. In a letter from Mr. Robert E. Patricelli, UMTA announced that .... we found your plan (for a DPM) to be justified and highly supportive of your rapid transit and urban development programs.... • • 418. 1' Dec 22 1977 Jan 19 given the importance of improved downtown circulation to your efforts, we would be prepared to permit you to use funds within our $500 to $600 million reservation to implement your proposed DPM if adequate cost savings or reprogramming from rapid transit construction can be achieved." In separate letters to Cleveland, Los Angeles, Houston and St. Paul, their proposals were approved with a combined commit- ment by UMTA of $220 million. The city breakout was as follows: CLEVELAND LOS ANGELES HOUSTON ST. PAUL $42 100 33 45 $220 Million Detroit and Baltimore were given options identical to the Dade County option. UMTA, in a letter to Mayor Clark, announced that the federal commitment "to this project remains at not more than $575 million. First call on these funds must be for the construction of the 16.5 mile segment.... If funds are still available after those priority items are accommodated, UMTA will consider their use for the four -mile Hialeah extension or for a downtown people mover." Jun 27 Dade County applied to UMTA for a grant of federal assistance 111111 I IuIIIIIIIII.11u1■IIIMI^ • Dec 14 1978 in the amount of $1,080,000 for DPM Preliminary Design and Engineering. Mr. Richard S. Page, UMTA Administrator, announced, in a letter to the County Manager, that "I am pleased to report to you that, upon receipt of a Section I3(c) certification from the Department of Labor, UMTA will approve the County's pending application for preliminary engineering of a Downtown People Mover system in the City of Miami. We will be pre- pared to permit you to use funds within the ceiling to implement the construction of the DPM only if adequate cost savings can be achieved from the rapid transit construction program and when the i57 million in additional Federal funds (for the Hialeah segment)becomes available." May 9 UMTA approved a grant of $963,000 as the federal funding contribution for DPM Preliminary Design and Engineering. May Request for Proposals distributed Oct 4 Board of County Commissioners approved contracts with Gannett Fleming Corddry & Carpenter, Inc. of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and SKBB of Coral Gables. Nov 6 Contractors began the Preliminary Design and Engineering. IIIIII II II II II IUD 1 • I+ PARTICIPATION CODPM POLICY MMITTEE ACTION fViK 14V7 L111_ ►etri _ vim r N1t(1 I TECHNICAL AND STAFF PARTICIPATION ....;1-7111 KIWI, IH.1",5141 (I1,11v(4 M., II WI b..,,:fK'N.,1 It.4 I•(K-•fK•b..,,:uN' : •irTt CI *of ,Is %•AS "t�1x IUr LM LAM- S2bI n11( CIE,MU •,N• 11W+a,•It.F•S S� 9IA A,(4•4 Fe1 L 17109 .-4 • ft N^I 1 1r1 r, , Iff N'1 • 14 f4, b ff III'44 I, ;Ka WIC tt .1../F 1i`� 04144,9 NrTcS I tll •nR NI SS i, I-- A'.4•.'1 •C N 'CK. II ^4V :41 .4. a-t: f+�.•a(VS (11 ✓t . + 'a. r A "t A. 't -^.:. • J(` I' - 11 DW .r'^T4 fY7N- MN1L :2` aJ IC CIIaA •( N-l'+'u'MS fOI I If71 sy5,1m 2i 1-27 r 4.k U9J S•39/A ( AC N (gA449A . f1 C C*MH 1LL4. O'M S57FM 2 24 (r vt $ C41;cart VE.S ICF II.$ S'AOI DPM 2-26 1' 3A 34 .< I S•AH! t .94O. 1[711at O JbAN :2 `I N (1411I1A fe 17 at (qV t'A74,41A(II ANAI•VS 1 29 : Tt 401 4(.AMR IL: VA'►4 ST4LTLOLS Alt 501141(S -� --- — -- { 32 Iv" ,44•71014 3f _ :u -,,4 I.Vi.- -1 FOAM Iti.k r a AP.- :i .T .. .1 NlII 501415 A 4.i•.'.A. i'E y _4 i Sit 1 4-• --- L — 4s 1 '. Pt% (1N:.1 • fa ta1T I O. tPCD MST 5'aC4 CPS 4.n • S9 2.2 1 144f'At:( FF4 . Mtiln 011.4.14 f ( • TYFICAL STATIONS N(I CA(CMIA+S 1 -T14 OI A.p1AIT lRYT T. Two ilk) O-IIM( OW SELECTION OF AUGMENT AND STATION LOCATIONS FOR DOWNTCNVN PEOPLE MOVER ME1AOPOUTAN DADE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION NPRONEMENT PROGRAM AT t•17 Garnett Flemiq/SKBB