HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #13 - Discussion ItemWOLFSON, APPEL & MARAM, P. A.
Mr. Joseph Grassie
City Manager
City of Miami
Dinner Key
Miami, F1 33133
Attn: Selma Schwartz,
Agenda Secretary. ,.
Dear ,Mr.Grassie:
Please consider.
to be placed on the
TELEPHONE f,305) 956-2500
BROWARD 523-0933
this the appropriate and formal request
agenda for the July 11, 1979 City Council
I am requesting one-half hour to speak on the matter of
Horner Lanier and the letter of June . 20, 1979.E from the Justice`..
Department. A copy of that letter is enclosed.
er tru s,
George Knox, Esquire
City of Miami Attorney
a2IVC eljJ4"
kj/'tL eo4M►i v/° D4" 7• 2S' 7f
DJ 170-18-31
142 0 i979
George F. Knox, Jr., Esquire
Miami City Attorney
174 East Hagler Street
Miami-, Florida 33131.
Robert Krause, Director
Department of Human Resources
Post- office `Box-330708 -
Miami,"Florida 33133
Re Sergeant Homer Lanier
Dear Messrs. Knox and Krause:
From my conversations with both of you
and Mr. Wolfson, the court hearing on June 1,
and the deposition of Chief Harms taken in this
matter ,I"think most if not all relevant information
relating to Sergeant Lanier have been made available.
As I understand it, Sergeant Lanier was not promoted
to Lieutenant, either out of rank order pursuant to
the consent agreement or appropriate memorandum of
understanding. Based on Sergeant Lanier not being
promoted and informationfromthe above sources there
are several concerr. and questions which we have
related to this matter, and which we would hope could
be resolved and result in the promotion of what
appears tobe a well qualified minority officer.
First would ,be the filling of the promotion
coals in the up level officer ranks as set forth
in pargraph.5(b).:Obviously an opportunity was
missed, since even the Chief Harm's testimony in the
-:position was that he thought Sergeant Lanier
was well qualified.
Reading the deposition of the chief I am
puzzled and concerned as to the use of background
checks on minorities and his understanding of several
parts of the decree --officers in the promotion
process and the term "demonstrably better qualified".
Sinceit is my understanding that one of the factors
involved in Sergeant Lanier's case was a background
Problem. If that is true we have a serious problem
with the selection process since the consent decree
paragraph 3, goes to great lengths to ensure that
selection procedures for minoritiesand females
are the same as those for white Anglo males. The chief
ifhe did consider background information on Sergeant
Larier and did not on the other officers promoted (in
the deposition he says he did not) would clearly be
using a different standard for minorities and a
violation of the decree.
Finally, in light of the work records of
several of the persons promoted, I am puzzled
as to how Chief Harms viewed their qualifications
and; promotion potential. It would seem that our
support of the City's efforts to ensure that qualified
persons are promoted and allowing the City some
latitude in not promoting in rank order off the
registers was rot used in this instance when a perfect
opportunity; was made available. While not wanting to
interfere with the discretion of the Police Chief
in the selection process, we feel compelled to
respond to what we view as possible violations
of the decree; and the resultant failure to promote
a well , qualified " minority officer, to an upper
level, since" the opportunities are so few.
%e would hope that the City wouldseek
torectify this situation and provide us with
a,response to the' questions and concerns we raised.
r if either of you have questions or
As always,
concerns I would be happy to respond.
Assistant Attorney General
Civil Rights Division
Attorney :`
Federal Enforcement Section
Toy Hon. Mayor and Members
of the City Commission
Joseph R. Grassie
FFtOM` City Manager
I am attaching for your information a memo from the City
Attorney explaining; thehearing, held by Judge Eaton on
June 1, 1979 concerning the pending Civil Service Rules.
You will note that Mr. Knox, in his concluding paragraphs
states that "there is no legal impedimentto the adoption
of the proposed Civil Service Rules and Regulations."
In essence, the Court hastakenthe position that the City
Commission has the authority to adopt the pending Ordinance.
This matter will be scheduled for your regular agenda on
July 11. The Commission may also wish to consider whether
it desires to set aside an additional day for a line -by-line
review of the Ordinance.
7a 7,7 V- 7f
CITY OF MIAMI, r."."..r210
ttiy7,5.#R•OFTIC = tY9�M RANC�U1vt. .
