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CC 1979-09-13 Discussion Item
%`\ CITY 0 1IAMI. IN TSR-OF ICZ r MO 2A.PNCUM TO Joseph :Grassie. City Manager eagt-r- FROM; Carl Kern, Director Department of Parks:. ,TE: September 6,: 1979 "3lIBtECT: Listing Proposal to Revegetate Offshore Spoil Islands REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: rmLe: Mr. J. F. Blitstein approached this office:, with a proposal to revegetate two offshore Spoil Islands with native sea grasses and .` mangroves. Because our department cannot authorize the use of this City property for any purpose, without the approval of the;; City Commission and the newly created Waterfront Board,` it was . recommended to Mr. Blitstein that he submit written and oral requests to these bodies. With the limited :information presented to us, there does riot seem to be a major conflict with this proposal or on the existing or potential uses of the Spoil :Islands. However, it is extremely important to note the following: The proposal is very limited in detail and more be necessary for a proper review.` specifics would It appears that Mr. Blitstein,, as a representative of Pine Grove Properties, is attempting to utilize this environmental enhance- ment in order to gainfavorable review from the State and other agencies for the potential fill of a piece of property located on Brickell Avenue. When n Mr. Blitstein discusses his Spoil Island; proposals with City agencies, he does not clearly indicate his primary interest in developing these Spoil Island plantings. Additionally, Mr. Blitstein has a very annoying habit of stating that he is ,working closely. with City departments; that his plans are in.conformance with City policies, etc. , when, in fact, he has merely submitted a very tentativeplan for discussion. Joseph Grassie City Manager In conclusion, I would recommend that the City take a very careful and close look at Mr. Blitsteints entire proposal, i. e., the filling of the Brickell Avenue property; the potential zoning variances desired for that property; the potential land exchanges with the State of Florida; and the exact details of any proposed island revegetation., ■ t ■ 1 ■ 1 • Pursuant to our telephone 'conversationof;Wednesday, July 31st, I am requesting that the following item be placed on the first agenda in September: ,11164 VI i1611 eZo o�� August 3rd, 1979 i�i' C t c Ms. Selma Schwartz Mk c/o City Manager's P. 0. Box 330708 mil 6 Miami, Florida 33133 lie C '� 0tiDear Selma: E r; C 3 company is coordinating a major environmental � We are O restoration program for'Biscayne Bay. mom co = requesting that the City of Miami allow us, in f conjunction with marine scientists from the C N r University of Miami.:Rosenstiel School of Marine N and Atmospheric Sciences, to restore the shoreline on an off -shore spoil island. This spoil island, owned by the City of Miami, is located directly east of the Omni -Plaza Venetia Causeway. There1411; . i s no construction of any kind. What i s entailed is the following: replanting mangroves, x, seagrasses and natural hardwood species. No areas ��i. presently used by boaters will be involved. work: in question has been reviewed by Mr. Bob CGeraldo Salman, Jennings, Director of Marinas; Mr. ammo Planning and Zoning Inspector; Mr. Richard Whipple, 41) Planning Director; and. Mr. Carl Kern, Director F of Parks and Recreation. 410 WI The work proposed is in, specific accordance with the use for this island; outlined in the I::o City. of Miami master marina" plan prepared by mom Greenleaf :& Telesca.mg" -. --- please advise me if any additional information and confirm the specific agenda schedule. Sincerely, For J. FRED J. Frederic Blitstein, JFB:cp TO: FROM: Joseph R. Grassie City Manager a)Vield/ Angela R. Bellamy () l/ Assistant to City Manager. OF MIAMI, FLOZ!r),I, sITEi'.•OF"r1Cc :.1EM0F1ANiJU.A OAM St1IIJrcr: September 6, 1979 Discussion of:'Committee'of the Whole Item• for --September 13, 1979 Commission Meeting RrF•`CRENOM ENCLO UR S: At the Commission meeting of July.23, 1979 Commissioner. Gordon requested. that'' the' traffic problem around Bay Heights be placed on the next agenda as,a;discussion item. I: have, therefore, included this discussion item on the agenda for the September 13,1979`Commission meeting.. i Jack Bond Assistant,. City Manager Dena'; Spillman, Director Citizen Services • r'rli� Y itkGEr'.-IA.I l41 ' 19 AUG Z 3. PO 3: 37 ,;,,,. August 22, :1979. -11,C Groundbreaking Ceremony Elderly Housing Project Little Havana Community_ Center Site ::st„are: During the month of October we will be ready to have a groundbreaking ceremony for the 75-unit elderly housing project' located at the Little Havana Community Center site. Normally groundbreakings are held, if possible, at day..: Please advise me when the Commission meetings will be held in October, " and when the Ctamission might wish to have the ` groundbreaking' ceremony for this project. Perhaps at the September h3'meeting, they can determine date. • • PTrWAJ T „ Ipc e A1! e L.0 y 6-/ ( a,ge.2 , �vr 9 a, 61_ 72, o,co,„ r'JG 4,1 )LL Gti)• 6'k-' /;17% `� r.1•� _ • ��� L C f-{. 's a l \ 12 `tt LI (1, 1`✓L1 J)' P =gib h_, 4. 7 ig4,4 N. /3- 76 ( , P /VI /91-77 *-`c/ �%'i' L$ L 4 C.) 533.E - � d 3 z,c •-2 �v4 t-t e _cry° tf.G,Gcf/. l - 2) 3 2 e" 12. El Lc RD l c.ti .. 3 a( 60ra. ),\A- 3 %',7 37 mac / )37S feel', c�kE ,fa.F((ith ,co- .n.eJ1P. (% et. r cc e1..,4)/1 B ,h -�b- 33 / 3_)- 3 /3-7 3.3 i , �/3 7 (cam \ Lief. S L K-p- -- September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this oppOrtUnity tO.c6fraiiUniCate'tO -You;.MY:,,objeCti6tv.:-....--.::::-..-_,.. .,....,. .,„.. .....- . „. ... .. „. . .. . .. • . . .- - : ::::-•-..--.....:. •-.• ,.....,..„.....-.....•.:...:-...: ,...,„.....,,......•,::.......:.,...--,:,,,,,....._._:.•:::., ., :,.....,:.:.:_,..-.,,. ,..•. . „ ...., „...... .,... _ , • __,..,..•,,.........-„.„..,f....„,,,,, - to the proposed. lay .off ..Ot-: Lifeguards and Cais!1erS.:-:at,,.c11/.'„;001.*':,.:, - • • . - , . . , _. . . .„ . _ • - ' • - • - -, - ' ,:, , „, , --. ,_ • _, - ,. •. _ .,..--.:• .- ,..,........,..;,,,,,..,-.....„_.:.,.....:....,... r..•,..,..,.. on ctober1,.1979Insouth Florida aro ............. ..n:„.., - •O':,.. -.the.-st -,-wheiee... kowledge:. -....,,, ,•:,..- .i.,.. „..,..,..,:_.,... ,-.., ,,.. ..... ... ..,..„. ...,. . : .. . . : ... ::.:. : • - . -.• .- ...., . :, .....,. :.:. ...-.. :.........,:. .-,:.,.. ,,,,...,-„,....„ .. .....„, of 914/J111111i/1g and water safetr is so important to our chil.dren, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This nia0ciied: lay off.- d leave the: citS!' • „ - , ervices of experienced nenSoiine,i_. • ' , ' , • , , - • . , . . Any aniOunt of •mc-)ney saved - by the CitY a- result of the :lay • . . . . . , will be totally insigni.ficant,,if •-just one person should -.drown , . • as a result of the lack of pt.oy.)er supervision. I therefore urge y(,)u to vote against this proposal. Isomprnn_,p,,,,crg,...r•py,,,xx,,e,,r1vnirmnnowleent ,r.zzoi•Airal4? -t+:AC4TS.�=Aea��e.aC'ar.- September 10, 1.979 Dear Commissioner, I am`taking. this opportunity to communicate to ,you my 'objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at=Citv.'noola` on :October `l:, 1979. In the south Florida area where` knowledge of'swimming and water safety to Our .children local government should do its part to improve such programs`nnt hinder them. This nronosed lay off would leave the City without the services,- of exnerienced riersonne] . Any amount` of money saved by t he Cit„y as: a result of the lay offs will< he totally insignificant if jus•t one ':person should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision, I therefore urge you to vote against<this prnposa' Thank you, September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking, this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at. City pools".' on netober 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off would leave the City without the of experienced 'Personnel. services Any amount of money'saved by the City as=a result""of the lay cuffs. will"be totally insignificant if just one person should drown as a result, of the lack of -"prover supervision. therefore urge ,you to vote against' this proposa Thank you, s 9 September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking, this opportunity to communicate- to'vou my objection_ o the eropoeed layoff Of Lifeguards and.caehiers at City noole Om nctober`1, 1979..:In:the south Florida area where knowledge of: swimming and watersafety is so important to our children,'• :; local rnovernment should do its ;part to improve ;such_ programs, no hinder them. This nropOsecJ lay off would leave the City without the services` of exnerienced°:nersonnel.` ny amount of money:saved the: City `as a result of the lay offs will be'.''tOtillYH insignificant: if just one person should drown:.. as a` result.' of. the• lack of proversunervision.: •I therefore urge you to vote against. this' proposal; • ,Thank you, 1c. September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, 1 am taking this opportuni.t3r to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City mots on flctober 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming, and water safety is so important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This oroPosed lay off would leave the city without the services of experienced /ers°nne/-• Any amount of money saved by the City as a result of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just one person should drown as a result of the lack of proper sunervision. 1 therefore urge yclti to vote agaitIst this proposal. Thank you, •�:e.., ,,,,:,�.�y�e �..:iw�.a�_•_i.���zu?i��.zr:tr�¢�aat�.� September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to -communicate to you my' objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This nronosed lay off would leave the City without the services of exnerienced`hersonnel.; Any amount of money saved by the City as a result of the lay offs will;be totally insignificant: if just one person should drown as a resutt of the lack of prover supervision. 1 therefore urge you to vote against this proposal. Thank you, " IT;PORTA?IT i,ESSAGE CONCrR? I! 0 YOUR CHILDREN' S SAFETY " 0n October 1, 1979 the City of riami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children to attend Cit# nools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to sunervise the children in the nool or locker rooms. This sunervision willhe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary exnerience or training in Water Safety to effectively nrotect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursdav September 13th at 3:30 P.F. and speak against this nronosal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Commissioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to orenare their own letter to he received by the Commissioners nrior tc, the September 13th Commission meeting;. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. # # # i4 x 44 4 * 4t 41- 4f 4' * 4� # * #91- 4/ 4b 4/ # * 44 * * # # # * # # 41- * * # * 4E # "IT:!PORTANTC 1 QED?SAJE SOD?l.F LA PROTECCION DE SUS HIJOS " El nrimerci de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de "iiami pronone darles lay-off a los Sal.vavidas y Cajeras de todas las oiscinas de T'iami. Fsta nroposicion es muy sinnificante a los nadres de los ninos que asisten a las oiscinas con el colepio durante el ano; nues no habra Salvavidas o mujeres supervisando a sus hijos en la niscina o en 1.os banos v salas de camhin. La sunervision sera dada solamente por los maestros cuales es nnsible no tergan la experiencia o el entrenamientn de natacinn necesari) nara ejercir la nroteccion d sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Fs nor eso le advertimns a todos los padres que asistan a 1.a reunion de los Comisionarios este jueves 13 de Sentiembre a las 3:3n de la tarde y neaarse a esta nr000sicion. Si usted no puede asistir, escriha uno de los varlos comisionarins antes do este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada nara los nadres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarins, y no tengan tiempo de nrenarar su nropia carta, v ser rccibida nor los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el ,jueves 13 de Sentiembre. Si desea, hags coaias de la carte v enviela a todos los comisionarins debajo mensionados. * * * # * * * * # 4: # * # 4; * ;! * # * * # * * # * * x * it * * * # # 4: * # # * City Commission 350n Pan !:!.erican Drive :iami, Florida 33133 Maurice A. Ferre yaynr : Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Pose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Jr. IT;PORTA?'IT TTSSAGr CONCI',RNInr, YOUR CHILDREN'S SAFETY h On October 1, 1979 the City of T"iami is nlaninr to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City owls. This action is very significant to the parents of children to attend City pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the nool or locker rooms. This sunervision will he entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drnwnings. Therefore, we urRe a]1 concerned parents to attend the Commission meetinp on thursdav Sentemher 13th at 3:30 P.T. and sneak against this nroposal.. If you cannot attend, write the various City Commissioners nrinr to that date. The fallowing form letter is nrovided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to nrenare their own letter to he received by the Commissioners prior to the Sentember 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. * * * * * * * * * * * 4',- * * * * * * ou * is * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * "hPORTANTE rEMSAJE SOBRE LA PROTECCIOm DF SUS HIJOS " El nrimern de Octuhre de 1979, la ciudad de niami pronnne darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajeras de todas las niscinas de T•'iami. Fsta nroposicion es muv sinnificante a los padres de los ninos que asisten a las niscinas con el colegio durante el ano; nues no habra Salvavidas o mujeres supervisando a sus hijos en la niscina o en los barios v salas de camhio. La sunervision sera dada solamente por los maestros cuales es nnsihle no tergan la experiencia o el entrenamientn de natacinn necessaiy nara ejercir la nroteccion a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Fs nor eso le advertimns a todos los padres que asistan a is reunion de los Crnisionarins este jueves 13 de Sentiembre a las 3:3n de la tarde v neaars-' a esta nronosicion. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varlos comisinnarios antes de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada nara los padres interesados, que deseen escrihir a los comisinnarios, y no tengan tiemoo de nrenarar su nropia carts, v ser rccibida nor los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Sentiembre. Si desea, haga conias de la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo rnensionados. * * * * * * !,r * * * * * * * * * 4'r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 4F * * * * * * * City Commission 350n Pan A:i erican Drive i iami, r1c •ida 33133 T'avnr: Maurice A. • Ferre- Cammissioner: Theodore.. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: J.L.`Plunimer., Jr. CIS:1'ai"..::S:;S•.::.Ya::,,.._„..,y,y.+vF+�.• " INPORTAn!T F SSAGT CONCERNING YOUR CHILDREN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of riami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City Wools. This action is very significant to the parents of children to attend City cools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifenuards or female attendants to senervise the children in the nool or locker rooms. This sunervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively nrotect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursdav September 13th at 3:30 P.J. and speak against this nroposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Commissioners nrinr to that date. The fallowing form letter is nrovided for concerned narents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prenare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. * 44. * * 4t * .i; 4t * * * if * * 4t 4t * ; * 41. 3t * * * * it ib ib * * * * 3t * 4t ;t ;t * "INPORTAi'JTE P ,NSAJE SOME LA PROTECCiON DE SUS HIJOS " El nrimern de 0ctubre de 1979, la ciudad de riiami pronnne darles lay-off a-los Sal.vavidas y Cajeras de todas las niscinas de Miami. Fsta nroposicion es muy significante a los padres de los ninos que asisten a las oiscinas con el colegio durante el ano; nues no habra Salvavidas o mujeres supervisando a sus hijos en la niscina o en 1.os harms v salas de camhin. La sunervision sera dada solamente por los naestrns cuales es nnsible no terRan la exteriencia o el entrenamientn de natacinn necesaaiy nara ejercir la rroteccion d sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Fs nor eso le advertimns a todos los padres que asistan a la reunion de los Comisionarios este jueves 13 de Sentiembre a las 3:30 de la tarde y ne'arse a esta nrnnosicion. Si usted no puede asistir, escriha uno de,los varies comisionarios antes de este jueves. La siguiente carte es enviada nara los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiemoo de nrenarar su nropia carta, v ser rccibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Sentiemhre. Si desea, haca conies de la carte v enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. * * * 41. x 4c 4t * it 4t * K '* 4c * * ?: * * it * 4t 4E * * * * # * * e'i 4t 3k * * * * * * City Comm.ssion 3501' Pan A:':erican Drive riami-, Florida 33133 rav r: Maurice A. Ferre. Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Jr. September 10,:1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City nools • on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This nronosed lay .off would leave the Cit of experienced personnel." without the services Any amount of money saved by the City as a result of the lay offs will be totally insignificant'if just one person should`drown as a result of thelack of proner sunervision. therefore urge ynu to vote aainst this proposal. Thank you, Girt v Waaie n, September'10 19?9 Dear Commissioner,..` I am -.taking this opportunity to comun micate to you my objection • to the proposed lay ofT of Lifeguards and Cashiers`at City'nools on hctoher 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming- and wate•r, safety is so. i•m•portant to our children, local government should do its part to improvesuch programs.no hinder them. This nroposed lay. off would leave the City without the services of_exnerienced'nersonnel ny amount o money saved by :the . City as a result of the lay offs will -tie totally insignificant if just one person should drown as a result of the'lack of proper supervision. 1 therefore urge Thank you, you to vote against this proposal September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking, this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979, In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming; and water safety is so important to our children, local government, should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This`nroposed lay off would leave the City without the services `of exnerienced.,hersonnel.;° Any amount ,of money `saved` by ' the City as a result of the lay offs will; be totally insignificant if just•one person should. drown as a: result of"the lack of .nroner sunervision. therefore urge you to vote against this proposal. Thank you, September 10, 1979. Dear Commissioner, I - am taking this. ot,portunity, to communicate to vote. my objection to the proposed lay off" of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City noole" on. October 1, 1979. In the south Florida'area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so bran/taint to our children, local government 'should do its part to improve such prnrams nn' hinder them. This nrorosed lay off" would leave the City without the services of experienced 'ersonnei. Any. amount �f money saved by the City as a result.of the lay...of will he. totally insit'nificant if just one person should drown as a result of the lack ef.`.prorer'sunervision. therefore urge you Than you, o vote against:`_ this proposal.,,' o September:id, 1979 DearCommissioner,• `L am'•taking this opportunity to communicate to you my ob5eetion'••• • •to the oropoeed lay Off of Lifeguards and Caahiera at City pools on hctoher 1,'1979. In the south 'Florida. area- where knowledge of"swimming and water safety is'so maortant to our children, local -government should do its part to inprove'such programs not •h• inder:.them. This proposed lay off would leave the of experienced personnel.. City without the services Any: amount of money saved by the City as a result of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just one person should drown as a result of the lack of prover supervision. I therefore urge you to vote against this proposal. yank yo September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local' government should do "its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This 'nronoeed lay off would leave "the City without the services f experienced 'personnel.; Any amount of money saved by t he City as a result of the 1.ay offs will he totally` insignificant if just one person should drown as • a result,of the lack of proper supervision.. I therefore urge ynu to vote against this proposal.<; Thank you, ;i rc� September 10,1979 Dear, Commissioner, I an taking, this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to. the oronosed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City • pools. on-.0etober 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of ewimming.and water safety is so inrnortant to our children, • ' local government should do its part` to improve such programs not hinder them. This nronosed lay off would leave the City without the of'exnerienced personnel. services Any amount of money saved hy. t he City as a " result of the lay offs '. will be totally insignificant if just one person should drown as a result of the lack of nroner sunervision. therefore urgeyou to vote against this proposal. Thank you, September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection`` to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming• and water safety is so important to local odernment • should do Atli part AO improve hinder them. our children, such programs not This proposed lay off would leave the City without the services �f experienced personnel. Any :amount ?of money saved by " t`he City as a •result of the;:lay .offs ` will tie totally insi nificant if just one person should .drown as a result of • the lack ofy proper supervision. I therefore urge you to vote against this proposal. Thank? ynu, "0"' 'd al7t�nrpw�deiP�1'� •� �• •� Carm rzrz .•N'TR,"Z^F�^"'- ..s.!,,^nnac ssuwe.WOMEITELYAI-lnvseaa September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this Opportunity to corrnuniCate to you -Amy objection.. to the proposed lay off of LifegUards'and Cashiers, at City;pools on October, 1979. In the south Florida area• -where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, lnca1,government should do its part to improve such•, programsnnf hinder them. is proposed lay off would Leave the City without the services f experienced personnel. any amount of money saved by t he City as a result of the layoffs will be totally `insiinificantif just' one person should drown as a result of the lack of proper. supervision I therefore urge you to vote against this proposal. Thank you,< • September 10, 1979 • Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you mv"objection `. '.to the proposed lay off'of Lifeguards and Cashiers"at`City noole on flctoher 1,"1979. In"the south Florida area ►here knowledge"' of awimmint and water safety is so important to our children, local governinent should do its part to improve "such programs no hinder them. This nronosed lay off would leave the of exoerienced personnel. ny amount of money saved; City without -""the services the City as 'a "result of the lay offs will be totally ";insignificant if just one person should drown as a result of the lack of proper sunervision. I:therefore urge you to vote against this proposal. Thank you, Tram. irsrsaanaestimmma�.�' September 10, . 1979 Dear Commissioner,. I am taking Oda opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay Off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on netober 1In the south Florida area where, knowledge of swimming` -and water'eafety is so important to our children, local government should"do its part to improve such .programsnot • 1979. hinder them. This proposed lay off would leave the; • City without,"the services. of experienced personnel.. Any amount, of money saved by the City as a result of the lay offs will he totally insignificant if just one person should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision. therefore urge you to vote against thisaproposal. Thank you, // } September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking Pf� this opportunity to communicate to you my objection'` i to the proposed<1ay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on flctober 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of.•awimmin•P and'water Safety is:so • inoortant to' our children, local`'povernment should do its part to improvesuch programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off would leave the City without the servicesf. of experienced personnel. Any - amount of money saved ; by the City as a result of the lay offs will ;be totally, insignificant if just one ` person should drown as a result of the lack of prover supervision. therefore urge you to vote against this proposal. Thank you, September".10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you mv"objection' to the • Proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers :at City.nools on fctoher 1, 1979. In the south'Florida area where knowledge. of swimming, and water safety is so important to our children, local government should do its part'to improve such programs not hinder them. This;nronosed lay off would leave the City without the services' of experienced Personnel. Any amount of money saved by the City as a result of the layoffs will be totally insignificant if just one person should drown as a result of the lack of proper sunervision. I therefore urge youtovote against this proposal. Thank you, September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicateto you my objection _to' the. proposed lay off of Lifeguards and .Cashiers at City nools'- on nctoher 1, 19.79. In .the south Florida area where knowledge' of swimming and:,water safety is so important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off would leave the City, without the services of experienced personnel. ny amount of money saved by the City as a result of the lay offs: will be totally insignificant if' just one person should drown as a result of the lack of prover supervision._. • I`..therefore urge you to vote against this:proposa. Thank you,` '-z September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, Z am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection.. to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools' on ')ctoher:l., 1979. In the south Florida area • where; knowledge of swimming,, and water safety is`so important to our children, local government should do'its part to improve. such, programs ncot hinder them. This. proposed layoff would leave the City without the services: f experienced . personnel..; Any amount of money saved by the City as a result of the..lay . offs will be totally insignificant if just pne;person should drown as a result of the lack of proper sunervision. therefore urge you to vote against; this proposal. Thank you,; ., / 1, G: LG-rat' Se!vtember 10, 1979 near Commissioner, I" am taking this opportunity to'comTnunicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City: noole, oh'nctoher 1, 1979. In the south Florida area, whereknowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, •local`povernment should do'`ite p rt to improve such programs"npt hinder them. This proposed 1.ay off would; leave. the City without without the services' of experienced personnel.. Any amountmonev saved by the City as a result of the -lay Offs.' • will he totally -insignificant if just one person should drown as a result of the lack of proper sunervision. Itherefore urge you to vote aPainst this proposal Thank you) A ;September 10, 1979 • Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity.to 'coimnunicate to you my objection 'to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers•at City pools ' on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge • of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, • local' novernment should do its part to improve such programs' n!t hinder them. This nronosed lay off would leave the City without the services of exnerienced;hersonnel. Any amount of money saved by the City as a result of the lay :offs..;. will .be.totally insignificant if just one person should drown as a result of the lack of prosier supervision. I therefore urge you to vote against this proposal._ Thank you, September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I'am taking, this opportunity to communicate to you my objection, to the proposed'lay off of Lifeguards and. Cashiers at City`nools, on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge. of ewiiming and water safety is";so iMoortant to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder. them. This proposed lay off would leave the City without the services of experienced personnel. Any amount' of money saved by the City as a result of the layoffs will be totally insignificant if just oneperson should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision. I therefore urge You to vote against this proposal. Thank you, ',{ September 10, 1979 Dear Conimissioneri, • I am taking :this opportunity to communicate'to you mV objection to the oroposed lay off of Lifeguards and'Caehiers at City pools on hctober 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of Swimming; and water safety is so important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. • This nronosed lay off would leave theCitywithout the services of experienced personnel. fly amount of monev'saved°hv t he City as a result of the lay offs Will he totally insignificant if just one person .:should drown; as a_.result'.Of the lack of nron r supervision. therefore urge you to vote against this proposa Thank v September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am,takingppo this` ortunity to• communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on C)ctnher 1`, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of SWiTN119and water safety is so imeortant to our children, local government should do, its Part to improve such programs not hinder:,: them. This proposed lay off would leave the City without the services of exnerienced personnel. Any amount of money saved by the City as a result of the lay offs will be totally insir'nificant if just one person should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision. 1 therefore urge you to vote against this proposal. Thank=`.you, �1 �, •- .0 \I c S+ Q C.cs} Lt. September la, 1979 Dear Commissioner, Iam taking this opportunity to communicate to you my; objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off' would leave the City without the of experienced 'personnel.. services • Any amount of monev.saved by .the City as a result of the°lay'o witl,'be totally insignificant if just one person should drown. as a':result of the lack of proper supervision I therefore urge yru to vote against this proposal. Thank you, Ail September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I. am'taking this. opportunity to commun,icate.to you mv"objection • to. the proposed lay off rif Lifeguards and Cashiers at City `pools on nctober 1, 1979. In the south Florida area'where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so imtortant to our• children, heal novernment,should d•o its part to i•mprove such programs nnt' hinder them. This proposed lay off would leave the City without the services; of experienced personnel. Any amount of money saved by the City as a result of the lay offs will he totally"insignificant if just one person should drown as a result of the lack of nroier sunervision.. I therefore urge you to vote against this proposa Thank you, September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking, this opportunity to communicateto you my objection to .the proposed lay off of Lifeguards. and Cashiers at City 'Pools` on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where'knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important,to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off would if exnerienced.nersonnel. leave the City without the services Any amount of money saved by"the City as a result of the lay offs will be totall• y insignificant if just one person should drown as a resultof the lack of proner'sunervision. I therefore urge you; to vote aPainst'this _proposal. Thank vnu, September 10, 1979. Dear Corrnnissioner, I'am taking this opportunity to communicate to .you my objection to theeoroposed 10 eff of- Lifeguards. and Cashiers at City • pools ' on nctoher 1', 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge 'at swimming and water •safety is to important' to our children, local .rtovernment should do its part to improve such programs not hinder- them. T10s nrouosed lay off would leave theCity.without the services.' of experienced personnel. Any amount of money saved by the City as a result of the laY effe will tie totally insi,nificant if just one person should drown as a result of. -the Lack ef'nroi�er suvervision. I. therefore urge you to;vote sesinst'this proposal`. .Thank you, September 10, 1979 Dear Co(nmiseioner L am taking.thie opportunity to communicate to you.mv ob�ect�ion to the oropoeed lay off. of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City eools .' on netot�er 1 1979. In the south<Florida area where,knowled e of ewtTnmiflg and water safety is so imcx►irtant to our children, kcal Povernment should do its pa•rt to irt►prove such pr'ograme not hinder them.'- This nronoeed lay off .would`leave :the of.exnerienced personnel. City:. without .the services. Any amount of monev saved by the City as a result ofthe lay offs will he totally insignificant if just one person should drown as a resultof the lack of nroner sunervision. I therefore urge you to vote against this proposal., Thank you, ember 10. 1979 Dear Com!assigner, I.am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off Of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the South Florida area where knowledge. of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local government should do its part to improve, such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off would leave the City without the services` of experienced personnel. Any amount of money saved by the. City as a result of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just one person should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision. I therefore urge you to vote a• gainst this proposal. Thank you, September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking, this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1,1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge" of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not. hinder them. This ,proposed lay off would leave the City without the services of experienced personnel Any amount of money saved'hy the City as-a.result" of the lay offs, will `be"totally insignificant if just one person should drown' as a result of the lack of proner supervision. therefore urge you to vote against this proposal. Thank you, $i //),(1, "if Sob ciG lQ 676/-) /l7/7 September 10, 1979: Dear Commissioner, T am taking this.: opportunity •to Communicate to You my objection • to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at.City noole on flctober 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge., of swimming'and water safety is so imoortant to our children,. local government`should do its part to improve such programs nc;t, hinder them. Thisnronosed lay off would leave the City without the services' of exnerienced personnel. Any amount of money saved by the City as a result of the: lay offs will be totally insignificant if just one person shoulddrown... as a result of the lack of prover sunervision. I therefore urge you to vote artainst this proposal. Thank you, { September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, 1 am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools` on October 1, 1979. In the south Flerida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local r'overnment should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This nroposed lay. off` would of experienced ',ersonnel. leave the City without e services Any amount of money saved by the City as a result of the lay Offs, will be totally insignificant if just one person should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision. I therefore urge you to vote against this proposal. Thank you, Se ember,.10, 1979 E� Dear Commissioner, I am taking this ;opportunity to' communicate to you my 'objection • to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools• n October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so imaortant to our children, local rt,overnment should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. •This p• roposed lay off would leave the'Cit; •cif exierienced personnel..' without the services An•y am•ount of mon•ey saved by the City as •a result of the lay offs will be: totally insignificant if just` one person should drown. . as a resultof the lack. -of prover sur ervision.• therefore urge you to vote aeainst this proposal.., Thank you, September100 1979 Dear Commissioner; I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection` to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City nools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge, of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs nob., hinder them. This nronosed layoff would leave the City without the services '. of exnerienced nersonnel.> Any amount of Monev, saved by the City as a result of the lay cuffs will be totallyinsignificant if just one person should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision. I therefore urge ynu to vote against this proposal.. Thank you, 7 September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am- taking, this opportunity to communicate to you mv; objection; to the• oroposed lay. off of :Life uards and .Cashiers at'City noole 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of.ewimming and'water-safety is so important to ?,ourhildren, meal novernment should te tart to improve ;such programs not hinder them. an.nctober This nroposed lay off would leave the City without the services of exnerienced ,ersonnel. Any amount ofmoney saved by the City asa result of ,the` lay offs will be totally insignificant if just one person should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision. I therefore urge you; to vote against; this proposal. Thank you; September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the ,roposed layoff of Lifeguards and Cashiers at'Citv;nools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local overnment.should do its part to improve such programs not hinder, them. This proposed l.ay off would leave the City; without the services of experienced personnel. Any amount of money saved,hy ,the City as a result of thelay offs will be totally insignificant if just.one person should drown as a -result of the'lack of proper supervision. I therefore urge you to vote against this proposal.`; Thank you, September 10,.1979 Dear.Commiseioner, I am -taking 'this opportunity to communicate<to you Cry' objection to the proposed:lay off of -,Lifeguards and' Cashiers at'City pools on hctoher,l,,.1979. In. the south Florida area where knowledge' of swimming, and water safety is .so important to our, children, localgovernment should do "its part to improve - such programs not hinder them. This nroposed" lay off'` would leave the of experienced personnel. City:without.the services Any, amount of money saved by the City as a result of the`1:ay offs. will be totally insignificant •if•just •one person should drown -.as a•resu• lt of the lack of proner.sunervision. I therefore urge you vote against this proposal. Thank you, ■ September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I' am taking';thie opportunity to ,communicate to youmy objeetioni to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at; City`nools on ')ctober 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This' nr000sed lay. off would leave the City without the services` of exterienced oersonnel. Any amount .of money saved by t he City as a result of the ay offs will be totaUy insignificant if just one person should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision. I therefore urge you to vote against this proposal.; Thank you f` _�w September"10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking: this. opportunity to"commUnicate.to you my objection" to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south'F1oridaarea where knowledge of "swimming and watersafety is so. important to our children, part to improve such programs not local government should" do its hinder them. This proposed lay off would leave the of'exnerienced personnel. City without the services Any amount of money saved by the City as a" result of the lay 'offs: will be totally insignificant if just one person should drown as a result of the lack of prover sunervision. I therefore urge""ynu to vote againstthis proposal." Thank you, September 10 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to;conmiunicate`to you my objection to the`protxosed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pool on October 1, 1979. In the 'smith 'Florida area where knowledge of swinuning and water. safety is so important to our children, local government "should do its part to improve such programs not. hinder them. This proposed lay off would leave the City without the services of experienced personnel. Any amount of monev:saved by the City as a result of' the lay offs will he totally insignificant if just one person should drown as a result of the lack of : nroner surervision. I therefore urge you to .vote against ,this ',proposal. Thank you, September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity tocommunicate to you my objection.; to the proposed lay, off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools` In the south Florida area where knowledge ctober 1, 1979. of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local government should do its part to imnrove such programs not hinder them. This nronosed lay off wouldleave the City of experienced personnel. Any' amount. of nirrev saved by will be totally insinificant without the services =` ,he City as 'a result ofthe layoffs • if just one person should drown as. a result of the lack of proper sunervision.= [ therefore urge you to vote against;:this proposal. Thank you, " IP;PORTA^'T PASSAGE, CONCERNING YOUR CHILDREN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of riami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children to attend City pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will he entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or traininr in liter Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drovmings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursdav September 13th at 3:30 P.F. and speak against t.hi.s r,roposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Commissioners nricr to that data. The foliowin' form Letter is nrovided for concerned parents, wishing to write their ccmnisaioners, who may not have time to nrenare their own letter to he received ay the Commissioners nrior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. 4} * * * * * * * * * * # # 4f * * # 4 * 4f 4f Rr 44 iS * * * * 4E 4F 4E * * * # * .* * nr• PORTANTE "'1 NSAJE SCBflE LA PROTECCIOn1 DE SUS HIJOS " El nrimero de Oct.ubre de 1979, la ciudad de Mani pronone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cnjaras de todas lay oisc'.nas de P'iami. Fsta nroposicion es muy sirnificants a los radres.de los ninon que asisten a las aiscinas con el coleg=o durante el ano; pues no habra Salvavidas o mujeres supervisando a`sus hijos en la ni.scina o en los baFos y salas de camhio. La sunervision sera dada scir.me:-.tt: par los maestros cuales es nosible no ten€+an la exneriencia o el entrera,t_efl o ce pat .cion aeeeeario nara ejercir la nroteccion d sus hijos en oaso de ace: 'c'„ %o3. Ea nor eso le advertimns a todos los padres que asistan a la re:ur;Lor :]e Los Comisionarios este jueves 13 de Sent.iembre a las 3:30 da la tarr;s v ncrtarse a esta nronosicion. Si usted no puede asistir, escr'.i.a un o i3r' ins arios comisionarios antes de este jueves. La siguiente meta es envada rara los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de oreoarar su nropia carte, v ser recibida nor los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Sentiembre. Si desea, hags conias de la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. * # .4! * * # # * # * * * * -+ * :F ;: * x * # # * # * ;E * 48 * # * 48 * * * * # # * City CommIsslon y,00 Pr.n Amer?can Drive rlrrida 35133 l'eayor: i eurice .A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore-R. Gibson Commissioner: Arnando,Lacasa. 1011101.1.11111010.1. " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR C;HILU EN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami in planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools` during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or docker rooms. This supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursdr y September 13th at 3: 3a P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attena, write the various City Comrnisioners prior to that date. The following form letter in provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) a; ., ;; �:.: ,: .:=` >: „. ,: * * * •t• * * * * " IIiPORTANTE MENSAJ ; S03RE LA PftOTECCIOI`a DE SUS H1JOS El primer's de Octubre (ie: 1979, la Ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de t:odas las piscinas de Miami. i sta proposicion es muy . significante a los padres de los ninos que anisten a las piscinas con el colegio .dure,nte of silo; piles no habran Salvaviaas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscina o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solaunente por los maestros aol colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experienci a. o el entrenamiento de natation necesario pars ejercir la protection a sus hijos on caso ae accidentes. Es por eso le a.dvertimos a todos los padres que asistan,a`la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 deg S ept.iembre a las 3:30 de la tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si u^ted no puede asistir, escribs uno de los varios comieio- narios antes de oste jueves. • La siguien r e ,"tb es enviada pars los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a y no tengan tiempo de 'proparar su propia carta, y sen ibica por los Comisionarios''antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiemore. Si nesea, n ga copies de la carte y enviela a todos los cornisionarios .,ena io mensionados. .. .. ., .. * .. :; .. .. 3; d= $: * * * * * * City commission 350u pan American Drive Mia'ni, Florida. 33133 • Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Jr. ear Commissioner, am taking thia opportunity, to communicate: to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local government should do its part to:;,improvo such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off would leave the of, experienced personnel. City without the services Any .amount of- money saved by the City as `a result of the lay offs will be totally insign ficant if just one person should drown as °a result' of the. lack .cif proper supervision. proposal. " It4PORTAINT .M8SSAGF CONCERNIN 7 YOUR CI?ILllM EN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during; the year; since there will be no Lifeguard: or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker room:,. This supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursday September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Comnisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail ono to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORMLETTER) IMPORTANTE MENSAJ ; SOBRE LA PROTLCCION . DE SUS HIJOS " El primero de Octubre pie 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone daisies lay-off a los Salvavidas y ca jcras de todas las piscinas tie Miami. Esta proposition es muy significante a los paures de los iiinos que a Listen a las piscinas con el colegio ,durante e1 Arno; puss no habran Salvavicias o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos enla piscina o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada colamente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en case ne accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de E;eptiembre a las 3:30 de i.: tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes ode este jueves.. La siguiente carts. es enviada para los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionirios, y no t:engan tiempo de preparar su propia carts, y sep recibida por los Comisionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copias do la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. :; ?= :: .; .; ;f i'r i:- i; $: ;g * is 8: is City Commission 3SO0 Pan American Drive Miaini, Florida. 33133 commissioner: Theodore R.'Gibson Commissioner:Armando. Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon` J.L. Plummer, Dear '"commissioner, L sin taking this oortunity to communicate' to 'you my objection to.the proposed lay ppoff of Lifeguards and Cashiers at city pools on'October .l`, 1979•. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and wa,tor safety is 'so important to our children, local . govornfnent': should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay offwould leave ;.the City o'f ;experienced personnel. without the services Any` amount of' money saved by the City. as a result of the lay offs will be; totahly insigriificarit-if. `just ono person should drown as a result Of the lack of proper. supervision. I therefore urge you to vote against this : proposal. IMPORTANT ;MESSAGE "CONC'+;R1N1IN, YOUR CHILL) {i+:N'S SAFETY " On October 1,.1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants, to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursday September 13th•at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Commisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioner,, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting.. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) o: a * : .: ., .: �. ;: .•: :: * * * •s:' .. 4: •:; ,; •, .. ., .. ., * * if is * IMPORTANTE M'aaNSAJ ; SOBRE LA PROTI:;CCION 1)I SUS FIIJOS " El primero de 0ctubre pie 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de t:odas las piscinas de Miami. Esta proposition es muy. significance :a los peeves do los nihos que asisten a las piscinas con el coleglo ,durante el ario; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijog en la piscina o en los banos y salas de canibio. La supervision sera dada colaniente por los maestros aol colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus h.i jon on case ae accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan>a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septie►nbre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes de este jueves. La siguiente carte es enviada pare los padres interesados, quo deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carte, y.ses? recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septierbre. Si desea, h ga copias de la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. * 3: * * g 3: 8: . City Commission 350u pan American Drivo Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferro Commissioner::, Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando; Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon'. Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Jr. Dear 'Commissioner,' I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local government should do its part: to improve such programs riot hinder thom. This proposed lay. off would leave the of experienced personnel. City without the services. .y'amount of money saved by the City as a result of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just ono person should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision. urge you to vote against this proposal. IMPORTANT: Afl SS'.GI CONCErt1 INil YOUR CHILllRratT'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. rfhis action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. 'his supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t;hursd,ay September 13th• at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Coimuisioners prior to that date. The following; form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail ono to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) ' IMPORTANTE IL NSAJe SOBRE LA PROTECC:ION !)1. SUS HIJOS El primer() de Octubre lie 1979, la ciudad de I,Iiami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. testa proposicion es muy . significante a los padres de los Ziinos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio •durante el afro; pues no habran Sa,lvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada solaurrente por los maestros ael colegio cuales es posible no tengan la exporienciao el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la proteccion a sus hijos en CDs() oe accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistnn.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 do Sept;iembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a este proposicion. Si usted no puecte asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes _de este jueves. La siguiente carta es errviada pare los padres interesados, que deseen eseribir a los cornisionarios, y no t.engan tiempo de preparar su propia carte, y see recibida por los Comisionarios antes do 1a reunion el jueves 13 de Septiernbre. Si d.esea, Liege copies dog la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados :- ,: ':• * ., ., ? ic' :: ., ds :; is * * * # * City Commission 350u pan lmeriean Drive Miaini, Florida. 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner.: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacnsa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer 0 Dear Commissioner, amtaking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection o -thee proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local government should`do its partto improve such programs not hinder them.' This proposed lay off, would leave the City without the services of experienced personnel. amount of money saved oy the City as >'a remilt of the lay offs will _be`totally , insignificant if just one person should drown as a result of the lack of propiorsupervision. therefore urge you to, voteagainst this proposal. " IMPORTANT MESSI GE CONCERNDO YOUR C?IIL1RWS SAFETY "' On October 1, 1979 the city of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguard.; or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. Yhis suporVisi.on will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to c:ffectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission moetina on thursday September 13th at 3:3() P.M. and speak against this proposal. If' you cannot attend, write the various City Cornmisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail' one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * * u. .r . . *r J :. -:u. �. �: .' * u. * i �r fir. :: * :r Y P *�: .: ::- =.: $o .. rc .. .c :. a .:.sr ., :. .. '., ..• ,. .. ?'r .,- .. ., ., is 35 is .: 3, $ IMPORTANTE 'MENSAJn; SOBRE LA PROT1 CCION DE SUS IIJOS " El primer() de Octubre cae' 1979, la Ciudad de Miami propane darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Ca joras de t:oaas las piscinas de !Miami. Este proposicion es muysignificante a los pucii'es de los iiinos que a:,isten a las piscinas con el colegio .dure.nte of caiio; puss rio hahran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los buffos y sales de cainbio. La supervision sera dada colamente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario pare ejercir la protection a sus hijon en caso oe accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asisten.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septieinbre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, escribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carte es enviada pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carte, y sep recibida por los Comisionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, nage copies do la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. $ * .. .. * * $c *: 3c .3 .. .. City Commission' 350U pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. F'erre Commissioner: Theodor'e R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lac a s a. Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer,' . Dear Commissioner,, Iam taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay- off' of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In .the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off would leave the C of, experienced personnel. without the services. amount of ` money seven,by the City as a result of the lay offs will be totall4. insignificant if just ono person should drown as a •result o f the; lack of . proper supervision. this proposal. wr " :IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCEfi1IMI YOUR CHILWr.','N'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. 'Ibis supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursday September 13th at 3:300 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attene, write the various City Corrunisioners prior to that ante. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to snake copies and mail ono to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) 08 ., * ., * * .. * * °' e! * * °; ., ;; S= * * * * * di " IMPORTANTE MENSAJE SOBRE LA Pi 0TLCCION D1, SUS HIJOS " El primers, de Octubre tie 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Ca jeras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposicion es muysignificante a los padres de los ninos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio ,durante cal alio; pues no harran Sslvavicias o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banos y;sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada so1amente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experienci.a o el entrenamiento de natation necesario para a jercir la protection a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u°de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes de este jueves. La siguiente carta.`es enviada pars los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionari.os, y no tengan tiempo de proparar su propia carts, y sep recibida por los Comis.ionarias antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, hags copies de le carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. * .. .. City Commission; 3500 Pan American Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner:. Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L.' Plummer, .Dear'Commissioner, I 1.alif taking this. opportunity to communicate to you`my objection o the proposed lay"off of: Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October.l, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of:,,swimming and water safety is;,rio important. to our children, loc al government should do : ;its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off would leave of experienced` personnel. ty without the services Any 'amount of money s�7ved by the City as' a result of the lay offs will he, totally insignificant if just one person should drown as a result of the`;,lack of proper 'supervision'. against this proposal. " IMPORTANT MESSAGF CONC :RNIN,l YOUR CHILIAEN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to ley off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguard: or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t:hursday September 13th- at 3:3U P.M. and speak against this proposal. If' you cannot attend, write the various City Commisioners prior to that cinte. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) f JE SOBRE LA PROTECCION DE SUS HTJOS " El primer's de Octubre ee 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Esta proposicion es muy. significante a `los padres de los iiinos que"asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .ciurante of aiio; pues no habrsn Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos enla piscina o en los Banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada colaunente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la exper.iericis o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la proteccion a sus hijos en ca.so de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 do septieinbre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada pars los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y. no tengar, tiempo de preparar su propia carts, y sen recibida por los Colnlslonarlos antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, raga copias do la carts y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajomensionados. i5 :: . * * * ., is .. City Commission: 35OU Pan. American, Drive. Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferro Commissioner: Theodore H. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Locos'a Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, do * :: * * * * Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to comniunicate to you my objection to the proposed 1ay:''off of -Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October'1,, 1979. , Inthe south' Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local government should -do its.part to improve such programs not. hinder:them.. This .proposed lay.- off wou of experienced personnel. without ,the services, Any amount of money saved by ° the City as 'a result of the lay offs will .be. totally insignificant if just ono,>person should drown as a result of the lack 'of proper supervision.` I therefore urge you Thank. you " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILD EN'S SAFETY " On October. 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. 'this suporvisi.on will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission mooting on t:liursday ;eptemoer 13th= at 3:3(i P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend,`' write the various City Cornaisioners prior to that ante. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissionerspriorto the September lath commission meeting. You may wish to,rnako copies and mailone to each of the Commis— sioners listed below: (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER s� „ * .. �; .: .. �• e, „ ., .,, .. ., is .. 3: * * * 4: * "' IMPORTANTE MEN Sf J ; SOBRE LA PROT1 CCION 1)E SUS HLJOS " El primer() de Octubre tie 1979, la ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Ca joras do todas las piscinas de Miami. Esta proposicion es muy . significant° a los padres de los winos que a$isten a las piscinas con el colegio .durente of aiio; pues no hahran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solamente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experieucia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en caso ae accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de le tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada pars los padres interesados, quo . deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de pr©parar su propia carts, y ser recibida por los Comiaionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, hags copias do la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados.: a r * 4- .; ..* .. .* * * * .• City Commission 3500 Pan American drive Miami, Florida 33133 • Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, September "10, Dear Commi'ssioner,;- I am taking. this opporbpnityto corMunicate to you my objection to the proposed lay `off of Lifeguard's and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979.• Tn the southFlorida area where knowledge of swimming and water ssfety is'ao important to our children, local government should.do• its part to improve such programs not hinder�.r,thom.• This proposed lay off would leave of experienced personnel. Lhout the services Any amount of money 'saved by the City as a result of the will be totally insignificant if just ono person should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision. T therefore Thank you V �tf,s� �24 " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNINJ YOUR CHILD a'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami in planing to iny off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very sii'nificant to the parents of children who attend city peels with their schools during; the year; since there will be no Lifeguard: or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. Yhis supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursday September 13th- at 3:3Ci P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Coinmisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may net have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) :; .. ;; .. ..- s: .. .. .. .. .: .. .. .. ,.. .. .v .. .; .. ., .. .. .. .. .. ., .: * * is * 3: IME'ORTANTE MENSAJ ; SOr3RE LA Pi?OTECCION Di. SUS HIJOS El primero de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras do Codas las piscinas de Miami. Esta proposicion es muy . signif icante a los padres do los limos que asisten a las piscinas con el co.legio .durente el ario; dues no habran Sslvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos enla piscina o en los bangs y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada col€mente per los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario pare ejercir la proteccion a sus hijos en caso tie accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padre: que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carta es eiiviada pars los padres interesados, que aeseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de proparar su propia carts, y sen recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiernbro. Si desea, hags copias do la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajomensionados. * City Commission 350u pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Armando Lac as a Rose Gordon J.L. Plummer, J Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off' i of Lifeguards and 'Cashiers at City pools on "October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed Lay 'off..would : save the City wihout , the. of experienced" personnel. services; Any amount of money .saved by the City as a result:_ of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just ono person should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision. I therefore urge you to vote against this proposal. Thank you. "'IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNINr1 YOUR CHILL:i;lEN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami in planing to ley off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectivelyprotect your children from accidents and cirownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursday September 13th- at 3:3C P.M. and speak ' against this proposal. If you cannot ettene, write the various City Commisioners prior to that date The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the. September 13th commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) :: .: * .s * s * c* * " IIyt'PORTANTE NIENSAJi; SOSRE El primer() de Octubre de 1979, la Ciudad _ de. Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de t.odas las piscinas de Miami. 1 sta proposicion es muy.significante a los padres do los iiiiios que a>isten a laas piscinas con el colegio .durante oi aiio; pues rio habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos enla piscina o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solamente por los maestros ael colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiericis o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario pars ejercir la proteccion a sus hijos en ca.so ae accidentes. Es por eso le a.dvertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembro a las 3:30 de la tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. • La siguiente carta es enviada pars los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no t,engan tiempo de pr©parar su propia carts, y sep recibida por los Comisionarios antes d© la reunion el jueves 13 de Septierribre. Si a.esea, hr ga copias do la Carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Rose Gordon O.L. Plummer Theodore R. Gibson Jr September>1O, Dear ;Commissioner,; I am .taking' this. opportunity."to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay" 'off" 'of LifegU'ards• and -Cashiers at City pools on Octoberh, 1979. of ,swimming'"and'wate local gov©rnment."sho hinder `"thorn: In tie southFlorida area where knowledge r safety ;is CO important to our children, uld do its part to improve such programs not This proposed lay off would leave the City without the services of experienced personnel." Any amount of ""money saved .by the City as a re.s iltof the lay offs" will be totally.: insignificant if just ono: person should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision. I therefore Thank` you cy i vote against this`proposa " IMPORTANT i'ThSSAGE CONCERNIWl YOUR CN.ILD'itO !S SAFL'TY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards. and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguard: or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. 'ibis supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to .attend the Commission meeting on t;hursdc.y September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Coirunisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * ?; is :; 3; .. * .,• * * * .: .: „ * * .: i:- * i; * * * 0 IMPORTANTE MENSAJE SOBRE LA PROTLCCION DE SUS FIIJOS " El primero 'de Octubre cte 1979, la ciudad de Miami nropone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajcras de todas las piscinas tie Miami. 1;sta proposition es muy . significante a los padres rio los iiihos que anisten a las piscinas con el colegio durante of ario; pues no habran Saiv avidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijo:s en la piscine o en los banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada colacriento por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experionci.ao el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus n.i jos en caso ae accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no poed° asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes 'de este jueves. La siguiente Carta, es enviada pars los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los cornisionarios, y no tengan tiernpo de preparar su propia carts, y sep recibida por los Comisionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, nags copias do la carts y enviela a todos los cornisionarios debajo mensionados. City Commission 35Ou Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Terre Commissioner Theodore Commissioner: Armando Lacnsa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: O.L. Plummer, Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity•to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay" off'„of Lifeguards-' and Cashiers at city pools on October 1, 1979. In the south i.1lorida area where knowledge of swimming arid water, ':safety. is so important to our children, local government should do -its. part to iraprove such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off_ would leave the'City without the services of experienced 'personnel.' Any amount of' money saved by the City as a result of:t will be totally insignificant if just one person should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision. I therefore urge r' IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONC RNINJ YOUR CEILI {r.N'S SAFETY " On October. 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker room;. 'lhis supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to nf'fectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t;hursday September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. 1f you cannot attena, write the various City Comrnisioners prior to that ctate. