HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-79-0342• RESOLUTION NO. 7 9 - 3 4 2 • A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT $157,153 FROM THE U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOR A SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE NECESSARY AGREEMENT(s) FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROGRAM. WHEREAS, the Florida Department of Education, Food and Nutrition Management has granted on behalf of the U. S. DepartmentOf Agricultt.tre, $157,153 to the City of Miami to carry out a Summer Food Service Program for Children; and WHEREAS, this program wi.11 'provide free summer lunches for children within the parks of the City of Miami, from June 18, to August 17, 1979; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: • Section 1. The City Manager is hereby authorized to accept a grant award from the U. S. Department of Agrictilttire, in the amount of $157 ,153 , for a Summer Food. Service Program for children. Section 2. The City Manager is hereby authorized to execute the necessary contract(s) and/or agreement(S) to implement this program. PASSED and ADOPTED this 22 day of May 1979. ATTEST: R 1ph . Ongie, City Cl.erk PREPA D AND APPROVED By: Assistant City Attorney APPRO S TO FORM ANI CORRECTNESS: e F. Knox, Attorney SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTSMaurice A. Ferre FOLLOW" MAYOR "DOCIIMEI4I ITEM NO. PI CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF MAY 2 2 19/9 gammon.? 9: 3 4 JosephR. Grassie City Manager , a l Al ertH. , Howar , Director Department of Leisure Services ;•11r17.11. rLo nron :.iZMORAN0:J I 1,inrc: May 2► 1979, ,,t„Et:'f Proposed Resolution r{ErEi.L•:NCCs: -. Enclosed for your, reviewand forwarding' to the Law Department, is a draft of a resolution authorizing the farceptaancer foode of $157,153 from the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Service Program for Children. The program will provide free lunches to childrenhaatst ummety-seven, (27) City of Miami parks and playgrounds during June 18 through August l7,o£99Eligible consumelthetmeals so be under eighteen (18) years age and park site. Thirty-two hundred (3200) lunches will be served. daily; 140,800 for thc total program which also funds personnel such as a program director, six site supervisors and four site monitors to insure that proper guidelines are followed. It is the recommendation of the of LeiscuuresServiceszed that this grant award" be accepted -and agreemen by this resolution. AHH/KDH/dw encl. cc: Law Department Management and Budget "SUPPORTIVE:• FOLLOV. : 342 1:: : .1a C.,u.:•':Cn .1,. un,,i.• •, an.r site 1100, ••'o • ••a to Food and t:ulritl ,n flana.i. mint. 319 Ki.att l:u11.lmg. T311311assee. Florida .32304. no later than 20 worltdays prior to the beginning date of you Summer Food Service Program for Children. 1. Name and Mailing Address of Sponsor City of Miami, Florida Dept. of Leisure Services Recreation Division P. O. Box 330708 Miami., Florida 33133 Attn Basha Schlazer 305 579-6916' Telephone 7 . Maximum Operational Reimbursement (A) (II)T(C ) l Total Meals Rite . a. Breakfast X 5 73 = 140 80Q > 143. 616 Lunch 140, 1_02; - sue--- Supple- ments X-2675- d. Supper Y 1-02 - S 143.616 TOTAL (Add Column C) S F000 AI.D NU r,tlTI(N MAr:f+GEttENT SUMM• AEPPL CATION FOR PARTICIPATIOVICE PROCIRAM FOR N CHILDREN 2. Other Sponsor Programs Funded by Food & Nutrition Mgt. (check (X) all that apply) Child Care Special Milk School Lunch/Breakfast None 3a. Name and Title of Administrator. Joseph Grassie-City Mgr Signature of Administrator if Author- izing Another to Sign Agreement/Claims e Name and Title of Authorized Person Albert H. Howard -Director Maximum Administration Reimbursement (C) (A) (0) Total Total Meats Rat... a. Breakfast X .0425-. S b. .Lunch 140, 800 X .08 = $ 11„ 26,4 Supple- ments X _02 = S d. Supper X .08 = TOTAL (Add Column C) 11. List by Position all Operational Personnel (Food Production and25 iYJORICED TOTAL NO ) TITLE OF POSITION . MO. IN 111AGE PER HR. PER DAY DAYS WORKED ', POSITION (d) . ,; (c) 3:50 4 44 (a) -_-. (b). (c) - - Site Supervisors 6 • List by Position all Administrative Personnel (Not in Food. Pr ducHRStion and Distribution) ED TOTAL NO. _ L'IAGE PER HR. PER DAY DAYS WORKED TITLE OF POSITION POSITION• (a) (b) (c) (d) (c). 50 Director Site Monitors 1 5.00 4 4. 50 8 4 TOTAL WAGES (g) 47 Agreement Number Approval Date Number of Meals Served (Daily) a. Breakfast D. A.M. Supple- ment _ C. Lunch 3200 d. ' P.M. Supple- ment e. Supper S. Number of Sites Under eset Sponsor L 7 6. Dates of Summer Foodte ' Service Operation, From: 6 /18 79 To: 8 i1 7 179 Administrative Cost 10 . Operational Cost a. 6langt. Salaries 2123 • - a. . Food b. Monitoring Salaries 3591. b. Labor o `Clerical Salaries - e. TransPortatio d. Transportation d. Utilities e. Communic on -" e. Non-Food_Su0P•--- ero onn f.. Site-Persel f. Rental orl51•[.'6S3fcS 11, 264 GROSS YJA ,ES% S. S. 3696 + 227. GROSS WAGES if) SS 2000 + ' 123. 3384 + 207. g. .Office Supplies 500. g• Other (Specify) h.AuditFees ,:_1500 h. .TOTAL OPERA`tOt.ALl 4 7 ..5 30 COST 3, 923. i. 'Legal tecs 1VL1Leage. 1. TOTALj. ,Other PSOC11') 15 (5. TIVE COST (item 9.0 k. TOTAL ADMINIS- 9614i. TOTAL PROGRAf.1 . COST .�-TRATIVECOST- - � ° " .Tralning of Sponsor 14. .Sponsor Training_ for Personnel -.Date(s) No. of Sponsor Person- Date(s) - Number Attending nel Attending 3/29t.79 2 6/14;79 30 6/15/79 81 Ig State Operations Bulletin Has Been Received and. Read (check (X) one),, 17. Number of Sites Per Monitor W 'TOTAL WAGES 19.T TO THE LEST OF MOKNOWLEDGE:THAT REIMBURSEMENT ENT WILL BE CLAIMED ONLYFORMEALS SERVED TO CHISHEETS (ESE LDREN AT APPROVED COR- RECT Y FOOD SERVICE SITES, AND THAT THESE SITES HAVE BEEN VISITED AND HAVE THE CAPABILITY AND FACILITIES FOR -/THE MEAIVEN IN L SERVICE' PLANNED NECTION WITH THE NUMEER THE RECE PT OF CHILDREN PATED TO BE SERVED. I UNDERSTAND THAT THISOF FEDERAL FUNDS: AND THAT DELIBERATE MISREPRESENTATION MAYS BJECT MOE TN PROSE UTICN UCDER ? 1 5714. STATUTES. - APPLICABLE STATE AND FEDERAL CRIMINAL ST Signature Date Title Director t/ April 26, 1979 Document ActionTakento. Utilize Schools for the. Program. (Attach additional sheet If; necessary.) 13. Type of Food Service (check (X) a Contract With Vendor On -Site Preparation Agreement With School School Service