HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-08947LCD/gr 4/12/70 AMENDMNT No. TO ORDNANCE No. 8858 ORDINANCE NO. AAA, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 3 AND 6 OP ORDINANCE NO. 8858, ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 28, 1978, THE ANNUAL APPROPRIA- TIONS ORDINANCE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1979, AS AMENDED; BY APPROPRIATING AN AMOUNT OF $26,000 FROM THE REVOLVING FUND IN THE GENERAL OBLIGATION CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS; AND BY INCREASING THE APPROPRIATION FOR INTRAGOVERNMENTAL SERVICE FUNDS, PROPERTY MAINTENANCE, IN THE SAME AMOUNT; TO FUND MATERIAL AND, LABOR COSTS FOR CONTINUING CITY HALL RENOVATIONS; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. WHEREAS, the City of Miami adopted Ordinance No. 8858 on September 28, 1978 establishing revenues and appropriations for the City of Miami, Florida for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1979; and WHEREAS, the Department of Building and Vehicle Maintenance has determined that an amount of $25,000 will be required to fund materials and labor costs for City Hall remodeling and renovations; and WHEREAS, funds are available in the Revolving Fund within the General Obligation Capital Projects Funds, and an amount of $25,000 can be appropriated into Intragovernmental Service Funds, Property .Maintenance, for the aforementioned purpose; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMMiI, FLORIDA: Section 1. Section 3 of Ordinance No. 8858, adopted September 28, 1978, as amended, is, hereby further amended as follows: 1/ "Section 3, The following activities, which are carried on for the service convenience of other funds, shall be operated by the City Manager within the limits of the appropriations provided in the foregoing Departments, Boards, Offices and accounts of the City of Miami and other revenues or receipts which may be received, 1/ Words and/or figures stricken through shall be deleted. Underscored words and/or figuresiconstitute the amendment proposed. The remaining provi- sions are now n effect and remain unchanged. Asterisks indicate omitted and unchanged material. All figures are rounded to thenext dollar. 8947 INTIACOVtANMENTAL t Melt Apprepria n Property Maittengnee ' $ 4418 TOTAt INTRAOOVERNMENTAL gE TOE PUMA $10%.44;04 110J11,42/1. * * * SeCtioti 6. The above appropriations ate based on the following sources of teVenues for the 1078..79 fiscal year. INTRAGOVERNMENTAt ginOttE FUNDS Revenue * * '- * Property Maintenance* 44181.818 .$t1),443,518 * * * * TOTAL IMTRAOOMNAENTAL SERVIOt FUNDS $40;44414;1 410,772,2.71 *These reVenuesare derived from all funds other than Debt Service and the Special Revenue Fund," Section 2. The herein appropriation:of, $25,000 from the Revolving Fund into the Intragovernmental, Service Funds, • Property Maintenance, As required to fund material and labor costs for continuing City Bali renovations. SectiOn 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances insofaras they are inconsistent or in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 4. If any aection,,part'Of section, paragraph, clause, phrase, or wordof this ordinance is declared invalid, the remain- ing provisions of this ordinance shall not be affeted. ..2. 8947 MAURICE A._. ERRS ..._lv . MAY 0 H P.AS n N EII D INAMM VI tint t N1Y THIS . i a " of PAS Ets ANt AbOt3'E1i ON 5t'CbNti AN FINAL REAbiNC t3V Tint bt4tV thit_a day of..._.:. ATTEST: BUDGETA1 REVIEW HOWARD V. GAR DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF ANAGEMENT & BUDGET PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: Preetx ge„,„k, ROBERT F. CLARK ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: 1 GEORGE F. KNOX, CITY ATTORNE 'PtibtfSftte telt viet±'I31 tetf)r'ite2, kidltryftn t bfjlll 'Wdl'ltby& 1filFaPnt, bode Cduti`tq, @Ibrfda. Stettit `PLt IetA tette,' Oft bAfbL: j ttj� a� eBally ardd ttdaitta W. Fibaii'bpetb, vitb.ei'11oath1 S y3Th t sAi± 1S 'Sf)petvisbt, Lanai A8var! itCj i51 irte MibmI aet'te*r and tally Retdrd, a daily (>y'ttcppl Saturday, at Nils (ih belle drid Cdufi y, FIIorida; .hathat the attached tbf5y fit °Adearlitemmnt i361110 a 'Legal Advertiterneht or Weld in the Matter Of CITY OF 'MIAMI •tit Ord. 8947 ih the . X X X X court, :was published Ih said newspaper in the i5sueS of Jur13.29.i 1979 . Attiant turther says that the said Miami Review and baily 13etord is a'newtpaper published at Miami, in Laid bade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore _been continuously published in said bade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and' Legal Holidays) and hat been entered as setond tia5s Mail matter at the post office ih Miami, in Said bade County; Florida, tot a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and afflant further Says that she has neither paid nor promised any perton, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for. 1 e purpose of securin his v'rtisemeht for nub 'on in the said ne AIN4� i 1 • Sworn t and subscribedv�, befOreYne this et. A+tO : = ;.day of �. `t4.v. �.. rty ' •• a }iar Note Publi tifftdtl. 