HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-79-0244Mr. Joseph R. Grassie City Manager Mayor Maurice A. Ferro' J • April 10, 1979 Agenda Item Please schedule Mrs. Grace Rockefeller and Attorney Edward A. Carhart to be be heard at the Commission meeting of April 19, 1979. Attached you will find a letter from Mr. Carhart concerning adult entertainment centers. MAF/ingm Attachment 79. 244 LAW OFFICES CAIMAIT AND MCCtt:Tnx, P. A. EDWARD A. CA 14111A T TRIAL PRACTICE PERSONAL INJUR• AND WRONUF UL DEATH CRIMINAL LAW JANtis 1G61:1121C TRIAL [+PA/I_E :.ENERA_ RCCiISTCRED GENERAL PPACTICE CRIMINAL LAW C. 1 1 V t• .. / 1' March 22nd, 1979 The Honorable Maurice A. Ferre Mayor of the City of Miami and Members of The Miami City Commission 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida SUITE 2000 FLAGLER CENTER BUILDING 44 WEST FLAGLER STREET MIAML, FLORIDA :I:JL:.)() TELEPHONE 1305) 358-6833 Re: Adult Entertainment Centers Dear Mayor and Commission Members: I am pleased to accept your gracious invitation to repre- sent the City of :Iiami in the above styled matters. It had been my intention to appear before you personally today to accept your invitation, but I had a previously scheduled conference with a Justice Department representa- tive in Washington D.C. which I was unable to postpone. I have had several extensive conferences with the City At- torney and the Deputy City Attorney regarding the litiga- tion and have commenced reviewing the City's files and ordinances. By your next meeting, I will be prepared to submit in per- son a proposal for the specific terms and conditions of the represent.zti„on and recommenced course of action. I look forward to working with the City on this matter. Very truly yours, CARIIART AND McGUIRK a(A=t-ttad4z-2 Edward A. Carhart EAC:rr cc: George F. Knox Joseph Grassie Jose Alvarez is //T 7/ 5 ORDINANCE NO. 78-17 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE I, CHAPTER 12, SECTION 12.25 OF THE CITY OF NORTH MIAMI BEACH CODE OF ORDINANCES, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ADDING A NEW CATEGORY AND PROVIDING FOR THE LICENSING AND REGULATION OF A CERTAIN BUSINESS ENTITLED ESCORT SERVICES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY BUSINESS OF A SI?IILAR NATURE AND WHETHER 0R NOT IN CONNECTION WITH ANOTHER BUSINESS, AND PROVIDING FOR AN INVESTI- GATION FEE OF $6,000.00 PER YEAR. WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council have determined that it is necessary to amend Chapter 12, Section 12.25 of the City of North Miami Beach Code of OrdinanLes by adding a new category and providing for the licensing and regulation of certain businesses en- titled ESCORT SERVICES, including but not limited to any business of a similar nature whether or not in connection with another business; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council have determined that an investigative fee of $6,000.00 should be charged for investigation, regulation, inspection and enforcement of this Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1: That the Mayor and City Council have determined that the foregoing recitals are true and co'rredt. Section 2: That Chapter 12, Section 12.25 of the City of North Miami Beach Code of Ordinances be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Chapter 12, Section 12.25. ESCORT SERVICES, LICENSING AND REGULATION. (l) Definitions The following words, terms and phrases when used in this ordinance shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this section, except where the context otherwise requires: (a) "Person" or "Business" shall mean any individual firm,' association, joint venture, partnership, estate, trust, business trust, syndicate, biro- 24 4 Ordinance No. 78- 17 /1 OP fiduciary, corporation, leasehold interest, or any combination thereof, or any other entity. (b) "Conviction" shall include an adjudication of guilt, a plea of guilty or nolo contendere or the forfeiture of a bond when charged with a crime or municipal offense. (c) "Escort Service" is a business named as an Escort Service or any business however named which makes a business of introducing individuals to other individuals for the purpose of providing companionship for a period of time after the introduction and for which introduction a fee is charged. (d) "Specified Sexual Activities" are defined as: 1. Human Genitals in a state of sexual stimulation or arousal. 2. Acts of human masturbation, sexual inter- course or sodomy. 3. Fondling or other erotic touching of human genitals, pubic region, buttock or female breast. (e) "Specified Anatomical Areas" are defined as: than completely and opaquely covered: Human genitals, pubic region Buttock, and Female breast below a point immediately above the top of the areola. 2. Human male genitals in a discernibly turgid state, even if completely and opaquely covered. (2) Qualifications for the Issuance of Licenses for Escort Services. In addition to any other statutory code or ordinance provision, licenses to operate escort services shall 79 24 4 P. Ordinance 78-17/2 be issued only to applicants of good moral character. In making such a determination the City Manager shall consider the following: (a). Penal Conviction Information. 