HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-08921RPC/tb 1/16/79 ORDINANCE NO, AN ORDINANCE AMtNbING SECTION 5 OP ORDINANCt NO. 6145, AS AMNDED, OR/G/NAVLY ADOPTED MARCH 19, 1958, WHICH PROVIDtD Pttg Polk tAlltD=. /NG, FtDM8ING, EtECTVICAt, 110111R AND tttVATOft tNSPtCT/ON AND CERTIFICATE PttS, tY AMANG A NtW SUSSECTION (22) TO SAID SECTION, THtRtSY PRoVIDINC A NEW Ptt TO COVER THt COST Or tNPORC- INC THt NEWLY ADDED CHAPTER 52 OF THt SOUTH FLORIDA TUttbING CODE CONC1RN1VG ENERGY CON- SERVAT/ON; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION, A SETERASItITY CLAUSE AND D/SPENS/10 WITH THE RtOttIRtMENT OF READING THIS ORDINANct oN TWO SEPARATE DAYS RY A VOTE OP NOT LESS THAN POURIPTHS OV THE MEMBtRS OP THE cOMMISSIoN; AND PRoVIDING AN tPrtCTIVE DATE, WHEREAS, it is essential that the herein fee be provided to cover the cost of enforcing the newly added Chapter 52 of the South Florida Building Code concerning energy consezvation measures; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. Section 5 of Ordinance No. 6145 as amended, adopted March 19, 1958, is hereby further amended 1/ in the following particulars: SECTION 5- FEE SCHEDULE: A. DOUBLE FEES: D. BUILDING PERMIT FEES: * (22) Energy Conservation Plan Review and Field Inspections: For each square foot of floor area. • -* . * 0,025 Section 2. The fee provided hereinis added tocover the cost of enforcing the newly added Chapter 52 of the South Florida Duildiug Code concerning buildinZ construction measures to reduce energy loss and onauro offoctiyO use of onergy WWwwwrnwmw wwwww ,wwwwwwww ww = www vesorwetArwmp wwwww wwwwwwwwiwwwww wwwwww 1/ Underscored words awd/or figures constitute the amendment proposed. AsterisUs indicate omitted 4n4 anohangod material, Remaining provisions aro now in offact and romain unehangod, gettion 11 All ordinances,Or parte of or nand g. . ingoftr at they ate incotstatent tr in Conflict With the Isto- iii§16115 df this ordinance aro hereby repealed. tection 4 if aty section) sentence, ctause, phrase., or word tf' this ordinance is for Any retson held or declared to be,untonstitutiontl, inoperative, orvotd) gutholding or invalidity thall not affect the re'tiaiting portions tf this ordinancet'And it shall be construed to'have beet the intent . of the City commission to5 Pegs this ordinance without such unconstitutional, 'invalid, or ittperative part thereiftt and the reminder of this tiditance, afterthe eclusiot of'suth part orparts shall be deeMed and held to be valid as.' it such parts had not beet Included therein. Section..5. This ordinance shall become effective on May 19 . 1979. Section 6. The requirement of reading this ordinance on two separate days is hereby dispensed with by a vote of not less than four -fifths of the members of the Commission. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 19 day of April MAURICE A FERRE 1979. MAYOR ATTEST: PRE PH G O4GIE CITY CLER ARE!) AND APPROVED BY: ROBERT F, CLAR( ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY APP AS TO FORM AND CORREOTNESBI' CEOR F. KNOX. -CITY 0 NEY 8921 LECAt MOMS All interested mtll take notice that on the 19th day of •April, 1979 the City Commission of Miami, Plorida passed and adopted the following titled ordinance! logo ORDINANCE NO. 8 9_21 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 5 OF ORDINANCE NO. 6145, AS AMENDED, Ok/GINALLY ADOPTED MARCH 19, 19580 WHICH PROVIDED FEES FOR BUILD- ING, PLUMB/NO, ELECTRICAL, BOILER AND ELEVATOR INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATE FEES, BY AbbINO A NEW SUBSECTION (22) TO SAID SECTION, THEREBY PROVIDING A NEW PEE TO COVER THE COST OF ENFORC- ING THE NEWLY ADDED CHAPTER 52 OF THE SOUTH FLoR/DA BUILDINO CODE CONCERNING ENERGY CON- SERVATION; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROV/S/ON, A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND DISPENSING WITH THE REQUIREMENT oP READING THIS ORDINANCE