HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-79-0182consideration. Bearing in mind the limitations that you have heard tonight, the ability to develop and not overdevelop, and yet to retain some flavor of the amenities of that preservation district, therefore I am not saying to you what I said before,an R-3A-C. I will let you name it whatever you want. This is your baby. Mr. Davis: Anyone who wishes to be included in these meetings, please give your names. Mrs. Gordon:Let me explain why the deferment, so you will understand the procedures. First of all Mr. Fosmoen has been directed to move pronto. Posthaste. The deferment also says that the application is pending. In case nothing happens, you don't work together, and we still have an option for change, you don't have to go through the whole zoning boards back -to -us -again process. We are going to hold this thing and see what happens. And that's where we are. Motion No. 78-320 to defer the matter was passes and adopted by the following vote: AYts: hrs. Gordon, I;r. rlummer and Rev. Gibson:Abstaining:Mayor Ferre and Mr. Reboso: The following resolution was introduced by Mrs. Gordon who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 78-321 A MOTION DIRECTING THE CITY MANANGER TO REQUEST THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO STUDY THE AREA ON BRICKELL AVENUE SOUTHWESTERLY OF S.E. 15TH ROAD PRESENTLY ZONED R-1 FOR A POSSIBLE ZONING CHANGE AND ALSO TO RESTUDY THE R-3A ZONING DISTRICT REGULATIONS TO INCLUDE TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT Upon being seconded by Commissioner Gibson, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Mrs. Gordon, Mr. Plummer and Rev. Gibson. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAINING: Mayor Ferre and Vice -Mayor Reboso. GRANT APPLICATION TO PERMIT P.A.D. - 2450 BRIQOL AVENUE WNSISTIM OF 72 DICELLIIC UNITS. Mayor Ferre: We are now on Item NO. 11. Mr. Davis: Item 11-is an application for a P.A.D.--a Planned Area Development consisting of 72 dwelling units and 19 structures to be located at 2450 Brickell Avenue. This was deferred from the meeting of March 16 fot consultation of the applicant with the Planning Department. Mr. John P. Rice: Mr. Mayor, Commissioners, I am John P. Rice, 888 Brickell Avenue. Mrs. Gordon: Are you back again? Mr. Rice: I am. I represent the npplicant. I wenld like to direct velur attention i .., • 11, MIAG I CC) liPY-7L._ - ENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN '1S75 -1 2 •• •• M • •• .T • • • t 1 re we tee r N • r M w !D r •..,-*MST •..way 2 Sego Ave 00104G. .r. •v. • • t Y4 r - / i vei,rr C.us.r, LANNIN6G DISTRICT B ERICKELL Neighborhood Profile: The "Brickell Area" consists of everything east of 1-95, south of the Miami River, and north of Rickenbacker Causeway. Virtually every type and intensity of activity known to exist in Miami can be found in Brickell, and fortunately, these activities tend to cluster into small defineable areas rather than being scattered about and intermixed as so often happens elsewhere in the City. Similarly, a wide variety of population types ranging the spectrum of ethnic, cultural, income and age levels is present. Therein lies the true significance of Brickell; if there exists a neighborhood in Miami,"6F'indeed South Florida, that. -possesses the ingredients for becoming a cosmopolitan, heterogeneous and vibrant setting for urban living, in the best sense -a-the word, it is Brickell. All the discussions with Brickell residents, businessmen, political and community leaders during the course of this planning program, though voiced in different ways, seemed to share this vision. It is this thought, the emergance of Brickell as a highly urban place for a variety of activities and lifestyles, that is the focus for proposed actions in following elements. Sub cornmuniti e s . Looking closer at the different parts of Brickell, six distinct areas can be identified on the attached map: 1. Bayfront - the majority of development consists of high-rise residential apart- ments and condominiums. As such, it is not surprising to find that the majority of residents are professionally employed, in the higher income brackets, well educated, and highly mobile. Only 25% of the residents are Spanish speaking but almost 30% are retired. 2. West Brickell - Quite literally "the other side of the tracks", the area between 1-95 and the FEC Railroad is a direct contrast to the Bayfront. Primarily moderate density apart- ments with some commercial uses along 8th Street and offices on SW 2nd Avenue, there still remain large older homes, 5 • , .. ►... 1111 muml 4iwori 44smoil minima 41••••••• .AE0.0 .01•01111 .011211111MIPM! 1_1 -77.\ . _ r: LL,1,.. .1 !. 1 it i i_.! „I__ LLii 1,1:1 . HilP:IT1'r-7-•,--1713.7 ---- r.- Li! !Hi!' ,i1.1, - LI} ',HI TITT _ LT.1 : Liii i '-", r-L'!"-T • ! -171 ; r! • 1 ! 1/ - Li Lit ii_1.1J.11._'.1., Li_iii....!_i rt7.71( --. . 4 7----!- ,-'*- T-' r*--•• . . I! LI ..,__Ii 1,_.,,,liti._.) - . 1 . 1 Ir.) .. t i; -1 - ' ....L... - . p---,---1 _...-----' ---11L1 i _1.-Llii L. 1.:.1-1..lj t_l_i-111_ ..--- ' ' I L-L I-- I 11C- I • • I i I . i b..:.i i_1_12,.._.:_i 77777,T ! ! ! .77: --=-.4-"-z--"7".' ' I ' ' • I il 1 ! : , . , , ; [ I !_, 1, r...._........H. ill.:....,_Hi, • ------ ----7-..---7 7-11I!1 , ! lLi, . -r '-.!--!77:-....;! !,H,l'. i•Ht'li • . • ! 1 i 1._ ' - ' 1 I le,I i•iI'IlbWIIIIIIII•Ill I --) ..--' -- 4.-14 AIL r114 • st •• oak ..••• NEIGHBORHOOD PROFILES Miami Comprehensive !Neighborhood Plzen ICKELL District B Bub..ares : 2 - I • 0.• • . 1 • north OOOOO MOO NV Wallace, NicHarg, Roberts & Todd City ot Miami Planning Dept. NM azt w sit m tEi most of which have been converted to rooming houses. Heavily Latin, (65%) there are also many elderly and low income families in the neighborhood. A number of South and Central American immigrants have settled in this neigh- borhood upon entry into the U.S. 3. South Miami Avenue - Cut off by the interstate from the "Roads" area to the northwest, Miami Avenue remains a high quality, low -density, stable residential neighborhood of large homes, high incomes and primarily native Anglo families. 4. Central Brickell - Many older homes and businesses remain in this transitional neighborhood where land values are high enough to discourage the small lot redevelopment of apartments occuring to the west but which lacks the amenity of Bayfront properties to the east. Similar in population composition to the west Brickell area, many low income families, Latins, and elderly people have taken up residence in older homes, many of which have been converted to efficiency apartaments. The once glorious old mansions and apartments north of 8th Street cave attracted many young, single individuals, some of whom enjoy a close living -working relationship to the Brickell office towers a few blocks away. 5. Brickell Office Center - A spine of high density office and financial institutions line Brickell Avenue from the river to SW 15th Road. Interspersed between these modern day corporate symbols of American enterprise lies remnants of the early tourist businesses and even earlier aristocratic homes of Miami pioneers, some of which are an important historical legacy of elegant architectural styles. 6. Riverfront - Stretching from the Inter- state almost to Brickell Avenue, marine industrial uses ranging from shipbuilding to fishing supplies line the south bank of the Miami River. Some of the industries, particularly east of the railroad are no longer viable economic uses of land costing $20per 6 LAND USE ELEMENT EXISTING LAND USE The use of land in the Brickell area is described in the following table: % OF AVERAGE LAND USE 1975 ACRES TOTAL FOR MIAMI Single Family 147.03 25% 28% Duplex 17.24 3% 20% Multi -Family 126.18 22% 16% Mixed Residential 2.75 0.5% 3% Retail 8.63 1.5% Service 5.88 1% Office 53.03 9% 12% Hotel, Motel 14.34 2.5% Industrial 10.85 2% 8% School 2.03 0.5% Church 19.36 3.5% 8% Parks & Open Space 25.59 4.5% Transportation & Utilities 64.03 11% 2% Vacant 79.54 14% 3% TOTAL 576.82 100% 100% These figures reveal: 1. Brickell is becoming an enclave of high and low density neighborhoods with little choice in moderate den- sity housing available. 2. Very few local retail services exist in contrast to a high percentage of office space. 3. Almost 5 times as much land in Brickell is vacant as compared to the rest of the City. LAND USE TRENDS Present land use, when compared to 1960 land use patterns in Brickell, shows the following trends: 1. Low density residential has decreased in acreage from 35% to 25% of the to- tal area. 2. Apartment development has grown from less than 8% of total uses to more than 22%. 3. Commercial uses have expanded from 5% to over 14% of total uses with the largest growth in the office sector. 8 Miami Comprehensive < 0.75 <1.0 !'42129 INDUSTRIAL >1.0 k; ; : ,'y OFFICE PARK GENERALIZED F.A.R EX STI NNG LAND USE 1976 1.5 OM HIGH DENSITY MULTI FAMILY 60+DUIS/AC < I 0 : MOD+ERAT AC NSITY MULTI FAMILY <0.5 1.'..1 LOW DENSITY SINGLE FAMILY/DUPLEX <0.5 f:::::::3 LOW DENSITY MULTI FAMILY 20+DU'S/AC MIXED COMMERCIAL - RESIDENTIAL ;air' i Neighborhood Pion EBRICKELL District B Bub -eras Wal Iaos. MO -berg. Roberts E. Todd City of Miami Planning Dept. tyJIL_Li ___ 7.7.._;:„.......,.........: 1 --, .,:.._._..,.,_ 11-•-• .-•-•-.. . (--- . ,,,, t0'-•'%, J - ! .1. 0dIilic' •.ill _-.-•.. - 1 "...,,tx-„. . ...:, 1 m .. i.V.e'H1:'..1:-.1:.t47_tH-s,.,,,,1•,-:,_:,,„n1..:.,:r./-.,— ':..- .1fr°,.,l7f1..1, C..i5r.0°...C,.•::I °c'517°3, 0 • 0! ° ..:4003:e• .4 11soo....o.-1000 • • sw51170•Thi 11•:7".1::•:11.- ' • • • • • , .• : 1 . . . . • 6 :cr: •xl• ....112ifil'*> • . o▪ 'c oc , 0 o."-1, 0 a o° , 1:_i,;:.:2,,ir oac.414.1 . ....- ,.0 ,... • • u ,., " „„. , 1 : --, • 1 I • ; 1 . 7_---1LL ,..-. / ,•, fa:21 r :10°)G(.1. set. 0 0 t... ,, e:-Lz• • • • • / i'-'711-•ad"7* IF , .0'.•••••• .. . ''' • • • DU/ACRE 60 + 40+ 20+ 7+ 40+ 60+ GENERALIZED PERMITTED LAND USE 1976 Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan F.A.R. 2.0 1.0 0.5 HI DENSITY MULTI FAMILY F77.771 MODERATE DENSITY MULTI FAMILY LOW DENSITY MULTI FAMILY LOW DENSITY SINGLE FAMILY 20 MIXED COMMERCIAL -RESIDENTIAL 2.0 V060301 HI DENSITY OFFICE -RESIDENTIAL 2.0 GENERAL COMMERCIAL 2.0 i INDUSTRIAL F7,74 PARK Wallace. bileNerg. cloberta &Todd; City of Merril Plenning Dept. 1111111.1i1A111.1. --, 'r- I Ht d_iilli 1'111 .1...=.,.......,._,... 1iiiii, i '_ti Lit lit i'll,IF — 111111111T' t L_11LillAilitii 11 li ' _.1 liii/ ,,,,,T(ii, Li u a/ __.,____ __, ,,,,, ____,_, 2 2 l ii,_ _ .._1 _. 1-- : 1 ..1.-i L ----,._ i:i.,,I.-J ',_...L.Jii.4,;_i'tti: ___LIILWIIIIT[11,,ILI. , I\ •', , ,I,JIIII, ‘1.1E711, ,i1 ........__. , I ,11,1 : It 1-71---T-ITT ......,L....—I.......1 1rp4d,ILIII, li , • 7--7rTri 7..771TT DU/ACRE 90+ 60+ 40+ 20+ 7 40+ Miami Comp -anomaly's Neighborhood Plan GENERALIZED PROPOSED LAND USE 1985 FAR. 3.0 WM HI DENSITY MULTI FAMILY 2.0 17M1 HI DENSITY MULTI FAMILY 1.0 MODERATE DENSITY MULTI FAMILY 0.5 Pi LOW DENSITY MULTI FAMILY LOW DENSITY SINGLE FAMILY 2.0 COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL 2.0 HI DENSITY OFFICE 2.0 .1 .1 RETAIL - OFFICE 2.0 _III INDUSTRIAL EINEM FT774 PARK nort 1/1•••41.110 .V Wellome. Roberta &Todd; City of Mland Planning Copt. • • • \; Lt 1 I lid Il ll1ji�/� I 1 Pi• 7. • • • `. 1 u i• • • 4\ i, it • it:ll 111.-Tip i iI, l rir r►, 11/ NHL bN I4 444. 4 i 10114 \y' • i H LTEI 1ii '.t •.•. 1.1. u C 71 L� i :ter.:.}_ ""�!'�tv e • t° 4.4 1.4Z eita •-'•'z.+.� • ..w... tivt .a 4.-.. 44.. .., .*: • li 1* l V t ...•..,,. a. AREAS OF- PROPOSED LANC: USE POLICY CHANGE •• INCREASE DENSITY AND INTENSITY OF �•""'•'' RESIDENTIAL - RESTRICT OFFICE RESTRICT OFFICE USES - INCENTIVES FOR RESIDENTIAL A PROHIBIT LIBERAL COMMERCIAL - ALLOW RESIDENTIAL 1INCREASE DENSITIES TO ACCOMODATE TOWNHOUSES PROHIBIT LIBERAL COMMERCIAL - ALLOW COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL PROVIDE NEW PARK AND RECREATION SPACE • • I •• 1• • •• EPAO EMPHASISE MIXED COMMERCIAL- GROUND LEVEL RETAIL IN SELECTED LOCATIONS FAA CNP Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan ELKELL District 13 Bub -area Wallace, MOM■rg, Roberts a Todd; City of Miami Pl.nning Dept. HOUSING ELEMENT Housing Needs Housing needs in Brickell fall into six broad categories: 1) Stable, high quality areas of single family homes need to be protected as a desirable but diminishing hous- ing resource in the center city. 2) The substantial and growing numbers of middle income clerical and profes- sional office workers in Brickell and downtown (and soon Claughton Island) need affordable rental and owner occupied housing within the immediate neighborhood. Over 60% of the present 14,000 Brickell office workers cannot afford to pay rents over $200. 00 month (25% of income), and over 97% of them are forced to seek housing outside of the Brickell area, primarily in South Dade County. 3) Moderate density garden apartments which house many low -to middle income families and elderly individuals need to be conserved and protected from speculative redevelopment pressures which would decrease maintenance, shorten housing life -span, raise land costs (and ultimately rents) and dis- courage infill development of compat- ible housing types on undeveloped or undeveloped sites. A variety of housing types that suit alternative urban life styles are need- ed. Presently dominated by essentially suburban single family and garden apartment stereotypes, the redevelop- ment of certain areas should offer townhouse, rowhouse, mid -rise, high-rise, and mixed use living environments that reduce the isolation and seclusion of individuals and their daily activities. 5) Those areas of greatest amenity and/or accessibility should be primarily, if not exclusively, used for major housing concentrations. 18 6 Due to large and increasing numbers of elderly and retired residents (25 to 30% of Brickell population and a loss of families 10% decline between 1970-75), there should not be an emphasis on publicly assisted elderly housing projects in the area. However, increasing land costs ($7-$10/square foot for non-bayfront property) and building costs have made moderate income housing particularly for families, a difficult, if not impos- sible task) for the private market. The need, therefore is for a comb- ination of capital improvements, development bonus incentives and selected federal programs, to assist and encourage development of moder- ate cost housing. Housing Policies As described on the following map, each of the five district sub -neighborhoods in Brickell will require a different housing policy and program: A High density, redevelopment area for moderate income apartment housing requiring site plan view, parcel assemblage assistance , parking assistance and utility improvements. B High density, luxury housing and hotels requiring site plan review to promote effective use of water- front. C Moderate density multi -family district which will infill remaining single family homes with apart- ments; requires site plan review and bonus incentives for parcel assemblage and structure parking. D Low density, high quality neighbor- hood requiring selected code enforcement to maintain sound condition. E Low to moderate density townhouse district which will continue to grow as vacant and single family tit 19 - '- t_. 1. ':. 11, 1 1•', .11___ . _.11 1 ., r : :',..\,--.• "--••- —. __.!_._.. • -- - --- - - - --- - - r-- .••••=a r • • , , , , , — , • ..„,.._ . ___. , •=.--- ' '1'''' -'' ' 7' r---71-7 1 , I 1 4--.- -'''it., ', I IIIILLI LIU L., L ...' _1 ii , . il'-I 1L;:H---'-_i1.I1-._i.I.1L1 i ,Is, i1I ,:-1 . 7F-.r-L• _,7 :1,Hii11 --L,11 . n .L1, 1 L' ' I .._.....-. r..------ ---,--1--...._,J -,..........1.....1....1 Ll_.i.,....:......-... 7.1:.A.; Li_,_4_1_,__.......L.Liti. I i .L...t.-. a ./-...,.. 1.1-6-......-i ......-L., L__ i, _ . I.__ —..- ---, .. _ — --) • [ - - f... ---1.. -- N ' Cl. - ... . .--)----^-2--:---., _ ,i____ .____;".-1 -1-.--- -1-1-'--'-'-,t1:-'--1. =. „ p,....,....,....-.4.‘!IlfetS., :. ;!4..). ' 7- 7, - P----- \ , , .,..,:,,, ../.: \.:".. • •<, r, ,,..„, .1, 7--..'\,,t;.:::•:•••,-;••:.: .•...* i 0"...:7::,:::.::::.:;c:1;.•:.:+:•• .: •-•••.., -(" II„...",-:<-%>.•,..., '>-...,, n ••• , 7 5,1,54 i"`t^". '14. 1 ->>` '':' : , • - ' A 7.....!q r7-.atr 1 . ,-7.< ..... .I.}• .. :::}...12:$,...1.:4ZZZ:: '''.."..m.0.:PL *-4:7*.fj.;:i."' •,;', ,:.,'Y'.'"!;<7:SK 1 A B HOUSING POLICIES teak MOO t 1 MAJOR ( RE ) DEVELOPMENT SELECTED REDEVELOPMENT CONSERVATION AND SELECTED REDEVELOPMENT CONSERVATION E , REDEVELOPMENT MCNP Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan ••• A‘nb north Wallace, McHarg, Roberts &Todd; City of Miami Planning Dept. Brickell Avenue properties are developed as multi -family projects; site design review and approval necessary to maintain delicate transition from low density Miami Avenue neighborhood to high density bayfront development. Housing Strategies A strategy or approach to meeting the exist- ing housing needs and implement future housing policies in the Brickell area must recognize two present conditions: 1) Unlike other "downtown" residential areas, the condition of the housing stock is very good with less than 3% of all housing units in substandard condition. 2) The private market has been very active in the Brickell area. Although 200 dwelling units were demolished between 1970 and 1975, primarily for new office development, there has been a 5 year net gain of over 1300 dwelling units. Most of these have been developed on bayfront parcels. These two conditions suggest that a housing strategy for Brickell will not require much public intervention to upgrade existing housing conditions, nor will major renewal programs be necessary to stimulate new housing. Rather, a strategy coordinating selected capital improvements, development incentives and revised regulatory controls designed to guide and if necessary push anticipated new development towards achieving some basic housing policies for Brickell is in order. Strategy Recommendations A. DEVELOP HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL CORE Perhaps no other area of the City or the County holds as much potential for attracting a residential concentration of singles, young couples, college students , para-professionals, clerical workers, artists and other here -to - fore economically dislocated urban types than does Brickell. By foot, bicycle, bus or rapid transit, the Brickell resident would be only 20 a Mil as 1211__ - -ice _ - adjacent to the proposed transit station, the existing floor -area -ratio of 1.00, dwelling unit densities of less than 40 units per acre, and exclusively resident- ial use requirements should be maintained. To radically alter zoning regulations would only invite undue speculative de- velopment and increased tax pressures on an otherwise sound, highly developed residential neighborhood. D. CONSERVE QUALITY NEIGHBORHOODS The lower Miami Avenue area is a stable, upper income neighborhood of well main- tained, primarily owner occupied homes. Principal municipal actions needed are limited to selective code enforcement to maintain sound conditions in the numerous older structures scattered throughout the area, and zoning code enforcement to check the pressures for illegal conversions of homes to offices near Miami Avenue and 15th Road. EXTEND BRICKELL TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT Concieved as a transitional use between the single family homes to the west and high -wise bayfront condominiums, the townhouse apartments along Brickell Avenue provide quality moderate cost housing for young couples and singles. Additional townhouse development along the west side of Brickell south of 15th Road should be encouraged by rezoning the remaining R -1 to a moderate density classification. 24 2. What intensity of activities exist and how can the best be visually understood? 3. What are the important and un- important activities in Brickell and how can they best be visually understood ? To answer each of these questions will provide the framework for the community design of Brickell. Recommendations: Design by Type - The accompanying map , Brickell-Activity type , portrays the basic kinds of activity that occur (or will occur) in Brickell. Design guidelines that will reinforce their images and thus public understanding of what is happening in these places are: A. Family owner -occupied housing area - o maintain restrictions on building height. o maintain detached structural types. o provide flexible yard and setback requirements to encourage diversity of siting and individuality of housing units. o allow fences, walls, hedges, etc. to reinforce privacy and definition of individual spaces. o Plant street trees of random mixture of two or three varities. B. Family/singles rental housing. o minimal yard area requirements o attached dwellings o architectural definition of individual units within building mass. o multiple ground level entrances 0o parking areas to rear or sides of site , not front or center. 69 k TT' ,''' ..._LI,..1-,1- I L.1112. LI, '., 1 i 1 [TITIT-7 ,i .... ._. , , 1.! 12 ) r -1 , • 47.: ra..1-1,,... 1-7-' -117 '-'- r -,-„,- 100 ACTIVITY TYPES A 1 :1 FAM1LY,OWNER—OCCUPIED HOUSING B r7:77.7.1 FAMILY,SINGLE RENTER HOUSING C LUXURY RENTER/OWNER HOUSING, HOTEL SINGLES,RENTER,MODERATE COST HOUSING MAJOR BUSINESS/ FINANCIAL CENTER SHOPPING ,ENTERTAINMENT SERVICES INDUSTRIAL CENTER RECREATIONAL MAJOR TRANSPORTATION CENTER som .11. SUB -NEIGHBORHOOD BOUNDARY north MEIN Wan IOU Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan EREICKELL] District B Sub-eres 11.01•041WIMID EV Wallace. NicHerg. Roberts & Todd; City of Miami Planning Dept. o private balcony, space or enclosed ground level patios to personalize outdoor use space. o plant street trees of one dominant variety, preferably large shade tree to reduce street scale. C. Luxury renter/owner high density housing. o maintain low lot coverage and high site amenity (landscaping) o strongly emphasized entrance, both vehicular and pedestrian. o major front setbacks proportion- ate to height. o diversity of architectural forms and facade treatment between projects. o major lobby and common interior spaces. D. Singles/Renter, moderate cost high density housing. o permit high lot coverage and above grade common areas and open space. o clearly defined but modest entrances. o below grade or structured parking. o emphasis on communal space and common active recreation facilities. o limited or no front yard areas in exchange for internal open space. o no side yard requirem nts. o continuity of architectural styles and facade treatments between projects. o height of opposing st reet front building faces limited to distance between them to preserve human street scale. o plant street trees of one dominant type, preferably closely spaced, but of open habit to allow the facing buildings to define the larger street scale. 70 -.ppopmnipm1F-..i. MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN 1976-1986 Prepared for the City of Miami CITY COMMISSION Maurice A. Ferre, Mayor Rose Gordon, Vice Mayor Theodore R. Gibson Manolo Reboso J. L. Plummer, Jr. CITY MANAGER Joseph R. Grassie Charles L. Crumpton Assistant City Manager for Community Development Isidro C. Borja Cyril Smith William R. Rolle PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD Grace Rockafellar Chairperson Selma Alexander Vice -Chairperson Frank Dannenberg, Jr. Ofelia T. Fernandez Mary Lichtenstein George J. Acton, Jr. Executive Secretary The preparation of this Report was funded through Federal Revenue —Sharing. MIAI�II COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBO HOOD PLAN 1_g76_1986 TECHNICAL APPENDI.:ECONO`'IC By Hunter Moss and Company Boca Raton, Florida Gladstone Associates Miami, Florida A Report which is Part of the Preparation of the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan, But unless Specifically Adopted, is not a Final Element of the Plan. For: Wallace, McHarg, Roberts & Todd And: The City of Miami Planning Department With: Environmental Design Group, Inc. Transportation Dr. Ernest R. Bartley/Frederick H. Bair, Jr. Zoning Social Research Consultants, Inc. Social Services October 1976 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Socio-Economic Characteristics City of Miami and Miami Area 1 II. Market Analysis 61 III. City of Miami Neighborhood Survey 73 IV. An Analysis of the Fiscal Impact of 144 Selected Classes of Land Uses, City of Miami V. Pro Forma Financial Analysis 186 Miami, Florida VI. Future Development Prospects 201 VIl. Memorandum 212 1. July 18, 1975 212 Summary Socio-Economic Trends 2. September 24, 1975 216 Economic Development Potential 3. September 30, 1975 a. Estimate of Non -Residential Land Uses in the City. b. Translation of the City's Projected 1985 Population into Households, Dwelling Units and Dwelling Unity Value. c. Fiscal Calculations Associated with Non -Residential and Residential Land Uses. 4. October 15, 1975 Concept for City Ownership of Development Rights 5. November 21, 1975 Housing 220 240 243 nED Wallace McHarg Roberts and Todd Urbar anzEcc o; :a banners 2575 Scat 6a:s^^re ve Miem 3O5/856•c55C Offices Prmaoeionia. Sa- ranctscc Lcs Angeles Fionoa 33133 Miam October 1, 1976 Mr. George J. Acton, Jr. Planning Director City Hall Miami, Florida 33133 Dear Mr. Acton; In accordance with our contract with the City of Miami for the pre- paration of the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan dated January 9, 1976, we are pleased to submit the enclosed Economic Technical Appendix to the Plan. This report includes brief reports and memorandum prepared by our Economic and Real Estate sub -consultants, Hunter Moss and Company and Gladstone Associates. These include economic conditions and trends in population and employment; economic development and general development prospects; regional and City demand for differ- ent types of residential, commercial, industrial and public land uses; an analysis of local market conditions in terms of the amount of land zoned for particular uses, the property tax system's ability to affect development; cost -benefit analysis of bonuses currently allowed through zoning; the impact of increasing densities on ser- vices; and the relative costs of structure and non -structure parking as related to total building costs. In addition, it includes a summary report on present real estate dynamics and future trends by census tract for each neighborhood and planning district as well as recommendations for public and private investment based on an evalu- ation and review of district Plans and the final MCNP. The consultant team wishes to thank all those who contributed to the preparation of this Plan and look forward with continuing in- terest to the City of Miami's progress during the years ahead. Sincerely, Zeidad‘rizaryt DAVID A. WALLACE RICHARD W. HUFFf3qTVY ii?�C BORIS DRAMOV Wallace. FAIR Air la•tt'charg FAS:A. PILA AMTP, Rcoerts ASLA Tnc^as �. 7ooc AIA, AIP Narendra Junela. AIIA. ASLA David C Hamme Donald i- Brackenbusn. AIA AIP Cnarles 6 Tcrnl,nsor Michael C Clarke Richard 1N Huffman, RA Ross M Sutherland. AIA Jonathan S Suitor.. RA. RLA George C Toop. Jr . R., John E Clark Jr . CPA Boris Dramov Director: Mums Office SOCIO-ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS CITY OF MIAMI AND MIAMI AREA Prepared As A Working Paper For Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Development Plan Submitted To Wallace, McHarg, Roberts & Todd August, 1975 By Gladstone Associates Economic Consultants Washington, D.C. & Miami, Florida SECTION I: EMPLOYMENT P , 7 ;ERNS 1 Non-agricultural employment trends in the Greater Miami Metropolitan area (Dade County) reveal significant differences in industry mix compared with the U.S. in general. The largest single employment catecory nationwide -- manufact- uring -- accounts for proportionately fewer jobs in the Miami area than in the country as a whole. Nationally, approximately 26 percent of all non-agricultural employment is in manufacturing, followed by services (and mining) and government, each at - about 18 percent. Retail trade is about 16 percent in the U.S. as a whole. In comparison, the Miami area is dominated by the services industry (to- gether with a modest amount of mining), representing nearly 23 percent of all jobs. This is followed by retail trade at 19 percent of all employment and then manufacturing at 15 percent of the County's total jobs. Manufacturing in the area, then, while exceeded by retail and services industries as an employment generator, is nonetheless a very important force in the region's economy. When compared with national employment patterns, it is only the Miami area's manufacturing and government job categories that represent a proportion- ately less force in the economy in comparison with the country as a whole. Each one of the other major industrial groupings, conversely of course, is proportion- ately larger in Oade County. Of these major categories the one that is most significantly greater in the Miami area, proportionately, is contract construc- tion. It represents nearly 12 percent of the job base here compared with about 5 percent for the U.S. overall. Miami's construction industry has been fueled by the area's high level of urban expansion. Assuming that all areas in the United States would grow at .....-...••,.....,.,... I-i ..-..�.-..-........r.... -- ....•r.�..r• .•�.w�r_wr 2 about the same level if migration were not a factor, Miami's construction velocity is therefore a reflection of the net movement of people and industry into the area (in excess of those departing). The increase in businesses, professions, government agencies and other con- sumers of the "built environment" has dramatically contributed to the expansion of the construction industry. However, there are special elements of demand for space which should be noted. Among the most significant forces affecting the region's growth has been tourism. Although not identifiable technically as an industry for which pre- cise employment measures can be quantified, tourism is unquestionably a major force in the local economy. The expansion of space within the region is in- fluenced, thereby, by temporary residents who occupy shelter on either a sea- sonal or short -stay basis. Single family homes, apartments (including within this category the proliferation of condominiums) and hotels have accounted for significant demand for new construction in Miami. Employment within the hotel and lodging industry (which is part of the major industrial grouping designated as services, above) for example, contains over 4 percent of all jobs. This compares with just above 1 percent for the nation as a whole. But there are many other services, in addition to the lodging industry per se, which are sup- ported by tourism -- including restaurants, entertainment facilities, transpor- tation operators, etc. According to one estimate, tourism accounts for one -fifth of Miami's economic base. Changing Patterns Numerically, the services industry in Miami has exhibited the largest growth. Between 1970 and 1974, approximately 7,400 jobs annually were added to this major employment grouping. Trade -- consisting of both wholesale and retail activities I-2 -- accounted for about 4,600 new jobs per year, the next largest growth industry. Manufacturing was in third place with nearly 3,800 jobs added to that industry's work force annually. Within manufacturing as a major grouping,there are several sub -categories for which employment change has been sizeable. Between 1970 and 1974 all of these sub -categories have exhibited growth, except for two: transportation equipment (which has actually declined in employment) and the food industry which has remained stable. By far, that industry which has demonstrated the most pronounced expansion has been the apparel and textile products group. Job gains registered by this category (approximately 1,500 per year) have been followed by various other nondurable goods industries (expanding at a rate of about 1,125 employees annually) and the machinery industry (growing by about 775 jobs per year). Basic Industries In Miami Within any region, its economic base and growth potential is effected the extent to which the community exports economic activity (i.e. goods and services) to other communities or regions of the U.S. The Miami area has a number of such "export" industries, for which production exceeds the requirements of local consumption. Tourism, obviously, is a major "export" industry. The Miami area "exports sunshine", even though the consumption of it occurs locally, but from transients who are permanent residents elsewhere. The hotel industry and associated ser- vices benefit markedly from this major economic activity. The transportation industry in Miami also benefits, partially, from tourism. Miami is an important transportation center. Employment within this in- I-3 r 4 dustry locally is much greater than in the U.S. as a whole. Principal components of this group are the airlines established here (Eastern Airlines, for example, is the largest private employer in the County, with about 12,000 jobs; National and Delta also have large employment components here, as does Pan American, although this latter carrier is transferring a number of its operations elsewhere). Also, the Port of Miami accomodates a considerable tourist volume through it, although direct benefits to Miami are substantially less than if cruise ship passengers were to remain here. The impact of Miami's cruise ship industry is not inconsequential, however, with the spin-off effect from transportation companies (e.g., providing service between airport and Dodge Island), provision- ing firms, etc. Another major export industry is apparel manufacturing, referenced above. While the largest single manufacturing company in the Miami area is in another field (Gordis Corporation, located within the City of Miami and employing about 1,500 persons, manufactures medical instrumentation), footwear manufacturing and other apparel items are represented by several firms employing 1,000 persons or more. Apparel manufacturing, traditionally a small -firm industry, is im- pressively represented within the Miami area by several large organizations. Miami As A Financial Center Banking, as a component of the finance, insurance and real estate industry, has evidenced significant performance within Miami's economy during recent years. As of 1974, more than 9,100 banking jobs were located in the Miami area, an increase of 49 percent over 1970's level. This translates into an average increase of approximately 10 percent annually. Banking in Miami is supported by a variety of activities associated with the economic stature and growth of South Florida. As evidenced above, manufac- turing growth in the region has been an important economic factor and, accounts I-4 for substantial local borrowings for working capital and related credit needs. Also, the construction industry has been particularly important to the fin- ancial community here, including both commercial banks and savings and loan associations. Much of the capital required to finance private development in the area relies on local financial institutions. Also, international trade activities are becoming increasingly significant as a component of Miami's financial community. Several of the banks here are engaged almost exclusively in international financing, particularly with Latin America. Moreover, the Edge Act Banks, representing Latin American financing affiliates of major U.S. financial institutions, are represented in Miami pro- viding service in overseas activities. Several new Edge Act Banks are expected to locate here shortly, expanding this important financial base. Relation of the City of Miami to the County Unfortunately, statistical data quantifying the composition and change in the area's employment are developed almost exclusively on a county -wide basis. While the City of Miami obviously occupies a major position of employment impor- tance within the greater area, standard statistical sources do not allow for sub - county geographic comparisons of employment to be made on an annual basis. According to the 1970 U.S. Census, about 504,000 residents of Dade County were designated as being employed. 0f this total, only about 17,600 job holders indicated their place of employment was outside of Dade County, with the balance working at jobs in various locations within the County's boundaries. Approximately 21,000 jobs were then designated as being within Miami's central business district. An additional 154,500 employees were located elsewhere within the City of Miami. Therefore, nearly 35 percent of all jobs in the County were contained within the City of Miami. I-5 6 Since 1970, the greater share of the region's urban expansion and employment base growth has occurred outside of the City of Miami. The incorporated community of Hialeah and unincorporated sections of Dade County have received much of this job expansion. Nonetheless, the City of Miami remains a very important location for jobs, especially office workers. A large number of major office structures have been developed within the City -- both in the central business district as well as other locations -- demonstrating the importance of the city to this significant employment component. However, for manufacturing and distribution jobs, industrial expansion occur- ring near Miami's airport and in the adjacent Palmetto Expressway Corridor have unquestionably established this sector outside of the City, as a major employment growth sub -sector. Within Dade County, therefore, there is an increasing pat- tern of employment location in:areas outside of the City of Miami, where land costs are lower, land is more readily available and where jobs, business and professions can be located closter to the expanding suburban population. City of Miami Employment As indicated above, based upon 1970 journey -to -work data, the City of Miami contains approximately 35 percent of all county jobs. This ratio is more or less validated by 1972 data (from the Census of Business, which occurs every five years) for selected industries. Examining 1972 employment data for the retail trade, wholesale trade, manufacturing and selected services industry (including finance, insurance and real estate) the City contained about 92,000 jobs in these several categories, corresponding to 32 percent of the county -wide total. Within these groupings, the largest share in the City was accounted for by wholesale trade (37 percent) with both retail trade and manufacturing each representing about 30 percent of county jobs in these industries. I-6 While not designated in the figures mentioned above, much of the non- educational government employment contained within the County is also located within the City of Miami. The County Courthouse, in downtown Miami (together with other nearby office locations) contains many admit'strative positions. Addi- tionally, federal government jobs are also concentrated in this area. The new Government Center will strengthen this node as an employment complex. With much of the airline industry positioned near Miami International Air- port this very important segment of the region's economy is located outside of the City's boundaries. Nonetheless, the Port of Miami does occupy a position of importance and exhibits potential for continued growth during the years ahead through expanded maritime activities. International Trade Through Miami The Port of Miami contributes more -- in terms of shipment value and weight -- to Dade County's international trade activities than does International Air- port. Exports from the Port of Miami were valued at 51,063.9 million in 1974, compared with $781 million exported from MIA. Imports into the Port of Miami were less than exports ($791 million of imports for 1974) but far exceeded the Airport's $285 million import volume. International trade to the Port of Miami, together with cruise ship activity, can be expected to increase. Dredging operations are planned to deepen the Port's channel, allowing for passage of larger ships. Also, recent moves to alleviate the embargo imposed on trade with Cuba could contribute to further expansion of Miami's port operations in the years to come. I-7 j 8 NON-AGRICULTURAL EMPLOYMENT BY INDUSTRY DADE COUNTY 1970 - 1975 Average Annual Emoloymentl/ Industrial Category 1970 1971 1972 1973 19742/ 1976 3/ Manufacturing 75,700 76,300 85,100 92,800 91,800 88,500 Contract Construction 32,100 31,300 38,000 44,600 43,400 39,700 T.C.P.U.4/ 56,500 57,300 59,700 62,400 60,100 53,800 Trade 132,700 137,000 147,400 155,600 156,400 154,900 33,900 36,700 41,200 44,000 47,100 44,500 Services & Misc. 114,700 119,700 128,300 134,700 142,200 145,700 Government 57,600 61,500 64,300 65,500 71,100 71,300 Total 503,200 519,800 564,000 600,400 612,100 603,400 1/ Estimated on place -of -work basis. 2/ Preliminary 3/ January, 1975 Original Monthly Estimates. January figures tend to be slightly lower than the annual averages. 4/ Transportation, Communication and Public Utilities. 5/ Finance, Insurance and Real Estate. Source: Labor Market Trends, Florida Department of Commerce. I-8 9 NON-AGRICULTURAL EMPLOYMENT BY INDUSTRY DADE COUNTY 1960 - 1974 Average Annual Employment" Industrial Category 1960 1965 1970 1974 Manufacturing 41,700 54,600 75,700 91,800 Contract Construction 23,300 23,300 32,100 43,400 T.C.P.U.2/ 35,300 37,400 56,500 60,100 Trade 87,600 99,400 132,700 156,400 F.I.R.E.3/ 20,800 24,700 33,900 47,100 Services & Misc. 63,300 77,600 114,700 142,200 Government 35,600 46,600 57,600 71,100 Total 307,600 363,600 503,200 612,100 1/ Estimated on place -of -work basis. 2/ Transportation, Communication and Public Utilities. 3/ Finance, Insurance and Real Estate. Source: Labor Market Trends, Florida Department of Commerce. I-9 TRENDS IN NON-AGRICULTURAL EMPLOYMENT BY INDUSTRY DADE COUNTY 1960 - 1974 Industrial Category Average Annual Change In Employemont 1960-1965 1965-1970 1970-1974 Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Manufacturing 2.580 6.2% 4,560 8.4% 3.775 4.9% Contract Construction 0 0.0% 1,880 8.1% 2,475 7.6% T.C.P.U.1/ 420 1.2% 3,780 10.1% 350 0.6% Trade 2,360 2.7% 6,880 6.9% 4,625 3.5% F.I.R.E.2/ 780 3.8% 1,640 6.60 3,125 9.5% Services & Misc. 2,860 4.5% 7,400 9.5% 7,425 6.5% Government 2,200 6.2% 2,080 4.5% 2,875 5.0% Total 11,200 3.6% 28,220 7.8% 24,650 4.9% 1/ Transportation, Communication, and Public Utilities. 2/ Finance, Insurance and Real Estate. Source: Labor Market Trends, Florida Department of Commerce; Gladstone Associates. I-10 1 Industrial Category DISTRIBUTION OF NON-AGRICULTURAL EMPLOYMENT BY INDUSTRY DADE COUNTY 1960 - 1975 1960 1965 1970 1971 1972 19731 1974' 19753/ Manufacturing 13.6% 15.0% 15.3% 14.7% 15.1% 15.5% 15.3% 14.7% Contract Construction 7.6% 6.4% 6.5% 6.0% 6.7% 7.2% 7.1% 6.6% T.C.P.U.1/ 11.5% 10.3% 11.2% 11.0% 10.6% 10.2% 9.6% 9.7% Trade 28.5% 27.3% 26.5% 26.3% 26.1% 25.4% 25.2% 25.7% F.I.R.E.' 6.8% 6.8% 6.5% 7.1% 7.3% 7.3% 7.5% 7.4% ! Services & Miscellaneous 20.6% 21.3% 22.7% 23.1% 22.8% 23.6% 23.9% 24.1% , Government 11.6% 12.8% 11.3% 11.8% 11.4% 10.9% 11.4% 11.8% Total 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.01 100.0% 100.0% 1/ Preliminary. 2/ Average of original monthly estimates, which tend to be slightly lower than annually revised figures. 3/ January, 1975 original monthly estimates. January figures tend to be slightly lower than the annual averages. 4/ Transportation, Communication and Public Utilities. 5/ Finance, Insurance and Real Estate. Source: Labor Market Trends, Florida Department of Commerce; Gladstone Associates. Industry Contract Construction Manufacturing: Durables Non -Durables Transportation & Public Wholesale Trade Retail Trade Finance, Insurance & Real Estate Services & Mining Hotels & Other Lodging Government Total COMPARATIVE EMPLOYMENT DATA DADE COUNTY & U.S.: 1972 Total Employment. Total Employment /: U.S. _(000's) Dade County Humber % of Total Number % of Total 3,717 5.1 % 19,070 26.0 % (10,953) (14.9)% (8,117) (11.0)% Utilities 4,549 6.2 % 3,946 5.4 % 11,803 16.1 % 3,966 5.4 % 13,101 17.8 % (900) (1.2)% 13,311 18.1 % 73,463 100.0 % 35,600 83,400 (34,400) (49,000) 60, 300 39,800 105,500 39,900 127,500 (23,700) 64,100 556,100 11.5 % 15.0 % (6.2)% (8.8)% 10.8 % 7.2 % 19.0 % 7.2 % 22.9 % (4.3)% 11.5 % 100.0 % Distribution of Jobs % Dist. Dade vs. % More 225 % 174 % 133 % 118 % 133 % 129 % (358) % 1/ Non-agricultural, excluding self-employed, unpaid family workers, farm workers, domestic workers in households and military. Source: Gladstone Associates in Dade Co. Dist. U.S. Less 58 (42)% (80)% 64 13 MANUFACTURING EMPLOYMENT BY INDUSTRY DADE COUNTY 1970 - 1974 Industrial Category Manufacturing Durable Goods Furniture & Fixtures Stone, Clay & Glass Prod. Fabricated Metal Prod. Machinery Transportation Equip. Other Nondurable Goods Food & Kindred Prod. Apparel, Textile Prod. Printing & Publishing Other Average Annual Employment Change: 1970-1974 Number Average Annual 1970 1974 Total Number Percent 75,700 91,800 16,100 4,025 5.3% 33,800 38 , 900 5,100 1,275 3.8% 4,100 4,900 800 200 4.9% 3,000 3,900 900 225 7.5% 7,800 9,000 1,200 300 3.8% 5,400 8,500 3,100 775 14.4% 6,500 3,900 -2,600 -650 -10.0% 7,000 8,700 1,700 425 6.1% 41,900 52,900 11,000 2, 750 6.6% 7,200 7,200 - - - - - 16,300 22,200 5,900 1,475 9.0% 6,600 7,200 600 150 2.3% 11,800 16,300 4,500 1,125 9.3% 1 Estimated on place -of -work basis. Source: Labor Market Trends I-13 EMPLOYMENT AND ESTABLISHMENT BY SELECTED INDUSTRIES CITY OF MIAMI AND DADE COUNTY 1972 Industries Retail Trade 4,659 28,639 13,724 94,799 34 % 30 x Wholesale Trade 1,316 14,322 3,571 38,519 37 % 37 % Selected Services I/ 5,421 23,821 15,039 73,922 36 % 32 % H 890 , 2 p Manufacturing 997 25,600 85,900 34 % 30 % Total of above 12,393 92,382 32,224 293,140 35 % 32 % City of Miami Dade County City as % of County No. Establishments No. Employees No. Establishments No. Employees Establishments Employees 1/ Includes finance, insurance and real estate. Source: 1972 Census of Business. 1 1 Place of Work PLACE OF WORK . MIAMI SMSA 1970 Place of Residence North Carol Coral • Miami Miami North Percent City_ Gables Hialeah Kendall Beach Miami Beach Miami Balance Total Ofstrloutlon Inside SMSA Miami - COO 196 944 835 171 1.059 8.973 264 601 7.391 21.030 4.2% Remainder Miami City 2.354 4.968 9.606 3.487 3.598 64.832 2.190 4.015 59.422 154.472 30.6% Miami Beach Clty 339 360 1.174 282 11,633 9,008 940 1.294 8,205 33.394 6.o% North Miami City 271 58 398 53 227 1.197 697 2.694 4.202 9.787 1.9% North Miami Beach City 230 35 257 43 161 652 2.414 759 3.674 8,433 1.7% Coral Gables Clty 120 4.165 612 1.246 184 5.600 00 93 10.'05 22.343 4.4% Hialeah City 919 525 15.576 353 925 9.077 332. 638 10.9.5 39.310 7.0I fleaaluder Dade County 3,600 3i06S 13.437 5,866 2767 27.?09 2,883 3,850 92L0"6 154if.43 3J.7% Subtotal 8.036 14.120 41.915 12.107 20.554 126.916 9.800 13.944 196.220 443.612 E8.0% .-. Outside SNSA 724 116 1.226 301 849 • 3.302 904 722 8.691 - 17.574 3.5% i cri Not reported 848 1,275 2.789 729 2,645 14,379 757 1.031 18,706 43.159 8.6% Total 9.608 16.171 45.929 13.211 24.048 144.597 11.461 15.697 221.617 504.345 100.0% Source: U.S. Census of Population, 1970 PNC (1) - 129; Gladstone Associ+tes. s• • • • 16 DESTINATION OF AUTOMOBILE VISITORS TO FLORIDA 1966-1970 Area Dade County Miami Hialeah Miami Beach Coral Gables Homestead Other Total State of Florida Dade County as a Percent of State 1966 1,461,802 17,731 441,611 26,691 36,674 18,309 2,002,818 14,689,985 13.6% 1967 1968 1,455,783 16,395 441,221 17,920 42,611 24,564 1,392,765 9,435 405,359 12,668 37,052 _ 45,059 1,998,494 1,904,338 15,555,383 15,599,515 12.8% 12.2% Source: Florida Department of Commerce. I-16 1969 1,420,403 NA 446,356 18,624 38,298 48,505 1,972,586 17,246,358 11.4% 1970 1,512,871 NA 347,282 NA 49,547 67.557 1,977,257 18,493,160 10.7% 17 DESTINATION OF AIRPLANE VISITORS TO FLORIDA 1970 Dade County 1,264,338 1/ Florida 4,225,319 Dade County as a Percent of State . . . 29.9% J Includes airplane visitors who are through -travelers to points outside the U.S. Source: Florida Department of Commerce. I-17 18 SECTION II: DEMOGRAPHIC PATTERS The most striking feature of Dade County's -- and, indeed, all cf South Florida's -- population growth is the extent to which in -migration contributes to demographic change. Between 1960 and 1970, Dade County's population increased by about 33,300 persons annually. Of this total gain, about 25,500 persons were represented as net in -migrants, or more than 75 percent of the County's total population change. The influx of Cubans contributed very substantially to this migration. During the early 1970's, population expansion in Dade County was sustained at even higher levels than exhibited during the 1960's. And, migration accounted for an even larger portion of this increased level of population growth. Be- tween 1973 and 1974 Dade County's population is estimated to have increased by 39,500 persons. 0f the total, 36,900 -- or 93 percent -- were represented by in -migrants. Clearly, the pressures of migration to South Florida are continuing to impact very substantially on Dade County. Inasmuch as much of this migration is "voluntary" (that is, not associated with the need to re -locate because of change of employment), population growth forces will continue relentlessly as long as the area's natural attractions are present, and the large Latin (Cuban) population, which will continue to draw members of this ethnic group (who are now migrating to the area from other parts of the U.S. and elsewhere). Also significant, is the racial and ethnic composition of Miami's population. Between 1960 and 1970, the City's black population increased proportionately to the total population, represented at about 22 percent of total. And for 1973 (the most recent period for which such data are presently available) estimates indicate that the City's black population remains at about 23 percent of all Miami residents. 19 By far the largest segment of the City's population are those of Latin extraction. For the metropolitan area as a whole (i.e. Dade County) Latins are estimated to have represented 29 percent (1973) of the total population. For the City of Miami, for 1973, the Latin population component is deter- mined as being 52 percent. Projections indicate that, County -wide, the Latin population should reach about 40 percent of all persons by 1980. In terms of total population change, the City of Miami's estimated 1974 population of 350,499 represents an average annual increase of 1.2 percent from 1970, or a 3,910 person increase per year. This compares with Dade County's total population growth over this same period of 36,300 persons annually for an average increase of 2.9 per annum. The future, of course, is uncertain. While past trends can be extrapolated, many factors -- including, especially, political ones increasingly imposing curbs on growth -- must be taken into account. Population projections for Dade County for 1980 range from between 1.516 million to 1.6 million, from various sources. As with employment data', sub -county sectoral population data are gen- erally not available on a routine statistical basis. However, from observation, one can discern noteworthy patterns and trends. Especially important among these, particularly as its relates to future private development, is the continuing attractiveness of certain city areas for re- sidential living. The single most attractive amenity considered desirable for residential liveability, in South Florida, is the ocean. The City of Miami does not front on it but the City does contain a very extensive Biscayne Bay shoreline, which must be regarded only slightly beneath direct ocean frontage as a locational quality. Accordingly, extensive residential development has occurred since II-2 I I • NMI III 1•1111.111•1•• MN 20 the City's earlier beginnings and these are continuing with the "re -cycling" o; old bayside residential properties. At selected locations along Biscayne Bay north of the downtown area intensification of residential living is occurring Even greater development is taking place in the southside of the CBD along the shoreline, and into Coconut Grove. As tremendous densities change (e.g. from 2 to 50 or more dwelling units per acre) population patterns will be redeployed. By -and -large the occupants of these newer high -density residential facilities are childless households with a strong core area employment orientation. As Miami's central area develops with enlarged job opportunities (represented by continuing new investment in office hotel and retail properties) the attractiveness of these high -amenity close -in residential locations will continue. Additionally, as increasingly widespread suburbanization occurs, convenience of access to central employment destinations will diminish. Long commutes through ever -intensifying traffic congestion diminish the attractiveness of suburban re- sidential liveability. While the prospect of a metro -wide rapid transit system may alleviate this problem in the future, the implementation of such a system is in jeopardy at the present (owing to the magnitude of prospective financial com- mitment). Furthermore, with the recent imposition of development curbs in westerly outlying portions of the county, continuation of suburban sprawl may be limited by this public mandate. Reorientation, therefore, to inner-city living, may be expected as a consequence, further reinforcing population growth trends evidenced by these portions of the city during the recent past. Lastly' immigration from abroad continues to represent a contribution to Miami's population base. For the City of Miami, over 10,200 immigrants entered (as an in- tended location of residence) during (fiscal year) 1971-1972. Nearly 6,700 such im- migrants were from Cuba with the balance from many other countries. During the same period, the state as a whole, received 17,000 immigrants. Miami's share of the state's total immigration relocation is very substantial therefore. II-3 POPULATION TRENDS CITY OF MTAMI AND DARE COUNTY 1960-74 21 City of Miami Dade County, 1960 Populaj on 291,688 935,047 City as percent of County 31.2 % •- 1970 Population 334,859 1,267,792 City as percent of County 26.4 % Population Change: 1960-1970 Total 43,171 332,745 Average Annual: Number 4,317 33,275 Average Annual: Percent of 1960 1.5 % 3.6 City change as percent of County change 13.0 % 1972 Population City as percent of County Population Change: 1970-1972 345,623 25.7 % 1,342,475 NEN Total 10,764 74,683 a Average Annual: Number 5,382 37,342 Average Annual: Percent.of 1970 1.6 % 2,9 City change as percent of County change 14.4 % -- 1973 Population 347,618 1,373,609 City as percent of County 25.3 % -- Population Change: 1972-1973 Total 1,995 31,134 Average Annual: Number 1,995 31,134 Average Annual: Percent of 1972 0.6 % 2.3 % City change as percent of County change 6.4 % -- 1974 Population 350,499 1,413,102 City as percent of County 24.8 % Population Change: 1973-1974 Total Average Annual: Number Average Annual: Percent of 1973 City change as percent of County -. 2,881 39,493 2,881 39,493 8.3 % 2.9 % 7.3 % Source: U.S. Census; University of Florida. COMPONENTS OF POPULATION CHANGE DADE, BROWARD AND PALM BEACH COUNTIES 1960-1966-1970 Population Net Nett Natural Net 1n- Natural Net In-1/ Cuunty/Area 1960 + Increase + Migration 0. 1966 + Increase + Migration Dade 942.LJ0 55.232 101.960 1.100.000 23.202 152.343 . 8roward 341.100 21.181 88.019 450,300 * 8.695 168.259 Palm Beech 230.000 13.983 44.917 288.900 6.978 54.769 State of Florida 4.999.000 351.160 590,840 5.941.000 160.415 735,468 Average Annual Chan!e� —1960-1966 1966- 9l 70 1970 Number 0f '60 Number 0f '66 1.267.792 26.200 3z 41.948 41 620.100 18.200 51 ► 42.450 91 348.753 9.817 41 14.963 51 6.789.443 157.000 31 212.111 41 J These figures are calculated by subtracting the total figures for the components of population change from 1960-1970 from the figures In this table for 1960-1966. Source: Florida Vital Statistics 1966, Florida State Board of Health; 1970 Census of Population. PC(1)-(11) II and 11504- re m nary st mates; G adstone Associates. . 11-5 Ct1G•si'ItS Of rooetn11031 »tGC 81 AGE OADE COtsi1Y )960-197Q Average Annual Change: 1960-1910 1960-1970 1960 Net Natural Net in- 1970 Percent Percent Le Cate ry Population 'increase ,Migration• • • Population Number Of 1960 Of Total Under 10 179.818 (-9.105) • 22.521 193.234 1.342 0.72 4.0: 10-14 76.180 17.756 19.261 113.205 3.102 4.9 11.1% � 15-19 56.173 20-24 52137 30.912 15.905 14.088 �92.379 14.680 8Y . 142i 108.310 54.235 29.034 3.407 7.02 25.32 23.263 11 .929 929 3719 3.719] 7% 11.4:a 25-34 124.930. (-17.613) 39.519 146.344 2.191 1.7: 6.62 35-44 140.150 (-17.097) 33.701 156.572 1.500 1.1% 4.72 45-54 110.013 15.453 . 24.936 158.402 4.639 3.42 12.12 55-64 93.058 12.919 28.402 134.439 4.133 4.4Z 12.42 65 Years 1 Over 93.954 • • 22.626 56.137 172.717 7.076 8.4: ' 23.1•: Total 935.047 78.434 264.311 1.267.792 ., 33.215 400.02 • Sours: 1910 Census of Population. PC(1)-(11)8,and USDA-UGA Proliainary Estimates; Gladstone Associates. 11-6 1111 III III II III11.1� 24 COMPONENTS OF POPULATION CHANGE DADE COUNTY 1950 - 1973- 1/ opulation Change Percent of otal Average Net Population Change Period Total Annual Migration Due To Net Migration 1950-1960 439,963 43,996 347,173 78.9% 1960-1970 332,745 33,275 255,132 76.7% 1970-1973 105,817 35,272 89,899 85.0% 1/ Dade County population was 495,084 in 1950; 935,047 in 1960; 1,267,792 in 1970; and 1,373,609 in 1973 (estimate for July 1.) Source: University of Florida, Bureau of Economic and Business Research; Gladstone Associates. II-7 MIGRATION BY AGE, RACE, AND SEX DADE COUNTY 1960-1970 Net In -Migration Total White Non -White Age Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female 0-14 41,255 20,317 20,938 37,056 18,603 18,453 4,199 1,714 2,485 15-24 31,659 11,708 19,951 25,455 9,648 15,806 6,204 2,060 4,144 25-44 77,254 35,478 41,776 70,219 32,743 37,476 7,036 2,735 4,300 45-64 56,502 23,558 32,944 55,453 23,356 32,097 1,049 202 847 .65+ 48,462 22,717 25,744 46,947 22,160 24,787 1,514 557 957 opo Total 255,132 113,779 141,353 235,130 106,511 128,619 20,002 7,268 12,734 Source: University of Florida, Bureau of Economic and Business Research. I Iu y nwu 111114 .lei. nx I 10wiio nmT, 4 1 t Population COMPONENTS OF POPULATION CHANGE DADE COUNTY 1970 - 1974 1970—/ 19722/ 19732/ 19742/ 1,267,792 1,342,475 1,373,609 1,413,102 1970-1972 1972-1973 1973-1974 1970-1974 Population Change (Avg.Ann.) 37,342 31,134 39,493 36,325 . Net Migration 1O Number (Avg.Ann.) 30,840 28,219 36,869 31,692 As Percent of Total Population Change 82.6% 90.6% 93.4% 87.2% 1/ U. S. Census count for April 1. 2/ University of Florida estimate for July 1. Source: University of Florida. POPULATION TRENDS BY AGE - DADE COUNTY 1970-1973 .~N Average Annual Change 1970-1972 1972-1973 Percent Percent of of Age Category 1970 1972 1973 Number Total Number Total 0 - 14 years 306.439 308,834 307.509 1,198 3% (- 1.325) (- 4%) 15 -.24 years 192.379 212,718 . 219,996 10,170 27% 7.278 231 25 - 44 years 303.416 323.339 335.021 9.962 271 11.682 38%� 45 - 64 years 292,841 307,067 313.878 7,113 19% 6.811 22% 65 years & over 172.717 190,517 197.205 8,900 '24% 6.688 2)% TOTAL 1.267,792 1,342,475 1.373,609 •37.343 100% 31.134 100% Source: U.S. Census of Population; Bureau of Buslne!.s and Economic Research. U. of Florida; Gladstone Associates. • • 11-10 III I nuaun.MMI.III nu.o 1.1IIl.1.11..4M1 28 TRENDS IN RACIAL COMPOSITION OF POPULATION DADE COUNTY 1960-1973 T960 Population 1970 1973 Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Total Population 935,047 100.0% 1,267,792 100.0% 1,373,608 100.0% White 796,054 85.1% 1,071,662 84.5% 1,157,767 84.3% Non -White 138,993 14.9% 196,130 15.5% 215,841 15.7% Black 137,299 14.7% 189,666 15.0% NA NA Other 1,694 0.2% 6,464 0.5% NA NA Source: U.S. Census of Population; University of Florida Bureau of Economic and Business Research; Gladstone Associates. 29 RACIAL COMPOSITION SELECTED DADE COUNTY JURISDICTIONS 1973 Percentage of Total Population Jurisdiction Black Latin Miami 22.7% 52.0% Dade County-1/ 15.0% 29.0% Hialeah 1.0Z 54.0% Miami Beach 4.0% 8.0% Coral Gables 5.1% 17.0% North Miami 2.0% 10.0% North Miami Beach 3.3% 1.0% Homestead 28.0% NA Miami Springs 1.0% 16.0% Opa-Loca 30.0% 20.0% South Miami 13.0% NA J Entire county. Source: University of Florida; Metropol- itan Planning's Management Information Services; Gladstone Associates. II-12 POPULATION DADE COUNTY JCE:S.71: 1045 1960-1974 Juris� ion Dade County Miami Bal Harbour (Village) Bay Harbour Islands (Town) Biscayne Park (Village) Coral Gables (City) El Portal (Village) Florida City (City) Golden Beach (Town) Hialeah (City) Hialeah Gardens (Town) Homestead (City) Indian Creek (Village) Islandia (City) Medley (Town) Miami Beach (City) Miami Shores (Village) Miami Springs (Town) North Bay (Village) North Miami (City) North Miami Beach (City) 0pa-Locka (City) Pennsuco (Town) South Miami (City) Surfside (Town) Sweetwater (City) Virginia Gardens (Village) West Miami (Town) Unincorporated Dade County Population 1960 1970 19741/ 935,047 1,267,792 1,413,102 291.688 727 3,249 2.911 34.793 2,079 4.114 413 66.972 172 9,152 60 112 63.145 8,865 11,229 2,006 28,708 21.405 9,810 117 9.846 3,157 645 2.159 5,296 352,217 334,r'59 2,038 4,619 2,717 42,494 2,068 5.1332/ 849 102,4523/ 492 13,6744/ 82 8 351 87,072 9,425 13,279 4.831 34 ,7672/ 30,54461 11,902 74 11,7801/ 3,614 3,357 2,524 5.494 537,2938/ 350,499 2,109 4.687 2.767 43.632 2,116 5,568 863 122.201 1,085 20,0479/ 96 8 552 90,415 9.606 13.400 4,748 44,356 35.69010/ 13.550 70 11.844 3.858 6.443 2,605 6.061 614.226 �/ 1/ July 1 estimate. J lncludes increase of 7 due to annexation. 3/ lncludes increase of 12,236 due to annexation. 4/ Includes increase of 1,493 due to annexation. 5/ Includes increase of 86 due to annexation. J Includes increase of 224 due to annexation. 1 Includes increase of 548 due to annexation. 8/ Includes decrease of 14,594 due to area loss through boundary change 9/ Includes increase of 189 due to annexation. 10/ lncludes increase of 5 due to annexation. J Includes decrease of 194 due to area loss through boundary change Source: U.S. Census of population; University of Florida, Bureau of Economic and Business Research. II-13 30 ►OPULATiON TRE4:S SAME COUNTY ,;uRIS0:CTtohs 1960-1974 Average Annual Made 19E0.1970 19700974it JVr_lsd$Ctton rWeS Percent erc humoer enE 04de Coun3r 33.275 3.6% 36.328 2.9% Miami 4.317 1.5% 3.910 1.22 Sal Harbour (Village) 131 18.02 18 0.9% ley Harbour Islands (Town) 137 4.2% 17 0.4% liscayne Park (Village) -19 -0.7% 13 0.5% Coral Gables (City) 770 2.2S 28S 0.7% El Portal (Village) -1 -OAS 12 0.6% Florida City (City) 1011 2.5% 109 2.1% Golden Beach (Town) 44 10.62 4 0.4% Hialeah (City) 3.5481 5.3% 4.937 4.8% Hialeah Gardens (Town) 32 18.62 148 30.1% Homestead (City) 4S2J 4.92 1.5932/ 11.78 Indian Creek (Village) 2 3.7% 4 4.3% Islandls (City) 1 -- 0 0.0% Medley (Town) 24 21.32 SO 14.3% Miami Beach (City) 2.393 3.8S 836 1.02 Miami Shores (Village) 56 0.62 4S 0.52 Mimi Springs (Town) 205 1.SS 30 0.22 North Bay (Village) 283 14.12 -21 -0.4% North Miami (City) 6010/ 2.1% 2.397 6.92 North Miami Beach (City) 9141/ 4.3% 1.287121 4.22 Ope-locks (City) 209 2.15 412 3.5% Pemsuco (Town) -4 -3.7% -1 -1.42 South Miami (City) 193Z/ 2.0% 16 0.12 Surfside (Town) 46 1.4% 61 1.7% Sweetwater (City) 271 42.0% 772 23.0% Virginia Gardens (Village) 37 1.7% 20 0.8% West Miami (Town) 20 0.4% 142 2.62 Unincorporated Dade County 18.5082/ 5.3% 19.233 3.6% J J J J J 2/ 1! J J J iw July 1 estimate. Includes average annexation. Includes average Includes average Includes average annexation. Includes average Includes average Includes average through boundary Includes average Includes average annexation. annual increase of 1 (less than 0.1%).due to annual annual annual increase of incress, of increase of 1.224 (1.82) due to annexation. 149 (1.65) due to annexation. 9 (less than 0.12) due to annual increase of 22 (0.1%) due to annexation. annual increase of 55 (0.6%) due to annexation. annual decline of 1.459 (-0.4t) dui to area loss changes. annual increase of 47 (0.32) due to annexation. annual increase of 1 (less than 0.12) due to Includes average annual decline of 49 (less than 0.1%) due to aria loss through ooundary changes. Source: U.S. Census of Population; University of Florida Bureau of Economic and Business Research; Gladstone Associates. II-14 ,...,..r-._ COII1'0S11104 OF POPULATION ST RACE DAM COUNTY cruses O111IS10PS 1960-1970 Population 19i� T960 Non-Wh --- Mon -White White Total -Mac Tc White Iota-- 61e0! Division Total lumber ercen Number percent ruAber ercen Total Humber /%7Filia Dumber £ercont Member Percent Dade Countl 935,047 796.054 85.11 1311.993 11.91 137.299 11.71 1.267.792 1,071.662 84.51 196.110 15.51 189.60 15.02 M183 l 01T1S10N 291,608 225.848 77.41 65,800 22.6% 65,213 22.41 134.859 256,377 76.61 74.102 23.41 76.156 22.71 Airport Division 3,9)ll 3.956 99.61 14 0.41 1 0.21 l,225 1,160 90.Si GS 1.51 40 0.9Z Allat�atteh Division 28.129 6.5)5 23.11 21,R51 76.9E 21,812 76.71 30.110 1,525 5.01 2A.Cn5 95.0Z 2A,'19 '!1.9Z Coral Gables blvlelon 3),2)6 35.086 91.I1 2.190 5.91 2,165 S.Rt 15,56t 13,11J 91.7Z 2,1t9 S.7L 1.f76 1.81 Hialeah 0leloon 64.608 61,d5P 98.6E 950 1.I2 872 1.31 108,701 107.070 9A.55 1.631 I.St 1.158 I.IZ lorm.•ste'ad Division 22.149 16,110 72.91 6,009 27.11 5.971 27.01 28.A5) 21.049 72.91 1,Crq 21.1i 7.Re1 26 St Cendall-Pervine Division 33,087 23,174 70.02 9,911 30.0E 9,885 29.91 7R,9/2 65.072 42.41 Il 97U 17.6z I3.Sa0 17 .-Z Coy Ris:ayno Olvlslon 3,106 3,OA6 99.1t 20 0.61 17 0.61 /,563 4,511 99.51 22 0.51 R 0.22 tittle River Dlvislon 32.151 32.094 99.82 61 0.21 10 -- /1,5/2 28,716 69.1i 12,R76 70.9: II,/5t ]O.�T •~ Miami Reach Division 63,159 62.591 99.12 568 0.91 493 0.81 87.078 86.317 99.11 761 0.91 319 0.1t H 1 Miami Springs Division 13.394 13.361 99.81 30 0.21 11 0.11 15,803 15,751 99.71 52 0.3E 11 0 11 J (Ji Midmay West Dlvislon 25.464 18.332 72.01 7.132 28.01 7.083 27.8% 26.313 15.835 60.22 10.478 39.81 10.191 39.31 for M Bay Division 29,37S 29,261 99.6E 111 0.1E 89 0.31 33,107 32,8116 99.31 221 0.7Z CO 0.21 Northeast 0rde Division 30,142 29.694 98.51 448 1.51 427 1.1t 53.566 52.966 48.9! 600 1.11 47) 0.81 North Miami Dlvislon 28,708 28.657 99.81 S1 0.2% 29 0.1% 34.767 31.592 99.5% 175 O.SL 61 0.21 North Miami Beach Division 24,614 23,882 97.0% 732 3.02 699 2.8% 35.713 34,59) 96.91 1,116 3.11 1,017 2.C1 Nortn.wst Dade Division 36.435 36.528 99.21 307 0.8% 240 0.71 61,166 52.1151 86.4% 8,315 13.61 7,�75 13.0E North Westside Division 4.257 4.030 94.7% 221 S.31 210 4.91 10.320 9.505 92.91 735 7.11 677 6.61 0pa-locla Dlvislon 28.129 16.311 58.0E 11.818 42.01 11.777 41.91 32.A72 i8,RR0 57.11 13.992 12.61 13.469 11.7E Outer vest Division 3.069 2.536 82.61 533 17.4S 236 7.71 21.347 20.905 97.91 412 2.12 175 0.51 Palm Springs Division 1,020 1.013 99.31 7 0.7% 6 0.61 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Princeton-Goulds Division 31,301 25,906 77.81 7.101 22.21 7,331 22.01 53,151 11,091 82.Si 9,357 11.St 9.074 17.0E South Miami Division 25.065 22.410 89.42 2.655 10.61 2.635 10.51 11.1l2 30.691 89.91 3,151 10.1% 3,285 9.6E South Westslde Division 43.064 42,953 99.71 111 0.32 6J 0.11 65.003 61,711 99.62 210 0.11 98 0.21 West Miami Division 29.981 24.936 99.81 45 0.21 15 0.12 25.143 25,346 99.52 137 0.51 40 0.2% Source: U.S. Census of Population; Gladstone Associates. 33 SECTION III: RESIDENTIAL TRENDS From 1970 through 1974 approximately 152,500 dwelling units have been authorized within Dade County. 0f this total, the City of Miami's share has been 22,600 units -- or just under 15 percent of the County's total. The volume of any given year's South Florida housing market can differ substantially from any other year. This is perhaps the most complex housing market in the country with demand for residential units coming from many sources, including worker -headed households, empty nesters, retirees, young singles, sea- sonal residents, speculator -investors, foreigners and others. Accordingly, Dade County's total residential permit activity during this five year period peaked at about 51,300 units in 1972 1/ with 1974's volume dropping to under 19,000 units. For the City of Miami the largest permit volume was in 1972 (8,100 units) with the lowest volume in 1974 (1,383 units). During the 1970's, by far the largest residential construction activity, within the City of Miami, has occurred in structures containing five or more dwelling units. For example, in 1972, the year of largest permit activity, nearly 7,400 multi -family units were authorized and less than 800 units were permitted in smaller structures. As one component of the area's housing market condominiums (as a tenure form) have been increasingly popular. In 1968, approximately 6,300 condominiums were built in Dade County. Increasing each year since that time, it is estimated that as of 1973, about 28,400 condominium units were located in Dade County. The volume of condominium construction activity was represented by about 6,350 units in 1973. 1/ Much of this volume was accounted for by builder response to the threat of construction moratoriums being imposed. 34 Characteristically, the Miami area's housing c:arket has followed a "boom or bust" pattern. This is typical for areas of very high growth (i.e. net -in - migration) where the supply sector's mentality is conditioned by endless profits in good times leading to extensive overbuilding (such as is now being experienced in South Florida) followed by chronic undersupply of residential shelter (which we may yet see oeginning in 1977-1978). As indicated in a preceeding section, those areas of the city experiencing the most dramatic evidence of residential activity are along the high -amenity value bayshore. Undoubtedly, given the normative supply -demand pressures associated with market equilibrium, when the market does recover, these trends will continue. Already slated for large-scale development are several projects of note; including Plaza Venetia on the northside of the downtown area and Claughton Island, adjacent to the central business district on its southside. Other residential development within the City remains spotty, owing to generally absent large-scale land availability. While re -development could occur (either through public or private auspices) no significant patterns of such activity have evidenced themselves to date. There are, however, isolated examples of apartment construction at inland locations, especially in Coconut Grove and "Little Havana." Future patterns of residential development within the City will undoubtedly be influenced by constraints on continued suburban expansion in Dade County's western edges. The recently introduced county master plan establishes stringent controls and, if followed to the letter, will inhibit development in outlying areas over the long-term. However, there is a very substantial amount of pro- perty not affected by the master plan curbs and, indeed, several large-scale projects are either underway in the area or have received approvals for construc- tion which can begin shortly. II1-2 35 ANNUAL HOUSING ;,UTHCRILATIONS DADE COUNTY 1960-1973 Single Percent Multi- Percent Percent Year Family of Total Fam ilv of Total Total of Total 1960 7,498 65% 4,031 35% 11,529 100% 1961 5,933 59% 4,092 41% 10,085 100% 1962 4,621 45% 5,665 55% 10,286 100% 1963 4,128 42% 5,639 58% 9,767 100% 1964 3,858 31% 8,632 69% 12,490 100% 1965 3,716 22% 13,065 78% 16,781 100% 1966 3,007 22% 10,750- 78% 13,757 100% 1967 .5,051 34% 9,8491/ 66% 14,895 100% 1968 5,773 26% 16,550-1/ 74% 22,323 100% 1969 6,370 24% 20,5381/ 76% 26,908 100% 1970 7,750 40% 11,709 60% 19,459 100% 1971 12,596 42% 17,323 58% 29,919 100% 1972 . 11,892 26% 33,897 74% 45,789 100% 1973-1st Qtr. Only 2,791 31% 6,124 69% 8,915 100% J FHA estimates that from 1966-1970, inclusive, an annual average of 4,300 condominiums comprised new construction in the multi -family sector. Source: U.S. Department of Commerce C-40 Reports. III-3 ..w�...�r411.rOEM" ANNUAL HOUSING AUTHORIZATIONS DADE COUNTY AND SELECTED SUBAREAS 1967-1973 CITY OF MIAMI Miami Beach Dade County Single hulti- Single Multi- Single Multi - Family Family Total Family Family Total Family Family Total 1967 565 1,448 2,013 17 2,111 2,128 5,051 9,844 14,895 1968 532 1,972 2,507 17 3,503 3,520 5,773 16,550 22,323 1969 600 2,517 3,117 29 3,869 3,898 6,370 20,538 26,908 1970 1,070 3,006 4,076 17 1,224 1,241 7,750 11,709 19,459 1971 818 3,396 4,214 22 406 428 12.596 17,323 29.919 Total, 1967-1971 3,585 12,339 15,927 102 11,113 11,215 37,540 75,964 113,504 Average Annual Authorizations, 717 2,467 3,184 20 2,222 2,242 7,508 15,192 22,700 1967-1971 1972 1973, First Quarter Only NA NA 8,618 NA NA 1,350 NA NA 48,220 NA NA 2,341 NA NA 252 NA NA 8,589 Source: Department of Commerce C-40 Reports. w rn ANNUAL RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS BY JURISDICTION DAOE COUNTY 1970 Municipality Bal Harbour Bay Harbour Islands Biscayne Park Coral Gables El Portal Florida City Golden Beach Hialeah Hialeah Gardens Homestead Indian Creek Village Islandia Medley Miami Miami Beach Miami Shores Miami Springs North Bay Village North Miami North Miami Beach Opa Loca Pennsuco South Miami Surfside Sweetwater Virginia Gardens West Miami Unincorporated Total Units Authorized, by Unit Type - Single 3-4 5 or Unit Family Duplex Units More Total 1 2 2 103 4 - - -- -- 1 15 17 2 -- -- 4 6 4 25 138 - - -- •- 4 53 14 -- -- 67 as OD -- - 11 11 250 52 86 520 908 3 -- -- -- 3 29 74 24 257 384 1 11 11 11 11 11 11 140 9 4 1 1 72 58 514 40 2 11 28 5 42 -- 4 -- -- 2 4,791 474 404 5,645 1,152 537 1/ Privately owned units: excludes public housing. Source: U.S. Census, C-40 Series. I11-5 - - 1 11 11 11 WM 37 2,907 3,561 1,224 1,241 10 14 - - 7 -- 1 443 513 290 348 187 240 18 46 -- 5 30 72 26 30 -- 2 5,668 11,337 11,610 18,944 7.1.141,••w 10111 MN. ANNUAL RESIDENTIAL EU ILCING PEPJ' ITS EY JURISD:CTION DADE COUNTY 1971 Units Authorized, by Unit Type- 1/ Single 3-4 5 or Unit Municipality Family Duplex Units More Total Bal Harbour 4 -- -- 24 28 Bay Harbour Islands 4 -- -- 36 40 Biscayne Park • 3 22 -- -- 25 Coral Gables 121 32 8 -- 161 El Portal 3 -. -- -- 3 Florida City 59 38 12 -- 109 Golden Beach 4 -- -- 4 Hialeah 587 144 195 2,177 3,103 Hialeah Gardens -- -- Homestead 60 216 71 500 847 Indian Creek Village 1 -- -- -- 1 Islandia -. -- -- Medley-- -- -- Miami 204 616 -- 3,396 4,216 Miami Beach 18 -- 4 406 428 Miami Shores 16 -- -- 46 62 Miami Springs 22 -- 6 -- Z8 North Bay Village -- -- -- IMOD -- North Miami 99 8 32 1,975 2,114 North Miami Beach 46 4 19 907 976 0pa Loca 16 2 56 160 234 Pennsuco -- -- -- -. -- South Miami 26 -- -- 26 Surfside 12 -- -- -- 12 Sweetwater 22 294 163 84 563 Virginia Gardens 2 -- -- -- 2 West Miami 2 4 16 OP AP 22 Unincorporated 7,334 1,052 717 7,612 16,715 Total 8,665 2,432 1,299 17,323 29,719 1/ Privately owned units: excludes public housing. Source: U.S. Census, C-40 Series. III-6 38 ANNUAL RESIDENTIAL BUILD:NG PERMITS BY JURISDICTION DADE COUNTY 1972 Municipality Bal Harbour Bay Harbour Islands Biscayne Park Coral Gables El Portal Florida City Golden Beach Hialeah Hialeah Gardens Homestead Indian Creek Village Islandia Medley Miami Miami Beach Miami Shores Miami Springs North Bay Village North Miami North Miami Beach Opa Loca Pennsuco South Miami Surfside Sweetwater Virginia Gardens West Miami Unincorporated Units Authorized, by Unit Type- 1/ Single 3-4 5 or Unit Family Duplex Units More Total 2 5 2 146 1 38 5 772 NA 138 ADM MM MOD MM 14 -- 8 IM 92 95 NA NA 86 35 24 . 139 208 OOP 7,757 NA 706 26 144 2 368 1 46 5 8,716 NA 965 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 39 175 588 OD inn 7,378 8,141 24 2 23 1,301 1,350 6 -- -- -- 6 17 IS MI 8 117 142 6 2 -- 184 192 69 -- MI MI 2,113 2,182 54 -- -- 1,025 1,079 20 10 16 1,087 1,133 — — -- -- -- -- 220 -- -- -- 220 9 -- -- 138 147 14 48 105 215 382 1 -- -- -- 1 7,757 536 743 16,505 25,541 Total 9,481 1,378 1,033 38,897 50,789 1/ Privately owned units: excludes public housing. Source: U.S. Census, C-40 Series. III-7 40 ANNUAL RESIDEtJTIAL BUILf;';G PERMITS BY JL'RISDICTICN DADE COUNTY 1973 Municipality Units Authorized, by Unit Type Single Multi - Family Family Total Bal Harbour ._ -- Bay Harbour Islands 2 -- 2 Biscayne Park 2 .. 2 Coral Gables 100 75 175 El Portal 2 -- 2 Florida City 10 2 12 Golden Beach 7 -- 7 Hialeah 200 3,342 3,542 Hialeah Gardens -- 711 711 Homestead 63 145 208 Indian Creek Village -- -- -- Islandia -- -- -- Medley -- -- -- Miami 139 5,187 5,326 Miami Beach 4 480 484 Miami Shores NA NA NA Miami Springs 6 48 54 North Bay Village -. -- -- North Miami 11 766 777 North Miami Beach 38 851 889 0pa Locka 15 216 231 Pennsuco -- -- -- South Miami 14 49 63 Surfside 1 335 336 Sweetwater 32 200 232 Virginia Gardens -- 67 67 West Miami -- 2 2 Unincorporated 7,613 13,468 21,081 Total 8,259 25,944 34,203 Source: Bureau of Economic and Business Research, University of Florida; Gladstone Associates. I1I-8 r ANNUAL RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS BY JURISDICTION DADE COUNTY 1974 Municipality Bal Harbour Bay Harbour Islands Biscayne Park Coral Gables El Portal Florida City Golden Beach Hialeah Hialeah Gardens Homestead Indian Creek Village Islandia Medley Miami Miami Beach Miami Shores Miami Springs North Bay Village North Miami North Miami Beach 0pa Locka Pennsuco South Miami Surfside Sweetwater Virginia Gardens West Miami Unincorporated Total Units Authorized, by Unit Type Single Multi - Family Fi..ii ly Total 0 572 572 1 0 1 2 10 12 50 27 77 1 0 1 10 0 10 1 0 1 80 1,314 1,394 0 0 0 164 286 450 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 106 1,277 1,383 12 503 515 5 0 5 2 9 11 0 0 0 7 1,466 1,473 9 24 33 4 0 4 0 0 0 7 0 7 4 0 4 1 119 120 3 0 3 NA NA NA 5,282 7,510 12,792 5,751 13,117 18,868 Source: Bureau of Economic and Business Research, University of Florida; Gladstone Associates. III-9 41 r 42 CONDOMINIUMS IN DAD: COUNTY 1968 - 1973 Condominium Units Total Added This Year 1968 6,273 1969 8,668 2,395 1970 12,489 3,821 1971 17,222 4,733 1972 22,024 4,802 1973 28,374 6,350 110. Source: Research Division, Metropolitan Dade County Planning Department, "Second Homes in Dade County, Florida." III-10 _...._..._.___._.. _...._.. _....,....w___ -.. __ _ -..,...._.•__,_.._..".*.-.--., .. . 43 CONDOMINIUM RESALES IN DADE COUNTY 1969 - 1974 Sales Closed Average Price 1969 622 $21,360 1970 662 24,836 1971 929 28,018 1972 1,245 32,191 1973 2,065 35,344 1974 (Jan. -Aug.) 1,562 $38,116 Source: American Savings & Loan Association of Florida 44 SECTION; IV: 0FrI2E DEVELOPMENT Between 1962 and 1972 Dade County experienced an office construction scale of about 535,000 square feet annually. Of the nearly 5.9 million square feet Constructed during these years, the majority was within the City of Miami, represented by approximately 3.2 million, or 54 percent of the County's total. Miami central business district contained about 43 percent of the City's total, with 57 percent distributed throughout the City of Miami elsewhere. Office development activity has continued at relatively high levels during the 1970's up to the most recent period. Current softness in the local economy (a reflection of national trends) has weakened the office market to a point where, according to one estimate, there is in excess of two million square feet 2/ of completed space unoccupied. However, upon observation, large por- tions of this space are contained within a smaller number of very sizeable build- ings, particularly in the central business district and Coral Gables. The City of Miami's office market, despite current weakness, can emerge stronger than ever where basic economic supports and momentum continue. As has been indicated previously, manufacturing -- a basic or export industry -- is expanding in Miami. While the tourism picture is perhaps mixed, in terms of its outlook, migration to the area for permanent residence will undoubtedly continue. Whether these are retired persons or employed heads of households, services and support industries will be necessary to accomodate this population growth. Offices to house various functions of the metropolitan area's total employment base will continue to be in demand. The City of Miami has already demonstrated its importance in office location decisions. With the new government center downtown, the public sector's office inventory will be more firmly entrenched than ever. If suburbanization in the 2/ Refers to Dade County as a whole. IV-1 45 outlying portions of the county diminishes through the imposition of planned constraints describes previously, the decentralization of office functions (e.g. lawyers, doctors, etc.) will diminish accordingly also. If the county's metro rapid transit system indeed becomes a reality, it will likely have a reinforcing benefit to centrality of office location. Down- town and adjacent areas will benefit from the ease of access to them from suburban residential locations. If the rapid transit system does not occur, and residential suburbanization continues, a corresponding decentralization of local -serving office uses will follow. However, for major office -using employers and regional -serving office functions, central locations will continue to be im- portant especially within the City of Miami. IV-2 . ..---.....,-.,.n..«...-r,—...—.—•.•••••—.....-t---.-....--.--._. .m.,.,.,n._•.,..,......••.••...- ....r•.. . Unincorporated Coral Year Dade County Gables C8D Remainder Total Total PRIVATE OFFICE SPACE CONSTRUCTED 1MIAMI AREA J 1962-1972 Estimated Gross Square feet Of Office Space Built By Year Miami 1962 65,210 102,377 30.000 30,000 197.587 1963 37..240 20.000 135,000 202.259 337.259 319.499 1964 38,970 114.319 -- 292.665 292.665 445.954 10-4 1965 214.610 301.627 246.689 548.316 762.9?6 w 1966 55,300 37,918 126,C00 58.470 184.470 211.r,It8 1967 27.570 -. 27,570 1968 33,040 53,790 -- 236,067 236.067322.901 1969 135,340 51,017 186,981 216.511 403,492 589.849 1970 193,830 143,741 110,104 110,104 447.6'15 1971 467.010 387.516 -- 264,070 264.070 • 1.118.596 1972 450,850 73,522 630,000 150,000 780.000 11304,172 Total 1.713,970 984.204 1.379.608 1,806,835 3.186.443 5,884.617 0 J Includes unincorporated areas of Dade County and cities of Miami and Coral Gables. There are no significant concentrations of office space in other Incorporated cities of Dade, based on conversations with Dade County Realtors. Source: Dade County Building and Zoning Office, City of Miami and City of Coral Gables; Gladstone Associates. GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION OF OFFICE SPACE CONSTRUCTION MIAMI AREA1/ 1962-1972 Unincorporated Coral Year Dade County Gables CBD 1962 33.0% 51.8% -- 1963 8.3% 5.1% 34.7i 1964 8.8% 25.6% -- 1965 28.1% 39.5% 1966 19.9% 13.7% 45.4% 1967 100.0% -- 1968 10.2% 16.7% 1969 22.9% 8.7% 31.7% 1970 43.3% 32.1% 1971 41.8% 34.6% 1972 34.6% 5.6% 48.3% aft OW Miami Remainder 15.2% 51.9% 65.6% 32.4% 21.0% 73.1% 36.7% 24.6% 23.6% 11.5% Total Total 15.2% 86.6% 65.6% 71.9% 66.4% 73.1% 68.4% 24.6% 23.6% 59.8% 100.0% 100.0% 100. OX 100.0% 100.01. 100.0:t 100.0; 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.OZ Total 29.1% 16.7% ' 23.4% 30.7% 54.1% 100.0% 1 Includes unincorporated areas of Dade County and cities of Miami and Coral Gables. There are no significant concentrations of office space in other incorporated cities of Dade, based on conversations with Dade County Realtors. Source: Dade County Building and Zoning Office, City of Miami and City of Coral Gables; Gladstone Associates. will III a np 1 1 .11,11AAA.11l1A!/!.!!MlPI --1 48 SECTION V: RETAIL TRADE ACTIVITY From 1967 to 1972 (the most recent date for which comprehensive data are available) total retail sales in Dade County increased by 51.2 billion, or about 36 percent. Over this same period the City of Miami's retail sales in- creased by 5165 million, or only about 14 percent. In 1967, the City of Miami contained 37 percent of the County's total retail sales and this had dropped to under 31 percent by 1972. The decline in retail sales proportionate to county- wide volumes has been experienced by the City of Miami, over this period, within all major retailing categories. That retail group which has held up best, how- ever, has been the apparel trade. The proliferation of large suburban shopping centers has accounted for the dispersal of retail activity to other areas outside of the County,a phenomonon similar to what occurred in many other U.S. cities during the 1960's. However, downtown Miami was not as dominant in area's total retail picture as in other communities. Downtown does remain an active retail center, and to a significant degree, this is supported by tourism (particularly from Latin Americans visiting the area). Retail growth, particularly in terms of its implications on land use, has been positive within the City of Miami, relative to county -wide change. Between 1967 and 1972 the number of retail establishments in the City increased by 857 units, to a total of 4,659 establishments. The City's retail establishment base increased across the board within all store categories, with two exceptions: general merchandise stores (i.e. department and variety -type stores) dropped 28 units down to 105 total for 1972; and drug stores declined by 11 units down to 128 outlets. Strength in Miami's apparel trade, evidenced previously, is reinforced by the relatively sizeable change in establishments in this category, up by 123 units over 1967 to a total of 376 for 1972. V-1 49 In summary, Miami's retail composition is changing. It appears that it is becoming increasingly a specialty rather than a broadly-based marketplace. Especially significant in the data presented above is the decline in large general merchandisers. Notwithstanding an overall decline in this category, one major new retailer -- J.C. Penney -- is locating a new facility in the down- town area. Also, partially accounting for the proliferation of retail outlets, is the shopping life-style associated with the City's large Cuban community. Many Cuban immigrants have set up small retail establishments as a convenient (if not entirely financially successful) means of creating a livelihood, and the S.W. Eighth Street corridor contains many of these establishments. As the economic base of this ethnic segment of the City's population improves (and the traditional and cultural life-styles blur through increasing assimilation and "Americaniza- tion") these establishments m. diminish in number as the Cuban population gravitates towards the larger shopping centers. V-2 Total Retail Sales1/ General Merchandise Department Stores Variety Stores Others Food Stores Apparel & Accessory Women's Clothing Men's Clothing Family Clothing Shoe Stores Other Furniture & Equipment Eating & Drinking Drug Stores RETAIL SALES: MIAMI SMSA CITY AND CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT 1972 (In Constant 1974 Dollars)/ SMSA Sales $4 , 392 ,181 $ 683,816 $ 874,940 $ 300,899 $ 244,608 $ 430,796 $ 168,686 City of Miami Sales $1,350,043 $ 212,944 Sales as Percent of SMSA Total 30.7% 31.1% $ 234,658 26.8% $ 81,885 27.2% $ 89,855 $ 129,716 $ 52,055 36.7% 30.1% 30.9% Central Business District: Miami Sales $163,567 $ 56,573 Sales as Percent of SMSA Total 3.77, 8.3% $ 3,294 0.4% $ 43,421 14.4% $ 5,638 $ 12,939 $ 14,383 1/ Includes all retail categories. Some categories are not indicated in table (i.e,. gasoline service). 2/ Sales in $1,000. Source: U.S. Census; Gladstone Associates. 2.3% 3.0% 8.5% • Total Retail Sales1/ General Merchandise Department Stores Variety Stores Others Food Stores Apparel & Accessory Women's Clothing Men's Clothing Family Clothing Shoe Stores Other RETAIL SALES: MIAMI SMSA CITY AND CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT 1967 (In Constant 1974 Dollars)" Central Business City of Miami District: Miami Sales as Sales as Percent of Percent of SMSA Sales Sales SMSA Total Sales SMSA Total $3,170,783 $1,185,387 37.4% $176,791 5.6% $ 486,949 $ 215,296 44.2% $ 78,743 16.2% $ 703,058 $ 239,063 34.0% $ 2,592 0.4% $ 220,577 $ 66,419 30.1% $ 42,013 19.0% Furniture & Equipment $ 166,297 $ 98,949 59.5% $ 7,220 4.3% Eating & Drinking $ 324,404 $ 113,688 35.0% $ 13,128 4.0% Drug Stores $ 134,392 $ 49,633 36.9% $ 12,199 9.1% 1/ Includes all retail categories. Some categories are not indicated in table (i.e,. gasoline service). in 2/ Sales in $1,000. Source: U.S. Census; Gladstone Associates. 52 NUMBER OF RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS CITY OF MIAMI 1967-72 Number of Stores Retail Category 1967 1972 Chance Building Materials, etc. 110 135 25 General Merchandise 133 105 -28 Food Stores 582 621 39 Auto Dealers 190 274 84 Gas Stations 366 406 40 Apparel Stores 321 444 123 Furniture & Home Furnishings 272 376 104 Eating & Drinking 848 905 57 Drug, etc. 139 128 -11 Other Retail 664 1,265 601 Sub Total 3,625 4,659 Total 3,802 4,659 857 Source: U.S. Census of Retail Trade. V-5 53 SECTION VI: HOUSEHOLD INCOMES IN THE AREA Between 1969 (the most recent year for which census data are available por- traying both City of Miami and County household incomes) a shift in income dis- tribution has occurred within the Miami area, as elsewhere throughout the country. Precise measures of this shift are unavailable owing to the absence of more re- cent (i.e. post-'69) data, but surmizes can be made. According to one source (Sales Management) households in Dade County earning in excess of $15,000 represented more than 21 percent of all households in the County in 1973. According to that same source's data for 1969, the percentage of metropolitan area households in this income category was under 11 percent. As reported in the U.S. Census, Dade County contained nearly 78,000 households in 1969 displaying very low earnings, under $3,000 annually. This undoubtedly reflects a relatively large portion of non -working, elderly households. While income, per se, can be an important determinant of their (as well as other house - hold's) level of affluence, asset holdings which can be converted to cash (and which are not reported as income) would improve the statistical evidence of the economic stature of this low -earning group. Between 1969 and '73, relying on Sales Management data, this low income group declined -- by about 14,000 households. However, the next lowest income category -- 53-4,999 per year -- increased by about 8,000 households, in Dade County. For the City of Miami, the largest single income grouping -- amounting to nearly 29 percent of all households in 1969 -- fell within the under $3,000 income category. This percentage was much larger than for the County as a whole and, in 1975 (although precise data are unavailable) the City undoubtedly contains a large low-income population still. VI-1 54 Looking at the City's upper -income category -- S2E,000 annually and over -- under 3,000 households were reported for 1969 in comparison with nearly 23,000 for the County. During the late 1950's and early 1970's the City of Miami was not regarded as a place of residential location importance for the metro- politan area's upper -income households (there are some noteable exceptions to this, most particularly in areas such as Bay Point, the Venetian Isles and Coconut Grove, although these are relatively small areas in comparison with other higher -income sectors of the County, such as Coral Gables, Miami Shores and parts of Miami Beach). However, with the introduction of luxury multi -family housing in selected areas of the City, as noted in an earlier report section, it may be expected that the 1980 Census will report a shifting pattern of some magnitude, toward higher incomes. Also striking from a review of 1969 data is the sizeable disparity between the County's middle -income population (e.g. $10,000-524,999) and the City's. About 20 percent of the City's households fell within this working-class income category, in comparison with one-third of the County's households. By -and -large, the City has a population skewed much toward the lower income level, than the County, although there are significant evidences of change as residential location patterns begin to bring higher -income households back into the City. VI-2 HOUSEHOLD INCOME: DADE COUNTY & CITY OF MIAMI Dade County Sales Management 1973 1969 % % % Unrelated Households Dist. Households Dist. Households Dist. Families Individuals Total Dist 0 $ 2,999 71,130 14.0% 85,600 21.0% 77,975 18.2% 12,952 25,628 38,580 28.7 $ 3 - $ 4,999 54,870 10.8% 62,740 15.4% 54,382 12.7% 13,243 9,634 22,877 17.0 $ 5 - $ 7,999 95,520 18.8% 97,800 24.0% 83,111 19.4% 20,884 8,461 29,345 21.8 $ 8 - $ 9,999 66,050 13.0% 55,810 13.7% 48,657 11.3% 11,082 2,418 13,500 10.0 Cit of Miami ensus: 96 W ' $10 - $14,999 112,290 22.1% 63,150 15.5% 87,453 20.4% 16,363 2,181 18,544 13.8 $15 - $24,999 68,590 13.5% 28,500 7.0% 54,855 12.8% 7,713 938 3,651 6.4 $25,000 - over 38,620 7.6% 13,850 3.4% 22,810 5.3% 2,442 397 2,839 2.1'. Total 508,100 100.0% 407,400 100.0% 429,243 100.0% 84,679 Source: U.S. Census; Sales Management. 49,657 134,336 100.04 u1 56 SECTION VIIl: FISCAL iSSUCS r..1.1n '.1N :VI.IL Lf,"D USE; Various types of properties contribute in differing ways to the City's real estate tax base and to the level of municipal services required to sup- port these uses. Preliminary calculations have been made for a series of property types given values and tax factors applicable. First, according to recent studies, the ratio of assessed to "actual" value within the City varies by property type. Analysis indicates that, for example, a single family dwelling is assessed at about 74 percent of its actual value. A commercial building, by constrast, is valued at only 53 percent of actual. Apartment buildings are valued at about two-thirds of market, according to these data. Taking these factors into account a series of prototypical property "models" have been prepared for this study, and the tax implications indicated, based upon assumptions or, densities and "actual" values. Accordingly, for every 1,000 square feet of building envelope, the total property tax generated ranges from between 5257 (for industrial buildings) to 549E (for condominium apartments). When appropriate respective densities are considered, this tax range relates to a property tax per square foot of land area from between 50.04/S.F. to 51.59/S.F. Services furnished by the City of Miami have also been calculated on a per capita basis -- for both residents and employees. Assumptions associated with the relative and absolute level of service provided to both types of com- munity's occupants have been entered into these calculations. Employing 1970 data, it is estimated that for every resident of Miami, approximately 566.23 of services is rendered annually ant a corresponding figure of 558.45 for employees working within the City's boundaries. VII-) 57 Taking resident and employee densities into account, per 1,000 square feet of prototypical space, City services as a function of ground area have been determined. These range from between $0.02 for a single family residence to $1.17 for an office building. While definitive conclusions drawn from the summary description above of the fiscal calculations performed cannot be made (pending further, more de- tailed analysis) the concepts advanced here begin to set the framework for fiscal planning. Whereby land -use changes proposed (or are projected as a con- sequence of normative development patterns) fiscal implications to the City can be evaluated. Therefore, both revenue expectations (from real property taxes) as well as service costs (for services provided by the City) can be attributed to potential net change in land use within the City, by type of use. VII-2 58 Property Type Single Family Dwelling Condominium 2/ Apartment Building V Commercial Building 3/ Warehouse 4/ RATIO OF ASSESSED VALUE TO "ACTUAL" VALUE DADE COUNTY REALTY I E Per 535,000 of "Actual" Value I Assessed Ratio: Assessed Tax Rate Tax Value Value to "Actual" 1 $ 15.09 $390.86 $ 25,900 74 $348.60 $ 23,100 66 " $353.88 $ 23,451 67 " $279.94 $ 18,551 53 % " $375.01 $ 24,852 71 io 1/ Assumed to be in an apartment building. 2/ Assumed to be rental property. 3/ Data assumed to be applicable to retail, wholesale and office realty. 4/ Assumed to also apply to industrial. Source: The Miami Herald, February 9, 1975; Gladstone Associates. VII-3 CALCULATION OF ILLUSTRATIVE "ACTUAL" VALUES AND TAX YIELDS (PRELIMINARY) SELECTED PROPERTY TYPES 1. Typical Building Size 2. Construction Cost Per Sq. Ft. 3. Total Construction Cost 4. Typical F.A.R. 5. Typical Supportable Ground Area 6. Typical Ground Value 7. Total Ground Value 8. Total Property Value (3+7):"Actual" $35,000 9. Ratio: Assessed Value to "Actual" 74 % 10. Assessed Value (A.V.) $25,900 11. Property Tax Rate ($/$1,000 of A.V.)$15.09 12. Total Property Tax 13. Property Tax/Land Area ($/S.F.) Single Family Condominium 1,000 S.F. 1,000 S.F. Rental Apartment 1,000 S.F. Retail Office Industrial 1,000 S.F. 1,000 S.F. 1,000 S.F. $ 25 $ 45 $ 40 $ 26 $ 40 $ 20 $25,000 $45,000 $40,000 $26,000 $40,000 $20,000 0.1 1.0 1.0 0.333 5.0 0.5 10,000 S.F. 1,000 S.F. 1,000 S.F. 3,000 S.F. 200 S.F. 2,000 S.F. $1.00/S.F. $5.00/S.F. $3.50/S.F. $4.00/S.F. $10.00/S.F. $2.00/S.F. $10,000 $ 5,000 $ 3,500 $12,000 $ 2,000 $ 4,000 $50,000 $43,500 $38,000 $42,000 $24,000 66% 67% 53% 53% 71 % $33,000 $29,100 $20,100 $22,300 $17,000 $15.09 $15.09 $15.09 $15.09 $15.09 $ 391 $ 498 $ 439 $ 303 $ 337 $ 257 $ 0.04 $ 0.50 $ 0.44 $ 0.10 $ 1.69 $ 0.13 Source: Gladstone Associates; The Miami Herald. Lis 0 IIIII ..1IlIl1111a .. .... ILLUSTRATIVE CITY SERVICES NEEDED BY PROPERTY TYPE (PRELIMINARY) CITY OF MIAMI Single Rental Family Condominium Apartment Retail Office Industrial Occupany Type Resident Resident Resident Employee Employee Employee Occupanty Density 1/ 3.5 2.1 1.8 3 4 3 City Services/Occupant z/ $ 66.23 $ 66.23 $ 66.23 $ 58.45 $ 58.45 $ 58.45 Total City Services $ 232 $ 139 $ 119 $ 175 $ 234 $ 175 Supportable Ground Area 10,000 S.F. 1,000 S.F. 1,000 S.F. 3,000 S.F. 200 S.F. 2,000 S.F. City Services/S.F. of Supportable Ground Area $ 0.02 $ 0.14 $ 0.12 $ 0.06 1/ Per 1,000 S.F. of floor area. 2/ 1970 fiscal data, general expenditures. Source: Gladstone Associates 7-30-75. $ 1.17 $ 0.09 MARKET ANALYSIS Prepared For MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN WALL.,CE, McHARG► ROBERTS & TODD Principal Consultants Hunter Moss and Company Economic Consultants 150 E. Palmetto Park Rd. Boca Raton, Florida 61 MARKET ANALYSIS Purpose of Analysis The purpose of this market analysis is to establish projections of private market demand for land within the limits of the City of Miami. The demand is as of September, 1976, since it is tied in with current market data studies. However, projections are made that relate to the anticipated growth within the city estimated up to the year 1985. Methods Used in Analysis In order to determine the market demand for land, it has been necessary to study the present population of the City of Miami and indicated trends up to the year 1985, broken down by the following categories: 1. Numerical Total 2. Areas of Increase or Decrease 3. Racial Composition 4. Family Income 5. Employment In order to determine the significance of these population figures and their effect on the future, market studies have been made concerning the present supply of various elements of the real estate stock in order to determine conditions of oversupply and undersupply as well as economic factors that relate to the desirability of the real estate being analyzed. The results of the analysis of population and real estate inventory leads to the conclusion as to the depth of the need for land. A growing population creates a need for residential, commercial and industrial properties and this need stimulates the land market. Land is available either as a part of the vacant land inventory or from the renewal of land that may currently be underimproved. -1- HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY 50 E ?AL'.IETTO ?:Ric RCAO 3CCA PAT ON=L_CRUCA 432 62 The market studies that have been conducted in connection with this analysis are as follows: Single Family Residential Duplex Residential Multifamily Residential Retail Warehouse Industrial Vacant Land Population As pointed out previously, the City of Miami is the major population center of Dade County. The county population in 1960 and 1970 broken down by white and non -white categories is as follows: Year White Non -White Total 1960 796,054 138,993 935,047 1970 1,071,662 196,130 1,267,792 The non -white represents 14.9; of the total in 1960 and 15.50 of the total in 1970. The corresponding Miami figures are as follows: Year White Non -White Total 1960 225,888 65,800 291,688 1970 256,377 78,482 334,859 Since 1960, the in -migration of Cubans to the United States in general and into Dade County and Miami in particular has been in significant numbers. Many of the Cubans were relocated to other sectors of the United States, but in growing numbers they are now moving into the South Florida area. -2- HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY 63 Projections made in 1973 indicate the following percentage of the total population in the Black and Latin category for Miami and Dade County: Area Black Latin Miami 22.7% 52.0% Dade County 15.0% 29.0% As can be seen in the maps listed in the Technical Section in Exhibit , the Latin population generally occupies the area running through the middle of the city south of 36th Street and west of I-95 and bordered by Dixie Highway on the south. The Black population is located in three principal areas as follows: (1) the Central District bordering downtown on the west running west to I-95 and bordered by the Miami River on the south and 20th Street on the north; (2) the area located to the north of 36th Street running up to 71st Street and bisected by I-95; and (3) the area south of Dixie Highway west of 27th Avenue in Coconut Grove. From 1960 to 1970, the growth areas as shown on the plat in Exhibit are the Latin areas plus the area west of LeJeune Road bisected by N.V. 7th Avenue, the Bayfront Area bisected by Biscayne Boulevard running from Venetian Causeway to the Julia Tuttle Causeway and the north end of the city bisected by N.W. 79th Street. Decreases of population have occurred in the area surrounding the Medical Center and the Edison Park area. The remainder of the city has shown no change in population. It is anticipated that the growth patterns running out to the year 1985 will show growth around the transit stations, in Downtown and around the Medical Center and in that corridor running along Sth Street west to 27th Avenue. Employment As shown in Table in the Technical Appendix of this report the employment and establishments by selected industries in the City of Miami in the year 1974 is as follows: -3- HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY `-:,L:.:ET+C. :=r�!.< :.Opp, BCC. = :TCra=LC='CA .?s32 64 EMPLOYMENT 1974 Manufacturing Contract Construction Transportation, Communication and Public Utilities Wholesale Trade Retail Trade Finance, Insurance, Real Estate Services and Miscellaneous Government TOTAL 27,800 14,000 20,200 14,800 32,900 15,000 48,700 28,400 201,800 The total Dade County employment was 593,700 in 1974 and Miami therefore represents 34%. Also, it is interesting to note that contract construction repre- sents 7% of the total, but is undoubtedly lower today 'because of the slump in building activity. -4- HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY 153 E FAL ;ETTC PAFK ROAD 5OOA FLORIDA : 3'32 r 65 Income The U.S. Bureau of the Census for the year 1970 breaks down the income figures for the city as a whole and also for the Latin and Black segments of the population. From this it is possible to determine the proportion of non -Latin Whites, Latins and Blacks and the breakdown into various income categories is as follows: Income Category Non -Latin White Latin Black Under $5,000 24% 30% 43% $5,000 to $10,000 31% 42% 39% $10,000 and up 45% 28% 18% TOTAL 100% 100% 100% It is obvious from this that the Blacks are at the low end of the economic spectrum, the Cubans are in the middle and the Non -Latin Whites are at the top. With the Latin population increasing in proportion to the whole and with the Non -Latin Whites decreasing, it is obvious that the overall median income for the city as a whole will probably decrease in the years ahead. In the 1970 Census the median income figures were as follows: City wide $7,302 Latin $7,116 Black $5,648 Because of the heavy influx of tourists and second home residents who are not counted in the population, a complete reliance cannot be given to population figures as an indication of real estate and development trends. In order to fully understand the importance of visitors to South Florida and Miami, a few figures will illustrate it. In 1975 27.3 million people visited the state which is a 17.6% increase over 1970. These tourists have been estimated to have spent 8.8 billion dollars in the state last year. Again, it has been estimated that 240 of the total number of visitors come to South Florida which means that 6 million tourists and second home occupants visited the South Florida Area during 1975. No more finite figures are available to break these totals down for Miami City alone but it is obvious that the visitor from out of state and out of country is an important part of the total economic picture. -5- HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY 150 E P L'.;E T TO PARK CAC ?CCA ?ATCN=i_C=I'CA 33432 66 Residential Development Figures from the City of Miami Planning Department as of February 1976 show the following comparison of housing units between 1970 and 1975: 1970 125,278 units 1975 135,669 units In the 61 census tracts that make up the City of Miami (some of which are only partial tracts) the change in housing units during the five year period is as follows: Lost units 24 tracts No change 3 tracts Increase in units 34 tracts It is interesting to note that 3 census tracts that showed major increases in housing units are tracts that were not improved up to the allowable density. These tracts are principally occupied by Cubans. Two other growth tracts are those west of LeJeune Road bordering the Miami International Airport which has been opened to development only within the last ten years. The breakdown of the total number of dwelling units in 1975 is as follows: Type Number Percentage Single Family 38,825 28.62% Duplex 22,308 16.44% Multifamily 71,489 52.69% Mixed residential 3,047 22.25% It is obvious that Miami has passed the midway mark in becoming a town of multifamily dwelling units and this trend continues as can be seen in the total number of building permits authorized in 1973, the last year of full construction: -6- HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY 67 Single Family Permits 139 Multifamily Permits 5,187 5,326 It is interesting to see the growing total of condominium units that existed in Dade County for the years from 1968 through 1973 as follows: 1968 6,273 1969 8,668 1970 12,489 1971 17,222 1972 22,024 1973 28,374 This same increase ratio follows for the City of Miami. The condition of the housing stock as of 1975 within the city was as follows: Condition Number Percentage Good 100,313 73.941 Needs minor repairs 22,068 16.271 Needs major repairs 10,342 7.62% Dilapidated 2,946 2.17% These figures were taken from a field survey conducted by the Planning Department of the City of Miami. In summary, it can be stated that there has been a growth in the total number of housing units commensurate with the population growth of the area. However, some of the areas of the city are showing a decline against the more dynamic growth in other areas. On the whole, the condition of the housing stock can be classified as good with only 9.79% of the total number of units being either dilapidated or in need of major repairs. -7- HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY e.CCA;A C�: __ �ai�^ 23432 68 Broad totals do not always indicate the true picture and this is true in respect to building permits and condominium totals. Six census tracts facing on Biscayne Bay have accounted for a large proportion of the dollar volume of building permits since these census tracts are the "home" of the new high-rise condominium apartments that are available as both primary home for local residents and also as a second home for those people who come from both out of state and out of country. At this time there are 9,200 residents living in public housing facilities within the City of Miami, but the local HUD office has a backlog of approximately 20,000 applicants indicating a need for low cost housing for those people who cannot afford the moderate or high priced units which are currently being constructed. In conclusion, there is a need for additional housing to be constructed within the city limits to house the growing population and to replace dilapidated units that will eventually be lost to the housing inventory. Because of high construction and land cost, housing has been created for the upper income market leaving an unmet need in the middle and lower income bracket. In order to satisfy this unmet need it will be necessary to create various forms of subsidies. An active urban renewal program with sufficient financing would be a boon to the middle and lower income market, but that will require a change in governmental thinking that has not been prevalent in recent years, especially at the national level. Commercial Retail. The City of Miami being a young city less than 80 years old did not develop an extensive downtown retail core which is prevalent in so many northern cities in particular. This city was originally served with a streetcar system and many sub -center retail locations grew up around transfer points. A number of these sub -center retail locations are important within the city today such as the Biscayne Plaza Shopping Center at the intersection of 79th Street and Biscayne Boulevard, the nearby Little River commercial area west on 79th Street at N.E. 2nd Avenue, the Sabal Palm Plaza at N.E. 2nd Avenue and 54th Street, the Central Shopping Plaza at N.W. 7th Street and Douglas Road, the commercial area of Coconut Grove and strip centers along such streets as S.W. Sth Street, Pest Flagler Street, N.W. 7th Avenue and Biscayne Boulevard, for example. -8- HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY 53 E PALE TC P ,= K 7 AHD cc !=.:,TCN -LO 4 31432 69 The great threat, however, to retail establishments within the city limits are the more glamorous shopping centers, the majority of which are located outside of the city limits. The principal ones include the 163rd Street Plaza, Westland, Midway Mall and Dadeland. Miami City from figures prepared by the City's Department of Planning as of July of 1975 has a total of 4,449 retail es- tablishments with a total retail floor area of 13,684,000 feet. This represents a major presentation especially when it is realized that the new, modern mall -type regional shopping centers containing three department stores seldom contain more than 775,000 square feet. One of the newest centers in the Miami area is Westland, west of Hialeah, which contains a total of 660,700 square feet including stores occupied by Burdines, Sears and Penney's. Downtown Miami unfortunately has its retail facilities divided into two distinct sections which are over one mile apart. The first centered around the hub at Miami Avenue and Flagler Street contains the Burdines Department Store with the Richards Store one block away. The second center at S.E. 15th Street and Biscayne Boulevard centers around the Jordan Marsh, Sears and Jefferson stores and presently under construction at this location is the new Omni project which when completed will contain on its 101 acre site, 140 shops occupying 326,000 square feet backed up with a 20 story 566 unit hotel, 45,000 square feet of convention facilities, a 25,000 square foot entertainment attraction, six theaters and eight restaurants. Without having comparative retail sales figures on which to draw a conclusion, it can only be stated that it is unfortunate that the downtown area which in effect is fighting for its life against the competition from shopping centers must divide its retail presentation into two separate centers. In conclusion, there is no need within the city limits for an extensive new presentation of retail space except in the 3rickeil Avenue area and therefore retail use represents a low potential for land use. This does not apply to small strip -center retail developments, including conversions. The Cubans have constructed a number of small neighborhood centers which have shown a degree of success, but even they appear to be in oversupply. -9- HUNTER MOSS AND CCU Ar 4NY E -..RK =Cap __=c�__ 70 Office Space Development. In the total growth of South Florida and because of the unique location as a gateway to Central and South America, Miami has had an increasing growth in office space built around both the public and private sector. The City of Miami Planning Department in their survey of July 1975, showed that there was 17,762,000 square feet of office space within the city limits. This space is in all categories from first class, air conditioned space in the downtown area to semi -loft space converted for office use in the outlying areas. Much of this latter is often found in mixed use structures with retail establishments on the first floor. Hunter Moss and Company in their annual survey of office space completed as of November, 1975 showed that there was 5,506,529 square feet of first class office space, all air conditioned, within the city limits. The occupancy was 80% for the city as a whole and the breakdown by sectors was as follows: Miami Downtown Biscayne Boulevard Brickell Avenue Coral Way Southwest First Street 78.0% 72.7% 86.7% 93.9% 75.8% In the entire Greater Miami Area including the space located in Dade County with a total of 10,523,532 square feet, the overall occupancy was 60.0%. With a total a 1,112,536 square feet of office space vacant in major areas throughout the city, it is obvious that there is no shortage and it is felt that it will take a minimum of three years to absorb this oversupply which resulted from the building excesses in the early 70's. It is known that there are certain key areas on which office space development is contemplated, especially in the Brickell Avenue area and it is hoped that any new projects will be postponed until the present vacancies are absorbed. Low occupancy means low assessments and it is felt that the present buildings will not produce their maximum tax potential until occupancy reaches a level of over 90%. -10- HUNTER MOSS AND CON ANY E=AL:.1ETTO FAR FORD BOCA ?ATCN F_C;='2 p 71 In conclusion, it is not felt that there is any need for office space development within the city at this time. Industrial Development. This sub -heading includes both manufacturing and warehousing including water -oriented industrial development. The city has become an important center for the garment industry which is centered in an area lying between 20th Street and 36th Street bounded by the FEC Railroad tracks and I-95. Most of the other manufacturing and wholesale facilities flank the Seaboard and Florida East Coast Railroads. Over the years, industry has been moving out of the city because of the shortage of expansion space and because of tax advantages in other locations. Nearby Hialeah has attracted much new industry and has therefore been a constant threat to the city. Miami's greatest strength in holding existing industry or attracting new industry is the availability of a nearby labor supply. It is felt that this would be augmented by the creation of a new, well located and well planned industrial park similar to those being created in the outlying areas. The City of Miami Planning Department Survey of July 1975 indicated that there were 13,798,000 square feet of manufacturing space and 3,494,000 square feet of wholesale space within the city limits. This represents a major presentation, but the lack of expansion opportunities diminishes its significance. The marine industrial flanking the Miami River is clustering around certain key companies or operations and it is not felt that this will be a growth potential in the years ahead. The direction is consolidation rather than growth. Vacant Land. The City of Miami's total net available acreage for development totals 17,993 acres. There are 1,413 acres vacant as of this time broken down into various use categories. If the FEC yards fronting on 36th Street and the Dinner Key complex are added in, the total is 1,521 acres. There are approximately 250 acres including the FEC yards and Dinner Key that are held in major tracts that will be of interest to developers since the individual tract areas are large. The remaining vacant ground is held basically in smaller tracts of one acre or less. However, clearance and urban renewal could add to this total. -11- HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY ' 50 E QAL; ,E T TO PARK PCAO EOC,A n'ATC_N FLCFi'A 23432 72 Summary. The City of Miami continues to show growth patterns and with the heaviest growth in the Latin and Black sector as non -Latin Whites tend to move out of the city. The employment base is diversified which continues to give Miami a well-balanced economic base. The income level shows the Blacks at the lowest level, the Latins in the middle and the non -Latin Whites at the top. The city shows median income figures as of the 1970 census of $7,302 which may decline in the future as the non -Latin Whites move out of the city. Residential development continues although new projects are related often to the upper income level to the detriment of the middle and lower income sector which cannot afford new housing. Multifamily units constitute over SOa of the housing stock and it is felt that this will continue to grow. The housing stock is in relatively good condition. There will be a necessary infusion of governmental financing in order to provide housing for the low income families. There is no need for retail or office space development. Both of these categories either have been or are being overbuilt. There is a need for new industrial and warehousing facilities and there is an available site for the satisfying of this need. -12- HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY 15C, PA=,K 74OAD FOCA RATCN FLC"?'DA 33.132 CITY OF MIAMI NEIGHBORHOOD SURVEY Prepared For MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN WALLACE, MCHARG, ROBERTS AND TODD Principal Consultants February 1976 Hunter Moss and Company Economic Consultants 150 E. Palmetto Park Rd. Boca Raton, Florida 73 IBEX Miami - An Overview Summary and Conclusions on Inspection of City of Miami Census Tracts, February 1976 Individual Census Tract Reports Exhibit 1 - Office Space Survey 2 - Retail Rents 3 - Apartment Rents 4 - Condominium Sales Prices 5 - Lot Sales and Asking Prices 6 - Land Values HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY 7,J rC PARK =CAC -3CCA N Fi_O C'A 33432 74 MIAMI -- AN OVERVIEW HUNTER MOSS It is impossible to analyze the socio-economic char- acteristics of the City of Miami without first taking a broad look at Dade County of which Miami City is the principal population center. Dade County, because of its location at the southern tip of Florida, enjoys a mild climate with the rainfall occurring mainly in the summer months. The normal daily maximum temperature is 83.1° F. while the normal daily minimum is 67.5°. The County suffers from constant water problems resulting from an over -abundance of rainfall in the summer months and an inadequate supply during the winter. The porous limestone of South Florida makes it difficult to store surplus rainfall for use during drier months. Experts in the area feel that by the end of this century, another source of water will be required to accommodate the projected 31 million residents in Dade County at that time. Over the years, the tourist industry has been the most important aspect of Dade County's economic base although its emphasis has been changing almost imperceptibly over the period of the last 25 years in particular. Prior to the availability of easy and inexpensive air service, - 1 - HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY '50 E PALMETTO PARK FOAD BODA FATON FLOFIDA 33432 75 Metropolitan Miami was the mecca for the wealthy who came to the area during "the season" which centered around the months of February, March and April in particular. However, with the arrival of the jet airplane and air- conditioning, many middle income tourists and convention- eers have come to the area and the season has been extended to include the summer months as well as the weeks surrounding Christmas and New Year's. The tourist industry has grown in size but it has been subject to extreme highs and lows because of the influence of weather, the overall economy and competition from other areas in particular. However as the individual tourist has often sought out new spots for his or her individual vacation, conventions have grown in size and number and are fast becoming the mainstay of the tourist industry and the all important hotels that make it possible. Over the period of the last 10 years in particular, the economy for the Miami Metropolitan Area has begun to shift more rapidly from its heavy tourist orientation to a greater diversification which includes principally manufacturing and transportation. Numerous airlines maintain overhaul and maintenance facilities at the Miami International Airport and there has been a growing electronics industry which was spurred by the original space research -activities at Cape Canaveral. - 2 HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY '50 E PALMETTO PARK ROAD. BOCA RATON. FLORIDA 33432 76 The garment industry has grown in importance and several large companies with national reputations are located within the area. However most of Metropolitan Miami's industry is small, employs semi -skilled labor, is basically clean and noiseless and manufacturers of a product that can be easily transported. The only heavy industry in the County are the cement plants which are located west of the populated Metropolitan Area. From an agricultural standpoint, Metropolitan Miami is one of the largest producers of winter vegetables in the nation. The transportation industry includes the facilities of 4 major airports including Miami International, 2 rail- roads being the Seaboard Coastline and Florida East Coast, and of course numerous bus companies. In addition the new Port of Miami constructed on Dodge Island has become one of the largest cruise ports in the United States and will continue to grow when the deepening of the Port is completed, allowing larger cruise ships to use the new modern facilities that have been constructed. Backing up the tourist, industrial, commercial and agricultural aspects of the economy is a strong banking base which has grown impressively over the period of the last 15 years in particular. - 3 - HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY '50 E PAL'.'ETT` PARK ROAD BOCA RATON FL°RCA 33432 1 77 Perhaps the most significant recent influences within the County are the growth of the Latin population and the growth in the popularity of all types of condo- minium residential structures. It is estimated as of 1973 that 29% of the population is Latin (principally Cuban) being approximately 400,000 out of a population of 1,373,609. The largest majority live in the cities of Miami and Hialeah, although they are dispersed to a lesser proportion throughout all sections of the Metro- politan Area. The growth in condominium ownership of residential units commenced in the early 60's and by 1968 there were 6,273 such units. By 1973, this has grown to 28,374. The building and sale of condominiums reached its peak in 1973 and the market for them was almost equally divided between permanent residents seeking new homes and second home buyers who use the facilities for vaca- tion purposes. Construction has been a major business as Dade County continues to grow and it was estimated that in 1972, 35,600 people or_11.5% of thework force were employed in contract construction. In the 14 year period, from 1960 to 1974, the County's population increased by 51% to a total of 1,413,102. This dynamic growth will continue although at a reduced rate - 4 HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY 150 E PALMETTO PARK RCAF. 3OCA RATON. FI..CRIOA 33432 78 in the years ahead as the desire for people to live in warm weather lands continues and as the Latin population continues to center in the South Florida Area. This population. Prowth has spurred all elements of the economy as already set forth and Metropolitan Miami has become the "capital" of South Florida. This overview of Dade County is necessary in order to fully appreciate the effect on the City of Miami which is the heart of the County. It is estimated that the 1974 population of the City is 350,499, being 24.8% of the County population. In 1960, the City represented 31.21 of the County population. Of greater significance is the fact that the increase in population for the County was 51% as stated before in the 14 year period from 1960 to 1974, while the increase in the City was 20%. Thus it is obvious that much of the County growth is occurring in the cities bordering the City of Miami and also in the unincorporated areas of the County. Also, the City of Miami does not share in all of the basic elements of the County's economic base. As an example, the tourist in- dustry is centered principally in the communities of Miami Beach, Surfside and Bal Harbor, all bordering on the Atlantic Ocean. Much of the manufacturing growth has occurred in the City of Hialeah because of a more favor- able tax climate as well as more available land. The - 5 HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY 150 E PALMETTO BARK ROAD BOCA RATON=LCRIOA 33432 A 79 all important aviation industry is centered principally at Miami International Airport, at Tamiami Airport and at Opa Locke Airport, all of which are outside of the city limits. Even though there has been significant expansion in office space within the city limits and principally in Downtown Miami, there has also been extensive growth in Coral Gables and in other areas as businesses have located closer to their labor supply and moved away from the congestion of the Downtown Area. Since there is little vacant land within the City, it is obvious that the main thrust of truck farming is in the outlying areas of the County. The City of Miami can lay principal claim to only one major segment of the County's economic base being the financial world although strangely the present temporary branch of the Federal Reserve Bank is located just outside of the city limits in Coral Gables. The effect of the growing Latin population in the County was underlined previously and it was indicated as of 1973 that 297. of the County's total was of Latin ex- traction. In the City, the percentage isevengreater with 527. being Latin or approximately 182,000 persons. It is interesting to note that the Black population is estimated to be 22.77. in 1973 or approximately 80,000. Thus the total of Latin and Black is approximately 757. or 262,000 persons. - 6 - HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY 150 E PALMETTO PARK ROAD. BCCA RATON FLORIDA 33432 4. 