HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #07 - Discussion ItemFROM:
Joseph'R. Grassie
City Manager
Jim Reid, Director
Planning Department
''F \11A^AI,
oATE: July
On July 5th, the County Commission approvedrequests which permit
the continued use of existing facilities and/or uses presently
recognized in existing, lease agreements tto perStadium
area and denied the City of Miami applicationl carmit a8-elo) .
located in the Marine Stadium parking area'(app
For several years it has been a matter of Commission policy to
constructa Velodrome within the City of Miami. Parks for People
bond, funds have been set aside for this construction. The issue
of an appropriate site for the Velodrome has, been a matter of
continuing concern to the Commission In 1975,:- the eCommission
rejected a proposed site in Bicentennial Park and subsequently
in 1977 requested ;a re-evaluation of possible locations for , the
Velodrome. After reviewing the feasibility of various siteSit
was .�decided .to Pursue .:a. location ,"on Virginia Key.intus parki
area: serving the Marine Stadium. ; ".In 1978, an application
filed with the County to permit a Velodrome on City -owned land
within the County:; as part of the Marine Stadium ;Complex. The.
zoning application was reviewed by the County Development Impact
Committee whorecommended denial of the Velodrome project Sub-
sequently, at a public hearing held on''July 5th, the Board of
CountyCOmmissioners voted 5-3 to deny the Velodrome application.
The concerns of the Commissioners, the general public, and the
Development ;Impact Committee, related to:
the difficulty of access to facilities n
Virginia Key and Key Biscayne,
the loss of some of the existing parking as
the result of Velodrome construction
the lack of restroom facilities within 200'
(it was proposed that the Velodrome users would
use. the, Marine Stadium restroom facilities 700'
away). and
the question o
the Velodrome represented
/'SC DJ'.i/'0 A/
Joseph`R. Grassie
a "marine or allied use" as specified in the.
deed `conveying ",properties to.the City of Miami
on which the Marine Stadium had been constructed.
The application was presented by the City of MiamiPlanning
Department, proponents included a Mr. Avalon an official
representing cyclists and three citizens from. Key Biscayne
spoke on behalf of the opponents.
Afterthe testimony by the public, the Commission deliberated
and voted 5-3 to deny the Velodrome request.
„i ,,, July 5, 1979
TO: Honorable Mayor and,�l�gmbers;,t .,,
,.�:,,,.� CEO 1 DATE:
Board of County Comrini sinners
(2) UNUSUAL USE to permit a recreational facility; to wit:
(3) SPECIAL EXCEPTION to permit night lighting for the above mentioned velodrome.
v lodrome uses to bie
behind the principal building; to waive same. tope proposed
front of the principal building (stadium).
NON-USE VARIANCE OF ZONING REGULATIONS as applied to off-street parking
requirements to permit 1,072 parking spaces (2,953 spaces required)..
(6) NON-USE VARIANCEOF ZONING `REGULATIOtN t requiring no spr parking ithinhin 25'
of anofficial right-of-way; to waive same to parking
the official right-of-way of the Rickenbacker Causeway.
(7) UNUSUAL USE to permit the outdoor storage ofrowing hulls fora rowing club on
the northeasterly portion, of subject property.
(8) UNUSUAL USE to permit the maintenance a
marina support; facilities including:
a) outdoor boat racks
b) outdoor boat and boat trailer storage
c) boat hoist
d) boat ramp
e) fueling services
f) general repairs and servicing of boats
g) concession restaurant with outdoor patio area
h) sale of marine hardware and supplies
i) launching services of all kinds
j) sale of new and used boats and motors
k) rentals of motorized and sail craft, including jet skis
1) sale of nautical gifts and sundries
m) other related services
(9) NON-USE VARIANCE OF ZONING REGULATIONS requiring all off-street parking
areas to be hard surfaced or paved; to waive same to permit a parking area on the
northwesterly portion of subject property to be on natural terrain.
