HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-79-0253RFC/rb 4/10/79 RESOLUTION NO. 7 9- 2 5 3 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING NINE INDIVIDUALS AS MEMBERS OF THE RECENTLY CREATED MIAMI "SUPPORTIVEWATERFRONT BOARD. DOCUMENTS FOLLOW' WHEREAS, the Miami Waterfront Board was created on March 8, 1979 by Resolution No. 79-172; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The following five individuals are hereby appointed to serve as members of the Miami Waterfront Board who will be characterized in the following manner and who will serve the terms designated below or until their successors in office shall have been appointed: GROUP I (a) Representing the Miami Marine Council and the Greater Miami Marine Association, to serve until April 18, 1980: WILLIAM G. SAWYER GROUP II (b) Representing the following Clubs: Miami OutBoard Club, Miami Yacht Club, Coral Reef Yacht Club, Biscayne Bay Yacht Club and the Coconut Grove Sailing Club, to serve until April 18, 1981: READ S. RUGGLES GROUP III (c) Representing the following groups: Izaak Walton League of America, the Sierra Club, the Friends of the Everglades, the Tropical Audubon Society and the Marine Wilderness Society, whose term of office will expire April 18, 1982: ANN RAMUS "DOCUMENT INDEX ITEM NO -h GROUP IV (d) Representing the following organizations: Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce, Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce, Latin Chamber of Commerce (COMACOL), Northeast Property Owners Associa- tion and Miami -Dade Chamber of Commerce, Coconut Grove Civic Club, Tigertail Association, Bayshore Homeowners Association, Grapeland Heights Association and Little Havana Development Authority, Whose term of office will expire April 18, 1980: VERGILIO PEREZ CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF APR 1 9 1979 2 3 GROUP VI GROUP V (e) Representing the nontransient tenants of the City's marinas, to serve until April 18, 1981: PETER B. ANDERSON Section 2. The following four individuals are hereby appointed to serve as members of the Miami Waterfront Board for the individual terms of office designated below: NAME EXPIRATION DATE 1st LAURA O'BRIEN 2nd TOM DIXON 3rd WILLIAM SORG 4th JUVENAL PINA ATTEST: RAL April 18, 1982 April 18, 1980 April 18, 1981 April 18, 1982. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 19 day of APRIL , 1979. MAURICE A. FERRE G. 1GIE, CITY CLERK PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: MAYOR ROBERT F. CLARK, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY APPRO _:_ AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNE S: RCE . K OX. JR., CIT' -2- "S U P PO;RTIVE Don!.';;'i�,f FOLLQW„ 79- 25 3 Mayor and Members of the City Commission f Joseph R. Grassie . City Manager April 11, 1979 Nominees for Waterfront Board Nr Attached are two lists of nominees received to date for your consideration as you will be deciding on nine appointees to the newly created Miami Waterfront Board. There will be a resolution on the April 19, 1979 City Commission Meeting Agenda to make these nine appointments. The first list contains names of individuals submitted by various organ- izations for your consideration. Background information on these individu- als is also attached. The second list contains the names of individuals forwarded to this office by members of the City Comrnission. These names -- a minimum of eight nominees are to be considered by the Commission in appointing four persons, City of Miami residents, to the Waterfront Board, filling the four positions designated to be filled only by nominees of the Commission itself. Since the nominating process was designed to minimize any hint that one group or organization was favored over another, the individuals shown on the first list are not identified as belonging to any particular organization. If you have any questions concerning this matter or wish to provide additional nominees or information, please contact my assistant, Bob Homan. r 7 9 - 25 - corrected