80 There is little rapport between the Cubans and the Blacks mainly because of the taking over of the lower paid jobs by Cubans at the expense of the Negros. As an example, the waiters in all of the principal hotels are now 10070 Cuban and the Waiters Union is of course completely dominated by them. In looking ahead, it is possible to predict some of the future trends. The Cuban growth in population which is the result of both birth and immigration will continue and Miami will become a Latin city. Miami will become bilingual in the use of Spanish as Montreal is in the use of French. The political life will also be taken over by the Cubans and the Latin way of life will become more than ever the general focus for the City. Cuban restaur- ants and entertainment will continue to grow. Many non - Cubans will move out of the city limits into areas that contain a more even mix of races and nationalities. The City's importance as a financial center will continue to grow since it is already the hub for the large area that stretches out into the Caribbean and Latin America. The presence of Miami International Airport immediately adjacent to the City is important in supporting this and it is felt that the future location of the Federal Reserve Bank will be within the city limits. - 7- HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY 150 E PALMETTO PARK ROAD BOCA RATON FLORIDA 33432 81 Industry will continue to move out of the City because of the shortage of expansion space although this trend will be slowed as industries hesitate to move too far from their labor supply. Many of the workers in the industrial plants live within the City and certain financial advantages to the companies in moving may be lost if new locations require too long a commute for the workers to get to and from their jobs. The significance of the City of Miami as a retail center will continue to decline as better located and more convenient centers are built closer to the growing pop- ulation which will occur in the outer reaches of the County. Unfortunately the Downtown Retail District of the City is already fractured by a physical separation between the department stores, two of which are located on Flagler Street and two are located at the northern edge of the Downtown Area on Biscayne Bay -- a separation of over one mile. Downtown housing will grow in desirability as com- muting times lengthen to the outlying area. The high cost of gasoline will undoubtedly be a spur to close -in housing, but because of the scarcity of land and its high cost, construction will be in multi -storied structures. The second home market, which disappeared in the economic collapse starting two years ago, will return although - 8 HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY .50E PALMETTO PARK ROAD SOCA BATON FLORIDA 33432 82 in a more modest way, and for Miami much of it will be generated from Latin and South America. Residents of countries in those areas will be attracted by Miami's growing Latin culture and orientation The need for truly low cost housing will continue to escalate but the high cost of land and construction will mean that extensive subsidies will be required in order to satisfy the demand. -9- HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY •c PA' '.1E1TO ^A K 2OA BOA, mATQN FLOP!DA. 33432 • 83 SUMMARY OBSERVATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS OF SURVEY OF CITY OF MIAMI FEBRUARY 1976 After surveying every census tract of the city, I am anxious to put down my overview of what I saw and what I think it means. Much of this ties in with information that has been prepared by Gladstone Associates. Two basic figures have been developed by them in conjunction with this study which are important. As of this time it is my understanding that the Miami population is broken down at 52% Cuban (or Latin), 23% Black and 25% Other. The Other represents the White Americans. In our survey of Housing Needs and Resources made for the City of Miami in 1965, we projected that the Cuban population was 17% and the Black population 26%. It is thus obvious that the popularity of Miami for the Cubans continues to be a major influence and this should continue in the years ahead. From my visit into the various census tracts it was obvious to see that the city is divided into three distinct areas which can be over -simplified to a degree by describing them as follows: 1. The Cuban area is all of the census tracts running from the Dixie Highway on the southeast and the Miami River on the northeast west to the city line. 2. The Black area runs north from the Miami River, west and north to the city line and bordered by Miami Avenue on the east. 3. The White Americans live along the bayfront fringe bordered roughly by the F.E.C. tracks on the west. It is not all that simple since there are many mixed areas. Census Tract No. 56 and No. 70 are a mixture of White American and Cuban. Census Tract No. 24 is principally Cuban. Census Tract No. 14, No. 20.01 and No. 20.02 are a mixture of White American and Black. But the general pattern is being established and it is my feeling that the areas with mixed occupancy will not remain that way long. The greatest single influence on the City of Miami in the last ten years is the growth of the Cuban population which basically has been a positive influence. Where the Cubans have moved in to census tracts, the general appearance of the area HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY !=‘-41.::ETTO 3CC . PTO7,! r _ ..1l;A 224 32 84 has improved. Their tendency to paint -up -fix -up prevents deterioration and values in the area are held firm. The Cubans are hard-working and industrious and they have a basic pride of ownership. I have cited on the attached sheets numbers of cases where my projections made in 1965 were wrong. The Cuban influence was much better and much stronger than I had anticipated. Unfortunately my comments concerning some of the Black areas in 1965 were also incorrect since the Blacks as a whole do not seem to be showing the pride of ownership that is evidenced by the Cubans. The White areas taken over by the Blacks, such as Census Tract No. 23, are showing a marked decline. This is not true in all cases but the appearance of almost every block is on the negative rather than the positive side. Unfortunately the City of Miami has added to this condition by poor trash pick-up, insufficient street lighting and poor streets. That condition existed in 1965 and still continues and it is again unfortunate that conditions in the Black areas are not as apparent in the White areas. The movement of the White Americans out of the City of Miami will undoubtedly continue since the Americans basically do not wish to live in what is fast becoming a Latin city. When the city's political life is taken over by the Cubans, the outpouring will undoubtedly accelerate. However, I do not believe that there will be a void since it is my belief that the bayfront real estate will become attractive as second homes to South Americans who will be attracted to the Latin culture that is being established by the Cubans. It is therefore my feeling that Miami will continue to grow and prosper but as a Latin rather than an American city. The Blacks will rezain and their problems will remain and it can only be hoped that the Cubans who are really Cuban Americans will wish to provide for the well-being of the Black population. In the past there has been little rapport between the Cubans and the Blacks but that is basically the result of the resentment by the Blacks of the Cubans for taking over the low paying jobs when the Cubans were first admitted to this country. As the Cubans move up the economic ladder, this fear my be dissipated. Downtown Miami as a financial center will continue to prosper and provide employment for the White Amsricers who will commute to work. However, the growing office growth in Coral Gables may grow into a real threat to Downtown Miami, although this will be dictated by a degree by the mass transportation that is provided for the city in years ahead. Hunter Moss 2 HUNTER MOSS AND CC,'VWANY • 85 0' 2700' 1•00' 1100' i I I SCALC i CITY OP MIAMI PI.ANNINO O6PAPTMIINT • MAY ,1971 86 CENSUS TRACT NO. 13 This large tract with its extensive frontage on Biscayne Bay is bisected by 79th Street and Biscayne Boulevard. The tract is made up primarily of single family dwellings in good condition. The most important residential addition to the area is the high-rise apartment building constructed by the Palm Bay Club. The Boulevard contains many motels and there are retail vacancies which also occur on 79th Street. In spite of the heavy traffic on the two main arteries, the residential properties will remain stable, due in part to the number of dead end streets and short blocks which discourages through traffic. This area continues to hold stable. HUNTER MOSS AND CON\1f ANY 87 CENSUS TRACT NO, 14 This tract is in no sense a cohesive community even though Little River is an important part of it. The tract is bisected on a north -south axis by I-95, by Miami Avenue and by N.E. 2nd Avenue. On an east -west axis, it is bisected by the F.E.C. Railroad and 79th Street. As a result, the area is divided into small pockets or islands of development. The Blacks have moved into that portion of the tract west of I-95 and east of I-95 they have moved up to Miami Avenue. The area east of Miami Avenue up to the F.E.C. tracks is mixed Black and White. The Little River shopping area centered around 79th Street and S.E. 2nd Avenue shows increasing amount of Black patronage. The largest single improvement in this area in recent years is the construction of the First State Bank Building and Parking Garage at the northwest corner of 79th Street and S.E. 2nd Avenue. This is a problem tract with a difficult future from a housing standpoint. The trend should be downward as Negros move in from the west and south. HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY LE ' .AC -+CCA 'O 88 CENSUS TRACT NO. 15.01 This tract located at the northwest corner of the city is dominated by a public housing project which 10 years ago exerted a positive influence on the area but which today appears to be in poor condition. North of the public housing is a small amount of single-family housing some of which is in good repair although frame structures fronting on 71st Avenue are in disrepair. Overall the tract is showing evidence of deteriorating structures and the appearance of the area is poor. The occupancy is 1009. Black. HUNTER !V'OSS AND COMPANY • 89 CENSUS TRACT NO. 18.01 This is one of the smallest census tracts in the city and is 100% Black. It represents an island in which the appearance and condition of the housing is good and with only minor deterioration on a spot basis. If the Blacks living in this area continue to show a pride of ownership, there should be little change in the years ahead. HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY :%• 3 432 90 CENSUS TRACT NO. 18.02 This all Black tract has housing and care in the northern portion To the south of 50th Street, the and the area has an increasingly is a vacant and vandalized house Street. showing good maintenance adjacent to Tract 18.01. housing is poorly maintained slovenly appearance. There at 18th Avenue and 45th HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY 2 91 CENSUS TRACT NO. 18.03 This small tract, being a mixture of commercial and industrial, fronting on 36th Street has little to recommend it from a business standpoint. There is little opportunity for housing unless there should be a dramatic zoning change. HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY •j_ _ '''i_ ..E TC r� �C�ii SCCA P.A N CLOizICA .33432 92 CENSUS TRACT NO. 19.01 This is a 1007. Black tract and is a mixture of single- family, duplex and multi -family units bordered by three principal traffic arteries being N.W. 7th and 17th Avenues and N.W. 54th Street. Also it is bisected by Martin Luther King Boulevard which was formerly N.W 62nd Street. These commercial streets contain vacant tracts of land and many vacant stores. There are distribution warehouses along N.W. 71st Street. There is a barred and shuttered commercial building on N.W. 62nd Street and there are spot cases of boarded up apartment units. The Holmes Elementary and Northwest Vocational High School are stabilizers in the area but the tract continues to show signs of decline. This will continue in the years ahead. HUNTER MOSS AND CO,\WANY 93 CENSUS TRACT NO. 19.02 This 100% Black area is L-shaped and is a mixture of single-family dwellings in the southern portion to 3-story walk-up apartments in the northern portion. The well maintained single-family dwellings that were observed 10 years ago are now in declining condition and need of repairs. Poor trash pickup and slovenly appearance of the streets adds to the deteriorating appearance in this area. A vandalized house was observed in the 1400 block of 51st Terrace. HUNTER \AOSS AND COMPANY F:c E a L ;ETTC RC iCCA 23 94 CENSUS TRACT NO. 20.01 This tract has mixed uses ranging from light industrial on the east to public housing and 1-95 on the west. The residential area is primarily single-family and still in reasonable condition on the eastern side of the tract but showing signs of deterioration on the southern and western sides. Ten years ago, this was a transition area with the Blacks moving into the formerly all -White area. Today the area is nearly all Black but with mixed occupancy from Miami Avenue to N.W. 2nd Avenue. The overall appearance and condition of the area is deteriorating from the inspection made 10 years ago. HUNTER MOSS AND COWANY 95 CENSUS TRACT NO. 20.02 This tract is also in a period of transition similar to Tract 20.01 with Blacks moving in from the west up to Miami Avenue. There is mixed occupancy east of Miami Avenue. The housing condition is generally poor with increasing deterioration. The poor trash pickup adds to the slovenly appearance of the neighborhood. The prime features in this area are 1-95, Miami Edison Senior and Junior High Schools and the Notre Dame Academy for Girls. A confusing and confined road pattern prevents the feeling of a homogeneous community. The trend for this area in the future is downward. HUNTER MOSS AND CC1v1PANY PACK ;.AD 3CC-A cLc,,z,C a 33,132 96 CENSUS TRACT NO. 21 This is a high class residential area protected by a well -laid out development pattern, including the walled development of Bay Point and with Morningside Park representing an additional stabilizing influence. New construction in this area includes office buildings constructed along Biscayne Boulevard facing Bay Point as well as new retail stores and apartments. Being one of the nearest top -grade residential communities to downtown and to all areas by the Airport Expressway and the Julia Tuttle Causeway, there are no signs of change in the foreseeable future even though Biscayne Boulevard is heavily improved with lower grade motels. This is an all -White area. HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY 97 • CENSUS TRACT NO. 22.01 This tract is primarily single-family with some duplexes and multi -story. The Sable Palm Court Apartments are top -grade with White occupancy. The Archbishop Curly High School is an outstanding development that predominates the residential area. The furniture and decorating wholesale district bordering 40th Street represents a strong concentration of top -grade firms. The Airport Expressway cuts through the southern portion of the tract and the F.E.C. Railroad right-of-way borders it on the east. Neither are an adverse influence. The area is now mixed Black and White. However, there is increasing pressure on the Whites which could result in a complete Black takeover. HUNTER MOSS AND COMrANY E .L E1 TO :;CAC 3COa TO L =1CA 33432 98 CENSUS TRACT NO. 22.02 Ten years ago this census tract was a transition area with mixed Black and White occupancy. Today, the Black predominance is almost complete. The condition of the housing still remains good although there are signs of increasing deterioration. Again, the city's slovenly trash pickup "policy" reflects poorly upon the neighborhoods in this tract. The Airport Expressway and 1-95 on the south and west wall in this area although they do not have any influence on this predominately residential tract. • 99 CENSUS TRACT NO. 23 This census tract was all -White in 1950 and all -Black by 1960. The housing was attractively built and originally well maintained. Two excellent parks dominate this area being Moore Park and Manor Park. In 1965, I made the statement that "The future of the area north of the expressway is good, assuming continuing pride of ownership which is apparent in many cases." Unfortunately, the prediction is not holding up and has slipped badly in the 10 years since our 1965 survey. Today the tract gives a slovenly and unkempt appearance. The tendency to fence in yards has added to the negative appearance because of the presence of un-cut weeds and grass. Again, some of the fault lies with the city in the evidence of poor trash pickup. There is an abandoned bus located near the intersection of llth Avenue and 44th Street. The Allapattah Extension School in the northwest corner of this tract is a positive factor. The southern portion of the tract lies to the south of the Airport Expressway and fronts on 36th Street. This area is deteriorating and there is little demand for commercial space along 36th Street. HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY •=t _ ?��' `r-� ur,r K ?.o c ?r`Ca--T'�^1 .'_ . '':A .. a:32 100 CENSUS TRACT NO. 24 This tract is heavily single-family residential in spite of the zoning but with increasing deterioration. There is commercial fronting on 27th Avenue, 36th Street and 7th Avenue but with industrial in the southern portion bordering the right-of-way of the Seaboard Tracks. There are three new high-rise public housing structures for the elderly at 2800 N.W. 18th Avenue. This is an extension of the public housing project at 18th Avenue and 28th Street. There is a new park pavilion under construction on N.W. 28th Street. This area is heavily Cubans, some Blacks on the north and the elderly in the public housing projects. 36th Street represents a dismal appearance at the north end of the tract. The street continues to be the home of the Used Car Trade but there is little vibrance in the area. The northwest corner of the tract at 17th Avenue and 36th Street is one of the principal corners of the Allapattah Commercial District and is across the street from Jackson High School which is located in Tract 18B. HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY lull 1111111111111 111 111111 111111111n 101 CENSUS TRACT NO. 25 This tract represents one of the most forlorn in the City of Miami. It is bordered by 36th Street on the north, 7th Avenue on the east and 17th Avenue on the west all of which are showing a continuing commercial slide downward. The area was originally developed in the early 20's and many of the structures are old and in disrepair. The commercial blight was accelerated by the building of the Airport Expressway and I-95 which has diminished the importance of 36th Street and 7th Avenue, in particular. The widening of 12th Avenue through the middle of the tract has cut the front yards off of many residential properties diminishing their use as dwellings leading to a mixture of commercial and residential along this street. The former Pepsi Cola plant located in this tract is both vacant and vandalized. Also, there is a 2-story apartment building at 32nd Street and llth Avenue which is also vacant and vandalized. At N.W. 13th Avenue and 30th Street there is an abandoned truck loaded with junk. The residential area is a mixture of Puerto Rican, Cuban, and Negro. The only trend for this tract appears to be downward. HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY :0 E CO�ABCCA 7-LC-,CA, 3:432 102 CENSUS TRACT NO. 26 This tract has many diverse uses ranging from single- family dwellings to light manufacturing. It contains the large former freight yard of the F.E.C. Railroad containing 50 acres. It is little used today. The railroad has set a valuation on this of approximately $4 per square foot which would indicate a value of just under $9,000,000. As presently constituted this tract is as dismal as No. 25 to the west since its western boundary is bisected by I-95 and is bordered by heavily travelled streets. However, a major development on the 50 acre F.E.C. yards could represent a major thrust in doing something for this area that could have a ripple affect south into Census Tract 28 and 31. HUNTER MOSS AND COWANY 103 CENSUS TRACT NO. 27.01 and 27.02 This elongated census tract with extensive frontage along Biscayne Bay has shown great growth and change in the past 10 years since our last survey. New apartments have been constructed along the bayfront including the Charter Club and Bay Park Towers Condo- miniums. There are new office buildings constructed along Biscayne Boulevard which bisects the area including the Executive Building at 30th Street and there is considerable commercial and residential development either underway or projected for the area surrounding the Jordan Marsh store at the southern end of the tract. This last mentioned development is confined principally to a small area between 15th Street on the south, 17th Terrace on the north, Biscayne Boulevard on the west and Biscayne Bay on the east. The entire commercial center which is also in the northern portion of Census Tract 37.02 is in effect becoming a second Downtown. The nearby interchange of the expressway located in Census Tract 37.02 makes this area convenient to many sections of the city and to Miami Beach across Biscayne Bay. When completed the area will include the Jordan Marsh Department Store, Sears & Roebuck, Jefferson's, office space, the OMNI International Building which will include office space and retain and 810 luxury rental apartments in the new Plaza Venetia development. In addition, a multi -story parking garage has been constructed to service this area. N.E. 2nd Avenue represents a different category of commercial being Automobile Row up to 23rd Street and including gasoline service stations. The future of this area will be determined by the success of the new development in the southeast corner of the tract. The occupancy of the residential is White. HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY 0 E��:. E rc. ���=� -c.ac 3oC-; P.:-cri .33432 104 t ▪ may-. • + R • aro • .ice spa r� yr j•"�w'.�v 4J•-117n!7r^?^n�' '"TT*M^"�^!S `r'ART'fw• .:+.w+v.+wlw......n ra'PA. nbs:►" idon.t ;.r1l ;`.w+areW..►.' •tse!.an..r.:;y�. ..... �•+ owN A ▪ y - ; -..00 ✓.. )ram •►•• •. - .u�. f..''i /y 1,pe. , -- . _ ▪ _ rrr�.i`-.= 1...• r) ••��+•.. �•� mac•:� s+- \J>r f 1�▪ I...r1 j:.I� �'%r"- . ---•--t•e- �.V....•..- `f-ta=�•'Y . . >✓ �� i r- ��.•. ��• T▪ •`�'► •.:. `IS ^te: p.m imoni• goo, a.... a'...1 (' I I err. yq .wr ` + i7`r. y-J�•. _ 1 — wtr- .▪ • awn►•+ r..- rows• Csm R•A V : '^ •' 7' ��1 �. ....„"'''''',......Zr..,-�` s : ;\ •-•-, -••. : to▪ r c�- ■`RS•1v1 ta•!TR • A ' Syr a. N r • r..7 rn 1a t • _..,•' �-...-r -- `!♦ : .- -_P. fa :••-.w•••.y :..•.••..r✓. •_ .•. w.. •... .�.:.R.� :i�aw:.:w �..:u •. ... _ «r-•...• •• ...w1 —.]Yv • _ ._ / %—.. _. •�� 7r1 An artist's rendering of developer Tibor Hol- lo's Plaza Venetia project, just east of the downtown Omni International project now u.a er construction. offers ers an advance look at plans for two _S-stony towers i,at will house S10 rental apartments. The apartments, to be rented monthly for between S335 and S5S5, will be complemented by a marina for 200 to N0 vessels, a series of bayfront shops and restaurants and a recreation deck that fea- tures tennis courts and swimming pools. The rendering does not include plans for another phase of the project that will feature a 26- story, 300-unit apartment tower. The phase pictured here is slated for a mid-1977 con- struction start but rr.ust first clear govern- mental hurdles before Miami's Planning De- Fa-tm; nt, Plaamig Advisory 3odrd and City Commission. HUNTER MOSS AN'D CO.VIPANY 105 CENSUS TRACT NO. 28 This tract is predominately made up of warehousing, wholesaling and light manufacturing with the residential in the form of Black walk-up apartments in poor condition and also deteriorating single-family and duplex dwellings. The occupants are primarily Blacks, Cubans and Puerto Ricans. There has been some upgrading in the appearance of the commercial structures with better than average warehouses and showrooms located along N.W. 5th Avenue. This tract will continue to follow a commercial direction which will work against any upgrading in the housing. HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY F. _:t TO r:;K -C?D ?CCA C% ! Oi--;iD 33132 106 CENSUS TRACT NO. 29 This tract represents the principal heart of the city's wholesale distribution facilities tied -in with the Seaboard Railroad and good streets. There has been little change in this district since our inspection 10 years ago. Ryder Truck Lines continues to have its principal facilities here but the Foremost Dairies Bottling plant has been closed and is currently for sale. A new facility has been constructed by Southern Bell in this area. HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY 107 CENSUS TRACT NO. 30.01 and 30.02 This large tract is divided into three main sections: In the middle is the Civic Center containing County buildings, courts and hospital facilities and the major facilities of Jackson Memorial Hospital. To the west is a stable residential area which is bisected by 17th Avenue and 22nd Avenue. The occupancy is principally White. To the east of Jackson Memorial Hospital and loth Avenue is an area that was heavily deteriorating 10 years ago but much of this area has either been cleared or has been improved. There is new Negro housing in the area, the new Highland Park General Hospital, a new child day care center, the Claude Pepper Public Housing Project and the Jackson Manor Nursing Home. However, the S.E. corner of the tract which is south of the expressway has had little rehabilitation and is in considerable disrepair. However, there is a new public housing project under construction at N.W. llth Avenue and 8th Street Road. This area is a mixture of Cubans and Negros. The future of this area north of the expressway will continue to ride with the expansion of the Civic Center and Jackson Memorial Hospital. The southern portion requires rehabilitation treatment. HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY E „?K =CAO 3CCA FL 7-IDA 2332 108 CENSUS TRACT NO. 31 This tract is 100% Black and was formerly a slum area. However, the construction of 1-95 plus extensive additional clearance for public housing has cleared out much of the deteriorating and dilapidated structures. New 2 and 3-story walk-up masonry apartment buildings have been constructed so that the blight in this area has been turned around. The positive influence from Tract 27 to the east does not in any way rub off on this tract. The mainline of the F.E.C. Railroad separates these two tracts. HUNTERMOSS AND COMPANY • 109 CENSUS TRACT NO. 34 This tract is fractured by 1-95 which cuts through its middle. The area formerly referred to as the Central Negro District lies in the eastern portion along N.E. 2nd and 3rd Avenues. As stated 10 years ago, the vacancies are heavy in the retail stores and many are boarded up. Most of the frame houses have been demolished and there are some newer masonry 3-story apartment buildings. However, there is little to recommend this area and little that will turn it around without extensive Public Housing or Urban Renewal money. This is a most discouraging census tract. HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY PAPK -CAD 3CCA =Arcry _C='DA 33432 110 CENSUS TRACT NO. 36.01 and 36.02 As stated 10 years ago, this census tract makes little sense being divided by the Miami River as well as by 1-95. The various segments of this area are completely dissimilar. The northwest portion is still Black residential although there has been much clearance of the former slum area. The eastern portion ties in with the Government Center which is an extension of Downtown Miami. In that area, the new Central Miami Police Station has been constructed in an area that is completely cleared. The new Jack 0rr Plaza, public housing for the elderly, is located at 550 N.W. 5th Street. The southern portion of this tract located south of the Miami River is a commercial section backed up with older residential structures although there has been some new construction. The occupants here are principally Cuban. The southern portion is badly carved up by the high level structure of 1-95 and the new approach to the Flagler Street Bridge. 8th Avenue, being the western boundary of the tract has shown little change in 10 years since our last study being a mixture of commercial and residential. The southern portion of this tract is a most discouraging area. HUNTER \ BOSS AND COMPANY 111 CENSUS TRACT NO. 37.01 This tract is Downtown Miami being bordered by 5th Street on the north, the F.E.C. tracks on the west, the Miami River on the south and Biscayne Bay on the east. The facts in our office space survey give up-to-date information on the health of the downtown office market. A copy of that study is attached. Other recent changes in the area besides new office structures include the new campus for the Miami Dade Junior College, the new projected government center, the new YWCA. building plus cosmetic improvements to the downtown area. Older housing is of little significance in the downtown area with even less future. Any new housing will be of a multi -story nature catering to upper income levels. Flagler Street being the principal retail street in Downtown Miami has become the main shopping area for Cubans and it is understood that sales are brisk. Quality shopping which centered formerly around the Burdines store has moved either to the suburbs or the "other" downtown around the Jordan Marsh store. Flagler Street has become a middle grade shopping center. HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY • E-AL'.;FT '_;=,r; -2cAD SCE;:. =aiCN 33432 112 CENSUS TRACT NO. 37.02 This area is an extension of the downtown influence running north from 5th Street up to 15th Street. The area includes the former Port of Miami which is being converted into a park, the new Port of Miami, the interchange of the expressway at Biscayne Boulevard and the southern portion of the new development surround- ing the Jordan Marsh store. If the two downtowns of Miami, which are approximately 11 miles apart, ever join, they will do so through development in this census tract. The only problem will be to find sufficient uses for all of the ground that either is or will become available. HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY •= . -:4- _ 2:1432 113 CENSUS TRACT NO, 49 This tract is bisected by Le Jeune Road and N.W. 7th Street, dividing it into four separate sections. The N.W. quadrant contains considerable new construction. In the N.E. area the expressway interchange at Le Jeune Road is a principal influence which spurred the development of the Marriot Hotel. The Central Shopping Plaza and the Flagler Dog Track dominate the eastern portion. From a residential standpoint the area holds up well although much of the housing in the eastern portion is approximately 40 years old. There is a new office building and commercial construction along Le Jeune Road. The Le Jeune Towers Condominium is stalled on Le Jeune Road at 3rd Street. There is still much vacant land along Le Jeune Road for commercial development which will take many years. This is a White tract, principally Cuban. HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY c =AL E.T7C PA?K'CAC 3CCA r.ATC 114 CENSUS TRACT NO. 50 This tract is divided into two sections by the East-West Expressway. The best portion of the tract is at the northwest corner where there is no heavy traffic or commercial influence. The older single-family residential community is in fair condition. There is some new commercial being constructed along 27th Avenue. New sewers are being constructed in this area which gives it the appearance of much upheaval. There is a growing Cuban influence in this area which is most obvious in the commercial along N.W. 7th Street. HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY E 115 CENSUS TRACT NO. 51 This tract is subject to many influences among them being the heavily travelled streets, 22nd Avenue, 27th Avenue and 7th Street. Further, this tract is severed by the Miami River as well as the East-West Expressway. The result is a tract that is divided into at least three separate sections. A new high- rise apartment building has been constructed in the area along the river. However, additional river front development could be along industrial lines which would be detrimental. The northern portion of this tract is under the flight pattern of the Miami International Airport which is a residential negative. Residential structures are a mixture of single-family and 2-story multi -family units. Older houses are in poor condition although there is new construction in the area with new commercial construction on 27th Avenue as well as on N.W. 7th Street. This is an area of heavy Cuban influence coming up from the south. HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY 7.CAD BCCA =.ArCN F'.C;4tcA 3.3432 116 CENSUS TRACT NO. 52 This census tract is a predominately Cuban area and is made up of a mixture of older frame dwellings, duplex and multi -family units with new 2-story rental apartments interspersed among the older structures. The overcrowding that was apparent 10 years ago appears to have been alleviated and the formerly rundown condition of many of the older structures has been cured with a paint -up - fix -up approach by the new Cuban owners. The dominant facilities in this area are the Orange Bowl Stadium, the Henderson Park Tennis Courts and the new Victoria Hospital. The new hospital has been a plus for the entire area while the providing of parking at Orange Bowl functions has been an important source of revenue for the Cuban owners of residential structures that surround the stadium. HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY 117 CENSUS TRACT NO. 53 Ten years ago this tract represented the heart of the new Cuban community and we made the following comment: "This tract is a mixed concentration of older single-family duplexes and multi -family units with newer multi -family additions catering heavily to the Cuban market. The general condition of the older rental units is deteriorating because of overcrowding of units of low rents, resulting in poor maintenance. The future of the area is downward." Our assessment of the Cuban influence 10 years ago was incorrect since we were not aware of the inherent pride of ownership in the Cubans and the fact that they would paint -up and fin -up units that they purchased, that the overcrowding would disappear and that new units built by Cubans for the Cubans would be spotted throughout the area on unimproved lots. As a result in this tract, the overall condition is much improved. 8th Street on the south has become the heart of Little Havana and Flagler Street on the north has become a second Cuban enclave. The downward trend predicted has turned around to sharp improvement. There are many new 3-story apartment structures spotted throughout the area. There are also typical Cuban -type retail establishments with residential or offices built above the stores. The trend of this area in the future will not be one of great growth but the general improved conditions will continue to hold. • HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY E '= 'C =ar=i"r: ?CAC .CC%• AtON =i C?iC„ 33437 118 CENSUS TRACT NO. 54.01 This is a somewhat undistinguished tract with mixed residential uses, being both single-family and multi- family. Also there is a mixture of old and new construction. The widening of 22nd Avenue has resulted in increased commercial. The Cuban takeover in this area is complete and they have improved the general condition to a degree. There are some new 2-story apartments south of West Flagler Street. HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY 119 CENSUS TRACT NO. 54.02 Ten years ago there was serious overcrowding, low rents and a lack of maintenance in this area with a high deterioration rate. This has been largely turned around by the influence of the Cubans with the result of the formerly deteriorating structures have been subjected to a paint -up -fix -up campaign. Also, new 2 and 3-story apartment buildings have been constructed in spot locations. The influence of 8th Street and Flagler Street mentioned in ajoining Census Tract 53 applies equally to this tract. The new Royal Trust Tower being a multi -story office building with retail on the two lower floors and mezzanine contains 96,000 square feet and is currently 757. leased. This building relates completely to the surrounding Cuban area. HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY E "L. _ iC :.rK -CAD ec c. =`'Il_71 120 CENSUS TRACT NO. 55 Starting at the southeast. corner, this tract is an improvement over those to the east and to the south. There are older single-family and duplex residential structures in better than average condition. Also, there is spot new construction being mostly 2-story rental apartment buildings. Again the heavy Cuban influence is obvious which has tended to keep the formerly well -kept properties in good repair. North of Flagler Street, the housing is predominately single-family being approximately 50 years old. Flagler Street itself which bisects the area is a mixture of residential and commercial with some new rental housing facing on this street. HUNTER MOSS AND CCM^ANY =r ='"-'_r `7\ _ 3" 121 CENSUS TRACT NO. 56 This is a stable single-family residential area in good condition and with a predominance of home owners. There has been an increasing number of apartment units along Flagler Street and Le Jeune Road. The good influence of Coral Gables affects the houses in the area east of Le Jeune Road. The office building of Florida Power and Light Company has been a strong influence in the middle of this tract. The Cuban influence does not appear to be as heavy as in those tracts to the east. The long-range future for this tract is one of stability. HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY 122 CENSUS TRACT NO. 57 Formerly this was a predominately single-family house area but the opening of Tamiami Boulevard and 7th Street has produced many new mid -rise rental apartments as well as condominiums. There are also apartments along Flagler Street. The Pan American Hospital was constructed on 7th Street as well as the Air Park Plaza Shopping Center. There is still vacant land available on 7th Avenue and there are stalled condominiums along that street. There is a bad zoning problem in this area with residential construction on commercially -zoned land. It would have been preferable if the zoning classification could have been held to R-3. HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY 123 CENSUS TRACT NO. 58.01 This is a single-family residential neighborhood in good condition and showing only a small percentage of deterioration. The Cuban influence has resulted in a paint -up of existing structures which was much needed. HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY • ?41 : 77C -- -C =C =!_ =IC,z 2:3432 1 124 CENSUS TRACT NO. 58.02 This is a predominately single-family area and in good condition. The Cuban influence has resulted in a paint -up program for existing structures which was much needed. There are new spot apartments and new commercial along S.W. 8th Street. There is a new Cuban center adjacent to the new MacDonald's at 77th Avenue and S.W. 8th Street. The railroad bisecting this area from north to south does not appear to have any adverse affect. HUNTER MiOSS AND COMPANY • 125 CENSUS TRACT NO. 63.01 This tract is divided into three main areas as follows: 1. Western portion which includes apartment houses, single-family dwellings and duplexes. 2. Woodlawn Park Cemetery. 3. Eastern section which includes two trailer parks, motels, duplexes and single-family units as well as the Smathers Senior Center. The total tract is suffering from mixed uses and the poor influence of S.W. 8th Street. The Smathers Senior Center has been a help but sits back from 8th Street and does not exert any particular influence on the total community. Along 27th Avenue, there are some new office buildings and new apartments both rental and condominium. HUNTER MOSS AND CON1 ANY aA=< ;CAC EoC,.A RA OIV -LC ID'A 23432 126 CENSUS TRACT NO. 63.02 This tract represents three distinct neighborhoods as follows: 1. Coral Gate. 2. Small area in northwest corner known as Davis Citrus Farm area. 3. Remainder of area east of 32nd Avenue. The Coral Gate area is top -grade, containing only single-family houses. The remainder of the area is a mixture of single-family and duplexes with a few apartment houses. The general appearance is good as the Cubans have moved into the area with their pride of owner- ship and occupancy. The Coral Way boundary is a real plus with the Sears & Roebuck store in the southwest corner of the tract. There is some new commercial construction along 27th Avenue. HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY 127 CENSUS,TRACT NO. 64 Ten years ago, this census tract was in bad condition with low income occupancy of rental units which when combined with the age of the buildings indicated a slow decline. The movement of Cubans into this area is nearly complete and the tract has been completely revitalized with the typical Cuban paint -up -fix -up program. There is also construction on isolated lots. Older 2 and 3-story multi -family rental units have also been improved. The future for this tract is good in spite of the age of the real estate. The single-family structures in this tract are at a lower price level which has made it attractive to the nearly L007. Cuban population. The poor condition has been turned around in many cases and there are new 4-story apartment structures facing on 17th Avenue. On the whole, the condition of the housing in this area is improving although spotty. There has been considerable new commercial construction along Coral Way which capitalizes on the fact that this street is a main artery from Downtown Miami into Coral Gables. HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY • E Pal '.1E7-0 PARK ,-CAC 3CC =,,;tQM��:-- 128 CENSUS TRACT NO. 66 This tract is divided into two distinct sections, being cut basically by S.W. llth Street and S.W. 15th Road. The northern portion has secondary commercial use along S.W. 8th Street backed up into a conglomerate mixture of older single-family duplex dwellings plus newer multi -family apartments and motels. The occupants are approximately 1007. Cuban. The condition of the housing in this area is good. New apartments have been built on the vacant lots that are spotted between the existing structures. The southern portion of the tract is single-family residential with an appearance similar to Coral Gables. This area which has been the home of Miami's international community for years appears to have many Cubans in residence. The southeastern boundary of this tract is S.W. 3rd Avenue. There is a stalled office building facing that artery. The elevated 1-95 bisects this tract east of the center which cuts off the eastern portion which has become somewhat of a no-man's land of mixed uses. HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY - 32 129 CENSUS TRACT NO. 67 This tract with extensive frontage on Biscayne Bay has shown dramatic change in the last 10 years. Miami Avenue continues much the same with its well -tended single-family residential properties. The Brickell Avenue area has been the scene of the greatest development in the past 10 years with the construction of new office buildings and high-rise condominiums, in particular. Land values have escalated from $6 to $14 per square foot. The energy crisis supported the demand for close -in housing. A rental survey of three of the high-rises in this area is attached. There is still vacant ground in this area which will lead to more office building and residential construction in the years ahead. The attached office space survey indicates the present level of occupancy in that area. Claughton Island located in Biscayne Bay is currently attached to the mainland by a bridge and is completely bulkheaded. This tract is currently vacant but will be the site of a projected 3,000 housing units. The Sheraton Four Ambassadors Hotel which previously had turned over one of its towers to office space has now been converted back to hotel use. The block facing the Four Ambassadors and fronting on Brickell Avenue has not yet been developed nor has the new development of Flagship National Banks which is head- quartered in this area. The industrial area along the river has been re -zoned to R-C which has had the affect of depressing land values. This area should see continuing growth (and also congestion) in the years ahead. HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY � � E ;=.AP..K nC4O E;OCA -,-i CN )2 130 CENSUS TRACT NO. 68 This is another of Miami's 8 census tracts that face Biscayne Bay. Bayshore Drive is the main artery through this tract. To the north and west of that street is the Silver Bluff area of Coconut Grove which holds stable and has shown little change in recent years. Along Bayshore Drive and the bayfront more dramatic things have been happening. A new bayfront park stretching for 2/10th of a mile has been constructed as well as the expansion of Mercy Hospital, Offices in the Grove, the Coconut Grove Hotel, Grove Bay Village and Sailboat Bay. The tendency toward high-rise construction is an innovation that has been fought for many years by the residents of Coconut Grove. The Miami City Hall is located in the old Pan American Terminal in Dinner Key and changes little as the growing city government is located in offices spread throughout the city. Offshore in Biscayne Bay is land known as Sailboat Key which is bulkheaded, connected with the mainland and ready for residential development. The high-rise multi -family structures to be built on the island will add to the traffic congestion that will reduce the desirability of this area which is serviced by an inadequate road net. This deficiency is compounded by the growth of Key Biscayne which must use the Rickenbacker Causeway as its only traffic artery. That Causeway joins the mainland at the northern end of Tract 68. Because of the popularity of the beaches and parks on the Key, the traffic backup on weekends has become an ever increasing problem. HUNTER t`.1OSS AND CC,Vir,,�NY 131 CENSUS TRACT NO. 69 This tract bordered by Coral Way on the north and the Dixie Highway on the southeast is a stable residential area with lower price single-family residential structures. The heavy Cuban influx is obvious as the condition of the structures in the area is good but spotty. There are new 4-story apartments facing on 17th Avenue. The only negative aspect in this area is along the southeastern edge facing the F.E.C. tracks which is a minor warehousing area. HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY AL'.1ETTC :=ni=K ?CAC -3CCA _47 C,J _ =1CA 32432 132 CENSUS TRACT NO. 70.01 and 70.02 This tract is a heavy mixture of architectural and construction types with a heavy preponderance of two family units. The Douglas Road frontage on the west faces Coral Gables and there is some spin-off at the northeast corner from the growth of the downtown area of Coral Gables. The movement of the Cubans into this area is a factor but has not developed into the takeover that occurs elsewhere. Along 27th Avenue from Dixie Highway to Coral Way there has been some new office buildings and small commercial structures. This tract which showed accelerated depreciation 10 years ago is now holding its own and it is expected that the Cuban influence will accelerate. HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY =�L . _.'r =F: =C D _; A c.L7C% FLC DA 33432 133 CENSUS TRACT NO. 73 This portion of Coconut Grove along with Bay Point in Census Tract 21 represents the most desirable single-family housing in the City of Miami. The area dates back to Miami's earliest days. The area has lush tropical growth, insufficient street lighting and fewer sidewalks which add to the overall popularity of the area. However, the crime problem centering in Census Tract 72 has had a spill -over into this tract which has had the affect of lessening the appeal of the area as a White residential section. It is expected that this situation will not change in the years ahead with the result that land values and housing values will be held in check as demand decreases. HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY C rE %AL .tETTC ^4.,;K ;CAD 3CCA ?ATCN CI_CICA 33432 GREATER MIAMI OFFICE SURVEY - FALL 1975 Area Miami Downtown Biscayne Blvd. Brickell Ave. Coral Gables Coral Way S.W. 1st St. _ 4 North Miami Beach North Miami 10 Miami Beach South Miami Dadeland and N. Kendall Palmetto No. of Total Net Leased ' Maximum Minimum Bldgs. Sq. Ft. Space Median Range Median Surveyed Surveyed (Sq. Ft.) Leased Range 24 3,044,692 2,374,156 78.07. $6.00-$10.50 $8.00 $4.95-$8.50 $7.00 17 807,807 587,507 72.77. $4.25-$8.50 $8.00 $4.25-$8.00 $7.00 17 1,466,460 1271 050 86.77. $6.50411.00 $9.00 $5.50-$9.20 $8_125 30 1,901,260 1.547,510 81.4% $6_50-$9.50 $7.625 _ $5.00-$8.00 V6.50 6 105,670 99�200 93.97. $6.00-$8.25 $7.50 $4.50-$7.50 $7.00 81,900 62,080 75.8% $5.00-$6.00 $5.375 $5.00-$6.00 $5.00 277,200 233,480 84.27. $6.00-$7.60 $6.75 $5.50-$7.00 $6.00 4 241,738 216,660 89.67. $6.75-$8.00 $7.375 $6.00-$7.00 $6.50 9 320,000 245,020 76.67. $5.35-$8.00 $7.75 $5.00-$7.50 $7.00 16 768.585 648,325 84.37. $5.50-$9.90 $7.95 $5.50-$8.50 $7.50 $6.50-$8.00 $7.00 $6.00-$7.25 $6.50 8 859.660 747,000 86.97. Miscellaneous 16 Lease Rates 648,560 388,540 59.9% $5.50-$15.00 $7.00 $4.50-$9.00 $6.50 TOTAL 161 10,523,532 8,420,528 80.07. • .1 (i it it HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY 135 EXHIBIT 2 RETAIL RENTS Typical Cuban -type neighborhood - Shopping Centers: Ground floor stores, second floor or second and third floors office space. • Those located in the areas mostly east of 27th Avenue, west of 7th Avenue are usually enjoying a high occupancy rate between 90-1007.. Their rates per sq. ft. are around $9.00 for ground floor stores and $6.00 for office space above the ground floor. Office space does not include carpeting and in a number of cases does not include electricity. Shopping centers of this same type but located in areas outside the Little Havana areas, usually in the Le Jeune areas of N.W. 7th Street and even further west are competing more directly with already established centers with better known tenants. Cubans living in the perimeter areas usually have automobiles to permit them to make their own choice as far as shopping is concerned. As a reult these shopping centers in the more outlying areas are suffering with occupancies in the 30-507. range with some even lower, thus rates per square foot go for as low as $5.00 to $7.00 on the ground floor, depending on location and between $4.80 and $5.00 for office space above the ground level. 79th Street (East of 1-95) - Remodeled store space next to CAC Building at $6.50/Sq. Ft. Tile floor, not including utilities nor janitorial service at $4.50/Sq. Ft. 54th Street (West of 1-95) - t 4 acres (old Toby's Cafeteria) asking $500,000 including building and - 150' on 54th Street at $2.87/Sq. Ft. 54th Street and 30th Avenue N.W. - 50' x 129' - 6450 Sq. Ft., BU-3 (Liberal Business) asking $19,500 or $3.02/Sq. Ft. Two 40' x 129' or 5160 Sq. Ft. each, AU-3 (Industrial) asking $6,000 each or $1.16/Sq. Ft. HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY • E ?AFDC -CAD 3CC,: ;ATC ;LO ICA 32432 136 RETAIL RENTS 36th Avenue (2 Blocks North of 36th Street) - 10,800 Sq. Ft. (light industrial) asking $22,500 or $2.08/Sq. Ft. 7th Avenue at 24th Street - Raw space, no utilities at $1.40 to $1.50/Sq. Ft. S.W. 12th Avenue and 3rd Street - El Capiro Shopping Center, * 80% full, ground floor stores t 15' x 32' at $360/Month or 49.O0/sq. Ft., terrazzo floor, no utilities, no light fixtures. 607. full, second floor offices, f 15' x 32' at $240/Month or $6.00/Sq. Ft., including utilities. 2 HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY -30°'.;TC\ Fir` =ILL 27" 2 137 EXHIBIT 3 APARTMENT RENTS 445 S.W. 7th Street - new 6 unit walk-up - 2-1 - $225 unf. 2741 S.W. 5th Street - f 40-50 yrs. old, clean, better than average maintenance - 1-1 - $150 fur. 2726 S.W. 5th Street - Brand new duplex, central air - 2-1 - $270 unf. 2385 N.W. llth Street - 3 to 4 years old, 4-story building with pool - 1-1 - $195 unf.; 2-1 - $235 unf. 2330 N.W. llth Street - 5 to 6 years old, 3-story building with elevator - 1-1 - S170 unf.; 2-1 - $190 unf. 1-1 $100-$195 2-1 $190-$270 Queen Plaza - 2330 N.W. llth Street - 51 unit, 3-story, 1 elevator. 1-1 2-1 $170 unf. $1 09 unf. (1 year lease) HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY : - L .',E T'C PCAD BCCA =LC=IDA 33432 138 Brickell Bay Club Brickell Ave. Completed 416 Units Brickell Place Brickell Ave. Bay 1-1 $54,335 806 S.F. $63.20 per S.F. January 1976 $45,300 No informa- tion (Convt.) 2-2 $65,720 1025 S.F. $64.10 per S.F. $71,900 1210 S.F. $59.40 per S.F. 3-3 T.H. 2-21 T.H. $146,000 $129,000 (Penthouses) (Bayfront) Bldg. #1 already partially occupied 552 Units - Costa Bella Bayfront $49,000 940 S.F. $52.10 per S.F. Occupancy: July -August 231 Units - $62,000 1015 S.F. $61.10 per S.F. 1976 2-2 $90,085 1325 S.F. $68.80 per S.F. $78,000 1210 S.F. $64.45 per S.F. $80,000 1315 S.F. $60.85 per S.F. 3-3 $176,600 No information available $108,100 1760 S.F. $61.40 per S.F. $141,000 (Starting on loth Floor) 1-11/2: $45,300-$54,335 Median: $49,000 2-2 Convt.+ 2-2: $62,000-$90,085 Median: $74,950 3-3: $108-100-$176,600 Median: $141,000 2 HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY E P4L' `TTC ;CAC BO'CA =A T CN F! O,.ID.A 23432 139 Sanderling - Biltmore EXHIBIT 4 CONDOMINIUM SALES PRICES Cuban Neighborhood Areas - February 1976 424 S.W. 7th Street - 2-1 - asking $26,500 S.W. 7th Street and 9th Avenue - 1-1 - asking $22,500 (re -sale) S.W. 6th Street and 25th Avenue - 1-1 - asking $25,500 2385 N.W. llth Street - 1-1 - asking $20,400 2-1 - asking $25,800 1-1 - $20,400-$25,500 2-1 - $25,000-$26,500 2385 N.W. llth Street - 54 units - conversion rental to condominium, May 1975 1 1 27 sold and occupied 13 41 $20,400 $25,800 plus $500/Floor 3-story, 1 elevator, swimming pool, maintenance $21-$27 On a 1 year lease or 6 months lease 1-1 2-1 @ - $195 Z @ ± $235 Villas - 2-story, townhouse condominiums, 2-1 $39,990 2 available 3-2 $44,990 5 available 30 units. HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY mac... J �GnK ;ICAO_3CCk aa-C'i ,•LCiCA 22422 140 EXHIBIT 5 LOT SALES AND ASKING PRICES S.W. 7th Street close to 19th Avenue - 50' x 136' were asking $45,000 (6800 Sq. Ft.) but sold for $36,800 ($5.41/Sq. Ft.). R-4 zoning. If only 5 units can be built on the lot, the cost of the land is $7,360/Unit. 503 S.W. 18th Avenue - 50' x 150', zoned R-4, asking $48,000 or $6.00/Sq. Ft. 1250 S.W. 7th Street - Old deteriorating stucco frame house for sale, 4-3, plus 4 garages in rear. Value as land only. Asking $46,500, or $8.00/Sq. Ft. Land is 50' x 135'. 420 S.W. 7th Street - Lot for sale by owner. 50' x 100', asking $40,000 (firm), or $8.00/Sq. Ft. 7th Avenue at 24th Street - 100' frontage, $1.00/Sq. Ft. (Ben Pumo). N.W. 2nd and from 7th to 8th Street - Lot for sale, 1/3 city block, zoned C-2, commercial, 100' x 300', asking $49,900 or $1.67/Sq. Ft. (All Black area) S.E. Corner of 34th Street and 18th Avenue N.W. - Lot, 82' x 140', zoned RU-2 (duplex), sewer lines ready for hookup, asking $20,000 or $1.74/Sq. Ft. Owner would take bank mortgage for $10,000 at 81/2% for 5 years. 2165 N.W. 17th Avenue - Old Farmbest site and building, 2 city blocks, excluding N.E. corner, 3 buildings total 65,000 Sq. Ft., ± 150,000 Sq. Ft. of land. Asking price $750,000 or $5.00/Sq. Ft. (very negotiable). Zoned I-1, industrial, it can be turned into warehouse space. It also has rail siding. 14th Street and N.W. 7th Avenue - Valanto's Restaurant site, t 104,000 Sq. Ft., asking $700,000 or $6.73/Sq. Ft. (very negotiable). 0n 7th Avenue, zoned C-4 (commercial) and on 7th Court, zoned R-4 (high-rise office apartments). HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY t r:� �'TGF:• =K �L�r 2C�C'- C v FLO ice 2:432 141 EXHIBIT 6 MEMORANDUM QN LAND VALUES January 22, 1976 On January 21, I contacted three people in order to check out various rates on land values. These people were: 1. James Billings 2. Robert Cunio 3. William Sharer The results of these meetings are quickly as follows: The downtown office space values per square foot run from a high of $100 at the corner of Byscayne Blvd. and Flagler St. to a low of $20 on the periphery. There is a quick decline from $100 to $50 a square foot and then a gradual decline. As an example, Biscayne Blvd. running to the north from Flagler Street drops from $100 to $50 within approximately 1 block and then drops $10 per sq. ft. up to 8th Street. The Plaza Venetia property near to Jordan Marsh is under $20 per sq. foot. The land around the Sears Bldg. is at $15 per sq. ft. The southside of the Miami River facing downtown has been re -zoned to RC which has driven the values down to $10 per sq. ft. Strip commercial runs from a high of $9 per sq. ft. to a low of $3. As an example, Miami Ave. close to downtown is at the $9 figure while around the corner on the side street, the figure drops to $3. Other main streets that don't have the glamour of Miami Avenue run up to $6.50 a sq. ft. They formerly back in 1970 were $3.50 per sq. ft. An interesting sale was the land acrossfrom Lindsey Hopkins for 40,934 sq. ft. in 1973 which sold at $9.16 per sq. ft. Coral Way has been very much bought up by the Cubans and east of 27th Avenue runs from $9 - $11 per sq. ft. Corners that are sought after by banks are driven up to $15 such as the S.E. comer of 17th Avenue and 8th Street. 142 The bottom of the market is in such areas as 36th Street and 7th Avenue where strip commercial sells for $150 per front foot which for a 125' lot is at the rate of $1.25 per sq. ft. 54th Street is not much better. The Trail and Coral Way are running between $7 and $9 per sq. ft. Douglas Road at 27th Street near the Haste had a recent sale at $7.50 per sq. ft. Pizza Hut does not want to pay over $5 per sq. ft. as a user and therefore has had to move out from the center city since they cannot find a desirable location at that figure. In summary, the range runs from a $1.25 sq. ft. with the high figure at $15 for Flagler St. is not as desirable as the value runs very much the same which is per sq. ft. figures. There is not much available industrial land. That which is downtown has been driven up by the possibility of commercial usage. The land for instance of the FEC RR near to where the station use to be is at the $20 level but that is not an industrial price. The FEC yards containing 50 acres is worth somewhere around $4 per sq. ft. although Mr. Ball has worked out a trade arrangement in which he will accept $5. Industrial land on the Palmetto Expressway is at $1.25 per sq. ft. as an offering price and an asking price of $1.75. It is worth $1.50. Koger is getting $2.85 per sq. ft. for his land but that is for a carefully combed, structured, controlled, zoned, etc. industrial park. Everything is filled and all the utilities are in. to $9.00 per corners. Trail but the at the $9-$7 Along the Seaboard Coastline at 20th St. running out to Hileah, the land runs from a minimum of $1 per sq. ft. to a top of $3. The tract known as Reed Acres along the FEC with sewer and water is at approximately $2 to $3 per sq. ft. Eight years ago it was at $1.25. 2 243 Small industrial parcels being bought for improvement with spectulative buildings are selling at $2 a sq. ft. wherever available. Incidential intelligence. The Hot Shoppe corner on S. Dixie Highway with C4 zoning is in the process of a negotiation at $3 per sq. ft. The Toby corner at 54th Street and 7th Avenue containing 80,000 sq. ft. plus a building is in negotiation at $450,000 which is at the rate of $5.63 per sq. ft. and if you take out the building at $150,000 the remaining land is $3.75 per sq. ft. HM/ j mm Hunter Moss 3 AK ANALYSIS OF THE FISCAL IMPACT SELECTED CLASSES OF LAND USE CITY OF MIAMI Prepared For MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN WALLACE, MCHARG, ROBERTS & TODD Principal Consultants January, 1976 Gladstone Associates Economic Consultants Miami, Florida & Washington, D.C. 144 AN ANALYSIS OF THE FISCAL IMPACT SELECTED'CLASSES'OF LAND USE CITY OF MIAMI The purpose of this report is to establish a basis whereby new con- struction occurring within the city of Miami can be assessed in terms of its dollar impact on the fiscal stature of this city. In summary, the approach taken to accomplish this objective -- and which is demonstrated in the sections following -- is to estimate the revenues the city de- rives from various classes of improved realty (e.g. apartments, office buildings, hotels, etc.) and to also calculate the cost of services which must be furnished to such buildings. The "revenue" and "cost" amounts are then compared with each other to establish whether, for a given type of property, the result of its development will produce a negative or positive impact to the city of Miami's fiscal condition. 1 145 PURPOSE OF THE ANALYSIS In any plan for which a city's land -use and development future is postulated, many different factors are normally taken into account. These include population projections, the demand for housing, the demand for commercial and industrial real estate, the capacity of the land to support such growth, the adequacy of transportation and utility systems, and urban design and land -use compatibility criteria. Rarely is there considered in this process the implications that such future development might have on the fiscal status of the community within which growth is projected. It is only very recently that, with fiscal crises faced by some of the nation's largest cities and with the deterioration in cash flow of numerous other communities, the question of the fiscal con- sequences of growth are regarded as critical to the preparation of a plan for any community. Fiscal procedure is an issue of special concern in Florida where the acute tensions of growth are so prominently visible. Accordingly, for each one of the several major land -uses for which growth and expansion in Miami can be contemplated, this technical study attempts to calculate the implications of such growth, in dollar terms, on the city. While the fiscal impact analysis performed for Miami's comprehen- sive NDP cannot be regarded as definitive or totally conclusive, it should point the way to demonstrating the importance of analyzing land -use change 2 146 in terms of its fiscal consequences. It is suggested that the fiscal implications.of new development be regarded as much as any other single traditional planning factor in setting forth recommendations for growth and establishing land -use policy within the community. f 147 SUMMARY OF APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY The end product of this analysis -- the display of each property type's net fiscal impact -- has been performed for the following classi- fications of realty: ▪ Residential apartment (condominium and • Office buildings • Retail premises ▪ Industrial and wholesale properties ▪ Hotels rental) But the first step in this complex analytic process is not to look at the various types of realty but, rather, at the city of Miami's fiscal structure by examining its budget and related fiscal documentation. This was done with the principal purpose of taking the city's fiscal year 1974 expenditures of $86.4 million and classifying those expenditures in such a way as allows for their being related, subsequently in the analytic process, to the individual land -uses. The city does not do this automatically. That is, of its total expenditures, there is no formal process of relating those expenditures to individual land -uses served within the city. But, this study broke the city expenditures down into basic categories (e.g. public works, public safety, culture and recreation, etc.) whereby it could be expected that, for each one of these major categories, some rationale could be developed for allocating 4 148 the expenditures subsequently by land -use class. For allocating the various categories of city expenditures to in- dividual land -uses, several bases have been employed. First, for certain city departments, their respective activities can be related to specif- ic land -uses because such departments maintain records of the types and quantities of properties they serve. For example, the Sanitation and Fire Departments record their operations in relation to specific property type designations. Fire calls, by way of illustration, are reported by residential, commercial, institutional, etc. use. However, for most of the city's functions and expenditure categories, either the information on the land -uses actually served are not avail- able or there is no known method of allocating these departmental costs to individual land -uses. For example, the Police Department maintains thorough records of the various types of crime, by sector of the city. They do not relate police calls directly to land -use categories, however. And, of course, there are certain expenditure classes which are universal- ly applicable to the city at large -- such as debt service, administra- tive, etc. For these types of expenditures (that is, the ones for which the city maintains no specific land -use classification application) three methods have been employed in allocating city expenditures to the several prop- erty classes. First, one approach is to apply departmental expenditures 1 149 to an individual land -use category on the percentage basis that that land - use category's assessed value bears to the city's total assessed value. A second approach uses a given land -use group's percent of the city's actual total land -use physical area (instead of assessed value). For each of these two allocation methods information was obtained by Gladstone Associates on both assessed value (from the County Assessor's Office) and on land -use classifications throughout the city (from the city's Planning Department land -use study, recently completed). A third allocation basis was to take those certain city expenditure categories that appear to bear a fairly direct relationship to individ- ual property types (e.g. it can be assumed that the Elections Department relates directly to the city's resident population and therefore this total expenditure can be allocated to housing; whereas police protection serves not only resident population but also workers within the city and therefore should be applied to business land -use classes as well as residential) and to apply these to individual land -uses on a population or employment and population basis according to the appropriate type of occupancy for the land -use. Then, as a reasonable basis for allocating total city expenditures to land -uses have been determined, a "unit" expenditure factor is arrived at, in one of several ways: - Total city expenditures for selected areas are divided by the dollars of total assessed value, to arrive at a S:$ ratio. 6 - City departmental expenditures are divided by the total square feet of actual land -use within the city, to arrive at a S:S.F. ratio. - City departmental expenditures are divided by the city's population (or population and employment) to arrive at S: capita ratio. This process produces "unit expenditures" which can then be applied to prototypical building types, given their respective assessed value, square footage, resident population or employment housed. This process will be described below, but first... A model or prototype of each one of the land -use classes analyzed is prepared. For example, an apartment building is described in terms of its unit mix, square footage, land area, parking requirements, etc. The same basic approach is established for the other land -use classes ana- lyzed -- offices, industrial -warehouse properties, hotels, etc. For each prototype, the unit fiscal expenditures can be applied to the appropriate factors of that prototype (e.g. square footage, population, assessed value, etc.) to establish an estimate of the city's expenditures for such prototypical property type. Then, for each prototype the various classes of city expenditures applicable to that land -use category are added up to arrive at a total dollar figure for each example. 7 151 Next, revenues are examined. Based upon the type of property evalu- ated, the appropriate revenues derived from taxes and other sources are calculated. The largest categories are from real estate and personal property taxes, but utilities taxes, service charges, court fines, state and federal revenue sharing are also estimated. Then, for each property "prototype," the sum of all allocated city expenditures is subtracted from the sum of revenues generated by that land -use classification, to arrive at net fiscal impact. 8 152 TABULAR ILLUSTRATION OF NET FISCAL IMPACT CALCULATION PROCESS A series of tables following contains the speciffic calculations per- formed which, finally, arrive at an estimate of each land -user's respective net fiscal impact on the city of Miami. The content of these tables is described in sequence. First, a simplified outline of the preceding narrative, is set forth in Exhibit I, following. Exhibit II displays the individual city expenditure categories for which iL is deemed desirable and appropriate to allocate to land -use categories. The method of allocation which is determined to be the most appropriate is indicated. Exhibit III presents the actual dollar expenditures by the city of Miami (for its fiscal year 1974) and then places those dollar amounts by method of allocation. One of the methods of allocation, as described above, is to take city departmental expenditures and allocate them to land -uses, employing as a basis for such allocation the relationship that the assessed valuation of an individual land -use bears to the city's total assessed valuation. Assessed valuation by land -use (obtained from the Dade County Tax Asses- sor's Office by special request of Gladstone Associates for this study) shows assessed valuation for the entire City of Miami. Assessed value is 9 153 Exhibit I OUTLINE FISCAL IMPACT ANALYSIS MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE NDP 1. Develop methodology for computing City revenues, by land -use. - Real Estate Taxes - Other Revenues 2. Develop methodology for determining cost of Cityservices, by function (e.g., police, debt service, etc.) by land -use. - Population/Employment Ratio Assessed Value Ratio Actual Cost of City Services by Land Use 3. For each unit of land -use (on a prototypical basis) estimate - Revenues produced - City costs incurred (allocation) - Net Fiscal Impact Source: Gladstone Associates 10 154 5xhibit II ALLOCATION OF CITY EXPENDITURES CITY OF MIAMI City Expenditure Category M thod of Allocation J (Function) Administrative Assessed Value Financial Assessed Value Judicial Employment & Population Service Assessed Value Elections Population Building Operations & Maintenance Assessed Value • Planning & Development Assessed Value Public Safety, • Police Employment S Population Fire Service Response by Land -Use - Sanitation Service Response by Land -Use Public Works Culture & Recreation Public Service Enterprises Pensions Oebt Service miscellaneous Regarded as not applicable J Population 1/ i.e.. allocation of total city costs. by respective expenditure category, to land -uses --using as the basis of such allocation the method designated in this column. J Considered applicable to existing streets and utilities much more than to land -use change. 1 Source: Gladstone Associates 11 Exhibit 111: City Expenditure Category 1. General Administrative Financial Judicial Service Elections 814g. Operations & Mint. Planning b Development Total I1 Public Safety Police Fire Sanitation Total 111. Public Works IV. Culture & Recreation Sub -total above V. Other J VI. Grand Total Percent Distribution CITY EXPENDITIG1TS AND iiEr.I00 OF ALLOCATION 8Y MAJOR LAND -USE CATEGORIES ---- €1SCAF. -1974 City Expenditure $ 6,059.051 1,100.792 525,386 1,273,408 31.401 2,177,018 410,955 11.597.848 J 15.420,627 10,542,866 G867,593 34,902,791 J 6,017,843 4,767.462 $57,285,944 29,134,129 $86,420,073 1001 Totals of Method Allocation Assessed Value Employment 6 Population Population Other (By actual service cost per ,;.rd use) $ 6,059.051 1,100,792 1,273,408 2.177.018 410.955 525,386 15,420.627 31,401 10.542.866 8.867,593 Not applicable to land -use a function of city streets which are already existing. 29,134.129 $40,155,353 461 1/ Includes Public Service Enterprises, Pensions, Debt Service, Miscellaneous / Statistical discrepancy to total of $19.837 J Statistical discrepancy to total of $71,705 Source: Gladstone Associates $15,946,013 181 4.767.462 $4.798.863 $19.410.459 61 221 for actual 11�ocatfon See Exhibit IV, V IV. Y VI Iv. v VII IV. Y IV. V VI VIII & VIII-A thru D VIII & VIII-A thruD VII IV. V UT N 156 displayed for land and improvements separately, for each one of the principal land -use categories indicated. As may be noted, just over one- half of the city's total assessed value (i.e. 51.73 percent) is attribut- able to residential uses, as shown in Exhibit IV. Exhibits V-A through F display the calculations whereby the assessed value determinant is employed in allocating certain city expenditures to the individual land -use categories for which this study has performed a net fiscal impact analysis. By reference to Exhibit V-A -- which allo- cates city expenditures to residential land -uses -- this methodology will be described. First, the city expenditures which are to be allocated to land -uses on the basis of assessed value are set forth. As Exhibit V-A deals with residential only, 51.73 percent (that is, the percentage of residential land -use's assessed value to the city's total) is applied. Then, that portion of the total designated city expenditures thusly ap- lied to residential land -uses is divided by the city's total residential assessed value to arrive at a ratio of city expenditures per $1 of as- sessed residential land -use value. This same methodology is followed by each one of the other land -use classifications in Exhibits V-B through V-F. As has been indicated previously, it is believed appropriate to ap- ply certain types of city expenditures on other than an assessed value basis. Accordingly, Table VI displays the basis for allocating police Exhibit IV: ASSESSED VALUATION BY LAND USE CITY OF M1AMI 1975 Assessed Value Land Improvements Total Land -Use Category Dollars / Percent Distribution Dollar Percent Distribution Dollars2/ Percent Distribution Residential $ 761.811,745 48.15% S1,119,171,646 51.96% S1.991.792.491 51.73% Non -Residential Retail $ 178,530.151 11.28% S 175.856,533 8.17% $ 354,386.684 9.20% Office $ 78,972,483 4.99% $ 239.619.165 11.13% $ 318.591.648 8.27% Wholesale $ 2,251.222 0.14% $ 4,588.295 0.21% $ 6.839,517 0.18% Tourist $ 42.634.346 2.69% $ 83,129,009 3.86% $ 125.763,355 3.27% Industrial $ 41,758,189 2.64% $ 77.990.193 3.62% $ 119.748.384 3.11% Transport/Utilities $ 63.150.783 3.99% $ 31.160.102 1.45% $ 94,310.885 2.45% Agriculture $ 827,429 0.05% $ 1.619,665 0.08% $ 2.447.094 0.06% Sub Total: Non -Residential $ 408.124.603 25.79% $ 613,962.962 28.51% $1.022,087.565 26.54% 0ther) $ 412.320,545 26.06% $ 420,643,818 19.53% $ 836.591,588 21.73% Sub Total: Non -Residential & $ 820.445.148 51.85% $1,034.606,780 48.04% $1.858.679.155 48.27% Other Total S1,582,256,393 100.00% $2.153.778,426 100.00% $3.850.471.644 100.00% Percent of Total 41.09% 55.94% 1/ Includes leaseho1 1nterest.government.institutional, parks. undeveloped water land use categories. Does not add to right owing to incomplete data on source document. Source: Dade County Tax Assessors Office; Gladstone Associates. 100% r un Exhibit V-A: ALLOCATION Of CITY E1(PEHUITURES: SEIECTEU GENERAL. JI OTHER ASS/SSE° VALUE BASIS BY LAND USE bF 11TAJi1 Bostdp.,t idl_14Iu1 Ilse City Expenditures fit total City Expenditure Ratio; Expenditure Cate4or_v Mount Assessed Value to Land Use Per $l 'f Assessed Value General Administrative $ 6.059.051 Financial 1.100.792 Service 1.273.408 - Building Operations Maintenance 2.177.018 Planning and Development 410.955 Total $11,021.224 Other J 29.134.129 51.13% $ 3.134.341 80.0016 5b9,440 0.0003 658,734 .0003 J Includes Public Service Enterprise, Pensions, Debt Service, Miscellaneous J Residential Assessed Value - $1.991.792,49) Source: Gladstone Associates 1.126.171 .0006 212.587 .0001 $ 5.701.279 .0029 15.071.085 .0076 Exhibit V - 8: ALLOCATION OF CITY EXPENDITURES: SELECTED GENERAL, & OTHER nMESSED VALUE BASIS BY LAND USE CITY or NTIIMI Retail Land Use City Expenditures X of Total Category Amount General Administrative *$ 6,059,051 Financial 1.100,792 Service 1,273.408 v Building Operations 3 Maintenance 2.177,018 Planning and Development 410.955 Total $11.021.224 Other J 29.134,129 Assessed Value 9.20% J Includes Public Service Enterprise, Pensions, Debt Service, Miscellaneous 2/ Retail Assessed Value - $354.386,684 Source: Gladstone Associates City Expenditure Ratio: Expenditure to land Use Per $1 of Assessed Value 2/ $ 557,433 101.273 117,154 200,286 37,808 $1.789,814 $0.0016 0.0003 0.0003 0.0006 0.0001 $0.0029 2.680.340 0.0076 Exhibit V-C: City Expenditures Category ALLOCATION OF CITY EXPENDITURES: SELECTEU GENERAL, 6 OTHER ASSESSED VALUE BASIS BY LAND USE CW FHTAMI ._r Office Land Use rof Total tTty Expenditure Amount Assessed Value to Land Use Per it of Assessed Value General Administrative $ 6.059.051 Financial 1.100.792 Service 1.273.408 ` Building Operations A Maintenance 2.177.018 Planning and Development 410.955 Total $11.021.224 Other J 29.134.129 8.272 J Includes Public Service Enterprise. Pensions. Debt Service. Miscellaneous J Assessed Value - $318.591.648 Source: Gladstone Associates $ 501.084 91.035 105.311 180.039 33,986 $ 911.455 Ratio: Expenditure 1 $0.0016 0.0003 0.0003 0.0006 0.0001 $0.0029 2.409.392 0.0076 Exhibit V-D: Category_ ALLOCATION OF CITY EXPENDITURES: SELECTED GENERAL, b OTHER 11SSESSEO VALUE BASIS BY LAND USE -CITY -OF HMI — Wholesale Land Use City Expenditures TT of Total Amount Assessed Value to Land Use Per $1 of Assessed Value General Administrative $ 6,059.051 Financial 1.100,792 Service 1,273.408 o; Building Operations I Maintenance 2,177.018 Planning and Development 410,955 Total $11.021,224 Other J 29.134.129 0.18% _ 1/ Includes Public Service Enterprise. Pensions. Debt Service, Miscellaneous J Assessed Value - S6,839,517 Source: Gladstone Associates City Expenditure Ratio: Expenditure $109,063 19,814 22.921 39.186 7,397 $198.382 $0.0159 0.0029 0.0034 0.0057 0.0011 $0.0290 524.414 0.0767 Exhibit V - E: ALLOCATION OF CITY EXPENDITURES: SELECTED GENERAL, 6 MAR ASSESSED VA_►UUE_ i f LAND USE tourist land Use City Expenditures % of Total City Expenditure Ratio: Expenditure Category Amount Assessed Value to Land Use Per $1 of Assessed Value Z -' General U 0p16 Administrative $ 6.059.051 3.27% $ 198.131 $ 35,996 0.0003 FInancla1 1.100.792 41,640 0.0003 Service 1.273,408 Building Operations 1L71,188 0.0006 & Maintenance 2.177.018 0.000438 Planning and Development 410,955 $ 360.393 IN $0.0029 Total 111.021.224 952.686 0.0076 Other J 29.134.129 J Includes Public Service Enterprise. Pensions. Debt Service. Miscellaneous J Assessed Value - $125,763,355 Source; Gladstone Associates o� N Exhibit V - F: Category ALLOCATION OF CITY EXPENDITURES: _SELECTED GENERAL,_A OTHER ASSESSED VALUE BASIS BY LAND Usc tf`f-IIAMHT City Expenditures iTfiotal Industrial Land Use City Expenditure Ratio: Expenditure Amount Assessed Value to Land Use Per $1 of Assessed Value -I General Administrative $ 6.059,051 Financial 1,100.792 �, Service 1,273,408 0 Building Operations I. Maintenance 2.177.018 Planning and Development 410.955 Total $11.021,724 Other J 29,134,129 3.11% J Includes Public Service Enterprise. Pensions. Debt Service. Miscellaneous J Assessed Value - $119,748,384 Source: Gladstone Associates $ 188,436 34.235 39.603 67.705 12,781 $ 342,760 $0.0016 0.0003 0.0003 0.0006 0.0001 $0.0029 906.071 0.0076 164 and judicial expenditures for the City of Miami. These are regarded as being allocable to both employment and population. That is, a per capita/ employee cost is computed, as shown. (The population for the City of Miami in an inter -census year is estimated by several sources, including the University of Florida. However, employment data -- for any year -- are not available for the city from standard sources. They must be es- timated and, based upon indications of the relationship between the city's employment base and Dade County's, a total city employment figure for 1974 has been arrived at, as displayed in Exhibit VI -A.) For elections, cultural and recreation expenditures the city's resident population only is regarded as a proper basis of allocation. Accordingly, that figure is arrived at as set forth in Exhibit VII. The last basis whereby city expenditures are allocated is for the individual departments of fire protection and sanitation service. Exhibits VIII through VIII-0 display a series of tabular calculations for these two important governmental departments. Fire and sanitation represent the only two departments within the City of Miami that maintain records recording their activities (i.e. service calls) by land -use. The total City of Miami fire budget (shown in Exhibit VIII-A) has been allocated to individual land -use categories (Exhibit VIII-8) and totaled (Exhibit VIII-C). Similarly, the city's sanitation service costs have been allocated to land -uses -- based upon Exhibit VI Population Employment Total 1/ 1974 J Individual ALLOCATION OF CITY EXPENDITURES: POLICE 6 JUDICIAL E CFI MNENT OPUL ON CITY or NIAMI— Per Capl:a'P�lo;ze Percent Allocation of Clty Expenditures Number J Distribution City Expenditures 359,525 642 210,205,448 201,BOO 362 5.740.565 561,325 100% i z $15,946,013 e.4t J Table VI -A EMPLOYMENT: 1974 Dade County City of Miami Percent of County Total Manufacturing 92,800 30% 27,800 Contract Construction 42,300 33% 14,000 Transportation, Communication and Public Utilities 54,600 37% 20,200 Wholesale Trade 41,100 36% 14,800 Retail Trade 109,800 302 32,900 Trade, Total (150,900) 32% (47,700) Finance, Insurance, Real Estate 45,600 332 15,000 Services & Miscellaneous 143,200 342 48,700 Government 64,300 44% 28,400 Total 593,700 342 201,800 1/ Employment 2/ Source: Florida Employment Services J Estimated A cc�p 1-1ac fllll111 Exhibit VI1: Population ALLOCATION OF_CITY EXPENDITURES: ELECTIONS,CULTURAL AND RECREATION POPULATION OASIS GIT�-Y�F-Ni7l� J Elections. Cultural and Recreation Source: Gladstone Associates Allocation of Per Capita / percent City Exp__.._ efdltares C1b E�pendlture Nuaber — 359,52S l00% $4,798,863 $13.35 rn J Exhibit VIII: ALLOCATION OF C11Y EXPENDITURES: DIRE AND SANITATION `28MHATTi LLE land Use Private Residence Duplex Sub -Total Apartment and Rooming Total Residential Hotels and Motels Public Assembly. Stores. Offices Industry. Utilities. Manufacturingy Storage, Special Properties $1,452.677 Educational and Institutional $ 430.918 Other Total Fire Department Sanitation Department Allocation --Total of fire Oept.__ Building._ Fire Dept. Cost Allocation of Annual jludget Units S.F. Units S.F. Dept. Budget Stops $5.972.207 4.823.312 893.279 721.968 $2.708.707 61.133 f 44.31 46.865.486 5.545.280 $2.658,843 71,489 37.19 544.475 440,544 $5.367.550 132.622 $ 40.4i $7.409.961 5,985.824 $ 465.727 8.726 $ 52.34 $ 85.074 6.864 41.691.653 36.536,000 $ $0.05 $ 969.846 17.292.000 80.08 NA NA . NA $9.408.525 141.348 53.828.000 1/ Churches and trailers and undisclosed stops 8 994.396 units = $0.55/unit 71.812 units = $1.18/unit Source: Gladstone Associates Cost Per Annual Annual Cost Per I-..24 ____ Stops/Unit PT2St�_ Unit 1.24 104 $ 128.96 1.24 $ 1.24 $12.39 104 $ 128.96 $28.08 104 $ 128.96 104 11,288.56 $61.36 781.456 $ 1.24 104 $ 128.96 NA NA NA $ 119,104 56,784 $ 2.10 104 $ 218.40 $8,507,417 6,830,928 $ 1.25 104 $ 136.00 Exhibit VIII - A: DEPARTMENT OF FIRE BUDGET J CITY OF MIAMI 19/4 Divisions Budget Percent of Total Administrative S 184.076 1.821 Fireman Training $ 96.704 0.961 Fire Prevention Bureau $ 437,385 4.341 Rescue Squad $ 681,088 6.751 Firefighting Service $ 8,285.426 82.121 Fire Garage $ 273.107 2.711 Stations and Buildings $ 119,037 1.181 Fire Apparatus - Rebuilding $ 12,000 0.121 Total S 10,089.558 100.0 1 J Actual total expenditure was S10.235.817 however a further breakdown of expenditure was unavailable Source: City of Miami Financial and Statistical Report. 1974; Gladstone Associates FIRE SERVICE CALLS IY11,80 USE Exhibit Y111 - 8: CITY OFMIAMI 1974--- 2� Hose Snorkel_ iad r _ Other Total Calls Percent of Allocated firg, Cost/Man Engine Dept. Budget pe - Land -Use Category_ Units M,LYJ Units H Units M/Y Units Un is M/Y Units Man/Ca is Total Private Residence 6 Duplex 672 5 89 4.5 5 6 317 6 9 9 1 1,092 5.701 28.79>i ;2.708,707 $ 475.13 Total Man Units 3.360 400 30 1,902 Apartment Rooming 583 5 175 4.5 38 6 274 6 21 21 1 1.091 Total 5,596 28.261 12.658.813 f 475.13 Man Units 2,915 188 228 1.644 lbtels, Motels. Etc. 85 5 42 4.5 24 6 34 2a6 18 18 1 203980 4 95A 165.727 $ 475.22 Total Man Units 425 189 144 Public Assembly. Stores722 1.691.653 ; 475.05 Office 371 5 103 4.5 346 165 204 6 49 1 99049 3.561 17.981 ; Total Man Units 1.055 463 e4 Ind., Ut11.. Manuf., Storage 611 15.111 ;1.452.671 ; 475.19 Spec. Prop. 323 5 101 4.5 29 6 131 7866 21 27 1 3.057 Total Man Units 1.615 455 174 83 5 28 4.5 5 6 51 6 30 1 1997 4 in s 43p,91B ; 475.09 Education and Instil.415 126 30 Total Man Units 135 972 154 3.916 Unit Totalt12.117 0.585 2,421 810 5,832 1154 54.13 19.802 100 1 19.408.325 $ 475.13 CCoV Total s 2,375.65 $ 2,138.09 ; 2,850.78 $ 2,850.78 $ ;9.408.525 TotalotalCCol $5.029.250 81.150,290 $ 384.855 $2.770.960 $ 13.170 1525 re Coot 53.451 12.231 4.091 29.451 0.781 Percent of Total 1/ Man Per Vehicle / Salvage and Air J Excludes Rescue Squad - $681.088 Source: City of Miami Fire Department; City of Miami financial and Statistical Report; Gladstone Associates Exhibit VIII - C: ALLOCATIO4 OF CIIT EXPENDITURES r[P bCPARUMENT c1T(0 fitArti Man Calls 1/ Building 3 Fire Dept. Per land Use Allocation of 2, Units/Area J Cost Per Land -Use Category Number %District Fire Dept. Budget by Land Use Un t S.F. Private Residence 8 Duplex 5,701 28.8 $2,700,707 61.133 $44.31 Apartment and Rooming 5a5.96 28.3 658 843 71.489 $37.19 Subtotal Residential 11,297 57.1 $5,367,550 132.622 $40.47 Hotels, Motels, Etc. 980 5.0 $ 465,727 8,726 52.34 Public Assembly, Stores, Office 3.561 18.0 51.691.653 36.536,000 50.05 Storage, Special Property 3,057 15.4 51,452,677 17.292.000 Industry. Utilities, Manufacturing, •08 Education and Institutional 907 4.6 S 430,918 NA NA Total 19.802 100% $9,408.525 1/ Excluding Rescue Squad 3/ Excluding Rescue Squad - $681.088 7/ From Land Use Inventory. City of Miami Planning Department, 1975 Source: City of Miami Fire Department, Planning Department, Financial and Statistical Report. 1974; Gladstone Associates r J N 1 Exhibit Vill - 0: SANITATION SERVICE BY LAND USE CITY OF MIAMI 1974 Annual Cost Annual No. Annual Land Use Total Annual Stops Percent of Total of Service Cost per Stop Stops/Unit Cost/Unit Single Family Units 4.823.312 70.2% 55.972.207 $ 1.24 It" $ 128.96 Duplex Units 721,968 10.5% 893.279 1.24 104 128.96 Apartments 440.544 6.421 544.475 1.24 104 128.996 (Units) (1,988,792) 0.27 Hotel/Motels 6.864 0.1% 85.074 12.39 104 1,288.56 (Units) (143,624) 0.59 61.36 Businesses 781.456 11.41 969.846 1.24 104 128.96 Other J 56 784 1.4% 119,104 2.10 104 218.40 Total Stops 6,830.928 . 100 S $8.507.417 $ 1.25 104 $ 136.00 / includes churches. trailers and undisclosed stops Source: City of Miami Sanitation Department: City of Miami financial 8pd Statistical Report. 1974; Gladstone Associates 173 their actual service records (Exhibit VIII-D). Both the Fire and Sanitation Departments' service cost allocations, by land -use, are sum- marized on Exhibit VIII. The end product of the fiscal impact calculations are shown, by each land -use respectively, on Exhibits IX and X. A detailed discussion of one land -use classification's net fiscal impact calculation will serve to illustrate the process for all. Referring to Exhibit IX -A, the sequential process of arriving at the net fiscal impact can be understood. This exhibit (together with the others of this series following) is divided into several parts. On the left hand side, at the top, a description of the prototypical property is designated. In this case, a 100 dwelling unit condominium apartment is analyzed and its size may serve as a "module" and applicable to multiples thereof in subsequent analyses which might be performed of the fiscal im- pact of total increments of housing of this category. Next, revenues are calculated for the building prototype. Its total property value, ratio of assessed to actual value, assessed value and tax rate are designated. Real estate tax revenues to the city -- the largest single source of revenue -- are computed accordingly, as displayed. NOTE: A critical factor in this calculation is the ratio of assessed to actual property value. This is a point which is subject to some dis- pute and interpretation. It is our understanding that the County Tax 30 Exhibit IN -A Prototypical Property Site Building Value Land Value Revenue: Total Property Value Ratio: Assessed Value To Actual Value Assessed Value Tax Rate (City) 1974 Real Estate Tax Other Revenue: Personal Property Utilities Tax Service Charge Court Fines State. Revenue Sharing Federal Revenue Sharing Total. Ail Revenues Cos t General Government Fire and Sanitation Police 6 Judicial Culture s icecreation I Elections - Other Ili Total Net Fiscal Impact :Positive :Negative Source: Gladstone�Cssoc ates 1 CODPARAiIVE nET FISCAL IMPACT 100 U.U. CONDOHINI M APARTMENT 126,470 S.F. (Gross)) $ 3,864.10P 11.089, $ 4,953.100— 66% $ 3,269,046 10.499 mils Total $-'34 !22 5 Per Capita 5� 28 �18.57 $ $ 4,085 ,3.36 $ )35 $ 3.45 759 $ 22.31 $ 4.908 $ 23.83 i ? $ 57,584 $ 9,480 7i $ 6.250 $ 2,917 J 24.845 1-60:6T9 $ 7.565 Footnotes 85% efficiency spaces • Z48Q/ >I 100 0/S.F @ oost5 ction Cos: parking W 130/S.F. Construction Costs i 175 space 3/ a FAR 20 D./Acre - 5 acres p $5.00/S- . A// .0 Does not account for vacancy and homestead exemptions. 5/ p 22.1 of Real Estate Tax rsoas/enit�Total if Household population estimated 0 2.2 pe Building Population = 220 @ $0.0029/$1.00 Assessed Value J Fire 8%37.19/Unit and Sanitation 0 $28.08/Unit 9/ p 32U.4I/capita $13.26/capita w includes public service enterprises. pensiqns, debt service. and miscellaneous 12 • $O 0076/$1.00 Assessed Value Total Fiscal impact Total Prototypical Per ProcertY gait S.F. $ 7.565 $756.50 $0.06 r J Exhibit IN -A Prototypical Property Site Building Value Land Value Revenue: Total Property Value Ratio: Assessed Value To Actual Value Assessed Value Tax Rate (City) 1974 Real Estate Tax Other Revenue: Personal Property Utilities Tax Service Charge Court Fines State. Revenue Sharing Federal Revenue Sharing Total. Ail Revenues Cos t General Government Fire and Sanitation Police 6 Judicial Culture s icecreation I Elections - Other Ili Total Net Fiscal Impact :Positive :Negative Source: Gladstone�Cssoc ates 1 CODPARAiIVE nET FISCAL IMPACT 100 U.U. CONDOHINI M APARTMENT 126,470 S.F. (Gross)) $ 3,864.10P 11.089, $ 4,953.100— 66% $ 3,269,046 10.499 mils Total $-'34 !22 5 Per Capita 5� 28 �18.57 $ $ 4,085 ,3.36 $ )35 $ 3.45 759 $ 22.31 $ 4.908 $ 23.83 i ? $ 57,584 $ 9,480 7i $ 6.250 $ 2,917 J 24.845 1-60:6T9 $ 7.565 Footnotes 85% efficiency spaces • Z48Q/ >I 100 0/S.F @ oost5 ction Cos: parking W 130/S.F. Construction Costs i 175 space 3/ a FAR 20 D./Acre - 5 acres p $5.00/S- . A// .0 Does not account for vacancy and homestead exemptions. 5/ p 22.1 of Real Estate Tax rsoas/enit�Total if Household population estimated 0 2.2 pe Building Population = 220 @ $0.0029/$1.00 Assessed Value J Fire 8%37.19/Unit and Sanitation 0 $28.08/Unit 9/ p 32U.4I/capita $13.26/capita w includes public service enterprises. pensiqns, debt service. and miscellaneous 12 • $O 0076/$1.00 Assessed Value Total Fiscal impact Total Prototypical Per ProcertY gait S.F. $ 7.565 $756.50 $0.06 r J 175 Assessor's Office strives to assess properties at their full actual or market value. However, according to a study published by The Miami Herald, it has been determined that, after examining individual cases of properties' assessed versus actual value, the assessed value is lower than actual. For the purposes of illustration, the net fiscal impact calculations contained within Exhibits IX -A through G use those ratios published by The Miami Herald. Obviously, if the assessed values equaled actual values, the city would derive more tax revenues (without any com- mensurate increase in service costs). To display the net fiscal impact implications of a 100 percent assessed -to -actual value, the net fiscal impact for each one of these same prototypical property types has been calculated, and is displayed in Exhibit X. The city also collects utilities taxes, service charges and court fines and these are shown also. (The figures used for these are based upon detailed calculations not shown within this report but which take the city's total receipts within these various categories and divide by its total population to arrive at the per capita figures employed.) Also, revenue sharing -- from the state and federal governments -- has been computed and is set forth as a source of revenue. The per capita revenue figures are then multiplied by the prototypical building type's estimated population (or, in the case of businesses, by employment) to arrive at the total revenue figures indicated. 32 176 NOTE: Footnotes referenced for the various revenue and cost cate- gories are contained within the upper right portion of the Exhibit. Arriving at an appropriate basis for applying city expenditures (shown in these Exhibits as "costs") reflects the process detailed in the preceding Exhibits. The various categories are allocated to the prototype property in accordance with the footnote descriptions. Lastly, the total of the city's costs estimated to serve the indi- vidual building type are subtracted from its revenues to arrive at a net figure. In the case of this example -- a condominium apartment -- revenues are calculated to exceed costs by a total of $7,565 (or, as is shown on the right hand side of the Exhibit, $756450 per dwelling unit or $0.06 per square foot). Each one of the subsequent Exhibits in this series, Exhibits IX-6 through IX-G displays similar calculations for the other types of property analyzed. Finally, Exhibit X displays certain adjustments to the basic meth- odology presented immediately preceding take into account the raising of the ratio of assessed -to -actual value to 100 percent, in each land -use classification's case. As may be noted, the net fiscal impact results thusly produced are higher, of course, for the positive ones, and less negative for those property types showing deficit fiscal impacts previously. Exhibit IX-8 Prototypical Property Size Building Value Land Value Revenue: Total Property Value Ratio: Assessed Value To Actual Value Assessed Value Tax Rate (City) 1974 Real Estate Tax Other Revenue: Personal Property Utilities Tax Service Charge Court Fines State Revenue Sharing Federal Pevenue Sharing Total, A11 Revenues Costs General Government Fire and Sanitation Police 6 Judicial Culture $ Recreation . Elections Other Total Net Fiscal Impact :Positive :Negative Soerce: Gladstone Associates COMPARATIVE HET FISCAL 1Fx'ACT 100 UHF! RENTAL APARTMENT 126,470 S.F.1/ (Gross) $ 3.864.120 3/ $ 381,150 $ 4.245,270 67% $ 2.844,330 10.499 Mils total ;763 Per Capitar-- $ 6 570 4/ $ 18.57 $ 4.085 $ 3.36 $ 739 $ 3.45 $ 759 $ 22.31 $ 4.908 $ 23.83 f 5.243 $52.167 $ 8,249 , $ 6.527 $ 6.250-/ $ 2,9172/ $ 21 ,61711/ $ 45,560 $ 6,607 Footnotes 1/ 100 Units 0 1,075 S.F./unit P 85% efficiency. 2/ 0 $30/S.F. construction cost and 175 parking spaces 3/ Density: 40 D.U./Acre 2.5 Acres P $3.50/S.F. 4/ 0 22T of Real Estate Tax 5/ Household population estimated P 2.2 persons/unit - 220 total building population. 6/ P exnenditure of of %0.0029/$1.00 assessed value. 7/ Fire 8$37.19/Unit and Sanitation 0$?8.08/Unit 8/ @ $ 8.41/capita 9/ @ $13.26/capita la/ Includes public service enterprises, pensions, debt service, and miscellaneous 11/ P expenditure of $.0076/$1.00 Assessed Value Total Fiscal Impact Total Prototypical Pro ertY__ Unit S.F. $ 6.607 $ 66.07 $0.05 P$400/span' J J 111 Exhibit IN-C Prototypical Property Size Building Value Land Value Revenue: Total Property Value Ratio: Assessed Value To Actual Value Assessed Value Tax Rate (City) 1974 Real Estate fax Other Revenue: Personal Property' - Utilities Tax Service Charge Court Fines State Revenue Sharing Federal Revenue Sharing Total. A11 Revendes Costs General Government - Fire Police I. Judicial Culture L Recreation. Elections Sanitation Other J Total Net Fiscal Impact :Positive :Negative Sour ac Gladstone Associates @ Includes service pensions. debt service. rise. public service enterprises, pen $ 29.520 J @ 10.0076/11.00 AssessedValue. 9.006 Total fiscal impact 9.006 - Total Prototypical Unit S.F. 10.020 Property Footnotes J @ 135 S.F. Constructiun Costs L $6 S.F. Non -Construction Costs 2/ FA$075,000 Structu0 red Parti king Facility for 250 Spaces 03.500/space ]V 0 22% of Real Estate Tax 4/ 0 175 S.F./employee -.405 building pop. 5/ @ 10.0029/11.00 Assessed Value i/ @ $0.05/S.F. 7_/ 0 i20.41/employee (104 stops) Total i� J Includes Y lue $ 55.840 .8 7.410 $0.07 COMPARATIVE NET FISCAL IMPACT OFFICE BUILDING 100.000 S.F. (Gross) $ 4.975,000Y 310,000?/ $ 5,305,000 53Z $ 2.1111.650 10.499 wails Per Employee) —Tu. S'7 $ 22.31 $ 7.410 r J m ExhibitlX-0 COMPARATIVE NET FISCAL IMPACT 60,000 S.F. RETAIL_ESTABLISNMEt!T Prototypical Property Size Building Value Land Value Revenue: Total Property Value Ratio: Assessed Value To Actual Value Assessed Value Tax Rate (City) 1974 Real Estate Tax Other Revenue: Personal Property Utilities Tax Service Charge Court Fines State Revenue Sharing federal Reven'ie Sharing Business License Total Costs General Government Fire and Sanitation Police & Judicial Culture & Recreation& Elections "Other J Total Net Fiscal Impact :Positive :Negative Source: Gladstone Associates 60,000 S.F. (Gross) $ 1,560.000 !/ $ 720,720 �/ $ 2,280,720 53% $ 1,208,782 10.49e mils Total $ 12.651 Per Employee 4/ $ 2.792" $ iR 57 $ 3,380 $ 22.31 $3.50', $ 3.129W/ $ 5.171 $ 9,18710/ $20.992 $ 4.079 : 4,060 1$ 48— lid / Footnotes 1/ @ $26/S.F. Construction Costs Z/ @ FAR = 0.333 = 180,180 S.F. 8 $4.00 S.F. 3/ @ 22% of Real Estate Tax 4/ 1 employee/330 S.F. = 182 Total 5/ Annual charge on 469,800 unit inventory. 6/ P $o.00291$1.00 Assessed Vali.; 7/ Fire 0 $0.05/S.F.. Sanitation 0123.96/Year 8/ @ $28.41/employee 9/ Includes public service enterprises. pensions, debt service. and miscellaneous 10/ @ $0.0076/$1.00 Assessed Value Total Fiscal Impact Total Prototypical Per Property Unit Si. $4,079 - $0.07 ExbTDlt 1X-E Prototypical Property Site Building Value Land Value Revenue: Total Property Value Ratio:Assessed Value to Actual Value Assessed Value Tax Rate (City) 1974 Real Estate Tax Other Revenue: Personal Property Utilities Tax Service Charge Court Fines State Revenue Sharing Federal Revenue Sharing Total. All Revenues Costs General Government Fire and Sanitation Police 6 Judicial Culture Recreation t Elections Other if Total Net Fiscal Impact : Positive : Negative Source: Gladstone Associates COMPARATIVE NEI FISCAL INPACT 50,000 S.F.INDUSTRIAL ESTABLISHMENT 25.000 S.F. $ 300.000 J I_ 250.000 J $ 550.000 71% 1 390.000 10.499 mils Total Perim toee $ 9021/ $ 1 y/ $ 483J $ 3.101J $ 22.31 $ 580 - $ 3,726 $ - $ 6.065 - $11.829 $ 2 1000-"' $ 139LY $ 4.144 J $ 2.9641 $6.834 - $10.839 (f 769)- $ 990 Footnotes • 0 $12/S.F. construction costs 8 FAR 0.5 = 50.000 S.F. 0 $5.00/S.F.(Judgment Subject to Conflrnatton) 0 22% of Real Estate Tax 26 employees 8 960 S.F./employee (chemical) 167 employees 8 150 S.F./employee (non -chemical manufacturing) 8 $0.0029/$1.00 Assessed Value Fire 0 $0.08/S.F. and No Sanitation Service O f28.41/ewployee x 26 employees ' 0 $28.41/empioyee x 167 employees includes public service enterprises. pensions, debt service. miscellaneous. P $0.0076/11.00 Assessed Value. (High) (Low) Total Fiscal impact Total/Protyplcal Per Property Unit S.F. ($769) ($0.0 ) - and r ao 0 Exhibit IX-F COMPARAIIVI NET FISCAL IMPACT 50,000 S.F. WHOLESALE ESTABLISHMENT Prototypical Property Size Building Value Land Value Revenue: Total Property Ratio: Assessed Value to Actual Value Assessed Value Tax Rate (City) 1974 Real Estate Tax Other Revenue: Personal Property Utilities Tax Service Charge Court Fines State Revenue Sharing Federal Revenue Sharing Total, All Revenues Costs General Government Fire and Sanitation Police and Judicial Culture and Recreation and Elections Other J Total Net Fiscal 1opact : Positive : Negative io'urce: Gladstone Associates 50,000 S.F. S 600.000 1/ s 5oo,lloo 11 $1,100,000 71 't 5 781,000 10.499 mils Per__E��loyee4/ r 1R.57 5 - $ - $ 22.31 $ - $ 2.265- $ 4,000V $ 795— 3 i 5,9369/ $ 12,996 ($ 1,847) Total $ 8,200 $ 1,804 ]1 $ 520 $ - $ - $ 625 $11.149 Footnotes 1/ @ 512/S.E. construction cost. Z/ @ FAR 0.5-50,000 S.F. 0 $5.00/S.F. (Judgment subject to confirmation) 3/ @ 27'% of Real Estate Tax 4/ 28 employees @ 904 S.F./employee 5/ @ 50.0029/f1.00 Assessed Value 6/ Flre @$0.08/S.F. and No Sanitation Service j/ @ S28.41/employee x 28 employees pensions. debt service $/ Includes public service enterprises, p and miscellaneous. 9/ 0 $0.0076/f1.00 Assessed Value Total Fiscal Impact Total/Prototypical Per Property Unit S.F. (31.047) - 00.04) r co 0 Exhibit 1X_G Prototypical Property Size Building Value Land Value Revenue: Total Property Value Ratio: Assessed Value To Actual Value Assessed Value Tax Rate (City) 1974 Real Estate lax Other Revenue: Personal Property Utilities Tax Service Charge Cnurt Fines State Revenue Sharing Federal Revenue Sharing Total. All Revenues Costs General Government Fire and Sanitation Police 6 Judicial Culture 6 Recreation. Other y/ Total Net Fiscal Impact :Positive :Negative Elections Source: Gladstone Associates COMPARATIVE NET FISCAL IMPACT 300 ROOM HOTEL 240,000 S.F. (Gross) I/ $ 10.296.0002/ 1 1.500,00d/ $ 11.796,000 53% $ 6,251,880 10.499 Per Umpluee4/ 1 18.57 $ 22.31 $ - $18,130% 1 34.110 $ 8,523- 1 - $ 47.514 10/ $108.277 ($ 15,935) Total $ 14,440J 1 5,571 $ - $ - $ 6,693 192.342 Fuotnotes i/ 300 Rooms @ 400 S.F./Roam = 120.000 S.F. Other Area 0 50% gross S.F. = 120.000 S.F. @ $30/S.F. construction costs = $7.200.000 Non -Construction Custs @ 18t 11,296,000 Furnishings, equipment. etc. @$750,000 $2,500/unit Parking: 200 Structured Spaces @ 11,050.000 $3,500/Space Total $10.296.000 3/ @ $5,000/Uuit (judgment subject to further confirmation) 4/ 1 employee/rouu; total 300 employees 5/ @ 22% of Real Estate Tax 6/ @ $0.0029/11.00 Assessed Value 7/ Fire @ $52.34/Unit; Sanitation 061.36/Unit 8/ @ $28.41/emrployee x 300 employees 9/ includes public service enterprises. pensions, debt service and miscellaneous J @ $0.0076/$1.00 Assessed Value. Total Fiscal impact Total Prototypical Per Property Unit S.F. ( $ 15.935 ) (1 53.12) ($0.117) Ih•MEIUral •E MMEENNilmlll II I IIIIh Exhibit X ASSESSMENT RATIO INFLUENCE ON KET FISCAL IMPACT CITY OF MIAMI: 1974 Net Fiscal Impact ResiJentiii ApFrtw nt _ Non -Residential Conduniinium Apartment Rental Office Retail Industrial Wholesale Motel I. Actual Value $4.953.100 $4,245,270 $5,305,000 $2.280,720 $550,000-$550.000 $1.100.000 $11.796.000 1I. @ Typical Assessment Ratio 66% 67Y 53% 53% 71% 71% 71% 53% Assessed Value $3.269,046 $2,144.330 $2.811,650 $1.208.782 $390,000-$390.000 $ 781.000 $ 6.151.800 Net Fiscal Impact $ 7.565 $ 6.607 $ 7.351 $ 4,079 $ 9904$ 769)26 1.847)($ 15.935) III. @ 100% Assessment Revenues s. ea Real Estate Tax $ 52.003 $ 44.571 $ 55.697 $ 23.945 $ 5.774-$ 5.774 $ 11.549 $ 123.846 Personal Property Tax $ 11.441 $ 9.806 $ 12.253 $ 5.268 $ 1.270-$ 1.270 $ 2.541 $ 27.246 Costs General Government $ 14.364 $ 12,311 $ 15,384 $ 6.614 $ 1.595-$ 1.595 $ 3.190 $ 34.208 0ther-' 4 37,644 } 32,264 $ 40,318 4 17,333 $ 4,180-1 4,1801 8,360 ) 89,650 NET FISCAL IMPACT $ 11,476 $ 9,842 $ 13.167 $ 6.554 $ 1.35216 40706 1.110)($ 3.132) IT —Includes public service enterprises. debt service. pensions. and miscellaneous / @ 26 employees 1/ @ 167 employees Note: 1974 City of Miami Tax Rate - 10.499 mils. Source: Gladstone Associates. 183 COMMENTARY ON THE METHODOLOGY AND RESULTS As mentioned in a preceding section of this report, the methodology employed here is not perfect. While it is believed that the process employed in calculating revenues is accurate (with the exception of the determination of an appropriate ratio of assessed -to -actual value), the determination of expenditures for various land -use categories employs considerable judgment. Obviously, the city cannot make a specific determination as to how each of its departmental expenditures may be applied to individual property types. Administrative and general city categories can probably not have their costs applied on a basis better than that used in the analysis displayed here. For other categories, most notably the Police Depart- ment (which is a very large budget item) a better basis of allocation can be used. Therefore, it is recommended that the City Police Depart- ment institute a process whereby police calls are related to land -use categories, as is done by the Sanitation and Fire Departments. Once a "more perfect" system of calculation is arrived at, the fis- cal consequences of future land -use change within the city can be measured. We consider this to be an extremely important element of land - use planning and the establishment of public policy for land -use change. Theoretically, the city's future growth can be "modeled" whereby alter- 41 1 : 1 i 1 184 native changes in land -use composition can be evaluated in terms of the resulting net fiscal impact to the city. It is argued here that this is as valid an approach to establishing recommendations and setting up a framework for decision making as any other single factor that may affect the city's future (i.e. traffic flow, sewer capacity, etc.). However, there is another dimension to fiscal impact which is not addressed here. There are "secondary" impacts -- or what is labeled as the "multiplier" effect -- that should be taken into account. For every resident and employee within the city there are economic consequences of their presence which should be accounted ultimately. An "economic model" could also take these into account -- including economic well being, per- sonal and business income, etc. derived from expenditures of residents and employees, tourists, etc. Also, there should be further consideration given to the question of incremental change in city expenditures as land -use change occurs. It has been assumed for the purposes of the analysis presented above that an increase in city expenditures will occur in a direct relationship between the city's present (or, actually, 1974) expenditures as a function of total land -use within the city at this time. In point of fact, however, incremental expenditures may actually not be as great inasmuch as there are certain "fixed" costs which may not increase proportionately to the increase in "variable" costs occasioned by future land -use change. 42 185 Nontheless, it is clear that this study indicates the importance of taking the fiscal impact of land -use change into account in the city's future land -use planning. We encourage further exploration and perfection of the methodology established here (perhaps through a subsequent study phase) to create for the city an accurate and needed economic model where- by these very significant fiscal issues can be property appraised. 43 PRO FORMA FINANCIAL ANALYSIS MIXED - USE DEVELOPMENT MIAMI FLORIDA 1976 Prepared For Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Development Plan (Wallace, McHarg, Roberts & Todd, Principal Consultants) January, 1976 by Gladstone Associates Economic Consultants Miami, Florida & Washington, D.C. 186 PRO -FORMA PROTOTYICAL: PARKING -OFFICE BUILDING MIAMI, FLORIDA 1975 I. Chargeable Spaces A. Size of Building -Net Rentable Area B. Parking Allowance: One space/500 S.F. of Rentable Area = 200 spaces frg3q to tenants C. Totalaces 250 D. Less: Free Spaces to Tenants 200 E. Equals Rentable Spaces 50 II. Net Operating Income A. Total Rentable Spaces B. Annual Rent/Space (532 monthly X 12) C. Annual Income D. Less: Operating Expenses 1/ E. Net Income -Parking 2/ 100,000 S.F. ( 50 Spaces 384/ Space 5 19,200 S 33,600 $ 14,400 1/ 250 spaces total rentable @ $32/space/month = 596,000 potential rent/year X 35% operating expense ratio = $33,6600 total operating expenses. 2/ Insert Line II-G, office pro -forma. 2/ One space/400 S.F. of rentable (office) area. Source: Gladstone Associates. 187 PRO FORMA PROTOTYPICAL:OFFICE 3UIl0ING MIAMI, FLORIDA 1975 1. Estimated Improvement Costs Per Parking Alternative Structural Surface A. Square Feet, Gross 100,000 S.F. B. Construction Cost/S.F. X-S"'S.F., �S 3.500.000 _ $ 3.500,100 0 S C. Non -Construction Costs X .F,� S 600.000 S 800,000 D. Total 3uilding Cost S 4,100.:00 ; ".,10CC,000 E, -Parking $ S75.000 ;-70.300 F. Total Improvement Costs $ 4.975.000 S t.000.200 II. Net 0oeratine Income A. Gross Square Feet 100,000 S.F. B. Efficiency ratio X 35 C. Net Lcasaole .Area 35,200 S.F. 0. Annual Rent/S.F. S S.F.3.;0 E. Annual Gross Inc:7e. S 782.000 3/ F. Plus: Parking Incor,e, Net $ 14,:00 G. Less: Vacancy ! Cat,ection Allowance (0 4 :) (S 31,300 ) H. Effective Gross Inc:7e $ '65 100 I. Less: 0ocratinc Expenses L Real Estate Taxes 32N$f(S 444,300 J. Annual Net Income $ 520.300 3 520,200 III. Financing A. Annual Net Income S 520.300 B. Capitalization Rate 9.5 C. Economic ;Capitalized) Value $ 5.476,300 0. Loan -to -Valve Ratio 85n E. Mortgage Oe Con ole 4/ $ 4 6 F. Debt Service Constant G. Annual Debt Service S 442,30O S 442.300 IV. Net Cash Flow A. Annual Net Income $ 520.300 8. Less: Debt Service (S 442.300 ) C. Net Cash Flow, 3efare Income Taxes and Depreciation S 78,000 S 78 000 V. Return to Lard ind acuity A. Net Cash Flow (before I.T.SO. - Line IV-C) S 78.000 S 78,000 B. Cash -on -Cash Return Cesired 5 ; C. Capitalized Value of Return Desired $20,000 I 520.000 0. Plus: fortgare 3btainaole S 4,655,3O0 4,555,200 E. Total . $ 5,175,200 S - 175 300 F. Less: Total Improvement Cost . ($ 4,975,000 ) ;S-"i-.'ZT�300 1 S. Residual Land Value 1 200,300 375,200 H. Density 2.0 ;F.A.R. 2.3 F.A.R. I. Square Feet of Land 50,000 S.F. 50.000 S.F. J. Land Value/S.F. 3 4.00/S.F. 3 19.51/S.F. 1/ Per Gross S.F., excluding non -construction costs, fees. interim financing, general contractor's overnead and Profit. etc. 2/ q 17t of construction cost. T/ From parking. See pack-uo parking income statement. 3/ 3 25 year tern. 3-1/2 percent interest. 3./ 1 52.38/S.F. I/ 250 spaces; structured 3 33,500/space; surface :a 5400/space. fource: Gladstone Associates. Exhibit III: I. Building A. Gross square feet B. Construction cost per sq. ft. -1 C. Total construction cost II. Parkin A. Number of spaces B. Cost per space. structured C. Total cost 111. Total Construction Cost A. Building B. Parking C. Total PRO FORMA PROTOTYPICAL NIXED - USE DEVELOPMENT EST1MAIED COYST:2ic1T0 t Sbo —1011117FL IDA: 1916— Alt. 1 Office Residential 6 Re ai1[5 80,150' i-2,5er;soo ,178,125 Total 139,s15 $4,765,600 152 $ 3,500 532.000 $ 4,765.600 532,000 $ 5,297.606 Alt. 1I Office Residential & Retail Total } 86.20 530 $ 0 '� 12.581.500 11.383,800 53,971.300 111 $ 3.500 $ 388.500 $3,971,300 388 500 0 Exhibit III: (Continued) PKO FORiii PROTOTYPICAL I•IIXEO - USE DEVELOPMENT ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS —"MTAI4I EfORfD1:rTO7b—` Alt., III I. ;Wilding llffice Residential 1. Retail Total A. Gross s uare feet 86.250 96.250 B. Construction cost per sq. ft. J f 30 $ — 41 C. Total construction cost 12.581.500 3,946.30b f6 33,800 11. Parking 223 A. Number of spaces 3 3.223 B. Cost per space. structured $ 783.500 C. Total cost III. Total Construction Cost A. Building B. Parking C. Total $6,533,800 780,500 $7.311.3110 . J Estimated to include "bricks t mortar" plus "soft costs" (e.g. fees. interim financing. bonds, etc.) Source: Gladstone Associates Exhibit IV: Total Spaces Less: Spaces to tenants (N one space/500 S.F.) Rentable Spaces Annual Rent per Space Annual Rent, Total Less: Operating Expenses Net Operating Income (defeat) PItO FORM PROIOTYPICAL MI%ED - bSE DEVELOPMENT MIAMI, FLORI 9 6 1J $40 per month 2/ 92 spaces 8 $480/year = $44.200; $44,200 X 35t expense ratio = $15.500 7/61 spaces 8 $480/year = $29.300; 29.300 X 35% expense ratio = $10.300 / 183 spaces 8 $480/year = $87.800; $87.800 X 35% expense ratio = $30.700 Source: Gladstone Associates Alt. 1 92 73 T1 f 480 9.100 (15,500 4EG)J Alt. II 49 Tf J $ 5,800 ,�pa. 30,0 J Alt. 147 $s 480 J $17,300 (1T3•400) 1 VA Exhibit V: 010 FORtiA PROTOTYPICAL MIXED-- USE DEVELOPMENT LAM AREA M1AM1, FLORIDA-:1976 Alt. I Floor Area Ratio (Overall) 7.0 I. Residential A. Building area 8. Fluor area ratio C. Land area 11. Office & Retail �A. +Building area B. floor area ratio C. land area III. Total Land Area A. Res dent al B. Office & Retail C. Total 86.250 S.F. 5.0 17,250 S.F. 53.125 S.F. 2.0 26.563 S.F. 17,250 S.F. 26.563 43.8Ii S.F. Source: Gladstone Associates Alt. 11 Alt. III 7.0 7.0 86.250 S.F. 5.0 17.250 S.F. 33.750 S.F. 2.0 16.875 S.F. 17.250 S.F. 16 875 14:115 S.F. 86,250 S.F. 5.0 17,250 S.F. 96.250 S.F. 2.0 48.100 S.F. 17.250 S.F. 48 100 65.156 S.F. Exhibit VI: 1. Leasable area 2. Annual rent per S.F. 3. Annual gross Income 4. Plus: Parking income. net 5. Vacancy & collection allowance: ( 1) 6. less: vacancy 1 collection allowance 7. Effective dross Income 8. Operating i real estate taxes: ($/S.F.) : 1 of E.G.I.) PRO FORA PRUTOTYPICAL MIXED - USE DEVELOPMENT REVENUES AND NET INCOME MIAMI, FLORIDA: 1976 Alt. 1 Residential Office Retail Total 69,000 S.F. 36,656 S.F. 10,000 S.F. 115.656 S.F. $ 6.00 $ 9.50 $13.00 $414.000 $348.200 $130.000 $892.200 ($6,400) ($6.400) 6% 4% h% ($24.800) ($13,900) ( i1.800) ($46.500) $389.200 $327,900 $122.200 $839.300 $ 2.14 2.86 $ 2.00 38% 321 16% 9. Less: operating 1 real estate taxes ($147,900) (1104,900) ($20,000) 10. Annual net Income $241,300 $223,000 $102,200 ($272.600) $566.500 Alt. I1 Residential Office Retail Tots 69,000 S.F. 24.438 S.F. 5.000 S.F. 96.438 S.F. $ 6.00 $ 9.50 $13.00 $414.000 $232.200 $65.000 $711.200 ($4.500) ($4.500) 61 4% 61 ($ 4,800) ( $9.300) ( 13,900) ($38.000) $369,200 $218.400 $61.100 $668.700 $ 2.14x $ 2.86 1 2.00 ($147,900) ($69,900) 5010,000) ($227.800) $241.300 $148.500 $51.100 $440.900 Exhibit VI: (Continued) 1. leasable 2. Annual 3. Annual 4 pl us: area rent per 5.1. gross income Parking incomm1ei net ante: hx) 5. lacancY t collection allow 6. allowance ') Less: vacancy & collection ; 389,200 1. Effective gross income estate $ Operating 6 real ' 8' taxes: $6 G.1. ) x of E taxes i 14) i real estate 9. Less: operating s 241,E Annual net income USE DEVEEO P►'�ENT Rt}�ipYYP1(M t►l' NES 11:0►E it N1 1rO� Alter► detail .0 S `3� Re 69,000 F � 73 300 5. t . �a'� � 10. Source: Gladstone Associates 1 6.00 % 414,E 6% 13 00 f 9,60 240.400 $ 6`)6.400 $ 130,0U0 $1. t$13.4�) i ��j3,400) bX 47� 6S� 5-00) (7SW z) $1166,500 j 655,100 $ 122.2� $ 2.86 'i 2.00 32% MVO 1�) j20 ) My_S T89,� $ 445.500 $ 102.200 r Exhibit VIE: 1. Annual net income 2. Capitalization rate 3. Economic (capitalized) value 4. Loan -to -value ratio 5. Mortgage obtainable 6. Debt service constant 7. Annual debt service 8. Net cash flora l/ PRO FORM PROTOTYPICAL MIXED - USE DEVELOPMENT FINANCING AND NET —CASH FLOW MIAM1, FC0RIDA: 1976 Alt. 1 Alt. II Alt. 1I1 $ 566.500 $ 566.500 $ 440.900 $ 440.900 $ 789.000 $ 789.E 9.5 9.5 9.5 $5,963.200 $4.641.100 $ 8.35.E 85%85% 85% 55,068,700 53.944.900 $ 7.059.500 9.5 9.5 9.5 $ 481,500 ($ 481.SOO) $ 374.800 ($. 