HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #41 - Discussion ItemItem 23 - Noninations to Advisory Council on Economic Development Academia: (1) Banking & Finance: Roosevelt•Thomas(BM) (2) Jeanne Bellamy (WF)" Charles Kantor (WM) Economic Development: (1) Reinaldo Cruz (LM) Industrial & Manufacturing: (2) Samuel Kantor (WM). Armando'.Alejandre, Jr. (LM) Media: (1) Garth Reeves (BM) Professional Services: (1) Homer Marlow (WM Retail: (2) Willie Gort (LM) Eduardo Calil (LM) Remaining nominations in Airlines category: Lewis Ricon (LM) Eli Timoner (WM) Remaining nominations in Utilities category: W. R. (Bill) Ellis(WM) Jose B. Sanchez (LM) nominations in Realestate category: Sonny Wright (BM) Ted Pappas (WM) Casey Cousins,(WF) Remaining Remaining nominations in Miscellaneous category: Jose Correa (LM) Arturo Hevia(LM) Maurice Alpert (WM),. IxAAAJ 0 • MM i City Commission:: sc .1W 1 ,; 1979 Advisory,Council on Trade & Commerce Development • Attached is the list of nomineeS for the Advisory'Council on Trade and Commerce Development. *As per your instructions, the list is more repre- sentative of minorities,and the business' sector categories have been broken down further. This list of nominees is presented for yourinformation and,considera- tion. It is recommended that the Commission members: a) Individually nominate`1 person from eachsector; and b) jointly appoint the, 15 Advisory Council members representative of the various sectors as follows: 1 - Academia. 2 - Banking Finance Economic, Development 1 - and Labor 2 - Industrial and 'Manufacturing 1 Media �.'1- Professional =Services° 2 - Retail 1 .- Airlines 1 Utilities 2 - Real Estate 1 Miscellaneous Attachments: •. Nominee List. Explanation of Abbreviations Sample Nominee Letter Commissioners' offices were contacted individually by the, Office of Trade and Commerce Development so that. each Commissioner wouldha ve the opportunity to add names, to the Nominee List. Names received by June 8, 1979, are included on the Nominee List. MI NAME OF CANDIDATE TOTALS Number of Vacancies: GORDON UER arm Numbs: # of Vacancies: NAME OF CANDIDATE TOTALS DATE: MANE OF CANDIDATE 1 EXPLANATION OF NOMINEE LIST Nominating.agenciese. MBR UM FIU FLA LCC FPL SB SFRPC GMCC MDCC KRN SFCC MDChC JLP TC STATUS: BM BF LM LF WM WF ABBREVIATIONS Miami Board of Realtors University of Miami Florida International University Diario Las Americas Latin Chamber of Commerce Florida Power and Light Southern Bell Telephone South FloridaRegional Planning Council Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce Miami -Dade Community College Knight=Ridder`Newspaper South Florida Coordinating Council Miami -Dade Chamber of Commerce J. L. Plummer Tony Crapn,.Office of Trade and Commerce Black Male Black Female Latin Male Latin Female White :Male White Female Developmen *Every effort has been made to contact the nominees by telephone t! confirm theirwillingness to participate. Those who were not avail- able have been informed : of their nominee status by mail: NOMINEES FOR THE; ADVISORY COUNCIL ON TRADE AND COMMERCE DEVELOPMENT BANKING AND FINANCE 4- 1. Con-, Status tacted Charles. Kantor " President Central National Bank of Miami 2. Cyril Spiro Vice President and Manager Hank of . America International: of Florida 3. BrookeS, McIntyre Agent Banco de 4. Duane Kuj awa Professor_ in ` Division of Finance Florida International. University 5. Eduard P.:Mahoney.