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0ATE April 25, 1979
sUUJecr:Public gearing on Citizen Participation
nt..:Tt:lEyrt:s: City Commission Agenda
April 30,, 1979
Enclosed for your consideration are three alternate methods for achieving
`citizen participation on a CD targeide basiin the counity
ment:decisionmaking process.
thecitizenparticipation requirements of the Housing and Community Development
Act of 1974 as outlined in. the Community"Development Block Grant regulations,,
which require citizen involvement inthe decisionskwithGrant
respectc,tolon pr graml
process, 'an advisory `role in policy " particularly by neighborhood
tation, and assessment of the Block Grant program; p of Citizen
organizations, and low and moderate project area residents. (Copy
participation; requirements attached.)
The basic differences in the three citizen 1participation patin models in theedecision
1) the number of target area 'voters hav g direct
making process; and 2) the method of selection of participants and officers.
For your convenience, a chart is attached shichoillustrat s ttheotsreect onls,
including the number of participants, term
and qualifications for participation.
It should be noted that when the current available1zen CommunitycDevelopmentnBlock Grant
initially` developed by the County,
resources` were;` utilized to fund, various improvement projects on a CD target,_
area -wide basis. The Federal'"Community DDevelopmdsintsBlockgGrantpregulareas„ationsnnow
require. communities; to target bloc 9n,..fof regulations attached.)
order to. maximize the impact -of expenditures. (Copy
Tothis-end, the City of Miami, with the assistance of its Community Development
task forces, defined "Neighborhood :Strategy
rnei11hborhood improvement(NSA's) within the Cprograms.
areas for .the .implementation of'comprehensive97�of available Community�Developirient
Over the next three years, approximately
resources will be expended on concentrated improvements programs.
You will recall that in February of this year a Public Hearing was held on a::
Community, Development plan for the period JuofnHousngand Urban Developmente, 1979 through June, 1982, hich
f r
has been submitted to the U.S. Department for
approval. As a result, involvement of;' the selected citizen advisory group
committee in the CD process for the next two years will be limited to minor
revisions to the plan which may be required This will allow the citizen
advisory; groups the opportunity to become involved in other City activities
for which the Commission requires citizen input.':-> -
(e) Projects which prevent or elimi-
nate stuns or blight The following
projects and activities will be consid-
ered to prevent or eliminate slums or
(1) A project in an area which is a
slum, or a blighted, deteriorated, or
deteriorating area. as defined by State
or local law, and in which the appli-
cant undertakes a comprehensive pro-
gram, as defined in § 570.301(c), to
remedy the conditions which qualify
the area as an urban renewal or simi-
lar area. In such cases the applicant
may undertake any otherwise eligible
activity necessary to accomplish its
strategy for upgrading the area. Be-
cause State laws vary. HUD will recog-
nize those State or local laws which
authorize public actions for the pur-
pose of slum and blight prevention
and elimination. It is not necessary
that an area be formally designated an
urban renewal or similar area. but evi-
dence supporting a local determina-
tion that an area meets criteria for
slums and blight must be maintained
in the locality's records.
(2) A project designed to eliminate
detrimental conditions which are scat-
tered or located outside slum or blight-
ed areas. Authorized activities are only
those necessary, to eliminate the spe-
cific conditions of blight or physical
decay, by acquisition of blighted struc-
tures. demolition, historic preserva-
tion, and relocation.
(3) Activities necessary to complete
federally assisted urban renewal pro-
jects which do not principally benefit
ow and moderate -income persons.
(I) Projects designed to meet needs
having a particular urgency. These
are projects which the applicant certi-
fies and the Secretary determines are
'designed to alleviate a serious and im-
mediate threat to the health or wel-
, fare of the community which is of
recentorigin where the applicant is
unable to finance the projects on its
ow'n." and other sources of funding are
not, available. A condition will general -
le be considered to be of recent origin
if it developed or became critical
within 18 months preceding the appli-
cation`for funds.
(g)'Determining benefits to low- and
moderate -income persons.
(1) In determining the amount of
program funds which principally bene-
fit low- and moderate -income persons,
the costs of administration and plan-
ning cited in § 570.205 may be excluded
as they will generally be assumed to
benefit low- and moderate income per-
sons in the same proportion as the re-
mainder of the grant.
