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\2/12/79 V RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE AS LISTED IN ORDINANCE NO. 6871, ARTICLE V, SECTION 1 (6)(h), TO APPROVEA RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT OF A PLANNED UNIT NATURE (PUN) ON LOTS 1 AND 4, PRICE TERRACE (82-46) BEING 1641 SOUTH BAYSHORE DRIVE, AS PER PLANS ON FILE, CONSISTING OF FIVE (5) DWELLING UNITS IN FIVE (5) SEPARATE STRUCTURES, SUBJECT TO SUBMISSION OF COMMON PROPERTY AGREEMENT TO THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS ISSUED, ZONED R-1 (SINGLE FAMILY) DISTRICT. WHEREAS, the Miami Zoning Board, at its meeting of February 5th, 1979, Item No. 3, following an advertised hearing, adopted Resolution No. ZB 26-79 by a 5 to 2 vote recommending a Conditional Use as hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, the City Commission after careful consideration and due deliberation of this matter, has determined that the Conditional Use requested meets all the City's requirements for said use; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Conditional Use as listed in Ordinance No. 6871, Article V, Section 1 (6)(h), to approve a residential development of a Planned Unit Nature (PUN) on Lots 1 and 4, PRICE TERRACE (82-46) being 1641 South Bayshore Drive as per plans on file, consisting of five (5) dwelling units in five (5) separate structures, subject to submission of common property agteement to the Building Department before Certificate of Occupancy is issued, zoned R-1 (Single Family) District, be and the same is hereby granted. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of , 1979. ATTEST: CITY CLERK PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: G. MIRIAM MAER ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY APP : D AS TO FO AN CO' CTNESS: GLOR E . K!OX, J CITY ORNEY MAYOR "DOCUMENT INDEX ITEM NO. °SEE 0ier7 "e* 77- /O rErn 1yt+ UBJ" C '. The proposed resolution to rermi t n :fanned unit development of fiv dwelling unite at 164l South Psyiehore Drive (Lots 1 and ti trice Terrace). tl' o undereicned. rho live in the neighborhood of the subject property, wish to preserve the nature of thet neighborhood. reitely single family homes Each on ite own ample landscaped grounds (currently in excess of 15.100 square feet). e, therefore. petition the ;Agri :lty Co' iseien. when consieerin, th o subject ref ol utlen, to I ee, tr: rAr.d the raccmwcnastiona of th• i Tannin ; end ? oni ng :' vs rd wtict we urdera to::d are set forth in the proposed crdinnnce concerning the area 1rer,stelly bounded %, gout:. °oyshnr 114Ko«y Avenus, 01atca 'itrzet and ;.i,. 17ti1 Avanac:. ` a are most interested in the provicion6 for a foot set hack end the R-1!s icning ;and family dwellinp on at !.ef t 10.000 uquare +.gat o: ; opnr ty va%, the 'iani City Commieainn to turn :4.04vrt the subject resolution. 'uk rl• `l , 1.1 I1\11 AILA-t, I/S j.- -!4 t,.?x7 . •i• tt .t .y Net W rki- t i oc a bee t).1. ✓ c c.4t , /b ,s_1. / -- 5. C tt i • 14 ,r hn rrey. T-,.•;;•03.11.tion to rit i!-' •••11.11"i, 1 ?1 ..t2 • , •, "i",e, • •:5- 7' —7. r' tv,7: • • 1- •' ' • • r,••• r•-•-•: • •, iv. r 't.!•)•, 4-•! t11 • ;.• • •".•i- .„c • c,-."-..-••• !!•• • • • 4, ..... .1 • • .."••• • .G1; cr,..53.•17:lor 1:11 • t.t •i'•#'....:2••••••"`•‘,.,-..."*" • / iv ti(' , . " . c •14*" • I' 4 / -77,( e (RA - L. /1;f1(441(1 C gal I ADD 1)6reglia•-. O1ieb4 ' • ' () e` • inn4 tita•Pao )r) • I - • • ; 1, ) //•i*, ef ft I i t • L /7, , • / / c)/. • !I-t.itatt.e.lk. ,4 •'(''? /6/ 7 •-•;C• Sf tf)),- /4; /7 . 1.1"- )(rel,"/•.€77-( 4 Pe_ • Z••• N-1,"<l•rk.tr. 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' ,, •IA4'"--) ( --..