HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1979-03-08 Marked AgendaCITY COMMISSION AGENDA 1: 1 i O4 1.1 1'l' :,1 t' F ♦ ()II I( 1 Dr: !`i!-.N 1 MEETING DATE: March 8, 1979 CITY HALL - DINNER KEY 9:00 A.M. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance • A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Approving Minutes of January 18, 1979, and February 1, 1479, City Commission meetings. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Discussion of proposed Financial Concept for the City of Miami's Conference/Convention Center and Garage. Discussion of Ball Point development. Discussion of a marinas development plan for the City of Miami based on a recent study completed by Greenleaf/Telesca. Presentation by Mr. Robert Geddes of the Revised Downtown Government Center Master Plan. Discussion of the naming of the proposed Central Miami Park and setting a date for the official dedication of this park. Review of Outstanding Issues with Dade County School Board. Discussion of Alternative Conceptual Plans for Vizcaya Transit Station. 12:00 NOON ADJOURNMENT FOR LUNCH 1. Presentation of a proclamation designating February 22, 1979, as Mana Zucca Day. Mana Zucca is here to accept the proclama- tion. Ms. Zucca is a world renowned artist. 2. Presentation of a commendation to Mr. Orlando Urra, Chairman of the Allapattah Community Development Task Force, for his efforts on behalf of the Allapattah Community and most especially for his distribution of toys to needy youngsters during the Christ- mas season. 3. Personal appearance by Mr. Orlando Urra to discuss his proposal for the use of Miami Fire Department's Old First Station No. 16. "DOCUMENT INDEX ITEM NO. NO ACTION DISCUSSION M 79-156 Fe/Go M 79-164 Go/Gi M 79-165 Go/P1 M 79-166 Go/La DISCUSSION NO ACTION M 79-168 Gi/La NO ACTION SEE SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA DISCUSSION CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: March 8, 1979 PAGE NO. 2 2:30 P.M. 4. 4(b). 2:35 P.M. 5. OPENING AND READING OF SEALED BIDS For the construction of N. W. 20 Street Area Sidewalk Improve- ment B-4437. Avalon Sanitary Sewer Improvement SR-5453 C & S. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING Amending Section 56-30 of the City of Miami Code, by requiring a permanent installation of a bullet -resistant plate or parti- tion isolating the driver from the rear seat passenger area in all taxicabs operating in the City of Miami and providing specifications for such devices. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING Amending Section 1 of Ordinance 8716, the Capital Improvement 6. Appropriations Ordinance, by establishing new funds (FP&L Franchise revenue); and making appropriations for additional projects with said funds. City Manager recommends. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING Amending Section 1 of Ordinance 8719, the Summary Grant Appro- 7. priations Ordinance, establishing a new Trust and Agency Fund ("Very Special Arts Festival - third year"); and appropriating $8,000 for operation of same. City Manager recommends. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING 8. Amending Section 1 of Ordinance 8719, the Summary Grant Appro- priations Ordinance, establishing a new Trust and Agency Fund (Reading is Fundamental - Second Year), and appropriating the Grant Award of $1,250 and the City Cash Match of $1,250 for the operation of same. City Manager recommends. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING Amending Section 1 of Ordinance 8719, the Summary Grant Appro- 9, priations Ordinance, establishing a new Trust and Agency Fund ("302-EDA Planning Grant"); and appropriating $75,026 for operation of same. City Manager recommends. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING Amending the Miami City Employees' Retirement System, particu- 10. larly amending Section 90 of Chapter 2 of the City Code, which provides for the administration of said System; providing that employees of the Retirement System shall be employees of the Board and providing for other related changes in said System. 11. 12. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING Amending the Miami City Employees' Retirement Plan, particu- larly amending Section 108 of Chapter 2 of the City Code which provides for the administration of said Plan; providing that employees of the Retirement Plan shall be employees of the Board and providing for other related changes in said Plan. M 79-162 P1/Gi M 79-163 P1/Gi M 79-170 P1/La M 79-171 P1/La NOES: Gi NOT TAKEN UP 8908 La/Gi ABSENT: Fe 8909 Gi/La ABSENT: Fe ORDINANCE - SECOND READING Establishing procedures in contracting for certain professional services by the City; establishing competitive negotiations for firms or individuals providing such professional services; and providing for the incorporation of said procedures in the City Code. City Manager recommends. 