10nt,dt My ,mmi95ion fld�t picgh,{Ip019. (SEAL) MIR•93 arge 1. All Ifil0I11,01141M, 10P 1979 t 9 City EbfiHFlf;slan'af Ordinaneet:`, girt Or MIIXMIi flit IUNTY$ Pitif111D11 %kitltrt9t th it%ISA day:bl JUf1c p �ebptredlt1>'tbllowitit) lit leA ORDINANCE Ne. too AN ORDINANCE AMENDING. SEtTIi NS AND 0 OP OR,'.. DINANGB N. ISM ADOPTED SEPTEMBER IA; OM,' THE: ANNUAL APPROPRIAT1ONS:':ORDINANCE 'POR THE FISCAL YEAR . ENB1Nb SEPTEMBE'R 3br 1979; AS AMENbEb) 'BV' APPPOPRtATING:A'N AMOUNT OP t2S,0b0 PROM THE REVOLVING-PUNb.IN THE GENERAL., OBLIGATION CAPITAL 'PROJECTS P'UNbS;'. AND 'DV INCREAS`INt's il4 APP.ROPRI:AtION PON INtRAOOVERNMENTAL SERVICE PUNbS, ,PROPERTY MAINTENANCE,. IN THE SAME AMbUNT;..TO. FUND MATERIAL ANb LABOR COSTS FOR CONtINUING,CITY PROVISIONANb'A SEVERABIL-11 ' eLAU LEFt., HALL RENOVATIONS; -CONTAINING REPEA ,RALPH i;; CNOIE CITY, CLERK MIAMI, FLORIDA' Publication 01 this Notice oh the 29 day at June 1929. M29 b63958 6/29 8947 Joseph Rs Crania Di ty Manager 1 !r Howard Vs Gary, Direi8rt() Management and Rudgeill ` April 12, MO Proposed Ordinance: Dity Hall Renovations The attached proposed ordinance appropriates $244000 frorn the, Revolving Fund into the, intragovernmental Service Funds, Property iiaintenance. This is the amount required to Fund materials and labor costs for the continuation of City Hall remodelling and renovation. It has been determined that the amount of,$2G,000.is available in the Revolving Fund within the General Obligation Capital Projects Funds and can be appropriated for the above mentioned purpose. This ordinance has been prepared for the April 19, 1570 City Commristion meeting. M:tJ 1,1/ RennVatiOnA And AlteratiOnl1 CoMpleted gpeeial Jobs 19,610§ yrA*) City Clerk di Alterations City Hall - Cooling TbWet keplace Motor Paredes) Office ds CohStttidt Desk & Shelves City Hall - Lobby d, Desks & benches City Hall - Upper Deck Shutters Labor Relations Office - Construction of Bookcases RenoVate Storeroom for 8etty Harris Comm. Rebbso's Office - Remodel office City Hall southside City Hall - Replace existing roof on entrance with aluminum roof - A/C Compressor Risk Management Division - Remodel Offices Purchasing Division - RenoVations for new offices Mayor's - General Clerical Area - Install dividers and sound barriers Committee of the Whole Meeting Room City Clerk - Extension of the office Comm. Rose Gordon's Office - Replace windows with glass door Page I of 3 , yflfl Date Total Ctoted titled 1Od.30=78 $ 11401.31 lt-30-78 1,508.74 12.-30-7 ,103,,,OL7A $ $ 1,513.06 889.00 10056.38 24125.46 2-28i-17 1.,325.72 3-31-77 425.00 3-31-77 1,286.69 4-30-77 6,858.09 5-30-77 3,299.51 8-31-77 1,277.69 8-31-77 36,036.85 8-31-77 1,838.60 8-31-77 3,438.83 $ 61,368.88 8941 tat@ Tata:. AWAA. ALLIO CoMmi§§ith Chambers th§tall Carpet $*10.0A $ 1,600)00 S.21-78 1 S29.48 City Hall Atnevatienp - Olt ttr Morti§0 Raufmath Ctmm, !thee dordth,§ Ottiet 7-2176 744446 Ltiive et DraPea t Carpet Lahti. Retatione Office - 7.'3108 4023.47 - In§tall new windowel'paiht & carpet Comm, 11ebe 18 Office Malt .42340e Additio-nal 6ffiet spade Assistant city Manager's Oftice . 1:41161 and pa.iht City Rall Roo'f repair east roof CoMmitsibh Chatnbers TV'tights1,288-:27 Remodel Lobby and frOht of City-Ra11 11-30-78 :61405.50 City Manager's hrea 12-30-78 Air Conditioning Reroofing Patio Large Conference Room, 'Small Conference ROOM • Corridors Secretary's Office Lobby & Reception Area City Manager's Office Page 2 of 3 5,995.42 967.9S 2,478.44 13,804.46 4,998.80 13,144.52 4,019.91 5,167.78 4,996.94 $ 73,808.99 8 9 4 7 4-26-79 1, 477.00 570400 5,841.06 $ 24,062.,90 Commiasith thambera, Miertfilm area, ttcrage Rdbm Aencvatiotts Assiatatyt City Ma afar Aichard. tabiheta A ok ahelvas taifici1f Relatians Office 6riicd6ling Conan. tacasa's Office Data plosta 2-26-479 2-26-7g 3-2t-79 4.19-7g :TO al, 41'r15.311 Air conditioning unit and 2,020,86 installation Installationof picture Window Carpet Installation. Property Maintenance 2nd Floor Offices City Tall. (Offices for Gotnez & Homan) Other items to be accomplished from the $25,000 1. Plummer's furniture 2.- Gibson's furniture 3. Lacasa's furniture 4. Mayor's Lobby 5, Projection Screen 6, Commission Chambers - recovering furniture in public areas 7. Others Page 3 of 3