HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-08917LC:pb iDC:Sr/ AMt iiDMtft NO. 11 TO f' CE Nb. 88t ORDiNANGt MO.'`Y ._..,8, 17 AN ORDINANCE WENDING SECTIONS i AND 6 OP ORDINANCE NO. 8858, ADOPTED SEPTEivit3ER 28, 1078, TH,E ANNUAL APPRot t tAT1ON5 ORDINANCE i±Ott tilt; PISCAL YEAR 1 Nb1NG SEPTEMf1R 30, 1979; AS AMENDED; BY INCREASING THE APP toPRIAtION POtt THE ENTERPRISE FUND, ORANGE BOWL, IN AN AMOUNT oP $25,000; INCRt;ASING ANTICIPATED Rt1VEN1i1$, ENTtyRPRtSE NMI); ORANGE Bo1JL, BY THE SAME AMOUNT PROM 1977-78 ORANGE ton ENTERPRISE t'UNt, R8TAINED EARNtNGB; POR THE PURPOSE OP PUNDING A STRUCTURAL SURVEY AND ANALYSIS oP THE ORANGE BOWL, STADIUM; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVtRAEILITY CLAUS8, WHEREAS, the City of Miami adopted Ordinance No, 8858 on September 28, 1978 establishing revenues and appropriations far the City of Miami, Florida for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1979; and WHEREAS, -Resolution No. 79=131, adopted February 26, 1979, ,authorized the City Manager to advertise for and select a professional consulting service firm to perform a structural survey and analysis of the Orange Bowl Stadium ,and further authorized the City Manager to negotiate an agreement with the most qualified firm, and to expend an amount not to exceed $25,000 from the Orange Bowl Enterprise Fund, retained earnings, for said services; and WHEREAS, the City Manageris.further directed by said resolution to submit said agreement to the Ci.ty.Commission for approval prior to execution; and WHEREAS, funds are available in the 1977-78 Orange Bowl Enterprise Fund, Retained Earnings, and the amount of $2.5,000 can be appropriated into the 1978.79 Enterprise Fund, Orange Howi., for the purpose of funding the aforementioned study; NQW, THER FARE, BR IT ORDAINED BY THE CCMMIHSI N OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA; tin 11 Setting 1 and t of Ordinance No% 8888, adapted Septe d 2R, 1978, a§ amended, ard hereby further amended in the following partitularat "Section 1% The following appropriating are made for municipal Operation at the City of 1Mitni, Plarida, far the fiatal year 197849, including the payment of principal and interest Oft all antral. Obligation Ronda% ENTERPRISE FUNDS' Orange Bowl Appropriation 4.40469 $iUO,65 * * TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUNDS* 4-'8048145B L4%00,158 *Deficits appropriated its the General FUnd in Special Programs and Accouhts TOTAL OPERATING APPROPRIATIONS (3051474) 0441-MI958 ,$12495.3051. Section O. The -above appropriations are made based upon the following sources of revenues for the 1978-79 fiscal year. * ENTERPRISE FUNDS * Orange Bowl * * Revenue * * 2/ $-471897142 $ 1,214,1327 TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUNDS* - 4-'-4T9887-7S8 *Deficits appropriated in the General Fund in Special Programs and Accounts TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES * $ 4,013,758 (305,474) $14492-61453 $122,953_,953 Section 2; :The herein appropriation of $25,000 from the 1977-78 Orange Bowl Enterprise Fupd,,Retained Earnings,*into the Enterprise Funds, Orage is required to fund a structural survey and analysis of the Orange Bowl Stadium. 1/ Words and/or figUres stricken through shall be deleted; Under- scOred Words and/or figures constitute the amendment proposed, The remaining provisions are now in effect and remain unchanged; Asterisks indicate omitted and unchanged, material, All figUres are rounded to the next dollar, Reflects $25,000 from 1977-78.0range Bowl Enterprise Fund, Retained Earnings, Or the Dade County 2% Resort Tax. .2. 