Recommendation on
Application 1/78-536
City of :Miami
the ' Marine
Denial without prejudice
Approval of requests (1), (5), (6), (7), (8) and (9). . These requests simply permit the.
continued. use of existing facilities and/or' uses . presently recognized in existing lease.
With theexception of the Velodrome, the majority of the above requests are simply for
the purpose of legally acknowledging existing uses within the Marine Stadium Complex.
The only substantive request is that of the Velodrome. The Council strongly supports the
justification for such a facility in the Miami area; however, the Virginia Key location is
neither. easily accessible nor well suited geographically. Furthermore, utilization of
mi•d wale V.
Virginia Key has been directed towards marine oriented uses. A Velodrome is not
consistant with such uses. While the facility is not in conflict with the Comprehensive
Development Master Plan, staff feels this limited land resource could possibly be put to
better future uses.
The Executive Council strongly feels that a facility of this magnitude should contain
permanent restroonn facilities " for ; patrons. The City's ; proposal to utilize existing
facilities within the Marine Stadium some 700 feet away is not satisfactory.
The Marine Stadium presently exists with insufficient on -site parking. The construction
of a Velodrome would eliminate approximately " fifty (50) parking spaces. While the
Council feels that organized parking within .theswale of Rickenbacker Causeway could
adequately handle overflow parking, the loss of these 50 spaces further aggrevates an
already undesirous situation.
Finally, the maximum utilization of such a facility is certainly most desirous from the
standpoint of revenue potential and participant use. The unavailability of this facility
for major events at peak traffic periods or when the Marine Stadium is in use could "limit
the potential for this needed facility at this location. The Executive Council feels that
such a facility would be far better suited located on a mainland site which does not
possess these inherent problems. This facility, as presently proposed, severely limits its
public benefit potential.
This request concerns a 29.0 acre parcel of land located on the northeast side of
Rickenbacker Causeway on Virginia Key. The north sixty (60) feet of this land area is in
the corporate limits of the City of Miami, whereas theremainder of the parcel is in
unincorporated Dade County. This boundary line bisects the Marine Stadium facility
itself. Numerous other marine oriented uses associated with the Marine Stadium, Marine
Biscayne, and rowing club have been committed by the City for adjourning parcels.
In addition to the Velodrome, this request also seeks approval of the existing Marine
Stadium as wellas all other uses now existing or allowed within existing leases for this
property. All uses now existing are considered non -conforming according to the Dade
County Code. This request is an attempt to correct this procedural oversight.
The public records of Dade County indicate that on November 19, 1948 a strip of land
660'`in width and parallelling Rickenbacker Causeway was deeded to Dade County. On
March 12, 1963, at the request of the City of Miami, the Board of County Commissioners
deeded this same property back to the City, but restricted its use to ". . .a marine
stadium and allied purposes only..." This property has remained as a marine stadium
since 1963 and no subsequent hearings have been held regarding this tract.
The City of Miami is seeking to construct a Velodrome, or bicycle racetrack, in the
southeasterly corner of the existing parking lot of the Marine Stadium. The applicant has
indicated that the track will consist of a concrete 250- meter track within a bermed
earth oval with bleachers to accommodate approximately 200-800 spectators. Standing
or private lounge chair seating capacity for an additional 1,000 persons will be provided
around the perimeter spectator apron.
Parking facilities at the Marine Stadium are to be utilized also for the Velodrome. The
construction of the facility itself will result in the elimination of approximately 175
parking spaces. All competitive events scheduled for the Velodrome are proposed to take
place during the weekdays rather than on weekends. Competitive events would be.
scheduled after 7:00 P.M. in the evening.
Activities at this facility are to include individual and team practice as well as state,
regional, national, and international'championship: races. The City has stated an intent
to preclude simultaneous use of both the Marine Stadium and the Velodrome time.
It is proposed that the sanitary facilities of the Marine Stadium be utilized for Velodrome
events. These facilities are over 700' from the Velodrome site.
