HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-08907tcb/rb 2/9//9 ORDINANCE so,__8_07 P4 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1 GP ORDINANCE NO. 8716; ADOPTtb OCTOtER 261 1977; •At AMENDED, THE ANNUAL CAP/TAL /MPROVEMENT APPROPRIATIONg ORDINANCE FOR THt PiStAt YEAR tNDING SEPTEMrn ttR 301 10781 tY MARINO AN ADJUSTMENT IN THt 1975 AND 1976 SANITARY gEWEk GENERAL OtLIGATION FOND FUND POk THE CONSTRUCTION OP IN SANITARY SEWER /MPROVEMENT SR-54501 AND tY tSTABLISHING A NEW PROJECT POI LAWRENCt PUMP STATION MODIPICATIONS1 MARINO ADJUSTMENTS IN THE 1570 STORM SEWER OENERAL 08tIOATION BOND FUND; CONTAININO A RtPEALER PRO- VISION AND A SEVtRABILITY CLAUSE AND DISPENSING WITH THE RtOUIREMENT OP READINO THE SAM t ON TWO SEPARATE DAYS BY A VOTE OF NOT LESS THAN POUR- PIPTHS OP THt MEMBERS OP THE COMM/SSION. WHREAS, the City Comnission adopted Ordinance No. 8716, on Octobet 26, 1977 establishing resource § and appro., priations for the implementation of capital improvements it the City of Miami, Florida, for the fiscal year ending Septem- ber 30, 1978; and WHEREAS, bids were received on December 144 1978 and awarded on January 18, 1979 for PINES SANITARY' SEWER IMPROVEMENT SR-5450, and additional funds in the amount of $175,000 from the 1975 and 1976 Sanitary Sewer G.O. Bond Fund are needed to Proceed with the project; and WHEREAS, funds are available in the AVALON SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT'Project and $175,000 can be transferred to the PINES SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT SR-5450 Project; and WHEREAS, there exists an emergency condition at the Lawrence Pump Station to which -modifications are required immediately; and WHEREAS, the City will be responsible for funding the cost of engineering and design services, materials and installa- tion of the pump station modifications, supervision of construc- tion,and other costs incidental to the project; and WHEREAS, in order to finance this'project. new funds are needed from the 1970 Storm Sewor Oonet'al.Obtivition Bond Fund at an .estimated maximum OPt of $175.000; rind - ' WHEREAt4 dp Aftinlftt $1,5000 is lVailablt in ihe 1970 Storm Sower Conetal Obligation ri'd 'Fund and can be aptrt ftt the-abovementioned purpOdel NOW; THEEEPOtt4 Et tl ORDAINED EY THE tOMMISSION .0V TIMMY OP MtAMIIPLORMAI: Section It Section 1 of Ordinance NO, 8716, adopted October 264 1977 1/ follows: as atatided, it hereby further amended MEI "Section I. .The follawing appropriations by fund are made for the implementation of the municipal capital imProvements ol the,City of Mimi§ Plorida4 for the fiscal year 1976-79,11 The sources of revenue to support these appropriations are also identified, * * G. Fund/Project 1975 and 1976 Sanitary Sewer G.O. Bond Expenditures * 6. Pines Sanitary Severe Improvement SR-5450 7. Avalon Sanitary Sewers Improvement. TOTAL AUTHORIZED EXPENDITURES * TOTAL APPROPRIATED * li. Fund/projet 1970 Storm -Sewer G.O. Bond Expenditures * * (in thousands of $) 31.489v0 3,875.0 1.00AvEl 1,725.0' * * 37,836.5 37,836.5 * * ..... . WW 1/ Wor4s An4lor figures stricken through shall be deleted. under..., scored words ond/or figures constitute the amendment proposed. The remaining provisions are now -in effeet and remain unchanged. Asterisks indicate Patted and unchanged material. All figUres are rounded tp the next hundred dollars. 