__ Senior Vice President American Savings and Loan Association 6. Stephen J. Waters, Jr... Executive' Vice, President, Chase Federal Savings and 7. Erwin , Allen President Greater Miami Federal Savings S. Edward Duffie, Sr. Vice President Capital Bank of Miami 9. Jeanne Bellamy Board of Directors. Sun Bank Former President,Chamber ofCommerce 10. Doris Steele Vice President Chase. Federal Savings and Loan Chamber ',of`Commerce Member Nominating Agenc ,GMCC GMCC GMCC FIU SFCC & SB MDChC KRN NOMINEES FOR THE ADVISORY COUNCIL ON TRADE AN COMMERCE DEVELOPMENT ACADEMIA • Paul Loomba' Dean of the School of Business Florida International University; 2. Dr. Mira Wilkins. Professor of Economics Florida International University 3. Joseph Penbera, Assistant to the Provost University of Miami 4. Roosevelt Thomas Executive Director,;. University of Miami: 5. Marta Ortiz Professor of'Business Miami -Dade Community College, 6. Dr. German Munoz Professor of Social Science Miami Dade; Community College 7. Cyrus Jollivette Director of Foundation Corporate Relations University of Miami 8. Dr. Antonio Jorge Florida International University Con- Status tacted `Agency BM Nominating FIU FIU UM UM MDCC MDCC • BANKING AND FINANCE Con- Nominating Status tactedenc 1. Charles Kantor President Central National Bank o 2. Cyril Spiro Vice President and Manager Bank of America International of Florida 3. Brookes,McIntyre Agent Banco de Santander 4. Duane Kujawa Professor ,in,Division Florida International 5. Edward P. Mahoney Senior Vice President American Savings and.. Loan Association 6. 7. Stephen J. Waters, Jr.; Executive :Vice _President Chase Federal Savings and Loan Erwin'; `Allen President Greater Miami Federal. Savings and Loan 8. Edward-Duffie, Sr.: Vice President Capital Bank of Miami 9. Jeanne Bellamy Board of Directors Sun Bank Former President, Chamber 10. Doris Steele Vice,. President Chase Federal Savings and Loan Chamber of Commerce Member GMCC. 1 GMCC 1 GMCC 1 • SFCC M:'& SB MDChC i Status 11. J. Stephen Hudson Vice Chairman of the Board Flagship Banks, Inc. Con- tacted Nominating Agency jONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND LIVE Con- 1. David Blumberg Planned Development Corporation 2. L. W. Llewellyn Executive Director Greater Miami Chamber 3. Manuel .Arquez. National Economic Developmen Association';" 4. John Remington Director Institute for Studies Florida International 5. Richard G. Lepeska Executive Director South Florida Coordinating 6. Russ Marchner Dade League of Cities 7. M. Barry Peterson South Florida Regional Council 8. Octavio (Tony) Descalzo Vice President and Board Directors Member Latin Chamber of Commerce 9. Willard Fair President` Urban ' League 10. Laura OBrien'' President Miami -Dade Chamber 11. Harry Quindana Vice Secretary Latin Chamber of Nominating Status tacted Agency 12. Ecdore Reynaldo Vice President Latin Chamber of 13 Norma Hunt President Hunt Meyer Community Relations Inc. Delegate to White House Conference on Small Business Commerce 14. Henry Givens Minority Business Specialist SBA 15. Alga Hope Assistant Coordinator' Dade County Economic Development Coordination Office 16. Janet :Reid: Assistant Manager Greater Miami Chamber: Commerce, Inc. Con Nominating Statu tasted Agency LM X LCC GMCC GMCC MDChC GMCC MM mm ME INDUSTRIAL AND MANUFACTURING 1. Samuel Kantor President Tropix Togs 2. Armando Alejandre, Jr. Alejandro