TO: Joseph R. Grassie
City Manager
I have your memorindum
June 11, 1979 F�lE7 r
;,lriJIc,T: USA v. Cityof Miami and. FOB
At the `most recent "hearing which :was conducted in the. Chambers
of Federal Judge Joe"Eaton"on June`1,' 1979, the International"
Association of Fire :Fighters ;was `permitted to intervene. as,
parties_ defendant"in the Decree"".case.._""The Fire"
Fighte�r`s,..,b_y.virtue::of their -intervention, became signatories
the Consent'".Decree and bundby." its terms:. The;Judge"-Beard
arguments -,as _to'"whether"_or "not the F,e F�ighens, o=r the Court.,
had the power t�o pass up.,on.the propos,ed.�vi.l Service Rules
and Regulations. " The Judge..reaffi"rmed'."his position that the
Federal, -Court would not endeavor "to attend to the =.business"`_of
the City of .Miami_. �He f_urther i-ndicated.that "if the prop"rieby
of the%.proposed Civil Service Rules:.and"R'egula"tions was t"o b,e.
judicially:. det,e,:rmined, any competent 'tribunal;would be "available"`
to any':,,iierson or entity'who'wo,uld chose to attack, the proposed
rules.: ' In `any event, Judge "Eaton emphatically noted that until
there :were;=rules- in existence, thereprobably no legitimate
legal•case or controversy.
Based ;upon my review of '"the pro"ceedi"ngs, I can reiterate my
suggestion 'tha.t there is, no legal" impediment", tothe adoption of
the proposed Civil Service Rules'` and Regulations.,
GFK/ rb;
cc: Robert D.'Krause, Director
Human Resources
Joseph R. Grassie
City Manager
ei •e F. Knox
Ci Attorne
• t
April 27, 1979 Il.e
Commission Meeting on
Civil Service Amendments
ViN4"i..USURiS• •
I have read Mr. Krause's memo to you regarding the above captioned
matter, which was dated April 26, 1979, and`I concur in his sugges-
tion that the Civil Service amendments be presented to the City
Commission on May 24th.
I am advised that there has been some suggestion that the adoption
of the proposed amendments by the City "Commission would be untimely
in light of our recent arguments at the Fifth Circuit Court of
Appeals " regarding the legal status =; of ' our Consent Decree, which
is the primary precipitator for the proposed rule changes.
I can .advise you unequivocally that there exists no legal impedi-
ment .norcourt order which would preclude theadoption•. of the
amendments to the Civil Service Rules at the May 24th meeting.
CC: John P. Bond, III
Assistant City Manager
Squire Padgett, Esquire
U. S. Department of Justice
Robert D. Krause', Director
Department of Human Resources
Joseph R. Grassie
City. Manager
Robert D. Krause, Director.
Department of Human Resources
r.: April 26,
Commission Meeting on
Civil Service Amendments
4 FERENC _s:
Mr. Bond has informed me that the Commission:
meeting previously :scheduled for May 10-
We had planned to include the proposed Civil Service amendments.
on the agenda for that meeting and had invited Attorney Squire.
Padgett of the United States Justice Department to be present in
order to answer questions and provide additional information that
may be desirable by rnembers of the City Commission.
I`have discussed this matter by telephone with Mr. Padgett and have
informed him that itis my understanding the Commission will be
meeting both on Tuesday,May 22 and Thursday, May 24.,a Mr* Padgett
has indicated that he is available to meet with the City Commission
on Thursday, May 24. He has also indicated that he would plan to
stay over on Friday of thatweek in order to discuss further your
response of April 6 to hisletter ofJanuary :29concerning the Con-
sent Decree. I have also been informed by members of the staff of
the Dade County Community RelationsBoard that members of the Board
will wish to speak at the meeting of May 24. Additionally, members
of the City's own Affirmative Action Advisory Board has also in-
dicated that they would like to be present to discuss the proposed
rules on May 24.
I am therefore requesting that the proposed ordinance amending the
Civil Service, rules, which is now pending before the City Commission,
be included ,on- the;tgenda for action at 2:00 Q.P.M. on Thursday,
May:*24, ,1979.7'=LIt µmay also be desirable to advise .members of . the
Commission sufficiently in advance so that they will be aware of the
plans that other persons have made to participate in the Commission
has rescheduled its
Joseph R. Grassie
City Manager
April 26, 1979
Page 2 _
Mr. Padgett has asked me to confirm these arrangement by letter.
In order that he may schedule his own calendar, I am sending a
tentative letter concurrent with this memo. If there is any change
in the ComniissiOfl schedule, please let me know so that I may inform
Mr. Padgett.
John P. Bond, `III
Assistant City Manager
George F. Knox, Jr.