374,800) $ 670.700($ 670_700) $ 85.000 $ 66.100 $ 118.300 J 35 year term. 8-1/2% interest l/ Before income taxes. depreciation Source: Gladstone Associates r m Exhibit VIII: 1. Total Land Area 2. Land Cost Alternatives A. @ $10 per sq. ft. 8. @ $20 per sq. ft. C. @ $40 per sq. ft. 0. @ S60 per sq. ft. PRO FONIA PROTOTYPICAL MIXED -_-USE DEVELOPMENT LAui) am MIAMI, F101410 : 1976 Alt. l (7.0 F.A.R.) -%3:813 S.F. 3 438.100 876,300 1,752.500 2.628,800 Source: Gladstone Assoctates Alt. 11 (7.0 F.A.R.) Alt. 111 (7.0 F.A.R.) 34, Lb S.F. 65.350 S.F. $ 341.300 682.500 1,365.000 2,047.500 $ 653.500 1.007.000 2.614.000 3.921.000 Exhibit IX: 1. Alternative land Values 2. Total Improvement Costs A. Construction cost $5.297,600 $5.297,600 $5.297,600 $5,297.600 $4,359.800 $4.359,800 $4,359.800 $4,359.800 8. land cost 438,100 876,300 1752,500 2.628,800 341.300 682 500 1.365,000 2 047.500 C. Total $5,735.700 $6.173.900 $7,050,100 $7,926,400 $4.701,100 $5,042.300 $5.724,800 $6.407,300 3. Less: Mortgage obtainable $5,068,700 $5.068,700 $5,068.700 j5,068.700 $3 944,900 $3,944,900 $3,944,900 $3,944,900 4. Equity required $ 667.000 $1.105.200 $1,981,400 $2.857,700 $ 756.200 $1.097.400 $1.779.900 $2.462.400 5. Cash -on -cash return desired 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% 6. Annual net cash flow desired $ 100.100 $ 165,800 $ 297,200 $ 428,100 $ 113,400 $ 164.600 $ 267.000 $ 369.400 7. Annual actual net cash flow $ 85,000 i 85,000 $ 85.000 $ 85.000 $ 66.100 $ 66.100 $ 66.100 $ 66.100 8. Net cash flow: actual less desired ($15,100) ($80,800) ($212.200) ($343.700) ($47.300) ($98.500) ($200.900) ($303.300) 9. Actual cash -on -cash return 12.7% 7.7% 4.3% 3.0% 8.7% 6.0% 3.7% 2.7% !To FORMA pR0T0TYPICAL NIXED - U$E DEVELOPMENT RETURN TO EQUITY MIAI11, FLORIDA: 1976 Alt. I (7.0 F.A.R.) Alt. 11 (7.0 F.A.R.) 0 $10/S.F. O 20/S/S.F. 0 $40/S.F. 0 $60/S.F. 0 $10/S•F• 0 $20/S.F., 0 $40/S.F. ! $60/S.F. 1. Alternative loan values 2. Total Improvement Costs A. Construction cost $7.314.300 $7.314,300 $7,314,300 $7,314,300 8. Land cost ___tly1,500 L301,000 2,614,000 3,921,000 C. Total 17,967.800 $8,621.300 $9.928.3(10f11.235,300 3. Less: Iiortyage obtainable $7.059.600 $17059,500 $7,059,500 $7_,059a500 4. Equity required $ 908.300 $1.561.000 $2.860.000 $4,175,800 5. Cash -on -cash return desired 15% 151 151 151 6. Annual net cash flow desired $ 136,200 $ 234,300 $ 430,3130 $ 626,400 7. Annual actual net cash flow $ 118,300 $ 118,300 $ 118.300 1 118,300 8. Net cash flow: actual less desired (1 17,900)(S 116,000)0 312.000)(1 508,100) 9. Actual cash -on -cash return 30.01 7.6% 4.1% 2.8% Exhibit IX: (Continued) 113 fORMA PROTOTYPICAL MIXED - USE DEVELOPMENT RL1URNTO iquily t1IAi11 FLORIDA: 1976 Alt. 111 11,0 F.A.R.) P S10/S.F_ 8 $20/S.F. @ $40/S.F. 8 $60/S.f. Source: Gladstone Associates 200 SELECTED CHARACTERISTICS DUPLEX CITY OF MIAMI 1976 Lot Size (50' x 100') Lot Cost: Total Per Square Foot Dwelling Size 2/ Construction Cost Low 5,000 S.F. $17,000 $ 3.40 2,000 S.F. $ 17.00/S.F. Intermediate) 5,000 S.F. $18,000 $ 3.60 Nigh 5,000 S.F. $20,000 $ 4.00 2,300 S.F. $ 20.00/S.F.3 Sale Price: Per Building $55,000 $58,000 $75,000 :• Per Dwelling Unit $27,500 $29,000 $37,500 : Per Square Foot $ 27.50/S.F. - $ 32.61/S.F. Rental Value: 2-Bedroom, 1-Bath 3-Bedroom, 2-Bath $ 225 $ 300 $ 250 $ 350 1/ Average, typical, etc. 2/ Two living units, combined area 1 Higher figure reflects higher but still reasonable cunpent construction costs. Source: Gladstone Associates, 2/24/76, (from original research consisting of field surveys, interviews with realtors, builders, etc.). FUTURE DEVELOPMENT PROSPECTS Prepared For MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN WALLACE, MCHARG, ROBERTS & TODD Principal Consultants October 1976 Hunter Moss and Company Economic Consultants 150 E. Palmetto Park Rd. Boca Raton, Florida 201 FUTURE DEVELOPMENT AND FISCAL IMPACT Introduction A11 of the market data, analysis and land planning being conducted for the City of Miami resulting in this report will represent a benefit to the city only if the plan leads to development that meets the market needs and produces adequate revenue in the form of jobs and real estate taxes in particular. In the Technical Report attached there is an in-depth study titled "An Analysis of the Fiscal Impact of Selected Classes of Land Use" prepared by Gladstone Associates. This report lists the comparative net fiscal impact of various types of development, listing the total revenue that can be expected by the city from the development against which is charged the total governmental costs. For the various types of categories analyzed the total fiscal impact for the various types is as follows: Net Annual Fiscal Type Impact 100 unit rental apartment $ 6,507 profit 100,000 square foot office building $ 7,410 profit 60,000 square foot retail establishment $ 4,079 profit 50,000 squre foot industrial plant $ 990 profit to 769 loss 50,000 square foot wholesale establishment $ 1,347 loss 300 room hotel $15,935 loss In the categories of industrial, wholesale and hotel showing negative figures, it must be understood that the benefits from this type of improvement can come from the jobs provided and not directly from the real estate. It thus becomes obvious from this study that any future development should be .mindful of the net fiscal impact figures listed above. These must be weighed against the opportunity of the city waking an investment in certain types of real estate in the form of sub- sidy or land cost write -down that .might possibly discount the fiscal impact figures listed above by giving the stimulus for job opportunities for city residents. -1- HUNTER `:1OSS AND COMPANY 202 Land Inventory When zoning categories have been revised into categories consistent with the proposed 1985 land use plan, the break- down by individual classifications will be as follows: Residential Commerical and Mixed Use Manufacturing and Marine Industrial Open Space and Government Use 11,662.33 acres 2,784.14 acres 1,504.25 acres 1,424.86 acres TOTAL 17,375.58 acres As of July of 1975, the total vacant land within the city limit plus two major areas that could be added as redevelopment possibilities are as follows: Vacant 1,418.43 acres FEC yards 60.21 acres Dinner Key 42.35 acres TOTAL 1,520.99 acres Major land areas including the two redevelopment possibilities listed above that are available at this time are as follows: FEC yards 60.21 acres Dinner Key 42.35 acres Claughton Island 40.04 acres Fair Isle 21.65 acres Blue Lagoon (two tracts) 21.77 acres -2- HUN T ER MOSS AND COV►fANY •E ^`.^K �a,; y` '�i�,.. ram, �.y•i C`^.. 2•432 203 17th Ave. and North River Drive 22nd Avenue at Miami River N.W. 7th Avenue between 8th and llth.Streets._ (HUD acquisition) V.W. 3rd Avenue between 1-395 and 20th Street (HUD acquisition) S.07 acres 7.88 acres 22.24 acres 27.58 acres TOTAL 248.75 acres The above acreage figures were taken from information supplied by the Department of Planning of the City of Miami. The above list does not presume to be final since there are other tracts of ground that are presently improved that through clearance could be added to the vacant land inventory for future development. However, it is significant to realize that of the 1,521 vacant acres including the FEC and Dinner Key properties, 249 acres can be labled as available for development and in a size that would justify a major development concept. The remaining 1,272 acres of vacant land are principally in parcels of one acre or less and a majority are scattered individual lots that exist within improved neighborhoods. Development Opportunities This report lists 30 development opportunities covering a broad spectrum which are classified below under their use categories: 1. Transit Stations Brickell Avenue "Five Points" 27th Avenue Douglas Road Culmer Park 28th and 36th Street :Manor ?ark 2. industrial FEC Yards Garment Center _3- HUNTER '.'.CSS AND CC'. it \NY 204 3. Commercial Little River -Biscayne Plaza Biscayne Boulevard Design Plaza Brickell Avenue Coconut Grove Little Havana S.W. 8th Street Martin Luther King Boulevard 4. Residential Edgewater New Intown Residential Blue Lagoon Medical Center 5. Mixed Miami CBD Miami River front Coral Way Shell City 6. Government and Institutional Government Center Mercy Hospital 7. Recreation Watson Island Dinner Key 8. Educational Virginia Key It is impossible for any city to act on such a list of development needs and opportunities all at one time. The list however is an impressive one and attention will be given to those specific projects that are considered to be of the highest priority. "Highest Priority" relates to such elements as preventing neighborhood deterioration, providing job opportunities, providing new housing, creating a new industry and supporting existing facilities that have already been constructed. -4- HUNTER 7AOSS AND CC;VIPANY E - ..E T TC ?A ..K I;C,AC. ;.4.-TON r! . 32 205 I. II. These selected development opportunities will be covered in the paragraphs that follow under the appropriate use designations. Transit Stations Seven stations have specifically been mentioned as development opportunities and they can lumped into a single opportunity when the effect of a transit station is understood. Transit stations attract people to a single point in similar fashion as trolley car transfer points such as lith Avenue and 36th Street in Allapattah. This attraction of people to a single point represents an opportunity for the erection of retail stores and also of multifamily housing, usually in mid -rise or high-rise buildings. Since there is an objective to reduce automobile use and encourage pedestrian traffic, it is essential that the housing be brought in as close as possible to the actual transit stations. This trend has already occurred in other American cities that have already completed their transit systems. However, it is felt that the transit systems completion cannot be expected before 19 , and therefore no immediate development is needed but future opportunities are available because of the indicated locations of the stations. Industrial FEC Yards The FEC Yards have lain practically dormant and unused with the disappearance of the need for large marshalling and freight yards. This 60 acre tract is one of the most dominant pieces of real estate within the city limits and its development could trigger a major revival in an area that is in reed of� employment. Eecause of the unique location of this tract of ground fronting on 36th Street and its easy access to the major expressways, plus the servicing of the tract by rail, the land lends itself particularly to industrial development. This development has not occurred already because of the unwillingness of the present owners to either develop the property themselves or sell it to others at a reasonable price. The tract should be laid out carefully as a campus -type industrial park which could become a showplace. Important employment would be provided to those in the immediate area, and there would be a beneficial reaction on adjacent real estate. -5- HUNTER 'VOSS AND CC:.'^ANY I. II. 205 These selected development opportunities will be covered in the paragraphs that follow under the appropriate use designations. Transit Stations Seven stations have specifically been mentioned as development opportunities and they can lumped into a single opportunity when the effect of a transit station is understood. Transit stations attract people to a single point in similar fashion as trolley car transfer points such as 17th Avenue and 36th Street in Allapattah. This attraction of people to a single point represents an opportunity for the erection of retail stores and also of multifamily housing, usually in mid -rise or high-rise buildings. Since there is an objective to reduce automobile use and encourage pedestrian traffic, it is essential that the housing be brought in as close as possible to the actual transit stations. This trend has already occurred in other American cities that have already completed their transit systems. However, it is felt that the transit systems completion cannot be expected before 19 , and therefore no immediate development is needed but future opportunities are available because of the indicated locations of the stations. Industrial FEC Yards The FEC Yards have lain practically dormant and unused with the disappearance of the need for large marshalling and freight yards. This 60 acre tract is one of the most dominant pieces of real estate within the city limits and its development could trigger a major revival in an area that is in need of employment. Because of the unique location of this tract of ground fronting on 36th Street and its easy access to the major expressways, plus the servicing of the tract by rail, the land lends itself particularly to industrial development. This development has not occurred already because of the unwillingness of the present owners to either develop the property themselves or sell it to others at a reasonable price. The tract should be laid out carefully as a campus -type industrial park which could become a showplace. Important employment would be provided to those in the immediate area, and there would be a beneficial reaction on adjacent real estate. -S- HUNTER ,VCSS AND CC,',TANY 206 Development financing for such a project could be worked out through private sources, but it might be necessary for the city to acquire the land from the present owner and write- down the cost to a figure that would be economical for the developer of the industrial park to whom the property would be sold. Such a write -down could be for as much as S3.00 per square foot, or nearly SE million dollars. Such a figure is of staggering size, but it is felt that such investment on the part of the city would have a chain reaction effect on adjacent real estate especially that to the south of 29th Street between the FEC tracts and I-95. III. Commercial This heading includes both retail and office space which are so often linked together. This is true in the above list of commercial development opportunities, but two in particular will be covered in greater detail. Little River -Biscayne Plaza The Little River -Biscayne Plaza commercial center roughly is bracketed on the east by Biscayne Boulevard and on the west by N.E. 2nd Avenue and is bisected by N.E. 79th Street. These are all important traffic arteries. The statement has already been made that encouragement should be given to the consolidation of this area into a single district in order to promote office expansion in the Little River area and concentration of retail in the Biscayne Shopping Plaza. A negative factor in achieving this end is the fact that the even flow of development is interrupted by the 79th Street access being cut by the New River Canal and by the main right-of-way of the FEC Railroad. Furthermore the continuing success of the Eiscayne Plaza Shopping area has been threatened by the heavy cc :cntraticn of retail facilities along 162th Street to the north of this area in Dade County. It would seem appropriate that in order to consolidate the Little River commerical area and Biscayne Plaza, particular attention should be given to improved access, elimination of incompatible uses and an overall revitalization of the outdoor amenities and facilities in order to give the area the charm that has been lost. The Biscayne Plaza shopping area is difficult fcr the motorist to approach because of the heavy traffic on Biscayne Boulevard and N.E. 79th Street. Also interior circulation is difficult and redesign of this might even make necessary the demolition of some of the vacant stores. The Little River commercial area should concentrate on improving on what they have already created, including a new office building and not hope for toc much expansion in the future. -6- HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY 207 Brickell Avenue A second development area that deserves particular comment is Brickell Avenue along which has been developed a number of Miami's newest office buildings. Downtown Miami unfortunately is spreading its office buildings rather than concentrating them with three principal locations being Brickell Avenue, Downtown flanking Flagler Street and the new buildings and facilities surrounding the Omni project. Brickell Avenue still has vacant sites for further expansion but it is felt that attention must be given to easing the flow of traffic especially at peak hours and the providing of better eating and retail facilities for the increasing number of people who come to this area on Monday through Friday to work. IV. Mixed Use Miami River Over the years the Miami River has been a working river relating principally to the boat and fishing industries. Because of poor policing, the beauty of the river was marred by forgotten derelicts and an overall tawdry appearance. As the commerical ventures have now been concentrated into a few major operations, land has become available for other use which has included the Holiday Inn Motel, the former publishing plant of the Miami News, now occupied by Master Charge, and growing numbers of residential structures. There are available vacant sites along the river including two already mentioned at N.W. 17 th and N.W. 22nd Avenue. There are others in the area that are ripe for redevelopment. :n order to enhance the opportunity of the river front for further development, the clean-up campaign along the river must be con- tinued and inharmoneous new uses should be restrained or restricted. Miami's river is one of its great assets and can be restored to a thing of beauty. The City's role will be principally one of maintenance and policing. Private enterprise including private :Honey should make possible future development which will include hotels, mid -rise and high-rise apartments, restaurants and small office buildings. 7- HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY 207 Brickell Avenue A second development area that deserves particular comment is Brickell Avenue along which has been developed a number of Miami's newest office buildings. Downtown Miami unfortunately is spreading its office buildings rather than concentrating them with three principal locations being Brickell Avenue, Downtown flanking Flagler Street and the new buildings and facilities surrounding the Omni project. Brickell Avenue still has vacant sites for further expansion but it is felt that attention *oust be given to easing the flow of traffic especially at peak hours and the providing of better eating and retail facilities for the increasing number of people who come to this area on Monday through Friday to work. IV. Mixed Use Miami River Over the years the Miami River has been a working river relating principally to the boat and fishing industries. Because of poor policing, the beauty of the river was marred by forgotten derelicts and an overall tawdry appearance. As the commerical ventures have now been concentrated into a few major operations, land has become available for other use which has included the Holiday Inn Motel, the former publishing plant of the Miami News, now occupied by Master Charge, and growing numbers of residential structures. There are available vacant sites along the river including two already mentioned at N.W. l7th and N.W. 22nd Avenue. There are others in the area that are ripe for redevelopment. 'n older to enhance the ol)portunity of the river front for further development, the clean-up campaign along the river must be con- tinued and inhar-ioneous new uses should be restrained or restricted. Miami's river is one of its great assets and can be restored to a thing of beauty. The City's role will be principally one of :maintenance and policing. Private enterprise including private :Honey should make possible future development which will include hotels, mid -rise and high-rise apartments, restaurants and small office buildings. HUNTER MOSS AND COMPANY °'�A _2432 36th Street 208 Another area that deserves special comment in relation to mixed use is N.W. 36th Street between N.W. 7th Avenue and N.W. 27th Avenue. This street with its commercial coning has suffered heavily with the construction cf the East -lest Expressway which lies immediately to the nerd-: cf the street. The former commercial establishments located along this street have floundered with the loss of automobile traffic along 36th Street which formerly was a principal east/west artery. This Master Plan revision recommends a change from commercial tc mixed use zoning which would allow residential uses to be mixed with retail. Since this area is principally dominated by Cubans who are familiar with the mixed use concept, it is felt that this change will provide an incentive for new development which would eliminate much of the run down appearance that prevails throughout the length of this street. V. Residential Comment will be made concerning three principal residential development opportunities that will have major impact. Edgewater The first is Edgewater being that area north of Omni flanked by Biscayne Bay on the west and running north to 36th Street. This area would have developed in similar fashion to the Brickell Avenue area if development had not been hampered by inadequate street layout. Unfortunately the east/west streets run from Biscayne Boulevard and dead-end at the Bay. With no opportunity for circulation, all development has been limited to such uses as would be willing to locate on a street that dead -ends at a cul-de-sac. If the city could construct a single north -south street at the Bay or create road loops tying together the east/west streets similar to that .:hich already exists at Point View in the Erickell area, residential cevelep ment would occur in spite of the fact that the majority of the sites are small. Developers • .•:ouid assemble sites in order to give them the necessary plottage and the benefit to the city in repayment for the street construction would be increased land values and therefore taxes. In -Town Residential A New In -Town Residential Community is a constant dream of planners in all cities being studied throughout the United States. The older residential areas that surrounded downtown have declined in value as lower income groups moved into the housing and r.uch of it has been the target for uban renewal. A particular area in Miami that lends itself to a new residential community is adjacent to Bicentennial Park, Omni and Downtown. It has the advantage of accessibility tc all cf the downtown facilities and also to the expressway system. -S- HUNTER MOSS AND LCWANY VI. 209 This area is currently of mixed residential and commercial use and would undoubtedly require renewal treatment. If a large enough area can be acquired it would be possible to create a dramatic plan that could produce housing for the middle income market. If such housing is to be developed and financed privately the City will have to provide subsidies which could be in the form of land write -down, real estate tax protection or even rental subsidy. It is not possible to come up with the total dollar investment that the city might have to make without a preliminary project plan which would allow the preparation of a feasibility study. Medical Center A third area that lends itself to residential development, even on a mixed use basis, is that bordering the Medical Center, especially between N.W. 12th Avenue and N.W. 17th Avenue. Because of the heavy employment within the Medical Center there is a need for more housing that would make it possible for employees to walk to work. A zoning change has been recommended in the Master Plan, and it is felt that this will be a boon to the area and immediately attractive to the developers. The City's investment would be minimal, but the benefits will be great in the form of increased taxes commensurate with the higher density permitted for future use. This would be similar to the trend that has already taken place in that portion of Brickell Avenue facing the bay between 15th Road and Rickenbacker Causeway in which the zoning change from R-1 to R-5 has stimulated development and also increased the city's tax base. Lcw;Moderate Income Housing As has been pointed out before, there is growing need for housing at the medium and low income level, while there is an oversupply of housing for the upper income seg-?ent of the population. This distortion is a direct result of the high cost of construction and the high cost of land. Only those in the upper income brackets can afford much of the new housing that has been constructed in recent years. Recreation Dinner Key Perhaps one of the most dramatic opportunities available to the city is the development of Dinner Key into a major recreation-orionted complex. Dinner Key was originally the -9- HUNTER ':LOSS AND CC:.I^ANY E=-'"CAC: ?O:C:• 210 seaplane terminal for Pan American World Airways when their operations centered around the use of flying boats. At the end of that era, the property was taken over by the City for use as a City Hall and the hangers have been used by Merrill Stevens for a private operation, by the Coast Guard and also by the city as an auditorium. If the Merrill Stevens leases can be acquired by the city, a 42 acre tract will then be available for development, assuming that the city will move to a permanent City Hall location. Dinner Key with its present complex of boat slips and moorings and with the nearby presence of the two Yacht Clubs, is already a boat haven. The off -shore islands create a harbor giving protection to boats from winds sweeping across Biscayne Day. Miami has never given proper focus tc its place in the marine and boat world. Virginia Key and Watson Island are possible alternate locations, but it is felt thatDinner Key is superior because of the easy access to all parts of the City and the backup provided by the Coconut Grove area. A 42 acre site at Dinner Key could be created into a Marine Center with approximately 400,000 square feet of improvements that would house a boatel, boat apartments allowing the occupant tc moor his boat underneath his unit, restaurants, boat oriented retail facilities including sales, and boat storage and repair. A lagoon area could be created for a semi -permanent beat show facility. The cost to the city for creating this site is basically the cost of acquiring the present Merrill Stevens lease. All land is presently owned by the city. Summary The City of Miami which is in a period of flux centered around the movement of population has typical problems that relate basically tc unmet needs in the housing sector. because cf the hish cost of construction and land, little housing is being c:eatcd for the low and middle income families. There is available land but in order to make sure new housing is available, government in the form of the city, the county, the state or the federal government will have tc produce funds that will be used for land acquisition, land cost write -down, tax subsidy, rent subsidy and possibly direct financing of private development. No attempt has been made to determine the total costs since that would have to result from a more sophisticated feasibility study. -10- HUNTER MOSS AND CC Mf ANY 24 S2 • 211 However the cost could lie between 525 and $50 million dollars depending upon the extent of the programs undertaken. Such an expenditure would actually be an investment on the part of Government since there would be a return in the form of higher assessments and taxes, and have a chain reaction effect on surrounding neighborhoods that would be improved by the development. Further there would be increased job opportunities for the residents of the city. The developments suggested are in no way pie -in -the -sky. They are needed and they will be attractive to private developers who of course will have to work intimately with the city in the carrying out of their programs. Highest priority is given to the acquisition of the FEC yards which have lain dormant for too long. It is recommended that the city have an in-depth feasibility study made of this important facility in order to determine what would be its exact cost and what benefits would accrue not only to the developer, but also to the City. -11- HUNTS ,�.'OSS AND CCVJ;NY • 7-ICa _ 432 MEMORANDUM Prepared For MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN WALLACE, MCHARG, ROBERTS & TODD Principal Consultants 1975 Gladstone Associates Economic Consultants Miami, Florida & Washington, D.C. MEMORANDUM To: Boris 0ramov, Wallace, McHarg, Roberts and Todd From: W. Thomas Wall Date: July 18, 1975 Subject: Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Development Plan Summary Observations from Analysis of Socio-economic Trends 212 Introduction: This Memorandum sets forth summary observations regarding socio-economic trends within Oade County and Miami. Data have been collected and tabulated (to be submitted in a forthcoming memorandum) more fully documenting and quantifying references contained within this Memorandum). However, for the purposes of early identification (and in response to your request because of an up -coming meeting) highlights from the socio-economic analysis now in progress are summarized here. Demographics: The most striking feature of Dade County's ---and, indeed, all of South Florida's ---population growth is the extent to which in -migration contributes to demographic change. Between 1960 and 1970, Oade County's popu- lation increased oy about 33,300 persons annually. Of this total gain, about 25,500 persons were represented as net in -migrants, or more than 75% of the County:s total population change. The influx of Cubans contributed very sub- stantially to this migration. During the early 1970's, population expansion in Oade County was sustained at even higher levels than exhibited during the 1960's. And, migration accounted for an even larger portion of this increased level of population growth. Between 1973 and 1974 Dade County's population is esti- mated to have increased by 39,500 persons. Of the total, 36,900--or 93%-- were represented by in -migrants. Clearly, the pressures of migration to South Florida are continuing to impact very substantially on Dade County. Inasmuch as much of this migration is "voluntary" (that is, not associated with the need to re -locate because of change of employment), population growth forces will continue relentlessly as long as the area's natural attractions are present, and the large Latin (Cuban) 000ulation, which will continue to draw members of thi: ethnic group (who are now migrating to the area from other parts of the U.S. and elsewhere). Also striking is the racial and ethnic composition of Miami's population. Between 1960 and 1970, the City's black population increased pro- portionately to the total population, represented at about 22% of total. And for 1973 (the most recent period for which such data are presently available) estimates indicate that the City's black population remains at about 230 of all Miami residents. 3y far the largest segment of the•'City`s population are those of Latin _extr cr i ca- Ear *he_ sretropo Litan-area as a- whale (i rer - Oade County; Latins are estimated to have represented 29% (1973) of the total population. Memorandum to: Boris D'-mov July 18, 1975 Page Two 213 For the City of Miami, for 1973, the Latin population comooeent is deter- mined as being 52%. Projections indicate that, County -wide, the Latin population should reacn about 40% of all persons by 1980. In terms of total population cnange, the City of Miami's esti. mated 1974 population of 350,499 represents an average annual increase of 1.2% from 1970, or a 3,910 person increase per year. This compares with Dade County's total population growth over this same period of 36,300 persons annually for an average increase of 2.9% per annum. The future, of course, is uncertain. While past trends can be extrapolated, many factors -- including, especially, political ones increasingly imposing curbs on growth -- must be taken into account. Population projections for Dade County for 1980 range from between 1.516 million to 1.6 million, from various sources. Employment Patterns: Dade County's largest industry is the trade (retail and wholesale), followed by services and miscellaneous industries. Each represents about I/4th of all jobs in the County, or 50% of total employment combined. Historically, traae as a percent of all jobs has been declining somewhat whilst the services industr'! has been increasing. The size of these two labor force categories underscores the importance of tourism to the area's economy. Manufacturing employment in Dade County has been holding fairly consistently at about 15% of all jobs. Its rate of growth, approximately 5% per year since 1970, is the same as the County's total rate of employment in- crease, but is below other industries (notably finance, insurance and real estate, construction and services). The largest single manufacturing industry in Dade County is apparel -textile products. Between 1970 and 1974 this sub -industry evidenced a 9% increase in jobs annually, exceeded only by machinery manufacturing's rate of growth within this employment category. The gravitation of apparel manufac- turing to Miami, principally from the Nation's North-Eastern U.S. Region, para- llels the shift in population movement to the Miami area from these colder - climate states. According to 1970 census data, there were about 444,000 jobs within Dade County. Of this total, approximately 21,000 were in Miami's central business district with another 154,000 jobs elsewnere within the City of Miami. Accordingly, the City represented just under 40% of all County -wide employment. Expansion of banking in Miami has also occurred and has made a substantial contribution to the City's commercial and financial base in recent years. Financial service institutions have been leaders, also, in sponsoring many of area'snew office buildings, as well as furnishing funding sources for much of the construction in general which has occurred. Tourism continues to play an important role in the economy. New hotels in the downtown area of the City (as well as in other sectors, such as Coconut Grove) are evidence of this. With the deepening of the Port of Miami to accomodate larger cruise ships, tourism could make even stronger contributions to Miami's economy in the future. Retailing: From 1967 to 1972(the most recent date for which comprehensive data are available) total retail sales in Dade County increased by 51.2 billion, or about 38%. Over this same period the City of Miami's retail sales increased by Memorandum to: Boris r mov July 18, 1975 Page Three 214 $165 million, or only about 14 percent. In 1967, the City of Miami contained 37 percent of the County's total retail sales and this had dropped to under 31 percent by 1972. The decline in retail sales proportionate to county wide volumes has been experienced by the City of Miami, over this period, within ail major retailing categories. That retail group which has held up best, however, has been the apparel trade. The proliferation of large suburban shopping centers has accounted for the dispersal of retail activity to other areas outside of the County a phenomonon similar to what occurred in many other U.S. cities during the 1960's. However, downtown Miami was not as dominant in area's total retail picture and in other communities. Downtown does remain an active retail center, and to a signi- ficant degree, this is supported by tourism (particularly from Latin Americans visiting the area). Residential Trends From 1970 through 1974 approximately 152,600 dwelling units have been authorized within Dade County. 0f this total, the City of Miami's share has been 22,600 units -- or just under 15 percent of the County's total. The volume of any given year's South Florida housing market can differ substantially from any other year. This is perhaps the most complex housing market in the country with demand for residential units coming from many sources, including worker -headed households, empty nesters, retirees, young singles, seasonal residents, speculator -investors, foreigners and other. Accordingly, Dade County's total residential permit activity during this five year period peaked at about 51,000 units in 1972 l/ with 1974's volume dropping to under 19,000 units. For the City of Miami the largest permit volume was in 1972 (8,100 units) with the lowest volume in 1974 (1,383 units). During the 1970's, by far the largest residential construction activity, within the City of Miami, has occurred in structures containing five or more dwelling units. For example, in 1972, the year of largest permit activity, nearly 7,400 multi -family units were authorized and less than 800 units were permitted in smaller structures. As one component of the area's housing market condominiums (as a tenure form) have been increasingly popular. In 1968, approximately 6,300 condo- miniums were built in Dade County. Increasing each year since that time, it is es- timated that as of 1973, about 28,400 condominium units were located in Dade County. The volume of condominium construction activity was represented by about 6,350 units in 1973. Office Develooment Activity Between 1962 and 1972 Dade County experienced an office con- struction scale of about 535,000 square feet annually. 0f the nearly 5.9 million square feet constructed during these years, the majority was within the City of Miami, represented by approximately 3.2 million, or 54 percent of the County's total. Miami central business district contained about 43 percent of the City's total, with 57 percent distributed throughout the City of Miami elsewhere. if Much of this volume was accounted for by builder response to the threat of construction moratoriums being imposed. 215 Memorandum to: Boris Dramov July 18, 1975 Page Four Office development activity has continued at relatively high levels during the 1970's up to the most recent period. Current softness in the local economy (a reflection of national trends) has weakened the office market to a point where, according to one estimate, there is in excess of two million square feet 2/ of completed space unoccupied. However, upon observation, large portions of this space are contained within a smaller number of very siz- able buildings, particularly in the central business district and Coral Gables. * * * Summary observations present above will be detailed in a socio-economic report ("Preliminary Economic Base") now in progress and to be completed shortly, pending execution of the contract for economic consulting services. 2/ Refers to Dade County as a whole. • 216 TO: MEM0RANOUiM Mr. Boris Oramov Wallace icHarg Roberts and Todd 2575 S. Bayshore Drive Miami, Florida FROM: Tom Wall SUBJECT: Statement of Miami's Economic Develcnment Potential Reflecting Goals and Objectives OATS: ,September 24, 1975 Housing From the standpoint of Miami's economic future, one of the largest problems relates to the cost of housing. This problem transcends through the region and is not exclusively symptomatic of housing within the City of Miami. It has been increasingly clear that during the past three to five years, the price of residential shelter in Miami has rapidly risen to the point where a continuously increasing number of middle -income households are foreclosed from finding suitable housing. This marketplace, as nearly all others, operates within the framework of supply and demand. The demand for housing has occasioned substantial rises in land costs. Additionally, finan- cing costs as well as "bricks and mortar" construction costs have accelerated .as well. While these problems have been experienced nationwide, they are especially acute in the south Florida -Miami area. The demand forces have contributed largely to rising costs. Florida and the Miami area, especially, are among the nation's highest areas of in - migration. Because of this large demand, the price of shelter has sharply increased, for both new and used housing. The implications of this on Miami's future economic growth can be very substantial. For those firms which already exist in the area -- whether they anticipate growth or are static -- as they struggle to maintain a financially responsible relationship between the cost of providing their goods and ser- vices and the prices they must charge, the labor cast in this equation is very critical. As the price of housing accelerates, for owned as well as rented properties, demands for wage and salary increases are pronounced. 217 Mr. Brois Dramov Page 2 September 24, 1975 Additionally, for new organizations expecting to either relocate to the area or set up a branch office here, the price of housing has a direct impact on their anticipated labor costs and, as a consequence, their loca- tion decisions. There appears to be evidence that organizations looking at the Miami area as a possible new location are dissuaded from locating Here because of the implications of high housing costs in the area. if this problem is not corrected, it could seriously hinder Miami's future economic growth potential. I do not see the resolution of this problem, directly, through any efforts which may be undertaker by the City. New residential construction within the City is generally confined to hion-rise apartments, largely orient- ed to an upper -income market, throup•h the private sector, or publicly -assisted housing for very low income residents. However, in relation to code enforcement, a counter -productive effect may result from aggressive policies. If code enforcement compels landlords to improve their properties, :he rents that would have to be charged may force present limited -income tenants to relocate. If this is the case and the vacating tenants cannot be replaced with those capable of affording higher rents, the landlord's economic option is to raze the building and produce much more expensive new housinc on the same site. Whether this phenomenon might be wide -spread throughout Miami, I cannot say, but it sug- gests a sequence of events that may be precipitated by an aggressive policy of building code enforcement. I cannot subscribe to the policy of imposing low-income housing require- ments upon developers of residential projects oriented to other markets. The results of such policies, quite simply, are to further increase the price of housing. Where such developers would have to subsidize the cost of low-income housing they would be compelled to build, that cost would be passed on to other consumers. I do, however, fully subscribe to the prospect of revising zoning ordi- nances, as appropriate, to allow more flexibility in creation of housing in inner-city areas. I do not know how much latitude is possible, but where the cost associated with the production of such housing (e.g., through higher density), this would be a beneficial direction in which to move. In terms of generally reducing the cost of housing, there may be some non -governmental measures which can be fostered. One notion which comes to mind is the prospect of housinc produced through a cooperative, a concept which has been successfully employedinLatin America, where the cooperative movement is particularly strong. By cooperative I do not mean the legal form of tenure, per se, but rather the system whereby the production of housing is organized. �, - .--�s.........� .•.. P..... - 218 Mr. Boris Dramov Page 3 September 24, 1975 An example of this might be for a community (say,a neighborhood, group of blocks, etc.) to organize formally for the production of housing. The City might acquire and/or donate land. The cooperative would then con- tract with responsible architects and construction companies (perhaps, especially,minority businesses) to undertake the construction. I see the cost savings resulting here in several ways. First, the developer -entrepreneur's profit is removed -- and this could be as much as ten percent or more of the total cost. Additionally, sales and marketing costs (perhaps as much as five percent or more) could also be removed. Perhaps as important to producing housing, the process would also contribute to an improved community spirit and provide the vehicle for other economic activity as well. However, I'm not convinced that the cost savings resulting from such an effort would be sufficient to satisfy the lowest income housing needs, but it could be a step in the right direction. Economic Development Miami's economic development must be a balanced one. This means that: - New job opportunities that are created within the City are for employees who can live in the City in terms of income and life style (i.e., household size, etc.). - Impact favorably, as much as possible, on the fiscal base of the City -- by not producing demands for services and capital expenditures beyond what they contribute in the way of tax (and other) revenues. - Development which will contribute to Miami's enhanced "self-image" as a stimulus and catalyst to continuing development, by imoroving the City's recognition through- out the United States. While I fully subscribe to the notion of improving downtown as much as possible, this should not be undertaken with such force and vigor that it pre- empts development activity elsewhere within the City. Much of what occurs in the way of real estate development is really only a coincidence or an accident of a specific property being available to a specific developer at a given point in time. The real estate industry is not a systematic, highly structured one and it ooerates in a very random, disorganized fashion. Accordingly, a specific development proposal may be advanced for an office building on, say, Coral ',lay. if established public policy prevents such develop- ment (because policy argues for office activity to occur downtown only), that particular office building may never get built. Accordingly, job opportunities and tax base may be lost. 219 Mr. Boris Dramov Page 3 September 24, 1975 While I am not arguing here that the City should abdicate fully its responsibilities, it should be recognized that proper development can occur in many parts of the City and, rather than lose such development altogether, flexibility in initiating such policies should be preserved. One of Miami's greatest potentials, obviously, is in its relationship to Latin American marf:ets. Trade activities between the United States and the Caribbean, Central and South America have resulted in a not -inconsequential contribution to the City's economic base. Further, cruise ship activities operating out of the Port of Miami are also substantial. And, with an "opening" with Cuba, enlarged opportunities may be present. Perhaps the single most visible evidence of a concerted effort to create a Latin American (or international) trade image has occurred, not in the City of Miami, but in Coral Gables. Aggressive efforts on the part of the City of Coral Gables and its leadership have resulted in successfully attracting over forty multi -national corporations. The City of Miami has not established it- self, at least by image. Concerted efforts to improve the amount of trade flowing in, to and through the City and to caoitalize on the effects of the business impact created by sucn trade should be a high priority objective. One possibility focusing on this theme might be for the City to sponsor a World Trade Center. However, at the present, plans for such activ- ities are being contemplated by the City of Coral Gables. Perhaps one of the strongest prospects for enhancing the City's employ- ment base is the neti., relatively expensive, multi -family residential construc- tion which is characterizing the City's bay shore. While much of this housing is, undoubtedly, oriented to the upper -income resident, it can represent an important catalyst to expanded jot opportunities. We have discovered in many studies that one of the principal location motivations, if not the dominant one, is the proxmity of a business's location in relation to the place of residence of senior management. Where new firms are contemplating location to the Miami area, presence of high -quality housing at close -in locations can encourage and support decisions for moving privately -sponsored economic activities to the City WTW : km j cc: Mr. Hunter Moss 220 Gladstone associates Economic consultants W. Thomas Wall Senior Vice President MEMORANDUM TO: B. Dramov, WMRT; Hunter Moss FROM: Tom Wall SUBJECT:Working paper - Miami Comprehensive NOP Study DATE: September 30, 1975 Attached to this memorandum is a series of tables representing progress materials to date on our several task obligations. These deal with: 1. Estimates of non-residential land use in the city, 1985 2. Translations of the city's projected 1985 population (three alternative into households, dwelling units and dwelling unit value. 3. Fiscal calculations associated with non-residential and residential land use Materials and findings presented here must be considered incomplete but representing interim work toward our final end product. In order to complete the analysis as previously defined, technical data from several sources are required. The following items are the several ones pending: 1. A breakdown of total assessed value within the city of Miami, by representative land -use designations, from the county assessors office. (The computerized preparation of tax bills now in progress is delaying the preparation of these data.) 2. Information from selected city departments (e.g., fire, police, etc.) furnishing us with estimates of their activities in relation to selected land -use categories. 3. The land -use inventory being prepared by the City Planning Department. Notwithstanding the absence of the above-referenceddata necessary to complete our work, we have moved ahead to develop additional data to furnish you with input as quickly as possible on selected items. As we receive additional input, we will continue our analysis accordingly. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1401 3rickell avenue, Suite 502. Miami, Florida 33131, Teieohone 1305) 358.9500 Office an.Wasninaton, D.C.sMiami, Florida, Portsmouth, R.I. 221 Gladstone associates Economic consultants W. Thomas Wall Senior Vice President B. Dramov; Hunter Moss Page 2 September 30, 1975 Tabular material accompanying this memorandum are divided into two main parts. First, a series of tables (P) relates to population, households, household income, dwelling unit affordability, and in relation to the latter, establishes dwelling unit values as a basis for calculation of the city's residential tax base. The other series of tables (E) covers various calcuations on employment, non-residential land -use and associated tax base. This memorandum's following narrative describes the steps on our analysis sequentially and explains the content of accompanying tabular materials. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Residential Table P-1 displays the city's population by age for the years 1960 and 1970. As may be noted, there were only relatively slight shifts in terms of the population composition with the various age categories, 1960 versus 1970. By observation of these past trends, a judgemental estimate of the city's 1985 population distribution for these age categories was made in Table P-2. From the three alternative 1985 populations for the city, furnished by WMRT, resident 1985 population by age is calculated. The next two tables relate population (by age) to households (i.e., household head). Table P-3 displays the data for Dade County as a whole, 1960 and 1970. Very striking results are disclosed by observation of these data. Within each age category, the percentage of that age cate- gory's total population which is a head of household declined from 1960 to 1970. That is, for any gives age group, the percentage of persons within that age group heading a household declined between 1960 and 1970 -- within the county. For example, within the 45-65 year age category, the head of household ratio within this population group declined from 55.1% in 1960 to 43.8% in 1970. Similar declines were experienced for the other age categories. Table P-4 displays similar age of household head figures for the city of Miami for 1970. In looking at these ratios, it appears as though they are more logical for application to the city's future population than data displayed previously for the county. Table P-5 estimates the total number of households in the City of Miami, by age category, for each one of the three alternative 1985 populations. The number of households thusly calculated ranges from 123,120 to 141,660. The first step in estimating the city's future residential tax base 1401 Brickell Avenue, Suite 502, Miami, Fionda 33131, Telephone (305) 358.9500 Offices in Washinoton, D.C., Miami, Florida, Portsmouth, R.I. 222 Gladstone associates Economee consultants W. Thomas wall Senior Vice President B. 0ramov; Hunter Moss Page 3 September 30, 1975 subdivides these three alternative household projections into income and then into affordable dwelling unit values. (This procedure also is a major step in a Housing market model for the City of Miami, as it relates to projected household levels and shelter affordability.) In our earlier memorandum of September 18, 1975, we presented projections of income distriubtion for the City of Miami through 1985. Taking these figures, they were then re -distributed by vintile (i.e.,for each 5g of the total households) to establish a corresponding specific dollar income. The 1985 income produced by this analysis (in 1974 dollars), by vintile, is displayed in Table P-6. (Because of the low incomes associated with them-- and the resultant low dwelling unit value --specific vintiles below the sixth are not designated.) Each income specifically arrived at is then multiplied by a dwelling unit value affordablity multiplier (i.e., the relation hip of a household's income to the value of a dwelling which they could afford to occupy) to arrive at a dwelling unit value, corres- ponding with each household income Vintile. Therefore, as indicated in Table P-6, the value of a dwelling unit afforded by each 1/20th of city's households is designated. A hypothetical statement of the city's future (1985) residential assessed value is computed in Table P-7. The dwelling unit values arrived at in Table P-6 are multiplied by the total number of expected households, for each one of the three alternative 1985 populations. The taxable base of the city's 1985 residential inventory is thereby computed to range between 54:3 billion and 34.9 billion. The next step in this analysis would be to translate these assessed values into real estate tax (and other) revenues to the city. Then, requisite services from the various city departments needed to support this future population would be computed and compared with the revenues generated. It will be necessary to obtain additional data (described above) in order to complete this analysis. Von -Residential Land -Use A separate series of computations has been performed in order to assess the city's potential 1985 non-residential land -use and form the basis for preparing requisite fiscal impact calculations subsequently. Some of the data contained within these tables also forms the basis for demand analysis of these non-residential land -uses as will be shown. Table E-1 estimates the city's 1985 emoloyment, by industry. This is a several step process involving certain assumptions and judgements. 1101 3riciceil Avenue, Suite 502. Miami, Florida 33131, Teleoncne (3051 358.9500 Offices in Washington, D.C.. Miami. F!orda, Portsmouth, R.I. 223 Gladstone associates Economic consultants W. Thomas Wall Senior Vice President B. Dramov; Hunter Moss Page 4 September 30, 1975 First, Dade County's 1985 employment, by industry, is projected. Dade County employment is used as a basis for estimating the city's employ- ment because there appears to be no valid, reliable and current or past estimate of the city's total employment, by industry. There are, how- ever, indications of how the city's employment relates to that of the county ( see our "Sociao-Economic Characteristics" report, August, 1975). The technique employed in projecting the county's 1985 work force was developed by Gladstone Associates (not relying upon secondary sources) and uses a computerized regression model. Judgement is also applied to the computer -produced results to establish the final figures as in- dicated in Table E-1. For the county's 1985 projected employment, by industry, ratios relating to the city's share of these jobs (for each major industry category) were estimated. These ratios were developed from various secondary sources, including the 1970 census of population and the 1972 census of business. Accordingly, when judgement is applied to the historical ratios, the city's total employment is estimated at 31% of the county's, for 1985 as indicated. The next step in this process is to take total jobs, by industry, and estimate the portion of these that are located in office buildings. This is shown in Table E-1 and ranges from a low of 10% of manufacturing jobs to a high of 72% of FIRE in office type structures. The residual located in non -office situations is designated also. In Table E-2,the floor area of total office space estimated as necessary to support the city's 1985 office population is indicated. Given an estimated 88,000 office jobs (representing all industries) a total floor area of 17.6 million square feet is needed (based upon an average of 200 square feet per office occupant). At various densities,these trans- late into a land requirement of between 34 acres and 404 acres. The next set of tables provides a computation for the city's non -office employment land -use. Table E-3 breaks down the manufacturing industry into its various constituent sub -industry categories. (This is done because employee densities and, hence, land -use quantities, vary by manufacturing sub -category.) Table E-4 distributes the estimated 1985 non -office manufacturing em- ployment, for the city, by the various manufacturing sub -categories. The total employment contained within each one of these categories is then (a.) multiplied by a standard ratio of square feet of covered space --to arrive at total covered space needs, and (b.) divided by an employee per acre density ratio-- as an estimate of acreage requirements for these future jobs. A total of 13.9 million square feet of covered space and 1401 Bricke+l Avenue, Suite 502, Miami, Florida 33131, Telephone f3051 358-9500 Offices in Washington, D.C., Miami, Florida, Portsmouth, R.I. 224 Gladstone associates Economic consultants W. Thomas Will Senior Vice President 8. Dramov; Hunter Moss Page 5 September 30, 1975 1,276 acres is estimated as needed to accomodate the city's 1985 employment. Table E-5 displays the city's estimated 1985 non -office, non -manufacturing employment. The next step in the process is to calculate the building and ground area required to support future employment levels designated here. Additional information from the land -use inventory now in progress with the city's planning department will be necessary before this further analysis can be completed. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Illustrative Net Fiscal impact Calculations : Residential Tables P-8 and P-9 illustrate (on a preliminary basis) the net fiscal impact on the City of Miami, for two types of residential dwellings (with values of S50,000 and S30,000 respectively). Moreover, for each of these two dwelling values, calculations have been performed for between one and five residents of each. The processed employed here estimates the revenue generated to the city from the dwelling's real estate value, personal property content, and per capita receipts for various other revenue items. Total proceeds to the city are determined. From them the costs of serving the resident population are sub- tracted. At present, Gladstone Associates is proceeding with discussions with various city agencies in order to better estimate the way the costs of services within these agencies are allocable to land -uses within the city. The results of this ongoing work will produce modifications to the methodology employed as displayed in Tables P-8 and P-9, in terms of service costs used. However, for the purposes of this preliminary illustrative set of examples, resident service costs are used in accordance with those figures contained in our earlier memorandum (September 18). For a 550,000 dwelling s positive net fiscal impact to. the city is produced under all alternative resident sizes. A very beneficial fiscal condition is realized by the City of Miami if only one person occupies a S50,000 dwelling unit. As the number of residents increases, revenues to the city also expand. However, based upon the calculations and methodolgy employed here, costs of services provided by the city to that dwelling unit in- crease at an even greater rate, as the number of occupants goes up. Accordingly, the degree to which the net fiscal impact to the city is posi= tive drops with higher occupancy, as may be noted. 1401 9nckeil avenue. Suite 502, Miami, Florida 33131, 7eieonone i305) 358-9500 ,� „ �'b`4_rpe. n :Vatn rennin 7 r Mi4mi F;nrrla ?nrramntit`1 a 1 225 Gladstone associates Economic consultants W. Thomas Wall Senior Vice President B. Dramov; Hunter Moss Page 6 September 30, 1975 In principle, similar findings are evidenced for a $30,000 dwelling unit as shown in Table P-9. Obviously, as the value of the dwelling unit decreases the city's revenues decline accordingly. Service costs, however, are the same for the $50,000 home; service costs are calcula- ted on the basis of occupancy, not value. As a consequence, for the lower -priced unit, the city experiences negative fiscal impact where four or more persons are in residence. WTW:b 1401 Brickell Avenue, Suite 502, Miami, Florida 33131, Telephone (3051 358.9500 Offices in Washington, D.C., Miami, Florida, Portsmouth, R.I. 226 Table P-1 19 Years and Under 20 - 24 Years 25 - 34 Years 35 - 44 Years 45 - 64 Years 65 and Over Total AGE DISTRIBUTION OF THE POPULATI04— CITY OF MIAMI: 1960 & 1970 1960 1970 Number Percent 78,965 27.1 18,919 6.5 38,393 13.2 41,003 14.1 77,364 26.5 37,044 12.7 291,688 100.0% 1/ ,Male and Female Source: U. S. Census of Population Number Percent 94,240 23,090 40,518 43,374 85,150 28,690 28.1 6.9 12.1 12.9 25.4 14.5 335,062 100.0 a 227 Table P-2 Age Category ESTIMATED DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION BY AGE CITY OF MIAMI: 1985 Percent 1/ Alternative Populations/ Distribution— Low Medium High 19 Years and Under 27 95,040 102,600 109,350 20 - 24 Years 8 28,160 30,400 32,400 25 - 34 Years 12 42,240 45,600 48,600 35 - 44 Years 12 42,240 45,600 48,600 45 - 64 Years 25 88,000 95,000 101,250 65 and Over 16 56,320 60,800 64,800 Total 100% 352,000 380,000 405,000 1/ Estimated by Gladstone Associates (from 1960-1970 trends). 2/ Totals from WMRT Table P-3 AGE OF HOUSEHOLD HEAD DADE COUNTY: 1960 b 1970 Age Category Total 1/t Age Total 1/t Age Population Number Categor, Population— Number Category 1960 1970 228 Head or Housenold1/ Head of Household/ 19 Years and Under 309,448 1,218 0.4 404,610 1,574 0.4 20 - 24 Years 48,328 12,689 26.3 80,898 14,224 17.6 25 - 34 'fears 122,466 54,453 44.5 144,578 55,101 38.1 35 - 44 Years 139,071 71,746 51.6 155,379 71,680 46.1 45 - 55 Years 209,270 115,279 55.1 290,523 127,231 43.8 65 and Over 89,082 52,940 59.4 168,882 59,885 35.5 Total 917,665 308,325 33.6 1,244,870 329,695 26.5 1/ Male and Female Source: U. S. Census of Population 229 Table P-4 AGE OF HOUSEHOLD HEAD CITY OF MIAMI: 1970 Age Category 14 - 24 Years 25 - 34 Years 35 - 44 Years 45 - 64 Years 65 Years and Over Total Total Population Number Age Category 52,207 40,222 43,760 83,082 48,483 L69,754 Source: U. 5. Census of Population _ecu,sehnld HPadS io Of 6,685 18,094 22,423 45,479 27,712 120,393 12.8 45.0 51.2 53.5 57.2 44.6% Table P-5 Aye Category y 19 Years and Under 20 - 24 Years 25 - 34 Years 35 - 44 Years 45 - 64 Years 65 Years and Over F ST IMATED 11UMBER OF HOUSEHOLDS BY AGE CITY OF MIAI•11: 1985 1985 Population Estimate: / Z of Aye Category l.uw - Medium High of Household (lead Population HHouseholds Population Households Population Households 15.0 43.0 50.0 54.0 57.0 95,040 - 28,160 4,220 42,240 18,160 42,240 21,120 88,000 47,520 56,320 32,100 102,600 30,400 45,600 45,600 95,000 60,800 4,560 19,600 22,800 51,300 34,700 109,350 32,400 48,600 48,600 101,250 64,800 4,860 20,900 24,300 54,700 36,900 Total 352,000 123,120 380,000 132,960 405,000 141,660 Households as Percent of Population: 35% Average Household Size: 2.86 1/ Total per WMRT Source: Gladstone Associates N w 0 1111 liJI11111111 1 231 Table P-6 ESTIMATED DWELLING UNIT VALUE CITY OF MIAMI: 1985 Household Income Vintile 1985 1/ Income — Dwelling Value Affordability Multiplier Dwelling Unit Value 6 S 5,000 1.9 S 9,500 7 $ 5,500 1.9 $ 10,450 8 $ 6,100 1.9 $ 11,590 9 $ 7,000 2.0 $ 14,000 10 $ 8,100 2.0 $ 16,100 11 $ 9,400 2.1 $ 19,740 12 $ 10,600 2.1 $ 22,260 13 $ 12,050 2.1 $ 25,300 14 $ 16,000 2.2 $ 35,200 15 S 19,300 2.2 $ 42,250 16 S 22,700 2.2 $ 49,940 17 $ 28,000 2.3 $ 64,400 18 $ 35,500 2.4 $ 85,200 19 $ 48,000 2.5 $ 120,000 1/ In 1974 Dollars Source: Gladstone Associates Table P-1 Income Vintile DERIVED RESIDENTIAL ASSESSED VALUE CITY OF MIAMI: 198S Assessed Value per Alternative Po1ni1ations @ 352,000 Population @ 380,000 Ppulation @ 405,000 Population Corresponding Percent of Total _ Total _ Total Affordable Dwelling Resident house- Assessed (louse Assessed House- Assessed Unit Value Households holds Value holds Value holds Value 6 and Under $ 9,500 30 36,936 $ 350,892,000 39,888 $ 3/8,936,000 42,498 $ 403,731,000 7 $ 10,450 5 6,156 64,330,000 6,648 69,472,000 7,083 74,017,000 8 $ 11,590 5 6,156 71,348,000 6,648 77,050,000 7.083 82,092,000 9 $ 14,000 5 6,156 86,184,000 6,648 93,0/2,000 7,083 99,162,000 10 $ 16,100 5 6,156 99,112,000 6,648 107,033,000 7,083 114,036.')0 11 $ 19,740 5 6,156 121,519,000 6,648 131,232,000 7,083 139,818,u00 12 $ 22,260 5 6,156 137,033,000 6,648 147,984,000 7,083 157,668,000 13 $ 25,300 5 6,156 155,747,000 6,648 168,194,000 7,083 1/9,200,000 14 $ 35,200 5 6,156 216,691,000 6,648 234,010,000 7,083 249,322,000 15 $ 42,250 5 6,156 260,091,000 6,648 280,8/8,000 7,083 299,257,000 16 $ 49,940 5 6,156 307,431,000 6,648 332,001,000 7,083 353,725,000 17 $ 64,400 5 6,156 396,446,000 6,648 428,131,000 7,083 456,145,000 18 $ 85,200 5 6,156 524,491,000 6,648 566,410,000 7,083 603,472,000 19 and Over $ 120,000 10 12,312 1,477,440,000 13,296 1,595,520,000 14,166 1,699,920,000 Total 100% 123,120 $4,268,/55,000 132,960 $4,609,923,000 141,660 $4,911,565, J Source: Gladstone Associates W N if Table P-8 COMPARATIVE NET FISCAL IMPACT (Preliminary: Illustrative) $50,000 DWELLING @ ALTERNATIVE HOUSEHOLD SIZES CITY OF MIAMI Size of Household (Persons) Tne Two Three Four Five Revenue: Dwelling Value $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 Ratio: Assessed Value to Actual Value 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Assessed Value $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 Tax Rate (City) 1974 10.499 10.499 10.499 10.499 10.499 Real Estate Tax $ 525 $ 525 $ 525 $ 525 $ 525 Other Revenue: Personal Property(' 22% of Realty) 116 116 116 116 116 Utilities Tax 12 24 36 48 60 Service Charge 2 4 6 8 10 Court Fines 4 8 12 16 20 Revenue Sharing 31 62 93 124 155 Total, All Revenues $ 690 $ 739 $ 788 $ 837 $ 886 Costs General Government Public Safety Public Works Pensions Culture and Recreation Public Service Enterprises Debt Service Miscellaneous Total Net Fiscal Impact : Positive : Negative $ 20.48 $ 40.96 $ 61.44 $ 81.92 $ 102.40 61.64 123.28 184.92 246.56 308.20 10.62 21.24 31.86 42.48 53.10 12.90 25.80 38.70 51.60 64.50 13.26 26.52 39.78 53.04 66.30 4.65 9.30 13.95 18.60 23.25 19.84 39.68 59.52 79.36 99.20 14.09 28.18 42.27 56.36 70.45 $ 157.48 $ 314.96 $ 472.44 $ 629.92 $ 787.40 $ 533 $ 424 $ 316 $ 207 $ 99 ,,, w w Source: Gladstone Associates i 10 Table P-9 COMPARATIVE NET FISCAL IMPACT (Preliminary: Illustrative) $30,000 DWELLING @ ALTERNATIVE HOUSEHOLD SILES CITY OF MIAMI _ Size of IIousehold jPersonsl _ One Two Three Four Five Revenue: Dwelling Value $ 30,000 $ 30,000 $ 30,000 $ 30,000 $ 30,000 Ratio: Assessed Value to Actual Value 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Assessed Value $ 30,000 $ 30,000 $ 30,000 $ 30,000 $ 30,000 Tax Rate (City) 1974 10.499 10.499 10.499 10.499 10.499 Real Estate Tax $ 315 $ 315 $ 315 $ . 315 $ 315 Other Revenue: Personal Property(@ 22% of Realty) $ 69 $ 69 $ 69 $ 69 $ 69 Utilities Tax 12 24 36 48 60 Service Charge 2 4 6 8 10 Court Fines 4 8 12 16 20 Revenue Sharing 31 62 93 124 155 Total, All Revenues Costs General Government Public Safety Public Works Pensions Culture and Recreation Public Service Enterprises Debt Service Miscellaneous Total Net Fiscal Impact : Positive : Negative $ 433 $ 482 $ 531 $ 580 $ 629 $ 20.48 61.64 10.62 12.90 13.26 4.65 19.84 14.09 $ 157.48 $ 40.96 123.28 21.24 25.80 26.52 9.30 39.68 28.18 $ 314.96 $ 61.44 184.92 31.86 38.70 39.78 13.95 59.52 42.27 $ 472.44 $ 276 $ 167 $ 59 $ 81.92 246.56 42.48 51.60 53.04 18.60 79.36 56.36 $ 629.92 $ 102.40 308.20 53.10 64.50 66.30 23.25 99.20 70.45 $ 787.40 $ 50 $ 158 N w Source: Gladstone Associates Table E-1 Industry ESTIMATED OFFICE AND NON -OFFICE EMPLOYMENT DADE COUNTY AND CITY OF MIAMI 1985 City of Miami: 1985 Estimated Employment 1985 Non -Office city of Miami Office -using Employment Using Ai--% of Percent of t.TPIUTTIt Dade County Dade Co. Number Industry Number Number Manufacturing 130,000 25% 32,500 10 % 3,250 29,250 Contract Construction 62,000 30% 18,600 25 % 4,650 13,950 Transportation, Communication and Public Utilities 80,400 35% 28,100 40 % 1,124 26,976 Trade 200,000 30% 60,000 15 % 9,000 51,000 Finance, Insurance and Real Estate 72,800 31% 22,600 72 % 16,272 6,328 Services and Miscellaneous 205,000 30% 61,500 47 % 28,905 32,595 Government 100,000 40% 40,000 62 % 24,800 15,200 Total 850,200 31%1/ 263,300 1/ vs. about 35% for 1970 (per Journey -to -Work data, U.S. Census) Source: Gladstone Associates (all data) 88,000 175,299 Table E-2 OFFICE LAND -USE CITY OF MIAMI: 1985 Industry Density @ Estimated Alternative F.A.R.'s Office @ @ @ Employment Floor Areal/ 1.0 2.0 12.0 Manufacturing 3,250 Contract Construction 4,650 Transportation, Com- munication, Public Utilities 1,124 Trade 9,000 Finance, Insurance and Real Estate 16,272 Services and Miscellaneous Government 28,905 24,800 Total 88,000 17,600,000 404 Acres 202 Acres 34 Acres 1/ @ 200 S.F. per employee 2/ Floor Area Ratio Source: Gladstone Associates Table E-3 MANUFACTURING EMPLOYMENT IN CITY OF MIAMI 1972 Employment Category Number(000'sPercent Dist. Apparel 7.4 33.2 Printing 3.9 17.5 Food 4.4 19.7 Transportation Equipment 2.1 9.4 Electrical Equipment 1.6 7.2 Stone, Clay, Glass 0.9 4.0 Furniture 0.8 3.6 Chemical 0.5 2.2 Miscellaneous 0.7 3.1 Total Source: U. S. Census of Business 22.3 100.0% 237 Table E-4 NON -OFFICE MANUFACTURING LAND -USE CITY OF MIAMI: 1985 Manufacturing Category Density Total Nun -Office Covered Evl oysnen t Spa ce/ Land -Use Dist. Number Employee Envloyee/Acre Covered Space Acres Apparel 33.2 9,711 310 S.F. 67 3,010,410 S.F. 145 Food 19.7 5,762 570 22 3,284,340 262 Printing 17.5 5,119 560 21 2,866,640 244 Transportation Equipment 9.4 2,750 800 15 2,200,000 183 Electrical Equipment 7.2 2,106 220 23 463,320 92 Furniture 3.6 1,053 750 16 789,750 66 Stone, Clay, Glass 4.0 1,170 380 6 444,600 195 Chemical 2.2 644 960 9 618,240 72 Miscellaneous 3.1 907 200 52 181,400 17 Total 100.0% 29,250 13,858,700 S.F. 1,276 Source: Gladstone Associates 239 Table E-5 NON -OFFICE, NON -MANUFACTURING LAND -USE, CITY OF MIAMI: 1985 Industry Non -Office Employment Contract Construction 13,950 Transportation, Communications and Public Utilities 26,976 Trade 51,000 Finance, Insurance and Real Estate 6,328 Services and Miscellaneous 32,595 Government 15,200 Total 146,049 240 Gladstone associates Economic; consultants W. Thomas Wall Senior Vice President Mr. Boris Dramov Wallace McHarg Roberts and Todd 2575 S. Bayshore Drive Miami, Florida Re: Como-ehensive WP Study - City of Miami Hcusing Oeveioirrent Policy Issues and Concept for City Ownership of Development Dear Boris: Last week, Hunter "boss and I joined with the current plan status. Arising out of that ed by ail of us, on now Housing goals for the in view of the difficult economics associated ancy of residential shelter. Hunter indicated several techniques which have seen applicability else- where. Particularly, these involve (a) the write -down of land costs to housing sponsors, and (b) the relief of the real estate tax burden to qualifying dwellings. When one looks at the cost of housing (for any type), the components of cost are readily identifiaole and include: land (including site prep- aration), basic "5riccks and mortar' construction cost, "soft" costs (i.e., bonds, design fees, etc.), financing costs (interim and take-out), con- struction overhead and bui der profit. lery few of these costs are truly manageable in :hat, through pup?is poiicy, they can be reduced. Or..a method which has been successful in reducing land costs is for the local jurisdiction to dispose of property to qualifying (i.e., non-profit pr limited -profit) sponsor -builders at a cost to then less than the prevailing market. This is a practice which nas been done through the process of urban renewal in com- munities elsewhere, as you know. Where the City already controls land and whereby such property could be devoted to housing as a re -use, the actual cash cost to the City, of course, could be minimal. Sites in Miami should be screened for this purpose accordingly. October 15, 1975 Rights you and your staff to review meeting were concerns, shar- City might be met, especially with the production and ten - In addition to the land write -down, real estate tax abatement has been a practice employed by some municipalities. For example, the Mitcheii-Lama law within the State of New York benefits moderate-inccTe rousing by redu- cingthe tax burden on such :,rocerties. P=rnsos the applica3ilit! of a similar ap;.roach it the City of ;.,iani sncuiu oe in,vesticatec telieve that Hunter mentioned a cer„paraole situation in 'oca 1aton.) Of course, 1401 Broken Aotrue, Sete 502, Miami, r'crlda ;3;31. 'efeonone •305i :58.3500 241 Mr, Boris Dramov Page 2 October 16, 1975 with Florida's Homestead Exemption, partial tax abatement already exists. But consideration should be given to applying this concept more fully and, of course, especially to rental properties which D not now qualify under the Homestead Exemption provisions. Other cormrunities have also applied extra -legal means to assist in promoting low and moderate income housinc. For example, a croup of private banks in Philadelphia nas recently created a special fund to furnish low - interest housinc loans to oualifyinc borrowers. This was an initiative taken by the community's private sector in order to benefit the residents of the City. Simiiar means could be initiated in Miami through its existing_ (and potent) financial institutions. This mignt be cone witnin the Latin community, for example, with assistance furnished by Latin -controlled banking establish- ments. City Ownership of Development Riohts As I described to you briefly in our telephone conversation the other day, I have been workinc on an innovative concept which could be potentially very rewarding financiaily to local government. The basic concept asserts that new rights to develop a property more intensively than allowable under existing zoning create incremental value to that property. The source of this value is a public action (i.e., the re -zoning by the City or County to a more intensive use). Historically, of course, all of the benefit derived from such increased intensity attached to the property owner -applicant. It seems to me that where such public action is taken, the primary beneficiary of such action (i.e., land owner -applicant) should be prepared to share the increased financial rewards with the grantor (i.e., City). Actually, these days, we see examples of this all around us. The "impact fee", a recently emerging practice, is one example of this, but there are others. The approvals Granted for Miami's proposed new development Clauahton Island required the developer to provide low-cost housinc as a condition of his receiving the desired zoning. The City (or, really, community at large in this case) received a direct benefit as a consequence of its political action. My concept advances this principle in a meaningful way: let me attempt to illustrate. Let's suppose that the existino zonino on any given piece of property allows for an FAR of 2.0. The land owner is, thereby, entitled to develop his property tc that prescribed intensity. Desirous of improving the site's utility (i.e., value, profit maximization, etc.), property owners frequently apply for re -zoning to a more intensive, denser use. Where the governing jurisdiction finds no rationale to oeny such an application, it is awarded. The public at large has, thereby, created value to the property owner. Assume the density doubles from an FAR of 2.0 to 4.0, the site's value may have been increased commsurately. But the public receives no direct benefit from this value, it flows entirely to the property owner. Gladstone associates ! 1401 Brieketl Avenue, Suite 502, Miami, Fiorioa 33131 / Telephone (305) 358.9500 Per. Boris Orarov Page 3 October 16, 1975 242 My notion is that where the increase in property value is directly attribut- able to a public action, the oubiic mav be in a position to dictate that the private land owner -beneficiary snare the value increment with the grantor -juris- diction. This could be accomplished, perhaps, by negotiation. These rights to develop a :articular piece of property to an intensity greater than orevlously allcweo are mar'etabie. Whetner _he arooerty re -zoned is developed to its more intensive use or where the rights to such development are conveyed to another property (under the Transferable Jeveioo ent Rights principle), the municipality has an ownership interest in these rights. The actual mecnanis„s whereby the City directly benefits in dollars and cents terms from their share of this value can be several. if, as in the illus- tration immediately above, the rights to develow to a more intensive use are sold to others, the City would simply snare in the cash ;or other) proceeds. If the re -zoned property is actually itself developed to the more intensive use, the City could contractually arrange to snare in the incremental develop- ment profits. As an example of how this practice might work, cne need only look at the proposed re -zoning for downtown ,'Miami, as we discussed. As I understand it, the application of proposed new zoning can materially benefit prooerties down- town by increasing the intensity to which they can be develoced from that which exists under the present (or old) zoning. Here, of course, the City is propos- ing re -zoning itself rather than it coming from a property -owner applicant. Nonetheless, the concept still holds: where because of City action there is an increased pecuniary benefit to the land -owner, that benefit, under the premise being discussed here, should flow (at least partiaily) to the jurisdic- tion creating the increased benefit. I do not know if this ccnceot nas ever been applied in quite the same form as described here or tested legally elsewhere. I would bterestea in your views. SInt:ere,>'y / Ja 1'l , W.�..kT 'omas ;� Senior Vice President WTW:kmj cc: H. Moss O. Wallace Gladstone associates is01 ericret1 .avenue, Suite 502.',1iami, F+orida 33131 / Telephone (205) 358.9500 243 Gladstone associates Economic consultants W. --..,:.:,as Well Senior Vice President TO: B. Oramov cc: H. Moss MEMORANDUM FROM: T. Wall SUBJECT: Miami Comprehensive NOP - Housing DATE: November 21, 1975 I. Projected Demand (WMRT Memo, rec'd. October 7, 1975) Dwelling Units High Medium Low Gross Demand for Housing, 1985* 157,000 149,500 142,000 Less: 1973 Stock Surviving to 1985** 129,709 129,709 129,709 Net New Housing Required, 1973-85: Total 27,291 19,791 12,291 : Per Year ^a *Projected Demand: Estimated 1985 Population (WMRT) Less: In Group Quarters 374,300 Qivided by average household size = Number of households Divided by occupancy rate = Gross housing demand High Medium Low 405,000 380,000 352,000 5,700 374 I' High Medium Low 2.5 2.6 2.7 149,720 144,000 138,500 95% 96% 97.5% 157,000 149,500 142,000 **1973 Stock; less demolitions, conversions 1401 3rickeli Avenue. Suite 502. Miami.=tornda 33131, Telephone 1305) 358.9500 Iffires n 'Nashinaton. C.C. Miami. Florida. Porsmoutn. R.I. 244 Memorandum Report November 21, 1975 Page Two II. This Future Demand Compared With Past Supply Trends Residential Building Permits - City of Miami Period Unit Per Year 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 Average, Per Year: 1967-70 1971-74 2,013 2,507 3,117 4,076 4,214 8,141 5,326 1,383 2,928 4,766 III. Observations: Based upon supply trends of past eight years, projected housing demand is: (a) using the highest projected figure, below each of past eight years' permit activity (except for two years), and (b) less than one-half of the permit activity of most recent four year period (one year of which is the lowest for the eight year period re- corded). IV. Conclusion: In light of building permit activity (subject to modification for (a) demo- litions, conversions, etc. and (b) completions), projected housing demand may be less than actual demand, especially when recent (i.e. 197T-73) housing activity taken into account. A. Understatement of future demand may be accounted for by not fully re- cognizing certain trends such as: ▪ The lessening of suburbanization factors, as the desireability of in -town living is increasingly manifested by "empty -nester" households, young singles, elderly, and younger childless couples. - An increasing seasonal, second -home demand within the City of Miami (from both U.S. nationals and foreigners, especially Latin Americans). Gladstone associates 1 1401 Bnc►celi Avenue, Suite 502, Miami, Florida 33131 / Telephone (3051 358.9500 Memorandum Report November 21, 1975 Page Three 245 - And the demand (for apartments especially) from investors. B. There may be justification for using the "high" population projections, therefore: Population Less: In Group Quarters 1. And, then deriving households: @ 2.5 persons/H.H. @ 2.6 persons/H.H. @ 2.7 persons/H.H. Households 159,700 153,600 147,900 1985 405,000 5,700 399,300 Normative O.U. Vacancy Factor Demand 5 a 168,100 5 a 161,700 5 % 155,700 2. Less, 1973 "surviving stock: High Medium Low 1985 Household Demand 168,100 161,700 155,700 Less: 1973 Stock, Surviving 129,709 129,709 129,709 Net New Demand: 1973-85 : Total 38,391 31,991 25,991 : Per Year 3,200 2,700 2,200 Even the highest of these figures is below normative trends evidenced by the recent past -- say 4-5,000 units per year on the average -- indicating that a seasonal housing demand may approximate 1-2,000 units per year, or from 25% to 40% of total. - Note: This seasonal demand, of course, has locational implications (e.g. bayfront). WTW:d1d Gladstone associates : 1401 3ricKell Avenue, Suwte 502. Miami,-lortda 33131 / Teleohone ,305i 358.9500 246 MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE NDP - HOUSING ANALYSIS (PROGRESS REPORT) This memorandum, serving as a working paper, summarizes information and issues identified at this point as being relevant to the completion of the Housing Market Analysis. It should be noted that much of the data contained herein, consistent with contractual obligation, is drawn from secondary data sources. However, such relevant information (a) for the City of Miami,and (b) subsequent to the census as of 1970 is limited. Therefore, where reason- able and appropriate, Gladstone Associates has prepared original data. The sub -headings set forth below establish topical reference points for an analysis of the City of Miami's housing market. Demand (An Overview) The demand for residential shelter within the City of Miami is comprised of three principal elements: • Households desiring a primary (i.e. permanent) residents ▪ Partial -year residents (i.e. on a seasonal basis) Those motivated to purchase shelter for in- vestment In confronting a marketplace as complex as any part of South Florida pro- jecting demand from all three of these sources cannot be as precise as in other markets where normative trends of demand are more visible.and steady. The high rate of primary population growth, the cyclical nature of the seasonal pop- -1- 247 ulation and the erratic behavior of investment consumers render predictive measures of these market forces subject to wider tolerances than normal. Further, within the largely built-up City of Miami, demand for shelter can be viewed as induced, to a large extent, by those offering housing -- especially where consumption of such shelter reflects a discretionary act (e.g. voluntary relocation of household head, etc.). Population To begin with, however, the potential for change in the City of Miami's permanent resident population should be assessed -- particularly, in terms of its two components, the phenomena of net -natural change and net -migration. Regretfully, statistical measures of the components of population change are not available for the City, only the County (i.e. Dade). Therefore, inter- pretations of observations of county -wide statistical change are evaluated as to their application to the City. For example, the birth rate in Dade County has been experiencing a sub- stantial decline. In fact, the actual total number of (live) births has declined in the past years, while the County's total population has increased. The total number of live births registered in 1970 was 19,506; compared with 17,663 in 1973. This reflects a diminishing ratio of births to total population from 1.54 per- cent in the earlier year to 1.29 percent in the latter period. The migration phenomenon -- again, observable only for Dade County as a whole -- evidences a somewhat more constant pattern, but still with variations from period to period. Between 1970 and 1972 Dade County averaged 30,840 net new migrants annually. This population component appears to have declined some- what between 1972 and 1973 where 28,219 net in -migrants are estimated to have -2- 248 been added to the County's total population. In the 1973-74 period net -migrat- ion to Dade County showed a marked increase -- with 36,869 new residents added from this source. It can be assumed, judgmentally, that some portion of Dade County's total net in -migration locates as residents within the City. There are, however, no data from secondary sources which furnish such estimates. As a basis for projecting the City's future population Gladstone Associates prepared a computerized analysis, calculating potential net natural change. These figures, furnished earlier to WMRT, project a resident population within the City of Miami in 1985 of 330,203 persons -- 4,706 less than were reported to have lived in the City in 1970. According to data from the University of Florida, the City of Miami experi- enced a population increase for each one of the years, 1970-74. This ranged from 5,382 persons on the average between 1970 and 1972 to an increase of 1,995 inhabitants between 1972 and 1973. Therefore, while the computerized (cohort -survival) projections of the City of Miami's future net natural population change shows a decline, recent historical trends indicate an overall population increase -- indicating that perhaps all of the City's population gain (net) is attributable in -migration. WMRT has produced three independent projections (or possibilities) of the City's 1985 population. These range from 352,000 (low) to 405,000 (high), with 380,000 as a medium estimate. Calculating the population change from 1974's estimated level to each one of the three 1985 figures indicated produces an average annual change ranging from 136 persons per year to 4,955 persons per year. -3- 249 In view of historical trends, the 1985 low population estimate appears to be, indeed, too low. The medium population estimate may also be somewhat on the low side, but is reasonable. The high figure may be a bit high, but also reasonable. Over time, there may be an increasing justification for the high 1985 population estimate. Perhaps the most significant change in the City of Miami's future population composition is the increasing desirability of the City as a place of residence for the higher income, working population. Evidence of this has been occurring within the past several years with multi -family residential development oriented to this market. Conversely, out -migration from the City may expect to occur, principally within the large Latin population (estimated at 52 percent of Miami's total in 1973). As this population segments pursues upward socio-economic mobility, it will be attracted to suburban residential areas offering nigher -quality housing than presently encountered in much of Miami's "Little Habana." Alternative population Projection Following -up one of the principal notions advanced above -- the desira- bility of living closer to centers of employment -- another alternative popu- lation estimate for the future of Miami can be postulated. We have projected the City of Miami's total employment in 1985 as 263,300. This is 130 percent above 1974's estimated employment level. Assuming that the City's population base can increase at a rate similar to the City's employment growth, then a 1985 population of about 456,000 oersons is predictable. This would represent an average annual population change of 6,600 persons, somewhat above patterns evidenced in the recent past. -4- 250 However, with Miami increasing as an employment center and the desire to live closer to work becoming more manifest in residential location decisions, this may not be an unreasonable assumption. Further, as the decreasing birth rate produces fewer children, in -town living can accelerate further than what otherwise would have been the case. Families with fewer children (or none at all) will have a higher propensity to live in higher density, multi -family buildings than in their traditional single-family home. Employment Population, 1974 201,800 350,499 1985 263,300 455,600 Percent Increase:1974-85 130% 130% Change:1975-85 ▪ Total 105,501 ▪ Average Annual 6,600 Household Formations Dealing with a set of basic population projections for the City of Miami, net new housing demand can be approximated -- at least, for that portion of total demand comprised of primary residents. The first step in this process is to construct an age distribution of the population. This has been done, by Gladstone Associates, based upon original analysis. For each one of WMRT's three 1985 population projections, together with the new employment -related population projection, the City of Miami's age composition is estimated. Then, for each age component of the City's population, household heads (i.e. households formed) are estimated. Again, Gladstone Associates has used analysis and judgment in preparing this estimate. -5- 251 Accordingly, by 1985, the total number of primary resident households within the City of Miami is calculated to range potentially between 123,120 and 159,369. From 1970's households, the total change between 1970 and 1975 ranges from, on the average, 179 to 2,596 per year, as indicated below. Low Med. High Alt. Households - 1985 123,120 132,960 141,660 159,369 Less: Households - 1970 120,431 120,431 120,431 120,431 Change in Households, 1970-85 - Total Average Annual Considerations of Housing Types 2,689 12,529 31,229 38,938 179 835 2,082 2,596 3etween 1970 and 1974, of the several thousand dwelling units authorized annually in the City of Miami, only a handful (less than 200 per year) has been in the single-family category. A11 other dwelling units have been in multi- family structures, typically apartment houses with living units rented or sold on a condominium basis. Increasingly, the condominium form of housing has become popular in South Florida and Miami. According to special information obtained from the Dade County Assessor's office for this study, there were 4,415 condominium units and 761 co- operatives within the City of Miami. Undoubtedly, the condominium apartment form will continue to represent a major force in the new housing market. However, many of Miami's households are financially unprepared to acquire condominium housing. Typically younger and less -affluent dwelling unit occupants seek rental shelter. Therefore, a substantial portion of any new Housing stock 252 offered within the City of Miami would normally expect to be represented by a rental tenure form. As examined especially for this study, the economics of building and operation of rental properties are not financially advantageous. The cost associated with the construction and operation of rental apartment buildings today exceeds the rents which can be charged in the prevailing marketplace. -7- 1/1111111 1636 RI?ICKLLL :\\'t \l'E 2- 1 16ir, I,T1( ; L [ 3 fir] 1r /1\"\\,, j LJL. P � L TABLE OF CONTENTS Credits Technical Report 1.0 Preamble 1 1.1 Purpose and Objectives 1 1.2 Study Approach 1 1.3 Inter -Governmental Coordination 1 1,4 Economic Feasibility 2 1.5 Implementation 2 2.0 Basis for Change 3 2.1 Population Characteristics 3 2.2 Potential Growth Patterns 9 2.3 Summary of Comprehensive Plan Goals and Objectives 13 3.0 Elements of the Plan 21 3.1 Housing and Residential Neighborhoods Element 21 3.2 Economic Development Element 33 3.3 Conservation and Safety Element 41 3.4 Community Design Element 57 3.5 Land Use E'iement 69 3.6 Recreation and Open Space Element 83 3.7 Public Services and Facilities Element 89 3.8 Transportation Element 95 3.9 utility Element 119 3.10 Inter -Governmental Coordination 123 4.0 Implementation 127 4.1 Capital Investment Process 127 4.2 Regulatory Program Development 133 4.3 Development Prospects 135 4.4 Continuing Planning Process 141 5.0 Capital Needs List 143 5.1 Capital Needs Lst Panning District A 143 5.2 Capital Needs List Planning District 3 147 5.3 Capital Needs List Planning District C 159 5.4 Caoital Needs List Planning District D 163 5.5 Capital Needs List Planning District E 167 5.6 Capital Needs List Planning District F 171 6.0 Appendices 175 6.1 F.esident.al Inventory 177 6.2 Greater Miami Office Son,'ey-Fail 1975 179 6.3 City of Miami Zoning Distribution -January 1974 181 6.4 Specifications on Tree Planting Program 183 6.5 Recreational Inventory 187 6.6 Index to C_Altura) Facilities 193 1).7 Public Schools Located ',vithin City Limits of Miami 201 6.3 List of One -of -a -'Kind Maps 203 5.9 Glossary 205 211 TECHNICAL REPORT The Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan was prepared lointly by the City of Miami Planning De- partment and the consultant team led by \IVallace, McHarg, Roberts and Todd. This is the City-wide Technical Report .vhich supports The Plan which was presented to and accepted by the Miami Plan- ning Advisor, Board on October 6, 1976. The Plan has been transmitted to the Miami City Commis- sion and ^dill be transmitted to other governments for internovernmentj rev:e.v ;n accordance .with the State Luca; Government Planning Act of 1975. Following this review the City; Commission will then hold approprate public hearings toward adop- tion of The Plan. The Technical Report is a summary document. It is accompanied by four Technical Appendices: Zoning, Economics, Soc:ai, and Transportation. These documents serve as background support for The Plan. In addition six Planning District Concept Plans have been prepared to the Distr.cts identified on the accompanying map A Northeast -Edison Park-L.ttie River B Central Miami C South Coconut Grove -Shenandoah D Little Havana E Fagami F Grapeland He;gnts-Aliapattan The plan for Virginia Key (area G) has been pre- pared by the Planning Department and is included in these technical recommendations. THE MANDATE A Comprehensive Plan s a 'egai requirement of the City Charter. In addition, the recently enacted State legislation (Local Government Comprehensive Plan- ning Act of 1975) requires every municipality to adopt a plan by July 1, 1979. The State law requires that certain planning elements be included in the ?Ian. These are: 1. Land Use ?. Traffic and Circulation 3. Sanitar•; Sewer, Solid Waste, Drainage and VVa ter 4. Conservation 5. Recreation and Open Space 6. Housing 7. Coasta: Zone Protection 8. Inter-Governmentai Coordination Section 3.2 of this Technical Report with spe- cific local recommendations as well as Sections 3.3, Conservation and Safety, and 3.8, Trans- portation. Optionai Elements inciuced ;n this Plan are. 1. Public Services and Facilities —Section 3.7. 2. Community Design —Section 3.4. 3. General Area Redevelopment —Sections 3.1, 3.2, and 3.5 4. Safety —Section 3.3. 5. Historical and Scenic Preservation —Section 3.3. 6. Economic —Section 3.2. THE PLANNING DISTRICT CONCEPT PLANS This Technical Report presents a! I products referred to in the City Code for the City of Miami .vnlcn include: 1. Future deveiooment of ,he City 2. Location, relocation, and character the various uses of :and and ,vat.cr 3. Location, relocation, character of puo:ic and private open soaces and structures for recrea- tion, amerit../ and :'.aiturai :lie 4. Modes and means Dt ,ravel an ansoortation 5. L:cat,on and character o. of:C butioinds, services, ar_ . '3C:.,t;c'S 6. Pr:v,s on , i nec.ssar1 7. Development stan..,ar1s cr ;co:ogica! and en',ircnmentai 8. P�anninnq for conser,,aticn, rerabiiitat;on, or re- piacernent :t ^•ccSn; 9. Treatment of areas, sates, er struct,:res or tcr:,Ca! Cr ,archae'o:o-jica, Imoitirt ana 3igrificance 10. [Density of oonu!9tion 11. Methods and .00l,c,es for encouragement of cooperati..ic :f _.';ate ners,:ns an., lrouos in :d.e• �pr.t"t ,.'-n'entdtic,n arid accom- r r; truer, r �•(1% .3f1 cr C,u. ::rr3r1_3errentS a 1 • :rg. ..c; Ss3r';/ to r^•c'errtrr,t e p.art,ning crograrn 1, Land ,se on rou., aiOr`.measures a'1'C �? rr _1:-rents _:Pen ,.. nec.essar y to 'CC 71- S:-1 .ne d rS d^v :c .ect.,res of :,:51 %2 : Corr - The final imp,errentat.o^ _, . •.es assocate; '.vith The Plan and Technical Report are :he responsi- bility of the City of Miami tnr. gh adoption of specific recornmencat ons 'or modification o? existing 'and use control and reg'u'atorv/ measures, taxing and `inarncia; arrangements and long-range capita! .mcrovernents programming and coat nuirg citizen oarticipt'on ;n the ptannin-g process. The c: rd s ,7has. I� of the three phase p,annm , proiec. ,.I» scree as the Oasis for detailed impiernentaticn tasks. The Cmita! Needs identified Juring this Phase are ,ncluced in this Technical Report Section 5, Capital Needs List. The requirements o` .mpierr entation are discussed in Section 4 of the Technical Report. TECHNICAL REPORT The Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan was prepared jointly by the City of Miami Planning De- partment and the consultant team ed by Wallace, McHarg, Roberts and Todd. This is the City -,vide Technical Report which supports The Plan which was presentee to and accepted by the Miami Plan- ning Advisory Board on October 6, 1976. The Plan has been transmitted to the Miami City Commis- sion and .v,il be transmitted to other governments for interaovernmentr r'eview ,n accordance the State Local Government Planning Act of 1975. Foiiowing this review the City Commission will then hold appropriate public hearings toward adop- tion of The Plan. The Technical Report Is a summary document. It is accompanied by four Technical Appendices: Zoning, Economics, Social, and Transportation. These documents serve as background suoport for The Plan. In addition six Planning District Concept Plans have been prepared tor ,he Distracts identified on the accompanying map: A Northeast -Edison Park-Litt,e River B Central Miami C South Coconut Grove -Shenandoah D Little Havana E Flagami F Grapeland Heights-Allapattan The plan for Virginia Key (area G) has been pre- pared by the Planning Department and is included in these technical recommendations. THE MANDATE A Comprehensive Plan :s a legal reouirement of the City Charter. In addition, the recently eracted State legislation (Local Government Comprehensive Plan- ning Act of 19751 recuires every municipality to adopt a plan by July 1, 1979. The State law requires that certain planning elements be included in the Plan. These are: 1. Land Use 2. Trattc and Circulation 3. Sanitary Se.ver, Solid 's'NJaste, Drainage and \iVater 4. Conservation 5. Recreation and Open Space 6. Housing 7. Coasta: Zone Protection 8. Inter -Governmental Coordination 9. Utility 10. Mass Transit 11. Plans for Port, Aviation, and Related Facilities These are also optional elements which may be con- tained in the Plan 1. Circulation of Non -Automotive Vehicular and Pedestrian Traffic 2. Off -Street Parking Facilities 3. Public Services and Facilities 4. Community Design 5. General Area Redevelopment 6. Safety 7. Historical and Scenic Preservation 8. Economic According to the Act, "The Comprehensive Plan shall consist of principles, guidelines and standards 'or tne orders and balanced Tuture economic, so- cial, onvsical, environmental and fiscal 7eveiopment of the area. Coordination of the several elements of the Comprehensive Plan shall oe consistent and the Plan shalt be economically feasible.' The City of Miami is the central city of Florida's largest region. As such the Comprehensive Plan ori- entation emphasizes changes in existing develop- ment as mecn as new development. Since most pri- eate land is already .:eveloeec, a great percentage of this Technical Report refers to redevelopment for housing or economic improvement. 'jrFthis reason the optional Economic Development Element of the State law has Peen included as a main Hart of The Plan ans is coverer.: in this Technical Report. Since government in !Miami is ooth regional (Dade County Metro) and kcal r)./liami City) many areas of The Plan c\eriac in responsibility. The Coastal Zore Protection Element inciuces a local compon- ent in the Denservat.on E,ement addressed in these socoments, as veil as a regional component addressed in the Coastal Zone Protectior Plan now being pre - cared for tne region. The Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan ras aaootee the objectives of s re:icrai st,Ja'y as :veil as the water e.Jalit✓ and reglcnai t-anspertaticn icjectiees .ncivaed in Dade Ce :rite clans. t.as,o,,ty s?sser• dies a•urctIon„ the aoi'.ty aria •r,iilingness ]cvernmental aro 'axation an ivili ce iocumentea to •"e annual caPItar ounget anu program zrepareC n accordance with •n.s P'an ov •ne c.ty cr Miami P!ann,ng Department. THE PLAN ELEMENTS This Technical Report conforms with the State man- date In the following elements. 1. Land Use: The Land lase E ement is found in Section 3.5 of the Technical Report. 2. Traffic and Circulation: The Traffic and Circu- lation Element is inc!ueec In Section 3.8, Trans- portation. 3. Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Drainage and Water: The ot,',lty Element, Section 3.9, cov- ers this element as well as the regional water quality management plan under aaootion by the County. 4. Conservation: Conservation is covered under Section 3.3 and covers in addition, optional elements of Safety and Historical and Scenic Preservation. 5. Recreation and Open Space: This element is addressed in Section 3.6 or the Technical Re- port. 6. Housing: Because of its importance in the City of Miami, the Housing Element is listed first, Section 3.1, and discusses Housing and Resi- dential Neighbornoods. 7. Coastal Zone Protection: This e,ement is in- ciudee on a !ocai level in the Conservation Ele- ment, Section 3.3, and incorporates the region- al plan objectives of the Coastal Zone Protec- tion Plan now underway. 8. Inter -Governmental Coordination: This ele- ment is eiscussea In Section 3.10 in the Tech- nical Report. 9. Utility: This element is included with Sevier, Solid Waste, Drainage andVllater under Sec- ' -ion 3.9, Utilities. 10. Mass Transit: The City of Miami and Dade County are in tne process of preparing final plans for Phase I of a mass rape.: transit system. These Mans are included in preliminary form ender Section 3.8, Transportation. Regional objectives for mass transt are included as part of this Technical Report. More moortant, how- ever, are he elements redeveiooment impact associated i.vite a new transit system. This im- pact is Discusses enera'iv enter Section 3. 1, Housing, aria Section 32 Economic Develop- ment, as .well as Sect, en 3.5, Lars lese. 11. Plans for Port, Avaition and Related Facilities: These clans are regional in nature and this ap- pear in jade Ccunty's Comprehensive Plan. The impact of these facilities is ado"ressed in Section 3.2 of this Technical Report with spe- cific local recommencations as well as Sections 3.3, Conservation and Safety, and 3.8, Trans- portation. Optionai Elements included in this Plan are: 1. Public Services and Facilities —Section 3.7. 2. Community Design —Section 3.4. 3. General Area Redevelopment —Sections 3.1, 3.2, and 3.5. 4. Safety —Section 3.3. 5. Historical and Scenic Preservation —Section 3.3. 6. Economic —Section 3.2. THE PLANNING DISTRICT CONCEPT PLANS This Technical Report presents all products referrer to in the City Code for the City of Miami ,vnicn include: 1. 10. 11. Future development of the City Location, relocation, an cnaracter of the various uses of 'land anc.va*.er 3. Location, relocation, cneracter of public and private open spaces and str',.ct'..res for recrea- tion, amenity and cultural life 4. Modes and means oif travel and transportation 5. Location and c, erecter 7,7public buildings, services, ar,, fac�:it�as 6. Provision .ii ri dosser- !_;tilit,es 7, 3evalcpr^en t )f standards for eco.ogical and en•rircnmer,,tai dually; 3. Planning for conservation, r hab iitat or;, or re- placen'ent housing; 9. Treatment or areas, sites, cr structures ct his- .cr'cai or ercilaeo'iogioai Imocrt an"' SlgrificanCe Density DT onou!ation ,lethojs and col,cies for encouragement of Coope'atior-. T,i private nersons and groups in .he ie',.'e:.::prrent, .r'ementaticn, :r'u occcm- blisr:n'rnr o rrorcnensive:'dns T . ..flaf'.C'.la! arrar', ger^en i5 Lonrg. ,:ap'!.a1 ,^.pr_;. _ ., pr'_ ;r,T;r,.,, necessary to mcler,en,t .le „3nnirg crogram Lan;; _,se ':cr,troi ;,.. _, .::dt'or�: ^,esures and 'Jtner ..-J.eer-ieo necessary to accorn- si, 'r-e <iirr.s 3nc .:o'ec'..ves of com- prener'.si';e plans. The final mpiernentat,'_,n _.e. ,:es assoc iates'.vith The Plan anu Technical Report are the responsi- bility of the City of Miami tnrnugh adoption of specific recomrren.i tions 'or modification of existing land use contro: an„ regulatory measures, taxing and r,ancid., arrangerr.ervts and long-range capital improvements programming and coat nuirg citizen participation in the planning process. The District P'ans prepared 'n Phase 1I of the three prase panning .project Ali'' serve as the basis or detailed imoiementaticn tasks. The Capita! Needs identified turns this Phase are included in this Technical Report under Section 5, Capital Needs List. The requirements of :mpiemerltation are discussed in Section 4 of the Technical Report. 1.0 PREAMBLE 1.1 PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES The purpose of the Comcrenenslve Plan is to pro- vide an orficiai gup,e to `uture aeve!ooment in the City of Miami. The oreparaton of this Plan is man- dated both cv the City Charter and the recently enacted State Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act of 1975. T'-e Plan consists of re- quired and eerr,ents. These e.ements are coordinated .3ra are nternaily consistent and are aimed at achle'nng tre basic objectives of health, safety and welfare stated :n City Charter and State Act. Each element relates to specific issues which need to be addressed to ensure the orderly growth and deveiocment, adeauate nrovislon of services ana facilities and .veil-oeing ot the future popula- tion of the City. 1.2 STUDY APPROACH The Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan is a result or a tnree-phase study. The first phase had a City-wide emonasis, the second has a Planning Dis- trict and Neighborhood emonasis and the third pro- vided for prelirlinar. and `ina. Plan preparation. In order to ensure citizen nartio;patron in the canning process, the Planning Advisory 3oard heldpub- lic hearings City-wide and eacn of six Planning Districts as :veil as numerous ,,vorrsrops. Task forces were comprised or octh C.ty •iwide interest groups and neighborhood residents, property owners and businesspersons. The Tecnnicai Report and six District Concept Plans fully document the oasis for Plan recommendations. The Plan assumes 3 1985 population ranging from 372,000 to 397,000, an increase ot Between 18,000 and 43,000 over 1975 estimates of 354,000. The Plan is based on citizen identification of local is- sues and needs and an evaluation of various data sources. 1.3 INTER -GOVERNMENTAL COORDINATION To ensure coordination among the various agencies and levels or government concerned with piannrruq ana the prevision of services to :he City, an Inter - Departmental Coordinating Committee was formed, Information was exchanged, six District Plans iwere reviewed and revisions made. 1 It is the policy of the City of Miami that the Com- prehensive Plan and any modifications thereto shall be coordinated with and related to the Comprehen- sive Plans of the State or Florida, Dade County, the South Florida Regional Planning Council and adja- cent municipalities as such Plans exist or are pre- pared. A Technical Advisory Committee convened by Dade County :iei continue to review Plan recommenda- tions and/or subsequent revisions. 1.4 ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY 'Miami's bonding capacity, as established by State Law, is S550 million, or 15% of its assessed prop- erty valued at 53.7 billion. As of 1975 the net debt outstanding from previously issued bonds was S94 million, leaving a legal debt margin of S456 million for additional capital improvements. The degree to ;vnlch Miami draws upon this amount, nowever, de - „ends coon its ability to absorb increases in opera- ting and maintenance costs as well as its bonding capacity. 3etaiied economic assumptions underlying the Plan and all aspects ,f Plan elements requiring exoen- citures of public funds including fiscal proposals related to estimated costs, priority ranking and proposed funding sources are inciuded in the Draft Capital Imcrovement Program preearec by the City Planning Department and are submitted with this Plan. 1.5 IMPLEMENTATION The Stag Comprenensive Planning Act of 1975 requires that the Plan be adopted by July 1, 1979, and that this Plan have legal status and tnat "no Public or private development shall oe permitted except in conformity with Comoranensive Plan(s) r elements c,r gcrtlons tnerecf." n orner to 'uliii mpiement this Plan, the following fictions are ifeq_.ireo. 1. Revisions to Existing Land Use Controls and Regulatory Measures and Adoption. The Future Lane Use clement is not an official zon- ing map_ Present ordinances must oe revised and zones mapped by an additional Process already Ini- c. tiated by the Miami City Planning Department. 2. Adoption of a Capital Program and Budget. Coordinated and pianned investment of public funds for capital improvements, including Community De- velopment, must be committed to attract private development and encourage neighbornood stability as well as to provide needed public improvements. 3. Broad Use of Powers of Eminent Domain to Promote Redevelopment. Public urban renewal powers to Promote private develooment of obsolescent and deteriorated areas need to be Praadened and aopiiea to ne'o strengthen the economic base. 4. Use of the Proposed Constitutional Amend- ment for Tax Increment Financing and Abate- ment. This incentive legisation will Provide additional tools for Promoting redevelopment and strengthen- ing the economic base. 5. Commitment of the Residents, Property Own- ers and Businesspersons to Implement the Plan. Citizens must individually and cooperatively iriork to acnieve development objectives, maintain and improve residential neighborhoods and lend support to public actions required to implement the Plan. 6. Continuation of the Planning Process. The State Act stioulates tnat "the planning program shall be a continuous and ongoing process."' This means continuing citizen involvement, monitoring implementation and effects of the Plan, revisions and Plan update. — RAN PREiMRATION Print t -- - X- -- Milt E miaow1 , MP JY L 1 1 +OW (MY NIL Iw .111 •.41 ► I!I.1 l .....“,1 MO w�c wv �' OM• WCCS OF Q M •• CITY OF MIA• MI COA APPLICATION PROCESS MIME ■ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TARGET AREAS IMPLEMENTATION MAK WOWS AM 11111Wal IMPLEMENTATION OF COA PROJECTS AND REAPPLICATION PARKS FOR PEOPLE DISTRICTS oitiliffSW *CR 1.1114.4 PO 06.OJr011 wl..wa+MALI mom ems 1I.1W ©I q ./0111 NNI.OK NIAI 05_.Nb10.N,00.N1011N Oft Maw. PLANNING DISTRICTS L' 4e •}_.__.. Irre I....•.... ^ JE ,,SODEN • 1 • w• PREVIOUS PLANS ® STUDIES IB • 11 • 4PT 1 ), 2.0 BASIS FOR CHANGE 2.1 POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS GROWTH TRENDS GrD:vth rates oet,'reen 1960-1970 ranked Dade County aS the eighth vastest growing 'retr000itan area in the nation_ D._.e to national trends of ac- celerated sucurbanl:ation, spurred by federal poil- cies concerniriu, hi+gh.va✓ construction, mortgage in- surancel'irancing ar: Jrcian rehe,.val, however, the, major t`-,rust J:t this Jrcwth, ,vas outside the City Of 'v1;aml. The Cit'. bac-urr„1 Jt t ,.s growth during 'Line ,ast :ec: iae it 7 i'.3 noU'_ilation Increased by 43,171 persons. 1 Though this increase was rela- tivel'j greater than other major cities in the nation, it ,'gas a 276 `rom its growth rate in the 1950's. Components of Change Tire major component 7:,r change in the rate of growth for both the count\ and tre City has been in -migration. Major sources of in -migration to the City and coII.nty have Peen the intl,,x of Cubans and retirees. In-r'i^ration to mace Court'; over the ten year period rarrieen 1960 and 1970 almost equa',led the total 19130 pon_:iation of the City of Miami (292,000 oerscnsi. in the C;tv itse't, noviever, na- tural !rcruase and net migration contnbuted almost equally to pocu;anon increases. Tnis iNas due agair to the cut-migratio'. J' City residents to t' a suburbs and the high birth rates of Ire 3iack and Cuban popu,ations. Catalysts for Change There are six major events aric circumstances which have been :ritical as catalysts in changing the cor- bositiol, and location of the ocpuiation of the C;ti of Miami 1. T('e ci mate, •water-orented environment and new forms of Home ownership have continues to attract northeastern Anglo-Americans, many of '.' hom are 'Nei !-to-�o, `At;tnCut children Cr retired and in their late =crties. 2. The rise to bcwer of Castro's jcvernn'ent ih Cuba caused the exile of mare than 20,000 Cucaris t s M:arni ;r: 1960, an' , although there .were coints in the 'l,gr't cif exties ;rom Cuba ber.veen 1962 and 1 6 sue to th gay or Pigs invasion and the �';ssl, %. ,sis, t"eri. are abbroximately 260,000 Cubans in ✓a.ie C7,nt y tobay.2 3 3. The first wave of Cuban exiles included the upper and upper -middle class Cuban profes- sionals and businessmen, many of 'Nhom es- tablished their homes and businesses in what is today known as ""Little Havana." This pro- vided a cultural cushion which afforded the future exiles a smooth transition and accul- turation process. 4. Urban renewal and hignway construction dur- ng the ate 1960's and early 1970's accounted for the removal and relocation of more than 20,000 Blacks in the Overtown area.3 Prior to these events, the Overtown area was the major Black community in Miami and repre- sented an important center for entertainment throughout the South. 5. Real estate and financial redlining Has been in- strumental in the districting of Blacks into three areas: Model Cities, Overtown, and the Black Grove. The administration of property taxes, other public funding sources and tax incentives, or the lack of them, have promoted the public and private sector into redistribu- ting both quality services and investment from those areas and providing opportunities in others. 6. An attitude taken cy property owners, indus- tries and government of not capitalizing on tee Miarra Riker, F.E.C. Railroad and Biscayne Bay, except in the most utilitarian sense, nas fabricated industrial barriers vhicn are im- cenetrabie, dielding the City into three some - .rat enre!ated sectors. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION Ethnic and Racial Distribution Among Miami's most unique characteristics is its run,✓ multi -ethnic pcDuiation. T'ncuh Blacks, Latins and Anglos are the major groups .vhicn are descr.oed, eacn of these has strong ethnic compon- ents .vithin them. ;D tee '970 copulation n the City; of Miami, white e. sons rer,resented a sizeaoie ^^alority, avi:h 76.6% '-e fetal. compared ',v!th 34.6 % of the copulation 27 fee reetrecoa _en' area. Blacks 'e^reser,ted a cor- SCOne of tee ears population. Of the 37C o oou at.cin 45.3)e was 'Stian se aceakin, com- eased er aeariieCabers. F ;r .-.e metrucoiizan e e'lure . gas 23. 6,3,. Hieweeer, recent evidence rdic3teS that ut cresent Cubans ccmor se approxi- r^ate, , �t �•i":gar i'� cop-.iatlon.`1 4 The Anglos, referring to a l non -Latin ,lvhites, made up about a quarter of the City's population in 1973. 15910 of these are Jewish, and many are from New York and New Jersey. The Anglos of foreign stock come from a number of countries, especially the Soviet Union, Italy, Poiard, Great Britain, Germany and Canaca. T e trend, however, has Peen a con- stant decrease ,n the An,alo population n the form of out -migration to otner oort,ons of the region. The Angie, porulat,cn :.ont rues to be ocat,caiiy powerful Due to their reiative'iy nian income cnar- acteristics, they possess n gn mooility and have within their reach a wide range of Housing oppor- tunities. In general, tne Anc ° popu aeon is concentrated along the coast ,n a strip ;refined oy the railroad and U.S. 1 on the ,vest. The Biscayne Bay ccrr'dor is today the home of Ana,os who have moved from other areas of the C'.ty and county as well as those from out-of-state, attracted by tne area's pleasant environment and climate. The Black population in Miami is comprised of a mixture of Southern Americans and '.Nest Indians ibahamians and Haitians), many of whose families have resided !n Miami for generations. In terms of growth and change, the Black population has been tne most stable group wit~in the City since 1960. The greatest growtn of the Black population occur- red ,n tne five year period between 1965 and 1960 when tnev totalled 86,200.5 This growtn was onn- c pally attributed to migration from other southern states and natural 'ncrease. urban renewal and other governmental policies in the late 1950's sourrec a migration by the most moci e Blacks to northern Dade County and rapidly decreased the previous attractiveness of the area to lacks living outside the region. Between 1970 and 1973, the Black pop- ulation increased 3.9% to aimost reach the size it had in the early 1960's. Tee Black copulation has encountered the most difficuity in acnievinl a higher e'✓el of economic status in Miami. There are very few Maces today where an average Black nousercl d can atforc to ive. Twenty-eight percent Cr al. Black farm;,es .Here under the poverty '!eve' and the median =amity income was S5648 ,n 1970 ° Major Black communities in Miami are Model Cities, Overtown, and the Black Grove. There has been little movement between the areas, except in the form of involuntary relocation .During the early 1970's. A lack of movement from the three areas to other carts oT Miami and its environs was not a choice, but, in fact, a lack Jrione. Minor scale move- ment outside the three communities has teen oc- curring :n the Edison Park -Litt e River Area, Carei City and small pockets In South Miami. ' The Latin population in is comprised of the ar'ge Cuu]n community dill c)nCentrr3t;o11s oT Spanish-speaking groups, especially the Puerto Ricans, Columbians, Mexicans and scatterings of Spaniards and South Americans. The Latin corn- munity has made the City 3 magnet Tor international trade relations and 3Cti:l:'; '.vltr Latin ,:Ountries and a focal point for the migration ,77 Latins from other parts of the country and the ',vorld. The Latin community, 3lt:,ougn no 'forger a minor- ity, stiii is cnaracterizea by some ^,uaiit es generally associated ;Jit' rnlnorir es. . i , ,f :ne Lat:n fami- lies in the C; yen; recelying1 assistance cr'mere under tale Poverty ie`:el ,n 19 0, This vvaS ne31 i!y inf'„ence'd by :he nigh,, prosort'on extended fami- nes and el ;eh,'; idles �.,;try `i.tec incomes. The median :ncorre IS7116i 'or Latn =3mH es',vit'nln the City in 1970 .vas re ;tree; os',er than 'or Latins in other carts of Dade.° The Lat ation .s concentrated n three areas: Little Ha. and, :.�;„pa tag pan `,t,yfl'.voci;a. The :rends -.Lave teen 'or many 'am,it�s to ?love n snort eap-fr'og asnlon in a Nest.•/ar . :ireotion towards the Nest_;lestBr-<er c:ail area n search 3t neA'ier and Getter ^o-,s,ng services is 3O fl 31s ncomeS allow. Tl ose O.i acattan Toa similar pattern towards Hla!ea,- an_ `,1 arni Spr, : s, =incept that or ox.ml ty to ,Jos and. loAier .GSts 'Or 3ervlces be- come at prime imoortance. The uti,iara economic mobility of the Latins is a key factor in their sign frequent; of tesiderltial relocation. Age ^.a'Or ocrtior "'ri:aml s ooelulaLCn an^;Ps n o'er8 arid c-,, this prime tier, k• •sg ",: a'o'_'xcer',erc .:eciine luring the 1S: 'on ,ears _'.,e to atrer parts 3t' ]r s _ 'arecter',:e,' OV 3 cor'cer'tra- ,re''es in age ,irciubs, ,v,-.. ,a ar je portion aitd ayer of Miami are in- creasing at a stead', rate. The average concentraticr, of this group within Viaml greatly exceeds that for tne nation, art: is sHcritiy higher than that of the county. Many of these der persons are retirees, attracted to the 'avoranie environmental conditions of South Ficrda.9 National trends since tne end or vrti'or,c War I I such as early retirement, better pension suns and improved health care de- 'iven, systems, have facilitated, the ncreased mlgra• *ion i,o+ retirees t0 F;;ter,, a. The 'ikeHrc)od Is that tne elderly .VII C<ir':n-;e to inCt:'as2 at the same constant pace 'Or the hie\t ten years; aithouan are cent publication by the :,'ni'ferslty i3t Florida Divi- sion of Popuiaticn states that the elders`/ 000ula- tin in :dace County cou'id iyiaw to 30°5 of the total ooulatlon, cases current economic trends. An even ,arger proportion of population (though ess than that or tne count?', 'S anaer the ace of 18. Farther, this age roao 'ryas the most sector ct the oocpi iation in :ne last _e,ade. T-e U"dr-Of-rend :t rapla growth in this sector at the pop'.;+aeon .'iaS or',marl!y iaue, to the 19500's dab'': boom, t! e n.ign nirtn rate of the Black Potuiat.on .aeo the inf;,,x of young Cubans. 