8910 Gi/La ABSENT: Fe 8911 Gi/La ABSENT: Fe 8913 P1/La DEFERRED BY: M 79-169 Go/La NOES: P1 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: March 8, 1979 PAGE NO. 3 ORDINANCE - FIRST AND SECOND READING 13. Amending Ordinance 8858, the Annual Appropriations Ordinance, by increasing the appropriation to Special Program:; and AccountE Federal Revenue Sharing for Professional Service Programs in the amount of $7,086; with the funds coming from the unexpended appropriation for fiscal year 1977-78 Federal Revenue Sharing Social Service Program; for the purpose of funding a position in Puerto Rican Opportunity Center, formerly funded through CETA. City Manager recommends. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING Amending Rule VIII, Sections 8 and 9; Rule XIX, Sections 3 and 14. + 5; and Rule XIV, Section 2; in order that the Civil Service Rules may conform with the negotiated Labor Agreements between the City of Miami and IAFF Local 587, FOP Lodge 20, and AFSCME Local 1907. City Manager recommends. NEW BUSINESS RESOLUTION 15. Authorizing the City Attorney to enter into an agreement with outside counsel for legal services in conjunction with the City's Pornographic and Prostitution Control Program. City Attorney recommends. RESOLUTION Authorizing the Director of Finance to pay Ann Martini the sun 16. of $15,000 for settlement of all claims against the City for her alleged personal injuries. City Attorney recommends. RESOLUTION 17. Creating and establishing a Miami Warerfront Board, to consist of nine (9) individuals. City Manager recommends. RESOLUTION 18. Appointing members to the Parking Lot Review Board. 8912 ?.a/Gi ABSENT: P1 RESOLUTION 19. Approving, Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement (December 26, 1978) between the City and the firm of Morton, Wolfberg, Alvarez, Taracido, Seigle 6 Frese, Inc. for designing a new structure for the Solid Waste Department; reducing total project cost from $1,460,000 to $1,100,000; reducing the firm's lump sum fee. City Manager recommends. 20. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Joseph F. Rice for Coconut Grove Business Center Parkin Facili- ties Feasibility Study. City Manager recommends. FIRST READING Gi/La M 79-167 Go/La R 79-151 La/Gi R 79-172 (As Amended) Go/La R 79-191 Go/La R 79-199 Gi/La ABSENT: Go R 79-174 (As Amended) Go/Gi ft CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: March 8, 1979 PAGE NO. 4 NEW BUSINESS CONTINUED 21. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to extend the lease agreement with the Miami Outboard Club on Watson Island for a one-year term. City Manager recommends. RESOLUTION - 22. Authorizing the City Manager to extend the lease agreement with the Miami Yacht Club on Watson Island for a one-year i term. City Manager recommends. RESOLUTION Repealing Resolution No. 78-374, approving 400 Section 8 23. Housing Units in various City neighborhoods; approving the financial plans for 325 Section 8 Housing Units located in various City neighborhoods, this approval being subject to City of Miami input and participation as to use of funds. City Manager recommends. 24. RESOLUTION Item: Uniforms Location: Police Department Vendor: Jules Brothers Uniform, Inc. Total: $127,920.48 Funding: Police Department Operating Budget Accepting the bid and authorizing the City Manager and Purchas ing Agent to issue the Purchase Order. City Manager recommend M 79-175A P1/Gi M 79-175B Gi/Go NOES: La See Related M 79-176 Fe/La M 79-175A P1/Gi M 79-175C Gi/Go See Related M 79-176 Fe/La Not Taken Up Rejected by: M 79-177 Go/Gi NOES: P1 See Related M 79-178 Fe/Go RESOLUTION Item: Arson surveillance vehicle R 79-154 25. Location: Fire Department Gi/La Vendor: Miller -Meteor of Florida Total: $18,498.75 Funding: Fire Fighting Prevention and Rescue Facilities Bond Program Accepting the bid and authorizing the City Manager and Pur- chasing Agent to issue the Purchase Order. City Manager recommends. RESOLUTION Urging the Dade County Commission to reject the proposed 26. Ordinance repealing existing Chapter 31 and substituting a new Chapter 31 of the Dade County Code, which provides for both City and County regulation of "For -Hire Passenger Motor Vehicles". City Manager recommends. R 79-173 Gi/La 41 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA 1 MEETING DATE: March 8, 1979 PAGE NO. 5 FORMALIZATION OF COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE RECOMMENDATIONS RESOLUTION Accepting Financial Concept for the City of Miami/University R 79-157 27. of Miami James L. Knight International tenter and Uarage and P1/La authorizing the City Manager to proceed with the Flan. City Manager recommends. ;28. RESOLUTION Finding the public need for acquiring certain property to be used for the construction of the Conference/Convention Center Garage, and directing the Law Department to proceed to acquire Fee Simple Title to this property. City Attorney recommends. RESOLUTION Requesting that the City Manager investigate "Neighborhood Participatory Democracy Systems" in other large urban areas 29. and that the results of such investigation be reported to the City Commission, together with recommendations for the City of Miami. This item is a Formalization of Motion 79-89, passed February 22, 1979. R 79-158 P1/Gi NOES: Go Not Taken Up 30. RESOLUTION Approving the issuance of a Conditional Building Permit for th= R 79-159 construction of foundation work for the Conference/Convention P1/La Center. City Manager recommends. 