2/ The herein funding is in addition to funding resulting froll Otdinanoe 1/87164 the 1977-7$ Capital Improvement Ordinanee And ,ameitd4tory: Oravenees #8734(1)• #8745(2). 1/8772(3), #8829(0, 14844 (5) #8850(6 ) • 1/43.87,4 (7) • the 197S-79 Capi ImprOveieent Ordinance. 1/003($) and. 1/$90(9)f -2» 8907 115,0 TOTAL AuTHOR12Efl RMpt:M ATURES it 84414 Resurtes Previously approved appropriations 100048 , 89.5, 7. 8114 from Fund Balance 1750 TOTAL APPROPRIATED ii; 44b1,4 1,2 e7O.+..7 GRAND TOTAL PREVIOUSLY APPROVED APPROPRIATIONS PROM 1UND BALANCE GRAND TOTAL PONDS APPROPRIATED. 10,5720 175.0 14 7470 Section 2 All ordinances or parts of ordinances insofar as they are inconsistent or in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 3. If any section, part of section, paragraph, ciause,- .phrase, or word of this 'ordinance is declared invalid, the remain-. ing provisions of this ordinance shall not be affected. Section 4. The requirement of reading this ordinance on two separate days is hereby dispensed with by a vote of not less than four -fifths of the members of the Commission. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 26 day of February MAURICE A, FERRE ATTEST; MAY 0 R 4 'H G. •NG' , CITY C PLAN ING REVIEW; • M REID, DIRECTOR BUDOETAJR' HOWARD V. GA DIRECTOR JANNING DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT 0 .LEGAL REVIEW; ROBER' V. GLARK 1979. ANAGEMENT AND BUDGET APPROVED AS TO FGRM AND ,CORREGTNES.S. GE iRGE F. RN'OX. .dR. ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY CITY ATTORNEY erg 8 + 0 f LICAL N VIC All interested viU take notice that on the 26th day of February, 1179 the City 'Commission of Miami, Piortdt passed and adopted the following titled ordinance: ORDINANCE 3ib• AN ORb/NANCE AMENDING SECTION 1 OP ORDINANCE Nb, 8716,, ADOPTED OCTOBER 26, 1977, AS AMENDED, THE ANNUAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEM- BER 30, 1978, BY MAK/NG:AN ADJUSTMENT IN THE 1975 AND 19 76. SANITARY .SEWER GENERAL- OBLIGATION BOND FUND FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OP PINES SANITARY SEWER,XMPROVEMENT SR-5450; AND BY ESTABLISH/NC A NEW PROJECT FOR LAWRENCE PUMP STATION MOtIPICATIONS; MAKING ADJUSTMENTS IN THE 1970 STORM SEWER 'GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND PUND; CONTAINING A'REPEALER PRO- VISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND bISPENSING WITH THE REQUIREMENT OF READING THE SAME ON TWO SEPARATE DAYS BY A VOTE OF NOT LESS THAN POUR- FIFTHS OF THE MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION. RALPH G. ONGIE CITY CLERK Outfit Dann etettrItSttellitt, Stin'eef n",(iy LEgat alo118e01 WON, Dee§ c aunty, )ttertea. STATE OP PLORIDA 'COUNTY OP 'DADS: Raters "th& uhdarlig1r a eulhMfty j rldnatl e : pElitOtI 3etkw Ce11taf', *' on b to lay%" Thal1Pp jb1 E Attistahf DitrEtr3r ti LECial Ailvprtill110 el TWO 18r111 SEvict* and belly Akar& a calif (extept Saiurag unda'a Legal Fiititdatrd) hes9Sb(ya tr, ppub111PEa! $ y a MiaAt1 ih beee_ tat/Pity, Fleflda; Jhetin@ Mt ehoa taps df advErfiterhaht beirig a Legal Aever"tilEfnEnt or Ndf(ee In the meet. el CtY OP MtArlt" Itet Orditt et Nth 8907 in the Itk X X Court, was published in sold neWspaper ih the isSueS of March 54 1979 Aftiant further says that the said Mtanil Review and belly Record is a newspaper published et