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Notice is hereby given that a joint public hearing will he held by the
Metre -Dade Beard el County Commissioners and the Miami Oily Cow
mission at II:30 a.m. Friday, June 16, 1110, at Bsyfrent Park Audito-
rium for the purpose of determining the Step I alignment of the
Bowutowu People Mover (OPM).
At the meeting the Commissions will receive: 1) a presentation o1 the
alternative stagiug plans which have bees under study by Caaueit
Fiodling/SKBB, consultant to Bade County for the preliminary ongi-
neering of the OPM; 2) the recommendation o1 the OPM Policy Com-
mittee; 3) the consultant's recommendation; 4) the rscemmendatien
of the staff of the City of Miami; and 6) the recommendation el the Of•
floe of Transportation Administration.
The OPM Policy Committee recommends a two-way losp around the
central core of the downtown area. The loop runs eastward along N.W.
and N.E. Fifth Street from FEC Railroad right-of-way to N.E. Second
Avenue where Wturns south and runs along a line approximately 250
feet east of N.E. Second Avenue until it reaches M.E. First Street. At
N.E. First Street the route turns oast and continues to Biscayne
Boulevard where it turns south to S.E. Third Street. The alignment
then proceeds westward along S.E. Third Street crossing ever the I.16
exit ramps to S.E. First Avenue where the double loop separates to two
single guideways. One guideway turns north en S.E. First Street and
proceeds westward is the FEC right-of-way. The ether continues
westward along the I.15 exit ramps to the FEC right-of-way where it
turns north and rejoins the first guideway. Both proceed northward
along the FEC right-of-way to close the two-way loop at N.W. Fifth
The Office of Transportation Administration, Gannett Fleming/SKBC'
and the staff of the City of Miami have all concurred with the recom-
mendation of the OPM Policy Committee.
The Commissions will also be asked to reconfirm the BPM full systems
alignment with regard to a change in the Miami River crossing. The
adopted OPM full system aligament provided for operation ever the
proposed Convention Ceahr; however, because el differensos In tit*
csustruelieu schedules of the two projects, an alternative routing bad
to be developed. The alternative route grosses the Miami River Nest of
Ft. Callas Park. Ruth of the river N Grosses ever the I.01 exit romp,
serves eastward and terminates with a station at the proposed World
Trade Center.
The Commissions will afford au eppertuuity for interested persons or
organizations to be hoard with respect to the social, economic and
envireumonlsl aspects of the Stage I alignment. Interested persons
may submit orally or in writing their evidence and recommendations.
A copy of the Transportation improvement Program, the alternatives
studied by Sennett Fleming/SKBB, and the recommendations of the
WPM Policy Committee are available for public inspection at the Office
of Transportation Administration, 44 W. Hagler Street, 17th Floor.
M. R. Stierhelm
County Manager
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