Comments and Major Concerns
Ordinance < Number 75-47 charges the Developmental Impact Committee to address
applications withrespect to: (I.) Conformance . with all Applicable Plans; . (II.)
Environmental Impact; (III.) Impact on. the "Economy; (IV.) Impact on Essential Services;
and (V.) Impact: on Public Transportation Facilities and Accessibility.
The following comments address these specific charges with regard to the
subject application:
Conformance with all Applicable Plans
Relevance to the Comprehensive Development Master Plan
Part I - Metropolitan Development Policies. The timing, location and construc-
tion of major public investments should be made only after -a thorough evaluation
of their impact on related facilities.
Part II'- Environmental Protection Guide. The causeway on Virginia Key is
in the, development zone and shall pose no major obstacle for development.
The proper handling of surface water run off would be the primary concern
relative to the site.
Part III - Metropolitan Development Guide. The metropolitan development
pattern notation for the causeway site is Parks and Recreation. There is no
conflict of purpose in this respect. However, a statement of purpose as expressed
by the Virginia Key Land Use Committee more specifically recommended
marine -oriented recreational uses for Virginia Key. This was evidently the
intent when the Board of County Commissioners deeded the Marine Stadium
parcel to the City of Miami in March, 1963, wherein the deed of conveyance
was made "-upon the express condition that the land hereby conveyed shall be
perpetually used and maintained for the operation of a marine stadium and
allied purposes only."
The County Attorney's office has informed: the Council that :-this deed restriction
can be interpreted to permit the proposedVelodrome.
Six -Year Capital Improvement Program
The subject application (which includes the Marine Stadium and Velodrome
projects) has been reviewed with regard to its existing and proposed uses and
geographic location . as related to the availability of public services as
provided through the County's systematic program for capital improvements.
• This program as indicated in the Dade County Six -Year Capital Improvements
Program, . has - been formulated to correspond with the Comprehensive
Development Master Plan of 1975, as amended, so that public services
resulting from capital project implementation are phased with urban growth
patterns, as delineated in the Metropolitan Development Pattern Map of the
The subject application is located inside an area where provisions have been
made for the delivery of necessary services as typically provided through the
capital improvements program.
II. Environmental Impact
The subject 29.0 acre parcel is located within the Intracoastal Waterway drainage ,
basin. There is an existing drainage system which serves the Marine Stadium,
however flooding problems are indicated in this area during severe storm events.
Due to the lack of drainage information provided, staff is unable to state that the
apparent drainage problems can be resolved. The surface water quantity and
surface water quality impacts of the existing and proposed development will be
addressed by the Dade County Department of Environmental Resources
Management (DERM). This Department will review plans for stormwater disposal
from the entire property taking both water quality and water quantity into
consideration. Drainage from the property should be directed away from the
adjacent bay waters towards swale areas for infiltration through the soil or towards
sub -surface 'drainage
structures for more positive disposal into the groundwaters.
The subject parcel may qualify for a General Permit from the South Florida Water
Management District pursuant to Chapter 16K-4.021, Florida Administrative Code,
provided that all conditions contained in this Chapter which pertain to projects in
Dade County are met. A Notice of Intent to Construct Works should be completed
by the applicant and sent to the South Florida Water Management District 30 days
prior .to construction of this proposed project, if approved. This Notice will serve
as the permit unless the applicant is otherwise notified. It is recommended that
the applicant apply for a General Permit after approvals have been obtained from
the Board of County Commissioners for the subject Velodrome and from D.E.R.M
for the drainage system of this project.
The construction of the Velodrome will cause the displacement of several trees
located in the area currently designated for Marine Stadium parking. These trees
should be preserved by relocating them in those areas to be landscaped as part of
the overall complex. Plan review of all landscaping and tree related activities will
be required and tree removal permits may be required in some cases.
In summary, staff finds no significant environmentalato mpact cntto be oned'caused edrby. tare
project and offers no objections, provided the
addressed by the application.
Impact on the Economy
The fiscal impact of this project is expected to be minimal. The property is
presently tax-exempt and will remain so after the construction of the Velodrome.
