HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-79-0422s ry RESOLUTION NO. ` 9 - 4 2 2 WHEREAS, RESOLUTION URGING THE CONTINUATION OF THE CUBAN REFUGEE PROGRAM ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO FORWARD A COPY OF THE HEREIN .RESOLUTION TO THE PROPER FEDERAL OFFICIALS CHARGED WITH ADMINISTERING AND FUNDING THE - PROGRAM. the U. S. Congress has suggested the termination of the Cuban Refugee Program by the end of Fiscal Year'1978; and WHEREAS, the Cuban Refugee Program provides a magnitude o Cuban Refugees, such as financial and medical assistance, general assistance, and. socialservices;' and services:. to WHEREAS, the majority of Cuban Refugees entering the United States enter via Miami; and WHEREAS, the Dade -Miami community would suffer losing approximately $38 Million;, an WHEREAS, burdens would increase in our remaining social agencies, and as a result of the termination, of the program, the City of Miami Community would beadverselyaffected; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE FLORIDA: Section'"1. Refugee Program. Section 2. That the City Clerk of the City of Miami is herebydirected to send copies of the herein resolution to the Honorable Robert. Byrd, Majority. IT RESOLVED BY THE COMI1ISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, That the proper officials be urged to continue the Cuban;. Leader, United States Senate, and to the Honorable Thomas O'Neill, Speaker, United States House of Representatives, and to each Congressional Delegation. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 25th day of June ATTEST: RA4H G. NGIE, CITY CLERK PPRO D AS TO F .AND • " CTNESS: •� � .tom GEisC GE F. KNO ATTORNEY member of the Florida 1979. MAURICE AFERRE A YO R'`` t`DOCUMENT INDEX ,ITEM tr,-- CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF JUN2 5 1979 seoun m No79 4 2 �` r. DEPARTMENT OF STATE AMBASSADOR AT LARGE' `E C C 1�v, C. Li WASHINGTON s�1 7 �1i ,SUS 2:4 19a9 ilpht.Origin City Cleric City of Miami. Fla. Thank you for writing to the President forwarding a copy of Resolution No. 79-422 • passed and adopted by the City of Miami Commission on behalf of the City of Miami urging the continuation of the Cuban Refugee Program. Asthe concerns expressed in the res- olution are just and proper, the Department of State joins the City of Miami in support of the continuation of this vital program. Sincer W. Beverly Cart Ms. Sylvia M. Mendoza, Deputy City Clerk, Miami, Florida. I1tn eb -Stale* 'Senate Ms. Sylvia M. Mendosa Deputy, City Clerk Office of the City Clerk City Hall 3500 Pan American ;Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Dear` M WASH INGTON. O.RE4?€IVED '79 AUG 33uAW 416:,31979 City Clock City of Miami; Fla. Thank you for your correspondence regarding the Cuban Refugee Program. I intend to do everything in my power to insure that Congress spholds the commitment it made two years ago to continue funding the program oh a phase -down basis. The House's recent action is a breach of that commitment, and that's why I have written to the Senate Appropriations Chairman, Warren Magnuson, urging him to support efforts to restore program funding. I have enclosed a copy of my letter on this important matter. Again, thank you for supporting my efforts to reverse the House action. Warm personal regards. tniteb *tato% benate MEMORANDUM RICHARD iVICK) STONE` FLORIDA .. • • RIC44ARO if11CK) STONE ftOMDA ttniUe5 ,S,enatc The Honorable; Warren G. United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Warren: I would like to take this opportunity to commend the Appropriations Labor -HEW Subcommittee on its recent action to continue adequate funding of the Cuban Refugee Program in fiscal year 1980. The subcommittee's action .reflects .a determinationoostande d by a policy decision Congressmadetwo years ago to Phase program in an orderly fashion so as to allow local officials to plan accordingly.