HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-79-0453RESOLUTION NO. 7 9 4 5 3 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE REDUCTION OF THE 10% RETAINAGE TO 2-1/2% FOR THE HEAVY EQUIPMENT SERVICE FACILITY MAIN- TENANCE BUILDING BEFORE THE COMPLETION ANT) FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE PROJECT BY THE CITY COMMISSION WHEREAS, the Contract Documents for the HEAVY EQUIPMENT SERVICE FACILITY MAINTENANCE BUILDING require the City to retain 10% of the Contract amount until final accep'canc.e and authorization of final payment by the City Commission; and .- -. - .:-:::...-,,.-:..--.....--.-.-:-....,..-„:-.-y.:...„:--.....,,i--..-•:...„..„.•:-;H.--,„',...-.......,....--.:_.....-.•:.„•..:....,.......,..,..„.......-...,..-....... ...... ,.„.........-.-......,....... .....,,„„., .........:............. „.; ,......_.......... :..... ,.:. ,.,... ..:::.._ , , t '''1...--:••;:---•:•:-"WilEREAS ,-• the contractOr ''.17i0'.,'.-ocjpip1eted-..y.:•p:A.-.1_,.of..-,,--1eH..::::::..., wOrk--:::,..shOn.-i,,'...,in',,,•ithe'..:9ri.gitial...',..iDan§:'.'arid:',.-sp eCI•fl..C.a.:.19:7p-,':',--an,.;0.,.....,..'..„,.::::.,-.:-:-,...,.,,.....:,.,,,:.:,. , - ----, ... ., ,....i.:,.: .......,....... ...., ..:. „, ...::,. . l ' . 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Gather, Director Department of Public<Works HEAVY EQUIPMENT SERVICE FACILITY - MAINTENANCE BUILDING, RESOLUTION TO REDUCE RETAINAGE Ed Ricke and Sons, Inc. has completed all of the work shown on'the- original plans and specifications on the lHeaVy. :Equipment ;Service Facility - Maintenance Building project, and the City has taken beneficial occupancy of 'the facility., The work.remaining',_to be ,done depends -upon 'decisions andrecommendations to be'supplied by the consultants and total completion of.the project is beyond the contrac- tor's control. 1 f 6/25/74 The contractor is claiming. economic hardship because of the 10% retainage and has requested it be reduced. Reduction of the retainage has been. approved by the consultants on the'project, Morton, Wolfberg, Alvarez, Taracido, Seiglie and Frese, and the project coordinator, C. E. Cox. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS RECOMMENDS THE ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION REDUCING THE 10% RETAINAGE TO 21/2% FOR THE HEAVY'EQUIPMENT SERVICE FACILITY - MAINTENANCE BUILDING PROJECT. LEL: sw FINAL. CONSTRUCTIONFACTSHEET, FOR THE CITY MANAGER JOB NAME - Heavy Equipment. Service-. Facility Building (B-2717-C) CONTRACTOR Ed Rieke & Sons,. Inc JOB SCOPE Construct, a heavy equipment service building at the; S E. corner of N. W. 14 Avenue,: and 20:Street. REASON FOR WORK SOURCE.,. OF FUNDS PROJECT HISTORY CONTRACT TIME STARTED CONTRACT. TIME`, SCHEDULED COMPLETION . DATE ACTUAL. COMPLETION DATE BID CONTRACT FINAL COST: AMOUNT CURRENT ITEM FOR CONSIDERATION To replace an obsolete facility EDA Grant Bids Received: 9/13/77 Contract. Awarded:: 10/13/77 Preconstruction Meeting: 10/25/77 12/7/77. 260 Working Days plus undertermined for delays Not determined additional time Not determined. The Citytook beneficial occupancy of the facility on May 25, '1979. $ 2,108,000 Not determined. Several items of extra work not yet ordered will increase the to date cost of $1,97.2,727.99• Resolution reducing the retainage on the 10o:to'2-1/2%. t from 453