31. RESOLUTION Ratifying City Manager's action in extending the prior agree- R 79-160 ment with Langan Engineering Associates for soil investigation Gi/La services at the Conference/Convention Center site; further authorizing the City Manager to expend not more than $64,000 to compensate said firm for these services. City Manager recommends. 32. RESOLUTION Accepting the bid of Bartlett Const. Co. in the amount of $ 1,435,000.00 for foundation work for the Conference/Conven- tion Center project. City Manager recommends. 33. WITHDRAWN CONSENT AGENDA Unless a member of the City Commission wishes to remove specific items from this portion of the agenda, Items 34-40 constitute the Consent Agenda. These resolutions are self- explanatory and are not expected to require additional review or discussion. Each item will be recorded as individually numbered resolutions, adopted unanimously by the following Motion: "...that the Consent Agenda, comprised of Items 34-40 be adopted." MAYOR OR CITY CLERK: "Befote the vote on adopting all items included in the Consent Agenda is taken, is there anyone present who is an objector or proponent that wishes to speak on any item in the Consent Agenda? Hearing none, the vote on the adoption of the Consent Agenda will not be taken." R 79-161 Gi/La 4ir CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: March 8, 1979 PAGE NO. 6 CONSENT AGENDA RESOLUTION Waiving the Conflict of Interest requirements of the City Code in 34. favor of Bernard L. Roberts, an employee of the Parks Department, to participate in the City's Rehabilitation Loan Program. City Manager recommends. RESOLUTION Project: Buena Vista C.D Paving & Sanitary Sewer Modifica- tions - Bid "A" 35. Location: Vicinity of N. W. 1 to 5 Avenue and 43 to 50 Street Contractor: Garcia -Allen Construction Company, Inc. Total Bid: $206,922.20 Funding: "4th Year Federal C.D. Block Grant Fund" Accepting the bid and authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement. City Manager recommends. RESOLUTION 36. Project: Buena Vista C.D. Paving & Sanitary Sewer Modifica- tions - Bid "B" Location: Vicinity of N. W. 1 to 5 Avenue and 43 to 50 Street Contractor: Golden Eagle Engineering Contractors, Inc. Total Bid: $113,709 Funding: "Community Development Program" Accepting the bid and authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement. City Manager recommends. Buena Vista C.D. Paving & Sanitary Sewer Modifica- 37. tions - Bid "C" N.V. 44 St. between 3 and 5 Ave. N.W. 5 Ave. between 43 and 45 St. Contractor: Miri Construction, Inc. Total Bid: $25,240 Funding: "Community Development Program" Accepting the hid and authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement. City Manager recommends. 38. RESOLUTION Project: Location: RESOLUTION Project: Northestern High School Field Lighting Location: N.W. Corner of N.W. 10 Ave. and 69 St. Contractor: Rosser Electric Company, Inc. Total Bid: $105,375 Funding: "Community Development Program" Accepting the bid and authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement. City Manager recommends. 39. RESOLUTION Accepting the completed work of Tamiami Plant Systems, Inc. for Wyndwood N. E. 2 Ave. C. D. Beautification, and authorizing final payment of $2,582.58. City Manager recommends. 40. RESOLUTION Accepting the completed work of Williams Paving,. Company, Inc. for Grand Ave. Park C. D. - Courts and Parking Lot, and authorizing -final payment of $16,267.50. City Manager recommends. 41. RESOLUTION Accepting the completed work of Corporation for Manor Sanitary Sewer Improvement SR-543713 authorizing final payment of $67,744.95. City Manager recommends. R 79-192 Gi/La R 79-193 Gi/La R 79-194 Gi/La R 79-195 Gi/La R 79-196 Gi/La R 79-197 Gi/La R 79-198 Gi/La WITHDRAWN PRESENTATIONS - MARCH 8, 1979 1. Presentation of a Proclamation designating Saturday, March 17, 1979 as Saint Patrick's Day to Messrs. Jack Casey and John Shields, Co -Chairmen of the Saint Patrick's Day Parage. 2. Presentation of a Commendation to the Trio Pinareno, who have served as cultural ambassadors of Cuban folklore music throughout the world for 50 years. The Commendation is being presented to Mr. Ricardo Ferrer, member of the Trio. 3. Presentation of a Certificate of Appreciation to Mr. Ralph V. Cook who is retiring after 14 1/2 years of service in various departments of the City. 4. Presentation of a Commendation to Mr. Orlando Urra, Chairman of the Allapattah Community Development Task Force, for his efforts on behalf of the Allapattah Community and most especially for his distribution of toys to needy youngsters during the Christmas season. 5. Personal appearance of Mr. Orlando Urra to discuss his proposal for the use of Miami Fire Department's Old First Station No. 16. •