-' Last year, '.Senate and House ..conferees agreed to exempt SuPP lementary Security Income :support -:°from ;the phase -out and to se continue to fund it at 100 percent.:decisions CommitteewtoevirtuallyThe recent decision by the House Appropriations eliminate the program was not The Cuban Refugee Program has helped thousands of refugees over the years, sand izeablthough the le numbers alsollivest innNewer York, California, New in l�lorida, size, more than 30,000 Jersey and Illinois. Currently, in Florida alone, Cuban refugees -- many of whom arc over 65 years old, disabled, or Nave dependent children are receiving .aid through;the beligram. Despite the obvious'need for this%aid over years, I believe that most would `agree' that the program has j the majoritY of those who have benefited from it now are in a better position to help themselves. There are, however, right ways to end such cawprogramyandsthere are wrong ways. Congress wisely chose the right raw period.asThis when it agreed to phase out the programover aasix-yia officials i timetable was adopted in' an effort to g ime to lay the necessarylong-range thinana cilogrout Qndlork. govAnd rthis year, like last -= the first year of p all but completed its budgetary process with this in mind. Now, because they have been blind -sided by the House committee's action, local officials face the unpleasant andunexpected prt of having no program funding in 1980. If this actsionhe islnonot reversed, it will produce nothing ,short ,of financial Lu.Yfttttll AGRICULTURE.TRrITION. AND FORES FOREIGN RELATIOi1$ VETERANS' AFFAIRS your subcommittee's action, and 1 stand ready and willing to help in any way to see that this much needed money is approved. • • s • 111cw*R0 MGM STOW nmmm 1itnsfeb -.Stales .Senate *Asl 4w4dtalt O C. VA vs 22.de iunio de 1079 Honorable Warren G. Magnuson United: States :Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 fstinado barren: cousorms AMlcut %lir AND IOW"? py .011tIGN 11(LATWA Vttt11AM• MrIPAIRli Quisiera aprovechar esta oportunidad para elogiar a1 Subcomit6 de )propriaciones para Trabajo-Sa1ud, Educaci6n y Bienestar Social (the Labor -HEW Appropriations Subcommittee) por las medidas tomadas recientenente de continuar la asig- naci6n monetaria adequada para el programa de cubanos refu- giados en el ano fiscal 1980. Las medidas tonadas por el Subcomit6 reflejan su inten- ci6n de respaldar la decision hecha por el Congreso hace dos adds de eliriinar el programa en una manera judiciosa que per- mits que los funcionarios del gobierno hagan los planes necesa- rios. El alio pasado, los participantes a una conferencia entre miembros del Senado y la Camara de Representantes, acordaron que cuando se eli;ninara este programa, no se incluirla la liqui- daci6n del programa de asistencia de Seguridad Suplementaria. sino que el cual continuarla recibiendo el 100% de su presu- puesto. Estas decisiones son justas. Por to contrario, la hecha en dies atris por le Comit6 de Apropriaci6n de la Camara, is cual eliminaria casi por completo este programa, es injusta. El programa de Cubanos Refugiados ha prestado ayuda a miles de refugiados a traves de los aRos. Aunque la mavoria de ellos se han radicado en la Florida, numerosas personas permanecen en :iueva York, California, Nuevo Jersey e Illinois. Actual- mente o encuentran en la Florida solamente, mas de 30,000 cubanos refugiados--muchos de los cuales tienen mas de 5S altos cdad, estan incapacitados o tienen hiios que dependen de- cuaies estan recibiendo asistencia a traves de este programa. Aunque a travEs de los altos esta ayuda a sido muy bene11 Loss esti.t'o que la mayoria. de esas personas quienes e han oeneficiado son ahora capaces de ayudarse a si mismos. do obs.tante, este programa puede ser liquidado en forma iusta. El ,.onrreso actu6 con prudencia al acordar to liqui- dicion del programa durante un periodo de seis ands. Este itinerario tuO. 3drptado .