HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-79-0598RESOLUTION NO. 7 9 III 5 9 8 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO APPROVE THE ATTACHED AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT FL-09-0038 BETWEEN DADE COUNTY AND THE CITY OF MIAMI FOR STATION AREA DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT PLANNING SERVICES RENDERED BY THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT, EXTEND- ING THE PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE FROM 9/1/77 TO 9/30/79 AND INCREASING THE CONTRACT AMOUNT TO $211,000. , : , ' , • - WHEREAS, on Decemher.-,:74 1977,.the City of Niami and Dade County entered into a contract for Station Area Design and Development planning services to be provided by the Plan- ning Departinent for a fixed fee paid to the City of Miami by Dade County for the period from September 1, 1977 to Septem- 1).r(1,:'19TRi'*1.:6h wassubsequently extended to December 31, 1978;.-andWHEREAS, during the performance of the Scope of Services under the Contract, changes in the conditions of the Contract have been recognized as being necessary to proper performance of WHEREAS, the partie changes require amendment of the Contract to extend the period of performance of the Contract to September 30, 1979; and WHEREAS, on January 16, 1979, Dade County authorized, by lttert::cly,tci-,,irit,I,-r.„,•,c9ss:•re1,a,t74.2'o-8ation Area Design andyDevel:OPMent•-planning"fo7:a-Iiio4iyheg1nning January 1, 1979; • ,,• :••, - - < NOW, THEREFORE,•BB--:IT'RESOLVED:,By,-•THE COMMISSION OF THE "DOCUMENT N E . • CITY, OF MIAMI, - - Section 1. Msnagerfja-:_hereby authorized to ITEM NO. ( • 6,,,,ote.:4e,tt4clied'amOn4mPht:;0=0 Contract FL-09-0038 between Dade Connty,.and--the-:City-Of.:Miami for - Station Area Design and - _ - Del:reioOMeniAjlanningseri74.ces to be rendered by the Planning _ _ _ - • - DetiartMent extending the period of performance from S • - ber 1, 1977 to September '30.4 1019,..'and:-incroaaingythe:COntract . . amount to $211,000. I CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF SEP •3 . noun= PASSED AND ADOPTED this 13th day of September"` 1979.. ATTEST: PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: ioe ROBERT F. CLARK, ASSISet-4-4/C ANTY ATTORNEY APPROVED ` 0 FORM AND CORRECTNESS: • _ 79-598 Joseph R. Grassie City Manager Jim Reid, Director Planning Department NT!: August 17, 1979 USJ EC T: REFER ENCtES: NCLOSUR This -is to request Commission adoption of the attached resolution 'authorizing the City Manager's office to execute an extension to the contract between Dade County and the City of Miami for professional services under the Station Area Design and Development Program (SADD). On December 7, 1977 the City of Miami and Dade County entered into a contract for SADD planning services which was subsequently extended to December 31, 1978, for a total fee paid to the City of $120,000.00. ThiscontraCt.:-aMendMentWilleXendtheperiod Of performancejrom:.-DCeMbr, • 31, :1978--,td:SepteMber::',30;:-.1979Zndincrease'the,,amoUnt-of compensation to • the City bY:$914000.-004t0„atOtal',Of'.$211APO.OQ.:: The city.,basA.nC4tt04:StibOtantial.eXPenseS..-,,since',:JanUATT,',:: stof,,,,this..year due to tha several station area planning programs conducted by the Planning Depart - mentaS.,pait:Of-:.SADDThip:'•:COntrad:extensibniWI.I1prmit,::-.,the'„County to • reiMbu00--*#0,-/-4:J0:46•11-0thOse''Co*te-''whithWere'.::„aUthdriZedThy the attached letterOf-r,Januaiy .18; 1.979--IrOMDade „. - - • 79 - OR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT STATION AREA DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRA:g AMENDMENT NO.2 This CONTRACT AMENDHENT, made and entered in. this by and between METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA (herein called "COUNTY"),. and the CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA (herein called "CONTRACTOR"). WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Dade County Board of County Commissioners did approve the grant application to the Urban Mas. Transportatio sn.Administration (UMTA) for FL-09-0038 and subsequent Amendments; and authorized -the County Manager to submit the grant application for and on behalf of Dade County, and to expend the funds received thereof; and WHEREAS, the United States Department of,,Transportation,`Urban Mass,Transporta- tion Administration has approved a,. Mass.Tranaportation Technical Assistance grant for UMTA contract No. FL-09-0038 dated: September:5, 1977,"whereby UMTA has agreed to pay up to eighty percent (80%) of the costs. incurred; during the performance of the Station Area Design and -Development' (SADD);` study; . and WHEREAS, the COUNTY and the CONTRACTOR. entered into a Contract, effective the 1st of September, 1977, for performance of station area desigri and development services in support of the Station Area Design and Development program for the State I Rapid Transit System of Dade County; and WHEREAS, during the perforMance.ofthe ScoPeof Services under the,Contract changes in the conditions of the Contract have.been recognized as ';being necessary to proper performance of the services,,and' WHEREAS, the parties ofthe Contract agree that the above ment of the Contract, NOW, • changes, require amend - THEREFORE, the parties hereto' do mutually agree as follows The