MiaPfif, ih Said Dade County, Florida, and that the said hewspaper has heretofore beep tontihuously published th Said Dede,County, Florida, Bath day (except Saturday, Sun• day and Legal Hoildays) and has been entered as setbnd tics 15iaii n'tatter et the post office in Miami, in said Dade County, Florida, fora period Of (the year hest preced(nq the first publication of the attached Copy of advertisement; and affiaht further says .that the has neither paid hot premised any person, firm or tbrpbra. tion thy discount, rebate, corhmission or refuted for' the purpose of secur(hg this -advertisement ter pubtitatlen in the sal. ewspaper. (SEAL) My Commission exp An "iniereited wil) take "Mite Melon the tblk ally et febtuary,'19 9 the Ctty t6mMlition at Mtamt, Nitta paned end "aeaptea The tetl6w•._ inp 'tttled'bitineni:e; ORDINANCE "ND.11007 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1 OP ORDINANCE N0.8718, ADOPTED OCTOBER 38, 1437, AS AMENDED, THE ANNUAL CAPITAL" IMPROVEMENT APPROPRIATIONS' ORDINANCE 'PDR THEN FISCAL YEAR .ENDING SEPTEMBER.SB,`Mk BY MAKING AN -,ADJUSTMENT -IN. THE MS FUND FOR THE SEWER STRUCTION OP PINE SANITARY "SEWER 'IMPROVEMENT SR,S4S0; AND BY ESTABLISHING A NEW PROJECT FOR LAWRENCE PUMP STATION MODIPICAtIONS; MAKING ADJUSTMENTS IN THE 19fb STORM SEWER GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND PUNb;.CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVitiON AND A SEVERAHILITY. CLAUSE AND. biSPENSING WITH THE ReGu1REMENt OF REAbING THE SAME ON `'tWO SEPARATE DAYS BY A VOTE OF NOT LESS THAN PO, FIFTHS OF THE MEMBERS OF THE,COMM1SSIbN.; RALPH II.'ONG1E CITY CLERK aublitailen of this Notice on the 5 day'ot Meth 1479. t 3' S Mf4•030533 CITY OF MIA FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE .MORANDIP-1 "bk Joseph R. Graie City V nager P Af 45 ^ 40. • •-• 4 , •,.+ •;:m Cbicf n. W. Director T.-7,3rtment of Fire CATE. February 5, 1979 FHLE „5„u,.,-,7R.equest to Laend Appiopriations Ordinance :A). 8716 Fire Fign•oing, Iiro Prc.vntion and 'cutfICFERENCES• 2aci1ities Bond Progran LNCLOSUML:S (Draft of Amended Ordin:b:ce) Ordinance No. 8274, passed November 9, 1978, appropriated a total of $1,279,200 for Item 46, "Fire Apparatus Acquisition, Replacements and Modification." The current balance on this appropriation is apprxi- mately $1,040,560. We fibd this sum is not sufficient to accomplibh our .:rat us re::Aace- ment and madification program and would like to increase it by $0,000 by utilizing a isortion of the F.and b:Ilancu (531,30) in the firL i'ire Prevention anJ 1:escuo FacilitieL rand In Jtun, it is our intenicn to e.'„1..blish new "Fil:c. Facility, Closed Circuit TV System" an:: we are re,:uestin,; be apopriLILd for a structural evaluLltin and fea.sibility study of abandce.0 Coco:-.ut CfGVO Incinerator. We estir:.ite Lhe toal cost cf those stuC.ius will not excued :.20,0D0 and recommend utilizing a portion of tu Lalance in the Fire Fighting Ionci Pru,gra.m. Funds for th.2.construction of the Training Facility would be conuingant upon the rcults cf the Lwo studies. We would ,.recite your assistance in placing this matter on unr. February 22, 1379 City C=mission Agenda. HWB:m),m cc: J. rcid, Director, Planning Dept. H. Cary, Director, Management and Eudget Dept. J. E. Sunderson, Director, Finance Dept. G. F. Knox, Jr., City Attorney 7 The suggested sources of