copy - NOMINEES FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE MIAMI WATERFRONT BOARD 5 Positions Described in Res 79-172 Five (5) Positions Described in Resolution 79-172, Section 3 Initial terms of office are staggered, as shown below. Future be three (3) years for each position. INITIAL TERM GROUP (Position) NOMINATING ORGANIZATIONS 1 year I Greater Miami Marine Assoc Marine Council terms of office will NOMINEES *** Richard B. Dowling Robert Hewes William G. Sawyer Jerry Langer Richard G. Taylor Richard Walz 2 years II Miami Outboard Club Miami Yacht Club Coral Reef Yacht Club Biscayne Bay Yacht Club Coconut Grove Sailing Club Read S. Ruggles,Jr.* Frederick W. Hutchinson Thomas J. Woolley Don H. Manson 3 years III Izaak Walton League Sierra Club Friends of the Everglades Tropical Audubon Society Marine Wilderness Society Gloria Calhoun Ann Ramus Renate Skinner Michael Simonhoff Marilyn Reed 1 year IV ** Greater Miami Ch.of Commerce Miami Dade Ch. of Commerce Coconut Grove Ch.of Commerce Latin Chamber of Commerce N.E.Miami Improvmnt Assoc Coconut Grove Civic Club Tigertail Association Little Havana Devel Auth Bayshore Homeowners Assoc Grapeland Heights Civic Assoc Vergilio Perez Octavio Descalzo Alexander S. Kolski Stuart Sorg* George Kokus Laura O'Brien Allen C. Harper Julio Shea 2 years V fi - • Non -transient tenants of Dinner Key Marina and Miamarina (Election held; nominees listed in order of number of votes received) Fred A. Roth Richard Oakley E. P. Iacones Peter B. Anderson Nathan Rosenbaum * Indicates this individual nominated by two organizations ** Indicates that one of the organizations in this group declined to submit nominee ***INDICATES THAT NOMINEES ARE LISTED IN RANDOM ORDER AND DO NOT CORRESPOND TO THE ORGANIZATIONS LISTED IMMEDIATELY OPPOSITE THE NAMES ON THE "NOMINATING ORGANIZATIONS" COLUMN 79-253 NOMINEES FOR WATERFRONT BOARD RECEIVED FROM CITY COMMISSION Resolution 79-172, Sections 2 (f) & (g) indicate that the City Commission will nominate at least eight (8) individuals for four (4) positions on the Waterfront Board. The initial terms of office will be as follows: First position: GROUP VI Second position: Third position: Fourth position: Three Years One Year Two Years Three Years Succeeding terms will be three (3) years for each position. Nominations received from members of the Commission (Background material attached) Richard B. Collins Thomas J. Dixon Eugene H. Gibson Raymond T. Greene Juvenal Pina* Alan Rosenthal Michael Simonhoff** Laura O'Brien** Stuart Sorg** Edward A. Dugan * Nominated by two or more members of the City Commission ** Included in list of nominees submitted by various organizations (GROUPS (Positions) I-V) The Mayor nominates every person nominated by the various organizations in GROUPS I, II, III, IV & V who are qualified for these four positions by being residents of the City of Miami. All nominees shown above are residents of the City of Miami. "SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS FOLLOW" 79-253 CITY OF MI MI Personal Information Form for Nominees to Advisory or Administrative Boards Position and Board for which you have been nominated MIAMI WATERFRQJT BOARD (Position )1lyard) Instructions: Piratic complete and sign this forrn and return it along with a brief resume. I. Name: Octavio Tony Descalzo (First) (Middle) (Last) 2 Address (if Permanent Residence: 2223 N.W. 5th Street (Street and Number) Miami Fla 33125 (Cif•: ) (State) (Zipcude, 3. Address of Business: 707 N.W. 39th Ave. Suite 201 Miami ,Fla.33126 — (Street and Number (City) (State, 4. Horne Phone Number: 643-2156 5. Business Phone Number: 642-3090 6. Occupation: Shipping business Please indicate "Yes" or "No" to the following questions by answers where requested. 7. Are you a United States Citizen' checking the appropriate box, also please elaborate on your 8. Are you presently indebted to the City of Miami fur and real or personal property tax, license fee or property lir)", It yes, f lease µve details below:: Yes [X1 No Yes No 9. Do you presently own property in the City of Miami ether than your home and, or place of business? 