HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-08903ORDNANCE NO, otdihAhde Neit 8716 03 AN ORDINANCE AMENDINd StetION 1 OF ORDINANCE Nes 8/161 ADOPTED OCTObtk 26, 1517, As AMENDED, THE CITYIS CAPITAL NPROVEMENT APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE; 13 APPROFRIATINO AN AMOUNT bP $10201,100,00 om !PE POLLOTION.CONTROt AND /NCINERATOR FACILITIES BONDS TO FINANCE THE DESION AND CONSTRUCTION nPENSES OF INCINERATOR NO, 1, REPEAL= Att ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT REM. - WITH; AND CONTANINO VERABILITY PROVISION. VVIVFAS, the City Commission adopted Ordinance No, 8716 on October 26, 1977, establishing resources and approcriations for the implementation of capital im- provements in the City of Miami, Florida, for the fiscal year ending September 50, 1978; and WHEPEAS, amendments thereto were Ordinance No. 8734 on January 11, 1978: Ordinance No. 8745 on January 24, 1978; Ordinance No. 8772 on March 9, 1978: Ordinance No. 8829 on July 27, 1978; Ordinance No. 8844 on September 14, 1978; Ordinance No. 8850 on September 28, 1978: and ordinance No. 8874 on NoveMber 9. 1978; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 78-745, dated December 14. 1978, authorized the City Manager to undertake negotiations with the most qualified professional architectural/engineering firms for the design and construction of modifications to Incinerator No. 1; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 78-745, dated December 14, 1978, allocated $200,000.00 from Pollution Control and Incinerator Facilities Bond Funds to cover the cost of the aforementioned contract and directed the City Manager to present the executed contract to the Commission at the earliest scheduled meeting of the Commission after execution of the contract; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 79-42, dated January 18, 1979 , ratified and approved the December 26, 1978, agreement between the City of Miami and Morton/ Wolfberg/Alvarez/Taracido/Seiglie & Frese, Architects, Engineers, Planners to provide the necessary professional and technical services for the design and conatr4ction modifications of Incinerator No. 1 in accordance with the terms and conditions and provisions of said agreement with funds provided and allocated from the Pollution Control and Incinerator Facilities Bonds; and ME -r ..1""P•I''''.. ,!.,,a,r.7.7_,,,,,,.:-.--,:, ,,,,, ...,,_,,..,.,. .i:,...,....,.:,,,,.‘:._,,.:, : , . , . . _ . . . . . , . . . WRMAS/ the City it pfdlt.AMMihq $1,207,760100 frOM tht PealUtien eottft1 And thdinetatet Patilitieb Bondy tO fihande the detilh and ddh§trUatian ekpenaeg theihtratOf No. it and WIltiktAS, the city COMMistion has reitieWed and atehded the capital /MproV Meht tudget and hat approVed appropriationt as herein get fortht NOW, THEREFORE, BE /t 0RDAI48b 8V TEE cOMMIsSION OF TRE OtTV OP MIAMI FLOPIDA! Section 1. Section 1 of Ordinance NO. 8716, adopted October 26, 1977, AS atended, it hereby further amended in the following particularst1/ °Section 1. the following appropriations by fund are made for the implemeh- tation of the municipal capital improvemehts of the City of Miami. Florida, for the fiscal year 1978-79,a/ The sources of revenue to support these appropria- tions •are also identified. D. Fund/Project 1970 Pollution Control and Incinerator Facilities G. O. tend Expenditures Authorized to Date add 1, Virginia Key Landfill 2. Modifications to Incinerator No. 1 TOTAL AUTHORIZED EXPENDITURES Resources (in-thouSands of $) 1468Tt 564.8 1207.7 1460.0 20248 3232.5 Previously approved appropriations 18811-8 2024.8 add from Fund Balance 143re 1207.7 TOTAL APPROPRIATED 4924r8 3232.5 GRAND TOTAL PREVIOUSLY APPROVED APPROPRIATIONS - 127213.8 GRAND TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS FROM FUND BALANCE - 41486.4-8 42616.0 GRAND TOTAL FUNDS APPROPRIATED 16862a4 169829.8" Section 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances insofar as they are incon- sistent or in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby reuealed. Section 3. If any section, part pf section, Paragraph, clause, phrase, or word uf this ordinance is declared invalid, the remaining Provisions of this ordin- ance shall not be affected. Words and/or figures stricken through shall be deleted. Underscored words WA= figures constitute the amendment Proposed. The remaining provisions are now in effect and remain unchanged. Asterisks indicate omitted and unchanged material, All figures are rounded to the neXt dollar. 