Construction 3. Gerald Greenblatt President SuaveShoe Corporation 4. Stuart Edgerly President and .Chief Executive Cordis Dow Corporation 5. Rod.E. Overholt President M. R. Harrison Construction C Con- Nominating Status tacted Agency' GMCC & JLP MEDIA L. Sylvan Meyer Southern Growth Policies Board of Directors Miami Magazine 2. Joe Abrell Member -North Miami `Campus Advisory Counci, F.I.U. ". Director of Public Affairs, 3. Jim Couch Director F. I . U. Communications 4. Lawrence Birger Miami News 5. Carter 6. Gustavo Godoy Channel 4;WTVJ. 7. Garth Reeves, Sr Editor -Publisher Miami Miami Times. 8. Richard Wolfson Executive Vice President Wometco Enterprises Con- Nominating Status tacted Agency FIU UM, DLA & TC 1 i_ • 1 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ▪ Earl Powell Peat, Marwick and Mitchell • James Whisenand Former- Deputy State Attorney Doss, Lynch and Castro 3. Alfred ,Warrington Arthur Andersen 4. Theodore Etzel Chamber of Commerce Member Billings and Etzel Associates, Genera • 5. Bruno Carnecella President International" Environment Enterprises, Inc. 6. Victor Eber C.P.A. Trustee F.I.U. • 7. Ken Most Chairperson of Accounting F.I.U. 8. Burton Landy Attorney Paul, <`Landy, 9. Robert Jones Executive, Director Health Systems Agency of South Florida 10. Status Herbert Johnson President Johnson Associates Architects Inc. 11. James Burke Attorney 12. Ricardo Fernandez Architect RJF-Architects Con- Nominating tacted Agency GMCC & GMCC GMCC WM X ALC IU WM X FIU GMCC i Status Con- tacted Nominating Agency 13. Ronald E. Frazier BM President Ronald E. Frazier and Associates, P.A. 14. Leslie Pantin, Sr. Pantin Insurance 15. Dr. Enrique Huerta, M.D. President Cuban Medical Association. 16. Horner Marlow Attorney Marlow Shofi Ortmayor Smi 17. Ronald Thompkins C.P.A. Haskins and Sells. 18. Mr. Bruce Davis' Haskins and Sells 19. Armando Codina Professional Automated Services, 20. George H. Greene George H. Greerte Insurance/ Real Estate Agency 21. David_, Fincher Fincher's Investigative Agenc MDChC DLA JLP MDChC SFCC SB TC. RETAIL . George Abraham Vice President" Burdine's Con- Nominating Status tacted. Agency 2. Mauricio Rizikow LM X. GMCC & President MDCC Freeport International, 3. Tony Alonzo President La Epoca 4. Willie Gort _ LCC & Gort Photo Studio MDCC Vice Treasurer Latin Chamber of Commerce 5. Richard McEwen,. : WM; X MDCC Chairman Burdine's 6. William sRuben, WM X: MDC C President Jordan Marsh 7. Justine Kibbe WF X� GMCC Manager: Elizabeth Arden 8. Arthur C. Bivens,.III Pacific Lumber and Supply Company President, Miami Rotary Club. 9. Les Baety Personnel Burdine.'s 10. Al. Dotson Manager;.` Sears Westland Director MDCC AIRLINES 1. Eli Timoner President Air Florida. 2. Lewis.Albert Ricon Regional -Manager Avianca 3. Russell L. Ray,. Jr, Senior Vice President - Eastern Air Lines 4. Roy Martin Registered Sales Director Braniff °International `Airways Marketing Con- tacted'.;. Nominating Agency JLP GMCC 1 UTILITIES . W. R. (Bill) Ellis • Miami District Commercial Manager Florida Power & Light •Company 2. Jose B. Sanchez Strategic Planning. Department Florida Power & Light 3. Ed Talley' General, Manager of Business Operations Southern Bell. Con- Nominating Status tacted Agency FPL & GMCC FPL SB REAL ESTATE 1. Sonny Wright, President Universal Real 2. James V. Boyett, J President The James Boyett Compan 3. Ed Easton Broker Hopkins -Easton