-.i / 4/" .......,..... //(.;/12.4 / 14.177 /6, 7 .c-, 7: ) 4-..›, s ild>.. ie • 4-C (qt.( r,?-7.4, --/../( ..,e7, ,,t_e- . .- . • ---//i /(.; /7 3, ,:"--. )(r fief,-! /.."€/-4( 4./ !h. ,e4t, ‘ L.e...z•,_):2,t.t..€(.14,i ,;;-# ------ ---'4.- -- 47- • 7 f-c--4. zz. / t..---';'- -- Ih i.,,,•-4e-, ( s. . . \\;A\ .•,,, , 1' i ' ,r • s '..; )'%-' i , (1. , \a , fj`7. 7 i lk,.../ t . 1 " • • 7 -.-.. , , gf,9 / - 7 4, (;,', i f ic_.„/. .. :///, ' ,/ 1..> /4 1r) im alha-nly /ri pia /ipo bgred-r."- jET1TIcL ril"J •:T s The proposed resolution to permit s planned unit development of five dwelling units of 1l4l :'outh I+eyennre Drive (Lots I and 4 Trice J'erracc ) 'e, tt:e undersigned, who live in the neighborhood of the rut; {pry'. nrnperty, wish to preserve the nature of '• r.c,iF": clrood, namely single family homes each or i tr mr arrl a tp ndecaped grounds (currently in exctoJe Gf 15,000 square feet). We, therefore, petition the '►,i City Cemfiission, when considering the subject r. et,u. ,._c:.., to i►csp in mire the recommendations of the l'rinr and Zoning 5oard which we understand are t .`'.:rth in the proposed Grdinance concerning; the :3r•nn :-,,r.erslly hounded by South Bayshore give, �c' i, ti'•r Avenue, „latka Street And S.101. lith Avenue. ''x •• lt interested in the provisions for j 70 foot -lrld the R-!A aoninr (er fa'ri ton lnst 1nrenn s's:are feet of property). • Irrd City Commission to turn down the r-ub ject resolution. * ** lc* *****Alt * * * ,* * * * * * * , * * * it * * 0 * u * * •M * E a.)* * * m 3 * ..C,: a * 4.4 ° ►`. * o k ..P P. GO * * U 0 * it •'r >, u * it3 P a * 4: a 4. * * °. ro D * t * w v * * Vi ,O • * * ro 3 v•a* - * QO a1 ~ .G it * i tt•� o* * O I-,'o * it v u)•it � 0* * ,t ro .c 0 it •*� E- 3 E-, u it * ***********!e 14 3A-fit icikevy_Led. Aigr 4,14 AA4 • /6 47 ,ycorgry As. �Tl Ai iemir/ Atic•'- 3 3 3 3 ; 3333 /0 a -C6,•/..744.41:14 icy z Lam,,_ .•, r .• •. L. \ > > vAL1•11„. • -.. , 1 l 1 . c - 1. �•,•,i ( � . PET I T I O N SUBJECTS The proposed resolution to permit a planned unit development of five dwelling units at 1641 South Bayshore Drive (Lots 1 and 4 Price Terrace) We, the undersigned, who live in the neighborhood of the subject property, wish to preserve the nature of that neighborhood, namely single family homes each on its own ample landscaped grounds (currently in excess of 15,000 square feet). We, therefore, petition the Miami City Commission, when considering the subject resolution, to keep in mind the recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Board which we understand are set forth in the proposed Ordinance concerning the area generally bounded by South Bayshore Drive, Micanopy Avenue, Alatka Street and S.W. 17th Avenue. We are most interested in the provisions for a 70 foci set back and the R-18 zoning (one family dwelling on at least 10,000 square feet of property). WE PETITION the Miami City Commission to turn down the subject resolution. NAME ADDRESS 3 2 y''> S c-' ? 1 6„ ,.Q V/ t.,, ,.„,<. / 3 3 I 3 %Z/ (/Y fi •LIVI__ J I ) t.C:Th( \ k r) " ly tt 2-4 ti (-4)- -14t 4. 101 q • 7 -,'1'• -- t Js ( (i r ((cfel . t/ r, Prry/Ae (6 vA- C_Ck..4 . I c• / "f f I4, » /1 (11 le? 1.7/1, PETIT I O N SUBJECT* The proposed resolution to permit a planned unit development of five dwelling units at 1641 South Bayshore Drive (Lots 1 and 4 Price Terrace). WE, the undersigned, who live in the neighborhood of the aubject property, wish to preserve the nature of that neighborhood, namely single family homes each on its own ample landscaped grounds (currently in excess of 15,000 square feet). We, therefore, petition the Miami City Commission, when considering the subject resolution, to keep in mind the recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Board which we understand are set forth in the proposed Ordinance concerning the area generally bounded by South Bayshore Drive, Micanupy Avenue, Alatka Street and S.W. 17th Avenue. We are most interested in the provisions for a 70 foot set back and the R-1B zoning (one family dwelling on at least 10,000 square feet of property). WE PETITION the Miami City Commission to turn down the subject resolution. NAME ADDRESS i 'v...1'v',.01\ 60Arc 1Zctow' ale (�. .