City Attorney
Squire Padgett, Esquire
U.S Department; of Justice
Mr. Joseph R. Grassie
City Manager
City of Miami
P.O. Box 330708
Miami, Florida 33133
Dear Mr. Grassie:
May 16, 1979.
The Affirmative Action Advisory Board of the City of Miami has
previously voted to request an appearance before the City Com-
mission in connection with the pending ordinance that would
amend the Civil Service Rules.
In view of the fact that the ordinance amending the Civil Ser-
vice Rules will appear on the agenda for the Commission meeting
of May 24, I would appreciate it if you would schedule an
appearance for me in connection,, with the ordinance, along with
other members of the Affirmative Action Advisory Board who may
wish to attend.
Very truly yours,
Rev. H. W. Kirtley •
Affirmative Action
Advisory Board
id'> I E ` C LO i biz+ l#I +: A D 6+.wr ilia/ tk! .J f �3
Judge Mario P. Goderich
Vice Chairperson
Kenrick D. Clifford
Vice Chairperson
Rolando A. Amador
Mrs. Alicia S. Baro
James Chambers
Mrs. Sophia Englander
Joseph Murphy
Ms. Francena Thomas
Mrs. Joy V. W. Alschuler
Rabbi Herbert M. Baumgard
Margaret A. Benton
Eve Brennan
Paul Brookshire
Melvin "Skip" Chaves
Mrs. Helene Dubbin
Jose Feito
John J. Gibson
Joel Hirschhorn
Dr. Antonio Jorge
Ms. Annie L. Love
Allan B. Margolis
Robert H. McCabe
William Moses
Dr. Eduardo J. Padron
Garth C. Reeves, Jr.
Sandy, Rubinstein
Msgr. Bryan O. Walsh
Rev. Conrad R. Willard
Albert W. Dilthcy
Immediate fast Chairperson
Richard A. Pettigrew
George Cooper, Jr.
Alfredo G. Duran
Mrs. Charles H. Finkelstein
Joseph Robbie
Edwin S. Shirley Jr., M.D.
Jay Janis
Henry King Stanford'
Harry P. Cain
Rabbi Joseph R. Narot
Bishop James L. Duncan
Archbishop Coleman F. Carroll
May 15, 1979
The '`Honorable; Joseph . R. Grassie``
City Manager, City of Miami
Pan American Drive
Miami, Florida 33133
Mrs Thelma Schwartz
Agenda Clerk
Dear Mr. Grassie.
Executive Director
Pursuant to our telephone conversation with
Mrs. Schwartz, in relation to the City Commission,
the_following members of
meeting on"May 24,-� 1979,
the Dade County Community Relations Board desire to
be placed on the Commission's; agenda to speak on
the item regarding proposed revisions to the Civil.
Service rules. They ace as follows: Rev. Irving
Elligan, Jr.; Attorney Joseph Murphy; Francena
Thomas and Attorney Rolando Amador.
Also desiring to be placed on the Agenda to.
speak on the same item is Dr.Eduardo,J. Padron,
who will be speaking as . President` of S.A.L.A.D.,
which is the Spanish American League Against .Dis
crimination. Also desiring to be placed on the
TEL: $711-5730
Agenda to speak on the same item will' be. Mr. Ted.
Nichols, Chairman of the Florida Advisory.Committee
to the United States Commission on Civil Rights.
Aristides Sosa
Assistant Director
cc: J. Bond, Asst. City Mgr.
Eduardo J. Padron
Ted Nichols'
tl'aiFil';•\ .', tC °t.:�,ti.l llr..';•'!
proposed Ordinance Amending
Civil Service Rules
Joseph R. , Grassie
City Manager
Robert D. Krause.
Executive Secretary
Civil Service Board
You are hereby advised that a series of amendments to the Civil
Service Rules have been adopted by;,the Civil Service Board. The
amendments were based principally upon suggestions made by the
U.S. Department - Justice.
The amendmentswere originally submitted to the Civil Service
Board by the Executive. Secretary at a special Board meeting
on June 6, 1978. Accompanying the amendments was a memorandum
dated June 1, 1978 submitted by the Executive Secretary and sum-
marizing the amendments. A copy of that memorandum is attached
for your information.
At its, meeting of June 6, 1973 the Civil Service Board scheduled
these amendments; for further consideration, at its meeting of
June 13. At the regular Civil Service Board meeting. of June 13,
the Board scheduled a public hearing to be held on July "6,. 1978
concerning these amendments. As a result of the public hearing,
the Board voted three to two to approve the proposed amendments.
