HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #03 - Discussion Item7. 1 LYNN W. FROt. 9ERO MALCOLM H,FROMBE1TO JAMESB,ROtH LESLIC -JAY GROSS JEFFpEY,MICHAEL COHEN. H ALLAN` SHORE FREDRIC'A. HOFFMAN JEFFREY A,KERN. ARTHUR HALSEY: RICE," MICHAEL A, BERKE OAVID A. ROSENBLATT: LAW OFFICES FROMHERO, FROMBERG & ROTH A PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION SUITE M-102 BISCAYNE BUILDING 19 WEST FLAGLER STREET MIAMI, FLORIDA 33130 TELEPHONE (305) 358,1484., The Honorable Maurice Ferre Mayor, City of Miami 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida Dear Mr. Mayor: I represent thirty of the tenants at Dinner Key Marina, all of whom have entered into long-termdockage agreements. with the City of Miami. My clients occupy twenty-nine of the fortytwo slips on Pier 5 and one of the bulkhead slips. My clients are disappointed and dismayed at the action taken by the Miami City Commission onApril 30, 1979, when a Motion was passed . directing the City Administration to forceably remove their. vessels in order. to facilitate Victor Logan's Miami Summer Boat Show. Most of my clients permanently live on board their vessels and those who do not actually liveaboard spend substantial amount of time ontheir vessels. Each of my clients has entered into a contractual relationship with. the City which gives them the exclu- sive right to �ccupy theirdesignatedslips. ;My clients' contracts require that they leave their slips during the October boat show on sixty days notiCe from the ,City Administration, but the t enteredcontracts contain no. provision for other boat shows. My these contracts in good faith and with the expectation that the City would, likewise, act good faith. It is shocking to find that the City has so callously disregarded its moral and legal obligation to honor my clients' right to the peaceful and undisturbed Possession of their leased', slips. Even more disturbing is the fact that this enormous disruption of my clients' lives is for the pecu- niary benefit of one commercial venture. • HALLANDALE OFFICE' SUITE`'BOO - 2500 EAST HALLANDALE. BEACH BOULEVARD 11ALLANDAL9j FLORtDA 00009 TELEPHONE' (305) 458-3369 The Honorable Maurice Ferre. Page Two June;15, 1979 My clients do not feel that they can object to the boat show even though the commotion and tumult is disturbing. However, they strenuously object to being involuntarily removed from their homes; notwithstanding their contractual relationship with the City. The total disruption of my clients' private lives is certainly not a,frivolous matter, especially when the purpose is only to benefit a commercial enterprise. I am certain that the City Commission did not take into account the enormous_ hardship and"inconvenience that would be incurred by my clients when the Motion was passed on April 30th. I would, like to have the opportunitY to appear before the City Commission with my clients so that I can fully explain the disasterous effect of the City's action. I=believe thata method can be devised to permitthe boat show to occur without involuntarily removing those tenants do not want to vacate their slips. In an abundance of caution I; have instituted, legal proceedings. However, I respect- fully suggest that those proceedings may be obviated if the City Commission will permit me and my clients to appear prior to any action being taken by the City PdministratiOfl to forceably remove" my clients from their assigned slips. Therefore, I request that this rnatter be placed upon the next agenda of the City Commission. Thank you for your consideration. JMC/cms cc: George Knox Victor Logan Commissioner; Rose. Gordon Commissioner J."L Plummer,.` Commissioner Theodore Gibson Commissioner Armando Lacasa, Robert L. Jennings