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c'fopin Toundation of the.,sniteic5
May 30, 1979
i i i .. . l
l Jig
Mr. Joseph Grassie, City Manager
Miami City Hall
Dinner Key
Miami, Florida 33133
Dear Mr. Manager:
For some time I have been seeking an opportunity to appear before
the City Catmission on behalf of the Second American National Ouin-
quennial Chopin Competition, being held in Miami, March 9 - 15, 1980. I would
appreciate being scheduled for the earliest possible date in June.
We havereceived initial grants from Dade County, the City of Coral Gables,
and from the City of Miami, last year, a small grant towards the cost of our
firstpublic concert. The Competition has the unanimous endorsement of the
Dade County Council of Arts and Sciences, and of the Greater Miami Chamber
of Cormerce's Executive Committee and Committee on Business Development.
For it is cultural events of the scope and quality of this Competition which
are of supreme importance to this community in attracting notable business
firms to locate here, Just as they enhance the tourist attraction of this
area. To date we have 270 prospective applicants from 47 states.
We wish to request not only funds from the City towards the preparation and
production of the Competition, but certain in -kind services as well.
The City of Miami benefits more than any other entity from the extensive
publicity which the Canpetition will generate. Moreover, every prize winner
will be performing at a number of places across the nation during the 27
weeks between the time they win here in mid -March and the time they depart
for Poland to compete at the International Chopin Competition in October.
In each place ---Aspen, Colorado; the Kennedy Center in Washington, the New-
port, R. I. Festival --the billing is Winner of Miami's Chopin Competition.
Indeed, the prize winners will carry this throughout their careers as an
essential item in their biographies and publicity.
This every five year event can do even more for. Miami than the Van Cliburn
Competition has done for Fort Worth, Texas. And that is very considerable.
We have a letter from Governor Graham accepting our invitation to officiate
at the prize -giving ceremonies at Dade County Auditorium next March 15th.
We trust that you and the members of Miami's City Commission will also attend.
ncerely yours f' i,
' F.' Warren(f '„Re 'ly, ' sident
.:.Chopin. C
tition irector
.:iineri .ant Nl!lonab Quinglie nn1ab Ciro'i!: C.Jlilri11J1L`
1. Fnedeh.ic Chopin (1810-1849) composed mote music ban piano than anyone e.ise, ate
.inspired and ate pe,t onmed dai.ey thnoughau.t the woted. The. In.tehmaxi.ona.0 Chopin
Competition. 11etd quinauenn.iatty at Utaneaw, Po a.nd, is the a.edeAt mu4:i.c competi-
tion in; the wo&ed. . Pruze winneitz incP.ude AtgentLnaMartha Ahge ,tch., I.ta:ey'6
Mawt iz .o PoeP i►vL, Potand's Kny4Stian Z .rne untu't, and the U. S. A.'h Gahhic.te OhL& on.
In 1975 The Amen,ican Irus.t.itute o6 PoU8h Cut -tune o6 Miami, in a4soc a.tion with
The lini.ve sity os Miami at Cona . Gabt.e,s, conducted the Fiitst Ame .i.c.an Na:tionat
Chopin Compe-tLt.io►t. Findst Prue winnelt Dean Knameh was the. only American to be
among, the pn-ize w•u111ehb at the. IntetnatiortaL Chopin Compet.i.tfort° tato :. ;that yeat.
Founded .in 1977,.THE CHOPIN FOUNDATION OF THE UNITED STATES, INC.; a:tax-exempt
non -pro si. F1.on. da e.okponati.on, ,w<i et. he e.af:ten candu.c t THE , AMERICAN NATIONAL
QUINQUENNIAL CHOPIN COMPETITION, benci.ng :i t3 wtnnelus to compete. 'in Poland.