10. 1f question 49 ahoy() is answered "Yes." is all of this property in conformance with City Ordinances'' If "No," please give details bel.ny: Yes No [1ri Yes No El 11. "I he City o1 '.11 ma r wtim•Iy ;mikes a police check of the background )4 individuals noniinatecf tor positions on advisor.' r r ❑rt unistntuc' boaini ; and cornmitt' s. The City Commission and the City staff snake every effort to ensure that the:a, check r; and their results are maintainers in confidence. I), you have any ohiec- Yes No bons to such a check being conducted. ,See Ordinance ,:5622, amending Sec. '-104 of City Code.) Ei 12. Please indtcate in the space t i a an), areas in nhich sou :n uht find yourself in a position of conflict of interest should you he appointed to th'' Board for .chi(k t ti bat .• been nonunided. I understand that the stat tr 'tits contained her in gill he a n aterial consideration its the selection of an individual to serve in the position i,r .tht. h 1 have been uomuatted. April 11, 1973 Date) S: c r r-. r-:i - -^- c a -- ai ' f y fit '•1 i' .tom-t (Signature) 79-253 Name CITY OF MIAMI BOARDS AND COMMITTEES RESUME Octavio TO'JY Uescalzo Address 2228 N.W. 5th St. Miami ,F1a.33125 Horne Phone No. 643-2156 Birth Date Business Address Jan.15,1925 INTERCONTINENTAAL SHIPPIA C3RPORATIO"J 737 1.W. 32th Ave. Suite 291, Miami,Fla.33126 Business Phone No. EDUCATION 642-3933 Graduated from Instituto Civico Militar, Havana, Cuba business administration Graduated from University of Havana School of Advertising Publicity Former Director of Public Relations Port of Havana ORGANIZATIONS OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Propeller Club of the United States Port of Miami Latin Chamber of CGnmerce of the United States (CAJ•1ACOL) Coral Sables Chamber of Commerce Any additional intormation you would like to include that would be pertinent to your appointment to the Board or Committee for which you were nominated. member= Custom Brokers A, Forwarders Association of Miami Board or Committee for which you were nominated: CAi1 RA DE COMERCIO LATINA (Transportation Committee) (Use the reverse side of this page for additional space. CITY OF 1111111 Personal Information Form for Nominees to Advisory or Administrative Hoards Position and Board for which ynu have been nominated WATERFRONT Member (Position F3oard) Instructions: Please complete and sign this form and return it along with a brief resume. 1. Name: Latirn t F'irst ) 2. Address of Permanent Residence: Miami, .11_ (Middle) 686 N.E. 56th Street O'Brien t ast) (Street and Number Florida 33117 (City) (State) (Zipcude) 3. Address of Business: 7219 N.W.2nd_1venue Miami, (Street and Number (City) 4. Home Phone Number: 6. Occupation: 757-0937 Businesswoman Florida 33150 (State) S. Business Phone Number: 759-3535 Please indicate "'i "s" or "No" to the following questions by checking.the appropriate box, also please elaborate on your ansxer; .:here requested. Yes No 7. Are you a United States C'itizen'r XX 8. Are you presently indebted to the City of Miami for and real or personal property tax, license fee or Yes No property 11•r." —i XI If yes, please give details below: 9. Do you presently o.vn property in the City of Miarni other than your home and or place of business? 10. If question 49 ,ibove is answered "Yes," is all of this property in conformance with City Ordinances' If "No," please give (lot allti beinw: Yes No CJ Yes No The City of .0arni routinely 7n:tkes a polico check of the background of individuals nominated for positions on advisory or administrative hoards anrt committees. The City Commission and the City staff make every effort to ensure that these , necks and their results are maintained in confidence. 1) i you have any objec- tions to such a (•heck being conducted. ,See Ordinance ..8622, amending Sec. -1(14 of City Code.) Yes No kN ❑ 12. P1t•ase indicate in the !,;,a(',. below any areas in which ynu in r.ht find yourselt in a position of conflict of interest should you he appointed to the Board for which von have been nominated. 