contract between METROPOLITAN,>DADE,COUNTY and the, CONTRACTOR, approves by,Resolution :No R-829-77 and previously amended;by Resolution No. R-347-79,;shall .:be.and `'is hereby amended as follows: A ▪ Period of Performance is hereby amended >to""read PERIOD: SEPTEMBER 1, 1977 to SEPTEMBER 30,.1979 • Amount of Contract is hereby amended to read: AMOUNT: $ 211,000.00 Article III of the Contract is hereby deleted in its entirety an replaced by the following amended text: ARTICLE III COMPENSATION 3.1 For the performance of the Services, the Contractor as follows: the County shall compensate 3.1.1 The costs thereof determined by the County to be allowable inaccordance with: (a) Subpart 1-15.7 (Grants and Contracts with;State an Local Governments) of,the Federal Procurement Regulation as in effect on the'date of this. contract;and (b) The terms of this Contract, 79-598 DIRECT SALARIES AND WAGES Alldirect salaries and wages of the ContractOr'S personnel (excluding fringe benefits) for the time expended by such personnel in theperformance of Services shall specifically -exclude overtime; premium pay. All reimburseable overtime work, whether or not payment of a premium rate for overtime is required, ''; shall be authorized in writing. by the cognizant official of the Contractor and is subject to prior written 'approv- .al by the County. INDIRECT EXPENSES Fringe Benefits - An`allowance'of 30 % of total salaries and wages included in above. The:: allowance includes payments to employees for.autho, rized absences and employee benefits in the form of employer's contributions on expenses for social security, employees life and health insurance plans, unemployment insurance coverage, workmen's compen sation insurance, pension plans, and severance pay. . Standard Indirect Rate - An allowance of`10% of total. salaries and wages included in; above to,cover all indirect costs`(exclus"ive;`of fringe benefits included in a. above). ',. 3.1.1:3 OTHER' DIRECT COSTS All other direct costs" which -are reasonable,: necessary, and directly."related to the performance of the Services. Other cost considerations.are'as • (1);Any purchase :of a single item excess.,of`$500 shall require prior written approval by,the County. Travel and subsistence, expenses` will. be; subject to the limitations of Dade. County Administrative orders 6-1 .and :6-3 and ,Section 112.061, Florida Statute's. travel` of personnel performing'work" is'`subject to rior written approval by the. County. (3);."General purpose equipment, unless.especifically autho- rized in writing by the. County, will not be.considered as a direct charge to the Contract and is recoverable through the standard overhead rate in above. (4) The procurement of special equipment must have prior. written approval by the County. 3.2 CEILINGS AND OVERRUNS 'The total compensation to be paid to the Contractor by the County on account of the Services as provided for in Section 3.1 shall not exceed the amount of TWO HUNDRED AND ELEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS_'_ ($211,000.00 ) except to the extent said amount is increased by written amendment to this contract. Said amount, as it may be. increased by written amendment, is sometimes referred to in this Contract as the"Contract Ceiling". Similarly, the total compensation to be paid to the Contractor on account of the scrvices required under any Work Order provided for in Section 3.1 shall not exceed the Work Order Ceiling applicable to said Work Order. The Contractor shall'. notbe obligated to perform Services or to incur costs which would cause its total compensation under this contract to exceed the Contract Ceiling nor shall the County be obligated to reimburse the Contractor for cost which would cause the total compensation paid to the Contrator to exceed the Contract i 11111111111111111111,11111111111.11 Ceiling. In the event the Contractor provides Services or incurs costs which would cause its compensation to exceed the Contract Ceiling and said ceiling is thereafter increased by the County, the excess compensation shall be eligible for payment by the County to the same extent as if the Service pr costs causing such excess had been performed or incurred subsequent to the increase in the ceiling. If at any time the Contractor has reason to believe that the costs which he expects to incur in the performance of this contract in the next succeeding 60days, when added to all costs previously incurred will exceed 75 percent of the total amount of the contract, the Contractor shall immediately notify the County in writing to that fact. The notice shall state the estimated amount of additional compensation required to continue performance for the period ending September 30, 1979. Sixty days prior to the end of the period ending September 30, 1979, the Contractor will advise the County in writing as to the estimated amount of additional compensation, if ally, that will be required for the timely performance' of the work under the contract. Changes issued by the County: pursuant to Paragraph 4.8 hereof shall not constitute authorizations by the County';to exceed the Contract Ceiling except to the extent'. that, provisions to such effect are set forth insaid changes. 3.3 METHOD OF PAYMENT Thecompensation provided for in Section 3.1 County to the Contractor as follows, subject Section 3.2. 