Realtors' 4. S. Stanley Dodd Broker Dodd Realty 5. Fred Stanton Smith' President Keyes Company 6. Betty Strickland Executive. Vice _President Miami Board: of Realtors 7. Darrell Davie Broker Sand D. Real Estate 8. Theodore Pappas Chairman.. of the Board KeyesCompany 9. Casey Cousins President Cousins Associates, 10. June Dunne Drake Realtor The Keyes Company: 11. Charles Scott Realtor Estate Con- Nominating Status tacted Agency MDCC & MDChC FPL & MBR MBR MBR MDChC MBR GMCC. MBR MBR. MISCELLANEOUS • Con- Status tacted 1. Martin Seibold. General Manager Hotel Inter -Continental 2. Maurice Alpert` President Omni International 3. Graham, Lewis President Systems in Educa Inc. III IIIUIIiU IIUiII 3 Mr. David Wollard President'. Southeast 1st of Miami P. O. Box 2500 Miami, Florida Dear Mr. Wollard: You have been nominated to the Advisory Council on Trade and Com- merce Development for the City of Miami. Enclosed you will find information defining thescope, and objectives of this Advisory Council. Your nameis included on the nominee list which is being submitted to the City Commission for its final selection. If you feel you willbeunable to participate on the Advisory Council if chosen, please contact me` and I will have your name deleted from the nominee list. On behalf of the City Manager, Mr. Joseph Grassie, and the Director of. the Office of Trade and Commerce Development, Mr. Julio Castano, I am. Gail Goggin• s. Special Projects Officer GG:vh Enclosures ' ' Office of Trade & Commerce Development New World tower, 100 N. Biscayne Blvd., Miami, FI. 33132 a\\ (1(15);79•1320; Telex 152221 MIAED UT CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA FROM: Ralph G. Ongie City Clerk G .o Cit e F. Knox,`Jr. Attorney INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE: SUBJECT: Listof .Dade::County Community Action Agency Board Members REFERENCE/t Item #27 City Commission Agenda of 6/26/79 CNCLOSUREI: The attached list of Dade County Commtznity Action Agency Board Members was;. secured from: the Agency's'Office and, upon :passage of the resolution appearing as Item #27 on the`.. June 25,1979 Commission Agenda, each Board Member should receive a copy of said resolution. GFK/RFC/ rb Mill BOARD MEMBER Vacancy Melvyne Sommers (Parliamentarian) `!arolyn Robinson Joanne Holshouser . Dr. Herbert Greene (Chairman),' Calvin Allison 4iNnon Theodore Gibson (Vice Chairman) Laurie Raskin _Dr. Walter Odin HOME ADDRESS 6 PHONE 1 1745 West 23 Street Sunset Isle 13 Miami Beach, FL 33140 534-0508 9510 S.W. 54 Court Miami, Florida 33156 666-7797 4230 Ingraham Hwy Miami, F1 33133 661-3966 11260 Washington Blvd. Richmond Heights, FL 33156 23.5.-7577 651 N. W. 177-th Street Apt.#121 Miami, FL 33169 (.652-.2445) 6030 S.W. 93 Avenue' Miami, Florida.33173 279-7704 11241 Dorsey Drive Richmond Heights, FL 33156 . 235-9561 BUSINESS ADDRESS -PHONE 11 Parkway 'Ilosp. 651-1100 Baptist Hospital 596-1960; -18900 N.W. 32nd Ave Miami, FL 33055 625.7401; • REPRESENTING Mayor Steve Clark Comm. :Harvey Ruvin omm. Ruth'Shacl omm. James Redford DATE OF APPTHENT. 7/71 1/79 5/79 Comm- Clara 0esterle 5/71 Comm. arty- SchrIeber City of Miami - City Hall Clty of Mama Dinner ',Key Coconut Grove, FL 33133 579-6026 Brownsville Jr.' High 4899 N.W.