I have submitted the amendments to the Law Department with a re-
quest that an appropriate ordinance be drafted to incorporate the
amendments approved by the Board at the meeting of July 6. The
proposed ordinance is hereby submitted for transmission to the
City ComrnissiOfl at its meeting of July 13, 1978
The attached memorandum of June 1, 1978 from the Executive Secretary
to the Civil Service Board summarizes the effect of the changes
incorporated in the proposed amendments. The attached ordinance
prepared by the Law Department is intended to repeal Ordinance 6945,
as'amended,in its entirety and substitute a new ordinance approving
a new code of Civil Service Rules? and Regulations in accord with the
amendrnents approved by the Civil Service Board.
I s .
• irq
JUNE 14, 1978.
TO: All Department Directors,
Division Heads and
FROM: Robert D. Krause
Executive Secretary
Civil Service Board
DATE: June 14,'1978
SUBJECT: Proposed Amendments
to Civil Service
A public hearingconcerning proposed amendments to the City of
Miami Civil Service Rules and Regulations (Ordinance No. 6945), is
scheduled for Thursday, July 6, 1978, before the Civil Service '
Board. The hearing will be conducted at a special meeting of the
Board in the City Commission Room, City Hall, 3500 Pan American
Drive, Dinner Key, at 9:00 A.M.
The proposed amendments, accompanied by a memorandum of June 1 from
the Executive Secretary are being sent to all departments. By copy
of this memo, I am requesting all department directors to post copies
of the June 1 memo and the proposed amendments in appropriate places
where they will be available to all employees.
The enclosed memo of June 1, 1978 summarizes the proposed amendments
as they relate to suggestions made to the City of Miami by the United
States Department of Justice. The proposed amendments contain the
full text of all changes that have been proposed.
"1 re of t-Lt DA
li`i 1i' f!.0FrIC _ NI FM0nANDUM
Th.! Civil Service Board
ltobert 1) Kruse
Executive; Secretary
Civil Service Board
June 1, 1978,.
Submitted, with this memo are proposed amendments "to the City's Civil .Servicp Rules.
These proposals; result from an exchange of correspondence between the Justice Depart-
ment and the Mayor. The revisions were drafted in conjunction with the Law Department.
Pursuant to a discussion with Chairman Silverman,I am sugesting that these proposals
be received'at the Civil Service' Board. meeting of'June 6 andbe scheduled for public
hearing on June 27.
The proposed amendments do not affect the appellate functions orthe rule -making
functions of the Board. Those functions remain intact in Rules 14,'16 and 18. In ad-
dition,'exparded functions of the Board are specified in Rules 4-and 17.
Rule 4, Policy Functions, is:intended to amplify the role of the Board in formulating
personnel policy for the City government, consistent with the Model Law recommended by
the National Civil Service League. Rule 17, Prohibited Practices, 1s intended to fill
a long-standing void in the Civil Service Rules, giving the Board the authority to
investigate allegations of fraud and to impose appropriate sanctions.
Many of the routine administrative functions of the Board would be delegated to the
Department of Human Resources. This would meet the suggestions of the Justice Depart-
ment that responsibility for compliance with the Consent Decree and with Federal laws
and regulations be vested in the City's professional staff. Nevertheless, the proposed
Rules preserve for the Board those administrative decisions that affect the integrity
of the merit system. These include, for example, the authority of the Board to by-pass
names on open and promotional registers (Rules 8.3 and 3.4); approve appointments that
may be outside, of normal, routine procedures (Rule 8.8); extend probationary periods
(Rule 9.6); approve transfers to other classifications under specified conditions
(Rule 11.1);'approve job assignments that are beyond the routine scope of Rules (Rule 11.2)
make decisions on unsatisfactory service ratings (Rule 13); and authorize return from
military leave beyond the normal 90-day period (Rule 15).
Other changes in the proposed rules include the following:
1. A,definition of the unclassified service to clarify current ambiguities in•
the appointment. of City Commission staff, other unclassified personnel, and especially
CETA employees. It' is the intent of Rules 1.2 and 1.3 to include CETA employees, to
the extent feasible, in the classified service. This should minimize administrative
and morale problems by using the same selection methods and the same job standards both
for CETA employees and for other classified personnel. This would also facilitate com-
pliance with Fedaral.regulations by providing opportunities for CBTA workers to be
"transitioned''into unsubsidized employment. When equivalent selection procedures are
impracticable, the CETA jobs would remain unclassified.
T. Tha Civitt Service Board
Page 2
June 1, 1978
2. .1 4..l.ariticition of the role and functions of the Chief Examiner. Rule 2.3
prov i..les`that the Chief Examiner will assure that examinations are provided, eligible
lints are established, and .apppintments`are made in accord with Rules Of the Board.