3.3.1 3.3.`2 shall be paid by the to the provisions of The Contractor, shall submit monthly invoices to the County for the compensation provided in Paragraph 3.1.1. Each such monthly invoice shall cover the reimbursable costs and expenses incurred and recorded on the books of the contractor during the preceding month. Each such invoice shall be in such form and detail as the County may reasonably require and shall be due and payable by the County,condi- tionally pending audit review and within thirty (30) days after receipt by the County. All compensation provided in Section 3.1 which remains unpaid after Final Acceptance of theServices by the County, shall be paid to the_; Contractor' by the County, as adjusted for audit results, within thirty;(30) days :'after, Final Audit by the' authorized representatives of,the;County.'. .4 FINANCIAL- RECORDS 3.4.1 .1 The Contractor shall maintajn books, records, documents and other evidence and accounting procedures and practices, sufficient to reflect properly all direct and indirect costs of whatever nature claimed to have been incurred and antici— pated to be incurred for the performance of this contract until the expiration of three (3) years frotn the date of final payment underthis contract. The system of accounting will be in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and practices, consistently applied. 3.4.2 The Contractor shall permit the authorized representatives of the County, the State of Florida, the U.S.` Department of Transportation and the Comptroller of the United States to inspect and audit all books, records, documents and other supporting data and documentation relating to its performance under the contract. These rights of audit'. shall extendfor a period of three (3) years following.: final payment under this contract. iuIIIuI 79-598 3.4.3 In the event funds paid to the Contractor under this contract are subsequently properly disallowed by the County, or a State or Federal Agency because of account- ing error or charges not in conformity with this contract, the Contractor shall refund such disallowed amounts to the County promptly. 3.4.4 If the contract is completed or partially terminated, the records relating to the'work terminated shall be preserved and made available for a period of three (3) years from the date of any resulting final settlement. Records which relate to appeals, litigation or the. settlement of claims arising out of the performance of this contract, or costs and expenses of this contract to which exception has been taken by the County or any of its duly authorized representatives, shall be retained until the -expiration of three (3) years from the date of final payment under this contract or until such appeals, litigation, claims or exceptions have been disposed of, whichever occurs later. Article IV of the Contract is hereby deleted in by the following amended text: ARTICLE IV - GENERAL PROVISIONS RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR replaced 4.0.1 With respect tothe performance of. the. Services, the Contrac- tor shall exercise that degree of skill, care and diligence normally exercised by recognized Professionals with respect to the performance of comparable Services. 40.2 In its performance of the services, the Contractor: -Shall comply with ill,.aand ordinances, in- cluding.ap'plicable-regulations of the County, State and. Federal: Governments. -Shall observe all relevant and pertinent governmental, regulations," including those in the current FPR subpart, ,1-15.2 and the UMTA External Operating Manual. 4.1 DATA TO BE`FURNISHED TO THE CONTRACTOR The County shall furnish - to the'Contractor at his request, -`and in a timely manner, all pertinent plans,_reports .records,inaps` and_ supporting' data which are and which shall become: available.'' to .the County and which"the Contractor may. require'-in.performance of the Services. 2 PERSONNEL. 4.2.1 If requested by the County',. the Contractor shall submit to the County the qualifications of all personnel performing Services under this Contract. The County reserves the right to direct the Contractor to remove and reject nomination of any of its personnel from the performance of the Services under this Contract:. If. such removal is for cause, the costs shall be borne by the Contractor 4.3 TIME OF PERFORMANCE 4.3.1 Duration The Contractor shall perform the Services with due;diligence and shall complete the Services within the period of the Contract. In the event that performance of the Services is delayed by causes beyond the reasonable control of the Con- tractor and without the fault or negligence of the Contrac- tor, the time and additional costs incurred for performance of the Services shall be equitably adjusted to reflect the extent of such delay. Notice to Proceed The Contractor shall proceed with the work only upon the Contractor's receipt of written: Notice to. Proceed;', from the County. The Notice to Proceed shall state what portion of the Services the Contractor is authorized to perform. PROGRESS REPORT The;County shall be entitled all times to be'advised, at its request, as to the status`ofwork being done by the Contractor and of details thereof. The closest collaboration and` cooperation shall be maintained by the Contractor with representatives of the County and either