`24 Avenue Miami, Florida 33142 633-1481 4/79: 4/77 omm. Beverly °Phi 11'Ips /77 omm. ea1 Adams 5/77. EXPIRATION DATE Indef. Indef. ndef. ndef. Indef. Indef. Indef. Indef. Indef. BOARD MEMBER HOME: ADDRESS 6 PHONE # VACANCY D . Jeff West 1 Lapin Simpson Hattie S Raymond Freddie (Vacancy BUSINESS ADDRESS -PHONE 6016 Leonardo Street Coral Gables, Fla. 33146 7735 Carlyle Avenue Miami Beach, FL 864-1.193 1206 N.W. 62 Terrace', Miami, Florida 33.147 696-7925 Larry 19777 S.W.;334 Street Homestead,; FL. 33030 247-7751 Bowe 10800 S.W. 221 Street Goulds, Florida 33170 235-8521 Eladio Armesto (Vice Chal-rman) ,Valentin Blanco; P.O. Box 7 Riverside Station Hiaml,`Florida 33135 443-3162 525 N.W. 35 Street Miami,Florida 33137 576' -2 514 -; North Area Office 14027 N.E. 16 Court North Miami, Fla. 891-8263 1401.S.W. Flr.stStreet; Suite 215 - Miami 33135 643.3939 REPRESENTING omm. Bill Oliver School Board EXPIRATION DATE 3/77 outh Beach TA 8/78 Liberty it ;ETA 9,-21-77 Homestead TA - Goulds >T lead` Start Parents Acclon T 5-12-77 5-25-77 (re-elected) -10-77 ynwood TA 2-26-79 Allapattah TA Indef. Indef. 8-83 9-21-82 5-12-82 -25-82 8'-10-32 SOAiiW HEMSEA: • .Rev.. Eugeene'Shep.pard Ann Marle.Adker James Ammons Lauraine Glispi Vacancy Fredericka Henry Morrow • • David Pemberton Margaret Lillie M. Will lams N0r1E ADDRES$ 6 PHONE # BUSINESS ADDRESS -PHONE 10055 W. Indigo. Street Perrine, Fla. 33157. 235-6571 238 N. W. 8th Street Miami, Fla. 33136 379-4425 6210 S.W. 59 Place South Miami, FL 33143 665-2107 130 N.E. 82 Street Miami, Florida 33138 758-7.174 or 758-0126 3641, Frani:l in Avenue Miami, lorlda- 33133 4750.N.W:-24 Court Miami, Florida 33142 633-4100 2520 ti.W. 156 Street Opa locks, FL 33054 621-8692 Coral Roc Mobile Park Lot 221 S. W. 152nd Avenue Leisure City, Fla. 33033 1180 N.W. 50 Street Miami, Florida 33142 634-3062 6412 S.W. 59 Place South Miami, FL 33143. 661-8429 Perrine TA Culmer TA. South Miami TA Opa'Locka NaranJa.`TA 8-28=77 Interfaith Agency. 4-77 DATE OF EXPIRATION APPTMENT DATE -14-77 7-14-82 6-30-82 -1-82 6-9-82 8-25-82 -28-82 4-82 BOARD MEMBER James Savits Dr. Alvin Rose (of . Ilarry-Zubkoff` Vice Chairman) Brenda Rivers - 'Joseph Golub ,Treasurer), • lacancy Laura O'Brien HOME ADDRESS 6 PHONE II 7300 S.W. 110 Terrace Miami, Florida 33156 666-1551 400 Golden Isle Drive Hallandale, Florida 3420 Franklin Avenue Miami, .Florida 33133 444-3803 686 N.E. 56th Street Miami, Fla. 33137 757-0937 BUSINESS ADDRESS -PHONE li .Dade Federation of Labor 561 N.E. 79 Street Biscayne Shopping Plaza, Suite 237 Miami, Florida 33138 757-4298 or 756-8145 University of Department of Building 49 - Coral Gables, 284-6762 Miami Sociology 1200 Dickinson: Fla. 33124 • South Shore Hospital 630 Alton Road Miami Beach, FL 33140' 672-2100 Oppenheim, Appel, Dixon & Co. Certified Public Accountants 1428 Brickell Avenue Miami, Florida 33131 358-9393 7219 N.W. _Second Avenue_ Miami_", Fia. 331'50 759-3535 REPRESENTING DATE OF APPTMENT Federation of Labor 7-7 Univers'Ity. Councl Health ,.Systems Agency Urban: League: Greater Mlaml 'Chamber of Commerce Latin Chamber of Commerce Miami -Dade of Commerce Chamber 0-7 2-7 4-7E 3/77 3/79 EXPIRATION DATE 7-78 10-80 2-79 4-83 3-82 3/84 .3179 MEMBERSHIPS REINALDO CRUZ Miami 638-4343 553 4395 PERSONAL: Date of Birth--11/27/22 Place of Birth --Las Villas, Cuta Height--5'7 Weight-=170,�1bs. Marital' Status: Married Children--2'' Health --Excellent EDUCATION: LANGUAGES: EMPLOYMENT: High School,Graduate--1938 Bachelors Degree: Science and Letters--1942 Bilingual --Spanish and English Bicultural 1964 1979--PRESIDENT OF CRUZ CARPET` AND REY CARPET. Miami Florida. 