8ot'n the Black an.a Spanish speaking populations •were si nif cant'n.`/ voun�,er than the English-speak- ing group in 1970, representing moan ages of 24 and 35.4, respectively. Family Organization In 1970. 85-`.7 of pre persons lr. tne, City lived with n :drily gro'J.0s. t these, about 16Do .vere neaden n', .,omen r30°, in the Back community and 12''/a in the Latin . rnrr'unit`il. This tic,ure. for the Clty was s irht'., arIer :ran that for tne county. A;'erage-3^nl,y s,ce .:n the City '.vas somewhat smaller t.'an for . ''e entire metropolitan area, repre- senting 3.33 Persons and 3.39 persons, respectively. ,Among the City's major ethnic groupings, Black families constitutes the largest average family size, rci!oweo n Spanish sceaKing families at 3-59 per- sons arno 3tner ,_ihite'amiiies at 3.22 persons. Educational Attainment T"e potu.dI n ''e City of Miami in 1970 naa calrnetec. tons.^,eh,;c , 7e.'ter rears of scrrooiing an : ,at :n rY etr0 C'altar afl?a. 13.7 Vt'ars and 12.' y.aars. resCeCt :t t.. Of the copulation 25 years .leer n ,.1larni 41", iiao a i3rade scr:oo1 oi ucat on .7)r ,es;, .�1 , ,.ere school grad''uatos in- ;, .airg18 1- vro'lac ^;pieta', some years 5 college. For the metropolitan area, 30.7% had com- pleted eight or fewer years of school, 51.9% had completed at least high school, and 22.4% nad com- pleted some years of college. Auto Availability In 1970, 71.5% of the households in Miami had access to at !east one automobile. One-half of the City's households had access to one automobile, while 21.5% had access to two or more autos. Automobiles Available t ° CITY METROPOLITAN AREA Number % Number % Occupied Units 120,431 100.0 428,026 100.0 1 Automobile 60,214 50.0 198,280 46.3 2 Automobiles 21,583 17.9 120,593 28.2 3 or More 4,307 3.6 25,119 5.9 None 37,327 28.5 84,034 19.6 Income Distribution In 1969 the median Income of families in Miami was S7,300, compared with S9,237 for the metro- politan area. Althougn Latin `amily incomes ap- proacned the median for ail groups, Black family ncomes were significantly lower. The City of Miami represents a relative concentration of 'low and moderate Income cersons in the metropoi- itan area. ViVhiie 14% of the persons ,n the metro- poitan area are ranked below the poverty level, the poor in the City accounted for over 20% of tne population. A large proportion of the low in- come City population Includes the non -working retired elderly. A consiceration, however, of the non -reported asset holdings of the ret;red pooula- 'ion .would improve the evidence of their economic Nell -doing. During the 1960's and early 1970's, -.-e City was not regarded 35 an important .ocation for the metro- :o' i tan area's '_leper income groups, wit') the excep- tion J1 Several exc sve nayfr.nt communit es. Ho'. e'er, theintroduction of nign Density luxury �sln r-, several existing 'Igr, income bayfront 3r' 3S suggestsncra� n, 3 ?� '�J'.'�af ` SI g prOportlon5 _t _.ocer flccrre grcLios. Tnus, the composite trend s fc.r !ncome ;stribution to >e •ncreasingiy welgntec, tower: the .ran ana ow. income extremes, as mid ie income groups continue their migration 6 to outlying suburban areas. Labor Force In 1970, there were 156,131 Miami residents in the City's labor force. I.Vithin the City of Miami, employment for City residents declined oy 13,000 jobs between 1960 and 1970. During the same period employment within tne City or county resicents increased cv 30,000 jobs. Thus, by 1970, over nait of 'he employed City residents commuted outside of the City to tnelr dace of employment. Conversely, Dade County residents commuted in increasing numbers into tne City. Of the 219,361 jobs within the City in 1970, only 34% of the work- ers resided within the City.11 The City of Miami is CIevetooing as a major concen- tration of white collar office employment. However, the bulk of the labor force whicn depends on this expanding Jon market comprises the better -educated, higner-skilled, and outwardly migrating middle in- come groups. The City of Miami labor force, on the other hand, is heavily weighted toward semi- skilled b.ue collar workers The 1960-1970 trend indicates continued recline in the skill level of Miami's labor force. The increasing mismatch of employment and labor force results in a daily move- ment pattern ,vhich includes the outward migration Of City residents to suburban Industrial jobs, coupled with the commutation of white collar suburbanites to office loos in the City. Resulting are enormous evels waste in travel time, energy consumotion and transportation infrastructure. Factors Influencing Future Population Growth Factors affecting chances In population are girths, _leaths and migration. In Miami, in -migration nas been tne most significant factor affecting past in- creases. Due to its pleasant environmental charac- ter, South Florida has attracted and continues to attract northeasterners. National trends indicate that recreational and retirement areas throughout the country are responsible for a shift in metropoli- tan in -migration to the Soutn ana Southwest. As many or the group !n Mlam! are re- t,rees, trey are not very oecencent upon cty-eased services and employment and can easily settle in areas of South F'orlda other than Miami. Further- more, the most dramatic 200ulation increase .ti'nicn affected tne City's growth in the past, that iS, the Cuban in -migration, nas also dropper off and in fact, many of the City's Latins are out -migrating to f the west and southwest in search of better housing and community services. Consistent with nationwide trends, Miami has also begun to reflect a loss of middle -income families to Outlying areas of the county. Increases in the out -migration of middle Income families combined with decreases in the rate Jr in -migration suggest eventual '7ecl Ines in the C;ty s copulation. It is un- likely that natural Increases 3nd%or 3 5IO'+V :cwn ,n the aeatn rate will compensate for these losses. The effects of suburbanizatlon on Miami's oopula- tion in fact 'begar, in the early 1950's, out were soon obscured 'ov the massive n•migration of Cu- bans. Thouan the in -migration of Cuban exiles to Miami was an unpredictable event, Ai ami's nistory has been characterized by similar extraordinary Naves or in-r^,igration. As tne Cubans nave begun to upgraie their economic position, they too rave begun to migrate to other carts of the region and tne forces or Jut-migra, on ac:'ualiv set in motion in the 1950's are begun to be felt again. Tree _.uestion 'which arises is. .VI!1 there be other forces .,f in -migration :v+��icn '.:I, offset tre ueciine of the City's ,:r,J'Ntn and now will the characteristics of tne population change? It is I',kely that the migra- tion of Anglcs and others from the Industrial cities cr tre north may prefer areas .vnicf are not oeset .vita crcblems and will continue to locate outside tne City F'Lirtnermore, it is ,ni K,eiy :rat ei,en iv.th a -anoe 'n U.S. reiat,on; ':vit^ Cuba, that sinnli.cant migration cet'.ieen the two ,J'untries ,vltl occur. there 3 arge hsirrcer o Cub -.sirs in Puerto Plc°, their'3eneral situation o_)0 unit most ;your„ pe unlikely :o leave. T -ose e':•r 'a.r o have moved to Miami nave done so In response to a business oppor- tunity or spurred by `ears of political agitation. The would nroca; Iv ,a'.e to compete with other C-,can resn,.,es D' s;e C..ur.ty 'or ct cr rincome C..oars'rcm St:::,els or _.,roco .o'; J''.'r'.,.tc, occur, w tS mite:.. 3 ..:SSIC. _1, tree: .i,'-.sir Est;.'S "i:., ce sitfr.ster.: the, -e red Srrna'i . _ ie migrations 7.ak..ng "ace. Again, no. ever, t.vo points c,Jn, .hair econor'n,c status. tnese groups may oe attracted to other parts of the region. Secondly, a mass migration of a population group similar to the C„ban exile movement is higriv unlikely in the future. Even it conditions were sirni- 'ar li.e., takeover of a communist government), it s doubtful that the U.S. po'iicy of acceptance would be the same to;av as it i,ivas In the 1950's.• Another mali.-r source o migration to the C tv coui , be coausecv :'e :',2s:nc.t'ors placed or. ex- pansionary growth in the outlying areas to the west by the recently adopted Metro :ado County Plan. Miami 'would then receive a greater srare of the cc'unt'.''s'growth and ree..evesobment would follow. T.-is reversal trends, ..''.vever, Noui'1 de tempered the oenree to tre Metro P'3n i5 enforced as .Veil as the 'lumber of vacant :7evelcpacle parc is outside the City The increasing cost .f energy Has contributed to an in -migration t'J the cities. Escalating costs of gaso- line as 'Neil as the acne^ 'nccn4enience of travel time and congestion cn arterials nave contributed to a renewed _'.esire on the hart or many to oe in close orox,mity to centers of employment and serv- ices. Though tnis trend may be already .,nc erwa',', its imbact as of vet has not Peen significant. As tne costs ct energy .vili inevitably grow, "o'Never, its effects on nopulat'On migration may be subs:an:sal. Since the count, has es:abi:sned centers of employ- ment. other : nan '.iiami, these i,vouid '_,ndou`'itediiy capture some or the :n•migration. Pr babiv the most signiicant oranges ,n Miami's future pop1.,lation ,vi„ not be reiatea to :ts size, bet tc is socio-economic characteristics. IMlami's history �.S 'ctec for I:S spectacu,ar increases ,n COOL:iation, however extraordinary events such as these should not ce counter on :n the future. As the forces of migration nave been taxing place, the groups ,vnicn have remained in Miami are the :oor and the rich. Thouan the ..pper income residents have not in- creased size, *.hey remain concentrate) 'n the higrl arrenit'J areas aiong tne coast. A. a _., 'se .:i ':e of a -cr,s:ant .;irt1; 'ate 35 •.Yell some ,n-migration, 'ne 'vile' Incorni grC)Iip$ I lave 'i'- Jr;'asec I;, ;lie ars are conountrated In the :reas'J? fie Clt/ ge-era,I :Vest Jt the railr;;a.; i`, nos :ot-,- tin..ie, a isssjriiy „Oiur ;:e'o 0Oriuiation pro" ire COnsistiri:, •F'.)r example, 're J.S. pOi�C'r' i t" •e?ar:7 to ire Vietnarnese reru• gees .vas !net or reqwr,rg a iponsor, ,edn,cn n turn means; Jispersei Jr 'nese refugees trIroyghout ;he 7 of many low income residents and a small group of high income residents could result. State-wide trends now indicate that the rate of pop- ulation increase is leveling. The factor which may most influence Miami's future population is the ini- tiation of policies in the Comprehensive Plan for the maintenance of a stable and diverse population rather than for high growth. In order to accomplish this, policies can ce developed to attract back middle income ramifies into the City by means of incentives or opportunities. In addition, these policies should be directed to accommodate not only an economic diversity in the population, but an ethnic one as well. Population Projections FOR DADE COUNTY MIAMI SMSA 1971 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 u.S. Department of Commerce, 1972 1,308 iin 000's/ 1,793 2,332 Metro Dade County Planning Dept., 1972 (In 000's) High 1,640 1,820 1,990 2,140 2,270 Mid -Range 1,610 1,790 1,930 2,050 2,160 1,560 1,690 1,810 1.900 1,980 LJw 1,520 1,620 1,700 1,750 1,790 MUATS !Miami Urban Area Transit Study) 1,736 ;In 000's1 FOR THE CITY OF MIAMI From Metro Dade County, 1972• u,gn Mid -Range Low Recommended Population Distributions oy Dade County Planning 419,000 410,000 388,000 368,000 408,000 'Caicuiatea by Miami City Planning Department 3 of many low income residents and a small group of high income residents could result. State-wide trends now indicate that the rate of pop- ulation increase is leveling. The factor which may most influence Miami's future population is the ini- tiation of policies in the Comprehensive Plan for the maintenance of a sta0;e and diverse population rather than for high growth. In order to accomplish this, policies can ce developed to attract back middle income families into the City by means of incentives or opportunities. In addition, these policies should be directed to accommodate not only an economic diversity in the population, but an ethnic one as well. Population Projections FOR DADE COUNTY MIAMI SMSA 1971 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 u S Department of Commerce, 1972 1,308 In 000'sl Metro Dade County Planning Dept., 1972 (In 000's) High Mid -Range Low 1,793 2,332 1,640 1,820 1,990 2,140 2,270 1,610 1,790 1,930 2,050 2,160 1,560 1,690 1,810 1 .900 1,980 1,520 1,620 1,700 1,750 1,790 MUATS !%am, Urban Area Transit Study) 1,736 ; I n 000's, FOR THE CITY OF MIAMI Fr;,m Metro Dace County, 1972' Mid -Range Lan Recommended Population Distributions by Dade County Planning 119,000 110,000 388,000 368,000 408,000 'Calculated by Miami City Planning Department 3 POPULATION TRENDS PEOPLE 400,000 - 200,000 - 200,000 - 100,000 • 50,000 MIAMI TOTAL POPULATION' ..397,799 383,199 ,,,mbariozr 372,499 350,499 334,851 /MIAMI-LATINS 180,761 / 146,388`---- /136,014 122,83/� , 86,20Q.,, / %MIAMI-ANGLOS 87,948 0,0 800� / •..,�,...• MIAMI-BLACKS 79,909 '� 4 ~\ / 76,000 - 65'300''�N/60,000 1950 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 Source: U.S. Census of Population, Univ. of Florida, Bureau of Economic Research and WMRT. FROM FLA., DpL'-••• ��•••::•'•° °,\\\\`\y"�,\\a\\ •• " III I '144t'4ii ' ••••'`` .:,, ''••'oy� 111nmm l' 61111111111111111111r SOUTH MIAMI OPA LOCKA 6.••I \ HIALEAH MIAMI SPRINGS ; :•; ���� IN »'••'•• • • ••• •• • •••:••• • t f HESTER 11•••• a•rr .1 ����•" _ • .Q•••• •;,• ..•4 (semiiNNIIIIIINIIIIN11111�11 �• 111111M11HI1i1111 ii�= .•••••��11 11111111. • ••• re; r CAROL CITY • •••i • • ��� • i eve* r FROM N.Y.,N.J. 0 uu 6uFROM u�NORTH EAAST FROM CUBA, C.A.,S.A. POPULATION DYNAM ICS 1111 Anglo Intra-County Mobility ; Latin Intra-County Mobility NMI Anglo City Edge ••• Latin City Edge ® Anglo Middle and Upper Income Latin Low and Moderate Income f• ens Black Intra-County Mobility ♦ Black City Edge Srig Young and Unattached Concentrations ® Black Low and Moderate Income *Elderly Concentrations ett KEY BISCAYNE 1 5 miles DADE COUNTY POPULATION PROJECTIONS POPULATION 0111.001114 1 • min u • moo v wu•nor w ray • 1979 4•Mr►99MMM1/ &NV /44161114 COMPONENTS OF CHANGE COMPARISONS T T T4j•\ T rra11sT••d" `4t e 1VLL•la rMD i•[=Yt 4114V0 40 4 11 rt ` •W n 41t - -- ▪ ••• rima.. s MO maw w.1.1 s•l+ �. u tot?* I t' n I • r • • t • !a{Mt412.I. OSIAISS t mare ss.v• 'mums 1 mot Imol FAMILY INCOME DISTRIBUTION *69 1 t.10• MOM 4R r 1 4••• I gU,rr •//� ,s•rp 1900 •144.12rnw Igoe •2e3tcnar • \ - �M to ' 4 t /1 •4 4 ,4 0 14 • 141 •41 • i 141 •• •111 •4 t• •4 n. •« 40 j 001Sas VW. • NO •4 44 1p•214 AGE DISTRIBUTIONS MIAMI UNDER 5 •.! 5 -14 19.4 15-24 it 25-44 !►! 45-64 l69 45 0 aER 4 7 $MSA UNDER 5 5-14 15-24 25-44 45-64 65 a OVER 100 170 IN0 II 24 226 100 •ou4c1 0 • a4020 O 241 1.104 4 4.! 14.4 M.2 !9 1 134 14 9 x 6.6 11.4 19 23.9 33.1 13.4 IWO DADE COUNTY AGE DISTRIBUTION tt04 4 441\1 4 at• - .t4H1 [14•114 44nu 11 .no 10 i V/ Ift ! •0 n •• 4t ,y1 11 1..• 14•�•]1 •,•il••III f- oe 44amoral t• t aj1,1, 4t•11 O.4 m- Otrr• W. 44••w w r• mow WOW 410 In 41? 41 n • PROJECTED AGE DISTRIBUTION* IMM• 9 • 1.14 4• 16-24 1.2 29-44 s , 46-M w • tl • OK* .0 • 11170 4y4 441111♦ 441t4•.1141t 114114 • 4• 114 • e 100 21t • 1 •, •/ * Anoll 2411.11.,12a1 w MS n1 IIl •I• p� i u 4, t 4• 2.2 POTENTIAL GROWTH PATTERNS INTRODUCTION Tne previous r 7esr. it:e., trends projec- tions reiate.d to ropuiation c;rowth, the factors which infiJenCE it and the prospects or the'uture. This section �'sc.,ssas '.vhere anc wrat kind of growth w!ii cc:. -_:,Jr 'within the City and postulates `our n'ybotneticai alternative rcvvtni 'Patterns. T're first aiternati ve, ass.,mes a cortinua- t'on '?Ccnt Nast _.r;velccrnent trends Into the fu- ture. The seccrl.:; 3i r"!at vc, niah ;rowth, 's base on present id'-':.ae an:. T:eveicor'e -t Poiipies zoning). The •hir7 ,'r owtn alternative, icw jrowtn, is a -no-action„ alternative. The, tourtn, planr-,e,a growtn, ; r _!?1! F n _; C ? 1.. :;ecomes the ociLc '- Ir,aking, 'ramre';lnrh; rcr the iM'liarn Comprehensive Plan. Eacn aiternatwe considers trr: ;:oncitions re- duirec to makh happen as'.vzii ds 'ts �rnplicatlons The trend 2,r, , • alt rndtive ;ill]ro;vvth alternative Jr'-? riossi le, 'Cut ,lot ii :el'i, tvough till:`/ need to v^e considere.s1 as ::dints ct 7ererence. The low grovvtn dnC, plar'le 'r,rip`,vth .i ter; tivta$ re,pre• sent po ic' choices which tre C tv must make. FACTORS AFFECTING FUTURE GROWTH PATTERNS The choices ';;r the '., tl.re growth patterns OT 7v1- ami are 3ireadv 'imiteJ by present _evelopment Patterns ana the recently adopted Dade Count',/ Comprehensive Development Master Plan. Present Development Patterns Miami .s alrei(,v urnanized, with only 4% of the total ;and area remaining vacant. This is concen- trated in a ew major sites, The pattern of residen- tial, commercial, and ,nc:ustr.ai ianc uses is ;:,er,er- all'y/ set, aitnouan there are several opportunities for redevelopment. The majority of iano uses, now - ever, ,vill not change in the next ten years. The Dade County Comprehensive Development Master Plan The Dade County Plan -as already estaci shed a :enerai "ram�:',ti' ;rt for metr000l; tan aeveioornent and several aspects are : irectl / related to the future javelQpmen i. ,mot tree C'.t`,I ,Jt Vi!aml — T''i !ltent'or ;O re,drrc,e the atjSorpt:On or ap7.1 'or urbanization along the fringe of 9 the County in environmentally sensitive areas redirects growth, whether infiil or redevelopment, to the already urbanized areas, such as the City of Miami. — The Plan Designates a future metropolitan development pattern which includes Diver- sified Activity Centers at various scales Regional, metropolitan and sub -regional) as well as Speciaiized Activity Centers. Many of tnese are located 'within the City of Miami. — The development of a regional Mass Tran- sit System and the creation of nodes o' activity at transit station areas 'Nisi be 3 major form determinant of future develop- ment patterns. More than nail at tne pro- posed stations are located within the City. COMPONENTS OF GROWTH AND CHANGE MarKet demand, economic feasibility, gcvernmentai ooilcies and environmental conditions are the most important factors in ietermining where, what 'Kind and when growth will occur in the City. Basea on existing conditions, past trends and future potentials, three areas '.vnich respond to a similar se: of factors can be identified. These areas include the Bayfront, the Inland Neignbornoods and the Core. The Bayfront the oast :ecat:e, the nigh arnen,t,; coastal areas :Cfl tin _,ea to attract l!yh Income nuuSeroi ds, re- f roes ar.a seccnc home buyers. The preuominant .:,r"1 of new development 'was the condominium. Manv r,qh-r:se structures `+vere r,-alit, especially in e Br'ickei' area '.inere ar;e ' ut estates rnade :and 3sse'nol , easy. i t 'o 'v r _tensity areas, .re t ,e .vas ne -.t�•re common - rr- Of _ Cve ffompnt, j Ne'.er s ' g e 'a„`.II'/ nomes sti',i oredor mate east re rai.roaa tracks ncrtn and s'cuutn of Downtown. i r'C drSale :f ,:cn.:omini,;rr,s reacted its ':e3K • r 19'3 3n _ tne, 'rarKc't or ."er .vas ,impost .','1'.dVv. cetV+;eer permanent resicents and Seccn . • orre oi, ors. Pros nt,v :re secor . home market as 7.1eCI tr. economic 1o`.vn- .ar., aria averbi.iiiuing The market, ncwever, Wiil 'J eventually retLrn in a more modest way an,_i it is felt that future :::evelopmert will be strongly in- fluenced by buyers from wealthy Latin American countries Iook'rg 'or seconc homes cr .nvestment opportunities. Problems associated ,N,'ith future ievelocment are related to smaller ots arc, nacec,,ate nfrastruc- tural capacities, cargo, ar!v tre E 1ge,vater area, making 'land assemh '.' 'tiffic_,It an reou!ring nigher levels of public investment. Due to the nigh costs of land, construction and `inancing, new develop- metn be •smite° to nigh income households ,niess subsidies are provide Inland Neighborhoods In the cast decade :mind areas continued to in- crease In uens,t'; 3s family homes were converted to duplexes af1c1 garden apartments. The factor most responsicie 'or tnis Development surge was tre n-migrat:on of Chan exiles. Continued r•-migration, however. at 1960 and 1970 rates is r!grly unlikely .3s c,sc sse'd n greater ]etaii it tne preceding chapter. Most of the nousing stock in inland neighborhoods is In good condition and represents a major resource. Therefore, the emcnasis in the next ten years will change from growth to maintenance. Maintaining the continued attractiveness of neighborhoods and preventing the downgrading of the nousing stock is of primary importance to future peculation growth and change. Problems associated with maintaining neignbornood duality are reiateo to greater investment in public improvements, esoeciaily in terms cf parks and rec- reational opportunities, Parking and roadway im- orovements, schools and services as well as maintain- ing an attractive community image including the per- ception of safety. The Core The .:ore area is +coated at the crossroads tat h istoric r'uteS of travel by rail and Gy boat. It is corr..nrse o' „ommerciai, 'naustr'al, nstlt - :r'a: 3" . .:s; tial lama uses and 'nclur.es two t^ . :i.,. ment centers , i vo`Nn'a�,'in aria tre in the City and Region. Downtown is tne offce and =inanc:ai center of the Region. New office development has located in both Dorton and the Bricked area. There is increasing competition from Coral Gables and out- lying suparban centers. Although there is presently an oversuncilv of office scace, Miami will continue to grow as a financial center, especiaini as business and traae with Latin America increases. Parking and transPortaticn are the major constraints ds- soc;ated with future office lexelocrrent. Retail activity in the core area is -,ivitied cetypaeitt Downtown Planler Street arr.; tite. new (-ern, devel- onrrent. Present tren(r.is tor !hir- _ieveloprrer'it of suburban Gr;rjn: cnnrs nO13C:1WeS make tu7-111<f';17 Ina3f-3m3n,3 tor new: retail n the core. Howeyer, ras- taurarlts and otner entertairt;misint ,ses can oe ex- pected tc iocate here, esce,cially as reside.intial ore- .:elopment is acnievera arid cu turai and recreational activities are ennanced. n the Past decade institjticina i.,ses have tecarre concentrated ;n tr-te core both trte expansion of tne Medical Center ,3S vei as ny trie rgeve,loprnent of the Government Center Tne Medical Center vvlli continue to serve as the mai )r :enter or heallni services in the County, while ver-rimer-It Center Nil! continue. to ;:row as tre cenTE:1- 07 Federai, State and local government .n the next -Jecao.e. in tne past ten ,e,fs ti'e ,esiaer t piopulation in 'he :ure, co-tine:is7.: to; ihe as ft-iei ieteriorated, as .rcan renei.r,ai I:or-is:ruction .as • derrakert 3S emo,CyMer'r irei%v afli becarre more special ze:'. 7-e ::reoorrileant tiorm ot 7'eSiCen7s 2OnStr,ct.cri ;vitt—) this area was public al.noui.3n r3p,T;r0:7,er!,-S or redeveicorhertit ciirposies .arrdin ,i3kalr17. In 30- 31tiOn he ac eiu3t3 no,.sng orograrns at Federal and State ieves, emcniasis on 3‘.70,.3,n(3 con.- :entrations 37 0 ,t31111.v-ass3ste'3 no...seholds 2 n- • ,..ence fuse resioeritiai ia,,elooment The T ; 7717r •rarer 'JD ,S,n n "-,3;:ore ,area S ""-.1 .,rtit.r-agieris rea thie :ost ar-eg, ccmicef:in ' . er 37-1:3 7Tive sr 3- Is to Hi...a, further residential development will be easier to achieve. There are several industrial areas in and surround- ing the core, These areas, however, !hcreasingiy :rust corrcete or new -,:eveioprrierit with outlying areas rere parcels are avaiiabie, taxes are lower, and is :neacer an. 'where icioser croxirnity to less congested inter -state excressvvrav routes 737:,i1;tateS tr,37,s0.3r: tr„:,,ing. Many existing Industrial prober ties adjacent 7n,3 railroad right- of-wav and the %I ;tont nae to ousoiesce and rerraln ind,2rutii1,7ed. Out are maior onnortunity areas or The ecortiorrio .lievf.-ni3cment (2Otent3 cr -,trie, 7U 'Wee "TJT Mam 's concentrated n he :re. Redevelopment, however, ;s aniikeiv aniess oicJorvate coopera- tion can be estaci isneo. ALTERNATIVE FUTURES Trend Growth The trend growth aiternative assumes that tna area and distribution or DCO,,AtiGn trail 960 to 1970 and ;TS ensuing development r,vii! continue in the future. In order tor trend growth to Pe real- ized, the tolicwing con ...,ticris would nave. to exist. — The •nirriration rate from Latin America and The Northeast \wow ur again reach levels of the 1960 o 1970 neriod — The 2ut-irrigrration 'ate t3 suburban loca- tions woiJ S,O7N sOrre j tne 0`0Cula- tiOn CUC 0,3 attracted CaC.',1 to nigh inten- sity cayfront areas. — The trend experience:, nationwide or in- crease in households NW ce accommodated within crre City, resu.ting in nigher densitY neiennorhoccis. The •: n s 3CleTrn3t:,,P would -lean more eiertse existirtg commun ties, inciuniing Little Hairaha, ATtattan, 3r, Oar73 3* Pragarni as weil as Brickei' :geviater. 7-rte n,n,iation n. and 3r2ur3. :.)6‘ivn:Own 33-t.,n:J3 tT.) -leciine as they .'ruvv irorL sn ciailzed r"i.incTion artrrd sen-v.:jut', nine:int ce,niers. exneriei-ce tt rahrge in nun. 11 Since public improvements are already lagging be- hind in inland neighborhoods, the realization of this alternative would aggravate the need even further. improvements will be required in the areas of transportation, crime prevention and infrastruc- ture in high growth areas. Also the need for and de- pendence upon social services in declining areas would increase. Other implications would show conflict with goals associated with Downtown development and balanced growth throughout the City. High Growth The high growth alternative is based on existing land use policies 1i e., zoning) in the City of Miami. The alternative illustrates growth capacity without reference to whether such growth is projected. In order for the nigh growth alternative to oe realized, the foilowing must occur: — Maintenance of present population levels and redirection of ail projected growth in Dade County into the City. — Increased competitive advantage over other regions Tor growth and cevelopment. Implications of this growth alternative are that the City will develop to its present zoned capacity with ncreasing need for pubic improvements which would be reauirec to accomcanv that growth. Ex- tensive capitalmprcvements would 'ce reauired cotn in crowtn areas ano adjacent non-,arowtn areas. The Little Havana area, A,arattah, Da,vntown Bayfront and portions of Edison Park if✓ould in- _ -ease in copulation an,; most or the other areas of the City wcu+d remain the same in coo,anation. Low Growth The low growth alternative assumes that no oubiic action is taken concerning future growtn in tne City Miami The •oiiowin , are the conditions required -^aKe this a:ternat.i,,ze rpccur — Increase', cut -migration rorn tne City to the suourps Or ail ;hose who can afford to, 'rove. — Decrease in the rate of in -migration. — No public action taken to oeter this alter • - native. 12 Implications of the low growth alternative are in conflict with City goals for growth and develop- ment. The realization of this alternative would mean that the City would become the place of residence for the very rich and the poor with middle -income households residing in the suburbs. 'Vile selected portions of the City would experience an increase in population, many areas, particuiariy in and around the core, would decline ,n population. There would be increased dependence upon social services tor lower income and other services, such as crime prevention, for upper income groups Planned Growth Planned growth represents the basis for recommended growth in the City. In order 'or planned growth to he realized, the following must take place: — Present population levels in existing residen- tial neighborhoods of the City must be main- tained. — New copulation must oe attracted to redevel- opment opportunity areas in the core. — Aggressive redeveiopment and neighborhood maintenance policies must be adopted and carried out. The planned growth alternative s the desired future spelled out in the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. Its implications are the redevelopment of the core area of the City, including the Miami river - front and the maintenance of a nealthy pOpwat1Gn throughout all Miami neignborhoods. The underlying orincin es of the Plan are to focus :cevelopment near amenities, hicn accessicii;ty points (such as the Mass Rapid Transit stations) and major employment centers; to provide an attractive place in which to live; and to create diversified activity centers in selected locations throughout the City. • ;;;;;'• ;;;.. ......... .. . • 4:24 4+ r.... t: ...... .... .... ....... . ... . .... • -1'11.,•;,,,-; ...... ' irttitt-t. ....... ................... ?tit miimm. 1111:-1 HI.... 1... ..... !*a ..... r. I PLANNED GROWTH 1111 Increase in Population No Change in Population Decrease in Population IBM 0 • , • LI ! - ••,le COuSe•ar r .1. : . : ... 1.‘ ..... TREND GROWTH 11111 Increase in Population No Change in Population j Decrease in Population • COUSS*cly C.--. c.a.Jsr.or 0 25 5 I 5 m11•5 miwissom 111 1112111111111_.k., ....... ............ 3 HIGH GROWTH um Increase in Population J No Change in Population Decrease in Population elQ Jut,0 ;OM COVNIMOV CouSe*Oy i 5 miles 2.3 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN GOALS AN OBJECTIVES THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN GOALS Goals are general statements o• gems toward which the curnrrunIty stn.es The,' are ,:reversal and lasting Ocject 'yes are sgec:tic assignments whicn are :rected tevvard achieving goals. They can be measured oy 3 standard ru!e or test. Tne following ,Jo is recr�sent the casks of Miami's Comprehensive ?lar:. Tne obJectives are expressed in the stratt:g'es assoc•ate . vacn Plan element. How h'e!i i acte;es to se ob ect.ves depends on the commitment to :rnn,ernenting the Plan recommendations. Housing and Residential Neighborhoods — Provide Decunt, Sate and Sanitary Housing — Provide a Meaninctui Diversity at Choice in Housing Location Provide a Su,tan e Living Environment --- Provide Soc,aily V able Neighbornoeds Economic Development — Increase Succors of Economic Base — Expand Economic Opportunities — Diversify Economic Ease Conservation and Safety -- Avoid Hazards to Life and Property — Improve Environmental Qua: tv -- Conserve Natural Resources and Energy — Enhance the Aesthetic Qualities of the Environment Community Design — Provide Comprehensive Design Framework 'or Public and Private Development Land Use — Provide the Best Possible Distribution and Mix of Land Uses Recreation and Open Space Provide Adequate Open Space and Recrea- tional Programs and Faci'.ities — Provide A;;equate Cultural Programs and Facilities 13 Public Services and Facilities — Provide Adequate Health Care Programs and Facilities — Provide Adequate Educational Programs and Facilities — Provide Adequate Public Services and Fa- cilities Transportation — Improve Movement within and through the City Utilities — Provide Adequate Public Facilities Inter -Governmental Coordination — Improve Coordination between Agencies and Levels of Government — Increase Citizen Participation in Planning and Decision -Making — Monitor and Evaluate the Effectiveness of Policies, Plans and Programs OBJECTIVES FOR EACH PLAN ELEMENT Housing and Residential Neighborhoods Element Neighborhood Preservation Objective: — Promote viable urban communities, ade- ouate public services and a suitable living environment to meet the physical, social, and economic needs of the population. Preservation is a major objective in all Miami neigh- borhoods but it is especiaily emphasized in the moderate income neighborhoods of Little Havana, A!'apattah, Model Cities, Edison Park, Little River and `Nynwooa. In a cit', Nnicn has experienced sucn rapid cnange over the last 15 years preserva- tion of these neigrborhoods represents a continu- n,a n-migration to match out -migration and con- stant reinvestment in the existing nousing stock. Redevelopment Objective: — Provide housing opportunities for future population growth. 14 Those neighborhoods requiring redevelopment ac- tivities before housing construction can begin are the blighted parts of the Central City and under- utilized properties adjacent to railroad lands and along the Miami River A primary objective associated with redevelopment is the construction of resicentia; cevelopment in and adjacent to Downtown. This same objective applies to the areas surrounding transit stations where opportunity for redevelopment exists. Housing Low and Moderate Income Families Objective: — Provide aaequate housing for low and mod- erate income `amines. Housing low and moderate income families is a re- gional objective. The City "Fair Share" of these families should be oriented to areas of employment opportunity or special family neeas. Large families snouio be noused in lower density facilities and large concentrations of low income citizens should be aiscouraged. Objective: - Provide adequate housing for low and mod- erate income elderly and handicapped. Housing for elderly and handicapped should be lo- cated in highly accessible areas with good transit access. Commercial services shouid be nearby all low and moderate income housing for elderly and handicapped. Access to special public services should also be considered part of this objective. Economic Development Element Redevelopment Objective: — Increase employment opportunities for the semi -skilled labor force. This objective includes both the attraction to the City of new employment and the employment throughout the region of Miami citizens. Rece:ei- opment for the purpose 07 ncreasng ocs n the City is associated ,vith the f rst part cr tnls objec- tive. Since a large percentage of Miami's labor force is semi -skilled there is also a related educational ob- jective of prepdring semi -skilled .vorkers for more technical employment. Another important com- ponent associated witn this objective is the region- al goal of allowing workers to live near their place of employment. Industrial Development Objectives. — Improve the utilization of existiro Indus- triai areas. — Promote the growth of industries 'rvhich offer substantial employment and `iscal bent t; ts. Exist,n,j rranuraoturn.g and wholesale centers can be expanded and ennance; ..vith better access, harking or otrer )apport services. New 'naustrlal grown-, ,mph:s 'modification of the taxation ana .arc contrc,s ex stint in t, e City Manufacturing and •r..nr.a.asaie .icoortunity areas-nc'u_;e the Design P'aZ3, Garment Center aria F.E.C. 'ards, as Neil as tr,e corridor bet,' een ::Gth and 22r.ei Streets, west iot I-95. Commercial Development Obje:;. yes: — P•ovi ce adequate local serving retail serv- ,ces. — Rerntcrca existing commercial centers. These objectives acne; to commercial strips and carters =:entif,ed'n the ?!an. Other strips such as o)rt'ons cf 36tn Street and Coral 1i'Jav srould be -airforce.] at ir:ev oolnts ratner tnan througnout ,'-e en t re area. eintor-amert nciudes corking, safety and bnys- Cai rev, i.aezation. LcCJ seeing commercial srculd Ce supcortec in ,eic.er ly neighpornoocis or near tran• sit stations. Downtown Development - c'rdSe _. :^.^to`.`/n 3r 1( Ifj r ment. — , ..,r•.r;tr Viami as a firanc,ai :enter - Jr,�n- .i1..rii `1C M'arr,i aS %.3 re,Clicna Cr ter 7r,..t'• �' ^ ;yn',,.;� :S mar employr'ent Te! ,3 ;,,na, oblecti e. in addition to c-.ice o t nu'ng gro.vtn of retail busi• •ii. _ .r.s :e arc resic:ent:a. sno,.;'!a be encour- Downtown Development Ohiectives have been stated in detail in the "Dc.vnto'rvn Urban Develop ment and Zoning Plan t` t' C t� or �Lami.' One objective ofhigh priority ,s the revision and mple- mentaticn of this plan. Trade Objective. Prcrrote Miami as ar international trade center. This objective builds on increasing Latin American trade in the region. Past activities and the establish- ment of a Free Trade Zone are linked to this objec- tive. Tourism Objective. -- Strengthen ant expand recreational enter- tainment, trade: and 'odging faciit:es which 'mould bolster tourism .A new Convention Center, expansion of cruise ship business and promotion of Downtown Development are inc,uded n this object re. Li .t'e Havana Business Center ana restaurant `atilt es snouid be inoudea in carrying out tnis objective. Conservation and Safety Element Historical and Scenic Preservation Objectives: — Preserve unique historical sites and struc- tures. • - Maintain and i•where necessary reestablish Miam's unique tropi'cai environmental ,UalitV. This includes the sate of Miami's Old Port, Vizcaya ana the Central Business District of Coconut Grove. The scenic objectives Include areas of 'unique vege- tation and views of Biscayne Bay and the rivers. These objectives willdirectly affect the environ- ^r?ntai ;,uai;ty he City. The Coastal Zone Objectives -- Prc,hicit deveiipmerit anticipated to sig- rnficant'y exacerbate the, poiiut'cr of the Rider arc Bay — Maximize cubiie access to amenities ,n ail .:ture developments along the River or Bay - front. 15 — Preserve natural shoreline and encourage physical contact with all surface waters and coastal edges. Objectives associated with the Coastal Zone include monitoring development to minimize any pollution of the Bay and river. The other objectives are associa- ted with access to shoreline and preservation of the natural water's edge. Buikheading along the Bayfront has eliminated large natural shoreline areas, however, many areas outside the City limits still retain the natural character associated with the Coastal Zone. The regional Coastal Zone Plan now in production should be endorsed by the City as part of this Com- prehensive Plan. Energy Conservation Objective: — Conserve energy. This objective deals with the operation of the me- chanical systems in the City. Costs of air condition- ing, auto fuel and inefficient energy consumption are directly related to comorenensive planning ob- jectives dealing with transportation, utilities and community design. More careful siting of structures and use of natural air conditioning associated with the Bay and vegetation should be included in any energy conservation objective. Safety Objectives: — Protect from flooding and tropical storms. — Protect from high noise levels associated with airport or highway. The 100-vear floodpiain covers much of the higher density areas in the City. Development snould be nfluenced by tne Federal Flood !nsurance Pro- gram guidelines whicn form the objectives for pro- tection in the floodplain. High winds and storrn damage can be avoided only by early warning and evacuation systems. Areas most susceptible are al- ready ,developed to h'gn Densities. Protection rrom storm damage should nciude building code guide- i.nes for most of the Cite as well as the ,vaterfront hood -prone areas. The objectives for noise abatement are critical in the residential areas directly east of tne aircort. 16 Community Design Element Objectives. — Improve right-of-way conditions to pro- mote pedestrian activity on streets. — Establish landscaping programs for the re- duction of noise, air pollution, and for the manipulation of visual screening, glare and increasing visual quality. — Provide appropriate lignting for pedestrians. These objectives apply to investment in the public right-of-way as well as design controls on private property. Certain streets snould be given priority for investment in tree planting. Other streets should be landscaped for pedestrian activity. Community design objectives apply also to spe- cific districts such as Little Havana, Martin Luther King Boulevard, and Coconut Grove where the spe- cial character of the area should be enhanced on private as well as public !and. Lighting objectives aopiy to both general illumina- tion required for vehicle movement and special dis- trict accent lighting. In tne special environmental conditions of Southern Florida, community design objectives are necessary to guide private development as well as public in- vestment. Land Use Element Objectives: — Improve the distribution and mix of land uses, by type and density, to meet the so- cial, economic and housing needs of the present and future population. — Minimize the impacts of incompatible ;and uses and maximize the benefits of comple- mentary land uses. — Promote land uses and mixtures of uses which complement cultural and natural en- vironment. Land use objectives are most critical in rapidly growing areas, natural amenity distrcts or special cultural centers. The specific '.an ; use changes pro- posed in the Plan nc.ude major activity centers such as Downtown or Broken Avenue, minor activity centers such as the Little River area, or potential growth areas such as Edgewater. Specialized land use objectives are emphasized in natural areas such as the Miami Rrverfront or cultural districts such as the center of Little Havana and Martin Luther King Boulevard. Recreation and Open Space Element Objectives: — Improve the range of recreational and cul- tural opportunities in existing City parks. — Improve recreational opportunities along the Say and river. — Provide a range of recreational opoortuni- ties suitable to the pcouiat'on they are in- tended to serve. — Improve accessibii,ty to existing recreational facilities. — Provide innovative park design within the framework of a built-up urban area. Aitnough the City is well served in terms of re- gional open space and recreaton, neighborhood oarks and playgrounds are needed. Some neighbor- hoods recuire recreation facilities more than others. Local playgrcunas should be provided in Little Havana and existing scnooi playgrounds sn.ould be sec: jointly for school and recreation use. More specific recreation objectives apply to use of arge public parking areas around the Orange Bowl and at Miami Stadium. In .addition open space on private property should be used more effectively. Public Services and Facilities Element Since most Health, education and Nelfare facilities and programs are the respons,oiiity of Dade County, these objectives are regional in nature. Health Objective. — Provide neighborhood -based heaitn services. The City has 3elegateo most .health care responsibil- ities to Dace County. However, certain special pro- arams shcu:d be encouraged in needy neighborhoods such as Culmer and Model Cities. Day Care objective — increase cnild care services in areas of great - need. Allapattah and 1,\'ynwc od are neigiibur roods whrre child care is necessary .or tr.e econom,c 3rowth of families. Chic: care services, both public and pri• vate, are necessary here as well as in parts ot Coco- nut Grove, Mcdel Cities and Cu:mer, Elderly Programs Objective: - Prcvice for service reeds of elderly persons. Downtown, AiIapattan ana carts of Little Havana should be ranked high for elderly services. Substance Abuse Objective: Provide services and treatment for alcohol and drug abuse patients. These services should not be concentrated or located in high crime areas. Education Objectives: — Provide facilities and services for education. — Provide joint use of recreation facilities. T'I'e County Boarc of Public Instruction has oro- crammed a Five Year Construction Plan. The objec- tives related to Miami include construction ot a new high school and a vocational school. Capital Program Objectives: — Program capital needs for public facilities. — Prepare priorities and a 6 year program. Dade County has prepared a 6-year capital program for all facilities under their management. Miami should add to this the capital needs of programs which they manage. The Downtown Government Center, the improvements to fire department, and other government facilities should be included in the capital program. Transportation Element Traffic and Circulation Objectives: -- Develop a system of routes for pedestrians and bicyclists to encourage the use of non- motorized motes and provide for the safety of these modes. — Assist with tie development of an integrated 17 multi -modal transportation system. — Foster the provision of adequate vehicular parking facilities throughout the City con- sistent with parking demand. — Assist with the development of adequate port and airport systems to meet the pas- senger and cargo transportation requirements. The most critical component of tnese objectives is associated with elimination of nearly total reliance on the automobile for travel in Miami. Pedestrian travel should be included in all large development projects. Bike paths are encouraged in high demand corridors. Boat travel should be introduced for em- ployment trips as well as for leisure. Increase in the use of other modes of transportation will diminish the need for further investment ,n arterial streets and expressways. Circulation of Non -Automotive Vehicular and Pedestrian Traffic Objective: — Develop a system of routes for non -motor- ized transportation to encourage the use of non -motorized modes and provide for the safety of these modes. This objective applies to special districts such as the Government Center, Civic Center and Downtown, where special pedestrian networks are proposed. In addition certain street improvements will enhance existing pedestrian areas. Off -Street Parking Objective: — Foster the provision of adequate vehicular parking facilities throughout tne City con- sistent witn parking demand but provided in quantities and at locations to facilitate the orderly growth of the City. This objective applies to both public parking in lots and garages as well as private parking controls. The impiication of the objective includes use of public powers to control parking where it occupies too much !and or where tnere rs inadequate supply. It aiso implies actual public participation in narking garages or lots at high demand areas. Downtown and Little Havana are areas in great need of a clear oarking program ana plan. Other retail strips require both off-street and on -street parking. ?3 Mass Transit Objectives: — Provide a mass rapid transit system which serves the highest gemana corridor north through the Model Cities area, south in the Dixie Highway corridor. — Provide a mass rapid transit system which inks nigh employment centers. — Provide a rapid transit distribution system in Downtown and in other hign density areas. These are 'iocai components of the regional transit plan. In addition to these objectives, the City should carefully consider the impact of transit on the community. Redevelopment potential at sta- tions and environmental impact objectives are the local response to :his regional facility. Port and Aviation Objectives: — Continue the growth of Miami's Port aria Airport. — Provide good access by all transportation modes to the Port and Airport. Although these areas are not the responsibility of the City, their continuing grcwtn is of major im- portance to the City and the region. Good trans- portation access to the port and airport should oe the local objective associated with growth of these regional facilities. Utilities Element Objectives: — Provide sanitary sewer collection systems throughout the City. — Provide sanitary sever treatment fac cities to adequately treat sewage. — Provide :-eater supply and distribution sys- tems througnout tne City to meet potabie and fire flow !water demands. — Provide aaeauate storm sewers throughout the City. — Minimize pollution of the Miami River, drain- age canals aro major surface 'water bodies, caused oy storm rater runoff. These objectives apoiy to ooth the environmentally sensitive riverfrcnt and cayfront areas and the west- ern parts of the City which still have no sanitary sewers. Storm drainage is needed in higher density areas where there are large amounts of paved land. Inter -Governmental Coordination Objectives: — Adopt regional plan object yes in areas ot Coastal Managernent, \Hater Qua;ity Plan- ning and Transportation. — Maintain continuing coordination with Dade County agencies in implementation of this Plan. — Coorainate programs Irvoive ..,se of City fac:rites ana n,gner 'eve; _government programs. The Miami Comprehensive Negnborhood Plan should incnrocrate region& objectives .4vnere they affect the over ,,l neaith, satery and vve,fare ot resi- 'Jents of Daje County In arras ,vnere tnere urn; con- ctiny goeis between City and suourbs such as 'conomic development, there SnoUia be ,rood coor- dination between regiunai government and the City. The Comprehensive Plan snout.] serve as a contin- uing venc:e o• interaovernment coordination, The Capital Program, tne zoning ordinance, anti tne Community Development Program will require co- ordination in the implementation of Miami's Plan. 19 3.0 ELEMENTS OF THE PLAN 3.1 HOUSING AND RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOODS ELEMENT This eierrent ;s _1;v ,lrc ;teals with the rive nt:sill,-In cerne, borhoou. •th housiH,1 strategies are proposed housing and a suitable income grouns- HOUSING MARKET Introduction parts. The f.rst irket at'„ ,tS'ei, I 'rat halt dnd neighbor'';ood in order to provide adequate lying environment for all This section outlines relationships between the chances and characteristics of supply and demand for Housing. it aescribes the, fitness between tne existing supply and .:errand as well as the capacity of the housing market to satisf'✓ future demand. It is from such a d:aanosis uf the condition of the Miami housing markets that strategies may be for- mulated to achieve objectives an:: meet the heeds ot the City's future population. Summary The existing stock of Miami is in good condition, with only 2°'0 of the total in need ot major repair or dilapidated with these being primarily concen- trated in a few isolated pockets. Given the cost of new housing construction, one c` the City's most valuable resources is its existing housing stock. Tne major problem related to housing ;s not condition, but cost. The housing costs in Miami are fourth nighest in the Nation and less than ,30% of the pop- ulation can afford to buy a single family home today. The outcome of high housing costs has been an excessive overcrowding and overpayment. Accord- ing to the 1970 Census, 40% of the population paid more than 25% of their income for rent and 20% lived in units with more than 1.1 persons per room. While the housing market has produced an over- supply of high income concomin,ums, its ac;i t•. to Produce affordable miuule •nc..)me, as ;ye moderate to low income huising, had .:ecredsert with increasing fin„nc:nr r;_;sts cor.str!,,c;i;:r• costs, and :and costs. The severe need or low income nousing in the region is reelected ry the fact teat there are still 21,000 acolicants on tne waiting list for public housing. However, of the 10,329 public assisted nousing units in Dade County, 60% are located within the City and most of tnese are con- centrated in a few 'locations north of the i�1;ami 21 River. The inability of those who work in the City to find housing here is exemplified by the fact that 66% of those who work in the City live elsewhere in the County. The 1975 population estimate for the City of Miami is 352,000. Population projec- tions to 1986 range from 368,000 to 398,000. If this growth is a continuation of the trends of the oast five years, the City can expect to house fewer of the region's mida!e class and more of the very rich and very poor. To meet this housing crisis, the City nas recently passes a S25 million nousing bond program. HOUSING SUPPLY In this section the housing s_Apply of the City of Miami is analyzed in a four -step process. First, gen- eral housing characteristics are discussed. Second, trends for various housing markets are reviewed. Both Quantitative and locationai changes are de- scribed for each housing type. Third, major hous- ing problems resuiting from trends and specific characteristics of the housing markets are analyzed. The final step describes the quantity, quality and location of pubiic and publicly -subsidized housing. Housing Submarkets Housing in the South Florida Area can be described from one of two points of view: investment categor- ies or housing types. There are three basic invest- ment categories. First, the primary housing market is the most predictable and quantifiable. It responds tc and houses the stable population of the region. Second, the secondary housing market or vacation nomes, whicn responds to pressures from out-of- state residents and less to those from tne region itself. Third, the speculative housing market, which usually responds with less accuracy to either the growth of the region's population or a potential in- crease from out-of-state residents in owning a secondary home in South Florida. Consequently, it becomes extremely difficult to describe housing dynamics when much of the housing activity in an area responds to trends in the national economy or tc the desires of investors who are Iittle concerned with the needs and changes of the resident popula- tion. The second metncd of describing housing in South Florida is more appropriate although much more simplistic. It merely answers the question of what is the nousing like, and not why it got to be like this. It relies on techniques of observation and not 22 prediction. In this case, the housing markets are identified as belonging to one of the three general categories: single family detached, duplex, and multi -family. The housing submarket description further refines the above method. It supplements the three housing types with the foilowing variables: — Cost — Tenure — Structural C;assification — Age — Condition — Location Housing submarkets are descriptions of the fine- tuned differences and similarities whicn a house- hold may find within tne City of Miami's housing stock. It emphasizes tne effect of geographical differences upon the cost, condition and tenure of the three housing types. Probably the most im- portant facet of the housing submarket descrip- tion is its underlying premise which addresses resi- dential choice and location decisions. It resuits in a consideration for a series of environmental varia- bles which transcend both investment and general housing type categories. The housing submarket description forms a fasis tor understanding the rela- tionships between the "local" housing dynamics and the population it serves. Residential Values Low Moderate Medium Medium High High Rental Ranges Two Bedroom Three Bedroom (S) 25,000 ($) 28,000 35,000 39,000 38,000 41,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 75,000 Studio 1 Bedroom Low (S)80-100 ($)115-130 Moderate 100-120 125-150 Medium 115-135 140-160 Medium High 130-150 165-250 High 145-170 185-350 2 Bedroom (S)125-1 75 150-190 190-230 220-270 240-500 Source: Miami City Planning Department update of Census. Cost The high level of demand for housing in the Miami Area, coupled with inadequate supplies of most types of dwellings, has resulted in extraordinary nigh housing costs. Metropolitan Miami had the highest median rent of 14 mayor cites surveyed by the 1970 Census, surpassing the national aver- age by 35%. The median home value for Dade County ,vas S19,098 'n 1970, 10"e above the national average. Costs ot housing in the City of Miami are somewhat lower than for the region as a s,vnoie. le 1970, Mi- ami home values averages S16,720, or 87% of tne regional average. Similarly, average rents tor the City were Si 14 or 84°0 of me regional average. Al- though rousing costs are somewhat lower in Mi- ami, income levels are even lower, representing any 79"!, et 1970 Dr; e County Mecaan Income. Thus, overpayment e,r eousing has peen rrore critical in the City ,r Miami than for the region. Indications are teat housing costs continue to rise faster than income. Average housenoid eftective buying income rose 6.4% in Dade County between 1970 and 1974. Housing prices no,vever, increased some 50% •.uring the same period. Tenure Following a trend in consumer ,.;errand away from single family dwellings nas been a significant change in the tenure characteristics of the housing stock, While 47 % cf Miami's households owned dwellings in 1960, by 1970 the proportion had decreased to 35%. New ferns of tenure, principally condomini- ,rn ownership has to some extent, reinforced the proportion ot owners in 'Miami although this sector of the market is presently relatively weak. Type Following local as well as regional housing market trends, Miami has experienced shifts in the distribu- tion of dwelling types. In 1960 single family dwer- lings represented 51% while multi -family units had grown to 38%. At present, single family dwellings represent approximately 414% of the housing stock while :upex and multi -family anits represent 11% and 48% respectively. Miami's housing is constructed to two basic mazer. als. ,vooe tr;rne and stucco -faced concrete block !CBS! In 1965, 28% of the noosing stock was wood -name, built or tee most part prior to 1930. Areas n cn i.voc_ t'ar,e no s:ng remain eeclucie Central Miami, Leman C,t`., Coconut Grove, and Silver 3i..oe. Tee rema,ning 72 ; was masonry construe tion. Buildings made of stucco -'aced structural tile are located in some areas ,z..e.ocer or to 1930. However, most masonry constriction since 1930 was concrete block. Age Compared with the housing stock on the South Fiorida Region, Miami's housing is relatively old. In 1970, 30% cf Miami's 'Housing was more than thirty years old. Only 15% of Dade County's hous- ing .was in this category. Comprising this portion of the housing stock are those remaining wood `rame dweillngs particularly susceptible to deter - oration. Among tne ,dwellings built since 1940, those n,ts built between 1950 and 1959 represent the argest proportion ot the present stuck_ T'us reflects the 1950's construction Doom. Condition Miami's housing stock is in relatively,' sound condi- tion compared with cities or comoarabie size. How - aver, a large proportion of tie region's ,::eterorateo and ailapidateci dwellings are within the City of Miami. Miami's Community Renewal Program estimated the number of defective units as fo+lows: 1960-14,500 units 1965-22,900 units 1967-20,500 units The reduction of housing problems after 1965 was due principally to urban renewal, expressway con- struction and code enforcement. In 1972, Dade County's Community Improvement Program noted a 5% deficiency in the countv's !rousing stock. Tiro highest concentration ot housing problems were found in Central Miami (NDP 3), Downtown (R-10), and in Central Model Cities, TRENDS Construction Activity Since 1960 over 34,000 dwelling units have beer built in the City of Miami. During this Period the Miami housing market, like that of otner metro- politan areas, has experienced shifts in consumer preferences and in their abilities to absorb the ris- ing costs of housing. As a result of rapidly increas- ing land and constriction costs, construction of single family homes has declined dramatically white multi -family development nas expanded ,n most areas of the City. The shifting orientation ot 23 the market for new housing is reflected in the fol- lowing distribution of construction permits. Percentage of All New Units Single Family Duplex Multi -Family 1960 18% 17% 65% 1965 1970 1974 7.5% 4.5% 3.89'0 15.5% 14.5% 14.7% 72% 81% 81.5% Demolition Activity while more than 34,000 units have been construc- ted since 1960, the demolition of nearly 13,000 units during the same period offsets the increase considerably. Thus, the net increase was 21,000 units or approximately 17% of the 1960 housing stock. Urban renewal programs and expressway con- struction were responsible for a large proportion of the demolition activity during the 196O's. However, an additional factor has Peen the gradual conver- sion of older residential areas to higher density resi- dential uses. In many areas of the City cemolition of single family and duplex dwellings facilitated the expansion of multi -family developments. To a Lesser extent, conversions of singe family to du- plex units has occurred in areas zoned R-2. Distribution of Demolition Activity 1960-1975 Single Family 54% Duplex 1390 ,Multi -Family 33% Considered together, aemoiition and construction activity accounts for the varying rates of change for the three dwelling types. Net Change in the Housing Stock Single Family Duplex Muiti-Family Total Stock 1960-1970 1970-1975 -5% -3% 14% 14% 28% 20% 10% 9% The elements of housing change have caused an ad- justment of the net distribution of housing types towara a predominance of multi -family dwellings. Thus, tre Miami housing market, faced with rising costs and a diminishing suppiy of undeveloped land has responded by recycling certain residential areas to higher densities. This trend and others more Io- caily-oriented must be evaluated in terms of im- pacts on environmental quality, demands for open space and other services, as well as problems of 24 overcrowding, overpayment and housing quality. Distribution of the Miami Housing Stock 1960 Single Family 51.390 Duplex 10.5% Multi -Family 38.2% 1965 1970 1975 48.0% 44.39'0 41% 10.8% 1 1 ,0% 11% 41 2% 44.7% 48% If present trends continue it is estimated that 56% of the housing stock in 1986 ,vill be multi -family, while single family and duplex will represent 32% and 1290 respectively. The theoretical housing capa- city of the City of Miami according to the present zoning classifications is 245,200 dwellings. This represents a potential increase of 75% over the present housing stock. 1975 Single Family 57,300 (41%) Duplex 16,000 (11 °0) Multi -Family 66,326 (48%) Zoned Capacity 35,601 (14.5%) 51,069 (20.8%) 158,529 (64.7%) A comparison of the present distribution and the zoned or potential distribution of dwelling types indicates that there are more than 20,000 single family units precently existing in areas zoned for higher densities. At the nigh 1966-67 rate of demo- lition it would take more than 20 years to recycle all of these areas to nigher densities. Duplex units and other attached dwelling types such as townhouses and patio homes have the po- tential to increase more tnan threefold. The realiza- tion of this possibility becomes more logical as the middle income owner market is gradually excluded from the singie family market due to rising costs. The volume of any given year's South Florida hous- ing market can differ substantiaiiy from ar.y other year. This is perhaps the most complex housing mar- ket in the country witn demand for residential units coming from many sources, including worker -headed households, empty nesters, retirees, young singles, seasonal residents, speculator -investors, foreigners and others. Characteristically, the Miami Area's housing market has followed a "boom or oust" pattern. This is typical for areas of very ign growth (i.e. net in - migration) where the suppiy sector's mentality is conditioned by endless profits in good times leading to extensive overbuilding such as is now being ex- perience,d :n Soetlii Florida) follower; ny cnronic undersuppiy i_,f residential snorter (which we may yet see beginning in 19771978) Those areas of ;he City experiencing the most dra- matic evidence of residential activity are along the nign-amenity Value odyshcre. Undoubtedly, (liven the normative supply -demand pressures associated iwith market equii,bnum, when the market aces recover, these trends will continue, Already slated for .ar;e-Scale 3eveiooment are several projects o` not inc:acing P'aza Veneta on the ncrtriiside o� the Downtown Area and Claughton Is,an i, adjacent to the Central Business District on Its so'.,tnsi,.e. Other resiaentiai development within t'n, Cite 'e- mains spotty, owing to 3eneraii,/ arsent large- scaie land 'l hire rene:e!OCm nt .;Ours occur rein,er tnr)IJgh or private auspices) no significant patterns of such activity nave evi- ,1enced tnemseives to .ate. T'‘.ere are, no.vever, Isolated examples of apartment constr',ction at in- ano Locations, dspeCially In CJCOnut Grove anu "Little Havana." Fut.,re patterns of residential development within the City rnli undoubtedly be influenced by con- straints on continued suburban expansion in Dade County's.vester-n edges. The recently introuuceo county master plan estacllsnes stringent controls and, if foliow,ved to the letter, will Inhibit deveicP- ment In outlying areas over the ''ong term. However, there is a ...erg' substantial amount of oronert/ not affected by the master plan cur: s and, indeed, severai large-scale projects are either underway in the area or have receives: acorovals for construc- t!On ',Vh:ch an begin shorty. HOUSING PROBLEMS SYNTHESIS The Housing Problems Synthesis is a orapnic de- scription or tnose areas in the City ofJMiami which have the most severe housing problems. These are areas where tnere is evidence of a high rate of 3 single or combination �f any of the `oilowinc :lush :r.)b,errsi — T.erc. ;w Ting erpa,ment — Deteri prat' .Jn Overcrowding Ti-e, oo,o. atlon ]f Miami between 1960 and 1970 experienced s''yni i scant : emoaraphic change due prir^aril', to the Cucan ,n-migration and changes n the age iiistricution ct the population. In con- trast to r atiorim and refponal trends luring this 'OU, the median househpid size Increased from 2.64 to 2.73 persons per However, during the same r;er the me: ,sir jige at .'wellings In Miami decrease:1 by 10'; from 3.9 to 3 5 rooms per unit. These two coril:ct,nn trends era responsible tor exacernating the problem of overcrowding. Between 1960 and 1970 the number of overcrowded units increased 122°'0. ',,Nhereas in 1960 acoroxi- mately 10°5 at the !lousing stock was overcrowded, today that percentage has doubled. Overpayment Clcseiy related to the proolem of overcrowding is overpayment -or musing. Criteria or overpayment is 25'0 of montniy income for rental housing anct t;Jice the ',eary ;-,some for owned housing. b'Jhiie �ttle rehab e Cata s aVali„Cle s0 dS to o;noolnt the ex tent of the aror.iem, it can be assumed tnat in- `latlonar'/ pressures combined iwith Miami's tradi- tionally nign nuSt Of noosing has forced many resi- _ients to overextend themselves in securing housing, As eviden;,a, median rents in Miami nave Increased faster than n ,than income-47''o as compared to between 1960 ind 1970. the median value of owned units increased somewhat more slowly at 27.5'', a significant inflationary period for single, `amily housing occurred •Turing the early 1970's, In Dade County, prices for single family homes in- creased almost 50% oetween 1970 and 1975, com- pared to a 20% rise in income. Tn;s widening lap has forced many middle income housenolas out of the single family market in addition tJ contrlouting to cvercrowciine ano overpayment. At ^resent, .ess than 304'% of ail Dade Co -unity onse olds can e":n a new single family nome.� Deterioration The fast U.S. Census information on the condition o* housing was :n 1960. This was due not to 3 les- sening in the importance of such qualitative measures as condition, but in an increasing difficulty in mea- suring and, furthermore, in agreement on the criteria used for measurement. Nevertheless, condition is too critical an inclicator to bypass. Canseaue'-,tiy iW0 Inae3pennent'rJIn(snle l surveys IIave tn'erl c('rl ducted. T-'.e first ',vi-fs a Cursory survey ,insnjnrH !Jpdate and snntct eck tine Commur1it'v lrn rl,vcrn, iii Program's B ght Survey, a 1970 itr srrilt fur✓ey i.rr Dade County. "The Survey conauctea by the Neicgnborhocd Re- nabifitaticn Branch of Little H✓v'D, consisted of visual exterior inspection of housing units and en- vironmental qualities such as street condition, and 25 either sound, deteriorated or dilapidated. Sound housing units are free of major structural defects and require nothing more than normal mainten- ance. Deteriorating units have one defective pri- mary structural characteristic (foundation, walls, roof) or several defective secondary structural com- ponents (porches, stairs, doors, windows, chimneys, gutters and paint). More than routine maintenance is necessary to put a deteriorating structure into sound condition. A dilapidated structure has two or more defective primary characteristics or major defects in one primary component and several secondary components."5 Similarly to the CIP survey, the two indicators of substandard housing, deteriorating and dilapidated, were combined into the category of ".deteriorated housing." As a result, the severity of housing con- dition problems by tract are measured not by the degree of the problem but by the frequency by which these appear in a given area. The second windshield survey is a land use survey for the City of Miami. This survey forms both a new data base and a more refined "test" for the past surveys dealing with housing condition. With only 2% of the housing stock in deteriorated conditions, housing condition is not the main hous- ing issue in the City of Miami. PUBLIC AND PUBLICLY SUBSIDIZED HOUSING There are two forms of housing subsidies available for eleerly and low -moderate income families in the City of Miami. The first type is public housing. The public housing program rents units to low in- come families and eiderly individuals who earn less than $5,700 annually. Public housing units are owned or leased by Metropolitan Dace County De- partment of Housing and Urban Development or by the Hialeah, Homestead, or Miami Beach housing authorities. In contract, subsidized housing is privately owned. The subsidyb usually takes one of three forms: 1. A mortgage subsidy to low -moderate income families earning less than $8,700 enabling them to buy homes valued to $24,000. The subsidy may also take the form of a "below market interest rate" to deveiopers who rent units at specific rent levels set by the federal government. 26 2. A "rent supplement" to low and moderate income families earning less than $6,600 an- nually. The rent supplement will make up the difference between what the family can affora to pay (25% of their monthly income) and the rent of the unit. 3. A guaranteed occupancy level by the Federal government to an investor who either builds or makes available an existing structure to low and moderate income families. Location Most of the 10,329 public and publicly -subsidized Housing units ;n Dade County are iocated within the City of Miami. Most of these are concentrated in the Model Cities, Little River, Eoison Park, Alla- pattah, Culmer and Rivers Edge areas. With present housing goals espousing a deconcentration of assisted families, future housing subsidies Niil not only need to be decentralizeo but, also, fairly distributed throughout the County. An objective which could be contemplated by the City of Miami could be to house a more equitable snare of the region's sub- sidized housing instead of their present snare of 60%. Condition Public housing projects oult within the last decade are in relatively good condition. It is interesting to note that tne "concrete monsters" reminiscent of late '40's and early '50's public housing, are privately owned. These buildings are almost ,v thout excep- tion deteriorated and poorly maintained. Unfor- tunately, these buildings are often associated with public nousing. Generally the public housing units in 'Mami, built for families are low-rise or town- house developments which provide adequate open space, security and comfort. Public nousing units for the elderly surpass the condition of the latter. These are normally housed in high-rise structures adjacent to the Miami River or to large public open spaces. HOUSING DEMAND Housing demand to 1986 is estimated in a two- step process. First, total housing demand is cal- culated based on excected pooulation growth and household characteristics. Second, the quantities and types of required new units are determined by relating tne following market determinations: 1986 gross demand, present housing stock, estimated an- nual demolitions and conversions and estimated market capture rate by housing type. Refinement of housing aemand information will take place In a third step which will analyze demand/supply data by cost, income, size and location as data becomes available. Estimates of future housing demanc are inevitably based on assumctons concerning t'ne rate, charac- teristics arc; impacts of growth. In order to account for the ,.vide ran_;e of possible rutgyres, t is necessary to utilize a.terndt've estimates of crlticai aemanc _:eterminants. Resulting Is 3 reasonao'.e range ,�f housing oemancis attributed to':ar.auons among past tren.:s. 'However, a "7'uale range" 1986 noou- ation estimate 380,000 s taken es a Ji en In this orel,m;rare . eman, esttrlate. add; tlrr, t'le need for lio.isinil will be est:mated. Need, In contract to market .lemani, is heavily ,Ae.gnteu oy tr e Clr✓ oJ;rq ;oafs and n)leco'.es. T'.e t'e Cit/ of Miami to- ,^.,arS such. „s ;I_IrSt3nnar. :-(,using, conCen- .rauon ..noise, etc. Ali, uit,mateiy I l',JenCe both try; .'e'in,t'on 3PC mayrit'u.:e of the need for housing Isee :riteria for :o isl•l,i reeds). A th,iugi', nee , n ,s Context vll rater to thr? .,n/ an". m,aerate !nc-r•,e, t could tne0ret,C3 iv m'i3C!e :rd „pber in- come tamllles tne ;etlnit'On (): hol_alr:qgoals ,vere also ntcrecte,_i, .e., ba,ancea non, ..e',elopment of inner .ir-os, etc.' POPULATION GROWTH rrerlr-,,s dr M,:lmi are'unlclue':Ue n: s,gn,ir ,:n.r 0ri Jens3T n-f7li,r3ti n Dartct., T ;. ary ,:'d't l-._�:)ire .. ?S. � `eLu'it .irtlTlCl.ii :-creases .- U:UIt`;' 0t estlma- tl: C7 '1 tJrr tra Ir 7c:: , %taml 's _.nicu ode toI n un, rt, re• re- elri r the llgn �.r„ o.. ��n of ,;r ,; .e .•:h!cn trans- :ates into ,ewer natural ncrease as well as n oh rr oorti rl 3t one and A' o rers,:.'1 355..,[ ,•?f: i9i�b hoc , t or 380:200 reore- s ht.s -7 1.3 bier '' 1970 335,000. -e 19E6 e: ilnl3t -he rr-n•'; tt.tv-;lr 'r',':itn rates. rr;,Tl •ne 38(3,000 O30. .,r?!1 •S sub- :�ltc. irl•'St. Tlat?o. 5120 ers ns . ; sco ,, arou0 3r, rs. r^,I .;n:, 4,000 persons are ',nose HOJSEHOLD GROWTH RATES MI.tml 5?cte it cs...' e,, n,hue'.'I.ltivr' to he region .,._;e 7.L7 sgrowth rate (12''U1 combated 'rntr that of COPu at,Jn (1 5').). T'lls s a counter; 'or by t' e snort- term overcrowded con- dit;c ns resu t, ,a from mass,veCuban. in•migration. In tr,a 1960-1970 r •-.er-o.l, the nAcusero,d size .;ropoeC from 3.0 t: 2.9 n Dade County, reflecting regional H,:,e':er, .he rat_. or Miami :ncreasec from 2.64 to 2.73 : r. , .-e _arse peso , although evl. deuce 'indicates tr.at the •ate actl.a!:v Peaked in 1965 at 2.36 at the ' el3ht of tre C..iban influx. Due to tr.s reiat,veiv unoroict3b;e nfluence, :t is dif- 'cu.t to estimate a rate at ,vnicn bouseno!c size will -normalize.' tow,3ri:: ::vwer 'e'eis. For Corrputa- tiCn ourooses, three .i,t.. ai.IVC nausenoic size fac- tors .are ...sec to est,matj the number of nousenolus ,n 1985. Persons in Number of Households Household Sizes Households 374,300 2.7 (present size) 138,500 2.e (moderate dec,,ne) 144,000 2.5 (major decline) 149,720 VACANCY RATES A. significant n,biem Lacing the C,t•/ of % am. s the fa.,ure to satst, ,ncreasinl sernanc: for housing caused prlmoriiy .' niyr rates of in•hnigrati ;n. Dur- ing the peroo hero een 1960 ana 19-70, Miami's copulation ,r, 'i i.c;•,sl„er;ibiv 'astir than the supply, OI 1,^reslings This .er^ur1C!,'Sdp:'Iv lap IS ;n,_d'c,lted ny trends In ne ocC'-,panCV ch.uraCte'rIStICS of the 'c1011slflrJ Vacancy Rates 1960— 10 i r') 1965— 6.7' 1970— 2.59'3 4owever, .71urng the earlk, 1970's housing growth exceeded t ooulatlon growth, oue n part t0 3 rabid exrars,on of the condominium rnarKet. Growth Rates Population Housing 1960-1970 :'J 1970_-1973 4.5% 6.0% The boom of the early 1970's was foiiowea cy a stump in the 1973-1974 ceriod and continues to a 27 considerable extent to tne present. As a result, !ow vacancy rates indicative of unmet demand for dwel- lings other than condominiums remains a central concern. le addition, a reorientation of the market seems to be occurring as a result of tne soiraling costs of single famiiy homes. Middle income buyers have failed to keep pace with inflationary pressures, thereby being forced into the rental market. Vile demand is high for most unit types, condominiums are presently overbuilt, forcing sales pace reductions and conversions to rental units. In estimating de- mand tor 1986, two vacancy rates were Jseci the present 2.5 rate assuming a continued tight market and 5.0, assuming a normalization trena. The fol- lowing gross housing aemana estimates are produced by incorporating the alternative vacancies into the estimates of households. Gross Housing Demand High Medium Low 157,000 units 149,500 units 142,000 units Required Additional Units The number of required new units is estimated by calculating the exoected impact of demolitions and conversions on the present stock and measuring the gap between the remaining stock and the 1986 estimated demand. The alternative estimates of re- quired new units are then distributed among alter- native housing types through a percentage estimate of total market capture. Net Supply Single -Family Duplex Multi -Family Total 1973 Stack 57.367 41% 16,016 1 1.5% 66,326 47.5% 139,709 Demo- lit,ons -6,000 5% -1.800 15% -4,200 35% -12,000 Cower- sions -1,000 +2,000 +1.000 +2.000 Net Supply 50.367 16.216 63,126 129,709 New Units Required High Medium Low 1986 Gross Demand 157,300 Net Suoory 129,709 149,500 '42,000 129,709 '29.709 1986 Net Demana 27,291 19,791 12.291 29 Distribution by Type Percent High Medium Low Single Family Duplex MuIti•Family 3% 819 594 369 .1% 3,821 2.771 1,721 53% 22,651 16,426 10,201 Total 100% 27,291 19,791 12291 1985 Estimated Stock High Medium Low Sin91e Family Duplex Muttt•Famtly 51.'86 20.037 35.777 33% 50,961 13% 18,987 55% 79.552 34% 50,736 36% 13% 17,937 13% 53% 73,327 52% Total 157,000 149,500 142,000 Need for Low and Moderate Income Families There are 21,000 families on Dade County's Public Housing waiting list. In 1970 there were 16,000 fam- ilies in the City earning less than $5000 annually. In addition, aperoximately 41,000 families in the City of Miami are eligible for some tyre of public subsidy. The high proportion of tow and moderate income families becomes a oroblem ,vnen analyzed in the context of the cost of nousing in Miami. It is al- most impossible for low and moderate income fami- lies to comoete for housing in the private market without overpaying, overcrowding or both. In the areas of Central Miami and Little Havana, wnere a major proportion of the tow and moderate income families live, more than 50% of tne Households are overpaying for housing. The only that these fami- lies can close tne gap between what they can afford and what tne units rent for, is througn some form of subsidy. However, there are only 10,329 public and publicly - subsidized housing projects in the region. This amount accounts for 2% of the county's housing stock and 'or 4% of the City's nousing stock. This not only identifies a nousing shortage for the 'ow and moderate income families cut a concentration of tnese fami- lies in the City of Miami as well as a lack of croice in the unincoreorateo areas of the county. There are numerous instances In areas throughout Central Mi- ami wnere more than 15% of the population is nousea ,n ouoiic housing wnite only 13% of the City's population can quaiify. This illustrates the over concentration of Public -assisted housing within the City. However, approximately 33% of the City's households could qualify for a housing subsidy. In 1976, oniy 2,271 public and publicly -subsidized ,Jnl is are programmed for the C,ty or Miami. The same amount .v+II be aloc.a*ed throug;h-;u: the rest of the count.° These 'ants l be 'u idea urCer the bock grants or the new Housing and Commun- tv Development Act of 1974. The Jnits nrcgram- mec for t•;e Cit..DT ?'',Idm, are :r_.:te_. t e nortn- '.vest Portion or the C,ty. The oil.; 'c\ceou'on •s an elderly housing project. ,n fna e; ,ck Grove. area. These allocations arc vlell pelt)" the need of tre 0'fJ ano rnodcratC income 'ern lies in. tre City of �,1iaml. Program Sec:1'0n3I#AP,n 4 x,5tuiy Hnurenq Section 3 HAr' New Construction C.;nvent'.unui Pub ,ccuaed ,iurinq CD leer C...nver;twna, Pub- '•,c t-tuus,r-. IC; be Jr:�,er ,.nYrJC- du• ^.3 C3 year Cunt', ur.ded Home Ownersn,p P';gr3rn Location Elderly Family t'r.,v,!.,,rr,r,trc, 35u 150 \I'N. 3rd '+vcnn? .;noetetr. urea 450 530 \W .07St Rd. 3 N 1 1 Ih St. 1C4 7,, N. 2`d Ave. ' soth St N7/V 7th Ave. St 10rh St. 3rd Ave. Si 20th St. N.W. 5th Ave. 3t 6rn Sr. N ''h Ave. loin Street 30 100 32 24 151 145 50 85 Total 500 50 950 104 112 124 151 145 50 85 oats 1,124 7,737 2,271 T ne Citv of �'1!a r.l, in cooperation :vltn Dade Count;' Department Ho, s;na end yeah Deve.opment, have :c Search 7cr he'.v r ns state and ocai ...Ds. air;_ -.`•e `ia s ' . and moderate .h• .... '. ' I ousen'. d.J are a" cresse3. HOUSING PROGRAMS Housing Maintenance ll,-tms ror .mainta:nin,i and improving the are ,united to ;urveiliance and periodic or systemat c cone enforcement, be- low market rate renao. ,tat cn .cans `or residents with low .ncomes and renaci 'tat,on ]rants for hous- ing the elder]'✓ and nanc!cacpea C:Her pronrams re- lated to hoes nq maintenance :nvoavmg both public ana orvate resources are suggested ,n addition to existing programs. T ,ese are nr;mar,ly aimed at assist- :ntg and promoting 'selt•heip' and include such Programs .is, ror examnie, maintenance counselin; art , '?,ducat] Win, ''.^Jr,ereoy one earns eq,.,it, in a norne ,:v making imc_rovemerts :o t1, technical and volunteer assistance, b'ul'iding rrlater'als Cooperatives and mop'iie too, oan programs. Below rnarKet rate home improvement 'pans and otner tecnnlaues aime,t1 at ; inanc:al assistance are also ��se Ir CnCOL,r,zc,;nq nCustn(l malnzendree in addition, reUUCL'�;r, re ter;y :ostS In PIJI,,ti t1 ;)neratinr, can _'reate 'u1i s to Se_1 maintenance . ,r• poses. Incet�t.�';es Can Pe ievelooea 'Ur ad.mtin;; energy improvements on a structure in, exchange or 4 guaranreed reinvestment in the Overall Ir'r;nr.,vt-!- rnent 01 the 1.;1.1lli3i'1 : or' 'ne he,,gi ui•hVJa aS well While energy corservatiiI2n and management ,,re c,:r- rent'iv not required -under State ,Calslatloll, u'ey are being Ponsirdervo as well as are re'JISIorS to the Building Codes i'.ere ,,ndue ener-;y consumption warrants it. Home Ownership Aitnougn 'usually recognized as an incentive to the maintenance of housing conoition as .ve!i as stable neianbornoocs, Present programs to encourace home ownership are !imitea. In Florida, unlike most otner states, a State Horne Finance Agercv r as not yet Peen rati•Hea. S;m:iari'y, horn .);lne r. snip Programs are v,rtUal-v non-existent ar .have.,• ab;e to those ,vho need Inem most. mace County nas recency. Instituted an innovative second rnort- jage subsidy program, However, funds are i,mited and, therefore, it is no longer operational. High Rish Home Loans "'v any 'enc:in,7 nstirt;tions are 'relICt40t t', glVe mortgage ',oars n exist:nog ,3i,7er Liman ne,gnoor- ncoas, ,ar f !pans are made, it is at a nigher cost. Tills practice, termed red -lining' s justified tv .ending nst:tutlons an the grounds that these are nigh risk areas. Loan preferences are •n the hewer suburban areas. The effects of red-' , ;no, nowever, can Pe a cata,yst in neighborhood 3eC',ne. Fesinents can help to prevent rec-i,ning py supporting those 29 financial institutions which make loans in their com- munity, by working with banks to promote lending as part of a neignborhood housing services program, by demanding a fair -share of public services and by maintaining the neighborhood in good condition. In addition, though there are presently no programs for high risk home loans, a loan fund could be es- tablishes for areas considered to be hign risk by lending institutions anG couid be administered by Public or private concerns. Slum Clearance and Relocation Only a very small proportion of the Housing stock in the City of Miami is dilapidated (i.e., characterized by extensive structural defects to the roof, wails, foundation or load -bearing elements). Dilapidated structures are classified as those 'whicn would be in- feasible to rehabilitate and coincide with the Federal urban renewal category of "structures sub -standard to a degree requiring clearance," Areas consisting of dilapidated structures are not oniv physically dan- gerous, but also often narbor very serious social and economic orobiems. Slum clearance typically in- volves the use of renewal powers including acquisi- tion, condemnation, and relocation assistance. Cur- rently, the only avawiabie funding source for slum clearance and relocation is through the Federal Community Development Program. Public -Assisted Housing Present public assisted nousing orograms are pri- manly limited to "Section 8" rent subsidy programs. Low and moderate Income residents of tne City of Miami are fortunate in that recently a S25 minion housing oond was passe. This bone'will be Jsed nmarlr , as eaulty for County revenue bonds which in turn 'Awl be ssea to cuild Feceral'ly-assisted "Section 8" rousing. AlEthe nousing resulting from this bona issue will be buiit in the City and will be owner and operated by the County. The ^ous,nn goal for the `first year .s oetween 1000 and 1500 ;nits. HOUSING MARKET STRATEGIES The solution to housing orobiems for tne City of Miami is reglonai anro requires national, state and ocal orcgrarrs. The strategies address the City-wide ,cal oof nrovioing ader,:ate rousing 'or ..ture residents ;f .re City. Botn new invest- 30 ment and reinvestment are required. 1. Maintain the Quality of the Existing Housing Stock. This strategy requires existing programs, such as code enforcement and rehabilitation :oans and grants, as well as new programs related to Neighborhood Management and Tax Abatement for home mainten- ance and Improvement. 2. Provide Direct Public Assistance for Housing. This strategy requires existing financial assistance programs ("Section 8") and the City's housing bond Program as well as new programs, such as mortgage subsidies •.vnicn would oecome available through the croposea State rtous:ng Finance Agency, and direct construction subsidies wnicn would become available through the br000sed constitutional amendments for Tax Increment Financing and Tax Abatement. 3. Avoid Concentrations of Publicly -Assisted Housing. Considerations for future public 'rousing locations vithin the County should be cased on an evaluation of its impact on the surrounding area as weil as its proximity to future job markets. Provisions should be made to ensure the fair share distribution of low and moderate income rousing throughout the County. The City should not become the receptor for low income families in the region. Criteria for Public Assisted Housing Site Evaluation A 325 million housing bond program recently passed in the City of Miarni has brought forth the issue of tne location of public assisted 'housing. In order to develop a rational system for the evaluation and ac- ",uisition for housing sites, as well as to include en- vironmental considerations into the site selection process, the following criteria are proposed. 1. Does the site conform to the Land Use Plan? 2. Wiil it over -impact the area with public assisted nousing? 3. it be an incentive for further private devel- .Dpmenti 4. XII it oe a dis-incentive for `urther private de- Jeicpment? 5. Can it be adequately served oy present services and facilities? o. Is it located near existing bubiic transit? 7, Is it located near a proposed. rapid transit station? 8. Is it located near an employment center? 9. Is it in or near a high amenity area? 10. Is It within a major airport roise zone? 11. Is it in a high crime area? 12. Is it u';rthin ,3 community which wants public assisted housirg% 13. Is food Insurance r_cuirec? 14. ',bill s:te acquisition create substantial reloca- tion' Criteria relate'1 to acquisition 'costs and operating eff clencr base.i •,n tre size of the site and the number Of units which can Ce accommocated also need to he considered. A procedure ,or an!1 ranking alternative nousini SI tdS can ;;� '_1'SE'.(', `:11:Icr'i i'.or51cierS 3 OOsl five bore on tf.e basis or equal :,vel jr:ts and Degree Of Ccnfc rmanc3 criteria or ^relgnt5 can oe as- signed ph the ;;asis ,of neirgrcornnr:oc values. RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOODS Introduction ,has as mucn to do !J!tr1 ✓or., n •_i , attract veress and .veii derma of an area ,.,. .nr; nor, lltn_:n :Dr •ne nousrig stock. In 31'Jit,On, dynat Seems to be an appropriate soution ncusln'j In one tlel'ir1D•.>rr vG:: rr•a`y 'be inertecti'Je nr ;etrimenr ,n :r',ot`,er T' er:,+ore• 'n.ls element '.VAtt'tgies 1t-v?'opment c3n`:;tion5 �3nJ al; ;rrrii' ,'.J ;r 'J;";?lisr;it Se'vrice$, iuCli an"J '0nd ._unit' _ 3:, ,. ',l'l.J;rl•.i 71 3rket Strategle:'. Background to Residential Neighborhoods* �y'.�i nl,.v`.V r•,!a. _. 2, :art .iat � e oas,c ..rnan e;e.onm.ent :nr t..:cess I . s extreme.,/ ccirniex a atlori Jt .:emoilr3pniC, :r.c si':a; :-ar.ic:.erl t cs ;inlc'i -ita.Cs. ... .tee': •'�e 7r. .... nif,r` r:.1 ❑ ir.:::. a5 'e;ii '1' r:1h51 • .1' ..i . 2, :icoor- _.t.er.i2_.. _,r',•t-'t . n-, ...n1 and ; L. n st,:rc _s anc. • C ,r ... .'d ,aC 25.: Cr _r _ ., l,l .: ,. - 3nC -eQCrts ore. Car. .1 .-•.." firms as well as ,-;oo.: aua ., "oL_.sinf, and positive community attitudes. T "e .\,ester -. e::_e of the City, port) ins C:;cu:nut l:rC.'J• 5 _ n an0 >!�e Nortt',eastern odytrcnt G.:!rrnu.'It,es ,rto t,'.IS category T ran51t1or'a• 3riaas are t''ose :which are characterized ov the Inl'1 at on anc ;,~angel rom one rice :se or _cc .rarc; to another. T-lere s evidence •ot increases in the rate :3If ..irnover of 'ouseho,us increased .:erenc:ence uoon ser :ces, me.nt.narce of Or' :ate ,:roger:,: n :zotain.inn financing. Anal n trar,s,t,c, r; ;'_1 .. 'nc,u'e u,tt e �+avana, A!laoattan, Moael C. t r Park. Prcolem areas 'NouI =, „etrose Nhic:1 are ex oerienc;rig ;n, 0.Tur ,,.,n•enance, :rime rates, SOC.a' ,"'r;'Ct:S and Neifare„ uriiern.bioynnei. t Th;?se .vouia Inc;:J!ue the Cii! ttral are.-1 and Dor tions :,lack Gr_ie and 't1',J:aei C tv. ;ec vetoorrent 00- oortunitles ar3 the oasis 1f de✓ eloc- ment '.:eectives, s'ucr as CIJSIr, near jobs, rrarket -.:emend, ar,o site .,r.arac-eri3tics, sucnas unrer ,t izea or a1:sclescing ar•., ses. ;r er 'n6intwirl '•ealtry t'ars.t'onal :r'eS ._ morcve,rert aro trarst_rr or);;Ier', areas as iS 3c0Jmrn0Gate •ut,:re r:op cation Css c stratec'ies are ;e;i r'in n`je,, . NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES** Tr'ese Str3te1iCs are '0o' ;;Lit a trat.ar 'in,;:n Nola] .'/Ori' 'Nell in area$ Of one stage ;t ec:ine car be ncirmf:ji nr Ineffective if ao- oiled to areas 'n •int_;her _.tare. 1. Normal Maintenance. Tnis strategy Is acni oaoie In neaitny areas. It re- quires the continuing provision of basic services in lulling basic DOLIC enforcement. 2. Preservation and Improvement. T ".Is strategy 5 aCpl,C3D'e In :raCS. 0"3, 3r:3S. it -oc:u3eS cn orccirams relate0 tC vas;0ie '.rrorOvementS, SUC:'. 35 street Ce3ut atl30, parrs and Coen scace and parking and tecn.n';cal 3S5:StafCe 'or nor-:e main- tenance and .morovenent 3S 'via.: as encouragement �t Commu,ni t'/ organiz3t.ors. 'Housing strategy in • ' re' r'cr^ ;OU :ev ocr'rdrr it •:::c'iid5 3'R J ;:erer,l Cds,s cr •r'tr ^.g pricer ?s. Soec-r DrGo rant' nave '.64 r. Ceve.. `Ce:i ....,e ,r.p,err,grrat,:n Cn j5e ;t •n,s Dldn. 3t these areas must include inducement of private in- vestment. 3. Service Intensive. This strategy is appropriate in problem areas. It focuses on providing direct services to the pooula- tion, including manpower, health, educational, recreational and day care programs. Its goal is to make the population self-sufficient and increase employment opportunities and housing choice. 4. Redevelopment. This strategy is aimed at providing new housing opportunities as well as economic development. It is appropriate in areas which are adjacent to employment, public transit and amenities as well as where there is adequate market Jemand or where land is underutilized or obsolescing and where re- iocatlon w,)uld cause minimal community disrup- tion. • 32 HOUSING SUBMARKETS ED Single Family 11:1 Duplex Multi -Family L | ||U HOUSING SUBMARKETS w TYPE SINGLE FAMILY 4 5 r)rs TENURE 1 CONSTRUCTI i,c)_.01 t3a TYPE ,°n 00 b 0 0 N {{ICyoImI ' co w`e2eZi m e e off' 0 n0, () °n ° • « • . �.6. COST p AGE O 5ZJW O W U I I cO> c V I I WQ W 00 O 12 2 2 2.2 2 a , • CONDITION HOUSING SUBMARKETS ' TENURE CONSTRUCTION Ct 1 1 ou' DT TYPE 00 000 000,, rn 7 2 TYPE K)�'ow MIl; m m Z WI ° w0 I 02 e2 $�' m e • . 15 OuPLEx /SF • f » • 17 •i • ` • I6 OUPLE X . • . • 19 • ,,ice • i - 0 - DUPLE X / SF , • . • 2 1 . •. • . DUPLE x . • _ .. • DUPLEX/SF . •. • ... 24':. • -• 2S':.:>: • : • 26 > . • . - • 27 :::. . i . i 29:::i, DUPLEX/sF/MF .• : • . 29 ': DUPLE X / SF • • 30 : DUPLE x /SF/MF . • : k • • _3I ..... DUPLEX . • , 1 • COST 1 AGE II CONDITION .W.,w, .w, Y , , -1 •!Q IQJO VQw>I2>2ZOU6o0inn; OIr(DOILo00p .. 0. 0. 0.0nl' O �9 H OIIWWOOO- 'nWWO =222222..1_____o_ow • '6y .• . • . . . . •.. . .. •. . .0, . .• -400 .. . • �_ • .9.i. �• • -: 9.•.. . . ..- .--: T------4. -. _•i • 4 r • y • ,- .•. ,if ±•1- HOUSING Ce w O W Z O O 0 - 0 32 33 4 5 36 37 SUBMARKETS TENURE!CONSTRUCTIONI,' COST AGE CONDITION • ¢�3 44 TYPE �w��'W. .w. ' 1. 1I T. oo Ueot� N --1 to -,ICJ J 2 3 Z N l ,4 20, 0000 J 0 Z3 OO • 0 O I Z W W O O 30 O pl0 O' WO WQ O DO In Ono if) 'I 1 2 2 2 2 2 J m N °'a n'- Q1 - 01:, cn OZ OW MF/SWINGi.E9 « • • , _. j•. .•:.•--t _._.. • • • . . . . . . • . �e ' r - • • 0 . • 1• . • . i • •. • 4 , e-- TYPE MULTI FAMILY MULTI FAMILY MULTI FAMILY u) 0 ._ « • + . ....01 I • SOURCE: 1970 UNITED STAI ES CENSUS , CRP HOUSING NEEDS ANALYSIS, SURVEY BY THE CITY OF MIAMI PLANNING DEPARTMENT AND WMRT. MA 1Oo- 90 - 40 • 000 S0 S0 • •0 + DISTRIBUTION OF NEW UNITS MIAMI MUL11-/AMLY ��_...-► 30• 20 r��4,4 DUPLEX • •••••••,� SINGLE * S 4 . r r' -, 1 tots. 1 1 1150 n95 htn Mn room cr. s • . I.A•91•• mn 111• ww1 CHANGE IN TYPE OF HOUSING STOCK 'JO7V� • • • • • o o o o oFAMILY 000 • • • • r r • •� • •096- 50%- 4,444, M FAMILY OUM.EX 10%.• 091, + $ 1 / tit till 1 1959 S0 92 q 1M 95 M 91 S9 $$ 70 71 72 73 A91b CM, O IMO Rrrr NW, M• • OP HOUSING STOOL ACTMTYz CONSTRJDEMQ 1991 SZ 95 N 9s 94 97 q N 70 • 11 n mein en. o. OW PUYIN lM Serf NO ••n AGE OF HOUSING STOCK YEAR WILY 1995 - 1970 tan 11,745 19W - 1964 n,199 1950 - 1959 1940 - 1949 9Ef0RE 1939 35,•71 59,159 w.1K1 , c,.wn s .a,..,,a .c ,u1e110 HOUSING HIGH GROWTH 1 MIR High Rise (M.F.) 2 Low Rise (M.F) 3 AVM.E & Duplex 4 Kr Duplex NON-RESIDENTIAL j Non -Residential • DYNAMICS MODERATE GROWTH LOW GROWTH STABLE DISINVESTMENT 5( 1 Low Rise (Mc.) 1-,;•:;_:::;] Duplex & S.F. 1Single Family Li;:ij Replacement 8 S.F. (Marginal) SE Disinvestment • Public Housing 6 1 Duplex 7 Single Family ".5 5 a f ... „..,.<-- J' AL.. HOUSING PROBLEMS Overcrowding (20% -100%) Deterioration (70%-100%) Overpayment (50%+) Deterioration (50%-709'%) Overpayment (40%-50%) Deterioration (30%-50%) d 10 nelee W NEIGHBORHOOD RATING Most P►oblem$ /N Least P,obIS1 s 4 d•:.: •.: ,,f .+••:ate _ :��:-----• • 4 • -4 • • i NEIGHBORHOOD TREATMENT Normal Maintenance Preservation & Improvement Service .ntensive Redevelopment • • • • • • • • • • • 11.11, woft. Ppos.fpc0' "" - . •'‘ • >, • • fft ;5 „or,- . r <04 ' • g•-••• ••• • • • • • NEIGHBORHOOD PROBLEMS MATRIX Census PLANNING DISTRICTS Tracts ��• o�j fie /I" /� A„b v 'i•0 /.``"v�y4a " SP;;"n /;01`:i /�r 94? �./i4 ��Pc(s' / / / eyt// District "0" Little Havana 66 1 r—' District "C" Coconut Grove 68 District "C" Coconut Grove 69 District "E" Flagami 49 •, District "E" Flegemi 50 •' District "0" Little Havana 55.01 • •' District "D" Little Havana 55.02 411 District "E" Flagami 57 • District "E" Flagami 58.02 •I District "D" Little Havana 63,02 •i District "8" Brick.0 67,02' ' 01 111 District "E" Flegemi 58.01 •'•1 District "0" Little Havana 63.01 • •' •' District "0" Little Havana fib' 01 01 District "C" Coconut Grove 73 •.•, Dimict "A" Northeast 21 •, •' 01 District "A" Edgewater 27.01 •' •i •' District "E" Flagami 56 •• 0'01 ' District "B" Brickell 67.01 •! • • District "A" Northeast 13 • r' District "A" Edison Park 22.01 •' ' •. •, •1 District "D" Little Havana 54.02 •' •! • •' • District "C" Coconut Grove 70.01 •! • • •i •; District "C" Coconut Grove 70.02 , •' • 01 •1 •r District "F" Allapattah 51 • • •I 010' •! District "D" Little Havana 64 • • • 1110 Of •1 District "A" Edison Park 22.02 •' •' •' •'' 01 •'•! District "F" Allapattah 30.02 •'• •'•'• •! • • District "0" Little Havens 54.01 •• •,• •' OW •! • District "A" Model City 23 •' 1/101 •i •1•'••1 District "8" Wynwood 26 •' •'• • • •1 •1 01 •i '' • :..:::> r` ;< ^` t District "F" Alleoettah 30.01 • •i•' •'• •'• 04, District "0" Little Havana 52 • • •' •i•' • •'• •' District "0" Little Havana 66• • r' •' 0'•1 •• •1 0 District "A" Edison Park 20.02 •' • O. •' 0 •'• • •'•I District "F" Allapattan 25 •• •'• • — 0 4•1 '• •'•; District "F" Allaoattah 29 a' ••• • • •, •! •i•1 • •' District "A" Model City 18.01 •••' •' •'•' •01 •' •1 1 •' •! District "A" Edison Park 20.01 ••.• • • • • 0'0.01 001 District "F" Allapattah 24 • • • • •' • •' •1 •101 •' District "0" Little Havana 53 • • • • •'•', •'••• •i•'j District "A" Little River 14 • • • • • • • •i• �T District "A" Mc'Oel City 15.01 • • • • • •' • 01 •'• • •1 SiSi•h:<: "`. ;<:v District "A•• Mooel City 19.02 • • •' • • • •' •• •1 • •' District •B" Brcke11 67.02' •• 9• • •••, •* • ••' •' District "A„ Modei City 18.02 • • • • • •'• • •' • • •'•' D!stnct 36.C2 • • • • District 1 • • • • • ^District 19.31 • ••• • • 2702 • • •••• 37.01 • •••• •' • •1 District District L.ttIe Havana Coccnut Grove Model :ire Edgewater Downtown 'Estimate fora portion of Census Tact only. /1/ i ••' •'••' ••'•0'i • •1 •' •' •,•'•••:. •' •' i. •'•'•'• •' •'�' •' •'• • •' •'••••' •'•••'•' •• •'•'G EcOC 3.2 DEVELOPMENT ELEMENT This portion of the Plan includes a description of Miami's economic case and pr000sed strategies for strengthening it and increasing employment oppor- tunities. REGIONAL CONTEXT As w.vitn all metrorol;tan r 3;ons, the economic base of the ?�1iami .Area consists Dr those economic activ- ities for ;in,ch orudUct on exceeds the requirements of 'Local corsurn :tI_,r. "iv receiving .ncome 'rom outside sources trrol,. r basic ecor rnic actly t es, the Miami Revlon ,s ac,e to purcnase goods and ser✓- ices not orcil..icedIocaiiv T.i'_lrism contt nes as a major :xoort n:iustr'' representlno coproximately 21', r the economic base Tne notei Industry, and other supportl!-(1 serv- Ices centered, the 3r,,Da benefit martieci`Y `rom tris ma; it _ccnorr,Ic 3ct,vir/. Lire ',v'se, to,.,r- ,srn represents 3 rna ur s:: -;roc ct nc'Jme o Miami princlrle ;_enters, tr'e P r t !vliarr and Miami Internet,„••,a! :+Jncrt. Or ;ncreasirc :mnorrance to te,e reglorai :economic base is man,tacturng. "ThLe tne manutactur'ng sec- tor in the Miami Region .s not as slanificant 3s ,n other maicr cities, irddstrial growth has been of the type %,vhicn mimmizes nuxloos impacts t •e en- vironment. 2)3ue Couh tv s a rap,..,,, expan ,•1g manufacturing defter ;y!,IC1 remains lomir.3teL py garment rh3n,,f3Ct'ur:nuj. However, pre.:son CieCtr3fl !cs, aiunnlnlurn fabrication and Mastics are II-,creas- ngl•/ 3ttr3cte:i t.l the; :rutylrn, Miami Area. Anotl'er SlUnli:l_;j^t ?lerne,nt -1 ;no 'C 'rl'.:InC Ii-1SC, external t' nJs, oriilnate outsli;e .e (cr}_;nty but 1.) not , 'dpl'e th.e Or0 ; ,CtI' n 1 g" C is -:. ser / ces T-.e Miami Area 'as a cart cu art, mr.,or,c,nt ex; al un(.1sector. Sae or marl / to tr-e lane nornter ;f retired persons wnose ,rccme is •Jerived from pen- sions, government an.' ,tither external Income. A;thcu•ln cr orsIcere a basic econ,cm;c activity, the largest sor,rce ;) secondary Income in the Miami H,egion is in tr e servce sector. EMPLOYMENT PATTERNS T-re mix or economic act ':ities ;ossessec cv a coca ,conomy oeterrr nes ire e`ie', .Istrlo:,tlon and sta- b J1 income into the area. Ho'c ever, the grower' 33 and distribution of employment opportunities nor- mally is a dominant factor influencing the size and growth rate of an urban area. In addition, employ- ment is the most commonly accepted measure of economic performance. The type and level of economic development which the City of Miami will experience during tne next ten years is a function of regional employment growth conditions and the rate at which the City captures regional growth. Due to Miami's unique development history, signif- icant differences exist between Miami's employment mix and national patterns. For the nation, manufac- turing employment leads all other categories with 26% of ail jobs, followed by services and govern- ment with 18°'0 each. Retail trade is fourth with ap- proximately 16%. In comparison, the Miami Area is dominated by the trace industry (retail as well as wholesale) representing aperoximateiy 26(% of the employment base. Next in importance is the category of services and miscellaneous industries 'which to- gether account for over 24% of tne county's jobs. Trade and service -related employment combined account for naif of the total employment base. The strength of these job categories underscores the im- portance of tourism to the regional economy Of the 26% associated with trade, retail employment accounts for the majority, with 19°6. Next in im- portance is manufacturing with 15% of the ccunty's lobs. Although Dade County's manufacturing and government jog categories are less important than or the nation, ail other categories, conversely, are stronger. Contract constriction, In particular, naS 2°'o of tne region's employment, compared with 5% tor the nation. This, of course, reflects Mtaml's extraordinary rate of urbanization. In addition, '.o_,r:st-related emoloyment is more slgnlficant for the Miami Region than for most other areas of the country. Emoicyment within the notes and lodging industry las a category within the services Heading) accounts 'or 4'o of all jobs, compared with 1% for the nation. Although trace continues as the 'leading employment a'er;on.,, ser, ces ex` 'iblt the, .ar_est nurnericai -vt- rate. accounting for increases Df 7,400 loos rh..ai',v. Fe73ii and trace s the second ar'est nowt^ ,,.,Strv, ,with 4,600 r.ew,v cos, `o-- c _r.veo tty manut3cPurin_, rahresenting 3,..00 ;s;a C;r,n',vtr ,Nlt'iln the category or "dr-dUra- ..e :Uoos, part:c'U'arl`; a0pare: and textiles, consti- 34 tute me strongest component of manufacturing growth. Banking, as a component of the finance, insurance and real estate industry, nas experienced rapid growth in recent years. Theimportance of construc- tion and trade activities and the rise of manufactur- ing, by remanding iocai captai and credit nas stim- ulated the ;evelonment of a strong regional financial enter wncse sicnif,cance extends tnrougnout Latin America. Dade County Economic Base-1970 A. External Funds 1. External Investment 2. Property Income 3. Transfer Payments 4. Other Labor Income Total External Funds B. Basic Economic Activities 1, Tourism 2. Manufacturing a. Aluminium b. Garment c. Printing, Publishing d. Electronics e, Plastics f. Other Total Manufacturing 3. Aircraft .Maintenance 4. Wholesaling 5. Agriculture 6. Airfreight 7. Air Home Office 8. Research 9. Other Basic Activities Total Basic Activities 2 3 1 1 1 5 9% 10% 12% 3% 34% 21% 13% 5% 3% 2% 1% 1% 1 °/o 19% 66% Source: Research Division Metropolitan Dade County Planning De- partment, Metrcooiitan Miami: A Demographic Cverview, 1972. City of Miami Employment Growth Accorcing to tne 1970 Census, there was a total of 175,5,00 jobs with, : tne Clty Miami. This repre- sents acproxlrnateiv county emoloy- ment. Regional emp oyment remains centraiized within the City, since theiCity accounts for only 6% of tr.e urbanized land area and 25°' of the county pcoulation. The bulk of employment growth in recent years has occurred outside the City of Miami. T-ie incorpor- ated communit7 of Hialeah and unincorporated sections of Dace County have received much of this joo expansion, cue to the ava+ability nex- Densive Tana, expressw3y access and an extianc:ing suburban population. Prom 1972 CensL,s of Bus;- ness -Jata, the City conteinee over 90,000 ;obs ,n the primary categories of retail trade, trace, manufact;.rra and sleiec-ea services ins uo ,gig finance, ,nsurance anc reel estate;. Tnis corres- ponded to 32% ,of :he total ;or. Dace County. Tne City was stron•yest rl tre cateor; of wnj esale trade with 3?^„ of the total., retail trade and manufact'urinc accounted :or _)nit 3O', of the COuntV s tot31. not 19 2 ::at-, t'e Clt`/ Dt Miarn ama's a center :r ]overn'rent em;: o'r rent. ire County Cairt.h..ouse arc t-e C vic Center cresenti; nouse the 3mniovment; er, the new G ;'....arnr^ent Cen'.er 1,111 irtt',er strenyt 'en tre ,.-eriraf area 3S en1Dlovment center. Retal! er"tpic' ment 'air:'./ stable oosi- t cn ,n 1Jovvn ,wn Inc �eveioprrent of new regional ;acl:ities, OartlC'J'.<irl'/ tre ,Jmni �e- elocrrrent. wi(;eSor eii.J stni- .are _n- :e(yOin'J :ecl,n& r market ice, oor. to increas,incl ,Grrpet.ticn rout srocr ina enters. Sir-r-, r...i, man'_t„Ct.;;., ,`/'.,,In the City nas sut'erer. from Inc c'on-„etit; :n of .„ •nnn ,areas ,f ; :rind oi.ver taxes. Rota arri r-nar,rt:act', i 1ri, . ''C; :)r<?, r,-Ser'.t onl', mar- ;Inai Ir,n:vtr, nc;.,,,n~a' ,.or tr.e C , `mc,cyrrer.t n' re Cit to 185 s exl:ec- ___i toevc 8 .uI_L c5Dr 50', a ,970 rtowever, ren,a,nper 3` tnie '":1 ', .'n ?.p cr t�- �.- rr�,`re-an!:1'. uT.- am�D�G� •`1P.nt �JCi ::r:.ni cS e. i<-^� � � �, _ � 1. The. City, '1OV.,e'.er, ,YI, ccnt' _,c a.; all rr:p_, :ant ern- oiovment center 'within Inc reyon. ...as 3 S:Or'.1',:anf, 7.) 1e`:e,op as 3 lu'r ko rtJ C:,!r ii an. e :I'r,.. j.. :re '7r . i ,-jr", l,r-Iise 5'.. 3cZ ', 3S .'!e'., as titer- : ._,? ex.cec:c-. ' _ :� ._<.. af7,er sn.os ,n :3r ti3 t' CL,D3 a ,, .le.r „'.Car.sion 37 s ~cur: , n a•so efr.a'., nai center for office and related ernc',cv:vrnert, oarticuiariy for financial ano other oro-essiona. services. Be- tween 7962 and 1972, 54''0 .)r the countv's office growth ':vas located n :''e C.:'i of Miami. 01' :ne City's total. 43''.)'.Vas Ccatec 'n Downtown Miami. Several pianneo nuo :C arc IS :Jill undouctedly reinforce tre Dow town 0 ..Ca core. Downtown and 3Jjacent areas ,vie ..erernt from mnr.ved ac- cess by the proposes ra; li; :ranS t. S',,Stem. D- wnto»n erYlolo' meat s e'cec:ea to crease from 'ts present ever of 45,000 ;cos :o between 73,000 an 38,000 by 7985. LOCATIONAL COMPARISONS BETWEEN PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT AND RESIDENCE IN THE CITY OF MIAMI IN 1970 2i96 PERSONS EMPLOYED IN MIAMI S6,I3I MIAMI LABOR FORCE A9� EMPLOYED Mums RESIDENTS �--T96 MIAMI RESIDENTS EMPLOYED IN MIANI SOWS! Y $ CD$ $1 d w1aAr,o111 w .rir 35 vs. aooroximateIv 35% or 1970 I•tSource. Gladstone Associates Employment and Establishment by Selected Industries, City of Miami and Dade County, 1972 Dade County City of Miami Industries No. Establishments No Emolovees No Establishments pl No Emoyees Retail Trade 13,724 94,799 4,659 (34%) 28,639 (30%) Wholesale Trade 3,571 38,519 1,316 (37%) 14,322 (37%) Selected Services 15,039 73,922 5,421 (36%) 23,821 (32°%1 Manufacturing 2.890 85.900 977 (34%) 25.600 Lan. Total 32,224 293,140 12,393 (35%) 92,382 (32%) Source. 1972 Census of Business, Gladstone Associates Estimated Office and Non•Office Employment, Dade County and City of Miami, 1985 (Estimated Employment: 1985) City of Miami As%of Industry Dade County Dade Co. Number Manufacturing 130,000 25% 32,500 Contract Construction 62,000 30%- 18,600 Transportation, Communication and Public Utilities 80,400 35% 28,100 Trade 200,000 30% 60,000 Finance, Insurance and Real Estate 72,800 31% 22,600 Services and Miscellaneous 205,000 30%0 61,500 Government 100.000 Aca 40,000 Total 850,000 31%* 263,300 Distribution of Non -Agricultural Employment by Industry, Dade County 1960-1975 Industrial Cateaory 1960 1965 1970 1975* Manufacturing 41,700 13.6°'° 54,600 15.0% 75,700 15.39'0 88,500 14.7% Contract Construction 23,300 7.6% 23,300 6.49'0 32,100 6.5% 39,700 6.6% Transportation, Commun- ication, Public Utilities 35,300 11.5°'0 37,400 10.3% 56,500 11.2% 58,800 9.7% Trade 37,600 28.5% 99,400 27.3% 132,700 26.29'0 154,900 25.7% Finance, Insurance, Peal Estate 20,300 6.39'0 24,700 6.8°'0 33,900 6.5% 44,500 7.4% Ser'ices & Miscellaneous 63,300 20.6% 77,600 21.3% 114,700 22.7°' 145,700 24.1% Government 35,600 11.01'6 46,600 1 2.8% 57,600 11.3% 71,300 11.8°'0 Total 307,600 100.0% 363,600 100.0% 503,200 100.0% 603,400 100.0% anuarv. 1975. Orii na, Monthly Est -'aces Laocr Market T'enas, -'or da Oieoarrrent of Commerce; Gladstone Associates 36 Labor Force Characteristics Dade County 1960 % 1970 % Total Employed 360,097 100.0 513,164 100.0 Class of Worker: Priv. Wage or Salary 280,671 81.2 Government Worker 35,229 11 9 Self -employe° Worker 41,295 6.5 Unpaid Family Worker 2,902 0.4 Occupation: Professional,Technical & Kindred Managers, Officers, Proprs. Sales Workers Clerical & Kindred Craftsmen & Kindred Operatives, incl. Transp. Laborers Private Housenc!d Otner Service Workers City of Miami 1960 % 1970 % 126,025 100.0 149,435 100.0 416,671 77.9 101,524 80.5 125,253 83.8 61,253 9 8 11,801 9.4 15,178 10.2 33,165 11.5 11,938 9.5 8,511 5.7 2,075 0.8 762 0.6 493 0.3 42,575 13.4 68,670 1 1.8 12,596 10.0 14,780 9.9 45,415 9.3 47,389 12.6 12,482 9.9 9,046 6.0 35,850 8.7 44,815 10.0 10,493 8.3 1 C,084 6.7 58,529 19.9 102,034 16.3 20,942 16.6 27,411 18.3 50,990 13.6 69,751 14.1 14,841 11.8 18,073 12.1 43,902 14.0 72,000 12.1 19,363 15.4 30,694 20.5 20,677 5.5 28,273 5.3 7,458 5.9 9,595 6.4 16,167 2.3 11,951 4.5 7,314 5.3 4,915 3.3 45,992 13.2 e7,781 12.8 20,536 16.3 24,837 16.6 Source: 1960 and 1970 Census. Income Distribution Dade County 1960 % 1970 % City of Miami 1960 % 1970 % Distribution of Family !ncome: Alt Families 249,092 100.0 Less than 53,000 56,756 22.8 53,000-54,999 57,418 23.1 $5,000-$6,999 55,107 22.1 57,000•59,999 44,954 18.0, S10,000-515,999 21,807 8.8 516,000-524,999 3,704 3.5 $25,000 or more 4,346 1.7 Median Income: Ferro es 5,348 .,nreiated Incividuats 1,799 Families & Unrelated i^- �iriduals 4,280 329,695 35.487 37,328 43,008 64,455 - 78,351 49,736 20,830 9,237 2,905 7,151 100.0 10.8 11.3 13.0 19.5 22.9 15.1 6.3 78,191 23,245 21,355 15,520 10,886 4,939 1,616 630 4,450 1,875 3,406 100.0 84,679 100.0 29.7 12,961 15.3 27.2 13,248 15.6 19.3 14,092 16.6 13.9 17897 21.1 .yr 6.3 16,368 19.3 2.1 7,720 9.1 0.8 2,393 2.8 7,300 2,874 5,543 Source: 1960 ana 1970 Census 37 SUMMARY The regional economy of Dade County has been buiit upon the tourist industry. However r3cent trends indicate a diversification of the economic base with the attraction of new manufacturing and transportation -related inaustries. The City of Miami, on the other hand, has and will continue to be tne center for finance and government in the region. According to the 1970 Census, the City had a total of 175,000 employees, or 35% of tre Co'unty's em- ployment, with only 6% of the total urbanized land area. Projections for 1985 show tne City Increasing to a total of 263,000 employees. Miami's location and its large Latin population cre- ate great opportunities as a center of Latin-American tourism and trade. The City's commercial and indus- trial areas on the other hand, have had to compete with (outlying areas where lens ;s cheaper and assem- bly of large parcels easier. In the past 10 years, most manufacturing growth in Dace County has gone out- side the City. Altrougn Downtown Miami still main- tains several department stores and ,viii 'be strenth- ened by the Omni Complex, shifts to suburban shop- ping centers have contributes to a aeciir•e in the City's commercial strips. total labor force in 1970 was 149,435 persons. In _lone 1975, con- sistent with national trends, the _,nerrcicvment rate 'vas 1 1.3° . Esoeciaily Hard hit during tnese times in the County as a whole was the construction 'naus- tri.Construcucn of ouolic urn ects',vrlcn encourage crate development aho.,lr re imiclerrenteo. Miami r,:eeas to strenctnen its economic base and provide Treater emolovment ocportuni ties if • t is to meet tne potential snown by the crosections. STRATEGI ES The first three strategies continue present City policy. 1. Provide Additional Public Improvements and Services to Maintain and Strengthen Existing Viable Commercial and Industrial Areas. 3 3t affective ,yr-ere businesses are reiati`.'ely .3CIe, S-T, ,as 17t i'.'en:r, S ,V. Stn Street, the Center, tne Little River :' nrrercial area : ac'r'oacn tr es :jar nrj �3te r'orne,rrent3 art. act: ' s -'ro, ,m',tec n1.c- nvestrrent.:ucrL 3S :3-reet :teaut..icat;orl and ;raf- fia- ar' . rarkl ^'•oryjer^entS. it nas rrOVeO ettec- . ,e Center :a-'ci Garment Center 'Where 38 the strategy has ceen applied to Martin Lamer King Boulevard, it has Droved insufficient. Additional in- vestment In !oars to rr vate nvestors are required in addition to public Investment or success at this pro- ject. 2. Strengthen and Expand Miami's Economic Base by Promoting Catalyst Developments. Catalyst Developments are new Public projects whicn stimulate investme.nt. T' ev include amenities, such as Bicentenniai Park: business attractions, such as the Convention Center: public buildings, such as the Government Center; ana public improvements, such as the proposed Mass Rapid Transit System. These catalysts snou'd Pe carefully integrated into tne existing activities or tne City. Miami has already undertaken several projects to promote and further Downtown development. Other possibilities include the development of a Trade Mart, a Fish Market on the Miami River, an ooen-air Latin Market and a sports complex cn Virginia Key. 3. Improve the Employability and Employment of Miami's Labor Force Through Manpower Programs. This strategy teals ,vitn the 'labor force it Is aimed at improving the em0loyability of tre population and 'incing appropriate jobs for their skills. It in- ,;ludes;oc-training programs, aduit-education pro- grams, apprenticeship programs ana oo-placement Programs. In addition, say -care programs Provide a means of alioowing single heads of "ousenads to find jobs and remain ampioved. T,is strategy is aooropri- ate in areas of nigh unemoiovment ana ,ow educa- tional attainment. The areas of nichest manpower needs are the Central i and portions of Model City, E.ison Park arts A.i aoattan, 4. Provide Direct Public Assistance to Promote Redevelopment, to Attract New Businesses and Industry, to Create Job Opportunities and to Strengthen the Tax Base of the City. This combination strategy 's the broadest and most ar reaching and can Produce the greatest results, out it also requires the greatest p'ubl;c commitment. Redevelopment involves urban rere`wal cowers of ana assembiv, clearance and relocation, as 'well as new tools, financing :ec''n ones and private incen- tives. Tax increment F'nancing ana Tax Abatement are soon expecteo to ce a'.aiiaole in the State of F orl.a. Otrer metroas of direct ouo'•ic assistance are commercial renabiiitation loans, small business loans, utility ioans, and provosion of public park- ing. Redevelopment is appropriate in blighted, un- derutilized areas and wnere land assembly is diffi- cult. This strategy will create opportunities for furthering other development objectives, such as housing near employment centers, and new indus- trial parks. This strategy can be most effectively applied in many of the areas in or near Downtown, including the proposed New -Town -in -Town, the Miami Riverfront, portions .:.f .SILK 3ouievard, and Grand Avenue, the underutilized F.E.C. yards near the Julia Tuttle Causeway and otner selected por- tions of the City. M 39 A vi v. A .l INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT N :i3e.' 4 AsA ° _ c a" _ 1 ____ ______ tli } 1 /"-=‘ " .I,P 3,4 . 3 W.4v ECONOMIC CONDITIONS & TRENDS MT +3 +2 +1 Industrial and Commercial Areas Major Employment Center Increase in Jobs 0 , No Change —1 w -3 .. Decrease in Jobs I I I I 0 » e 1 •amiss 3.3 CONSERVATION AND SAFETY ELEMENT This portion of the Plan is related to the conssrva- t`on of natural resources and protection from na- tural riazans. T nese are escribed in terms of en- vironmental sua-systems, ncluding Climate, Geol- ogy, Solis, Hrdr:;ioay (Rivers, F'oodolains, Bay), Soils and F ant Communities as well as History. En- vironmental reiguiat cn :s carried out at many 'eveis of government. T' ougn :he City is entirely urbar- izeo, it st:H continues :O serve an important role in regional 'cci iCai Grocesses :n',oiv ing the cycling of ',eater, matter 3nC erercy Conservati:tin and safety strategies Vh ion are 'based 3n developing a supoort- ive role in the management of regional resources, are croaosec. Present and future responsibilities for implementing environmental programs are sum- marizes. REGIONAL CONTEXT The South F!crda ecosystem originates at Lake Okeechobee and extencs to F oridd Bay. This area S craracterze0 by a ','et anc dry season, typical of a tropical clihnate ✓It^ precipitation averaging around 60" per year. It is the too of a oeninsuia which re- cently, in ;eo'ogic terms, errierced from the sea and its geology and nydrolocy testify,- to this fact. Under- lain by varying types of organic and inorganic lime- stone, the ohysiographic units of South Florida to - say reflect ancient igeologic environments. The coastal . Idce, uocn which Miami is located, was -once a snailow submerged barrier bar separating a tidal basin (Biscayne Say) from a'nrestern pay (the Evergiaces. The mangrove swamp and coastal marsn '.was once an offsrore sicce of the barrier bar. Today the coastal ridge, considered to ce the most suitable of ail physiograonic units to development, plays a somewhat similar role as it lid in the geologic past. It present,y seoarates the long Iegoon of Biscayne Bay from the inland marshes of the Everglaces and Big Cypress Swamp. It is a rim which encircles the entire south Florida coastal zone anc series t0 Iso- late tree !niand area, ciugging water outlet except tnrougn the transverse giaddes which cut through the rim anc at the southern mangrove swamp. The Everg'iaaes, flat and imperceptibly stoning to- wards F: orica tea'✓ and out off rrorn easy drainage east or' .Vest, emerges as a vast, nign!y orcduct:ve and unic;l.,ely adapted swamp `nose waters ::rained lowly to Florida Bay and the GuIf or fed the Bis- cayne .Aquifer :'.nicr. lay beneath, its eastern limits. 41 The Biscayne Aquifer is the largest known fresh- water reservoir ana supplies the coastal cities with water. Its continuing supply of freshwater to devel- oped areas is tne major environmental problem of South Fiance. A brief description of the regional nvr_ relogy will serve to explain the way in which the major phys- ioaraphic units, inc;uding tr.e mangrove swamps and coastal marshes; tne coastal rl:ge and ioland ecosystems; the Everglades and Big Cypress are in- terrelated. Prior to the imposition of the present system of canals ana other water projects on tne .andscape, South Fonda was efficiently acaptee to tne cis- tribution of its 60 annual ,nches of rainfall tailing, for the most part, in the summer months. Tee Ever- glades, with its sponge -like soils ano hign water table, survived these winter montns by releasing water ab- sorbed in the soil. Ail forms of I i fe became adapter to tne predicament of extremes rendered by the wet -dry cycle. Tee higher, :3ryer coastal ridge also adapted to the extreme climatic regimen, altnougn its capacity to extend the water suppi,/ through the nary season is much less than the Everglades, ue pri- marily to soils ana geologic conditions. '.'later ;rained in an arc -like `asnicn from Lake Okee- onooee to Florida Say and the Gulf. resulting in three major ;rainaaes: Big Cypress; Shark River Slough and Taylor Sion en. Excess "eater .r the, east- ern part of the Glades cercoiatec sio'.vly to the Bis- cayne Aquifer and exces3 water ;n the eastern rock rim craineo reeiaiy to the Bisciyr e. Aa.nre,r, '.Water in the Biscayne Aquifer moved s,oV`.i'✓ _7o'.Ynware, to the brackish F,oriaan Aquifer er eastiwaro t;, toe Bay. Nimost no :rater in Ire eestere per.icn .r the Eee,rglades, that is, Big C: eress,cou, . oermeate the imestone parent material and moved soutbwarc aria westward to tne Gulf. There are no "safeguards" in this system. Tee Big Cypress end the Evers;aces inc the ''igner roc:i r'im are 311 lebendent on their ...eery ration of .rater. e .eater ^rOJeCts oeve.oceu in an ahem nt t0 mu e tics...,, ori't',3 earetac e 3':e _cmc icated Severetnreatenec te.e ee.aiteieei renctioningfee _r ion3i COSyStem. ..ut3r w, i,,, _ 31 - rneai ate :oncerr, o t .'later s'uoci`. is -e .inmate .uniting .cter T en',ircnment3i :.shown. Tee essential issue �1 tn F oriea .;ncerns tee .poach, en- . onment to SuLnort 3 :rr.pwinq ;'oeLiat ,fin. 42 CLIMATE Tee City of Miami is located within a subtropical climatic zone wnich characterizes the South Florida Region below Lake Okeecnobee. The climate, while similar in most respects to that at the tropics, is termed "subtropical" as it is occasionally subject to .vinter reezes. Within this subtropical region, the Atlantic Coastal Rioge. upon ,vnich Miami is located, is subject to a greater abuncance of average annual erecipitation as .veil as greater circulation of air due to the Trace Winds which ventilate the coastal areas from the southeast for the most part of the year. The most notable feature of a tropical climate and *nlcn is characteristic of South F orida is the al- teration of wet -dry seasons. The rainy season coin- cides i,vith the summer months, roughly from May to October, and the dry season extends from No- vember to April. The dry season is a time of moder- ate temperatures, clear skies anc has been the ori- mary attraction of tourists and winter residents. The wet season is hotter, more nurnid and susceptible to hurricanes and destructive tropical storms, the erfects of which comprise South Florida's most potentially hazardous natural occurrences, It was not until the development of air conditioning as riell as effective means of air travel that year- round population growth began and settlement oc- .:.rreo. Still, the fluctuation of the tourist -oriented economic base throucnout tne year is reflective of toe Change in annual climatic conditions. Even 'wlthOut air conditioning, Miami's summer- time climate compares favorably with that of other roan regions ' hicn have been subject to problems of air pollution. Meteorological concitions in South Florida, particularly good air circulation and the 'ack of major topographic features, favor the dis- oersat of pollutants. Additionally, Miami has not eeveicped significant air polluting industry which nes contributea to coeution in other areas. This, of course, does not ^-mean that Miami is immune to air oalletion problems. Increases oeoendence upon t-'e automobile as the crincioal means of transoor- taticn eas resulted I,^ increased local air :,oiletion. 