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13tt commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) ?; ib ;; d .; .: .: :: ::• ., .: .: -:c .. .: .. ., .. ., .. •, .. -:: ., 4: .. .e $i• is .: o. * " IMPORTANTE MENSAJi'; SOBRE LA PROTECCION DE SUS FIIJOS " El primero de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Saivavidas y Cajoras de t:odas las piscinas de Miami. ista proposicion es muy significante a los paures do los ninos que 'asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante el ail(); cues no hahran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada solaunente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en ca.so ae accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asisten,a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Sept;ieinbre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puecie asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carte es enviada pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los cornisionerios, y no tengur. tiempo de.. preparar su propia carte, y sen recibida por los Cornisionarios antes de la; reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si d.esea, ha:ga copies do la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lecasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Dear Commissioner, I.am.taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards`, and Cashiers at City pools on October:1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water naf ety:- is no important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. . This proposed lay.of wou of experienced;'personnol. the City without the services Any amount of money saved by the ` city : as a result' of the lay offs will be totallyinsignaficart if just: one, person should drown as a result of the' lack `of proper supervision. • " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILLS .EN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker room:,. ;his supervision will cue entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and cirownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t;hursday September 13th- at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attenu, write the various City Commisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) .. .. ?: ., .. * ., ., * .. * : * ;: 2: * : t is s' * ib * * * * " IMPORTANTE MENSAJE SOBR1 LA Pf OTLCCION DE SUS HIJOS " El primer() de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de tsodas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposicion es muy.significante a los padres de los ii dos que anisten a las piscinas con el colegio.durante e1 sflo: pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solamente por los maestros aol colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiericie o el entrenamiento de natation necesario para ajercir la protection a sus hijos en ceso ee accidentes. Es por eso le ndvertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Sept;iembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carte es enviada para los padres interesados, quo deseen escribir a los cornisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carte, y see recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la, reunion el jueves 13 de Septierribre. Si aesea, Naga copies do la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. .. .. :: .. .. * •1: is .. $: „" * City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Armando Lacasa Rose, Gordon J.L. Plummer,; * d: it. ai * $; * Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate;to you my objection. to the proposed lay off of ""Lifeguards and Cashiers at city pools on October 1, 1979. In the south F".loridaarea where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not This proposedlay off would of experienced personnel. without the services Any amount `of mone• y :saved "by .:the,'City as' a renult of the lay offs will be totally' insignificant" if just one::person should drown as •a.•result of the lack of proper supervision. I therefore urge Thank. you proposal. " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNIaf YOt1R CHILL EN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. 'this supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t:hursday Septemoer 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Comisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the conndssioners prior to the September lath Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) " IMPORTANTE M ]NSAJij SOBRE LA PROT1CCION 1)E SUS HTJOS " El primer() de Octubre ee 1979, la Ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off' a los Selvavidas'y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposicion es rnuy.significante a los padres do los mhos que asisten a leis piscinas con el colegio •durante of a?o; pues rio habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos enla piscine o en los be os y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada r.olaunente por los maestros eel colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o e1 entrenamiento de natation necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en coso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistnn.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 do Sept:iembre a las 3:3e ee la tarde y negarse a este proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, °scribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes de este jueves. La siguiente carte es onviada para los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los cornisionerios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carte, y see recibida por los Cornisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea,copias de la carts y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. .. .. c * * * City Commission 350e Pan emeriean Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Terre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner:. Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, September 10 Dear.; Commissioner, I am taking this. opportunity to communioate to you my objection to• the••proposed lay:- off of Lifeguards end Cashiers at city pools on October 1, 1979• Inthe. south Florida area where knowledge of .swimming -,and water safety is :io important to our children, local government should do 'its. part to: improve such programs not hinder `thorn. This proposed . lay off would leave the of experienced personnel. without the services Any amount of money saved oy the <city as a result of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just onoperson should drown as a result of the lack of proper.. supervision. I therefore ` urge y Thank you -\'\VS\ r), • ti \\" 5 ,cA J " .IMMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNIM1 YOUR CHILIMEN'S SAFETY " 0n October 1, 1979 the City. of Miami is planing to ln.y off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker roomca. ',his supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursday September 13th• at 3:3(i P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attena, write the various City Coininisioners prior to that date. The following form letter in provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to theSeptember 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM * LETTER cc :C :' :: :: :' :! :•. �: :! :: i! �� • i!' .�:' :: :! :! : �:: :i i; i• .;i 3. * 3: * " IMPORTANTL M NSAJi SOBRE LA PROTECCI01` DE SUS H.fJOS " El primer() de Octubre cie 1979, la ciudad de I'Ziami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Ca jeras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Esta proposicion es muy , significante a los pauees do los iiihos que asisten a las piscinas con el coleojo •durante el also; hues no habran salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscina o en los banns y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada oolauriente por los maestros ael colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experieracia o e'1 entrenarniento de natation necesario para ejercir la proteccion a sus hijos en coso ae accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de in tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, oscriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carts. es enviada para los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los cornisionnrios, y no t.engan tiempo de pr©parar su propia carts, y see recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembro. Si desea, Naga copias de la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. .• :; .: City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferro Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioners Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner:` J.L. Plummer, Dear. Cominiaeioner, I.am taking this opportunity•; to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools • on October'1, 1979. In the `south` Florida area where knowledge of swimming and, water safe.ty`° is so•. iriportr rit to our children, local • `government shou•ld 'do it•s part to irmprove such programs not hinder` thorn. •This proposedJay-,off. would leave the City wiihout the services •fr of experienced personnel. Any amount of money saved by the City as `a rosuht of the la will be totally insignificant if just ono.,person`should drown as a result of: the lack of prop or supervision. voisfaiiiiimarej " IMPORTANT MNSSS4GF CONCERNINCr YOUR CIIILL tr.".N'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. ?bis supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we: urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on Lnursday September 13th- at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attena, write the various City Cominisioners prior to that (late. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (.SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) ,: * :: '' .. y * * * ; e: a 4: * * is i:- * * * " II4iPORTANTE MENSAJ , SOBRE, LA PROTECCION DE SUS HiJOS " El primer() de Octubre ue 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de t;odas las piscinas de Miami. lista proposition es muy,significante a los padres de los Winos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante of aalio; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos enla piscina o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada eolaunente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamierito de natation necesario pars ejercir la protection a sus hijos on cos() de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de sept:iembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carts es enviada pars los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de proparar su propia carts, y sen recibida por los Comisionarios antes do .la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si d.esea, raga copias do la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. ;: .. .. .. # * :; is * .. .. .. .. City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Terre Commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Theodore R. G bson Armando Lao ds a Rose Gordon J.L. Plummer, Jr. * 3:. is 3: 4: $: ::.4: d: d: Dear "Commies ioner, I am taking this opportunityto communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay `off of. Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is :so important to our children, local government should do itspart to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off, would leave of experienced personne)1. without the services Any amount of' money saved by the City as a result of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just one person should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision. I therefore urge you Thank vote against this proposal. f IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILD i'1'S .SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or 1'ornale attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. '1this supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have t:he necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursday ; eptenaer 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attena, write the various city Commisioners prior to that crate. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th commission meeting. You may wish to snake copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER). "IMPORTANTE' MENSAJt; SO3RE LA PROTECCION 1)E SUS HTJOS " El primero de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Ca jeras de todas las piscinas tie Miami. k sta proposition es rnuy significante a los pauses tie los n.Jios que anisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante of Clio; pues no hahran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banos y sales de cambiO. La supervision sera dada co1amente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiericia o el entrenarniento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus h.ijos en caso ae accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puecte asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes 'de este jueves. La siguiente carta es eriviada pare los padres interesados, clue deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de pr©parar su propia carta, y sen recibida por los Comis.ionarios antes de 1a reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copias do la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. City Commission. 3500 Pan r\meriean Drivo Miami, Florida `33133 Mayor: Maurice A. F'erre Commissioner Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: _Armando Iacasa,, Commissioner: Rose `Gordon Commissioner: J.L."Plummer,; MN i September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local government should c3o its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off would leave the City without the services of experienced personnel. t of 111.,''hsY saved by the City as a result of the lay offs will be totally Anyal_11°In insignificant ifonojust °e Person should drown as a result of the lack of Pror)er supervision. I therefore urge you to vote agairi't th is proposal. hank you " IMPORTANT- MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR c7IIILDeEN'S SAFETY " On October.l, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguard: or female attendant: to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. yiiis supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursday September 13th at 3: 3a P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Conunisioners prior to that unto. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to snake copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * * a .! ':: :! ':! * :• * * .! * * :! 9: i.' * ': '. .. •. 'n * * * * * is * " IMPORTANTE MENSAJE SOt3RE LA PROTEC';ION DP SUS 1IJOS " El primero de Octubre (ie 1979, la ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de t:odas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposicion es muy . signif icante a los parses de los iiinos que ar isten a las piscinas con el colegio •durante o1 aflo; puss rio habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banes y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada colamente por los maestros aol colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natation necesario pare ejercir la protection a sus h.ijon en coso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan,a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 do Septieinbre a las 3:3e tie 1a tarde y negarse a este proposition. Si usted no nuecte asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carte es enviada pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengcrn tiempo de preparar su propia carte, y sep recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. se aesea, Liege copiers dog la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. ., * * * ,. City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferro Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson' Commissioner: Armando Laceee Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Jr. DearComms.io isner, I am taking this opportunity to'communicate to you my objection to the proposed layoff of Lifeguards' and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. ,In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safetyis no important to our children, local government should do its" part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off would -leave the, City Without the services of experienced' Personnel'. Any amount of money '"saved 'by the`City as a result of the lay offs will be totally, insignificant if just ono, person should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision. I therefore urge you ►s IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILD;iEN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguard: or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will cie entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting: on t:hursd y Septemioer 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Colnmisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * •• * _: • " *_ :: * * * * i/ :E•L :: * .•: • :: :: * * * is * * '► IMPORTANTE HENSAJE SOBRU LA PROTLCCION DE SUS .FIIJOS " El primero de Octubre ee 1979, la ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajeras de Codas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposicion es muy . significante a los pauses de los winos que anisten a lets piscinas con el colegio ,durente of ario; hues no hahran S4lvavicias o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos enla piscine o en los banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada colamente por los maestros cal colegio cuales es posible no tengan la exper.ien.ci.a o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario pars ejercir la protection a sus hijos en ca.so ae accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan;a-la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a este proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir,. escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes -de este jueves. La siguiente carte es enviada pars los padres interesados, quo deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan'tiempo de::preparar su propia carte, y see recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, nage copies do la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensioriados. .. �•. a: s• .. .: ?: it * * * City Commission 350U Pan Arnoriean Drive Mia rii, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon. Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, 1 I I III NM I INNNNNNN Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity tocommunicate to you my objection to the proposed layoff of, Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming andwater safety is so important to our children, local government.should do its part to improve such programs not hinder "thorn. This ,proposed lay off would leave ;the. City without the services of experienced porsonnol. Any amount of money saved by the City as a :result of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just ono person should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision. I therefore urge you to vote against i4 messeee eeeeeRNINr1 YOUR CHILDREN S SAFETY " On October.'1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during; the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or -female attendants to supervise the children _- in the pool or locker rooms. 'phis supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t:hursci y September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak fit against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Commisioners prior to that: date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis sinners listed below. ( SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) :L * : ., ,; ,, ,. :: :• ,. ,: ;f a y.' , ,,. .. .. * ii * * * ?. 'ii .. n n 7i n is •. '..'�. �?' n .. .. :i .. n ?. iC * * * 'tit ?c `IMPORTANTE NENSI J ; SOBRE LA PHOTLCCION DE SUS HIJOS " El primero; de Octubre; ee 1979, la ciudad de; Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Ca joras de Sodas las piscinas die Miami..Eta proposition es muy significante a los padres rle los riinos clue asisten a las piscinas con el colegio ,durente eel ario; pues no habran S€,lvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banos y sales de cembio. La supervision sera dada nolaunente por los maestros ael colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experieiic:ia o el entrenamiento de natation necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hi jos en eoso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan,a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a less 3:3U de lea tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir,'escriba uno tie los varios comisio- narios antes de este jueves. La siguiente carte es enviada pars los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carte, y see recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copias ct la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. •. •, •. * * * * ?c * * * ?: ?:- City Commission 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferrel Commissioner: Theodore R. uibson. Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at city pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed.laY off, would'leaVe'the:CitY'Without the services of experienced personnel. Any amount'cf:lticneYSaVed'py the City as a iireFtlt.t of the lay offs will be totallyone person should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision. I the01:0:Cre'lAge.*YCli to vote against this proposal. "• '•' • • ' Thank you - , " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CfILlir'tEN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to ley off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker roorrm. 1 11is supervision will use entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursday September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attena, write the various City Corninisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September ; lath Commission meeting. You may wish to retake copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) .. ,. * :c .. * .. .. . * .; .. u : a * " IMPORTANTE P ENSAJE SOBRE LA PROTLCCION° DE SUS HIJOS " El primero de Octubre 'tie 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajeras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Esta proposition es rnuy.significante a los padres de los ninos clue anisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante of aiio; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscina o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada zolamente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan is experiencia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario pars ejercir la proteccion a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes 'de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada pars los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carta, y se/3 recibida por los Comis.ionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, nags copias do la carts y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. * .: * .: .. . * * * * * * .• City Commission 35Ou Pan American Drivc Mia'irii, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Fe.rre. Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson' Commissioner Commissioner:. Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Rose Gordon J.L. Plummer, Jr. Dear Commissioner,. I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to, the proposed lay off of Lifeguardsand Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south plorida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local government should ,do , its part to improve such programs not hinder thorn.. This proposed; lay„`off. would leave of experienced personnel. without the services Any amount of money saved by the City as a result of the lay offs willbe totally insignificant if just ono person should drown as &result'of the lack of proper supervision. -w4,164s,iit ...kr«'^s] 1! IMPORTANT MESSAGS CONC RNIN,I YOUR CHILDLira`N'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very sif;nificant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during; the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendant: to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. 'Ails supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnelwho may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t;tiursctny ;;eptember 13th- at 3:30 P.M. and speak against, this proposal. If you cannot attenu, write the various City Comxni: loners prior to that uate. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) " IMPORTANTE MENSAJE SOBRE LA PROTECCION DE SUS HfJOS " El primero de Octubre ue 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Ce joras de Codas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposicion es muy . significente a los paril'es de los irinos que anisten a las piscinas con el colegio .dursnte o1 alio; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos enla piscine o en los banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada solamente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experierici.a o el entrenamiento de natation necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en ca.so de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padre: que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 do sept:iembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a este proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, ascribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada para los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carte, y sen recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre.` Si desea, Naga copies do la Carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. , .. .. .. ,, .: .0 �: * •.1. 'i. : .. .1,. .. S. .: is .. .. . .. , * * * * * * * * * * City Commission 350U Pan American Drive' Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore '':R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Jr Dear Commissioner,= I am taking this oppprtunity.,to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and, Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979..In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder Thom. This proposed lay off would leave. of' experiences personnel. without, the services Any amount of money saved by the city as,a result of the lay offs will be totally , insignificantif just ono person should drown as a result of. the lack of ?proper supervision. I therefore Thank urge you to vote' against this proposal. " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCEflNINr1 YOUR C ILl.iitt+a'N'S SAFETY " On October • 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. a.his supervision will ne entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission mooting on ttiurcday Septemoer 13th• at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. Tf you cannot attend, write the various City Conrunisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * * S: .. :c .. ., :. .. .. .. .. .. .. * ;•:. ., .. .. .• .. 3. * * # is is is * IMPORTANTE N N'NS(JE SOBRE LA PIZOTLCCION UP SUS HIJOS El primer() d© Octubre rie 1979, la c iudad de Miami nropone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Esta proposition es rnuy.significante a los padres rice los.n;nos que anisten a las piscinas con al colegio .durante el alio; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos enla piscina o en los baFos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada colamente por los maestros eel colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experienci.a o el entrenamiento de natacion necessaio para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en ca.so de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Sept:iembre a las 3:30 de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puecie asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de oste jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada para los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionari.os, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carta, y sen recibida por los Comisionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septieinbre. Si desea, naga copias do la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. .. .. .. .. :; * .. * * * ?: ?: ., ?b .. .. •' * of * is * * * * * .:'* is City Commission 350U Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, n 11111111111ina •murnwi11111pmlOO.I Dear, Coinrdi'ssioner, I amptaking this oppprtunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off ot-•Lifeguards and Cashiers at city pools on October 1,19.79. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not • hinder them. This proposed lay off.. would leave the City without the services of experienced personnel. Any amount of money•saved b.y , the City s.s are ult of the `lay ;offs will be totally insignificarit if just ono person should drown` as a result 'of the` lack- of proper supervision. I therefore urge you Thank Ittlitbraz " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CPILUi PIT'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very sienificant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker room:,. '2his supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t nursciay ;;epternaer 13th• at 3: 30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If' you cannot attend, write the various City Cotntnisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis. sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) -:; :; 'c •:; .. =.;- .. ., ib :. ., o .. .. .. .. .. .. :. .. .. . . .c * * i'r * is . * IIVIPORTANTE, MENSAJN SOF3RE-LA PROTECCION DE 'SUS HI OS " El primero de Octubre (e 1979, la ciudad ;de Niami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajeras de codas las piscinas de Miami. Esta proposition es muy.significsnte a los pucues do los linos que a;isten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante el aim; pues no hahran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos enla piscine o en los banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada colamente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experienci a o el entrenarniento de natation necessaro para ajercir la protection a sus hijos on cos ee accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a este proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, .escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes de este jueves. La siguiente carts es enviada pars los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los cornisionar3.os, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carte, y sep recibida por los Camisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre.' Si oesea, nags copies do la carts y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. ., * .. .. .. .. :: ..- :: : - 38 * * ,, d. ;g a• * 3e is City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Terre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner:. Rose 'Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Jr. September 10 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this.opp,ortunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is :no important to our children, local government shoulddo its part to improve such programs not hinder thom. This proposed lay:off of experienced personnel. Any amount of money saved by the City as a"result of the lay offs will be totally insinf�cantif just ono person should drown as a result of the• lack 'of 'propar °supervision. without the services I therefore Thank urge you "to vote against this proposal. " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNIN4 YOUR (fliLlldr�N'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their school;; during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. Yiiis supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission moetina on thursday September 13th- at 3: 3(i P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Corninisioners prior to that date. The following form letter in provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Connninsioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail ono to each of the Commis sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) " IMPORTANTE ME'NSAJE SOBRE LA PROTECf-;ION Di: SUS HIJOS " El primero do Octubre (ie 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cejeras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposicion es muysignificante a los padres de los winos que anisten a las piscinas con el colegio .dursnte @1 ario; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos enla piscine o en los banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada solemento por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experieiicis o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le a.dvertimos a todos los padres que asista.n.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septielnbre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a este proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carte es enviada pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no t•engnn tiempo de preparar su propia carte, y see recibida por los comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septielnbre. Si desea, haga copies do la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. City Commission 35Ou pan emerican Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferry Commissioner:" Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, J I MIN I IIIII •1• I •EINI September Dear :'Commissioner, I a�n Lakin .this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off Of Lifeguards. and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979..Ins the` south Florida` area where knowledge of swimming and Water safety is no important to our children, local govornment should do its: part to improve such programs not hinder :them. This .proposed lay off would leave the City without the services. of experienced personnel. Anyamount of -money saved by the City as a result of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just oneperson should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision. I therefore jute You, to vote against this proposal. Thank Wa.it 5/7 R). /.7Y ,4,4,111/Cf-/A-J " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNIN+1 YOUR Ci ILWEN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker roor . 'l'his supervision will cue entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursct y Septelmber 13th• at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attenu, write the various City Comjriisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who rna,y not have time to 'prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) ii .. n ii •. :: :i :i :i ii i' . :. * a •: „ �. • �. �, .. * * * ii * * Y tt plIT4TOTE MENSAJ ;• SOBRE LA Pk OTLCCION DE SUS HIJ•OS u El primer() de Octubre ue 1979, la Ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposicion es muy . significante a 'los enures de los ninos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio ;dur me el, Rao; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando .a sus hijos enla piscina o en los ban`os y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada solamente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experieucia o el entrenamiento de natation necesario para a jercir la protection a sus hi jos en case tie accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 do Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a este proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, °scribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carts es enviada pare los padres interresados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carte, y sea recibida por los comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copies de la carts y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. * * .. i� .. .. ii i� is 'i. �. �a• � * .0 is ��' * * *�� * ii 'Z: City Commission 350u Pan . American 'Drive' Miaini, Florida. 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore =R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Laeasa. Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Jr. September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off' of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off would leave the City wil;hout the services of experienced personnel. Any amount of money saved by the City as a r(3sult of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just ono person should drown as a resu3.t of the lack of proper supervision. - I therefore urge you to vote against this proposal. Thank you •••.••• ....„..:--...:••••:•••••••••• • ••• .••• • •••••••...- • , iii•IIu 1111 IIuUUP!P " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONC EfNIN i YOUR CHILliitEN'S SAFETY " On October. 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very sisnificant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during; the year; since there will be no Lifeguard:; or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. Sthis supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t:trursday September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attenu, write the various City Commisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEEOTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) ;t ?b d; :: :; .a e : .+: .: . *r .: >: s: .: .. ;; i' * * is * d; 41- " IMPORTANT.E MENS+WI' SOBRE LA Pf OTECCION DE SUS HIJOS " El primer's de Octubre se 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. I+;sta proposicion es cnuy,significante a los pauses do los limos que anisten a las piscinas con el colegio :durtsnte of ario; pues no. habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus.hijoc en is piscina o en los ban`os y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada soleunente por los maestros ael colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experieticia o el entrenamiento de natacion necessary pars ejercir la proteccion a sus hi jos en ca.so de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes ode este jueves. La siguiente carts es enviada pars los padres interesados, quo deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no t.engar, tiempo de preparar su propia carts, y se/2 recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, saga copias do la carts y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. * ., �. * * �:.* ' *.. ' . _ * ., ,. ,. .c° * * is * * * * is City Commission,; 350u Pan American_ Drive Miami, Florida. 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore .Gibeen Commissioner: _Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L.-Plummer, • Dear. Commissioner, I am aking, this opportunity to;.' communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. Inthe south Florida. area where knowledge of swimming and water :safety is so important to our children, local;, government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off would leave of' :experienced personnel. the City wii.hout the services Any . amount of money staved by the City, ae ..a result of"the lay offs will be totally insignificant if Just ono person' should drown as a• result of the lack- of proper supervision. " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILWraM'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their school during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker room:. This supervision will ire entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursciay Septemeer 13th. at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attena, write the various City Cornrnisioners prior to that; crate. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Corrrmi:rsioriers prior to the September 13th commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) :: s;- 4: :: :: is " :: ,. .. 3: * .. .. .. ., .. .. o� .r .. .. .. ., r =.r is S: �: 3: is e: " IMPORTANTE NE SAJi•, SOBRE LA PROTLCCION Iii SUS HLJOS " El primero de Octubre ue 1979, le Ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajeras de t:odas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposition es rnuy.significante a los padres de los minus' que anisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durente el aiio; puss no hahran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hi jos enla piscine o en los barios y sales de carnbio. La supervision sera dada solaunente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o elentrenamiento de natacion necesario pare ejercir la proteccion a sus hijos en c3so de accidentes. Es por eso le advertirnos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 do Septiernbre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a este proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- nerios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carte es enviada pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los cornisionarios, y no t.engan tiernpo de preparar su propia carte, y see recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiernbre. Si desea, Naga copies do la carte y enviela a todos los cornisionarios debajo mensionados. ., .. ,. ' $ :: # * ?: * is .. .. * = = o c * * * * * * * ?: $ * City Commission 350u pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: TheodoreR. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Laeasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Jr. September 3.0, 3.979 Dear Coznm.taaioner, I AM: taking this ...-Opport.Onitt;,to--:communicate-to:yOUIMy objection • .•,,, ,• to the proposed layciff'.-'',6171A;ifegUardaH'andtaahiers at city pools on October .1, 1979. In tho south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water afety is o important to our children, local govornznerit shoulci clo its part to irnprovesuch programs not. hinder thorn.• : • -...• • • • - uldleav without the services This proposed ersbnnel!: the C- of the d layoff offs riehcest 13 s a: 11(.3r1 drown, will be of exPe money .Life City ahould 911Ve° uj just one person amount of ific ant Any -am inSign Y- - of proper ofas a result . - :%the -lack ,sa this proposal. I therefore - , , • .... ' , - •- „ Tharlic''yOu • „ I - " - ,• , IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILiai't4:IN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the city of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursda:y September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Comrnisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and marl one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) S; * is ?i J * •. .: . :: * * 4; .:. I, * '4; 4; * 4; ;: * * * 4: * is * IMPORTANTE MEN AJE SOBRE LA PHOTiiCCION DE SUS HLJOS " El primero de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad . de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de Codas las piscinas do Miami. Este proposition es muy significante a los padres de los irinos que anisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante cl ario; puss no habran Sailvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada solaunonte por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experioncia o e•1 entrenamiento de natacion necesario pars ejercir la protection a sus hijos en ca.so de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3U de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puecte asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carts es enviada pare los padres interesados, quo deseen escribir a los 'comisionari.os, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carts, y sen recibida por los Comisionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, ii ga copias do la carts y enviela a todos los. comisionarios debajo mensionados. .: ., . is 4; g 4: :; :; i; i; d; .; 3; $; :; :b s„ d; 4; City Commission 350u pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice- A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacas Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Jr. • Dear Commissioner, I am taking` this oppprt`unity to``communicate to you my objection to the proposed" lsy off of: Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on Octera ,, 1979. In the south', Y"lorida area cohere knowledge ob of swimming and water' safety is so important to our children, local,govornment should do; its part .to improve such programs not hinder thorn. w This proposed lay off ould: of experienced psrsonnei. Without the services Any amount of money -„saved .by tYhe City as a result of the lay offs will . be totally insignificant if just ono person should drown as a result of the lack. of propAr supervision. 111 11111 1111111111 1111M ft IMPORTANT MESSAGt. CONCGERNINil YOUR Ct?ILWEN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami in planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools., This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on tThursday ,;epteza er 13th at 3:3(i P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attenc, write the various City Cozntnisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September lath Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis sinners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FORFORMLETTER) :; :; °: . c * * .� * * s * * .. o; .. .. ..• .. ., ., o. * * o; it IMPORTANTE MENSAJE SOBRE>LA PROTECCION ICE SUS H1JOS e El primer() , de Octubre de 1979, la eluded de Miami propone darlea lay-off a los Salvavidas y Ca joras de tsodas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposicion es muy.significante a los padres de los iiinos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante el rlio; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solaunente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario pare ejercir la protection a sus hijos en ca.so oe accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padre: clue asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septieinbre a las 3:3u de 1a tarde y negarse a este proposicion. Si usted no puecte asistir, ()scribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no t;engan tiempo de preparar su propia carte, y sen recibida por los Comisionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, haga'_copies de la carte y enviela a todos los * .. * • * comisionarios debajo mensionados. City Commission 350u Pan Azmrican Drive' Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Theodore A. Gibson grmando Lac pis a Rose `Gordon J.L. Plummer, r. � .. * is * * * * 41. Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opporbunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida : area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local government should' do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay.. off would leave the Ci of experienced personnel. .without the services Any amount of money saved by the City as a -results of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if dust ono person'should drown as a -.result 'of the lack of proper supervision. I therefore urge you to vote Thank:`"`you' III BRIAR iniimmerg " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNIN.x YOi?R CPILDAEN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguard: or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. ?his supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t;nursday Septemoer 13th at 3:3(i P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Cornniisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) ,: ,-.. -, a :: 4 - 4 ,L 4 ,. 4 , „ . 4:: s a ,: It IMPORTANTE 'MBNSAJE SOI3RE'LA PROTLCC.;ION DE SUS HIJOS El primer() de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami propene darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de Codas las piscinas cie Miami. Este proposicion es ruy . signific znte - a los pnures de los ninos clue an isten a las piscinas con el colegio`.durante el Clio; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos enla piscina o en les Banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada c olasrlente oor les maestros ael colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entr.enamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la proteccion a sus hijos en case oe accidentes. Es per eso le a.dvertimos a todos los padres que asistan,a la reunion de les Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, escribe uno de los varies comisio- narios antes de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada para los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los cornisionari.os, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carta, y sen recibida por los Coinisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, naga copies do la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. .. ,. .. .. * g: :: , * City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miaini, Florida: 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre' Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson; Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer; Jr * 1. * # :1 8: * * * * i:• E i Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is :no important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder -'them. This proposed lay-off would leave the.0 of experienced personnel., without the services Any amount of money staved by tYe City as .a iranult of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just one person should drown as a result of`the lack of proper supervise; I therefore urge.. you Thank'. you " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNIN+f YOT1R CHILD' KN'S SAFETY " On October. 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t:hursday September 13th at 3:3(i P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Corniisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) JC :: `4 * :i * J: * * :: :: :: : * ** * :: * * * is is * IIviPORTANTE MENSfJL SOBRE LA PFtOTLCCION,' DE BUS HTJOS El primers de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas.de Miami. Este proposition es muysignificante a los peeves de los winos 'sue anisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante el afro; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos enla piscine o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solauriente por los maestros .del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario pars ejercir la protection a sus hijos en ca.so de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septicinbre a las 3:3U de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no nuede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carta, y sep recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, raga copies de la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados * * * * .. .. .. .. :; * 4: i * * * * * is City Commission 350U Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida 33133 . Mayor: Maurice A. Ferro` Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: _Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L.Plummer, aM ,.KV�!T+ September ,10, 1979 .DearCommissioner, I an taking this opportunity to "communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and -Cashiers at city pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder. thoin. This proposed lay, 'off would Leave of experienced personnel. without the services Any aniount�. of moneyf s.faved by the City as a result of the lay offs will be totally insignificarit if just , ono person should drown as a -result :of the lack cif proper supervision. I therefore urge y 1111111111111111711111111 111111111119,1 IMPORTANT i`18SSS4GE CONCERNIN YOUR C;HILWEN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very sifrnificant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguard: or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker room:,. 'his supervision will cue entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children .from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursday ,;eptember 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Commisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not, have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Comniissioriers prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * o: ., .: .. ; : ,. :: * * e: ., , * .: * * * g: * * * * * " IMPORTANTE MENSA0i, SOBRE LA PROTLCCIOn 1)E SUS HIJOS " El primers de Octubre Cte 1979, la ciudad de Miami propene darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Ca jcras de Codas las piscinas de Miami. k sta proposition es muy . significante a los padres do los winos que anisten a las piscinas con el colegio.durante el aio; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscina o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solaunente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experienci.a o el entrenamiento de natation necesario para ejercir la proteccion a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan,a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de 1a tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada para los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tenga.n tiempo de preparar su propia carta, y sen recibida por los Comisionarios antes d© 1a reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copias do la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. * .. 4: * * * * ** City Commission,' 350u pan American Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson' Commissioner: _Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Jr. 11 I 111111111111111111 Dear Commissioner, 1 am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the • proposed ' lay off of Lifeguards and. Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local govcrnxnent should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off would of experienced :personnel. without the services Any amount of 'money saved by the City_ as a result of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just one person should drown as a result of`the`lack of proper supervision. 1 I ■AUNPneai " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNIN;) YOUR CIIILLMEN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very sifrnificant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during; the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to r+ffectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission moetirig on t;hursday 'ieptember 13th- at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Corrunisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting;. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) IMPORTANTE MEN SAJ ; SOE3RE LA 'PftOTLCCION DE SUS HiJOS " El primero de Octubre (if,' 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajeras de Codas las piscinas de Miami. Esta proposition es muysignificante a los padres ,`delos niaos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio.durante @1 aio; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscina o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solannente por los maestros Axel colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natation necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos'a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este, jueves 13 de Sept;iembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, :escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada para los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y"no tengan tiempo de proparar su propia carta, y se/3 recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si d.esea,`haga copias do la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. .. ::- .. .. ::- .. .. .. .;: :: :; .." * is * * .f .b * * is City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Jr. September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection • to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In; the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local government should do its partto improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed, lay off wouldleave the City without'the services of experienced' ' personnel. Any amount of. money saved by. the City as . a result of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just ono person should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision. I therefore Thank you urge you to vote against this proposal. " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILli,tEN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very nipnificant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to r:ffectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t;hursday Septexaber 13th- at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. Tf you cannot attend, write the various City Cornunisioners prior to that unto. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) " IMPORTANTE MENSAJ ; SOBRE LA PROTLGCION LiL SUS HTJOS El primero do Octubre oe 1979, 1a ciudad de fiami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Esta proposicion es muysignificante a los p:mires de los ninon clue asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante el ano; pues no habran Salvevidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijoc enla piscine o en los banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada colaumente por los maestros del colegio cuales es possible no tengan la experienci.a o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hi jon en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos •los padres clue asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiernbre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a este proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de ante jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada para los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los cornisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carts, y sen recibida por los Comis.ionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, raga copies do la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. .;; * ;: * ,: :: .e o. .: o: .f 3f $: .: is City Commission 350u pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre;' Commissioner: Theodore R. uibsoz Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon -' Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Jr.` Dear Commissioner, I am, taking this opportunity to communicate' to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lif'eguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south plorida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no. important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This :proposed lay ';off. would ' leave the C of experienced personnel. Any amount of: money :saved by the City as a reaUlt of:: the lay offs will be totally'. insign:ificant if just ono person should'drown as a result of- the lack of proper supervision. I therefore urge you Thank you ...040. If IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILWU'N S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing; to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. Thisaction is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguard:; or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission moetirig on thursday ;;epternber 13thh at 3: 3u P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Cornrnisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies: and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) LA PR0T1 CCIO ' 1)E SUS HIJOS " El primer() de Octubre die1979, la ciudad de miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras do todos las piscinas tie Miami. Esta proposition es muysignificante a los padres -de los iiinos clue asisten a las piscinas con el colegio ,duresnte o1 aino; pines no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos enla piscina o en los banns y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada rolamente por los maestros ael colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experioncia o e'1 entrenamiento de natation necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan,a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septi.embre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada para los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionari.os, y no tengun tiempo de preparar su propia carta, y ser recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiernbre. Si d.esea, Naga copias do la carta y enviela a todos los cornisionarios debajo mensionados. * * * is * * * * * * * * City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Dear °Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to comrriunicate `to you. my objection to• the proposed 'lay: off of'Lifeguards 'find Cashiers - at City pools • • on October.- 1, :1979. In the south ip'lorida area where knowledge of swimming and writer :tysafeis": so important. to. our children, local govornment should do its part to improve • such programs not hinder,:them. This proposed ;lay, offwould of experienced` porsorinel. ty lli tshout the services Any amount of. money saved by the - City as a result of "the lay otfs will .be totally insignificant i'f just :one person:should drown,' , as a 'result of the lack of proper supervision. I therefore urge Thank you " IMPORTANT MESSAGE; CONC RNIN,f YOUR CHILDc'tt N'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami in planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. 'ibis supervision will tie entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t.hursciay Septemeer 13th at 3:3U P.M. and speak against this proposal. If' you cannot attend, write the various City Comniisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting;. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) It IMPORTANTE NIENSAJ ; SOBR1✓ LA P} OTECC;ION DE,SUS HIJOS " El primero do Octubre tie 19?9, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de Codas las piscinas de Miami. Esta proposition es muy.significante a los padres 'de los niaos- que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante el ano; pues rio habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solaunonte por los maestros ael colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natacion necessary pars ejercir la protection a sus h.ijos en coso oe accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u`de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no suede asistir, iscriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes -de este jueves. La siguiente carts es enviada pare los padres inter'esados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan.. tiempo de preparar su propia carts, y senrecibida por los Comisionarios "antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septieinbre. Si desea, nags copias do la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. •. n .. .. is :i 4:• "i ?i *, ,I .. * * * * is * * * * * City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: 'Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner:. Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Jr. Dear:' Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at city pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off' would of experienced personnel. without the services Any amount of money saved' by the City as a .rerult of the ley offs wil3. be `totally insignificant if just' one person should drown as a result of the lack.of'proper supervision. 1 III 11111 111111 NMI ■I 1I!1 " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILWEN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami in planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during; the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. 'his supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t:hursciay 3epteinber 13th at 3:3(i P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Cornmisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to ;`the, September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) e _ * s: ;s ., o: .: * * * r 3i is * is * IMPORTANTE'P'IENSAJE SOBRE LA Pf OTEC(;ION 1)E SUS HIJOS " El primero de Octubre (10 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidasy Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. 1 sta proposition es muy significante a los pnui'es de los iiinos clue aaisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante el aiio; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banos y :galas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solaunente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario pars ejercir la proteccion a sus hijos en coso deaccidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a,las ;3:30 de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. Le siguiente carts es eriviada pares los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los'comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carts, y sea recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, nags copias do la carte y enviela a todos los cornisionarios debajo mensionados. .. .. n 7 ;: * •i: * * * * ti J J• o. '4 * * * :• City Commission 35Ou Pan American Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferro Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Dear Commissioner,: I am'taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards. and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed '`lay ;'off would heave; of experienced personnel. without the services Any amount of :money staved by ,the City as a • result of the lay offs will be 'totally insignificant if just ono person should drown as a result of• the lack of proper supervision. I therefore urge If IMPORTANT MESS4GI CONC :RNIN4 YOUR CHILIAr.'N'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lny off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very sijrnificant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. 'l.his supervision will ire entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t:hursday Septemoer l3th- at 3:3(' P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Cosunisioners prior to that state. The following form letter in provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) " II'IPORTANTE MENSAJE SOBRE LA PROTECCION OE SUS HIJOS " El primer() de Octubre ue 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a les Salvavidas y Cajoras de Codas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposition es muy.significante a los pfwres do los iiinos que anisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante of allot pues no habran Selvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banns y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada solemente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experienci.a o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario pare ejercir la proteccion a sus hijos en ceso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan,a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Sept:iembre a 3 3o de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puecie asistir, escribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carte es enviada pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionari.os, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carte, y see recibida por les Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, hage copies de la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados City Commission 350U Pan American Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferro Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Laeasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Jr. 3: 3: * 3:- 3:- i:.3: 3: 3: * Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to"communicate.to you my objection to the proposed lay off Of' fireguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge • of swimming and water cafety is; ao important to our children, local government should do its part`to -improve such programs not This proposed lay off wou of experienced personnel.. Any amount of money saved ;by the City as a . result off the lay off's will be totally insignificant if just one person should drown as a� result of the lack of ;proper supervision. I therefore urge you Thank- you ■ IMPORTANT MESSAGE AGE7' CONCb RN ININ `•YOUR C lIILDREN' S SAFETY On October 1, 1979 the City of f Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very sij,;nificant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursday septeriioer 13th at 3:3U P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attena, write the various City Cominisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Comni.ssioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) .: .. .. * * * * * * " ` * * ., * * * * 3: * * * IMPORTANTE MEN AJ; SO3RE LA PROTECCION . !)C SUS 'HfJOS El primero de Octubre de 1979, la eiudad de Miami:;propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. E.sta proposicion es muy . significante a los padres ` do los Tinos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio ,durante 01 silo; piles no habran Salvavidas o mu jeres super- visando a sus hijos en 1a piscine o en los banos.y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solaniente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experienci:a o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le a.dvertimos a todos los padres que asistan,a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de ;Septiiembre a las 3: 3C ,de la tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puecte asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes _de este jueves. La siguiente carts es enviada Para los padres interesados, que cieseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo die preparar su propia carts, y sep recibida por los Comisionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septieinbre. Si desea, naga copias do la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. * ,. ., * 3; .. * * * * * City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioners Armando Lac .sa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, a September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate;; to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the aouth Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local government should., do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off: would• leave the City ""without„the services of experienced persor►nt-1. Any amount" of; money saved _oy the City as a result of>.the lay offs will be totally insi nificant' f just oneperson should drown as a result of the lack of>proper 'supervision. I therefore.. urge you to vote against this propose Thank you IMPORTANT M3!SS AGN: CONCERNINq YOUR CHILDREN SAFETY On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pool:. This action is very sienifiaant..to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguard; or female attendant: to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursday September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Com►nisioners prior to that ciate . The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * * ?: .. Y ., o: .. , ss o: .. .: g: * * * .. .. II>•iPORTANTE MENSAJS SOBRE LA PROT.ECCION DS SUS H1JOS " El primer() de Octubre ee 1979, la ciudad .'de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de t,odas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposition es muy,significante a los padres de los irinos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio.dursnte el aio; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada solaunente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencis o el entrenamiento de natation necesario pare ejercir la protection a sus hijos en case, ere accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan,ala_reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:30 ere la tarde y negarse a este proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de ester jueves. La siguiente carte es enviada pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carte, y see recibida por los Comis.ionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, izaga copies do la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. ., .. .. .. .,- * * * * * * * * * is ., y: * * * City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, J PAT. Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water :safety issoimportant to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off would leave: the City without the services of experienced personnel." Any amount of' money s.:�ved" by t, e- City as a 'result of the lay offs will. be .totally insigriificarit if, just :one person: should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision.' I thereforeurge you Thank IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR (;HILJailha'N'S SAFETY " On October • 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to, lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on tThursday September 13th at 3:30 p.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attene, write the various City Comsnisioners prior to that ante. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Conmdssioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) IMPORTANTE MENSI\JE SOBRE LA PROTLCCIO. DS SUS FIIJOS u El primero'de Oetubre de 1979, la Ciudad de Miami,propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Ca joras de t,odas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposition es muy.significante a los padres do los limos que 'anisten a las piscinas con el colegio .dursnte of pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada solamente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experierici.a o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario pare ejercir la protection a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3 30 de la tarde y negarse a este proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente'carte es enviada pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionar9.os, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carte, y see recibida por los Comis.ionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 do Septiembre. Si desea, haga copies do la carte y enviela a todos los cornisionarios debajo mensionados. 4: $c i- d. :; .. .. :: * * # i; * * * * :b * * * City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore`R. Gibson,` Commissioner: Armando Laeasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L.;; Plummer, Dear •Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of ?Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is 3o important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay ` off would leave`. the City without the services of experienced personnel. Any amount of <money saved by the City as a result of the'' lay :offs will be totally insignificant if just ono person; shoulddrown as a result• of the lack of proper supervision. IMPOETT'ANT 'MESSAGE CONCEMITN(: YOTJR i;1iILW EN'S SAFETY " On October. 1, 1979 the 'City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. 'this supervision will rye entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t1 uraday September 13th- at 3:30 p.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Commisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) .: e: .: :: * * * * * * ..;: * do * 4• * IMPORT ANTE NENSAJsa SOBRE LA PHOTGCCION DE SUS H1JOS " El primer() de Octubre ue 1979, la Ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas deMiami. Este proposition es rnuy.significante a los padres de los riaos que anisten a las piscinas con el colegio Ourante of aiio; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en les banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada solauriente por los maestros ael colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experien.cia o el entrenamiento de natation necesario pars ejercir la protection a sus hijos en ca.so de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:30 de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, °scribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carts es enviada pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir. a los cornisionarios, y no t.engan tiempo de preparar su propia carts, y sen recibida por los Comisionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, nags copies do la carts y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. is .. .. :c ;: o; * # :; . . o: •4 B. :; * d; * * * * :b * 3c ib City Commission 350u pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioners Commissioner: Commissioner: Armando Lac asa Rose Gordon J.L. Plummer, Jr Dear Commlssloner,• I am taking thiS-:i..:.OpP,OrtU4ty..:-t0".::.COMMUnie...atey.'tcy. -you my objection to'. the proposed 'lay-.:'..!:5.',ff',.