(2) The amount of any program
funds to be applied to the repayment
of urban renewal temporary loans may
also be excluded.
(3) Funds budgeted for contingencies
and/or local option activities may also
be excluded: such funds shall be ex-
pended in such a manner that the pro-
applicant shall also provide adequate
information to citizens. hold public
hearings to obtain views of citizens,
and provide citizens an opportunity to
comment on the applicant's communi-
ty development performance. Nothing
in these requirements, however. shall
be construed to restrict the responsi-
bility and authority of the applicant
for the development of the application
and the execution of its Community
Development Program.
(b) Written citizen participation
plan. The applicant shall prepare a
written citizen participation plan that
provides procedures by which each of
the requirements set forth in the fol-
lowing paragraphs will be implement-
ed. The plan shall go into effect no
later than August 1. 1978. The provi-
sions concerning citizen involvement
in implementing and assessing the pro-
gram apply to activities that are on-
going as of that date. as well as to all
future activities. The plan shall
remain in effect until all activities as-
sisted under this Part are completed,
or until it is superseded by a new plan.
Upon request. by HUD, the plan shall
be submitted to HUD to aid in the
handling of complaints and to facili-
tate monitoring and evaluation.
(c) Standards of participation. The
applicant shall provide a preens of
citizen participation at the cornr::un-
itywide level with regard to the overall
application and program. Applicants
with populations of 50,000 or more
shall also provide a process of citizen
participation at the neighborhood
level in areas where a significant
amount of activity is proposed or on-
going. These processes shall meet the
following standards:
(1) All aspects of citizen participa-
tion shall be conducted in an open
manner, with freedom of access for all
interested persons;
(2) There shall be involvement of
low -and moderate-Incor ne persons.
members of minority groups, residents
of areas where a significant amount of
activity is proposed or ongoing. the el-
derly. the handicapped. the business
community. and civic groups who are
concerned about the program. Where
the applicant chooses to establish. or
has established. a general commun-
itywide citizen advisory committee.
there shall be substantial representa-
tion of low- and moderate -income citi-
zens and members of minority groups.
Similarly, where the applicant chooses
to establish or recognize neighborhood
advisory committees in areas where
low- and moderate -income persons or
members of minority groups reside.
there shall be substantial representa-
tion of such persons;
(3) The applicant shall make reason-
able efforts to ensure continuity of in-
volvement of citizens or citizen organi-
zations throughout all stages of the
(4) Citizens shall be provided ade-
quate and timely information, so as to
gram will continue to meet the re-
quirements of this section.
(4) If a project or activity meets the
definition in paragraph (d) of princi-
pally benefitting low- and moderate -
income persons, the cost of the project
or activity may be determined to bene-
fit low- and moderate -income persons.
This includes projects to prevent or
eliminate slums and blight and pro-
jects designed to meet a need having a
particular urgency where such pro-
jects principally benefit low- and mod-
erate -income persons under paragraph
(5) If a project is designed to prevent
or eliminate slums or blight or to meet
needs having a particular urgency and
does not also principally benefit low -
and moderate -income persons under
the provisions in paragraph (d), a par-
ticular activity (such as a rehabilita-
tion loan program with Income limits)
within that project may nevertheless
be counted in determining the amount
of prcgram funds which benefit low -
and moderate -income persons.
(6) In determining whether a pro-
posed project will actually benefit Iow-
and moderate -Income persons, the
nature of the needs identified, the re-
lationship of the project to meeting
those needs, and the net effect of the
completed project shall be considered.
Thus, mere location of an activity in a
low- or moderate-inccme area does not
conclusively demonstrate that a pro-
ject or activity benefits lower income
persons. A neighborhood revitalization
effort which creates improved housing
and better living environment, princi-
pally for low- and moderate -income
persons. would be counted as such.
Where such a program results in a
change in the income characteristics
of the area so that a majority of the
ultimate beneficiaries are higher
income persons, the program would
not be counted as principally benefit -
tint; low- and moderate -income per-
(h) Mitigating adverse effects.