Basically, this confirms the role of the, Chief Examiner
as it has traditionally
functinntd in Miami. Rule ..4,also clarifies the role of the Chief Examiner in the
review and resolution of complaints.
3. Elimination of the current Rule 4 on classification. Job classification is
not a Charter function of the Board, and the Board's role in this process has never
been more than advisory to the City Manager. Deletion of the Rule will remove.a source
of confusion. It will also helpassure compliance with the Justice Department sug-
gestion that the. determination of job requirements, as now described in class specifi-
cations, be dele;.Aated to the professional staff.
4. Assignment of responsibility for job announcements, examination3 and eligible
registers to the Department of Human Resources. Rule 5 is intended to comply with the
Justice Department suggestion that minimum requirements be set by professional staff
in accord with Federal requirements. Similarly, Rule 6 is intended to meet the require-
ments of the Consent Decree and the suggestion of the Justice Department that City
s?lection procciure....be validated in accord with Federal guitelines. In addition, this
Rule reflects the policy established by the City Commission assigning test validation
'cunctions to the Department of Human Resources. Rule 7 essentially reflects current
practice and assures consistency with the provisions of Rules 5 and 6.
5. Revision of the certification procedures to meet the suggestion of the Justice
Department, which has concluded that present procedures impact adversely on women and
minorities. Several models were considered and rejected in favor of less extreme re-
vision3. Jacksonville, Florida has recently adopted a procedure of "random certi-
fication" --regardless of test score --at the urging of the Office of Revenue Sharing.
Many other cities have adopted a procedure of certifying all eligibles on each register,
as recommended by the National Civil Service League. Both of these alternatives were
rejected on the grounds that they do not place sufficient emphasis on the need for
well -qualified employees in City jobs. A procedure for "selective certification" as
used by many public agencies was also rejected on the grounds that it does not provide
an opportunity for top candidates to be considered.
A three-part procedure was therefore developed in Rule 8:
) Certify the top 5 candidates on each list, in accord with the
current trend toward "expanded certification," as reflected
most recently in the Federal Personnel Management Project. The
Federal report proposes a "Rule of 7" in place of the traditional
"Rule of 3."
Certify 3 additional names of minorities or women when this will.',
help to meet the requirements of the Consent Decree or other
Federal requirements. This follows the lead of such traditional"`
Civil ce agen Servicies as the State of Washington and the City of
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, which established its Civil Service system.
in i895.
To: The Civil Service Board
Page 3
(3) Certify not more than 3 names of candidates who meet special
'qualification requirements. -This amends the long-standing.,
concept of'"selective certification," as used in most`Civil
Service agencies , because it permits simultaneous consideration
of the top names --rather than by-passing candidates at the head
of the register, which is the more traditional practice.
n many cases under the proposed Rules, only the top 5 candidates would
be certified. When a department is falling short of its goals, or when
special requirements are present, additional names may be referred. In
any case, the appointing officer would always be working with the best
available candidates --not with candidates referred from the bottom of
a register nor from a random list determined by a computer.
The new Rule 8 also amends the procedure for certifying from non-
competitive and labor registers. Instead of referring the entire list,
certification may be limited to those who are most qualified. This
procedure should strengthen the merit principle and assure that top
candidates have List apportunity fur employment consideration.
Miami's present Rules have the effect of setting rigid appointment pro-
cedures for such jobs as police, fire and clerical work --while providing
no limitations on the appointment authority for professional, supervisory
and labor jobs. The new Rule 8 should have the effect of providing more
flexibility in the merit system and more emphasis on merit in the Civil
Service system.
A variety of other less significant changes are intended to assure internal consistency
and to meet the suggestions of the Justice Department. The basic thrust of these re-
visions is to balance several legitimate interests: (1) the interest of the Justice
Department in assuring that the City fulfills its obligations under the Consent Decree;
(2) the mandate of the City Commission to develop a more effective affirmative action
program and to assure continuity of Federal grant funding; (3) the desire of City em-
ployees to maintain a sound merit system; (4) the public interest in responsive, ef-
fective government; and (5) the legal necessity to assure compliance with the Charter
obligations of the Civil Service Board.
It is intended that the proposed Rules preserve and enhance the Charter responsibilities
of the Board in making Civil Service Rules, in hearing employee appeals, in establish-
ing personnel policy, and in protecting the integrity of the Civil Service program.
Copies of this memo are being sent to the Mayor, Members of the City Commission, the
City Manager and the City Attorney. This is intended to assure that key elected and
appointed officials will have an opportunity to study the policy issues involved in
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