If the extra traffic creates a problem the County will incur the costs of an extra
police officer - $25,000. At the sarne time, extra revenues, from tolls, would be
forthcoming, although the amount is:indeterminant.
The impact on the economy is expected to be ;,positive, although it will depend on
the support and maintenance that the City of Miami provides to the Velodrome. If
successful, regional and international events will be held, consequently attracting
tourists to the area. Also, there will be construction employment generated which
will add to its possible positive impact on a one-time basis.
IV. Impact on Essential Services
Potable Water and Sewer Service
The Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Authority (WASA) currently provides these
services to the Marine Stadium. The Velodrome being located in a section of
the stadium parking lot could be serviced by the extension of these services.
The intent expressed by the applicant is to initially construct the Velodrome
without ` rest room facilities, with such facilities to be built as funds are
available. The closest rest room facilities would therefore be those in the
Marine Stadium located approximately 700 feet away. (The South Florida
Building Code recommends that such facilities be located within 200'.) The
Department of Environmental Resources Management is concerned that this
may create a situation where portable/temporary facilities would be utilized
as an added convenience during certain special events. Such an arrangement
is not. desirable.
Police Service
Police service is provided by the Central District Substation located at
1320 N.W. 14 Street. Current response time is 3.2 minutes for emergencies
and 11.0 minutes for routine service calls. The average response times for all
districts are 3.9 minutes and 10.6 minutes respectively. A report by the
International Association of Chiefs of Police indicated, that a response time
of two minutes or less is required to achieve a 75 percent probability of
capturing an assailant or perpetrator of a crime in progress. Five minutes or
less is recommended for routine service calls.
During the month of October, 1978, Central District personnel , answered
3,689`calls for service. The longest delay in responding to an emergency call
was 5 minutes. •
The Central District operated with 109,patrol ,officers using .40 marked and 16
unmarked police vehicles. The District is responsible for delivery of police
service in an area of 12 square miles.
Fire Service
The proposed development is approximately two minutes response time from
Fire Station, #15 located at Two Crandon Boulevard.. A three minute response
time is desired for the proposed use. Equipment consist of one ladder and one
rescue van. The Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Authority can supply the
necessary fire flow.
This application will not impact the Dade County School System.
The proposed velodrome bicycle track is located south of the Marine Stadium
within the existing fenced parking area along Rickenbacker Causeway.
Since a velodrome does not generate residential population, Park and
Recreation standards toward spatial requirements are not appropriate.
Bicycling popularity has grown in Dade County to over 500,000 bike riders. In
the last five years, County bikedealers at over half ofhave sold an 3the population verage of 0�ill be
bikes per year. Projections indicate
bicycle riders by 1980. From this multitude of recreational bicyclists come
competitive riders. Competitivebeebike .limited racing hatos Road Ra es►enciandnBicycle
increases in popularity but has
Motorcross. Due to the lack of a facility, track races are unable to be
conducted in Dade County.
Dade County Park and Recreation Department agrees a.v lode a f ome would
be an asset to the bike racing community in Dade County. lintsuch- as the Pan
could be utilized to the extent of international competition
American Games or as a training. facility for the .United States Olympic
Team. The specific question of . to be answered.me Seve�aldother sitese Uhave
within Dade County still remain
been proposed as well as rejected for various reasons. At least one other
group is interested in constructing a velodrome in Dade County and while a
site is available, there are insufficient funds for construction.
After review and analysis on the proposedvelodrome plans, the Park and
Recreation Department makes thefollowing recommendations and points for
The plan indicates the velodrome as a single usefacility.
should dlesso of
budgetary limitations, comprehensiveplanning
consideration for.. multiple use. Many velodromes across the country
install.football/soccer fields and special event areas. The Virginia Key
site does not need these type of facilities. The Park and Recreation
Department would recommend a Bicycle Motocross (BMX) course as a
compatible multiple use. BMX areas in the County usually conduct race
events twice a month and have between 150-250 riders per race. The
area within the track is sufficient to accommodate a BMX course. A
sprinkler system would be mandatory for a BMX area.