Where the program will result in
direct or indirect displacement or
other hardships to low- and moderate -
income persons, the applicant shall
take appropriate steps to minimize
such displacement or hardships. Sec-
tion 570.304(b)(2) requires the appli-
cant to include in its community devel-
opment plan the actions it will take to
assist low- and moderate -income per-
sons to remain in existing locations
when they prefer to do so, and to miti-
gate adverse effects on such persons as
a result of neighborhood revitalization
§ 570.303 Citizen participation require.
ments. •
(a) General. The applicant shall pro-
vide citizens with an adequate oppor-
tunity to participate in an advisory
role in planning, implementing. and
assessing the program. In so doing. the
groups of low• and moderate -income
sfdents 2)
to be tneanit�Sfully in- .neighborhoods. This includes submis• and assessing the program; and (2)
enable them upsand groupsof
solved in important decisions at vas• sion 1 Directly totheapplicant during personsli hied neighborhoods which request
(5) Citizens, particularly low- and the planning period prior to publictous stages of the program:
moderate income persons and resi• hearings on the application:
dents of blighted neighborhoods. shall (2) To recognized neighborhood, pro-
be encouraged to submit their views jest area. and communitywide citizen
and proposals regarding the Commu• organizations:
Aneighborhood and other meet'
silty Scope
of Development Program:
(d) Scope of participation. The ap- lugs, if scheduled by the applicant
Ito f citizen participation t throughout P (4) At formal public gand
hearings.to formal public
all stages of the program. This in• The applicant shall provide timely
eludes involvement in the de- responses to all proposals submied to
velopmentzen of the citizen participation it. including written responses to writ -
plan, as well as involvement In the fol• tenthe potion taken bystating
real ant on
lowing areas:
gpPlication development. Citl the prop
it state ethe i numberscipation of days
assistance in developing proposals and
statements of views.
It may also be directed toward assist-
ing citizens In organizing and operat-
ing neighborhood and project area or-
ganizations and in carrying out Com-
munity Development Program activi-
ties. Technical assistance should be
provided by specialists jointly selected
by the applicant and the organizations
ands groups to be assisted. It may be
provided either by the applicant di-
rectly or through arrangements with
public or private entities.
(i) Adequate information. The appli-
hall provide for full public
(1) cans
zens shall be involved in development plithin which responses will be pro- access to program information and at-
otthe annual a -year community
including: firmative efforts to make adequate in-
d) The three-year community devil- sided. Whenever practicable, re- formation available citizens. in-
tionnt plan, including the ide tifica- sponges should be provided prior to Bally to those of low- and moderate-
tlon of needs. pity development and the final hearing on the application.ae- come h those fto residing in erate-
housing needs, and the setting of psi- (f) Consideration of objections to income or to nresiding to
orates; plications. Persons wishing to object cos At the blightedtime the applicant begins
(ti) The Housing Asistance Plan. in-+�to approval of an application by HUD planning At for the next program year.
eluding the annual housing action pro -they appropriate ate HUD objectione such ArealOffice. the following program information
gram;shall be provided to citizens:
(iii) The annual Community bevel• HUDon the following grounds The ap- (i) The total amount of community
optrent Program; t amdevelopment block grant funds avail -
(iv) Subsequent amendments and plicant's description of needs and ob- able to the applicant for community
dance with § changes to the above, in accor availableectives ifacs ts and data; orstl etactivi- development and housing activities, in -
with 4 M impeluding planning and administrative
12) program implementation. inttation The ties ri be undertaken are plainly inap- activities.
roles citizens will play program (m- propriate to meeting the needs and ob (ii) range of activities that may
plementatton shall be indicated in the jectives identified by the applicant; or be ) Thetrang with fundsthaand
citizen participation plan. At a mini- the application does not comply the kind of activities thesees previouslyand
mum, this shall include involvement of the requirements of this Part
lt aor other
theded n the community,
decisio !n aneg advisory role in policy appitposes ac tei law; or the a e drawing up and approving the local
decisions regarding ago include self- poses
ecunder this Part. drawing otherwise in- (iii) The processes to be followed in
IC may
help activities carried
rr program operations an Such
ot the requirements de both application
theschedule of meet -
groups and direct
as provided der section.
conducted by neighborhood-based
other eligible f- rnade on the grounds that the desc� p- gram.ns (iv) The role ocitizensdr this tenro-
it entities.
i tit es. andtiun of needs and objectives is plainiY (v) A summary of other important
1t entities.