1 understand that the statements Contained herein will be a material consideration in the selection of an individual to serve iri the position tor tthich I hate t,..en nonunaed. April 12th, 1979 bate t "SUPPOR DOCUMENTS FOLLOW" sitnature) 79-253 Name CITY OF MIAMI BOARDS AND COMMITTEES R ESUME [.aura H. 0' Brien Address 686 N.F. 56th Street Horne Phone No. 757-0937 Birth Date 8-28-31 Business Owner - O'Brien Beauty Supply Co. Wholesale F, Export Address 7219 N.W. 2nd Avenue Business Phone No. 759-3535 EDUCATION High School Howard University, Washington, D.C. Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa. Madame G.J. Walker Beauty College, Washington, D.C. ORGANIZATIONS OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Black :Archives, Bd. of Trustees Miami Dade Chamber of Commerce National Council of Negro Women Advisory Council - Miami Dade Jr. College Associate Trustee of Bethume Cookman College Historical Assoc. of So. Fla. Any additional intormation you would like to include that would be pertinent to your appointment to the Board or Committee for which you were nominated. ('resident of Miami Dade Chamber of Commerce Board or Committee for which you were nominated: W \TFRFRONT IiQA1U) (Use the reverse side of this page for additional space.) CITY OF NH WI Personal Information Form for Nominees to Advisory or Administrative Boards Position and Hoard for which you have been nominated WATERFRONT Member (Position I Board) Instructions: Please complete and sign this form and return it along with a brief resume. 1. Name: (First) II- O'Brien (Middle) (Last) 2 Address of Permanent Residence: 686 N.E. 56th Street Miami, (Street and Number) Florida 33117 (City) (State) (Ziper,de, 3. Address of Business: ____ 219_ N._W._ 2nd ,\venue Miami , Florida 33150 (Street and Number �,; iei (City) i i 4. Horne Phone Number: % 57-093 i 5. Business Phone Numbe : i 59-3535 6. Occupation: Businesswoman Please indicate "Yeas" or "No" to the following questions by checking.the appropriate box, also please elaborate on your answers where requested. Yes 7. Aro you a United Stites Citizen r No • 8. Are you pr.seraly indebted to the City of Miami for and real or personal property tax. license fee or Yes No property 11,r:' If yes, please lave details below: 9. Do you presently own rr,perty in thy, City of Miar:,t other than your home and 'or place of business" 10. . 1f question n9 .i v,' is..tns'.eereot "Yes," is all of this property in conformance with City Ordinances' If "`If)," please race dot,tilti h+dov.: Yes No r1j l� Yes No 1l. The City of 'liana r utt:n iv ...hikes a police chock of the baclo4rotind of individual; nominated for positions on adcu,ory or .,di .(tat \e boards :utd , ommittees. 1'he e'ity t' unrni>aion and the t'ity statt snake every etfr,rt to ensure that these checks k:, and thou. P.s tilt; an' rnalntuiner) ut ('nntldenet'. D) you have any objec- tions to :al( h .t cL+c k h u,:; c ,t;,lui ter!. iS e unbnance 4862:2, ;(mending S. 2--104 of City Code.) Yes No Lti El 12. Please indicate in the :pare below any .11e3S in ,ctiieh nni III Olt find coursr•It in a position of conflict of interest should you t,e apl",inted h, the 11 ,urd t,u utui h yiku n.tv ' b + n nnrntn:ded. understand that tho statements csnit:uned herein will be a material consideration n in the selection of an India tibial to serve in the position f, r which 1 t..t.e been nominated. • :1I)rtl lath, 1979 ('��� / 5rfl.ef.4;1.0t.d l)ati.) «St^ y F0RT[V:ri.attir., C Ui\1Ef�J- i S t Ui_LAJ 'tit' 79-0 Name CITY OF MIAMI BOARDS ANI) COMMITTEES RESUME Laura H. O'Brien Address 656 N.E. 56th Street Horne Phone No. 757-0937 Birth Date S-2S-31 Business Owner - O'Brien Beauty Supply Co. Wholesale F, Export Address 7219 N.W. 2nd Avenue Business Phone No. EDUCATION 759-3535 High School Howard University, Washington, D.C. Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa. !Madame G.J. Walker Beauty College, Washington, D.C. ORGANIZATIONS OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Blach :Archives, 13d. of 'Trustees Miami Dade Chamber of Commerce National Council of Negro Women Advi sort' Counc i 1 - ilia ni Dade Jr. College Associate Trustee of Bethume Cookman College' Historical Assoc. of So. Fla. Any additional intormation you would like to include that would be pertinent to your appointment to the Board or Committee for which you were nominated. ('resident of Miami Dade Chamber of Commerce Board or Committee for which you were nominated: W \TF RFRON'1' BOARD (Use the reverse side of this page for additional space.) -• Name Address Home Phone No. Birth Date Business Address Business Phone No. EDUCATION CITY OF MIAMI BOARDS AND COMMITTEES R ESUhtE �S6 Oslo SS �-�-� C 1 i ct 3 J r c is c• Gct4%,.p �k43 4-33 /-iSoS University of Miami University of Virginia, B.S. (June 1961) National Trust School, Evanston, Illinois ORC;ANIZATIONS OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES COCONUT GROVE SAILING CLUL - BOARD :MEMBER (Third Year) Chairman of the Pram Committee. Chairman of Chamber of Commerce Committ. Con't. on back Any additional information you would like to include that would be pertinent to your appointment to the Board or Committee for which you were nominated. The Coconut Grove Chamber Board of Directors highly recommends Stuart Sorg as our nominee to the Waterfront Committee. We feel that he could use an unbiased opinion on all matters. Board or Committee for which you were nominated: r',rouo (d) Resident of the City of Miami, Provided by The Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce •l�'`•P �f"� (Use the reverse side of this page for additional spa,:s. VIZCAYANS ( VIZCAYA) Board Member. Treasurer Endowment Conunittee member COCONUT GROVE CIIAMBER OF COMMERCE Board Member Co -Chairman of the Membership Committee PREVICUS YEAR'S COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: Mercy hospital Foundation [Board Goodwill Industries - South Florida - (Board National Multiple Sclerosis - South Florida [Board SUPPORTING INFORMATION: Mr. Sorg is President of The Sorg Group, a retail and financial rm-rketing organization which owns and manages two retail businesses and a shipping center in Coconut Grove, also two retail businesses and a shopping center in Richmond, Virginia. Mr. Sorg is a past Vice President of the Southeast Banking Corporation. !'ir. Sorg is a U.S. Navy UDT/SEAL Reserve Lt. Commander (UENR-R). In October of 1978, he completed Command of Harbor Clearance Unit 2 (IICU) , an eighteen man diving and salvage unit. During his command of fCU he completed a Piling Survey in Fort Pierce for the Corps of Engineers Project Request from Lt. Robert Kessler Corps of Engineers, Resident Engineer. In 1954, Mr. Sorg lived aboard a thirty two foot Seabird Sloop on Pier 5 at Dinner Rey while attending the University of Miami on a football scholarship. Mr. Sorel has spent the past seven years participating in Miami Waterfront activities. have/ Mr. Sorg is self employed and would ample time to devote to the committee . CITY OF \11.1\11 Personal Information Form for Nominees to Advisory or Administrative Boards Position and Board for which you have been nominated MIAMI WATERFRONT BOARD (Position Ira (Board) Instructions: Please complete and sign this forrn and return it :long with a brief resume. 1. Name: EDWARD A. DUGAN Flr,tl 2. Address of Permanent Residence: r' (Middle) .11/ -1 4— , ' ,1 - i e1_, (City) �-. (Stilt,') h1,i• � - n 3. Address of Business:" i +�'. , , . r,- _ (Street and Namber) • (I,ast) (Street and Number) • t t(ityi .ipcode) ---( Stati', 4. Home Phone Number: _r t� (' S. Business Phone Numhcr: 1.! C ( Please indicate "Yes" or "No" to the following questions by checking the appropriate box, also please elaborate on your answers where requested. Yes../ No 7. Are you a United Statt's Citi:•"n, [LT 8. Are you presently indebted to the t'ity of Mtanii for and real or personal property tax, license fee or property lien If yes. please give details helm:;: Yes No/to 9. 