party to the contract may request and be granted a conference. .4.2•The Contractor shall also submit quarterly progress reports pertaining to Affirmative Action to the County no later than the fifth working day following the end of'the quarter. The following reports shall be submitted quarterly on forms provided by the County: - EEO Employment Data Statistics (new hires, transfers, terminations, promotions). - Workforce Composition. - Minority/Female Employment Recruitment Efforts. - Minority Business Enterprise Utilization Report. - Minority Business Enterprise Identification and Recruitment Efforts. OWERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS AND EQUIPMENT 4.5.1 All finished and unfinished documents,., data, studies, surveys, drawings, specifications, maps, photographs, reports, books and estimates gathered or prepared for or by the Contractor pursuant to this Contract shall be the property of the County without restriction or limitation on their use. Original copies of such shall be delivered by the Contractor to the County upon final acceptance of within 60 days after termination of the Services. The Contractor shall be permitted to retain, at its own cost, copies of such items for its records; however, publication of this material is subject to the written approval of the County. 4.5.2;Tangible items of nonconsumed;,equipment,materials, supplies and furnishings purchased by the Contractor the costs''of which have. been,. reimbursed to the Contractor `as a, direct cost pursuant to.Section'3.1 shall be, turned over `to the County at completion'or earlier termination of the.Services disposed,; of as directed. by the County and the proceeds°of any 1.such.disPOsal shall:be credited to the County. FINAL -ACCEPTANCE When the Contractor's services have been completed, the Contractor shall so advise the County in writing. Within thirty (30) days of receipt of such notice, the County shall give the Contractor.. written notice of any incompleted Services. Uponcompletion of such Services, the Contractor shall again notify the County and, within the above specified time period, the County shall give the Contractor written notice of final acceptance or notice that the specified unfinished Services have not yet been completed. In the latter instance, the foregoing procedure with respect to such specified unfinished Services 79-598 • will be repeated. Final acceptance shall not constitute a waiver or abandonment of any rights or remedies available to the County under any other section of this Contract,- 4..7. TERMINATION, SUSPENSION AND SANCTIONS 4.7.1 Termination for Default If through any cause within the reasonable control of the Contractor the Contractor shall fail to fulfill in a timely and proper manner, or otherwise violate any of the covenants, agreements or stipulations material to this Contract, the County shall thereupon have the right to terminate the Services then remaining to be performed by giving written notice to the Contractor of such termination which shall become effective upon receipt by the Contractor. In that event, all finished and unfinished documents, data, studies, surveys, drawings, maps, models, photographs, reports and other work products prepared by the Contractor shall be promptly delivered to the County, who shall compensate the Contractor in accordance with ARTICLE III for all Services performed by the Contractor prior to termination: Notwithstanding the above, the Contractor shall not be relieved of liability to the County for damages sustained by the County by virtue of any breach of the Contract by the Contractor` and the County may reasonably withhold payments to the Contractor for the purposes of setoff until such time as the exact amount of damages due to the County from the Contractor is determined. Termination for Convenience The County may, for its convenience, terminate the Services thenremaining to be performed: at any tirne by giving written notice to the Contractor of such termination, which shall become effective upon receipt by the Contractor. In that event, all finished;;, or unfinished documents and other materials as described in Section 4.7.1 shall be promptly delivered to the County. If the Contract is terminated by the County as provided in this Section 4.7.2, the County shall compensate the Contractor in accordance with ARTICLE III for all Services actually performed, by the Contractor. In addition, the Contractor shall be reimbursed for all costs incidental to said terminations,including without limitation,' demobilization costs not otherwisereimbursed under these termination provisions. Such payments shall be the total extent of the County's liability to the Contractor upon a termination as provided for in this Section 4.7.2. of County Sanctions for Noncompliance' with Nondiscrimination Provisions In the event of the Contractor's noncompliance with the non- discrimination provisions of this Contract, the.. County shall impose such Contract sanctions as it may determine to be appropriate including but not limited to withholding`a payments to the Contractor under the Contract until the Contractor complies and/or cancellation, termination or suspension of the Services, in whole or in part. .In the event the County cancels or terminates the Services pursuant to this Section 4.7.3, the rights and obligations of the parties shall be the same as provided in Section 4.7.1. The County may, from time to time, order changes in the Services and the Contractor shall promptly comply, with each; order in accordance • with procedures to be established by the County. Each such change shall be directed by a written change order signed by the duly authorized representative of the County and accepted by the authorized representative of. the Contractor. Said change order will provide an equitable adjustment in the time of performance and budget, as well as any other provisions of this contract which are affected by said change order. 