2. The 6.ih st two rounds o 6 aud.i tion4 ' ocean. Match 9-12, 1980 at the Un.i.ven4si.ty "o 6
M.iam.i'e School o6'Mus.Lc, the £.angezt mwsic schaot .in the nation w-ithin a private
thi ven4.i ty. Dean Wm. F. Lee, III ,Vice.-Ptes,i.de.n t o6; the Founda.tLon,-Ahtidt:-.i.n
-nuidenee Ivan Davi .ins An.t at.ic Consu.etant and Chaahma.n o6 the _luny (non -voting).
Fnede t.icfz Fennete wit_e 'conduct the F.eon.ida Ph.i,ehahmanic in the 6:inat-s on Match 13
6 14 (oriLy a Sew ►najon compet.itsortd o6en TWO nigh.tt uiith on.ehe.e &ct),, a.r:d'phizc'
giving 'cehemanies and Winnelus Con.ceh t 'oc uh. Manch 15, at Dade County Audi taniurn.
3. The quadten► iaL Van Ct i.bunn CompaaLon at Font Wantli,' Texas .is .the. o ley other
the ' nation ,ghat is eompah.abte.. The Ctibuhn;' i� I r tehnatLo nat, with pa7,t.LcLpan s
6/tom many .Lands. The. AMERICAN NATIONAL .in .Miami, F.eonida J ant y 60n. Amen-i,cans.
A maximum o6' 40 e.onntestan-ts wilt. be. 'accepted. Mote than 230 young hape6uL6 aged.
17 .to 30 had aiteadc ne ue�ste.d a pp Lic.ation4' by .the: end 06 Febne.tcvc.y, 1979.
� �
4. The. Jun.y at Miami. will. choose 6tom two to batch: p' Lze winnms to .receive e
pt.ize money, a ' c'und ".t'c,ip ..to the inennaTionaL CompetWLon at Wan!saw, an �c1 e66-
ionat engagements' ach.oss the nation ckvc;ing the 27 weeps betvee.n v.ic•tony i.n F.Coitida
and depanc tune bon Pa.eand .in tate Septe then . The gove-'cnmen:ts 06 many nations c.ws
.to/ranUlf pnovLde ptepa/La.oty pen60ninances ban their.. elvtna.nts •Ln /such conte!st.S; out
country never. has. It w.i.Pe be -the A iA sat time Koh. an American de e.aati.on .to antLve
at an Inten.n ..ti:onaJ Competition with .such subis.tanti.ae pubti.c per-Sanmance exae'c-fence.
5. Pto j ec.ted media cove/stage .(ncelides a TV Spec it. {on PBS produced .b y WPBT. Miami; an
NPR program`pnepahed bti Miami.'s:li1LRN-FM; and taping 76 .the. 6.inats and; .the Wimptete
Conceit by ti. S. I. A. 604 won.edw.Lde "bnoadaast oven the Voice. o 6 America .Netwan".
6. The Competition D.ihectot Ls ° Dt. F. Wanten O' Re i ey Pnez ident a 6 the ;Chopin Founda-
tion, an Adjunct.`Pno6es/son at the Untveio.itys o6 Miami., and a. w:uten. about .the. A;!its.
He. ha beeLn an a66.i.ccae guest at three ma.fon.£ntetnati.onaL p.Lano compe Lti.am:
The IX>Fnedeti.e Chopin at Wahusaw, Poland (1975); The VII1 L.esz.t-BantoftatBudapest,
Hungary, alto qu-inque:nn at (1976) ; and .the F-1.6th Van CV-bunn at ' Font wont 1t 0977).
7. Endorsed unan,imou,st.y by the Dade County Cou.nc12 o6 Ants f, Sciences, the Compe.tit4.on
has ae ready been voted a gn.an.t by the County Commi sd...on; an .,acuanc' which must be
matched 6nom o.then bounces. Other matching' gtar is ate being appU e.d "6o•t. The .e.-
bone evencr"'do.P.Lan donated etUcne another. Make .tax dedttctLb.F_e contn-ibu.tions, .to:
1000 Bz.iehete Avenue -State 600, Miami, FL 33131
(305) 373-9000
;1ologgi th.nintiaiton el the iiittied
,\2, May 25, 2979
To: The Metropolitan Dade County Council of Arts and Sciences
Subject: Application for Tourist Roan Tax Grant
In 1975 the First American National Chopin Carapetition was held
here in Miami. The First Prize winner was the only American to
win a prize at the IX International Frederic Chopin Competition
at Warsaw, Poland, later that year.