1)n you presently own I'r T , rty in the City of Ninon' other than your home and or place of business? 10. If question :9 above is ansaerert "Yes," is all of this: property in conformance with City Ordinanc•es'i If "No," please give below: Yes Na, ❑ Yes No ❑ ❑ 11. The City of Miami rout 1 Ile ,oaks•, ❑ police check of the background of individuals nominated for positions on advisory ,r adlk I itt .vauce heard:; and committees. The City Curninission cool the City staff make every etft)rt t;, ensure that theme .•heck, :end their res tilts are maintained in (.:onfidence. I)) you have any objec- tions to sus ti a check Lein,: conducted. ,See e)riucutc•, „5f 22, :unending See. 2--104 of City C'ode.) Yes No ❑ LS'1 12. Pl, .tr.e indirab,. tit the ,puce below any area, in which you m ght find ynun;r•It in a position of conflict of interest should you 1.0 t., the Board for which you have been nonunated. 1 understand that the statements r,ntLuned herein will b, the position for ...ditch 1 itace been nominated. t material , .ntrtderation In flit' select:',) of an individual to serve in / ' ) ,1).tt,., SUPPORTIVE iSitmUun') DOCU FOL 1 79- 25 3 Name Address E.� (•_I!•% , '_ r CITY OF MIAMI BOARDS AND COMMITTEES RESUME Home Phone No. //4 Birth Date Busines s Address r � r 7� //jy,,71„/ 1.1 Business Phone No. EDUCATION ORGANIZATIONS OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Any additional information you would like to include that would be pertinent to your appointment to the Board or Committee for which you were nominated. Board or Committee for which you were nominated: r�. (Use the reverse side of this page for additional space. ttS! I 7��.fT1``,r '► ► ; .: 1 E —— i1'� ! J ., 79-25cv EDWARD A. DUGAN 3475 Royal Road'. Miami, Florida, 33133 305/446-2176 BIRTH DATE: 7/10/28 MARRIED EDUCATION: Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa., BS, Business Administration, 1954 EXPERIENCE: %r 1971 - Presdn:t SELF-EMPLOYED, Consultant for Health, Education and Welfare organizations and Institutuions. Consultations have involved planning and program design and implementation in public relations, community relations, master planning, administrative design and both operational and capital fund-raising. Some recent clients have been: Broward County School Board, Biscayne College, U.S. Dept. of health, Education and Welfare, Florida Memorial College, Emergency Care Research Institute,/University of Miami. ... ( . '1�''%&i7 / (� JJL' rrr.'- , t rg G! !Yi 1.'1C /�1►�c` /"/1 %c'YLC.. 1967-1971 PRESIDENT, Indiana Institute of Technology Indiana Institute of Technology is a fully accredited, four year college of Engineering and Science with other degree programs in Business Administration and various engineering technologies. Top enrollment was approximately 2200 with 165 faculty members and 150 non-academic staff. During my tenure a S720,000 operating deficit was elim- inated, the doctoral ratio increased from 220 to 49r, and faculty salaries increase from an average of $7900 to S11,500. During this period the College was re -accredited by the North Central Association and a major curriculum revision accomplished. 1965-1967 VICE-PRESIDENT, The Walter Darling Corporation The corporation was engaged in management consulting for non-profit institutions with primary emphasis on master - planning, program implementation, public relations and fund-raising. My direct responsibilities involved staff supervision and program development for the planning and fund-raising phases of the company's operations. Some clients served during my tenure were: National Industrial Conference Board, Northwestern University Medical Center, National Restaurant Association, Wesley Memorial Hospital, Providence hospital, the Sisters of Mercy Hospital Group, College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery, Bowling Green State University and the Methodist Home for the Aged. 3s NOMINEES FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE MIAMI WATERFRONT BOARD 5 Positions Described in Res 79-172 Five (5) Positions Described in Resolution 79-172, Section 3 Initial terms of office are staggered, as shown below. Future be three (3) years for each position. INITIAL TERM GROUP (Position) NOMINATING ORGANIZATIONS 1 year I Greater Miami Marine Assoc Marine Council - corrected copy - terms of office will NOMINEES *** Richard B. Dowling Robert Hewes William G. Sawyer Jerry Langer Richard G. Taylor Richard Walz 2 years II Miami Outboard Club Miami Yacht Club Coral Reef Yacht Club Biscayne Bay Yacht Club Coconut Grove Sailing Club Read S. Ruggles,Jr.