. (3) Assessment of performance. CM- inconsistent with significant, Generally program requiremen
zens and citizen opportunity
as aland which available
persons data.
rely. Althodata ugfullon ) The applicant shall provide for
Cdcotimely ds di cl ours of coits pro -
given the opportunity to assessgram
comments on all aspects of the HUD will consider objections submit -tent with applicable State and local
applicant's community development ted at any time. such objections
ing personal privacy and
performance, pplicai t' rantehe es and :the publ cationsubmitted
ot he notice that t d `e mi tt` iaithin 30 days of laws aant of t the program shall
contra ofto the applica at's 9
thetractors. They shall also "acts and application bib been sub be
the opportunity to aneeµhethercobjec below. Inas d order to ensure that bjec- office aduringavailable
normal wo kinglih hours
activities to heeeemine Lions submitted will be considered for citizen review upon request (either
are achieved. The methods by process,
until at written ide the folluu oral). Such
which such a shall be
indicated in not 1rapprove can application eauntil
ode t mailings and promotional documents
in -
made mailable shall tleast 45 days after receipt of p terial,
the citizen participation plan. The ap-
pltcant shall include in its annual per- cation.
formance report: (i) Copies of coin- (g) Complaints. The plan shall pro- (JD Records of hearings.
citizens regarding vide for answering complaints in a (lit) All key documents. including ail
mentsa submitted by timely and responsive manner. The ap- prior applications. letters of approval.
the applicant's community develop- llcant shall make every reasonable grant agreements. the citizen partici•
effort to provide written responses patton plan. performance reports, eval-
arttent performance; (ii) the applicant's P cation reports, other reports required
assummary of such comments; naind - within 15 working clays.
summary of any actions taken in re-(h) Technical assistance. To Will- by HUD. and the proposed and ap-
(e) to the comments received. tate citizen participation.. the plan proved application for the current
(e) Submission of views arovidepfor shall provide for technical assistance. year.
an nco applicant the shall provide for The level and type of assistance deter- su (iv)
ties of hg the program, and is -
and proposals regarding
submission oof vie u mined appropriate by the applicant
and proposals nt Program
-the Comins, shall be provided to: (1) Citizen organi- (v) Documerts regaiding other lm-
pity Development n mode ate -income nations. so that they may adequately portant program requirements. such
particularly low' and moderate -income blathte
participate in planning. implementing. as contracting Procedures. Caviron•
persons and residents of blighted
mental policies,
requ housing
emen s reloother
equal opp
cation provisions, and the A-95 review
process. (3) When the application is submit•
• onPs
ted to HUD uponco
__._... _- tion_.-of •
..clearinghouse reviea_s.. ttie applicant
shall publish a n itice in a newspaper
of general circulation stating that the
application has been submitted and is
available to interested parties upon re-
quest and describing the requirements i the developmen
on citizen objections to applications goal opp cant, the major objectives the apPli-
conTheed in paragraph 11 above. required public hearings• seeks to major
the priorities
(4) citizen
applicantshallmake copieseei Contingency shallaha local option that f cantt has establaished for the useepriorities
applicant sets aside funds in its ap grant funds, and it block
of the; citizen participation plan. the tivities. The plan provide iftaken into count in selecting areas
proposed and approved application, the
. thebtannual performance report localplication for cities, or if i and/orro ems
available at persons
conveniently by the ro- local option activities, a if it chooses for
to identify in its application activities to identified needs. In ment and designing add►tion.
Gated for persons' affected to the hhapndi- that could replace any activities instep
• in its application it meetall include the following comp -
ca 0 review.