Five years later-; the $econd American National Quinquennial Chopin
Competition will be held here March 9-15, 1980, for young American
performers aged 17 to 30. This contest will be conducted by the
Chopin Foundation of the United States, Inc., a tax -exert, non-
profit corporation founded August 18, 1977 at Miami, Florida, in associ
ation with the University of Miami School of Music and in collaboration
with tIle Florida Philharmonic Orchestra of Miami. To date 270 prospective
c onte.:ants from 46 states have applied for admission forms.
Our obi.active is to send the strongest possible American contingent to com-
pete at. the X International. Chopin Competition at X.arsaw--beginning October
2, 191''.), wherethey will meet the best young talent selected and fostered
by Chopin organizations in at least 25 other nations, all of wham enjoy
government support: This contest in Poland is the oldest music competition
in the vr1d and one of the most prestigious. Recent winners have come.
from Italy ' (1960) , Argentina (1965) , U. S. A. (1970) and Poland (1975).
The only canpetition in this country curable to ?•iiami's Chopin Ccxipeti-
tion is the Van CliburnQuadrennial International Piano Competition at
Fort 1. is th, Texas, founded in 1961 and open to young performers, of all
nation:.,-. It is also held°infrequently--every four years; is conducted in
association with a major University --the Music Department of Texas Christ-
ian University; : 'and employs a professional orchestra to accor any the
f inaliCts--the Fort V?o:.7th Symphony. Indeed, having '[WO nights of finals
with a "`name orchestra puts Miami's cornr,etition on a level with all the
major international canpetitions, and this makes it a prestigious attrac
tion:=for media people, artist -managers in search of neap talent to put under
contract, arid to music teachers and musicologists interested in Chopin--:
the most popular composer`' of all time for the piano.
The Director of Miami's Chopin Competition has ;observed .per- zonally hone
successful the Cliburn contest, has been at winning numberless tourist
boosters for Fort, Worth, simply by housing the contestants: in private
homes'; rather than in school dormitories which is ; the rule in most `places .
During the Fifth Cliburn, in 1977, one encountered scores of visitors whose
promince could Le traced to friendships formed between contestants and host
families in 1962, 1965, 1969, and 1973. It is an example we will follae.
Because all 40 of the contestants admitted here are Americans, we will have
far pore of their supporters caning here for the ccrnpetitiofl than Fort
forth can possibly attract. For of the 76 competitors there in 1977, only
,� I Jii'l 1\Ta1ttIlta `i2lllll! 11t'JIi1J�IL`(/ (Alin
� JctllL �
a minority were AmRricans; the vast majority came mom such distances that
few relatives and iends could make the journey. reaver., there is no
question but that tnis event will attract, many people who wish to carbine
culture with their seaside holiday --a fact Puerto Rico discovered long ago
with its Casals Festival.
ALL auditions are open to the public. Inquiries about tickets have been
caning in since the original announcement of the Competition (see copy of
letter attached dated October 28, 1978!). Many dignitaries have accepted
our invitation to be Honorary Patrons, and the Governor of Florida has agreed
to officiate officiate at the Prize -giving Ceremonies (copy of Bob Graham's letter
is attached).
Projected media coverage includes a PBS TV special made by Channel 2 for na-
tionwide viewing, a special NPR broadcast produced by WLRN-FM, and taping
of the finals and Winners Concert for worldwide Voice of America broadcast.
Such events, widely publicized, are significant factors when businesses,
national or multi -national, are weighing the choice between Miami and other
cities as sites for their headquarters or regional offices. Such new busi
nesses inva:Lably boost tourism on a year-round basis, multiplying the num-
ber of sales meetings, company conventions and trade gatherings. Thus
the Competition has been unanimously endorsed by the Greater Miami Chamber
of Commerce Executive Committee as well as its Business Development Committee.