* Frederick W. Hutchinson Thomas J. Woolley Don H. Manson 3 years III Izaak Walton League Sierra Club Friends of the Everglades Tropical Audubon Society Marine Wilderness Society Gloria Calhoun Ann Ramus Renate Skinner Michael Simonhoff Marilyn Reed 1 year Iv ** Greater Miami Ch.of Commerce Miami Dade Ch. of Commerce Coconut Grove Ch.of Commerce Latin Chamber of Commerce N.E.Miami Improvmnt Assoc Coconut Grove Civic Club Tigertail Association Little Havana Devel Auth Bayshore Homeowners Assoc Grapeland Heights Civic Assoc Vergilio Perez Octavio Descalzo Alexander S. Kolski Stuart Sorg* George Kokus Laura O'Brien• John C. Moul throp Julio Shea 2 years V Non -transient tenants of Dinner Key Marina and Mi•amarina (Election held; nominees listed in order of number of votes received) Fred A. Roth Richard Oakley E. P. Iacones Peter B. Anderson Nathan Rosenbaum * Indicates this individual nominated by two organizations ** Indicates that one of the organizations in this group declined to submit nominee ***INDICATES THAT NOMINEES ARE LISTED IN RANDOM ORDER AND DO NOT CORRESPOND TO THE ORGANIZATIONS LISTED IMMEDIATELY OPPOSITE THE NAMES ON THE "NOMINATING ORGANIZATIONS" COLUMN New n4.n:vee - re lees net,. NesIdtht r! Name: GROUP IV COMMISSIONER GROUP VI Name : j .1 l lI - A A= J40 COIVISSIONER •6 Name: • �y ✓� 4 4 #i ,,; 4 COMMISSIONER Name: GROUP .y- COI*1ISSIONER PLUMMER DOWLING, Richard D. HEWES, Robert SAWYER, William G. LANGER, Jerry TAYLOR, Richard G. WALZ, Richard LACASA GROUP I FERRE GIBSON GORDON TOTAL a�- Name: GROUP I Name: GROUP I "{-- COMMISSIONER NER GROUP I Name: PV/44,4 ,ciwyp COMMISSIONER Name: Name: GROUP I COMMISSIONER GROUP I COMMISSIONER GROUP VI Name: .54velyog- GROUP I Name: -Z- Name: /� c1 /2 COMMISSIONER Name: GROUP I S it\wjre COMMISSIONER GROUP I COMMISSIONER GROUP I Name: Wi/% 4 Ai Sdwl//l' COMMISSIONER RUGGLES, JR., Read S. HUTCHINSON, Frederick W. GROUP II PLUMMER LACASA FERRE GIBSON GORDON T OTAL X x x WOOLLEY, Thomas J. amm MANSON, Don H. CALHOUN, Gloria RAMUS, Ann SKINNER, Renate SIMONHOFF, Michael REED, Marilyn GROUP III PLUMMER LACASA FERRE GIBSON GORDON T OTAL 1 � _ 3 Name: GROUP III GROUP III Name • ( t //// �� 7 COMMISSIONER GROUP III Name: 44 Ar 41 -1R j(0.110 COMMISSIONER Name: Name: GROUP II= SI no Nko COMMIS S ION ER GROUP III CO ISSIONER GROUP IV PLUMMER LACASA FERRE GIBSON GORDON T OTAL PEREZ, Vergilio DESCALZO, Octavio KPLSKI, Alexander S. SORG, Stuart • KOKUS, George O'BRIEN, Laura MOULTHROP, John C. SHEA, Julio Name: Name: GROUP IV GROUP IV /7 r c COMMISSIONER GROUP IV Name: Name: Name: rt,/p /,pseT �C I IONER GROUP IV boo S �1 COMMISSIONER GROUP IV COMMISSIONER GROUP PLUMNER LACASA FERRE GIBSON GORDON T OTAL ROTH, Fred A. OAKLEY, Richard IACONES, E. P. ANDERSON, Peter B. ROSENBAUM, Nathan Name: Name: GROUP V GROUP V r Name: GROUP IC°. N'DE Q So N COMMISSIONER GROUP Name: af/(41.14°Vti COMMISSIONER GROUP V Name: AZ,4•P,lr/ Ave924Adr.v /1,,e00 COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER PLUMMER LACASA GROUP VI (Commission Appointments) FERRE GIBSON GORDO TOTAL 1111111111111111.11111 Name: Name: GROUP VI 46fig4e.- co GROUP VI 2- commis SlONER GROUP VI Name: /r¢ri44 t9+ ieti • L,.- c- 0,04-d COMMISSIONER INES i PLUMMER LACASA GROUP FERRE GIBSON GORDON GUM TOTAL 1 Name: GROUP- VI ( COMMISSIONER gff fro-rer Name: / /,k c y �/• ^ D /t Ki A JM-C4h? COMMISSIONER 94 3 Name: GROUP VI —2-afoi7e4L-r' COMMISSIONER SOkr zCx- Name: GROUP I 0,449170, COMMISSIONER