(j); public hearing. The plan
of ac- applicant sha
ss shall be involved in the eelect�on
the h
ties and
earings,service such as teleVtMg foran- public improvefor mentsitand forshousing.
ou inp-
service radio and television an- P (b) Comprehensive strategy. The sp-
(k) nttinguat. Wherever a significant
number of low- and moderate -income
persons and residents of blighted
neighborhoods speak and read a pri-
mary language other than English.
the plan shall provide that all notices
of public hearings and summaries of
basic information be produced in such
language or languages
llbe offerednd that at
plicant shall descrto meet its ..... -----
ntified community de -
vet pment and ehousing needs, arttcu-
larlY those of low- and moderate -
income households residing in or ex-
pected to reside in the community and
any special needs of identifiable seg-
ments s ofra the shall include ower income population.
itywide component which describes
t strategy
gram and :access► proved by HUD during
d shall the citizen participation pro- . n (1) Neighborhood revitalization. The
describe its strategy
provide for a sufficient numberfor maintaining and preserving viable
hearings to citizen proposals
is an and ques-o .,. ties contingency or local option
cooties. respond Such ears gs shallof be held
at (rn) Program o amendments.
participation neighborhoods affected by blight and
liens shall providedeterioration.
gram. hearings shall o held atThis shall emphasize the actions to
o broad
times t and locations partichular-
in any amendments to an approved ap-
plication, except those for disaster ac- be taken will improve conditions
permit new 0and moderate -income income per- tivities. If the nature of the amend- residing in that expected o reside it the
IY: y residents of blighted ment is such that Prior HUD approval for lea- and moderate -income persons
sons : and , by js required, asspecified in 4 570.312, unity.
the applicant shall hold public hear- comet
neighborhoods. Hearingte fangull partict (1) press targeted for concentrated
should make possible citizens. " ings on the amendment. If the amend- action as Neighborhood Strategy
70.301(c) shall be
cation of handicapped ment does not require Prior HUD ap-
(1) Presubmissionleast
thearings. The ao
shall hold atileast two kinds of proven, the participation process describe
a shalltbe identifhe Areas ied. Fort eacto h such area the ap-
plicitizen par P plicant shall describe:
public hearings Prior to the submit• involved in the amendment. ice(AThe objectives, both long-term
sion of the application:
atobt theain views and proposals
9 570.304 Community Development and and short-term. to be
achieved. quant -
}}ousing Plan. •fled whereever possible:
citizens " initial stage of opp �- (B) The physical improvement pro-
opmdevelopment on community drier- An entitlement application shall in- grams to be carriedi out codeith enforce-
document and housing needs and prior- elude a summary of a Community De -grant funds, such as
pies. and to obtain commentsdevelopment
grant, rehabilitation, acquisition, ce-
applicant's community velopment and Housing Plan. This olition, or public improvement:
performance: document shallbe
the annual appli (C) on, Relatedrp programs proposed such
o n Tose obtain views Cofa citizens on the cation
year asp with the
cation for funds beginning as Urban Homesteading and section 8
proposed application prior to submit first application submitted on or after
Substantial Rehabilitation Special
sion . of the application to ; A-95 procedures:
clearinghouses. pugtist 1, 19ae`•elopment andIt shall ehousing (D) public Services to be carried out
(2) Performance hearings. In order community
fo review the program progress and per. anfor meeting hose needs, in support of the physical be c improve -
thirty ed out
needs of the applicant. Its compretien• meat programs:
Yormance, the applicant shall hold sive strategys or ant An implementation schedule
additional public hearing or hearings including its long-
and activities
fpia to f+vf r' ttie next to the start jectives, and the projects showing the anticipated timing of ac-
notice for he next three years. s showing
and then coordination of block
of planning for; the next program Y+''r !
ti(3lYof publicIhear order to give adequate (a) Summary mart' of community develop.
shallop- grant funded activities and other Iota
notice of hearings: for actions
(i) The applicant shall, following: wing h anticipate r
i+ a form k •►n
to each public : hearing, pubes_
notice in easily readable type in the
•nonlegal section of newspapers of gen-
- eral ;'circulation. Including minority
and non-English language newspapers
of general `circulation where they
exist.' Such notices shall indicate the
• date. time, place and procedures of the
hearing and ` topics to be considered.