•Of;":.:..LifegUar06andi.0a.Shiers at City pools on 'October 1, 1979. In tho south plorida area. where knowledge of swimming andarid wator infety is o...:iMpOrt ant to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off would leave the City without the services of experienced personnel.. Any wric:ount of' money saved oy the City as a restllt of the lay offs will be totally insignific exit if just ono person shoul.d drown as a er supervision. result of the lack of proT) I therefore urge you to vote against this proposal. Thank you e-tle 1 /el mm i1 IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONC RNIN+x YOTJR" (.I? ILD ENS On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very sif;nificant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguard: or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will c)e entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t;hursciay September 13th- at 3:3( P.M. and speak against this proposal. If' you cannot attenu, write the various city Cornmisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Cornn ssioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * * ':; * * a •;., .: •: 4 * * * -* * * * * * .• : 41. n IIyiPORTANTE- MENSAJE SO3RE LA PROTLCCION DE SUS HIJOS " El primer() de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas tie Miami. Esta proposition es rnuy . significante a los pfeures rie los niPios que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante el giro; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscina o en los barios y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada colamente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experienci.a o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en ca.so de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usteci no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes 'de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada pars los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los-cornisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carts, y sen recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copias de la carta y enviela a todos los cornisionarios debajo mensionados. .. ., * * * City Commission; Ou 35an Mia'iniP, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice' A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore,R. Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, American Drive Gibson r. September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicatto you my objection to the proposed lay off of :Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979•. In the southFlorida area where knowledge of swimming and water anfety is so.important to our children, local government should do 'its ;part; to improve such programs not hinder thorn. This`proposed lay off, would of experienced personnel. the City without the services Any amount of money staved ' by the City as a result of the lay offs will be 'totally insignificant if just one person should drown as a result of the lack of -proper supervision. MESSAGE AGI 'CONC 4;FtN IN4 YOUR CH? ILD i't EN' S SAFETY On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguard:; or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. Yhis supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who inay not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t ,hursday September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Corinisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Comrnissioriers prior to the September 13th commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * :: a * J4... ,,. .. ,, .: * * * .: " * .. .. :: * * * * ;:- is * * SOBRE LA PttOTECCIOP' DE SUS HIJ'OS " El primer() de Octubre tie 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone daries lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de Codas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposition es muysignificante` a los padres de los ninos que a:iisten a las piscinas con el colegio •durante el ano; puss rio habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada oolaunente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario pars ejercir la protection a sus hijos en ca.so de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan,a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 1.3 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes 'de este jueves. La siguiente carts es enviada pars los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carts, y sep recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiernbre. Si desea, nags copias do la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. .. .. :; * * ?; .. ,. :; gr * * * * * * * * City Commission 350u pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferro Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: `Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner,': I am taking this opportunity to cozTununicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important; to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them.; This proposed lay off would leave the City without the services of experienced personnel. Any°amount of money saved by the City as a result of the lay offs will be totally insignifica.nt if just one person should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision. I therefore urge you Thank y o vote against this proposal. 111—�w���s�■� " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILliREN'S On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during; the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. 'ibis supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t.hursday September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Commisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) ., ., ., ., -'. .... * .. - -- :: =' * * ;: . * IMPORTANTE MENS(J ; SOBRE, LA PROTLCCIO,<. DE_ SUS f•JOS El primer() de Octubre de 1979, la eluded de. Miami'propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas- y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. ista proposicion es rnuysignificante a los p:trines de los niinosque asisten a las piscinas con el colegio •durante c1 silo; pues rio habran Silly avidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos enla piscina o en los banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada colziriente per los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experienci.a o el entrenamiento de natation necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le a:dvertimos a todos los padre; que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de lei tarde y negarse a este proposicion. Si usted no nuede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente Carta es enviada para los padres interesados, quo deseen escribir a los cornisioni rios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carts, y sen recibida por los Comisionarios antes de .la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre.; Si desea, raga copies do la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. :: * * * * * .. City Commission 35Ou pan American Drive, Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Mauric Commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: e A. Ferro; Theodore R. Gibson Armando Lac rises Rose Gordon J.L. Plummer, ,. :'• :=' �= * �:- * * * :f. �; _ .r is September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking: this opp,ortunity to communi.cate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of 'Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. Inthe south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local government should do its part` to improve such programs not hinder thorn. This proposed, ay off would of experienced personnel. ty without the services Any amount of money . saved -oy the City as a result of the lay offs will be totally insignificarit if just ono person should drown as a result of' the lack of proper supervision. I therefore urge Thank you against this proposal. INPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILDREN'S SAFETY On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguard: or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. leis supervision will ee entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting: on t.hursday September 13th- at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attenu, write the various City Commisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter. to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER)_ St •, n .• .' 0: * * * .. • * Jt... 9i .. * is is * ,u * ., a * J: a :r IMPORTANTE MENSAJi! SOBRE LA PROT1 CC;ION DE SUS IIIJOS " El primer() de Octubre tie 1979, la eluded de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposition es muy . significante a los parses de los hinds que aa^ isten a las piscinas con el colegio •durente o1 aiio; pues no habran Salv avidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijoc en la piscine o en los buffos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada solamente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experienci.a o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en coso ere accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres clue asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Sept:iembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a ester proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- nerios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada pare los padres intoresados, clue deseen escribir a los cornisioner3.os, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carta, y sen recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copies do la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. :; 4:. * .;; �. .. $c ;; -;: :: S:. :: :; .r _:. ': s, .. $: .; 4: .- :; .: o: .: :; :; * d; .8: is * * * * * * City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Commissioner Commissioner: Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Armando Lac asa Rose Gordon J.L. Plummer,; Jr.. September.` 10, Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979..In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local government should do its part to .improve such programs not hinder them. This propoged.lay off would leave the of experienced personnel. without .the services Any amount .of `money s�aveci by: the City es a rosiilt of the' lay offs will be totally insignificant if jufst ono person should drown • as a result of the? lack of proper supervision. I therefore urge you to vo Thank you' IIIII I11IIIIIIIIIII11111UI1111IIIIII " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILDREN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miamiis planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker room:,. ';'his supervision will ►e entirely the respon- sibility of school personnelwho may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t:hursday septeniber 13th• at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attena, write the various City Coimnisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to rake copies and mailonoto each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) :; 4: : a . , -., .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .; . ., * * .. ., .. :.;. ,: .. ,. ., 4. .: * * is * is * " IMPORTANTE MENS/1JE SOr3RE LA PROTLCCION DE SUS WOOS " El primers de Octubre tie 1979, le Ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajeras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposition es muy : significarite a los padres de los linosque a:listen a las piscinas con el colegio .dursnte el ario; pues no habran Saivavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos enla piscine o en los banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada solamente por los maestros dal colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario pare ejercir la proteccion a sus hijos en caso de:accidentes. Es por eso le a.dvertimos a todos los padres que asistan;.a le reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3U de la tarde y negarse a este proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes 'de este jueves. La siguiente carts es enviada pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengar► tiempo de preparar su propia carte, y sep recibida por los Comis.ionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copies do la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. a; *. :• a ac * ;; .. .. :; ;: �. * .;� *?. .: :F 3: .: .. it .i ., 3.• do City Commission' 350u Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133. Mayor: Maurice A. Ferrel Commissioner:. Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L."Plummer, Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate'to you my objection to the proposed lay off of. Lifeguards -end Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the'aouth ,Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local government should do its part toimprove such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off would leave the City without the services of experienced' personnel. Any amount- of money s��veci. oy the City as a roault of' the lay offs ill be to.taily insignificant• if just one person should hould drown as a ;result of the lack of 'proper supervision. I therefore urge you INV 1111 III INN IP IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNIN x YOUR CHILDREN SAFL'TY On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will rye entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t:hursdny September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Comiiiisioners prior to that date. The following form letter in provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis sinners listed below. (SEE, OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) ?: ., :: .. ?: o; ?: v '4 ;: ? .. 3; 3: * is * * * n IMPORTANTE IEN0AJE SOBRE LA PROT1 CCION DE SiS' HIJ'OS " El primer() de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de Codas ` las piscinas de Miami. N;sta proposition es cnuy significente a los pae es de los iiinus que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio ,durante el alio; pues no hahran salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscina o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada colaurtente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiericia o el entrenamierito de natacion necesario pars ejercir la protection a sus hijos en ca.so de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u,,de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carts es enviada pars los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carts, y ser recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copias de la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. * * * ?; ?. City Commission 350u pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 • Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore'R. Gibson> Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer," Dear Commissioner,, I am taking this opportunity to.'communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at city pools on October 1, 197.9• In the south F'lorlda area where knowledge of swimming and water e afety is no important to our children, local government should do`its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off would ].eave the City without the services of experienced personnel. Any amount of money saved. by the City as a result of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just ono person should drown as a result of the lack .of proper supervision. IMPORTANT MIMSAGE CONCERNING CHILDREN'S SAFETY' On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lny off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t hurnday Septer bor 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Coaunisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) it IMPORTANTE ME'NSAJL; SOF3RE'LA PROTECCION 1)P SUS HIJOS " El primer() de Octubre lip; 1979, 1a ciudad de Miami, propone- darles lay-off a los. Salvavidas y Ca joras de t:odas las piscinas de Miami. rsta proposicion es muy.significante a los puru'es de los ninos que`'aninten a las piscinas con el colegio .duro.nte el ario; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijo: en la piscina o en los banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada solamente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experienc3a o el entrenamiento de natation necesario pars ejercir la protection a sus hijon encaso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que'asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septierbre a las 3:3o de la tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puecte'asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes de este jueves. La siguiente carte es enviada pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carte, y sen recibida por los Comis.ionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septieinbre. Si desea, nr ga copies do la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. .. •. .. .; 5 * * * * ?r * City Commission 3500 pan American Drive Miazni, Florida 33133. Mayor: Maurice - A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: _Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, J September 10, Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicateto you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at city pools on October 1, 1979. In the, south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water :safety is :so important` to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This ;.proposed ;:lay '"off would leave the of experienced personnel. Any amount of money saved by the .City. as a 'ronult of the lay offs will: be totally insignificantifjust one person should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision. $$ IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNIN1. YOUR C1TILDC{ha'N'S SAFL''IY On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. 'this supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursday ;3epterricer 13th- at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Comrnisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * * * # :'c * * y :: •* .. * a •a : * .. * * '' ' * * * * 3- * 3- * IMPORTANTE NIENSAJE SOBRE LA .PROTECCION DE SUS HLJ'OS 11. El primer() de Octubre ee ' 1979, la c iudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de t:odas las piscinas de Miami. 1 sta proposition es rnuy . s ignif icante 'a los padres de los uinos que a:3 isten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante el 'nano; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscina o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada ^olamente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experieuci.s o el entrenamiento de natation necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en case de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan,a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Sept:iembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes -de este. jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada para los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los .comisionarios, y no t.engan tiempo de preparar su propia carte, y sen recibida por los Comis.ionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, ilaga copies do la carta y enviela a todos los cornisionarios debajo mensionados. n .. .. .. 9: n :: * 'i * 3t' .. •; 3: ,; `' :; := :; 31' * * 3: * 31. City Commission 3500 Pan American Drive Miaini, Florida 3313`3 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner:. Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon • Commissioner: J.L.- Plummer, Jr. September 10, 1979. Dear Commissioner,;' I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off,o.f, Lifeguards and Cashiers at city pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local govornmerit should do its part to-irnprove such programs not hinder thorn. This proposed lay off'would leave the City without the services of experienced personnel. Any amount of money saved by the City as a result; of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just one person :should drown as a result of' the lack of proper supervision. I therefore Thank urge you to vote against this proposal. IMPORTANT MISS//GNP CONCERNING YOUR C}1ILDi{ti.,'N!S SAFETY On October. 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooini. This supervision will rye entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t,hursday September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Cominisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) .; o * •: * .: * * * * * * * * * * IMPORTANTE MENSAJE SOBRE:LA PROT1 CGION DE SUS MOOS " El primer() de Octubre. de 1979, la Ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Fsta proposicion es rnuy. significante . a los padres de los winos que anisten a las piscinas con el colegio •durante el ario; pees no hahran S«lvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos enla piscine. o en los banos y ;galas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solamente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experierici.a o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos encaso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, escribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes •de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada para los padres intor'esados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de proparar su propia carta, y se/3 recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copias do la Carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. :: •• .. . * * * * ; .. : .: .: ' : * * * * * * * * * * City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miaini, Florida 33133` • Mayor: Maurice A. Ferrel Commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Arinando Lac as a Rose 'Gordon J.L. Plummer, `Jr. Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opRortunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of. Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local govornment should do its part to improve such programs not hinder-.:thOm.,,.....-,...„..n.....::::::.,..:--.--.-,..--H:::::i-,,,..1-. • ' e This.-'''•:•:'•••::•--•-„,.:.,'-•',::::-:,Y,•,--,:,'',:,,'i:,,,,,••''r-,'.,',,',:':',o-'..,'E..„.'.-:•';'.'''-.•.;:-2-.':p,',"..•1:'•O',•''-.:.-'-•'.'.. '„.'::'--:„•-:•:2:1s:••..':-':.•,'•1•„-::3;•',,•''-'••:,•-•••,•:•.-•,7,':•-..',„'•:I'•,,-_;.,:l_.',,,.'I'''',.',''•;-..,.lay '•,J','.:.,4,:--••.',.off':_''::',:',•,, :'',.,,',''7',:.',.','''',,''-„.,.','.-,...I.'.,'.•,,.':„:''.' '-:',,4'.',.',•.•'.',•'.•,•'....:-'.„',..•..-i'•,:_,,. ,.:.••;,',:-:•-,',••%,,.:',,•,,,.,.',,:.,'„•,'•...-•..','_,-.:,.-.•,-,,:,,1„::,,-,-',.';;:,-'::,',;'•,':?--:,°':,':,,„.:•,,„.',,••,;•'1••::,',::•.:7''::.'':•":.,':.,•.,•:-.'.•,.••,:,:,,H_"'--..,•,::.1,.;,-:1-,_':21'-'.•-',,'-'''',''•,''-,-:-'t„'•':•',•-:'•':,,:•,,,::,-•'•h',,:,.,.,-.'•,::.J,.::,.;.::•_e, ':,.:-..0 ,•-',,...-j.,'•' 1,:_.r,.Y;,,Y•,1,-,,-:•E'.','•' ,• ,., w'•'-',:'',,',,•,.,i,,,..,,..;.,1t::,i•_ :.l:':•; h''':•'.:,1::— ---,•-,-o o1, :•',• ,..'4.'"-„•..., : t •.. -•-, ', • t• h• e services of eX—ei,ieneeC._0iion1 arn s nrYHiii';i:79neysayea,b,the City aa iii11t'rthe layof.,,...f s wial,-7;tot,tii:insignificant Ifjust ono p6rs)1s:oulddrown as :result :ar*Ph -14i,pr';1-"rsiplrvision. I therefore Lrei.vote proposal. , • ••:,,,,,,,,,,,H.,,.,..,•,,,-,,,,.„..,„,y,_,:,./.„,,,.....„.,„„,„„„.,,,,„:„.-•••,--..„--,.:-:,:;.:--- --• ' • ' • • •'.• ,...,•:•-.••,,',',-•••,....„•;,-•-: •-'-•••••,•:."-i•:.--,:...-,•:•:,i':'•:-••-..,:•:••-:,•-.•-•"•y•-;,,-:.--..:'.'..-::.- •:••,--..- ' .. • --::•,',..-:,.-.:-,,,- .--.:-_,,,-.:_-:::,--,..-.•-•,'"':•:,',Th.-,-,-'-••••,y,,,••:;.,-.,-),•T-:5'.-:.-,:------•,- ,.• • •• • • , ,. ,•. . •••.• • , . • ,._ • •• • •• .„.,, . ;.•. •• •• •••.,..,_.•:.•• • • •••••• ••, ..-....,• •••, -..,„ •. • .• • •....,, ••..,. .., T-.,--:.,,---- ,•,-,--,..--,-,::--•--...:::,,,'-,-.H':-•-•.,,,-_,.,,i,::.-.:Y,•• • ',.----:• . -., ,- •-- • . - ,---,.,.... - • •_ •,,,, • •,..‘....„,„..• •_,.•.,„,„•...• ..,••• ..__,-„, ,•_. . . -- --.---,1,,:,..„,,1-:-..':'::::.*::::'::-.•---',.::.---'''"''''''''''-'-'' . --- , ,,, , ,,,,.,,.._ ,,,•• .,••• • , •.,„ ....„..__ • ...,-,..•••,-,....., . •--,--' Thank you • • - r - ,---',. :::: '''' '''' • ,, ,,,:.:••••::,, --- - ' .....,...;-• ''•-• •...•••••.,- - - _•.,•..••••:•••,••••••..- •, ••.'-• ' ' ••••• • •• .• .., , ...,, . •,.,, •• .-•-•• - - ---------' '''''''' 1-- '''''' . ' erAretl-Z.-:::. .. • ii,' ' " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNIN x YOUR CHILDREN SAFETY On October. 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very siffnificant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during; the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnelwho may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on taiursday septernmer 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. if you cannot attend, write the various City Corrunisioners prior to that date. The following; form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Conrnrinsioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail' one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE.OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) n ., n •i: n i' 9:. .. * " ** .. ., ii * n * * * * * * IMPORTANTE MENSAJ ; SOBRE LA PROTECCION DE SUS HIJOS " El primero de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todos las piscinas de Miami. Esta proposition es rnuy . significante a los padres de las Winos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio •durante of alio; pines rio habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijon en la piscina o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solamente por los maestros ael colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natation necesario para ejercir la proteccion a sus n.ijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiernbre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition.- Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada para los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los cornisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carta, y den recibida por los Comis.ionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copias de la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. * .r _ * * .* ;, '- .e .'r .: 8f i; * i; 3: * * * * * City Commission, 350u pan American Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferro Commissioner: Theodore R. •Gibson Commissioner: _Arnando Lacrisa Commissioner: Rose'Gordon Commissioner: J.L.. Plummer, September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. in the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water cafety is no important to our children, local govorrunent should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. ' •-• ••••. ' " . .•. This proposed lay off would leave the City without the services of experienced personnel. Any alliount, of monienys sav(3d by the City as a rentit°rthe lay offs will betptailyinsignificant just ono pez,soinah0 uld drown as a result of proper supervision. I therefore urge you to vote against this proposal. MESSIWE CONCERNING YOUR CHILDREN EN'S SAFETY' On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami in planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will ire entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t:fiursciay September 13th- at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Corrunisioners prior to that (late. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies .and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) i; ;; -:; ., ='- •:; .: = .c ., ., ••= .. -:; :: :: :: ., •.r is * * * 4:- * * * IMPORTANTE ?IENSAJL: SOBRE LA PROTECCIOi`i DE SUS HIJOS n El primero, de :Octubre pie 1979, la ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de Codas las piscinas "de Miami. Esta proposition es muy . significante a los padres de los iii!ios que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante el aio; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solamente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible notengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en cos() tie accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan,a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de©ste jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada parr los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de'preparar su propia carte, y se/3 recibida por los Comisionarios antes do la, reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Wage copias do la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mens:ionados. .: :: •. s �� •. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. �: s, ?: s: * .: .;. .: .: ie' :; �: .. s: .f # .- o: is City. Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 • Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L.'Plummer, September 1() 1979 Dear Cozninissioner, I .am - takingthia.:::.--OPpOrtianitYtO:'-..COMM4niCate:',:tO.•YOti my objection to the - at City pools ........ „ on October In the south plorlda arca where knowledge .• or swivuning and water iafety. to our children, . „. .„. . .„,..... . .„.. , .„. .„. local govorrunent shoulci do its part to ixnprovo such programs not hinder thozn. .,.„ This proposed lay' off would leave the City wil:hontthe s e rv i c e s of experionceci personnel.. amount of 17101'leY 3,- the City as a result of the lay offs 1 be totallY ins . by just one person should drown Any 'ficEtrit if wasila result of the lack of propnr suPervisione 1 therefore urge you to vote against this proposal. Thank MESSAGE: CONCERNING YOUR CHILI)1tEN'S. SAFETY' On October. 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attendcity pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on tnursday September 13th- at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Commisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE•OTHER SIDE FOR FORM'LETTER) IMPORTANTL MENSAJi SOBRE LA PROTECCIO, Illy SUS HIJOS " El primero de Octubre pie 1979, la ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajeras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposicion es rnuy. significante a los peeves de los iiinos que anisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durente el ario; pues no hahran Saivavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada so1anente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o ell entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en case de accidentes. Es por eso le a.dvertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a este proposicion. Si usted no puecle asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes ode este jueves. La siguiente carte es enviada para los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los cornisionsrios, y no tengar, tiempo de preparar su propia carte, y sea recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiernbre. Si desea, naga copies do la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. .. .a •. .. is :i' .. •ii' is .. *: * .. .. 9: ., is ii " Seri # 'r.' •j: ii * * it' * iC 4 City Commission 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferro Commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Armando Lacasa Rose Gordon J.L. Plummer, Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of .Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local government should do its part, 'to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off would' leave the City without the services. of experienced,personnel. Any amount of money saved by the City as .a re ult of, the lay offs will be. totally insignificant if .just ono person :should drown as a result of the leak of :proper supervision. IMPofTANT MgssulF CONCE'i1r1I1`t r YOIJR OflILDi'iEN'S SAFETY On October 1, . 1979 the city of Miami in planing to ley off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pooi. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguard:; or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker roomy,. 'll.is supervision will rye entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t:liursd. y ,,eptember 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Commisioners prior to that uat.e . The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) .. .. .. :° ?= .. ., :: .: ., e: ?c :: „ .: .. ., s,: e: * * # * * * " IMPORTANTE MENSAJ ; SOBRE LA Pf OTECCION DE SUS HIJOS " El primero de Octubre ea 1979, la Ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de Codas las piscinas de Miami. l+;sta proposition es muy . significante a los . padres de los iiihos clue anisten a leis piscinas con el colegio .durance o1 ario; pues no harran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos enla piscina o en los banos y salas de carnbio. La supervision sera dada solauriente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experieucia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en case de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 33u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes de este jueves. La siguiente Carta es enviada pars los padr.es•inter'esados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiernoo de preparar su propia carts, y see recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, nags copias do la carts y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. a ., . .. ,. .: * * * ? .. ?; .. $: : .. ' ?; * * * * ?: * 1 $f * ?: is City Commission 350u Pan Ameriean Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local government shoulddo.its partto improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off would leave of' experienced personnel. without the services Any amount of money saved by tr e City as a-r;enult of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just ono person should drown as a result of` the lack Of 'proper supervision.: I therefore urge Thank you you tovote against this proposal. IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR Ct?ILL h 7'S SAFETY ;" On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very sif;nificant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker room:,. 'this supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t.hursdny September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attenu, write the various City Comiiiisioners prior to that date. The following form letter in provided for concerned parents, wishing to. write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) IMPORTANTE NENSAJr SOBRE LA PROTECCION DE SUS HIJOS " El primero de Octubre do - 1979, la ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas -de Miami. 1sta proposition es rnuysignificante a los paeres.;d o los winos que auisten a las piscinas con el coleg io ,durante el an(); pues no hahran Saiv avidas o mu jeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los barios y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solarnente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiericiao_e'1 entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que-asistan,a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de septiembre a las 3:3U tie 1a tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carte es enviada pare los padres inter'esados, que deseen escribir a los coraisionarlos, y no tengar, tiempo de preparar su propia carte, y ser recibida por los Comisionarios antes de .la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiernbre.. Si desea, naga copias do la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. * .. City Commission 350U Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A, Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L.-Plummer, September 1U, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to .communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay oft`: of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south 11orida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local government shoulddo its part to improve such programs not hinder them.' This. -,proposed lay off would leave theCity without:the services of experienced personnel. Any amount of money saved by the City as a ronult of the lay offs will be ,totally insignificant if' just one person should drown as a' result of: the- lack` of proper supervision. ":IMPORTANT MESSAGE cONCE~RNM YOVR CHILL'i' EN'S SAFETY 1 On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no. Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t;hursday Septenicer 13th- at 3:3G P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Corninisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) " IMPORTANTE MENSAJ a SOBRE LA PROTLCCION DE SUS HIJOS " El primero de Octubre de 1979 la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. k sta proposition es muy , significante a los pur res de los macs que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante el alio; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos'en. la piscina o en los banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada soltinente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la_experiericia o el entrenamiento de natation necesario pars ejercir la protection a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de 1a tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si.usted no puede asistir, oscriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes ?de este jueve.s. La siguiente carta es enviada pare los padres interesados, que doseen escribir a los 'cornisionarios, y no tengar, tiempo de preparar su propia carts, y sen recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copias de la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. * n n . ii * * * * * J. ;. :: * * ?i: * * * * * * City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 • Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, September'10, 1979` Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to'communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at city pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder thorn. This proposed lay off would leave. of experienced personnel. ty without ' the services Any amount of money:' saved by the. City as a renult_of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just ono person should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision. " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNIN.) YOUR C1'.SLI:iitEN'S SAFETY On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami in planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursctay September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Coirunisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Corurnissiorrers prior .to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis SlOIlel's listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * * ?S : = , : .. .. ;. .. .: gt * * * * * * * is * * IMPORTANTE MESAJ 7 SO}3RE LA PfOTLCCION DE SUS HIJOS " El primero de Octubre c.ie 1979, la Ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y cajoras de todas las piscinas do Miami. rsta proposicion es rnuy.significante a los padres de los limos que aaisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durcnte o1 ano; pues no habran..Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solauciente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o e'1 entrenamiento de natation necesario pare ejercir la protection a sus hijos en ca.so ae accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3o de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, °scribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los cornisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carta, y sep recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, saga copies do la carte y enviela a todos los cornisionarios debajo mensionados. * * * * ? .. .. :: * * * * * * * * , * * City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferro Commissioner: Theodore<R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer,' September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunit'y.'to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay oft of LifegUards and- Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979.'' In the `'south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no ihportant to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder .them. This proposed lay off would leave of experienced personnel. thout'the services. Any amount: of money saved by .the City as a result of the ley. offs will be totally insignificant if dust ono person should drown as a result of the lack'. of proper supervision. I therefore urge you Thank you ;o vote against this proposal. 1111 1111111111111111111111 H IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONC::nI INci YOUR CIIILJ:i'tEtt'S On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very sifrnificant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their school during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. 'this supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t.hursday Septemoer 13th at 3:3U P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attenu, write the various City Commisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. ...(SEE:OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) =: s: ?. ?; 3: ;: ?: d: is 4: ?: SOBRE LA PttOTECCION? DE SUS HSJOS " El primero de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de M1ani propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todos las piscinas de Miami. testa proposition es muy . significante a los padres do los ninos 'clue 'a:iisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durente el aiio; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscina o en los banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada cola:nonte por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experienci.e o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en case de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Sept;iembre a las 3:3U de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes 'de este jueves. La siguiente carts es enviada pars los padres interesados, que aeseen escribir a los cornisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carts, y sep recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septierribre. - Si desea, Gaga copies do la carts y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. City Commission 350U Pan Amoriean Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferro Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: _Arinanao Lacasa. Commissioner: Rose'Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer,::, Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of :Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder ; them. This proposed lay off would leave the Citywi'thout the services of experienced personnel. Any amount of money saved by the City as a resultof the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just one person should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision. " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILL ''N' S SAVIOY On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami in planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguard: or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. 'Ails supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on tarursday september 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attena, write the various City Coimnisioners prior to that date. The following; form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. w. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) " IMPORTANTE MEN El primero de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de t:odas las piscinas de Miami. Esta proposicion es rnuy . sign ficante a los padres de los hinds que anisten a las piscinas con el colegio ,durente el ano; pues no habran Saivaviaas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la ,piscina o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada colaunente por los maestros ael colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario pars ejercir la proteccion a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan,a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted, no puede asistir, escriba urio de los varios comisio- narios antes 'de este jueves. LA PROTECCIO" DE SUS HIJOS " La siguiente cartes es enviada pars los padres intoresados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carts, y sen recibida por los Comis.ionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septierribre. Si desea, nags copias do la carte y enviela a todos los comisionar.ios debajo mensionados. * ' * * * 4: :; ;: = : is * * * * * * * * * * City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore ,R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Dear'eCommiasloner, I am taking this oppprtunity.to`communicate to you my objection to thee proposed -lay off .o.V Lifeguar"ds and Ca$hiere at City pools on October,1 ; , • `1979. In- the `south Florida area where knowledge of swimming , and water safetiy is so important to our children, local°government shou•ld •do its part to improve such programs not hinder` thorn. This proposed lay off would of experienced;epersonnel. cave the City wi'Lhout the services Any amount of money.. staved by the City as a resultof the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just ono person ."should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision. I therefore urge you " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCE'1ThINc.; YOUR CHILD ,'N'S SAF8TY On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguard: or female attendants, to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. Yhis supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have t.lie necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursday 3eptemuer 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attenu, write the various City Commisioners prior to that date. The following; form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis sinners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) ac .: . ,: ,• , * . * .: .: : et : . .c .. .. ., .. :; ;; ., '- .. .: .. .. ., o: .c .. .. �. .. �. 3f 3. :'r is 4e IMPORTANTE MENSAJE 'SO3RE LA DE SUS HIJOS El primer() de Octubre tie 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Ca jcras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposition es muy . significante a los padres dr los mhos clue ;asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante of aizo, pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los Banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solaunente por los maestros ael colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experierici.a o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario pare ejercir la protection a sus hijos en cv.so de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a le reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a este proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de pr©parar su propia carts, y sea recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copies do la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. * * * * g: .. .: ;�: a,: * * : .+ * * City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 • Mayor: Maurice A. Fevre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, `Jr. III I III 1111111111111 1111I *g September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south FlOrida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so iniportant to our children, local govornment should do its part to improve such programs not hinder thorn. This proposed lay offwould 3.oftve tile City wil,hout the services of experienced i)or.sonnol.. Any arriourit 0f money saved by the City as a result of the lay offs3 will be totally i.nsii3n:ificant if just ono person should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision. I therefore urge you to vote against this proposal. Thank yor.i IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING. YOUR CHILDREN S SAFETY I On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very sifnificant to the parents of children who attenci city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. ';his supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursciay September 13th- at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attenci, write the various City Cornruisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) .. ., d; ,. ., :: * °' * * •: =: * a =: s: :: == „ *. y .: :% :e 3= * * * ?: * * IIviPORTANTE MENSAJ ; SOBRE LA PROTECCION .'DE SUS HIJOS " El primero de Octubre pie 1979, la Ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposition es rnuy significante a los purities de los nihos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio ,durante -e1 arso; pues no habran Sslvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solamente por los maestros ael colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamierito de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en:ca.so de accidentes. Es por eso le a.dvertimos a todos los padres que asistan,a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, °scribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes -de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionari.os, y no tengan tiernpo de preparar su propia carte, y sen recibida por los Comisionarios antes d© la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copies deg la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. * * * * = * * * do * * * .:b * * * City Commission 350o Pan American Drivo Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, I am taking this opportunity to;oommunicate fo:you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards .and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the; south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety . is no important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposedlay off wou of experienced personnel. Without the services: Any armount of' money saved by the city as;: a result' of' the lay offs will. be totally insignificant if just one person.should drown. as a result of the lack of proper supervision. I therefore urge you Thank -you' ,o vote against this proposal. IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNINl YOUR CHILWra'W'S SAFETY On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to ley off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very sitrnificant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguard:, or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnelwho may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t:hureda_y September 13th- at 3:3o P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attena, write the various City Coininisioners prior to that unto. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Comninsioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) :4;:::i:J�:u*.�: 4 •.. u*: * * * * 4: 4:* " INiPORTANTE MENSAJE SOBRE LA PROTECCIOA DE SUS HIJOS El primer() s' de Octubre ee 1979, la ciudad. de Miami propone clerics lay-off a los Salvavidas y Ca jeras de t.odas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposicion es rnuy.significante a los p &�ires do `los niaos que anisten a las piscinas con el colegio .dursnte el aiio; pues no hahran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos enla piscine o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solaunente por los maestros ael colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiericia o el entrenamiento de natation necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en ca.ao de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los, padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a este proposicion. Si tinted no puede asistir,` °scribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes ode este jueves. La siguiente carte es enviada pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los coinisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carte, y sep recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septieinbre. Si desea, Naga copies do la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. i8 .. .. .. * * * * * .. :: .: .. A .c ., * a * * City Commission 350u pan American Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Commissioner: Theodore. Gibson Commissioner: Armando'Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gorgon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to COmniiinicate you my objection . , to the proposed lay off.oftifegUards,:and Cashiers..at City pools on October 1, 1979.— In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water:safety is So:ImPortant to our children, local govornmentshouid-do(ltS-PEirt.to ithOoVe such programs not hinder thom. . . . This Proposed lay off would leave the City without the services of experienced Personnel. Ani-11 be 11Y in. ignifi y amount of mon . cbaryittkile City asviasproeer:ioirlltslho.foutil,ecilracwYnoFra eY saved .f just i ri. ono PrOP will be the lack ofsuPer proposal. as a vote against I therefore urge you to this P Thank you CONCERNTWI YOUR O ILt EN'S SAPETY`" On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is •very sifnificant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursdcLy F;epteniber 13th at 3:3U P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Comtnisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) a * u u * �� :: * .• •. .• :: * :: �� : U ��, FU �r •l a :' •. ':� .• •i :r �.. is o; s, .• .• .,,. :: .�r. .• ., �• ,• .,, .• .; .. , .; s .�t .:; :• ., � .• 3:- * is # 3: itr " IMPORTANTE MENSf\JE SOBRE LA PROTLCCIO1" DE SUS HIJOS " El primer() de Octubre ee 1979, 1 Ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajorras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposition es muysignificante a los padres de los iiinos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante of a io; pues no hahran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos enla piscine o en los Banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada colaunente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiexici.a o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos on caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varies comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada pars los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengar, tiempo de preparar su propia carts, y se/3 recibida por los Comisionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiexnbre. Si desea, nags copias do la carts y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. * * .. ::- .. .• do * * * City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. 'Plummer, September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection • to the proposed lay off of. Lifeguards anti Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is, no important to our children, local government should do its part.to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay 'off would of experienced personnel. without the services Any amount of: money saved oy the City as "a re ult of the lay offs will ,be totally insi€;n ficant if just ono person should drown result . of - the -,-slack of proppnr supervision. " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILD tiii`M'S SAFETY " On October. 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to ley off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendant: to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. '21eis supervision will oe. entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents toattend the Commission meeting on t.hursdny september 13th- at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attenu, write the various City Commisioners prior to that unto. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Conii.ssioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) .. ,. .. .. - -. .. -= .. ;::: -:= ., a; .. ,. ., .. .. * * * * * * IMPORTANTE NENSAJ ; SOBRE LA PROTECCIOA 1)1: SUS }IIJOS " El primero. de Octubre pie 1979, la Ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Ca joras de t:odas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposition es muy . significante a los padres de los winos 'clue asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante of a io; pues no hahran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada colaunente por los maestros clel colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario pare ejercir la protection a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion do los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puecte asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este. jueves. La siguiente carte es enviada pare los padres interesados, que ceseen escribir a los cornisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de praparar su propia carte, y sen recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. si d.esea, Naga copies de la carts y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. * , * * . 3. ii 9: * * * * 'Z. City, Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferro Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Dear C OITIMi El El loner, I am taking this opp,ortunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local govornment should do its part to improve such programs not hinder thom. This proposed lay offwould leave the City.urithout the services of experienced personnel. unt of' money saved by the Cit'J' as a realflt of the lay erre willyc' be totally intij.gnificant if just one person should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision. I therefore urge you to vote against this proposal. IMPORTANTMESSAGE CONCERNING YOTJR OHILJ)1tEN'S On October. 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to ln.y;off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. ;'his supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t:hursday aeptenioer 13th at 3:3(i P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Commisioners prior to that (late. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioner,, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies ,and 'mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) It IMPORTANTE: MENSAJL SOr3RL LA PROTLCCION DE SUS HIJOS " El primero de 0ctubre de 1979, le Ciudad de Miami eropono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas,y Cajeras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposition es cnuy significante a los padres dr. los n:tnos clue asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante c1 ario; puss no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos enla piscine o en los buffos y'sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada colaunente por los maestros ael colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario pare ejercir la protection a sus nijos en caso oe accidentes. Es por eso le a.dvertimos a todos los padres que asistan,a.la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Sept:iembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, ascribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes -de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no t.engan tiempo cle preparar su propia carts, y see recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, nags copies do la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. * .. .. * * * * * . * = = 4f * * 4: 4e * * * 4'. City Commission; 350u Pan Amoriean Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, • September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay offof ,Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the; south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder thom. This •proposed lay off would leave the. Cii of experienced ;personnel. Any amount of money saven.oy the City:as a reiult of the lay o, will.be totally insijn ficant if just ono person should drown. as a 'result of the ;lack: of proper supervision. without the services I therefore Thank IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR 'eLILWr..'N'S SAFETY On October.1, 1979 the City of Miami in planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during; the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attena the Commission meeting on tarursciay ptemeer 13th- at 3:3U P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attena, write the various City Comnuisioners prior to that (late . The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to snake copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE. OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) IMPORTANTE MENSAJ ; SOF3RE LA PROTECC:ION 1)i, SUS HiJOS " El primer() de Octubre de 1979 la ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de . Miami. Este proposition es muy.significante a los padres do los ninos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio edursnte el aRo; pues no habren Salvaviaas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada solamente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenarniento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en cas°de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan..a.la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a este proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada pars los padres' interesados, que deseen escribir a los cornisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carte, y ser recibida por los Comisionarios antes de 1a reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si d.esea, nage copies de la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. City Commission` 35Ou Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lecasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, arancraMISISINe Dear Commissioner,: I am taking this opportunity to communicate toyou my objection. to the proposed lay off of >Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off would of experienced ,personnel. leave the City without the services Any amount of money saved by the City as a result` ofthe lay offs will be totally insignificant if just one person should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision. I therefore urge Thank you to vote against this proposal. rTIMT 1111111111IU'I!1!! H MASSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILDREN S SAFETY if On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooiui. this supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t;hursday Septemaer 13th- at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Commisioners prior to that aato . The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may riot have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis sinners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) • IMPORTANTE MENSAJsa SOBRE LA PROTECCIOP Dig SUS HIJOS " El primer() de Octubre ue 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de t:bdas las piscinas de Miami. rsta proposicion es cnuy.significante a los padres rio los uiaos que aanisten a las piscinas con el colegio •duraante el aaiio; pues na hahran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscina o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada colaunente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natation necesario pars ejercir la protection a sus hijos en coso oe accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puecte asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carts es enviada'pars los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carts, y se/3 recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea,'izaga copias do la carts y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. * * * ,.* * * .. .. :b •::r .: .. .c ., * * * is * * * * * City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice;. A. Terre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson; Commissioner: _Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: " J.L. 'Plummer,, Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity.to communicate, to you my objection to the proposed lay, off of "Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979.In,,the'south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is rio important to our children, local govornmerit should -do its part..'to iiriprove such programs not hinder 'them. This proposed lay off would "'leave the of experienced personnel. without the services Any amount of money saved. by the City as" a result of the lay offs will be totally insignificantif just ono person should drown. as a result of the ' lack of. proper supervision. " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNT10 YOUR c i?ILD EN'8 SAFETY On October. 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will tie entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t:hursday September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If' you cannot attend, write the various City Coimaisioners prior to that date. The following; form letter in provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Comrni$$ioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) .. .. ., vc yr ..- .. ., * " IMPORTANTE M`NSAJE SOBRE LA `PROTLCCION DP SUS HIJOS El primero de Octubre de 19?9f la:ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de t,odas las piscinas cie Miami. 1ista proposition es muysignificante a los pari yes de los ninos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .dursnte el an(); pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscina o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solamente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en case ae accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:30 de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguien•te carta es enviada para los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carta, y sen recibida por los Coiuisionarlos• antes de 1a reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copias de la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. .. , .. .: * * * * .. City Commission 3500 Pan American Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson` commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Rose Gordon J.L. Plummer, # 35 i; is *: 3: it- # 4:• 3: * September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to. communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. Tn the: south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and wator ' saf.ety is so important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder;thom. This proposed, lay off would of experienced personnel. e City w1jhout :the services:; Any amount -of money saved by the;`City as a result ofthe lay offs` will be- totally~ insi;nificant if just ono; person' should drown as a result of tile -lack :of proper supervision'. I therefore urge you Thank you you ,o vote -against this`: proposal.:; " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILLitk W'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to ley off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker room:,. ';his supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursc.l.y September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Comcuisioners prior to that aato. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) •. .. * •. .. � * * .' .. :: a .. * * ...* a * * J: a it- " 'IMPORTANTE MENSAJi SOBRE El primero-de Octubre pie 1979, la Ciudad de Miami propono .darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Esta proposition es muy significante a los padres de los uiiios que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio •durante @l aiio; pues no hahran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos enla piscina o en los Banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solaunente por los maestros ael colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natation necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan;a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembro a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada para los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de ,preparar su propia Carta, y sep recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si d.esea, Naga-copias do la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. s ;1 .. ;; ,. •. .c �:- �: :: '. ., ?c :c :: i. .. .: 8'r ,: a f .f ..- is City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 • Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson. Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L.'Plummer ,"J Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity; to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In; the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water :Safety is no important to our children, local government should' do its part to improve such programa not hinder them. This proposed lay off would leave the C of experienced personnel without the services Any amount of money saved by the City as ;a result of the lay o will be totally insignificant if just ono person should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision. I therefore urge you to -'vote against; this proposal. Thank you " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING Y0I)R CH ILWEN'S SAFETY " On October. 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their school during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will tie entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drotinings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t;hursciay Septexnier 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. Tf you cannot attend, write the various City Conrnlisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners :prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) ;,- ?c ;: :; ;c .. ., :; :v :: ,: :; :,- -.: .: :; .; .. ., ., ., it * is " IMP0RTANTE MENSAJE SOBRE LA PROTLi'CCION ' DE SUS HIJOS " El primero de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de Codas las piscinas de Miami. Esta proposicion es muy . significante a los pares de los winos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio •durLtnte el ario; pues no habran salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en. la ,piscina o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada colauriente por los maestros ael colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natation necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las, 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada para los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionari.os, y no tengan'tietnpo de ,preparar su propia carta, y sen recibida por los Comisionarios antesde la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copias de la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. * * .. $: * * * * City Commission 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Commissioner: commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Armando Lacasa Rose Gordon J.L. Plummer,'Jr. :f i; * * :f d5 * 6: 3'r Dear Commissioner, I am taking•this. opportunity; to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off -of hifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October `l, 1979• In ,the ;south, Florida area where knowledge of swimming; and water safety ,is so important to our children, •local .'government should" do its. part to improve such programs not• hinder them. This proposed, lay=off would of .experienced p©rsonnel. 4 thout the services Any amount "of money saved by the City as a result of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just one person should drown as a result, of the lack of proper supervision. I therefore urge " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNINrf YOUR CHILUitEN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. ';his supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting; on thursday ;epteriiher 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Com uisioners prior to that ante. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one, to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE. FOR FORM LETTER) ., ?; ., == .. ., . ;; . ., 41 .: .e e: * :: .a .e ib .. ;: * is is # if " IMPORTANTE; MENSAJF, SOBRE LA El primero de Octubre tie 1979,.la ciudad de Miami propono daries lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de t:odas las piscinas de Miami. Esta proposition es rnuysignificante a los padres 'do los iitnos que -isisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante el ario; pues no hahran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hi joL en la piscina o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solamente por los maestros ael colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenarniento de natation necesario pare ejercir la protection a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:30 de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carte es enviada pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los cornisionarios, y no t.erigan' tiernpo de preparar su propia carts, y sen recibida por los Comisionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si d.esea, izaga copies do la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. .. ., .. .: * `e_ * City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. FerrE, Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lac pis a Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L.'Plummer, "Jr. Dear Commissioner, I :am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off ofLifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local government should: do its part to improve such programs not hinder "them. This proposed=lay off would of experienced personnel. ty ,Without the services Any amount:of money s�avoa by. the City as a re ult of the lay offs will be totally _insignificant if: just ono person: should drown as a result' of the 'lack' of propor supervision. I therefore urge you " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCEY1IIN".r YOUR C1iILIAKN'S SAFETY " On October. 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very sif;nificant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguard: or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t;hursciay September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Coirmiisioners prior to that ante. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to snake copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) :: * , * . +� * .: ?: * * * * is* * * ,. ,. ., is .. .. .: ., .. * .. ., .: oc " IIviPORTANTE I'IENS(Ji SOBRE LA PHOTLCCION DE SUS HIJOS " El primero de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami Propone dories lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposition es muy . significante a los padres de los niaos que a:3isten a las piscinas con el cole io•durante el ino; pues rio habran Salvaviaas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada solamente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natacion necessaro para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3: 3U de la tarde y negarse a este proposition. Si usted no ouecte asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de ester. jueves. La siguiente carte es enviada pare los padres interesad• os, que deseen escribir a los comi▪ sionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carte, y sex rec•ibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si d.esea, saga copies do la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. * .. :; * * * ': ?; s. :c :• ie * * * * *, * * * * City Commission' 3500 Pan American Drive Miaini, Florida 33133. Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore F. Gibson' Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Jr. • September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida`area where knowledge of swimming anti, watE)1, safety is no iniporttint to our children, • local government should do its part to,'Janprove such programs not hinder 'them.. This proposed lay offwould leave the City without the services _ of experienced personnel. , • Any istinc)unt of money saved by the City as a result of the lay offs will be totally insigni.ficarit if just .6no person should drown as a result of the lack of proy)er supervision. I therefore urge you to vote against this proposal. • Thank you • „ , , . , . • " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CPILDAEN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami in planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker roomm. This supervision will tie entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on tnursany aeptemoer 13th. at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attune, write the various City Commisioners prior to that ante. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make coPlee and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * " IMPORTANTE MENSAJE SOBRE LA PROTECCION DE SUS FIIJOS " El primero do Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami ProPone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposicion es muy significante a los padres de los niraos que anisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante ol alio; pues no hahran Salvavieas o mujeres super - visando a sus hijoc en la piscine o en los buffos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada colamente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la proteccion a sus hijos en CDS° de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio - narios antes 'de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada para los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de proparar su propia carta, y se/3 recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, riaga copias de la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Midaii, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Pierre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Couunissioner: Armando LaCaSa • • COMM1SS1Oner: Rose Gordona Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Jr. 480•MINIP - September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed ].ay oft o.f Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south liliorl.da area where knowledge of swimming and iqatez, safety is no important to our children, local government should do its part to irnprovo such programs not hinder 'them. This Proposed lay off would leave the City without the services of experienced P°I's°nriele the lay offe Any amount totallY' lack of P ° be of the insil3rIlf:1-c Lir r)sr s person v by the City a a result of ould drown of money e-t supervision. 1 onon. willa result against I therefore urge you this proposal. Thank You • " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONC'ERNIN.1 YOUR CHILLii EN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very sifrnificant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguard: or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. ',.Pais supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t:hursdcy 3epteriu. er 13th at 3: 30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Commisioners prior to that ante. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) if ?: .. .. .. .c :c as * -d •'? == $:. * .t * . * .. * * * a * * k * * * " IMPORTANTE MEN0AJE SOBRE LA PitOTLCCIOP DE SUS RUJOS " El primer() de Octubre de 1979, la Ciudad de Miami p-roponodarles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras'd© Codas las piscinas de Miami. Esta proposition es cnuy . significante a los padres de los winos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .dura.nte of alio; pues no habran Salvaviaas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos enla piscina o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solainente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experienciao el entrenamiento de natacion necesario pars ejercir la protection a sus hijos en co.so de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan•a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:30`de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios cornisio- narios antes :de este jueves. . La siguiente carts es enviada pars los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los cornisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carts, y sen recibida por los Comisiorarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 do Septiembre. Si d.esea, nags copias do la'carts 'y enviela a todos los cornisionarios debajo mensionados. * .. ,. .. * .. .. ?c ., s,;• ;s ?- * * * * * * * * * * City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Fevre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer,'Jr. September.10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to, communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south plorida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This :proposed -lay off would leave of experienced 'personnel. w1ihout the services Any amount of?money sfavea ,oy the `City as a renult `of 'the lay offs will be totally' ins'ignif�cant if dust ono person. should drown as a ,result of the,: lack -''of -Proper supervision`. " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCEfI'INcf YOUR CHILD, EN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very .significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on tThursday September 13th- at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Corniuisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) ;b ., ., .. .. .c' ., * * >= e. * * * * * * is * * " IMPORTANTE LA PFtOTECCION DE SUS }IIJOS " El primers do Octubre de1979, la ciudad de Miami, eroponedarles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposicion es tnuy . significante a los parses do los limos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio •durente ol` aiio; pues no habran Salvavicias .o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscina`o en los banos y`salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solanlente por los maestros aol colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencie, o el entrenamiento de natacion necessaro pars ejercir la protection a sus hijos'en-caso`de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan;a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 33u.de la tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes 'de este. jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada para los padres interesados, quo deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengari tiempo de pr©parar su propia carta, y sen recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, nags copias de la carts y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados.` is ;: .. .. ., * " * * * * * * is City Commission 350U Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson _Armando Lac cts a Rose :Gordon J.L. Plummer, • Dear Commissioner.,' I am taking this opportunity.to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children,. local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed: lay:, off would of experienced '_porsonnel. Any am ount .of money? saved by'the City as a re;�ult of the lay offs will be totally'insignficant if; just ono person should drown as a - result of <the.- lack';of proper supervi`sion. without the services I therefore urge you to vote against this ;proposal. Thank` y " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONcfl H}1IN,) YOUR CH.ILW EN'S SAFETY. " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami in planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. '.his supervision will tie entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursclay September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attena, write the various City Commisioners prior to that ante. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) .: * ,. y * . s a ,., . ,. , * * * * * * * * " IMPORTANTE MENSAJ SOBRI LA PROTLC(JION U ; 1. SUS H!JOS " El primero de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami p;ropono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. 1sta proposition es muy . significante a los puuves do los iiinos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durente el ario; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscina o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada colamente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experieiici.a o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la proteccion a sus hijos en ca.so de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan,a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. • La siguiente carts es enviada para los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carta, y sen recibida por los Comisionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, naga;copies'do la carte y,enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. : ,. ,. .. .. * ?: * * $: City commission 350u Pan Ameriean Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Armando Lac as a Rose Gordon J.L. Plummer, J r. •:' if �: * * * * * * * * septe nber -10 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communlcate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards'. and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important; to our children, local government should do itspart to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off would leave of experienced personnel.. Any amount :of money' saved by the City,As `a result - of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if; just one person should drown as a result,of"the lack, of proper supervision. without the services I therefore urge .you to Thank 'you': vote against this proposa; " IMPORTANT MESS/WE CONCERNIN; YOUR (fl ILD .t'`N'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguar&is or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. '1.'1_is supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t:hursd y September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Corrnnisioners prior to that ante. The following form letter in provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies andmailoneto each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) " IMPORT/NTE MENSAJL SOBRE LA PROTLCC1ION "Di, SUS HIJOS " El primer() de Octubre de 1979, la Ciudad. de miami 'propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajeras de todas las piscinas die Miami. Este proposition es rnuy . significante a los padres roc' los k ilos sue asisten a las piscinas con el colegio •durante el alio; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijo;; en la piscine o en'los y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada solarnente por los maestros ael colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en csso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiernbre a las 3:3u de 1a tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente Carta es enviada pare los padres interesados, que aeseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carta, y sep recibida por los Comisionarias antesde la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, wigs copies do la Carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados.- 3: ? # *: g .. , ? .. .. ,: ., f is = City Commission 350U Pan American Drive; Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferro Commissioner: commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Armando Lac as a Rose Gordon J.L. Plummer, Jr. September 10, 1979 • Dear Coinmissioner, . . a*.takingthis.'.:600tunitY:;':td,.-COMMUniCate to you my objection . • . •.•--.-... to lay-Off-,.-Of::I4ifegUadOend- Cashiers at City pools • . • .,.• • on--.0CtOber I, 1979, south For area'where knowledge „:•. • of swimming and water. safetyis...60-40pOtant to our children, local•'..goVernment shOuld:i-10:'-HitSpart•tO..ii.ript.ove such programs not hinder thom. • ...•-• . • ,.; This proposed :Isy:---Off.,--2;wolii-c.t.H.iesve..the-.:••--city,.:„•,.Withdtit -.the services•,. • of. •.experienced::;-.perSorineI.• • Any amount of money saved by tile City as a reeult of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just ono person should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision. I therefore urge you to vote against this proposal. Thank you ci) " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNINil YOUR CHILDM ''N'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami it planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during; the year; since there will be no Lifeguard:; or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. 'this supervision will cue entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursday September 13th- at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Corrumisioners prior to that date. The following; form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis sinners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) .: o: .: .. ., ,. .: •.; * a: * * * * d; * " INTORTANTE MENSAJ : SOBRE LA PFOTECCION 1)E SUS f1JOS " El primer's de Octubre tie 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de t:odas las piscinas de Miami. i sta proposicion es muy . significante a los padres de los ninos que asisten a las piscinas con el cote io durante el afro; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscina o en los <banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada rol<amente por los maestros aol colegio cuales es posible no tengan la.'experiencia o el entrenamiento de natation necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en cs.so'de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:30 tie la tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, escribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes .de este jueves. • La siguiente carts es enviada pare los padres interesados, que doseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carts, y sep recibida por los Comisionarios antes de 1a reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, nags copias do la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. .. ,. :; ., .. * * x 3;• 3f i; * is 4: * * * $: is City Commission 35O0 Pan A.meriean.Drive,.... Miami, Florida 33133 ;. Mayor: Maurice A. Fevre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gikhson. Commissioner: Arrnando Lac aasa Commissioner: Rose Gorgon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, September 10 Dear Commissioner.,: I am taking this opportunity ::to'communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local government should do its part to . improve such programs not hinder- them. This proposed lay off would leave of experienced `personnel. the City without the services Any amount ° of money saved by the City as a result of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just ono person should drown as . a result of the lack of proper supervision. I therefore Thank:' ;o voteagainst this proposal. I III 1 IIIIIIIIIIIII.IIuIUMIIIIMIIII " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONC RNINCr YOUR CHILD EN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very sif,nificant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. ?his supervision will use entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t:hursday September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Corninisioners prior to that date. The following; form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER' SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * * i; .. : r ,u . * + :: :: ; * is * 4:- * * * II4IPORTANTE Mir. SAJE SOBRE LA PROTECCION IMP SUS HIJOS " El primero de 0ctubre die 1979, la ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas. y Cajoras de Codas las piscinas de Miami. Esta proposition es rnuy significante a los padres de los uihos sue a;3isten a las piscinas con el colegio .durcnte el aiio; pues no hahran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijocen la piscina o en los .banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solarriente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus h.ijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a.la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 do septiembre a las 3:30 de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puecte asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes .de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviadn para los padres interesados, quo deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carta, y sen recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copias do la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. City Commission 350u pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armana.o Lacnsa' Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Jr. September 1.0, 1979 . • • •• Dear Coimn1sioner,.••• „ . • . I am taking this opp,orbunity to cOmMunicate to you my objection to the proposed lay 'off-'cifLifeglitirds and Cashiers at City pools on 'October 1, 197.9.: area where knowledge of swimming and water.:-:Srifetyi6_,..no iraportant to our children, local governinent:._SliOiiieLdO its part to improve such programs not hinder thorn. This proposed lay oIT would leave the City without the services of e)Eperien.ced personnel. Any amount of' money saved by the City as a result of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just one person should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision. I therefore urge you to vote against this proposal. ''''''.----:'• • --, -..........,. „...-....„,. ..H.,,,,,.,..,,, ...... Thanlcr.,.y914,.-..„,--:-._--,-,,.,:„„,,..„,:.,...,..„..,,.... " '---- - • •-•-. ...,,,..,.., .... ,., ,.„.•....,..........,.• .. ,._., . , .1------',-..-•.•,..•-•..-,-.-,,-,••,.....,--,-,'„,i-,.--.„-,,i----.-....-,..-,-.-.,-_-, -.... :.:. -- ------- -.--„,:-,-._.•--.-,...,„ - • ...„.:.,,... ., .:.,.., ........-„,:,, . • . ,, , • ..•.,:„....„...... _..,....,, , ,,..-,,,,,,,.--.....„-.:,....-„_••,.., ... .,..„... .... .... .... .. -.- ..........,... -..., • ...:,.,..,, , ---'-- • • •„....,.. _ .-„,....--,•:-,::-..•-...:.„ .•,., -,,_.,....-- ..,, . ..-'----. ,",-...?_-..-.,--,.....„,...,..-....,-,,,„_.•„,,,... •>-f.....i.....i.-..._;C.,---. ''''''''''.:'-'1.-' -11--;-1-',-•-•,-----,.-,-::•-_-•',.;:..,-,--,--,--.-....,,,,,,,,,:-..„:„„--,..,,-.,,-...,„,.„:,,:.„.:.,.„,....,..„.,,,..,..,,:.,. _ " ' -_,-.•....-:,.-„-„,,„_.,_.:.,-,,,„,„:„..,-...,.-.,,,,.,...,...,.........,.,.. -,:.---".„_.,--,..,..,-,...,„......„„,...,...... , . . ...,,,,,....:•.,..,.._,,,....., 1111111111-11NIMIONOMINIMPO " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONC RNINe; YOUR Ct?ILDer,`N'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker room.,. 'ihis supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t;hurnday ,=3eptemeer 13th- at 3:3U P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Comlirisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) IMPORTANTE MENSAJE SOBRE LA PROTLCCI0N DE SUS HIJOS " El primero de Octubre tie 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y . Cajoras do todas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposicion es muy . significante a los pauees de los winos que anisten a las piscinas con el colegio ,durance el aiio; pues no habran Salvaviaas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijo's en la piscine o en los banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada solainente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experierici.a o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos 'n caso de accidentes. Es por eso le a.dvertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Sept;iembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a este proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, escribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada para los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo deproparar su propia carts, y sera recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copies do la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo,mensionados. i. .. .. .. 3. * * * * ;, City Commission 350u pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133• Mayor: Maurice .�. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando .Lacasa' Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer,`Jr. .. 41. 42. 3. 3. * 31. 31. 3. 3. 3. September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This pro•pos•ed lay off would of experienced personnel.: leave the City without the services Any amount of' money stived by the City as a result of the lay offs will be totally insi;n ficant if just ono rson should drown as a result of the ck of pr0pf3r,supervispeion. I therefore Thank' you urge you to vote against this proposal. " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNIN4 YOUR CHILlASV'S SAFETY " On October. 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very sie,nificant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during; the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water ;Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t:hursci y Septeraaer 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Cominisioners prior to that date. The follrmini; form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th commission meeting. You may wish to make copiesand mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * ., .. * n n it n n .. n .. * .. . "S, i.' .. .i '.i , • * * * 3Z' " INiPORTANTE MENSl Ji; SOr3RE LA PROT ;CCION UI, `SUS HIJOS " El primero de Octubre tie 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Ca jeras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposicion es muy.signiflcante a los padres die los ninos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio durante e1 ano; pues no hahran Sslvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada solaunente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natation necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan..a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:30 de la tarde y negarse a este proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, °scribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carte es enviada para los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carte, y ser recibida por los Comisionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, imge copies de la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. City Commission 3500 Pan A,rr orican Drive Miami, Florida'33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer," Jr. ?; 35 * • 3: 3f 41 31 31 31 II III I IIIINIIIIIII11I11111 IIIIJ l Dear Conunissioner, I am taking this opportunity.; to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at city pools on October.1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is :io important to our children, local 'government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed. layoff would leave of experienced personnel. Any amount' • of money s��vec� by the City as"a re ult of the lay offs,> will be totally insignificant if dust ono person ehould drown: as a result of. the lack of. proper supervision. without the services I therefore.urge you. to vote: against.` this proposal. Thank you (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * o: * * * * ., .• . .. ,. ,., ,, * * * ?. * * .. * * * * * * " IMPORTANTE MENSAJ ; SOBRE LA P "tOTEi;CCION OE SUS FRTJOS " El primero de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de Codas las piscinas de Miami. Esta proposition es rnuysignificante a los pauses de los uiTios que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio •durente el ano; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hi jos en la piscina o en los barros y sales de cambio. La supervision seradadacolaurrente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experienci.e o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en cases de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:30 de 1a tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada pars los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiernpo tie preparar su propia carts, y sen recibida por los Comisionarios antes d© la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si cesea, naga copies do la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. .c' ?; 3i ?; ?: ?: s. # :8 ?: s: is " IMPORTANT, MESSAGE CONCERNIN( YOUR CHILliM EN'S SAFL'TY " On October. 1, 1979 the City of Miami in planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to ciffectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission moetirz on t.hursctay September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Com3nisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior, to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis sioners listed below. City Commission 35O0 Pan A,meriean Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa. Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Jr. September' Dear. Commissioner,' I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979., In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water:oafety:is. no important to our children, • local`'govornment• should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them.. This• proposed lay off would eve the. City.without the services of' experienced porsorinel. Any amount- of money 'saved by the City as ;a result of the lay offs will be totallyinsignificant if Just ono person should drown as a result of, the lack of proper supervision. I therefore Thank you urge you to vote against this'. proposal. ywaa.rawS;l5A.A6`:k:= 97.,WAIXttg9+V^ ig..I.= " IMPORTANT MESSAGE coNC ;f1' INCT YOTJR CHILliitraN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very slinnificant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during; the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants i.o supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. 'phis supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t.hursciay ;,eptemeer 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Coiumisioners prior to that este. The following; form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER * �: ., .. .. == .. # ° - == :. �. +t, * * a * * * * * * " IMPORTANTE MENSAJE SOBRE El primero de Octubre de 1979, la Ciudad de .Miami propose darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Ca joras de todas las piscines de Miami. rsta proposicion es muysignificante a los Padres do 1os iiinos quo asisten a las piscinas con el colegio durante of tho; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscina o en les Banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada sol�arnente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experielicia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos on c3.so de accidentes. Es por eso le a.dvertimos a todos los padres que-asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, °scribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. Lasiguiente carts es enviada pare los padres inter'esados, quo deseen escribir a los _comisionarios, y no tengar. tiempo de preparar su propia carte, y sen recibida por los Comisionarios antes de' la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, naga' copies do la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensioriados. City Commission' 350u Pan American Drive Miami, Florida'33133 Mayor: Maurice _4. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson` Commissioner: Armando Lacasa' Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Jr. * * * * * * 45 ai *•$c * 111011111111111111111 Dear 'Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the;. south. Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder. thorn. This proposed ay off "would leave the City wii;hoot the services of experienced'parsor►noa. Any amount of money saVed by the City as:'arosult of' the lay offs will be totally insignificant ifjust ono person should drown as a result of the lack of proppor. supervision. I therefore Thank'' you 7 vote against this proposal. " IMPORTANT DIESSAGS CONCE1U1IN3 YOTJR CHILU1'iilM'S SAFETY " On October. 1, 1979 the City of Miami in planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at al]. City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants, to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will r)e entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t:hursday September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attenu, write the various City Comanisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) •: x * o: ,. .; ,, .� * . * * ac * 4:- u IMPORTANTE P:IENSAJ ; SOBRE LA PROT1 CCIQN 17E SUS FITJOS " El primero de , Octubre die 1979, la ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Ca joras detsodas las piscinas tie Miami. Este proposition es cnuy significante a los pnures do loss ninos que ardsten a las piscinas con el colegio .dursnte of afro; pues no hahran Saivavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hi jos en la ,piscine 0 en los banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada solamente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experietici.a a el_'entrenamiento de natation necesario pars ejercir la protection a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 do Septicinbre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a este proposition. Si usted no puecie asistir, escrit)a uno de los varios comisio- narios antes 'de este jueves. , La siguiente carta es enviada pare los padres intoresados, que doseen escribir a los cornisionarios, y no tengan_ tietnpo de preparar su propia carts, y sep recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si d.esea, Naga copias de la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionndos. *,* * City Commission 350U Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice. A. Pierre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacy?sa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Jr. .. 3:- ::• :: * # * * * if :!a*.. db * September`` Dear Commiasioner• ,; I aril taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October:1, 19Z9. .In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water aafety is so important to our children, local govornment.should:do its part to improve such programs not. hinder ,them. This proposed lay off would leave the C of experienced personnel. Any amount of' money` saved by the City as a result; of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just one person should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision. I therefore Thank you vote against this proposal. .sue ARWLN:f+g.L.. " IMPORTANT MESSiWE CONC 'RNIN,: YOUR CHILWEN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the city of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very siinificant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have they necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on taiurscic.y ;iepteiiiber 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Commisioners prior to that ante. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the. September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * ,, ., ., *.. * :: -* * .L .. a * . >* * * * * ..* * * * * * * * " IMPORTANTE P'1ENSAJr1 SOBRE LA PROTCCCION .DE SUS HiaOS El primero de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami cropono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Ca joras do todas las piscinas de Miami. rsta proposition es ruy.significantea los padres do los iiinos que x;;isten a las piscinas con el colegio •durante of rtno; pues no hahran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos enla piscina o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solairiente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos on coso de aceidentes. Es por eso le advertimos, a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes de este jueves. La siguiente carta-es enviada pars los padres interesados, que aeseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo tie preparar su propia carte, y sep recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, hags copias do la carts y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. * ,. .. * * * * * City Commission 350u Pan American Drive` Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Arinando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, °Jr Dear Commissioner, I ain taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the propoaed lay off of Lifeguardsand Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important toour children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off would leave of experienced personnel. without the services Any amount of money s4aved oy the City as a result of the lay offs. will be totally, insignificant if just one person should drown as a result, of the lack of' proper supervision. " IM?ORT,ANT MESSAGE CONCERNIWI YOUR CNILD tr:T1'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during; the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t:hurnday September 13th at 3:3U P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Corrunisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER:) ?; •: * o: o .. ,. .... y ,. , * * * * * * * " IMPORTANTE MENSAJ i; El primero de Octubre (ie 1979, la ciudad ; de _Miami 'propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de Codas las piscinas de Miami. ksta proposicion es muy.significante a los parsesdo los mhos que asisten a las piscinas con e1 colegio .durente el aiio; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos enla piscina o en los bravos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solaunente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencis o el entrenamiento de natation necesario pare ejercir la protection a sus hijon en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le a.dvertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u'de la tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. . La siguiente carte es enviada pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los cornisionari.os, y no tengan tiernpo de proparar su propia •• carte, y sen recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septieinbre. Si desea, hags copias do la Carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. rt g: .. ;�.* e• s. .. ..:. �, :,; -;: :: .: :.r .. .; .: `:: .: .. .: .. =.c -.. :, 's. .. 7 .c if * * * * * * * * is City Commission. 350u Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133' Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose 'Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Jr. Dear Commissioner, I am taking this' opportunity, to communicate to you my objection to the -proposed -lay off o.f Lifeguards'and Cashiers at City pools on Oc:tober:l; 1979.- In;thesouth Florida area where knowledge of swimming and' water :oaf ety is no 'important to our children, local government shoulddo its part to improve such programs not hinder' thorn. This proposed layoff would leave the City without the services of experienced personnel. Any amount of money savedby: the City as a result of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just one person should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision. " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNIN,j YOUR CHILL7i{Na'N'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguard:; or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. 'obis supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drowninga. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend•. the Commission meeting on thursday ;;eptemeer 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City. Cominisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) " IMPORTANTE MENSAJ; SOBRE LA FROTECGIO1 I)P 'SUS HIJOS " El primer() de Octubre do _ 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de Codas las piscinas tie Miami. Esta proposicion es muy . significante a los padres do los uihos que anisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durcrnte el ano; puss no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscina o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solaunente por los maestros ael colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el,entrenamiento de natation necessaro para ajercir la protection a sus hijos en coso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistun•a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3: 3U tie la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carts es enviada para los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarlos, y no t.engar, tiempo "de preparar su propia carts, y sen recibida por los Comisionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si d_esea, nags copias do la cartes y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. ., .. $; =c is * ?c 3: a .. # * * .. * if ai * is is City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferro Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson' Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Jr. September 10, Dear Commissioner,'` I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off' of Lifeguards and Cashiers at city pools on October 1, 1979. Inthe south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and watersafety is no important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off would leave of experienced 'personnel. i;hout the services Any amount of money', saved by the City as 'a re ult' of' the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just ono person should drown as a result of the 'lack of proper supervision. I therefore urge you Thank you IMPORTANT MESSiO1: CONC REIN; YOUR CHIL1:ii EN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pool:. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. 'l111s supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t:hursday September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Comiuisioners prior to that date. The following; form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th commission meeting. you may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * .. ,. .: .: * .: a .. .. a a •. * * * * * * 3: * " IM?ORTANTE MENSAJE SOBRE LA PROTECCION DE SUS IIIJOS " El primer() de Octubre cie_1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposition es cnuy . significante a los padres de los uinos que anisten a las piscinas con el colegio •durante el silo; pues no hahran'Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o'en los banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada solauciente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la proteccion a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a este proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes -de este jueves. La siguiente carts es enviada para los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de pr©parar su propia carts, y sen recibida por los Comisionarlos antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, nags. copies de la carts y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. *. * * a * , y. .: $i * * :: * * :b * * * City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose 'Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Jr. September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, . I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you' my objection to the proposed lay, off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the aouth Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off would leave of experienced personnel. Without the services Any amount of money saved by. the City as a result' ,of'. the lay„ offs will be totally insignificant if just one; person .ehoul'd drown as a result of the lack of .proper supervision. • " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERN IN« YOUR CIIILL1it"..`N'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very sij;nificant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t;trurscla ,y ;;epterriber 13th at 3: 3(i P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City ComIaisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and nail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) " IMPORTANTE MENSAJE SOBRE LA PROTLGCION DS SUS HIJOS " El primer() de Octubre pie 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Esta proposition es muy , significante' a los padres do los iiinos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante eloho; pues no'habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los barrios y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solasnente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencis o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le a.dvertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septieinbre a las 3:3u tie la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. si usted no puede asistir, escriba una de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este. jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada pars los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de proparar su propia carte, y sen recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembrre. Si desea, haga copias do la carta.y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. City commission 350u Pan Aznerican Drive Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice 4. F'erre� Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon, Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, * * * i:• * is * September 10, Dear Commissioner,' I am taking this opportunity.; to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers' at city pools on October 1, 1979. Inthe south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety` is so important to our children, local government should do lts part to improve such programs not hinder thorn. This proposed. lay off would leave'the City without"the services of experienced personnel. Any amount :of money' saved by the City a• s a rasult of the ley off will be totally insignificant if just one person should drown as a result, -of -.the lack;`of proper supervision. I therefore Thank against'thisproposa " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILWriN'S SAFETY " On October. 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very sie,nificant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during; the year; since there will be no Lifeguard:; or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will eta entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t:hursci ay September 13th- at 3:3(i P.M. and speak against this proposal. TV you cannot attend, write the various City Commisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September l3th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) a a * = * . ti: * * * * is i; * " IMPORTANTE I"ENSAJ ; SOBRE LA PROTECCION DE SUS FifJOS " El primero de Octubre die 1979, la Ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajeras de t:odas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposicion es muy , significante a los parses do los winos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio.durante el ano; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos enla piscine o en los 'banes y -sales de canrbio. La supervision sera dada solauriente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experieiici.a o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario pare ejercir la protection a sus hijos en ca.so' de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:30 de 1a tarde y negarse a este proposicion. Si usted no puecte asistir, °scribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes de este jueves. La siguiente carte es enviada pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los cornisionario ,, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carte, y sen recibida por los Comis.ionarios antes de 1a reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copies de la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. .. ., ,. :; * * * * * $; :'. * ;s* * * .; .: r is * * * * City Commission 350e Pan American Drive' Miami, Florida 33133 Commissioner: Theodore R. Commissioner:' Commissioner Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Dear Commissioner,,. I am taking this opportunity to -communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the aouth Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local.govornment should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off would leave the ofexperienced personnel without the services Any amount of -money saved by the City as a result of the lay offs will " be totally insignificant if just one person should drown as a result of the lack of propAr supervision. I therefore urge youto vote against this proposal. Thank " IMPORTANT MI•:SSkGI•, CONC'.RNIN;G YOUR CHILIMETI'S SAFETY " On October. 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. 'this supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who inay not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursciay September 13ttr at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Commisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) . .. .. .. .. ., is .. .. •:. ;.• * •:'r ib * * 3 * 11 IM?ORTANTE MENSAJ ; SOBRE LA P "tOTECCION' DE SUS HIJjOS El primero de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajeras de todos las piscinas de Miami. Esta proposicion es muy significante a los padres de los ninon que anisten a las piscinas con el colegio ,durante el aiio; pues no harran Salvavici.as o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscina o en los !stifles y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solaunente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario pars ejercir la protection a sus hijos en c3so de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres sue asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u tie la tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, °scribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes 'de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada pars los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los cornisionarios, y no tengan tiernpo de'preparar su propia carta, y sep recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, nags copias de la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. ,. :: .. ..• ,; * ?' c *:. City Commission 350u pan A.meriean Drive Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore .R. Gibson' Commissioner:. Armando Lace;sa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Jr September°10, Dear Commissioner,;. I am taking this opportucommunicate to you my objection to the > proposed lay off, of. Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October:l,'1979•' In,.the south i�hl,orida area where knowledge of swimming. and water safety is so iiuportant to our children, local `government should :;do its part to improve: such programs not • hinder thorn. This proposed lay off would leave the City without the services of experienced personnFol. Any amount; of money saved °by the City asa result' of the will be totally insignificant if dust ono person should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision. I therefore urge you " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNIN4 YOUR CHILUitM'S SAFETY " On October. 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing; to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. 'this supervision will cue entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on f;iiurnd ;y September 13th at 3: 30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. if you cannot attenu, write t;he various City Commisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to. the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make cop±es'and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE. FOR FORM LETTER) s x . ,: , * :y. „ .. .: .: * .: " IMPORTANTE p ENSAJE SOBRI El primer() de Octubre de la Ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de t;odas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposicion es muy significante 'a los peeves de los limos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante el aiio; puss no hahran Salvaviaas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos enla piscine o en los banns y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada colauriente por los maestros ael colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experienciao el entrenamierito de natation necesario pare ejercir la proteccion a sus ni jon en case) de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septieinbre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carte es enviada pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carte, y sen.recibida por los Comisionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si aesea, nage copies de la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. * ., .. * * > * * g; .. * City Commission 3S0u Pan American Drive' Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferro Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Jr September 10, Dear 'Commissioner,=. I am this opportu taking•niy t,' to communicate to•you my objection to the.'• proposed 'lays off of :Lifeguards, and Cashiers at City pools on October`.l, 1979. In,the'south Florida area where knowledge of" • swimming"and watersafety;"is.•`fie important to our children, • local.. government should`do its'part ;to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off wou of experienced:persornnel. thout the services Any amount of money saved by the City as a result of the lay offs will be totally "insignificant if just ono person should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision. I therefore urge you " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CoNCER IN,1 YOUR CHILIAEN'S SAFETY On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very sip;nificant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during; the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. Yliis supervision will eye entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have t:ho necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t,hursday September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Cornimisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail ono to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) :f .. ., " .. .= J4 .; s: ., .: :c :: :+,;;; '. o: .: .: d'c * * * * * * " IMPORTNNTE PIENSAJr; SO3RE LA PHOTECCION I.E SUS HIJOS " El primero de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposition es rnuy.significante a los padres de los winos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante of ario; pues no hahran Salvevidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada co1amente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el.entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan,a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3U cie la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si.usted no puecte asi.stir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes 'de este jueves. . La siguiente carte es enviada pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan ;tiempo'de preparar su propia carte, y sen recibiva por los Comisiorlarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, nage copies do la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. it :: .. .. .. ., * * * * * City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson' Commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Rose Gordon J.L. Plummer, Jr. ., 3f * * * 3:• * .b s: * Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to theproposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at city pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is :no 'important to our children, local government should do its•part.to improve such programs not hinder' them. This proposed layoff would leave the City without the services of experienced personnel. Any amount of money; saved by the City as will be totally insignificant if. just ono person shout as a result of the :lack`:of proper supervision. I thereforeurge you Thank ;you " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNIN4 YOUR CHILDi?EN'S SAFETY " On October. 1, 1979 the City of Miami in planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or fomale attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t;hursday Septemaer 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attenu, write the various City Commisioners prior to that unto. The following form letter is provide] for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER, SIDE FOR FORM LETTbn) " IMPORTANTE MENSAJ ; SOBRE LA PttOTECCION DIE -SUS HIJOS " El primero de Octubre tie 1979, la ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Esta proposition es muy,significante a los padres de los winos que aslsten a las piscinas con el colegio ,durente @1 ano; pues no habran 'Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada sol€unento por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natation necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en caso oe accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a 3 3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usteo no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carts es enviada pars los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de proparar su propia carta, y sen recibida por los Comisionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copies do la carts y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. ., ii .. n :: > > * * n * is .. ' '' :. `' :i L * * * * * * * * * * City Commission 3500 Pan American Driv< Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferro Commissioner: Theodore' R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Jr. September 10, 1979 Dearco - tunit to to you my objection communicate mmissiOner, I am'taking, this ()PPP! to the proposed lay. off Of:,LiegUarids arid Cashiers at City pools on Oetoberl, 1979. In the south !10,rdflareit where knowledge of swimming and water skif!ty is so important to our children, local gOvornment should'cio its part toimprove such programs not hinder them. . leave the 0 , This Pr°P.°nseede,dii:srs:nfriw()olu.ld itY without hseerivaiyeeosiirs t the of experle City as a result - of the drown ed by the C.ulst ono . person E3hou Any amount of irl°r1.„ eY 841v' 1.1., i supervision. will be tetallY insignificant °per result 47-)r, _ _...-ai. as a vote against this proposal. e urge you 1 therefclr • Thank you " IMPORTANT MESSAGE COMCEf1 IN,f YOUR CP.ILi: EN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to ley off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significantto the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendant: to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will ee entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who inay not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission moetine on thursday September 13th• at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write ;the various City Cominisioners prior to that ante. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. ( SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) .. ., ,: .. ,. .. „ .: ,: „ ,, * .-. ._ a ,. , „ ,, * + ., ,,.:., y. ,: ,: * * * * * * IMPORTANTE MENSAJ a El primer() de Octubre die 1979, la ciudad de , Miamipropose darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de Codas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposicion es muy significante a los padres de los winos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durrnte of ano; pues no hahran Sely avidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los'banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada solaunente por los maestros aol colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en coso tie accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3 3u de le tarde y negarse a este proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, ()scribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes _de este jueves. La siguiente cartes es enviada pare los padres interesados, quo deseen escribir a los comisionari.os, y no tengan tiempo de proparer su propia carte, y see recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si d.esea, nage copies do la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados .. .. .. .. * * * * City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando.Laceee Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Jr.' September. 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am'taking this opportunity to aommunioate to you my objection to the -proposed ° lay off of Lifeguards andCashiers at city pools on October:1, 1979. In 'the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is :so important to our children, local govorninent should do its part to improve such programs not hinder' thorn. This proposedlay off would leave the City without the services. of experienced. personnel. Any ainount`of money: 'weed by the: City as a re ult:of the Lay. offs will be totally insignificant if just ono person should drowm • as a result of the lack of proper supervision: " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILL7,tEN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of. Miami. is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during; the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on L1 ursci :y septeiiioer 13th• at 3: 30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Cornmisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEEOTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) =' == =c ?; >: . * .r :; •:; :; 3:• * * * # * * 81- " IMFORTANTE MENSAJ ; SOBRE LA PROTECCION U1. SUS HIJOS " El primer() de Octubre ae 1979, la ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras det:odas las piscinas de Miami. N.sta proposition es rnuy . significante a los padres de los limos que a:3isten a las piscinas con el colegio .dursnte o1 ano; puss no habran Sslvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscina o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solaunente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experienci.s o el entrenamiento de natation necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en case de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3U de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada para los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los .cornisionari.os, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carta, y sea recibida por los Comisionarios antes do 1a reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, haga copias do la carta y enviela a todos los cornisionarios debajo mensionados.` .• City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer,'Jr. $. • * Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to, communicate to you my objection to the proposed.layoff, o.f Lifeguards nnd-Caghiera at City pools on October 1,1979• Tn the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety�.is so iriportant to our children, local government ,ahould,do its part to improve such programs not hinder thom.: This proposed lay off would leave the City without the services ofexperienced personnel. Any amount ;of money saved by the City, as a r©suit of the lay offs will be totally ;ins ignificant if just ono, person Should drown. as a result of the lack of proper supervision. I therefore urge Thank you you to vote against: this proposal. " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CO.NCERNIN4 YOUR CHILliSJ'N'S SAFL'TY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to iny off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. Yhis supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on tnursday september 13th- at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attenu, write the various City Coinznisioners prior to that ante. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mailone to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * * * * ., * :; :c $: ., :: :c * "ti; : .c a tic` ; *.s* :'• * .. * of * " IMPORTANTE PIi+.NSAJE SOBRE LA PROTLCCION 1)S SUS HIJOS " El primer() de Octubre. cis 1979, la ciudad. de Miamnipropone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras do Codas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposicion es muy significante, a los pttures de los winos ' que a listen a las piscinas con el colegio ,durente el Giro; pues rio habran Saivavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada solainente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experienci.a o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para a jercir la protection a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padre; que asistan.a la rounon de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3 3u de ` la tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes -de este jueves. La siguiente carts es enviada para los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carte, y sen'recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si d.esea, Naga copies de la carts y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. .. ., .. : ?;. *: * 3 '. )= # . * is * is * * * * * City Commission 350o Pan American Drive Miami, Florida. 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon' Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Jr. Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay 'off of Lifeguard`s .and Cashiers at City pools on October, 1, 1979. In .the south' plorida area where knowledge of swimming and water safetyis no important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinderthom. This proposed lay off would of experienced personnel. the City without'the services Any amount of money ` saved by the City;' as a result of the lay offs will be totallyinsignificant if just ono person should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision. I therefore urge you . to vote against " IMPORTANT MESSAGE: CONCERNING YOUR CHILIMEN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. ';phis supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t;hursd ay september 13th- at 3: 30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If' you cannot attenu, write the various City Coiwnisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) ?; ., ., .. : c .. ' = = = = = * , . s * * ;: .. * * is * $ = 41 " IIyiPORTANTE MENS(Ji SOI3RE LA PROTECCION DE SUS HIJOS " El primero de Octubre: tie 1979, la ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas_y-Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. 1sta proposition es muy . significante a los ptaares de los uiaos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante el taro; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscina o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solaunente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada para los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los com.ision&ri.os, y no tengan tiempo de pr©parar su propia carta, y sep recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga' copias do la carta y ;enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. * g: .;:. :: :, :: :° `* 4:• * * 8g of ;c d: City Commission 350u pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, 'Jr.` I 1111111111111111111111111 Dear Commissioner,< I am taking,this opportunity to communicate to You my objection to the proposed lay off of ,LifeguardsAnd Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the 'south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder 'them. This proposed lay off would leave the City without the services of experienced personnel. Any amount - of money saved by the ; City as a result of . the lay offs will be totallyinsignificant if;. just ono person should drown as a result of' the lack of proper supervision. IMF " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOT'R CHILDR4a'N'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during; the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will ee entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t;hursday ,eptember 13th• at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Corrunisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their •ommissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be recoive.I by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. Yot may wish to snake copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners liste' below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) .. .. ::.: ,. ,. .: * ,. * * 3. * a. * " IMPORTANTE MEN iAJE SOBRE LA PttOTECCIOP: DE SUS HIJOS El primer° de Octubre die ,1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Ca joras de todas las piscinas tie Miami. k sta proposition es tnuy . significante -a los paueesdo los iri?ios que anisten a las piscinas con el colegio durante 01 .dire; puss no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscina o en los barios y galas de cambia. La supervision sera dada solamente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natation necesario para ejercir la protection a sus iiijos en eso tie accidentes. Es par eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Sept:iembre a las 33u de lea tarde y negarse a esta proposition.' Si usted no puede asistir, cscriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada para los padres interesados, que aeseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carts, y sen' recibida por los Comisionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copies do la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. .. .. , * * * ?; City Commission 350u pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferro' Commissioner: Commissioner.: Commissioner.: Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Armando Lacasa Rose Gordon J.L. Plummer, 11 1' * i; is is d: * :f * * it September 10, 1979 Dear`Commiasioner, I'am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off ofr.LifeguardSand Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the .aouth:Florida ;area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local government should 'do its part to improve such programs not hinder them.` This proposed lay off would of experienced personnel. without the services Any amount of money saved by the 'City.;; as . a result ;of ,the ley offs • will be totally insignificant if 'just one person should drown as a result of the 'lack' of proF�or supervision:;• I therefore urge 'you Thankyou C' IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING On October. 1, 1979 the City of Miami in planingto lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very si nificant. to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision wi1.i be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to c effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meetina on t;hursday September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Cotrunisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) " IIViPORTANTE MENSAJE SOBRE LA PtlOTECCSON DE SUS HIJOS El primero de Octubre pie 1979,: la ciudad de Miami 'propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todos las piscinas de Miami. Este proposition es muy , significante a los padres do los winos cue asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durente el aiio; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijo;s en la piscina o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solamente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experierici.a o el entrenamiento de natation necesario para ejercir la protection a sus nijos en co.so ae accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiemb,re a las 3:3o de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes 'de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada para los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carte, y se/3 recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copias do la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. .. ,. .. :, 4:- * 4;. q: ?; :: * # 4; * * * # * * * City Commission 350u pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner:. Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunityto communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off 'of.Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979.In:the'south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This :proposed lay. off would leave the-0 ty without the services of a erienced erso xp p nnel Any amount of..money'savee oy the> City as a result''of -the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just one: person ahould drown as a result .of ;the lack of proper supervision. I therefore urge you to vote'; against; this proposa Thankyou IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOI)R CHILDREN'S SAFETY On October. 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. ;his supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have ttho necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursday September 13th• at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City comrnisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. you may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) .. ?; .. ., .. °= °' .: .. ., * * st * .. * * * * * " IMPORTANTE MENSAJ ; SOBRE LA PROTECCION IDES SUS HIJOS El primer() de Octubre Cie 1979, la Ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas''y. Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Fsta proposicion es muy.significante a los pacu'es de los iil'rius clue asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante el afro; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la, piscina o en los banos y'salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solarnente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experienci.a o el entrenamiento de natation necesario para ejercir la proteccion a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres clue asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada para` los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengar, tiempo de preparar su propia carta, y sea recibida por los-Comisionarios antes d© la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copias de la Carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. ::- :° *, * * * ti 3' =c -* * $: :: * * * * * 3: City Commission 350U Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity:; to communicate to you my objection to the proposed layoff of Lifeguards and` Cashiers at City pools on October 1,197.9. Inthe south Florida .area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is ria important to our children, local government should do its ,part to improve such programs not hinder=thorn. This proposed lay off would of experienced personnel. Any amount of money saved by the City as a result of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just one person should drown as a result of the lack of proper. supervision. I therefore urge you to vote against this proposal. Thank you " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILDREN'S 'SAFETY " On October. 1, 1979 the City of Miami in planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very sif;nificant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be, no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drowning:. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t:hursciay eepteznber 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attenu, write the various City Corrunisioners prior to that unto. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not havetimeto prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mailoneto each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * * * �: :: :: .: 'C :. :: :: .K ,:. ,: :• , :: .� .: :� ,: *4- * 3. * " IMPORTANTE MENSAJE SOBRE LA PROTECCION DE SUS IIIJOS " El primero de Octubre tie 1979, la ciudad, de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposicion es rnuy.significante a los enures do los oleos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio durente el afro; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos enla piscine o en los buffos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada colaxrrente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en caso `de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a•la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a este proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, c;scriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. . La siguiente carte es enviada pars los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los cornisionari.os, y no t.engan tiempo de preparar su propia carts, y see recibida por los Comis.ionarios antesdela reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, nags copies do la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. * * * * 4 3: oc .: .,. ib 3:. * * * * * * * City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner.: Theodore ci. Gi'c son Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: O.L. Plummer, Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity: to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at city pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and ` water safety is no important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder'thom. This proposed lay off would leave the City without the services of experienced personnel. Any amount.;' of money'- saved by the City as a reeult:of the lay offs will be ;totally' insignificant if just ono Person -should drown as a result 'of the lack of proper supervision'. I therefore urge'you " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCEIl1IN1. YOUR CHILDD {EN''S SAF1 I'Y 1 On October. 1, 1979 the City of Miami in planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. his supervision will eje entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meetina on thursd.ay September 13th- at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Coes isioners prior to that aat.o . The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail ono to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * .. ?: * .. .r ., .. .c ., .; .. ., * * ..