1. Whether the applicant has been convicted of a felony, misdemeanor, or municipal offense in the past three years in this state or any other state for prostitution, lewdness, assignation, pandering, letting premises for prostitution, keeping a disorderly house, illegally dealing in narcotics, or any felony, misdemeanor or municipal offense involving obscenity. 2. Whether any stockholder, director, partner, joint venturer, or manager associated, interested, or employed in the business of the applicant has been convicted of a felony, misdemeanor, or municipal offense in the past three years in this state or any other state for prostitution,, lewdness, assignation, pandering, letting premises for prostitution, keeping a disorderly house, illegally dealing in narcotics, or any felony, misdemeanor or municipal offense in- volving obscenity. 3. Whether the applicant has been associated with or employed by a corporation or other business entity that has been convicted of a felony, misdemeanor, or municipal offense in the past three years in this state or any other state for prostitution, lewdness, assignation, pandering, letting premises for prostitution, keeping a disorderly house, illegally dealing in narcotics, or any felony Ordinance No. 7R-17/3 misdemeanor or municipal offense involving obscenity. (b) License History. Whether the applicant or any individual or business entity included in (a) above, has been refused the issuance of or has had any license for a related business revoked or suspended in this or any other state and the reasons therefor. (c) General Personal History. Such other facts relevant to the general personal history of the applicant as the City Manager shall find necessary to a fair deter- mination of the eligibility of the applicant. License Applications, Investigation, Approval or Disapproval by City Manager. (a) Any person, before engaging in the Escort Service business shall file a sworn application with the Occupational License Division in the Office of the City Clerk on forms provided by the License Division. (b) The completed application form shall be forwarded to the Chief of Police who within thirty (30) days will complete a full investigation of the qualifications of the applicant. Prior to making any recommendation, the Chief of Police may request the applicant or any person named in the application form or any person connected with any corporation named in the application form to file a set of fingerprints on regular U.S. Department of Justice Forms. (c) Upon completion of the investigation, the, 'Chief of Police shall report his recommendation to the City Manager as to the approval or dis- 10, approval of the application which report shall contain specific reasons for his recommendation. If approved by the City Manager, the applicable license shall be issued by the License Division. If the license is disapproved by the City Manager, the applicant shall be notified of the disapproval and the reasons therefor. (d) The sole criteria of the City Manager in disapproving a license shall be: 1. For affirmative responses to any questions posed pursuant to Sec. 2(2)(a) above, or 2. The license applicant has materially mis- represented or failed to include information required by this Chapter. (4) Revocation of License. (a) The City Council may revoke the license of any person or business holding a license issued under this chapter where it is determined by the City Council, after hearing, that: 1. The licensee, his or its agents, officers or employees, has been convicted of a felony, misdemeanor, or municipal offense in the past three years in this state or any other state for prostitutiron, lewdness, assignation, es pandering, letting premises for prostitution, keeping a disorderly house, illegally dealing in narcotics, or any felony, misdemeanor or municipal offense involving obscenity, or 2. The licensee has materially misrepresented or failed to include the information required by this chapter to be included in his license Ordinance No. 78-17/5 application form. (b) At said hearing, the applicant shall be given the opportunity to be represented by an attorney, to make a record of the hearing by the use of a court reporter, to call witnesses, to present documentary eviiience, and to otherwise properly pre- sent his position or defense. (5) Renewal of License. Every year at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of any license issued pursuant to this Ordinance or any license previously issued to an Escort Service pursuant to any other provision of Chapter 12 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of North Miami Beach, every Escort Service licensee shall complete and submit a new verified application to the Office of the City Clerk on the same form'as required for the issuance of an original Escort Service license and each such licensee shall submit to the same investigation required under Section 2 of this Ordinance for th'e'issuance of an original Escort Service license. Section 3: Each applicant for an escort service license shall