As currently indicated, the infield is designed to anbe stud.igDn system
to the
environmental characteristics of the caul y,
would greatly enhance the growth of the sod. Further, the drainage has
a .003 slope whereas a slope of .02 is required in turf areas. The grade
at the top of the drain' cover is not acceptable and will result in ponding
of the infield. There is no information concerning the "drain to existing
International rules require a 333.3 meter track. However, a 250 meter
track would be acceptable and better suited for spectators. Track
width is recommended at 23 feet. The proposed plan calls for 20 foot
wide track; which could.cause some crowding on the 39° curve.
of the reduced length, it was necessary to increase the degree of the
curves. The 39° curve is definitely not suitable for novice and
beginning riders. The plan specifications call for 2" wide lines to be
painted on the track. ` Rules require the lines to be 3" wide. The city
has acknowledged the suggestions and plans are being modified.
Rest rooms, drinking water and concessions are located in the Marine
Stadium - 700' from the bleachers. This is too far for racers and
spectators to walk; across a parking lot. Further, after the gates to the
parking lot are open, for access to the velodrome there is no security to
restrict access to the rest of the Marine Stadium. Lockers, first aid
facilities and bike racks should also be considered.
Impact on Public Transportation Facilities and Accessibility
The following comments relate to the impact of the proposed development on the
traffic conditions in the area of the subject property.
Under Sec. 33-124(e) of Chapter 33 of the Code of Metropolitan Dade County,
Florida, "there shall be provided on -site a minimum of one parking stall for each
four seats of fixed seating." The stadium presently contains 6,600 seats; therefore,
a minimum of 1,650 parking stalls are required. 'However, there are currently only
about 1,200 parking stalls. The deficiency is noticeable throughout the year when
major events occur atthe stadium and the overflow parking is located in the swale
area of Rickenbacker Causeway. This "swale area" parking, if organized, could
accommodate an additional 500-600 cars. While not the most desirable, staff feels
that all overflow parking could be handled. Using data from existing velodromes
around the country, approximately 3,750 patrons may be expected to attend major
racing events. Based on an average of four patrons per vehicle, there would be a
requirement for 933 parking stalls. For Velodrome events, existing parking within
the fenced area is adequate.
The hours of use for the Velodrome are critical. Any activities scheduled for the
daytime on weekends may add significantly to the peak/period peak direction
Causeway traffic, and certainly will add to the daily traffic whether there is a
"Marine Stadium" event or not. Scheduling of events should strictly be planned to
have both ingress and egress traffic during off-peak periods. The tentative
schedule provided,while rather limiting if adhered to, would avoid such critical
time periods.
The Public Works Department made the following comments at the Developmental
Impact Committee meeting for th is project on December 13, 1978.
. The Public Works Department would like to see the entire area as defined by
the original conveyance (from Dade County to City of Miami) platted. This
platting would make it easier to clarify and define future problems as to
permits, leases, conveyances, percentages of use, and relationship of uses.
However, as long as this facility is not being leased, platting cannot be
required of this site. It was noted in the meeting that there were existing
leases within said original area of conveyance, some being short term at least
one being a 30 year lease. If there are existing long term leases without the
benefit of a record plat it is possible that these divisions of land are in
conflict with Chapter 28 of the Code of Metropolitan Dade County and should
be platted. If this be the case it is the . Public Works Department's
recommendation that the entire original site be platted in such a manner as
to eliminate any conflict with said Chapter 28.
Any driveway modification to the existing site will require Public Works
Department approval as well as approval from the causeway consultant
(Greiner and Associates).
Respectfully submitted,
Dennis I. Carter, Chairman
Colin' A. Morrissey,
Department of Environmental Resources Management(
William NI. Powell,
Public Works Department
Kenneth W. Schang,
Building and Zoning Department
Reginald R. Walters,
Planning Department