The applicant also shall make reason-
able efforts to provide the notices, in
the form of press releases, the neigh-
borhood newspapers or periodicals
serving low- and moderate income
(1i) The applicant Is encouraged publicize
take other actions to widely
10 days prior ment an housing d resources. ln•
elude the o o to (F) The
• t funds. other Fed-
(1) A community profile on a eluding bloc gr,
be prescribed by THUD. which provides eral, State, or local funds, and private
data regarding population and income
y the investment:
condition ofithe housing stock, and
(0) The role of any neighborhood
characteristics of the somm
the economic condition of the comma' (a How the housing assistance
ni2 aAa narrative
goals and general locations in the
(2)cA naoratit:e summary of the
plicant's community development and Housing Assistance Plan. P
housing needs. particularly rehabilitation
low- and moderate -income households applcntsneighborhood retaliza-
and any special needs of identifiable tion sirs egY•
segments of the total group of lower (ii) Other neighborhood improve•
income Persons. The description
ofshall he shall include specific eact actions designed
major described. This
a brief ighbiption
major needs for neighborhood revisal. to VTevent and eliminate slums and
manner. For purposes of these regula-
(2) Annual Community Development (ions
such areas
ood Strate
gy be
wigs led as
Program as described in § 570,305; r+red in paragraph (c).
(3) Annual Housing Action Program Tel Neighborhood strategy area. This
as described in t 5 ins as described
and an
(4) Certifications described plicant area
in itsthe
• 4 570.307.
(d) Other application requirements. year Community Development and
The applicant must also comply with Housing Plan for a program of concen-
the following requirements when ap- trated community development activi-
(1) Requirements on the atiming of Area nt: ties. Fthe applicant shall includor each Neighborhood e in its
applicationsor sta-
)Reqments on notifying State blitzingandupgrading the rehensive tarea egy f which:
(i) Provides for a combination of
(1) Standard Form 424i
and areawide clearinghouses of the ap-
plicant's :intent to apply for Federal physical improvements, necessary eac
assistance, on submitting the applica- public facilities and services, housing be applied toward payment of protect
ti- cost. In those
ton to clearinghouseactions following zengselt helpsvate activities approptment rriateito plicant exhausts instances
previo previouslywhere
and oing use regrant funds before the next increment
clearinghouse reviews, (2) Coordinates spend local funds
4510 310
4 570:301 Planning considerations. � produce substantial longterm
(a)' "Comprehensive strategies. The provements in the area within a rea- ment, provided the locally funded
act requires that applicants have a sonable period of time; in determining work was undertaken n compliance
three-year; plan for the use of block the size of the area the applicant shall with the requirements of this Part.
grant funds which demonstrates a take into account the severity of its (4) The continued authority of an
comprehefl ive strategy for meeting problems and the amount of resources applicant to commit Title to I funds to a
identified community development to be provided so that this require- multiburled forar project
exile • • to be
and housing needs. The Act provides ment can be met.
descretion to local governments to de• (4) Examples of Neighborhood Staat• funds for costs of such project, after
velop strategies appropriate to local egy Area programs include: a residen• completion of environmental require -
conditions and permits a wide choice tial rehabilitation program which pro- rnents and HUD release of funds, shall
of projects and activities to carry out vides loans and grants to property be subject to the continued relevance
those strategies. However. a compre- owners in a designated area n which and completeness of the environmen•
hensive strategy shall include: (1) a street improvements, playgrounds, and tal assessment performed. In the event
systematic assessment of the locality's public services are also being provided; of any significant or substantial
community development and housing and a redevelopment program which change in the nature, magnitude or
needs and the resources available to includes systematic demolition of sub• extent of the project. or any signifi-
meet those needs; (2) determination of standard structures and assemblage of cant or substantial change in the envi-
the applicant's long and short-term sites for new construction in a particu- ronment affecting the project. the ap-
objectives and priorities for the use of lar area in conjunction with site im• .. plicant shall. prior to any further com-
funds; (3) development of a three-year provements and facilities necessary to mitmentcoof Titlethe requirements tothe
eoi 24
plan. of activities designed to meet the attract new development.
needs and objectives identified. This (5) In order for a program to qualify CFR Part. 58 relating to the updating
plan : shall provide for undertaking as a Neighborhood Strategy Area pro- of environmental clearances.
and community development gram the activities which an applicant (5) The applicantdstprialso
o obligate
HDR RF-106
24 the
entire RPart mult Year scope of auld ctivities.