'Bettiot ls Ali trAinanteS tr parts.of.trAinAntes, InsOfat dg ttiysre. inttnSittent tr in ttntlitt vith the provisions tf-this trdinante are hereby repealeds gvetidn 4* If Any settitht part of tgetiOrti. pArAgraphl- clausel-phrase) or ward tf this trdinantt ts dedlAted invalidi' the rettaiting provisions of this trdittance shall not be affetted. PAggn ON Pan' 1A1INGfl Tint ONtY this.22,day of March 1979, PAgStD AND ADOPTtD ON gtOOND AND MAL RtADING tY TIt1 ONLY this19°1 day of 4111 ) 1979. BUDGETARY REVIEW: HOWARD N. GA. DIRECTOR .DEPARTMENT0 MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: ROBERT F. CLARK ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY AppRovAile TO FORWAND CORRECTNESS: -11r 414114rIdt: t OUR CITY AT KNO NEY MAUR= A, PEnt MAYOR Joseph R: Orassie City Manager Howard Vs Gary, Director Management and Budget March 13, 10/9 Proposed Ordinance Ap rn funds for the Orange Rbvi Stadium Survey (1) Rem: N. 70.131 The attached proposed ordinance appropriates $2 ,ilOO to the Orange Oow1 Enterprise Fund fron 1977=78 trange t3owl Enterprise Fund Retained Earnings to fund a structural survey and analysis of the Orange Govi1 Stadiums Currently, the Public Works Department is in 'the process of reviewing qualifications of various firms for this project. Resolution No. 79-i3i, adopted Feburary 26, 1979, gives authorisation tei the City Manager to advertise and select a professional consulting firm to perform the survey and to make available funds, not to exceed an amount of $25,000, from: the Orange Eiow1 Enterprise Fund Retained Earnings fot th i s purpose. It has been determined through a preliminary financial report that ,S25,000 is available in the 1977-78 Orange Bowl Enterprise Fund Retained Earnings, and can be appropriated to fund the above -mentioned survey. It is recommended that the attached Ordinantre be placed on the March 22, 1979 City Commission Agenda. gr MT M1 R Eti1 "EMI J1pbbAt Y`ttrene Oubliihed bath $+rceht Safurdiiy, Sticidity dA'd LLiyal ' 4dlttlNyS Itltieifii. bade County, AloPrde, State bk ' Lei tfbA eiiuNt'y oP bAb1= 'before the undersigned authority attsoitaiip bp• [[d�ared SEfra& Witilati%S. Who on bath bays that She iSfhe bi'recfor rif Legal Advertising of the Mtatfii P vIeW And baiiy llecOrd. a daily ieftppt SaturdA*, Sunddlr and Lectal Hoitdaysl hetirsbAper, publi5hba Al MIMI Iiy - bade County, Piorida: that the affatried t6py of &dyer- tiS'edient. beinO A Legal AdvettlSettieht oP NOttte iA1he chatter of et'tY Or MtMtt b O1di ldhtt t4d; 8917 ih'the X ?t X R tourf, Was published in said hewspaper in the itsues of April 24, 1979 Affiant further Says that the Said Miami Review and Daily Record is a hewspaper published at Miattti, in said bade County. Florida, and that the Said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade Criunty. Florida, each day (eiccebt Saturday. Sun - 'day and legal Holidays> and hat been entered as second claw mail matter at the host Office in Miami, in sanet Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next pre, edinrt the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement: and attiant further says that She has nor promised any person, firm or corpora- ount,'rebate, commission or refund for the Securing this ad ettisement for, publication d newspaper nether f ie:+n a purpo in th '.SET Mr,Coe»mission Pr Dires ',AR16 e this at Large eifiW.OP MIAMI, aAbE toinortiPLLf111DA LEGAL NOTICE AU ibtetested SViiI +Me hbtice that 6h the 19th day of Ah'fi1,,191$ the City CoeriPhi33idh 6f MiaWN; Plotid8 DSSSed held bd6lrted the16f1601tt10 titledotdiliBhte: 6RbtNANC "Ntb.191t AN tORbiNANCE AMENDING SECtIONS t. ANO i; 'On df2. `bINANCE NO:'SBMr..AbOPTEb lEPTEMBER, S,, i4is, THE. ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS. CJlIbINANOE KOl? THErt PISCAL'YEAR ENbINE+ SEPTEMBER -36, 19f9;;At AMENOtb; BY iNtREAS1NO'THE APPROPRIATION POP' THE ENTERPRISE FUND, ORANr;E BOWL 'IN 'AN 'AMOUNT O. 325,060; 1NtREASINO ANTICIPAtEO REVENUES, ENTERPRISE- i=UNbi ORANGE BOWL; BY `tHESAME-AMOUNti PROM 19y3.9B 6RANGE BOWL ENTERPRISE i=tJNb, RETAINEb'1 ARNINOS;;POR'THE PURPOSE OP. PUNbING A ,STRUCTURAL SURVEY ANb ANALYSIS OP -THE ORANGE BOWL StAbIUMt CONTAIN, INO A REREALEP PROVISION ANb A SEVERAI3iLITY CLAUSE. RALPH'G. ONOIE CITY OLERK CITY OP MIAMI, FLORIDA ' Publication of this Notice an the 24 day bf Aprl1 '1999. M79 Od$d!2 4124