remit the sum of $6,000.00 with each original application or application for renewal of each license which sum shall be used to defray investigative expenses and which sum is non-refundable whether or not the license is issued. Ordinance No. 78- 17 /6 Section 4: That all holders of licenses issued pursuant to this Ordinance and all employees of such licensees are hereby made subject to the provisions of Sections 13-13, 13-14, and 13-15 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of North Miami Beach. Section 5: That all classifications, definitions, and fee amounts set forth in Chapter 12 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of North Miami Beach to which no reference is made in this Ordinance shall not be affected by this Ordinance. Section 6: That it is hereby declared to he the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses and phrases of this Ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional or otherwise invalid by a judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs or sections of this Ordinance. Section 7: That it is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council and it is hereby ordained that the provisions of this amendment are made a part of the Code of Ordinances of the City of North Miami Beach and said amendment shall be deemed to be incorporated in said Code, and the City Clerk shall perform the duties required under Ordinance #780 to reflect such intention, and if deemed editorially more feasible by the codifier, the sections of this Ordinance, or of the affected portions of the existing Code, may be renumbered and relettered to accomplish the foregoing expressed intention. Ordinance No. 78- 17 /7 pw Section 8: That the effective date of this Ordinance shall be the date of second reading. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of North Miami Beach, Florida in regular meeting assembled this 20 day of February 1979. ATTEST: /LE (CITY SEAL) Sponsored by: Mayor and City Council AY R ./17'7 APPR'.'#:D AS TO FORM: SKS/m Ordinance No. 78-17 /8 " FINANCIAL IMPACT STATEMENT AMENDING OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE ORDINANCE TO INCLUDE CATEGORY OF ESCORT SERVICES; PROVIDING FEE OF $7500 Anticipated Revenues: At an estimated 13 organizations that would fall into this category at $7,500 per organization per year, the potential for anticipated revenues totals $97,500. Anticipated Costs: Attached is a breakdown of anticipated costs relative to just Police Department activities in processing licenses under this proposed Ordinance. Those costs alone amount to $5,320 per license. In addition, it is anticipated that the following additional man hours would be required: application processing by City Clerk 2 hours zoning review 13 hours building inspections 33 hours review by City Manager 4 hours support activies - clerical & typing 2k hours Total Hours 133 hours Total hours at an average of $15 per hour $202.50 Total processing costs per application including Police investigation and activity $5,522.50 t ii79" 244 Reference Escort Service License Cost to Police Department par Unit License 1. Application Escort Preliminary and Fingerprint Managerial and Ownerchip persons per application Application • Clerical Fingerprint and classify Background investigntion by investigators Clerical support of above include background mail out; report typing; filing time («Investigators at 1 overtime) Average coat to city Eatimuted calory coat $12.00 per hour, $432 par parson listed au owner or manager or corpornte officer. Preliminary applications would require at least three people to be no investigutci en the: overage. Average cost for license application processing, per license Cost to process each employee of Service Fingerprint and classify Background Investigation Clerical support (*Investigative time at 14 overtime) Average coot per employee at estimated cost of $12.00 per hour, $?28.00. Estimuto turnover each year minimum 15 employees coat per year - per complete year Cost of monitoring on going program during y.nr as required. Investigation of complaints. Cost of hearings in reference to violation during year. Minimum on site investigation 12 per year on regular basis • 36 hours* (11 investigations at 1 per month, 2 hour per investigation (MOvertime cost at 1) 24 hours) Support cost • administration; clerical; per year 6 hours Estimate yearly coat s+ hours to City $504.00 Miscellaneous cost printing; vehicle cost, telephonca, postage, film, I.D. cords, etc. $100.00 1 hour 2 hours 30 hours* 3 hours 3 hours 41,296.00 2 hours 15 pours* 2 hours 19 hours $3,42O.00 Estimate coat to City end Police Deportment Application Cost $1296 Employee Cost 3420 Monitoring Coat 504 Miacallaneous 100 Minimum Estimated Cost per license 175T576 Pursuant to the City Manager's request, the above is an estimated Police Department anticipated administrative and investigative cost of processing Escort Service Licence Applications of corporate officers, partners, owners, manager° and employees as will be required under proposed ordinance. • • A:A/ MAJOR U. L. %• 1'i I,a:.� Executive Officer Administration • • • • •