1962-1964--A-1: CARPET SERVICE Miami, `Florida 1960-1962--PAUL CARPET COMPANY Miami, Florida 1955-1959--CHIEF OF DRIVERS LICENSE BUREAU Havana, Cuba 1950-1954--MINISTERY OF THE INTERIOR INSPECTOR IMMIGRATION DEPARTMENT Havana, Cuba CORPORATION 1946-1950BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIONS MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR Havana, Cuba SUPERVISOR OF UNDERCOVER AGENTS AND OFFICES: INTERAMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PRESIDENT 1974-1976 MEMBER LICEO CLUB MEMBER BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU 1977-1979 MEMBER NAACP 1977-1979 PRESIDENT OF THE COMMITTEE PRO PANNIFICA LOS GUATEMALA 1976. A. Committee that organized aid to the people of Guatemala because of the earthquake disaster VICE-PRESIDENT INTERAMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 1979-1980 PRESIDENT OF PUBLIC RELATIONS SPECIAL EVENTS AND AWARDS: INTERAMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE DAY AWARD MUSEUM TOURIST CENTER CERTIFICATE OF HONOR CITY OF CORAL GABLES CIVIC AWARD CITY OF OPA LOCKA HISPANIC HERITAGE WEEK AWARD CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CIVIC AWARD CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI CIVIC AWARD KEY TO DADE COUNTY SPECIAL COMMENDATION FROM THE GOVERNMENT OF GUATEMALA CAREER INTEREST Eduardo A. Calil 2230 N.W. 1st Street. Miami, Florida 33125 305 642-6353 'An entry level position as a Professional. Architect usingar ndem-st onstnatxp-nding in design and in then field of Urban Planning and is in expanding my education Transportation Planning system. EDUCATION GRADUATE STUDIES Bachelor of Architecture,' August 1974-1977, University of Miami',. - Coral Gables, Florida Including, -fifth year program which • consists of Environmental and Transportation Planning. WORK EXPERIENCE Career -related:' Architectural Designer and Draftsman. United-ttates Immi arahi n & Naturalization Dept.: Miami,' Florida. Hugo 'Aipizar � Ar�ctitect�. Architectural Desl igner and DraftFebruary 1976-October 1977. Miami, Florida. Ful-time fob, Junior Draftsman; Felipe;E. de Leon.Architect. Miam Full-time `job,°March=November 1973• Salesman/Bookkeeper. Calil Jewelry, Inc.'. time job, June 1970-February 1973. AREAS OF EFFECTIVENESS Architectural designer, Draftsman and Planner, through developing ve and rendering presentation drawings createfree-lance spacesswithin improthe the quality of the environmentan existing structural and mechanical system. PERSONAL INFORMATION DATA: Born January 15, 1954, Havana, Cuba. 1973. Excellent health. gl i BACKGROUND: Bilingual (English -Spanish).' Marital Status , single. Florida.e. Finances, "in good order.. Miami Senior HighSchobl, M2a1i, "rida 1970-1972....Miami Dade Community College, August elate in Arts. U.S. Citizen August 3, INTEREST: Outdoor activities photography, reading, travel and music. REFERENCES Hugo Alpizar, Architect. 1840 West!49th.Street, Hialeah, Florida. Felipe Prestamo, Professor and Graduate Architect. School of Architecture, University of Miami. 'Coral Gables, Florida. S.W. 12 Avenue, Miami, Florida. Felipe Dr. Vicente Azcuy, Medical Doctor. Clinica La Gran Familia. 2600 West Flagler Street, Miami, Florida. Leo Flores, Planner. Community Development Dade County. West Flagler Street, Miami, Florida. Raul Gonzalez, President. Union 1st Street, Miami, Florida.