•a que permitiria que los funciona- rios locales a tab1ecieran una base econ6mica de largo alcance. Este and, como el ado pasado, los funcionarios del gobierno local han tenido es.to ern cuenta nientras consideraban su Pre 22 de junto de 19-A 2Pggina Honorable Warren G. Magnuson •supuesto anual. Ahora como resultado de la acci6n del Comite de la Cimara, estos funcionarios se encuentran con el prospecto desagradable e inesperado de no rccibir dineros algunos • para este programa en el 1980. Si esta decisitn no es revocada, causart gran confusi6n v desorden al nivel local. No obstante, las medidas tomadas por tu subcomitt me han asegurado y estoy dispuesto para ayudarlos en cualquier. manera pars ver que estos dineros seen aprovados. • - '4uv atentamente, n•••••••-, /%\ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE SOCIAL AND REHABILITATION SERVICE WASHINGTON. D.C. 20201 U. S: CUBAN REFUGEE PROGRAM OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR P. O. BOX 340188 CORAL GABLES. FLORIDA 33134 July 11, 1979 Ms.`Sylvia M. Mendoza Deputy City Clerk Office of the City Clerk, City Hall 3500: Pan American "Drive Miami, FL 33133 Dear Ms. "Mendoza: Thank you for your letter of July 2, 1979 and the copy of Resolutions.:No. 79-421 and 79-422,;, urging:' the _continuation of the' Cuban: Refugee Program, which you were kind enough to send us Your interest, in behalf of the Program is appreciated, Sincerely,;. Manuel Rodriguez F1eitas" Director, Miami.Oper'ations WILLIAM LEHMAN 12TN DISTRICT, FLORIDA MMONSTIMWW.S, 2420 RAYSIRIN MOUSE O?FleE WIIDIND WASNINETON. D.C. 3011f (201) 22/-4011 COMMIITEEI APPROPRIATIONS SUBCOMMITTEE ON FOREIGN OPERATIONS SUECOMMITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION.-' 4Congrecisi at tie 1niteb'tateec Nome of 1 epresientatibeg Wafbington, 110.QC. 20515 July 9, 1979 DISTRICT OFFICti 2020 Nt. 1030 STREET NOIMI MIA I D AN, FLORIDA 22102 L PttASS REPLY TO DISTRICT OFFICE ❑ Ms. Sylvia M. Mendoza. Deputy City Clerk City of Miami •p. e 7i Office of the City Clerk �?-� City Hall �`< v 3500 Pan American' Drive ri - Miami, Florida 33133 o w 'c , Dear Ms. Mendoza: t p ID Thank you for sending me a copy of the resoluti011z adopted by the City of Miami Commission .expressing support for the continuation of the Cuban Refugee Program. We are in agreement that this program should be continued.As a member of the House Appropriations Committee, I am working hard to restore funds for the. Cuban Refugee Program. I appreciate your bringing this resolution to m attention, and with best wishes, I am Sincerely, WL/nab, WILLIAM LEHMAN Member of Congress THIS STATIONERY PRINTED ON PAPER MADE WITH RECYCLED FIBERS ■ 111111' 1 l'.Y4lEHsi .e.� NINCTY•$IXTN CONOReq !!Tell W. RODIND, JR. (NJ.), CNAIRMAN JACK MOORS. TEX. RO BERT MOCLORY, ILL. ROSERT W. KAITENMEIER, WIS. DON EDWARDS, CAUF. JOHN CONYERS. JR., MICH. JOHN F. SEISERLINO, OHIO OEOROE E. DANIELSON, CALIF. ROSERT F. DRINAN. MASS. ELIZAStTH HOLTZMAN, N.Y. ROMANO L. MAZZOLI, KY. WILLIAM J. HUGHES. N.J. SAM O. HALL, JR., TEX. LAMAR WOOER, N.C. HAROLD L. VOLKMEN, MO. HERSERT E. HARRIS 1I, VA. MICHAEL LYNN SYNAR, OKLA. ROSERT T. MATSUI, CALIF. ASII[R J. MIKVA, ILL, MICHAEL 0. WINES, MD. RICHARD C. SHIMMY. ALA. TOM RAILS/SACK, ILL. HAMILTON FISH, JR., N.Y. M, CALDWELL SUTLER, VA. CARLOS J. MOORHEAD, CALIF. JOHN M. ASNSRODII, OHIO HENRY J. HYDE, ILL. THOMAS N. KINDNESS, OHIO HAROLD I. SAWYER, MICH. DAN LUNOREN, CALIF. F. JAMES SENSENSRENNER, JR., WIS. Mr. Ralph G. Ongie City Clerk City of Miami City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Dear Mr. Ongie: Thank you for your letter of July 2 with attached resolution the continuation of the Cuban refugee program. I have forwarded your resolution to the Subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees, and International Law, Chaired by the Honorable Elizabeth. Holtzman, so that the Members of the Subcommittee may review this matter. 4 (iaztmress aftix gterb (*talcs (Qvmmittee on the Jubicittrg 8ts�1�fE rAttai0l943 1ashington, p.c. 20515 ffielepbp?:2O2.211f� City Clc.r;: City of Miami, Fla. July 18, 1979 With kind regards, PWR:sej Sincerely, PETER W. RODINO Chairman OENENAL COUNSEL: JOSEPII L. NELLIE nary DIRECTOR: OARNAR J. CLINE ASSOCIATE COUNSEL: FRANKLIN O. POLK