• .. .. .. ,, sC- is * is it * * " IM?ORTANTE MENSAJE SOt3RE LA PROTLCCION DE SUS HTJOS " El primer() de Octubre (le 1979, la Ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de t:odas las piscinas die Miami. Este proposicion es ruysignificante a los padres de los nizlos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante el ano; pees no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los barites y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada colrunerite por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experienci.s a el entrenamiento de natacion necesario pare ajercir la proteccion a sus hijos en ca.so de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 do Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a este proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes de este jueves. La siguiente carte es enviada pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los cainisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carte, y se/2 recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, raga copies do la carte y enviela a todos los cornisionarios debajo mensionados. .. .. .. .. .. * * * * * * :; $= City Commission 350u pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Perre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa:. Commissioner: Rose Gordon' Commissioner: J.L. Plummer September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection =_ to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools 1 on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This prop.oaed lay off would°leave of experienced personnel. without the services Any amount . of, money. saved by the City., as 'a result of the lay offs will .be totally` insignificant if just ono person should drown as a result; of 'the -lack of ,proper supervision. I therefore urge Thankyou to vote against this proposal IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR C ILDRt+a'N'S SAFETY I� On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t,hursd.ay septem eer 13th• at 3:30 p.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Cominisioners prior to that ante. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER); ._':: .: * . ,. ,;* . ,p * : .. :: ,:. a :: .! :: , ,. .. * * * 41. II4PORTANTE MENSAJi SOBRE LA PROTECCION 1DS SUS HIJOS " El primer's de Octubre die 1979, la eluded de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposition es muysignificante a los pftrires do lot 11111os que a isten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante el ano; pues no habran salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los Banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solanente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experienci.a o el entrenamiento de natation necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 do Septiembre a las 3:30 de la tarde y negarse a este proposition. Si usted no puede asistir,-ascribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carte es enviada pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, 'y no tengan tiemnpo de preparar su propia carte, y sep recibida por los Comisionariosantes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si d.esea, haga copies do lacarte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados.' .. .. * * * * * ?: * :. ., °.: d; • * * * * * * * * * City Commission 350u Pan American Drive`` Miaini, Florida 33133 • Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer., Jr. September 10, Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity`to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of 'Lifeguards and ° Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the. south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off =w0U of experienced porsonnol. without the services Any amount of money saved by the City. as ,a result of the lay offs will be, totally.'insignificant if : just one person ,should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision. I therefore urge you IMPORTANT MESSAGE: CONCERNING YOUR CHILI:i `tt+N'S SAFETY 1 On October. 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off hifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during; the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursday September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Cornrnisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) .. .. ,. ::.: ., ,. * * .::. :.: a, of * * IMPORTANT PENS AJE 08FU LA PFtOTLCCIOP: Dig SUS HIJOS n El primer() de Octubre, de 1979, la ciudad de Miami propono .darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. i,sta proposition es muy . significante a los padres de los iiinos que anisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante of ario; pues no habran 'Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijon enla piscina o en los'banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada colaunente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiexacia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijon en ca.so'de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Sept:iernbre a las 330 de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puecte asistir, eseriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes 'de este jueves. La siguient.e carta es enviada para los padres.interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiernpo de preparar su propia carts, y sen recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembr©. Si desea, haga;copias do la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados.` City Commission 3500 Pan American Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferro Commissioner: Theodore R. Gipson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer,; Dear 'Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity`to.communicate to you my objection to the -proposed lay off of Lifeguards and 'Cashiers at City pools on October 1,'1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no importantto our children, local govornmentshould 'do"its part to improve such programs not hinder -them. This proposed lay off wouldleave; the of experienced personnel. City without the services Any amount of money saved by the "City as a result of the lay offs will be totally' insignificant if' dust on©` person should drown as a 'result of the lack .: of proper supervision. I therefore urge Thank; you you to vote against this proposal. " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILDREN' S SAFETY ft On October • 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguard:; or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to r ffectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursday September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attenu, write the various City Cominisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) ,, ,. , ,. ..`: : d! * Y * ' * * * * * 'ii * * IMPORTANTE MENSAJE SOBRELA PROTECC;ION DE SUS FIIJOS " El primero de Octubre pie<1979, la eluded de Miami-propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras do' todas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposition es rnuy . significante a " los padres do los Minos que anisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante eelail(); pues no habran'Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos:en la piscine 0 en los banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada oolalnente por los maestros ciel colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario pare ejercir la proteccion a sus hi jos on caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u die la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escritia uno de los varios comisio- narios antes 'de este jueves. La siguiente carts es enviada pare los padres intoresados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan`tiempo de;preparar su propia carts, y sep recibida por los Comisionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, ,nags copies de la carts y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo menssonados. City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A.Terre Commissioners Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer 1 September 14-1979< Dear Commissioner, I am taking this oppprtunity`to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off Of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is :no important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off would leave the City without the services of experienced personnel. Any amount of money savedby: the :City, as a re.nult of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just one;: person should drovm as a result of the lack of proper supervision. I therefore Thank` you IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILDREN'S SAFETY On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. 'his supervision will ee entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on tarursda y Septeiiiper 13th at 3: 3u P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Commisioners prior to that unto. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER ?; ., ,. == 's .. .. :: :. .,, ;: :; * * * * is * * * It II4iPORTANTE MENSAJ ; SOBRE LA PROTECCION 1)E SUS 'HIJOS " El primer() de.Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. rsta proposicion es muy.significante a los padres de los dines clue anisten a las piscinas con el colegio .dursnte of aiio; puss no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos enla piscina o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solaunente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natation necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en case de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan,a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puecte asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes -de este jueves. La siguiente carts. es enviada pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carta, y sen recibida por los Comis.ionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, iiaga copias do la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. ., * * * * * City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: , Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson'. Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner:, J.L. Plummer, Dear Commissioner, I am,taking this opportunity'to communicate to: you my objection to the` proposed lay.'off o:f Lifeguards .and :Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In' the soutY'plorida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is Co important to our children, local government should do . its part to improve such programs not hinderthem. This proposed lay. off : would leave the City wil;hout the services of experienced personnel. Any amount 'of money ; saves oythe City as a result of the lay offs will be totally insignificarit if just one person should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision. I therefore urge you to vote against Thank you " IMPORTANT MESSAGE, CONCERNIN X YOUR CHILD' EN'S On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significantto the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursciay eeptemper 13th- at 3:30 P.N. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Cornluisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) ,: y, . . ., * * ;; ,. .. :; * * * * * * * * n IMPORTANTE MEN AJE SOBRE LA PROTECCIO. DE SUS 1TJOS " El primero de Octubre es 1979, la Ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposition es muy . significante a los pau es de los ninos que a:iisten a las piscinas con el colegio durante of ario; pues no habran Saivavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos enla piscine o en los banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada colauriente por los maestros ael colegio cuales es posible no tent;an la ex'periencia o el entrenamiento de natation necesario pare ejercir la protection a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es per eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, °scribe uno de los varies comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carte es enviada pare los padres int:eresados, que deseen escribir a los cotnisionarios, y no tengar, tiempo de preparar su propia carte, y sea recibida por los Comis.ionerios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copies de la carts y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo`mensionados. * * * * .. * .;: * * '; .: :: * * * * * * * # * * is City Commission 350u pan Amerieen Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Pierre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacesa commissioner: Commissioner: Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinderthem. This proposed lay off would of experienced, personnel. ty without the services Any amount of money saved by the City as 'a result of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just ono person should drown as a result .of the lack of proppnr. supervision. ft IMPORTANT MESSkGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILI:ii{4..'r1'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to ley off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. r;liis supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursday September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Cornmisioners prior to that ante. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) 41- ,. ., ., =0 :: :: * * :s :e * 4; :; 4• * * 41. * * * * " IMPORTANTE MENSAJ 1 SOBRE LA P 1t 0']� LC (, I Ord O IJ SUS HIJOS El primer() de Octubre lie 1979, la ciudad _de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Ca joras de todas las piscinas tie Miami. N;sta proposicion es cnuy signif icante a los padres de los Minos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante el afro; pues rio habran Saly avidas o mu jeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscina o en les banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solamente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experieucia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en co.so de accidentes. Es por eso le a.dvertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de 1a tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada para los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo cle preparar su propia carta, y sen recibida por los Comisionarios antes de 1a reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si d.esea, nags copias do la carts y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. * * .. * * :� * Y . is is , i� ii �� .: :i' Si - 'E�' * * * ** * * City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa. Commissioner: Rose Gordon. Commissioner: J.L. Plummer; II RII__MIN September 10, 1979' Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979..',In`the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local govornment should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposedlay off would leave the City without the services of. experienced ,personnel. Any amount ;of money' saved bye theCity as a renult of the lay offs will be tonally insignificant if just one person should drown as a result' of 'the-. lack'' of 'proper supervision. I therefore urge you Thank you against this proposal. " IMPORTANT MI SSAGI CONCERNIal YOUR CHILD EN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their school during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. this supervision will lie entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t;hursdr y September 13t;h at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Cotmnisioners prior to that ante. The following form letter in provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR 'FORM LETTER) ?: ., .. .. ., o: C m * ?: .c ?: ? ' r:;. ;: ?c : * * * * * * ?; * " IMPORTANTE 'ENSAJE SOSRE LA PROTECC:ION DE SUS HTJOS " El primero de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami bropono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de t;odas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposition es muy . signific•ante .a los paures do los iiinos que a;sisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durente of ario; pues no hahran Salvaviaas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada colrunente por los maestros aol colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natation necesario pare ejercir la protection a sus hijos en coso ae accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan,a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Sept:iembre a las 3: 3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente cartes es enviada pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carta, y sea recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiexnbre. Si desea, Naga copies de la carte y enviela a todos los cornisionarios debajo`mensi.onados. .. .. ,. .. ., .. ?:• g * * ?b .. ?: ?: ?; * * * ?: ?: ?t 3F * 1 3:- City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer,'_ September 10, Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity;to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off. of Lifeguards .and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety: is so important to our children, local govornment should do i't'spart.to improve such programs not hinder 'them. This proposed lay-off would 'save ,the.City,without the services of experienced personnel. Any amount of money staved by the: 'City as a result . of the lay offs will be.totally insi�;ntficarit if just; ono person -'should drown as a result of he 'lack of proper supervision. I therefore urge. Thankyou to °voteagainst this proposa u IMPORTANT NIN.ISSAGE CONCERNING YOUR C IILDIth'N' S SAFETY " On October. 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant, to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards s or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This suporvisi.on will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t:nursday September 13th• at 3:3Ci P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Commisioners prior to that ante. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting.. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) ...,.,., .. .. -_ * .. :.. .._.:***a:- * * " IMPORTANTE PitENSAJ ; SOBRE LA PROTLCCIOA Di, SUS HIJOS " El primero de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y ,Ca joras de .codas las piscinas de Miami. 1 sta proposition es muy.significante a los padres de los ninos que isisten alas piscinas con el colegio •duronte el ario; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscina o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solaunente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natation necesario pars ejercir la protection a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 33u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carts es enviada pars los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los cornisionarios, y no tengan tiempa de proparar su propia carts, y sen recibida por los Comisionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si d.esea, nags copias do la carts y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Pierre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner:. J.L. Plummer September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of"Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida:area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is :no important to our children, .local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them.' This proposed lay off would leave the City without the services of experienced personnel. Any amount",of money saved" by, the City as' a result of the lay offs will "be"totally insignificant if just ono person should drown as a result of the lack of proper "supervision. ',` IMPORTANT DMISSAGE CONCERNING YOUR Cf?ILI7 ' EN' S SAFItTY " On October. 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during; the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have t.lm necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursday September 13th- at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various city Corntnisioners prior to that uate. The following corm letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have titne to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting;. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) " IIViPORTANTE MENSAJ ; SOBRE LA PROTECOION DES SUS HIJOS " El primero do Octubre de 1979, la Ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras do todos las piscinas de Miami. Este proposition es muy.significant° a los padres de los nillos clue asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante of ailo; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los bangs y sales de canrbio. La supervision sera dada colturiente por los maestros ael colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experienci.a o e'lentrenamiento de natacion necesario pare ejercir la protection a sus hijos en ca.so de accidentes. Es por eso le a.dvertimos a todos los padre„ que asistan,a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiernbre a las 3:30 de la tarde y negarse a este proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes de este jueves. La siguiente carte es enviada pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiernpo de preparar su propia carte, y sen recibida por los Conisionrrrios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiernbre. Si d.esea, naga copies do la carte y enviela a todos los cornisionarios debajo mensionados. City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferry Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner Armando Lacasa' Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummier, Dear`Commiasioner, I am taking this opportunity;; to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguardsand Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In ` the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local government should .o its part to improve -.._L programs no hinder. `thorn. This proposed lay off would; leave the City without the services of experienced personnel. Any amount of money saved by the City as °a result of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just one person should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision. I therefore urgeyou to vote against this proposal Thank you. IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILliCtEN'S SAFETY * On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. .This action is very sif;nificant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during; the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drowning;s. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission mooting on thursday 'September 13th- at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Comraisioners prior to that ante. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have titne to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) It IMPOI3TANTE NENSAJ ; SOBRE LA Pf{OTECCION DE SUS Hi OS " El primers, de Octubre se 1979, la c iudad de Miami propane darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Ca joras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposition es rnuy:significante a los padres de los ni! os que a nisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante el aflo; pues no habran Salvaviaas o rnujeres super- visando a sus hi jos enla piscine o en los banos y sales de canrbio. La supervision sera dada solamente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natation necesario part ejercir la protection a sus hijos on case de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan,a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre'a las 3:3u tie la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguient:e care es enviada pare los padres interesados, que ueseen escribir a los - cornisionsrios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carte, y sen recibida por los Comiaionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copies do la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. City Commission 350U pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133'. Mayor: Maurice .A. Fevre Commissioner: Theodore R..Gibson Cornmissioner: Armando Laeasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, t local government should do, its part toimprove such programs not hinder;,thom: September 10, Dear Commissioner,_ I am taking this opportunity,to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and :Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. ` In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, This proposed lay off would leavethe Cit of experienced ;personnel. iaihout ;:the ,services Any amount of' money saved by the !City as a result of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if ,just, ono person should drown as a resultof ':the lack of proper supervision.' I therefore urge „ IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR C1IILWEN'S SAFETY ” On October 1, 1979 the city of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker room:3. 'ibis supervision will ire entirely the respon- sibility of school porronnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attena the Commission meeting on t:hursd ay September 13th- at 3: 30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attena, write the various City Commisioners prior to that unto. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time "t,o prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) ;; .. :; :;3 ': ..*:;3; * * * 3:* " IMPORTANTE NENSi J ; SOBRE LA PROTLCC;ION • DE SUS HIJOS " El primero de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad do. Miami pr.opono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas yCajoras de todas las piscznas de; Miami. Esta proposition es muy , significante a los padres de los iiihos que anisten a las piscinas con el colegio •durante el aria; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la Piscine en los`banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada colarnente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experieiicia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en case de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:30 de le tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no ,puecie asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes 'de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviadu pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los cornisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carte, y ser recibida por los Comis.ionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, haga copies de la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. .. ., 3; , 3. 3:. * 3c .. .. 3b :: 3A ., . ., 35 35 3g d;- > 3: # City Commission 350u pan A,merieanDrive Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice. 'A. Ferry Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson` Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioners J.L. Plummer, 1 September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this, opportunity; to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of tifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1,..1979. In the south Florida`;area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local government should do its part to 'improve such programs not hinder -thorn. This proposed lay off would of experienced porsonnol. without the services Any amount of money saved by the City as a result of the lay offs will be totally`., insignificant if just ono person should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision. I therefore Thank'; you urge you to vote against this proposa; IMPORTANT MESSAGE CoNCERNIW: YOUR CHILWh:,'N'S SAFETY On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t.hursday ;September 13th• at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Cornznisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * :; ,, ,,, ..•. * :: :: :: :'• ;'. :: * * it * is * ""IMPORTANTE ,NENSAJE SOBRE LA PROTEC(;ION DE SUS HflOS " El primero de Octubre de 1979, la Ciudad de Miami proponedarles lay-off a los Salvavidas' y ,Ca. jeras de t:odas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposicion es muy significante a los osdres de los winos que a isten a las piscinas con el colegio .durente el arro; pues no habran'Snlvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sushijosen la piscine o en los banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada solamente por los maestros ael colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiericia o'e'l entrenamiento de natacion necesario pars ejercir la protection a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padre: que asistan.a lareunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, °scribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes -de este jueves. La siguiente carts es eriviada pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carts, y see recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, nags copies do la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. :; * * i; * * * * * * * * * is * City Commission 350e Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Armando Laeasa`, Rose Gordon J.L. Plummer, September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards andCashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In 'the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water.sdfety is so important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off would eave the `City _wiathout the services of experienced persorinol. Any amresult :of the lay offs will be totally insignificant'if.just ono person should drown as a result of .the lack >of proper supervision. I therefore urge you to vote against Thank y IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILD tra'N'S SAFETY " On October • 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during; the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or i'ornale attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. ?his supervision will ee entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thur:sda y September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various city Corrunisioners prior to that ante. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copiesand mail one to each of the Commis sinners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * * ?; °d ,. ., is * .: g: . o; . .: ., o"- '; .. -: * * is * * * IMPORTANTE MENSAJr SOBRE LA PROTEC0ION 1)E SUS H1JOS " El primer() de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y ,Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Esta proposition es muy . significante a los parries de los iiiiios que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio :durrnte of a no; pues no "habran Salvavicias o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscina o en los baiios y;salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solamente por los maestros eel colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experienci.a o el entrenamiento de natation necesario pare ejercir la protection a sus hijos en ca.so de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan,a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 33u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir,'°scribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los cornisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de •preparar su propia carts, y sen recibida por los Comis.ionarias antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copias do la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. * * 8; „ ., * .; * * * * * ;g :i 4 3e 4 City Commission 350U Pan American Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, September 10, 1979, Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off' of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979.E In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off would leave the City without "the services of experienced porsonnel. Any amount of money. oney saved by "the" City; as a reau1t" of the lay offs will "be totally insignificant" if ;dust` ono person should drown as a result of, the lack of proper supervision-. I therefore Thank you` urge you to vote against this proposal. " ` IMPORTANT MRSSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CT?ILD {4:.`W'S SAFETY On October. 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very sif;nificant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t:hursciay September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Cornrnisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one: to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) IMPORTANT E MENSAJE S OB RE LA PitOT1 CCION DID SUS HIJOS " El primer() de Octubre de 1979,. la Ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de :todos las piscinas de Miami. Este proposition es rnuy . significante a los pa ores de los winos que a isten a las piscinas con el colegio ,durante el alio; puss no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banos y ;sales de canibio. La supervision sera dada colrunente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natation necesario pare ajercir la protection a sus hijos en caso`de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 do Septiembre a las 3:30 de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes -de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada pars los, padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carts, y sep recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, nags copies do la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. City Commission 350u Pam American Drive` Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Fevre Commissioner:' Theodore R. Gibson:; Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer,'. Dear `:Commissioner, I am -taking this opportiunity'to communicate to you my objection to the: proposed layoff o.f Lifeguards and ,Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979• In the south %�lorida area where knowledge of swimrriing and; water 8Fifety is important to our children, local government Should cio• its part to irnprovo such programs not• hinder'thoni This proposed lay off would of experienced personnel. Any amount of money saved by the. City as a result of the lay offs will be totally' insignif7.carit if just one, person should drown as a result -of the lack of proper supervision. " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONC1 fNIN1. YOUR CHILlii' EN'S SAFETY On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very sifl,nificant to the parents of children, who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will tie entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meetina on t:hursdr y September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Commisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) ., :: .. ., :; - .. .. ., ., a: : * * a: a: a: * " II'iPORTANTL PIENSAJi? SOSRE LA PROTECCION ITh SUS }IIJOS " El primero de Octubre cie 1979, la ciudad de Miami oropono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposition es muy significante a los padres de los nihos due ci:>isten a las piscinas con el colegio .durente of aiio; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los bangs y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada solaviente por los maestros ael colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natation necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos encase de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Sept:ieinbre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a este proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes -de este jueves. La siguiente carte es enviada pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los cornisionarios, y no tengan tiempa cle preparar su propia carts, y sen recibida por los Comis.ionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copies do la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. ., .: .. ,. :: = = .: 35 i; is :; 3: :i Bi 3; Sc is City Commission 350u pan American Drive Miami„ Florida 33133 • Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon`' Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Jr`. September 10, 1979` Dear. Commissioner,. 1,ain'taking this. opportunity to;communicate to you my objection to •the proposed lay off o.f Lffeguards and Cashiers at City pools •on" October ,1, 1979.. In the south i'lorida area where knowledge of swimming -.`and water safety `is so important to our children, local government should ` do, its part to irnprove such programs not • hinder "-' thorn. This proposed lay off would leave the City wil;hout the services. of experienced personnel.. Any amount of money savedoy -the City as 'a : result` of the lay offs will be`. totally insignificant if just one `person should drown as > a result of the lack of proper 'supervision'.:. I therefore:, urge you to vote against this proposal. Thank you` IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILDREN rS SAFETY On October. 1, 1979 the city of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during; the year; since there will be no Lifeguard:; or female attendants to supervise the children inthe pool or locker rooms. ',his supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t.hursday September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If' you cannot attena, write the various City Comcnisioners prior to that unto. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioner,, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) n .• * .• .• . • n :! :: :: , * u ?C •: * : * is :! -* * * ?6 * * 4 * is * " IMPORTANTE MENSAJE SOBRELA PROTLCCION DE SUS FIIJOS " El primer() de Octubre ee 1979, 'la ciudad de Miami propene darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. t+,sta proposition es rnuysignificante a los path es do los niTios que ai isten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante of aiio; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banos y salas de carribio. La supervision sera dada solauriente por los maestros eel colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experieucis o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario pare ejercir la protection a sus hijos en cases de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan,a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de septiernbre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada pars los padres interesados, quo deseen escribir a los cornisionari.os, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carte, y sep recibida por los Comis.ionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, nage copias de la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. .• .• .. .. .. * d: * * .. .. City Commission 350U Pan American Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferro Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer," * * * *.. * * * A Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity'to communicate to, you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. Inthe south Florida area where knowledge of ` swimming and water safety is no important to our children,. local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder' them. This proposed lay off' would,, leave the; City without the servicea,S of. experienced personnel. Any amount of money saved oy the City as a result of the lay oafs will be totally insignificant if just; one person should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision. I therefore urge Thank you youto vote against this proposal " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILDRt'N'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will ire entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission mooting on t.hursci y September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attena, write the various City Cornmisioners prior to that unto. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) is d: is S: * s: ;; :; ;; :; .. +s �£ .; ., .. ., .. * :: ., ., ., ' ., .. ,c o: is * is * 3: 3e " II4iPORTANTE MENSAJE SO3RE LA PtROTECCION !)E SUS IIIJOS El primero de .Octubre (ie 1979, la ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y.Cajoras de todas las piscinas de -Miami. Este proposicion es rnuy significante a los padres de los iiinos que anisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durente u1 afro; pues no hahran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en le piscine o en los baiios y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada solaunente por los maestros dal colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experienceso el entrenamiento de natacion necesario pare ejercir la protection a sus bijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 do Septiembre a las 3:3U de la tarde y negarse a este proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes de este jueves. . La siguiente Carta es enviada pare los padres iriteresados, que deseen escribir a los cornisionerlos,` y no tengan tiempo de 'pr©parar su propia carte, y seri recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, nage copies do la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. 4: ., .. ., * * * City Commission 3500 Pan American Drive M' dine, Florida. 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. F'erre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to: communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at city pools on October 1, 1979. In thesouth Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is ,so important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off would leave the City without the services of experienced personnel. Any amount of money saved by the City as a result of the lay offs will be totally, insignificant if just one person should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision. IMMIPORT ANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CIIILU {EN'S SAFETY On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all city pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t:hur:sdc y Septemper 13th at 3: 30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If' you cannot attenu, write the various City Comrnisioners prior to that unto. The following form letter in provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER)_ * - �; ,,- .: . p .. . „ .: e• e: :: 4, g: e ' .;: s: •3'r # is d: 8; d'e " IMPORTANTE HIJOS El primer() de Octubre (ie 1979, la ciudad- de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Esta proposicion es muy: significante a los padres de los nalaos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio-•durante al` also; pues no 'habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hi jo:s en la piscina o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada col<unento por los maestros ael colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencis o el entrenamiento de natacion necesaary para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en coso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre' a las 33u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes 'de este jueves. La siguiente carte es eriviada 'pars los .padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los cornisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de proparar su propia carte, y sep recibida por los Comisionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea,;nags. copias do la carta y enviela a todos los cornisionarios debajo mensionados. .• :: .. ., i; * * is * :'r * 1. 4; * * * # * * * * City Commission. 350u pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibsor Commissioner: Armando Lacasa' Commissioner Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, " I"I:NSAJ ; SOBRE LA PROTECCION DE SUS September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner,. I am taking this opport_ to the proposed lay off on October 1, 1979. In of swimming and water n local government should hinder them. unity:to communicate._ to you my objection •01' Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools ;the 'south Florida area where knowledge afety, `is sc.)important to our children, do its part .to improve such programs not This proposed lay off would leave`: the C of experienced personnel. without the services Any amount'. of money;saved by the City as' a renult of the lay offs will be totally in;nif carat if dust one_'person should drown as aresult of :`the. lack o£ proper supervision. I therefore urge Thank you you to vote against CONC flh1'1IN': YOUR C1'ILUittH.`D1'S SAFETY On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguard:; or female attendants to Supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. ' his supervision will ise entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have t.lio necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t:hursday septenicer 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If' you cannot attend, write the various City Con misioners prior to that uaate . The following; form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * ., ., a :: .. ., e' 4 .. * ., .. * .. * * * * * * * * IMPORTANTE I'IENSAJn; SOBRE LA PROT1 CCIOi DE SUS HIJOS El primer() de Octubre pie; 1979, la ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todos las piscinas die Miami. Esta proposition es muy , significante a los puttees dr. los iiinos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio •durante of aaiio; pues no harran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijoc en la piscina o en los banos y salas de caambio. La supervision sera dada`colamente por los maestros ael colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:30 de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada pars los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los cornisionar3.os, y no tengan tiernpo de preparar su propia carta, y sen recibida por los Comisionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copias do la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios_ debajo mensionados. ,. ,. .. * * * 4; 1; * City Commission 35Ou Pan A.rnerican Drive Miami, Florida 33133' Mayor: Maurice A. Terre Commissioner: Thoodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer; 11• # 4;•4: is 45 45 41 4c 42. 4S 111111111111Rwmr;A: September 10, 1979 Dear Cornmissi.oner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lif'eguards arid CaShiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. Inthes9uth11�rida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so iniportarlt to our children, local government should do its iaai,t tc) improve such programs not hinder •thorn. This proposed lay off would leave the City without the services of experienced personnel. „. • . • •. , Any of:..YriOneirS4ivea' :f'oy'•:the Cityas a ,- reu1t of the lay offsas a result of the lack of proper supervision. I therefore urge you to vote against this proposal. Thank you , , • 11111.1.11.1g,MILIMPeimmunwww-- 1• 1$ IMPORTANT MESSAGE AGE CONC!+:RNINI- YOUR CHIL1ii{EN'S. On October. 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker room:;. 'his supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t:hursday ;;eptenicer 13th at 3:3u P.M. and speak against this proposal. If' you cannot attend, write the various City Commisioners prior to that unto. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) .. ,. .. . , ,,.. .: o: .: . :: .: .: ;: * * 3. * * * IIviPORTANTE IIEN..JAJE SuBR2 LA PROTECC;IOP 1)1� SUS El primer() de Octubre de 1979, la .ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas'; y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Esta proposition es muy . s ignif icante a los ` padres rio los winos que as isten a las piscinas con el colegio .durEinte ol arro; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos enla piscina o en los banos y salas de carrrbio. La supervision sera dada rolrunente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencie o el entrenamierrto de natacion necesario para ejercir la proteccion a sus hijos en case de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de ;Sept:iembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puecie asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada para los padres interesados, que aeseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan'tiempo de preparar su propia carta, y sen recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, naga copias do la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Mauric commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: e A. ; Ferre Theodore R. Gibson Armando Lacasa Rose Gordon J.L. Plummer, 3: 4c *. * J: 3: 8:- 'Dear Commissioner, I.am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay;:, off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local .government should coo its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off would leave the C ofexperienced personnel. Any amount of money staved by the will , be totally insignificant if as a result of the lack of props ty without the services City,as 'a reault.of the lay offs ust>; one `,pergon. should drown r supervision. I therefore urge youto vote against this proposa Thank you IMPORTANT i`TE.S34GF CONCERNIN4 YOUR CHILlii' EN'S On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing; to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. Yhis supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t.hursday Septemper 13th- at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Conunisioners prior to that crate. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) ,. .. - = ., ,. '; - :: .. 3 .. + of ;: * :; sa IMPORTANT1 MEiNSAJE SOBRE LA PROTECCION DE HIJOS " El primer() de Octubre=tie 1979, la ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y cajeras de todas las piscinas tie Miami. Esta proposition es muy_: significante a los padres de los n..Tios que isisten a las piscinas con el colegio aurante elalio; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos enla piscina o en los banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada nolaiaente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experlenc:ia a el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en coso de accidentes. Es por eso le a.dvertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 do Septiembre a las 3:3u de le tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes ode este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada pars los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los cornisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carta, y sep recibida por los Comis.ionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si oesea, Naga copias de la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner:. J.L. Plummer, 1111111111111111.11.1"1"..." September 10 1979 DearCtoamkraiingsstihoniesro,pp.ixitunitto - , on October 1, to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards:: c°m111449sts to you MYk114:::C'ennot ,andCa,.shiers at city pools 1979°' In tile-E16uth'Fierl.da'-'41sea wilu::e.programs improve s of swimming an local and water .safety is SO important to our children, govornment should do its part to,. roposed _sonnal• ... a rea,,:,, .L61:1;4drc):14n der 'the , ms .. ,. hin off would the This P • experienced 130.1. the City "°..,.. ei,aon !" leave the CitY' wi, 1h°ut services of lay stive, if just supervision. or the 39......iPrf a oft raohe7 4,icarY sutieornve,, P AnY 1;et,tOtallYf tlie lack ol: 9' amount iiisiamli, _,_1,0/)er - a result d ,by as I therefore urge vote against this proposal. Thank you !,!! !!!. !!:!: • 1 " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNIW1 YOUR CHILLMEN'S SAFETY On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their school:; during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. hihis supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t:hursday Septemser 13th at 3:3U P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attenu, write the various City Cominisioners prior to that date. The following form letter Is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the eomnu9sioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) 35 .. ., , .. .: .;: .. .. .: a .. ., o: ..• i': * 4= 4: 4: 45 IIIPORTANTE Mr'NS! JE SOBRE LA PttOT1 CCIO1' !JE SUS uijos n El primero de Octubre ee 1979, la Ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajeras de todas las piscinac tie Miami. Este proposition es muysignificante a los peeves dr. los ninos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durEinte el curio; pues no habran Salvavicias o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine. o en los Banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada solrunente por los maestros aol colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experieuci.s o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario pars ejercir la protection a sus hijos en trio de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan,a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de eeptiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a este proposition. Si usted no puecde asistir, escribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carte es enviada pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los cotnisionar7.os, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carte, y see recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, nags copies do la Carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios>debajo mensionados. .. .. .. .. * ga ?c '; .. .. .. .: .. :; 4f 4'r 4'r * 4: 4i 4f 4:• 4: 4c City Commission 350u pan American Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa' Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer Dear .COMM/ ssion er• ,; I am taking this opportunity to communicate to 'you my objection to the proposed'lay off- of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on Ootober 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and -Water ;safety .`as so importt nt to our children, local. government`shoula do its. part to improve such programs not hinder `thorn. This proposed lay off would leave of experienced personnel. e'.Citywithout the services Any amount of money saves by the City as . a result of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if 'just one person should drown as 'a result of the lack of propper.>; supervision. I therefore urge you to IMPORTANT lOnSAGECONCERNING YOUR CHILlit EN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will tie entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who inay not have t:ho necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drowning. Thorefo•ee, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission moetine on t nureday Septemoer 13th at 3: 30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. Tf you cannot attend, write the various City Coimnisioners prior to that elate . The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEF. OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER). ; .. .. .. .. - - . .. .. .. * :: .. a; ' ..of 3: a: * IIVPORTANTE MENSAJ ; SOBRE LA PROTECCION DE SUS HIJOS` " El primer() de Octubre de 1979, la Ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Ca jc:ras de todas las piscine -is tie; I'Iiami. , Este proposition es muy: significante a los metres, do loss iliilos` sue asisten a las piscinas con el colegio durante el sine; pues no harran Salvaviaas' o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banos y-sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada colruriente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencis o e1 entrenamiento de natation necesario pars ejercir la protection a sus hijos on caso pie accidentes. Es por eso le ddvertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la 'reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3 3o de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, °scribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes 'de este jueves. La siguiente carte es exiviada pars los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carts, y ser recibida por los Comis.ionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiesnbre. Si desea, a ga copies de la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. .. .. 3: .. .. .. ., d'c .. :: City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferro Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer,; Dear Commissioner,; I. am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the, proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at city pools on October.1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming`and .water safety is .so important to our children, local government Should do' its part to improve such programs not hinder 'them. This proposed lay off would leave the clty without the services. of experienced personnel. Any amount of money saved by the City ,as a result ,of the lay offe will be totally insignificant if just. ono; person should drown as a result 'of' the lack of proper supervision. I therefore urge you Thank " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR (ll IL1:>,' EN'S SAFETY On October .• 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very sit nificant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t.hur$d, y ,;epte1 oer 13th at 3:3(i P.M. and speak against this proposal. TV you cannot attena, write the various. City Comiuisioners prior to that unto. The following; form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Conmiissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER•SIDE FOR FORM:LETTER) :: :: :•* o: e: •* # d= r :: * IMPORTANTE MENSAJE SOBRE LA PROTLCCION 1)E SUS HLJOS " El primero de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras cue todas las piscinas de` Miami. Esta proposition es muysignificante a los padres do los ziinos due asisten a las piscinas con el colegio •durante el ano; pues no habran S 1lv avicias o mu jeres super- visando a sus hijos en la oiscina o en los banos y :salad de cambio. La supervision sera dada col.unente por los maestros dal colegio cuales es posible no tengan la exper.iene i a o el ' entrenamierito de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos on case "de accidentes. Es por eso le a.dvertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a'la'reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 330 de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes -de este jueves. , La siguiente carta es enviada pars los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los cornisionar3.os, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carta, y sen recibioa por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copias do la -carts y enviela a todos los cornisionarios debajo mensionados. * ,, ,. Gity Commission 350u pan 4norican Drive Miami, Florida 33133`. Mayor: Maurice A. Fe:rre Commissioner.: Theodore R. Cibson Cozrunissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner:, Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Jr September 10, 1979 Dear COMmissioner, I ara taking this opporbunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off' of Lifeguards and Cashiers at city pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local govornment should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off would leave the5r dit wi.thout the sertri.ces f experienced personnel Any amount of moneY saved 'oy the City as the layoffs will be totally insi.gnlficant if just one person should drown as a result of the lack of Pror)er supervision. I therefore urge you to vote against this proposal. 111111111111.1•11111111111111111.1 " IMPORTANT MESS/OE CONC RNIN,I YOUR CHILD1tH,N'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguard: or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. ',his supervision will tie entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t-hursday September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Corruuisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * .. ., * ;= '=. is -- ., ., - ° '°...* * * .`. * .. °- ' =' =' '= =4 " IMPORTNNTE MENSAJ ;` SOSRE LA PROTECCION DE SUS HIJOS 11 El primero de Octubre de 1979, la ;Ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas 'y Cajoras de todos las piscinas de Miami. Esta proposition es muy.significante a los parses de los niiios que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio ,durante el aao; puss no'habran Saivavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos enla piscine o en los banos y salas de canrbio. La supervision sera dada solamente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en coso de accidentes. Es por eso le edvertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. • La siguiente carta es enviada para los padres inter'esados, que deseen escribir a los cornisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carte, y se/3 recibida por los Comisionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copias do la Carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. * ,. .. ., * * * r .. ?: .. ' :. * * is * * # i8 +:- ii i3 City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner:. Theodore ,R Gibson Commissioner: Armando Laois Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, September 10 1979. Dear Commissioner, I'am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of' swimming and water Safety ` is :o important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder '`.them. This proposed lay off would leave the City wi1;hout'the :services . of experienced personnel: Any amountof money salved by the City as a result' of the lay offs will be totally insigni.ficarit if ;just one person should drown as a result of the lack of proper -supervision. I therefore urge Thank y u°. you to vote against this proposal. LAL"l_'7J II1111AumuIIIIIN " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILDREN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very'sifnificant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during; the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. Eris supervision will Lie entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursdny September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attenei, write the various City Commisioners prior to that unto. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Conmiinsioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis sinners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) IMPORTANTE MENSAJn; S03RE LA PROTLCCION DE SUS HIJOS " El primero de Octubre ue 1979, la, ciudad , de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de Codas las piscinas de Miami. Esta proposition es uiuy significante a los pacii'es de los ul?los que a;;isten a las piscinas con el colegio .durente el ano; pues no habran Selvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscina o en los barlos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada ' colrunente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la exper.iencia o el entrenamierito de natacion necesario pare ejercir la protection a sus hijos en coso ae accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 do Sept;iembre a las 3:30 de la tarde ;,r negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puecie asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada para los padres interesados, quo deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carta, y se/3 recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, to ga copias do la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. :: * * * ?;- .. lc ,. .:* °,- ** * .. .. �: ., .... .. .. ., .: .. * * ., o. * * City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferro' Commissioner: Theodore R. Commissioner: Armando Lacasa C September 10, 1979 :Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity'to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards. and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the southFlorida area where knowledge of swimming and water .safety is so, important to our children, local govornment should do its part to improve such programs not hinder ' them. • This proposed lay off would leave the of experienced, personnel. without .the services Any amount of money : saved by, the City as ' a result of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just ono person should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision. I therefore Thank you,` 1s,��tq' i'�rfcci=r%:ems IMPORTANT 'MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILI) fl N'S SAFETY On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami in planing to layoff Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. 'phis supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attena the Commission meeting on t:hursday September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attena, write the various City Commisioners prior to that ante. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th commission meeting;. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) .. ., .. .. .. = = ., .. :r -.; .. ., .: .: * * .;: * * * * * If PROTECCION DE SUS }IIJOS " El primero de Octubre cae 1979, la Ciudad de Miami._prapono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y'Cajores de t:odas las piscinas de, Miami. Este proposicion es muy . significante a ' los padres de 'los i iilos' que 'a :listen a las piscinas con el colegio •durante of gene; pues no habran Salvavicas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banos y salan de cambio. La supervision sera dada solanlente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario pare ejercir la proteccion a sus n.i jon en cano de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puede anistir, escribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes 'de este jueves. La siguiente carte.' es enviada pars los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los corr.isionerl.os, y no t.engan tiempo de preparar su propia carta, y se/3 recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, nage copies do la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. IMPORTANT E PANS AJE S OB RE LA ., ,. .. ;:. g; * ?r* City Commission 350u Pan American Drive NIia"mi, glor da 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Fevre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson' Commissioner Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose <Gor,don Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Dear Commissioner,I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay ofi' of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1,.1979. In. the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water :�sf ety is :�a important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This :proposed lay off would leave the City without the services ofexperienced personnel. Any, amount of' money' saved by- the City a: a .resuht: of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just ono person should drown as a :result -of; the .lack of proper supervision. 1 therefore Thank you .r r urge you to vote against this propose IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILIri'tE'1'S SAFIIITY On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami in planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will ee entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursclay September 13th at 3:3(i P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attenu, write the various City Cominisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior .to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) IMPORTANTE MENSAJE SOBRELA PROTSCCION 'I)E' SUS FIIJOS " El primer() de Octubre (le 1979, le ciudad de miami.'propene ,darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de t:odas las piscinas de Miami. .Eta proposition es muy . significante a los padres do los iiinos que a'iisten a las piscinas con el tole` io .durente el ririo; pues no habran Saly avidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijo;; en la piscine o en los banns y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada °elemente por los inaestios del colegio cuales es posi'ble no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natation necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en ` caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septie►nbre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a este proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carte es enviada para los padres.interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisioniiri.os, y no tengan 'tiempo de preparar su propia carts, y sea recibida por los Comisionarios antes de 1a reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copies 'do la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. City Commission 350u pan kmeriean Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferro Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose'Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer,' September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity,' to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off' o.f. Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local.govornment should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This ;:proposed lay off would of experienced personnel. the services Any amount'of -money saved by the City as a result of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just ono person should drown as a result of the lack of proppor supervision. I therefore urge Thank you . il..6'' 4,1-zi/7/_;...,,..e.,/ie c.),,c,,p/>---) cif' 7 " IMPORTANT MESSAGE; CONC RNIN,I YOUR CHILU,' EN'S sAF1 Y " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very sip;nificant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. yhis supervision will cue entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have t.lio necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t;hur:sday ;epteraaer 13th- at 3:36 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attenu, write the various City Commisioners prior to that ante. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Conmiissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting.. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER). " IMPORTANTE MENSAJ ; SOBR1 LA PROTLCCION DE SUS NIJ OS " El primero de Octubre cae" 1979, la Ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposition es rnuy.signif].cante a los nacres do los lithos clue anisten a las piscinas con el colegio •durante oil ano; pues no habran S lvavi.das o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los-banos y sales de carnbio. La supervision sera dada sot€urzente por los maestros ael colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experienci.s o el entrenamiento de natation necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en coso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puecte asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes de este jueves. La siguiente carte es enviada pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los cornision Trios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carts, y sen'recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, izuga copies de la carts y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. .. ,. .. ;: * * $c .. ;c .. :b * * * :f * * is City Commission 350U pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gikhson Commissioner: Arinanclo Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, II I 11111111111111111111111111111 September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this oppprtunity to.commuriicat`e:to'you my objection to the proposed lay off 'of Lifeguards :and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979• Inthe'south`Yhlorida area .where knowledge of swimming and water eafety is :so important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder thorn. This proposed.lay,off would leave the City without of experienced personnel. the services Any amount -of money ''saved oy ' rig Cit as are'sult -of the lay offs will be totally' ins`igTnificant if just ono person should'. drown as a result of ' the rack of proper, supervision:' I therefore` urge` MESS/ GE CONCERNING YOUR CHILI ,3 N'S SAFETY On October. 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very sifrnificant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguard:; or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. '.his supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission mooting on t.hursday September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the; various City Cornruisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) ., ., .. .. ., .. ., * .e .. .! .. * >: " .- * ec =° ie * is * * * " IMPORTANTE MENSAJt' SOBRE LA PROTECCION DID SUS FIIJOS " El primer() de Octubre (ie 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras die t:odas las piscinas deMiami. Esta proposicion es muy significante a los p tares rice los linos clue as isten a las piscinas con el colegio .ciurante @1 alio; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscina o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solamente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experienci.a o el entrenamiento de natation necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion do los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada para los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carts, y sen recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, raga copias do la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. City Commission 350U Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice `A. F'erre Commissioner: Theodore R 'Gibson: Commissioner. Armando Laeasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Jr. Dear Commissioner,` I am taking this opportunity`to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October`1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local government should do its partto improve such programs not hinder 'them. This proposed lay off.`would:laave the City of experienced porsonnH1. Any amount .of,•money saved by the; will b`e totally ansignificar t as a.:result of;the `:lack'. f opropifsr I therefore urge Thank you the services City as a result ofthe .lay offs just ono.person should drown. supervision. 11 i ii111111 III IUIII I I I ii ii i i iIP1 " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONC4;FRNINf YOUR CP,ILJ:s{N.'N'S On October. 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t:hursday September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attena, write the various City Couwdsioners prior to that ante. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) .. 3; d; .. ., .. * * ., *,"' a * ., .. .. .. 