Upon certification that the applicant
has completed the environmental re-
quirements for a multiyear project,
HUD may issue its release of funds for
the entire multiyear project. Such re-
lease of funds shall be subject to the
provisions of paragraphs (3) and (4) of
this subsection. i
(3) Approval of each increment of a
multiyear project is subject to the gen-
lade- s
ate vperformance. of grant
the submis-
sion of an acceptable application in
h year in which grant funds are to
ws, as described n the needs of the to continue
ithe area: public and private gLs.rant
approved, the applicant may ob -
development efforts: gate andP
(3) Provides sufficient resources to funds work
eimbu t inere-
activities n a coordinated and mutual- includes in such program (Inc
ly supportive manner consistent with activities to be funded and implement-
local"and areawide development plan- d in more than one action year) shall
ning and` national urban growth poll- • begrouped
be a project. edeemed
defined ine 2li-
cies. The"requirements for the sum-
rnary.of the three-year plan are stated CFR § 58.3. The environmental review
in § 570.304. of such project should take into ac-
(b) Coordination of programs. It is count the relationship between compo•
recognized that .different strategies nent activities. and the cumulative en -
may be appropriate different
and effective
and vt(d) /Nanningonmental fects and of
dealing with ts t' ar project. (1) An applicant may
conditions However, the. Act m
certain activities to areas In which allocate funds in an application for eaterundertaken in
went programs
assisted pndevelop- the payment out multiyear project totbef the fiinancedtof a ly funded work in in- compliance Twith
ehethe was
red eT is of
toa ;oncen r a are being. carriedpart 58.w
in a concentrated' manner. for exam- crements with funds becoming avail this
pie. public ;services pursuant to able in succeeding program years. pro- requirements of 24 CFR
HUD.prtera Moreover. ecertain other
ocus t the totalll projepe and ct is described ed cost in the Partpt 58 the
provisions of Subpart C of wi h prior
on programs t`ee designedto. to
ts to
areas of concentrated community first application in which grant funds to the incurring ofany
developmentom Homesteading.
for extionle8 not allocatedfor
usehe ofpsubsequ This
nt year provisions rof Subpartt C however.he
Urban� Homesteading, and Sp
Substantial pRehabilitation
reuan tlt ta o 24nCFR Partcentitlement
funds esigned pasta single lease of fundsied with byHUD. prior tothe re-
881. • pli p t._ n
881..\pplicants are therefore encour- year proj- ect and whose cost exceeds *nine and environmental studies. Prior
Pion -
aged to designateoprograms rams ant be carriedarin in(2) heestimates. • enviro
which vaconcentra d and coordinated nated . a (mu multiyear project. pert rt'ned under -cant approvalmay of its obligate piand i spend d an appli-
out in a c _ ..,
4 ._
and spend local
al of its application for the purpose of
completing activities previously ap-
proved and assisted under the urban
renewal program. the water and sewer
facilities program, the neighborhood
facilities program,described eopen n 4 570 space(b)
land program.
(1). (3), (4). and (6), respectively. After
approval of its application. the appli-
cant will be reimbursed with . funds
programmed in the application to
those costs. provided such local-
Executive `CoIr 1ittee
Advisory Council.
hlternate A)
Advisory:, Council
Alternate B);
3 Target Area
General Election
18,years of age.
Own or rent residential
or ; cottunercial.1)roperty
or owner of a business
located in the tarqet
18.years of. age.
Own or rent residential
or commercial property
or owner of a business
located in the target
18 years of age.
•Own -•or rentresidential_.
or owner of a business
located in the target
One year.
One year
Chairperson. Members elected for
Vice Chair;.person officer positions at.
?nd ;.chairperson general election.
chairperson Candidate members;
Vice Chairperson receiving three.,
2nd°V.Chairperson highest vote totals
in general election
assume presidential,
and secretarial offices.
' Chairperson;; Officers are nomi-
Vice 'Chairperson nated. and elected',
and V.Chairperson by Advisory Council"
members following
general election.