ON TWO SEPARATE DAYS BY A VOTE OF NOT LESS THAN FOUR- P/FTHS OF THE MEMBERs OF THE COMMISsIoN; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. RALPH G.:.ONGIE' CITY- CLERK CITY OF MIAMI,FLORIDA I it t, Lr5 Joseph 11 trassis tity Manager str t,f..4eLE '0* Selman' rector tuilding & Zoning Inspection Department March 11, 19,V Proposed Orditanto tc totAbli§ IF Energy Conservation Pee Attached is a copy of a proposed ordinance,for your. review and placement dt thtagenda for the text CbtthiA81oh meeting.. This fee.is:' !necessary to finance the enforcement of the new Energy Conservation Code whiCh ;: made part of the South Vlorida 1h:tiding Code and is :effeCtive .as -of March 15 .1979, .1 am requesting emergency -action Since the Code be in effect priot to the next Commission meeting. Cs:g tntlosure cct .Directors file Reading file 13921 i'L:;P2t It t e Vd a ffta a rt 4 Assistant City Ma agar 410 1 A. tendardi, Assistant Director tuilding & Zoning Inspection 0ept.. Vebruary 22, 1979 Impadt 0 New Entr et5dt :1-3, g onaervgtilt et Form tf 218/79 nttat h .ng Memorandut from nut trade of STAEE The Energy Conservttitsn Lode being considered by Dade County: for adoption as tbapter 52 of the south Plorida' building tote ' is basically the satne'as'that passed by the.State of Plot`ida. There area ,few minor differences. An increased burden is anticipated by this department in both the -Elora Review process and' in additional field inspections. In particular, it will involve three divisions of the department, the building, Mechanical and t;lectrieal Divisions. The Plan Reviewers will have to spend more time on plans to evaluate the Architect's or Engineer's proposal for insulation -and energy saving equipmentThe Plan' Checkers at this tiie are 'available _ froth 8-AM to 12 : 3,0 PM ' for plan 'review, and 'spend the afternoot► on either'the:review of large projects, or make field inspections. They will probably have to spend all day ott plan reviewing with the new - tnergy Code, and will leave us short of inspectors for field inspections and the review of large projects. The number of required field inspections will increase on each building. For example, a Building Inspector will have to make a wall insu latiott inspection .for each level of a building, and an additional roof insula- 'tion inspection. The Electrical and Mechanical Field Inspectors will also require additional'inspections to check mechani_cai installations. .4e estimate that we,will.require.at least one additional Mechanical J.alinector, o11r _E1��c. rica1 I pec and 'two Btti.ldina Inspectors. or a total of four additional inspectors. We are in the process of determining actual requirements and costs. Financing for this could be' done through allocation of funds by the - 'St -ate or Federal government, since they have made ..this a mandatory requirement,on all municipalities. If this is not possible, a new permtt.fe.e could'be established to cover the -cost of the additional' inspectors. Each permit could be charged an -insulation fee based on the size of.the building.. .This would require, City Commissionaction, a,nd funds - -should be'specifically earmark,ed.for the additional inspectors, 9 2 1; p Tintartimmi nf .brntntinitirn Sure !new Whet Nrytm flutterog IrALIAttittglogt inn MEMORANDUM TO: City and County Administrator§ PROM! Bud araeo 4144444.4.04„ SLINeet Energy Codea r.:. • fi • n1 6* I it; 15ATE: Feb uary 2, 1970 is As you know, most buildings for which oonatruction permita are granted after March 160 1970, must meet oertain minimum standarda with regard to energy conservation, I have spoken with many building officials, local government officials, and he professionals throughout the State on the anticipated increased burden on building departments in having to enfoce the eTrgy requirementg. tt is likely that at least one additional inspection per site will be required. It has been indicated that a