4: : * d: is $: * IMPORTANTE MENSAJL bOBRL LA PHOTLCCION DE SUS HSJOS El primero de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de Codas las piscinas de Miami. Esta proposicion es muy . significante a los paeres de los limos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .dursnte el aRo; pues no hahran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscina o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada colrunente por los maestros ael colegio cuales es posible no:tongan la experienci.e o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan,a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 do Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada para los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los ,comisionarios, y no t.engan tienipo de preparar su propia carts, y sen recibida por los Comisionarios antes ,de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copias do la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo menaionados. * * •*: :: is City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferro' Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and, water :safety is :so important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them., This proposed lay off would leave the Citywithout the services of experienced personnel." Any amount of money saved by the City as a result of the lay offs will be totally; insig;n.ificant if just one person should drown as a result of the lack of proper, supervision. I therefore urge you Thank you, against ->:this- :proposa " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILIa1't aN'S SAFETY On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants i.o supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on •t•,hursclay 3eptember 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Cornrnisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) u IMPORTANTE MENSAJi SOBRE LA PUOTI CC;TOP DE SUS HIJOS " El primer() de Octubre cte 1979, la ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras pie todas las piscinas de Miami. ista proposition es muy.significante a los padres de los iiinos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio,durante el afio; pues no hahran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscina o en los banos y salas de canibio. La supervision sera dada solaunente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natation necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en ca.so de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan,a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de le tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada para los padres interesados, que aeseen escribir a los cornisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carta, y ser' recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si oesea, Naga copies do la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. # ,. .. .. .. . o .1 4c .. ?b ? ?= • ?; * 4;- 4 4 4: * 4i 4;• 4:• 4: City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferry Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L.'Plummer September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to, you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards' and, Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida: area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off wou of experiericed personnel. without the services Any amount -, of . money;` saved oy the : City as a renult: of the .lay offs will be totahly insignificant if just ono person"should drown as a result .of''the Tack bf `proper- supervision. Thank you " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONC RNIN;1 YOUR CHILll;traN'S SAFETY " On October. 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. 'this supervision will ue entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t.hursday September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attenu, write the various City Commisioners prior to that .late. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the. commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting;. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER :: * * _: .: ,. „ * ` . �. '., ., g: * * d:- * * * " IMPORTANTE MENSAJI SOBRE LA P F OT EC C I ON 1)r SUS HIOOS " El primero.de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Esta proposicion es muy . significante a los padres de los nines clue a>isten a las piscinas con el colegio •durante el auto; pues no habran Salvavicias o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos enla piscina o en los banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada solamente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiericia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus h.i jos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le a.dvertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Sept.iecnbre a las 3:30 de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carts es enviada pars los padres interesados, clue deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carts, y sep recibida por los Comiaionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septielnbre. Si desea, Naga copias do is Carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. .•.::. i e•. o sc * * City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferro Commissioner: Theodore Re Gibson Commissioner Armando Lacusa. Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner.: J.L. Plummer, 1 Dear Commissioner, iazn taking this 0/Ipprituni.ty.to ooram icatE) to you my objection to the s proposed 3.9 lay sed79. south off of LisfeguardsdCs.rs on October In the tIfiplorainds arsehaite4herastialCiowtyispdogoels i of sw , ate/.safety is loimportant to our children, local government should do 1 imillinE4 and Wits part to improve such programs not This ProPioe:naece ed persforfnw°°1u.ld leave the City wil;h°ut th°:8111Vaiy°e0affs hinder them. d lay of exPer----- restllt of the Any limo —wit of money: by the City as a save° ' 0 Pers°n id drown will be totally insignif3. arit if just on 13h°11 as a result of the lack ofcproper supervision. I therefore urge you to vote against this proposal. Thank you . . , - „,---' ,g./...:1;:;. ,,..„ 1/ ,e..7".1.4 Z:Z ,,..•- " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CCNCEi NIN‘1 YOUR CHILD1tra'N'S SAFETY ' On October. 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to ley off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during; the year; since there will be no Lifeguard:} or 1'ornale attendants to .supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. .his supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t;nursday September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Corrunisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) :: . ., •. .. '. •: * .•: :: :! is ::. .! .! a .! . * :! * * 4 * 9! * PtOTECCIOA OIL SUS HiJOS " El primero do. Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas, y Cajoras ,de t:odas las piscinas de Miami. Esta proposition es muy.significante a lospnures de los winos que nsisten a las piscinas con el colegio.durante o1 alio; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos enla piscina o'en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solainente por los maestros ael colegio cuales es posible no tongan la experierrcia o el entrenamiento de natation necesario pars ejercir la protection a sus hijos en coo de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, oscriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los cornisionari.os, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carta, y sep recibida por los Comis.ionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea,'haga copias do la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. .! , ,,, * * * * City Commission 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferro Commissioner: Theodore-R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon. Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, 1 • Dear Commissioner,. I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and, water safety is no important to our children, local government should do itspart to improve such programs not hinder them This proposed lay off would 'leave the.City without the services of experienced;porsonnel. Any amount of money aved by the City as a result of the lay offs will be totally insignificant -if just ono person should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision►. I therefore urge you Thank; .you vote against thls proposa " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCE NIN( YOUR CHILD1tt+a`N'S SAFETY " On October. 1, 1979 the City of Miami in planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. ?his supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t:hursda y septemoer 13th at 3: 30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Cornsuisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail ono to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) " IMPORTANTE MENSAJi SOBR1; LA PROT1 C( ION DE SUS HIJOS " El primero de Octubre cie 1979, la ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Ca jeras de todas las piscinas cie Miami. Este proposition es muy , significante a los 'padres de los nibos sue asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante el aZio; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijo: enla piscina 0 en los'banos y sagas de cambio. La supervision sera dada colrurionte por los maestros ael colegio cuales es posihle no t©ngan la experienr.a o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario pars ejercir la "protection a sus hijos en cases de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padre' que asistan,a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Sept:iembro a las .3t 3u de la tarde ;,r negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no suede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes de este jueves. La siguiente carta es onviada pars los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los cornisionarios, y no tengan tietnpo de preparar su propia carts, y sen recibida por los Comiaionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copias do la carte y enviela a todos los cornisionarios debajo mensionados. .. .. .. .. ., * * City Commission 350u pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson! Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon. Commissioner: J.L. Plummer,' * * $: it :F +: 3: * Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Floridaarea where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off would leave the. City without the services of experiences :personnel. Any amount of money saved by the City as :'a result.. -of the lay offs will 'be totally; insignificant if just ono person should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision. I therefore Thank: you urge, you to vote. against. this proposal. iiiiiii1a•1•UIIIIII IMPORTANT NE.SSaGE CONCERNING YOUR C1?ILDitETN'S SAFETY: On October. 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pool:. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. ?liis supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on ttiursday September 13th- at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attena, write the various City Corninisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September-13th Commission meeting. You may wish to snake copies and snail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * * ., o; =° .s * ' °= =- ,s .+ * .: * * 48 4:• * * * "<IMPORTANTE MENSAJ ; SOBRE LA PROTECCION DID SUS HHIJOS " El primero .de Octubre cte, 1979, la Ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras do todas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposition es rnuysignificante a los puui'es de los linos clue asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante el- ono; puss no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los'banos y sales de cambio. La supervision: sera dada solrunente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiefci.a o el entrenamierito de natation necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en ca.so de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3e de lea tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada pars los padres intoresados, que deseen escribir a los cornisionari.os, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carts, y sep recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si d.esea, edge. copies do la carts y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo_mensionados. .. .. .. :c 4: * * * * * City Commission 350e Pan American Drive` Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Armando Lacasa Rose Gordon J.L. dc' 3id: i'r is * * * * * -1.1111111111111.111.1 September10 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity.to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October l,. 1979., In the south plorida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local government should do itspart to improve such programs not hinder them. This ' proposed lay offwould leave the of experienced ,personnel. Any amount ;of money; saved by the City as a resu: will be totally` insignificant if just ono; person s as a result of the lack of proper supervision. " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNINt} YOUR CHILWN.N'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing; to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year, since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. ;leis supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t:hursday r;epteiither 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Commisioners prior to that eate . The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) IMPORTANTE MEN Atli: SOBRE LA PfOTECCION f)1;'SUS HIJOS " El primer() de Octubre die 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Ca joras de todos las'piscinas cre i'liami. Este proposition •es muy . significante a los padres de los nines que anisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante el afio; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banos y sales de carubio. La supervision sera dada soltumente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la exper.iencis o el entrenamiento de natation necesario pare ejercir la proteccion a sus hijos en ceso oe accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asisten.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Sept:iembre a las 3:3u pie la'tarde y negarse a este proposition. Si usted no puecie asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carte es enviada pare los padres`interesados, que aeseen escribir a los cornisionarios, y no teng;an tiempo de preparar su propia carte, y sen recibida por los Cornisionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiernbro. Si desea, riaga copies do la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. ;: ; * 3' 4; * * * * * * * +; * City Commission 350u pan American Drive Miairri, Florida 33133 Commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to, ' CoMmuniCate to you my objection ,....' .. - , .. to the proposed layoff-.Cf'liifeguarde:and:Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. . In' the south Floridaarea where knowledge . ...,.. . , of swimming anc1 water safet Y.: s so. important to our children, vernment: should' do its part' to improve such programs not lode]. go . , hinder'10ill•'leave,,: .::,:. - ..„ ..,. . This19i451308? - ., ofT would ''t4P.CltY71th 1,.:°- 11671iecis:. , a5r of experienced i3ers711h66: : ' ..'1,:eir,.03;ty,:;',,, r: 6lill:;94::::"!!8 willbe-:totl:15r, ...... AnY,aPL(),'-,:',.. ::iiis::6-d...--.7:1--.;;I:11:tio;71'°',.131;:11i41'1::7--.7:...7::::::: _,_:. :,.i,_cir iTiOrl7.'-f, -4:.-1,.iiiiit.1'14''''.,-;---iriiiihi as a it ''C)1 the lack of proper 3.6 proposal. result -- this , .,_ therefore-- urge Ote.' against ealr.-, - .. Thank you " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING. YOUR i;t?ILliaEN'S SAFETY ' On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very siarnificant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. 'ibis supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursday ;;eptemoer 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attenu, write the various City Cornrnisioners prior to that unto. The following form letter in provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail ono to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) .. ., .. .. ., o .: v. * , e:" . * ,t == 3; * * * * * * It IMPORTANTE P'IENSAJ ; SOBRE LA PYOTLCCIOP DE SUS HiJOS " El primer° de Octubre can 1979, la ciudad de Miami proponedarles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Ca joras ale Codas las piscinas de Miami. i sta proposition es rrruy.significante a los pucires do los ninos quo a;;isten a las piscinas con el colegio .durente el arro; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos enla piscina o en los banns y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada colainente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experierrcia o e1 entrenamiento de natation necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en caso tie accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 do Septiembre a lay 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposieion. Si usted no puecte asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los cornisionarios, y no tengan tiernpo de preparar su propia carte, y se/3 recibida por los Comis.ionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septieinbre. Si desea, Naga copiasde la carts y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. * * :: * 8c : :. ;* :: #. :e d: * * * 3. 31. City Commission 350u pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Fevre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson' Commissioner Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. 'Plummer,, September 10, Dear Commissioner, I am taking this Oppprtunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards, and Cashiers at city pools on October 1, 1979'. In thesouth Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is'so important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not This proposed lay off would of experienced porsorinel. shout'the services Any amount of money save() by the Cityas a` rasiilt 'of the lay offs will be , totally' ansi n ficarit if just ono ;person should drown as a result' of -the lack..of proper sup'ervision.' I therefore urge you IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILDREN'S SAFETY " On October I, 1979 the City of Miami in planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very sifrnificant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. 'ilia supervision will zie entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who znay not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursday September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Comznisioners prior to that date. The following form letter in provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * * J4 $: .. * * .: a * * * * .. :: e: .: * •:, * * * * i= * * * " IMPORTANTE MEN$AJE SOBRh LA PROTECOION lily SUS FiIJOS " El primero de 0ctubre tie 1979, la ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajeras de Codas las piscinas de Miami. Esta proposicion es muy,significante a los pacir•es de los ninos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante ` el arzo; pues no habran "Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscina o en los ban`os y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada colamente por los maestros dol colegio euales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natation necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en ca.so de accidentes. Es por eso le a.dvertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:30 de la tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puecie asistir., escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada pars los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no t.engarn tiempo de pr©parar su propia carts, y sen recibida por los comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, hags copias tie la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo menslonados. * ,. .. ;: .. * * * $: City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando.Laeusa Commissioner: Rose'Gordon Commissioner:. Z.L.: Plummer, * # •d: it it. do :: is DearCommissioner,. I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection, to the proposed lay off of. Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In; the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off wou of experienced personnel.`' leave the City without; the services Any amount of money saved by the City as •:a result of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just one person should drown as a result of, the lack of proper supervision. I therefore Thank ::you urge you to vote against this proposal. IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CPILL t+i'N'S SAVETY On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City- pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during; the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursday September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Cornmisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September lath Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER); * * .. ., .. .. i, s' e: •a * * * * * * * * * " II4iPORTANTE MENS(JE SOBRE LA HIJOS El primer° de Octubre cie 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone daisies lay-off a los Salvavidas y Ca joras de todas las piscinas de ,Miami. Iista proposition es muy.significante •a los padres de los Minos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante el ano; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscina o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solamente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experienci.a o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en caso oe accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puecle asistir, oscriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada para los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los cornisionar3os, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carts, y seprecibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiernbre. Si aesea, Naga copias do la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. * 3: .. * .: ., * ., .. .. * .. ;f '.. * :: :; :5 # .3 3: d3 * * * • is City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice `A. F'erre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson` Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, ■ Dear Commissioner,, I am taking this opp,ortunity to communicate to .you my objection to the proposed lay off :o.f,Lifeguards,and Cashiers at City pools on October-1, 1979.. In.the south i''lorida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no jrnPortant to' our children, local- 'government; should do its part' to improve such programs not hinder � them This proposed, lay off would leave of experienced personnel. `-without ;the services Any amount of money saved by the City as a result of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just ono person should drown as a result of the lack of proper ` supervision. I therefore Thank' you to vote against this proposal. IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR oHIL i.i EN'S SAFETY $$ On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. 'this supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t:hursday septemoer 13th at 3:300 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Commisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail` ono to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) IhIPORTANTE MENSAJE SOFF3RE LA PROT! CCION I)1i3 SUS HIJOS " El primero de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone daries lay-off a los Salvavidas y Ca joras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposition es muy.significante a los peeves de los lidos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio •dumnte of iiio; pugs no habran Salvaviaas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solrunente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posiblo no tengan la experiericia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario pare ejercir la protection a sus h.i jos en ca.so tie accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes ode este jueves. La siguiente carts es enviada pars los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carts, y see recibida por los Comis.ionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copias de la carta y enviela a todos los cornisionarios debajo mensionados. * * * *: - .• .c .. .. City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L.`Plummer,'Jr.` September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to cor`nmunicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water snfety.is so ifiiportant to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder thorn. This proposed lay off would leave of experienced; personnel. without the services Any amount,, -of money saved by the City as a result of the lay offs will be totaily insignificant if dust one person should drown as a result of ' the 'lack of proper supervision. • ".;), • / a 5 cP) //14.4.� J IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILDREN SSAETY" On October. 1, 1979 the City of Miami in planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very .significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursday September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attenu, write the various City Coimnisioners prior to that ante. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis sinners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) $: * .. .. .. .: .: '.; .. .. .: s: ., is .. * * * is * f' IMPORTANTE MENSAJi:; SOBRE LA PROT1 CCION DE SUS HIJOS " El primero do Octubre cis 1979, la ciudad de Miami propene darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajeras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposition es muy.significante a los pauses de los i inns sue asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durarite el ario; pues no habran Saiv avidas o mu jeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada c.oluriente por los maestros ael colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experienci.a o el entrenamiento de natation necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres gee asistan,a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:30 de is tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, escribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este. jueves. La siguiente carte es enviada pare los padrres<.interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carte, y sea recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si d.esea, Naga copias de la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. .. .. .. .: s. .. .: ., .. ., s. - s: ` * * * * * * * is City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miaini, Florida 33133. Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R.'Gibson` Commissioner: Arinando Laois Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. ` Plummer,, September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunityto communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the. south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is :no important to our children, local government shoulddo its part to improve such programs not hinder them.. This .proposed :-lay off would leave . tYe of experienced personnel. without the services Any amount of money ,savod oy the. City as a result of the lay offs will be; totally insignifu ant if just ono person should drown as a result of the lack of`proper`supervision. I therefore urge you to vote against this proposal. " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR '.CHIT Dl' EN'S SAFETY '� On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very sifrnificant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training ii, Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drowniatgs. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission' meeting on t:hursday September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Coimiiisioners prior to that date._ The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies aid mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * .r .� �r �u .. :: �� ` �• a :L is �: �: :: r. * r. .� J� �• * :• * is r * .. 7: n iC ri • •. is iC. r. n r. r. . : n rf , * * * * * BC II4iPORTAN'TE MENSAJE SOBRE LA PROTECCION DE SUS HIJOS " El primero . de Octubre (le 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Caj©ras de todos las piscinas de Miami. ksta proposicion es muy , significante a los parii'es do los limos que anisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante raj ario; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscina o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solamente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en ca.so ee accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan,a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Sept;ioinbre a las!3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiene carts es onviada pars los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carta, y sen recibida por los Coruis.ionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copias do la carts y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. * * # e :; * * * * * * * * * City Commission 350u Pan A,inerican Drive Miami, Florida 33133 • Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R.Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: RoseGordon Commissioner: J.L.: Plummer, J. Septimber 1U, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of'Lifeguards and Cashiers at City•pools on October 1, 1979• In the. south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water ,safety isso important to our children, local government should do. its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off would leave the City without ' the services of experienced personnel. Any amount of money saved by the City as 'a, -result of the lay offs will; be totally insignificant if just one person should drown as a result of the lack of pray+Ar supervision. IMPORTANT MASSAGE CONCERNIN x YOUR CHILDREN'S SAFL'TY ►► On October; 1, 1979 the City '`of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children 'who 'attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants i.o supervise the children in the pool or locker room:,. This supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission mooting on t;hursdrly Septeniaer 13th at 3:3( P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Commisionors prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * * r * *... � * * . :: * * * * * :: n * * $ n is :: * .. 'ii * * * * •Z: * ?i' '* u IMPORTANTE MENSAJE SORE LA PROTLCCIOP DID SUS HIJOS " El primer(); de Octubre ae 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de Codas las piscinas de Miami. rsta proposicion es muysignificante a los pa6res de los winos que asIsten a las piscinas con el legi -.durante- el ario;pues no habran Sahvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscina o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solamente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experienci.a o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la proteccion a sus h.ijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de septiembre a las 3:30 de la tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no.puedeasistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de' este jueves La siguiente carta es enviada pars los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiernpo de preparar su propia carta, y sere recibida por los comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, raga copias de la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. City commission 350u Pan American Drive Miaini, Florida; 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Terre Commissioner.: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Laeasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L.' Plummer, Jr. Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of;Lifeguards and Cashiers at city pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This ;proposed,;`lay off would `leave the City.without the services of experienced personnel. Any amount of money saved by tY e .City as a ro ult of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just,ono person should drown as a resultof the lack'of proper`. supervision. I therefore urge you to vote aga Thank you i CONCERNING YOUR CHILI)i{NaWS SAFETY " On October1, 1979 the City of Miami in planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t;hursday September 13th at 3:3U P.M. and speak against this proposal. 1f` you cannot attend, write the various City Cornmisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) ;: ,. # o• ., .c .• ., .. ,: , .. .. ••- •= * .. :; ': ... ., ,•., .. .. .. ., .. .• i. .. * * i. ?: do 3i N HT SAJ .' SOBRE LA PROTECCION 1)E SUS }TLJ'OS " El primero` de Octubre die 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas die ,Miami. Esta proposition es muy.significante a los padres tie lop, ninos clue r1sisten a las piscinaa con el colegio .dursnte ,1 aEo; plies no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscina o en los banes -y galas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solanente por 1os maestros dot colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natacion necessary para ejercir la protection a sus nijos en''ceso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3U de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este. jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los cornisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carte, y sen recibida por los Comisionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, raga copias.de la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. ;; :: :: .•: .; -:; ?; - do =; i8 :; i:- =„ .b .; do o: .. .; i .: '$: .'r .b .. , .. 3: City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Terre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Laeasa Commissioner: Rose'Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plurnmer, September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner,.. I am taking this oppor.tunity:to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them.. This proposed layoff would of experienced personnel. the City without *the services Any amount of moneys ved ,.by ,the City as . a result of the lay offs will be- totally : insignificant if just ono person 'should drown as a result of the` -lack of proper supervision.. I therefore Thank` you urge you to vote against this proposal. RCrm'LLRir... Tr.. ¢v..ir.r..�e 1111 WI 111110 I•' TM?.OWMNTtYNE.Ss/AGi COr1C "itr1IN x Yot;R CfliLl7�tra`N' S sAFLT On October. 1, 1979 the City of Miami in planing to lay off. Lifeguards and Cashiers at. all City pools. This action is very sif;nificant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendant: to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on tliursday September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Commisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make •copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * r * -:' u u u :L._:? °* a -* * r :: * :: :. . * * * 1111'ORTANTE,p: NSAJE SOBRE LA Pf OTECCION DE SUS HUJOS El primero do Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajorasde_ _..t;odas 1us.piscinas de Miami. Esta proposition es muy significante a los padres de los linos que anisten a las piscinas con el colegio durante el alio; ` pues no habran Salvavidas o mu jeres super- visando a sus hijos enla piscina o en los banns y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solaniente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experienci.a o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario pare ejercir la proteccion a sus hijos en case de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Sept:iembre a las 3:30 de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este. jueves. La siguiente carts : es enviada pare los padres inter'esados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de pr©parar su propia carts, y sera recibida por los Comis.ionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septieinbre. Si desea, Naga copias de la carts y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. * ., :; .: .. * * * 4; .. * .. .. .. City Commission 3500 Pan American Drive`. Miaini, Florida 33�33 Mayor Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore`R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L.` Plummer September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder'thom. This proposed lay off would of experienced personnel. thout-the services Any amount of money saved by ty, the Cias a re •uht of the lay offs will, be totally insign fxeRht if dust ono person'should drown as a • result of they`lack of propor supervision. I therefore urge you to vote, against this.proposa Thank., " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILD EN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Ms act;ioni is pisaning veryto loy off gi significant theds and parents Cashiers at all City pools. h of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursday September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Commisioners prior to that date. The following form letter in provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sionors listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) ,, ec .: g: o: e: , .• * .. ,; ;a .a .. .. * * * * is * * * " IIviPORTANTE I'IENSAJE SOBRE LA PitOTECCIOh DO SUS HIJOS " El primero de Octubre tie 1979, la ciudad de Miami propono daries lay-off a los Salvavidas y ca joras tie todas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposition es tnuy . s ignif icante_ a.rlos.__pttares ..wdea las .winos que.._ an isten a las pisoinas con el colegio .durante el ario; pues no hahran Salvavidas o mujeres suLeer- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los baios y sales de cambio. supervision sera dada solamente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experielici.a o el entrenamiento de natation necesario pare ejercir la protection a sus hijos en c3.so de accidentes. Es por eso le tadvertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:30 de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, ascribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carte es enviada pare los padres interesados, que doseen escribir a los cotnisionarios, y no tengaan tiempo de proparar su propia carts, y se/3 recibida por los Comisionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copias'de la Carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. City Commission. 350n Pan American Drivo Miami, Florida '33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferro- Commissioner: Theodore R. Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer,Jr. Dear Commissioner,' I am taking this oppprtunity to communicate to you my objection • to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and -Cashiers at city pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off would leave the City without the services ofexperienced personnel. Any amount of money saved by the City as a result of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if ,just one person should drown as a result of the lack of'rtpropper supervision. I therefore urge you Thank you against this proposal. • September 10, 1979`' Dear commissioner,; I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection . r �„ to the proposed lay off of :Lifeguards and Teshier_e at city pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off would leave. of experienced personnel. the City without the services Any amount of money saved by the City as a result of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if ;just ono person should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision. I therefore urge you to vote Thank you ode, ainst this proposal. IMPORTANT MI SSAGF7 CONCJifl 1II`iYO1JR CHIT lli' EN'S. SAFifl Y " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami 113 planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their school during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants, to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnelwho may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursday September 13t;n at 3:3U P.M. and speak against this proposal. TV' you cannot attend, write the various City Cornrnisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) •t a „ .. •, , : •s * * •• * •: m * * IMPORTANTE >MENSAJ ; SOBRE LA PiROTECCIOP 1)E SUS HIJOS " El primer() '.de Octubre de " 1979, la ciudad de . Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajeras de codas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposition es muy . s ignif icante a los parires de los ninos que as isten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante el afro; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscina o en los banns y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada solaunente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia 0 el entrenamierrto de natation necessaro pare ejercir la protection a sus hijos on caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres queasistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carte es enviada pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo.de preparar su propia carts, y sen recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves •• 13 de Septiembre. Si d.esea,-hags copies de la carts y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. * * o• * ;: •% * x ;: 3c City Commission M5Ou Pan Ameriean Drive iahni, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. F'erre. Commissioner: Theodore Re Gibson Commissioner: Armando. Lacasa Rose Gordon Commissioner: Commissioner: O.L. Plummer, . Jr. September 10, 1979 'Dear Commissioner,, I am taking this opportunity to communicafe;,to you, my objection to the proposed lay off of>.Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979• In; the south'Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder thom. This proposed lay, off would of experienced personnel. thout the services Any amount of money staved oy the City as a reSu1t of. the lay offs will be totaily insignificant if just ono person should drown as -a:'result. of the' lack -of ' proper supervision. I therefore urge you IMPORTANT M85SAGE CONCERNING YOUR Cti•ILDREN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t:hursctay September 13th et 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend,write the various City Commisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissionerspriorto the September. 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail ono to each of the Commis- sioners listed b'elow. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) �. r ... `�.. a .. :r * *" � * * : •: .r: :: u. .r •.� d� d• : :: * * '.i . :. .� 9: n :: .. .0 is ::. .. r.. • • .. 'i. :C .. .: 'ii 'it 'i. n 81' 'Zi' * 9i * 1t IMPORTANTE . MIENSAJE SOBRE LA Pr OTLCCION I)i; SUS HIJOS " El primero do Octubre cte 1979, la Ciudad de Miami propono clerics lay-off a los Salvavidas y Ca jeras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposicion es muy . significante a los padres de los ninos quo anisten a las piscinas con el colegio .dursnte el ano; pues rio habran Salvaviaas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada solaunente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiezici.a o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario pare ejercir la protection a sus h.i jos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos'a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, °scribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carte es enviada pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carte, y see recibida por los Comis.ionarios antesdela reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembro. Si desea, Naga copies'` de la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. .r ,. * :b * * * ?; :c ..- # * •s .. ): ., * .. City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 • Mayor: Maurice • A. Ferro Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson. Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer,' r. J III 11111.11111111111111111111I1111I11111 September 1U, 1979 Dear'Comm.asioner, I am+ -taking this opportunity to communicate ` o °you my objection to:the proposed lay off"of Lifeguards and Caahiers at City pools on October l; 1979• In the aouth'.Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety-isso important to our children, local government :should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them." This proposed lay off would ofexperienced personnel.` without the services Any amount of money saved by the City as a result of . the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just one person should drown as a result of ' the lack af' proper supervision. I therefore urge you to vote against this proposal. Thank you' IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILDREN 'S SAFETY ' On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursday September 13th at 3: 3U P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Colwnisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail ono to each of the Commis- sion.ers listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * * * * * * * : * * # x .. ., Y- * * * * * * * 45 is * * * IMPORTANT E MENSAJE SOBRE LA PROTECCIOP Jii: SUS HIJOS " El primer() de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvevidas y Ca joras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposicion es muy . significante a los padres rio los iiinos que anisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durente el ano; pues no 'habran Salyavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijo::, en la piscine o en los banos y sales de carnbio. La supervision sera dada solairiente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experierlci.a o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en case de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Sept:iembre alas 3:3e de la tarde y negarse a este proposition. Si usted no puede esistir, escriba uno de los varios Comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carte es enviada pare los padres interesedos, quo deseen escribir a los ''Comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de proparar su propia carte, y sea recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copies do la carte y enviela a todos los Comisionarios debajo mensionados. * .. * * a * n n * * ��. 0� 4t is •� 2. � .. '.i... . * * �� •Z' * •i City Commission 350u Pan American .Drive! Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Terre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon' Commissioner:. J.L. Plummer, Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate, to you my objection • to the proposed lay off. of Lifeguards and Cashiers at city pools on October 1, ;1979• Tn the south i�'1orida area where knowledge of swimming, and water safety is so important to our children, local government should do 'its part:` to -improve such programs not hinder` .them. This proposed lay : off' would leave the City without ' the services of experienced personnel. Any amount of 'money• saved by- the City as a result of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just •ono personshould drown as a- result of the lack of 'proper • supervision. T therefore urge you to vote against this proposal. Thank .you • If IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILDt EN'S SAFETY On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami in planing to lay off` Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t;hursday September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various city Cornmisioners prior to that date. The following form letter in provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) t .. ?: .. :: : , . J:. , :: u. :: :: * " J: .. * w :: :: :i * is * * * * * * " IMPORTANTE MENSAJ ; SOBRE LA PROTLCCION 1)P SUS H fJOS " El primer() de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposition es cnuy.significante a los padres rio los ninos que anisten a. las piscinas con el colegio,durante el aFio; pues no habran Saivavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solaunente por los maestros clel colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiericia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistana'la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de ,;eptiembre a las 3:3U de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puecie asistir, °scribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este. jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada para los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan'tiempo de preparar su propia carta, y see recibida por los Comis.ionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, naga copies de la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. :; * * * * ?; ., .. .. ., ;: * * g; is 42. $: * * ;: is City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferrel Commissioner: TheodoreR. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L.'Plummer, September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this-oppprtunity to cornmunicate- to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 19797In the south,plorida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is co important to our children, local govorriment should do. its part to improve such programa not hinder 'them. This ;proposed lay ''off.`would of experienced personnel. ty without the services Any amount of money sieved by the City as a result of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just ono person should drown • as a; 'result of ..the .lack of proper'`supervision. I therefore urge -you to vote against this proposal. Thank you IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILDIIEN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pool:. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. 'his supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursday September .13th- at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. 1fJ you cannot attend, writes the various City Corrunisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) s: .. „' .. .: '* a .: .: .. of * �. .c .• oc ,c .: .. .c . .. ,. �: .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .o $:- $'r * * * * * * " II4iPORTANTE NE SAJE SOBRE LA PROTECCION DE SUS HIJOS " El primero de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajeras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Esta proposicion es rnuy.significarite a:-1os peeves dr, lea nihos que anisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante o1 ,uio; pues no habran Salvaviaas o mujeres super- visando a sus hi jos en la piscina o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solairiente por los maestros ael colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiericia o el entrenarniento de natacion necesario para ejercir la proteccion a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arias este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3: 3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carts es enviada para los padres'interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tietnpo de preparar su propia carts, y sea recibida por los Comis.ionarios'antes do la reunion el jueves 13 do Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copies de la carts y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. :5 * d= ;; ?: .. .. s' ** * * * n n 7C C .. .. . . .. .. is . . .9i.: iP i * * * *o' City Commission 350u pan A,meriean Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Armando Lacasa Rose'' Gordon J.L. Plummer, Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opp,ortunity_to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of 'Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south'Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local government should do its part to.. improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed :;lay off would of experienced personnel. the services Any amount,of'money saved by. the City as a result of the lay offs will ..be totally insignificaritif just one person should drown as a result of. the lack of proper supervision. I therefore urge you to vote against this proposal. Thank you ! IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILI .''N'S SAFETY n On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during; the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursdr y September 13th- at 3:30 p.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Commisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to snake copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) oc •: o. ?° .c ., sr ,.- ., .. ?c .. 3c :.- ':. iF i. * is # MENSAJL. SOBRELA PROTECCIOt" DE SUS HIJOS " El primero-de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Ca jo gas de todas las piscinas de Miami. k'sta proposition es muy significante a los padres de los ninos clue anisten a las piscinas con el colegio .aursnte el aFio; pues no habran Salvavicias o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en. la ,piscine o en los Banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada sol<<unente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experien.cia o el entrenamiento de natation necesaaro pare ejercir la protection a sus nijos en trio de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres, que asistan,a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puecte a'istir, ascribe uno tie los varios comisio- narios antes 'de este. jueves. La siguiente carte ©s enviada pare los padres interesados, qua ceseen escribir a los comisioner]os, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carta, y se/3 recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, riaga copias do la caste y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. .. ., .. '.:- :; .. * * * .. ., o'r .. .. :: :; ' ".$; * * * * * * * * * * City Commission 350u pan American Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 • Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer,' Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity ,to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay oft of Lifeguards ,and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. Inthe south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder ' them. This proposed lay. off would leave of experienced personnel.: without the services Any amount of, `money saved by the Cityas a result of. the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just one person should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision. I therefore urge you Thank to vote against this proposa nG CONCERNING YOUR ' CHILDREN S SAFETY. " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very sitrnificant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission moeting on thursd,ay Septeriiper 13th at 3:30 p.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attenu, write the various City Corrunisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) C `IMPORTANTE I"tENSAJE SOBRE LA <PROTECCION DE SUS HIJOS El primer() de Octubre pie 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone dories lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Esta proposicion es muy . significante a los pncires do los iii ios' que a ;isten a las piscinas con el colegio .aurante of giro; pues no habran'Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscina o en los banos y salas de carnbio. La supervision sera dada colrunente por los maestros ael colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o e'1 entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 do septiernbre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada para los padres interesados, que doseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de proparar su propia carts, y ses/3 recibida por los Comisionarias antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copias do la carts y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. ,. * * * * ,. .. .. .c : �i ,: , * * * :g * * * * City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferro Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity tocommunicateto you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at city pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed May -off" would leave the C •of•experienced personnel. • wii;hout "the services Any amount of money saved by the City as a result of the lay offs will be ,totally insignificant if just ono person should drown as a. result of'the lack of proper supervision. I therefore urge you to vote Thank' :,you against this proposal `ff IMPORTANT MESSIWE CONCErtA]IN,1 YOUR CHILW N'S SAFETY On October.` 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will rye entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursday septeraoer 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Corrinisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish, to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE. FOR FORM LETTER) ,t * +• „ „ .��... J. , �5.. :: ' Jt �. J: ..0 •� : `: :: 'u :: +• :: • Y w. Y * .. n, 4P ri. 9i +. .. i,.. •. .. .. i+ • .. .. n .. •.. is i, .. .. .. 'ri ri .: IMP0fTANTE N H'NSAJj SOBRE LA PR0TECCIOR Dig SUS HSJOS " El primero de Octubre cae 1979, la ciudad de Miami ,oropone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras do todos las,piscinas de Miami. Esta proposition es muy significante a los padres deg los winos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durtante el arro; pues no hahrun>Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos enla piscine o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solaunente per los maestros ael colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experienci.a o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la proteccion a sus hijos en case ae accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistatin.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septieinbre a las 3:3u de is tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usteo no bead() asistir, escriba uno tie los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carts es enviada pare los padres interesados, que aeseen escribir a los cotnisiona3r]os, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carte, y see recibida por los Condsionaarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea,naga copias ' do la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios'debajo mensionados. .+ ,. .. .. :c '.r ., ;; 3; d= ?e :: :, - :; * :;• * is * * :f d: :: is City Commission 350u Pan American. Drive Miami, Florida, 33133 • Mayor:. Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Theodore'R. Gibson. Armando Lac asa Rose Gordon J.L. Plummer,' Jr. I am taking this oppprtunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards. and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local government, should do its par't to improve such programs not This proposed lay 'off. would of experienced" personnel". without the services Any amount of `monoy save by .the City as a renult of the` lay offs will be, totally insignificant if just ono person ahould.'drown as a result, of "the""Tack of proper supervision. IMPORTANT MESSAGE, CONCERNIN3 YOUR CHILDREN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami in planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. this supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the ` Commission meeting on t;hursday September 13th at 3:3(i P.M. and speak against this proposal. If' you cannot attenu, write the various City Commisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) _: ., ,, .::: ., .: * a- at a: 3f IMPORTANTE MENSAJ ; SOBRE LA PROTECCION 1)E SUS HIJOS " El primero de Octubre ee 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajeras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposicion es muy significante a los narives rir. los niaos que -a Listen a las piscinas con el colegio .durante o1 ario; pues rio hahran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijoc en la piscine o en los banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada colaunente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario pare ejercir la protection a sus h.ijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le a.dvertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir,<escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes de este jueves. La siguiente carte es enviada pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carts, y sen recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copies de la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. . .v .. .. .. .. .. ,: .. o. 3e := o. * s; * :f is s: 3'r City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson; Commissioner Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Jr Dear Commissioner, I' am taking this opportunity to....communicate to you my objection .to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Caghiers at city pools on• October 1,,1979 In the'south plorida.area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is;so important to our children, local, `governinent should do"its part. to. improve such programs not hinder thorn. This proposed lay off' would leave the City without the services of experienced personnel. Any amount of money sf�ved oy, the City e a result of the lay offs will 'be totally .insign.ificant if just ono perso • as a result of the; lack of pro��er supervision. —_________.._....._. .-_.. _ .._ _,w,.n..rep.-,.rT,•,,.Y �T"�",Y'k--. ,. r ..•�r^;�,n.-..�`S•F,���&R.RF- ---. IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very sitrnificant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. Yhis supurvisi.on will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively ectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t:hursday ,September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attenu, write the various City Commisioners prior to that date. The following form letter in provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) :: .: - * * * * * * * is * * * LA PttOTECCION DE SUS 'HTJOS " El primero de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Ca joras de Codas las piscinae de Miami. Este proposicion es cnuy . significante a los padres de los iiinos que anisten a las piscinas con el colegio ,durente el a io; pues no habran Salvavidas o mu jeres super- visando a sus hijos`en la ,piscine o en los bangs y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada colrunente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la,experienci.s o el entrenamiento de natation necessary para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 1.3 de Septiembre a las 3:3U de la tarde y negarse a este proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, °scribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este. jueves. La siguienbe carte es enviada pare los padres interesados, que cieseen escribir a los comisionarlos, y no t.engar, tiempo die preparar su propia carts, y sen recibida por los Comisionarios antes do 1a reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copies de la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. * * * .. ,:- * o: .. .. .. .. .: •• * * * * is * * * * * City Commission: 350u Pan American . Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore'R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer,' Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity tocoinmuni"cate',to you my objection to the proposed lay-off of4ifeguards'and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979..In the south Florida.area where knowledge of swimming and water. safety is:no important to our children, local government should do 'its; part to' improve such programs not hinder thorn. This ;proposed May off would leave the . Cit of experienced personnel. Any "amount of'money saved by the City as a penult of the lay offs will" be totally. insignificant if just. ono. person- should drown as a result of the lack of propAr supervision. I therefore urge y Thank without the services IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCE11}1M YOUR CHILD' EN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to ley off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during; the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. ;his supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on ttlursctay septenioer 13th- at 3:3U P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Corruuisioners prior to that ante. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) .. ., # .. ,. .. .. .. ., .. * .; ,: .. .c .: .. .. .. .. ., .. * is .. 3: 3 IMPORTANTE``ME'NSAJE SOBRE LA PROTkCCION DE SUS HTJOS t1 El primer() de Octubre tfe 1979, la ciudad de;Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Esta proposicion es rnuy.significant° a los pac'iees do los iiinos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio.dursnte of aflo; pues no hahran Saivavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos enla piscine o en los banes'y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada solamento por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experienciao el entrenamiento de natacion necesario pare ejercir la protection a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Sept.iernbre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a este proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, escribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carte es enviada pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tieIrrpo de proparar su propia carta, y sez' recibida,por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiernbre. Si desea, Naga copies do la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. .. . .. * * City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 • if :; 3: 1 * * # * 1 d: Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L.' Plummer, J Dear Commissioner,' I am'taking this o•pprtu onity•: to communicate to you my objection. to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979• In the south plorida area where knowledge of swimming and water-nafe;ty is so important to our children, local government should do'�� its part to improve such programs not• hinder them. This proposed layoff• would leave the City without the services of experienced personnel. Any amount of ;'money °save() by the City as a result of the, lay offs willbe totally insignificant if just ono person should drown as a result . of the . lack of proper: supervision. I therefore urge Thank you against this propose III MI11111111111111111 llll II11uI1m comisionarios debao••mensionados. City Commission 350u pan ramerie'an Drive `. Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Iviaurice A. RerrE Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson' Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner; Rose Gordon: Commissioner: J.L. `Plummer, " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILLJ EN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguard;; c,r female attendant;, to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. 'l'his supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t:hursdr y Septemoer lath at 3:3(i P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Commisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) " IMPORTANTE MENSAJL SOBRE LA PitOTECCJIOP DE SUS HIJOS " El primero de Octubre de 1979, la Ciudad de Miami; propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinasde Miami. Este proposition es rnuysignificante a los paures rte los nihos que asinten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante of ado; pues no hahran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banos y sales de canrbio. La supervision sera dada colamente por los maestros cxel colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experienci.a o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario pare ejercir la protection a sus hijos en c:rso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de eept;iembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a este proposition. Si;ustea no puede asistir, escriba uno tie los varios comisio- narios antes 'de este jueves. La siguiente Carta es erlviada para los padres interesados, que doseen escribir a los cornisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de proparar su propia carte, y sea recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiernbre. Si desea, liege copias deg la carte y enviela a todos los ?; * * * ?: * * * $: * Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection • to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the. south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no ' important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed' lay` off would leave the City wii;hout'the services of experienced personnel. Any amount of money saved by theCity as a result of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if :just one person should drown as a result of the` lack of proper supervision. " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR c1?ILDi EN's On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will rye entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t;hursday Septemoer 13th• at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If, you cannot attend, write the various City Commisioners prior to that ante. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) Ot .r •� dr Y �r ��� JL �; , u `fir .. �: J. �: �:- :4 :r :: �: i� :• * * ** * ., ., .; .; .. e. .r ., .. .. .. ., * is is * " IMPORTANTE MENSAJE SOBRE'LA PROTECCION DE SUS HLJ'OS " El primero de Octubre tie 1979, la eluded de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Esta proposicion es muy significante a los padres de los limos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio ,dura:,nte of aho; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banos y sala, de cambio. La supervision sera dada solaunente por los maestros ael colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natation necesario para ejercir la proteccion a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:30 de la tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puecde asistir, °scribe. uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada para los padres'interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionaarlos, y-no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carts, y sep recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. ' Si desea, mega copias de la carta y enviele a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. is * i s ?. * a * * City Commission 350u pan American Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 • Mayor: Maurice A. Ferro Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Laeaasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer,` ■ SeptemberIO Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at city pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water :safety is no important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off would of experienced` personnel. without the services Any amount of'money saved by the City :as a ronult of the lay offs will.,be totally insignificant if just one person should drown as a 'result of the lack of `proper supervision 1111111 Illiiismon IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CIlILllma I S SAFETY On October, 1, 1979 the City of Miami in planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguard:; or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. 'Nils supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children i'rom accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursday Septenioer 13th• at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Coirunisioners prior to that data. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their oWn letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * ., ., * * .: * o: o: „ as * :: ., .. * ., ., * * * * i:• * * * " IMPORTANTE NIENSAJE SOBRE LA PROTECCION llP SUS HIJOS " El primer() de Octubre . Cie 1979, la eiudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y'Cajeras de t;odas 'las piscinas de Miami. I+;sta proposicion es muy . significante ` a los peeves de los limos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio •dursnte o1 afro; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijo:: en la piscine o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada colaunente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experienci.a o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario pars ejercir la proteccion a sus hijos on caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de le tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes de este jueves. La siguiente carts es enviada pars los padres'inter'esados, que deseen escribir a los cornisionarios, y no tengan tiempo dde:'preparar su propia carte, y sep recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, iu ge copias do la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. ,. .. .. '' * B $: 3: ? . ;: City Commission 350U pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice Commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: A. Ferro Theodore R. Gibson Armando Lac asa Rose Gordon J.L. Plummer, Dear Commissioner, I am' taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them.` This proposed lay off would leave the City without the services of experienced ,personnel. Any, amount -of mPheYsaved by the City as a result of the lay offs will. be totally insignificant if just one person` should drown as a result of the' lack of roper supervision. I thereforeurge you to vote against .:this .proposal. Thank IMPORTANT MESSAGI. CONCERNINC1. YOUR CHILD {Hi 'S SAFETY "' On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker room,. ;phis supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursday September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Cornrnisioners prior to that sate. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. • (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) :f .. ?; ;: ., :: :: a ;c *- .'c s ` ; 'c' a: * ;. e: * * * m * ., * * i° is S= ie " IIyPORTANTE=MENSAJi SOBRE LA PROTLCCION DIE SUS HIJOS El primers) de Octubre lie 1979, la ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Ca jo •as de Codas las piscinas de Miami. lista proposicion es muy.significante a los pat ves do los linosclue anisten a las piscinas con el colegio ,durante el aFio; sues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscina o en los bafios y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada colaunente por los maestros ael colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario pars ejercir la protection a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan,a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las'-3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si`usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carts es enviada pars los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tieinpo de proparar su propia carts, y sea recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, nags copias 'do la carts y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. .. :: :: * City Commission 3500 Pan American Drive`; Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferro Commissioner: Theodore R.:Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose'Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Jr. September o Dear,` Commissiner, I am''.taking this oppprtunity to;:communicate to you my objection to the, proposed lay off of- Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October,l,;`1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is :no important to our children, local government should,do its part to improve such programs not hinder thorn.: This proposed 'lay off'would , leave of experienced,porsonnel. the City without the services Any amount of money saved by tYe City, as a result of the lay offs will `be. totally insi;nificaat if 'just ono person should drown as a "`result of the lack•'of 'prop'er supervision. `' IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILD1tt+a'N'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all, City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. ' his supervision will ea entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursday ,eptemaer 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attenu, write the various City Commisioners prior to that date. The following; form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * s e: a �: .: . � �: .: * * * * * .. .. .. .. .., ., .. .. .. ., .: .. ., .. ., .. .. ..• .. .. .. .. .. .. .. if is is * LA PUtOTECCION ])E SUS H1JOS El primer() de Octubre cie 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de Codas las piscinas de Miami. Esta proposicion es cnuy , significante a los padres de los winos' que ; asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante 01 a io; pines no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscina o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solairiente< por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natation necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hi jos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le a.dvertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u, de 'la tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puecte asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada pars los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no teng;ur, tiempo de , preparar su propia carte, y sea recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si aesea, nags copias "de la carts y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. .. 9i .. .. 9i ':.' 'i: n .... . . . iC .0 .i 3: 4; * 41 n .0 .0 'i: City Commission- 350U. Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Jr. Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to coimmunte to you my objection to.the proposed lay-off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at city pools on October.l,1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge • of swimming, and water safety is no important to our children, local government should do its part' to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off would leave • of experienced personnel. Any amount of money saved by the City as a result of the lay offs will betotally insignificant if just one person should drown as a result of the lack of 'proper supervision. without the services` I therefore Thank you to vote against this proposal. " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILLMEN'S SAFETY " On October • 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very sitrnificant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendant: to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will cue entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursday september 13th- at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Commisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) " IMPOWPANTE'MEiNSAJE SOBRE LA HijOS " El primero de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami propene darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de t:odas °las piscinas de Miami. ista proposicion es muy . significante a los pauses tie los iiinos ` c7ue asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durente el aiio; puss no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscina o en les ban'os y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada solwriente por los maestros ael colegio euales es posible no tengan la experieucia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en'caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres clue asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3U de la tarde y negarse a este proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, escribe uno de los varies comisio- narios antes 'de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada para los padres:'interesados, clue deseen escribir a los colnisionarios, y no tengan tiemeo de proparar su propia carta, y sern recibida por los Comiaionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, raga copias do la Carta y, enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados ., d; $ * :,; * * 3; 3c _ 4c * ;; City Commission 350u pan American Erivc;. Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. F:erre' Commissioner: Theodore R. mm Coissioners, Arinando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, 3; 4; 3; 3; 3; 3; 3; 3; 3; 3; September.10, Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate. to you my objection to the proposedlay off of.Lifeguards, and :Cashiers at City pools on October.1, 1979. Inthe south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important' to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed. lay off woul� of experiencedpersonnel. without the services Any amount of money saved by the City as a result of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just ono person should drown as a result of the lack of'propAr supervision. I therefore- urge Thank you vote against this proposal. " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILW EN'S SAFETY On October 1, 1979 the city of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very sifrnificant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. 'this supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursday septemoer 13th• at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. Tf you cannot attend, write the various City Comnisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail ono to each of the Comeis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM. LETTER) :L Y 'r •* Y a r! r. * * .' J:* * * : u y * :: N .• 4 * * :r * * 3: * IMPORTANTE NENS'AJn;;SOBRE LA PR0TECCION DE :'SUS HIJOS " El primero de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami`-propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de t:odas las piscinas de Miami. ksta proposicion es muy . significarite a los parses de los iiinos" que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante of alio; oues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos enla piscine o en los banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada solaunente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en c3.so de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan,a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada pars los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los cornision€trios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carts, y sep recibida por los Comisionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, iiaga copias do la carts y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. .. ';• ., c r_ „ ; * ,: o: :'r $; # $; * is 3: * * * * is City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Laeaisa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Jr. September 10, Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south.F'lorida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety -is so important to our children, local government should do its part` to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off would leave the clty without the services of experienced personnel. Any amount of money saved by the City as a result of the lay offs will be totally :ificant if just one person should drown as a - result of the" lack of °proper supervision.. I therefore urge you Thank you against this proposal. IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCEFININCT YOUR CHIL1MEN'S SAFETY +� On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will tie entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attena the Commission meeting on thursday September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Corruiiisioners prior to that date The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) n .. * * is `! :! `! i! i�. `! :! :! * * `: J! * .. is .. .. :: * :: * * * * * * * 4: PROTECCIOP 1)E SUS HIJOS " El primero de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas yCajeras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Esta proposicion es muy significante a los pauses dr. los 'ninos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio aurrnte of ano; pues no hahran Salvavicias o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscina o en los barias y $alas de cambio. La supervision sera dada col:iir►ente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natation necesario para ejercir la proteccion a sus hijos en case de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puecte asistir, escriba uno de los varies comisio- narios antes -de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionari.os, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carta, y sep recibida por los Comisionarios antesde la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, raga copies do la carta 'y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. .. .. .. ., o; .. .. .. .. is .; .. f is * * * * * * is City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 • Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre R Commissioner: Theodore Gibson Commissioner: Armando'Laeasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, september`10, .1979 DearCommissioner, I am'taking this opportunity to communicate:to you my objection to the proposed lay off.of Lifeguards ,and Cashiers at city pools on October 1, 1979. In the south plorida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local government should do-itspart to improve such programs not hinder: them. This :proposed- layoff would of expei'enced personnel. City without the services Any amount of money staved oy tY a City as a result of the lay offs will be totally insign.ificant,if just one person should drown as 'a result of the lack of `propersupervision. I therefore urge Thank u to vote against this proposal. IMPORTANT MESSSGS COTNCERIMING YOUR CHILDREN SAFETY " On October. 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to 1a.y off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with theirschools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. 'his supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on tThursday September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attenu, write the various City Corrunisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copiesand mail one to each of the Commis.. sinners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) 8: .. ., e: >; .. .: „ .: .: .c ., zs .% .e as • '3:- $: == * * =b == s; * $= 3: * 4'r g is dr " IMPORTANTE NENSAJ ; SOF3RE'LA PROTECCION DI SUS HIJOS El primero de Octubre pie 1979, la ciudad de lilami propene darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. rsta proposicion es muy.significante a los passes cle los winos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .dursnte 41 aiio; pues no habran Saivavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos enla piscina o en los banos y :galas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solaunente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experieneia o el entrenaniiento de natation necesario pars ejercir la protection a sus hijos en ,caso' oe accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las-3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puecie asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. , La siguiente carts es enviada pars los padres interesados, quo deseen escribir a los cornisionarios, y no t`.engun tiempo de pr©parar su propia carts, y sen recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea,-nags copias de la carts y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. .. .. .. :: :: * * * * * * City Commission 3500 Pan American Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 • Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: _Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L.'Plummer, ...1i1. Dear Commissioner, - I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay Off ofHLifeguards:and Cashiers at city pooi s on October 1, 1979. In t4E(Souh*Floi!idn,area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local government nhot0-4'aO its Part to improve such programs not hinder thom. _ This proposed lay off would leave the city without the services of experienced personnel. Any amount of -moneTnaifed by tho'CitY as a result of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just ono person should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision. - : I therefore urge (t)u to vote against this proposal. -777,71,R .1,7171,75I•1 11111101110.011 tt IMPORTANT MESS4GE CoNC RNIN1YOUR CH LIMEN'S SAFETY " On October. 1, 1979 the City of Miami is ;planting to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very sij,nificant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during; the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supewisi.on will ire entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursday ;=ieptember 13th- at 3:3(i P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Commisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) ** * . ,; * *.: * .: **a -*a: (r IMPORT ANTE MENSAJ ; SOBRE LA''PttOTECCTON DE SUS HIJOS 11 El primer() de Octubre (tie 1979, la ciudad de fiami propene darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajeras de todos las piscinas tie Miami. Esta proposition es ruy sigrtificante a los pttw'es rtie los limos que d. u.$ten a las piscinas con el colegio ,durante el' aiio; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en. la ,piscine o en los ban`os y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solaatnente por los maestros ciel colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenarnierito de natation necessaro para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en case ae accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de ;;eptiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes : de este jueves. La siguiente carts es enviada pare los padres: interesados, quo deseen escribir a los comisionerl.os, y no t.engnn tiernpo de preparar su propia carte, y se/3 recibida por los Comisionerios antes d© la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si d.esea, rirga copies do la carts y enviela a todos los cornisionarios debajo mensionados. * n n * * .. * * * .. .. * ii is .. .. 'ii �[ is :: J',.. * * 9: * * * * ii 'Z. City Commission 350u pan American Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 • Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer,'' 1111111111111111A Dear Commissioner,. I axn taking this opportunity,to communicate to you my objection. to the proposed lay off: of Lifeguards and Cashiers at city pools on October 1, 1979• In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water. "safety is no important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not. hinder thom., This ' proposed lay.. o of. "experienced personne; leave the"Citywithout'the services Any amount of"money saved"by the Cl.as a result of the lay offs will ;be totally insignificant if just ono person' should drown as "a result of the; lack " of proper, supervision. I therefore urge. you Thank''you" " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILD" EN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very sie,nificant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drowninga. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursday September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various city Commisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * * .* " IMPORTANTE P! H' SAJi SOBRE LA PROTECC,IOP' DS SUS FIIJOS " El primero de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposition es cnuy significante a los purses pie los mhos que asisten. a las piscinas con el colegio eturante el.. alio; ;nues noTha ir'" i seilvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada coleunente por los maestros del colegio cuales es possible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario pare ejercir la protection a sus hijos en caso ae accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, °scribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes de este juevc:s. La siguiente carte es enviada pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carte, y see recibida por los Comiaionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 do Septiembre. Si desea, nage copies de la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mens:i.onados. ?,• .. .. * ?: * . ? .. .. : - * '' * ' 3: b * * * • do City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferro Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando.Lecasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L.Plummer, '"Jr.` Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off_ o'.:Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water aaf ety is no important to our children, local government should do:its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off would leave the City without the services of experienced personnel. Any amountof 'money: saved. by the City as a result of the lay offs will be totally insigni,ficant;if just ono person should drown as a-7resu1t of; the _;.lack of proper ..sup,ervision " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILDREN'S SAFETY " On October • 1, 1979 the city of Miami in planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during; the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants t.o supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursday September 13th•at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. Tf you cannot attenu, write the various City Commisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish t.o make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * * •s * * * * do * * * * * * is * * * * * * * * * * it * * * 3: •:r .: ., .. .. .: * * " IMPORTANTE MENSAJE SOBRE LA PROTECCION D)1!'. SUS HIJOS " El primer() de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajeras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposicion es muy . significante a los padres de lon iiinos que anisten a las piscinas con el colegio .duronte el aiio; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los bans y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada solamente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natacion necessaro pars ejercir la protection a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le a.dvertimos a todos los padres que asistan,a la reunion do los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3U de la tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, ascribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes ode este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada pars los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carte, y sep recibida por los Comisionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, haga copies de la carts y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. ***: .. * * 4. * *** * ** * * * * * is if * :c i:• :. 4: s'r S, oc .: * * is * * * * * is * City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, I am taking this opportunity to:`communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local government should do'its .part .to;improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay ''off would leave of experienced`:'porsonnel. ty without the services Any amount of :;money . saved •by the City as .a result of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just one person should drown as a result of the lack of✓proper supervision. rft ._r y "'IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCE'iNINr YOUR CHILDitk 'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to offectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t;hursday September 13th• at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Commisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail ono to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * is * S. * * * * B: * * * * * * * * * * * * * 41 * * * * * * * * # * * * " IMPORTANTE NENSAJ : SOBRE LA PROTECCION DE SUS HIJOS " El primero de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscines de Miami. Este proposition es muy.signif icante a los padres de los winos que anisten a las piscinas con el colegio rdurarite el ario; pues no hahran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solamente por los maestros dol colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o of entrenamiento de natation necesario pars ejercir la proteccion a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le a.dvertinios a todos los padres que asistan,a la rounion do los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes -de este jueves. • La siguiente carts es enviada pars los padres interesados, quo deseen escribir a los comisionari.os, y no tengan tiempo de proparar su propia carts, y ser recibida por los Comiaionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiernbre. Si desea, nags copies do la carts y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. # 41 4: 3: * 'i .. 35 * * di * df , ., d: * 8: :c * * * * ib * is * * * # ib * # * * # * is City Commission 350u Pan A,meriean Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferro Commissioner: Theodore R.'Gibson' Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Jr. Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off,of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In, the' south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local govornment should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off would of experiencedpersonnel. 6-City without the services Any amount of:. money s�avoo by the city asfa result of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just ono person should drown as a result of_ the lack of .'proper supervision. I therefore urge you to vote against this Thank_`you proposal. IIIIII�AI�IIIIpuI!il��!l�1w11 ! * * * * * * * * * * * * r " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCEREIN1 youR CHILDREN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami in planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This actionlis very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will eta entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursday September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Commisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * k * * * * * " IMPORTANTE NENSAJE SOBRE LA PROTECCION DE SUS HIJOS " El primero de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. 1sta proposicion es muy significante a los paCires do los niaos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio durante el alio; pus no habran Salvaviaas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los barios y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada soiamento por los maestr?s, del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experienciao entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hi9os cps° de accidentes. Es por eso le.advertimos a todos los padres tie 'aistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembrocl a 3:30 de la tarde y negarse a esta prol?osicion. Si uated no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narlos antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada para padrps interesados, quo deseen escribir a los comisionarios ytno n tiempo de preparar su propia carta, y se p recibida por los Comisionarios:antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, raga clas do carta y enviela a todos los comlsionarios debajo mensionacilos. * * * * * * * * * • * n'1*" * „ City Commission 350U Pan American Drive, Mialni, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferrel Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Comnissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Jr. September-1O, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to\communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at city pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming antOtrut or safety is iso important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder'them. This proposed;:lay off'would leave the City without the services of experienced porsonnel.. Any amount of 'money saved by the City as` a result of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if ;just .ono person should drown as a 'result of �, ' the' lack_ ofpr.��p�r ¢supc��vision:..-. I therefore urge`you Thank you " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YotiH CHILLatEN!S On October. 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City poops. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguard.; or female attendant:; to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. 'his supervision will ee entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursday September 13th- at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. 1f' you cannot attend, write the various City Conunisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) IMPORTANTE MENSAJE SOBRE LA PROTECCION DE SUS HIJOS " El primer() de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajeras do todos las piscinas de Miami. 1sta proposition es muy significante::.a_los pseres de los nlnos que a:sisten a las piscinas con el colegio ,durante el' ail(); pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus`hijos en la piscine o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solamente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experienci.a o el entrenamiento de natation necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en cases de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las'3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes 'de este jueves. La siguiente carte es enviada pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan ' tienpo de preparar su propia carte, y sep recibida por los comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copias de la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. • ;5 :; .. .. :; .. .. * * * * i, * * City Commission 350u Pan American Drive,; Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose 'Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer,; �:c 35 is 3c * * '.i .;t d: * Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection. to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at city pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is :o important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This, proposed lay ol'T would leave the Clty without the services of experienced personnel. Any amount of :money staved by the, City pis a ra�ult of the lay offs will be totally insignificant. if:' just".ono person -should `drown. as a result of the',"lack of ; prosier supervision. I therefore urge Thank you " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILDRhN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during; the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursday September 13th•at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Commisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * * * * * * ii :i :i :: * .. :: is ** :: .. .. * * * ** * * ., .. * * i6 ., i;� x is ,c * * if * * is " IMPORTANTE MENSAJE SOBRE LA PROTECCION 01; SUS HIJOS " El primero de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Saivavidas y Cajoras de todos las piscinas de 1'iiami. Este proposicion es muy . significante a los pares de lop iiinos que a:iisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante el ano; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada solamente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experienci.a o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.e la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:30 de la tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los verios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carts es enviada pars los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carte, y see recibida per los Comiaionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copies do la Carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. * is * * is * * is is is is * ib o: is is i; * * tie is Jc ib is * # is i8 i; i'r * dS * ii 41 is ib City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferro Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L.` Plummer, Jr• Iu Ini.l 111r 1II MIMI September Dear Commissioner,'' I am taking this opportunityto communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off would of experienced personnel. without the services Any amount of money` saved by .the` City as a result .of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just ono person should drown as a result of the `lack `mof proper supery IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNIH I YOUR CI1ILlii•{EN )S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to ley off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very siF;nificant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during; the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t:hurscl ay September 13th• at 3:3(i P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Commisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting.. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER. SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) It IMPORTANTE MEN AJ;' SOBRE LA PROTECCION DE SUS FIIJOS " El primero de Octubre ue 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de Codas las piscinas de Miami. isto proposicion es muy.significante a los patties 'de los iilTlos cue asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .dursnte of Dario; pues no hahran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos enla piscine o en los Banos y galas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solcuriente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natation necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en caso_ de accidentes. Es por eso le advertiinos a todos los padre: que asistnn.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Sept:iembre a las 3:30 de la tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, °scribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente Carta es enviada para los padres':interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan'tieinpo de pr©parar su propia carte, y sen recibida por los Comis.ionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copias do la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mehsionados. City Commission 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Armando Lac as a Rose Gordon J.L. Plummer, J; September 10, Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In: the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local government should'` do its part toimprove such programs not hinder thorn. This proposed lay off would leave the City without the services of experienced personnel. Any amount- of money saved by the' -',City as a result of the lay offs will be totally insagnifxcant if`just ono person should drown as a result of 'the lack: of proper ,supervision.. I therefore urge Thank y vote against this proposal. • A " IMP•ORTANT ME!:SSAGI. CONCERNING YOUR C1?ILlatEN'S 'SAFETY On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami in planing to lay foff fanLifeguards parents and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of schtal personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drowning. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t;hursday ,eptei bbr 13th at 3: 3u P.M. and speak against this proposal. If yoU cannot attenu, write the various City Commisioners prior to that date. The following form letter in provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) I, •, , y .' ,, ti s: ° :: ., * * * * * * i:• * * * " IMPORTANTE MENSAJ ; SOBRE LA P'ttOTECCION DE SUS }IiJOS " El primero de Octubre de; 1979, la Ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y 'Ca joras de Codas las pascinas, de Miami. Este proposition es muy.significante .a los padres I s ninusque anisten a las piscinas con e?. colegio •Gurante ei ahoy pues no habran aalvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solainente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan• la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natation necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos on cases ee accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varies comisio- narios antes :de este. jueves. La siguiente carte. es enviada pare los padres interesados, quo aeseen escribir a los com.isionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carte, y sen recibida por los Comisionarios antes, de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septieiabre. Si desea, nags copies do lacarte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. City Commission 350U pan American Drive Miami, Florida 331.33. Mayor: Maurice A. Ferro Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson` Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner, Rose Gordon Commissioner: O.L.' Plummer, Dear COmisbioner, I amtaking this opportunity to Communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local government should do its 'part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed laY. (31': would' 1:14e''' the 91'°1 -w ithout;the services of experienced Personnel.' will..be,:t,: a result of h lac saved by '.he City as eult, of the lay offs : t-, *ft --11.'- just oneapresonshoulcidr.ow,n t,,, of Mone57, , .insignificant if -., . Any amount eati,,AniiTli,l„i.... proper supervision. alsthCrefore urge you to vote against this proposal. :,. ,--);?, <17 \ •••-• •-'11 4 " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERVINCT YOUR CHILDSEN'S SAFETY" On October. 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. 'iliis supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to tiff protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents 'to *attend the Commission meeting on Snursday September 13tis at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Commisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided'for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *J 44 * * 41- " IMPORTANTE MENSAJE SOBRE LA PROTECCION DE SUS RijOS 11 El primero de Octubre oe 1979, la eluded de Miami propono darles lay-off a los salvavidas y cajoras de Codas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposicion es muy significante a los padres de los nsrios que anisten a las piscinas con el colegio slurante el ano; pues'no habran salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los baRos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada solamente por los maestros aol colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experioncia o el entrenamiento de natation necesario para ejercir la proteccion a sus bljos en caso oe accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3o de la tarde y negarse a este proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, °scribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este juevos. La siguiente carts es enviada pare los padres interesados, quo deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carte, y sex recibida por los Comisionerios antes de ls reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, hags copies do la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarlos debajo mensionados. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * " * * * * * * City commission 3.50u Pan American Drive Midhi, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Jr. September 10, Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to. communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979 In thesouth Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is :no important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder 'them. This proposed lay off would, of experienced' personnel. e : City without ' the services Any amount of money saved by the City as a result of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just one person should drown as a result of the lack of {proper supervision. " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILDR N'S SAFETY " On October • 1, 19?9 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will tie entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursda y September 13th• at 3: 3U P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Coimnisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * * g: * * * * * ;; * a: * *' * * * * a; $; *. of * * * * * * it * is * " IMPORTANTE MENSAJE SOBRE LA PROTECCION DE SUS HIJOS " El primero de Octubre de 1979, la eluded de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras 1e todas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposition es muy . significante a los padres de los iiinos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante el aizo;.,pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine. o en los barios y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada solamente por los maestros ael colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o'el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ajercir la proteccion a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan,a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carts es enviada pare los padres interesados, quo deseen escribir a los comisionari.os, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carta, y sep recibida por los Comiaionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septieinbre. Si desea, nags copies do la carts y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados." * i; :: * * * ,. * * * * * '; 3:- ., .: �;. a .i io ., 3 * * * * * * * * * * if * * * is City Commission 350U Pan A,meriean Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Maurice A. Ferrel Theodore`R. Gibson Armando Lac pis a Rose `Gordon J.L. Plummer, Jr. September. 10 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opp,ortunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off' of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proporied lay off would leave the City without the services of experienced personnel. . .. „.... :...,. .._ .. . .. . .. .. ,. .. , _ , . • •-•,••• . , -,j • , , .', . :...-... ,,,. .. . Any amount of'. m9ri!i35i:::-5i..1t..00:::Tcit.-,t40.:..:ci.,.'i,...'-.as.:::::'4-..-•..i.:3E14:: -94°„•.--the lay offs will be tot61.1-:-...,:,:ii'el;gii :f:,..4 0..:!1'.:lj...f.1 just:i..- On§:::149,.,7,..•,*i 0 0:::'$h,, ott3.d drown as a, vision.reaUlt-:'•iiif?-it1;ie;;:,lC*-,,:-.Cf.-:,.;i:ii..efi.'er::•,,,4**7-..‘ - ...--.,.,:-._._:-_,...,-....-....„-.,.„..,,,_...„:„........„....,........... ....... ., .,.... , ,. , 1 therefore urge yOlf':tO..,ivOte'.;:iafti4net..'thi:•,it)ropOSal. ' .. „„,, ,............, .., .., , .,:. ,..... ,,,,,-...: ,..,,,, .,.,..,: ....:-..:.,,..,...,,...,,..„ _... '' -••• . ' :- •• '-,-. ' ..-._. .....•,'.,....•—„, ...,.,,,,,,..._.,,,.. , ,, , ., - . '''' ':- .' '' '''.::''::::'''''... '''' '.. '''' ',..-'1,,,,•••,.. ,....,.._,,. ,,,,,_.,, .. , ... :.',, • .. „ .,.,, . , ,, ' ''' ' . ' -- ' ' - - — ' - .----',•'.:-'-'.'•',-,-.i.._,•i-'-',...,.,,:•:_::•_,...::„...,,,,.:,, .n ,..., ,,,_, Thank you ','••••••••• • ;•••••;..- , •-•" • • . 1. a .4 " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNINC;. YOUR CHILDi'thJN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during; the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendant: to supervise the children in the pool or locker room,;. This supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your .children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission mooting on thursday septenber 13th• at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Cornrnisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * •: .: * . ., .. .. * * * s' .. * * * * * * * 45 " IMPORTANTE MENSAJE SOBRE LA El primero de Octubre pie 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de t:odas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposicion es rnuy , significante a los padres de los lrinos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante eel riiio; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijob en la piscine o en los banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada colaunente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiericia o el entrenamiento de natation necesario pare ejercir la protection a sus hijos en case de accidentes. Es por eso le a.dvertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Sept:iembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, °scribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviadu pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los cornisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carte, y sen recibida por los Comisionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiernbre. Si desea, uaga copias dola carta.y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. 3; S: z: ;f a 3: :: 42. City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Jr September 10, 1979 1 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to 'communicate to you my objection i to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools � on October 1, 1979.; In the' south ip'lorida area where knowledge of swimming and , water safety, is so iriportant to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off would leave of experienced personnel. 1;hout the services Any amount of money salved by the City as a result; of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just ono person should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision. I therefore urge you to vote against this proposal.. Thank you A " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILD EN'S SAFETY " On October • 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during; the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or trainirit, in Water Safety to of'fectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission mooting on t:hursday September 13th- at 3:3(. P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Coiwnisioners prior to that date The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior. to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make eop±es and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * •• * * ?C •. :: * :i :: 9: J .! *i 'u .i ?! .. , : :! ?! :! •• •• * * * * * * * "' IIV'PORTANTE MENSAJE SOBRE LA .PROT1 CCION Inc SUS HTJOS " El primer() " de.Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajcvas de todas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposition es muy significante a los padres dr, los ziinos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio' •durente el Dario; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada colauriente por los maestros dal colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o e'l'entrenamiento de natacion necesario pare ejercir la protection a sus hijos en cpso de accidentes. Es por eso le edvertimos a todos los padres que asistari.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 do Septieinbre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a este proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes : de este. jueves. La siguiente carte es onviada pare los padres interesados, quo deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tierpo de proparar su propia carta, y sen recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, nage copies do la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios''debajo mensionados. City Commission 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Theodore ''R. Glbson; Armando Lac pis a Rose Gordon J.L. Plummer, September- 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the • proposed layoff of Lifeguards arid Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979.• Inthe;south plorida.area where knowledge of swimming and water inifety, is :io important to our children, local government should'`do ite part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off would leave ihe City` without; the services of experienced personnel., Any amount of money' staved by the City as ;a result of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just ono person should drown as a result of the lack of proper : supervision. I therefore urge IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNIkel YOUR CtiILl:ii" EN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami in planting to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision willbe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children :from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t:irursday septernber 13th- at 3:30 p.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attenu, write the various City Comrnisioners prior to that irate. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have ti.tne to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copiesand mail ono to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) ., ' .: .: * * * * * * * IMPORTANTE MENSAJ ; SOBRE LA PROTECCION Dig SUS HIJOS El primero de Octubre pie 1979, la Ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de tsodas las piscinrs de Miami. Este propoaicion es rnuy.significante a los padres de los ii ies que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante cal biro; pues rio habran Salvavicias o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en les buries y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada colruriente por los maestros ael colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experieucia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario pare ejercir la protection a sus hijos on case de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Sept:ierbre a les 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes de este jueves. La siguiente carte es enviada pare los padres :interesados, que deseen escribir a les comisionarios, y no tengan tiernpo de praparar su propia carts, y sen recibidapor los Comisionarios antes de la' reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copies do, la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debaja mensionados. ;: .. .. :c :; >.c * , 3' ?: .. City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Mia rii, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, September 1U, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to corimunlcate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of . Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. in the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local`govornment shoulddo its.. part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off wouldleave of experienced personnel. Any amount:of of money, saved "by". the City as. a result _o will be totally cant if just ono person should drown as a result of the' lack; of prop r supervision'. the services " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILI)itk W'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. 'lhis supervision will cue entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to offectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t nursciay September 13thh at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attenu, write the various City Commisioners prior to that Gate. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) " IIViPORTANTE NIENSAJ ; SOBRE LA PROTLCCION 1)E SUS HIJOS " El primer() de Octubre se 1979, la ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Saivavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposition es znuysignificante a los pads es de los iiinos clue asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante cl aario; pues no habran Salvavidas o mu jeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada solauriente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o e1 entrenamierito de natation necesario pars ejercir la protection a sus hijos en coso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de septieinbro a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a este proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes ode este jueves. La siguiente carte es enviada pars los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carts, y sen recibida por los comisionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copies de la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. * * * * City Commission 350u pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: 'Armando Lacasa Commissioner Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, `Jr.' September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to:communicate to you my objection to - the proposed lay: off of Lifegar uds and ,Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979•' In the south rlori'da area where knowledge of swimming and water safety' is ao . important to our children, local government.ithould.do.its part' to improve such programs not hinder thoin. This proposed lay. off wou] of experienced `personnel• without the services nny amount of money saved by the City as ;a ranult .of the lay offs will .be. totally, insignificant if just on© person should drown as• a result of 'the Pack of proper supervision. I therefore Thank " IMPORTANT MESSAGE : CONCERNIal YOUR CHILI) tNa'N'S SAFETY " On October. 1, ` 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to offectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t,hursday September 13th- at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Cornmisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copiesandmail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) :. ., ?: * .. :: * * ., is •' .: : :: * .. .. * .. * 3: :: 3: * is ' d: * " IMPORTANTE MENSAJE SOBRE LA PUOTECCIOA Dig SUS HIJOS El primer() de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami propene darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Esta proposition es muy.significante a los padres de los mhos que anisten a las piscinas con el colegio durante cal ano; hues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos enla piscina o en los_banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solrunente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la ` experieiicia o el entrenamiento de natation necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en case de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padre.; que asistan.a:la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Sept.iembre a las 3:3U de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, oscriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada para los padres intoresados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carta, y ser recibida por los Comisionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, hags copias de la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. .: ., 41. . d: :: is . 3: 3: 4: City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Fevre. Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Laeasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer,` A September Dear Commissioner, I am. taking this opportunity'to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay".off of Lifeguards; and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In. the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay offwould leave the. City without the services of: experienced personnel. Any amount ofmoney; saved by theCity as ;a, result of the lay offs will be totally. insignificant if just ono person should drown as a result of the lack. of, proper supervision. " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONC4:RNIMir YOUR CHILI7R E'N'S SAFETY On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing; to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision wi'L1 oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training, in Water Safety to e:ffectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thuraday September 13th- at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Commisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners' prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies`' and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * .. Y 3: :s :; == 3c :. „ * :b $: 3 ., ., :c * at := * * 3- * 3: * " IMPORTANTE MENSAJi; SOBRE LA :PROTi CCION Di SUS HIJOS El primers de Octubre cie';1979, la Ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de t:odas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposicion es muy. significante a los peeves de los iiihos queasisten a las piscinas con el colegio durante of ano; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada solamente por los maestros ael colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natacion necessaro pare ejercir la protection a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan,a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puecte asistir, °scribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes ode este jueves. La siguiente carts es enviada pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionari.os, y no tengan tiempo de;preparar su propia carts, y sep recibida por los Comis.ionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copies de la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. .. .. * .. .. ?: * .. ., 3; .. .. 3: .. * * * * * * 3b * * * City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 • Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson` Commissioner: Armando Laeasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water; safety is no important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off would leave the. City without the services of experienced personnel. Any amount' of money save° by the City as a result of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just one person should drown as a result. of ' the lack ; of proper, supervision. 4 IMPORTANT MEsskGI CoNOERNING YOUR CHILL; tEN'S SAFETY ft On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their school during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants i.o supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursday S;epteiiicer 13th- at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Con nisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE'. OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) S, .: * . g,o: ., 4s o: 35 * i= it i; * IMPORTANTE P1If♦NSAJ LA PROT1 CCION DP SUS HiJOS ft El primero de Octubre tie 1979, la ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposicion es cnuysignificante a los puures de los moos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio.dur&inte el ano; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los bergs y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada wo1amente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experienci.a o el entrenamiento de natacion necessaro pare ejercir la protection a sus hijos on ca.so de accidentes. Es por eso le a.dvertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de in tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno-de los varios comisio- narios antes 'de este jueves. La siguiente carte es enviada pare los padres=interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo; depreparar su propia carte, y se/3 recibida por los Comisionarios antes "de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, brage copies do lacarte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mens•ionados. .. .. .. .. ii •• * is * *: JL * .. is i' .i '-? a _. _: 'ii' * * * 4 * 1 4 is 4 City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferro Commissioner: Theodore R.Gibson Commissioner: Armando Laeee„a Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, 4 September 10, Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In'the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local government shoulddo its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed ;lay Off; would leave the of experienced personneli :without the services Any amount of. money . saved by the City, as a result of the lay offs will .be totally -'insignificant: if just ono person '`should drown as a result of the lack of proper'supervision. I therefore urge Thank you'` vote against this proposal " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCEflNING. YOUR CHILD {EN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have tho necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission moetinir on t:hursday September 13th at 3:3(i P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Commisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) ,, ,, „ .�s .: ., * * ,. =.£� ;; �: •., .r ::- ., ;c .c .: ., •:: :; .c :; °- ., •.c .: ,- -:: .; * * it * * * IMPORTANTE NIENSAJt SOBRE LA PttOTLCCION DE SUS FIIJOS " El primero de Octubre pie 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Ca jorras de t.odas las piscinas de Miami. I+,sta proposicion es rnuy.significante a los pauses Se los ninos sue anisten a las piscinas con el colegio .dursnte o1 aflo;. puss no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscina o en los`banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solaursente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experieucis o el entrenamiento de natation necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos on caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan, a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septietnbre a las 3:3u de le tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puede a:sistir, oscrita uno de los varios comisio- narios antes de este juevos. La siguiente carts es enviada para los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carts, y sep recibida por los Comisionarios-antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septietnbre. Si desea, nags copias dolacarts y-enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. .. * :: * ;: :: * * * * ;. * .., * * * City Commission`' 3500 pan Ameriean Drive Mia'ini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferry Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer Jr. Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off' of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south l'olorida area where knowledge of' swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them.' This '.proposed lay of of' experienced porsonne Any amount of money saved oy the City as a re ult,of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just ono person should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision.: I therefore urge " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONC ;RNINil YOUR CHILLMEN'S SAFETY " On October. 1, 1979 the City of Miami in planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. Yhis supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t:hursday September 13th. at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If' you cannot attend, write the various City Commisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) •i.41.* * :r * :: ?L *: * .r * * * * * .' .: J: :: ./' * " IM?ORTANTE. MENSAJ :; SOi3RE LA P2tOTECCSIOIv DE SUS HSJOS " El primero de Octubre (le 1979, la ciudad de I,giami eropone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Ca jeras de' todos -las p scinas deMiami. N;sta proposition es muy . significante a los padres de los winos que a:aisten a las piscinas con el colegio .dur,nte el aiio; oues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijo: enla piscine o en los banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada colaunente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la exper:ienca.a o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en case, de accidentes. Es por eso le a.dvertimos a todos los padres que asistan,a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiernbre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no prede asistir, escribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada para los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los cornisiontir3.os, y no t.engar.' tiempo de preparar su propia carte, y see recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiernbre. Si aesea, naga copies do la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo-mensionados. ., ., .. .. .. ,. • •• .. .. 3'• i ° is is .: s .f .8 :;• 36 City Commission` 35Ou Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre: Commissioner: Theodore R.ibson Commissioner: _Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Dear Commissioner, I am taking this''opportunity>to communicate 'to you my objection to the proposed layoff of.Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In `the south plorida area where knowledge of swimming and watersafety is o important to our children, local .government should do' its part to improve such programa not hinder them. This -proposed .1sY 'Offwould loave the City without the services of experienced personnel. Any amount of money saved by the .City as a result of ,the lay. offs will be . totally insignificant if `just one person should drown as a result of the lack of propAr supervision. I therefore urge you to vote'. Thank: yi " IMPORTANT MESS/WE CCNc 1I'1IN l YOUR C2IILD th,N'S SAFETY On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami in planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. '?lxis supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thur$th y 3eptember 13th• at 3:3(i p.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Comluisioners prior to that ante. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) a .t'.c e: .: * * ,. .: I14'PORTANTE MrNSAJE SOBRE LA PROTLCCION "Df SUS HIJOS " El primer() de Octubre se 1979, la ciudad de I.7iami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajcras de today las piscinas de Miami. Esta proposition es muy.significante a los padres de los winos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante el aizo; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos enla piscine o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solanente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natation necesario pars a jercir la protection a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan,a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usteci no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. r. La siguiente carts es enviada pare los pades inter'esados, que deseen escribir a los coxnisionarios, y no tengan 'tieinpo de pr©parar su propia carts, y sea recibida por los Comisioriarios antes .do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si a.esea, raga copias do la carts y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. City Commission 350u Pan Axneriean Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Mau Commmissiono Commissions rice A. Fevre r: Theodore R. Gibson r: Armando Lac pis a Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. 'Plummer, September 10, 1979 Dear Conminiasioner, I am taking this opp,ortunity to "communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October;l, 1979. In the<south Florida area where knowledge of swimming, and water eafety is no important to our children, local.`governrnenf should do its -part to improve such programs not hinder. them. This proposed lay off would leave the City without the services of experienced personnel. Any amount ofmoney save() by the City as ; a will be totally insignificant if just ono as a result of the lack of proper supervision. I therefore urge you to A " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNIN4 YOUR CNILUiIaN'S SAFETY n On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very sifrnificant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission mooting on t;hursday septerneer 13th- at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Cornmisioners prior to that ciate . The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mailone to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. • (SEE.OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) =.f o: ?c 6c :; .. .. $: .; .. * :: $c .. .. .. ., * * * * i:• * is * " IMPORTANTE MENSAJE SOBRE'LA PROTECCION" D1 SUS HIJOS " El primero de Octubre cie 1979, la' ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de codas las piscinas cie Miami. Esta proposition es muy . s ignif icante a los paul'es ' de los ritnos que a:n.s t en a las piscinas con el colegio .aura.nte el afro; pues no habran Salvaviaas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banns y galas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solaunente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamierito de natation necesario pars ejercir la protection a sus hijos en case de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padre„ que asistan,a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de septiernbre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carte es enviada pare los padres interesados, que aeseen escribir a los cornisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carts, y sep recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si oesea, nags copies de la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados * 7i .. .. i:. ':i .. * .. - •,i 'r.. * ..`* ::• 'Z1• * 3t 1:' * * ii ii 4 City Commission 350u Pan Ameriean Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 • Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore .R. Gihsori Commissioner.: Armando Lacasa Commissioner.: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. `Plummer, '.Jr Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunityto.;communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off,; of Lifeguards and,'Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed ley off would leave; of experienced personnel. without'the services Any amount . of money saved by the City as ;a :result of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if justoneperson should drown. as a result of the lack of proper supervision. I therefore urge you to vote against this Thank you qi( 4 1 " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNIN,1 YOUR CHILWEN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the city of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants i,o supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. 1I1is supervision will ue entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t:hurada y September 13th- at 3:3(. P.M. and speak against this proposal. if you cannot attend, write the various City Commisioners prior to that ante. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and'mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * .. ?; S; ., .. a e: ,. == .. ,. .. +. e:'' + .o + :: ✓ .• * .: ., -:; * * .. 4i * * * * ii " IIyiPORTANTE NENSAJE SOBRE LA PROT1 CCION DE SUS IIIJOS " El primero do Octubre pie 1979, la ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. i+ista proposition es muy significante a los peeves de las winos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio aurente ol Saito; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada colaunente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experieuci.a o el entrenamiento de natation necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en caso de aceidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si ustecl no puede asistir, (:scribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los cornisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de proparar su propia carts, y sea recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. 5i desea, hrtga copias do la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. * ,. .. .: * > * * * * City Commission 350u Pan American Drive: Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore 'R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Jr.' Dear Commissioner, I -ain' taking ' this opportunity' to:communicate communicate to you my objection to theeproposed lay off of. Lifeguards -and Cashiers at City pools on October;.1, 1979.In the:south.Florida area where knowledge of swimming:and and water .ddfety is no important to our children, local`govornment should do its part to improve such programs not hinder 'them.. This,proposed'lay."off would.l©ave:the City without the services of experienced ',Personnel. Any amount of: money saved by the City as a result of the lay offs will;be totally insignificant .if just ono person should drown as a .result of the lack of proper supervision. I therefore urge Thank; you proposal. IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNINr1 YOUR C1 ILlli' EN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very ,significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or i'ornale attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t:hursday September 13th• at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Corruiiisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one; to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * a * * : * JL :L ..- . * - . . .;* .y ;::* * :.0 * * * * :: * * * IMPORTANTE MENSAJE SOBRELA PROTECCIOPI "`UL SUS IILLOS " El primero de Octubre tie 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone daries lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras ale todas las piscinas de Miami. ksta proposicion es rnuy.significante a los padres de los ninos que anisten a las piscinas con el colegio .aurente el aiio; hues no habran' Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscina o en los ban'os y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada nolcunente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experioiici.a o el entrenamiento de natation necesario para ejercir la proteccion a sus hijos en trio de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistnn,a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3: 3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, escribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes 'de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada pars los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no t,engan tiempo de proparar su propia carts, y sen recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copias do la carts y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. .. .. .. :;• # ? ?; .: ., ? ., $; * ?r ?: ?: * # ?:• ?'r is City Commission 350u pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre'. Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lace?sa Commissioner: Rose 'Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Jr. Dear Commissioner, I am taking.this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979• In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local govornment should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay -"off would.`leave the City without the services of experienced personnel. Any amount'' of -money saved oy the City as a renult of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just one person should drown as a result. of the` lackof proper supervision. I therefore urge you Thank;you'• " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILIa {EN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay'off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very.sienificant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendant: to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will oeentire"ly the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t;hursday September lath at 3:3a P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Coirunisioners prior to that date. The following form letter in provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis sinners listed below. (SEE OTHER. SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * * * :: .0 * a .L a *.. * * •: `: * :: * ., :• * n .. is * * * 4•. * * * IMPORTANTE PI..'NSAJE SOBRE LA 'PttOTECCIOP DE SUS HIJOS " El primero de Octubre ee 1979, la eluded de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajcras de t;odas`las piscinas de Miami. Este proposicion es may . significante a los na6res' die los irinos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante of alio; pues no hahran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos enla piscine o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solamente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le a.dvertimos a todos los padres que asistan,a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Sept;iembro a las '3:30 de la tarde ;yr negarse a este proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, escribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este. jueves. La siguiente carts es enviada para los padres, interesados, que aeseen escribir a los cornisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carts, y see recibida por los Comisionarios antes d© la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, nags copies do la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. .. .. ., o. .r .. .. .: .: .: ie •E; .: .:... at qg d:• $: is City Commission 35Ou Pan American Drive• Miami, Florida 33133 . • Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson commissioner: Armando Lacasa CommissioneCommissioner: Rose `Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer,`"Jr. September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection. to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local government should do'its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed layoff would leave the Cit of experienced porsonnel. without the services Any amount of money sand oy the City as a result of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just one person should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision. " IMPORTANT MSS/WE CONCERNIN3 YOUR CHILIMEN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay, off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools.. This action is very -significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will tie entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who inay not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursda y September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Colmuisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) IMPORTANTE MENSAJE SOBRE LA PROTECCIOP DE SUS FIIJOS " El primero,de Octubre Fie 1979, le Ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de Codas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposition es muy . significante a ` los padres de los eines que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio durante el silo; pues no habran Salvaviaas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos enla piscine o en los_banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada Dolainente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experieticia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3e de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, oscriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes 'de este jueves. La siguiente carte es enviada pars los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisioniirios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carts, y see recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, hags copies do la carts y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. * .i: •i: * * .: * * * 1 * :, * * * * JL * 41. * * ` * City Commission 350u Pan A,rneriean Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore:R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Jr. s r.� Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local government should do -- its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off would leave the C of. experienced personnel. Any amount of money seven by the City as a result of the lay offs • will be totally insignificant if just ono personshould drown as a result of the lack ofproper supervision. without the services I therefore urge you to vote against' this proposal. Thy you 44•rK.:eP5rrlrSli14.9¢'i0!ir'ii�l�X`in��7+rY%11'�'�+�•t1Y:�:��i�:+ " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILDRtE 1'S SAFETY " Lifeguards andifeg On October. 1, 1979 the city of Miami is planing to lay off L Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significantparents the p a aes of children who attend city pools with their schools during; year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise there iidren- en in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will rye entirely sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or protect your children from accidents training in Water Safety to effectivelyprotect to attend the and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned t parents :30 P.M. and speak Commission molting? on t:tzursdSeptemcannot er attend, write the various city against this proposal. Tf youwishing to Commisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, are ts,are twish own letter write their commissioners, who may not have time to prep be received by the commissioners prior toithe Septo ember ach 13tof Commission to copies and meeting. You may wish to make cop Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM, LETTER)* * * ;, ,�� ;� ;; * ;; * * * * * 4 :: ;: .. s; * * * * * * :: $: * :c * * it* 41 " I MPORTANTE MENSAJr: SOBRE LA PROTECCION DE SUS HMS " primer() de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone dames pay-off coon El piscinas de Miami. iscinas a los Salvavidas y Cajoras ere codas las P�. las es muy.significante a los pfirix�esues node �,habran Sos ulvavidase nopmujereo•auLar con el ca suso durantejosen el aft(); o en los banns y salas de cambi supervision a sus hajo., o1a P su ervision sera dada solaznente por el°entrenamientodel de n �acionio ales es necesaggo P erienci.a o pejercir no la p of cc on en caso de accidentes. Es por para vertio la todos cos a sus hij neon Co a ester advertimos a todos los padres que asistan,a la reunion do los Comis on - le ad de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde ,y props este jueves 13 oposi coon. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba lzno de los varios comes o- v City Commission 350u Pan kmeriean Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferro Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Laccisa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Jr. Dear Commissioner, I'am taking this opportunity to communicate to you.my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so•important to our children, local government should do its. part to improve such programs not hinder'them. This .proposed lay off would ofexperienced personnel. e. City ,wit;hout the services Any amount of money saved oy the City as a result of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if dust ono person should drown as a ' result of the lack of proper` 'supervision. " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILDRHN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami in planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools durinE; the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker room:;. This supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursday September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Commisioners prior to that date. The following form letter isprovided may ed ng o write their commissioners, nothave timeto prepare to be received by the CommissioCorisrand mailto 1ion e etoeeach ofttheoCommis-n meeting. You may wish to make copes sinners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * * is * * * * 3: $; .. * * 4: * * * * is * * * * * * * * * '.e * * * * * * * * * " INPORTANTE MENSAJE SOBRE LA P2tOTECCION DE SUS HIJOS " prla ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off allosigalvavidastybre de 1979, � Cajarasdetodas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposition es muy , significante a los pfior'eslos habran Salvavidasnoamujelasresssuper- con el colegio .durante el ari , pues no visando a sus hijo:, en laap�ntanalos maestros aelsales colegioccuales esa supervision sera dada col por los posible no tengan la experienci.a o e1 entrenamiento de natacionEs nnecceesario para ejercir la pclos11 adres quea sus oasistan.a la reunions tde.los Comision- le a.dvertimoertimos a todosP arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, ascribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente Carta es enviada pano tenge los an res escribir a los comisionari.os, y f; a carte, y ser recibida por los Comiaionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, •noga copies de la carts y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. * * * 3;- * * * * 4:• * * * 1 * * * * * Se :: d'e * do i8 4: * * di * * ie i5 4f * 35 * # City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferro Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Jr. Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off°woul of experienced personnel.` Any amount of money saved -,-the City as a r,ewult of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just ono person should drown as a result 'of. the lack of !proper supervision. I therefore urge' you Thank you theut the services e against this proposal. " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILI)CtHN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants, to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to c,ffectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursday September 13th at 3:30 p.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Commisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned 'parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * * * * * * * 4: 4c .. * * * * * * is ;: 4. * *- ., do * * * * * * * * * * * * " IMPORTANTE MENSAJE SOBRE LA P1tOTECCION I)i; SUS HIJOS " El primero de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. kssta proposition es muy . significante a los padres de los winos que a;sisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durElnte el ciao; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscina o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solainente por los maestros ael colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natacionEs nneceesariporo o para ejercir la proteccioin a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. le a.dvertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- prop este cio jueves 13 de epuedebasistir, escriba unotdede los variosecomisio- proposicion. Si usted no narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada Para no tenanos padres tiempotdeesados, prepararusu4propia eseen escribir a los comisionari.os, y tengan y seP recibida por los Comisionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, haga copias do la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. * **4:• 4b * * * * 4; * * * * * * * 4i 4F 41 # 41 * * * * * * * * 3e * * 4:* * * City Commission 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R..Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa. Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Jr Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to ;'Communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of. Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local government should do'its part to improve such programs not hinder thom. This proposed; lay off"would: leave the City without the services • onno of experienced pers1." Any amount 'of money saved by the- City as a result of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just ono person should drown as *a:result; of the:lack of prop r supervision. I therefore urge you Thank you against this proposal. " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILDREN 'S SAFWY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. Yhis supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your'children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on tnursday September 13th. at 3:3(i P.M. and speak against this proposal. le you cannot attena, write the various City Commisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis.. sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * " IM?ORTANTE MENSAJE SOSRE LA PROTECCION DE SUS HIJOS " El primero de Octubre ee 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. bsta proposicion es muy significante a los peeves do los allies que anisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante el ano; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine, o en los banes y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada colaviente por los maestros ael colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en cos° ae accidentes. Es por eso le odvertimos a todos los padres queasistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septieinbre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este juevos. La siguiente carta es enviada para los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carte, y se p recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copies de la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. * i; i; .1; 4: 4: 4: 4: i; i; 41. 41. City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Armando Lacasa Rose Gordon J.L.• Plummer. Jr. 42. * 4: Dear'Commissioner,'. I am' taking this opportunity. to' communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important to our children, local government should do ;its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off would leave the City without the services of experienced personnel.' Any amount of money saves oy the City as a renult of the lay offs will :be totally insignificant if just ono person should drown as a result of the ;lack` of 'proper supervision. I therefore urge you to vote against. Thank you proposal. " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILDRNN'S SAFETY " On October. 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drowninga. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t:hursday September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, writo the various City Commisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter tome beg. Youmay the wishCommissioners to make copiesior to andmailtlone e toember each ofth the Commission meeting. Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * * * * * of * $b * * :: * * * * is * * is * * * * * * * * * 3c * * * * * * * * " IMPORTANTE MENSAJE SOBRE LA PROTECCION DE SUS HIJOS " El primero de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Esta proposicion es muy . significante a los padres de los ninos que anisten a las piscinas con el colegio ,durante el afio; puss no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visandoea sus hijos en la piscine o en los banos y sales de cambio. supervision sera dada colainente per los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experienci.a o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijon en caso de accidentes. Es per eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.alalreua nion de dy nlosCogarse ision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3 de a esta proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, ()scribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. que cieseen La siguiente carta es enviada Parans tengan os dres tiempotdee, pr©Parer su propia escribir a los comisionarios, y carte, y sep recibida por los Comiaionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, haga copias de la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. if * * * * 48 * * * * is 3: ii .. * is- * * * di * •* * $c if 41 * 41 dF ii # d'e 35 * * 41 * $: City Commission 350u Pan Ameriean Drive Miami, Florida 33133 • Mayor: Maurice A. Ferro Commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Armando Lacasa Rose Gordon J.L. Plummer, Jr. -September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In; the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local govornment shoulddo its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed ,lay'off would:loave the City without the services of experienced personnel. Any amount of money saved by the City asa result of the lay offs will be totally insigntficknt if just one person should drown as a result of thelack of proper supervision. ' I therefore urge'you to vote against this proposal. Thank >y " IMPORTANT MEN SAGE -CONC1 flNIN►1 YOTJR .CHILL) N�'S SAFETY " On October. 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to offectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursday September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Commisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail. one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * * * is * * is a; i, i; * i; is is * * * is * * is is * * * * * * * * * * * is * " IM'PORTANTE MENSAJE SOBRE LA PROTECCION 1)E SUS HMJOS " El primero de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposicion es muy . significante a los padres de los iiihos que anisten a las piscinas con el colegio •durante el afio; awes no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine.;o en los banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada solamente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencla-o e1 entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sun hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le a.dvertimos a todos los padres que asistan,a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3U de la tarde y negarse a este proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, ascribe uno de los varies comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada pare los padres interesados, quo deseen escribir a los comisionari.os, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carts, y sep recibida por los Comisionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copias de la carts y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. a a: a a,; r a• ii 35 ib it if db # is * * .. i:• ::• ib .. * i; is is * * 4c .$: is a.:• * se * :: it .e ., i. ..• ., # i. City Commission 350U Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferro Commissioner: Theodore'R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose. Gordon Commissioners J.L. Plummer,' September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunityttOCOMMunicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off ofJ.,ifegUerds and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In. the Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water Safetyin no important to our children, local government ShOulddbitSpart to improve such programs not hinder them. • _.,„ • . This .proposed lay ,.-!"•Off--.- Iefiire'.:the•c4.ty-:.tatrlout the s ervic es - • ..•..• .,• of experienced •personnel. • • ••• • •._ : , Ari " • .: • . • , , ...• .• _ , ..„ ''''Of-money.,..'Save0:-,by,..:the•:city.";--;a6a:'result of the lay offs wiYll:':,b;,.:t'Oal.:lY:,,:iringnifICLint'Hif-just:,bne-.person,should drown as a result of the lack of propE3r supervision. • • .. • -• • • I therefore urge you to vote against this proposal. , •,. • ..:. .• „ . •• •-• • • .•, : ; • „,.. -_•••••.• : . • • ••• " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILDREN'S SAFETY On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year, since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursday September 13th at 3:30 P.N. and speak against this proposal. If' you cannot attend, write the various City Commisionera prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * IMPORTANTE MENSAJE SOBRE LA PROTECCION DE SUS HIJOS El primero de Octubre de 1979, la eluded de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajeras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Esta proposicion es muy significante a los padres de los lithos due anisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante el silo; plies no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los ballos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada solamente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en case de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision arios este jueves 13 de Sept a las 3:30 de in tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, °scribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carte. es enviada para los padres interesados, due deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo cle preparar su propia carte, y se n recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, naga copias do la carts y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * City Commission 350U pan American Drive Mishit Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Pierre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lac as a Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Pluerm , September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of ;Lifeguards and Cashiers at CitY pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety 3s so important to our children, t_ improve such programs not local govern hinder them. This proposed layoff would leave the City without the services of experienced personnel. Any amount of money, saved ',by, the City as a result of the lay offs will be. totally insignificant if just one person should drown as a result 'of' the lack : of proper, supervision. I therefore' Thank you e-against this proposal. " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHiILL7ttEN'S SAFETY " On October. 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendant", to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will beentirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t:hur:sday September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Corrmiisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) -:8 4; ., .. •• ., .. .. •.. .. , ` .. .. .: o: ., .. .. -: .. .+,.. a 3; i8 i:- r SOBRE` LA PROTECCION !)E SUS HIJOS " El primer() de Octubre tie 1979, la ciudad de Miami propene darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. bsta proposition es cnuy . significante a los padres rio los iiihos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio ,dursnte el aao; pues no habran Saly avidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solauriente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experienaia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la proteccion a sus hijos on case de accidentes. Es por eso le a.dvertimos-a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septierbre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, °scribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carta'es enviada pars los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carts, y see recibida por los Comisionarios antes' do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septieiribre. Si desea, Naga copias do lacarte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. .. * 4: * s �. .. „> .: • .. * * * * it 7i n 9C.0 . .:. ., ... .. i. .. ♦.: S: -:: r. .P. '�. 7f 9C S. .. * City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. '`Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R.`Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L.' Plummer September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to,communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at city pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is 'o important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off would leave the <'City without the services of experienced personnel. Any, amount of money saved by the City as a result of the lay offs will be totally insignificant' if just ono ..person should drown result of the lack of proper, supervision. Thank you 11X. Y). " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILD,(EN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 19?9 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will ire entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drowninga. Therefore, we urt3e all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t;hursday Septemoer 13th- at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. IV you cannot attend, write the various City Comrnisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) " IMPORTANTE MEN SOBRE LA PROT1 CCIOA LU! SUS HIJOS " El primero de Octubre cie 1979, la Ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajeras de todos las piscinas cie Miami. Este proposition es muy.significante a los padres do los winos due asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante of aria; pues no habran Salvavicias o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos enla piscine. o en los banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada solaunente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experienci.a o el entrenamiento de natation necesario pare ejercir la protection a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a este proposition.Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes de este jueves. La siguiente carts es enviada pare los :padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los-comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carts, y eel-4 recibida por los Comisionarios antes d© la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiernbre.' Si desea, rlage copies de la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferrel Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner:. Rose Gordon. Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, J September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local govormment should do its part to improve such programs not . . hinder them. , This proposed lay off would leave the City without the services of experienced personnel. amount- of money naVeci by 'the, city, as 'a result of the lay offs W4rli5r 11'.1?‘!)-ttor taon should drown ai•aresUlt-.-.of :the- lack . . I therefore. urge you to 'Vote . against this . proposal. . , . . , - , " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERP1IDP YOUR CiiILi)i EN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attenci city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursday September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Commisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * * ..n 0. .. . ... i. .. * 7: * ' * •iC n . is 'ic• * 'j. •i : C " IMPORTANTE MEN AJE SOBR1; LA PROTLCCIOP DE SUS HIJOS " El primero de Octubre die 1979, la ciudad de Miami propono dories lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajeras de t:odas las piscinas de Miami. Esta proposition es cnuy significante a los padres de los nines que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durente of she; Hues no hahran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijoc en la piscina o en los Banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solrumente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natation necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en c3.so de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puecte asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carts es enviada para los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionari.os, y no t.engan tiempo de proparar su propia carta, y see recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copias do la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. dC .. . . L ., * ! * .. .. •. •. . :: • :i * * * 9: is * * ii 4 City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferro Commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Armando Lac as a Rose Gordon J.L. Plummer, Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off ofLifeguards and Cashiers at city pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safetyds so important to our children, local government should do:its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off would, leave the City without the services of experienced personnel. Any amountof money` saved by the Cityas a result of the lay offs will be totally insignificant ifjust one person should drown as a result of tho lack of proper supervision. I therefore urge Thank'; y p vote against this proposal. " IMPORTANT MESSWIE CONCERNIN4 YOUR CHILD:'{EN'S SAFL'TY " On October. 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or foraaleattendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms '1'iiis supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t;hursday September 13th• at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various: City Commisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * * oc .,- ., .c .. ... o.- ?= ?; ?: ': ?; * * * * is * * * IMPORTANTE MNSAJ ; SOBRE LA PR0T1 CCIQI'g ui, SUS HIJOS " El primero de Octubre de 19.9, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay -oft.' a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de t:odas las piscinas de Miami. N;sta proposicion es muy. significante a los Pa6res do los niaos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durente al alio; pues rio harran Salvavicias o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos enla piscina o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada colaunente por los maestros ael colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos on caso tie accidentes. Es por eso le a.dvertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3: 3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si`usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes'de este. jueves. La siguiente carats es enviada pars los padres -`interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionar3.os, y no teng€in tiempo_de pr©parar su propia carta, y sea;recibida per los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, naga copias do la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo'°mensionados.'` City Commission 350u Pan American Drivo Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lac.tsa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Jr.` 'Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed layoff of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is :Jo important to our children, local government should do its part to 'improve such programs not hinder them. This • proposed lay off_ Would.leave the City ;without the services of experienced personnel. Ay amount "of money saves' oy the .City as a 'result of the lay offs will be. totally insigntficant;if just ono person should drown as:,a result"of the:lack of proper.' supervision. this proposal. 1 ME " IMPORTANT MESSeGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILDREN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very slenificant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or f°mar© attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursday September 13tie at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attene, write the verious city The following form letter in provided for concerned parents, wishing to Commisioners prior to that date. write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. you may wish to make cop and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * " IMPORTANTE EaNSeJE SOBRE LA PROTECCIOe DE SUS HIZIOS " El primer() de Oetubre de 1979, la eluded de Miami propene darles lay-off • a los salvavedas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposicion es muy significante a los peeves de los aihos que anisten a las piscinas con el colegio durante ol alio; pues no habran Salvaviaas o mujeres supervisando a sus hijes en la Piscine o en los barios y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada nolamente por los maestros ael colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la proteccion a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres eue asistan.a la reunion de los eomision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:30 de la tarde y negarse a este proposicion. Si ested no puede asistir, °scribe uno de los varies comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. . La siguiente ci carte es enviada pare los padres nteresados, clue deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carte, y sell recibida por los Coydsionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, nage copies de la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * City Commission 3500 Pan American Drive Miand, Florida 33133 • Mayor: Maurice A. Ferro Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Jr. NI4 eptember 10, 1979 -Dear Commissioner, ou m objection I am taking this opportunity to communicate to y Y to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In'the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is :o important to our children, improve such programs not local government hinder ' them. This proposed -lay .off would leave' of experienced porsonncil. y without the services Any amount of money s<aved,.'by the City as a result of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just ono person should drown as a result of the lack' of ,proper supervision. I therefore urge you " IMPORTANT MASSAGE CONCERNING, YOUR CIIILI tH 1'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drowninga. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursday Septemoer 13th at 330 p.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Cominisioners prior to that ante. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and: mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) 1t IMPORTANTE ME'NSAJ ' SOBRE LA PROTLCCION DE SUS H.fJOS " El primer() de Octubre Cie 1979, la Ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de t,odas las piscinas de Miami. Esta proposition es muy.significante a los pa6 es de los iilnos que a;sisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durs.nte el alio; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscina o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada colamente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la expeviezicia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en case de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Sept:iembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada para los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionari.os, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carts, y sen recibida por los Comisionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copias de la'carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. ......' * ' ;: * i r :r :c * * * * * * * * * City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miami, ;Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferro Commissioner: TheodoreR..`Gibson Commissioner: Arinanuo Laease Commissioner: Rose Gorgon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer,'Jr, September 10, :.1.979 Dear Commissioner, 1 am' taking this- opportunity to communicate to you my objection, to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at city pools on October .1, 1979. In, ,the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local government should do. its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This '`proposed lay:off would leave of experiences personnel.. Any amount of money saved by the City EW a result`;of the lay offs will . be. totally insignificant if just one person should drown as a ' result `of the lack of =proper supervision. I therefore Thank : you urge you to vote 'against this proposa " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILvi'tN:.'N'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during; the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker room:;. This supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t:hursday September 13th at 3:3U P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Commisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below.. (SEE OTHER SIDE -FOR FORM LETTER) . -:f : " ., .:.;; -•• >• •: .:..: ., s� .• .: .: a: * ;:- 3; iC ii 9C 9C �. '�i• - S� i. .• .. • 'iC •. .. .i i. •. • J d .. .0 w NENSAJE SORE LA PROTECCIO: !)P SUS HIJOS " El primero de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposition es muysignificante a los padres de los winos que anisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante el afio; pues no habran Saly avidas o mu jeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada solamente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia a: el entrenamiento de natation necesario pare ejercir la protection a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 do septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a este proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carte es enviada pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los cornisionari.os, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carts, y sep recibida por losComiS.ionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si;d.esea, Naga copies de la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. i,. * * * .. * * * *;• * ** ** * * * e. .: sb )c :: •: sc .: 4: .c :-. .; * is * * * City Commission 350U Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Theodore R. Gibson Armando . Lacasa Rose Gordon J.L. Plummer,'' Commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner:'. Commissioner: 'ear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to. communicate to."you my objection to the proposed lay-off of, Lifeguards and Cashiers at city pools on October 1, 1979. In, the south plorida area where knowledge of swimming and water'safstay is no important to our children, local government should do 'itepart to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off' would leave of experienced personnel.. the City: without the services Any amount of money suaved by the City as a result of the lay offs will be ..totally insignificarit if just' ono person should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision. I: therefore urge o vote against' this proposal. " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILD'tEN'S SAFL'TY " On October. 1, 1979 the City of Miami in planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursday ,;eptenioer 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. if you cannot attend, write the various City Commisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail ono to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) of * s; * - * -: .. * .. .. * .:: ::• .. ., ., ., * * * * * * * * " IMPORTANTE I'1 :NSAJ ; SOBRE LA PROTL"'CCIOP DE SUS HIJOS " El primer() de Octubre tie 1979, la ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de Codas las piscinas de Miami. Esta proposition es muy . significante a los peeves de los winos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante el ail(); puss no hahran Salvaviaas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscina o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada oolairiente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la expe'riencia o el entrenamiento de natation necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en ca.so de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arias este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes de este'. jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada pars los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carts, y sen recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, nags copies de la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo.mensionados. .. .. .. 4= '; 4: is " * * * * * * * * * City Commission 350u pan American ;:Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Maurice A. Ferro Theodore R. Gibson Armando Lacasa Rose Gordon'; J.L. Plummer, Jr.. 1 Dear Coinmiss1oner, 'am taking' this opportunity to communicate to `you'iny objection o . the proposed lay off of Lif egua rds and Cashiers at City pools .on October 1, 1979. In the';south Florida area where knowledge of -swimming and water :safety is so important to our children, local government should do its part to "improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off would leave of experienced personnel. the City without the services Any :;amount of money saved by the City as a.. result of the lay offs will be totally insignificant - if just "one person should drown as a result of the lack of" proper supervision. " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILI REN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami in planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during; the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendant: to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission moetina on t;hursdr y September 13th. at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If' you cannot attend, write the various City Cominisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * * * * .. .. .. .. .: a. a: 4 .. * .. .. * * * * * * * IMPORTANTE P'IENSAJE SOBRE LA PROT1 CC;ION 1)I SUS HIJOS " El primero de Octubre lie 1979, la ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. 1sta proposition es muy.significante a los parses do los ,irinos que a:listen a las piscinas con el colegio ,durrsnte e1 ano; pues no hahran Salvaviaas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos enla piscina o en los banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada solaznente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experienci.a o el entr.enamiento de natation necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en caso ae accidentes. Es por eso le a.dvertimos a todos los padres clue asistan,a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3U de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente Carta es enviada para los padres interesados, que aeseen escribir a.los cornisionarios, y no tengan tiempo'de preparar su propia carta, y sen'recibida por los Comis.ionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, haga copias do la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. .. * ' * * * * * * * * * $: di• :f * * is City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferro Commissioner: Commissioner:' Commissioner: Commissioner:" ;Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off o:f, Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida. area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is so important: bo our children, local. government- should do its part to improve such programs not hinder' them. This proposed lay. off would leave the City without the services of experienced .porsorinel Any`. amount of moneysaved by the City a.s a result of the lay offs will be totally .insig.nificarit if just one person should drovm result of the lack of proper ;supervision. therefore urge you to vote against this.proposal. Thank You. " IMPORTANT ''MESSAGE CONCE'RNING YOUR CHILDi N'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission moeting on t;hursday September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Commisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. you may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * 3; 3: •c s ., d4 .. :: :: :; .• :: iE• :- ib * is is s: * " IMPORTANTE MENSAJI SOBRE LA PttOTECCION DS SUS HSJOS " El primer() de Octubre tie 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajorasdo todas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposicion es muy.significante a los padres de los ninos que anisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante el alio; pues no hahran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banos y salas de caiabio. La supervision sera dada colamente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiericia o el entrenamiento de natation necesario para ejercir la protecciof a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le a.dvertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3U de is tarde y negarse a este proposicion. Si usted no rolled() asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada Para los padres interesados, quo deseen escribir a los cornisionari.os, y no ,t,engan tiempo de preparar su propia carts, y sea recibida por los Comiaionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, haga copias do la carts y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. s° $: # �.• .j: * * '; * is ::• City Commission 350U Pan :American "Drive Miabli, Florida 33T33 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferro Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lac;asa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, .,• $ ., SP ., # 4; i; d:• di * 45 42. is Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opp,orbunity, to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards arnd Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water, safety is no important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off' would leave the : City without the services of experienced porsonncl. y amount of money stiveoby the City as a <result of the lay offs will be totally insignificant:if just ono person should drown s a result of the lack of propper supervision. you .to " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR C1?ILD tEN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very ,significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during; the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will ee entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission mooting on t:hursday September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Comxnisioners prior to that date. The following form letter in provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copes and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) . * * * * it' 3; .. .• .. :. .. ... i ... .• ....':i `._9.. ..'.�. .. .. �. iP iP it '.: SAC .0 .. iP * * * * . * . " IMPORTANT EMA:NS AJE SOBRE LA PROTECCIOP 1JS SUS HIJOS " El primer() de ' Octubre de 1979, la Ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y, Ca jeras ` de todas las piscinas de Miami. Esta proposicion es muy.significante a los padres do los ninos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante'' el aim; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscina o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada solamente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan'-la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natation necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3U de la tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada pars los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los conisionarios, y no t•engan tietnpo de preparar su propia carts, y sea recibida por los Comisionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, hriga copias do la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. :c * * * ** * o, ..* * * is City Commission 350U Pan AmericanDrive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R.`Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lac3sa Commissioner Rose.Gordon Commissioner: J.'L. Plummer, t.y•t_o -uVf. -,,geptember 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner,' / am taking this-opPoyjocommunicate tOyou My objection ., . .. , • -4. _.,. • .. , .. . . ,.. ,. .., , , , ... • to the proposed lay off'of -.Lifeguards and Cashiers , at city pools ' . . .. . , .. . . . .. . on October 1, 1979. - In the itaUthi,llorida. area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is-no,,important: .to our children, local government should do its part to iMprove such programs not . . • ..,•••••4 .hinder...them.' • • ,••••,;„, • - ,•• • . • • • . ThisprOpOpedjaY-.7...Off-r.i4Pu14',J941:,0*th04.4.CityWIthOUt:the services. • „.... of - - 4,7 "•"Any ..•1 amount Of 4,,rtio City asa rosult of the lay offs .•,. _244. - • 4 ',.••••will be44••totallY insignl.ficaflt if just onp:.,...perecin should drown as a ,..,4result of the lack of propnr therefore urge you to vote against this proposal. Thank you " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILD EN'S SAFL'TY " On October. 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very ,significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguard: or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who inay not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t;hursday September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. Tf you cannot attend, 'write the various City Commisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * ,: .: .: .. „ * * * .: a: * " IM'PORTANTE MENSAJE SOBRE LA PROTECCIOP DE SUS HTJOS " El primer() de Octubre'ce 1979, la ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajeras de bodes las piscinas de Miami. Este proposition es muy . s ignif icante a los padres de los nines gum asisten a las piscinas con el colegio ,durante el ario; pees no habran Salvavicias o mujeres super- visando a sus hijoc en la piscine o en los banns y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada solamente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia a el entrenamiento de natacion necesario pars ejercir la protection a sus 'ni jos en caso ae accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan•a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:30 de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carte es onviada pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los cornisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carta, y sea recibida por los Comisionarios antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copies de la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados .. .. .. • * :: ;: # 4: ., d: . * ;: {: 3: is City Commission 350U Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre' Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: RoSe.GOrdon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Dear Commissioner, I am taking this,opporbunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at city pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida aroa where knowledge of swimming and water :safety is no important to our children, local government should do its part to improvo such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay.. offwould of experienced - .personnel. the. services. Any: -amount of money 'saved? by.the City as a :result of the lay offs will be ;totally insi;nificarit,`if just ono, person should drown s a result "of the lack- of propor supervision. herefore:'urge: you .to vote against this proposa " Il'•1PORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILDi' EN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendant: to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursday ;eptember 13th- at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Coirunisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September '13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) ,. ,• ,. .. ;! * * ,• * i; ''- '? * * i;. * * * * * * * * * it * * * " IMPORTANTE MrNSAJE SOBRE LA PROTECCION DS SUS HiJOS " El primer() de Octubre pie 1979, la Ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de t:odas las piscinas de Miami. Esta proposition es muy . significante a los 'puw.'es de los ninos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio •durante el ario; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscina o en los banns y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada solamente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiericia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protecciaf a sus hijos en ca.so de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada pars los padres inter•esados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carts, y sep recibida por los Comis.ionarios' antes de la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copies de la carts y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. is .. ., i'r .. .. ,. .. ,. :: i:. * o: ::• # i; ie ib i'r ii if is ., is City Commission 350U pan American`Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer Dear Commissioner, I am taking thisopp,ortunity to"communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay. off Of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder thorn. This proposed lay off would leave; the City without ." the services of experienced personnel. amount of money :Paved by ;theCity Otis a result of the lay offs will. be totally .insignificant if just one' person should drown as a" result. of the "lack ' of pr000r Supervision. 1 a 1 " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILD {F.JN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City "pools. This action is very siEfnificant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguard: or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t:hursdy September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Comiuisioners prior to that sate. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER)* * * n •ft * v •� �. a �.....�� �� . J,. �' •� �� 1 u < 4 :: T �: .. :: :' �i 3:. * is * * iC ;: * " IMPORTANTE MENSAJ2 SOBR2 LA PROT1 CCION DE SUS HIJOS " El primero de Octubre tie 1979, la Ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de t-odas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposition es muysignificante a los padres de los nihos que' a nisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante el aho; pues no hahran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los bangs y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada colamente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hi jos en ca.so se accidentes. Es por eso le a.dvertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Sept;ieinbre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usteci no puede asistir, escribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carte es enviada pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carte, y sen recibida por los comisionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, nage copies do la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. * ••31. * * ' * * ;' ',- 4 .. :; * * is * * 1 :5 ;: # 41 City. Commission 350U' Pane, American Drive Miami, Florida' 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre, Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner; J.L. Plummer, • September 10, 1979 Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards, and Cashiers• at city pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida aroa'where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local government should do its part to irnprove `such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay off of experienced personnel. amount of "money saved by the city as a result of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just ono person should drown s a result of the lack of proper supervision. therefore urge you to vote against this proposal. in 0 " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOTJR C}IIL iREN'S SAFETY " On October. 1; 1979 the City of Miami in planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents or and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursciay September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Comrnisioners prior to that date. The following form letter in provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * * * * * .. ,, :: :; * * * * * * 4: * " IMPORTANTE MENSAJE SOBRE LA PROTECCION DE SUS }IiJOS " El primero de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras do todos laspiscinas co Miami. 1sta proposicion es muy . significante a los padres' de lon iiinos que anisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante el ano; p.ues no hahran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dada sol€umente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia.o el entrenamiento de natation necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en case de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan,a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:30 de is tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puede asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada para los padres-interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de proparar su propia carta, y sen recibida por los Comiaionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copias de la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. $c is .. .. :• * #. i; ' d: is d: * *. ;, 3e is City Commission 350u Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson` Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L.: Plummer, Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of; Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979_• ;In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water Safety is :so important:to our children, local government . should do its part to improve such programs not hinder thorn. This proposed ayoff wou. of experienced personnel. d leave the city without the services Any amount• of money saved. by the will be totally insignificant if as a result of the lack of proper I therefore urge you to vote Thank you City as a result of the.,lay offs just ono -person should drown S'uperviSian. " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILDREN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during; the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t:hursday September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Corniuisioners prior to that date. The following form letter in provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * * * $: * ., * * .. .. = * * . t d'c st * ., .. $: * 3; * * * if it * * * " IMPORTANTE MENSAJE SOBRE LA Pt{OTECCIOi DE SUS HIJOS " El primero de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone daries lay-off a los Salvavidas y cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. 1sta proposicion es muy . significante a los padres de los ninos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante el alio;, pues no hahran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscina o en los banos y sales de carnbio. La supervision sera dada solarnente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protecciof a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septioinbre a las 3:30 de is tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puecie asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este. jueves. • La siguiente carts es enviada para los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los comisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carts, y sea recibida por los Comisionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, hagscopies de la carts y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. * ii ti. * * .. - * * * * * . . J _ ., i. * : ., J * * * * * * * * * * City Commission 350u Fan. American Drive Miaini, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer., Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off 'of Lifeguards and Cashiers at city pools .on October 1, 1979. In .";the ,south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water' infety is no important to our children, local government shoulddo its part to improve such programs not hinder thorn. This, proposed lay ' off would leave the City without the services of exper,iencea ;porsorinol. any .amountofmoney; saved by; the .City' as a result ,of the lay offs will be totally insignificant.if just one person should drown as a result ofthe lack -;of °,'proper supervision. I therefore urge you Thank <you " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNIN„ YOUR CHILDREN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami in planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who inay not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drowninga. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on thursday September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Commisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE.FOR FORM LETTER) .. .. a .: * * * .: ?: '- .:4: * * e: ?% * ?: * * # 4- 4:• * " IMPORTANTE MENSAJE SOBRE LA PROTECCION DE SUS HIJOS " El primero do Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami propone darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Ca jeras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposition es muy . significante a los padres de los izinos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio ,durante el alio; pues no habran Saly avidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los barrios y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada solamente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiezici.a o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en ca.so ae accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion do los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembro a las 3:30 de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si uated no puede asistir, ascribe uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este. jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada pare los padres intoresados, quo deseen escribir a los com.isionarios, y no tengan tiempo de preparar su propia carts, y sep reca.bida por los Comisionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copias do la carte y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. City Commission: 350u Pan American Drive Miahni, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore. R. Gibson Commissioner: _Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon. Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, September 10 1979. Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In :'the south i.ilorida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is.no important to our children, local government should cio its part to improve such programs not hinder them. This proposed lay of f would leave the. of experienced porsor►no the services Any amountof money saved by the City as . a result of the lay offs will be' totally insignificant if just ono person should drown. as'a result of the lack of.propor.superv.ision. IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING 'YOUR CHILDr(ki 'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of. Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefo*te, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t;hursday September 13th at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. le you cannot attend, write the various City Commisioners prior to that date. The following form letter in provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the commissioners prior to the September 13th commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail ono to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) :; .. :: 3� d:• :: ., is .. $r * * * i:• g: * * * * * * * it 3: d. .r .. .; .. ., o .. " IMPORTANTE i ENSAJS SOBRE LA PROTLCCIO, DS SUS HIJOS " El primer's de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Ca joras de todas las piscinas de !Miami. rsta proposition es muy . signif icante : a los padres de los nines que a:iisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durente e1 alio; pues no habran Scslvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscina o en los banos y salas de cambio. La supervision sera dadasolauriente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la exporiencia a el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus n.ijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le a.dvertimos a todos los padres que asistan,a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de septiembre a las 3:30 de la tarde y negarse a esta proposition. Si usted no puede asistir, escrita uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada pars los padres-interesados, que deseen escribir a los ';comasionari.©s, y no t;engan tiempa de preparar su propia carta, y ser recibida por los Comisionarios antes do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, hags copias do la carts y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. 3 • ::• r . * * 3c * * .:f �:• 3:- is * 4: * * * 4. :: .. city commission 350U Pan American Drive Miami, Florida; 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore;'R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Laci.sa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L.: Plummer, Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opp,or.tunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed layoff of Lifeguards and Cashiers at city pools on October 1, 1979. 'In the 'south ?ilorida area where knowledge of swimming and water Safety is no important to our children, improve „ter programs not local. government hinder -`them.` This proposed. lay off., would: leave the City without the services of experienced'" porsonnol. Any amount of 'money saved by tho -City as a roult of the lay offs wilh; be totally insignificant if just ono, person should drown as a ,result of the lack of proper 'supervision.; therefore: urge you nommouninii11111111111I1111 " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILD N'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during; the year; since there will be no Lifeguard: or female attendants to supervise thchildren ein the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will be entirelyy theen re or respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend akthe Commission meetingon thursday September 13th at 3:30tehe P.M.vaand speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, Cointnisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents,wishing to their own letter write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare to be received by the Commissioners prior toithe e Septeme to ber ch 13t Co mission meeting. You may wish to make copies and sinners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER)3; * * * ;; . :: :; ;: ,. .. 8: * " IMPORTANTE N N' SAJE SOBRE LA Pt1OTECCIOi DE SUS HSJOS " prime ro de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami propene darles lay -of aicion a los Salvavidas y Ca joss de Codas las.piscinas de Miami. Este p es cnuy . significante a los padres de los iiinos clue asisten a las piscinas con el colegio .durante cal aiio; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super . visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banns y ;,alas de cambio. supervision sera dada solamente por los maestros del colegio cuales es onca.so de accidentes. Es per eso posible no tengan la experiefcia olei. eritrenamiento de natacion necesario ejercir la protetodos oreneCo a ion - le advertimos a todos los Pa1enbr©ua 1as93:�3�adealretarde ye los Com s prop este jueSis 1de oapt esta 0 osicion. Si usted no puecio asistir, ascribe lzno de los varies comisio- Pr P narios antes :de este jueves. ro is r are los padres intoresados, quo aeseen Laes sibir a los carte es neenia8, p is escribir a cornisionarS.os, y no tengan tietnpo de`pr©parer sup P carte, y se/3 recibida por los Cemisio aioe antes de laereunion ael jue es los 13 des Septie1ribre. Si aesea, naga op ss a carty comisionarios deba jo mensionados . „ „• ?� �, ;;:• ;: '.f �� 3e ;� . .. 3: * is * .. City Commission 350U Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: raurice A. Ferro Commissioner: Theodore.R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Dear Commissioner, I am taking this opp,ortunity.to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of : Lifeguards and` Ca:ihiers at City pools on October 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is no important to our children, local govornment should cco its part to improve such programs not hinder thou. This proposed lay': off would: leave the' of experienced personnel.' without the services Any amount of 'money slaved by the City as a rerult' of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just ono person should drown s a =r aresult of the lack of .proper supervision. RIIIn nimpuiiniiilM1111111111 I IIIII " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNIN' YOUR CHILDREN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off eantLifeguards parents of children whi Cashiers at allo attend city pools CityThis action is cols with their schools during the year; since n there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will be entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel ;w°tprotectave llyoe lurcchildrenxprom accidents erience or training in Water Safety to effectivelye all concerned parents to attend the and drowninga. Therefore, we urge Commission meeting on t;hursd Y September e cannot end, atwr3:3tetheP.N.andsspeak city against this proposal. Ifyou Commisioners prior to that date. followingThe form letter is provided for concerned parents, twi theirownto otter write thic whonot have time to prep are their commissioners, may to be received by the Commissioners prior to themail on September too beeach 13tofti eo missi-n meeting You may wish to make copies Commis DE . .. .. * * * * * * * � (SEE OTHER SI sionersliat.ed below. FOR FORM LETTER) IMPORTANTE NENSAJF SOBRE LA PROTI CCION DE .SUS }IIJOS " i i 3 d Miami propene dories lay-off El primero de Octub ie 19'79 lac uc ac e rsta propogicion a los Salvavidas y Cajoras do todos las piscinas,de Miami. isoposi es muy.significante a los c�lol'es��`shA�rAn �ui�aavidasnoalasmujeres suLar- cinas con el colegio`.dur�inte e; pues� sales de cambio. visando a sus hijos` en la pscinaoo logloaestos yel colegio cuales es supervision sera dada oolaunente p r ' posible no tengan la experienia o.el ennrc amientocde nataCionEnecceesarrisoo pares ejercir la protecc-.,ion a sus' Milos le advertimos a todos los padres qua asista3 adlalreua ion de enlos ComiSi0n arios este jueves 13 do �,ept.iembre proposition. Si usted no puecde asistir, escriba uno de los varies comisio- narios antes 'de este .`juevcs. La siguiente carts es enviada Para t eng ndres in -©wades, arue deseen re c escribir a los comisionarios, yrio ueves carte, y sen recibida per los Comis.oios antes da e lay ereunionnviela ael jue los 13 de Septieiribre. Si d.esea, izagacopies comisionarios debajo mensionados. * ** :; * a; a: a: ** * .. ,. .. : * City Commission 350U Pan American Drive Miarni, Florida 33133 . Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioners Theodore R.,Gibson Commissioner: Armando Laco.aa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner:J.L. Plummer, Jr. Dear Commissioner,-,,_ I am taking this oppor,bunity to communicate to you my objection to the proposed layoff of Lifeguards and Cashiers at. City pools on October.l,' 19794 In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water :safety is so important to our children, local`government should do its part to improve such programs not This proposed lay off would` leave of experiences personnel. Any amount of money saved by the City as a result of- the lay offs will be totally insignificarit ifjust ono person should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision. I therefore urge you 1 " IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCERNING YOUR CHILD • EN'S SAFETY " On October • 1, 1979 the City of Miami is. planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. 'Ibis supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents to attend the Commission meeting on t:hursday septerlioer 13th- at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Cornrnisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the Commissioners prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail ono to each of the Commis- sioners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) ,. ?; o: ;: * * * * * of * ; * .. .: '* ,., * * * i; * * 3: * * # is * " IMPORTANTE MENSAJE SOBRE LA PROTGCCION DE SUS FIIJOS " El prirnero de Octubre tit; 1979, le ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Ca joras de Codas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposition es muy . significante a los pao es do los iiinos que asisten a las piscinas con el colegio ,dursnte el sfo; pues no'habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine o en los banes y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada solaunento por los maestros aol colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en c3so de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan.a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de.Septiembre a las.3:3u de le tarde y negarse a este proposition. Si usted no nuede asistir, oscriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes :de este jueves. La siguiente carte es enviada pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los coxnisionarios, y no tengan tiempo de proparar su propia carte, y sep recibida por los Comisionarios; antes do .la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, Naga copies do' la carts' y enviela a todos los comisionarios debajo mensionados. * City commission 350u Pan Azneriean Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Mayor: Maurice A. Ferrel Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, Dear ,Commissioner, I am taking this opportunity, to communicate to you my objection to the proposed lay off of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October';1;1979. In, the south Florida area where knowledge of' swimmingand water safety is so iriportant bo our children, local, 'government should doits part to improve such programs not hinder thorn. This proposed lay off' would leave the City without the services of experienced personnel. Any amount of money s<avec. by the City as 'a restilt of the lay offs will be totally insignificant if just one personshould drown as a result of' the lack of proper supervision. - I therefore urge you to vote Thank against this proposa " IMPORTANT MESSAGE coNc .RNINwI YOUR CHILDiIEN'S SAFETY " On October 1, 1979 the City of Miami is planing to lay off Lifeguards and Cashiers at all City pools. This action is very significant to the parents of children who attend city pools with their schools during the year; since there will be no Lifeguards or female attendants to supervise the children in the pool or locker rooms. This supervision will oe entirely the respon- sibility of school personnel who may not have the necessary experience or training in Water Safety to effectively protect your children from accidents and drownings. Therefore, we urge all concerned parents'to attend the Commission meeting on ttrursday September 13th- at 3:30 P.M. and speak against this proposal. If you cannot attend, write the various City Commisioners prior to that date. The following form letter is provided for concerned parents, wishing to write their commissioners, who may not have time to prepare their own letter to be received by the (1omrnassioriers prior to the September 13th Commission meeting. You may wish to make copies and mail one to each of the Commis sinners listed below. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR FORM LETTER) * .. ., :: .: .. a * •a .: _ * o: * * * * * d'r is # 45 IMPORTANTE Mi NSAJ ; SOBRE LA PROTLCC;ION DE SUS HIJOS " El primer() de Octubre de 1979, la ciudad de Miami propono darles lay-off a los Salvavidas y Cajoras de todas las piscinas de Miami. Este proposicion es muy.significante a los padres do los Tinos que a:>isten a las piscinas con el colegio-;dursnte el ano; pues no habran Salvavidas o mujeres super- visando a sus hijos en la piscine. o en los banos y sales de cambio. La supervision sera dada 3olamente por los maestros del colegio cuales es posible no tengan la experiencia o el entrenamiento de natacion necesario para ejercir la protection a sus hijos en caso de accidentes. Es por eso le advertimos a todos los padres que asistan,a la reunion de los Comision- arios este jueves 13 de Septiembre a las 3:3u de la tarde y negarse a esta proposicion. Si usted no puecte asistir, escriba uno de los varios comisio- narios antes -de este jueves. La siguiente carta es enviada pare los padres interesados, que deseen escribir a los cornisionarios, y no t•engan tiempo de pr©parar su propia carte, y sen recibida por los Comisionarios antes. do la reunion el jueves 13 de Septiembre. Si desea, naga copies de la carta y enviela a todos los comisionarios'debajo mensionados. * * : .. • * ;: * . * 4: n •:i' n .. r. .. ii :i . :i * * * * * * * * Si 'Z. City Commission;` 350U Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133` Mayor: Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner: Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner: Armando Lacasa Commissioner: Rose. Gordon Commissioner: J.L. Plummer, J Dear Commissioners I am taking this opportunity to communicate. toyou my objection to the proposed layoff of Lifeguards and Cashiers at City pools on October. 1, 1979. In the south Florida area where knowledge of swimming and water safety is ,no important , to our children, local government should do its part to improve such programs not hinder them.` This proposed lay off would leave the C of' experienced .personnel Any amount of moneysaved by the ;City as a ro:sult of : the lay offs will be totally insignificarit if just one person should drown as a result of the lack of proper supervision. ty without the services ?. IIIIMMIIIIMINIMINIPI