✓34 c,�2 ( 6g( � y '2I /(7.�)2/(e. 1441 /c'/•5� r7 WE, the undersigned, who live in the neighborhood of the subject preverty, wish to preserve the nature of that neighborhoogiwnpmbly single family homes each on itn nwn ample landscaped grounds (currently in excess or 15,000 square feet). We, therefore, petition the Miami City Commission, when considering the subject resolution, to keep in mind the recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Board which we understand are set forth in the proposed Ordinance concerning the area generally bouncled by South Bayehore Drive, i,:icanopy Avenue, Alatka Street and S.W. 17th Avenue. We are most interested in the provisions for a 70 foot set back and the R-1B zoning (one family dwelling on at least 10,000 square feet of property). WE i CTITIOT the Miami City Commission to tern down the subject resolution. NAIvE ADDRESS .adaC ,e> 3407 dovnt.4,101 s•-486 11,4*Gu• A4 5# 44-Lie.6 ad, l ila.444.6.~ .17°A 1 /bJs' S.. "Seeyd.r►.. r--ift-tt.,1(1::( , I /e 51,(3 (1 `' A</c' (c,'6 of -if . l L) 0- %�?-w-.-(,7J1.- � `6 C5c, 9 / L Ave, e, )9 44 1 l 4 h y' wL d'^L t 1.� � WE, the undersigned, who live in the neighborhood of the subject property, wish to preserve the nature of that neighborhood,1 npmnly single family homes each on its own ample landscaped grounds (currently in excess of 15,000 square feet). We, therefore, petition the Miami City Commission, when considering the subject resolution, to keep in mind the recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Board which we understand are set forth in the proposed Ordinanoe concerning the area generally bounced by South Bayshore Drive, t:icanopy Avenue, Alatka Street and S.W. 17th Avenue. We are most interested in the provisions for a 70 foot set back and the R-1B toning (one family dwelling on at least 10,000 square feet of property). WE ICTITIOr the Miami City Commission to t$rn down the subject resolution. NAtv E ADDRESS i E, � Litt .a635 34A7 A4sit 414-iffp-d v. Ass' S.. . 44ys/dA.. J. GL! f ' .cw u.��u r �3 a� Sl.() (-t - Avg` j• 1 T 1 T i 1 t. :•�u".it e;t'l The proposed resolution to permit unit c.ev.ylor lest of five dwelling 1(41 Soutri fayahore Drive (Lots i Terrace). a planned unit" et and 4 :rice tb-n undersigned, who live in the neighborhood of tt•:n ^:r`. !not proT,erty, Fish to preserve the rr t.ur^ of *.��+ •�5 �hh r� r^,;, rrt►:tly str'z1w fc& ]y l u' n each lr: ? L;; ;,w„ ample landscaped Grounds (currently in ^xr•.fiv c' 15,fv r square t'e't). se. therefore, petition ,It, :;c � 'r�3 i.�r., Widr, c(;aaiderin, the subject rr--;3c,111tf Ire to i:+ r^•ind tt f reeomrv)scLitione of . 13v All.4.; end :onint�; :'oard which we unuerstr,r4 rre -t t `'-• ^th ir the prarosea : rdinence concerning t'hc •::zn11y bouiu€d by ,:ayehore Drive, 4venv, Alats:o ':,treet end 17th Avenue. .t,st interested .p.rov.siuns tor n 7 ") foot (?) o c. ,-.gU.Jri. ft ct u1 1.roperty). the %.iaral City Commission to torn c+e»rn - '. ;net resolution. T- N A ti h' LA. t,�-• .` .rnt: .-74411'‘7J1 1 rD A!:JHi s ro v itc*********** Lt Abe . / /tie ©i✓A;'v"i V4. (d6 ),,(114 �� ) , /(PC,L7 9 is,,etn / L_. 17/ • ('e.