4.9 DISPUTES 4.9.1 Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, any dispute concerning a question of fact arising under this Contract which is not disposed of by agreement shall. be decided by the County which shall mail or otherwise furnish a copy in writing of the decision to the Contractor. The decision of the County shall be final and conclusive unless, within thirty (30) days from the date of the receipts of such copy, the Contractor mails or otherwise furnishes to the County a written appeal addressed to the County. The decision of the County or its duly authorized representative, for the determination of such appeals, shall be final and conclusive unless determined otherwise by a court of competent juris- diction. In connection with any appeal proceeding under . this provision, the Contractor shall be afforded an oppor- tunity to be heard and to offer evidence in support of his appeal. Pending final decision of a dispute hereunder, the Contractor shall proceed diligently with the performance of the Contract and in accordance with the County's decision. 4.9.2 Fairlure to comply with this Disputes provision shall be the cause for termination in accordance with Section 4.7 of this Contract. . , ..••••• • ....,••. . .•- .'• • . ' ....• .• • -• The.-:-COntractorShall',:perMitfitte.::.'aithdriZedrepreSentatiVii-'26kithe County, the State of Florida, U.S.Departrnent of Transportation and • work,traCi.ngS.....planS, • specifications, inaps, data and records gathered. Or developed under this contract at any tirne within the duration of the contract and within three (3) years after the final acceptance:=,Or.-:..terMi.nation of the Services. •-'• 4.11. ASSIGNMENT, TRANSFER OR SUBCONTRACTING The Contractor shall not assign any interest in this contract and shall not transfer any interest in the same (whether by assignment or novation)without the prior written consent of the County. 4.12 CONFLICT OF INTEREST 4.12.1 The Contractor convenants that he presently has no interest and shall not acquire any interest, direct or indirectly, which would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of the Services. The Contractor further covenants that in the performance of this Contract, no person having any such interest shall knowingly be employed by the Contractor. 4.13 IDENTIFICATION OF DOCUMENTS All reports, maps, plans, drawings, specifications and other documents completed as a part of this Contract, other than documents exclusively for internal use within the County or the Contractor shall carry the following notation on the front cover or title page (or, in case of maps, in the same block containing the name of the County): 7 9 - f` 4.14 "The preparation of this(report, map, plan, drawing, etc.) has been financed in part through a grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation, Urban Mass Transportation Administration, under the National Mass Transportation Assistance Act of 1964,. as amended." The notation shall also include the date(month and year) the document was prepared and the name of the Contractor, the County and the Florida DOT. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY AND MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE UTILIZATION 4.14.1 Equal Employment Opportunity The Contractor shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, sex, age, ancestry, marital status, physical handicap, place of birth, or national origin. The Contractor shall take affirmative actions to insure that applicants are employed and •that employees are treated during their employment, without regard to their race, religion, color, sex, age, ancestry,marital status, physical handicap,.place of birth or national origin. Such actions shall include, but not be limited to the following: employment, upgrading, transfer or demotion; recruiment, or recruitment advertising; lay- off or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation and selection for training including apprenticeship. The Contractor agrees that in the performance of work authorized under the terms of this Agreement, the Contrac- tor shall observe the terms of all applicable Federal and State statutes and regulations concerning equal employment; opportunity and any judicial orderor decree directed to the Contractor construing or enforcing same. 4.14.2 Minority Business Enterprises Utilization. In connection with the performance of work authorized under this Agreement, the Contractor will use his. best effort to insurethat qualified minority busi- ness enterprises'.shall have equal opportunity to compete on any purchase of materials and supplies and subcontract work authorized" by.the:'Contrator under this Agreement. (2) For the purpose