revenues to finance the aforementioned salary adjustments are as follows: Federal Revenue Sharing - Acquisition of Dinner Key Property Federal Revenue Sharing - Fund Balance 77-78 Street Lighting Fund General Fund - Fund Balance 77-78 Contingent Fund - FY'78-79 Additional Revenues 78-79 Total $ 350,000 190,000 91,464 124,998 100,000 445,439 $1,301,901 Funds for the aforementioned sources were derived in the following manner: . The amount of $500,000 was appropriated in prior years from Federal Revenue Sharing Funds for the renovation of Dinner Key Property, and it has been determined that only $150,000 is needed for this purpose leaving a balance of $350,000 available for other operating purposes. . Based on preliminary figures, it has been determined that approximately $238,000 will exist as a fund balance in the Federal Revenue Sharing Fund; of this amount $190,000 is available to fund salary increases. ▪ The $91,464 from the Street Lighting Fund represents prior year fund balances in this account. • The preliminary analysis reveals that the General Fund will experience a fund balance of $1,964,224 for FY'77-78; of this amount, $1,839,226 has been used for other operating needs and the balance of $124,998 is available to fund salary increases. • Funds in the amount of $126,094 are available in Special Programs and Accounts/Contingent Fund 1978-79 as of February 13, 1979. It is recommended that $100,000 of this amount be used to fund salary increases. . Based on recent analysis of anticipated revenues for 1978-79, it has been determined that an excess of $445,439 will be generated in additional revenues. Page 2 of 2 CITY OF MIP.. ', FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE ,\1 .MORANDUM Tu Joseph R. Gra,,sie 1,:ii:y t'' nager ) 1( t ,.., Ci:ief H. N. liri.:u, Director r:C':7artment of Fire CATE. February 5, 1979 F,LE UU]LCT.RC:illa St to ::.c,er,d Ordinance ;'o. 0716 Fire Fign::ing, Lira -r.v..nticn and hLFE:RENCCS .,e:cue 2acilities Bold Program ,_NcLO:iURI:S (Draft of Amended Grdi:......ce) Ordinance No. 8074, passed November 9, 1978, appropriated a total of $1,579,200 for Item #6, "Fire Apparatus Acquisition, 'Replacements and Modification." The current balance on this appropriation is apj.:-xi- :natcly $_'., 040, 560. We ILA :.his sum is not sufficient to accc, plish our " :ur.t'..:3 : Aace- ment and :codification program and would like t0 _ncrcase'. .it by $ 0O,(ii.3 by ut111:,ir,(j a j;ort:.on of the FanCI I3;i]_::1Cu (:;531, 30:)) in the G irC i:ire Prevention and :fescue FacliitieL i.'o::d ?r•-):jra: . In add tl.on, it is our int.7:ntion t0 e:., blush: a new Facility, Closed Circuit IV F,ystem" a.,.. .:e arc CCstlr..j L:..at :a be ap:::Topri ted for a Structural evaluation n and feasibility study of Lne abunc.c'ne.J. Coco:.ut Crn':e Incinerator. We i:.. itc the ._,.:al cos: cf these .;tuCdes ':._11 riot exceed 20,000 and recommend utilising a of the Fund balance ]n the Firc Fighting Lonc: Program. Funds for th:a' construction of the Training Facility would be coaiingent upon the re tilts cf the L o studies. We would .I. reciatc your assistance in placing this matter on e February 22, 1979 City Commission Agenda. Ii I3: m?.rn cc: J. rcid, Director, Planning Dent. 8. Cary, Director, Management and Budget Dept. J. E. Gunderson, Director, Finance Dept. G. F. Knox, Jr., City Attorney 7