1n accitlon, meteorologists contend tnat nocturnal inversions common in the scrina-time, restrict the eiscersai of pollutants ano pose potential Problems eer exacerpating severe pollution "episodes". Most of the above has describe., the major climatic attributes of the region. Tne Cry of has a special micro•c!imateinfluenced by its adjacency to Siscavne £a, ,s i.iiecetatior topography. !n as fiat an ,:rea s this, hcivdever urban development cecormes a very important 'ac- tor in the development „ftn,3 C.ty's rricr _ c.'mate. The Citv's many structures modify win : :o.vs anc, in general, reduce. the free `;:1VJ or air o,rreni's This is a serious consiberaticn in t`'e summer r'ontn.s when the free 1,ovy or air tnrough out the en';irdn- ment is a princioa i `actor in the mitigation or heat. The types of material ,:sed and percent coverage of that material also affects the micro -climate. For example, concrete structures ~rave neat retention characteristics o1nier are o'tf r cite:: as a principal source or the "heat islano" effect found in many cities. Concurrently, humidity is found to increase in cities due to loss rapid infiltration o' preoioi'ation as %veil as the evaporation of stanoih. ,'later. Or the other nand, tre manipulation of urban develotment can greatly ennance tre micro -climate and the acui- ty of the population, to enjoy it, These opportunities are among the most meannar'", to tre City in its future development and continued attractiveness. TOPOGRAPHY AND SOILS Most of the City or Miami s ocatoc trio elevated At!an tic Coastal R, forge '.`ih'c:- eixteros u :',vri tne length of F:orrda to Homestead and, South Fior- da, separates the iodast trom tre E'.ent,aoes. The ridge is composed oor an ihicriganao iimestone oo:ite ,Jn.,,, ,Vas iaia down in .he as: 'Interciatlal period. Jn„eri', fg the OOiite'co'. is 3 =yer of O,r- ,anic br', J:oan iirrestoire, the ck. . :hie E','er- giaces. Together, these facies donor me ;,hat ;s .no',vn as tire Miami ,irtest_ne, a `ormaticn o great ,water bearin j capac,t; .. icr, yviu..ne Fort Thompson Formation, supports the Biscayne Aquifer. The Coastal P:;e s the di inciCai determinant of :1r3P i s toipGcr3o,r, .- otroct..r...3 2r 035- Ject Win, the 'eSernp es i as ;r�s rci rr he Da`,' .5ro . s .rL_, :as.reg Gn SO , at C,-, • ess than ceet ac ..e:. .. '< rr r^ _ ▪ t3 3r0.,rb 25 eel are utta..n„-. "he Si d :at On. Alan' s _„ _ . 7 =et. 5 ocirerar / 7 at, .Vi'r `3- atr="a''atter ear Say. So ..,tion hides ot ti-e: .invest ,r.e rock c'l .'J3te quarries have created dramatic depressions in the topography. The topo;rapry o1 Miami, though subtle and gradual, 's a nign:y significant factor in the envirormental dif`erentietior o'er the dace. Differences in inches can mean ent:reiy aifferent nateira! systems. Though it the urb nice; sett, the spectrum of environ- mental vat it,,, may de i- .icu!t to perceive, soils are consiuerec, to ce good indicators of the different pnysiograbn:c .nits round in the City, Soils, .vnicn are produced as a result of the inter- action of o imate, tooearaohy, geology, organisms and time, are not highly developed .n South Florida. Though the suctropical climate contributes to year- round weathering and trough the limestone rock s rather sot andeasi'iv weathered, the soils have -ac a reia'..:eiv snort time n which to develop. As a result, rhost sods are comcaratively shallow and exhibit lithe orofile development. Though young soils, they exhibit .widely ranging characteristics. `.-lost of the soils :n Miami rail Into tne Rockdale soli series oommor tc tre nigher elevations. This series is generally alkaline and is preaominantiy a mineral soil. It s very snaiiow in many parts of the City i.yitn limestone outcropping in the most sra!lo.v areas. It is this series that mace early pio- neers of Miami say that if VOL; warted to nave a daraen, you had to dynamite one. Probably about 7E'; of the City is covered by this rocky upland soil series. Other soil tvmes, in addition to that classified as man-made .vnicr coroers the bay, are ouna on the ,western boundary of the City. In the more elevated areas, sandy soils, such as the Ardell, Dace, and Davie soil series,are found. As trey are found on nianer ground, drainage is good to rapid. They rep- resent a physiographic unit often called Sandy Pine - !ands or Sandy Prairies, depending on whether the dominant :egetaticn s Dine or grasses. 1-7e o',ylana soils, vvrich mark tne beginnings of the E',,er.aaes, are very iimited in Miami. These are rrar's and teats and nClude the Everglades Neat, ?err ea mar', and the Hialeah mucky marl soil sexes. ontrast to the ._.pland soils, these are characterized cy very Poor 'drainage, high percentages or incorporated =r^anic matter and primarily s„ nocrt grasses and sedces. Tcev are ,ark, deep soiis i.vnich ringer through the western portions of 43 the City. The peat marshes developed in the deep- est parts of sloughs ana the marl glades at somewhat higher elevations. In general, the rocky mineral soils are found in the most eievatea parts of Miami, followed in crier of elevation by the sang y suds, tne marls an:: ;inaily the peats. These particular soil series, ;n extent ana area covered, aenote tr,e onysio lraphic 'unitb; the rocky pinelands, the sandy oireiar .s a ld prairies, the marl glades an i tne ceat marsnes, .which com- prise the natural communities of Miami. RIVERS AND WATERWAYS Prior to tne 20th Century, tie avers of Miami(the Miami River an, the Little River) were snort, snai- ow and, in sum, reflected the :;eologic immaturity of the surrounding terrain T:,ey •dvere codsta: streams which were extensions of the Biscayne Aquifer. Tney drained the Atlantic coastal ridge ana emotiec into Biscayne 3ay arc were a system apart 'r•,rn the great "river of grass" to the west. !Alith tne growth of the Soetin F'eorica Region„ _:rain - age projects were conceive,: as a primary, means of settling .re Everglades. Canals .were ..tastee an. linked to existing coasta' streams :Ir;ce ;sere widened and deepened. Ti-e effects o- these s,ani icent oranges on the entire eiridriplugic s.sten were com- plex and irrevers,oie. As now <no'» er^, tee, waterways '\:1'1ami C .'art Leike O' eiCeeCee B,scav-.e Bev. r,vrhere ande tne r yens _,,;ir,eo -3 small area, -ne' r,:J'.'r era.n a ar-e area a'.sr, tbroucir, 3 comciete,-/ _:I•-iere it:, S•itat'Jn an Bay as wee.is tee rieers increase. _:Ue :ram. _4C5trearn, Acc.:r.ing t0 tie C3untei C ailt'. ylan- agement Plan :1972), tne Little R,`ver is moderately q�c.tad tnroi..g.ie.at .and eeie Miami ? ier ,s grossly ord 3 potent:ai ,east .at dr :s tap >, . •:r Cass vdt "S ^3cr:3- •a. pd'g<]t:. . `.',ti, ag er.hen n;m a r -'3tf ,rte..iiee's . septic eire-5 S 1t. tee rivers, pet3C�nt �.S i" 1i=r"klt,o '3i .ses _.nstr_ar dre ,; rs;,:ere.. � 3 1 s esp�_. ,, ,�_ r a .,;ti;r er :rats .rater suora . n3s sea i.vater etresion. 44 Sea water has intruaed to the Airport Expressway in the Miami River and oeyond Biscayne Boulevard in the case of tne Little River the construc- tion of salinity .ams has essentially stopped the movement of salt neater, it has a:su restricted the navigability of these waters. There are serous procE ins re'atec to the rivers of Miami. Of orernost noncern s tie re,iat:onsh!o be- tween the Biscayne Ac.iiter .eater zuaiity whicn represents tne major source of vater to the "Gold Coast" and the sur:ace water conditions. THE FLOODPLAINS A floodoiain :s generally i.efired as that flat area oordermg a oo ay of i,vater which is likely to be inundated -,vitrin a given period of time. Under natural coe i bons, the `'ioodpiain serves as an im- portant storage `urction, but in urbanized areas such as'."iami, trese areas may rose nazards to .i4e and prccertv ,n the event o inundation. Since Miami is ioeatea almost entirely on tre coastal ricge, flood- ing is attributed to tropical storms and ''hurricanes vhier, rave ccalized imoacts confined to the flood - plains ,f tne ,Miami River, the Little River and along the coastal pair; adjacent to Biscayne Bay. Tropical storms aria r urricanes can form quickly n the summer- time warmth at Atlantic waters ana of ail areas in Fieri a, tre "Gold Coast" is most vulnerable to nur- ricanes. in Miami a "'severe" ' urrlcar,e is expected 3t east once evert 14 years and .esser storms are ex- pected more =requent,y. For these reasons nurricanes are rei arzeu tne most eazar;ous natural eventswhich. may occur in Soutr F craa. A hurricane as a'.'er, como,ex chenomenon, cannot 'ce predicted, n�owever aspects of it, such as :Nina velocities and tioonina, can be. Levels of flooding are correlated with their probable recurrence inter- vals in order to facilitate prediction ano safety de- ana planning. The =!ooa o*ten :;sed as a sten- :are -or these ournoses is tie 100 year fiooa, or the ma:nitu.e or ridccin g expected to occur once ever`, 100 years. T is is a major :loco, cut hot the worst ;elicn can ne linos' ec. T"ie 700 year -'Goo =s the pose reverence flood used cy .he Federal F ooc insurance Program .n order to .e'.arrnine ^.azarc zones. !n addition, trese zones neicete a s\iintnesis of information relatea to the lee frequency cata and are icent;fled by reach. Zone A refers to an area of special hazard as aefinea by the 100 year Blood ana Zone V refers to an ex- posed area of Zone A that is subject to the impact of waves and 'water with velocity act . ;f these zones are found within the city i!mits or Miami. Zone A-14, for example, ',vhlcn is founr, alorg the cover °pasta! p:ain would indicate an area of spec'a! '-,azer i ::'tri probabie flooding depths !Jo to .4 feet :floe ever',' 100 years. Insurance rates and t:esign geidellnes are based on this information. Guidelines •witrin ,az• ardous zones primarily relate to tee :vaticn of first floor levels above tne 100 near flood levee Mu- nicipalities and local governments are encouraged to conform to these guidelines ;f trey intend to receive federal `unding. BISCAYNE BAY The ianaforms of Soutn Florida are recent geologic developments. The Atlantic coastal ridge and the basin ot Biscayne Bay were formed Only aro'Jna 100,00C years agG. it i:as not, no.vever, anti! ep- proximateiy 6000 years acc, 'with tne r>•.e:tne of the glaciers and subsequent rising of tee seas, tnat the bay itself began to evoi.e. Lime anj hie :sere then siw'eot in ,vita tne tioes, c anketlrc :he deeper areas of tne limestone rock and were stao,lizeu cv sea grasses. Over 3 brief period of aecloglc Biscayne Bay 'was transforme'o from a entry s Go- ing limestone '.aiiey'.virn mangrove ar •res",,.rater swamps Into an estuarine environment the coastal rivers et the Atlanta CaaSt31 Ridge. to tee ocean. Cst'Jarles are r v „r ccl.ct, . , ec ;SyetemS their nature; ccrelleen. T neV :. C, ^at ,3 KoC `.�' 33 the edge effect ..nerecv tne raup ar :NO separate 5`.'stems 's cner and '-yore _7iverse t ar. ar, secarate systems !in tris case, arcs, resat ater an'J ocean env!rcnments;. Estearles are of significant ialue for their 'nursery' `,nett:or, n ser,ina as Sca`.vn!nig i'01:nns -Or 'sr, :.S ;v•,l! as . "ab'tat -or the ear , stases T _ :c: n."a"ce .;r e . s 5:',Ster "in'.' Sma' ,3 '3S .:ee^ est�ar', :r . _,_, . .:r• :'-..es :n::.rt .rases are ,,;ere': o .:e ;r 7-a' :r,".,..C- twi.., :7 the ea'. %/et:rs. t. e e•:.., ta.rciaie, 3r1.7. _an. es ^ ,c ;der reacnes :7 the. Ea.', or ;, es r:. _, _ grasses are gererai,v ta :re SOut o :as :rneere natural productivity is conseauently much higher. Sparse' ; '✓egetated comrr.'jnrtles of shoal grasses and tort e Grasses are fi_,und in the ocrtion of tne Bay be- tne Rirkenpacker CaJseway and adjacent to E.:.!r'.nef 'grasses s,poort a variety of sman rcrms of o', eta, algae, protozoans and many ether Trcertebrates as ',veil as larger fishes, tncugh as.,ai'v orort-term residents. At least 512 ilsn spe- cies are rece' ::ed to live in a variety or Bay habitats. Tr;cical tisn specie,s predominate in the summer and are partially reoiacea by temperate species in the winter. Mud and sit are .;biCuitOuS in the 'tipper por- tions of the Say and are associated witn nigh tur- bidity and r,ncff. In tee more snallow reacnesof tee Say, these mud and silt communities are known t0 succor arse embers of oenthic diatoms, brit- tle stars, Norms, ech'irtoCS, are a large number of molluscs. ln contract, sandy Day bottom 'Nnich is `cued around Dodge Island and Dinner Key is bio- :osicai.v carren. Ti-,ere is, add tioraliy, a surcrs,ng spectr,m cf oird sNeC:es':✓hl,-.h ut:ize. the Bay's orcdectivlty. These CI ,oe scacles '.ih'.cn forage from the 'open '!dater ot tre 5a0, :cormorants, ':octs, pelicans, :errs and auils), those 'inicn `orage on the snailo'N perimeters of the Bay and its lstands (e.g. heroes, scoop:ii s, •bises, ovstercatchersi, those wnich utilize the shores and exposed tidal `fats (e.a. players, sang- c cers, ',uit'ures, 'grackles; , :nose •.vhicr forage in the forest floor beneath the mangroves (rails, night- eerons), those .vhicn forage in tne mangroves ;e.g. .vooaceckers, vireos, Sacsuckers, cuckoos); and ethers. Adjacent ana l inicn is'unurbanized or in 0W censir/ and Jses additionally serves as a '-act-,at `Or small mammals. Circulation s essential to tre Bay's heaitn arc its ccntlr,ea Cro,:luCt,vitV. Due to :he physical cnar- acter cf Biscayne Bay, particularly its shallowness averaging around six feet in depth), localized ex- :r.ange at tidal inlets ana slow movement with calcurrents averaging less tr,an one .not, c.rcula- tIon s nat'eraaiiy IIm!tea are resider -be times are '.\later movement, no'Never, has been tertner rri^,,tea by the ccnstr'.ciinn of causeways across the bay an: C,rC at on .n some portions of the loft., oav is a!m:st for -existent. A Ser'7uS Droc err associated iti!tn tre Gay aria con- s oeraci`,' ,n It. tS m'u',t';p'e use potential, ,s col• uttlon. Tee ceor c'rcuiation of tre ,voters throegn- et the D3`,' and .v!tn tne ocean exacerbates the 45 pollution caused by runoff. The bay, which Is com- monly divided into three distinct banns, .s most severely polluted ,n its most northern portion and the primary reason tor this :s attr,butea to con- stricted circulation. In general,'water iduaiity in- creases and urbanization decreases) as one proceeds sount. Pollution sources are considered t,3 be silt and sediment caused by :recging and till activities, human wastes seeping into the bay, and aiscnarge of urban and 3gricoltural pollutants into the Day. It Is expected that, with tne arplerrentation of the water quality management plan ana with more stringent controls on aiterating its Onvsicai dimen- sions, water quality in the northern basin will im- prove. It is critically important trot ,vnicn further impair circulation and tida, flashing be avoided. In sum, Biscayne Bay is a regional reso arce of sig- nificant value. Its environmental valee ' as been dls cussed, out its Jpoortun;ties for recreational and other uses are 3iso important and are 'elate',; to its physical ,veil -being. as a snaiiow, ;,,btrop,cai a' - goon ;with ,varm :vater temperatures tnrougno'ut most of the gear, Biscayne Bay offers a ,ariet, of recreational experiences :wrich cannot de enjoyed in many other areas of the counts,. T •vugr oe- graded 'water quality restricts ,water contact 300ft5 and Snell-fisning in the nortn Bay, these oan sail oe envav'ea In the southern reaches. rurtnermore, -e- Storatlon of environmental uualite,' tnr ugnieJt the entire Bay can oe accommedatea�le`.' State and ',0- 3: actions ana guileiires. ''ihaml, ;rit!' its 20 mite :r a Shoreline, eomlrates the iand area 3aj3cant ^e Saw and ,Hereford seieeid take eaJ ore n he conservat:on ot the Bo',' and r its en`;iron- Tentai 'estorati:'n. PLANT COMMUNITIES Since most of .*.iami ;s located on the elevated At - ant c eoastai plain, is crimariv=raracterized 0v .... 3r... 3r"?reSCent /egetatic Pr 3r ifS �6..._- --a, learn; .3V /I .. ri r e T'3 it or3eania. to t3- _rs. _re .73rmrn2c'K cal. 3`3GC:a' 71flir.1 s.'s_ .;a' ereeree -e ,r:eire:e `, an: s. -:nest, . :'der'. areas '?'3 et ...'L-.:s, tree eat:coo:3i ecaeree 're 3.:er .3 riea 33 �'":t te, .re -are itet_ . s r Cr ,r es ecc.o.e:: - : .,lest area .e oniastai r 74e in 3reSS Di ncor' . _.^e'd 10 Mangrove communities with cocoplum, seagrape, and buttonwood vegetated the eages ot the bay and rivers. In adaition, Miami's '.western boundaries take in portions of Nere once marl glades ana, in sightly lower areas, neat marshes. The hardwood hammock association was found under airnost erentica: environmental conditions as time pineianus 'wife a notapie exception it is found in tne niarest elevations ot tne rock rim in areas less susceotibie to me destructive effects of repeated sires ,vnich occurred in the dry winter months. In Miami the hammock association was found in the mast elevated portions of the coastal ridge adjacent to its eastern snore. The most con- tinuous stretch •was the 3rickell Hammock, wn,ch extended from the south bank of the Miami River to Coconut Grove. As development proceeded ini- tially in this area, ',little s iett ot tne original hammOCK, t`lougn a remnant is orotecte'a at Simpson Park. The woad '"hammock" is taken from the Indian 'Nora meaning tree island and .n tne Evergiaoes occur as rarcw000 islands amidst a sea of saw grass Tee narnmock association ;s an interesting and .,pique blend of subtropical and northern trees which, in contrast to the pineiands, compete in dense stands for iignt and moisture. There are not :ominart trees in this association although the rela- tive concentrations of different species may vary Nicely rrom nammccK t3 hammock. Representa- tive trees Inc:ude the pigeon plum, manoganv, .mto-limco, tamarind, snort'.eaf fly, and, most im,00rtantfy, me rive oak. Bromeliads, lianas and Ines are found in the under .avers of the canopy 3no .end a ;ungie-like effect wnich fascinated ear, settlers. Toe nardwco', hammock association is considered to be the climatic "climax" upland ecosystem, The diversity and stability of this system is high, giving it a good ability to rapidly recover in the event of destructive natural occurrences, such as ".rrcanes and tropical storms as well as fires. narc'.vooc hammock community served as tee eabitat for an aoundance at wiiciife. Mammals, ,.oni as me leer, ,ag':ar, raccoon enc.'. 'Nilacat, were common. !n addition, many seasonal and resident .^ec:es of 'birds nested in the trees of tre hammock. a eariy realized the acvartages of the dryer, aooler,more eabitatie nammocks ana, in the Ever - the Indians ocatea their villages on these tree -islands. The pine -palmetto association covered an area just inland ot the eastern shore from the Dade County line soutnvvest to Coral Gables In a band acproxi- mateiy 2 miles wide. r,'ni ke the hardwood hammock association, pine -palmetto stands are dulls common throughout the dryer anu more elevetea areas ct Central and Southern Florida. Trey are, nowe,ver, found only in Central and Southern Florida and the Bahamas. In Miami, the pinelancs -.were found at elevations of around 15 feet on sandy, '/eil- drained (Rockdale) sods. Remaining stands of this plant community can be found in vacant lots or undeveloped property. The principal components of tnls plant community are slash pine (Dade County Dine) and saw Paimet- to forming an Coen, dry nabitat for many species cf small mammals and birds. Both the harrirrocK lands and pinelards were taken advantage at by various animas seeking a rescite from the wetter lowlands. An interesting plant found in the edges of pinelands is the coontie, a cycad ':vhose tuperous roots formed a staple in tne alet of early pioneers and Seminoles. The pine-paimetto association is considered to ce the fire "sub-c imax" eccs✓stem in South Florida. If it were not tor the reoestea fares whit^ swept througn Soutn Fora In the dry mortns, the pine, - Palmetto association ,vouit soon ce invaded by ^ardwooas. T -ese trees. now'et,'er, ;o not germinate in tne mineral soils �vhtcr are c;eared Df Organic matter py the fires. Tne sandy crairies ..'ere i. ro :he 'rest ;,f ,ne oineiands areas at slight.', Gov er elevation and once covered an area about 2 too mii s .vile. r\nile tne rammocks and Dine-ca:met:a stands'.vere found ,n simi;3r env ronmentai conditions, the prairies'.vere, in adoit,i_n to oeing somewhat lower, also found On Boor)': sra nod sOL'is'with pow organic matter portents. :, thio.urin oer:i -ens ear:, en altered the e.,:e , -0etat :r e 'prairies, tee,/ grasses ano sedges, inc'. gin? :aiNdrass, arac•er,st'C Tne canc../ S -O'.., e. _ , ;re nit. s'orsioere( a on /sly -'raPr•i t dfthe tr._ r .a- sC.ins 7isslmf r jc:us, �On'•y, _ :'cn, 3ri� other eni.,roonmertai cr3lries are, however, a part of the larger natural drainage of the Everglades. Very little of the native vegetation and plant com- munities ot ami remains today. the mangroves are comolete,v gone due to bulkheading, and due to settlement ano alterec drainage, only pockets of other communities are intact. "Urban' vegetation and 'anascaping predominate throuancut the City. The cnaracter ist tne past plant communities, now - ever, ,s still re-'ectea somewrat in the vegetative cnaracter ;,,hicn exists today. Tne 'lusnness of the soutnern coastal areas recalls the hammocks which once occupied tnose areas. Theinlandareas have soarse tree cover for the same environmental rea- sons as in tne Cast 'when trees dic not 'grow in these areas. HISTORY In many respects Miami is a young place. This is true not one in regard to is History as a city, but 3iso to itS naturalvhistor', as . Geologically, the 'imestone rock formation whlcn underlies the At- iantic Rock Rim is :anly 7CC,00C',ears old, among the youngest in tne country. Tee South Florida peninsula emerged from the sea •witnin the very re- cent geologic pas:, during the'.'Visconsin Ice Age. Wants ana animals arrived as immigrants from the north and the '.Vest Indies and creates unique mix- tures ano adaptive communities. 'Many Of the life arms, Su& as the dart famil', 'known as the cy- cads, represent evolutionary 'history much older than the 'and itself. At 'east 2000 years ago the T ecuesta indians'were :noun to have iivec in Miami. The Tequesta formed one cf the three pr+ncloal tribes of the Calusas of South Florida ano were people who spoke one of tne languages of the greater speech group called "Muskogean." Their 'largest village was located at the mouth of the Miami River. This site and its im- mealate surraunuing area represents the central ;istoric core of Miami. Evidence of the Tequesta ure s scattered througncut Dade County in In- conspicuous 'rn aaens' or refuse heaps and cere- ,,enial mounds. Tne greatest of these ceremonial mci..res'was adiecent to the .old Tequesta village, tne site of the Dupont Plaza Hotei. Most of the. mound ,vas cares away to `aciRtate the devel- opment in the 1890 s ctif .ne Royai Palm Hole Cut •.'.'as :escriceo as accear, n; .;ke a smai: mountain 47 when viewed looking west from tne bay. The last great cultural period of creativity of the Tequestas as reflected in tneir pottery, utensils and ornaments, is considered to oe around the 1200's. 3y the middle 1700's the Teaeesta culture nad appeared. Though the reasons are 'uhc'ear, t appears that many sett for Cetea w:tn the Scar, arcs those that remained assim»!3te., ,te tee. berm pie group which occepiea tee E,er g:au'es the 1800's. The hostility of the Tecuestas ,,as actcr :.nice discouraged the settlement ief a Derm3nent Scanisn community in Miami, though 3 Jesiu,t :;as briefly established there in 1567. Though the Tequesta ceit„re eaC3rent. , broke down, Indian-.vrite confilets in cont'.ni.ea and eventually exploded :rto the Semineie Mars. Vdhrie the Hitcnir sceaking'✓1iccosux: Seminc:es Alabama anc Georgia 'leo in the 1800'3 tOthe ham- mocks of the G;er;Bees ter ref ege f rein .-,e they are not known to nave ivied .gin :73 coasta. riege of Miami. The coasta: e•ege In fact ser,ee aSAmerican territory for ,vaging ,var against the Semine ,es. A military post called Fort Da',las was :cat_d on the north bank of tne 'v1iami Raver arid 3 toga`, the oidest existing str.ct,re n Tee American purchase F,or,,:a frerrm Spain n 1813 aid not, at east at ..,rect / _3r`ect growth. Kev'v\'est, .3.Ue to its Stret ' ie leaden and easy access by means o7 snip, :.as ri tact the regional _enter ct Svutn Florela ai t le ti'r3 r... tee major Ink tin the est :.r ne .,cr art : families 7 hii,..- 5 eeeeei„ c CJrncns of 7he Ke`/S art. t"e Georgia, n.'.abite,:..77e Fe1isea,,r7e. 3Fe. __ etr,/, er,e- tt,nc, 'rpm tee sa,e ci :, er•,:'z sta•3n. n Kee anc goods Naseec 3sner3 rriem ;r .•;r eKS. !:ware the end t't 19 Century, tn.r.e areas of the may countr/' JeLran te emerge as'_ente's of .rowth. One :vas Lemon C:t-j te.e northern cart .177 7.‘,1161'7..: on ,vas = r ac.. _ <3, .aaer5 ,, 3n , He; 5'. t e 3 300 3, C,.. a.. 'S 3 rr' ;', 3 , 3 .3-(3,::::•.:::a.. 3 .. t 33, Sc'._ 3, _ ;-ir ', O'.33S .. 3 . P a. ..,art . ..33 "er ,,r -.r tne test es te, C.,__r... Jr. .' ..e t Peacocks icereea :'er-ate;r.. t . ; `,v Feacock r, e_ �, "! .:n, n�tertal!•�e. ': ,.?rse returnee yearly `or the cimate or to restore their failing health. As it grew, Coconut Grove developed a Back 8anam:an community •;✓nch stll retains much )t ti'.e cnaracter elf the Banamas and s cen- teree around Charles Street. Tee to rd, are '--ost im.cortant area :t settlement, vas'ocused areun, the mcuth of :he Miam: Rover, and has deveiocea into the present `Downtown. Two `aml„es, consieered to re tne `ounaing families of Miami, occupied either siee of tne river: Julia Tuttle's nomesite was on the north and tne F3'rickell nome- stea_d and trading post was on the south. \Alhde the activities of both 'arnllies were instrumental in 'urtner settlement :,f ".liaml, it was due to Julia T ettle's persuasive tnat Henry F•agler de- cied to extend his rau:roac to Miami. The opening a` the F:agler Railroad anc the sucseauent Jevel- :nment at the Flagier hate., the Royal Palm, at the 71c,.tn O7' the ,Miami n ver set into motion a period Df reela growth for the 9mer;ing town. Soon after :he rani cad was built, Miami oecame incorporated. T',e cregcnal area covered by the City includea what is °resent;,/ known as the Downtown. Large streets yore alp cut n gr ir, rasnion anc, due to a cler!cal error, '.and at the bavfront was oubiiciy set aside as Dark .and. From 1396 to the mlcale 1920's Miami grew racialy and experienced a "boom"' era. A Georgia news - caper 3esenbee. 'Guam: in these days as a "frontier town 3arborirg orimirais and rascals." Northerners ockec ''nto Miami ela the 'DIxie Highway in a new means of transport ca,iea the automobile. Miami :re'.v SO raj n' , that Services such as schools, sewers, Barks, etc..vere ect aeecuate:y provided. Real estate erornoton ano tour;srn were primary :naus- es 'Here a;so n:gn:y seasonal. Many attracted to Miami in tie 1920's :,vere unattached inohnduals `,veose snared commitment to the place iay ',n soecu- •ative ventures. New zeveloement proceeded n the ieast expected areas euts:ce of !,,,1laml. Miami Seacr jrew `rom a nanercve snca: and Cora: Gac'es nad !ts neg:nnings n -, .:n ano area away from tne coastal amenities .rip^ sole reap, estate comr_ensate, both areas rstit_,, strorg :cntr; s on 3eve:oornent anc: ife. T eeve'o_cer of Coral Gab es, Geor.e Verr�c'�c, created amenities and Jarearizea ..:eeeerl'?ent around 301` courses and set it :cart o,' means of grandiose Gateways. Themes 'were carriec.i '3ut ,n tre oeveiopmert of surrounding towns from tne Spanish style architecture of Coral Gables to the mocrisn mosques and :tomes of Opa Locke. Among the controls which were instituted in Coral Gables and Miami 3eacn were those which prohibited Blacks in tre City limits after nlgntfail and Black ghettoes spread throughout Miami to serve these areas curing the cal,. Municipalities in Dane County expancea their boundaries. Miami Beach attemptea to incorporate much of the northern coastal baytront but ,vas stopped by Miami Shores. Miami extended Its City limits to include Coconut Grove, an act wnich was hlgniv resented bV this indecencent community. The last ,arge transaction Y the room ieedvea the creation of Biscayne Bculevera. In 1926 the boom ended with tne "Big Blow. - The destruction wreaked Uy tree nerricane *nice, hit in Septemoer 1926, was saia to ce crlmar'iy :ue to Ire fact that reslcents ''vro na l come from the north nad naver exper!encea anytring dike :t cetore and were not appropriately Marred. Tee losses were great not only in yes ano property, cut in the dent it put In Miami's attractiveness. The hur- ricane lea Miami into the national oepresslon before the rest of tne 'country, thus ending the iong period of "Boom, Blow and Bust." Work: 'rear i l gave'.1iaml a cna"•ce to recC up on Its decline oy the oiversifioat',on ;,t •r,d,istry aria the est3bllsnment of a strung aviation base. it adoItion experimentation ,vltn trCDICai ier;ia se- cered a noll_, on tee .en; ;n's economy.;. .sloe ,tag rowth spread : iesnv.r:, -r orn _ C:oastal r Jge anhi inilll;nq Ct �r,�,'3n oeveiocreen. :set . veen .icier „enters of the ooastai .ge oK dace `,llami ;✓as, ;n tree 1940 s aeo i DE3 s. face i.It. the 'aalite of ur jan .rob:ems, many sif ivnicri ea ease..teo from its der;co at wriri wino grewtn. Sereices were eeeced and Black slums were spread tnrcuanout tne City. In or:er to pay -,:,r tree a „rorg economic base ,vas neecea and tre City can tJ _a ze tee orneiet:,: e e,ge. arras rn each ...en-. regard to our�sm and Hieiean :ern -ever] '3 nc..strv. in tee 90's, MJuml n3� dun case'1a. tci r5, I en- ''ere est Cl;sn c far ��_ te; e.e', cent s~. It ;r eiwt. ,vile tee.etnn,1- re ACC- Sirce tinan, „ent rc; •.::nos ere: _ ;r eoceia- tion characteristics have emerged as significant con- tributions to the City's history. CLIMATE AND ENERGY The climate of Miami 's subtropical and is charac- terized cv an 3nru3l Cycle of 'Net and dry seasons. As a result, it is unique :n the United States and is, therefore, a resource of oonsiceraole ,glue. The attractiveness 'vliam's climates .veil evidenced cv the rope wnicn ,t ras olayed in the region's recent :rewtn and economic development. In design con- siderations, nowever, those attributes of the climate eibeen relate to human comfort and satiety are para- mount. The eesign ct euiidings and :.rban environ- ments in energy conservation and the way in which c:imatic aria micro -climatic concitlons can be ma- nioulated to renuce energy consumption 'seise an Important concern. There are many c000rtun:ties 'or enhaccln„ the urban environment as well 3s eevleooing energy efficient structures. A careful analysis of indlvieual climatic e'iements itiestrates problems and opportunities that slecuid oe acdressed. In terms of safety, the cer.oaic?itects of fleecing and severe wind carnage associated with hurricanes and tropical storms are critical design considerations. A response to tne effects of flooding at the scaie of nd,vid_al structures has been encouraced Dy Federal Flood Ins'urance'tihior. 'aouireS that the first floor -elevation of cuilcings be above the 100 year 'food eievat:on. In corner to oual,ty for Federal monies, ail new construction Within nazareous zones must conform to these regulations. i ith reaard to nigh wings associatea with trocical storms, the Building Code of Scutn. Florida requires teat a.' ouildings are .arable of Nitnstanding hurricane force winds. There are, nowever, many additional means of re- aucing -isles and ensuring safety through urban and building design. These can include considerations regarding the strength and amount of surace area covered by glazing; the Ditch and design of roofs ]na 'oendations as well 3S tie oiacing anr3 Se'_writy OT street elements. -tuns net`; arc temeerature are the major :etermi- rants cf environmental comfort and therefore, toe utilization `Jf iieird and sr -ace are CT greatest importance in, ,re :es'ign of comtcrtabierllving environments. Tee Ce-root Chart ii- .s;rates teat ':r most of Ire ;ear combirec nign .misiity arc, .erecerature in ,:1'.aml 2roduce condl- 49 tons that have resulted in the liberal use of air con- ditioning indoors. Outdoors, neat and humidity are tempered by the almost continuous sea breezes coming off the Bay. Averaging velocities between seven and ten miles per hour througnout the year, wind is one of Miami's greatest climatic resources which can mitigate the uncomfortable effects of heat and humidity. Tre major problem of outdoor comfort, tnougn, is the fact that most development In Miami nnibits or obstructs tne free flow of the wind. Low density residential development, in which tracts of similar building types create stable air flows over the en- tire mass, reduce micro -scale breezes to inoividuai Jnits. Another type of problem ;s created by dense areas of high rise aevelcpment. These c,,.sters cre- ate wind shadows whicn can effectively block breezes to downwind development. A prime exam- ple of this effect occurs in the area immediately northwest of the Downtown where a lower aensit; residential development lies it ,ne wino sraaow of high-rise office buiiaings. It snould ce noted here that the form of urban aeveiopment also creates sun shadows which can be d'etrementa+ to many uses, particuiariy those which are recreational or leisure oriented in nature, As Perceptible feateres of environmental quality, these effects :emanc new urban responses. A systematic organization of buiiaing heignts, orientation and configuration :an assure 3 distribution of iroeveiobirrert tnat enhance ratrer than retract from tne, e'uaiities of Suni,gnt anc ,viva bows. Air circulation can ;e ncreasec str,c- 'ures siicntle offset -rim. crevailir vine, .erection and 3iicwwing the ice./ ior east -west .vir Breezes for :poling can oe n-anlc.,latec trie utiezation of •ians wit: strategicativ locate.: windows. 'B e- ments seen as screening, icuvres, ialvusles an;o galls are useful to admit air r'ow. In addition, the eieva- 'ron of structures on stilts or oiccks can crovide Cotter lenriiat',on as :Jeff as sr'.eitere, area below. ee • w S aS m'crt rt . Cr nC:C:e `"yar'. t Fs ;eS:. r c' ocr", :rtaC'e. sr•ect'.res is ; S n eritear hei. a c',easart : ent_ ;�: to _'.e .Sawa". of air mare/ esi :-n e :eSi3cie erects i7 -, r ait' in an.. tree' ;,r :ircuiat.on „ '.en'/ eases, c..L.. 's ;;riff a l'ab.e ..it"Cut .fir ,.na n . the r..er-g'/ sib-, Del icing iexi- bility and adaptability to natural conditions, re- gardless of technologic innovations may be an ap- propriate objective in design. Insuiation characteristics have moiications for city- wide environmental quality as Neil as Individual building economies. Unuke many northern cities that can be ;ianketea with clouds for says, Miami experiences per, 'err, says of total cioua cover. On any given ode: the sun Nil' ce obscurec ov clouds only 20-30% of tne total eaeiiiant time. This rela- tively icw degree of cloud cover combined with nigh ii,,erticai angles of the sun above the horizon oroouces severe neat iaain orobiems. The most severe heat gain problem occurs during tre summer months of une through August wnen the sun heats the norte sloes of buildings and streets n both. the mornings and afternoons. Occurring our n._, months ce 'r-t r ambient air temcerature, this ceaK insoiaton pattern can make outcoor ped- estnan areas quite uncomfortable and can signifi- eant:y add to the cooling costs of improperly designed 3na sradea buildings. Tne remainder or the year, September through May, presents the most continu- es neat gain problems. During these months, the western walls and, to a lesser extent, tne eastern •,vac's and streets surfer the greatest 'nsolation. If the costs of snaaing an entire building are unfeas- Ioie, a strategic cnoice oetween providing shading n those sides of the cuciding which are subject to rife longest perioc cr continuous beat gain or pro- ing shading on those sides which are Subject to a snsrt oerioa of severe heat yarn, :°,olio need to ce mace. Rainfall in Miami is characteristic of subtropical climate and totals approximately 55 inches per ;ear. During the wet season of August througn October there is a 50-50 chance that on any given day some rain will fall. During the rest of the year the likelihood of daily rainfall i3 much less, some rain being 'ikeiv to tali only ore or two days of tre'seek. %lost of tre raintah excer'encec in `..l.aml s caused o`; kcal sncwers ior thunderstorm activity Nnicr form quickiv warm afternoons. T -is .keilr,00.. at s a_en showers iilustra es a 'feed er 3 ::root response at tne scale cf urban be- oestr an act :it`/. Ins 'act, cot" of tne above-men- ened conditions characteristic of Miami,tnat is, eeavv rainfall are eictaoie rack of significant c'.oud cover, demarc C3retuc consideration .n tre design yf any'exterior pedestrian environment. in Miami, many physical responses to the need for pedestrian shelter are possible and each can be designed to fit the activity patterns of specific location. In areas of heavy pedestrian activity, crotective shelter as well as minimum walking distances snouid be en- couraged. Individual buildings must be responsive to certain climatic conditions if they are to achieve energy conservation ana savings in operating expenses. While Florida Power anc Lion! Company is not an- ticipating any shortage of electrical energy for the Miami Area, the costs of energy are beginning to reach the point •where conservation tecnniq'ees are not only desirable, but are also becoming a neces- sity. In Miami, the critical factor In the design of an energy conserving building is neat gain throegn the building "envelope." Heat loss is no problem as it is in warm -dry climates because the temp era- ture differential in Miami is very small between day and night extremes. The neat gain of a 'building is primarily dependent upon tnree basic factors: built:ng orientation, ouiia- ing surface area and the amount, size ana orientation of surface glazing or wincows. Orientation is critical in all climates, but is particeiar,y important in Miami because the air temperatures remain pion for ;org periods of time. If buildings are of a rectangular floor configuration, the nest orientation is to place the long axis on an east -',vest line. This Maces the snort sues of the buil•eing wnere the .reatest cor- tinuai heat gains 'occur. Tee western ;ice of the building is the more critical cf the two hecause it is exposed to ...erect nsoration iwnen 3fterroon am- oient air temperat'res are n,.yhest, The particular oonf,yurat: or, at a 'OW icing may add to energy savings. A ouiialrg ".: to a :igl.are floor plan has less surface area tnan a building of tne same square footage which nas a rectangular floor plan. Since heat gain is directly oroportionai to surface area exposed. it is advantageous to . esicn builainres for minimal "skin' exbosure. Oaz:ng cr win.tcws are oereacs tne most critical . 3rt of .r'e :x.erral trat rev allow almost erect -eat ;u,n. r tre other n �rrel n t �dn v, �J I�t' Z`-.r•re 'J d �," ,,. e.0 .tieCn a,reo'n t of gig lrg 3f0 ar^GVnt c -eat join, t s also tree -.rat oeeraree inao:vs an: can snit Cate tee effects o 'eat gain e,e ar:3', .;.leg .a source Jr ,:ntl.al,or. r',rtner irsoietion :ontr c"t_o o'i glazing can be sianificant,y reduced by means of shading or technical innovations such as double pane glass. neat utsorbing glass, and reflective metal- lic coatings en .rouble or triple pane glass. Heat 'gain :n urban areas can be reduced by minimiz- ing blacK-top paving. Many new paving surfaces re- uuce heat absorption in the urban environment by enccuragir.g grass to crow .n ;he concrete and by ❑sing iignt, rt*;ect,ve colcrs. An important strategy for mitigating the effects of neat gain is to capitalize on the off -snore breezes n the design of structures as 'Nell as urban, environ- ments. Pre- i9 0 housing in Miami is instructive ;n iiustrating the use of tnese breezes, for example, in tne proliferation of seen elements as porches, breeze- ways, patios, cross -ventilation wtncows ano so term. Combined tne use 'of `ens, many structures can oe comfortable on not ana humid days. Anotrier design strategy ..sec ,n oioer Miami homes to en- hance cooling is the use of a ventiaatee. acubie roof vnich 's •.eater-t,gr,t, ,ns„lated anc reflects solar rays. In adciticn, tne Nationai Bureau of Standards has aeterminec that ,n mild winter climates, such as Miami, an adeed six incres of insulation on the roof iwiii pay for itsei in ore year and produce a Dividend it reduced fuel consumption thereafter. A ;vice overhand is necessary nor rain protection and reduction of skei glare the rain comes at a 45 degree argie). Roof neat gain can accit,onaily oe minimized with -water retention pools anc re- •lective surfaces. Adcitionaliy, other roof forms fea- ture cisterns and other elements which incorporate water conservation measures. Many old homes ex- emplify a more open appearance to much of the recent deveiooment which is designed in response to cost constraints associated ii,vith air conditioning operation as well as that of construction. Another facet of energy utilization is the profile of energy consumption over time. Large energy users, because cf their tremendous consumption, can create an ':nbatanced energy consumption pro- file. Res:cent:al energy consumption, though, rela- tlbely small for the 'inci'.'idual aweiling :nit, s tne second .araest total oonsumer of ener,;y .r the Cite; et Miami, enc. car, disc ace to the unnalanced erofiie. Because of the .nccrslstent use of generating ac ,tines oreaiec this tvice D? peak consumption, erer,v costs :an be significantly increased. As the Ficrca Power anc L,gnt chart inalcates, the goal is to smoothen cut the energy consumption profile 31 and thereby reduce energy costs. Techniques to modify energy consumption may inc,ude staggered work hours for ;arge consumers. Re -arranging work nours would effectively diversify work time and fife styles and thereby eliminate peaks ana valleys of energy consumption ana produce a better dis- tribution of energy demand. Unfortunately, not all cuileers are gager to imple- ment tne mentl3nec u'esign features. As many buildings are built or soecuiati',e purposes, the builder is not concerned with tne operating or life cycle cost of the building. As an investor, he is con- cerned primarily i,vitn the first costs of construction and consequently, if certain design features cost more Initially, the builder may ce reluctant to em- ploy them. Administrative venicles currently exist in the form of building coaes, zoning regulations and zoning incentives to Implement any Or all such tecnniaues in tne form of design standards. In aaai- tion, the State is ourrentiv 3eveooing an energy conservation plan under Federal mareate i,vnic,n may result in changes to tne 3uii sing Cece. Local or Federal monies may also be _Ised to subsidize erer- gy conservation techniques, par,icuiar!',• in the new and rehabilitated residentiai iweiiing Jnits. ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS AND RESOURCES Tee City of Miami ;s cn3racterized by an abundance t natural resources as natural riazaras. nose eri.ircnmentai nazares eescrbee ;e!c.v are'ocaiized and, therefore, amenacie t, rnaocec ;escr;ption. In tee same manner, nat..rai resources nave, peen ,den- -, led ter tne Cite or Miami. Hazards Flooding Due to its tropical „imate, P:iiami is subject to hur- capes are; trocieai sterns :ur'na tee rain•, season. e `ects s:.ncse st_. r's, liar-ice,ari , eige ;nncs 3n e, : C,, associate -. .V'• ., 3,.rne$ �. rci , may cr:per-..eee :lu of .C. .:cr"ent ..-e. C S .J ..r...ar newith See. _r .. _ C _, 9FT ' :der:._ ei,rricaria 25 eel. Since. V arri is CCastai -Jae, ,sscc.ia' with ;t_ scat.Za': t� • -.,,an'. lreas. .Ion .7 :oast a�; pliant tei the Miami River and the Little River. A program for encouraging the development of safe structures .vithin these areas has recently been nitiated by the Federal Government under tne Federal Insur- ance Acministration, HUD ana NOAA requiring that local governments adopt ana enforce ;and -use ana control measures basec on technical informa- tion to guioe development :n flood -prone areas. ire `lcoa nazara zones identified by the Federal F'coo Insurance Pn aram are represented on the environmental hazards mao and is basea on the standard 100 year timed. Noise !vmile research into the health effects of noise is st;il in its early stages, it Is general;v concluded that: ay day exposure to noise of more tnan 85 deci- neis can 'eaa to hearing Toss; and any sound or ^oise can alter physiological states. On the basis of these concerns, ana ;n recognition of the fact that overall noise levels are increasing ,vith time,* many overnmental agenc:es nave begun to consider noise Impacts and measures 'or controlling these impacts. Duration, rrenuency and loudne.ss are the three 3S• pects ji7 noise important '.r aetermlrirg Its perceived impact. Ti-cues noise is often measured in terms of Its ieucness I. ecibel levels), the iNay in r hich loud- ness lhteracts ^nit^, frequency greatly affects one's perCeptan of it. As a result, sound is commonly measured in terms of eB(A), yvhich indicates decibel je'ei as affected 'cv 'requenc i. in fliami the racist serious impacts of noise are caused Cy aircraft taking of anc lancing at the nearby In- ternationai Airport. Naturai!v, trose residential areas ii,veien are cosest to the r..nways are imoactea most by 3ircort noise, eowever, mucn of the City is affected a some degree cy air traffic. In a_:ditlon, traffic 3a- jacent to or terough resiaentlai areas may be prob- lematic. Other sources of noise induce construction activity. Indi...striai activity, refuse collection, air _eeditioning, 7entiidt�ng, alarm systems of emergency :emotes, normal social ac.iv figs, ana so 'orth. . is cc,ssi,r is to ^lilt jate the moac s of noise cy - ar.,ce ating the source, tee catn of Noise trans- mission 'Jr the nose recei'er.'.A'1'.icr. ever accrcach s aopr' oriate ;s ccOntingent on the special circurn- 'Toe .; vera',I ,ouoness Jf t^e env•ronment s increasing about 10 .ec'ceis every cecaoe Stuches nave snows that though Americans att-oute 3 :oss of nearing to aging, tnis :s not cnaraeterlstrc of ei- :eNy persons in non -urban countries. stances of the problem as iwell as the most effective or feasible solution. On the other hand, combining all three approaches to the problem may be the best way in whicn to reduce environmental noise. For example, in the case cf aircraft, it is oosste to control noise'evels at tne source (scundoroofiny equipment, improvement of airplanes), contro.!!ng the patn of noise transmission (cnanging the route of travel in order to minimize impacts in noise sensitive neighborhoods or areas) and controiiini tne receiver of noise (bv improving insulation Df buildings, environmental buffering, etc.). In tee above example, tne City would procably be able to control impacts on tne receiver; however, rneans cf control are aeoencent on tne situation. Cities have extensive power to control lava use, traffic, the operation of eeuipment and ouilaing coce cro- visions in noise mitigation efforts. There are ctner tools in which the City could ensure noise reduc- tions as weir, such as performance standards for land uses and environmental impact ano other ordi- nances. Federal criteria have been established for the evaluation of noise irroacts (e.g., HUD nousing criteria) and these may serve as a basis for city evaluations. Noise can be envisioned as a residue, a by-product of human activity. Tnis is esoeclaliy true in a tecnnologicai age where the use of machinery is commonolace. However, as a result of tnis, it is highly likely that the implementation of programs for noise nitration iNiil come into conflict with many cenerai vaiues for 'eroan activity. It sr,cu,d be expected that the corrdiex:ty of issues involved in nose mitigation will reouire that serious trace - offs are mace. Water Quality The degradation of water qualm is widely con- sidered to ce the most serious environmental prob- lem and potential pubic hazard 'within the region. The degradation of water quality not only repre- sents a cctentiai tnreat '.J :uollc health, but 3iSO •s a major Constraint to various .v3tar contact rec- reational activit es. T ,'N major sci. ce i .rater c,o ..t;an ..- et•iuent 'rorr Se`.'iaCe treatment n'an tS and sept:C t.'.nes. Most ser-ace :caters cif Miami, as indicotece. :n tne -32areS Map, exceeco tnie State S,tafCariS r'r C'O in:re. oacttr .3, eeris oere'a to re 3 meas r.a _ p._":'Jt! .r "rOr^m nee mar. Sources. i e Miami iF:leer end ocrticns a northern Biscayne Bay are severely polluted and, in general, Biscayne Bay is over enriched with phos- phorus. Another major source of pater pollution is attributed to runoff of polluted storm waters in- to the Bay and r vers. Due to the nighiy perous soil and underlying bedrock, ',eater is rapidly ab- sorbed into the groundwater supply ,vith (little fil- tering thus threatening the continued quality of the Biscayne Aquifer. t,Vater pollution .s a regional problem. The rivers and underground water supplies cannot be substantially improved ;n quality without control of all parts, especiaiiy eostream, of the.watershed. Thus, Federal, State ane County supervision in improving water quality is acpropriate. This does not mean to imply thougn tnat the City cannot actively caricipate and create its own pollution abatement programs. Due to general ciean•uo efforts, as well as major irn- Prcvements in the sewer system in the last ten nears, water quality has substantiaiiy improved, though it is still generally polluted. Further improve- ments in water quality, thougn, is considered to be difficult and the primary reason for this is at- tributed to the fact that pollution caused by storm water runoff is difficult to control. One way in which storm water runoff can be controlled is by means of grassy swales which would lengthen the infiltration of water end w.vouid to a degree filter it. Storm water runoff treatment plants are also pos- sible, though much more sophisticated 3 solution. A county study, sponsored by the Environmental Protection Agency, is currently underway. It is im- ccrtant to point gut that the cities may take the initiative in implementing abatement programs with regard to pollution caused by runoff. Fire The City of Miami Fire Department is, according to the Insurance Service Organization, one of the most outstanding in the Country. The only other cities of similar size which are of equal merit are Oakland, California, and Memphis, Tennessee. The Fire Department of Miami has had a Cass ! insur- ance rating since 1963, and tnis rating was rein- norsed this year. Insurance ratings for various city services range from Class I, being the higr.est (lowest crerriums) to Class X, being the worst with the nighest premiums to pay. The criteria used to deter- mine the various ratings tor the Fire Department ncluce such things as manpower, water flows and equipment, training, performance, fire code and com- 53 munication and records systems. Though fire is a common occurrence in the nearby natural areas, particularly during the dry season, the City is not significantly affected by such envi- ronmental conditions. Rather, being an urban area, the problem of fire in high rise buildings, in indus- trial (especially manufacturing) areas, in ghettos and in areas with many old buildings are more im- portant sources tor concern. Recently, Metropolitan Dade County issued a Master Plan for Fire and Rescue Services vvhich was prepared with the cooperation of all fire depart- ments throughout the County. As it was prepared more for suburban areas than for urban, Miami's Fire Department finds its concerns not entirely the same as its own. Furthermore, many of the standards set forth in the plan have alreaay been achieved by the Miami Fire Department !e.g., re- sponse time). As a result, the City's Fire Department has embarked on its own Master Plan, scheduled for completion in September of this year. Resources Miami's local environmental resources are a com- posite of unique elementswhich contribute to its diversity and "sense of place." In many cases, these resources are remnants of systems wnich were once extensive. The Environmental Resources Mao lays a foundation for the evaluatior of actions related to the City's natural resources by identifying their location and extent. Vegetation MI3mi 'was once covered 'or the most par in Jo - and ' egetat!on characteristic of the Atlantic coastal r:cge. Some tracts, on vacant lots arc at Simpson Park remain as examples of ,vhat the City was like prior to urbanization. Open spaces covered by native vegetation have historic value as weii as environmental ;ague for aaulfer recharge or as haoitat for small mammals, birds am other corms Jt Biscayne Bay s 3notner major er! Ircnmental re- scL.rce, _no,iue not :niv within South Florida, out t_ .31! •ne Country. The Bav is a sr-aiicw, long s�,p troc cal 'agoon which ,was once encirc.ec by '^argr : ves an : coastal marsres and .was a nionly crncuctive ecosi.stem. Today, while polluted in r~anv areas, tl.e Bay is st'ii biologicany productive and represents a major recreational and natural re- source. Those remaining areas of natural shoreline, as indicated on the map, provide access 'or recrea- tion and represent what mucn of the shoreline was once like. History For a relatively young City, Miami nas a wealth of structures and sites iwhich recall its early develop- ment and history. These nave educational and, in many cases, scenic value which adds to the per- ceived quality of the City. Recreation The recreational facilities wnich have been identified on the Environmentai Resources Map (i.e., marinas, bikeways and peaches) represent opportunities tor special activities, especially with regard to the use of the Bav and water bodies. T'nese are public as well as private facilities which allow such activities to take place. SUMMARY The sup -tropical climate, unique environment of the Miami Region and its recent development have cre- ated many issues related to its future well being. Most significant of these are high energy costs for mechanical cooling, sait water intrusion into the Biscayne Aquifer,weil fields and continued supply of fresh water for population growth and acuatic habitats; protection `rom flooding and tropical storms; protection of the Bav and coastline and preservation of the nistoricai heritage and scenic resources. Strategies nave been and are being preparec for the Bay, Coastal Zone, and water quaiity management as weil as energy conservation by the State, South Florida Regional Planning Council and Dade County. In support of and in addition to these strategies, the following are proposed. STRATEGIES 1. Adopt Development Guidelines Based on Water Conservation Principles. Public and private development shouic include con- sicerations for recucing ouiiding coverage, site gracing and design to avoid flooding and directing runoff to catchment basins, to vegetation to. retard the rate of runof ( and allow for groundwater and aquifer recharge over porous material, roof design to avoid rapid runoff and cisterns to collect water for reuse, as well as low water consumptive vegeta- tion. 2. Adopt Development Guidelines Based on Energy Conservation Principles. Public and private development should include con- siderations for building orientation relative to sun and wind, landscaping for shading and cooling, plazas and open spaces to oromote convection cur- rents and to avoid heat plumes, form ana volume of buildings to minimize insoiation, roof design for water retention to promote cooling, shading de- vices including arcades and canopies. 3. Adopt Guidelines for Development within the Coastal Zone. Public and private development should protect natural vegetation and shoreline, encourage the use and restoration of natural shoreline where appropri- ate, maintain views and public access in selected lo- cations, encourage lively public uses and marine or- iented recreation, including marinas and docking facilities. 4. Adopt Development Guidelines for Protection from Flooding and Tropical Storms. The Federal Flood Insurance Program nas already developed guidelines for elevated structures rnithin the 100 year fiocdoiain. These guidelines should be applied in these as well as other areas susceptible to inundation. Use appropriate iandscaoing and pro- tective devices, soon as shatters, to minimize wind damage. 5. Adopt Guidelines for Noise Abatement and Control. Noise should ce a consideration in determining the location, type and performance standards for devel- opment projects as well 3s in determining roadway and other transportation improvements, restrictions on truck routes ano requirements for noise reduc- tion methods, such 3s tanners, 'ancscaoing and the 3uilaing Code. 6. Adopt Historic Preservation Ordinance. The City nas area~`/ acoote.' an Erv'rormental Pre- servation Ardenlance, ` r:n inc:Jces tre, resignation of scenic corn .ors. A r-1.:oric Preservat, Groinance has ceen creoarea and sr ;1J.7 oe auooted to pre- se.rve `Miami', ini„,'ue cuieerai .-,eritage. 55 5 40 NE, L. t 40 N.E.E--»----- Hp.e. 40. 1L JL___L. - J __ ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS 100 Year Flood ED A-14/EL __MSL MI V-14/EL _MSL • Elevation above • Mean SSea Level 1 e a Water Pollution Noise ZONE A: defied bybythe 1hazards 0 yyeaar flood. ee%* ZONE V: Exposed area of Zone A that im pact subject to the of waves and water with velocity. Extent of area depends on characteristics of waves and terrain at the shore and would affect structures at a higher elevation than the 100- year flood. REACH : An identification number which refers to the 100-year flood elevation level as a flood hazard factor and is used for establishing insurance rates Severe Pollution EZI 50 N.E.F.1 40 N.E.F.2 1 I. Unacceptable lot any N.LLD.programs which provide financial support for housing. 2.01scrstiona►y zone for N.U.O. support. III I 1/e4 5m11s$ • 1 N fit,• IIIII•.--• :':'• „ . .r. �. �I !Y�• r.�j�•1 II nnn ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES Natural Features Cultural & Recreational BAY BOTTOM COMMUNITY Grass Bay Bottom Depths Over 6 Feet •14Boat Channels Natural Shoreline RELATIVE TREE COVER Greatest Cover r •• J Moderate Cover Low Cover C-,f Least Cover Oa Major Parks CULTURAL & HISTORICAL RECREATIONAL • Concentration Of Cultural Facilities Concentration of Historical Sites caMarina Facilities Commercial Marina Facilities Private Marina Facilities Public Bikeways Beaches 0 25 5 1 1 5 miles 14) • 0 MAP CLOUD COVER VI. w. MEAN NUMRER DAYS NItN THUNDERSTORMS OCCURRING A•• JUL, 4K. M•' a, .IM AVERAGE RAINFALL WORMAI YEARLY TOTAL IS 56.4 INCHES 1 a-- •t• MM.• APO MU, ,.Nt AA, AUG SEc, XI WATER BUDGET 1 r$AA•NM•••... ••••M•. o NOM GEC [Malt•. -ti �a•I�tl .7 �^' r•a 07uwY , .,IAN,•cY •/•A•.• l•• .. 4.1.•r •w..•. ••!*I& s A! Mwr•t 1,1 PATTERN OF SALT -WATER INTRUSION IN THE BISCAYNE AQUIFER TEMPERATURE armor DAILY MAXIMUM •• MIMED •...nom •. • -- IV€IIAOEVILY WAN ••./. ICI •• •rtI/01•MMIIMI• 401.� �• *Arr E DAILY MINIMUM • 0 • • .110 oQ AN rt• 1.11 .•• W, AM JULY MAMA ••M. MAI •.....0 M • • HUMIDITY I .ee 15 .I Mr -- o .u. •tn OCT NO• DEC IRM 0 r• r[s MAP MMA w• Job! ,..�• rrt. xP ,c• Na WIND VELOCITY AND DIRECTION I � t•t• yAy. W. W, Jlll[ All, 1 �L Yvt i WI NW 1 D[ . lc NM* 10 St (St 1St St St 5l CSC CAN N N u,.Nl .f/1140 11,111.• u .MMO.••„/ r ••.. BIOCLIMATIC COMFORT CHART IIiO I INP-Vt14 REARING AND NNa fl'IMG . M) VINO RE •{ _.__J ] T, lri.. a . N•.. M % 10.. •O% • % 1 a•NW, At AMAMI, M AK.. •Hai. N., NOM • S, St A,NNM$ OHM./ 11 NO•t AMA 17 C•CI NM• 3.4 COMMUNITY DESIGN ELEMENT This portion of the Plan includes a description of Miami's community design characteristics and proposes strategies aimed at improving the quality of life and visual appearance of the City. SUMMARY Miami is d stingu sred by ?s exposure to the Bis- cayne Bay and Mlarri waterro^.ts, its sub- tropical climate and veaetation, its special residen- tial and ccmrnercial �1ist7-.cts and its diverse copula- tion. On the other hand, Miami is a young city which, in the r.;sn of 'ts development, reflects qualities of many other cities which underwent similar rapid growth within this century. it is cnaracterized by a low density, dispersed pattern of development, linear commercial strips and an undifferentiated grid street system. The City lacks a positive rela- tionsnip to the Bay and Miami River, and the ex- pressways and raiiroads are carriers. Much of the development itself is comorised of isolated "objects in space" rather than buildings ,vhich are an inte- grated Dart of a continuum of actv'ties. The Com- munity Design E,ement proposes to create ar en- vironment which ,gives structure and orientation to the urban experience, responds to the unique quali- ties of the Miami Region, increases the personal safety, pride and opocrtunity of its residents and ennances the cultural neritage and natural resources of the area. BACKGROUND The early settlement of Miami was ;nfluenced by the physical character of its surroundings. The rivers and Biscayne Bay provided a context to the relatively undifferentated landscape. The edge effect created oy the bayshore was reinforced in certain areas by the sharply siocing appearance of the coastal ridge and the lush vegetation found there. Early growth of Miami was centered around the area of greatest natural differentiation which was the mouth of the Miami River. Other original settle- ments, Lemon City and Coconut Grove, were also ;coated on the eastern snore adjacent to the Say. Development proceeceo in an outward fan from the coast to less diversified areas. Overlaid upon the natural lardscape are man-made systems which have also in'luenced the patterns of growth. In Miami, as in other towns, communication 57 links were foremost in establishing a structured environment. The north -south line of the EEC. Railroad corresponded with the linear nature of settlement patterns. Dixie Highway, constructed in the early 1900's, followed tne general path of the railroad along the coast. The opening of the Dixie Highway signalled the rapid growth of Miami, a city of the 3utcmooiie age. The routes carved out 'or the autcmobi e are probably the most significant torn-) Determinant of the City. As with many other new cities in the country, Miami never developed a strong center and settlement for the most part occurred in 3 low density dispersed rashion throughout tne region. The advent of tne automobile was followed by other innovations, especially air conditioning, which shaped the form and quality of the City. These advanced influenced a built environment which was not responsive to the subtropical con- straints and ooportunities of South Florida. The resulting environment empnasizes private spaces and isolated individual structures in contrast to the more open and public environment Nhich would also be more fitting to Miami. Tne road system which .vas laid out in a traditional grid pattern, is in stark contrast to tne natural contours of Bis- cayne Bay and the rivers. Tne one-half mile square grid tacks a sense of organizational structure or nierarchal order. The same tree of artery serves in- tense commercial areas, industrial sectors ano s,ngie family residential areas. in sucn an automo- tive -oriented city, :nis results In a lack t orien- :at on and percecuon of place to :he Gerson moving tnrouan the Cie;. Those areas of tine City which na‘,e uncon',ent;gnat street layouts, sucr as Coconut Cro..e. Reads am oaycoint, retain sceciai identities apart 'rpm the maior;ty of rasioent,ai neignborhoods. Tine most recent additions to the road net'i.vorK are :he reeways constructed in the 1950's and 1960's vnich lave cr eaten strong north-soutr an east -west eccies. 7,e cr''. S'C3: .iny '1 sua1 edges created by cse ro;.tes -aye 1rn eo e C t' n*, ent *able ear:s. iacat:3n, Nortneast :r Scut _ast �h, �e;r`oro;^,, .,�e bourJares �. ex,,stng areas sucn as tie Do''1r:oown anal :�.. oasta' areas gn *.he _ osta' areas "aVe rat.: ;n en•L acie :naracter ^r gnuut Viaml's r;st. r,, ,'"e'Nester" .tort crs o` :r _ C,e, nave not. Low, ":at and soarseiy 5c vegetated, the western portions are physically un- differentiated. The build environment is often uni- form; neighborhoods are of similar density, scale and type and commercial strips are unpunctuated. The neerl, therefore, 'or diversn'ication of the in- iand portions of the City s great. The Latin commun- ity nas already begun to aCI a speca, auaiity to certain areas. This ,s esoec,ai,y true of tne exteror environmental duality :hat is achieved in Litt''e Havana. ;`;hire Jifterences '1 fe styles are greatly resoonsioie for this, several recently constructed buildings along S.'rV. 3th Street have begun to util- ize exterior design tecnnieues whicn enhance cedes- toan activity. it the northwest Martin L..ther Kind Boulevard is an example of an attempt to create a more distinguisnabie environment. The use of iand- scaprng, the development or lanamarks, changes in scale, density ano grade are ail useful in creating this environmental diversity. COMMUNITY DESIGN PRINCIPLES 1. The urban development of Miami should be responsive to the unique qualities of the Mi- ami region and its people. There is no place in America quite 'like Miami. Its climate, vegetation ano 'general environmental at- tributes, as 'Neil as its residents, are unique. The nature! environment is subtropicai and supports spe- cial plant communities. This subtrooicai environ- ment affects urban design by making an open, out- of-doors style of living more feasible and attractive. The develepment of outdoor cafes and structures wr.ich include indoor and outdoor spaces are not feasible in other parts of the country because of extremes in temoerature. Other climatic and envi- ronmental adaptations whicn development in the sub -tropics can foster can encourage a more respon- sive and special kind of City. Not only is the natural environment unique, but so are the people in tne sense of cultural diversity and mix. Here in :Miami are ceople who come from a wide range of cultura. backgrounds. Lifestwes can oe excressed ,n the phySiC31 '•orm and structure of the community. Tne expression of tnese cultural cnaracterotics :he community maKes for a much r;crer and exciting place. 2. The form of the City should provide structure and orientation to the urban experience. The topography of the Miami Region is fiat and, as a result, features of the'andscaoe which provide orientation ano context to everday activity are poorly perceived. Elevated roads and nign buildings do give some oriertatlon, but these are in special areas of the City. For most of tne City, t is ai`,fi- cult to readily perceive easy ar entat,on. There are many ;rays in which Miami can provide structure and orientation for a rice .rear, experi- ence. Major improvements to t:-,e Nuci,c r,gnts-af- way can functionally and visions orcanize tne ex- perience of the City. This is an escecial'ly important strategy in Miami where landscape itself :aces net Provide orientation and '.vrere tee read system is poorly differentiated in terms ef tun, tional . r- acter. F'enctlonai eifferences can be eneancee av means of layout, egntina, andscac;ng, graphics and street furniture. Major arterials i.vrich are eiahiv auto -oriented can ce identifies by means DI' �tai' trees and nign intensity ignting fixtures. Residential streets can be unproved by :tainting Brace trees and provicing smaller scale, more nt:mate .ignting. The consistent ese of one type of tree is appropriate for major through streets, ana informal diverse plant- ings can act as an aco-opriate indication of local streets. Landscaped Pathways can visually and func- tional;y link open spaces and major activity areas. Landmarks sucn as tall or aistinct:'e structures, the Say and rivers can serve an orienting function. Views to such landmarks snouie ce protected and enhanced. 3. The neighborhood environment should be im- proved to increase personal safety, pride and opportunity. A major concert, vcicea Le resieen:s wiiami anc, ,hrcu3r ieet tre cour.tn, s re.atec to tee veroel.ed "'ec,.re in tee duality of -reir imme :ate residential environments. Increased incseences creme, r oiiu- on, noise, excessive parking and traffic on resicen- t,ai streets 3^d trio general lack of nelgnborhoca .peal,. are amoral ,re mportar.t aricc'ems of tre toner ., . i. I n v.1Lam:.rese rer,nti,ems are nrorounced oecaLsa 33 :jr^, .,t',. crime, rates 3CCecr ee s. ,.i n .-..,r, ,I am -K: 3mcn.: .ne ate is-. CJ n tee ^at fir. ins.'s/ate-3. aracter can .a� �r�l�mi j elli l- corn cs ',hey seciceeeists n.aresers 'aye soce- reertee tee ressa welee c ,cent:.`! as _,'?S . dnt a, enpronments. Eiscoereigine territcr,a. terms f iseravior mares resl - cents more actively involved In the maintenance ana protection of their immediate, serrourdings. There is a teraency '.Jr crime rates to ce nign In areas where residents feel they cannot crar:ge ar have an in- `luence on .'eir si.eirounicalitss, or ivnere anonymity •s Common. T - erercre, tee, erban .evelopment at tee Citsi .ncu.a e-heresic_ resrcnsiveness to tne special a.,at,ties r wants an:: snouid try to encourage neigerieereoce participation in design cec:Slcrs. Since Miami 'san autorrobiie-oriented City, hazards related to its auto _.se are ieiev;table. However, many residents are carpereed ..v zn the increased traffic an',: parKine in resseentiai areas Alnicr. leads to Can- ^ereies car1:lets of Cniliaren area cars, arid promotes a more inware arientaticn .:,f residents. Many right- ef-i,vae improvements'whicr car ohyslcaliy reduce tnrougn movement can be made in ifesidentiai streets ,mere :n.rou. n irafr c s nigh, to cretect its residents. The zoning ordinance can be modified to encourage adequate and crocerly ocatere on -site parking as well as sufficient Deer scace residents. 4. The cultural heritage and unique natural re- sources of the Miami Region should be pre- served and enhanced. Though Miami is a young piece, it has a special cul- tural heritage and environmental features which SfCUId be preserved In order tc maintain a sense of Historical continuity anc i.ariety. Since Miami is almost totally urbanized, there are few areas which retain the oricinai natural envirorrrents. Some parks nave oreserved remnants of the original hammock 01' the coastal ridge and there are tracts of remnant vegetation througnout the City which shouia be pro- tectec. The original natural qualities of ,Miarr, can be reconstructed in areas svnich have not undergone massive environmental change. Biscayne Bay and the Miami River are two major environmental features whicn are still highly unique ana should be protected. Protection does not oniy imply the maintenance of physical stanoares for the use of the pay and rivers, but a'so the protection ana en-ancement at vie'.vs to these features. The Environmentai Preservatior District Ordinance aacoted oy the City is a major tool aimed at tneir arotecttion. it apples sceclal use restrictions in areas which sre; maintain their unique qualities. T `'ere are several structures in Miami '.vnlch nave his- torical sicnif'cance and nave been iaertified oy ;opal, 59 State and National organizations as such. The pro- tection of these can reinforce a sense of continuity with the past and can provide physical examples of adaptations to the local environment which we can learn from in our future development of the City. NEEDS AND RESOURCES Streets The street system in Miami is remarkably uniform. As a grid system applied over a natural landscape with few remaining natural features, the orienting and identifying properties of streets whicn normal- ly give shape to urban areas, is lacking here. It is difficult for travelers and residents alike to readily perceive differences among streets and their rela- tive importance in terms of the total City pattern. While the grid system cannot be changed, except in cases of large scale redevelopment, there are still many ways in wnicn the public right-of-way can be treated to give it special qualities and character. In fact, the urban design treatment of streets is per- haps the most important way in which the public can contribute to the improvement of the identity, and attractiveness of the City. An appropriate w.vav in wnicn to give defnition to Miami's streets 's accor ulna to the ourpose whicn they serve and their relative importance. Basicaily, there are four kinds of streets wnicn make up the system: J,1 ) major arterials; (2) minor arterials; (3) coectors, and (4) local streets. Major arterials are designed to carry tnrcugn traffic. They usually nave little pedestrian activity but maj:-sr venicular traffic. Priority sna_,Id be given to identification of these arterials by motorists and the facilitation of movement along them. Minor arterials, aithough not too Different from major arterials in terms of .-art c ;plume, are .feneraily cnaracterized by e.a`:'er pedestrian act'i'✓it',. Collectors are smaller streets and are resigned to feed traffic into ar-eria;s. Lora; streets ;re :„suaily residential streets which r= 'G. .eSlQrea .: :Urn'. ."roue n-.rat'.c and o"ten rrbortant unctions as cart _ tre, residential -environment, .:an _esi: n eider es sf-c'ui.o oe fermu+ated .vhicr address ail . errents st public..grit-Cf-way in- aing an.scacing, .ignt'ng, Street furniture, street e,. and sidewalk improvements, signage, parking and any other considerations within the public domain. The differentiation of the rights -of -way in the City can be accomplished entirely by public programs. 1. Treatment of Major Arterials Urban design programs should be geared to enhanc- ing visual cianty for orientation and to aid and en- hance traffic movement. Tail trees Planted at widely spaced Intervals along; the ncht-of-.vay would Pe appropriate along major arterials tor the purpose of street identification. TJiey woulo not need to be useful for shade in many areas where oedestrian activity is minimal. Large scale planting on major roadways can :.refine its mportance as a thorough- fare as 'Neil as for visual orientation. Similarly, lignting structures should be tall, evenly spaced and should give bright light. There would be little need for pedestrian amenities such as street furniture and sidewalk 'Nidening. Some coordination of signage (brightness, flashing and size) may be desirable to control their distractions to the motorist. 2. Treatment of Minor Arterials These streets are usually smaller in scale and carry a ',esser amount of through -traffic than major arter- ials, althougn in terms of total traffic volumes, there is no difference at al!. The arterial system will nor- rnally traverse various and uses, though predomi- nantly commercial. Ail urban design guidelines for minor arterials should consider an intermediate scale in landscaping and lighting fixtures. Since traf- f'c movement along these streets is 'ikeiy to ce slower than aiorg major arterials, guidelines geared at enhancing this k:na of oercection should oe devei- oped. For examo,e, ,videiy spaced elements evenly distanced from ore another are Perceived in rabid succession in rapidly moving traffic, ..vhi'e in slower traffic tney are monotonous. Tne enjoyment of the travel experience is more important to slowly moving traffic. For this reason, the reduction of glare and the coordination and ;nterest of adjacent areas Is Important. In strip commercial areas the visual amenities from the roam are even more desirable. Mi^or arterais wnicn pass tnrougn areas with high amounts of Pedestrian activity snould be designed to accommcoate these functions 3s well. Shade trees ,vhicn reduce glare and aid in cooling public areas siecjid ce encouraged. Benches and other street furniture are a;so :esirable to pedestrians. Sidewalks can be Niaenea to encourage foot traffic in commercial areas. 3. Treatment of Collector Streets Collector streets are smaller in scale than arterials and are designed to carry less through -traffic. They are important to the identity and image of the City. Landscaping programs along coilectors should em- phasize continuity of a street district. Planting could accomplisn this by utilizing one identifiable kind of tree or landscaping design throughout tre area. The coordination of all otner p;blic improve- ments coulc aiso achieve this same purpose. In addition to the utilization of consistent designs, special urban design guidelines could apply to evoke the cohesiveness of the City's different parrs. In some areas special caving materials and graphics could be used to unify or give a pronocnced cnar- acler. Views to elements which neip Identify a district could also be emphasized through means of landscaping ano graphics. 4. Treatment of Local Residential Streets Priority Sr, oe given to enrancing residential character. In tnese areas venicular movement should be ;ess important and pedestrian movement :would be intermittent and subordinate to the normal ac- tivities or residential areas. Jrcan _resign : u;ae'enes for reseeentlal streets Snould reflect a personalized, private cnaracter as well as accornmocate the ac- tivities of its residents. In some cases, aree scale landscaping programs saculo be reccmrnendee rmlch enclose a neignocrhood er area or consistent cnar- acter. Vegetation snoala oe olantec t' rougnout tnese areas to maximize snade !ncrease attrac- tiveness. An informal, highly oersonallzec style of landscaping design :vouie oe appropriate. Land- scaping as well as Ilgnerg - xtures snoulc be or :ow heiant to emphasize intlrr.acv an:: promote out-of-door activity. Tree cantina programs, which use consistent forms of landscaping, are desirable to unify and set apart residential neighbornoods. Tree planting is one of tee simplest, fastest and neapest methocs of creating an identifiable area. T -j"an pecestrian ,s , r:inari;y not nigh ,n residential areas, t-J -,: or act:vlt✓ 3t 3i t,mes 0' t ::ay is eesiraple. Special Impact Areas T` e noise, v!sua1 ,mpacts or a major thorougnrare a.xeress.vay ear ce oetrmental to auiacent reslcer tial areas. L:nosoacir.g programs can be instr'.,Tental ai!evtat;7g negative ,r cactS. Low plant nc:s 3;org eltr er siee zt tee 'Iget-of way would help to buffer reagtwe impacts. Plant materi- als can be selected ,vrlch are w.veii suited to buffer- ing and visual screening, Special aueae'lnes secure oe Jeve,oped for enhanc- ing pedestrian movement along those streets which already have, or are •ikeiv to generate, neavy foot traffic. Streets :,vhlch already plan an important role in visua'. definition or that serve as gateways snows be entl`le.'. and enhanced to better serve this purpose. Thus the special identity of the com- munity can be reflected and magnified in its street system. Thougn the guidelines, developed for the differentia- t;on at streets according to their curpose and im- portance ,,vli! help to aiso redeye visual monotony, additional considerations ,.varrant separate attention. Miami's streets probably suffer most from the overail impression or monotony that is in part caused by the grid pattern, lack of natural features and wide streets lined i,vith .ow buildings and dispersed uses. There are two - ays in wnicn the visual monotony of streets can be aiievlate:. The first is by encouraging a sense of closure and Immediacy which can be acrleved by landscaping programs. The second is to direct urban design treatment to the adjacent areas. Placing utilities underground is one way in which to improve the street environment. Guidelines for encouraging interesting and attractive uses along these streets can also reduce monotony. Residential Neighborhoods There are several unique neignborhoods within the City of Miami. Tie preservation of these areas is an important way for residents to ensure their continued attractiveness and identity. Many of the neigheorhoods in the City have a lack of identity and character. In many areas lot size, housing age and type and lack of street character and amenities contribute to a general monotony. Neighborhoods ,vim identity and character develop out of complex `orces whicn reflect the individual ano collective expression of its residents. Wen one takes apart the varied elements which give an area imageabliity and character, it is clear that there are many actions wnicn can be taken by the puoliC as .veil as private resicents to make communities more identifiable. Vegetation, street pattern, density of development, unique sceial cnaracterist'cs and arc~ 61 tectural style can aid in the development of an area's identity. Major arterials, rivers, canals, commercial nodes and other significant features of the City-scape can serve to identify the edges of neighborhoods. Streng- thening their visual prominence by means of large scale landscaping along arterials and ,decisions in- volving important features, can neio to increase an awareness of districts. Such actions snouid visual y define neighborhoods of similar functional charac- ter. The reinforcement of major features should set a framework for the differentiation of the City- scape but should not represent barr!ers to movement. Connections between ,districts shout:: be, in fact, improved along these edges. In the case of tne Miami River, waterborne transit has Peen proposea. Link- ages which promote an alternative to the street sys- tem, such as bicycle and pedestrian paths, should be promoted. The improvement of the mageability of neighborhoods snouia not result in treir isola- tion from other areas, but should enhance their relationship. Within the natural oounderies and edges already identified are communities which can be further differentiated by tne population densities wnicn tney support. These areas can be used as 'workable units for the development or programs aimed at in- creasing their visual unity. Landscaping programs are an important means of . nifying already devei- opeo areas. Areas of similar ,density, set apart by -usually prominent features, can Pe Integrated cy means of ,andscaning the rignts-or-. ay rntn one species of street tree. AL ;andscaorng afforts should diu;to cn the aireac; existing vegetation an area. Puo!ic improvements can achieve a sense aT visual .,n e/ ,n a+ready rieveioced areas. L.artira fixtures can ce instal:ea which are :n suaie i,vitr tne resicen- t,ai density and Cnaracter Of tne nelgnoornood. In areas where new development is anticipated or ;es red, -glut raeline,s snou d ce estaeiisred to enhance r'e er, onerence or . -,e area. :ehnes iwnicn ncins,aer Transitions cetwpen nei,v sr'; n'der bull, :s an d ,re avoidance oT ,3x t'efne contrasts in aca, s..,, e re at. - ns~ cs... ,, :r ar, er c arac- _er St.c3 J:t Gut . tsrm Private Investment in Residential Neighborhoods _,-opts ;deice. c_otc nrccrarns may nave ,n a .,r^rr , re crimarity fiorttiners to the Ouc�ic �f ,vav 3r, i;uiceiwres for new .evetcoment. .2 There are many additional actions which can be taken by the private Property owner or resident to enhance his community ,lna sense of identity within it. Public programs can be initiated to en- courage voluntary part;cipat'on by residents to im- prove their communities. Such programs would be esoeciall y important in single `amity, low density areas where activity is concentrated ,n ,ard areas rather than n the oublic right-of-way. As an area becomes more .:ease, the street space and public areas become more important 'or :roan design treatment. Public sponsorship of voluntary pro- grams would take the form of preparing recom- mended urban design oampnlets `or the various residential areas and Offering professional advice for landscaping, rehabilitation and property mainten- ance. Most pr;vate spaces ,vithin the residential environ- ment Pear the ,mcrint of a particular iifestvie. Architects idesign iNtlich are responsive to the activities of its residents. When the home environment is not resoonsive to these activities, residents often will shape it to meet their needs. As a resuit private resicential environments reflect a richness of indiviaual expression. Urban design focuses on the "fit" between the needs of a community and its public spaces or tne "spaces between buildings." An appropriate urban design goal, therefore, is to make the public anvircnment more responsive to the lifestyles of its residents. A more responsive environment, such as the interior scaces OT nornes, is one .vhicn is more expressive of the community anc is therefore more identifiable. The lifestyles of a community are defined by its use of space. Some croups prefer to use public scaces intensively ano in large groups, whereas others prefer not to use public spaces at all, or in smaller groups. Some communities concentrate tneir activities in their back yares, whereas others tend to concentrate thi tne street rght-of-way. Though a group may not demonstrate extensive iyse Of puoliC areas, it may be that tie group is ,constrained by the tack of 3cprooriate areas. in order to make the environment more responsive to the community's lifestvie, studies snou;d ce undertaken and Pudic_ morove- m,erts develooea on tne basis of trindinos, In some cases, design studies may discover that cL.ciIc im- nrcvements along the street may ce recuirea, wnere- as in other areas recommendations 'or the more re- socnse use of private properties may be needed. One critical area associated with higher density areas is the increase of automobile traffic on local streets. There are many .,rban design strategies which can be taken which vrnii serve to reduce traffic or buffer its impacts. Tne total effect of these urban design changes in residential streets snouid be to give the dominant position to residential qualities and pep• estrians rather than to vehicles. Among the actions available are: — To make residential streets discontinuous to divert traffic from an uninterrupted oath; — To create an appearance of narrowness through landscaping and other improvements along streets, particularly at Intersectons; — To prohibit access from arterial streets oy signs and barriers (with the exception of emergy vehicles); — To prohibit business or industry which gen- erate heavy traffic (e.g. gas stations) from locating in residential areas; — To implement special speed zones near el- derly centers and areas likely to have cniid- ren in the streets e.g.l:ay care centers, around schools, etc.); — To install oelayed traffic signais in residen- tjal areas with high pedestrian activity; — To jnstaii pedestrian crosswalks at mid - clocks in high density residential areas ad- jacent to high voiume arterials; — In areas where heavy traffic cannot be avoiaed, tc provide buffering oetween tne street and sidewalks by means of Heavy andscaoing, setbacks, iwalis, changes in elevation from street to yard and so forth. Elements of tne ran environment iwnicn strena- then the sense of neigncorrood ;.entity and reduce opportunities for crime can oe identified by a task force of professional Manners, arcnirects, residents, and police. Their input can serve as a oasis for the development of guidelines for crime prevention. Special Activity Areas Comr^err,;ai areas usuaily require or .:esire more at- tractwe external envirormert. Many areas the "y ,ra .nattr=- p Napes r' /n'Cr to shop. im- nrr.,errent sf :nese areas ,vlL; require public, pri- vate an, ;!,olio-or‘:ate efforts. "orc,ements , . spec:a. corr.rnerci31 activity areas are oilman eiataoi si e,,valk environ- ment. . :ommeralai areas /r=re ceeestrian y aGt1Vl' is desirable, wruening of the sidewalk, adding street trees and furniture and appropriate iQ'iting could substantially Improve the overall character. The con- trol of s:gnage and parking can improve the visual appearance of a commercial area. Private property owners can do a great deal to im- oreve tne attractiveness of commercial areas. Design guidelines snoul,-J be formulated whicn describe and illustrate means ON,/ which commercial procerties can be improved. They snouid consider store facades, graphic coordination and signage, private landscaping and parking solutions which would help commercial businesses improve their appearance. These guide- ines should be applied to individual commercial zones so that tne special crobierr,s of each area are considered. In areas where tnere is great private com- mitment to the improvement of commercial areas, there are possibilities for the publicly -assisted loans and grants. The ercun ,esigr guidelines set fortn for commercial and commercial -residential areas snouid enhance the existing ethnic craracter already evidenced in many parts of the City. The openness and pedestrian ac- tivity in ethnic areas gives a distinctiveness and at- traction which snouid be orought out even further in the improvement of commercial areas. The Waterfront The svaterfront deserves special mention because it s a part of a regional system that offers a rich vari- ety of i.,ses and amenities. The �vaterront areas of the City can provide a unifying element throughout all areas of Miami. The urban design guidelines along tne waterfront stress the concept of preservation of views and view corridors as we!I as public access where feasible. The premise underlying these guidelines is that the waterfront should be made as visible as possible to all members of the community. In existing develop- ment, mucn of which blocks views and access to tne water, little can be improved. There are many ways in whicn views and access, though, can oe en- hanced in new development and redevelopment areas. A major oreakthrough, ,vith regard to the preserva- tion of views along the waterfront, was the passage of the l=ederai flood insurance legislation. This leg- islation was aimed at increasing safety n ithin flood- piajns by recuiring a ail new aeveicpment within this 63 1 area to be elevated above the level of the 100 year flood. The indirect effect of elevated structures, es- pecially in a flat area, is that views to the water are not impaired. Many of the older structures in South Florida were also elevated on stilts in order not only to ensure safety from tidal flooding, but also to capture the off -snore breezes for a cooling effect. In order to effectively preserve views to the i,vater, however, new development must not only be ele- vated, but must prohibit parking under the build- ings. Elevated structures can accommodate less ob- structing functions on the around floor levels, other than parking, for tr,e full visual effects of the Fed- eral policies to be realized. The height, bulk and physical layout of new devel- opment also greatly affects views to the water. Build- ings which occupy the entire lot in a horizontal fash- ion, may impair views more than those wnich are laid out perpendicular to the water. In areas where large parcel redevelopment is anticipated, a con- tinuous pedestrian way should be encouraged to al- low access to the waterfront. In areas wnere small parcel redevelopment is anticipated, pedestrian ac- cess to the water should be developed at separate points. Elevated look -outs for viewing of the water should also be encouraged. The quality of the scene viewed is also very impor- tant. Many areas along the Miami River are highly polluted and littered with discarded objects which substantially degrade visual quality. Though Private efforts to clean up the Miami River have been made, t is a project which requires the full support whicn the public can give. Views to scenes of interest should Pe maximized. For exampie, views wnich relate to the working life of the river help to strengthen the relationship of the viewer to the river and his understanding of it. Expansive views such as of long reaches of the Miami River ana Biscayne Bay and views to the skyline aa- ;acent .o the bay ana river should also be enhanced ano preservea. Waterborne transit along the Miami River and tnrough- o..t Biscayne 23v is cr000sed as an important means transcortaton wnicn'would be desirable for 'unc- cnai ourooses as well as -or Pleasure. it is a pro- cesai whim would enhance the appreciation of the waterfront suostantiaily. 54 Presently, residents of the City find the Miami River and all waterbodies a barrier to movement. While the rivers and cay are iiery important arter- ies of transport of goods and travelers throughout the world, many residents have never traveled town the river and it is presently very difficult to do so if one does not own a coat. In a lirrted way a ,vaterocrne transit system could alleviate congestion sUr=ace atreets, bridges and causeways ,nterconnect ng the bay area. This system could additionally enhance the recreational opportunities throughout the region by linking recreational areas along the river to those through- out the bay such as Watson Island, Virginia Key, ana Key Biscayne. It ccuid further link the new residential deveiooments along the river and the proposed new in -town community near Downtown with major employment centers. Finally, water- borne transit could be a means of sightseeing to tourists to the City. To the extent that urban design is concerned with the relationships among the separate elements of a City, a proposal for waterborne transit is approp- riate. This system could be a decisive means of strengthening the river and bay's relationship to the City as a "seam" and it could ensure that the riverfront become a focal point of activity for ail residents of the region. (This proposal is discussed in greater detail in the Recreation Element.) STRATEGIES Community Design objectives can be implemented through public investment and regulation of pri- vate development. Both are considered in the fol- lowing strategies: 1. Establish a Tree Planting Program. Since most of the City is already developed, im- provement programs have to be directed to the spaces between ouiidings. In conjunction with a program for tree oanking ana voluntary private property improvements, ianascaprng can most ef- fectiveiy improve developed areas. Trees can be Used to give identity to resdentiai areas, to differ- entiate the street system, to accentuate gateways, to pro'✓ice snade and to buffer impacts from ex- oressways and transit routes. Consideration snould to given to the use of native oiant material ana snould be selected aocrooriately for street function and character. 2. Provide Pedestrian Improvements and Public Amenities in High Activity Areas. A combination of public and private investment :s required to create amenities appropriate to the life- styles and climate of Miami. Tnese inc.uae pedes- trian walkways (pedways), arcades, and sneiters, landscaping for shade and the reduction of glare, plazas. and urban parks, street furniture and graphics, and continuity of activities. Pedestrian linkages to transit station areas should be part of transit de- sign and improvements. 3. Adopt Guidelines for Public Projects Based on Community Design Principles. The location anc design of public buildings, parks, and parking facilities should enhance surrounding areas, emphasize relationships 'o existing activities and natural amenities and shoula encourage the likely use of street spaces. Areas unaer anc adja- cent to elevated expressways and transit snould be utilized for parks, bikeways and parking facili- ties. 4. Adopt Guidelines for Redevelopment Based on Community Design Principles. General City-wide as well as special district revi- sions should oe made to the zoning ordinance. The revisions should include more flexible site design, the provision of public amenities, location of park- ing, relationship to social and environmental condi- tions, and creation of specialized and diversified activity centers. General areas requiring a revision to existing zoning in crcer to meet and use and community design guidelines are shown and de- scribed .vith the Future Land Lse Plan Element. The following maos I h.astrate the community de- sign objectives and locate the recommended actions. On the pages following, guidelines for street im- provements are presented with specif c recommen- dations for landscaoing, lighting and Furnishing. 65 Single Family Streets Provide informal, theme planting along swales and ,n front yards (average size 15'/average spacing 50'). Provide low -medium intensity warm light along sidewalks at 13' height and alternate 100' spacing, Maintain swales for parking or use porous pave- ment if over -impacted. Duplex Streets Provide street trees in at -grade planters (average 15' height/average 50' spacing). Buffer private parking with hedges or walls. Provide medium intensity light- ing along sidewalks at 13' height and alternate 100' spacing. Provide parking on porous paved area 9' wide between planters. Multi -Family Streets Provide street trees at 50' spacing along a landscaped strip. Buffer parking with walls or hedges and en- courage use of distinctive vegetation to define semi- private spaces. Provide white, color -corrected light- ing at 20' height and alternate 100' spacing with pedestrian lighting at 10' height. Pedestrian -Oriented Commercial Arterials Provide medium-sized shade trees along street, heav- ily landscape parking islands and plant slender- trunked, tall -canopied trees at intersections. Install 20' high street ;fights at 150' spacing with 10' high pedestrian lignts at 150' spacing on multi -purpose poles. Provide street furniture, graphics and encour- age continuous canopies over sidewalks. Boulevard Arterials Plant shade trees along median at 75' and along side- walk at 50' spacing, Provide tail, slender trees in planters at pedestrian nodes. Provide street lighting ar 20' height and alternate 150' spacing and pedes- tran Hgnting on mufti -purpose poles at 10' height anc 50' spacing. Encourage continuous overnead protection. 66 Expressways Provide buffer iandscapmg with informal arrange- ment of Odense, succulent roiiage and large trees along shoulder as well as walls to mitigate impacts on adjacent residential communities. Plant small trees and shrubs along median. Provide nign inten- sity, blue -white lighting at 30' height and 150' spacing. Downtown Arterials Provide shade trees every 35' along streets; slender- trunked, tall -canopied trees at intersections and in parking islands. Establish grapnic and signage sys- tem. Provide street furniture and other innovative design improvements. Require arcades. Budd Per- sonal Rapid Transit System ana oedways. Provide high intensity lights at 30' neight and 150' spacing with 10' high pedestrian lights at 50' spacing. Auto -Oriented Major Arterials Provide 40-75' high trees at 150' spacing and 20-30' high trees at 50' spacing. Buffer impacts of on -coming traffic by heavily landscapes center rnedian. Provide high intensity, blue -white light at 30' height and 150' spacing. Scenic Routes Preserve outstanding vegetation and views. Prohibit billboards and enforce strict sign ordinance and other and use regulations. Local Streets with Median Plant shade trees at 50' spacing in planters along street. Plant double row of shade trees and protec- tive snrubbery in median. Provide street lighting at 13' neight and 100' spacing at sidewalks and pedes- .rian Ignts at 10' heignt and 50' spacing as weir as seat,ng areas ;n median. Local Commercial/Residential Arterials Provide street canters a: the middle and ends of blocks .'iith medium size space trees. Landscape mea- 'an ..riitn snr. diem. Provide n;gr intensity, oiue- rvhite i'gnt ;n rreeian at 20' height arc 150' spacing. Ark • A '37 Expressways Provide buffer landscaping with informal arrange- ment of dense, succulent foliage and large trees along shoulder as well as walls to mitigate impacts on adjacent residential communities. Plant small trees and shrubs along median. Provide nigh inten- sity, blue -white lighting at 30' height and 150' spacing. Downtown Arterials Provide shade trees every 35' along streets; siender- trunked, tall -canopied trees at intersections and in parking islands. Estabiisn graphic and signage sys- tem. Provide street furniture and other innovative design improvements. Require arcades. Build Per- sonal Rapid Transit System and Pedways, Provide high intensity lights at 30' height and 150' spacing with 10' high pedestrian lights at 50' spacing. Auto -Oriented Major Arterials Provide 40-75' high trees at 150' spacing and 20-30' high trees at 50' spacing. Buffer impacts of on -coming traffic by heavily landscaped center median. Provide high intensity, blue -white light at 30' height and 150' spacing. Scenic Routes Preserve outstanding vegetation and views. Prohibit billboards and enrorce strict sign ordinance and ether land use regulations. Local Streets with Median Plant shade trees at 50' spacing in planters along street, Plant ccuble row of shade trees and protec- tive shrubbery in -nedian. Provide street lighting at 13' height and 100' spacing at sidew.waiks and pedes- trian igrts at 10' heignt and 50' spacing as well as seating areas n median. Local Commercial/Residential Arterials Provide street planters at tra miccle and ends of blocks .vith medium size. Brace trees. Landscape med- an .vitn -,nr..ocer'/. Provide, .'a;. blue- ,rt . fir. mew Hn ;t _i,;ht arc 150' spacing. Afp �.t 1I II 67 PEDESTRIAN LIGHTING 1 1 ll I I 1 ()1 \1 1\\11 1 I (It 1)\ H.PS.V. RELIGHTING PROGRAM AS OF: JUNE 1975 • ....E sit 1IC? apll .. 7.1111ees 11. 1414116 rtr/. 15. 'swill• 1. : .. lr. 3•e/3l }a. Bliss. ). : a 3 :1. Sin•.:lar. r1. N•t •l.1l.r 1. :rare lerta :S. ; tss• 'S. /liar,. .• e.l•1 2111.4 Sorts . :1r1. :rrt•r W11 ... Soren l.rrnat" S. 111.MitN .1. Sots ear. . 15en.nre•n •. tllaen .1. t!Y4 tre.s leut5 t.r.,OM 1. % sr. 'fell. 3est5 :1. 3.r •elnt .. rat-laen 1. tstr•e•t.r .seas trr. 51.441.S ... :it.• ..r•r ;:. .r.o.:.M 74. lewtn 7209. Jt :3. ire... tams .1. •tesr•ige•rte•../ 1.. .a141.4r. / r+ 301! :1..1t1111 1es1O1104 WIAOrs :1011.V erer0N • .e.l{tes IaaaaalHte3 131412es sorest" r.Mr 1441511511 4t.e1N feer./.r..rtt :lassies Llttlta e0rt tee Aril. PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS. ENVIRONME!TA '51401 'b. ,t1z cr / I ,„, • 'j11, I" ;••,, • tk 11 cr L FEATURES w Ico UNIQUE AREAS EiLLI ‹-c. VISUAL ELEMENTS • • • • IA No, • Le e•- Archotecluie !.' .....t.w ,t , 0.0- .1 . - :— En • . ' : Pr" te, t — :.: ..--in :r‘ 3.5 LAND USE ELEMENT The Lana Use Element addresses five basic ques- tions concerning the City's role in e iatlishing sen- sitive land use policies and regu;ations over the next ten years: 1. What are the exist,nc 'and use patterns and how have t ey evoived 2. What are the cresent trends it lard use 'distri- butions and _;e:araphical patterns? 3. IT present trends continue, what future market demand can oe, excectea for the various land uses? 4. 1Nhat can the City co :n terms of ''and use policies to guide future development, enhance economic development and improve the quali- ty of life in Miami? 5. `What are the major opportunity areas for re- development and changes in and use? LAND USE DISTRIBUTIONS AND PATTERNS OF DEVELOPMENT Existing Land Use The distribution of land uses in the City of Miami reflects severai nistorical development factors, some of whicr are unique to the South Florida Region. Since the environmental quality afforaea by South Florida has been the prime catalyst for Miami's growth, residential uses remain the largest single category of lane use Approximately 47% of the total ianc area in the City, 34 square miles, is de- voted to residential uses. Most cities in the United States With populati0ns over 100,000 have less tnan 1/3 of their total area cevoted to residential uses. Miami's development pattern has historically been disperses and re!ativeiy uniform low density hous- ing. However, following National trends toward higher housing costs, many residential areas are increasing in density. High value bayfront commun- ities are undergoing dramatic change with the de- velopment of hign rise condominiums. In areas ex- periencing hign :emana for middle and moderate income housing, two patterns are occurring: a rap- id shift from single family one duplex to multi- family densities it Little Havana, and a shift from single family to d'ur'ex densities ;n areas of Shen- andoah and Aliapat:ah. Nevertheless, nearly two- 69 thirds of the City's residential land remains low density, single family. Following a pattern common to many automobile - dependent cities, streets, highways and parking areas consume a significant proportion of Miami's land area. Presently, nearly of the C;tv's land is ;de- voted to the croad category of transportation, com- munications and out:Lc .It,lities. The pattern of commerciaw and :se oilows that of other urban areas: consisting of a large central core serving regional office and retail markets as well as extended commercial strip :evelopment along nearly every major arterial. The, viability of Central Miami as a regional otfiCe iCC3tlor has 37Cted the rten- S;tI of deveroprnent within adjacent areas. In recent ;ears development along BrickeHl Avenue nas occur- red at CBD densities and represents an -'longat.cn ot the Downtrwn office core. Simiiar,v, ofommer- ciai development north ;r Downtcvin ;n the area cf "Omni" represents 3 northward expansion DT re- tail uses. Outslce of the central area, currrnerciai de ,elocment is likely to undergo significant charge cue to increasing competition from ;Utiving com- mercial :enters, declining market support and ae- teriorating environmental onar3ct- r:stios. The City's oommerciai 'anr ases :o ai 1,7(09 acres. 791 acres are In retail .,se anr; 383 acres are '.de'acted to office :eveiocner.ts. Retail ;and ases are :iat- t.rer rhrougniaar _fe Ciro aicng major deer al isrree.ts. On!'; 1'3 Jr . „oor area .s Downtown. Office uses are chancenrrarec In the Downtown Bricked area, .vrere 1;'3 of .-e Citr's otfice floor area is iccater. Indostrial Tana ases nave. oeveiocac as corridors .along major rali ifires north :_f Doi,vntorin as .veil as along tne Miami River and near tne International Airoort. However, industrial uses nave remained a relatively small prcportion ot the City's land base acr cared .v! to cities of ..mpar3o!e sire. '-oiiow- rl 3 ;Hit 'n -=rro; asls -ram rail v.:Ca3 t0 Hr'r v iJccess, aS Nei, as `actors s'., nas par;,e'i arrarnement and taxation oci _ , . f J,,s•naI activity ,n tine C.t Miami .s .., ..._!esc:rn a, -or n ."atrial xpars C _ireS ex lair Several -',alcr driers;s ,vr _„ are -;reser" . -cr rrerclal aec:fine, ard in re ,n e:e;oa:,ed 8.C. crocerry South 3Street. n.,�stra; and iNarencosing _ises 3cccunt -or 673 iJ acres of the City's total in 1975 The majority of this manufacturing land area is south of 36th Street and north of the Miami River including the Port of ,Miami. Other important ana uses are parks an open spaces scattered througncut the C,tv, totalling 926 acres. The last significant arc Jse :s ;ac3rt arpan, these undeveloped pr 3certies are scattered throughout the City totalling 1,413 acres. Most of these vacant oroperties are small, tragmentea holdings unsuitable for large scale aeveiopments. Trends in Land Use 1960-1975 Single family Jana uses snowed the greatest absolute change during the oer'cd 1960-1975. In 1960, Mi- ami nag 7,3E0 acres in single family use This de- clined to 6,621 acres ov 1975. A arge portion of this decline was tne result of large increases in du- olex and multi -family resiaentlai and uses. Duplex land use increased from 892 acres in 1960 to 1,772 acres In 1975. Multi-famlly Jses more than doubled; from 321 acres to 1,924 acres. Tnese ;and use ::ranges have :seen far from uniform City -:vice. Single Tamil', asage nas shown the great- est declines in tne area south of 36th Street, north of Cora+';‘lav and east of 27tn Avenue. This same area nas shown the greatest Increase in muiti-tam- ,ly acreages since 1960. Duplex land use nas increased significantly on the peripnery of Little Havana and in the southern por- tion of the Model Cities Area. Another significant and use trend has been the de- riine, cv nearly 50%, of vacant land in the City. In 1960, 2,744 acres were classified as vacant, de- creasing to only 1,413 acres in 1975. Many of the :acart areas ',were actually added since 1970 due to .roan renewa acti ;hies west ,f Downtown Miami. trariscort3ton an; atint;es .arc use category ;s a._c 'n:reasec sabstant:aithe last 1.5 years . _cause of _cr. n„ea excress.vav constriction. . er 503 acres of ictrer and uses oecame part of e exoresswa'•. net.vor. by .^e early 1970's. Otrer small land use cnanges are seen in the following art. Land Use Changes, 1960-1975, City of Miami (Percentages shown are for net area only, excluding local and arterial streets) Land Use Cateaory Single Family Duplex Multi -Family Mixed Residentiai Total Commercial Hotel -Motel Manufacturing Education -Religious -Cultural Hospitals -Public Administration Parks -Open Space Transportation -Utilities Vacant Urban !mend Water 1960 19751 45.27 37.32 5.15 9.98 4.74 10.34 1.80 0.47 8.60 9.63 0.78 0.59 3.04 3.79 3.33 3.91 2.13 1.90 3.55 5.22 7.00 8.362 15.83 7.99 1.783 0 100.00 100.00 1 Represents 17,748 acres Jr net and use. exciudfng local and arterial streets. 21ncludes expressways omit s,nce 1960. 31ntand water acreage nay f fled 1960.1975. MARKET DEMAND The Market Demand section focuses on expected fu- ture need for additional residential, office, retail, and industrial space within tne City of Miami. Problems present',y con'ronting each of tnese market types and alternative courses or actor available to the City are discussed. Housing Demand Housino demand illustrates the oroiectel need for housing, by unit type, until 1985. The nign, medium and low figures refer to three pcpuiation growtn es- timates contingent upor varying rates of in -migration, nouser.oic formation, etc. A detaiiea anaivsis of the City's 3emanr3 rf:r market ar;.: 2eio'.v-market hous- ing s pro»i_;ed he Housing and Resident',al Neign- corl-.oc.a E erhent i,Housira Market Sect oni. NEW UNITS REQUIRED '985 (.3r' ss Dar*ara 1975 %et Supo,v Adaitionai High CC 29.739 27 291 Medium ' 49 500 29,709 19,791 Low 142,000 ' 29.739 ' 2,291 DISTRIBUTION BY TYPE S ngte i=amm y Duplex MultrFamify. Total Percent High Medium Low 319 394 369 '4°J 3,321 2,'71 1,721 33% 22,651 '6,426 10.201 103,7'' 27,291 19,791 12291 1985 ESTIMATED STOCK S,ng,e F3m„y :Duplex Mutt -Fam,,v Total High 51 ' 36 33%) 20.337 3%) :35,777 i55°'oi 137,c00 Office Demand Medium 50,961 '3967 79,552 Low i34^o) 50,736 13%1 17,937 53°51 73.327 149,500 142,000 36%f 113%) 152%1 A 1975 Dftice :,pace survey, including Miami, Fort Lauaercaie and Palm Beach, indicates that occu- pancy •eveis nave cont nuea declining since 1974 i. itr the exceotior of Miami...if/here increased occu- pancy in the out'y'rg areas nave offset the declining statistics for Downtown Miami. Miami Ft. Lauderdale Palm Beach 1974 79.4` 1, 83.5�5 3') 7oi 80.3% 1975 80.0`.'0 77.9°0 80.1 ", 79.69'0 Change +0.6% -5.6% - 2.6% - 0.7% Out of a total of 13,670,819 square feet of space surveyed, 2,777,851 square feet is vacant, broken down as foiiows: Miami 2,103,004 square feet Ft. Lauderdale 481,835 Palm Beach 192.962 2,777,851 square feet T'r.e Downtown areas show some interesting com- parisons w,nwhicn require some explanation. Miami Ft. Lauderdale Palm Beach Downtown Space Total 3,044,692 sf 434,095 340,250 3,819,037 sf %Oc- cupancy 78.0% 97.6% 76.6% Change 1974-75 -1.4% +0.3°0 - 2.2°5 Downtown is sti:i the largess sirg!e office space category ',.vita 28% cf tne tota: out in Miami and Palm Beach it 00rtinues to drag, Ft. Lauderdale's '1ian occupancy ie':ei results from the simple fact that there is a shortage of space in relator to de- mand. Two new buildings on tre drawing boards 71 last year have not yet materialized. One other building has Joined tne arawing Board group and one, at least, mould reach development stage to satisfy the demand. As shown below, there are some interested occu- pancy changes in ,he various sub -areas of Greater Miami. Those that are snowing an increase from 1974 to 1975 are as follows. Coral Gables Coral Way S.W. 1st Street N. Miami Beach & N. Miami Dadeland & N. Kendall Area Palmetto Area 1974 1975 78.3% 81.4% 69.72'0 93.9% 69.7% 75 8% 20.7% 34.2°% 78.3% 84.3% 67.7e 86.9°'0 Those areas with declines are as follows: Miami Downtown Biscayne Boulevard Backed Avenue Miami Beach S. Miami Miscellaneous 1974 1975 97 416 78.0% 87.4% 72 7% 89.2% 86.7% 92.0% 89.616 77.0% 76.6%'° 6 7.4% 69.91e It appears that the ;easing strengtn is in tee out- eeing areas at the expense of the �c,vntoven areas. That s a trend that ras been urdrr:vay for some time and is underiirec in oarticular ;n the Paimietto area .n r;nicn the amount of e,ase-a of :e space in one year has increased from 638,000 scuare feet to 747,000 square feet. Teat s 3 1 7'., ,;aln. Lower rents, greater accessibility aro aggressive ,easing policies are oasicaii•✓ the reasons ,or the eramatic increase. Induced in the Greater Miami Area 721,585 aadi- tional square feet .n 1975 than in 1974 ,:vnich in- cludes the new office buildings completed in tne past year plus the addition of a few older structures. 7"fiere are a eiemeer or DUngs <rat are not core - :meted on wirier) Constr,cttion eas seer atcnoed. ,Caton _ trese dui:dings and the area in',oivea are as '�oHoil,S• :c vnto'.vn '3' motto C:re: t'iay 170,000 aceare feet 207,000 sc'eare feet 36.625 scuare feet 413,525 scuare feet One of the reasons for additional vacant space in many areas is the movement by Florida Power and Light of many of their offices and employees into their new Flagier Street facility. From appearances, there is 'little change in rental rates tram 1974 to 1975 except ,n the smaller Buildings or under 40,000 square feet ,where rates are ,uoteo as m.,cn es 3 50 to Si iess than the orevious ;ear rates. In aaditicr, teere is room for negotiation or the iisteo rates and concessions nave been given in the area of extra parking spaces, ten- ant improvement costs and escalation charges. in order to prove that -hope springs eternal," there are 235,00,0 square feet of space currently urger construction the Greater Miami Area .vnich, if adcea to the buikairgs on whIcn construction nas been suspenceo, total 648,525 square feet. Even though this represents a staggering figure it is stiffl much below the 1 ,164,1 15 square feet of rent- abie area :vhicn A'as uncer construction a year ago. No dramatic creaictions are made for the immediate future. The ciimb to setter occupancy will be achieves but it will take time, arc much financial suffering is occurring ;when buildings `ail to achieve economic reasibility. Mortgages nave taken over in many cases :vrife otners are on a "no amortization and reduced interest rate"' basis. An improved na- tional business picture will certainly help but it is sobered to realize that there are approximately 30,0'00,000 square feet of iacart space in New York City alone. Overbuilding and agony in tee office space market 's almost nationwide Neverteeiess, it snould not be overlooked that office space occupancy in Miami ciimbea from 75.7=; ,n 1965 to 96.3% in f ve years. Pucks improvements in terms of rapid transit, park- ing, cuiturai and recreational facilities as well as other amenities will improve the attractiveness and Potential for future office deveiopment in Downtown which .viil, in turn, oe critical in tne oeveiepment of residential and sucoort commerciai 'n the CBD. Demand for Retail Sine the end of A or:d ',!far ' i teere has seen 3 reeoi,tion _king on ,re wore of retai.ing. Tee :reacminant ocsit!on: of D:'wntewn .wite Its con- centrat!cn oT deoartmentt ere Stec:aity stores, "as ;even .-av to the neignborroed regional snopping centers ..vnicn are !-..,'cat,?.c: tc the new resicentla suod;v,s;ons and -ree parK- ing witn3 minimum ot cor.st,c.n. BeC3,.4Se. Miami s Jo....irgC.t i, oeing anon: i • rnateiv 70 ',ears :la, ,t not n,?ays,i a centration reta .; stores Downtc.,,vr. Core that -,ad toC3 'savez.i."MrnDoY,ntown small in r•'-.13*cr. to •he st:rea,is from it to soL.th., „‘st ar so manv are ',,,,ater the Downtown ,are,41 is rct !re Because. Downto\wr as magnetic an at:real a3 -n.,1;arr3er ''.n *.r.e. C. n3Y,-J Jornir.an7 ':-.:.c.)sHt,oh that centers aro,J.r.c..: r:!aciler Street ar or;, Al;ao,att.ar.nter. r N 7tnA.ene 3n1R,ve,r cer- terecj N E. 2n -.1 ver ir-J) 79t- Tne Mars..-. eno of tr' r CaL.se„,,av esr7.7,tre Seers RoeducK Store, !nt.,_=rna7,07-,ai oein,; c3rstr..;:tec, ,,rtner sofl-ter,r-c, ac..tpr THS rtner :re •re Sscavre. PLaza Sr-scr_-);nrj 0enter sn Centri tn.?, tne. cc,srstr .3f 163r1Str-et Sncoc:r.; CertE,r, an-i Jest- ar'.a Mai s. Cont,, a'Jrer the retail ar ':rorn ar -r.:rn .,ilarattars aro. L..tt.a Tr,; re ! re%o ,tun o the -,satiap:e ::mans o tne oe,.-2c,is- to ::o eie,r /- thing ,n tneir automocH 2.1r.,.,rtown :orgeston, whicr .5 the nterr...,ot,on tre er, 3S 3S rzar‹.-g zaS73 :er.3 ' " , t SZ-ac.e. ternationai, wnich conta:n a considerable amount of retail space, wiH ser ore and t'erImIt the Potentia;s 'or other large retail Jevel- opments n the Downtown. However, retall oe oonstr....cted on ground eves of ^e.,v o•-`,ce cd:ras aro v oe :'esigneo to serve force. s 1`1,3t SOrre Of the NH: 0,ven an average arTr,..„a, T-,crease 100.000 sqarte feet ofooce space 'r, the Downt,-ywn Core, '..,.000-10,000 square of r•.-_=!:311 space cc ce ant,c.pateo on an an - oasis. Tnls „v[li oe ',arger if "igh r.se apartments are .-)e.ve!coeo as ,veii. Tne grJ'\tn N.'larni; as 3 OrSt attraction, espe cialH or L,3; 7 4rner,c...an s.sltors, will most 1iKeiy yeherate a nee-.: hote 3C.,11ties, retail ano, rna :ne Down- Con..“-Jrtior Center, the tne .)f a P.F..7. F,srermar's MarKet n,-..rease tne ecor..zrnic; poten:Lai in tne CBD er,ogr os'usta:•-. a SE:C0'.:: major depart- menttor sucn is SaKs A.ven,..:e. or Loro and Tavio-. THe secDnq :,ar...est Pattern o commercial uses Cut- tneDov.int-y.,....n st.rc comrreroiai. This form : :re man traf 'ic .arteras s eer,,,. a :-..roduot tne advent of tnrou,-..Inout tre Lhiteri States, es- pec!al;',' er vonger '•Ke M,ami. As 1:ne orr.er 'rears ot transCOrta- ' ,:ont;nueo to oe prominent aro 'ere ,r) ry, ne,aviv 000U:315.0 areas that. ":_er..,?.n :1E1 on 7.7,..r" etai ...'.C:!'t,eS for the suoplying tt,e...r every:lay heeos. In oroer to control the deve(00Ment of tne arterial streets zon;ng restr;ctiors were created so trat in- 'Tarmon;ous _,ses ',vou.d rot result. Unfcrtunatelv, ...nraop•., wh!cr ,s prevalent zon:r-c, an C.C,77-- -.:ropert'es cec,3rre, the -3r-Jer *.he 3nc: except,ch to trHs practice. oort-IrrercHe' 3 ceno-.1 Jecne. Notaole e.xceotior.s .-3:rs Street arc :Darts or F-lagier Steet. Maor econorn-c o'eveicz.-)rre,nt strateges in •:or7r 3Cr.'1 c.ro'...:at on .mprovernerts, street beautiticatlon and commercial rerabil`tation raiI be necessary `Or man of these stuns to re- capture par, of their 'ost market from the. suburban snooping centers There are no foreseeable economic improvements alon.', these strips ,vlth the -exception of the Litt'e Havana Area, i,vhere an increase in tourism co.,id nave 3 orc'o'..nceo eftec• n 'he eco- nomic v'.t31,t'. ;f t ;sinesses 'ocated tre,re. Demand for Industry The industrial areas within tre City or Miami are located princinaily adjacent to the rights -of -way of the Florida East Coast and the Seaboard Railroads. The three princical areas are: Just north ct the center of c ' ntown — Near 're ntersec;'or .r N.E. 2rd Avenue enc., 71st Street — Paralleling N v^.'. 20th Street :vest of'th Avenue Jnrortunately these areas contain only small oar- _eis oT vacant land anc7 nor -conforming resicential Jses make land assemblage Ji�`'cuit. Another area of crorsio'eracie s ze that be made a\.aiiacle 'or . _.stria; plants s u,e 3�ena Vesta 'lards o- the F or East Coast ?3iircaa, ucatec at :L E 36tn Street and \i arv'., Avvenue, already zoned I-2. This s larjeh,, .lninlcrc`;ed ex- cept Tor tun railroad trackage i.vnir., _ ce con- 'rre'u CO a srhal.er area. --,ese major areas, as r,e' 3s 7755 o-ner 37—a1!?r o^es dotter thr^_Uq"c'_,..._rr rS :re C,. nave not peen 0:_ as ,7._:,,s7r 31 ,,,;r,s °Jf,C;r t'se develiacer m'Gses cer-ain --5, .,.eras rie at'.na to an: _`veraq,' S'1p3CR ^.jr'•. C1 'ayes, 7." . lure ' Ke_ i T, 2br' are,5 .. 7'.3 C are SuoJeCt on to tre Ci'', 5 zn'.;r; 3- _o le re- stri0 OnSi e res. -hat .. .. t,..,,araoe -as been heavy, serbacK ani S e `.ear a rest, Ct cnS al r'ost nonexistent r; err f:r expansion -hat nas :res.al�r. rars ... .ir'•'f:r Eastorn Seaboar. t es :at ,',3C Ta" . . -Jr3 ;,ca; e. an trey_ ]ra ior- ea'. i":] .^e Cit. _r'9' aonear t 3 t3. n n. Taxa- �" :ire the.. ^C.Ca, ;aSGns •„r 7ne arr as .�,,., a meter. 