An incalculable amount of publicity will flow fran the performances of
the prize winners during the 27 weeks between mid -March when they triumph
here and late September, when they depart for Poland. The prize winners
will be appaaring in major cities and at famous summer music festivals all
across the country, billed everywhere as "winner of Miami's Chopin Carpeti-
tion."-Moreover, the winners will carry this information in their biogra-
phies and publicity throughout their professional careers. They will be
permanent reminders of the existence of the Canpetitioa in Miami.
The success of the Competition will assist this Foundation in its goal of
building a center for music research which will eventually attract both
students and tourists, and will became the first such center in the South.
Cur largest individual contribution to datewas from Mr. Andrew Burnett,
an amateur musician in Santa Barbara, ':California, who learned of our exist-
ence from a newspper story and is enthusiastic about our objectives. His
$5,000. contribution was used to start our Fndowment Fund.
We are st mg- 20 000 fran the .Tourist Bed, Tax Funds as a Cultural event,
and an additional $20, 000. `>fram the funds earmarked for Publicity and Pra*rtion.
(The 1977 Cliburn Competition spent more than $1 0,000. on publicity.)
Respec fully submitted:! rJ(j X (7(/*
k'. Warren O'Reilly, <President a Competition Director
Ce. un ted Sudge2 Puh Curnpe- .ti.on YWJL -- May s f,• 19%9 to May 15, 1980
Prizes and Scholarships to be awarded
Compensation and travel for Admissions Advisors and Jury Members
Local transport and entertainment for participants
Entertainment for media people and distinguished visitors
Headquarters Hotel facilities, March 7-15,
Telephone Service
Florida Ph.nan onie (including rehearsals and conductors fees)
Dade County Auditorium' (rentals, insurance, security, stagehands,
ushers,;''az-office, etc., March 13, 14, 15, per contracts)
Concert Hall, U. of Miami (frail 9 AM . March 9 through 8 PM March 12)
Piano rentals, transport & tuning
Printing of tickets for auditions and Winners Concert
Publicity and Prarotion (including; Photography).
(r,CTE rp. l ; c-.ti n hs. been .rrde separately for $20,000 of this. cats -
gory �m e�yu earmarked bythe County for Publicity)
eats -
gory L-ran`the' Funds ;eai�nar
Computer mailing services
Printing and postage,
Temporary Office help, January to April
Auditing and tax returns
Contingency Fund
Note i. Office space,' office supplies and use of much office equipment, are all
is ing provicled as in -kind services by the American Institute of Polish Cul-
ture. The value of these contributions has not yet been established.
Note 2. It is anticipated that sane in -kind services will be afforded to the
Competition by both the Tourism Department in Miami and the Miami Beach T.D.A.
Special souvenir kits are beirig designed for distribution to visitors.
Note 3. The 1977 Van Cliburn Competition exceeded its $250,000 budget for a
90 day period by more than:l2 percent. Unless the inflation rate accel
erates sharply during the next 10 months the above estimates should not
be exceeded greatly.
'Irlc SIVeNI) NNI?IttrAN MATioNt\ 11.IiNOULVNUW UIUPIN (.UMPIs'1't'1'1 March 9-15
Anticipated Sources of Income:
Sales cf Tickets, souvenirs, program books, etc. $20,000.
.Contributions from private Foundations 20,000.
Contributions fran businesses 40,000.
Memberships and contributions fran individuals 15,000.,
City of Miami, City of Coral Gables, Miami. Beach T.D.A. 18,000.
Requested from Tourist Room Tax Funds:
as a Cultural event attracting visitors $20,000.
fran Publicity and Promotion budget 20,000.
Application is being made to the National Endowment for the Arts for a
special grant. However, the Endowment has not funded any music compe-
tition to;d1`.e, Florida does not receive a proportional share of such
grants, and the, Congress may not provide a sufficiently larger budget
this year ! for the Endowment to fulfill all its present: commitments.