few of the larger lurisdictions in PlOrida may need to hire an additional mechanical engineer for plans checking purposes, While we do expect an impact on your building department, we cannot accurately predict its scope. If your building official is typical of the great majority I have talked to recently, he is well aware of the situation, Please solicit and consider his recommendations in your budgetary and planning activities. To those jurisdictions which have not yet adopted an energy code and which are considering adopting the State of Plorida Model Energy Efficiency Building Codet I suggest that the ordinance you write adopting the code contain language which allows amendments to be approved easily. We expect some revisions to be offered during the first year of its use. For example, our consultants are now working on a simplified design approach for residences similar to the various home design programs of several of the utility companies. This will greatly facilitate trade-offs between the components of the house, such as allowing more glass while at the same time increasing the attic insulation or improving the efficiency of the heat pump. When this section of the code is completed, many local governments will wish to add it to their ordinances. If you have any questions concerning the State laws mandating energy codes or energy codes in general, P1 ease call (904/488-2475) or write me or Barbara Fay and we will be happy to assist you in whatever way we can. BQ/ecc p• 8 9 2 1 MAIN it rift IL, It uFI 'd baily PY(et+1 SafurMy. Sufi (fay isd Le¢a'I Helfdays MfAlw,i. bade County, idrIda, StAtt Op pL-6121bA t'OUNtr OP DAbE before the U"Wd'PPSiglrpd aritherity dderSonatlq aft- adred Sarah ikill'rariis: irho.on bath says-fhaf the is the birer'ternt Legal AdyertiSihij of the Miartii_Revie* and Oily Record. a daily irixcept Saturday, Suriday and Lt ha! .ti'olidaY'S) so shaper t ubiished i"f 'Mlarbi iri bade. County. Florida: that the aftaCNad Copy bf addeP tis@nienf,'heihct a Legal Adyerttshfipfff or Nefite in tfie +hatter of MY OP Mt& it 'Ordit atee No. A921 ih thh....: Court, Was buhiishedin said hewshatse't in the issues of April 244 1979 Atfiaht further says that the said Miartri Pavlov and bay ttecord it a newspaper published at MiafY i, in Said bade County, F lorlda. and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said bade County. P torida, each day teiicept Saturday, sun, day and .Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miartti, in sale; bade County, Plortda. for period of one year hext 'pre• edi he first publication of the attached copy of adver st to nt; and, aftiant further says that the has neat, r pal. her promised any person, firth or corpora+ Lion ny d' count, rebate. commission Or refund for the Out- st+ securing this adverttisernent for publication in f id nesvt.naper.� Orr er MIANIit DAiS"E'COUNTY? FLORIDA tteA'L "NC?ICE Ail infereffld adti take iiisfitO "fnef 6 i fhi!'19ff1'riaq 6f AWL 104 fhb Dify'tottirhlletati of MiemI,'Pt6 l6A pet;satl ene adopt tl ffilt tbllWwtrt* titfad ordtrlr;A'Ca: i tAbiNANCE 10. 9921 AN oRt5iNAllet AM€Ni51NG 'SEttiON S GP ORCIINANe. NO. SUS, AS AMr NbEb, OPIOINALt Y AbOPTE13 MARt14 19, OM WHICH PROVIDED PEES POR ISUiLDIND, PLUMS E.Ettft16AL,,BOILER _AND ELPV,T6RtNSPEt- ..; ?ION --AND CERTCPICATE PEIrS, $`P",AtiD113;, _,1-1J'EW" SuatECTIt.SN (22) TO SAIb SECTIoNi THEREON/ ' PROVIDING ANEW. PEE TO COVER THE COST OP EN- PORCING, THE NEWLY AbbEb, cHAP1t S2 6P: THE - SbUtH PLORIbA BUILDING CODE' 'CONCERNING.' ENERGY CONSERVATION;.CONTAININi3 A. REPEALER - PROVISION, A'SEVERAEILITY'CLAUSE'ANb btSPENSfNG WITH THE REQUIREMENT OP' ;READING THIS:OR. bINANCE ON TWO SEPARATE DAYS by A VOTE'OP NOT.,, LESS -THAN POUR.PIP'fHS OP THE MEMISERS OP THE. COMMISSION; AND l ROVIDING AN EPPi=CTIVE,DATE, ;r, RALPH G. 'ONtslf CITY CLERK CITY OP MIAMI, FLORIDA Publication of this'Nbtice on the 24 day of April 1979 M74.044431 4/24