77,s ontrasts •,'Jitn tree 'earl , at.; :Inc! 73 the newer industrial parks, such as the Sunshine State Industrial Park located on the Palmetto By- pass on the edge of the Golden Glades Interchange. The inventory tax, r. nartic., ar, ;s c.tel as the rea- son tor industries' moving ',cm the C . It ,s stated that the tax on n,:ustres doing cusiness with- !n the C,ty Is'.le0 in ,vith a /alJation or between 60co and SCE",, whiip in Coral Gables the percentage ranges =r:m 20 to 25 ar 1 n Hialeah trere is nc in- ventory tar. This is as r3T the year ' 965. The ad valorem tax also was cited as .requitable compare.: with nearby cities, .vith :Miami at acoroxi- matei y i0 b of t it value while Hialeah sets Its assess- ments as low as 33')./.3 of the foil value. It .s thus obvious that Miami !uses by comparison, esoecia , with Hialeah �rinicn s .veil oriented to the �Orld 3f incustry and provided the ail -important City ,vater and City police. re matier oT zoning comes fOr considerable CritiC:Si�r;r:he part ct industrialists and the in- -Justrial reaitjrs. It s -Heir feeling that the present CI Tv zoning ordinance ,.vcrars a `)arosnio on many Properties that formerly had more ' iberal zoning \�iami s ino ;str,ai di nt .s a serious an.,r continuing problem. The City is 'aced from a budgetary stand- point uvit0 the reed or dollars and, tnerafore, the nigher taxes are deemed necessar, in cr,t:er to make ends meet. Bdt wr,er.' ccrrcanies move 'rpm tre C.i'i to a ne.v ocato'n the County on the Patrretto B;oass, s obvious that the C.t'J S the uoese tnatthe colnen egg. New sources revenue are not sit: "' enders wait n'o to oe gis the Cite, J.,,isnes to achieve greater balance n it5 economic case some socst t. dons must ce `ound 'or the r.'an= ,nventorl aro aid valorem taxes that are :,lacing Miami in a most ,rr1+C:it cord; etitive s t aticn. The C:tv nave to acgressi: -,,, seek nevv•ndus- _ries,t5 ,7_2n.r7c, taxira Hewers as n- cent .es ^.stead _r c„rst aims, take advantage of •-cr,easie:, :boom. it es tor Latin American trade as vel, as the location o• a :u:v l'ree zore within 77.9. Cit, Lrnn is and �ea'�: r re:cncept of an I'-•-r Amer car Trade Center .r Miam . In addition r'om -or 'cr.iustral excarsicr. •,vil; need to oe ad- :'esSej turd on �rcan rene',val assistance or lease pile properties. GUIDING FUTURE REDEVELOPMENT Over the next ',ID ark o'•':= the main ss.S con- fronting the Ceti, `,'arm, ;se s�,vt , - t .r tee fore.. ,or :raiment .: _ .crnent. Undoubtedly, eml:nasls growth WIII predi.minate as t` e Cit.:, m:3t_,r''S as an _..roar environment an_. Lance ,�t �..ali t � a :e con 'e �'. t'▪ .'a� �,S snort - range attract ,.eness t s _.._,tat :e ,ry itrnant. There are `i'.e ras;c areas of cubic concern wriere the City can nave a .,Irect influence on re:eve'oo- ment throuan aooropr ate „anc -,se co!icies. Zoning The Cit'/ ;if ;Miami Zoning Jr,sirance, a'Jooted ,n June 1961, has open the Cit'i's .,rinci,:ai tool for lard use control. Its o_.rcose s .nreefoi tc soe- CItV and allocate dC:;rGCriate !an: :Se5; regulate intensity of ..Se; and '^CCrocrate owner Ce've!oc- ment stanuar :s. It corslsts of a zoning atlas, cistrC:tie-i: 22 t, s ::ning :istricts an: 3 Zoning Code sueCifiS particular regulations associated ibit`' each. Jist,ict. VVhlie the City's 'an: :ses nave _.r.de,nonie Consicer- acie chance since .ne ad .;t, r :• the _:nlr,g oral - lance, the ring, patter '.as :narge-� s,gnit cantiy 3ni'.' n areas r,r C;. 1`av9 ece,. -i.0 ,:,ai c,anniiind attent;r. In "'any areas _ _ C;., , 3r crease n the interslt, .7)7 • 3S ;rat tea general cattern . land JjC :szrt7,3 max.mum a;iowac': _,n1= _ '96' arc.. It s ,nf:ar t..nate, nr_v,e'. r, :"at `;r'7 S e,Ja. '.r:, uetwee,n the inhn cat'iors ;f rya -r nl' .ses gal' Iowea jt' IC Ser/lu3S 3r _s,uents ! Little Havana, 7ur exanoie, -ie increased intenisity Cf residential ..ses s reoluiv anor.;dcnir'igthe allow- able m,l farm, :ensit'es. ru.. „ isacoarent the o - ..: _ a • :' _,. t 3 Cara; .I ease. r .,.._ac; .'1 : i " 'r:5t' ,i t.., _ ,stems an: ,.;cc Trig C , .;t V arri .i o' :Se",t :set- :. ;. I' .. 23MC,l?t r, r.rc:c s s Grtoa',rrig revisi2n, a::oot.on an. er- erta' :n- ratty _tiring cr,;inarce. — Zoning, as an inoen:noentl :' used tool for land use regulation, s -':,t active in a de- pressed eccnom'. .vnere ',here is little de- mand for the ,and use being regulated. - Innovative zoh ng t _ols as :onuses and in- centives are ''''ost 3 'ect',ve only `.where the present zoning is restrictive and there is a sign market .ernara ur a 'given usetsl. — Certain amenities snout:; oe required instead of being 'cJnaiticnal u;;on certain incentives if the; are estimated to oe ,n the best public interest ano highly aperooriate within a her- tiCuldr listr>Ct(s). — A sri., in 3mrnasi5 'rn_vr. ''CreSCriot cn, zoning .o 'oercr-tierce' zoning nc':uoing 'and use 'ntersity (L.I u standards, soeciai istrlcts, ;i true; .:eveiocments, transfer of deveicomeitt rights, etc., .s encouraged. The .ndcfl', nra rr„se n this cr'rcloie is that duality env rcnments ire not generated ,rom ":.4uar'i1:ativA requirements' out from a sensitive „nderstanairc an: agreement be- tween 3ii oar'ies involved. It ref^.laces the tracir;cnai setCacK, neignt, riiik and .ather deveicorr-3nt constraints with a flexible system wvnere cctn the oevelccer ana autncrities oarticioate in reaching a desired solution. — in cl. it-_..c areas, redeve!ocnent projects ana/cr public '.mprovements',vnicr beautify and '',ink the .7ifferent areas of a given dis- trict .vl'I tie more acorcoriate in gererating a rnuiticl;er effect or adjacent properties than the ose of zoning tools. Infrastructure Capacity The capacity of an area's infrastructure, i.e., sewers, ',eater, s:r ets. ouclic transit, oarking facilities, etc., can :oe , otn 3 .:onstrairina orerecuisite for deveop- =rt as .veld ;s .ts rcen:. e. In the fringe areas of tne Ccunty ,vnere grcwtri takes .. _ form 'af new :e%elOCrment, the male ssL.es are ,v'ater, the 3V31i3- t`. C` se'.'iers ail,-. 3cCsSS!c,i'tv tC the expressway , $tern. !n the ntc ' n, _ s street Cacao :v, cerK- c 773nSit. The crccosed Mass vapid T'3rs!t are the Pd'-;0rai n,i,^.' : brans t `NIIi ?IIev' gest!on ar'o 'mrrove.„rc'uiation ..''train an. '"rouge Do:.ntown. Nevertheless, a re- 75 • ' • orientation of Downtown parking facilities from on -site to off •site and remote parking fact,es will also ce redu,red jointly ivith the traffic ,rn- Provements A simian tvoe pt strategy will ite neeced tnrodahout atner carts o tne Cit.,/, tne Medical Center. Cocorut C.:ro\de J,11age, Center, Little Havana, ML K, etc Public/Private Joint Development tn esser,ce, most re,e,,,.eopment and 'enatiiitation Projects will necess;:are sore 7r3rm o7 joint ventJre between the cubilc era private sector. So far, the State of Florida has ;:igged cen,ro most other states in providing. tne necessary iegal assistance and Croan- ::ai resources tor P:.,rcoses except when the intended .,se ./vas r nature, n- mental facilities, CuDLC h :3 s nQ , etc. A‘,yait,hg Jcproach •nro,_,in the reterer,n nrccess is :re cro;:cser_: eg.siat.pr on Tax ;ncre, ment Pirar,cing 3r-[] Tax Acaterr,ent Tnese are, two essent a !sechnic.ues .1oh ..'iU er incentives and financial ass,stance tp Inc nr.,4ate. sector ,n Un- dernkinq re.,levelopmert crplects which are con- conmtant ,with pudic Dulect;ves. Tax Increment F;nanc,rtz ,ses the sae ot Tax In- crement Notes whIcr are renal::C, Inc rcrease in local taxes -,:aused tov tf',e 'tew r3 '.eornert. Aii ex!strg tax,cg iur.scicticns contn.eI*: receive tne same 11-.::cal taxes ::r or to, re,r:e-veiocrrent :ur- ne T•!s ohethooi 7`-e, 'Oca! ‘;‘t- I'eCcs3ar Acau re en r:rej,-,are resa,e Inter- ested -...eye..ope.rs Nrite-Jown 6nri necescir Prer.o,are f,or '7C-)US- n'Y 3 r• se;; the 3SCJ n t_r,e 301',1!N ,Jent,f:ed Policy and re Dan. 3. Assemble an;; through eminent idmi'an pow- rs 10 ac.corr2i.sr, the 3biC plan i,Purocs& kvays ca\, ax e's 7.3,ns "or ;73 "•nacc:al ocations "ris,totInC r.crease 73xe3, 77-? T'orleht.. — .4car,er-enr. s an ncent.,..e ,nvistors car-v c ec c.nLc . vel nent ocjec- t.‘,es. This incentive car pe grart.7--..o to exiSting Ouildings, new construction. a :particular age group i,over 65) :Jr other critera estatiished ay This method crtoves tre. incentive directly to he owner or cvecrer, ov abating the, taxes on new CCnStr...Ct!Or that trie irn.prc,pement s .iccortlance jr' 3;public plan aotrove.p local -1.O‘,.Hr-I"'Er'7 TrliS -.etnOd pro - tor acaterrent c..T• -axes y•he increased valuation constt....ct.or -enovat;ons, -x- n l'or 3 -,-)ercj 15 :ears, tr:rh ,,ear 1.5 to /ear 25 the owner pays taxes on 50'.) cf and ard the increased value of improvements. after •he 25tr, ;ear, the owner pays `,,f -axes on me Iotaevelocrnent This method Jrt: icccrnmodate Tax Acate,ment to eroourog major noaI0n3restc,rat!-;ns, creser• "at on --,storical 3 tes, ars; an,/ :the, cro,ects autncr,zed tv Inc Consti•utor. ar ,egis,ation In each 3+ tnese :ases, a,i exist ng tax,ng ,unsalct,ons ccntnue to receH.e. :axes a; ,and values iand onn;r,a1 bul;::ings r case -.:ur,ng Inc cer;o.n. of -3x Atate.rne,nt Tne, City has nresertv avaaoe 3 'It,rnOer of aiter- r3t.e, rnethods triroL,gr ,vrtion t can _lrectIN,,Dr scur .:eveioornent. Pudic Projects soon as Bicerten,hiai Park tne River al‹,,•vav, the Convent.pri Center ano •,he Cc,,,,,rn- rnent Center ce Oat3vIC rn2,3\,emozntS n the, :Downtown. ScecifIc sc (717orovernerts ,n the 'orrn o 0ti 1, crT,,sic.tns w.ere rstrArnerttai ,n attrac- -,.n,g 'Onin is..ernat raj to the Co',' o7 Other .ixarrr,I.S. o Ie cuci,o ceneflts -generated s.,c- out;to ahP Prwate o:Joberat,ve efforts are PeThhtna to -13...r.sin aiong F,a,g;er Street n Inc L:',,-ywntown ancs. aiono S.vV3th Street ,n Lttle Havana. Land Assembly The nign cost 0 3n0 s one of the major constraints to redevelopment in M;ami, rrne costs in develop- ment Pecome Pronip,tive n a scecuiat,,,e market tra,:imented owhersn,c catterns. Lten :ner Inc ass;errt,./ and :.!e.arar or arnenprnert renewai iaws necessary legal g,o,wers tor such endeavors. Nevertheless, the City of Miami has at disposal public property n strategic locations where air rignts can ce :easeo for joint public/private devel- opment, e g., Dinner Ke,,'Natson Island, munic- ipal narking tots in the Downtown. ar,.und the Orange Bawl. etc. The ccssiciiity of such leases should he e.xcioreee Property Ad Valorem Tax System Taxes an :arc! -sna mprcvements, as mentioned acove',vitn,n the :7ropcsea Tax Abatement legis- iation, can be ernolo•» ci 0v a m nici, aiity as an ncentive 7Dol 'or rrde`,eobrnent, renat✓iiiration or renovation. The cr_,x 2,1" :nis innrovat,`ie tax proposal, raters,' to as tne"'v1issour P'an " s that it recognizes tnat :roar :resent tax laws there are no incentives g;ven 'o tr.e private sector to continuously maintain ano Ir`icro e their property r'n the contrary, :ecreciaticn tax laws provide an incentive 'or ;Jst tre re`i-rse and n- cite most private invest:rs t0 resale atter approxi- mately 1G ;ears or oi;norni;: Pr:viJing incen- tives tnroJyn the tax system or continued pri- vate maintenance is .,,',tidal no: :n'', in commercial areas iiKe DOb1'nt,J`Nn, ML,K Bo'uievars or Little Havana cut throughout reighbor- noods as .rvei i . PROPOSED LAND USE CHANGES The following area -:wide_ scr rtions summarize the proposed 'any se cnarmes for 1986: Miami CBD Proviiae ‘,.ar.ety ,.r o..siness and resi=entiai oaoort-.'lities Yiit^in an ntiansel., ..eveiocea JrOan center c r ier ng 3 range mmercis t ,ral, recreational tacil'ties, 24-nour activities, a peaes- trian orientation, an,, a SerS eve. response to the _,mate New Town -In -Town Residential Community St. c.. g'.:31 ', Vic. e 3i'__ tenniai Park _fn the r3n., 'SD,: cr eiss._,_._ 3 a f"li:.'aC,_ .raft = r er �.. drill ly 3 crow:ate irae sca:_. Asa inch,' : m., -r,-., ^l,n .,3s a`.,,., e:t.her C ,r•., _ pro., ico .-e luality living environments nc.assary to attract those who must commute everyday work in the CBD. Aooroximately 7000 ,persons could live in this hign density aommun :,, organized around a major water - oriented park s,'stem. UncbstrJcted passage to the bav'ront -sr Dom .neoestr'ans and small boats, ceaust,'ar. 3cccss.c il„ M.R.T. and P.R.T. sta- ti3fl$ .3rd :r.e ococrtunity to enjoy a wine variety ,i cj t!.r3i and recreational everts would certainly increase the resiCential attractiveness of Dowrtown Miami to the regional population. A second phase wrul entaii an expansion to the north or 1.395 and west of Omni. Remote parking racilities for nth muses '.vouid oe located immediately adjacent to the I-395 Express'.vay, Watson Island Deveioo through private ertermrise, a 'Jnidue rec- reation and amusement complex appealing to ai- verse age and interest groucs or 'kcal as well as Na- tich.ai are International origin, with emphasis on A'aterrront arjentations, and tropical landscape set- tincs to feature, tne Scutn Florida environment. Government Center The Government Center is to become a convenient and erficient complex or City, County, School District, State am Federal buildings. Located on a 30 acre site in Downtown Miami, it will undoubt- edly enhance arc strengthen the CSD's economy. Urgirall�, c-,rg ane or the recommendations in the 1961 Magic Center City P'an, :he Government Center nas raaualiy evolved ;nto an urban park :orceot '.veere tne ..arious administrative and co rt '..notions enc,ose a major Downtown park. A raise: people -mover system interconnect tne different governmental Facilities with one another, the proposed transit station and the peri- Pheral carkino garages. To further accentuate the pedestrian eneireinment, a l east -Nest streets between NI.'.1. 1st Street sr-c otn Street will oe'closed to trat- tic. In aca'Tio' Cer;er r.:ii rc jce 3 cultural ecrrIex :orrrr•sd:: a musei..rr arc •icrar; along its southernmost cor :er adjacent to Fi3:.ier ::street. Right -or -Nay an": signer pJc C 'irr rr rver'nents snot..," emprasizeinKaces are integration 'i,vith Dc'..rtcwn. arc surro :n ding areas. 77 Brickell Waterfront The Brickell waterfront is predominantly vacant ano hignly underutilized with little active use, struc• lure, Drientatlon or site amenities relating to the water's edge. Existing ievelcpment trenas empha- size little more tndn OdV views an'1 the prestige of a oavfront a::iress (corporate Cffice neaodJartersl ',vile leaving the pot-••ntiai or active use untapped. Waterfront orooert'ies'rem Miami Avenue Brdge to S.E. lath Streit sroi„ld ce developed as nigh tensity residential/hotel i_ises that integrate vvater's edge promenades, marinas, dining, entertainment and `.waterborne transportation modes on a day/ ricnt 'oasis Office ..ses as principal activities shcu'O 0e Prenibite°. Retail and specialty com- mercial .. ses snouid be, encouraged as occrt 3C- tivities but limited in size so as not to create major retail i:enters in direct competition 'with D ;wntown. All parking snc'uld be in structures. Deve,00ment incentives snoUl.: ce 'inked to 'larger parcel oev'ei- ooment to maintain greatest continuity o` oav- front activities. Brickell Office Core Attracting some of the nignest guaiitv, well-de- slgnea office aeveloorent In the reason, the Brick- eil Area is stid n ag eC :Jith iIsoontinueus, 'is0- lated activity that Complicated pedeStr'ar oonnec- ticns, internalizes aria Jen,es the potential for isf„rouric; Ic`.el aCtivit', The overs_opiy o` uutential at`ice zoned an., threatens to ,;ont,nue the OiS- :sersec Pattern Off 'velor,rnent for several :=:caries. 7.-e :Irnteo lroS' tr .:cje' al `or ,ce .se mould oc'..seo un Br,CK;::,li venue to 'orce an n'llling, r,at:�n major : .ice .Lvel00rrerlt This yjoui,a stimulate the Possibility pi ret3i, sery,ce uses n ._,round 'Irora. Greater care Snow o pe taken in the future to integrate expansive Plazas and ground level open spaces, to provi'Je greater flex- ibility of pedestrian movement between aria among adjoining office s:r.,ctures. Parking garages snouid ne rnar.'ator/ :o „recK the scre3a f sur•ace lots an maintain „sacle _._en space. S.W. 8th Street re of tee -ealtriest commercial Strips «n the Clty, tn.s ;:reel 'orms :re cackcOre of the L;tt'e Havana C. rrrn:- ; It ,;cssesses a ,iorant street oaceantry ,,,r :on ''s, is trorl street corner aotivitleS, ;ales, res:aurant3 ang night lit.,. Emonasis is jiver. 7e to the continuation of tne dynamic social ambience found along "la Calle Oche", while upgrading its environmental auaiit'J A continuation or join: •at forts between community or:anizations any; tne ouoliC sector will essential in the nre)pagation the pedestrian an i CuOilC 'Iont Ct `' av T:iroue• ments 'NnICn ' av L'r, n '!" resi.',t J'. tr's :oo:nera• lion over the Cast t•Jvo ,ears. In ui:Jit•en ocai ownership, renapietat. _ u'dnS -street CarF: rig an ; SenSitiVe _,r:an =s fl Jj ut-uir,eS are CroocSed to reint. roe ano ernance S.`�ti'. Mtn Street. Little Havana Commercial Center Locate° at the center Ltt'e Havana s nign den- sity resl lent ai reiahbernwd, an -slant COCK area surrounding the intersection of Flagler Street and 12th avenue is recomm,erue1 to be redeveloped 35 a unroue Latin urcar :enter. Enjoying enormous accessibsiity empievment centers ano uncon- strained cv the --Isometric iimltat'ions or a typical commercial strio, the oropcseu site could su000rt a wide variety Jr Mixer.; Jse activities representative of the Latin cu.ture. Tne aojective is to „reate a place iNhere, within ,va;ki•^.g aistance, one cav en- joy outdoor uroan amenities, snip, line, go to a theatre and not nave to crave Hack to tne office or home. Tax Incentives, zoning oranges, public right- of-way Improvements art oubiic-private participa- tion will oe necessary n this redevelopmert proposal, Riverfront Redevelopment District One or Miami s most nidaen and publicly under - amenities is the Miami River The river is a `Nor'Kirg river ara snculoa ce preserved accorrirg- However, over the cast ::ecace, escalating land Jai'ueS, :axes and an ncreasing :lemand for river- -rot -it residential developments nave exerted tre- mendous economic oressures causing the reloca- tion of many marine uses along the river \„'i th very few remaining "noxious marine industries , the proposed redevelopment district '.Vcuic allow and encourage rear,ne-ccmmerc'iai-rCS ciential projects rein*:r.,ng its '~tarine character The :ompat.oie .levelopment o� mamas, srna. coat repair, boat storage, restaurants, resi ttent!as ,r: other uses, as as :he ennancementt i3r _ rtrolled :Dubuc ac- cess :c the rig erf r ;nt 'N I' I OC ]eten.aernt ion tax in- :ent yes, zor rig changes, sensitive ::eveloPment "oeiines and coastal restoration. Coral Way Commercial Boulevard Coral Wav Has the lowest vacancy rate and is the healthiest commercal strip n the City Its mag- nificent vegetate rne_.an .;fives it shad.., h man scale and a poten maae. The objec- tkes are to ccn'Ini,e. :,°Jcstr,ar, 'm:ro,,pments along the boule.aru 3r recr. anIZe ITS ring .,s- tricts so as '-o ester a aievCtnr`men, ,at:�rn icn is cond!,C:ve to ,3n 3Ctr.e _e .estrar environment rather Iran an a.:torncpiie ore. Enco.:raged is the concentration ioi soec,alt'; retail, servir_��s, any other uses ,ri intense commercial nodes around major ntersecti„ns while restricting the hi:I-clock porticns to residential and low -scale office level• opment Coconut Grove Village Center Although the Viiiage Center possesses some of the highest commercial lane:', vai'ces c.:tsde of Down- town, bung conditions and the polity of pubkc tacilltes have peen dec'.Ining steadily or several years. Major o'•,oi:O improvements to .cgraOC nub- C rights -or -delay are needed to Spur private .morcve- ments. Public oaring _arac;es .re essential if the compact., ::cntinuo_s scale relations~ ment are not to be br:Aen wVltr s.,r ace narl:;ng ,ots. Intensities of leveiocment sho,,;c pe increased t0 the allowable limits o.,t +vlii only occ'Jr central - 'zed parking tacllit;es are Exper menra_ .on witn remote site oarkino tram ser,l,:e :o Dimmer Key s o ce ,~-strt..ted as a ^rotor; ce service ‘,vitn OGssible ap I canons to .;ther areas of Miami Dinner Key T.•,e relocation or government ,ices, :onsolioa- tlon Df marine ,^dustrial acti',ities, re .n paved surrace area, exparsio)r of retail and pri- vately operated enterra,nment activities and ex• tees. e expansion .:,i marina c . t es are r :com- .enoe.. •nn e, ,; c ,, rt :re oarK. Mercy Hospital e c arsicn con- :_ -e mea 031-reiar.-. _. . t.es .. ncssibie o ort. es r-e', : contro.s or. all el. -current Vi<'ca�a �H stor'1�31 iv1 jse� 1 rrorne end Cdr::ens �s important. Pt;rlio access fvat_r :rt :ands is to be preferred to the present parking lots abutting the waters edge, Medical Center Promote r.,gh density residentiai ,aevelooment c.:r;Uncten 'vi t some medical offices and other relate:; „ses around tn:s 'Talor errpiovment center. Create a system nedestr;ar :nkages intercon- nec _ the ^ae.a:cal and educ3tiona; facili- ties, rarit: trarslt stators, sn.ttle pus stops with surrounding residential ;evelooment and the Miami River. Provide street ;morovements, beautification and sgnage to encourage pedestrian activities and facilitate orientation. F.E.C. Yard A large. L.n:aevelope, site with opportunities to create a unioue environment tnrouch a planned Levelcomeri. It has good accessibility to the ex• :resswav s;st_rn, proximit`; Biscayne Bay and emp;ovment centers. Encourage linkages with the Design Center ard surrounding neighborhoods. Edgewater Promote the redevelopment of nign density resi- ..ientiai, coordinated with: street and circulation imnrCvements aicng Biscayne Boulevard and ad- joining streets. Preserve indigenous vegetation, maximize waterfront views and encourage peces- an linkages along the Bayfront. Garment Center Encourage industrial expansion between nth Ave- nue. and loth Avenue and eliminate incompatible ses. Parking cecceratives, truck traffic improve- ments, ancillary facilities ard street beautification are recommended. Blue Lagoon Cor:ln ,e moderate :.3 nigh ensi v esirent al .ever.:pment •,v n:le providing water-or;ented amen- .t es and .._c'ic access to the snoreliie. Preserve Lar;id,ue vegetation, conso late retail arcunc major intersections ard improve the Public 'iants•of-`,vav 'or pedestrians. '9 Grand Avenue Presently a through -traffic arterial, Grand Avenue is, in fact, much more than an automobile route. It is a social axis `or the historic Black Grove com- munity, a functional !ink oetween the Douglas Road and Main Highway commercial areas, a ma- nor resource of housing, local services and. Black business for the ne,ghbornood With major efforts toimprove pedestrian racilities, peautifv and re- habilitate the street an.i private r-•roperties a,ong it, Grand Avenue could become an aobreviated ver- sion of the north sections of MLK Boulevard. Black business offices and shoos need a duality area witnln their community to establisn them- selves and the Grand ,Avenge corridor can and snci.iid provide tris 0000rtunity. Dr. Martin Luther King Boulevard Abundant Jacant land, excessive commercial va- earcies and marginal housing characterize N.W. 62nd Street IML'K' and the Edison Center busi- ness district. TH,,rougn a public program of park development ana rcaawav redevelopment of oed- estrian oriented amenity -laden boulevard is emer- ging. Regulatory controls to botn direct and stimu- iate new construction have been adopted but an acgressive economic development program must ce instituted in order to establish a community - Oriented viable commercial district. Shell City Receveioorrent of the publicly Dwrea Smell Ctv site and the decant and marginal retail :ses located i0ne 7rr Avenue for multi family housing and !mites corrmerclal Pevelopment'NI,I require far- reaching publi;, involvement. Such actions include addlticnai lard acajisition and an economic de- velopment program. Biscayne Boulevard ^attractive strop eo,rrirnercial .eveiopment and -narg•rai -hotel operations charact: rize the north- ern segment e: the 3.scav e Boulevare corridor. r entaticn of ;eye coment -or moderate eensit`/ esi:lent .al end mixed esieeetlal- ornmercial :ses ent3ii cebile actors .n ree ferrr cf. . oadwav a^. te•::eSt an •rncro;ements, eeautir!CatOn bro- ares arc eeore rnovatve reaelatory/ controls. 30 Design Plaza The Design Plaza has evolved over the last twenty years into one of the largest concentrations of in- terior resign -related businesses within the nation. Rapid growth has depleted much of the available scace resulting in the need `or additional area for expansion. Improved accessibility, additional off- street parking, continuation at area -wide ceautifica- ti un, and euontion or eistrict-wide :rban design guroelines are all essential elements needed to en- sure continued expansion of this important em- ployment center Little River -Biscayne Plaza The establisnment of a consolidated Little River- Biscavne Plaza commercial district in/le create an economically mere regionally more signifi- cant commercial concentration. To foster the con- tinuation of office expansion in Little River and to stimulate new retail activity n the Biscayne Shop- ping Plaza area public actions .aimec at the improve- ment or pedestrian and venicular internal clrcuia- t,on, street peauti'icatlon, expanded iecen space and recreational opportunities ano modifications of exist- ing reguiatory controls must be undertaken Douglas Road Transit Station Area This district has been in transition for several years with larger industrial uses moving to oerioheral areas of the county. Tee present trend is 'or widely varying activities to make ese of the large'lexible structures ar•d large lot soaces. Restaurants, art galleries, advertising studios and furniture manufac- turers are typical of uses icoking for central access, adaptable space and moderate rents available in this area. Every e*fort snould roe made to maintain as wide a range of lignt industrial, entertainment, retaii and service commercial uses as possible. Con- trols on performance standards to protect against environmental impact of noise, fumes and odors should ce enforced to maintain use compatibility. Greater ,ctenslties of ;eveiooment should be en- couraged to red,.ce ;overage of storage yards, and other Coen scrawling uses 27th Avenue Transit Station Area Present uses are of low intensity, marginal quality and diverse nature ranging from used appliances, auto repair, pool nails, and manutacturing to med.. ical offices and antiques. Restrictions on farther expansion of it:;astrial activities and iir eras com- mercial should guide nter,m arowtn antli transit facilities are operataanai Increased lot depths on 27th Avenue 'will ailcw ;or c„y ::eveiararent of commercial properties. Sir at _3ntrais .gin ienicuiar access and ;gross thin the rai•anbcrncoic surround- ing SiIv+er Blut' are es';i'.nt,ai. 'Jr rdta,1 uses Combnet .��t ^ ,. .�r3te t:O � 'an �enslr ,(.per IeVEI resiaertia' sniaaa.. -nee :torninant use for the 27.n Avenue i:arri.ior :,otn ,north and south of Dixie Highway. "Five -Points" Transit Station Area Relocation of the Drcrosed 17th, Avenue and 25th Rcac transit stations to 32nd Road w.iouid provide mceas co the redevelopment of tne "Five -Points" are,. A sijwly emerging ccaiectoan cf scecjailzed office and cuitarai- rstit'.,t:oral jses iaoald be Ir- asiriea s,.cstantaaia; to a 'r!xec ras„cential- mmerc!al-off ice complex serge,. Da, the transit Are. 32nd Roan ,vc.;a serge 3s a retail activity f center between of ice :e`.eonrrent along Cara! l Wav ar.a the transit station 'A tr macerate to hign density fesidentiai flanking the retain services, Sce- ciai i riavislons snculc De '7 C..? t3 preserve and avoid ::I3raption Of -adjacent residential neignbor- nooas oy access trafr c an , 'rtensjfiea land uses. Brickell Transit Station Area Primar :,ensity resIdentiai -eveiopment, tris area be subiect to major redevelocment :,ress.:res tne . ses. Its greatest potential s 'or a agn :ens:', , moderate in- come housing or `,3r:cke:, and 'Downtown _ttice erro.ovees. Parcel 3sSemb,a'ge assistance Ot bon„ses t3 acrieve m3xaanurn deve!ooment densities and econormes of space Jse are essertlal. Mandator; retail at groan() level along 10:n Street and Miami Avenue is necessary to reinforce devel- cement of major pectestr an streets. Paolic nark:nil ;araces . itn !ease,? 3 r-rants -Cr Orivate ac`.elco- Tent rrr0rt3nt eiie✓e „rlvate. COSZS Dr -en.c.,:sr Storace .r ,Bing st _ct.r _a . '.tra,nia Culmer Park Transit Station Area Pr :moi" Dr�.'Ser',et Or arc se•ect:s;e -�;,evetcpm ent n, .d.,i,nCt'vr A,;•.n ... ,,.,,Se'„ rapid transit Station. Encourage moderate 'o rign.:tensity residential and local -serving commercial uses sur'oanding the transit station. Promote water -oriented activities along the east sloe of the Seybold Canal as well as orourarrs for restorat.:on of water duality and sroreiire. Crate cedestr'ar linkages between the Miami River, transit station, Mec.lcai Center and tre surrc,nding 7es;aentia1 neighborhoods. 28th and 36th Street Transit Station Areas Promote ,^1:xe: use ;eve'coment with ground level local -serving retail uses and moderate to high den- sity residential evelopment around the proposed rapid transit stations. Provide pedestrian improve- ments and 'anascaoe cuf'ering to surrounding resi- c:entiai areas. Manor Park Transit Station Area Promote ;:reservation of surrouncjnq residential areas .,vnile encouraging iocai-serving retail uses directly aajacent tc the proposed rapid transit station along 17th Avenue. Provide !andscacing and other buffering to mit'gate noise and visual imcacts. LAND USE STRATEGIES The following strategies are recommended as the most appropriate, principles for tre location and intensity of future developments within the City of Miami until 1985. 1. Build upon existing strengths. Facture growth should be concentrated around OP- cort;njr, er=as. The diverse r•.fater-orienten oppor- tunities presented by such amenities as Biscayne Bay, the Miami River and navigable canals should ce taken advantage of for future residential and/dr commercial development. Regional parts along the mainland Ike Bayfront ParK, Dinner Key, etc. are highly underutilized and not accessible to most cf the pocu:anon. However, these parks would be more erectjvejv utilized and Produce an economic 11;,,:iblier effect on nearby Properties if marane- ommerclal-recreati0ral uses'were alcwea to locate within them. Resjner:tiai :evejDnment,offerng a ..vine range o` `ousina cruiaes, snouia Ce lucaten n close croxirn- t.i to major emclo'•jrrert centers. , Dcwrtown, the Medical Center, ' Cmni," and Brickeii. A;thougn these areas will continue to grow as financiaj, irstitu- 81 tonal and centers for corporate headquarters em• proving thousands of Dace County residents, the lack of nearby residential opportunities results in an unnecessary :ally commutation t:attern which requires a hign consumption of nighway reties and parking spaces. The proposed Mass Rapid Transit stations>vili oe, in many ;nstarces, c3taivsts Cr-n,gr Density devel- opment in their immec ate s,irro„nd.nqs. The use and intensit`, 'Nlli depend .:oon Station 'ocatien and the general characteristics of the transit im- pact area. Ore of thecnaracteristics of Miami is its diverse cJlt.rai composition. The L3t,n;r'luence in Miami wlli not oni./ ne an .asset n the crcmotion 0' tourism and related service industries cut, also, n tee '.'Jay that the env'rcnmert ref'ec s ,ts users and their bera'v'orai ,narac:erstics. 2. Encourage mixed use developments. Mixed use developments are the most effective land use patterns in 3ntimizirq the c.)nservation 3f energy and providing 3 Setting -or 24•nou• activity environments The latter s eeced n Downtown n or,er to 'rurease.its 3rtr3c'",eness to consumers, emoiove?s ;no resi erts Uetcre. anti after dark, seven lays a'.veek. Mixe-2 _,se ~evelop- mP.rts not only 3lievidte the nee_ 'Jf 'er.'athv work trips cut, also, aiiow for 'ne ,naring 0"aC;it:S as park.rg, mec'^anical systems. Space, =tC 3. Balance land -use intensity and infrastructure capacity. The ntensir,' aro locator ever -,.n-"chit s• n dui Ce n direct proportion he ;apace.. _' the given site, i.e., access;clity, 3trnet ,:ai.ac:t i 3d.'.ers arc; parking. In stncti,• resioertiai areas..ne mcac: of new developments sncuia careful,y assess the capa- city of tie recreational ar,J educati Drai s. stems to absorb their grci,vtr. This >S times :r Paramount ricortance wne . a r ,erce, tone •; the resider.. _;nits are ark 4. Allow development response to market demand. en a ar _. e . at air--..0 :r catip_ ,ses erg s -,er_ •, dr<et cr. ' are 3nC ..JS•:5 3r', s :,n .:',nose ,s_S b'.aCC . ^em, are crcn ,i._ .pv�d'.v �. ,, `, o' J1i- ami's commercial stricS are r, a s;m.itar nred;c3rrert. 82 64° of the commerciaity zoned and ;n the City does not allow residential or other 'less Intense uses. These areas are tyo,calk, iimltec to uses which have been continually declining since the early 1960's due to oranges tr nationwide consumer pre- 'erences, comnetinc suburban shopping centers and a loss 0t a nearby market support. Residential and other uses snould ne allowed n these areaswhere even the most iicerai commercial has proven to be uneconomic. Ailc,ving trig ,;raauai conversion from obsolescing uses to :hose Nhich Nili more effectively respond to market demand is Much neeaed in the City of Miami. INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT A N A sl r N A .5c pr, _ _ r 0, ri rOppe'' ang.g4". • ./ 3 REGULATORY FRAMEWORK 1 I In Order To Achieve Development Objectives, Changes In Existing Regulatory Framework Will Be Required In These Areas. 1 - %Mk C3ustINO, • e 3,3.11e*Cir 5 mikes 3.6 RECREATION SPACE ELEMENT PLAN PRINCIPLES The leisure time of Americans has been steadily increasing over the cast century, resulting in in- creased demands for recreational facilities and open space. Miami's attracti veress as a place both to live and visit is enhanced by its climate and other ameni- ties fer out-cf•aocr activit es and recreation. The past rapid ieve+.uoment of many parts of the City, though, has created open space deficiencies in resi- dential areas while many regional resources remain underutilized. This Plan Element is based on deter- minng ways in which recreational facilities can serve the ~resent and future needs of the popula- tion; enhance the attractiveness of the area to resi- ;ients and businesses; preserve and enhance natural resources, sucn as Biscayne Bay and the Miami River. RESOURCES Miami is a part of a region which is rich in recrea- tional opportunities, including the Everglades, Biscayne Bay and the Keys. Furthermore, these are within easy reach by auto from the City. There are also several major recreational areas within the City itself, including Virginia Key, Watson island, Bayfront and Bicentennial Parks and Dinner Key, as well as spectator sports facilities, such as the Orange Bowl and the Miami Stadium. Community and neighborhooa parks are located throughout the City and are primarily designed to serve local needs. A detailed inventory of parks, facilities and utiliza- tion rates are included in the Appendix. Presently there is a total of 2,560 acres of publicly - developed open space in the City of Miami, almost one-half of which is represented by Virginia Key. Of this total 1,734 acres are in regional parks, 256 acres are in community parks, 84 acres are in neigh- borhood parks and 14 acres are in mini -parks. NEEDS Dade County has developed standards for the eval- uation of recreational and open space needs. These standards are generally expressed in terms of num- bers of acres cr facilities required to serve 1000 people cr a specific user group. The general calcula- tion used for all categories of parks is 4.5 acres/ 1000 population. Applying these general standards 83 to the City cf Miami indicates that present and fu- ture recreational needs to 1966 are adec,ate, satis- fied In ad ,rlon, tnls standard is rurther oroken down or various cate.cor s :f parks Metropolitan Parks are usually betwe' 250-500 acres ,n size and attract visitors from throughout the reaion In tne City s,aC`` ;,arks inc,i4 e Dinner Ke`, Manna, Ba', ant and B centenr-:lal Parks,'Nat- scn sand and V.riTnia tiw There is no '-reef.:1 for adolt'onal reClor'a; parks. Community Parks . :o n',ass arr..no 20 acres of Ian,: aril service ar area 'ronn a r3'11J5 of 1.'.3-F.,ait G t�'i0 miles Tr:estandar:: for c'_)rrrniJnit, narks 3 1 75?Cr'..5J1000 COc'.I'.aticn'polt`-,in aper'corlat service areas. Or ti'.i'i c'asis the City tv ;S av'aq'uatel, served by existing ::.rmmurity Neighborhood Parks are nose ''.n cn are aco_.t dive acres "n 51ze an : 3r area t ore•ilalf mile. Dade Co'�,nt' star nearis 'Or -'Ai.-hoer noad parks are 1 25 acres br?r i CC0 000u.a7v 3r a ::equate se, .ice area. ‘.'Jnje •.nsre s no n regional an::orrlm'�ri., Dark,,, .hare s 3 ...t,c,enc`. of 472 acres r ' eignccr^oo'J':::arks. r+5a= tnat rprJ',' r'e is are r'a:- ;Get scace 3.J,. ,ncrease t7 a r ar7e or -194 acres :3 532 acres 986 Hai ` pr t 'a weed t.,r ne nc'o•.-1000 ;arcs .s tne L.tt'e Havana area. Mini•Parks are soeci-'ic needs trin Win.. ',.dr �r rl ? ,t tr - n3'�I�it, 3f .. are Tier. :eis _, one acne .ir ,ess. '5e ^arks ire .5;.r rccriate r1-r areas, costs of Inc'. are ]r' 7sserrci soaoeo i,ri- ..a' :an :e .se.. tr'e .-. neiCncor- r,:')O Cares + tri-:se areas. Da.:e Cc rt`i as standar_S .'info i—anon' 3 Thver aC„t'i ..lit battle-.iar age ;roiUCs tnat 7enerail`f ase tr.at :ac�lit; sue�a s` ,foie;.oars courts 'or ,artic.carts and s:.Yir.Y"ir., owls `Or trPse an. s..mmar zac L. Jts P'ar! 'n': 1 strict. r :tar :s ,.'ra s 3 Th asd!.n : '- :a••"r• ir.n] :rea' na an:: ...:s. •_,.'ie ier „ a, t .ot,rs nave r n 7ers,t. 3r ,N•1"as or gr'c - -'o'.:: narks are exacercoted r e'er s+t. .:roes :i ern .nere .s 84 open space as tiveil as in icw income. low auto avail- abiiirv, transit dependent areas. For examcie, Little Havana is a high reed area on the basis of Dade Countv standards arid .t is a!5o ar area with •ittle .:sable :rr.r" :evelooment and some portions have low 'r'ocility. As a resi.it, nres- Sure exerted '2,n it3Cai rC:rre3t.Gnal areas t0 satisfy demon::: .s rragr''''A ne reserve .S true- n ^:Cn income areas 'with s,nc:: `am psi„erceS :,n urge iota. Coen space can ser`ie many *uroticns in 3 commun- IV it can serve t'_' .:r'i\.; scace or passnie and aCllve reCreat on,al .3C:.,, it .ar ceaL,t,'y the Corn- r,'unit`. ..ith 322rGpr'ate lar'o's:al.iCg an'. green space ar; maintain or enhance 't3 attraCti`.BneSS t0 residents an, n>usnessr—an. I: oar also ne!c to pre- serve urluuc: -'nHro'-m=rrai features or DUCiic aCCCS- sIbilit`, o tnem..an: car .serve as the center 'or social ';ath�„r:rys. r,ecr.�at cnai arc,pe^, scace imrrava- r^ent 'Jr L,:rams :an . e .oar :i i^.pted 'vVl th ', ou tl' Oro - grans for :h_ii, training and s'.?1r'-•sr ernpicyrrent. !n Miarri tne min; aC°tee:role, 01 0c?nl Snuace ta‹es on :.,en treater signifca: :e . ;cause :re o'imate ailows ,ear -round .rise tne i_.t-or-'aoo's. Pr:prities'or recreet;on an _per. space irn.cro'iements can ue ne;!:r,corr .C'; creser':ation, redevelopment ecorcrn : Jeve'onment cbjectives, as :"Jell as : n c eat!on ai needs. CULTURAL FACILITIES Although Miami nal .a .` :e range of 'cultural activi- ties r is ear . .years of rat, 0 '".eveiccrnenr, the hur- ricane or 1926, `o!iowed by :re ::ol!acse of the ian.: soon sse 'ail 'Vi t mac, .uitilrai act.vities in the '/'ourq .,, y 1: .;a5 ''ct unt,'i after World ',Nar II that�C,,litur'I 3CtNi::es .vcre again rev:ra!,C3d and r,stltuti,"}ns pagan to excand tneir _'.era::ens. Currentiv, c'uiturai `aciiities In Dade Curty are ;J,r" hated by 'he .erior..,'n, arts. Rou•]ciy %coo tura� es a`:ai',ac e tnrougnc:,t the are - ac. t:es rer-or'n'no . 's �o'r.: and Mia . Stadium, l.nicn are Jt1an „seat, tor ex tre—e!. 'arde c'ult'ural c:'es?ntatio"'s, put ., ;t ail is _'i tirne �r act;it es, :r o..iit'urai ore- sentat' :r's %/Ham sr- '71, .._, : were! ralOr auditoriums. Central ari",,sri: .".-?Se S tr�P. Da:.ie Count‘,, a.�itCr lath .;n Cr s .tire-: ere: _oerate_,:v Dace County, Located on Flagler Street just west of 27th Ave- nue, the auditorium is easily accessible from all parts of the county, which has contributed to its year-round use. As a public facility, the auditorium is generally available for use by any group or or- ganization that can afford the rental of tnis 2,500 seat facility, and has been used for ail types of events, ranging from grand opera to union elections. For events that do not require an amplified sound sys- tem, the acoustics of the auditorium are consioered to be excellent. The performing stage, backstage areas and lighting system are adequate, but are ap- proaching need of improvement. Other public facilities in the City of Miami ,ncivae the Bayfront Bandshell, the Miami Municipal Aud- itorium and the Marine Staaium ano Gussman Hall. Despite excellent access and parking, the Bayfront Bandshell (now scheduled for demolition) does not play a major role in cultural events due to its phys- ical deterioration. Additional limitations include poor acoustics and lack of backstage space. The Municipal Auditorium is located at the north- ern end of Bavfront Park and serves a variety of functions, including exhibits, luncheons, and dances. While able to accommodate 2,000 foloing chairs, the facility offers no fixed seating. Reuse of this facility should be studied upon completion of the new convention hall. The Marine Staaium, built specifically for boat- ing and other aquatic events, currently serves the many symphonic ana other musical events that continue to be held there. With a seating capa- city of 6,500 the stacium only offers parking space for 1,200 cars. Accessibility is limited to Ricken- backer Causeway which is often severely over- crowaed before and after events at tne stadium. Private facilities for the performing arts, unlike pub- lic facilities, are not availacle to the general public on demana ana are often reserved for the exclusive use or a particular group. Despite this limitation, the orivate facilities are more numerous and offer a wiaer variety of events than is found in the public auditoriums. The best known orivate facility for performing arts is probably the Coconut Grove Plavhcuse. Located in the commercial center of Coconut Grove, this 1,200 seat legitimate theater offers many Broadway and off-Broadway shows and often features name actors. Many of the private performance facilities offer distinctive ethnic productions. Las Mascaras, a very small 76 seat theatre !coated on 27th Avenue just south cf S,'N. 8th Street, offers numerous plays of Spanish and non -Spanish origin. Ail plays are pre- senter ;n Spanish cv the Cuban theater group "Las Mascaras." AoditionaUly the theater also functions as a stage and drama school. The Theater of Afro -Arts is located in the midale of tne Model Cities area. This small, 100 seat facil- ity offers performances and worksnops that con- centrate on art procuced by Blacks. Many of the activities at the theater are funded through the Model Cities Program. Facilities for the visual arts in Dade County are severely limited. Several privately sponsored mu- seums comprise the bulk of facilities, and most of these are located outside the City of Miami. It is anticipated that the proposed Metropolitan Mu- seum of Art will also be located outside the City cf Miami at the Biltrnore Hotel complex in Coral Gables. Located south cf the Brickell area on South Miami Avenue, the Vizcaya complex is currently the center for the visual arts in Miami and Dace County. In- cluded in the more than 20 acres of the complex are the Vizcaya mansion, former estate of James Deering; the Museum of Science; Planetarium; Historical Museum ano Players' Theater. The palatial mansion tnat is the central facility of the complex is the former estate of millionaire James Deering. The mansion and estate became pub- ic property in 1950 through a one -million dollar bond issue used to purchase the land from Deering's heirs, and is now owned and operated by Oade County. Constructed before World War I, the mansion itself is a major historical as well as cul• t,.rai attraction. The interior, which has been largely restored to its former elegance, is filled with the many antiques ano art treasures acquired by Deering during nis many trips to Eurooe. The more than half -mill on anrual visitors to the Museum of Science alone attest to the increasing popularity of the entire Vizcaya complex. Due to 85 •4— I II 1.11111111••••••••••••.-- thiS increase:: L.,se, the facilities at Vzcava are cur- rentiv faced wet-. a major snortage of stare for administrative ,nctions Recently arprive,-.., bonds totall,ncl six fla\da LL42en aHocatea for new buildinas accommc,•(:ate the exran 1 ac cnstr Jction, arefUy :e.siJne.,: to b.reserve the unie character it'e area i'c there- by satisfy ee rT!stnctnsjr the lanj, wid rnuiti-Durpose arts rrci•siOn !te;',. The 7-13nsch s 3Cfl flat r•eraoilitat!on witi ce necessary ,n a,ir..iit.!on to the corstniction. STRATEGIES T-'n nee c: fcr narks can ce, met in a variety Dt `oilowina ,are strategies airr,e:::t ranr.:1tre recreational • strategyes not m JT.,;alln/ exC:uS;ve, 0;.it :an ;:fa set'arat,_,r: .:r 3r.-7i..3 2,f tn.,?, 1. Improve Access to Existing Recreational Areas and Environmental Features. O ne .'a' n wricn ass ,rrbrOve.:m. Ortn17=iS .;S•,a! tne vm Rker. -,:_:(71*-1 ::arK Bav7r C.r•Hs :an : as ,vel: , Dv=r-re,n,s River •nE,.'re ,'>( .;:•:r0r7:,n.1"tes Bay 3n the Mum' Roi- C.,I- i•-, 32,a, t•-•e ar.,,as naHL,n,-.. "cr ffitn:•ar`.S. tne. ocsea •'xter'Sr5r e MiJrni River .vaI,av ne 1.....;mmis Parr area inn ne e.ronrnena F;sn \,larki, in this ar-.'3 are ,-;:r-e,r ;SF:S ar are,as •' resr2ritial r-=.•• t-ansit oanr-,ct ort; ser', 3S a means ::.4; access, sere :our•s- 86 attractions In tr.ernse;ves I fri;,?r3vec access, however, c.3criina:ec.1 wen t2.x:.:3ndeC. activities 3r1J programs, ancj brvate concessions. 2. Increase Utilization of Public and Ouasi- Public Properties for Recreational Purposes. Trlere -in-., mar., rrLDOertleS AhlCn sat sf's., ' 7._AZ Over 17C) :.r1r _; —iC;tieS 3re:r ,T01 :7r )0r2S, tr,i21,:gn 7t-1,ese. sc-i;c1 =2,Lar : Strnc1n.s -.raw ,c) n a;reemert for ,se C:V/ ,at arni P-ir:sr Rr'-'3 Denrment Aar-'; '3the,r publ!c brocertis are in 1 with s-:rne y.?rn-nts r OC mace 3\,'3,,acH 'or :Dur:-2,.:.sas rmn ras fthe Oranie St ,T1 2'2,LJ . .se. 3S :s an baset:.; he,' are ze:. in seas,:nai3' rer1aIfl ,:acant -r- ?.::3*. 73- icH rt.': outer ;zat,on school nr,:inertes an soorts re - the :::rese-t .ser;ing Dar'. s tort 472 acres t: '95 acres cl nton, the.F E C 3n-j orecs'Miss :at- be en or recreat;u-al I in,- . -ear oar< is /deli aS : !oc:itions. 3. Improve Recreational Facilities and Programs in Existing Parks. *.\./17-v ..s,ar<s ' Jrs,:e..,-.,tH.Zer.1 DrcvsIcr ot3D- orcnrdtenrorarns an : 3C itCS :an serve t: sat:sfv some the %vitnout naVe, exnressed • :r : tes sbec:ai :oars ate dr1 e- actr.!•.,s .3' 2.r :,;:-arr 12;.- rrences :at 3sseSS 0C102".zer:-3 1: _IS." 6:1 r ifl3 .ar. : -ew 7-,,,xtur.? attract a;I ae groups can oe planned in such a way that super- vision can become "built-in" try the park itself wit!lO.it ;,r,,lliioral statring. Parks can cu designed in such i way ttit:t they further "natural ;ur✓eillance." Communit'✓dry; non-crotit organizations must r,e encouraged to become invoive.d in tne de- velopment of s,,cervisec recreational programs. In large narks, aucitional activities can be encouraged through private concessions and !eases. 4. Acquire Land and Build Additional Parks. The !arrest neec n :he City :oo.iay :s :or small oarks strategically iocatro n nigh ;:nnsty areas. Uncer- uthizeC sites as Small as one-auar,er acre n nlCnly .ISI t,I ', an"i acCnsSIc e li Cat' nS should be .:cuuireo. New rarK _:eveiooment s'iOUi"' retieCT the user grout an:; cultural oreferences of :he noouration 'whir." It is intended to terse. however, there are also reasons :trier than recreational oe- ',.rand 'NhiC0 ma'✓ af'eot dec;dons concerning carK acquisitions and :evelonment. In man'.. instances wVell Iccate'o any :es gned parks car ennance the attractiveness of an area '7r 'esi:;ents and ''businesses. For examr:ie, a r-najor water oriente' public ocen space arr.er'ity s ^r op•Dsec as an inventiec to :ne c''eve''ccme t of a hew -town residential commun• in the Dc,wntown. Another reason Tor new park 7eveooment may oe to preserve arc provide access to malor environmental 'eatures `NniCh are at unique or irreplaceable `.aloe :o the comm'jrl:y. 5. Require Private Development to Provide Recreational Facilities. In redeveiocment areas't'rere :ic"? market aamano e'tists, tne acing; r t . ._Ie`.eloornert to sat,s'y recreat.Dn and :en. space needs must to consTared as an a', errativ/e 1mnrovementS. L3n'J CCntr;,IS S O•_;i 7 erco .rap` nr,;vison j• „usable' giber space tnro._,r. P!annao Unit Deve cp- ments. Transfer of Develccmer: Rights and flexible site oesirn. Roof -:roc c.iidings and carking garages sno'uid also oe made suHtania Tor recreational use. Non-resi-:nnt'!ai ,e',e.orments sr oui.o ce required to meet :av-. rna r _crea:ior'ai _ernards of employees. 6. Develop a Cultural Center Downtown. ano i ibrary • l .rr? D,QV^/ntoVA.'r .oVe.r^,mynt Cent=r Ccntlrue sup- 5ort •Cr •n the Downtown, ,n- -;'jcorg. tne .se . C Sr an Hall and the Clv ncia Bu,l_,irn as a :ante. 'or -"e cerTorming arts. EARLY ACTION AND HIGH PRIORITY AREAS The most cr'recreational need 's in Little Havana, with Wait i252 ac' si the Cit‘,-wI'.:e nne'_i 'or fora! parks -fie grr,atest oeticiencies are cer.• tralized between S.':': Etn Street anc F'iagier Street �rcm 12th Avenue to 22^u' Tne crav t`✓ o' this def c,e^c: ✓ s .:c,rric0ur'0e_..:v :he area's satura- tion ,Ni:r, :en e :e,vela. ,^-,en-. joint utrrization of scho0i /ar:s 's also a H;;n or'oritty. IMPLEMENTATION In 1972 tre C.r; nassc: :re 'Parks or People Pr ra n. ist3Ci'!Srina $29.9 roll' :s 'or t!''e mc, ov'me^t _ AQ'arni', recreational ac;lilies. Tne jpeates. -]Boleti on at j S 'S2 7 mil' firm Wert to the D_',vntovrn area 'or the excarsion of 2av'ron: Pack ar-o tne oevelonrna,•t D{ the Miami RverwanK. The ^ext greatest bond allocation .vent :7) :he imcrovemert an<; r�;eve;opment Dirn er Kw. Citizen Task Forte recommanoatl:''s were orimari,,, .rectec :n :he flnor:,vement c` I ji.ii^,��, :?once :°ectlon and oetter maintenance of �x snn, barks. A retailed inve,.tory p•rogramrned mo ..eme^:s is incivaieC i^ 3n•o,tioor, to the "Parks for Peocle' Bono Program, Fa3erai Com,roun.- itv Development 'un_is may also bC 3 ocatec 'c r the purchase of parks ano :he morovement of 'aril - ties. 87 1: • III • --•'"F • i* 0 ". • RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE - Metropolitan Park 000 Linear Park um Community Park 1 I New Recreation & Open Space Facilities MI Need With Joint Use of School Properties Utilization New Parks Multiuse of Publicly -owned Property 1:=1 Improved Use of Existing Parks New Recreation Facilities New Recreation Programs Improved Access III I I 0 26 to 1 40 01080 3.7 PUBLIC SERVICES AND FACILITIES ELEMENT This portion of the P:ar aegis ^filth the adequate provision of public services aro faciiities and con- siders the following. health care, education, social and welfare, public satiety are government. SUMMARY The City nas plans to centralize its governmental facilities within the Downtown Government Center. In addition to kcal -,overr.ment, the City provides police and fire safety services. The Police Depart- ment has recently relocated to a new facility within the Gcvernmert Center. The Fire Department has Peen liver 're h crest, Class I, rating by the Insur- ance Serpces Office and 's currently preparing a Master Plan in conlurctIon with the Planning Depart- ment wnich will specify recommendations for im- provements. The County 3oard of Puoiic Instruction is respon- sible for the provision of educational facilities. It has programmed in its Five Year Construction Plan ar. additional nigh sc� io01 within the City and nas prepared a Plan for Vocational Education. The City and County already nave plans to build neighborhood faciiities tnrougn the Community Develoornent Program in every "target area" except Downtown This study aid not find any need for new facilities other than those already planned and programmed. Health, education, welfare, elderly seriic s and child care needs were evaluated for the City. Critical needs for all services i,vare found in Model Cities, Calmer and Central Grove Child care needs are also nigh in ',ti'ynwood and Little Havana and there is a nigh need for elderly services in Downtown, carts of Ailapattah and most of Little Havana. The City has transferred most of its responsibility for the provision of social services to Dade County. In addition to strategies Peve!opea by the County, the actions wnicr. are proposed here outline ways in whicn the City can provide additional assistance ‘,vitnout assuming rescOrsb+l'ty for the Operation and maintenance of programs, as '.Vel I as guidelines for the location of proposed facilities. 89 HEALTH CARE P pr:hate .fitaitr- care witnin the City of Miami is avaliable at three di f ferent scales: central nosnitals, Ilecentralized Cinics and private pi-riisicians. I.:coated in the Civic -Medical Center, Jackson Mem- cra cspta s tre argest non -Federal acute care nosmt3i n tne southeastern United States. Jackson curre,nfly sunOlies ciperox;rnate-; 1200 beds, and is the e!eve.htn 'arcest tac,1 ity c ts kn n tne courtni. P'esent!v this hcsbitai diays central and itiyerse r•o's ;n Dade Courit‘,. as egr.-AI:Jet- of a s;nc,ie high standan soec;a, -eai:h care, as the nnaior prover setvlf.;es t tr:e poor; 3r as,t',rov!::e7 mJic.:!c..a, !t 5 on,y rraor --iosp,tal in the C.-:unitv that ncerates cr. jackson ann 31 v en. es a tiatai aboro.; imateiv 35,300 catients, raJgHy 50% cor-ne rorn 7re ce,ntra area Dt tne nospitai is fzi.J 1974 T.cccancy ot fine 7C0 ,n pperation atJacks..)r, was .ust nder 'resent ,! 'made C.D. S '30,3111 ;iit a ..',L,t;stantial erco::e.:s. C:irrent iert-laria is e stirhatenJ at aopriaiik.maten,,CO0 wniie County- suoniv .s 1,0CC. De to tnis oversup- -C33!tn• plde County 3 :!;scaace cor-,StriC.• 7,0n 0,T an., nen ,n-c:atent 'acities on an nite oasis 7 5 ctc oes -_•.c,tate an ned: tn. :are. ninbroeht•-ent .,acicsor rios- oitai r71- 7.r barkirq con- str.:ctIon iicr new .3r2eC,aZ.e.9 faC:ii:,es, such as trie regional cancer aiio\Ned to continue. 7'-e Da3e. i_-_-.`ebartnnent. • cr :;or: iccai c';ncics an: ▪ ese tacIli ties c-ter nea!t:'ae .? 3c,c.)r, t:asecl Eec.,era, categorical brorams. Prt.2._;rarns flat' or rramst•Or ser.ces Heath rtrntJn,fs dlag- 7 'lc 7„sease an tuoer- :., -s.s, dent:stry, f'-aaitn ,r3,liJ, -.ealth 13;1(J!!Courlt7.-, Linn nas estahsried 3 jr,(;,,e ,./%ti?rn care similar to the recently r)rgatnizaro,n HMO). 0174:r prrri,!n! *.(Jr7,-1•'.)7 rne,:lCal care, 7,r,e CnHnJ1 ;I:;1. t(-) Spahisn- sr«Jak nt-: morithy pdyffieflt Dian ottere(1 n, rnerrt,n; cenetits, or cr.pnt»n,it;)n ''' nsnsptaizaton benet!t. f:Hrmc drav:des benef its. thoi„gri tner main ‘'int•:tieir, ',1`;-r -reoical care, Cilban nr J ;)ti. /ate, i,t,mbetiitive organ- izations that .•Jttrifi ne!,-"rr?,:HrS. Nqn adlitional benefits. Ehi'i-ji.3n jonri:„?,,.;t! 3'ieflts and cu!turai events ad.J roie these ctnics play tn,t Private ti)nvsicians iitrhati,Je 'dr inien• era: medic:3i care. 3a,:ed t"e ..91rj C;n3L,s, nc coi,ntinn jnly -:;ert•s:s pri..are r.),--;C!. 0f-3, -ds 3bcrox- 'matek 108 o - censer2,' ' cersons or one r,e.r t 3. ohyslc:ans .vere rc ti.osoitals 300 alrnIftstrate 71:7,5,..• ;n3 S siclan ci=ouf.ation vo•ce ber 100 000 ders(-ins ans ten: 7.0 cate n • ,sters fic.es c ose to corrrnerc.a. :e!-t.ers ;Dr "7,sctals',,ihere 0CeS are 3eacr E,'ou'ievard, Civii•-,-"•,leoicai Center, 27.',wrtifown Miarni. Cora: Gab'es, .DaOe,ar'ip arid L.ncoin Pcac. lia Beach nave arti:ie cff -louse most ot DaJe ch.,,s,c;ans Physical an 7,enta: esIn :are eeos vere eva:u- ated on tne cass j JMH..,11:,:at:en rates as wei: as -.teat,- rate 7-e, conoentraton ▪ i'eaitn care needs ...ere tounii. to be n0r..n or the Miami River ir the C.;.entrai Miami iCL;mer ParK) area, Eson ParK-Littie River area arc.' cortions or Mot-...e City as as ,cortv3r.s o C,.;COnt Groe. bass tar ,s-r:•ecti\re neal*.n s "J'e 2.ecen• Dr" .-.r• rri•73f care 3r tne _In:: tertiary ;er a s',/ste,r cea ices not 7.. s*,.r,16f-. oet.•.(ee" Inc 7:a3fli,,, of :are :3-tcirn.ec...: nerscrs ba.s, inc.: 'Or er 3er/ides it-,..rsus • wro 3re ;‘/ inzi,gerit Ai trough ths as reen the .-,tate:: coals Jrt^ealtn r..,arring in Dade Jr the past se%eral vears, the ;331 01' effec- ti.,e .;:ecentralizafJon of •;rimar; re.altn care activities is tar Irish beinrl dchieveci. In the City ()l Miami, the problem is exacerbated because of the proxim- ity of Jackson Memorial Hospital to many poverty pockets within the City; as a result, e,ven though aecentraiization is desiraoie, the tendency of these persons to .use JMH for primary physician t\/oes of services continue. In response there are advanced plans tor the construction of an ambulatory clinic at JMH. EDUCATION Public education in Miami is administered by the Board of Public Instruction, •whlcr. ocerates the public scrool system for all of Dade County. In 1973, the Dade County system nai 240,000 puoi!s errollea and was tne sixth largest school district in the United States. Aocrox;mately 277'; 3t this tote( was Black, 49°6 .vas'Vhite and otner racial groups, and 24% was or Scanisn language origin. 14% of the total school -age population cintinues ro attend private schools. Instruction is offered through toter oaslc types of faceitiesi elementary schools, .vnicn include kinder- garten; junior nigh, or midaie scrool facilities; senior high schools, an; adult education centers. Currently the City of Miami Is served by 37 elemen- tary schools, 9 junior niGn scnoois, 4 senior nign schools ana the Lindsay Hopkins Education Center. Senior `sign scnocis provide programs ..esigned to prepare stJoents for •:pportenities r nigher eauca- tion ano/or or:vlae a terminal faregrarn ,';r ouplis •.vho do rot swish pursue Heiner education. Accorainj tc he Dace Coenty Soar. or Public instruction's r=r,'e Year Constriction Plan, the foi- Ho virg are programmed t�cl,itv; improvements tnrougn 1981.. — Replace Citrus Grove Junior Hign on same site. — Reoi ., E ace Sncnanc,,a�, iem,entary icompleteal. — Provide reiccatadie .nits at ?iversiie E er~en- tary (completed). — Renovate Soutrsae cementer, icornpietea?. — r.dre iann to Booker T. ''...iasningt•on 'or play taci a ties. — land( to ivldarn Jackson SenH''Jr play 7acietie5. an auditonai senior nign scnoo; as a of scncoi" rcr 'gnarl Jackson and Ml,�nil Senior The Five Year Constriction Plan is revised every year to reflect changes in priorities. Vocational and tec^nic:.', ec.caticn is a regular rro- gram provided or secondary school stocents, youth out of school arc adults Courses covering -.eery 300 subject areas are ortered on octh day and night scneduies at Lindsey "ookin.s, 15 ;tner schools and many non-scheci center, thr,cterncut the County. Adult education programs are aC.::!t'or.ally offered in evening sessions at various schools tnroughou t the County. The Board of Public Instruction has also, creparea a P'an for Vocational Education. In adalton to re,guiar scrool "ours an evening pro - :rams, school raciiiities are orten 'eased or 'weekend activities to various religious, civic and social groups. Tne community scncoi program peers a means of organizing these extra-cur-re:tear activities, and as- suring =ull utl'ication of facilites on a continuing oasis. A community so_noot provides many rapes of activ- ities for ail aae''7rouns, in addition to regular school programs, and •s designed to serve as the activity focal point for the community. Most community activities incl'eded are scheduled to take Jiace after school hours or on the weekend. Currently there are 36 community schocis in Dade County, 17 of wnicn are ,vithin the City of Miami, A ecmmi,nity scrool program :an oe established ,n any of tne Dade County schools. Tine program is Jsually initiated ov the Count'; aovernrnent, icca; municipality or private organizations, wi10 'determine where thev would like to have :,ucn a program ini- tiated. Following the ,oCation eclsion, the scncoi board is oetitionea for their acprovai. IJoc❑ aporoval py the coard, a Community Scnoo' Program Direc- tcr is hired by tne principal of tne nost school and is charged 'with tne develocment of an activity. pro- gram. T^e government or organization initiating the communit', or0gr3m financially subsidizes tie ac- tivity through part'ai payment or the director salary. Due to an increase in SChcce-age copulation over the oast tive Jeers, and the ack Oi tends for nei,iv con- struction, z.-:vercrovi,e inn the, become one of t^ma- ;:ur prnbiems OT Dade Cent'; schools. As a result, most secondary sonocis rave been forced to initiate a ten-hour .ay schedule, consisting ci two five-ncur 91 sessions. Due to the 1C0')e ncrease in capacity al - ,owed by this scneauee cnange, most overcrowding has been eliminated, along Mtn the need for many new secondary schoais. Unlike secondary schools, ,,�!errentary facilities have not vet teen tcr'Ced Into the double shift schedule. Because o, an expected :'ecline of primary school - age cnildren In the near'uture, the Boar i or Pub- IIC Instruction expects any existing overcrowding at the primary level to be progressively reriuced. Public school funds in Dace County are derived from Federal, State anu Hecal sources. In 1973, tne County school budget -.vas composed of 45% State, 8'7b `=ederai and 47% ocai turas. Presently focal handing is entirely :eoendent on the property tax base. liAIith the maximum miilaae rate for scnooi taxes set at 10 mils, and recent assessments acorcacning tnat limit, the school sys- tem ,s approaching the financial ,irrlt of service provision. Barring anv chance In local eindina Im- its, this continued financial crisis .viii make Daae County schools :ncreasIngi / eependent on federal and state funds. Recent nateona. trenus ,n `,Tiner eeucation continue to make tne two-year, er junior, college an Increas- ir'g'y Popular educational oopOrtunit✓. Based on a 1972 enrollment Of 36,500 Miami -Dade Commun- Coi ege s the iariest such- facility in :ne United States. 'viiami-Dade operates a :ecentralizee e:'ucati0nal system with 73ci!It;es scattered over several sites terc'; .rout the Ceunt:. The many small campuses r `Alarm -Da ;e tre administration's yeller tnat Scncoi 'ac,i,ties snout.. be 'ocatea iwithin tne communities they are .designee to sense. Of Particular Importance for the City of Miami is the recently cormoietea Downtown Campus Or MDCC Opened 1973, this carious .S tire newest -ac.,it; of tee community system. Fi-om .ts central 'cation lust ncrtr, tre Downtown Ccre, tre ;ix- :r, :amobs .__, „ine tirrateiv serve 5000 3tecen t5. aedi000n to ee Di.ewntown :arrpus,'�iDCC 3C- es in tee Cite f Miami ,nre,ce t''do ;utreacn croarams. Locarea in the Carver Junior eiigr. Sonool r. Coconut Grove and the `Martin Lutner King Com- a2 munity EJucation Center :n the Model City area, these programs offer a limited number of courses usually scheduled during afternoon and evening hours. The City and County are served by two major four- uear universities. Floreea International University and tne University of Miami. A.t-augn located out- side the City of ^aiarr , ncte !nstit1-.t;ors are activ- ity centers for ire Mlar,l community, ottenng a variety or .:JItura' an ; recreatorai activities to area residents. SOCIAL AND WELFARE Although toe Cite- has teen invoived througn the Community Development Program In the construc- tion of nelyhcorncod fac:lines, :he County is re- sconsibie for the aistriibution r scciai and welfare 3er:ices in the City at 'v1iam� Alitnin the County governmental structure, many agencies are respon- sobie for t'.e leirdery of thevarious tyres of social and ,ve fare services -rin the City of Miami Gen- er3liy, eacr. agency operates as an autonomous serv- ice delivery agent, providing a single specialized type of service. Because Or the mare small pieces of the total .eilvery system, otrer agencies are: governmental units such as the City or Miami can easily lose :rack of-,vhere Services and facilities are adequately pro- vided and ,✓nere they are 'ackIng. Services are lispensed through numerous decentral- ized, outlets, ranging from a smaii single service of- ece to muitl-service centers or`ering a range of social and ,velf:re services. In areas 'where the need for a part cuiar service is not large enougn, or funds are 'rot 3vailatole fora siraie service outlet, services are otter. cespensed tnrough tne Community Action Agency's neignoorhood centers on a .,veekly oasis by visiting staff members. This type or Delivery sys- tem is generally indicative of a trend toward ag- gregating more service veneors nto the multi -service center .outlet. The Dace Country Cor'muniti Action Agency's neigree;rnoc centers are tee trai ooai taciiities tier social service and ,ve,tare oistriouti0n. Fenc- ticnlr.a 3s 'eferral -drib .es, trese enters offer a point .r entry for communite ,esioents nto the cOmo:ex systerr Jf -un'an ser✓iCes available to County residents. Tee certers provide in-house pro- grams, addressing sucn problems as suostance abuse, mental health, nutrition for youth and the elderly, and peer counsellng. Other services provided in- clude employment, vocationai and onysical rehabil- itation counselling, assisting applications for Fooa Stamps, State'‘‘°,Je!tare, Housing ana income tax, and aistr+but+on of information on senior citizen and recreation activities ana cammuniti organiza- tions. The City ana Coi.:nty airead•i nave plans to buua neighborhood raciiines tnro,,,,gn the Community Development Program in every "tar ,yet area" ex- cept Downtown. Based on the proportion of ei :eriy,; in the overall population as ?lei; as Medicare utazation rates, areas of highest need for ei _;er; ✓ tier. ices include portions of Model City, Aliacattan, Lltt e Havana ana Coconut Grove. Other areas of need for eider y services inc;ude Downtown ana tither portions of Ailapattah, Coconut Grcve and L.ttle Havana, Thougn mere are an above average Proportion of eldery ,n areas such 3s Baysnore North, Edison - Little River, bNyrwood, Bric.e!I anc Portions of Aiiapattah and Coconut Grove, medicare utiiiza- tlon rates are bei:w normal, inialcating relatively healthy elderly populations. To a large extent services to the, eider ./ .n Miami are centralized programs cased in Dade County De- partment of HL.man Resources and The Forica State Department of Human Resources. Qn the basis or tie n;_. rcer ser;,ce proa.•iiaers ;mpactlnn elder'y oonuiaLCns in need, there seem ? f e no shortage :er , ser; ces. i e, major proble,ra, nowever, .appears to ce that of access to avaiiaoie agencies, either because transportation craplems r eligibility requirements :r ,n ac,tua, <no.^ ie::ige aoo�t Tne range or ,nipple-.s •.w-icn caul:: tie ad- ressed through existing seryces. Based on Census data on working mothers with chonildren over six, welfare fam- ilies and .' orklng mothers ',vit!' cn.il,aren Winder six ..vith husband absent aria ,vlif Income below pov- erty e:gel, tre City CT .\,diarni Panning Department centitiar: Litt,e Havana as avinc greatest need mr :a', _are. ,y'yn ;voo. and Model City ;✓ere :ISO ,erg :le' as ri .r, eas. Da', are sor. .eS are :er c Pa, means Jt Subs- zi e years of age anc between six arc fourteen years of age. Me number or slots avaiiaole or c • ,.r n, _,neer five is much greater than those aver `;ve. r ,r,-;nies below Poverty ie�el may receive a subsicv `rpm the fol- 'owing Federal tunas- Tit'e XX, ;^fork Incentive Program, Head Start ana u.S.D.A Fooa and Nu- trition Act. F es which are aoove the acverty 'eve) may place tne,r children n Public or private non-prorit programs .vnicn are 'unced cy agencies ie.a. United',': ay, Revenue Snaring, Churches, YMCA,'!','iCAI ;vhicn set a fee Paseo on a sliding scale. There s, However, a prubienn In terms or service to io's; Income Tarnllles that are not poor enough and nave to pav for the service. There are cases ii,tinere families which are Just above the pov- ert,' level have to spend almost 20% at tnelr income for services. Another major problem is that strin- gert lac+ ity requirements iBuilding anc Fire Codes) restrict the proliferation Ot informal tamiiv cav care nomes. Drug abuse Programs are 'reavliv federalized and are 'argeiy regulated by County agencies. A ;iice variety of programs are avaiiaoie, but tr.ere are several areas .vnere no services are ortered and serv• ces are concentrated primarily in the',,�iyinwood area. The population in treatment at existing centers is drawn 'rota throughout the region. High rates of drug abuse were found in many areas of the City, inc'uding ?Jlodel Cite, Ecrison-Little River, portions of 3ayshore North, portions or', Lynwood, Calmer, Do.,vntown Miami, portions of Brickeli, portions of Coconut Grove and portions of utt+e Havana. PUBLIC SAFETY Currently, the City of Miami retains Provision of ootn fire and Police services. Assistance from Dace Court,' protector agencies is available in emergency situations. As a centralized service delivery system, Miami's police force s administreea from the department's new police neaadJarters in the northern edge of tl'e Government Center. Sery ce to outlying areas .f the City is acccmclisned tnrougn the use of 'hobile ,.;nits and there is tnererore no need for sabstatons. Response time Cf Patrolmen tp cal s ror assistance Is :Areraily `Jens good and nas Improve':, in the last e,v years. i 1e City :f Miami ,S SUoCIvi:.e. nzo ;nir:v service dIstr'cts, eacr ,vhicn is serjec at a,',v one time 93 by approximately four to seven patrolling officers. T,•e Poundaries o' �acn district are _ief,ned oy tne number of Cads received from that area There are about 300 reporting areas tnrou.lhout tne City i.' nicn are combined to term police z snes These, in turn, are combined into six sectors Tee Down- town Area is broken Town into tne. reatest number of police zones and s catre,iea ,n some areas by police on foot. Tne western edge, at the City has tne fewest number ,fit police zones .s, the organization of the police force eorrescon ss rougn- iy tO the recorted Concentr3t»On .3t csImes. The Police Department ,s .adeauately statfed, well- equipped and housed, and is responsive to cails for assistance. T`-.e City of Miami currently operates a decentral- ,zed fire department. Basic 'acuities o' life deliver/ system are tne :i`teen idea- fire stations, ail of ',vh,cn are presently in good to excellent pr,ysicat condition. Manned oy 560 fire fignters, t.^ese ! scat stations are expected to respon;r to acnrnximate;v 16,000 rescue calls and 1,200 buii-iing tires -luring the current /ear. Unlike otner parts of tre Count that nave no pudic system ,lor reperir_g tires, Mi- ami is served by a public system or street emergency teiepnone coxes linked directly to the 'ire depart- ment. The Insurance Services Organization nas given the Miami Fire Department 3 C:ass i, Dr highest, ranking on the basis or its services, oersonrel and facilities. Present', the Fire Department ,s preparing a Fire and Rescue Services Safety P'an in ooniunc- 'eon ,vita tie City of .'v113mi Planning Department. GOVERNMENT The City of Miami government .as nistoricahiy been operated `rom a singe centralized facii,ty. rOI Out- ng several moves through "temporary" facilities, City government nas been located at Dinner Key since 1954 Planning oroposais or new City :govern- ment 'acuities Pecan in tee ear:v 1960's. Tie Magic City Carter ?,an e City 'f Miami an.. Dade C:. _ ocumenteo re,: c en.c:as n Operation and ncc.n`.e'- ence "o -re Cl r ile .r ate`. by ,v,ceiy scattered :o�3r^rrent ehrtices. ys 3 rese-Gnse to these prb,er' s the ar dr:posed that 3 hew Government Center or, ateiz hi 7re J1C,;MtV c' the County Court»c: se. This proposal .. as :v taiicaa n ;968 ;wrier Do<.acis Associates, as cart of treir Downtown P'ar, again recommender a Government 94 Center in the Miami CBD THE City of Miami plans to eventually move into new facilities in the Gov- ernment Center At present the new Ponce Depart- ment is the first such building completed within the Center Beyond this facility and the regional state office building current's being designed, the exact timing and nature of future puddings is un- certain. STRATEGIES Public service objectives include both facilities listed under Section 5, Capital Needs List, and the strategies listed here. 1. Health In support of Dade County's strategy for the decen- tralization or heaith care, the City snou,d seek fund- ing (such as HEN remonstration grant) for neighbor- hood based nealtn care cynics, inc'uaing subsidizing memberships in Health Maintenance Organizations. 2. Education The additional senior high school programmed in Dade County Board Jt Public Instruction's Five Year Construction P'an should be iccated in Down- town. In addition rno`ative educational programs sncu;d ce estabilshed i.vnicn can take advantage of ail educationai, cultural and otner Downtown facili- ties. T 'rose programs should inciude the use of the Olympia 3uilding anc: Gusman Hail as an educa- tional center 'or the per*orming arts. 3. Elderly Programs The City of ,Miami should designate revenue sharing funds to suppiement existing elderly programs. At the same time these funds should be aticcated to in- creasing extensive outreach so that these additional services can be mace available to the indigent elderly. 4. Child Care The City of Miami should help satisfy the demand 'or hitid care by subsidizing :ay care slots on a tiding scale basis 'or families who co not meet the stringent T.tie XX art,, other Federal standards. The should relax acl restrictions 'or `amity day care homes 70 reflect orevailma residentiai standards. 5. Substance Abuse The City of Miami ;rcu.d restrict the 'location of future substance abuse n-oat,ent facilities .n nigh crime and .-.ah social problem areas sn s avoid concentrations of these =ac;it!es n an,v one area. COMMUNITY FACILITIES Education Welfare Health • Licensed Hospitals • Clinics EQ Elementary Schools JD Junior High Schools O Senior High Schools A Community Action Agency am Neighborhood Centers MI Day Care Facilities ajorties Institutional MFacili � ----1 Community Action Agency Service Areas 5 mina15 i 3.8 TRANSPORTATION ELEMENT This portion of the Plan is concerned with improved movement within and througn the City and includes aspects related to vehicular movement system, tran- sit system, parking, bikeway system, pedestrian cir- culation, and railroad, seaport and airport. SUMMARY Currently there are over four million trips of all types made within Dade County daily and by 1986 this is expected to increase to approximately six million trips per day. Of this total, about 25°%0 have at least one ens I within the City of Miami. Of the 650,000 jobs available in Dade County, 46% or 300,000 jobs were Iocazed within the City in 1973 and (m adgitional 87,000 are projected for 1986. The greater D;rwntown Area has the most intense concentration of trip destinations; over 50,000 jobs were located there in 1973 and an additional 23,000-30,000 are projected for 1986. Travel within the City is heavily dependent upon the automobile with only 7°', of the daily trips made by transit. While the City is located astride a major north -south travel corridor, the heaviest use of the transportation system is made by locally -oriented trips moving within the City and adjacent metropolitan area. However, Miami has the least number of highway miles per auto in the country. While a much more extensive network of expressways was envisioned for the City in transportation plans of a decade ago, public opposition and the high costs for such facili- ties have eliminated most of the expressways pro- posed for diet dense urban area from future highway plans. As uii result the existing arterial system and public transit will be carrying a larger proportion of the travel demand than would have been the case otherwise. Several corridors have significant peak period con- gestion, including South Dixie Highway -South Bay - shore Drive, 1.95 north of the East-West Expressway, Biscayne Boulevard between Downtown and the Airport Expressway and north of N.E. 54th Street, west 27th Avenue and the S.W. 7th-8th Street cor- ridor. Plans to reduce congestion include upgrading much of the major arterial signal system and putting it under computer control, selective major street wideninds and the construction of the first phase of the regional mass rapid transit system. Existing transit service is provided entirely by buses. 95 The Metropolitan Transit Agency (MTA) has an extensive route system which covers nearly all ma- jor arterials of the City. Much of the system is com- posed of long routes which pass through the Down- town and there are relatively few cross-town routes particularly in the east -west direction. As result, there is generally good transit service: in corridors leading to Downtown and to ,or high activ- ity nodes, such as the Civic -Medical Center an,; the airport area, but relatively poor _iirect service in otter corridors. For many persons who must ride transit, the route system means that they must ride through Downtown and/or make several transfers to get to their destination. The recently approved Federal Grant of S15 million will provide for the design of the first phase of thy nianned regional Mass Rapid Transit System. Tnis picric, which should be in operation by the miii• 1980's, will in- terconnect the South Dixie High,.^guy corridor, Down- to.vn Miami, Civic -Medical complex, and the Model City area of Northwest Miami. The Mass Rapid Transit System together with its extensive network of feeuer buses serving the transit stations will result in significantly improved transit service within the City of Miami. Present strategies call for the construction of the first phase of the. proposed Mass Rapid Transit iMRT) system; a Personal Rapid Transit system connecting the Government Center, Dryv^.,ntown, Br ickell, and Uptown; upgrading the street system; rebuilding all of the older bridges across the Miami River; providing local access shuttle b ,s service to the Medical Center, and expanding the port facilities. TRAVEL CHARACTERISTICS The travel characteristics within an urbanized area are Irtfiuencer:i by many factors including the spatial arrangement and densities ,:uf people and activities, Inc economic characteristics of the•; populace, and the nature of the available transportation systems. The urbanized area of Dade County currently has an estimated population of 1.4 million persons. The average overall (tensity is 2500 persons per square mi;e or just under 4 persons per acre. In contrast, Inc 34 square miles (land) comprising the City of Miami have a current population density of over 10,000 persons per square mile (16 persons/acre) based on an estimated population of approximately 355,000 persons. Therefore, Miami has approxi- 96 mately 25% of the metropolitan area population while containing 6% of the urbanized area land. Population Density of Selected Cities City New York Phiiadeiphia E3al t ummore Detroit MIAMI Pittsburgh Seattle Los Angeles Denver Atlanta Dallas Population Density Persons/Sq. Mi. Persons/Acre 26,300 15,200 11,600 10,200 9,800 9,400 6,400 6,100 5,400 3,800 3,200 41.1 23.8 18.1 15.9 15.3 14.7 10.0 9.5 8.4 5.9 5.0 The above table indicates that the population density within the City of Miami nearly approximates that of older cities suer as Baltimore, Detroit and Pitts- burgh ,.vhich tend to be considered as "old uense" cities and the density is significantly (treater than other smaller, younger cities such as Seattle and Atlanta. The characteristics of employment also have a major impact on travel characteristics within the region. Within Dade Colinty there are no large single -site employers. (The largest "manufacturing" employer is the Miami Herald ',vitt) approximately 2200 em- ployees.) V^,rnile there are several major concentra- tions of related employment (Civic Center and the Airport Area, for instance), employment is generally distributed throughout the region at relatively low densities. The 301,000 jobs within the City represent 46% of total 652,000 jobs available with Dude County, Downtown Miami has the highest intensity of em- ployment far surpassing any other area of the City. Consequently, the Downtown Area has the most in- tense concentration of trip destinations; over 50,000 jobs were located there in 1973 and an additional 23,000 30,000 are projected for 1986. Another factor which directly influences the char- acteristics of travel is the general income level of tl'e residents within a given area. Families with low incomes typically make fewer trips, own fewer auto- mobiles and are more likely to use transit titan higher income iambics 71q• asarlability of auto- mobiles is typically well r- orreate_i wrti, family income with the exception that high income farni- lies'winq Il high lens'ty d<rArldernents 4vith good transit service may f„avr• Her/Li car ue✓nersl ip than would be (ether .tic;,r ▪ .. In 1964 tl (t'c,11,11��i t_�r;_.N1 f)re,1 t!v' .`,r ir',Ilion Study estienalr'i1 it ,1t 1 . .w i IViI I;t.1,;;In trips magi' daily wlC, 19/4 rhliiy person trips .v reere,re,ile ;1,, � E�;11i,,ri�;xlmalcly 4 miilioil an;i the, • tee t'1 ii1 nose k approxi- mately (3 miili,,i, i)y 1986. Virtually all other trip:, ar, eda . ;, Itoinubile either as a dri\rr r ,r at: ,1 pa:-s,_ ti 3 r. f t _;aveeer, travel to Do'wnto',vn "rii,)rrii i:; It,i r, weri• 1i,lnr,it ril'ented with nearly r;r1e-tf iir i by transit. VVhiie the 1964 ^'t!AT8 t . most re cent cornprehrrl, ,'e s , patterns, it can he expectker, limit t'.0 ta. trips rna 1t-; by transit has ._Ir r i�r..l ���,t,,;:�,'� e,en is are fi;lloweci. AcompariSl_, pit .Nei}: trl;, l.'�d!a�:',�.'ri',tl '., between MOATS an,i tLi 19711 C, es,;, i.it,i r:onfirm a declining tree,e i1 e,,nse ,sag••. In 1964 MOATS indicate. that 9 (3,,; I: ••, ‘.,,.rrr'. etude via transit. H.)wu..r, 1(J ,'r1 C .., ;• re •r beat 8.7% of the tir;rSiire l..ifii(1 ',),1 1, L..1n ty uSr; transit as the mode t , . ✓er k- Usage of tr<1!,'7)1 IS ('xpecteo to be con5i Ir`rahy ,'.vi,_ie aver ge title t,) , ,c e i :.1 (:rt)p,1)y merit densities, I.Uv'. r „ ,i. { <1„ ,;;c1!)ulty and greater transit tr 1:,• ,1 ,:. �,rnoi ', the 1970 16. r . Wr u-k trips made P the r,is in ..:sir transit compared C,, ,rlty as a;vhole. 0f particular 'Item st .ire: 11,k.• i'_',;r ! , cant features of lit.; era, Area. 1. Work tr Ips ti) tne Cis„l1<1i %lierei Area have wir-lely •:(isr, r;r: 1 ,ul,l,ne sl,JnlflCailt pro- portium t11•.,•., 'fore ri e destina- tion distil; t. 2. Teen..? is a eee e �.i'il, l.tr. eee ,eork trip oil(; rs Sri.:tl0';est ,. i t. Area and a ree,„ereeer Here, , t1;t: M1.1mi &�acn Ar.., to,oi.,s 1;: Cei t�,,� w�:.;rrli. However, there is a Str1 ; r'n).(' 1„-•!I( fri�t;', ,;i(1 res uen- ievleg sigrtifi- li Miami tial districts of Miami to Miami Beach jobs. 3. Work trips made from the Miami residential districts tend to be much shorter and more con- centrated than the work trips made to the heavy employment districts within the City. This is i„1e in measure to the greater availabil- ity of lobs wit!en the City closer to the resi- dences of ire City's populace and to the gen- erally Iloorrrr rr1,_11011'lic conttitrons of the City's population In conlnarlson wltfi suburban resi- dents. VEHICULAR MOVEMENT SYSTEM Functional Analysis The: major -ley, of travel within the City takes place on it street an_' rligi)way system which not only serves t; move fk.'..ipie into and Out of the City, but carries sirir,ificant vournes of traffic entirely through the City as wall. Te.e basic, street system is a north- souti/east-west except in the immediate vicin- ty cif thc: coast are; major rivers where the routes typically parallel tt waterbody. Major streets spac- inj varies from 0.5 to orie mile or more depending on the density of development, and physical or land use features. To provide for an a•lequate major circulation system requires the class!tication of all major streets in accordance with t ,eir planned for functions, This procedure results In a hierarchy of streets with the major system typically carrying the heaviest traffic volcimes anri tr ins with the longest average trip length. In a_iciition to the expressway system, streets classifieii as major arterials include. North 79th Street (SR 828) — North 54th Street (SR 25A) North 36th Street (US 27, SR 25) — South 8th Street (US 41) Biscayne Boulevard (US 1) Brickell Avenue (US 1) - South Dixie Highway (US 1) -- West 7th Avenue/West 8th Avenue (US 441) -- West 22nd Avenue — West 27tfAvenue (SR 9) - West 42n,_l Avenue — West 57th Avenue The several functional systems are interrelated with the streets at the highest end of the scale serving pri- marily to move traffic and providing for little or no 97 • land access. At the other end of the scale, local streets serve principally to provide access to adja- cent land and rarely carry heavy traffic volumes. The functional classification not only permits a better understanding of the operating character- istics of the street system but assists in determining which governmental jurisdictions should assist with the upgrading and maintenance of the various streets within a given area. Usage Characteristics Most of the major arterials within the City are heavily used with daily traffic volumes exceeding 20,000 vehicles. The heaviest traffic volumes occur on the expressway system where daily volumes of 50,000 to 70,000 vehicles are typical. 1-95 north of the Airport Expressway carries approximately 150,000 vehicles per day, which is the highest daily volume within Miami. The heaviest travelled arterial corridors are: North -South Corridors Biscayne Boulevard -North Miami Avenue West 12th Avenue West 22nd Avenue -West 27th Avenue Douglas Road (West 37th Avenue) -Le Jeune Road (West 42nd Avenue) South Dixie Highway East-West Corridors North 79th Street North 36th Street North 20th Street North 7th Street Flagler Street -South 1st Street Tarniami Trail (South 8th Street) Coral Way (South 24th Street) Bird Road (South 40th Street) The major traffic carrying streets form approximately a one-half mile griu throughout most of the City. Therefore, neirtl,borhoods larger than one-half mile square will have heavy traffic volurne streets passing through the neighborhood. Intersections and streets with heavy traffic volumes are typically the locations having the highest number accidents. Most of the top 20 accident locations are intersections in the vicinity of 1-95 or the East- West Expressway. Exceptions to this are: 98 Intersection Flagler Street-42nd Avenue North 7th Street-27th Avenue South Dixie Highway-27th Avenue North 7th Street-42 nd Avenue North 71h Street-57th Avenue Flagler Street-27th Avenue North 36tn Street•West 7th Avenue Capacity Analysis Rank 9 12 13 14 14 tie 17 18 Much of the n-ii,IUr street system within the City of Miami which can they heaviest traffic volumes is seriously corrrgeste,1 luring the peak hours. The capa- city of the streets has been developed based on Level of Service C, which is generally considered to be design capacity. Capacity relationships for various types of streets is given below. Number of Lanes One -Way 2 Lanes One -Way 3 Lanes 2 Lanes 4 Lanes Undivided 4 Lanes Divided 6 Lanes Divided 4 Lane Expressway 6 Lane Expressway 8 Lane Expressway Daily Vehicular Capacity Level of Service C 11,000 16,000 10,000 20,000 24,000 30,000 48,000 72,000 96,000 The major streets have been classified into five cate- gories based on the volume/capacity ratio. Those streets having a ratio greater than 1.6 can be con- sidered to be seriously congested during peak peri- ods while those having a ratio of 1.21 to 1.6 are moderately congested. A review of the figure clearly indicates that much of the major street system within the City is moderately or seriously congested during peak periods. The most seriously congested routes are Biscayne Boulevard 1-95 North of the Airport Expressway N.W. 27th Avenue LeJeune Avenue (particularly in the vicinity of the Airport) South Dixie Highway/Bayshore Boulevard North Flagler Street Tamiarni Trail (South 8th Street) The most congested corridors are along the coast both north and south Of Downtown Miami, the LeJuene-27ti1 Avenue north south corridor, and the North 7th Fiedler -South 801 Street east -west corridor. Tl e causeways to Miami Firiacri and Key Biscayne do not have; ,( rious neaf pt,rh.p! conges- tion on week im,s H�,'we�.t�r, !ilr' HicLLnbacner Causeway .:Ut'b tiyper ltllli..al slime 'cal d co! 1'IeStion on certain wt'ef.t:n, is due to tr, v H to recreation fa cilities on Virginia Kc,, aril Kee Kiscayrm. Administrative Analysis Overall ir ,1 trril'Ing the street system whit, Tit'. City 1`,;t„11 1,. ti.,'een trio State, Dade Gerrity aria.! itic' l,ity. At llresetit all streets are Iilclilller1 on one of. ttlrl't syJ,teres Fedora! -Aid, Dade ColIrlty to Munii mitt Dee( tl, liH_! en the clas- sification of tllu street, fends tot ri.l)t-ot way ac- quisition, cuiistra, 1iun and Ilidinleiiance con -le from different souret;s. Currently, tiled. is a 4 cent Fe;er,r gas tax and an 8-cent State gas tax T!.esc ta,es (together with other Feelers! excise taxes) aft.' ese_i for financing the administration aril construr-tion of transporta- tion facilities of all t;p€;s. The tl,lluwinit table iden- tifies the prineipai siiieces t,t felidis fur Highway improvements ale! st;rnrrlar ro,,v the/ are allo- cated for ri�l';t t,f�,,a,', t,�-,tlstt�;c:i.>u al)-i mainten- ance. The line Lents r),.tll to match Federal girl i:!.,r cur,str'.;ct the hiterstate, Primary atll Urmaintain these system.. Tres reoiii-y artrrlirle.tere 1 by the State oe a St,,tr Hris-_iictions have relatively .-rtlr �;I);�� �r t..ul ey 1 , I'itlllence where and ,,'lit'fl ILis Iflrilit;', ^.ICI i.i' Spuirlt. The 5tri and EON ct'its et.. a. ;,r !e i ,u the Counties within the State base._'urrnula (Bich considers several factors Iticitreinit rur4r,lia 04. sUents, popula- tion, etc. Ft is Utused to meet any debt , r'_Icti(otrir-,tmont,, irlr tirlhway bonds. The remainder slay tit' i;st' !hi! t)iir!I,iry system right-of-way an I maintehat,c of strel'ts on the urban system wlnc.l an_' not r'l;lillt,llllt;.) by ttlti State. In recent years neariv rill of t!:i' ruv(;nues generated by the 5th an,f 6th cent tell have drone for right-of- way ace'11s111or1 as toll revere es (hive Inure than met the debt service reduirerrients of highway bond issues. Highway Program Funding Sources Federal Funds State Funds FAI FAP FAU 146 546 86 Other Interstate System Right-orway X X Construction X X Maintenance X Primary System Right ot-way X Construction X X Maintenance X Urban System Right of way X Construction X X Maintenance X X X Local -County Flight -of -way Construct ton Maintenance X Local -Coy Right of way Construction Maintenance x X x x x X X FAIA - Federal Aid Interstate FAP = Federal Aid Primary FAU = Federal Aid Urban Federal/State Split 90/10 70/30 70/30 The 7th cent is also allocated to the counties for their use in the administration, construction and maintenance of transportation facilities. Within Dade County the revenues generated from this tax are primarily used to cover the operating costs of the bus system. At present virtually none of the money is used for capital improvements. The 8tfi cent is allocated directly to the municipal- ities iwithin the State for their use in administering, constructing and maintaining their transportation system. For Miami, this tax generates approximately S65,000 annually and virtually all of it is used for street maintenance. The income from the state gas tax is not sufficient to meet the total capital and maintenance costs of either the county's or the City's street improvement program. Therefore, both jurisdictions have capital improvement bond programs. Much of the County's major street construction program over the next few years will be funded from the "Decade of Progress" bond issue approved several years ago. The City of Miami also has an ongoing street im- provements bond program. Money generated from this program funds 70 to 100 percent of the recon- struction and major rnaintenance (such as complete 99 retopping) of City streets. On streets which pri- marily serve abutting property, the property own- ers typically pay 25 percent of the improvement cost based on a front foot assessment. Any drain- age system improvements constructed jointly with the street improvements are funded separately from storm sewer bond fends. Abutting property owners are not assessed any share of storm system improvements. Routine street maintenance is funded from revenues generated by the 8th cent of the gas tax together with revenues from the City's general fund. Streets within Miami Maintained by State of Florida Limits East-West Streets: SH 828 179th Street) US 1 to East City Limits SR 20,A (NW 54th Street) West City L,mrts to US 1 SR 11? (Airpor' Expresswav) West City Limits to 1-95 SR 112/1 1951 JuI a Tut, ia Causeway SO 25/US 2/ (NW 36th St l West Cty Limas to US 1 SH B36/1,395 (East West Lxpy) West City L,mos to MacArthur Cswy. SR/US 41 (South 8th Street) West City Limits to US 1 North -South Streets: SR 5 US 1 (BiscaVr'e/BnckeO' C)ive� SH 9AII-95 iNurthSouth Expy) North City Limits to South City Limits North C,ty Limits to US 1 SP 7/US 441 (NW 7th Avenue) North City Limits to NW 36th St. SR 9 (West 27th Avenue) North City Limits to US 1 Bridges over Miami River: SE 2nd Avenue 1 95 NW 27th Avenue Source State Maintained Roads in Dade County, Florida Depart- ment of Transportat,on, July 25, 1975. Streets within Miami Maintained by Dade County Length East-West Streets: NL 82nd Street NW 79th Street Venet,an C,iusewav Port Bou'evard NW 7th Street R.ckenbacker Causeway North -South Streets: N Miami Avenue NW 12tn Avenue NW 17th Avenue W 17th Avenue NW 22nd Avenue Douglas Rd. (37th Ave 1 LeJuene Hd (42nd Ave.) LeJuene Rd. (42nd Ave.) W. 57rh Avenue W 67th Avenue 100 N. M,arni Ave. to NE 79th St. NW 7th Ave. :u Biscayne Blvd. NE bayshore Dr to E'. C,ty Lim Biscayne E3ivd- through Purt NW 57th Ave. to NW 12tn Ave. 8 c ell Ave. to L. City Limits 36tt, St. to N City Limits NW 1 1 th St. t,i Airport Expwy. NW 36ti, St. to NW 64th St. SW 1st St. to NW 7th St. F lagler St. to Airport Expwy. S. Dixie Hwy. to NW 70tn St. SW 8th St. to N. City Limits Coral Gables C.L. to N. City L SW 8th St. to N. City Limits SW 8th St. to N. City Limits 1.4 mi. 1.5 1.2 1.7 4.5 2.0 2.9 2.0 1.7 0.5 2.6 4.1 1.9 m. 1.2 1.3 0.8 Bridges Over Miami River: South MlamI Avenue SW 2nd Avenue SW 1st Street West Fiaaler Street NW 5th Street NW 12th Street NW 171n Street NW 22nd Street Source Roads Maintained Within Municipalities by the Metropolitan Dade County Public Works Department, October 9, 1975. Previously Proposed Improvements This section discusses the street system improvements which have been planned and proposed through 1986 within the City of Mratni. The current 5-Year Street Improvement ProTarn is discussed, the proposed 1980 Functional Classihcation is presented and the street improvements incorporated in the 1985 MUATS Plan and 1985 Dad Comprehensive Plan are analyzed. Five Year Program Each year each county in the state prepares an up- dated 5-year improvement program listing by prior- ity ranking those projects to be accomplished in the next year and in the four following years. In areas such as Dade County where an urbanized area transportation study has been completed, the pro- posed transportation improvements program is pre- pared by the transportation study technical commit- tee as part of the continuing planning program. In this situation all modes (highway, transit, airports, seaport, etc.) are covered and the report usually in- cludes locally -funded projects as well as those using state gas tax funds. Ti,e actual projects advanced to construction in any given year depend on the amount of money available and the project's priority. Pro- jects proposed tor the last few years of the 5-year period often are "pushed back" several years be- cause of increasing construction costs, and funding limitations. Priorities may also change resulting in revisions of the planned construction schedule. Major street improvement projects proposed to be constructed within Miami in the next five years are described in the following table, Most of the projects involve widening existing two-lane streets to four lanes. In several instances one source of money is used for piachasing the right-of-way and another source is used for constructing the improve- ment. In addition there are a nurnber of projects involving intersection improvements, pavement re- construction and improvements to short street sec- tions which are riot listed. The prole.. cried in tiit; pr,tlram are widely ii 51t11 it' Hit tilt' Cite However, several the terisive; cur in the southern part . ? tee City tee I'11t:,ruve meats tr F le,; r S(r 't't, i <,I1ilr,el, 1 l,r;1 t)rL'. way t S, ,;Ili 1 ;'tt. Ave:--, , III Sole!, 22nr1 Averl'.IE'. Proposed 5-Year Street Improvement Program Street Nor1i; Aet,I N1ti' 71st Street NV'7 1 i t'i l A., i i,_,,. N1r\' 12te Ar. +tii.e N11r:3t. Sie,-t NW; 62ed Street NA 45tl, Stro.1 NW 14tr, Street Biscaynt. Boeic'viard NW 7111Sheet W. 57tn Avenue West Fi paler Street Temiorre -Tril SW 17th Aeenef. SW 22nr.1 Avei Ricke:nbocker Cuusr:s;vay Grand Avenue South Miami A'-„en;it Source of Construction U.Kin Source Shout For e To,rst,. Apr;i 19i5. an,1 Limits those instances where no major street exists today. The most significant element in the plan, within the City of Miami, is file extension of the Tamiami Trail one way street pair further to the west by up- grading SW 7th Street between SW 27th Avenue and the Palmetto Expressway to arterial standards. This represents , m,rjcu street Improvement because SW 7th Street is essenti,111y o local street west of SW 27th .Aven -Ie, T'ic, project has been strongly opposed by residents in the part of the City and whether it wilt even be constructed is uncertain at this time. N. 79111 Street tt) N. City Lirnits L.rn is le N. City Lirnrts Airl;ort Lxp°.f . to N. C;tv Lirnits Lirnits t.c, 1-95 1-95 t� 3i,c iyn� BouiE;voni 11'est City Limits to 1,95 NV� 10u1 Avenue; to 1-95 NV,„' lath to NE 17th Street tti'. City Limes to NVV 57th Ave. SVrJ 8th St. to NVV 7t11 St. VV. 42n._i A.e. to tA'. 22n(i Avr.l. Sty' 27te ft; to Bricked Ave. US 1 to 1^it:Jt trt'et 'US 1 to F to'llf;r Street l ./es1 Br Atlhr,_)aches US to S`d' 3/re A!ersie Hi; i:aelt: io'e.;! iver Improvement 4-Lane 4-Lone 4 Dine 4- Lane 4-Lone Divided 4-Lane Divided 4-Lane 4-Lone Divided Reconst.6-Lane 4-Lone 4-Lane 4-Lune 3-Lane, 8th St. Repave 4 and 6-Lanes 4-Lone Divided 4-Lene 4-Laneo 5-Lone Bridge Funding Const. Source Period C 77-78 C 78-79 S 75-76 C 77-78 C 75-76 S 78-79 C 78-79 S 79-80 P 76-77 S 80-81 S 79-80 C 77-78 P 76-78 S 78-80 C 76-77 C 75-76 C 77-78 S 76-77 P 0 ,r,- Pr,r, ;r' t unds 5 . State Secondary Funds. C = County Decade of Progress Bond Issue Funds r'tat 1rr,v_,. rr r ; Pro,irarn for Metropoiit,in Dade County. 1976.1980, MOATS Technical Planning Committee, ir,or)ve7,r' r- Frroiects report of May 9, 1975 Le; Dade C. unty Publ,c Works Department 1980 Functional Classification The 1973 Fee ray Ac-t rec.i, fired that a lurlcti n,il lei the year 1980 he prepared for gill url)onhzed areas by July 1, 1976. Unlike the 1910 Fi rietioroal (-eossit'cation in which the arterial systern was divided into major arterials ant.' minor at teri,lo, the1980 Functional Classif ica tion has only orle class or urter ais The 1'")80 Functional Classification represents a short-roantle pion for major street improvements in Intersection Improvements A major program to implement County -wide com- puter -controlled signal system is now underway and should be completed by 1979. When completed, all signalized intersections along designated streets will be continuously monitoring traffic conditions and adjusting traftic signals accordingly. Each inter- section included in the computer -controlled net- work will be upgraded with new signal equipment, signage and lane striping. In some instances minor widening (within the existing right-of-way) will also be uone to provide room for turning lanes. Streets to be included in the computer controlled signaliza- 101 tion system are Biscayne Boulevard N.W. 7th Avenue N.W. 36th Street N.W. 79th Street N.W. 82nd Street Brickell Avenue South Dixie Highway N.W. 27th Avenue S.W. 27th Avenue Flagler Street S.W. 1st Street S.W. 8th Street LeJeune Road N.W. 7th Street All streets within Downtown Miami generally south of the Airport Expressway and east of 1-95. Bridges and Access Across the Miami River The basic problem concerning access across the Mi- ami River is related to the capacity of the bascule bridges. Most of the bridges have three or four lanes and are in fan to poor condition. Most are approxi- mately 50 years old and need replacing because of the condition ot the bridges. The following table s,mrnari/es the characteristics of the bridges to the south and west of Downtown. Date Con - Bridge structed Brickell Ave 1929 S Miami Ave 1917 S.W 2nd Ave. 1923 S W 1st St. 1929 W. F lagier St. 1967 N.W 5th St. 1924 Bridge No. Vertical Bridge Condi- of Clear - Type tion• Lanes since Bascule Fair 4 20.8 ft. Bascule Poor 3 10.5 ft. Bascule Poor 3 11.8 ft. Bascule Fair 4 18.8 ft. Bascule Excellent 4 35.8 ft. Bascule Fair 4 11.8 ft. •R,uinq has been updated from November 1964 rating by Miami Department ot Public Works. One recent study** listed the replacement priority as 1. N.W. 7th Street (new bridge) 2. South Miami Avenue 3. S.W. 2nd Avenue 4. Br ickel I Avenue 5. S.W. 1st Street The N.W. 7th Street new bridge was given the high- est priority because of the need for additional ca- pacity to the west of the City and the lack of traf- fic conflict involved in implementing the bridge. The South Miami Avenue crossing was given the second priority because it is the oldest existing bridge and the one in the poorest condition. "Report „ f Feasibility Study of 5 Vehicular Crossings over the Miami River," Knoerle, Bender, Stone & Associates, Inc. 7-1972. 102 Access problems across the Miami River are particu- larly significant to Downtown. The magnitude of the expected traffic Irowth to and from the south will be dependent unon the growth within the Downtown an,! M.R.T. Some DOT estimates indi- cate that the daily volumes will increase from ap- proximately 80,000 vehicles per day to over 200,000 vehicles per day in 1986. T!,r, latter estimates were made prior to the estathlis'lment of the c.irrently accepted transit system and therefore .io not reflect the latest morl,ll split forecasts. 11ni'1e these fore- casts are not its-to-.!,ite, it is eiMur Mat as the devel- opment within ,)uwntown increases, there will be a significant increase in traffic to/from Downtown which will require an increase in traffic capacity. While the Knoerle, Bender study recommended a new bridge at N.W. 7th Street as the first priority, traffic congestion levels south of Downtown, limi- ted funds and the poor condition of the Miami Ave- nue Bridge has resulte1 in revision of the replace- ment priorities with the South Miarni Bridge be- coming the first priority. As now proposed by Dade County, the new bri,!rft; ‘,vouid have six lanes with a clearance of 25 feet at mid -span. However, the pre- liminary plans as they now exist do not provide for adequate access to the planned City of Miami Con- vention Center an:! result in inefficient use of the land south of the Miami R iver. 1985 MUATS Plan The Miami Urban Area Transportation Study (MUATS) completed a Proposed Transportation Master Plan for the year 1985 in 1969. The plan was based on a Metropolitan Dade County popula- tion estimate of 2,000,000 by 1985 and included the addition of nine expressways, eight express streets and an extensive rapid transit system. Within the City of Miami the following facilities were recommended: 1. Interama Expressway located in the Biscayne Boulevard corricor from the Dade-Broward County Line to Downtown Miami. 2. LeJeune-Douglas Expressway running north - south in a corridor east of LeJeune Road be tween S. Dixie Highway and Dade-Broward County Line. 3. South Dixie Expressway located in the U.S.1 (South Dixie Highway) corridor from Down- town Miami to the Homestead Extension of the Florida Turnpike. 4. The Hialeah Expressway running east -west in the North 79th Street corridor with a new Biscayne Bay Crossing to Miami Beach. 5. West 17tn Avenue, Vest 2/th Avenue and North 7th Street to be upyradol to express streets. (These streets w' iil ' h,1de some degrees of ac- cess control, median), uns.i rnae•r intersections would be grade separated.) 6. The linkinr, of Viraeir t K.ey, FrTi,e,. Island, Port of Miami aoha ;.iio:i11 h;..r ,61,:toer web a tunnel under Government Cut At public bear inns eni l in 1972 then. was inuch public opposition 'ii the c:.prCssi.'va`a proposals con- tained in the plan. As a result, tile; icipact of delet- ing several e>.pressways iric'ucii,hg proposed within Miami was evainated an,; an alternative set of recommendations .vas prepared." The recornmenrin-7 approa;;k for eac:i espresswav corridor was t") c el(;t; 1f1E i_' Cnl:SSl"vi e, horn the plan and substitute a-tena' sas:em and '.r,)ils;t system improvernenL .nstea !,1 ;lc-r Irl',i r the recommen- dations several II terna nve tra l i rc forecasts based on alternative ;an i use ccrec.epts preparc, . In each case the metro area 1985 pt nuiation forecast was revised downward frorn 2 to 1. / million. For the four U� hr„�_,�.��a� c:�r; iC�rs i�l . iami, tne following recornrnerdations .were risacie for improve- ments within the: City 1. Interco -iv Go riJOL Complete Ira-, tin Improvements to Biscayne G_ l r_u,l :LA t. •vI(.)rtil 60th Street and deve;up bsoH:lec,,ard as a Transit Improven-I:rt Cn': ir,or irc)m Downtowr1 north- ward. 2. LeJeunc-Do6(.s r_'<;; i:1;,• Extend Douglas R. Pv:<_nbe) as a 4- lane roadway north c: .i 21st Street across Miami River as an „S„ to ff.W. 32nd Avenue and Ul)!�rr. 1�_- ,.i.ri ns Road to 4 lanes from N.h, 7f!h Street I.; °�I.':��r'. 21st Street. 3 South Dixie Corridor Upgrade. Red Road !`_i7tH n ,ende) to 4 lanes from Sodtli 8th Street and to 6 lanes form S.'$I dth Street to the East-West E;,pressway. •"Controversial Cora ;r, Re.tevi ransportation Alternatives," prep,rred for the Miami. Urban Area Transportation Study by the rNetnr,rk Aev srcn Subcommittee of the Miami Urban Area Transportation Study, October 19./4 Construct major fixed guideway transit im- provements in South Dixie Highway corridor between the Palmetto Expressway and 1-95 before 1985 However, construction of the transit line should not preclude construction of an expressway in the corridor after 1985. Hialeah Corridor Improve l4th Street corridor west of Miami City Limits. In rdviewir6t inc ibuve alternatives to the express- ways, it is clear that within Miami the recommenda- tions are heavily transit oriented with the exception of several street widenings. Several observiitlr_ rrs need to be made about the Controversial Corridors Study to fully evaluate the results. The 1985 traffic projections were not based on the 1985 population and employment projections related to the Dade County Comprehensive Plan. This might have the most serious impact in the vi- cinity of Downtown Miami where the Comprehen- sive Plan projections anticipate a significant growth in employment in contrast to the "no -growth" ex- pected in the "1985 trend" forecast which was used as the basis of the Controversial Corridors forecast. The Controversial Corridors Study transportation networks did not include the regional transit net- work as proposed for 1985 by the Kaiser Study although it did incorporate the earlier Simpson -Cur- tin transit plan. The total impact of this difference is difficult to assess. However, the Kaiser transit plan does provide better fixed system transit cover- age within the City than did the Simpson -Curtin plan. The Controversial Corridors Study also indicated that even with the proposed upgrading of the arterial system proposed, a significant number of arterials, especially in the City, would be seriously congested (V/C greater than 1.5) by 1985. This appeared to be especially true in the N.W. 7th Street-Tamiami Trail corridor from Downtown to the Palmetto Ex- pressway. Based on the information presented above, it is expected that despite relatively modest projections of population and employment growth within the City of Miami over the next ten years, that travel within the City will increase significantly. This re- sults in part from the population and employment growth within the City, in part from expected higher trip rnaking propensities and increased travel through the City resulting from growth outside the City. To meet the future travel demands, the greatest emphasis 103 will have to he placed on corridors carrying a high proportion of through trips and/or providing access to major employment concentrations. With the construction of rn,ljor ne v expressways unlikely, future transportation SytiIvm III!j)rovemfeits Will hdve to IA! or e'nt('d to nr,lxlnli.- ing the ref ticiency of existing stre,,1� rojerlier with a sliinllicani up trti�llrtr-1 ttf ir,lnsit selc+ci - 1l )WeVur, k)ui:,iusu of tilt: pt'rl'i)51V�r' n,ittlr,` 01 with,' 11,)wr;, IriCIi;JS)`.i traf1 nlur10 s till itjh Ic'si,liln1i,i1 ni!ulhhortlou IS c(111 lie cxpecte,i 001 tit iILI!IV Whttn streets form basin yr ld system. To Ow extent possible) this non- neighborho,ri tr,ithc sii,)ul(.1 he rtrduaftt through deliberate el tor is to make local streets discontinu- ous or non direct. 1985 Comprehensive Plan the proposed 1985 DaLle County Comprehen- sive Development Plan was under preparation, several of t1i other st,idies quoted above were underway. It represents Pie most recent public policy state- ment to i)t,irie the overall planning of Dade County. t\ i Ill rcgarJ to the transpor tation system the Com- prehensive Plan includes the identification o1 seven major transit corridors within the City of Miami Biscayne -Dixie, 1-95, West 22n,i Avenue, LeJeune Road, North 79th Street, Airport Expressway - North 36t',, Street, West Flagler Street), and the es- Lit)Ilsnment of the proposed arterial street system. The major transit coup ',ors are conISIStont'.viol the C,,ntruversiai Corridor StutJy recommendations for expanded transit and are generally consistent wit the Kaiser transit plan. Tile Kaiser plan .loos have t)ne significant eiifference within the City of Miami. The Comprehensive Pia does not consider N.VN. 1 7th Avenue to be a major transit cr)r. r i_ior. How- e«..er, the mass transit system plan pruposud by Kaiser would have the system operatin,J on N.W. 1 Rh Avenue from about N.W. 20t1) Street to N.W. 54th Street. Tiere are two arteria0 systern ilitertnces between ttie 1980 Functional Classification an.i tlic 1985 Comprehensive Plan within the City of Miami. N.lTV. 2nii Avenue is c:!iSsified as an atterial in the 1980 Functional Classification of streets and is nut classified in the 1985 Comprehensive Plan and i\;est 32nd Avenue is classified in the Cornprehen- sive Plan as an arterial between the N.W. 21st Street connector 1ti the, Airport and the Palmetto Express - On tl;e 1980 Functional Classification this street is classified as a collector. 104 The 1985 Comprehensive Plan also does not include the link between Virginia Key, Fisher Island, Port of Miami ami Miami Beach which was incorporated in the 1985 MUATS Plan. Recommended Improvements In addition to pievi,_)siy proposed street improve- ments, the 1ollowin i recommendations are pro- posed to fur0ier iacilrtatt:' movement within and through the City or Miami. Functional Classification Street N.W. 7th Ave.-N.W. 7th SI to N.W. 20th Street N.W. 12th Ave. -North of N.W. 36th Street N.W. 32nrt Ave.-0rand Av,'. to S.W. 8th Street Aviation-S.W. 27th Ave. to Bay• shore Drive N.W. 1st Ave. S.W. 3rd St. to N. Miami Avenue N.W. 7te St, N.W. 7th Ave to Biscayne Boulevard N.W. 6th St. -I 95 to Bisctyne Boulevard County/State Clarification Collector Collector Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Collector Unclassified MCNDP Classification Arterial Arterial Collector Collector Arterial Arteriai Arterial Major Street Improvements Northeast Area: 1. Extend N.E. 4th Court from N.E. 79th Street to N.E. 82nid Street. 2. Complete comprehensive corridor study of Bis- cayne Bunievar_i north of North 54th Street to de- termine feasible program for increasing the capacity of tnie street. Central, 1. Upgrade S.AN. i st Avenue to a major two-way arterial and extending south from S.E. 2nd Street across a new bridge over the Miami River to S.W. 7th Street. Connect 1st Avenue to Miami Avenue, north of N.W. 20th Street. 2. Builri a four -lane bridge at N.W. 7th Street while limiting access west of N.W. 7th Avenue to minimize impacts on a:ijncent residential areas. '',lest of 1-95, connect to a one-way pair on N.W. 6th and 710 Streets to the Port of Miami. 3. Improve Biscayne Roulevard-Brickeli Avenue connection in the vicinity of DuPont Plaza know under study by cotisultantsl. 4. Improve North 20th Street connection to Bis- cayne Boulevard by linking North 20th Street to North 20th Terrace just east of the F.E.C. Railroad (at North Miami Avenue) and upgra 'ling North 20th Terrace to Biscayne Bouluvanl. 5. Improve access to the Ornni Alr;a by upgraciing N.W. 17th Street between NAN. 31d1Avenue and Bis cayne Boulevards InCll,i1111i) r)1)r'„'lllij d!I at•gririe rail- road crossing at the F.L.C. RaIlr oau. Coconut Gru,.r2 1. Modify tipr ,iesiJlr for Grand Avenue between, U.S 1 ,illu S 4";'. 3/th Ave- nue from (,s, se( icon to ,i twrr-lane, cross-section .vie, par si,ari.1 left turn lanes at major tions. Intersection and Local Street Improvements Northeast 1. E;ten-i N E.e.Ot , Tara, e from F.E.C. Rail- road to N.E 4ttl Place. 2. Crean; orie -,treet within Design Plaza by rnakln,i N.E- 380; Street :vustbound, N.E. 39th Street c<,,ii r, ,ll l;ie N.E. 40e, Street west- bound between N L. 2n,1 Aven,:e an(l N.E, Miami Avenrle 3. Corrstr-,ct N.E. 37th Street along t'ne south side of the Airport Express'.vay bet:veer) North Mi- ami Avenue aee N.E. 1st Avenue. Central, 1. ExternBaesrlore Drive from S.E. 8th Street to S E Ith Street. 2. Crt;(it(.: Uhl.: eddy street oat ter, on existingg narrow streets between N E. 2ei i Aieri;rt' aril Biscayne Boule- vard vviile!) E ;;Ieevdter 3. Create nor s etri intiestriui road be- tween F.E.C. R,uiruu,i N L. 2rH Avenue north of 20e, Sire t. 4. Close i;iu it street:, ui trlu uorthurri section of Downtown (CL rn r own -in -Town Area) to facilitate ri v ;ievr'.loj)ment. Coconut Grrive. 1. Implement propose,t Irnpros.urnents to the Grand Avenue/Main Highway/McFarlane Road in- tersection area. 2. Install traffic wverters at tee following loca- t:ons to minirnizt_, !,(,'i cji trai sic from passing though Tile neighboril,io,e,. Ji,stison Roan at Poinciana Avenue and Crawford Aver - - Plaza Street at Poinciana Avenue and Wil- liam Avenue, Charles Avenue, and Franklin Avenue — S.W. 18th Street at 22nd Terrace, 23rd Ter- race, 24th Street, and 24th Terrace — S.W. 36th Street at 22nd Terrace, 23rd Street, 23rd Terrace, 25th Terrace and 25th Street Close the following streets. S.W. 26tf. Street at S.W. 34th Avenue to cre- ate a mini pork S.W. 3rd Avenue south of Coral Way — t\ashinflton Street west of Andros Avenue Fuller Strer.t between Grand Avenue and Main HiLii way — Matilda Street north of Florida Avenue -- Florida Avenue west of Matilda Street Sunshine Drive exist of Ingraham Highway Little Havana. 1. Improve the S.W. 8th Street-35th Avenue in- tersection by ridding left turn lanes to S.W. 8th Street or prohiditini left turns at the intersection. 2. Reduce the number of legs at the "Five Points" intersection (Cora, Way anci S.W. 12th Avenue) by closing S.W. 3rd Avenue at the intersections. 3. Expand the one way street system west of S.W. 17thi Avenue in the Orange Bowl Area and between Flagler Street and 8th Street. Flagami. 1. Provide left -turn improvements at the following intersections. Flagler Street at 47th, 57th and 67th Avenues -- S.W. 8th Street at 57th, 62nd and 67th Ave- nues. PARKING On -Street Parking The issue with regard to on -street parking is two- fold. where in the hierarchy of street space uses does parking fall and what obligation does the pub- lic bear in providing for alternative parking in the cases where on -street parking is removed. On major traftic carrying streets, accidents related to parked vehicles (vehicles either parked or involved witl'r the parking maneuver) are often a significant proportion of the total accidents occurring within a particular street section. In addition, the "side friction" represented by parked vehicles impacts the lane immediately adjacent to the parking reduc- 105 ing the traffic carrying capacity of this lane. These two factors have led to the general practice of pro- hibiting on -street parking on new major streets. The City of Miami should support the prohibition of on -street parking on major traffic carrying streets (primarily the arterial street system). On less important major streets (th,, collector sys- tem) and local streets, parking may be permitted if sufficient width is provided. Travel lanes should be 11 to 12-foot wide and parking lanes 7 to 8-foot in width. The recent practice of the City of provid- ing planter areas between the parking spaces when reconstructing streets to provide curbs and gutters, improves both the aesthetics and safety of on -street parking. NE 41h Court is a good exarnpue of this type of solution. Thu; most Hit.Icr_,It issue relates to the removal of parking from existing m.nor streets either through widening or for the addition of another traffic lane without widening A 50-foot wide street represents a typical example. It is wide enough for two traffic lanes (each 17 teet wide) and two parking lanes (each 8 feet wide). However, four 9-foot traffic lanes and two 7foot parking lanes are sornetimes provided where on -street parking cannot be removed even though it represents a hazardous low -design stand- ard solution. Tlie more typical solution would be to remove the on -street parking and provide four 12.5 foot travel lanes. The opportunity to obtain a�initional travel lanes by the simple removal or parking (or by the removal u� un-street parking plus a tew teet of .widening) occur throughout the City. The easterly end of SW 7th Street and SW 8th Street west of SW 27th Avenue represent typical examples. Ho'�vever, in many of these situations, the elimination of on - street parking on the major street would result in severe hardship on the residents or commercial establishments of the area because there would be inadequate parking space available in the immedi- ate vicinity. Most typically the removal of parking under these circumstances results in parking en- croaching into on -street spaces in immediately adjacent areas which may increase the parking prob- em in these areas it such areas have little excess space. 1'Viier1; the decision is made to eliminate on - street parkinrj in areas which have a high need for t'ie parkin!;, a satisfactory solution can only come through a cooperative program between the City and affected persons. At least, this should include 106 the notification of affected property owners of the decision and thie discussion of the issue at a pub- lic hearing. The .iate that the parking ban will go into effect should t,e announced as far ahead as pos- sible; (a year or more not,ce should be required for major parking re'rnovais) to give ample opportunity for the provision of alternative parking. In situations in which par king conditions Jre; porticuluriy severe, some type of Cit', assistance may tie required to help piovi:rr; oil -street narking space. Some of the alternatives are re,e.ribr_i in Use following sections. Off -Street Parking The off-street parking problem in Miami varies by type of area. Hari-Cf3D areas (both commercial and residential) have certain characteristics in common, while the Downtown Miami, Area faces a different set of pro):Iems. Tire construction at the rapid transit system raises another issue with regard to the amount of parking to be ,>rovic;oi in the immediate vicinity of transit stations. Non-CBD Areas The narking prob'0crns in nun-CBD areas hove similar characteristics despite the type of land use. Typical- ly the areas under consideration are older areas which were aev0uped prior to the early 950's when automobile o.vnership rapidly increased. This is true of areas sucl1 as Edgewater, the westerly part of Brickell, and many of the commercial strips. Large families with severafamily members owning automobiles, and multiple families living in single dwelling units have contributed to the parking prob- lerns elsewhere, most notably in the greater Little Havana Area. Removal of on -street parking has also contributed to parking problems on adjacent streets. Today neighborhood shopping districts typically re- quire parking at 1/2 to 2/3's the rate required at suburban regional shopping centers. Where parking is restricted, neighborhood shopping districts may be at a competitive disadvantage with the larger shopping centers. Within Miami, the most severe problem occurs within major older commercial strips and centers such as S.W. 8th Street, S.W. 1st Street, Design Center, Coconut Grove and Little River. Basically, the solution to these problems involves the provision of adequate, properly placed c,ff- street parking. To be effective, the parking must be located close to the parking demand as parkers in small shopping districts will not walk more than 300 or 400 feet to their destination. It does not appear that of street facilities in these areas can be sett -supporting as they are typically competing vv1tl, "tree" facillti s el;ewloin:. It parking fees are charged, tb v ni,Ist be kept iur.v. Therefore, the off-street par ing 'acilitws must he pruvideci by some rheaiHH utl 0! I I ect user charges. Option, are 1. Development operation totally by the pr ivate sec: tor; 2. Development and operation totally by the public sector; 3. Joint public-privatc.l sector development and operation funding. Private sector provision of off-street parking is gen- erally limited to a singles business or occasionally a few businesses who jointly constrict a parking lot. The practice is not widespread and cannot be looked to for meeting area -wide oft -street parking deficien- cies. Total public aiiproact,es can be accomplished in several ways. Most typical include underwriting the construction and operation .ut parkins facilities from funds generated front on -street and other off- street parking revenues (peissibiy trrouyn using re- venue bonds), using City fends 'r;;m sources other than parking I0Venues (ol ten trum :;I'ngation bonds), or t,gn Hc,tsi:I f,;:ids such as urban renewal or C�Irnrritei ly Deyelc,pment funds. Joint approaches encompdss n,e cst,I7;lishrrlent o1 benefit tax districts for sore( snan2 of tnc cost is borne f.ry the 7I,ISirins., re,=eivnIJJ the 'iileCt benefit of the atThiltioniii Ling, through direct private sector Ii)r+o)perty owners. Within Miami either a tutu H; provided pro- gram or some type of Hint tipproai ,r,,ill be neces- sary. 11 either approach is usei.1 tee Ulf -Street Park- ing Authority snoulu piny a 51 �nilicant rote. While the Authority nas no taxina powers it does receive all parking revenues (both on street a'.j off-street) and can use tl lese to underwr i to reven, Ie bonds to support the Dead acquisition and coestruction of parking facilities. The Authority also des the power of condemnation which can bo eked if it can be demonstrated that the parking is required for the "public good." Under a joint approach, land could be acquired by businesses in the immediate area and given to the Parking Authority who then would construct and operate the parking lot. If a total public approach were taken, the land could be acquired by the Off - Street Parking Authority or through the use of funds frorrl dther Docile sources such as C.D. funds. In enherr case t1 Parking Authority could elect to ci!ange parking tees or not as it deemed appropriate. 