2/ The herein funding is in addition to funding resulting from ordinances.08716A #8734, 08745, '087724 08629, 4t8844, 08850, and 08874, • 80 08 flM WAtttb Aft i t RUM'Y Tint A.. I8 Abotttb '1I 10 '9t9 i RAL f CIE, CITY CLERK PLANNING REVIEW IM REID, DIRECT PLANNING DEPARTMENT EDDGETARY AEVIE HHOWARD V. GARY ( b/RECTOR DEPARTMENT OF 3 4AGEMENT AND BUDGET LEGAL REVIEW: /EL.64,L,?± 1d4C ROEERT F. CLARK ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY MAtJ t At rtAtt 4,6etA. MA!Otx MtAM1ltrVIEW ItRbtakrit itteelte • ISiehlished Daily 'eiettif tafurdaY, Sun' Ay &id Legal Ploayt baae County. Proi'ida tt4t€ OP'01:6bitiA COUNt 60 bAbt • tlefere Iht., undersigned authority personally ap eared ElecitY Catkey, who oh bititi says that She IS the ASSitiant Director of Legal Adirertising Of the Miaehi Rtivieity iinti 1364 ReCOrd daily (etre-0 Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) ne*tnilber. publithed MIAMI in Dade Coulity, P lor Ida; 'that 'the attached coy advertiseKterit bting a Legal Adverf1Sernent of Notice in lhe matterof tint OV MUM Re: Ordine Nos 8903 ... tt iti • Cout, ssias published in.Said newspaper ifl the i'suet of 1979 Affiarit further says that the said Miami Review and Daily Pecord is a neWsbaper published al Miami, in said Dade County. Florida, and that the said newspaper ,has heretofore been continuously published in said Darle'County, !arida each -day tercept Saturday, Sun- day and Legal Holidayt) and has been entered as second class Mail matter at the post office in in said bade County, 'Fiorida, for a period of brie year next preceding the first pUblitation of the attached copy ot advertisement; and affiant further says, that she haS neither Paid hot promised any Peron,firrh or corpora- tion any disCount, rebate, tommistion or refund for the purpose of tp1tng this advertisemeht for Publication in the sade soaPer, f -1 e:.. 5ee (SEAL My Commission e MP-67 this 979 at Large ter? -01 Alt Itifitetted wiii 'Ni)co nitiee Ihe City .tommittioe MMtLP101(fil -"Mitt OM 686068 ; „ , AN oo6INANet obs , " OROINANtt AMtNOINCI, lEtTION I bt bReeiNANct O, BM, AbOPTV5 OtTORER 26; Mt A AMtNiStO, THE. WY'S eAPItAL IMPROVEMENt APPROPRIAtIONS OlOINANtet APPROPRIAtiNO AN AMC:IWOOP„ MAO/MO:00 PROM '114 POLLUTION 'CONTROL ANO INtiNtRATOR PAtILITAS gONtit tO PINANtE tHE OttION ANO -CONStRUCtiON EXPt•NttS OP iNCINtRAtOtk NO, IttPtALINO ALL ORDINANCES OR PATCH OP -OR biNANaS IN CONPLICT HERPNITH; ANO CONTAININO A ttVtRABILItV pizoittto4: titst,t-LtIttit. , z PublitetibhOf Chit Waite 'oh the S day of March tete. ni+1.0,030529 ' OW MM= All interested vtii take notion that on the 26ih day of February,.:1979 the City Comimiasion of th i, Florida weed and adopted the following titled ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. R9 O3 AN ORD/NANCE AMENDING SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE NO. 87161 ADbPT'ED OCTORERR 26 # 1977, :AS AMENDED. THE 'CITY i.S 'CAP.ITA , IMPROVEMENT APPR0PRXATIONS'ORDINANCE, BY APPROPRIATING AN AMOUNT OP $ . P01, 700. 00 FROM THE POLLt)TICN CONTROL AND INCINERATOR FACILITIES mops TO FINANCE THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION EXPENSES OF.INCINERATOR NO. I.* REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HERE— WITH! AND CONTAINING A.SEVERAEtLITY PROVISION. RALPH G. - ONGIE trt ci.ERk: Oft CITY OF .TI,1MI, 7t.ORIDA INt.t:R•OFF C! MEMORANDUM Joseph R. Grassie City Manager Clarence Patterson, irector Department of Solid Waste :3U'3JtCT January 5, 1979 Amendment of Capital Improvement Program REFEREtiCi:S ENCL.,.iURES• 1 Attached is a proposed ordinance amending the Capital Improvement Program Funding Ordinance No. SS74. This amendment provides for funding the modifications to Incin- erator No. 1 from the 1970 Pollution Control and Incinerator Facilities Bonds. As the final contract for closure of the Virginia Key Pit has been awarded, the required funding for that project has been adjusted downward. As a result, both projects can be funded within the current fund balance. You will note the total amount for all projects exceeds the three million dollars of bonds sold; the additional funds are interest accrued on the bonds since their sale date in 1970. The fund balance has been verified with the Finance Department. 89 o'