of this Agreement, the following_ terms and : phrases shall have the meaning set forth below: (a). Minority business enterprise, as used in this Agreement means a business enterprisethat is. owned and controlled by one or more minority` persons. (b) Minority person, means a person who is Black, Hispanic, Asian American, American Indian, Alaskan native, or a woman regardless of race or ethnicity. ) Owned and controlled, as used in this definition, means a business which is (1) a sole proprietor- ship legitimately owned by an individual who is a minority person; (2) a partnership or joint venture controlled by minority persons, and in which at least fifty-one percent (51%) of the beneficial ownership interests legitimately are held by minority persons, or (3) a corporation or other entity controlled by minority persons, and in which at least fifty-one percent (51%) of the voting interests and fifty-one percent (51%) of the beneficial ownership interests legit- imately are held by minority persons. (d) Best efforts, as used in this Agreement, means (1) the Contractor,shall submit a written state- ment expressing a Commitment to utilize MBEs in all aspects of procurement to the maximum extent feasible; (2) the. Contractor shall show efforts to insure that known minority business enterprises will have an equitable opportunity to compete for subcontracts, particularly by arranging solicita- tions, time for the preparation of bids, quantities, specifications and delivering schedules so as to facilitate the participation of minority business enterprises under this Agreement; (3) the Contrac- tor shall keep records showing procedures which have been adopted to comly with the minority business enterprise policies and obligations set forth in Agreement including awards to MBEs and specific efforts to identify and award contracts to MBEs; (4) the Contractor, out of his own volition has established MBE's goals in its subcontracting and procurement programs. (3) The Contractor agrees to submit to the County quarterly reports showing: (a) Total number and dollar value of all purchases or materials and supplies, and subcontracted work. (b) Number, addresses, scope of work, and dollar value of all materials and suPPlies purchased from MBEs, and all work subcontracted to MBEs. (4) Failure by the Contractor to carry out the requirements set forth above shall constitute a breach of the contract, and may result in termination of the Agreement or such other remedy as the County deems appropriate. • 4.15 NOTICES All mmunieations relating to the day-to-day activities shall be exchanged between the Contractor and the representati designated by the CounrY 4.15.2 All other Notices and communications in writing required or permitted hereunder may be delivered personally to t e representatives of the Contractor and the County listed below or may be mailed by registered mail, postage prepaid. Until changed by notice in writing, all such notices and communications shall be addressed as follows: John A. Dyer, Transportation Coordinator Metropolitan Dade County Office of Transportation Administration 44 West Flagler Street, 17th Floor - Miami, Florida 33130 Jim Reid, Director Planning Department City of Miami Dinner Key Miami, Florida, 33133 4.15.3 Notices hereunder shall be effective: on delivery if delivered personally; on the day following postmark if mailed to an addre in the city of dispatch; and on the seventh day following Post- mark if mailed to an address outside the city of dispatch. 7 — , • / PUBLICITY NEWS RELEASES The:Contractor shall not. Contract, disseminate any regarding this project or approval of the County or during or after performance,Of this information outside its organization the Services .,without prior written Project Manager. IN WITNESSW11EREO1', this Contract amendment has been as of the day and year first written above. STIERHEIM COUNTY MANAGER APPROVED LAW DEPARTMENT executed by the parties Joseph Grassie TITLE: City Manager hereto ATTEST: RalphG. Ongie, City`Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: Attorney 911 COURTHOUSE MIAh11, FLORIDA 33130 TELt 579-5311 Mr.: Richard Fosmoen Assistant City Manager City of Miami P. 0. Box 330708 Miami, Florida 33133 Dear Mr. Fosmoen: OFFICE OF COUNTY MANAGER January 16,.1979 In order to continue your agency's participation in OTA's Station Area Design and Development (SADD) program, we are in the process of firming up additional federal funding from the Urban Mass 'transportation Adminis- tration. This funding .:ill enable us to support your agency's partici- pation in the SADD pro' an through the balance of this fiscal year. Until we execute a new contract with the City of : iami to cover your SADD participation for the period beginning January 1, 1979, this letter will serve as a letter of no prejudice to incur costs related to your previously approved scope of work. We are uncertain as to the exact level of funding that will be secured from UATA, and, therefore, will keep you advised of any changes in the level of effort which can, be participated in by the City. We acknowledge the fine work your agency has completed to date in the SADD program and appreciate your cooperation during this interim period. JAD/js. cc: Jim Reid ter; E. R. Preston John Richeson cerely, ohn A. Dyci� ansportaJ on Coordinator