1 tie basic cuu,tra,tit 0r this approach would be the requirements ',_>, ieht service coverage related to ootstandinq revenue bonds. 01 course, if thu debt service rail.) were to irup below the required level some adjustment in par king rates would have to be made but this adjustment could not be too great or parking rates would become unreasonable. An alternative approach would be to establish a special taxing ,iistrict for the provision of parking. This approach is widely used in California and Mary- land hut has not been used in Florida for parking al- though it is used for other purposes (sewer districts, lighting districts, etc.). The use of the special assess- ment district wo.lici permit all or some contribution to the cost of provi,iin9 parking to be generated by the imrnechate areas benefitting from the parking. The problem of inadequate parking is not restricted to commercial areas but is also found in a number of residential areas in which there is inadequate off- street parking by today's standards. In some areas single family and multi -family dwellings were per- mitte� I t0 he constructed without any off-street parking. In utlier neighborhoods, some off-street parkins was required but the amount is insufficient to accommodate today's higher automobile owner- ship and residential lots are too small to provide for additional parking space. In nearly all cases, there are no alternative parking areas except on -street parking spaces and even these spaces are inadequate in many instances. As a result, there is much "in- formal" parking on laws, roadway shoulders, in alleys, etc., anti spillover into other areas where parking problems are less severe. In these areas, any attempt to further restrict on -street parking would certainly meet with strong opposition and considera- tion should be given to increasing the amount of off-street parking available. The areas most severely affected are the older neigh- borhoods near Downtown Miami including the Lit- tle Havana Area, Edgewater, Wynwood and the north- westerly part of the Brickell Area. 107 Solution approaches to the provision of off-street parking in residential areas also range from fully subsidized to completely self-supporting installa- tions. Fully subsidized ployrams include those simi- lar to Philadelphia iri which all development and maintenance costs arcs paid out of the city general fund and parking In the lots is iree. Self-sripport in,t programs include those in which user foes are self hcient to Cover the capital and operating costs of the lots In many instances development costs tirr of street hits are parr out of a city ;vole; park- ing tune whose; income is generated from parking fees collected at all fai ili tiers throughout the city. Iri some cites Irr which 241irn_ar on street tkarking c> prohibited, monthly ,all night parking permits are issued tttr i e'i lain In ;il ilenslty neighborhoods. The fees collected fi it iheseI permits is contributed to an off-street parking fund for construction of oft -street icrrrilllies )-lie City ill Milwaukee Has such a program A typical intermediate type program would be one similar to that ,iescrihed for commercial areas in :vnich CD funds or general founds are used to ac- quire land and construct lots, anti fees would be coiiected to underwrite the cost of operating the lots. For such a program to be successful, all free on -street parking woulu have to be eliminated or on -street parking fees would have to be collected for all night parking. Decisions relating to the provision of off-street p1arkinfl in any area nTist he rna,Je based on an un- b,aseri tieteerrnination that significant parking prob- ,t'rn exists. Pliii adelphi<i uses a Severity Index which relates ti,e total number of parked vehicles to the t• ,tal available spaces. An area which has more than 90 of the available spaces fat nlrint is considered to have a critical parking problem. One final corlsi ieratiin deals with thu iesign of sucli facilities. People are typically uni.villing to %aik more than approximately 750 feet to ,a park- ing facility. Therefore:, off-street parking far:rlIties I be small, typically having between 25 and 40 spaces. In some areas, vandalism may he a signifi- (..ant problem, so lots must be well lighted. As was rioteii for commercial areas, arty completely se; f-supporting program for the provision of public parking in residential neighborhoods appears un- likely. The marginal economic feasibility of many non-CBD facilities makes this approach unlikely 1u8 to be successful. Tee program which should be seriously pursued is one in which construction of the parking lots would be accomplished by C.D. or general funds and then spaces would be leased at relatively low rates sufficient to cover the operating costs of the lots. Under this arramiernerat, the Off- street Parking Department could operate the lots. Another aspect of the 0i `-street ;larking relates to the amount i,t parking regnireii tor iiev^; construc- tion and the ;.iesign stall no whici) r ,ist Inc tollowed. These are covered in Article XXIIi (Off Street Park- ing and Loading) of fife City Zoning OrJinance and apply throughout the City except i,vithlln Downtown Miami within the area toned C-3 (Central Commer- cial). Section 2 of this Articiu ;vnich was updated in January 1975 by Ordinance 9343 deals with the location, criaracter size of parking spaces. The design standards location crlterla incorporated therein reflect Currently accepted stanciarc-Js. In tact, the allowance of <I pruportiurl of smaller spaces for compact cars retire rits an awareness of current conditions wheel stun,_ other large cities have yet to incorporate Into their parking regulations. Section 4 of the Article sets out the amount of parking require, i for some 29 different uses. Gen- erally the amount of parking required for the van- ous uses appears a,-iequatc. There are some problems with the one parking space perdwelling unit for singe family, duplexes and apartments up to 4 dwel- ling units in those areas in which on -street parking is prohibited or severely restricted an, -I transit usage is not quite high. In contrast, parking requirements for both apartments ,_af f ices are probably too great for areas in the immediate vicinity of transit stations. CBD Parking As noted earlier, Article XXI I I requires off-street parking Within tiie C-3 district and, in tact, none is permitte;,1 except by conditioned uses permit. The WMRT Downtown Miami Plan proposes that this be revised and that a "Rif king Policy and Guidelines" he adopted. The guideline proposed is one Space per 1000 square feet of office space be provided on- si te with the block total not to exceed 1200 spaces. Tills could meet approximately 30: L of the existing parking demand and about '/ of the parking de- mand after the regional transit system is in opera- tion. The riet result would be that short-term de- mands would be met on -site in The immediate fu- ture and the deficit of 70% would have to be met elsewhere. Conceptually a Downtown parking program oriented to meeting shor t-term parking demands on -site and longer term employee parking demands otf-site is appropriate. -ID be successful, however, requires an Integrated transportation sestets' which •'•' provide convenient access from Ito titt-:,!ts locateerl; to the office locations. Tnei is also tee issue oil hoe/ such off -site facilities stioeld t;e constriicted u i financed. The next step is to firmly establish fe,,s to be used as parking reservoirs and ;lete-nline: areas should be linked vvitii new otfiee ,,,S .e.inpmont. llle Downtown peropleenovei h,,;,;i;t:1i some thought to this problem art 1 has designated areas which could be used for park.mq. The al'1Ove dl cussiurl hrenarily 1/Ith flOn- residnetial aspects r,' For resi dential 0ee,e:l_iunerlts, C.4 parf;ir ej spaces per dwel- ling unit !was recornmen,_leu k; C.3 zones. The provision of this amount of on site parking would meet the parki,ig needs of automobile own- ing residents within the C-3 zones Areas outside of the C-3 zones s.i,..h as Er i;keil and E lrjewater will likely hake iesiio o s with .sigeiflc:ai tly greater car ownership ea:cept o t eie apartrnents are located in the irnrnr:diale Ylcinity of trinslt st,ltions. in these, areas oar kinei must be pi (Niue i I,1 accordance with Article X.X,II I. Concern has 'iE'r-n e i-sssed ti.at Inc mandatory parkin':) tor tesi ;i`no‘c j;e�;,! f_ts ,i t:it; onmr iiale i vicinity' of the r)nVvntl�`reek ^Jill n.isrl',l`ie Cost of residential units ahH,.'e. ll;c price in- COme families can alto' 1. l ,is 7�.,C1 a:; there is strong desire obtaen rill .-idle .i+c�.fit; i,irniiies iwinq near tfle CUD, off''! i ,,i) : or harking s'nbsidy program shui,'._l I,r' r_,.nslieriet Oee -,j,ptcacti would be for the: City to assist wltr. tee Ijro:ision of the parking by i UllStrU�tll ,i r! j/i]'E-i' 'j �.1J Est or alld leasing spaces to residents S sr1.1.5tste could be built as an integral unit ii! an apal trr.ent corn piex, with the residential str-ectsIrus litilizinq all rights over the parking fasiste ,ir it part ei a meiti- use project, the parking struct li ci;.:l,i VA..; more centrally located aed permit s-sn:; joint of the structure for daytime ernpl_e,' ru rrI visitors At present tl ere have been fe ,s isesiepies de velopment of ties type: %view, t'le State; Ho.rvever, the off-street Parking Author-11v could construct and operate such facilities and, in fact, desires to do so. Parking Requirements in the Vicinity of Transit Stations With the implementation of the regional rapid transit system opportunities for intensive development will exist in the irnmeeliate vicinity of some transit sta- tions. In those areas in which new development will ile cncoara0efl, parking requirements within the im- mediate vicinity of the transit station should be re- duced. This approach has been taken in Oakland, California, cohere reduced parking requirements are permittel by special exception within specified dis- tances from the station. The City's Zoning Ordinance has a detailed breakdown of the uses and parking reduction permitted based on distance from the tran- sit station. Special Parking Problem Areas Little River Commercial District Within the Little River Commercial District there is not a net deficit of parking spaces, but the existing parking supp;y consists of a number of small lots which are not correctly located to support the existing development. Present usage indicates that thee; is a need for one or possibly two 75-100 space lots centrally located within the commercial area, This could possibly be achieved by consolidating anU expanding some of the existing lots. In locating this facility thought should be given to how the area might develop and whether a central parking structure rnieht be required in the tuture. If this does appear to be the case, then sufficient land for the structure should be obtained now and used for Surface parking. The Little River Area is one area where the addition of appropriately placed parking might assist in im- pruving economic conditions although other actions in audition to parking will be necessary. Due to srnall parcel ownership and economic conditions of the area there is a need for the public provision of parking. Because the parking lots would have to have free parking, the Off -Street Parking Authority, if it were to develop the lots, would need some as- sistance. Consideration should be given to acquiring the Land required by some means other than direct purchase by the Off -Street Parking Authority. Design Center At present the Off -Street Parking Authority is pre- 109 paring parking spaces under the expressway along the south side of the Design Center. This will pro- vide additional spates, particularly if the new spaces are used by employees, wrthul the Design Center tor customers. However, sonde of the area under the expressway has been fairly ;wavily on an intorrnal basis tot Su111e time h; employee;; so that the total number v.nil'l not represent a total increase in parkin) dlnlough there will 1)0 some increase!, I; IS If IL1„aSt: ,VI:( tlelp the pdrkln( s+11 111 11 111 tnt; -,o,_,tl!i 111 I),1-tc.ks of 1102 Design Center t)ut 110)1e will stil be a let iclt in the Central section of the northern Hocks. It di); plats t1Ia1 tlht: host wily to satisfy tills deficit v,vould i)e to acquire Siltflcne'.nt propertos:tluoO the south sl f1i of N E. 41st Street to (..rearorit; (ir t0;vo lots of 25 to 50 parkin,) splices tacit Because these lots ^✓ould be nlelcrrid las arf: the spa,;es under the ex p!r,sswa5 ), the. C1ff-StrP irk111O Ailth01 ty could iicOuir1 tilt' land and ,.;perate hie lots. Coconut Grove It ,ip;lears that Cocorlt,t Grove has,, ,.jeficit of ap- pl ox i n mutuiy 5O spaCeS on a busy weekday and may- bt twice till~ mach o11 a busy weekend. The Coco- ..t Grove Pali e1Ivlsil,ns the renloral 61 on -street parking �1 1111 SI'Vt'ral streets wlllci i ',Void, farther ail ; iti 11 (,leil(,it. Tne major nee 1 Is al th e itflmedi- 0'ti vlcirlrty of the ,%Mail H,T;vvay-McFarlane inter- st chon. Due to t1U: la ;11 Keel costs, It appears that a par kirlg siriet,,re cnt,'l;i fie just' .;sVevor, the and costs nii.;)lit bt too Oruat fur ti1(, ()It Street P,frk111_) AutorIty t1 ifLiervAirIle i),ip1 file !atilt a'I..i COI1Sttl1C11(011 (0(St:i. In3ilfil�C'f, ,IS lifts(' .VOUId Pi! (l con;morcial riis.Jiting from parkin(] S1rIIC.tllrt.' a speCl,, i!t-no1 t pdtklllg �IIS- tict Coui;1 bt, Iatahlis'il�f to pruviot' Pack - tot tilt: i dCi_)I_litiltion Residential Areas Ce'rtalrl rr:S :'0Ilti11-1 tf1E.' City are (lefIClent a; park-111,i ,,,lt' t;InCrt:aye'a COI owrler5f11)) n i Iht; lack: r11 al_iequate off-Stret;t king space on 1 1! 5rnali lots. Ho vevel, it IS i1ii11c,iit hetlnitely ,li'.tel rnlllC 1(11' (lemalall within resin) !I1tlal areas and ,:; rep llrnrnt,n lu;i ttrat the City Jet into a residen- tla t_)f1-strt:el bat king program r0,,lt.o oly ;ioVJ'Iy. Tile first ster) WI!I',1,_ fur IncCity tt, tileve;ot) specific o';3;uat,un cr lttfr l;) to ,,lterrlllnt; \.';hita 1llnoks shuuid tit, corlsir-!ore'd for otl-strut parking. Secunafy, func,f- i,i'_) programs will ila5t: to hi; t'stob;is!le., It Is an- ne;nated that the off-streret lots ;viil have to be free and therefore tihe Off Sheet Parking Authority may not he able to purchase property alghouth they could possibly at ford the cost of operating the lots. To get the program underway, it is recommended that the City plan tt1 constr!let approximately ten lots over the next three years. If these prove success- ful (i.e., were used an solved the local parking problem) then ,1 more extensive prl_„Ir,lm could be undertaken. I! is,,ti'Hitatt: I tll,lt a 111;0i'rnurn Of approximately 30 Do all taut could be justified. T,,t ;1' 1Oi. I) ;!11 ran,)r; in sv1T from 10 to 20 spaces ca(-n ,i1:pen Iola on tl;e leman.; in the im- mediate arca. 0 c�;((�atest �1eet_i is in Little Havana and it is recommen,ie1 that the first group of lots be cone ;'ntliite)l ill Vas area. TRANSIT SYSTEM Existing System Transit s'r,,ic(r t!;in Metropolitan Dade County is provi,fe(i try Metropolitan Transit Agency (MTA) which is a ,iepartrnent of the county government. Until recently the Coral Gables Municipal Bus Sys- tem also provide,-i transit service',vitnin Coral Gables and between Cora! Gables ,1(1,1 Downtown Miami. In October 1975, the Coral Gables System %,Vas rnerge,i with MTA so tliat 110 MTA provide,: all beat pub- lic transit service ,11t11in Miami. Tne combined fleet of the two operations is approximately 500 buses of Mk!' nearly 450 are on the r0aci during the peak perio,1. MTA operates several types of service including local, local -peak hour, express, shuttle, and special service. 0f the approximately 70 routes of all types operated by MTA over 50 t)pt rate, at least partially, within the City of Miatnl. Must tit these ro(ltes pass through Downtown Miami although there are several cross- town route (22, 21, 34, 37) which do not enter Downtown. However, 22 aim 37 provide peak period services only. Orle evaluation Inea5un (Ise(: to assess the ,adequacy of existirr) service is the proportion of the residen- tial service area Iosote;l 0:^1ithin mils of a bus line. Bus service is provided oh virtually all north -south arterials which are typically spaced about %, mile apart. Therefore, within the City of Miami all resi- dential areas are located within D mile of a bus route. Corridors having the heaviest transit service are Bis- cayne Boulevard and Flagler Street, although in the vicinity of Downtown Miami nearly all arterials have several routes operating on them There are several express mutes and specialize(( services which focus on the Downtown. IncOrange Streaker pro vides express service from the nor claim part of the County to Do;,,ntown, tier.' Civic Center dm1 Vie Mi- ami International Airpor t Ar,a via exe',Isive bus lane on N.W 7tlr, Avena!:. In ,,I 1976 it is plan- ned l0 switch the route to the �:x��l�:;i'JC I)Li�,-C 1tp0Oi lane now being cr)rtstnii,tc,1 rut I north of the Airport Expressyshiy. S�I,lliur!�,', toe iar. Dash pro- vides express service ft Cnr;nty to Downtown and the Civic Center trio ,,l0 the use of a contra -flow bus lane on Snutl, 'way be- tween S.AA 72n.1 Strome an:, I `1'0 J;lr.ili,iill''_l scry ices to the Doy ntt),vn time OK Siiirttle with 12-minute headways opt:ratcL the; Brickell Avenue-Biscaynr: i d-L.1 t Lt,tween S.E. 12th Street and N.E- lbth Str�:ut Sunshine Shuttle with )pt'rutes in i1 loop on FIar1',er, Nest 2nd A�,r'n„e, South 1st Street and Biscayne Boulevard, anti t11 1 GovernnHent Service Shuttle which operates on 20-n�inote headways between Downtown and the Civic Center. Operating Characteristics The combint�,l MTA-Curd Gat,;Os system currently carries approxirnateiy 100,000 passengers on a typ- ical weekday. Iti s h1prt,serits uhjut 5% of the daily person trips made within Da,ir County. A 1969 survey of MTA ridership indiniitrH t1i It over 90% of the riders were transit captives bc:cdosr) they did not have a cnrl. nlerlt traflopur tatlo0 alternative. Characteristics of tlrn LuC.(1r() i1J' ut)-Litlntl wlthln Miami are the table crititle.; "Existing Tran- sit Service Cllaracti,risons " A rc:vii,..v ref the average weekday ridership on see,.! r,i; key ro,ites clearly in- dicates the area o. c(lt)neratc thi most heavy transit usage. Route 5—Tr rrllanii i ell a ut N.1,''�'. 2nd Avenue Route 6--Douglas R.i /F l,i .r St..lrn:l 36th St. Route 11—Biscayne Bo i-,levarr Route 14--Biscayne Boulevard Route 15—N.1\1. 27t1, Avenue F l;-lgler Street Route 21--Model City Area -Downtown Miami Information on neadv-vays, 'bnt!1 peak and ott-peak, are also provided in the table. Of the routes listed, peak period headways ore as follows: 15 Minutes or Less 20 Minutes 30 Minutes 40 Minutes 60 Minutes 6 Routes 6 14 1 7 34 Routes Existing Transit Service Characteristics Route Type Head- way Base Average (Minutes) Peak No. Weekday Peak of Vehicles Ridership 1 Loca 30 3 Loca! 4u 4 Local 30 5 Loca 15 6 Local 30 6X Express 9 Local 60 10 Local 60 11 Local 20 11 Shuttle 40 12 Local 60 14 Local 20 15 Local 20 17 Local 40 19 Local 40 20 Local 40 21 Local 20 21X Express -- 22 Local (Peak) — 23 Local 60 24 Local 35 25 Local 30 26 Local 30 27 Local 40 28 Local 60 29 Local 60 30 Local 30 32 Local 60 34 Local 60 37 LocaliPeak) -- 41 Local (Peak) - 48X Express — Peak) 8 Local 30 88 Shuttle 15 15 30 10 7'6 30 20 60 60 10 60 30 20 20 40 30 30 20 20 60 60 30 30 15 20 30 30 30 60 60 30 30 30 15 3 4 24 11 6 3 4 18 1 7 12 10 2 3 5 5 3 3 5 5 7 18 5 3 10 9 5 4 5 3 2 4,830 1,180 2,520 12,420 6,850 N/A 1,430 1,960 10,610 290 2,480 8,200 6,100 850 1,820 2,120 5,660 860 730 2,200 2,330 4,050 4,710 2,340 1,930 3,340 4,410 2,380 1,990 900 500 170 30 6 1,090 12 3 700 Source. UMTA Grant Application for Rapid Transit System Improve- ment Funds, March 1 1 , 1975, Table N-1. Only six routes or approximately 15% of the total routes providing most of the local transit service to Miami have peak period headways of 15 minutes or less. There are, of course, certain corridors in which several different routes operate on the same street, particularly in the vicinity of Downtown Mi- ami. On these streets the effective peak headways are only several minutes. However, this occurs only on a relatively few streets and, therefore, peak per- 111 rod headways throughout most of the City exceed 10 minutes. With the Implementation of the Blue Dash and Orange Streaker service plus the construction of the 1-95 busway, significant improvements in ex- prOss service, have been accomplished. However, all information available suggests closer headways in both peak and of f-peak periods would result in greater trar isi t usage. Previously Proposed Transit Improvements tV'itiiin the next few years, MTA will expand express service through the completion of the 1-95 husway and an increase in the number o1 buses providing Bl�,e Dash and Orange Streaker service. MTA will also upgrade 11 o quality of their equipment by re- placing a n(imber of the older buses with new t.quiprnent. However, the major emphasis over the next few years will be oriented to implementing the region - le rapid transit proilranm which was recently com- pleted by Kaiser Engineers. in 1968 Ducde County initiated a series of planning studies to identify pub - transit needs and the potential facilities that oul-i bra require;l to meet those needs. Completed in 1972, the studies recommended the r:✓.�!oprn(�ni i.lf a County -wine Mass Rapid Transit system, In a general election the follo;'✓ing year, r,;,int y voters approved S132.5 million in bond sa!0s as the !(.-,cal contribution to construction costs it the proposed system. Subsequent preliminary engineering stii,iies have now been completed cover- irrl ale aspects of system design. b->,ised or the rir()posed route a!ignrneritssubrnitted us a resent ,if these; studies, the Federal government grantei-i D,ide Cixinty sum 01 $15 million n Murch 1976. These f,In'is inonce further de- f,lliing of the system s 'IrSt phase Jinf Spe;Ctfic urban Iesiyn pions tin each station location. They v✓ere oar of a S75 nil;lion Federal grant application also included right-of-way acqi.,isition and 1,;st tatnl.ity nio siruction- ESSontiai to the construc- tion and operation of the Rapid Transit system :iii bey ,Dell matcning Litt,is which are presently being considered to be obtained from a "proposed one -cent sales tax increase." e proposed program to be completed by 1985 in- 1 12 eludes 48 units of grade separated fixed guideway rapid transit, 12 miles of grade -separated husway (9 miles of which are now under construction on 1-95), and 27 miles of major non -grade separated transit improvements suer, as the creation [i' exclu- sive bus lanes on major arterial streets- The total cost inc!uding'tosiiln, right of -way ,rn_i construction is estimated to be S1 .3 1),!licm. In addition to 'nit: major routes, there wo01r1 be an extensive system feeder buses linkin,i the stations with the surroundir i urea 1\nitnin Miami, the north - south route would operate in the Soutn Dixie High- way corridor through Du.vntown Miami to the Civic Center and then northward along 1 7th Avenue and 27th Avenue. T he gust -west route wou.d operate between Miami Bt-ocii and Downtown Miami and in the Flagler Rood Corridor to Douglas Rood and the Airport. The 1-95 husway wou!.-1 be extended into Downtown Midrni on an exclusive right-of-way. The proposed system as configured will be serving the most heavily traveled corr.Jors with the excep- tion of Biscayne Bouievar,l. This corridor will be served primarily by feeler buses to the 1-95 express bus route, The only corridors having peak period headways of 10 minutes or less are: Biscayne Boulevard Flagler Street Tarniarni Trail Coral 11iay-Krickell Northwest 2nd Avenue Downtown -Civic Center Most other corridors have 20 minute peak period headways. A recent report by the Council on Municipal Per- formance* bus evaluated public transportation in 28 U.S. cities. Tl;u arafysis was mode by comparing the actual percentages or total peak period work trips made on transit t, i r) pre f icted percentage, The pre- dicted percentage was computed (regression analysis) based on three independent variables: employment density, proportion of `ornilies with incomes less than the minimums poverty level and the ratio of transit seat miles to highway capacity miles. Data used for the analysis was primarily from the 1970 Census of Population and 1974 National Transpor- 'Municipal pert rni,in,.e Repurt city Transportation, Council on Municipal Per$orrnanor, 1975. tation Study. Information reported for Miami in- cluded the following: Population per squire mile Employment per square mile Percent families helow poverty Actual use of public tran;,t for for peak period wort, ;r,py Predicted use of puhuc transit for peak period work inps Difference between predicted and actual 9,763 12th Most Dense 4,216 8th Most Dense 16.4% 3rd Highest Propor- tion 16.8% 17th Highest 28.6% bth Highest 11 8% 28th While the approach used in the at does not give a real indication of just how serious it is to be ranked 29th compared being ranked 1st or 15th, the findings ,lo s vial a significant in crease in transit ridership shtiulri he possible. At the time of the surv. y, w, re very few express buses. Proposed stations witlii'l Mianli and travel time from Government Center Station in Downtown Miami are as follows South Route Brickell/SW 13ti Street S. Miarni/S1 " 22ni1 Street S. Dixie/SW 17u, Avenue S. Dixie/SV^. 2-7th Avenue S. Dixie/SW 37th Avenue S. Dixie/SW 42nd Avenue North Route. N. Miarni/NW 7th Street NW 111. Street/NW /tl i Avenue Civic Center NW 171n Averia /NV'I 261', Street NW 17tii Aver .,/i/NW 315ni Street NW 17ti1 46t1, Street NW 22nd Avenue/NW 54t:i Street West Route Flagler/SW 8th A.. enne Flagler/SW 16tn Avenue: Flagler/SW 270 Avenue Douglas/NW 71n Street Mlan11 Airport Douglas/SW 8tn Street Douglas/Coral Way East Route Miami Avenue NE 2nd Street/NE 2nd Avenue 1.6 Min. 3.5 5.4 7.3 9.2 10.7 Biscayne Boulevard/NE 9th Street 3.6 The impact of the regional rapid transit system will be several -fold. 1. The high accessibility of the station locations will create opnortt,nities for revitalization of the area Within the immediate. vicinity of the stations. Higher density multi -purpose development having a lower dependence on thy. aeotomohile will permit alternative development patterns friim that which exists toddy. Because many of tlJe stations wft' in the City of Mi- ami are Iecatt:.. areas that cot,ld be redeveloped as rn�titlp,rpeisr• CenttirS, the City has an opportun- ity to slgnilieantly increase its lax base. At the neighborhood scale;, plauning for the area within /1 mile o1 they stations should he don., to take maximum advantage of the ipportt,nity afforded by the high accessibility rnoeie. 2. The system will increase the mibility potential for the residents of the City, particularly for transit captives. The .iirect linking of lower income areas with employment areas having need for low income skills (Civic Center Downtown Miami, Airport) was an important consideration in the locating of the routes and stations. The system will operate for 20 Blurs liy'r day `.'J;1'' muck lower headways than tne present His syst��m and will significantly im- prove the mobility opportunities of transit captives. 3. Wthile the implementation of the regional rapid transit system ,, l not result in a quantum jump in 1.0 transit usagri, it will contribute to reducing theve- 2.8 hide congestion in the corridors which it operates 4.7 while, at the same time, greatly expanding the people- 6.9 moving capacity of these corridors. The actual de- 8.5 crease in congestion .vili depend on many far reach- 9.9 ing factors ranging) from the reliability of the total 12.0 transit system operatinj on schedule to a delib- erate policy of restricting parking at major employ- ment centers. 1.8 3.4 5.4 8.2 10.5 7.1 9.0 4. Tliu implementation of the system will positively impact the environment in several ways. - It will contribute less total air pollution to the region than other alternative modes car- rying the same passenger volumes. This will be most significant in the heavily urbanized area of Miami. - It will utilize energy more efficiently than 0.9 other alternative modes of transportation. 2.4 - It will utilize less land area than would he 113 required by other alternative modes carry- ing the same passenger volumes. The extent to which this is significant will depend on the degree to which the system is able to divert existing automobile users and capture additional riders as the region grows, who would otherwide use automobiles. People Mover As the Government Center is developed and growth continues in the Downtown, the need to improve the Downtown distribution -circulation system will increase. The need to provide an improved distribu- tion system will become particularly important once the initial phase of the regional Mass Transit System begins operating. Tiy meet the ibution circula- tion system need, a grade separated people -mover system has been proposed for the Downtown Area (mi an application for a design grant has been sub- mitted to the Federal Government. The proposed system would interconnect the Brickell transit station, Brickell office area, Downtown office area, Government Center transit station and the Omni area. It would be a double tracked elevated guideway 3.2 miles in lengtii and leave 18 stations spaced approximateiy two blocks apart. Recommended Transit Improvements In order to improve public transportation services to better satisfy the needs of transit uependent noriseholds anti increase service to major employ- ment centers, the following transit improvements* are recommended, either supplementing or modi- fying transit strategies which are presently espoused by other plans. M.R.T. Realignment Tree route alignment contained in the adopted first phase plan of the Mass Rapid Transit System (MRT) enters the Allapattah Planning District under the East-West Expressway at 12th Avenue and follows 13th Court through Inc County and State office b hidings to the proposes: Medical Center Station at 14th Avenue located adjacent to the Dade County Public Safety Department. From this sta- tion the route Wagner Creek northwest to 17th Avenue where it turns north and continues along 17th Avenue. ' 1 u' specific a red transit studies refer to the Appendix. 114 Recommended Strategy: The alternative aln;nrnent recommended in the plan- ning study enters the Medical Center over the East- West Expressway and continues north along 12th Avenue to a new Me.1ical Center Station centrally located on 12th Avenge. From 12th Avenue the route turns i:vest ,,n N.W. 20t1i Street continues to 17tn Avenue where it turns north and continues along 17th Avenue. From thr_; sury y H Jackson Memorial Hospital plans under take? <is part o' this planning study, it is clear that tliii alternative alignment through the Medic,,) Centel of furs several advantages. First, the Jackson Memorial Hospital and University of fic.ai School complex ,s presently, and will continue to be, the rnuic.)r activity center within the larger complex. As JMH is the largest public healtn care facility A.ide County, it certainly desirable to pruvi,ie tiasily accessible transit service to this facility. Secon'_I, rail of the JMH-UM present plans indicate that any expansion of their facilities will occur east ut 12th Avenue. Toir..l, the Miami Dade Community College medical facility currently under construction on N.W. 20th Street at 10th Avenue will ado another major institutional use to the northeast section of tine center. Fourth, the large amounts of vacant or under utilized land east of JMH indicates the potential for a significant in- crease in pop' mHtion in this area. Ali of these factors Indicate that the "center of gravity" of the Medical Center will increasingly shitt northeast. The pro- posed alignment and station along 12th Avenue, responding to tnis shifting activity center, provides better transit access to major county health and eciucationa'i facilities and additionally utilizes the much wirier existing right-of-way along 12th Avenue. M.R.T. Station Relocation The adopted first phase plan of the MRT system proposed MRT stations at both S.'A' 26th Road and S.ty. 17tn Avenue, along the South Dixie Highway route alignment. Analysis of both stations has in- dicated that neither is anticipated to be a heavily patronized station due to the proximity to the rela- tively low density and higher income characteristics of the immediate area. Recommended Strategy: It is, therefore, recommended that the stations at S.W. 26th Road and S.W. 17th Avenue be deleted and a single station at S.W. 32nd Road be provided. The S.W. 32nd Road station has various advantages over the other two stations. First, it is adjacent to and within walking distance of the f`.leisecum of Science and Vizr;aya. Prugrani; at tln_ae facilities are continuing to grow, oriel tile' opportunities to expand parking ill hire vleiruty are very lirniteJ. Direct transit <ir.cess silc)lil,l her I,r- ifiiI. Second, it is also withal ‘.v.ilkinq horn flit; curnrner- clal no1e at "f-lee Points"' Cnrui \\I y- Third, the S.W. 32ri,.1 Rea 1 :,ta11i 1!1 e oil he sen,,e 1 b / feeder buses as V\'fill ,1S ll'l' t'�VO 'whlcll ^;t?re it'lete:l. Second Phase M.R.T. Continue,i opposition by re:,i,ii'nis, merchants and workers to niril-.h OH propose. i se conei phase rapid transit sysiern has left Had,: County transit planners to agree to restii,ly p1lase ili its en- tirety beieire prt)certilin:i `.vitf, the desirin of bus phase. The pl.er,ose, t,iltt:rilatives, in route ailgnrTlerit Ur Ill le( tit In, AV11 ct VvIli be symi)atrietu, to the never:;, ,jti:i concerns of the different cornrnur hies. Iri ti i, t l irnlnit process, the Little Havana cumrn_,nity vvas tie most out- spoken in voicing its opposition to the proposed second phase' MRT alignment. Bus System Improvements There is also, nr?e ri t;,r shill t term Improvements prior to lilt corrpletlon of the MRT and for im- provernents in ()tiler corridors not slaved by the proposed MRT Iflip' ove:rn nt ul II it.: present bus systen'i througi, not, ino inicatlun aril expansion of services, as r„lurnt:r,it',! belt):'✓, -ir(' recommended to meet short ranije i)bjcif-to'io Recommended Strategies: 1. Impro\,e? t\ynwood in the North 29tti Street corn, for to on_)vi,te improved access to employment the IMiedicai Center, Air- port arid Hidleah inr-i;istrr<li dre<i. 2. Realign existing Route 32 Irvin its present route along N.VV. 201r1 Street N.Vv'. 28th Street between N.W. 1 7tii Avenue any l N.W. 12t1i Avenue and similarly realign Router 6 !rum its route along N.W. 36th Street. This reaiirtl rr nit tiviii provide or lmproveLi transit service: to tile A'liapattali-Cornstock Park YMCA area and better lint,crete between this neighborhood and the Medical Center immediately to the south. 3. Realign Routes 25 and 31 through the Medical Center to provide more direct access or Medical Center employees and patrons, 4. Extend Route 24 further to the west to pro- vide service to a catchment area with a greater per- centage of transit dependent households. 5. Create a hew rout' iinkinrt the Flagler and S.W. 1st Street corri.ior ^'Iti' the Mian-ii International Air- port and Hialeah Industrial areas. 6. Reroutes bus Route: 5 along S.W. 2nd Avenue soutl l to S.VV. 9th Street to serve the Joe Morretti elderly apartments. 7. Investigate feasibility of providing sma;l bus shuttle service in the iollowinet areas. — Tile Flagler S.W. 8th Street corridor in Little Havana to provide improved transit service beti.ve:e;n highly dependent residen- tial neighborhood and adjacent commercial areas. Between Coconut Grove commercial Dist- rict and Dinner Key if significant commer- cial development is established atter the Miami City Hill employees move to the Government Center. — The E.lison-Little River area between N.W. 2nd Avenue ani_i N.E. 2n,; Avenue to provide improved transit service between low to moderate income residential areas and nearby commercial areas. 8. Provider bus shelters at heavily used bus stops throrigliout the City at which no other means of climatic protection (such as store awnings) are available. Hii-ih priority locations should include bus stops along the following streets: -- Biscayne Boulevard — N. 79th Street (outside of intensive com- mercial areas) — Flagler Street (outside of intensive com- mercial areas) S.W. 6th Street — West 27th Avenue BIKEWAY ELEMENT Throughout the nation bicycling has Increased tre- mendously as a recreational pursuit and has become the third most popular form of active recreation among residents of South Florida. Of equal signifi- cance is the growing recognition of cycling as an ef- 115 ficient and low cost alternative form of transporta- tion for trips to work, school and local services. The chief obstacle to expanding opportunities for cyc- lists, particularly In an urbanized area, is the prob- lem of conflicts with automobiles and pedestrians. Actions are necessary to reduce such conflicts by providing safe bicycle routes linking important des- tinations. A metropolitan system of bikeways should be estab- lisiied, linking Important local facilities, i.e., parks, shopping centers, educational facilities, etc. The bikeways should be located along roadways with minimum traffic and adequate to minimize conflicts between the automobiles and bicyclists. A one-half mile grid pattern offset from the City's arterial network will avoid major volumes of traffic. Wherever a bikeway intersects a major arterial, appropriate bikeway crossing signs should be placed. Typically, a 3-foot Dine would be provided on each side of the street and would be identified by pave- ment striping and signs. Due to potent conflicts with motorized vehicles and pedestrians, cyclists are subject to ail motor vehicle laws. PEDESTRIAN CIRCULATION This element _riscusses the different physical im- provements which can aid in enhancing pedestrian circulation and the use of public spaces. Miami's subtropical climate, Unique cultural characteristics and relatively dense urban environment provide it with a formidable opportunity for year round out- .f,r,i activities. Traere are tr rites basic concerns re- garding pedestrian circulation and the environment where it takes place. safety, comfort ancf appearance. The following actions are representative of the types of physical improvements which can be undertaken to increase pedestrian safety and security. Recommended Strategies: 1. Butter the pedestrian from the traffic through landscaping or by allowing on -street parking. If pos- sible, the parked automobiles stlould be buf fered with landscaping. 2. Enforce adequate lighting standards in all park- ing facilities whether private or public, as well as in areas of intensive activity. 3. Through graphics, paving or other designations, 116 identify all alleys or serviceways which intersect a pedestrian walk. 4. Establish mid -block crossings in areas of high pedestrian activity. 5. Provide incentives for commercial establishments which animate the sidewalk and enhance its attrac- tion for street -life, especially at nighttime. 6. Provide sidewalks along major arterials and in multi -family residential neighborhoods. 7. Divert through traffic away from pedestrian - oriented facilities sucti as parks and schools. Much can be done to protect the pedestrian from both sun and rain while improving aesthetic qualities of the environment. The following actions should be explored to increase climate comfort within ped- estrian environments. 1. Provide continuous overheard protection along major pedestrian paths. 2. Use landscaping and grass areas for heat absorp- tion. 3. Plant shade trees, especially on north, east and south side of the streets. Improving the appearance and ambience of pedestrian environments depend upon the provision of amenities, activities and proper communication systems. Ex- amples of these are illustrated below. 1. Appropriate rest ,areas, vest pocket parks, mini - parks, etc. are essential ingredients in assuring the attractiveness of a commercial area during both peak and low periods of business activity. 2. There is a need to coordinate the placement of street furniture (i.e., benches, bus shelters, informa- tion poses, telephones, trash depositories, fire hy- drants, street lights, etc.) as well as their integration, Presently, throughout the City, one finds a haphaz- ard placement of these elements. 3. The visual clutter created by the repetitious and unplanner_i approach utilized in the location of store front suns, neon signs, etc. should be reduced. 4. The use of paving to give scale and variety to sidewalks. Those areas where people step to window shop can be differentiated (through a change in floor treatment) from those where there is fast-moving pedestrian traffic. 5 Special lighting fixtures should be utilized in areas of intensive activity to enhance pedestrian scale and orientation. 6. A main generator of pe,'Iestr Ian activity is store front animation. The curiosity aroused by such uses as flower shops, tr,rit shops, newspaper stands, cafes, which offer formidable visual contact to the passer- by are a basic element to the lite of a street. These should be supplemented by outdoor restaurants, open Haar ket, ,etc_ evhicl, allow the public both the alternative of participating and observing street life as well as being observe f. 7. Tie.ere area, in addition, a multitude, of urban de- sign concepts which have, the past, proven to be basic in stnnerl,,ting clear and lent' noble perceptual urban images in a 1 Irllan being. Although it is im- possible to adeq .rattily cover this topic: within the context rut a comprehensive plan, the importance of theories dealing wit' spatial legibility should not be underpiayed There is no uot,bt that the treat- ments, arran,te;rnWnt an. i !,eci',ie;fCt!s of sp,ice!s in our environment a profound effect on the way one moves, orHrits oneself, rucognires, responds and ever remembers a "sense; of place." RAILROADS, SEAPORT AND AIRPORT The City of Miami is, sere,' i.y twer railroads, a major seaport ag,i International Airport. Several smaller air lrouts,'humanly' serving general aviation, an,n Marinas fear pleasure boats are also locate,' within the metropolitan region. Railroads Both the: Fluriva East Coast Ranlroaf and the Sea- board Coast Line Railroad operate, witHHin the City. The FEC operates freight service only while SCL operates freight service as 'vveil as passenger service for Amtrak. Beth EEC and SCL coils; ler the Miami metropolitan area as a sinjle Ireigl,t terminal. There- fore, through freight trans ceunei ,Jircctly from northern terminals to the Hialeal_i lernrinals where freight cars destined for they Miami Area are sepa- rated before they through freight trains move south to Homestead and F lorida City. Freight cars des- tined to locations within the Miami Area are then distributed throughout the area by local terminal yard engines. Any freight cars to be exchanged be- tween tyre two railroo,is are handled at the freight interchange yard directly west of the Miami Inter- national Airport. At present, F PC 'gas 16 height trains per day (8 suuti-,helun,I and 8 ne,rthboun;i) operating on their mainline. Yard 011 line movements are heaviest along the mainline tack paralleling North 79th Street which has the Heaviest concentration of active rail sidings. Tile souther iy section of the mainline and the section of truck paralleling South Dixie Highway typically brave t,.ve, yard engine movements per day although the section of track within the City north of Douglas Roa_I is relatively unused. Yard engine move_)nl(rits on th,, track between North 79th Street and Downtown Miami, including movements to the Port of (`.Miarni, ore more frequent with 4 to 8 move- ments per ,-lay. Because the FEC Railroad Bridge across the Miami River in Downtown Miami has been remove ,i, there are few movements within Down- town Miami. SCL also has approximately 16 through freight movements per clay most of which terminate at the Hialeah Terminal, Yard engine plus through freight movements on the SCL tracks south of Mi- ami international Airport are approximately 4 per day. From''it movements on the line paralleling N.W. 20th Street including movements to the Port are approximately 18 movements per day. As noted above, Amtrak passenger service also op- erates over the SCL mainline to the passenger ter- minal at N.tV7th Avenue north of 20th Street. At present, there are two through trains leaving for New York daily and one for Chicago. During the Christmas season another New York train is usually added. The summer 1975 schedule was as follows: Service to New York --Daily Lv. 8:55 am No. 84 Silver Meteor via Ocala Lv. 1 :00 prn No. 82 Silver Star via Orlando Service to Chicago -Daily Lv. 5:15 prn No. 53 the Floridian via Ocala Service from New York —Daily Ar. 2:45 prn No. 81 Silver Star via Orlando Ar. 4:15 pm No. 83 Silver Meteor via Ocala Service from Chicago --Daily Ar. 10 55 am No. 52 The Floridian via Ocala 117 Plans are now berg pride to relocate the Amtrak station from ihe 7th Avenue terminal which is in very poor physical condition. Some initial plans have been develolael for a multi -modal terminal just east of Miarni International Airport. Such a terminal would combine the regional rapid transit, Amtrak and in airport area shuttle system into one terrniriai. The location he well centered with- in the urbaniieri diva dna have gU0(0 access via the highway and transit systems However, Amtrak has recently lnnonnced its decision to locate the new terminal north of the Seab;.)ard's Hialeah freight yard. This site is not as conveniently located as the multi -modal access. However, the property is al- ready owned by the railroad, antby locating the terminal at this; site a crew change, which, now takes place at the Hialeah yard, would he eliminated and thereby reduce the passenger service operating costs. above notwitiistariglnrl, it iS recornrnendeo that efforts be taken to have the passenger terminal lo- c,itt'd at the much more accessible multi modal site. Port of Miami Tile Port of Miami located west of Downtown Miami on Dodge Island is the busiest passenger port in the United States in one of the largest container ports url the East Coast. At present, seven cruise lines are based in Miami providing service primarily to Latin America aril the Caribbean. Weekly or hi-vveekty freight service is available to all of Latin America and to most major countries around the world. S ibstantial growtil in the operation of the port are forecast over the next two decades. Cruise ship her Of requirements are expected to double from 7 berths now to 14 berths by 1995.* Miami International Airport Miami International Airport is the principal airport serving the central Metro Dade area. It is located im- mediately west of the City with access from LeJeune Road. It is one of the busiest airports in the United States with annual passengers passing through the airport approaching 15 million. Recent analysis** of the •Master Pan for Development New Port of Miami, Tippetts, Abbott, McCarthy, Stratton, February 1969. ••Florida Aviation System Plan, Phase ll, Stage C Report to MUATS Technical Committee, Landrum and Brown, March 5, 1975. 118 airport's capacity has indicated that it will reach its annual operations capacity of 450,000 prior to 1985. If cornmercial. aviation operations are to con- tinue to grow After that yE::ar, it 'wilt be necessary to divert in increasingly lre,iter proportion of the air- port's general aviation operations to Other airports in the region, As long as tots is accomplished, Miami Intern,ation,,', Air s,iithcient capacity to meet commercial aviiif ion needs until alter 1990. However, by the r'l,.; 1980's must of li airports now servirng genera: aviation are Expected to be reaching Capacity. Lyparlsi0n potentials It most airports, particular ly the most convenient, are lirm- ted. Therefore, alternative general aviation sites need t0 be found If the; griwt0 Ill ,lenerai aviation is going to be accornmoi,iateri The impact ot Miarni Internationali Airport on the City of Miami is piinf irsly in terms of traffic, noise and economic opporThe airport Siimajor traffic generator of bath traffic rr.ilatei to air pas- senger operations and trait reidted to tit!; major employment centers ;lssocidtrF; with the airport. Within the next few years it is planned to eaten i Douglas Rodii nl)rtleas-twat (1 ai'ross hie Miami River which will improve access to the airport area. 11 ih,; regional rapid transit system is constructed on sched- ule, then the airport hove direct transit access prior to 1985. More extensive access irnnn)vernents, including a r.lirect connection between the Airport. Expressway and the airport, and a shone linking the rapid transit lino and the major employers in the vicinity of the airport have also been proposed but are not programmed at this time. or.rn tPlwTY IO[ CUtr:TY trY ,thM E CAPACITY ARISON RMAT;ON DEVELOPED EiY METROPOLITAN DAOE COUNTY PART/4 4T 'OF TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION FOR SELECTED Y kr'LSJBASED ON AVAILABILITY OF TRAFFIC COUNT DATA. 1IU'ME/CAPACITY RATIO OVER-1.6 .4- air1.r r2 TO 1.6 • • • 1.01 1TO 1.2 uununnu MCNDP MIAMI CoMPPEMENSIVE Nt1ONNOPM000 DEVELOPMENT PLAN .876 TO 1.0 UNDER .876 Prepared by. WALLACE Mc HARO,ROEERTE AND TOOO Urban end teatotleel Marmara WWI THE CITY OR MIAMI OLANNINO OCOARTM ENT $ INTIONInminommumw— J 4 INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Vo' t ••.r 8 Ave Grand Ave 7-1- Ave N*54 Si NA ' TRANSPORTATION ELEMENT VEHICULAR CIRCULATION Expressway Arterial Collector AMU Sea Port '.4,100Che, ,u5oray 1 T4iSI Causeway • . in LOoleway •-•.„„ .111 r---- �aJ tr NW E2 St r INTERNATIONAL. AIRPORT NW 34 St a a 3 2 2 N W 36 St jc_,. JL I -�r NW 2B 5t IL F W E.por � -, II 1./N*is 1 A 1 gin_ _._.1,! L n 7 _ west claale.. 5' _ _.. 1 _Cn —1 JI 11 r sw 85 . __ __ JL Jt r r � r — 1I Il ,-3. NW 20 St 3 s II 0 N Co�nl *al If Grand Are - PamU9n3 Are B.scovne Boy Po TRANSPORTATION ELEMENT TRANSIT E. 1 • 0• 1 1 • Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) MRT Station MRT Station with Feeder Bus MRT Station with Shuttle Bus Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) PRT Station Rail Road Line 44.11, r7777.71 Sea Port • 0 z z B.Ico>no a .d HCi en Dace iv Come•oy 4 W 0 25 .5 1 10mH i • CSWY 'F74.115 _4RIVg Stt.7 Fr : �i-- EXISTING BUS ROUTES LEGEND LOCAL BLUE DASH ORANGE STREAKER JUUA TUTTLEISWY. ,11 • • ougumni UNE.er= Mtn isaimrsivi 1; �!II Auftionwroluid4truN ,111111 is • a 1980 FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION INTERSTATE •p.p■ ARTERIALS ....««.. COLLECTORS r ' ; • it AMTRACK ,PASSENGtfkt T 1,, 11 PORT Or MI41I 414.4 rs� RAILROAD, SEAPORT AND AIRPORT • No am ems. FLORIDA EAST COAST RAILROAD e _, _, um SEABOARD COASTLINE RAILROAD 3.9 UTILITY ELEMENT This portion of the Plan is concerned with the ade- quate provision of services and facilities related to requirements for potable water, drainage, sanitary sewer and solid waste as well as electric power and street lighting. SUMMARY The Dade Co.rnty Water Quality Management Plan proposed several strategies for meeting present and future demands for water which will exceed sup- plies now available. Water and sanitary sewer serv- ices are provided to the City by the Miami -Dade Water anti Sewer Authority, however the construc- tion and maintenance; of the %rater and sanitary sewer systems are the responsibility of the City Pub- lic Works Department. The City is presently served with potable .eater and this system is adequate for future growth in ail areas except the Downtown. The Water and Sewer Authority, however, already has a program tor installing high pressure mains in Down- town which will adequately serve future growth. The City Public Works Department is also respon- sible for the provision of local and areawide storm drainage systems. Drainage improvements are based on an observation and complaint basis and are coor- dinated with major street improvements. Sanitation services are provided on a bi-weekly basis as well as public property maintenance by the City Sanitation Department. Solid waste disposal, however, is being transferred to a County function and the City in- cinerator is to be closed down. Florida Power and Light (F.P.L.1 has prepared a plan in conformance with the Florida Electrical Power Plant Siting Act and can adequately provide electric power to the City through 1986. WATER SYSTEM Water is provided to the residents of the City of Miami by the Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Author- ity which was formerly the Department of Water and Sewers of the City of Miami. The authority op- erates three water plants and an interconnected system of high and low pressure water mains. Its service area includes all of the City of Miami plus much of the immediately adjacent area. Water for the system is obtained entirely from wells which draw water from the Biscayne Aquifer. It isa highly productive aquifer but relies entirely on the 119 nearly 60 in( ovc;r South Flor- ida for iepiencz irrierit Of the 60 dr-infra; raintaii inctles, rwar'y ; It iiizeit for consumptive purposes dm:I erlifirtior1 rernainin9 quantity annfial taini,d, rciiitAi.1\, unavailable for con siiniptive pur p..1!1 i this ctiniatcly uftect flit,: development ti, ifentsi 1,.1,,,if PLins tc)r TTLIO0 )js j r,!. • 1 Water 1Alf-iileu snitir.ant ,Ired Iliy; City oi %dm, is with 0111 areavviae. turn' jef.,\'sterns this is nut typ icully (i set low; otri-n) rAcmt n parts ot Little iison Park uni F,1`,11Wri, where both side inspaction, Jou tlar tocipdtion have I Irhijor fvoniian areas Presently, rfo major tin rir ' "ife r-,; ()vision u oulm sewers fix,sts.1i0.v; .;;;; , '; ; ont!,O,;,;),ISIS brob- Ien-, Lir nstdlia- - , It ,•,,t f.onfuriction with tin t ;hit' I100 o*, d ,rirt 1dDfl u MdiCir ,,,,rot rr0 1 uuo vuh tleHS 10 tth.' tO thC' ; C, An of 100 0, )• !:).(•-.1 r)))).•0211 (.1 •,..VtlY n(0) 1 )!'). ))1 1.)) .I) )0 ser,f),,s prof) 00 I)y tto tH„it intre s,di, into tnf rnore recent ,,reirr-s Silt vfiodar mit r riot,t!t't ihrol_;g!) ( )t TY'S, 00.y I im dry hdo ciroirir r I »r t Of rnaf or driiis sia iffitf.vork A secondary ristrit),rt on o, stern aiterc.unr,ec:ts tric_r trunk mains bus,ncsfici, air! 000 so that, dt9lrseflt, to dintire Cit.)/ ,s servd vvitf, Tne `,1.'ifter and SE:r.-,ier fifitt ity iwulyi,fis a or fyforrn lo; rista,,,n1 ,a3; nrfrffs, di; n,-,flins traer Dow', i [(Twin cluei.r.rately ow( Litiirrr pop:du-non ;Aroivvth, 01';sir thr 011 I1Lsysti.ind capa• SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM seryiiii_e to Oa,- City tdf Miami is aiso iity of ta,r r,\A;dmi- ii)airr; \1'uti„,ir <nni " A iti-sar.ty. At prt-fsent, all se.vayci coliectiid 1.),.;11 Af,t;iority is treated at the Virginia Key tredti—int t his ,s the tast major trt;atiThilit Glint 11,i3OrU lot the urbanized area arri V\MS comf-fiete, 956. 1khile trick rnains otakitiate, ne,ariv 1 frreds othe City, if suhstantidi :or tiffin ot thu Cit\,; does not have mei:Twine hubiR, sri,..vens Ti s IS pEirt,cularly true older. dens; ifistricts the i..iircist,r,y [)art ;;" ti ;a City. In addition, several oififir areas, hartiu,ifirly dung the coast and Miami River, nave o0 n poor condition or are operatinl niddr t ) !ri))..),t ..:11.11)))1 ‘Hf '1 tn) ')).)Set(ibl())) Over tne past 'ii.;ta ars, ',no City of Miami has undEir-- . rtide taken a pray-dm cxpund sewer service througta tfle Sciie bonds IrCor;;tJ1 impruvernents to trie sewer system. '7, lie inr-ipliffrnentation o pubHo sewers throurt, STORM WATER COLLECTION SYSTEM 0,,t the r sHit in the pifas,nii ,ridt of many private c; )ii, ct,r, systems. -fifes, syst,i.r-ris, "; i; C.', ".., ;Hs. 0 f; OVef 100 CA 1St In thu ,,nS(r.':Ort"I; Cirt,.-1S of tire aysten ; 11 r, :;; tiii; crust and City, coliect se:visit; primarOy ,v; tr con-irriercial dull Mr.: 0, r,s; Ot-'1,Sit',' 10('to 110151 110 the 0,1 trliflk r*-; Fees 1101 poI to tht: \.,1.'attJ r;f At ir; ,ir, azitif0 tile City, and Sv.ver Author ,', based21 tlic voifin-fc of sewage ird oysterire instinied2. .0 fist f-,erve pornpfid into tni; svi,tfn 01, 1,01110 tr,i tirlo001 '011rt),;';,; nosfi(() Concurrent," Inc ex,pansion of the scriziage col - no. , r; ,atfi.dock is iectior; system in in,. City, tne find Sewer r,;,,,, ,s fit); tne (,di..,ctr; 1 piJrCJiattiS Authority is exraandin ; the Virginia Key treatment Tyfi If', as major street projects plant to brief it into coniorrnance nationai Jai if.rri systians are elim- treatment li) us,- iindiffir rani.iffr, two ann iirraer aredv:iski systems dn.: installed. trona', treatment nionts be constructec-i-one in nortii Da, ie Courity and °nu in south Dade County. As the northerly and southerly areas of the City continue to grow, sewage generated within these areas will be diverted from the Virginia Key treat- ment plant and directed to the new plants. These two additional plants are expected to be in opera- tion by 1980. SOLID WASTE Sanitation services are provided on a biweekly basis as well as public property maintenance by tide City Sanitation Department. Solid waste disposal, however, is being transferred to a County function and the City incinerator is being closed down. ELECTRIC POWER AND STREET LIGHTING Florida Power and Light has preparr:dl a plan in con- formance with the Florida Electrical Power Plant Siting Act and can adequately provide electric pow- er to City residents through 1986. As par t of a City-wide program, the Public Works Department is presently l,ncfcrtaking improvements througf lout the City. The program consists of re- placing ()icier mercury vapor lamps with the more energy -efficient hien power sudiurn vapor lights. Presently, the Central Coconut Grove area, Brick - ell and all OVier areas north of S.IN. 8th Street, be tween 17th A\renue and Biscayne Boulevard have already been converted to high pressure sodium vapor lights. The physical form of light fixtures can significantly affect neighborhood appearance. Presently, most replacement sodi�rrn vapor fixtures are attached to existing utility poles, and iocated high above the street. Although his arrangement provi,les better light coverage, the res,,lting line of poles and lights is out of scale ,,vith most rc;siee:ntia, neighborhoods and dwarfs houses and people. Sevcrai areas of the City, however, nave recei✓rri evperirnentai irnple mentation of post -top light fixtures These fixtures stand on their .own light pole and when used in resi- dential neighborhoods are only 15-20 feet high. These fixtures are march better scaled for residential areas, and are a significant improvement over the utility poles. STRATEGIES 1. Provide Adequate Water Supply for Fire Safety. The National Insurance Services Office has identified a need for arditional fire hydrants in commercial areas and tf!ese should be provided. 2. Eliminate Drainage Problems. Progr,rmn1F.-- i i!nnruvtn]ents as well as needs iden- tifirei by Citizen Task Farces should be augmented with detai -.I ste-iv ar-i.1 monitoring of drainage problems. Appropriate storm ,.irainage solutions should he developed which alieviate flooding while promoting water conservate.)n. 3. Extend and Improve Sanitary Sewer System. The City silaild promote the sale of bonds to extend sanitary sewer services to the remaining unsewered areas in tlie-;western portions of the City as well as improving sewer problem areas. 4. Provide Additional Sanitation Services. Citizens in vAynwoo.l an,i portions of Coconut Grove have identified a need for concentrated "clean-up" services. This program should provide in- centives to private property owners for clean blocks. 5. Adopt Guidelines for the Location of Sub - Stations and Utility Lines. F.P.L. sub stations should he located on major ar- terials in non-residential areas and where they will not disrept the continuity of retail uses. Utility lines should be located underground and construc- tion should be coordinated with street improvements. 6. Provide Appropriate Street Lighting. Where possible, these fixtures should be employed in the areas that remain to be converted to sodium vapor. Fixture size, type and intensity levels should be appropriate to street scale and use. 121 N w •i •. • e _ ■ ■ • .. • _ ...IIIF N' ' :; -�.-: _ .:' -ce_ IN •re i'10 1iI0 / ri !or •'■ ,Yn 9.oe • '�+ • Ilia i•4 . t.ni.5 •114+t I•UM .� . .. Q � • SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM STATUS LEGEND f-j AREAS WITH SANITARY SEWERS WITHIN CITY LIMITS 02 AREAS WITH SANITARY SEWERS WHICH ARE EITHER VERY OLD. OPERATING NEAR CAPACITY AND/OR HAVE HIGH INFILTRATION HE AREAS WITH SANITARY SEWERS 1 DER CONSTRUCTION Mi SANITARY SEWERS RPM -CONSTRUCTION TO BEG11 FALL 1975 SANITARY SEWERS APPROVED -CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE DEPENDENT UPON SALE OF BONDS AREAS WITHOUT PUBLIC LOCAL SANITARY SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM { ' • C -. 1 NW62. ST NW 54 ST. AIRPQA NW 34 ST. 4 N at, z,NW2ost'' el `I iiiimi'Arg' 01782'414,v......,ER,,vii ,I I`l SW 8 Wk Q 1 e ORAL WAY V h i ;` N Ny - W IRD . ROPD. ' , SW 4C ST. -I -r . 0*LI}! I I ''vyY~, . ttirtAT qIV 's- SW 12 5 SW 22 ST. T. ' AMI NI TRAIL k Ili CC P.- la 3 W 14. • JULIA TUTTLE-6SWY. RICKENBACKER CSWY AREAWIDE STORM SEWERS 11111 0 0100 1000 *OM tlm 0000 1 LILT • IAMI CANAL SNAKE CREEK (A WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM LEGEND 1 1 EXTENT OF SALT WATER INTRUSION > 1000 PPM CHLORIDES ,, MAJOR WELL F I E L D EXISTING CANAL AND MAJOR SALINITY CONTROL S TO t E R DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM NOTE ; MAIN L;NES < 12" ARE NOT SHOWN SEWAGE, DRAINAGE, LIGHTING ININNINS Inemeis Construction & replacement of sanitary sewers Storm drainage improvements 77.1 Lighting improvements MOON fi monesommonise Monermilm biltWou ms Oman gamma mommoon mu wommem ap 1 MONS'S MANNANNNONNv,' FAINNNIONINNUNC tsxxX0XINNZ1ft: 451521' SSW • MSS N 4wPP" ematet*iiiisemens notamismemeamau . diamemmt,memonsmoximumameMeassim J;994rommtp,smommusssommomamosimesessu 66 6 .NRXMOXONIONNWINNXXXXONOWNne MONSIONSM XXXX0,0**MENRNNENNONONOWIN VINNIONSNO Rem*SIFT6,65MSXMOOMMX**XXORMO' X 66666 OX NNINSINNMIRNUlgela NINSOINNONNON4 Usissommor NNONNOOP N NON ' II • --) JbL jr 11 Pal .!? %XS • ONINPISP— MN' NO ; a ' c•J•••••• 3.10 INTER. GOVERNMENTAL COORDINATION This portion of the Plan is concerned with the re- lationship of this planning process to those of ad- jacent municipalities. SUMMARY To tinsare rowdination among the various agencies and levels 01 government concerned with planning and thu provision of services to the City, an Inter - Departmental Coorciinatiny Committee was formed, including,) all ,:epartments affected by the Plan and its Recornmerkiations. Information was exchanged, six District Puns were reviewed and revisions made. A Tecnnr:,ri Advisory Committee convened by Dade County will continue to review Plan recom- mendations and/or subsequent revisions. JURISDICTIONAL CONTROLS AND RESPON- SIBILITIES OF GOVERNMENT The City of Miami ,s the largest in area and popula- tion of the 27 incorporated municipalities in Dade County. Miami was incorporated in 1896 and since 1921 has ,.operated under the Commission -Manager form of Tnvernment Until 1956, the City derived its home role powers almost exclusively from the State, and the County haci virtually no control or jurisdiction over it or other incorporated municipal- ities. In 1956, Dade Co inty, the largest county in Florida, enacted the Home, Rule Amendment, authorizing its electors to adopt ar charter, under which the County Commission -Manager were given powers to deal with Cieinty wide problems. In 1957, Dade County adupte:i a constitutional charter and insti- tuted a metropolitan form of government. With the exception of public schools and the courts, the County provides major metropolitan services on a County wide basis. City of Miami services to residents include the fol- lowing: 1. Police and Fire Protection 2. Land Use Controls 3. Parks and Recreation 4. Sanitation and Garbage Collection 5. Local Storm Sewage 6. Building Code Enforcement 7. Local Street Construction, Lighting and Main- 123 tenance 8. Beautification 9. Operation of Municipal Facilities (Marinas, Orange Bowl, Marine Stadium) 10. Planning 11. Publicity and Tourism 12. Off Street Parking Cities may contract with or delegate their power to Metro to provide these services. Additional services, such as street improvements and sidewalk improve- ments, may be provided tnrouc;h special taxing dis- tricts. A special tax district in Downtown Miami, the Downtown Development Authority, has been established Trio Merino City Manager prepares an annual budget, funded mainly from general property tax revenues, Federal and State revenue sharing an 1 special fees. The County Manager's annual budget is funded principally by property tax revenges, Federal grants, Federal and State revenue sharing funds and special fees. Funds are allocated for major metropolitan services for all residents regardless of residency. In addition to City and County general operating funus and the approved or anticipated grants from the Federal government, the City and County have receiveci approval from their electorates over the last decade to float bonds for more than $650 mil - Hon for capital improvements, enabling them to avoid a ,"pay as you go" cash how and to initiate projects badly needed by the community_ More- over, the recently enacted Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 allows the City and Coanty to undertake capital improvements to cre- ate viable communities The State of Florida provides a wide spectrum of services in the City of Miami, including the follow- ing: 1_ Department of Health and Rehabilitation which provides services to elderl'y and handi- capped in areas of Health and Welfare. In ad- dition this Department administers Family Services. 2. Department of Commerce which deals with employment services 3. Department of Criminal Law Enforcement 4 Department of Motor Vehicles 5 Department of Natural Resources 6 Department of Transportation 7 Department of Health 8 Department of Environmental Regulation, 124 which deals with environmental management and pollution control. Other state offices in Miami include the Attorney General, Public Defen,ler, Division of Corrections, Retardation and Vocational Rehabilitation, and South Florida Flood Control aria Regiooal Planning Council. Dui: to the e'',i,,tr?dint of several State and County laws since 1970, Comnrehensive Plans and major develoonlnnt ,projects havc'. to he rwoewed and ap- proved by a series of nuhlic agencies. Saul', Icagis- lation inc,uales the Flur,:la Land and Water Environ- mental Managianerit Act of 1972, the Coastal Zone Management Act of 197:3, tier' Local Government Comprehensive Pi.arnirnl Act ut 1975 cnu the Dade County impact or of 1975. Federal agencies suc 0 as HUD, LEA and HEW pro- vide substantial hinds to local administrations for housing, community facilities rand social services. Most recently, ferf !,al tends from UMTA have been awarded for mass transit improve rent in thn County According to th,Local Gcvernineit Compr. hensive Planning Act, thr: City mast submit to guidelines and prod ,lures established by the State ti)r preraring a Comnrehnnsivrr Development Plan for the entire City. This Act mandates ail municipalities to adopt a Comprehensive Plan iw July 1, 1979. It also re- quires an inter -governmental coor,iination element, showing relationships ana stating principles and guidelines to be usrai ill the accomplishment of coordination of the adopter, Comprehensive Plans with existing or nroposad Plans of School Boards, adjacent municipalities, the County and County units providing services within the municipality. A Technical Advisory Committee, composed of rep- resentatives from the Da,le County 1:Vater and Sewer Authority, Port Authority and Board of Public In- struction, as well us representatives from Coral Gables, West Miami, El Portal, Miami Shores, North Bay Village, and Miami Beach, will be convened for this purpose. Sixty days prior to adopting c Con-ccnrehensive Plan, Miami has to follow specific review any, public hear- ing procedures, as specified in the 1975 Act. A detailed description of the jurisdictional controls and responsibilities of government and their relation- ships is given in the Appendix of this Report. STRATEGY The City of Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan should be coordinated with and related to the Comprehensive Plans of the State of Florida, Dade County and the Regional Planning Council and adjacent municipalities as such Plans exist or are prepared. 125 4.0 IMPLEMENTATION 4.1 CAPITOL INVESTMENT PROCESS INTRODUCTION The objective of this section is to describe the capi- tal improvement programming process to be car- ried out by Miami's Planning Department. This 6 year investment program will accompany the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan in draft form for the yews 1971-1983. A f inai 6 year program and 1 year capital Midget will be submitted by the Man- ager with tee 1977-1978 fKudget in the fall of 1977 for City Comm s;iun Diction. Although the City Code requites that e Planning Department prepare a Capital Irnpruvement Program, the process for pre- paring, reviewing, approving and updating this pro- gram is neat prescribed in detail. To introduce and institutionalize Jell a significant function into City operations will require the full approval and support of the City Manager's Office. This section has been written in a way to allow other City staff who might eventually participate in the process, to understand the history, require- ments, procedures and products of the Capital Im- provement Program. Material is organized as follows: — Definitions — Uses of the Capital Improvement Program — Rationale for Long Range Capital Program- ming --- Legal Requirements — Contractual Requirements — Previous Capital Improvement Efforts — Proposed Process DEFINITIONS The Capital Improvement Program ICIP) that the Planning Department proposes to develop with the assistance and participation of other City Depart- ments, the Manager's Office and the Planning Ad- visory Board is intended to serve as an official state- ment of the City's policy regarding long-range (6- year) physical improvements. It is recommended that the CIP be presented to the Commission each year to be approved in principle. The Capital Budget is the first year of the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) authorizing the ex- penditure of City, State, Federal and other funds administered by the City for that period. The Cap- ital Budget is proposed to be used by the Manager's Office in preparing annual operations budgets and 127 would be adopter) by the Commission at approxi- mately the same time as the Operations Budget is adopted. A Capital Improvement, as tentatively defined by the Planning Department, is any capital or "in kind" expenditure of $20,000 or more resulting in the acquisition, improvement or addition to fixed as- sets in the form of land, buildings or improvements, more or less permanent in character, and durable equipment with a life expectancy of at least 20 years. USES OF THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM It is anticipated that the capital improvement pro- gram will serve at least four uses, as follows: Public information guide of the City's devel- opment plans Official statement of the City's capital ex- penditure plans (for Federal, State and other funding agencies) Information source for private investors and financial institutions, which loan funds to fi- nance City projects Working tool for City departments RATIONALE FOR LONG RANGE CAPITAL PLANNING Although local and State legislation requires the City to prepare and adopt a CIP, there is a sound fiscal rationale for developing and regularly up- dating it. Three reasons are as follows: 1. Revenue is estimated and matched against capital needs 2. Policy for municipal borrowing and indebt- edness can be projected and planned for a long period of time 3. Annual expenditures can be established within a framework of long-range fiscal requirements LEGAL REQUIREMENTS Existing local codes and State statutes require that the City develop a capital improvement program, as follows: 128 City Code Section 2, pertaining to Administration, states "the department of planning shall develop a city capital improvement program ..." (Sec. 2-66). Section 62 pertaining to Zoning and Planning, states that the comprehensive olannIng program small incLide "tax- ing an-1 f,nunclal arLinlernents and long-ran'le capi- tal improvement t>rograrns deemed necessary to im- plement the planning program." (Sec. 62 1) County Code Section 11.8 in its entirety reads as follows: "All governmental units in Dade County will on or before October 1 of each year submit to the clerk of the county commission a report contain- ing information nn their respective capital im- provement projects which have been approved for the new fiscal year and which are planned for the succeeding six (6) fiscal years, siren reports to be submitted annually on forms provided by the planning department of the county, The clerk of the county commission shall, after re- cording receipt of each report, transmit the same to the county manager, who will, with the assist- ance of the planning department and the planning advisory board, review the submitted reports and thereupon prepare his recommendations which will, where appropriate, among other things, state the effect of such projects upon one another, recommend the appropriate coordination of the various projects by governmental unit and advise the compatibility of such proposed projects with the county's general land use master plan; whereupon, the county manager's recommenda- tions will be submitted to the county commis- sion on or before January 15 of each year." State Statutes The Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act of 1975, signed into iaw by Governor Askew in July, 1975, and incorporated as Chapter 380 of the Florida Statutes, requires that Miami prepare and adopt a Comprehensive Plan before July 1, 1979, specifically stating the following• "The econornc assumptions on which the plan is based and any amendments thereto shall be analyzed and set out as a part of the plan. Those elements of the comprehensive plan requiring the expenditure of public funds for capital improvements shall carry fiscal proposals relating thereto including, but not limited to, estimated costs, priority ranking relative to other proposed capital expenditures and pro- posed funding sources." (Section 7, paragraph 3) This law is particularly important since it requires that Miami adopt and execute its capital improve- ment programs in coordination with Dade County and other municipalities. The capital improvement program would become a legal instrument rather than simply an information document or a guide. CONTRACTUAL REQUIREMENTS The contract that the City has executed with Wal- lace, McHarg, Roberts and Toed, et al, requires that the City prepare a preliminary capital improve- ment program by October, 1976, with the assist- ance and advice of the consultants. This require- ment was included in the contract to guarantee that the Comprehensive Plan is economically fea- sible an+i iiSCally sound, as mandated by the Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act. It is intended that this preliminary capital improve- ment program serve as a supplementary document with the Comprehensive Plan, and that CIP be refined and finanzed otter October, 1976 to coin- cide with the preparation or the 1977-78 Proposed Budget. PREVIOUS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT EFFORTS City Efforts Although sporadic et forts have been made since at least 1950 to Cientify needed capital projects and schedule the implementation of projects over sev- eral years, the City has had no on -going capital im- provement programming process. Tile responsibility for preparing these lists and schedules has fluctu- ated between the Planning Department and the Public Works Department. The most recent effort was that made in 1975 by the Public Works De- partment to list all capital projects identified by City operating departments. In chronological order, the history of City capital programming is as follows: 1 In 1949, by City Commission resolution, a Long Term Capital Improvement Committee was established to work with the Planning Board. It consisted of twenty citizens and government panels, which proposed capital projects through 1975, No projects were eliminate.l, since the proposed 20 year schedule alluVveri completion of all projects. 2. During the middle 1950's the responsibility for capital impruvenient scheduling was trans- ferred to the Dcvpartment cif Engineering, which compiled a list of capital improve- ments "needed at an early date." 3. In 1958 and 1959, the Department of Engi- neering summarized the capital improvements considered necessary for the following six years. While this report suggested some funding sources, no effort was made to plan future revenues or to measure needs with revenues. The total six year program was estimated at $104,000,000, which, the report stated, would be "impossible to complete in six years." A supplement to this report attempted to iden- tify the impact of these proposed capital pro- jects on the operating budget. 4. In the early 1960's, the Department of Engi- neering focused its capital project program ef- forts on preparing a one year information document, for projects in the proposed Capi- tal Improvements Budget. It did not prioritize the projects nor did it analyze project financing. 5. In 1965, the Planning Departrnent made the first effort in City administration history to estimate revenues needed for capital improve- ments and to establish a dollar amount to be spent for each of six years on capital projects. Operational impacts were also analyzed in revenue projections. 6. The Departrnent of Public Works in 1972 published "Capital Improvement Information," listing various capital projects proposed for the City. This document did not consider the City's ability to complete the listed project nor did it attempt to prioritize them according to needs or benefits. Finally, as mentioned, the Depart- ment of Public Works prepared a list of opera- tional departrnent projects in 1975 but did not prioritize capital projects or identify reve- nue sources. The most significant deviation from prior City efforts that the Planning Department proposes to under- take with the assistance of other Departments is to 129 provide a more comprehensive list and evaluation of capital needs, to thoroughly analyze and esti- mate grants, loans and other revenues and to an- nually involve the Commission in the review and approval of capital improvements. County Efforts On June 4, 1976, the County Manager transmitted the Six -Year Capital Improvement Program: Sum- mary and Index 1976-1982 to the County Commis- sion. It is the first six year program prepared since 1964, and it contains 534 projects, valued at a little more than 3 billion dollars, and a proposed schedule of revenues needed to implement the program. The first year of the six -year schedule has been included by the County Manager in his Proposed Operating f3udget for FY 1976-77. The process used in preparing the program was con- sidered experimental, to be refined and expanded tc.r include municipalities and the School Board dur- ing the second cycle. Significant elements in the process include the following: The County Manager supported the concept of capital programming and provided the authority and necessary resources to have the CIP prepared. A Capital Improvements Technical Committee, consisting of six representatives from opera- ting Departments and the Capital Improvement Division of the Manager's Office, was estab- lished and delegated full responsibility by the Manager for reviewing and ranking projects. However, the Manager reserved the right to make modifications to the CIP before sub- mitting it to the Commission. The Capital Improvements Division developed an objective project evaluation and ranking system that could stand up in court. The County Manager has encouraged the City of Miami to participate in preparing the second year County CIP. PROPOSED PROCESS Over the past several months, Planning Department staff have carefully analyzed CIP processes utilized in Dade County and Philadelphia and have re- searched capital improvement programs of half a dozen major cities in the U.S. Project request forms 130 have been reviewed, prior histories of capital im- provement programming have been investigated and the relationship of programming to budgeting and planning has been analyzed. The City's plan- ning consultants have also provided guidance based on their capital improvement experience in Phila- delphia, Pittsburgh and San Francisco. Based on this research and analysis of other CIP processes, the Planning Department 'gas made several assump- tions about Miami's capitai improvement program process, namely 1. The first CIP process should be considered a pilot project for City administration to test project request forms and procedures, to in- troduce operating departments to the concept and methodology of capital improvement pro- gramming, to familiarize the Planning Advisory Board, the Commission and technical review committees witli the CIP process, to test meth- ods for project cost estimating and revenue projecting. 2. The first CIP process should attempt to gen- erate a comprehensive list of capital needs, estimate the total development and opera- tional costs of capital projects and anticipated revenues in determining the feasibility of the Comprehensive Plan and the priority of pro- jects on annual expenditure levels and identify tax support requirements for capital improve- ment spending. 3. Preparation of the first CIP will require the establishment of a technical review mechanism to check project and land cost estimates, to evaluate project urgency and the satisfaction of criteria, to identify and quantify opera- tional impacts as precisely as possible, to rec- ognize possible constraints in project schedul- ing or implementation (public hearings, in- consistencies with plans or public policy, special permits and approvals, etc.). 4. The project request forms and methodologies for project request evaluation be as consistent with Dade County's and as simple as possible initially, considering the time and rnanpower limitations and legal requirements (i.e., that the City submit its capital improvement in- formation on forms provided by the County. Ref: Section 11.8 of the County Code). Even if no legal requirement existed, the Planning Department believes that the project request form and methodology for evaluation used this past year by the County offers a good model to refine and duplicate. second ClP process should be much more exacting in terms of cost estrrnates, operational impacts and project scheduling and that the City's second process should be closely coor- dinated with the County's second C I P process. 6. The second six -year CIP will be submitted for approval in principal to the City Commission by the Manager and that the Cdpital Budget will he incorporated in the City Manager's Pro- posed Budget for 1977-78 for City Commis- sion adoption. The following PERT chart plots the more important steps in the capital programming process proposed by the Planning Department. Several of these have already been initiated, particularly those involving data collection. NON -CITY INPUT PRELIMINARY C.I.P. PROCESS TESTING PHASE ( FINAL C.I.P. PROCESS AND CAPITAL BUDGET PREPARATION. IMPLEMENTATION PHASE 131 CREDITS Prepared for the City of Miami City Commissioners Maurice A. Ferre, Mayor Rose Gordon, Vice -Mayor Theodore R. Gibson J. L. Plummer, Jr. Manoto Reboso City Manager Joseph R. Grassie Charles L. Crumpton, Assistant City Manager for Community Development Planning Advisory Board Grace Rockafellar, Chairperson Selma Alexander, Vice -Chairperson Isidro C Borja Frank Dannenberg, Jr. Ofelia T. Fernandez Mary Lichtenstein Cyril Smith William R. Rolle George J. Acton, Jr., Executive Secretary Citizens Task Force Our special thanks to all the many citizens of Miami's neighborhoods who participated in the committee meetings and public hearings leading to the preparation of this Plan. Inter -Departmental Committee Our special thanks to City and County Departments who participated in the review of neighborhood plans University of Miami Our special thanks to the University of Miami Center for urban and Regional Studies for their assistance in preparation of plans for the Overtown/Culmer Park areas. The preparation of this Plan was funded through Federal Revenue Eharing. This Plan was prepared by: Wallace, McHarg, Roberts and Todd Urban and Ecological Planners 2575 South Bayshore Drive Miami, Honda 33133 David A Wallace, Partner -in -Charge Richard W Huffman, Associate Partner -in -Charge Boris Drarnov, Protect Director Willy A. Bermello, Senior Planner John E. Fernsler, Planner Alyn C. Pruett, Planner Bonnie H Fisher, Planner Jane Laughlin, Graphics Dee Strickland, Graphics Russell Morasch, Graphics William Robinson, Graphics Margaret Dewey, Composition City of Miami Planning Department George J Acton, Jr., Director Joseph W McManus, Project Manager Jack Luft, Planner Matthew Schwartz, Planner Jose R. Casanova, Jr., Planner Brenda J. Rivers, Planner Matilde M. Ponce, Graphics Richard Butler, Graphics Theodore Baida, Graphics The capital improvement program, land use field surveys and inventory were prepared by Miami City Planning Department. Edward Lvnch, Planner -in -Charge Peirce Eichelberger, Planning Information System Subconsultants Economics: Hunter Moss & Company/Gladstone Associates 1401 Brickell Avenue, Miami, Florida Transportation. Environmental Design Group P.O. Box 1120, Winter Park, Florida Zoning. Dr. Ernest Bartley/F. Bair 1050 S. W. 11th Street, Gainesville, Florida Social Services. Social Research Consultants, Inc. 929 Majorca Avenue, Coral Gables, Florida OCTOBER 1l7d 4.2 REGULATORY PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT The City of Miami is presently revising the .text and district regulations within the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 6871 for conformance with the land use plan and recommendations of the Mi- ami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan. Essential to this revision is the understanding that future development in the City will, in most instances, be redevelopment. Consequently, the techniques utilized in this new zoning code will be very much particular in the context of redevelopment but ex- pand the scope of the existing regulatory program. This new zoning ordinance will make greater use of the techniques of planned development, special public interest districts, and both side and develop- ment plan review procedures for the particular uses to which each approach is peculiarly adapted. The principle of Transfer of Development Rights has particular applicability for the Miami Central Busi- ness District (CBD), the proposed Mass Rapid Tran- sit (MRT) station areas, the Miami Riverfront Dis- trict and others. Along TDR, two additional new tools to be employed within the revised zoning or- dinance will be the systems of Land Use Intensity (LUI) and Minimum Property Standards (MPS), developed by the Federal Housing Administration. The LUI and MPS establish a broad range of inten- sities, standards for open space and recreation, and coordinate the regulation of height, bulk, lot cover- age, etc., and in such a manner have a substantive advantage over the older "prescriptive zoning straight -jackets" which unnecessarily constrain de- sign without corresponding public benefits. Certain areas of the City have been singled out as appropriate for change in the regulatory framework. The guidelines for this change are discussed in each of the plan elements and especially in the Commun- ity Design Element. Accompanying this report is an analysis of the existing zoning ordinance prepared by Dr. E.R. Bartley and Bair, Abernathy and Asso- ciates, Inc. The analysis sets out recommendations for modifying the concept of land controls within the City. This report and the Comprehensive Neigh- borhood Plan will serve as basis for revising text and district regulations of Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 6871. 133 4.3 DEVELOPMENT PROSPECTS INTRODUCTION All of the market data, analysis and land planning being conducted for the City of Miami will repre- sent a benefit to the City only if the plan leads to development that meets the market needs and pro- duces adequate revenue in the form of jobs and real estate taxes in particular. In the Economic Technical Appendix (under sepa- rate cover) there is an in-depth study titled "An Analysis of the Fiscal Impact of Selected Classes of Land Use." This report lists the comparative net fiscal impact of various types of development, listing the total revenue that can be expected by the City from the development against which is charged the total governmental costs. For the vari- ous types of categories analyzed the total fiscal impact for the various types is as follows: Tvoe 100 Unit Rental Apartment 100,000 Square Foot Office Building 60,000 Square Foot Retail Establishment 50,000 Square Foot Indus- trial Plant 50,000 Square Foot Whole- sale Establishment 300 Room Hotel Net Annual Fiscal Impact $ 6,607 profit $ 7,410 profit $ 4,079 profit $ 990 profit to 769 Ioss $ 1,847 loss $15,935 loss In the categories of industrial, wholesale and hotel showing negative figures, it must be understood that the benefits from this type of improvement can come from the jobs provided and not directly from the real estate. It thus becomes obvious from this study that any future development should be mindful of the net fiscz.' impact figures listed above. These must be weighed against the opportunity of the City making an investment in certain types of real estate in the form of subsidy or land cost write -down that might possibly discount the fiscal impact figures listed above by giving the stimulus for job opportunities for City residents. LAND INVENTORY When zoning categories have been revised into cate- 135 gories consistent with the proposed 1986 Land Use Plan, the breakdown by individual classifications will be as follows. Residential 11,662.33 acres Commercial and Mixed Use 2,784.14 acres Manufacturing and Marine Industrial 1,504.25 acres Open Space and Government Use 1 424 86 acres Total 17,375.58 acres As of July 1975, the total vacant land witrlin the City limits plus two major areas that co'nd be ad- ded is redevelopment possibilities are as follows: Vacant 1,418.43 acres FEC Yards 60.21 acres Dinner Key _ 42.35 acres Total 1,520.99 acres Major land areas including the two redevelopment possibilities listed above that are avafiable at this time are as follows: FEC Yards Dinner Key Claughton Island Fair Isle Blue Lagoon (two tracts) 17th Avenue & North River Drive 22nd Avenue at Miami River N.W. 7th Avenilr' between 8th & 11 th Sts. (HUD Acquisition) N.W. 3rl:i Avenue bet'weeri I-395 & 20th St. (HUD 4..duisition) Total 60.21 acres 42,35 acres 40.04 acres 21.65 acres 21.77 acres 5.07 acres / _ 33 acres 22 24 acres 2 7.58acres 248.75 acres The above acreage fi.:tures were taken Irom informa- tion supplied by the Department of Pianuing of the City of Miami. The above IISt (eoes not presume to be lima; since there are other tracts , f llround that presently reproved that, lr;<rrdnce, c���,1�1 be added to the vacant land inventory for fi iture development. However, It IS skit llllcan 1 re,ll/E' that of tilt; 1,521 vacant acres, inci�l )irl�l trl�: F EC anti properties, 249 acres pan he labr'ferf ,is for development dn‘_i in a size that wow, i justify a ma- jor rieveioprrient euro. The remaining 1,272 acres elf vacant land are prin- cipally in parcels of one acre of less and a majority 136 are scattered individual lots that exist within im- proved neighborhoods. Development Opportunities This report lists 30 development opportunities covering a broad spectrum which are classified below under their use categories: 1. Transit Stations Brickell Avenue "Five Points" 27th Avenue Douglas Road Culmer Park 28th and 36th Street Manor Park 2. Industrial FEC Yards Garment Center 3. Commercial Little River -Biscayne Plaza Biscayne Boulevard Design Plaza Brickell Avenue Coconut Grove Little Havana S.W. 8th Street Martin Luther King Boulevard 4. Residential Edgewater New In -town Residential Blue Lagoon Medical Center 5. Mixed Miami CBD Miami Riverfront Coral Way Shell City 6. Government and Institutional Government Center Mercy Hospital 7. Recreation Watson Island Dinner Key 8. Educational Virginia Key It is impossible for any city to act on such a list of development needs and opportunities all at one time. The list, however, is an impressive one and at- tention will be given to those specific projects that are considered to be of the highest priority. ''High- est Priority" relates to such elements as preventing neighborhood deterioration, providing job oppor- tunities, providing new housing, creating a new in- dustry and supporting existing facilities that have already been constructed. These selected development opportunities will be covered in the paragraphs that follow under the appropriate use designations. Transit Stations Seven stations have specifically been mentioned as development opportunities and they can be lumped into a single opportunity when the effect of a tran- sit station is understood. Transit stations attract people to a single point in similar fashion as trolley car transfer points such as 17th Avenue and 36th Street in Allapattah. This attraction of people to a single point represents an opportunity for the development of retail stores and, also, of multi -family housing, usually in mid - rise or high-rise buildings. Since there is an objec- tive to reduce automobile use and encourage ped- estrian traffic, it is essential that the housing be brought in as close as possible to the actual transit stations. This trend has already occurred in other American cities that have already completed their transit systems. However, it is felt that the transit systern's com- pletion cannot be expected before 1982 and, there- fore, no immediate development is needed but fu- ture opportunities are available because of the in- dicated locations of the stations. Industrial FEC Yards: The FEC Yards have lain practically dormant and unused with the disappearance of the need for large marshalling and freight yards. This 60 acre tract is one of the most dominant pieces of real estate within the City limits and its develop- ment could trigger a major revival in an area that is in need of employment. Because of the unique location of this tract of ground fronting on 36th Street and its eacy access to the major expressways, plus the servicing of the tract by rail, the land lends itself particularly to in- dustrial development. This development has not oc- curred already because of the unwillingness of the present owners to either develop the property themselves or sell it to others at a reasonable price. The tract should be laid out carefully as a campus - type industrial park which could become a show- place. Important employment would be provided to those in the immediate area, and there would be a beneficial reaction on adjacent real estate. Development financing for suck a project could be worked out through private sources, but it might be necessary for the City to acquire the land from the present owner and write -down the cost to a figure that would be economical for the developer of the industrial park to whore the property would be sold. Such a write -down could be for as much as $3.00 per square foot, or nearly $8 million dollars. Such a figure is of staggering size, but it is felt that such investment on the part of the City would have a chain reaction effect on adjacent real estate es- pecially that to the south of 29th Street between the FEC tracts and 1-95. Commercial This heading includes both retail and office space which are so often linked together. This is true in the above list of commercial development oppor- tunities, but two in particular will be covered in greater detail. Little River -Biscayne Plaza: The Little River -Bis- cayne Plaza commercial center roughly is bracketed on the east by Biscayne Boulevard and on the west by N.E. 2nd Avenue and is bisected by N.E. 79th Street. These are all important traffic arteries. The statement has already been made the encouragement should be given to the consolidation of this area into a single district in order to promote office expan- sion in the Little River area and concentration of retail in the Biscayne Shopping Plaza. A negative factor in achieving this end is the fact that the even flow of development is interrupted by the 79th Street access being cut by the New River Canal and by the main right-of-way of the FEC Railroad. Furthermore, the continuing success of the Biscayne Plaza shopping area has been threatened by the heavy 137 concentration of retail facilities along 169th Street to the north of this area in Dade County. It would seem appropriate that in order to consolidate the Little River commercial area and Biscayne Plaza, particular attention should be given to improved access, elimination of incompatible uses and an overall revitalization of the outdoor amenities and facilities in order to give the area the charm that has been lost. The Biscayne Plaza shopping area is difficult for the motorist to approach because of the heavy traffic on Biscayne Boulevard and N.E. 79th Street. Also, interior circulation is difficult and redesign of this might even make necessary the demolition of some of the vacant stores. The Little River commercial area should concentrate on im- proving on what they have already created, inclu- dign a new office building and not hope for too much expansion in the future. Brickell Avenue: A second development area that deserves particular comment is Brickell Avenue along which has been developed a number of Mi- ami's newest office buildings. Downtown Miami, unfortunately, is spreading its office buildings rather than concentrating them with three prin- cipal locations being Brickell Avenue, Downtown flanking Flagier Street and the new buildings and facilities surrounding the Ornni project. Brickell Avenue still has vacant sites for further expansion but it is felt that attention must be given to easing the flow of traffic, especially at peak hours, and the providing of hetter eating and retail facilities for the increasing number of people who come to this area on Monday through Friday to work. Mixed Use Miami River: Over the years, the Miurni River has been a working river relating principally to the boat and fishing industries. Because of poor policing, the beauty of the river was marred by forgotten dere- licts and an overall tawdry appearance. As the com- mercial ventures have now been concentrated into a few major operations, land has become available for other uses which brave included the Holiday Inn Mo- tel, the former publishing plant of the Miami News, now occupied by Master Charge, and growing num- bers of residential structures. There are available vacant sites along the river including two already mentioned at N.W. 17th and N.W. 22nd Avenue. There are others in the area that are ripe for rede- velopment. 138 In order to enhance the opportunity of the river - front for further development, the clean-up cam- paign along the river must be continued and inhar- monious new uses should be restrained or restricted. Miami's river is one of its great assets and can be re- stored to a thing of beauty. The City's role will be principally one of maintenance and policing. Pri- vate enterprise, including private money, should make possible future development which will in- clude hotels, mid -rise and high-rise apartments, res- taurants and small office buildings. 36th Street: Another area that deserves special com- ment in relation to mixed use is N.W. 36th Street between N.W. 7th Avenue and N.W. 27th Avenue. This street with its commercial zoning has suffered heavily with the construction of the East-West Ex- pressway which lies immediately to the north of the street. The former commercial establishments located along this street have floundered with the loss of automobile traffic along 36th Street which formerly was a principal east -west artery. This Mas- ter Plan revision recommends a change from com- mercial to mixed use zoning which would allow resi- dential uses to be mixed with retail. Since this area is principally dominated by Cubans who are famil- iar with the mixed use concept, it is felt that this change will provide an incentive for new develop- ment which would eliminate much of the run-down appearance that prevails throughout the length of this street. Residential Comment will be made concerning three principal residential development opportunities that will have major impact. Edgewater: The first is Edgewater --that area north of Omni flanked by Biscayne Bay on the west and run- ning north to 36th Street. This area would have de- veloped in similar fashion to the Brickell Avenue area if development had not been hampered by inade- quate street layout. Unfortunately, the east -west streets run from Biscayne Boulevard and dead-end at the Bay. With no opportunity for circulation, all development has been limited to such uses as would be willing to located on a street that dead -ends at a cul-de-sac. If the City could construct a single north - south street at the bay or create road loops tying together the east -west streets similar to that which already exists at Point View in the Brickell area, resi- dential developments would occur in spite of the fact that the majority of the sites are small. Devel- opers would assemble sites in order to give them the necessary plottage and the benefit to the City in repayment for the street construction would be increased land values and, therefore, taxes. In•Town Residential: A New In -Town Residential Community is a constant dream of planners in all cities being studied throughout the United States. The older residential areas that surround Down- town have declined in value as lower income groups moved into the housing and much of it has been the target for urban renewal. A particular area in Miami that lends itself to a new residential commun- ity is adjacent to Bicentennial Park, Omni and Down- town. It has the advantage of accessibility to all of the Downtown facilities and, also, to the expressway system. This area is currently of mixed residential and com- mercial use and would, undoubtedly, require re- newal treatment. If a large enough area can be ac- quired it would be possible to create a dramatic plan that could produce housing for the middle -income market. If such housing is to be developed and fi- nanced privately, the City will have to provide sub- sidies which could be in the form of land write -down, real estate tax protection or even rental subsidy. It is not possible to come up with the total dollar investment that the City might have to make with- out a preliminary project plan which would allow the preparation of a feasibility study. Medical Center: A third area that lends itself to resi- dential development, even on a mixed use basis, is that bordering the Medical Center, especially be- tween N.W. 12th Avenue and N.W. 17th Avenue. Because of the heavy employment within the Med- ical Center, there is a need for more housing that would make it possible for employees to walk to work. A zoning change has been recommended in the Comprehensive Plan, and it is felt that this will be a boon to the area and immediately attractive to the developers. The City's investment would be minimal, but the benefits will be great in the form of increased taxes commensurate with the higher density permitted for future use. This would be similar to the trend that has already taken place in that portion of Brickell Avenue facing the bay be- tween 15th Road and Rickenbacker Causeway in which the zoning change from R-1 to R-5 has stim- ulated development and, also, increased the City's tax base. Low/Moderate Income Housing: As has been pointed out before, there is growing need for housing at the medium and low income level, while there is an oversupply of housing for the upper income seg- ment of the population. This distortion is a direct result of the high cost of construction and the high cost of land. Only those in the upper income brack- ets can afford much of the new housing that has been constructed in recent years. Recreation Dinner Key: Perhaps one of the most dramatic op- portunities available to the City is the development of Dinner Key into a major recreation -oriented com- plex. Dinner Key was originally the seaplane ter- minal for Pan American World Airways when their operations centered around the use of flying boats. At the end of that era, the property was taken over by the City for use as a City Hall and the hangars have been used by Merrill Stevens for a private op- eration, by the Coast Guard and, also, by the City as an auditorium. If the Merrill Stevens leases can be acquired by the City, a 42 acre tract will then be available for development, assuming that the City will move to a permanent City Hall location, Din- ner Key with its present complex of boat slips and moorings and with the nearby presence of the two Yacht Clubs, is already a boat haven. The off -shore islands create a harbor giving protection to boats from winds sweeping across Biscayne Bay. Miami has never given proper focus to its place in the marine and boat world. Virginia Key and Watson Island are possible alternate locations, but it is felt that Dinner Key is superior because of the easy access to all parts of the City and the backup pro- vided by the Coconut Grove area. A 42 acre site at Dinner Key could be created into a Marine Center with approximately 400,000 square feet of improvements that would house a boatel, boat apartments allowing the occupant to moor his boat underneath his unit, restaurants, boat oriented retail facilities including sales, and boat storage and repair. A lagoon area could be created for a semi -permanent boat show facility. The cost to the City for creating this site is basically the cost of acquiring the present Merrill Stevens lease. All land is presently owned by the City. 139 SUMMARY Riverfront and Little Havana areas would especially profit from an emphasis in these two industries. The City of Miami, which is in a period of flux cen- tered around the movement of population, has typ- ical problems that relate basically to unmet needs in the housing sector. Because of the high cost of construction and land, little housing is being created for the low and middle income families. There is available land but, in order to make sure new hous- ing is available, government in the form of the City, the County, the State or the Federal Government will have to produce funds that will be used for land acquisition, land cost write -down, tax sub- sidy, rent subsidy and, possibly, direct financing of private development. No attempt has been made to determine the total costs since that would have to result from a more sophisticated feasibility study. However, the cost could lie between $25 and $50 million dollars depending upon the extent of the programs undertaken. Such an expenditure would actually be an investment on the part of govern- ment since there would be a return in the form of higher assessments and taxes, and have a chain re- action effect on surrounding neighborhoods that would be improved by the development. Further, there would be increased job opportunities for the residents of the City. The developments suggested are in no way pie -in - the -sky. They are needed and they will be attrac- tive to private developers who, of course, will have to work intimately with the City in the carrying out of their programs. Highest priority is given to the acquisition of the FEC yards which have lain dormant for too long. It is recommended that the City have an in-depth feasibility study made of this important facility in order to determine what would be its exact cost and what benefits would accrue not only to the developer, but also to the City. In addition, the opportunity for the City to expand its tourist in- dustry and establish an Inter -American Trade Cen- ter should also be of very high priority although not necessarily related to site specific project(s) like those mentioned previously. Miami's unique potential for an increase in both trade and tourism can be credited to its water -oriented amenities and subtropical climate; a strategic location within the western hemisphere, especially in regard to Central America and the Caribbean; and its growth as a bi- lingual City. The Downtown, Brickell, "Omni", 140 4.4 CONTINUING PLANNING PROCESS 01.1115.1.111. Ordinance 8195 provides for the creation of a Plan- ning Advisory Board (PAB) and Zoning Board as well as for the development of a comprehensive planning program which recognizes the purpose and intent of the City of Miami in guiding its future growth and development. The two boards established have been given the authority and responsibility to undertake this comprehensive planning program which will consist of reviewing and recommending to the City Commission on how the comprehensive plan, or portions thereof, guide and accomplish a harmonious development of the City, both prior to and following the adoption by resolution of the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan 1976- 1986, by the City Commission. In addition, the City Planning Commission, under the authority of the City Manager, will work in dose cooperation with both boards and other de- partments and related committees. The Planning De- partment will keep the PAB informed of progress and status of the work involved in the continuing comprehensive planning program. At least a mini- mum of once every 5 years, and a maximum of once every two years, the Planning Advisory Board will review the comprehensive plan to determine whether changes in amount, kind or direction of development and growth of the City, or parts thereof, make it necessary to make additions or amendments to the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan. Essential to the success of the continuing planning program and the role of the Planning Advisory Board, Zoning Board, Planning Department and other related entities participating within such a process, will be effective communication and adequate information. Establishing an ample and clear communication with the citizenry and different interest groups, re- garding the purpose and intent of policies es- poused by the plan, as well as the progress made in its implementation, will be instrumental in attrac- ting and maintaining their uspport for the plan. Con- tinuing citizen participation will be of critical im- portance in evaluating the plan and formulating future City-wide objectives. The City of Miami, like any other city, is under- going constant change. The existing stock (either housing or commercial structures) is aging, becoming obsolete, deteriorating, as well as being periodically maintained, repaired or rehabilitated. Similarly, the 141 City's population is continuously changing; every- day people are being born, are dying, moving from one place to another, becoming employed or un- employed and adopting different family life styles. The rate of change is continuously increasing and changes, both in the physical and social environ- ments, are highly correlated. In order to be able to identify, quantify and eval- uate these interrelated trends, a highly sophistica- ted information and monitoring system is needed. Such an information system will not only give the City the capabilities to evaluate the benefit -cost effectiveness of different programs but, also, the capacity to predict and anticipate potential prob- lems and thus allow the City to act positively in preventing these from occurring rather than just reacting to them. Ordinance 8195 states that: "... such plans (referring to the comprehensive plan) or parts thereof, as may relate to geographical areas or functional classifications shall be based on existing and anticipated needs ..." and thus under- lines the importance for an information -monitoring system to be developed by the City of Miami. 142 3Y'.i(2akYt2'a�^4.2�?: ro4n1¢•�tlY!�evae�aenu.w.......0 5.0 CAPITAL NEEDS LISTS 5.1 CAPITAL NEEDS LIST PLANNING DISTRICT A NORTHEAST, EDISON-LITTLE RIVER, MODEL CITY HOUSING AND RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOODS 1. *Rehabilitation Assistance for residential struc- tures in need of repair. It is estimated that 27% of the housing stock is in some need of repairs. 2. *Clearance involving condemnation, acquisi- tion and relocation, assistance is recommended for 1% of the housing stock or 135 dilapidated units. 3. *Neighborhood Housing Service, coordinating financial, governmental and neighborhood efforts to make available below market interest rate loans, high risk loans and initiate self-help programs among area residents. This program should be implemented in residential areas categorized as transitional. 4. *Neighborhood Information Service, assist community organizations in maintaining quality and promote new development. 5. *Modernization of Public Housing, Edison Courts, Victory Homes and Liberty Square are all in need of extensive physical renovation. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Redevelopment 1. *Martin Luther King Boulevard, the redevel- opment of NW 62nd Street between NW 6th-17th Avenues into a viable commercial and residential boulevard. Public assistance in land acquisition, assembly, clearance and site improvements are re- quired. 2. *Shell City, the redevelopment of the 10± acre Shell City site for commercial and residential use will require publicly -subsidized development. 3. Industrial Expansion, of the Lemon City - Little River Industrial District will require public assistance in land assembly, tax abatement and site improvements. Direct Financial Assistance 1. *A Commercial Loan Fund Program should be established in order to provide local businesses with commercial rehabilitation loans, at below market 'Denotes High Priority in the Community. 143 costs, small business loans and "seed monies." Public Improvements 1. A Comprehensive Public Right -of -Way Im- provements Program has been recommended for those commercial streets which have a high level of pedestrian activity. The right-of-way improve- ments include tree planting, swale area improve- ments, street furniture, parking and other roadway improvements. — Biscayne Boulevard from 54th Street to 87th Street — 79th Street from Biscayne Bay to 1-95 — NW 2nd Avenue from 39th to 60th Streets — NW 54th Street from 7th to 13th Avenues — NW 7th Avenue from 40th to 64th Streets — NE 2nd Avenue from 36th to 47th Streets — NW 17th Avenue from 43rd to 47th Streets — Little River Commercial Center -area bounded by North Miami Avenue, FEC right-of-way, NE 78th Street and Little River Canal — Design Center -area bounded by North Miami Avenue, Biscayne Boulevard, NE 36th Street and NE 42nd Street TRANSPORTATION 1. New Mini -Bus System interconnecting com- munity facilities and activity generators in the Edi- son -Little River area. 2. *Bus Shelters and Terminals at major transfer points: — NW 36th Street and Biscayne Boulevard — NE 62nd Street and Biscayne Boulevard — NE 79th Street and Biscayne Boulevard — NE 79th Street and NE 2nd Avenue — NW 62nd Street and NW 7th Avenue — NW 54th Street and NW 2nd Avenue — NW 46th Street and NW 17th Avenue Parking 1. *Parking Facilities. New and additional off- street parking facilities should be provided in the Design Center, Little River Commercial Center, Biscayne Boulevard (60th Street), Martin Luther King Boulevard, adjacent to the proposed Manor Park Transit station and within the Lemon City - Little River Industrial District. 144 Arterials 1. Street Widening along the following routes as part of Dade County's Decade of Progress Bond Program. — NW 12th Avenue, from Airport Expressway to north City limits — 46th Street from 1-95 to west City limits — 62nd Street from 1-95 to Biscayne Boulevard — Biscayne Boulevard from 54th Street to north City limits — NW 71st Street from 1-95 west. 2. Intersection Improvements at the following locations: — NE 36th Street and Biscayne Boulevard — NE 2nd Avenue and Biscayne Boulevard — NE 38th Street and Boulevard — NE 79th Street and Boulevard — NE 79th Street and NE loth Avenue — NE 79th Street and NE 2nd Avenue — NE 79th Street and North Miami Avenue — NE 79th Street and NE 2nd Avenue — NW 62nd Street and NW 7th Avenue — NW 62nd Street andNW 10th Avenue — NW 62nd Street and NW 15th Avenue — NW 62nd Street and NW 17th Avenue — NW 54th Street and NW 7th Avenue — NW 54th Street and NW 10th Avenue — NW 54th Street and NW 12th Avenue — NW 54th Street and NW 17th Avenue — NW 46th Street and NW 17th Avenue 3. Computerized Signalization improvements along the following routes: — Biscayne Boulevard — NW 7th Avenue — NW 36th Street — NW 79th Street — NW 82nd Street 4. *Truck Routes, the signing of designated streets for routing of trucks and other commercial vehicles. Local Streets 1. New Streets, the acquisition of right-of-way and the construction of new streets. — Extension of NE 4th Court from 79th- 82nd Streets — Extension of NE 80th Terrace over the 'Denotes High Priority in the Community. Little River Canal - Entryway into the Design Plaza 2. One Way Street System in the Design Plaza (NE 38th, 39th, 40tn acid 41st Streets will require appropriate si 3. Street Improvements (arterial and local) - Resurfdo' „Ind h-)9.O nitIf.f, of streets - fi1 - Constnlct slut;A'.clli:;. ;Ilona 4b b3 I1li C'S of street Bikeways 1. Pavement striping and signs be pi oV'.iied for an art�a-'I,iiie Dike`: J.. major par ks and education,,; r .;'.ono re,rl rea,vily travel- led streets. Pedestrian Circulation 1. Pedestrian Pathway Network be .devel- oped comprising enings, street turni- ture, landscaping and ties: punting, and other amen. ities along the .:IcI Irl i s IFS«.1s - Biscayne Bouit^,ar.i trurn NE 54te Street to north City limits - 59th Street {riinl NE 2nd to NW 2nd Avenue. - NW 2ndi Avende frpm Ail port Expressway to NW 62nd Street - NW 62nd Street frlim NW 2n.! Avenue to NW 17th Avenue - NE 2nt; A;rrnnl,''r ,r:NE 78-t. ' the Little River Canal, r!e.m Airp,:r 1 t_.,"itress.',ay to 42nd Street; from 58th 62mt1 Streets - NW 46ti, Street from NW" 7tlr ti) 17th Avenues - NE 80th -terrace horn Bis:uyne Boulevard to NE 2n., OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION *Play Facilities -Improvement to Existing Facilities 1. Eaton Park, .5 ucres 2. Stearns, 5.4 dt..res 3. Magnolia, aL:l!,:. 4. Atlial,e R�;r �,t r'Ji 2, 1.6 acres 5. Edison Corem:,nity, 11.9 acres 6. Legion, 13.5 acres 7. Morriinijsni._', 33.7 acres 8. Manor Park, 28.4 acres 9. Crestwood, 1.0 acre 10. East Bay Vista, 1 acre 11. West Buena Vista, 1 acre 12. North Bay Vista, 0.5 acre 13. Pullman Mini Park, 4 acres 14. South Bay Vista, 0.5 acre 15. Belle Meade, 0.4 acre 16. Biscayne Heights, 0.3 acres 17. Martt'll, 0.0 acre 18. 54til Stn;et Mini Park. 0.5 acre *New Park Development 1. Little Rio-.r Mint -Park (NE 80th Terrace) 2. Little Rl',ei Canal Walkway and Park 3. Edison North Neighborhood Park 4. Tacolcy 5. African Sgl;are 6. Nlodet City Neighborhood 7. Buena Vista Neighborhood 8. Northeast Neighborhood 9, Neighborhood Facility *Expand Existing Parks 1. Edison Community Park to NW 4th Avenue New Mini -Park Development 1. Design Center 2. Little River Commercial Center 3. Little River Canal Play Facilities -Improvement to School Playgrounds 1. Morningside Elementary School 2. Shadowlawn Elementary School 3. Orchard Villa Elementary School 4. Holmes Elementary School 5. Little River Elementary 6. Northwestern Senior High School 7. Allapattah Junior High School 8. Miami -Edison Senior High School *Play Facilities -Improvement of Recreational Facilities at Public Housing Projects 1. Edison Courts 2. Victory Homes 3. Liberty Square Shuttle Boat Service to Picnic Islands *District A has a need for additional 104 acres of usable park and open space. 'Denotes High Priority in the Community. 145 • PUBLIC SERVICES AND FACILITIES Health 1. *Ambulatory Health Care Center providing primary treatment in the Edison Little River area. 2. *Comprehensive Neighborhood Facility for the Edison -Little River area. 3. *Day Care Centers adjacent to employment centers. Education School Renovation 1. Little River Elementary 2. Shadowlawn 3. Miami -Edison Senior (will be converted to Middle School) 4. Morningside 5. Orchard Villa Public Safety New Fire Station for Company No. 9 *Improved Police Protection in Commercial Areas UTILITIES *Upgrade Sanitary Sewers 1. Northeast Community 2. Baypoint 3. Little River Commercial Center *Expansion of Sanitary Sewer System to areas pre- sently unsewered 1. Columbia Park 2. Manor Park Upgrade local drainage Lighting 1. Expand the sodium vapor lights to Shorecrest Area. COMMUNITY DESIGN 1. A comprehensive tree planting program, City- wide is being recommended. Specific landscape 146 treatment, street furniture, lighting, floor treat- ments, etc. are delineated for the different types of streets which comprise the City's highway net- work. The streets have been categorized according to land use, intensity of development, street geom- etry, traffic volumes and observed pedestrian activ- ity. (Refer to Pedestrian Circulation/Transportation.) *Denotes High Priority in the Community. MIME IJIIIMII■IAIIMIIIIINI 5.2 CAPITAL NEEDS LIST PLANNING DISTRICT B BRICKELL HOUSING AND RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOODS 1, *Neighborhood Housing Service, coordinating financial, governmental, and neighborhood efforts to make available below market interest rate loans and initiate self-help programs among residents, should be implemented in residential areas categor- ized as transitional. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Redevelopment 1, Industrial expansion in the following districts will require public assistance in land assembly, tax abatement and site improvements: — Marine industrial area on south side of Mi ami River from Miami Avenue to 1-95. Direct Financial Assistance 1. A commercial loan fund program should be es- tablished in order to provide local businesses with commercial rehabilitation loans at below market costs, small business loans and "seed monies" along Miami Avenue and S.W. 8th Street. Public Improvements 1, *A Comprehensive public R.O.W. improve- ment program has been recommended throughout Brickell. Improvements such as tree planting, side- walk widening, parking, lighting and street furniture along commercial streets as well as improved load- ing/docking facilities, larger turning radii, and wider streets within the industrial districts enumerated below, will be required: — S.W. 8th Street (commercial related) — 10th Street (transit station related) -- Miami Avenue (commercial related) — Marine Industrial Area along River TRANSPORTATION Parking 1. * Parking Facilities should be provided in the designated parking districts serving the central resi- dential redevelopment area. A wide variety of meth - 'Denotes High Priority in the Community. 147 ods can be employed in site acquisition, develop- ment, operation and financing of these facilities. Highways 1. Street widenings along the following routes will improve traffic: — 7th Street from Brickell to 1-95 — 1st Avenue from Miami River to 15th Road 2. Replace the following old and narrow bridges over the Miami River: — Miami Avenue Bridge — Brickell Avenue Bridge — 2nd Avenue Bridge 3. Construct a new bridge across the Miami River at S.W. 1st Avenue to provide a new arterial con- nection to Downtown. 4. Intersection improvements such as street widen- ings, left or right turning lanes, left turn signals, im- proved corner radii or pedestrian crosswalks, are needed in order to improve safety and reduce ac- cidents at the following locations: — S.W. 8th Street and Brickell Avenue — S.W. 7th Street and Brickell Avenue — S.W. 1st Avenue and 15th Road — S.W. 13th Street and Coral Way — Federal Highway and Brickell Avenue 5. Computerized signalization improvements at selected intersections along the following routes: — South 7th Street — South 8th Street — Brickell Avenue 6. Street improvements by way of two capital programs — Resurface 14.5 miles of local streets — Rebuild 2.5 miles of local streets Bikeways 1. Pavement striping and bike signs should be pro- vided for an area wide bikeway system linking major parks and educational facilities along non -heavily travelled streets. Pedestrian Circulation 1. •A pedestrian pathway network should be developed, comprised of sidewalk widenings, 148 unique street furniture, landscaping and tree plant- ing, pedestrian lighting, floor treatments and other amenities within the following areas and reinforc- ing linkages among them: — Mass rapid transit station area — Brickell Avenue office core 2. Pedestrian information systems to facilitate movement, and increase safety, should be provided (i.e., clearly marked crosswalks, traffic divertors, pedestrian -activated traffic signals, etc.) OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION 1. Play Facilities —Improvement to Existing Facil- ities: — Southside Park — Brickell Park 2. Play Facilities —Improvement to School Play- grounds: — Southside Elementary 3. "New Park Development: — Bayshore Drive Bayside Promenade PUBLIC SERVICES AND FACILITIES Education 1. * A Community School Program should be instituted in the Southside Elementary School. General Welfare 1. *Develop a Neighborhood Facility which will operate as a multi -purpose community center hous- ing welfare, preventive mental health care, local health care and other services at Southside Elemen- tary School after its relocation. UTILITIES Sewers and Drainage 1. Replace sanitary sewers in the following areas as part of a City-wide program of system mainten- ance and improvement: *Denotes High Priority in the Community. — The general area bounded by the Miami River, Brickell Avenue, the railroad and 13th Street. — The interceptor server from Brickell Avenue and 12th Street to 2nd Avenue and 7th Street. COMMUNITY DESIGN 1. "A City-wide tree planting program is recom- mended. Specific landscape treatment, in addition to street furniture, lighting, floor treatments, etc., are delineated for the different types of streets which comprise the City's highway network. The streets have been categorized according to land use, intensity of development, street geometry, traffic volumes and observed pedestrian activity. (Refer to Pedestrian Circulation/Transportation.) •Denotes High Priority in the Community. 149 DISTRICT B: CENTRAL (Cont.) HOUSING AND RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOODS Culmer 150 1. Rehabilitation Assistance for residential struc- tures in need of repair. In Culmer 53% of the housing stock is in some need of repair. Priority areas sug- gested for rehabilitation treatment are: Highland Park, Overtown and Dorsey Park. 2. Clearance, including relocation assistance should be considered for the 17% of Culmer's housing stock or 1,378 structures which are dilapidated. 3. Neighborhood Housing Services, coordinating public efforts to make available below rate market interest loans, high risk loans and self-help programs, should be implemented in residential areas categorized as transitional. 4. Publicly -Assisted Housing should be limited; provided only upon a careful examination of po- tential sites for acquisition, clearance, development and impact. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Economic Assistance 1. Establish economic development assistance on a City-wide basis with emphasis in Culmer on NW 2nd Avenue and NW 3rd Avenue. 2. A commercial loan fund program should be established in order to provide businessmen with commercial rehabilitation loans at below market costs, small business loans and "seed monies." 3. Establish a job development placement center. Development 1. Assistance in the development of a shopping plaza. 2. Provide amenities such as beautification, ped- estrian improvements and distinctive lighting in business areas. TRANSPORTATION 2. Upgrade park maintenance and recreational programs. Transit Improvements 1. Implement Stage I of the Rapid Transit Sys- tem, on the FEC right-of-way and NW llth Street, with stations in Government Center, NW 8th Street and NW llth Street. 2. Provide jitney services in areas remote from MTA routes. 3. Develop bus shelters. Parking 1. A parking facility should be provided at the NW corner of NW 2nd Avenue and NW 10th Street. Highways 1. Street improvements are recommended for the 4.7 miles of streets that need resurfacing; the 1.7 miles of streets that need curbs and gutters and the 0.9 miles of streets that need rebuilding. The prior- ity local street improvements are: — the area bounded by NW 6th and 10th Streets from NW 3rd Avenue to the FEC Railroad — Highland Park street resurfacing — NW 7th Avenue curbs and gutters between NW 7th and 14th Streets 2. Provide trash receptacles. 3. Provide handicap ramps. Pedestrian Circulation 1. A pedestrian pathway network should be devel- oped, comprised of sidewalk replacement and widen- ing, street furniture, pedestrian lighting and other amenities around the rapid transit stations and con- necting major parks. OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION 1. New Park Development: — Mini -parks are proposed in two areas: Dorsey and Highland Park — Bicycle lanes and a pedestrian green path from Rainbow Village to Lummus Park — Extension of the Miami River Walkway PUBLIC SERVICES AND FACILITIES Government 1. Develop governmental facilities: — Government Center — Federal Post Office Education 1. Develop a new Senior High School. General 1. Convert Culmer Center to a Teen Center and landscape the neighborhood facility. Social 1. Expand day care services for pre-school child- ren and school children. 2. Provide transportation services for the elderly especially to Jackson Memorial Hospital. 3. Provide an emergency housing center. 4. Provide congregate housing for handicapped youth. 5. Consider expansion of primary health care services. UTILITIES Sewers 1. Improve the sanitary sewer capacity in High- land Park. Lighting 1. Replace wood utility poles with concrete poles. COMMUNITY DESIGN 1. A City-wide tree planting program is recom- 151 mended. Specific landscape treatment, in addition to street furniture, lighting, sidewalk pavement treatment, are delineated for the different types of streets which comprise the City's highway net- work. The streets have been categorized according to land use, intensity of development, street geom- etry, traffic volumes and observed pedestrian ac- tivity. Under this program, for example, 4,420 trees would be required in Culmer. 152 DISTRICT B: CENTRAL (cont.) Downtown HOUSING AND RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOODS 1. Rehabilitation Assistance for residential struc- tures in need of repair. It is estimated that 61% of the housing stock is in need of some repairs. 2. Clearance involving condemnation, acquisi- tion and relocation, assistance is recommended for 19% of the housing stock or 393 dilapidated units. 3. Development of New -Town -in -Town. 4. Construction of publicly -assisted housing for elderly and student population. Possible sites include: — 2nd Street between NE 1st and 2nd Avenues. Existing municipal parking lot. Use air rights deck. — East side of NW 1st Avenue between 4th and 5th Streets. Air rights deck over existing Off Street Parking Authority lot. -- West side of NE 2nd Avenue between 5th and 6th Streets. Site consists of parking and 3 structures —service station, warehouse, cleaners-1.3 acres. — East side of NE 1st Avenue, between 4th and 5th Streets. Just north of Community College. Site consists of First Methodist Church parking and dilapidated house-1.09 acres. — North side of NE 3rd Street between Bis- cayne Boulevard and 2nd Avenue, adjacent to McDonald's. Consists of parking lots, old hotels-1.1 acre. — Southeast corner of NE 3rd Street and 2nd Avenue-10,000 square feet (about'/4 acre). — 400 block of NE 2nd Avenue, east, near People's Bank. Consists of the Detroit and Toledo Hotels-18,750 square feet or .43 acres. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Redevelopment 1. Development of Commercial Plaza along east bank of Miami River. Project would include fish and farmers' produce market complemented by a restaurant and small specialty stores. 2. Farmer's Produce Market at 10th Avenue and NW 20th Street. 153 TRANSPORTATION 1. Mass Rapid Transit System 2. People Mover system 3. Bus shelters at major transfer points (recom- mended by County Public Works, F.Y. 177-178). — 3rd Avenue and SE 1st Street — 1st Avenue and SE 1st Street — East Flagler Street near W. 1st Avenue — 2nd Avenue and NE 10th Streets Parking New office development in the Core Area should provide no more than 30 percent of total parking needs on site. Additional off -site parking should be developed in the following areas of the Down- town: — Transportation Center — Within or adjacent to the Government Center. Arterials 1. Street Widening along the following routes, in cooperation with the Florida Department of Trans- portation: — SE 2nd Street, 2nd Avenue to Miami Avenue — North 1st Street, Biscayne Boulevard to the Miami River — Biscayne Boulevard north of NE 5th Street — SE 4th Street near its intersection with Miami Avenue — West 1st Avenue, between NW 8th and 11th Streets. 2. Street realignments and extensions to relieve existing congestion problems at the following loca- tions: — East 3rd Avenue realignment and extension to NE 1st Street and possibly to NE 5th Street — West 1st Avenue extension to NW 8th Street — Biscayne Boulevard —Port Boulevard separa- tion with overpasses between both 5th and 6th Streets — Dupont Plaza improvements —consists of a multi -level ramp for 1-95 feeder, Biscayne Boulevard, Brickell Avenue. 154 Local Streets 1. Street Improvements (arterial and local) — Resurface and reseal 1.6 miles of streets — Overlay (5/8 inch asphaltic concrete on 6'/2 miles of streets) — Construct curbs and gutters along 5 miles of streets. Crossings and Causeways 1. The Decade of Progress Bond Program recom- mends reconstruction of the following bridges. Funding is offered for design only. — SW 1st Street crossing over the Miami River — SW 2nd Avenue crossing over the Miami River 2. The State Secondary Road Program recommends the following improvements and repairs: — Miami Avenue crossing over the Miami River (tunnel or bridge) — Venetial Causeway repairs — Eventual reconstruction of Venetial Cause- way — DuPont Plaza/U.S.1 crossing over the Miami River Bikeways 1. Pavement striping and signs should be provided for an area -wide bikeway system linking major parks to each other, to residential areas, and to river crossings serviced by bikeways. The bikeway system in the Downtown Area should begin in the south at the Miami Avenue Bridge (crossing the bridge), follow the Miami River Walk to Biscayne Boulevard Way, and continue north alone the east side of Biscayne Boulevard. At NE 14th Street the bikeway would follow NE 14th Street (on the south side) to North Bayshore Drive continuing north on the east side of Bay Shore. Pedestrian Circulation 1. A Pedestrian Pathway Network should be developed composed of sidewalk widenings, street furniture, landscaping and tree planting, arcades, and elevated walkways and plazas along the follow- ing streets: — NE 2nd Avenue, 1st Street to the Commun- ity College — East 1st Avenue, River Waik to SE 2nd Avenue — SW 1st Street, South Miami Avenue to SE 2nd Avenue — Miami River Walk, 2nd Avenue Bridge to Flagler Street — In conjunction with rapid transit stations. OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION 1. New Park Development: — linear park along FEC Railroad — Completion of Miami River Walk — Major park in heart of Government Center — Larger scale open space with lakes, canals in New -Town -In -Town 2. Expand Existing Parks: — Bayfront Park to include Ball Point — Bayfront Park to include the FEC property adjacent to Bayfront Park 3. New Mini -Park Development: — NE 3rd Avenue, between Flagler and 2nd Street — 50 NE 1st Street PUBLIC SERVICES AND FACILITIES Cultural — Dade County Central Library — Dade County Art Museum 2. Tourism: — Convention Center — Watson Island COMMUNITY DESIGN 1. A comprehensive tree planting program, City- wide is being recommended. Specific landscape treat- ment, street furniture, lighting, floor treatments, etc. are delineated for the different types of streets which comprise the City's highway network. The streets have been categorized according to land use, intensity of development, street geometry, traffic volumes and observed pedestrian activity. (Refer to Pedestrian Circulation/Transportation.) 155 DISTRICT B: CENTRAL (cont.) HOUSING AND RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOODS Wynwood 156 1. Rehabilitation Assistance for residential struc- tures in need of repair. In Wynwood 33% of the housing stock is in some need of repair. Two areas are singled out for priority rehabilitation treatment: — The Wynwood residential area, bounded by NW 29th anti 36th Streets, from 1-95 to the FEC Railroad. — The eastern portion of West Edgewater, bounded by North 15th Street and North 36th Street, from the FEC Railroad to Bis- cayne Boulevard. 2. Clearance activities, including relocation assis- tance for displaced residents, is recommended for only 4% or 281 of Wynwood's housing stock, which are dilapidated structures. The majority of these are found in the Garment Center, West Edgewater and portions of the Wynwood residential area. 3. Neighborhood Housing Service, coordinating efforts to make available below market rate loans, high risk loans and self help programs should be implemented in residential areas categorized as transitional. 4. Publicly -Assisted Housing should only be pro- vided upon a careful evaluation of potential sites for acquisition, clearance and development. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1. Industrial development in the following districts will require public assistance in land assembly, tax abatement and site improvements: — Garment Center, from NW 20th to 28th Streets from 1-95 to NW 2nd Avenue — Industrial district, NW 22nd Terrace and NW 2nd Avenue — Industrial district, NW 20th to 29th Streets on NE 2nd Avenue — Industrial district, NW 2nd Avenue to Mi- ami Avenue, 25th Street to 29th Street 2. Comprehensive commercial development, in- volving land assembly assistance, public improve- ments and a revolving loan fund to provide business- men with commercial rehabilitation loans at below market costs, small business loans and "seed monies" are required in the following areas: — NW 2nd Avenue, NW 29th Street to 36th Street — NE 2nd Avenue, NE 22nd Street to 29th Street 3. Commercial district beautification including public improvements such as landscaping and street furniture within the public right-of-way are required in the following areas: — Biscayne Boulevard, NE 22nd Street to 29th Street — NW 36th Street, Miami Avenue to FEC Railroad TRANSPORTATION Parking 1. Parking facilities should be provided in the following areas: — the Garment Center — the commercial area on NW 2nd Avenue, from NW 29th to 36th Streets — the commercial area on NE 2nd Avenue, from NE 22nd to 29th Streets — the commercial area on Biscayne Boulevard from NE 22nd to 29th Streets — the Midtown activity center — the 36th Street area — Biscayne Boulevard and NE 2nd Avenue, from NE 29th to 36th Streets Highways 1. Street widenings are proposed, as follows: — NW 20th Terrace, between the FEC Rail- road and Biscayne Boulevard — NE 29th Street, between NE 2nd Avenue and Biscayne Boulevard 2. New trafficways are proposed as follows: — a connection between NW 1st and Miami Avenue in the vicinity of NW 25th and 28th Streets — expanded access across the FEC Railroad — a new north -south industrial service road between the FEC Railroad and NE 2nd Avenue, north of 20th Street 3. Intersection improvements, such as turning lanes, left -turn signals, improved corner radii or pedestrian crosswalks are needed in order to im- prove safety and efficiency at the following inter- sections: — Biscayne Boulevard at NE 36th Street — NE 2nd Avenue at NE 36th Street — NW 2nd Avenue at NW 29th Street — Biscayne Boulevard at NE 15th Street — NE 2nd Avenue at NE 14th Street — NE 17th Street at Miami Court 4. The street system and turning radii at major intersections should be modified for industrial use within the Garment Center. Cul-de-sacs or looped streets should be provided at streets which presently terminate at Biscayne Bay or the FEC Railroad. 5. Street improvements are required as follows: improve edge conditions of 2.4 miles of streets; re- surface 9.3 miles of streets and rebuild 4.3 miles of streets. Priority street improvement projects are: — NW 2nd Avenue, between NW 29th and 36th Streets — NW 30-35th Streets, from NW 2nd Avenue to North Miami Avenue, and NW 1st Ave- nue, from NW 29th to 35th Streets — Donmoore area, bounded by NW 25th to 29th Streets, between NW 2nd Avenue and North Miami Avenue — NW 29th Street, from 1-95 to Biscayne Boulevard — NW 20th Street — NW 1st Avenue, from 20th to 29th Streets 6. A one-way street system should be designated on narrow streets between NE 2nd Avenue and Bis- cayne Boulevard. Bikeways 1. Pavement Striping and bike signs should be provided for an area -wide bikeway system linking major parks and educational facilities along non - heavily travelled streets. Priority projects include. — NW 5th Avenue, from NW 22nd to 37th Avenues — NW 29th Street, from 1-95 to Biscayne Boulevard — NW 2nd Avenue, from NW 29th to 37th Streets — North Bayshore Drive/North 19th Street from 15th Street to the FEC Railroad — 15th Street/Venetian Causeway, FEC Rail- road to Miami Beach 157 Pedestrian Circulation 1. A pedestrian pathway network should be devel- oped, comprised of sidewalk widenings, street furni- ture, landscaping and tree planting, sidewalk pave- ment treatment and other amenities within the fol- lowing areas and reinforcing linkages among them: — Garment Center — NE 2nd Avenue, NE 22nd to 29th Streets — NW 2nd Avenue, NW 29th to 36th Streets — NE 28th Street Inlet at Biscayne Bay — Biscayne Boulevard, between NE 22nd to 29th Streets — Biscayne Boulevard, north of NE 29th Street and south of NE 22nd Street Provide handicap ramps. OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION 1. Play Facilities —Improvement to Existing Facilities: — Roberto Clemente Park 2. Play Facilities —Improvement to School Play- grounds: — Robert E. Lee Junior High School 3. New Mini -Park Development — Wynwood residential area — Garment Center — West Edgewater — Donmoore — NE 28th Street Inlet 4. Docking facilities on Biscayne Bay should be provided. PUBLIC SERVICES AND FACILITIES General Welfare 1. Continue development of the neighborhood facility as a multi -purpose community center to ex- pand the level of coordination and accessibility of existing programs, and to provide space for addi- tional agencies desired by the community. 2. Increase elderly services such as meals -on - wheels, mobile library and health care units. Im- prove elderly transportation to social and com- 158 mercial services. 3. Expand local general medical services to re- duce the dependence on Jackson Memorial Hospital 4. Develop and expand existing day-care facilities. 5. Expand organized recreational programs for children of all age groups. UTILITIES Sewers and Drainage 1. Separate the combined storm/sanitary sewer system throughout the Wynwood/Edgewater area. Local storm drainage structures will be constructed throughout the area. The priority area for separated systems is: — the area bounded by NW 28th to 36th Streets, from 1-95 to North Miami Avenue Lighting 1. Expand the sodium vapor lighting system to that section of Edgewater, east of Biscayne Boulevard. COMMUNITY DESIGN 1. A City-wide tree planting program is recom- mended. Specific landscape treatment, in addition to street furniture, lighting, sidewalk pavement treatment, etc., are delineated for the different types of streets which comprise the City's highway network. The streets have been categorized according to land use, intensity of development, street geometry, traf- fic volumes and observed pedestrian activity. For example, in Wynwood 6,240 trees would be required. 5.3 CAPITAL NEEDS ITRICT C PLANNING S COCONUT GROVE-SHENANDOAH HOUSING AND RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOODS 1. *Rehabilitation Assistance for residential struc- tures in need of repair. In Coconut Grove -Shenan- doah, 25% of the housing stock is in some need of repair. The highest percentage is found in Census Tracts 71 and 72 bounded by 27th Avenue, Dixie Highway and Franklin Street. 2. Clearance involving condemnation, acquisi- tion and relocation is recommended for 11/2% of the housing stock or 200 dilapidated structures. 3. *Neighborhood Housing Services, coordinat- ing financial, governmental and neighborhood ef- forts to make available below market interest rate loans, high risk loans and initiate self-help programs among area residents, should be implemented in resi- dential areas categorized as transitional. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Redevelopment 1. Industrial Expansion in the following areas will require public assistance in land assembly, tax abate- ment and site improvements: — Industrial district north of Dixie Highway between Douglas Road and Jefferson Street and south of Bird Road — Marine industrial area at Dinner Key between Aviation and Pan American Drive Direct Financial Assistance 1. *A Commercial Loan Fund Program should be established in order to provide local businesses with commercial rehabilitation loans, at below mar- ket costs, small business loans and "seed monies" in the Black Grove Area particularly. Public Improvements 1. A comprehensive public R.O.W. improvement program has been recommended throughout Coco- nut Grove -Shenandoah. Improvements such as tree planting, sidewalk widening, parking, lighting and street furniture along commercial streets as well as improved loading and docking facilities, larger turn- ing radii and wider streets within the industrial dis- tricts listed below, will be required: •Denotes High Priurity in the Community. 159 * — Grand Avenue from Dixie Highway to Mary Street (commercial related) * — Main Highway, McFarlane Road, Virginia Street and Fuller Street in Downtown Co- conut Grove (commercial related) * — Coral Way from 29th Avenue to 12th Ave- nue (commercial related) — Bird Road from Mary Street to 27th Ave- nue (commercial related) — Industrial area north and west of Dixie Highway and Douglas Road TRANSPORTATION Parking 1. Parking facilities should be provided in Down- town Coconut Grove (garage-500 cars); Black Grove retail center on Grand Avenue (parking lot —50 cars); Coral Way at 17th and 23rd Avenues (parking lots-50 cars each). Highways 1. Street Widenings along the following routes will improve traffic flows: — 27th Avenue from Dixie Highway to Bay - shore Drive (4 lanes) — 17th Avenue from Coral Way to Dixie Highway (4 lanes) 2. Intersection Improvements such as street widenings, turning lanes, left turn signals, cross- walks and striping are needed to improve safety and reduce accidents at the following locations: — Dixie Highway and 17th Avenue — Dixie Highway and 32rd Avenue — Dixie Highway and LeJeune Road — 27th Avenue and Bird Road — Bayshore Drive and 17th Avenue — Grand Avenue, Main Highway and Mc- Farlane Road 3. Street Improvements by way of three capital programs — Improve edge conditions on 32 miles of local streets — Resurface 15 miles of local streets — Rebuild 1 mile of local streets 160 Bikeways 1. Pavement striping and signing for 30 miles of bikeways along local and secondary arterials. Pedestrian Circulation 1. A pedestrian pathway network should be devel- oped comprised of sidewalk widenings, unique street furniture, landscaping and tree planting, pedestrian lighting, floor treatments and other amenities within the following areas: — Transit stations at 37th, 27th Avenues and 32nd Road — Downtown Coconut Grove — Coral Way — Black Grove Retail Center and Grand Avenue 2. Pedestrian information systems to facilitate movement and increase safety should be provided. OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION 1. Play Facilities —Improvement to Existing Facilities: — Grand Avenue Park — Virrick Park — Peacock Park — Dinner Key — Silver Bluff Park — Douglas Park 2. Play Facilities —Improvement to School Play- grounds: — Dade Elementary — Silver Bluff Elementary 3. New Park Development — Incinerator Park — Fuller Street Urban Plaza — Douglas and Grand "Checkers Park" PUBLIC SERVICES AND FACILITIES Education 1. Community School Program for Silver Bluff Elementary •Denotes High Priority in the Community. UTILITIES Sewers and Drainage 1. Construct Sanitary Sewers in the following areas: — All areas north of Dixie Highway — Entire area south of Loquat Street COMMUNITY DESIGN 1. *A City-wide tree planting program is recom- mended. Specific landscape treatment, in addition to street furniture, lighting, floor treatments, etc., are delineated for the different types of streets which comprise the City's highway network. The streets have been categorized according to land use, intensity of development, street geometry, traffic volumes and observed pedestrian activity. (Refer to Pedestrian Circulation/Transportation.) *Denotes High Priority in the Community. 161 5.4 CAPITAL NEEDS LIST PLANNING DISTRICT D LITTLE HAVANA HOUSING AND RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOODS 1. *Rehabilitation Assistance for residential struc- tures in need of repair in Little Havana. 31.2% of the housing stock is in some need of repair. The major- ity of these structures are found in census tracts 36.02, 52, 53, 54.01 and the northern portion of 66. 2. Clearance involving condemnation, acquisition and relocation assistance is recommended for 1% of Little Havana's housing stock or 379 dilapidated structures. Approximately 9("Yo of these are found in census tracts 36.02, 52, 53, 54.01 and the northern portion of 66. 3. *Neighborhood Housing Service, coordinating financial, governmental, and neiuhhorhood efforts to make availabl€.. below markr,'t interest rate loans, high risk loans and initiate self-help programs among area residents, should be implemented in residential areas categorized as transitional. 4. *Public Assisted Housing for the elderly and low/moderate income families should be provided upon a careful evaluation of the following potential sites for acquisition, clearance and development: — Corner of South River Drive and N.W. 1st Street (35,000 sq.ft.) — Almost the entire block of N.W. 1st and 2nd Streets between 1 1 th and 12th Avenue (3 acres) — Corner of S.W. 14th Avenue between 5th and 6th Avenues (35,000 sq.ft.) — Mid -block between S.W. 1st Street and 2nd Street and 15th and 16th Avenues (11/2acres) — Southern portion of the block between S.W. 8th and 9th Avenue and 1st and 2nd Streets, adjacent to the Little Havana Community Center — S.W. 17th Avenue and 2nd Street (1.79 acres) — N.W. 7th Avenue and 1st Street (3.44 acres) — S.W. 1st Street and 9th Avenue (1.52 acres - Community Center) — S.W. 17th Avenue and 6th Street (1.71 acres) — S.W. 1 1 th Avenue and 6th Street (3 acres) — S.W. 1st Street and 6th Avenue (1.36 acres) — S.W. 5th Avenue and 3rd Street (3.44 acres) 'Denotes High Priority in the Community. 163 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Redevelopment 1 1. *Little Havana Commercial Center, a redevel- opment proposal for an eight block area around the intersection of Flagler and 12th Avenue can be realized through public assistance in land acquisi- tion, assembly, clearance and site improvements. 2. *Riverfront Redevelopment District, a redevel- opment proposal for a 23 acre area adjacent to the Miami River can be realized through public assis- tance in land acquisition, assembly, clearance and site improvements. Direct Financial Assistance 1. *A Commercial Loan Fund Program should be established in order to provide local businesses with commercial rehab loans, at below market costs, small business loans and "seed monies." Public Improvements 1. *A Comprehensive Public R.O.W. Improve- ments Program has been recommended throughout Little Havana with special emphasis on those com- mercial streets which represent major opportunities as a result of their pedestrian activity, image and capacity for expansion. The R.O.W. improvements include tree planting, floor treatment, street furni- ture, lighting, parking and other roadway improve- ments. — SW 8th Street from 1-95 to 27th Avenue — Flagler/S.W. 1st Street from South River Drive to 22nd Avenue — Coral Way from S.W. 12th Avenue to S.W. 32nd Avenue — 17th Avenue from S.W. 8th Street to Flagler Street — 12th Avenue from S.W. 8th Street to N.W. 7th Street — 8th Avenue from S.W. 8th Street to South River Drive — South River Drive from S.W. 8th Street to 8th Avenue `These projects will be contingent upon voter approval of the tax increment financing and tax abatement proposals. 2Bus reroutings are not included since they won't necessitate aug- menting the stock of buses. 164 TRANSPORTATION Transit Improvements2 1. *New Bus Route to the Airport and industrial sectors of Hialeah by route of LeJeune Road and S.W. 8th Street/6th Street corridor. 2. New Mini -Bus system interconnecting the S.W. 8th Street and Flagler corridors. 3. Bus Shelters along S.W. 6th Street at every block between the 1-95 expressway and S.W. 22nd Avenue. 4. *Elderly Transportation on a dial -a -ride system. Parking 1. *Parking Facilities in both commercial and resi- dential areas within the designated parking district should be provided. A wide variety of methods can be employed in site acquisition, development, opera- tion and financing of these facilities. 2. *One Way Street System Expansion will re- quire appropriate signalization improvements. Highways 1. Street Widenings along the following routes as part of Dade County's five-year street improvement: — S.W. 22nd Avenue to four lanes — S.W. 17th Avenue to six lanes between S.W. 8th Street and Flagler Street, and four lanes elsewhere. 2. Intersection Improvements at "Five Points" through the closure of S.W. 3rd Avenue to through traffic in order to reduce the number of legs at the traffic light. 3. Computerized Signalization improvements along the following routes: — N.W. 7th Street—N.W. 12th Avenue to LeJeune Road — Flagler Street—W. 2nd Avenue to LeJeune Road — S.W. 1st Street—W. 2nd Avenue to 24th Avenue 'Denotes High Priority in the Community. — S.W. 8th Street—W. 2nd Avenue to LeJeune Road — 27th Avenue 4. Street Improvements by way of four capital programs. — Improve edge conditions on 1 .4 miles of local streets -- Resurface and reseal and provide edge im- provements to 10-1 Miles of local streets — Resurface; and reseal 35.9 miles of local streets — Rebuild 2.6 miles of local stir Bikeways ets 1. Pavement striping and signs should be provided for an area -wide Bikeway system linking major parks and educational facilities along non -heavily travelled streets. Pedestrian Circulation 1. *A pedestrian pathway network should be de- veloped comprised of sidewalk widenings, unique street furniture-,, Ianrlscaping and tree planting, ped- estrian lighting and other amenities along the follow- ing streets. — S.W. 8th Street frum 1-95 to S.W. 27th Avenue — Flagler Street from Soutn River Drive to 22nd Avenue — S.W. 1st Street from South River Drive to 22nd Avenue — Coral Way from S.W. 12th Avenue to 32nd Avenue — S.W. 17th Avenue from S.W. 8th Street to Hagler Street — S.W. 12th Avenue fruni S.W. 8th Street to N.W. 3rd Street — S.W. 8th Avenue from S.W. 8th Street to South River Drive — S.W. 15th Avenue frurn S.W. 1st Street to Orange Bowl — S.W. 3rd Street from South River Drive to S.W. 16th Avenue — South River Drive from S.W. 8th Street to N.W. 8th Avenue — Cuban Mernoriel Boulevard 2. *Pedestrian information systems to facilitate movement and increase safety should be provided (i.e., clearly marked crosswalks, traffic cfivertors, pedestrian activated traffic signals, etc.) OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION 1. Play Facilities —Improvement to Existing Facilities: Heri Ir rsen Par k Ist'r; MiniParks)(3.6 acres) * Rivi p Parr. 13.5 .kits) Cot ,,l Gat,_ P,if . 13 7 acres) Bryan Par t2 1 ecresI - nan.ival, Perri. (10 acres) 2. Play Facilities —Improvement to School Play- grounds: Elernr:nt-ni, (344 acres) - Citrus, Grrr.r Lemeruary a;ld Junior High Schou, 12 /5 ecrr'sl — Coral W i, Eierniint,ir,' 14 02 acres) - - Miami Sr nior Hsi0 Sr:Hoo (5 28 acres) Elernenter,; i1.3dat'res) — Shenandoah Jnniur High Sc hool (2.75 acres) - 'St. Peter ,if i Pau' Sclion (2.0 acres) — St. School (3 67 acres) 3. New Park Development -. Latin River front Park — Orange Bowl Park — - Land ,ir.nuisition and site development for a neighborhood park in census tract 55. 4. New Mini -Park Development2 Southwest Corner of S.W. 8th Street/8th Avenue — Southwest Corner of S.W. 8th Street/18th Aven ur Southr.vest Corner of S.W. 8th Street/24th Avenue • Northeast Corner of S.W. 8th Street/ Beacon Boulevard Southwest Corner of Flagler/17th Avenue Northwest Corner of Flagler/10th Avenue * Northeast Corner rat S.W. bth Street/10th Avenue On the South Side of S.W. 1st Street be- tween 5th aft 6th Aven,-Ies Northwest Corner of S.W. 13th Street/1 95 Northeast Corner of S.W. 8th Street/1 95 1 Little Havana hart th , hsghest open space oet,ciency .n the C,ty of Miami with a need for ar addit onai 252 acres of parks. 2Minr parks wil', =ry ,lve Iona acq'a nt,,,n of srnall saes approxunately 5,000-15.000 sq.it., costs range from 550,000-S75,000 including site development 'Denotes H ,7h Pr,,rrity r, the Comrnun,ty. 165 — Northeast Corner of N.W. 4th Street/South River Drivel — Southeast Corner of Flagler Street/South River Drivel * — Little Havana Community Center (Public Owned) * — Henderson Park, Easternmost Edge (Public Owned) PUBLIC SERVICES AND FACILITIES Health 1. "Ambulatory Health Care Center2 providing primary treatment should be located within Tract 53. Education 1. * * New Schools: — Shenandoah Elementary — Citrus Grove Elementary and Junior High School * — Riverside Elementary " — Miami High Vocational Technical Addition General Welfare 1. * Neighborhood Facility renovation should be finalized with third year C.D. funds in order to com- mence operating as a multi -purpose community center housing elderly day care, cultural and other welfare services. UTILITIES Sewers and Drainage 1. Replace Sanitary Sewers along the northeastern portion of Little Havana, adjacent to the Miami River. (These sewers are either old or operating at capacity.) 2. Expansion of Sanitary Sewer System to areas west of 27th Avenue, which are presently unserved. 3. *Developing area -wide storm sewer systems3 1These sites are crucial to the riverfront redevelopment project. 2This center might not require a new facility if administreed with JMH funds through the local clinic system. 3A planning study to design a preemptive storm flood relief system should be carried out providing for a continuous monitoring capacity of storm drainage problems. 166 in densely built urban areas which are adjacent to major bodies of water or contain little undisturbed land. The Citizen Task Force identified these areas as major problem areas. — S.W. 8th Street east of 12th Avenue -- Coral Way - - S.W. 7th Street - - S.W. 4th Street Lighting 1. Expand the sodium vapor lights to those areas west of 17th Avenue and south of S.W. 8th Street. 2. Pedestrian luminaires should be installed along the following streets which form part of a pedestrian pathway networ k — S.W. 8th Street west to 27th Avenue — Flagler/S.W. 1st Street corridor west to 22nd Avenue — 17th Avenue between S.W. 8th St. and Flagler — 12th Avenue between S.W. 8th St. and N.W. 3rd Street — 8th Ave. between S W. 8th St. and N.W. 3rd St. — 4th Ave. and South River Drive — Coral Way COMMUNITY DESIGN 1. *A Comprehensive tree planting program, City- wide is being recommended Specific landscape treat- ment, street furniture, lighting, floor treatments, etc. are delineated for the different types of streets which comprise the City's highway network. The streets have been categorized according to land use, intensity of development, street geometry, traffic volumes and observed pedestrian activity. (Refer to Pedestrian Circulation/Transportation) 'Denotes High Priority in the Community. 5.5 CAPITAL NEEDS LIST PLANNING DISTRICT E FLAGAMI HOUSING AND RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOODS 1. Public Assisted Housing for elderly and family housing sholrLi he provided not as a result of a neighborhor;i need, but „is a City-wide strategy to Upo,111rdlilo assisted households into neighborhuu is winch are <r'�cessible to employment centers, aim moils ,eJ r.ummerual as well as not overimpact-ri by existing concentrations of low income families rum thew characteristics, there arE of ,1bdnrlc;nrq.1 multifamily struc- tures in Flagrmi, H'sult r ,f '74 '75 construction crisis, whicl, comr>Irt,d or renovated for the above tnentiun-ii of:v(-tivt s. The following sites should be cdrr'i,l iy ,:vdludteo or ,A.quisitIOn, renova- tion and/or Li. velopm-nt ,ble assisted housing. - N.W. 59th Avenue ,ini.i 7th Street N.W. 7th Street an i Rod Road (6.8 acres) - N.W. 7th Street an:: 53r_i Avenue (2.2 acres) - N.W. 7th Street un:i 51st Avenue (2.3 acres) - N.W. 7th Street and 49th Avenue (4 acres) - LeJeune Road dri-i S.N+. filth Street (3.17 acres) - LeJe,ine Roan; ani.i N.W. 4th Street (.8 acres) ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Direct Financial Assistance 1. A commercial loan fund program should be es- tablished in ruler to provide local businesses with commercial rend ilitative loans at below market costs, small business loans and "seed monies." Public Improvements 1 * A comprehensive public R.O.W. improve- ment program has been recommended for the major commercial streets within Fiagami, S.W. 8th Street and parts of Flagler Street. Improvements such as tree planting, sidewalk widening, parking, lighting, and street furniture will he required. TRANSPORTATION Parking 1. Parking Facilities should be provided along Flagler and S W. 8th Street. A wide variety of meth- ods can be employed in site acquisition, development, 'Denotes High Priority in the Community. 167 operation and financing of these facilities. Highways 1. Street widenings along the following routes will alleviate peak hour congestion: — 57th Avenue between S.W. 8th Street and N.W. 7th Street, to four lanes (1979-80) — N.W. 7th Street between 57th and 71st Avenue to four lanes (1980-81) 2. Intersection improvements such as street widen- ings, left or right turning lanes and left turning signals at the following Intersections: — S.W. 8th Street and 47th Avenue — S.W. 8th Street and 57th Avenue — S.W. 8th Street and 62nd Avenue — S.W. 8th Street and 67th Avenue — Flagler and 47th Avenue — Flagler and 57th Avenue — Flagler and 67th Avenue 3. Computerized signalization improvements at selected intersections along the following routes: — LeJeune Road — Flagler Street — N.W. 7th Street — S.W. 8th Street 4. *Street improvements by way of four capital programs: — Resurface and reseal 8.1 miles of local streets — Resurface, reseal and improve edge conditions on 5.5 miles of local streets — Rebuild .9 miles of local streets Bikeways 1. Pavement striping and bike signs should be pro- vided for an area -wide bikeway system linking major parks and educational facilities along non -heavily travelled streets. Pedestrian Circulation 1 Pedestrian information systems to facilitate movement and increase safety should he provided (i.e., clearly marked crosswalks, traffic divertors, pedestrian activated signals, etc.) 168 OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION 1. Play Facilities —Improvement to Existing Facilities: -- Robert King High Park (17 acres) Flagarni Park 11.0 acres) — West End Park (9.3 acres) — Kinlock Park (3.4 acres) 2. Play Facilities —Improvement to School Play- grounds: — Fairlawn Elementary - Flagler Elementary - Kinlock Park Junior High 3. New Park Development: * — Acquire and develop a new neighborhood park along N.W. 7th Street to provide rec- reational access to Blue Lagoon. PUBLIC SERVICES AND FACILITIES No Capital Investments UTILITIES Sewers and Drainage 1. *Construction of an area -wide sanitary sewer system throughout Flagami is programmed for 1980. 2. *Drainage improvements are proposed in the following areas over the next five years: Area Bounded by: Completion Date: 1979 — 68th Avenue from S.W. 8th Street to Flagler — 63rd Avenue from S.W. 8th Street to Flagler — S.W. 8th Street from 63rd Avenue to 67th Avenue — Flagler from 63rd Avenue to 67th Avenue Area Bounded by: Completion Date: 1980 — S.W. 8th Street from 60th Avenue to 55th Avenue — 60th Avenue from S.W. 8th Street to N.W. 2nd Street — N.W. 2nd Street from 60th Avenue to 58th Avenue — 58th Avenue from N.W. 2nd Street to N.W. 57th Court •Denotes High Priority in the Community. Area Bounded by: Completion Date: 1980 — 57th Court from N.W. 3rd Street to N.W. 7th Street — N.W. 7th Street from 57th Court to 56th Avenue — 56th Avenue from N.W. 7th Street to N.W. 5th Street — N.W. 5th Street from 56th Avenue to 55th Court — 55th Court from N.W. 5th Street to Flagler — Flagler from 55th Court to 55th Avenue — 55th Avenue from Flagler to S.W. 8th Street Lighting 1. "Expand sodium vapor lights to those areas west of LeJeune Road and south of N.W. 7th Street. COMMUNITY DESIGN 1. •A City-wide tree planting program is recom- mended. Specific landscape treatment in addition to lighting, street furniture, etc. is delineated for the different types of streets which comprise the City's highway network. The streets have been classified according to land use, intensity of development, street geometry, traffic volumes and observed ped- estrian activity. (Refer to Pedestrian Circulation/ Transportation). •Denotes High Priority in the Community. 169 5.6 CAPITAL NEEDS LIST PLANNING DISTRICT F ALLAPATTAH HOUSING AND RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOODS 1. *Rehabilitation Assistance for residential struc- tures in need of repair. In Allapattah, 36% of the housing stock is in some need of repair. The highest number et thmse structures are found in census tract 25, which lids N.W. 7th and 17th Avenues, and N.W. 28th and 3tbth Si ects as its boundaries. 2. Clearance, involving condemnation, acquisi- tion and relocation assistance is recommended for 2% of Allapattah's housing stock or 139 delapidated structures The n-iajurity of these are tound in a small pocket adjaoent to the expressway in census tract 29. 3. 'Neighborhood Housing Service, coordinating financial, governmental, and neighborhood efforts to make available below market interest rate loans, high risk loans and initiate self-help programs among area residents, should be implemented in residential areas categorised as transitional. 4. *Public -Assisted Housing for the elderly should be provided upon a careful evaluation of the follow- ing potential sites for acquisition, clearance and development — N.W. 18th Street and 15th Avenue (2.23 acres) — N.W. 18th Street and 19th Road (1.11 acres) — North River Drive and 17th Avenue (4.04 acres — N.W. 14th Street and 16th Avenue (1.50 acres) — N.W. 17th Street and 9th Avenue (1 .21 acres) N.W. 14th Street and 15th Avenue (1.75 acres) N.W. 16th Street and 14th Avenue (3.75 acres) ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Redevelopment 1. Industrial expansion in the following districts will require public assistance in land assembly, tax abatement and site improvements: —Food distribution center, north of the Medi- cal Center between N.W. 20th and 23rd Street and N.W. 7th Avenue, and 12th Avenue — Industrial district along N.W. 7th Avenue, west of 1-95 — Industrial district between N.W. 17th Avenue and 22nd Avenue, and N.W. 20th Street and 23rd Street 'Denotes High Priority in the Community. 171 2. 'Riverfront Redevelopment District, a pro- posal to create a mixed -use marine environment along the Miami River, attracting new residential and marine commercial while preserving vital ma- rine businesses, will require public assistance in land assembly, tax abatements, site improvements. Direct Financial Assistance 1. A commercial loan fund program should be established in order to provide local business with commercial rehabilitation loans at below market costs, small business loans and "seed monies." Public Improvements 1. 'A comprehensive public R.O.W. improve- ment program has been recommended throughout Allapattah. Improvements such as tree planting, sidewalk widening, parking, lighting and street fur- niture along commercial streets as well as improved loading/docking facilities, larger turning radii, and wider streets within the industrial districts enum- erated below, will be required: - N.W. 1 7th Avenue and 27th Avenue (com- mercial related) — N.W. 36th Street and 28th Street (transit station related) — N.W. 12th Avenue (transit station and Med- ical Center related) — Food distribution center — Industrial district along N.W. 7th Avenue — Industrial between N.W. 17th and 27th Ave- nues, and N.W. 20th and 23rd Streets. — Riverfront District TRANSPORTATION Transit Improvements Although there are no major capital expenditures resulting from the recommended bus reroutings or the realignment of the first phase mass rapid transit route from N.W. 13th Court to N.W. 12th Avenue, the transit alignment along the eastern side of 17th Avenue will require significant land acquisition and clearance. Parking 1 'Parking Facilities should be provided in the designated parking districts serving the selected in- 172 dustrial areas, the medical center and the mass transit stations at N.W. 36th Street and N.W. 17th Street. A wide variety of methods can be employed in site acquisition, development, operation and financing of these facilities. Highways 1. Street widenings along the following routes will improve traffic east of the Medical Center: N.W. 1 1 th Street from N.W. 7th Avenue to 12th Avenue — N.W. 14th Street from 1-95 to N.W. 10th Avenue 2. Replace the following old and narrow bridges over the Miami River: — 12th Avenue Bridge — 17th Avenue Bridge — 27th Avenue Bridge 3. Construct a new bridge across the Miami River at N.W. 7th Street to provide a new arterial connec- tion to Downtown. 4. Intersection improvements such as street widen- ings, left or right turning lanes, left turn signals, im- proved corner radii or pedestrian crosswalks, are needed in order to improve safety and reduce acci- dents at the following locations: — N.W. 36th Street at 17th Avenue — N.W. 36th Street at 7th Avenue — N.W. 20th Street at 12th Avenue — N.W. 20th Street at 7th Avenue — N.W. 14th Street at 12th Avenue — N.W. 7th Street at 12th Avenue — N.W. 7th Street at 27th Avenue 5. Computerized signalization improvements at selected intersections along the following routes: N.W. 7th Street — N.W. 36th Street — N.W. 27th Avenue 6. Street improvements by way of four capital programs: — Improve edge conditions on 12 miles of local streets — Resurface 24 miles of local streets — Resurface and improve edge conditions on 4 miles of local streets — Rebuild 4 miles of local streets 'Denotes High Priority in the Community. Bikeways 1. Pavement striping and bike signs should be pro- vided for an area wide bikeway system linking major parks and educational facilities along non -heavily travelled streets. Pedestrian Circulation 1. *A pedestrian pathway network should be devel- oped, comprised of sidewalk widenings, unique street furniture, landscaping and tree planting, pedestrian lighting, floor treatments and other amenities within the following areas and reinforcing linkages among them: — Mass rapid transit station areas — N.W. 36th Street, N.W. 28th Street, N.W. 12th Avenue, and N.W. 17th Avenue — Medical Center Complex — Miami River District — N.W. 15th Street and N.W. 14th Terrace which presently dead end at 15th Avenue should be converted into through streets in order to facilitate pedestrian circulation — Existing parking lot adjacent to 12th Avenue and surrounding the Historic Hallisee Hall should be developed into a marine -oriented urban plaza. 2. *Pedestrian information systems to facilitate movement, and increase safety, should be provided (i.e., clearly marked crosswalks, traffic divertors, pedestrian -activated traffic signals, etc.) OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION 1. Play Facilities —Improvement to Existing Facilities: — Gerry Curtis Park (24 acres) — Grapeland Park (20.6 acres) — Moore Park (19 acres) — Comstock Park (9.2 acres) — Fern Isle Park (14.7 acres) — Sewell Park (10 acres) — Highland Circle Mini Park (.3 acres) — Melrose Mini Park (1.5 acres) — Grove Mini Park (.5 acres) 2. Play Facilities —Improvement to School Play- grounds: — Kensington Park Elementary — Comstock Elementary — Miami Jackson High School — Santa Clara Elementary 3. New Park Development: — Baseball Stadium (existing parking lot area) — Fern Isle South Park ` -- Santa Clara Park New Mini Park Development: — In the areas surrounding N.W. 36th Street and 23rd Avenue, as well as in the Medical Center. PUBLIC SERVICES AND FACILITIES Education 1. *A Community School Program should be in- stituted in one of the centrally located schools. General Welfare 1. *Develop a Neighborhood Facility which will operate as a multi -purpose community center hous- ing welfare, preventive mental health care, local health care and other services. City -Owned Properties 1. The Miami Incinerator and Service Yard as well as the old Miami Police Building should undergo plan- ning studies to determine their highest and best re- use potential which emphasize the importance of these sites as community resources within the Medi- cal Center. UTILITIES Sewers and Drainage 1. Replace sanitary sewers in the following areas as part of a City-wide program of system mainten- ance and improvement: — The general area bounded by N.W. 19th Avenue, N.W. 24th Avenue, and N.W. 26th Street, N.W. 33rd Street — Around the Civic -Medical Center: N.W. 12th Avenue to N.W. 14th Avenue between Cedars of Lebanon and N W. 1 1 th Street — The entire area north of the Airport Express - 'Denotes High Priority in the Community. 173 way to N.W. 23rd Street and between 1-95 and N W. 10th Avenue — The entire area south of the Airport Express- way to the Miami River, west of N.W. 7th Avenue — The area south of the Miami River between N.W. 1 7th Avenue and Robert King High Towers, bounded on the south by N.W. 7th Avenue 2. Construction of sanitary sewers is programmed for the following areas upon sales of bonds: — The area between N.W. 14th Street and N.W. 20th Street,and N.W. 27th Street and N.W.37th Avenue — The area between N.W. 10th Avenue and N.W. 17th Avenue, and N.W. 23rd Street to N.W. 29th Street 3. *Storm drainage systems should he provided in the following areas in addition to those areas currently programmed for improvements by the City of Miami: — N.W. 17th Avenue to 12th Avenue between N.W. 20th Street and N.W. 23rd Street — N.W. 8th Avenue to 7th Avenue between N.W. 23rd Street and N.W. 25th Street Lighting 1. Expand sodium vapor lights to those areas west of 17th Avenue, north of the Miami River, and all areas south of the Miami River between N.W. 17th Avenue and N.W. 37th Avenue. COMMUNITY DESIGN 1. *A City-wide tree planting program is recom- mended. Specific landscape treatment, in addition to street furniture, lighting, floor treatments, etc. are delineated for the different types of streets which comprise the city's highway network. The streets have been categorized according to land use, intensity of development, street geometry, traffic volumes and observed pedestrian activity. (Refer to Pedestrian Circulation/Transportation.) 'Denotes High Priority in the Community. 174 6.0 APPENDICES 6.1 RESIDENTIAL INVENTORY 6.2 GREATER MIAMI OFFICE SURVEY - FALL 1975 6.3 CITY OF MIAMI ZONING DISTRIBUTION- JANUARY 1974 6.4 SPECIFICATIONS ON TREE PLANTING PROGRAM 6.5 RECREATIONAL INVENTORY 6.6 INDEX TO CULTURAL FACILITIES 6.7 PUBLIC SCHOOLS LOCATED WITHIN CITY LIMITS OF MIAMI 6.8 LIST OF ONE -OF -A -KIND MAPS 6.9 GLOSSARY 6.10 BIBLIOGRAPHY 175 6.1 RESIDENTIAL INVENTORY 1970-75 1970-75 1975 Zoned Census Construction Demolition Stock Capacity Tract No. Units No. Units No. Units No. Units 13 762 29 5106 10,432 14 406 109 3825 10,698 1501 6 8 1827 4,408 1701 55 1702 16 1703 130 1801 267 602 1802 52 33 1065 2,841 1803 10 1 168 648 1901 6 14 1696 4,815 1902 54 41 3279 5,175 2001 113 26 1857 4,756 2002 198 191 2704 7,233 21 179 12 1119 3,207 2201 149 29 1860 4,303 2202 57 30 2273 3,584 23 36 17 2299 4,203 24 1208 139 4436 10,140 25 283 40 2162 4,066 26 85 55 1658 3,788 2701 249 60 3369 7,225 2702 95 1641 406 28 169 91 1851 2,335 29 107 27 921 1,522 3001 326 133 1500 12,160 3002 859 118 2824 10,854 31 480 327 2073 7,693 34 59 122 3940 7,615 3601 56 519 1222 1,932 3602 576 262 2692 4,582 3701 140 2375 4,697 3702 8 1150 5,571 45 137 1,160 46 15 1,668 49 761 58 3626 9,143 50 274 31 3283 5,984 51 713 109 2648 5,904 52 701 183 3464 6,559 53 933 168 6096 10,194 5401 86 41 2385 4,122 5402 700 132 3964 6,848 5501 114 25 1772 3,861 5502 146 31 2215 4,312 56 32 11 1277 4,018 57 1667 63 4924 15,078 5801 33 6 1930 2,448 5802 298 7 2589 6,311 Continued 177 Residential Inventory (Continued) 1970-75 1970-75 1975 Zoned Census Construction Demolition Stock Capacity Tract No. Units No. Units No. Units No. Units 6301 283 23 2805 5,514 6302 64 27 1628 5,075 64 182 46 3767 3,219 65 162 37 2534 5,779 66 560 83 4516 9,800 6701 452 112 1920 6,115 6702 109 127 1971 5,611 68 315 36 2841 13,040 69 289 39 2423 5,436 7001 296 76 2028 5,217 7002 196 32 2110 3,634 71 387 47 3024 6,573 72 19 19 1188 2,780 73 41 3 1388 3,383 Source: City of Miami Planning Department Housing Inventory 178 6.2 GREATER MIAMI OFFICE SURVEY•FALL1975 No. of Total Net Leased Lease Rates 8ldgs. Sq. Ft. Space 7. Maximum Area Surveyed Surveyed (Sq. Ft.) Leased Range Median Range Median Miami Downtown 24 3.044.692 2.374.156 78.0% $6.00-$10.50 $8.00 $4.95-$8.50 $7.00 Biscayne Blvd. 17 807.807 587.507 72.77. 54.25-$8.50 $8.00 $4.25-$8.00 $7.00 Brickell Ave. 17 1.466.460 1,271.050 86.77. $6.50-$11.00 $9.00 $5.50-$9.20 $8.125 Coral Gables 30 1.901.260 1,547.510 81.47. 56.50-59.50 $7.625 55.00-18.00 $6.50 Coral Way 6 105,670 99.200 93.97. $6.00-$8.25 $7.50 $4.50-$7.50 $7.00 S.W. let St. 4 81.900 62.080 75.87. $5.00-$6.00 $5.375 $5.00-$6.00 $5.00 North Miami Beach North Miami 10 277.200 233,480 84.27. $6.00-$7.60 $6.75 55.50-$7.00 $6.00 Miami Beach 4 241,738 216.660 89.67. $6.75-$8.00 $7.375 $6.00-$7.00 $6.50 South Miami 9 320.000 245,020 76.67. $5.35-$8.00 $7.75 $5.00-$7.50 $7.00 Dadeland and N. Kendall 16 768,585 648,325 84.37. $5.50-$9.90 $7.95 55.50-58.50 $7.50 Minimum Palmetto 8 859,660 747.000 86.97. $6.50-$8.00 $7.00 56.00-57.25 $6.50 Miscellaneous 16 648.560 388,540 59.97. $5.50 415.00 $7.00 54.50-59.00 $6.50 TOTAL 161 10.523.532 8.420.528 80.0% '179 il 6.3 CITY OF MIAMI ZONING DISTRIBUTION •JANUARY 1974 Zoning Category Acres % Low Density Residential 8,534 50.3 R-1B 340 2.0 R-1A R-1 4,672 27.5 R-2 3,504 20.7 R-PD 18 0.1 Multiple Residential 2,795 16.5 R-3A 35 0.2 R-3 922 5.4 R-4 1,662 9.7 R-5A 49 0.3 R-5 127 0.7 Residential/Office 498 2.9 R-C 1 22 0.1 R-CB 102 0.6 R-CA 17 0.1 R-C 357 2.1 Commercial 2,905 17.1 C-1 422 2.6 C-1 A 92 0.5 C-2 590 3.5 C-3 156 0.9 C-4 1,147 6.8 C-5 478 2.8 Recreational 1,255 7.4 W-R 13 0.1 P-R 1,242 7.3 Industrial 975 5.8 W- I 315 1.9 1-1 489 2.9 1-2 171 1.0 Total Zoned Acreage 15,905 97.5 Unzoned Acreage Net Land Area' 404 2.5 16.354 100.0 •Excludes streets, expressways, and inland water. 181 6.4 SPECIFICATIONS PROGRAM Criteria used for recommended landscaping are as follows: — Preferably native species Resistant to hurricane winds — Non-poisonous Resistant to insects and diseases — Free from extensive root system Hardiness to cold Adaptable to soil condition Adaptable to moisture condition Free from noxious odors Free from extremely messy fruits, flowers of leaves Long season beauty Salt -resistant ,,vi un planted near salt water Long life expectancy — Relative availability Over -use as a landscaping material in the City The list which follows is modified from that used by Metro Dade County. it should be stresses that the recommended trees generally require little mainten- ance. Outstanding Street -Shade Trees Pigeon Plum (Cocoloba diversifolia) Satin Leaf (Chrysophylium oliviforme) Live Oak (Quercus virginiana) Mohogany (Swietenia mahogoni) Geiger Tree (Cordia sebestena) Sabal Pain-) ( Saba: palmetto) Gumbo Limbo (Bursera simaruba) Buttonwood (Conocarpus [varieties} ) Slash Pine (Pinus elliottii, variety densa) Tamarind (Tamar)dus indica) Paradise Tree (Sirnaruba glauca) Jamaica Dogwood (Piscidia piscipula) Mastic (Mastichodendron foetidissimum) Laurel Oak (Quercus) Bald Cypress (Taxodium distichum) Yellow Poinciana (Peltophorum pterocarpum) Royal Palm (Roystonea elata) Trumpet Trees (Tabebuia species) Sisoo (Dalbergia sissoo) Suitable if Available Red Maple (Acer rubrum) Brittle Thatch Palm (Thrinax microcarpa) Silver Palm (Cocothrinax argenta) Dahoon Holly (Hex cassine) Krug's Holly (Ilex krugiana) Iron Wood (Krugiodendron ferreum) 183 Red Berry Stopper (Eugenia confusa) Star Apple (Chrysophyllum cainito) Blolly (Pisonia discolor) Pond Apple (Annona glabra) Acceptable, but Overused Bottle Brush (Callistemon species) Black Olive (Bucida buceras) Beauty Leaves (Calophyllum species) Malayan Dwarf Coconut Palm (Cocos nucifera var. Dwarf Malayan) Mimusops (Mimusops roxburghii) Not Acceptable Melaleuca (Melaleuca quinquenervia) FicUs (All species) Jambolin (Syzygiurn cuminii) Australian Pine (Casuarina glauca and equisetifolia) Orchid Trees (Bauhinia species) Schefflera (Brassaia actinophylla) Silk Oak (Grevillea robusta) Adonidia (Vetchia rnerrilli) Common Coconut (Cocos nucifera) Avocado (Persea americana) Mango (Mangifera indica) Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica) Brazilian Pepper (Schinus terebinthinfolius) Bischofia (Bischofia javanica) Frangi-Pani (Plumeria species) Eucalyptus (all species) Pongam (Pongamia pinnata Merr.) Women's Tongue (Albizia lebbeck Benth.) Chinaberry (Melia azedarach Linn.) Tal lowtree Jerusulam Thorn Tropical Almond (Terrninalia catappa Linn.) All Palms Subject to Lethal Yellowing Specific landscaping programs for Miami City streets will be based on a number of criteria, including the species selected for use and the landscape pattern desired by residents arni property owners, however the: following are suggested as guidelines. In Residential Areas (Informal/Personalized Plantings) Variation in species, size and spacing; minimum 25' to maximum 50' on center for spacing, depending upon property configuration and ultimate canopy and root spread of selected tree; medium size, around 10-15' in height, shade trees with wide- spreading branches should be chosen, e.g., Live Oak, Mahogany, Theme trees should be ciiosen for dis- tricts. 184 In General Commercial Districts Dependent to a great degree on the amount of traf- fic (pedestrian and auto) in this area In pedestrian activity areas spacing should he minimum 25' to maximum 50' on center; species should be selected which provide sha, in to pedestrians and which are of interest, i.e„ flowerir,rt (Go:iw Tree) or of unique character; species s'un;id be of medium size (around 10-15'). In auto oriented commercial areas, spacing should be minimum 50' t rnaximurn 75', even spacing; some variat,on species; species which do not obstruct business signs and of medium to large size (10 20'). In Special Commercial Districts (I.e., Design Center) Formal design have less variation in species; species of medium size; close spacing 20-50'; of unique character (palms, fiuwerird,bark texture, etc.); include center median using one contrasting species where appropriate or feasible. Along Major Arterials (Gateway Plantings) Large trees (i.e., Royal Palm) of same or alternating heights should be used; even spacing of 50-75' on center depending upon traffic speed; use one species throughout. Auto Oriented Streets/Industrial Areas Similar to gateway design (above) in terms of size and spacing. Species used or general design should be less monumental, though, like the gateway plantings the species selected di; not need to be shade trees. In areas where, pedestrian activity is likely to be minimal, vertical trees should be selected. Small, clustered plantings interspersed between large trees can be 1rsed depending upon effect desired; one species should be used to give identity. In some in- dustrial areas, where truck traffic is likely to do in- jury to large trees, or where large trees would im- pede efficient industrial operations, or where nox- ious industry adjoins residential uses, buffer type plantings may be more ippropriate than the planting pattern mentioned above. Buffer Planting Small trees and shrubs with close spacing; and dense and compact foliage (e.g., Buttonwood or Blolly) should be used; variation in species and size is possible. Appropriate near freeways, in areas where noxious industrial uses abutt residential uses and other areas where screening is necessary. A detailed study which would identify districts and appropriate species to be used within the districts should be set out as a first step in carry- ing out the tree planting program. This study should be carried out under the auspices of the urban forester mentioned previously and should incorporate the preferences of residents, property owners, and civic groups as well as planners and professionals. 185 6.5 RECREATIONAL INVENTORY RECREATION FACILITY INVENTORY GAME APEAS SWIMMING CAMPING ►ICNIC3ING BOATING NATVRI FIELDS (no.) - -�SPECTATOR FACILITIESI— (aeatlnq capacity) II aGCll RAMPS TUDr [ OPEN PUT AREAS .7 O pp r L 4 Y TENNIS HANDBALL SNUFFLEBOAAD _, NULTI-USE J °' � � T ; Iw -, K w � � i i t_ 6 S uu W w o� Y g u u.W-- I n� Ig .. • •i.' i h— t O ��s' v •BERTHS I• Y ^ I,nn i T. 1...1 ,,,,aSI xi .pia _ Y w i M yr� IS N i 2 i W k .' i 1 hi-. in t -- , a a...� M • ...: [a . �S .R. DADE COUNTY CITY OE MIAMI NAME i LdCATION ADMIN. AGENCY 1lac1�i RF..A ljjr��yn -i r Allapattah--Comstock Community Park NM 17 Ave 6 28 et City of Masi 9.2 I P 2 -'T^ —'• - • �•+_-� —�--• �• I�� 2SI 1 Athalia Mango Undererpry Park 61 (BelghbrM. park) IN 10-11 St City of Miami 2.7 D 2 2 i 2 1 1 ++ 1 I I ' ` l Iy__, Athery lie Range Underesp Park N Inel9Gt d. park) IRA 73-7S at • City of Miami 1.6 D 1 1 1 1 1 I• t I I} _I i Baytromt Park Metropolitan Park set - MS6 City of Mimij 39.3 D~ {-- )000 1700 1 + I 1 ♦ I i } ? 1 tom, 1 Belle wade Mini -Park M0Awa77St City of Mimi 0.4 P t 1 i Biscayne Melghbrhd. ParkCity MR 19 6t 6 2 Ave of Masi 3.7 ► 1 11 1 + f I li 1 1i B1•neM Meighbrhd. Park virgtnls St 4 Shipping Ave City of Mimi 1.S P 1 1 I } I F t Brickell Be19hrM. Park Briekell Ave 4 BB S St City of Niast 4.7 D 1 1 r Bra}ard Circle Mini -rack NMI Awa16 St City of Masi 0.3 r 1 1 1 1 Bryan Netghbrhd. Park SM 23Avs6l6St City of Mtaml 2.1 D 1 -- I 1' 1 I 4— 1 Coconut Grove Beyfrt Pk. Community Park McFarlane I1d-Myskore Dr City of Miami 1S•0 D 1 • 2 2 • 12 1 t, I 10001 + f 31 t 2/ I 1 t~ 1 ��— Coconut Grove -Dinner fey�— Beyfrt Perk Picnic Isis. 3 moles 6 1 spoil blink offshore City of Miami 20.0 U 1 1 I } I+ •---3~�" Coconut Grove Tonal' Court Oak Ave 6 vlrginie St City of Miami 0.3 I D I Coral Gate Neighborhood Park SW 16 St 6 32 Ave Ctty of Miami 3.7 t D 1 1 1 1 300 t +I t 1 f Crestwood Mini -Park NM 11 Ave•47 Ter City of Miami 1.0 P 1 a 1 1 4 Curtis Community Park 20 St 6 24 Ave Ctty of Nisei 24.0 D I ' 11/ ' • ' 2 ' 1 1 160tI S 2760 AOSO 1 3 t—� Dinner Key Audltortus 6 Merino Municipal Offices SAve•BeyMOre Dr Ctty 0f Miami 41.0 P I A powo ism 160 37aISIB27 I Oinner ley (former Coast hu..J pe11uiI re ill % Seyshv1 City Of M1am1 a.S / I Ill - l h 1 I 1 11 L I 1 1 A I000I 1 ( 1 1 I • 'IOU l i 1 1 J M 116a. • %to111ed A1eas M1 rs:111Ilme 1 mo '•A 1 •s1w•1 1 1151 ap iotmiste 1/11e11 •D' • tbvelryvdi •►• • Pertly Developed' 'U'. Undeveloped, -r • Molar* r t11Yter 1 1(41% lr(I.4'1%%1e letter, 'a• • %tedium, 'I• • Bend.M111 'A• • AudltorioB, 187 .4_ 1 I ,1 ),00,00.1 3000t _i._111_ , 1- L1_i _i i_.1._1_ Fern Isle -South Fork City ofle.7, u ; I , ' i NW 11-14 St Miami j 1 , NM 22 Ave-21 St + __ ,_--1__ _ 1 _, '{ f-+ Flagui Neighborhood Park City of I SW 3 St 4 71 Ave Miami 1.01 , 0 1' 1 1; - 2900 1 i 1-1-- -4 Grand Ave Neighbrhd. Park City of ' 236 Grand Ave, Coconut 1 Miami j 5.0 0 1 1 ! ; 2 2 ' 1; !1145.. 3 1 RECREATION FACILITY INVENTORY DADE COUNTY CITY OF MIAMI I 44 uu ,A ADMIN.REA' 'yyn�I s '. i< o (i - : 7 1' NAME 6 LOCATION AGrNCY (eel) 7' e o 5 n r 1" A 2 Dinner tey•Iay hone City of ! 9.0 ; 4 parcels land between Miami Avlat. Ave 4 Rockertaan , Dixie Community Park City of 401 NM 12 5t Miami 3.4 Dorsey Neighbrhd. Park 1 City of 1 NM Lave 4 17 St Ntui j 2.5 0, 1 1 1 . Douglas Neighbrhd. Park City of SW 37 Ave 4 27 St Miut 10.0 East Say Vista Mini -Park' City of NM $ Ave 6 47 Ter , Miami Eaton Neighbrhd. Park ' City of NE 4 Ct 4 60 5t Miami • 1 2.5' 0' 1 ) 2 1 ca F .K� t 1, l j 900) r00 15nn) '.— SWIMMING CAMPING PTCNICV NO 4OATING 1 4- -1_ 1 1; 112421 - RLACN RAMPS Rtp14S NATURE STUDY • 5 Edison C community City of Park Miami 11 .9 i 0 1' 1 i 1 1 1 3 b 2', 1 1, 1500 ! 4050 NV 62 St 4 5 Ave 4 / Elizabeth Steele Park City of S. 4yshore Dr 4 Miami . 0.3 U Hlsrathe I _ -- 4 Elizabeth Virrick Com- Ctty of 1 suilty Part Miami 4.5 j 0 1 i Oat Ave 6 Plsss St GAME AREAS ►IF.IAS Ino.l :OlinT'S (no.l: wl �Acr RAla� 11 i ' 2' l...j 1 1 jSj of by aM !yi ieo s nit? Park MUaf f 20. 6 0 ! 1' 1' 2,2 a 2, 1 1600 1500 NM 37 Ave Grspeland Heights Coammu- City of Grove Mini -Park City of Met St, 15/17 Ave Miami 0 5 P , 1 Henderson Park j City of 971 NM 2 St Miami 3 0 Highland Circle City of 1,.31 • U NM g Ave 6 13 St j Miaat Ktnloch Neighbrhd. Park City of 1 453 NM 47 Ave Miami 3_e 0 l' I 1 2700 1v 0000 Kirk MUnroe Perk 'Matilda St 4 Oak Ave City of Miami 1 . 4 , 0 I 3 2 1 j NOTES: a Lighted Areas or Parilities 1. Do not respond. 2. List appropriate letter. "D' Developed, 'P' • Partly Developed, "U'. Undeveloped, 'T• a Outdoor Theater 3. List appropriate letter: "5' • Stadium, "R" " Randshell, 'A' - Auditorium. 188 FMini-Park s1 rM 3 St 6 S5 Ave RECREATION FACILITY INVENTORY DADE COUNTY CITY OF MIAMI NAME 6 LOCATION ADMIN. (AREA AGENCY Ilac) .,T N GAME AREAS FIELDS (no.) SWIMMING j CAMPING 1PICNtCIING --4 RTs (no. ) — w . REACN << 1T W N a V Oe �i i 1 : U VI `- N';: YI I ip��': O ej C ,w Legion Memorial Commu- nity i'ark Biscayne i1 6 NM 66 St City of Miami 13.5 Lesion Park Picnic 1st Spoil bank off Legion Park L.Jeune Golf Course 1602 NM 37 Ave Liaus Park NM 3 St 6 N. River Dr -+ --4 City of Miami 10.5 City of Miami 146.0 Magnolia Park City of N of NM 36 St on Ills- Miami 2.9 cayne, Biscayne Bay Manor Community Park City of NM 14 Ave 6 S0 5t Miami 28.4 7.0 Margaret Pace Perk N. Bsyshore Dr between 17 Ter 6 20 St Martell Park NM 36 St 6 7 Ave Melrose Park (nelghbr.) City of NM 30 St-2S Ave Miami 1.S Merrie Christmas Neigh- borhood Park LsJeuns Rd-Berbarosa St Miami Springs Golf Course 6S0 Curtis Parkway Miami Baseball Stadium NM 10 Ave and 24 St City of Mimi City of Miami City of Miami S.6 209.0 D 14. D City of Miami Moore Community Park Moore 7 Ave 6 16 St City of Miami 1 . I P U 0 0 --f— • • fi 2 12 a 7800 4500 BOATING J Nlit'i�ME sri DY RAMPS RFOIMS . — !.a - Li o i-; pIW : — •. IKUU2 uu Yi i' ':- .C.2 .! '-'1: ......-4 v.-. I I I , 4 7 —. - 0000 2 10 Morningside Community Pk City of 33.7 NE SS Ter 6 7 Ave Nerningside Park Picnic Islands, 3 spoil banks offsh. at Park-2600 N. Tuttle Cry,5000 Tutt.Csy North Bay Vista Tot Lot NW 6 Ave 6 4S/49 5t 01d Port of Miami McArthur Cry to NE 9 St L__ City of Miami 14.8 4- -_-� -+- 4'2 I j 1 3200 1 22 I �3000 City of 0.5 P Miami City of Miami 30.0 0 +} ! ~ 4400 9 r- I 25 is 1 L NOTES • Lighted Areas or Facilities 1. Do not respond. 2. List appropriate letter. '0" • Developed; 'P' • partly Developed; "U'• Undeveloped, 'T' • ImitAn n t'ha ur 1. List appropriate letter 'S. • Stadium; 'm' • mandshell; 'A" • AudItnrlum. 189 GAME AREAS SWIMMING CAMPING PICNICKING BOATING news in0. ) en Imo./ - ^ RECREATION AcrwrTY I BUILDING (sq. ft.) wvl P. [---SNORELINE LENGTH s (ft.) WIDTH (ft.) RAMPS 1ERTNS U 1 is AREA (acrss) jjjj IINTERPRETIV[ TRAIL I (feet or atlas) RECREATION FACILITY INVENTORY ESAU '� DADE COUNTY CITY OF MIAMI u .166. u 3 • e c t o ! a • o+ -- 0" 86✓ �' u 4 p a • m — ORGANIZED GROUP C (slee iP ^9 upaclt GROUP CAMPING ARE (acres) "� J O 'r!g o— • ` wa s ? •. O i w i�. w4 �Q • le •- _ v �' a • • 5.1 2 a� i t7s DOCKING SPACES uN i - Q pz,( S t.- w 'i— ' s o ` S ' yy B .mo. € p g w IS v, yy a J 'Y c W s VI y�, ..i 8 NAME 6 LOCATION ADMIN. AR" AGENCY (tic) F .. u1 .7N FFc � i._... Orange Iowl Stedlta NV 16 Ave-4 St City of Mlam1 41.1 D ' 1 S 710, _ Orange Bowl Testing Sta. tion Park NW 17 Ave.3 St City of Miami 2.9 4— U _ 1 Pace Park Picnic Islands 2 spoil finks offsh. at Pace 04, 2300 5 J.Tuttle Csy, 3700 N Venet. Csy City of Miami 3.5 U �_ Pines Heights Park NW 16 St-SAve/$Ct City of Miami .3 U II Pullman Mini Park N Miami Ave -NW 49 5t City of Miami • P II — Riverside Part SW I Ave 1 3 51 City of Miami 3.5 D 1 2 N Robert ling Nigh Pate N Flagler 1 N69 Ave City of Mlaml Miami 17 T' D 1 2 i 1 1 — y 600 10 SO 5 S Sewell Perk 9 of Nm 17 Ave on Miami R City of Miami 110 D I r , 10 -1S St Pk. Shenandoah Community SW 22 Ave City of Miami 10 0 I 1 • 2 1 430 I 10` Simpson Park 5 Miami Ave -IS Rd City of Miami 3.5 D 2000 5. Ray Vista Tot Los NW 6 Ave 1 •6/•7 St City of Miami 0.2 U Southside Neigh. Park N■ 11 St-1 Ave City of Miami 2.2 0 1 1 1 •200 Stearns Park S of NE 31 St-6 Ave City of Miami S.4 D 1 I 1 Triangle Neigh. Park SW IS Rd 1 11 St City of Miami 0.S D 1 5 6531 Virginia Rey N of Ricken0acker Cur City of Miami 1559 U 9slnurlght Park Dixie Noy 6 Bricks!! Ave City of Miami 19 U M Island Fork McArthur City City of Miami 6S D 3000 25 11 240 nest End Community Pk SW 3 St 1 60 St City of Miami 9,3 D 2 2 2 • 2 1 1.30 -I SOOq 1 NOTES, • Lighted Areas or Facilities 1. Do not raspotd. 2. Llet appropriate letter, •D• • Developed' 'P' • Partly Developed; •D'• Undeveloped; •T' • Outdoor Th 3. List appropriate letter, •S• • Stadium, 'a' • eandahedl, 'A' • Auditorium, 190 RECREATION FACILITY INVENTORY DADE COUNTY CITY OF MIAMI NAME s LOCATION Nest Iuens vista Tot Lot, NM 44/45 St, 11 P1, 11 Ct Nynwood Neigh. Part NM 3. 5t $ 1 Ave GAME AREAS FIELDS (no.) ASra&L A. T —Tin ADMIN. 'AREA 'y]jfnir°if: a AGENCY 'lac)vs 0 City of.+_I1 IU Miami City of Nisei 3 D 1 z 0 ,a J E NOTES: • Lighted Areas or Facilities 1. Do not respond. 2. List appropriate letter, "D" • Developed: "P' • Partly Developed: "u'• Undeveloped: "T' • Outdoor TT 1: List appropriate letter: "S' • Stadium; 'g" • nandehel L 'A" • Auditorium. j I i 191 6.6 INDEX TO CULTURAL FACILITIES Key Map Key Number 1 1.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Map: Environmental Resources Map Name and Address Bayfront Bandsfrell 499 Biscayne Boulevard Miami Municipal Auditorium Bayfront Park Country Club of Coral Gables 997 North Greeway Drive Dade County Auditorium 2901 W. Flarller Grove Playhouse 3500 Main Higl:Way Las Mascaras Drama School 3058 S.W. 8th Street Marine Stadium Rickenbacker Causeway Players Theatre 3280 South Miami Avenue Ring Theatre, University of Miami Upstage, 3356 Virginia Street Theatre of Afro Arts 630 N.W. 71st Street Merry -Go -Round 235 Alcazar Ave., Coral Gables Opera Guild of Greater Miami Edu- cational Center, 1200 Coral Way Lowe Art Museum, Un. of Miami Miami Museum of Modern Art 381 N.E. 20th Street Museum of Science, Planetarium 3280 South Miami Avenue Vizcaya 3251 South Miami Avenue Art Institute of Miami 7808 N.E. 2nci Avenue Bacardi Giiliery, 2100 Biscayne Blvd. Baker Gallery, 3096 Fuller Street Beaux-Arts Sales and Rental Gallery Lowe Art Museum, University of Miami Bill Clemmer's Gallery, 2881 Florida Avenue Dimensions Gallery, 3195 Commodore Plaza Gables Gallery, 1430 Ponce de Leon, Coral Gables Gallery 5, 3361 S.W. 3rd Street Gallery 1, 3065 Fuller Street Gloria Luria Gallery, 980 S.W. 1st Street Types of Performances Concerts, recitals Seating Cepacity 3500 300 400 All types -shows 2501 Legitimate Theatre -Local productions 1240 Plays in Spanish Recitals, concerts Resident professional children's theatre University drama groups and visiting Local groups Local groups, students performing works of Black culture Children's theatre Small operatic productions Art and sculpture Modern art Planetarium House and art collection of James Deering 76 6538 300 286 120 100 198 190 Open to public Open to public Open to public 193 INDEX TO CULTURAL FACILITIES (Continued) Map Key Number Name and Address 194 27 Granville Gallery, 3929 Ponce de Leon, Coral Gables 28 Icarus, 2821 Florida Avenue 29 Mirell Gallery, 3426 Main Highway 30 Pariwood Gallery, 3480 Main Highway 31 Playhouse Gallery, 3500 Main Highway (Coconut Grove Playhouse) 32 Robinson Galleries, 627 South Miami Avenue 33 Rudolph Gallery, 3157 Commodore Plaza 34 Scarnavacca Gallery, 3157 Commodore Plaza 35 Village Corner Gallery, 1136 South Dixie Highway 36 Walkup Gallery, 140 N.E. 40th Street 37 Whitten Memorial, University of Miami, Coral Gables Source: Dade County Cultural Facilities and Activities Plan, 1973 INDEX TO HISTORICAL STRUCTURES AND SITES Key Map'. Environmental Resources Map Map Key Number Name and Address Date 1 John B. McKenzie Residence, 2200 N.W. 7th Street 1913 2 McKenzie Residence, 2300 N.W. 7th Street 1924 3 Mrs. Lewis Moore Residence, 628 N.W. 23rd Avenue 1923 4 — , 3260 N.W. 7th Street pre 1925 5 Coppinger House (relocate!), 1 121 N.W. 18th Place 1920 ? 6 Tatum Residence, 50 N.W. South Rive Drive 1900 7 Waddell Building, 24-36 North Miami Avenue 8 Salvation Arrny Citadel, 17 N.W. 5th Street 1923 9 Cassell Residence (Wagner Homestead), 1 145 N.W. 8th Avenue 1866 10 Halisee Hall, 1700 N.W. loth Avenue 1910-16 11 Villa Paula (7), 580 North Miami Avenue 1931 12 Ariequin Apartments, 1825- Biscayne Boulevard 1926 13 Priscilla Apartments, 1845 Biscayne Boulevard 1926 14 Miramar Hotel, 1744 North Bayshore Drive 1924 15 Kramer Residence, 1 757 Bayshore Drive 1920* 16 Hotel Villa D'Este, 249 N.E. 8th Street 17 Toledo Hotel, 204 Biscayne Boulevard 1923 18 McAllister Hotel, 10 Biscayne Boulevard 1919 19 *Miami Women's Blub, 1737 North Bayshore Drive 1927 20 Freedom Tower (Daily News) ENDANGERED; 600 Biscayne Boulevard 1925 21 BPOE Headquarters Building, 15 N.E. 3rd Avenue 1910 22 *Gesu School, Church Rectory, 140 N.W. 2nd Street 1922 23 U.S. Post Office and Courthouse, 300 N.E. 1st Avenue 1931 24 Lindsay Hopkins Building, 1410 N.E. 2nd Avenue 1926 25 First Federal Savings and Loan Building, 100 N.E. 1st Avenue 1912 26 Capital National Bank Miami, 117 N.E. 1-it Avenue 1920 27 The Marion (Price Estate), 227 N.E. 3rd Street 1910 28 Saragossa Hotel, 221 N.E. 3rd Street 1930 29 Connecticut Hotel, 120 N.E. 3rd Street 1930 30 Trinity First Methodist Church, 401 N.E. 1st Avenue 1915 31 Trinity Episcopal Church, 464 N.E. 16th Street 1924 32 Central Baptist Church, 500 N.E. 1st Avenue 1921 33 Roncoli Residence, 235 N.E. 17th Street 1924 34 Brunelli Residence, 1797 N.E. 2nd Court 1922 35 Causeway Apartment Hotel, 333 N.E. 13th Street 1920 36 Monuments in Bayfront Park 37 Demolished 38 U.S. Border Patrol Building, 525 N.E. 30th Street 39 DuPont House (Sangreal), 711 N.E. 27th Street 1920 40 Robertson Memorial 1st Evangelical Church, 261 N.E. 23rd Street 1925 41 Miami Psychiatrics Association, 319 N.E. 23rd Street 1925 195 INDEX TO HISTORICAL STRUCTURES AND SITES (Continued) Map Key Number Name and Address Date 42 Collective House (?), 135 S.E. 14th Street 43 United Methodist Church Retirement Home, 3224-27 Biscayne Boulevard 1926 44 Ye Olde Mantle Shop, 3800 N.E. 2nd Avenue 1926 45 Jewish Home Aged Annex, N.E. 52nd Street and 2nd Avenue 46 Chancery Annex, Diocesan Council Catholic Women, 625 N.E. 63rd Street 47 Gilbert Manor, 104 S.W. South River Drive 1920 48 Warner Residence, 111 S.W. 5th Avenue 1912 49 Dade County Courthouse, 73 West Flagler Street 1927 50 Thompson Residence, 678 S.W. 1st Street 51 Villa Tanner, 229 S.W. 1st Street 1920 52 Elon Apartments, 629 S.W. 10th Avenue 53 Reed Residence, 4210 S.W. 4th Street 54 The Corner Court Apartments, 55 S.W. 21st Avenue 55 St. Michael's Catholic Church Rectory, 2987 W. Flagler Street 56 Golzalez Residence, 2366 S.W. 8th Street 57 Nolan Residence, 1584 Brickell Avenue 1925 58 Petit Duoy, 1500 Brickell Avenue 1931 59 Villa Serena (Wm. J. Bryan), 3115 Brickell Avenue 1916 60 Ingraham Building, 25 S.E. 2nd Avenue 1927 61 Dallas Park Hotel, 227 S.W. 1st Avenue 1925 62 Olympia Theatre (Gusman Hall), 174 East Flagler Street 1926 63 Columbia Building, 112 S.E. 1st Street 1919 64 Jackson's Bryon's Buildng, 51 East Flagler Street 1913 65 Ponce de Leon Hotel, 225.239 East Flagler Street 1923-4 66 Raymond W. Butler Insurance Co., 134 S.E. 2nd Street (ENDANGERED) 1896 67 Bulmer Apartments, 185 S.E. 8th Street 1925 68 Whitehall (Carl Fisher), 1301 Brickell Avenue 1900 69 Highleyman Residence, 1402 South Bayshore Drive 1916 70 Haralambides Residence, 240 S.E. l4th Street 71 Baute Residence, 153 S.E 15th Street 72 Hanna Apartments, 848 Brickell Avenue 1920 73 Preston Residence, 624 Brickell Avenue 1907 74 Ferris Residence, 59 S.E. 6th Street 1910 75 Wickenheiser Residence, 28 S.E. 6th Street 76 Stafford Residence, 36 S.E. 7th Street 1910 77 Levitan Residence, 10 S.E. 6th Street 1910 78 Dr. Jackson's Office (ENDANGERED), 190 S.E. 12th Terrace pre 1907 79 Pan American Terminal Building, 3500 Pan American Drive 1928 80 The Ransom School Pagoda, 3575 Main Highway, Coconut Grove 1902 81 Plymouth Congregational Church, 3429 Devon Road, Coconut Grove 1897 82 Trapp Residence, 2521 South Bayshore Drive, Coconut Grove 1889 196 INDEX TO HISTORICAL STRUCTURES AND SITES (Continued) Map Key Number Name and Address 83 Carrollton School for Girls -El Jardin, 3747 Man Highway, Coconut Grove 84 Peacock Residence, 2983 Mac Farlane Road, Coconut Grove 85 Curry Residence, 3564 Royal Palm Avenue, Coconut Grove 86 Coconut Grove Housekeeper's Club, 2985 South Bayshore Dr., Coconut Grove 87 The Kampong (Fairchild Estate), 4013 Douglas Road, Coconut Grove 88 First Public School Building, 3429 Devon Road, Coconut Grove 89 Ryder Truck Line Building, 3434 Main Highway, Coconut Grove 90 Callahan Building, 3035 Grand Avenue 91 Raffenel Residence (Matheson), 3753 Matheson Avenue 92 Hogg Residence, 3813 Matheson Avenue 93 Coconut Grove Arts Center, Main Highway 94 Kirk Munroe, 3551 Main Highway 95 De Hdeouville, 3495 Main Highway (ENDANGERED) 96 Gifford House, 2937 Aviation 97 Trapp (Access Street ?), 2520 Tigertail 98 Tea Chest, 3532 Main Highway 99 Dr. Simmon's Office, 4013 Main Highway 100 Day House (demolished) 101 Coconut Grove Bank Building, 3430 Main Highway 102 Stirrup House, 3242 Charles Avenue 103 Charles Street Historic District, Charles Avenue/Douglas to Main Highway 104 First Telephone Exchange, 3489 Devon Road 105 Sunshine Real Estate Office, 3936 Main Highway 106 Gifford House, 3672 Bayview Road (2) 107 Haden Residence 108 Greenwood House, 3340 Cornelia Drive 109 Wagner Residence, 3484 Main Highway 110 Biscayne Bay Yacht Club, 3939 Hardie Avenue 111 De Garmo Residence 112 Tequesta, Bayfront Park at Flagler 113 Tuttle Homesite 114 Pan American Field, 5300 N.W. 36th Street 115 James Deering Estate, Vizcaya 116 Grace Methodist Church, 6501 North Miami Avenue 117 Historical Museum of Southern Florida, 3280 S. Miami Avenue, Building B 118 Peacock Inn, Coconut Grove Bayfront Park 119 Lemon City Library, N.E. 62nd Street and 4th Court 120 First Telephone Exchange, N.E. 2nd Street 121 Coconut Grove Library, 2875 Mac Farlane Road 122 Historical Association of Southern Florida, 3280 South Miami Avenue 123 Douaglas Entrance, Coral Gables 124 Biltmore Hotel, Coral Gables Date 1918 1899 1925 1900 1928 1897 1891 1898? 1925 1872 c. 1920 1923 1898 1890-1910 1917 1910 c. 1920 1897 1896 1895 c. 1910 1912 1859 1925 1893 197 INDEX TO HISTORICAL STRUCTURES AND SITES (Continued) Map Key Number Name and Address Date 125 Merrick Manor, 907 Coral Way, Coral Gables 126 Three Score and Ten Club, 243 N.E. 4th Street 127 Parker Art Printing Company Building, 303 Alcazar Avenue, Coral Gables 128 Venetian Pool, Toledo Street/Sevilla Avenue/DeSoto Road, Coral Gables 129 Vizcaya, 3251 South Miami Avenue 130 The Barnacle, 3485 Main Highway 131 Grand Concourse Apartments, 421 N.E. Grand Concourse 132 Glade View Inn (Demolished 1973), 7495 S.W. 8th Street 133 White Belt Dairy, 6000 N.W. 32nd Avenue 134 Howard Backus Residence, 137 N.E. 92nd Street, Miami Shores 135 Anton J. Ceimak Stone, 1 Biscayne Boulevard 136 Coco Plum Wumen's Club, 1315 Sunset Drive, Coral Gables 137 Coral Gables Lighthouse, Coral Gables (Alhambra Circle and Greenway Court) 138 DeSoto Plaza Fountain, Coral Gables (DeSoto Road and Sevilla and Granada Boulevards) 139 Heermance House, 111 Fairway Drive, Miami Springs 140 Normal House, 4620 Santa Maria, Coral Gables 141 Stobe's Residence, 2709 Columbus Boulevard, Coral Gables 142 Thorpe House, 8812 N.E. 10th Avenue 143 W.C. Tindell Residence, 6132 Coral Way 144 Tuckerman House, 161 Sunrise Avenue 145 Hansford Tyler House, 431 N.E. 94th Street 146 University Professional Building, 2506 Ponce de Leon, Coral Gables 147 Vinton House, 112 N.E. 88th Street, Miami Shores 148 Orr Home, 6491 Sunset Drive 148.1 Palmer Residence, 145 N.W. 25th Avenue 149 Parrott Home, 1219 N.E. 102nd Street 150 Peabody House, 2616 DeSoto, Coral Gables 151 Pilgrim Residence, 2715 Alhambra, Coral Gables 152 Professional Building, 216 N.E. 2nd Avenue 153 RBC Lumber Company, 664 N.E. 96th Street, Miami Shores 154 Renuart Residence, 501 N.E. 94th Street, Miami Shores 155 C.E. Rheney, Joseph Daoud House, 280 N.E. 91st Street, Miami Shores 156 Richardson House, 912 N.E. 95th Street, Miami Shores 157 Riviera Residence, 1209 Brickell Avenue, Miami 158 San Sebastian Apartments, 333 University Avenue, Coral Gables 159 Satchell Home, 8900 N.E. First Avenue 160 Scottish Rite Masonic Temple, North River Drive and N.W. 3rd Street 161 Sevilla Hotel, 166 Alcazar, Coral Gables 162 Jefferson Bell House, 3630 N.E. 1st Court 163 Kent Home, 1036 N.E. 89th Street 164 Kreidt Residence, 1032 Coral Way, Coral Gables 165 Hotel La Palma, 116 Alhambra Circle 198 INDEX TO HISTORICAL STRUCTURES AND SITES (Continued) Map Key Number Name and Address Date 166 Lemon City Drug Store, 6045 N.E. 2nd Avenue 167 Little Flower Rectory, 1270 Anastasia, Coral Gables 168 Maxwell Residence, 840 Coral Way, Coral Gables 169 Miami Senior High Sclioo, 2450 S.W. 1st Street 170 Miami Shore Community Church, 9823 N.E. 4th Avenue 171 Alexander Horne, 262 N.E. 96th Street, Miami Shores 172 Baile Residence, 61 N.E. 86th Street 173 Bird Villa, 5880 S.W. 22nd Street 174 Boake Building, 2701 Ponce de Leon, Coral Gables 175 Emily Brion House, 6 N.E. 89th Street 175.1 Casa Loma Hotel (Demolished 1973), 1220 Anastasia, Coral Gables 176 Cassell House (Wm. Wagner Homestead), 1145 N.W. 8th Street ENDANGERED 1870 177 Clay's House, 937 Coral Way, Coral Gables 178 Coral Gables Colisseum, 1500 Douglas Road, Coral Gables 179 Coral Gables Congregational Church, 3010 DeSoto Boulevard, Coral Gables 180 Coral Gables Country Club, N. Greenway Court and Granada, Coral Gables 181 Coral Gables Elementary School, 105 Minorca Avenue, Coral Gables 182 Davis House, 1044 Coral Way, Coral Gables 183 Elroy Decker Residence, 1069 N.E. 91st Terrace, Miami Shores 184 Dorn House, 4550 Sunset Drive 185 Duff House, 100 N.E. 88th Street, Miami Shores 186 Florida National Bank, Miracle Mile, Coral Gables 187 French Provincial Village, LeJeune Road and Vizcaya, Coral Gables 188 Hastings House, 1217 Granada, Coral Gables 189 Coral Gables City Hall, 405 Biltmore Way, Coral Gables 190 Brickell Trading Post Site, 501 Brickell Avenue 191 Old Camp, '/4mile southwest of Rickenbacker toll gate in City Park Source. Dade County Historical Association and State Division of Archives The above listed historical sites represent a Countywide effort by the State Division of Archives, History and Records Management to identity sites and structures considered historic. To date, few of the sites have been surveyed in detail to provide the information need,'ri to definitively classify them as worthy of local historic register status. Funds to pro- vide this research have been applied for through County C.D. funds. There are 20 sites in Dade County that have been extensively researched and are listed on the National Register of Histor ic Places. 199 6.7 PUBLIC SCHOOLS LOCATED WITHIN CITY LIMITS OF MIAMI Name i Address Allapattah Elementary 4700 N.W. 12th Ave. Allapattah J.H.S. 1331 N.W. 46th St. Auburndale Elementary 3255 S.W. 6th St. Buena Vista Elementary 3001 N.W. 2nd Ave. %above Racial School School 70-71 %below Composition Site Structure Aqe Capacity Enrollment Capacity %White %Black Acres Sq. Ft. 23 1180 1152 -2 17 83 61,765 20.00 8 1499 1455 -3 36 64 104,938 50 950 920 -3 98 2 10.00 51,261 45 690 422 -39 60 40 2.46 38,375 Carver, George Washington 15 540 480 -20 33 67 31,311 (1973), 238 Grand Ave.(K-2) 22>7.26 Carver, George Washington 48 857 621 -35 62 38 79,157 J.H.S., 4901 Lincoln Dr., Coral Gables Citrus Grove Elementary 14 990 1315 +33 99 1. 58,678 2121 N.W. 5th St. 8.61 Citrus Grove J.H.S. 48 990 1451 +47 67 3371,084 2145 N.W. 5th St. Coconut Grove Elementary 51 555 412 -12 44 56 4.5 44,849 3351 Matilda (K-6) Comstock Elementary 47 1020 1768 +73 72 28 3.72 79,427 2420 N.W. 18th Coral Way Elementary 36 1060 1435 +35 99 1 7.75 61,216 1950 S.W. 13th Ave. Dade Elementary 19 650 540 -1 49 51 5.00 51,336 3501 S.W. 28th St.(K 4-6) Douglas Elementary 314 N.W. 12th St. Dunbar Elementary 505 N.W. 20th St. Edison Park Elementary 500 N.W. 67th St. 19 1245 1104 -11 33 67 2.56 57,506 50 1305 783 -40 37 63 8.00 98,000 22 1130 1033 -9 42 58 3.16 57,535 , Fairlawn Elementary 20 890 837 -6 100 0 2.17 46,292 444 S.W. 60th Ave. Flagler Elementary 16 650 755 +16 99 1 4.20 42,045 5222 N.W. 1st St. Holmes Elementary 18 945 637 -33 6 94 5.35 65,664 1175 N.W. 67th St. Kensington Park Elementary 21 1300 1236 -5 99 1 12.20 67,681 711 N.W. 30th Ave. Kinlock Park Elementary 47 695 715 +7 99 1 4.00 44,072 4275 N.W. 1st St. Kinlock Park J.H.S. 37 1422 1631 +13 99 1 10.00 90,937 4340 N.W. 3rd St. Lee, Robert E. J.H.S. 48 1096 990 -10 43 57 3.63 88,014 3100 N.W. 5th Ave. 201 %above Racial School School 70-71 %below Composition Site Structure Name 6 Address !al Capacity Enrollment Capacity %White %Black Acres Sq. Ft. Little River Elementary 48 1155 1056 -9 34 66 6.42 71,878 514 N.W. 77th St. Merritt, Ada J.H.S. 48 791 1174 +40 64 36 1.72 74,101 660 S.W. 3rd St. Miami Senior High 45 3266 4632 +42 96 4 9.88 268,249 2450 S.W. 1st St. Miami Edison J.H.S. 58 1263 1256 0 44 56 4.00 78,421 6100 N.W. 2nd Ave. Miami Edison Senior High 45 2086 2137 +2 59 41 17.50 177,721 6101 N.W. 2nd Ave. Miami Jackson 47 2205 989 -52 64 36 13.04 206,375 1751 N.W. 36th St. Miramar Elementary 48 495 458 -7 52 48 1.50 38,030 109 N.E. 19th St. Morningside Elementary 41 575 463 -19 99 1 2.50 32,424 6620 N.E. 5th Ave. Northwestern Senior High 17 1953 2232 +14 0 100 27.90 276,693 7007 N.W. 12th Ave. Orchard villa Elementary 34 1425 1226 -14 0 100 6.00 77,462 5720 N.W. 13th Ave. Primary School C 4 360 294 -18 34 66 2.60 36,588 757 N.W. 66th St. Riverside Elementary 50 825 1735 +110 58 42 3.25 45,873 221 S.W. 12th Ave. Santa Clara Elementary 47 710 661 -7 29 71 4.00 38,729 1051 N.W. 29th Terr. Shadowlawn Elementary 47 680 836 +23 34 66 3.50 46,443 149 N.W. 49th St. Shenandoah Elementary 46 780 1038 +33 99 1 5.00 46,740 1023 S.W. 21st Ave. Shenandoah J.H.S. 32 1687 1747 +4 99 1 7.60 112,617 1950 S.W. 19th St. Silver Bluff Elementary 47 780 705 -9 99 1 3.00 42,720 2609 S.W. 25th Ave. (K-6) Southside Elementary 47 360 361 0 99 1 1.88 20,700 45 S.W. 13th St. Tucker, Francis Elementary 12 870 499 -32 16 84 4.13 46,612 3500 Douglas Rd. (K-3) Booker T. Washington J.H.S. 48 2205 989 -52 64 36 3.47 124,784 1200 N.W. 6th Ave. West Dunbar Elementary 9 870 758 -13 40 60 10.00 51,282 750 N.W. 20th St. Wheatly, Phyllis Elementary 20 1050 874 -17 40 60 5.00 57,904 1801 N.W. 1st Place Source: A 1971 CIP Profile of Community Conditions and Needs 202 6.8 LIST OF ONE'OF'A.KIND PHASE I --CITY-WIDE EMPHASIS MAPS 203 1. Regional Activity Centers 2. Population Dynamics Synthesis 3. Housing Submarkets 4. Building Activity 1970-1975 5. Housing Dynamics 6. 1974 Daily i ratfic Volumes 7. Sanitary Sewer System Status 8. Community Facilities 9. Recreation and Open Space 10. Environmental Resources 11. Environmental Hazards 12. Urban Design Framework 13. Inventory of Past and Present Plans 14. Generalized Toning 15. Generalized Land Use 16. Topography 17. Inventory of Current Programs 18. Housing Problems 19, Problem Synthesis 20. Opportunity Areas 21. City-wide Concept Plan PHASE II -PLANNING DISTRICT AND NEIGHBORHOOD EMPHASIS Planning District A: Northeast 1. R.O.W. Conditions- Sanitary Sewers 2. R.O.W. Conditions-- Lighting 3. R.O.W. Conditions Curbs and Gutters 4. R.O.W. Conditions --Sidewalks 5, R.O.W. Conditions --Roadway 6. Tax Exempt and Railroad Properties 7. Existing Land Use 8. Economiv Conditions and Trends 9. Growth Capacity 10. Neighborhood Profiles 11. Problems and Opportunities 12. Park Deficiencies 13. Traffic and Transportation Problems and Opportunities 14. Neighborhood Development Program 15. Economic Development Program 16. Future Land Use Concept Plan 17, 1975-1985 Proposed Land Use Changes 18. Regulatory Program Development 19. Transportation Concept Plan 20. Community Facilities Concept Plan 21. Community Design Element Planning District B: Downtown, Culmer, BricksII Wynwood 1. Tax Exempt and Railroad Properties 2. Existing Land Use 3. Economic Conditions and Trends 4. Neighborhood Profiles 5. R.O.W. Conditions• -Sanitary Sewers 6. R.O.W. Conditions -Lighting 7, R.O.W. Conditions -Curbs and Gutters 8. R.O.W. Conditions -Sidewalks 9. R.O.W. Conditions --Roadway 10. Problems and Opportunities 11. Future Land Use Concept Plan 12. Proposed Land Use Changes 13. Regulatory Program Development 14. Economic Development Program 15. Neighborhood Development Program 16. Community Design Element 17. Transportation Concept Plan 18. Community Facilities Concept Plan Planning District C: Coconut Grove, Shenandoah 1. Existing Land Use 2. Neighborhood Profiles 3. Tax Exempt and Railroad Properties 4, R.O.W. Conditions -Sanitary Sewers 5. R.O.W. Conditions -Lighting 6. R.O.W. Conditions ---Curbs and Gutters 7. R.O.W. Conditions --Sidewalks 8. R.O.W. Conditions -Roadway 9. Economic Conditions and Trends 10. Problems and Opportunities 11. Future Land Use Concept Plan 12. Land Use Changes 1975-1985 13. Regulatory Program Development 14. Neighborhood Development Program 15. Economic Development Program 16. Community Facilities Concept Plan 17. Community Design Element Planning District D: Little Havana 1. Tax Exempt Properties 2. Existing Land Use 3, Future Land Use Concept Plan 4. Regulatory Program Development 5. R.O.VV. Conditions -Roadway 6. R.O.W. Conditions -Sanitary Sewers 7. R.O.W. Conditions -Lighting 8. R.O.W. Conditions --Curbs and Gutters 9. R.O.W. Conditions -Sidewalks 10. Potential Growth Areas 11. Little Havana Problems and Opportunities 204 12. 1975-1985 Proposed Land Use Changes 13. Economic Development Program 14. Neighborhood Development Program 15. Transportation Concept Plan 16. Community Facilities Concept Plan 17. Economic Conditions and Trends 18. Neighborhood Profiles 19. Circulation Problems and Opportunities 20. Neighborhood Park Deficiencies with In- creased Utilization of Public and Semi -Public Facilities 21. Neighborhood Park Deficiencies 22. Drainage Problems and Opportunities 23. Community Design Planning District E: Flagami 1. Neighborhood Profiles 2. R.O.W. Conditions Roadway 3. R.O.W. Conditions •Lighting 4. R.O.W. Conditions Curbs and Gutters 5. R.O.W. Conditions Sidewalks 6. R.O.W. Conditions Sanitary Sewers 7. Growth Capacity 8. Existing Land Use 9. Tax Exempt and Railroad Properties 10. Recreation/Park Needs 11. Flagami Problems and Opportunities 12. Economic Conditions and Trends 13. Economic Development Program 14. Neighborhood Development Program 15. Regulatory Program Development 16. Future Land Use Concept Plan 17. Community Facilities Concept Plan Planning District F: Allapattah 1. Tax Exempt and Railroad Properties 2. Existing Land Use 1975 3. Future Land Use Concept Plan 4. Regulatory Program Development 5. Economic Development Program 6. Neighborhood Development Program 7. Allapattah Problems and Opportunities 8. 1975-1985 Proposed Land Use Changes 9. Economic Conditions and Trends 10. Neighborhood Profiles 11. Transit Problems and Opportunities 12. Neighborhood Park Deficiencies 13. Community Facilities Concept Plan 14. Community Design Element 15. R.O.W. Conditions -Roadway 16. R.O.W. Conditions --Lighting 17. R.O.W. Conditions -Curbs and Gutters 18. R.O.W. Conditions -Sidewalks 19. R.O.W. Conditions Sanitary Sewers 6.9 GLOSSARY Activity Centers Activity centers are concentrations of similar or re- lated uses which leave a marked impact on adjoining land use, transportation facilities and services. Al- though different uses might he present, such as busi- ness offices and industrial uses, residential areas, ed- ucational or medical facilities and stropping areas, these iiiversified ac.‘tivity centers are usually char- acter -lied by physical cohesiveness and intensive land use. Bikeways The term is used to define all facilities that explic- itly provide for bicycle travel Bikeways, then, can be anything from fully q.lrade-separated facilities to simple signed streets. Bonus An incentive in the: form of an increased floor area above that allowed by the zoning ordinance in re- turn for the provision of amenities or specific uses by the developer: CBD Refers to the central business district originally de- fined as a reporting area by the Census Bureau for the study or tree "Central City.- It is commonly called the Downtown area of a city; an area of concentrated commercial activity. Cluster Development A cluster development is one in which a number of dwelling units are grouped, leaving some land un- divided for common use. It may mean grouping the same number of units allowed in a given subdivision or zoned area on smaller than usual or minimum lot, with ttne remainder of land available as a common area —the density remains the same, but some larger pieces of land, hopefully with some interesting na- tural features, left undivided and uninvaded and open for common use. Cluster development will be found increasingly in use and may become the dominant pattern of residential development. Com- mon open space is the key element. This may be a recreation core or a park -like natural area. Collector Street System Provides for traffic movement between major ar- terials and local streets, and direct access to abutting property. Community Development Grant Program Community Development is the HUD special revenue sharing program. Funds previously earmarked by 205 1 Congress for Model Cities, Neighborhood Devel- opment, Open Space, Water and Sewers, Code En- forcement, and Neighborhood Facilities were com- bined into Community Development Block Grants. Under the legislation, the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, metropolitan cities and urban counties receive funds based on a formula that includes population, low income, and over . crowded housing. In Dade County, the City of Miami, Miami Beach, and Hialeah receive funds as metropolitan cities, and Metropolitan Dade County receives funds as an urban county. Comprehensive Plan A Comprehensive Plan is a legal public document adopted by a local govenrment as a policy guide to decisions about tine physical development of the community. It indicates, In a general way, how the leaders of the government want the community to develop in the next ten to thirty years. District A portion of the territory of the City of Miami where certain uniform regulations and require- ments or various combinations thereof apply under the provisions of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordi- nance. "Element" A portion of the Comprehensive Plan which deals with the analysis and recommendations related to a specific urban system such as open space, trans. portation, housing, etc. Expressway System (Including Freeways and Parkways) Provides for expeditious movement of large volumes of through tralfic between areas and across the City, and not intended to provide land access service. Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) The total floor area of the building or building on a lot, divided by the area of the lot. The total floor area for this purpose is the gross horizontal area of the several floors of all buildings on the lot. Housing Finance Agency The proposed Florida Housing Finance Agency, through the sale of bonds, would rnake funds avail- able to private enterprise. These monies would be used for the development of housing, in coopera- tion with the Federal Government, for low, moder- ate and middle income Floridians. To date more 206 than thirty nine states have established housing fi- nance agencies, including nine southern states (West Virginia, North Carolina, Sc.)uth Carolina, Georgia, Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Louisiana and Maryland). Land Use Plan (Generalized) The plan inilicatincl the functional relationship of areas u+ the community, intended for use as a guide Ill the ilevulopITlc.nt of the City Little HUD "Little HUD" is the Dade County Department of Housing ani Urban Development. This Department is responsible for administering the various housing and renewal programs being utilized by Du,.ie County. Local Street System Provides I r 'rirec:t access to abutting land, and for local traffic. movements. Major Arterial System Provides for the through traffic movement between areas and across the City, and direct access to abut- ting property; subject to necessary control of en- trances, exits, and curb use. Non -Conforming Use Use of any property or premises in any manner which does not comply with the regulations pro- vided for the district in which the property or pre- mises are situated, if such use was originally legally estabI shed_ One Hundred Year Flood The 100 year flood is a standard which refers to a flood of a magnitude to occur once every 100 years. A 100 year floodplain is that area adjacent to a waterbody that is likely to be inundated once in 100 years. Overcrowding of Housing A unit containing more than one person per room excluding bathrooms, hallways and entrance halls. Overlay District A traditional zoning tool where a zoning district specifically addresses either a requirement for use, bulk, height, minimum lot size, etc. This tool had been abandoned for single district systems com- bining all these elements. In recent years, overlay districts have been utilized to supplement the exist- ing single district system. Planned Unit Development Planned unit development is a broader concept than cluster. It may apply to commercial and in- dustrial as well as residential development areas. In some cases a mixture of uses —one or more resi- dential types of residence plus commercial - is al- lowed. A major difference between planned unit development and cluster is that the specific condi- tion under which the development will be allowed are general in nature for planned unit development, and frequently not applied until actual plans are proposed. In this case, much is lelt to the discre- tion of the administrator, the review board, or other controlling authority. Similar to cluster development, it seeks a more flexible approach to permit development of large areas as a whole. Public Housing Housing units owned or leased by either the Metro- politan Dade County Department of Housing and Urban Development or by one of the local munici- pal housing authorities. Public Land Banking Public Land Banking is a system whereby a govern- mental entity acquires land available for future de velopment for the purpose of controlling the pace and direction of urban growth. By acquiring or leas- ing land in the path of urban expansion, and hence immunizing it from premature development, the land bank entity can observe market forces and then develop or dispose of the land at a propitious time for development and with use restrictions con- sonant with a publicly -adopted plan for the area. Publicly Subsidized Housing Publicly subsidized housing is privately owned and privately financed. However, an interest subsidy on the mortgage, provided by FHA, enables moderate income families to rent or own a housing unit. Redevelopment Redevelopment involves the removal of existing structures and, potentially, a reconfiguration of ownership patterns and changes in land use. Such extreme measures can be of great benefit to an area by removing slums an,i creating more com- patible land use. However, care has to be taken to make provision for those displaced by the clearance and to ensure that the new development does not overburden existing facilities and services. Redlining Redlining is the vivid term used to describe the supposition that lenders draw a line on a map around a neighborhood tney consider to be on the decline and, therefore, a risky place in which to make a home rnortgaifu loan. Whether lenders do, or ever did, wield reed pencils Is not keiwin. Provably they did not. But it is kni,wn taut htu practice has be- come policy with some lending institutions. Regulatory Framework Refers to legal .fovt rnrnuntaI c,,ntrois which affect land use and .i'vr lopment, sucn as zoning, require- ments for .reveloprnents of regional impact, environ- mental quality standar is arid so North. Rehabilitation The upgrading of environmental quality through improvement of existing rr-�sidentiai or commercial Areas. Rehabilitation IS a type of renewal treatment which may be appropriate for restoration of deter- iorating residential or non-resiilentiai areas which are basically sour i and worth conserving and in which the existing buildings, public tacilities, and improvements can be economically repaired to a long term soun.f condition. 7 his treatment may also include spot clearance to remove dwelling units in- feasible for rehabilitation, Residential Any lot, parcel or piece of land, or any building used exclusively for family dwelling purposes. Residential Density The number of people per residential acre in the City. Density is given by census tract and was deter- mined by dividing the number of people in each tract by the number of residential acres in each tract. Right-of•Way Refers to shoulders, median and all other areas of a street segment not considered to be premises of residential properties or vacant lots. Section 8: Housing Assistance Payments Program Section 8 is a subsidy program where HUD will provide housing assistance payments on behalf of eligible lower income families (i.e., families whose income does not exceed 80 percent of median in- come for the locality) occupying newly constructed, substantially rehabilitated or existing housing. This payment will rnake up tir,e difference between the approved rent tor the unit and the amount the family 207 Is ►equitud to pay which is not Tess than 15 percent nor more than 25 percent of the family's adjusted income. Setback The minimum distance between the zoned street line, rear or side lot lines, and the front line, rear line, or side line of the building projection thereof, excluding projections specifically permitted. SMSA Refers to Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area. The SMSA is a unit of analysis which was defined so tliat a wide variety of statistical data might be presented on a uniform basis. The Miami SMSA includes all of Dade County. Specialized Activity Centers Although specialized activity centers may contain more than one activity, these additional uses are usually supporting activities. Both the Medical and Design Centers are good examples of specialized activity centers. Special Public Interest District (SPI) A district established to preserve, protect or en- hance an area which is of a special interest to a community (i.e., ecological preservation, historic preservation, floodplain, airport, etc.). The regula- tions forming part of a given district would sup- plant or modify existing zoning controls. There is usually greater public planning input into private planning within an SPI. Strip Land Use A narrow strip of like development whose length varies from several blocks to several miles. ' Swale A 6 to 12 foot wide grassy area within the public right-of-way, located between the shoulder of the street and the sidewalk or adjacent private property if there is no sidewalk. The swale area acts as a col- lector of storm water runoff from paved surfaces along the public right-of-way. Tax Abatement Missouri has used Tax Abatement as an incentive tool for private investors (owners) to carry out specified public development (improvement) ob- jectives. This incentive can be granted to existing buildings, new construction, a particular age group lover 65) or other criteria established by law. This 108 method provides the incentive Inuclly to the own er or developer by abating the taxes on new con- struction or renovations, provided that the improve- ment is in accordance with a public plan approved by the local government. This method provides for abatement of all taxes on the increased valua- tion (nevi construction or renovations; excluding land value or original building) for a period of 15 years; from year 15 to year 25 the owner pays taxes on 50% of land and the increased value of improve- ments; after the 25th year the owner pays full taxes on the total development. This method can and should accommodate tax abatement to encourage major renovations, restorations, preservation of his- torical sites, the elderly and any other criteria authorized by the Constitution and legislation. In each of these cases, all existing taxing jurisdiction continues to receive taxes on all land values (and the original buildings in the case of renovation) during the period of tax abatement. Tax Increment Financing California has developed, and successfully tested in their courts, a method of Tax Increment Financing with which they finance the acquisition, planning, improvement, relocation and, in the case of hous- ing, construction of new developments. This meth- od uses the sale of Tax Increment Notes, which are repaid by the increase in local taxes caused by the new development. All existing taxing jurisdictions continue to receive the same local taxes levied prior to redevelopment, during the life of the project. This method provides the local government with the necessary funds to: 1. Acquire and prepare land for resale to interested developers (including write -down when approp- riate and necessary). 2. Prepare land for housing, construct the housing and then sell the housing, based on the ability to pay, as identified by public policy and the redevelopment plan. 3. Assemble land through eminent domain powers to accomplish the public plan (purpose) ob- jective. Under this method, land developers always pay full taxes, and the public agency obtains funds for its financial obligations from the increase in local taxes, created by the new development. Transfer of Development Rights Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) is a proposed innovative land use management tool which can be used by a governmental body for greater police power control of development. Simply explained, conservation zones are established where develop- ment is restricted, and the development potential (as determined by the zoning at the time of the parcel's designation as a conservation zone) is "severed" from the land. Transfer zones are also created where a certain density bonus will be ai- lowed if development rights are purchased. The idea is that through the purchase of development rights, the conservation zone landowners will be equitably compensated for the governmental re- strictions placed upon their land without the ex- penditure of public funds. The use of TDR has been proposed for historic preservation, open space pre- servation, and as an alternative to traditional zon- ing. Urban Renewal Urban renewal is an older community redevelopment program. It operates under a single funding system which may include a work program of several years. There is one urban renewal area in Dade County (Florida R-10 in Central Miami). Usable Open Space An outdoor are, excluding parking and other service areas, which is utilized for outdoor living, recrea- tion or landscaping, and which is open and unob- structed from physical barriers. Vertical Zoning A bulk restriction which gradually controls floor area coverage at different levels above the ground floor level in order to avoid canyon effects from high rise structures side by side. In addition, it encourages the possibility for above ground malls and promenades. 209 6.10 BIBLIOGRAPHY INVENTORY OF PAST AND PRESENT PLANS The following plans and planning documents were reviewed as a basis for this planning study. 1. Metro Dar,le Cumprelifmsive Development Plan, 1975 By. Metro Dade County Planning Department 2. Northeast Community Curnpr Thensive Planning Study, 1972/1975 By. City rr1 Miami Planning Department 3. The Little Rive! Commercja, Center, 1975 By City r.>1 Miami Planning Department 4. Jackson Memuritil Ho.pital, 1975 By: Smith, Kor,3ch, HAyst, Haynie Partnership 5. Downtown (\Alarm 19i,; 1985: An Urban De- velopment and Zoning Plan, 1913 By: Wallace, McHarg, Roberts and Todd 6. The Proposed Mu,tel City Comprehensive Plan, 1975 By: Metro Dade County Human Reso hens Administration 7. Downtown Government Center Milestone Report Ti.vo, 1976 By: Connell, Metcalf and Ei1�?y 8. Latin Community Study, 1974 By: City of Miami Plannini Department 9. A Planning Study for Cocortit Grove, 1974 By: City of Miami Planning Department 10. Dinner Key Master Plan, 1972 By. Russeli•Melton Associates 11. Master Plan for Development, New Port of Miami, 1969 By: Tippetts-Abbett-McCarthy-Stratton 12. Biscayne Bay and Its Environs, 1975 By: Thomas W. Bilhorn 13. Clauglrton Island, A Dynamic Addition to Downtown, 1914 By: Edward Claughton, Frates Properties, Inc. 14. Downtown Miami; A Conceptual Transporta- tion Plan, 1973 By: Beiswenger-Hoch 15. Plaza Venetia Study, 1972 By: City of Miami Planning Department 16. Miami Riverfront Development, 1972 By: Connell, Pierce, Garland and Friedman 17. Controversial Corridors Review Recommended Transportation Alternatives, 1974 By: Network Revision Sub -Committee of MUAT`_ 18. Five -Year Construction Plan for Partially Meet- ing Capital Requirements, 1975 By: Dade County Board of Public Instruction 211 19. Edison Park NDP 2, 1971 By: City of Miami Planning Department 20. Central Miami NDP 3, 1971 By: Candeub, Fleissig, and Associates 21. Coconut Grove NDP 4, 1971 By: Marcou, O'Leary and Associates, Inc. 22. Brickell: A Planning Zoning Study, 1970 By: City of Miami Planning Department 23. Virginia Key Plan, 1969 By City of Miami Planning Department 24. R-10 Renewal Plan, 1973 By: City of Miami Planning Department 25. Miami Design Plaza, 1974 By: City of Miami Planning Department 26. Community Shelter Plan, 1970 By: Wilbur Smith and Associates 27. Open Space and Recreation Proposed Master Plan, 1969 By: Metro Dade County Parks and Recreation Depar it/lent 28. Recommended Bikeways Plan for Metro Dade County, 1974 By: Metro Dade County Planning Department 29. Parks for People Bond Program, 1972 By: City of Miami Planning Department 30. Cultural Facilities and Activities Plan, 1973 By. Metro Dade County Planning Department 31. Dade County Art Museum, 1975 By: Harold Lewis Malt and Associates 32. Water Quality Management Plan, 1973 By Harold Lewis Malt and Associates 33. fv1iami International Airport Compatibility Study, 1971 By: Dade County and City of Miami Planning Departments 34. Metro Dade County Transit Improvement Prograrn, 1974 By: Kaiser Engineers FOOTNOTES Land Use 1. Douglas, Marjorie Stoneman, The Everglades, River of Grass, (1947). 2. Muir, Helen, Miami USA, (1953). 3. Metro Dade County Planning Department, "Land Use Characteristics, 1960-1970, Com- prehensive Development Master Plan, Tech- nical Report Series," (1973). 4. City of Miarni Planning Department, Zoning Inventory, (1974). 5. National Commission on Urban Problems, Three Land Research Studies, Research Report 12, Wash- ington, D.C. 1968. 212 Housing 1. U.S. Census of Population and Housing, (1970). 2. South Florida Regional Planning Council, "Housing: The Regional View," (1975). 3. Hunter Moss and Company, Housiny Needs and Resources Inventory of City of Miami, (1965 and 1970). 4. Dade County Community In-mprovement Pro- gram, Office of the County Manager, "Housing Profile," (1970). 5. Dade County Community Improvement Pro- gram, Office of the County Manager, "Profile of Metropolitan Dade County: Conditions and Needs," (1972). 6. Morton Hoffman and Company, Housina Mar- ket Analysis and Needs of Low and Moderate Income Households Dade County Florida, 1969-1985, (1970). 7. Dade County Department of Housing and Ur- ban Development, Correspondence with Dan Sourcinelli, "Public and Publicly Assisted Housing Programmed by Dade County for 1976," (1975). Public Services and Facilities 1. Metro Dade County Planning Department, Background Peer for the Advisory Task Force on Services Comprehensive Development Master Plan, (1973). 2. Dade County Community Improvement Pro- gram, "Neighborhood Facilities Grant Prograrn: Needs and Priorities for Dade County," (1972). 3. Metro Dade County Planning Department, Dade County School Board, Proposed Planning Guidelines for Providing Educational Facilities and Programs for Metropolitan Dade County, Florida (1973). 4. Smith, Korach, Hayst, Haynier Partnerships, Caudill, Rowlett and Scott, James A. Hamilton, Inc., Role and Program Study: Jackson Memor- ial Hospital. 5. Miami Herald, "A Proper Lid on Hospital Beds," (July 19, 1975). 6. Dade County Community Improvement Pro- gram, "Profile of Metro Dade County: Condi- tions and Needs," (1972). 7. Metro Dade County Planning Department, Proposed Cultural Facilities and Activities Plan for Metro Dade County, Florida (1973). 8. City of Miami, 1974-1975, "Budget Estimate." 9. Connell, Pierce, Garland and Friedman, Mile- stone Report One Downtown Government Center, (1975). 10. Metro Dade County Department of Human Resources, Correspondence, Kay Flynn and Michael Gruber, (1975-1976). 11. Stanford Research Institute, Miami Modern Police, First Year Summary, (1973). 12. Metro Dade County Planning Department, Comprehensive Development Master Plan, Part 3, (1974). 13. Miami Herald, "Crime, Burglars, Robbers Get $30 Million in Dade Browar;i Cuts Rate," Roberto Fahricio, (August 27, 1975). 14. Metro Dade County Community Improvement Program, Crime, (1972). 15. McQuade, Walter, ed. Cites Fit to Live In and How We Can Make Them HapLen, (1971). 16. Newman, Oscar, Defensible Space, Crime Pre- vention through Urban Design, (1973). 17. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban De- velopment, Neighborhood Preservation A Catalog of Local Programs (1975). Population 1. U.S. Department of Commerce, "Census of Population" (1970). 2. Metro Dade County Planning Department, "Population Projections Dade County, Florida," (1970). 3. Albert Rosen and Associates, Metro Dade County Planning Department, "Mobility Patterns 1964- 1969," (1970). 4. University of Florida Bureau of Economic anti Business Research. 5. City of Miami, "Community Renewal Program, Part One," (1965). 6. 1970 U.S. Census. Conservation and Safety 1. Miami Herald, "High Level of Toxics Found in Area Waters," Mike Toner, (January 29, 1976). 2. Miami Herald, "Dade's Waters Cleaner, But Still Unfit," Mike Toner, (January 12, 1976). 3. Greeley and Hansen, and Connell Associates, Water Quality Management Plan, (1973). 4. Floor Insurance Administration, Federal Flood Insurance Program, Study Manual and Maps, (1972). 5. Miami Federal Execuhve Board, Evacuation of Coastal Residents Durir] Hurricanes, A Pilot Study for Dade County, Florida (1973). 6. South Florida Building Co,se, (19571. 7. Dade County and City of Miu" ii Planning De- partments, Miami International Airport Com- Latilylily St,, :y, (19711 8. Thy Mari-M,-i r ^;',_�rL.', Lruiiiieermng Concepts, McGraw-Hill Company, (1970). 9. City Oak l,rt���i, N,., s Ati E_.rrrrlent of the Oaklan.'. Cohil densI :_P__an, (19741, 10. Ernest Peterson, "The Problem of Urban Noise," Mi<oii Interaction (Jane, 1970). 11. Communication Captain Rehr, Miami City Fire Department, (1976). 12. Carr, ArcHe rind Memo, s of Time -Life Books, The Everja_;,:s, (1973). 13. Craighead, Frank, Sr of South Fldr- iakTde_Naturrtl EnvLrr;rim nts dnd Their Slic- ccssiun, Vol. I, (1971 ). 14. Hof frneister, John 5,r;vah.l L n•__From the Sea The Gedlo,TcStory _of Soot Fluri,ica, (1974). 15. Miami Herald, "Its the Best of 7 ime, Autumn in the Tropics," (October 26, 19751. 16. Oygyay, Victor, Design with Climate, cltm�tic Approach to Arcr,.tE ctura' R ionaI- ism, (1973). 17. University of Mierni Seagrant Program, Susan Uhl Wilson, Biscayne Bay. Environmental and Social Systems, (1972). 18. University of Miami Seagrant Program, Anitra Thorhaug and Ai Volker, editors, Bisca_yne Bay. Past Present and Future (1976). 19. United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Soil Survey Detailed Re- connaissance for Dade County, (1947). 20. United States Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Topography Maps, (1969). 21. Works Progress Administration, Topography Maps of Dade County, (1939). 22. Communication with Dr. Harold Gerrish, Rosentiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Miami (1975). 23. Communication with Ms. Dorothy Berga- maschi, South Florida Regional Planning Council, Project Manager, Coastal Zone Man- agement, (1976). 24. Communication with Mr. Robert Usherson, Metro Dade County Planning Department, (1975-76). Transportation 1. Transportation and Utilities Interim Report, EDG, Inc., Phase I, City-wide Overview, (1975). 213 1665 SC l TH MIAMI AVEN11. 1665 SOUT14 AVENUE VIEW SOUTH ALONG SOUTH MIAMI AVENUE 1700 SOUTH MIAMI AVENUE 1701 SOUTH MIAMI AVENUE 1700 BLOCK SOUTH MIAMI AVENUE 2250 BRICKELL AVENUE 2200 BRICKELL AVENUE 2200 PAZICKELL AVENUE • 220G hRICKIILL AVENEE 2200 hI 1CKELL ' ENl:E 220G BP IC KELL A\ LNUE 1950 BRICKELL AVEtiUCE 2250 BRICKELL AVENUE -; • •. • - -. ' . 1-: • 111fr-: • • - • • bt ' - .‘f - • 11., '''-;•••••,' • au04,-.7 •f• `••- • VIE\ NOP TilLI'kLY ALONG bIZICKELL AVENUE V1EVl NORTHERLY ALONG BRICKELL AVENUE ININIANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH 1770 13R1CKLLL AVENUE VIEW SOUTHER L" ALONG ERICKELL AVENUE 1617 BRICKELL AVENUE /f 1627 BIZICKLLL AVEI\l'E E643 ERECKELL A\ ENUE 11111111111111 1 I L';Z4_34 t3RICKELL AVENUE 1890 BRICKELL AVENUE mIl i Aiimllie!muNiipounnullunu��i�nl�ul�!IIIII III LOTS 29 & 30 BRICKELL AVENUE VIE\\ NORTHERLY ALONG 1WICKELL AVENUE 1597 BRICKELL AVENUE 4Ma 1548 BRICKELL AVENUE As. 1564 bRIC7KEIL AVENUE 1AN fi On February 15, 1898, the U. S. hattick1 was blown up In Havana Harbor. anri war with Spain was declared M,,r' feared a Spanish invasion. in slit' shallow channel. In response. the L' (j '. erected a temporary fortificitInn l,r, property. 1V2 miles south of t3rickc,11 • 500 feet east of this marker. The f, ,.-, commanded the channel. consistcd mound covering the magazine. t"o" "'' hundred foot semicircular pnr(i) i ,11 Ti American War ended on August September the guns had I), "Fort Brickell. HISTORIC LANDMARK rot • • .ma y l ;. •r :L FR.01 .0 Y VIE1t SOLTHERLY ALONG BRICKELL AVENUE