HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-79-0584/ RESOLUTION NO. 7 9 - 5 8 4 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING AND RATIFYING THE ACTION OF THE CITY MANAGER IN EXTENDING THE BREATHING APPARATUS AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI AND THE SURVIVAIR DIVISION OF U. S. DIVERS COMPANY; IN EXERCISING THE CITY'S OPTION TO EXCHANGE BREATHING APPARATUS; AND IN PURCHASING 200 SPARE CYLINDERS AT A TOTAL COST OF $29,200.00 FROM THE SINGLE SOURCE OF SUPPLY, SURVIVAIR, WITH FUNDS ALLOCATED FROM THE FIRE FIGHTING, FIRE PREVENTION, AND vSUppoRTIVE E FACILITIES BOND FUND. DOCUMENTS FOLLOW' , WHEREAS, the City of Miami and entered into a 2-year Lease -purchase Agreemenoft with trade-in options on Survivair March 28, 1977, pursuant • models 1 typet over - dexchange Resolution dewhereby Model said agree WHEREAS, . delivered, development 282,' an ment provided forof Agreement an exc apparatus a Mark I improvemen the model with the sthe f current by Survivair, could be replaced1 be a significant . and , apparatus, under which model W11 of,N•11".". type TI Model, the A c A' Ymaterials' ." he apparatus, through the use 1 the apparatus WHEREAS, it necessary improve . acquired WHEtor until perfection of the Mark 1 re_ the Miami Fire Department considers availableModel, _ upgrade the presentratus-bY placing ' the same withpresently used w d Mark I Model, utilizing a Mark II • ders which air cylinders to be acq can also be ui with the in the future,consideration replacement in for the City's extending will take and the original contract to WHEREAS, ' presently October, 1981, the of City, and requested place with noexpense to the air cylinders the purchase WHEREAS, t uu S m the sing of 200 spare of supply,linders at a total cost vital for continued adequate $29,200.00 from citizens of the City "DOCUMENT/J DEX le source of Miami, fire fighting protection Survivair, and the was necessary and of the It ITEM NO. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The action of the City Manager in extending the Agreement with Survivair to October, 1981, and in exercising the City's option to exchange breathing apparatus is hereby ratified, confirmed and approved. Section 2. The action of the City Manager in authorizing the purchase of 200 spare air cylinders at: a total cost of $29,200.00 from the single source of supply, Survivair, with funds allocated from the Fire Fighting, gboataeg*.v...1*.W.oe CITY COMSSION MEI-7111,1G OF SEN. ........... 2 21EtValk III 1111111iliiinimiu • Fire Prevention, and Rescue Facilities Bond Fund is hereby tatifie4 and approved. ATT T: 45r2 RALPH"G. ONGIE, CITY CLERK PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: ROBERT F. CLARK ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY day o Maurice A. Ferre confirmed, • AS TO .ARM AND CORRECTNESS:_;: "-79-584 CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA iNT 'R-OFFICE. MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Joseph R. Grassie City Manager . L. Mull ns Purchasing Agent Attached is a resolution for the.City Commission to confirm and ratify, your action in extending the Survivair Agreement, exercising the.City's option to exchangebreathing apparatus, and the purchase of200 spare air cylinders., RATE: August 29,.1979 FILE:. SUBJECT: Resolution Confirming .and Ratifying Survivair Agreement,_ Extension. and` Purchase of Air Cylinder ■ AEptiteNcts: Also attached is a copy of the Agreement and the letters from Survivair. "SUPPORTIVE OlC' i i tl r . t TS 79-584 1 1 1 1 TO: Mr. Art Mullins Purchasing Agent CITY OF MIAM1, LORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM FROM. Chief H.W. Brice;:. Director Department of Fire SUBJECT: REFERENCES: Single Source Purchase of Breathing Apparatus Air Cylinders ENCLOSURESt 1) Agreement, 2) City Manager's Approval of Extension, ---� 3) Copy of Requisitio #40626 Enclosed is a copy of the' letter, from the City Manager to Survivair which formalises the Breathing Apparatus Agreement Extension, contingent upon ratification by the City Commission. The intent is to ratify the Agreement Extension and to exercise our option to exchange'our existing breathing apparatus for new, state of, the art apparatus as intermediate equipment at no additional cost, while awaiting Survivair's delivery of NASA designed equipment in late 1980. In exercising our option, and still within the terms and intent of our ori- ginal Agreement, the City must purchase 200 sparp.air cylinders in order to place the exchange apparatus into service. The intermediate apparatus and the future NASA type apparatus utilize the identical cylinder (4,500 psi rather than the existing 2,200 psi). Federal regulations for Breathing Apparatus Certification (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health ((NOISH)), 30 CFR, Part 30.11, Section A and B), prohibits the use of one manufacturer's cylinder on another manufacturer's breathing apparatus for safety reasons. Therefore, we will be purchasing these cylinders from Surviv- air under the terms of our Agreement, which offers 30% less than list price. Please initiate the necessary procedures to present a Resolution before the City Commission at their meeting on September 13, 1979, ratifying, approving and confirming the action of the City Manager. It is our understanding from the Law Department that the Resolution should ratify the 'Agreement, as well as the purchase of the -200 cylinders. As always, your cooperation is sincerely appreciated. HWE : mea cc: Chief L.D. DeChime, Chief of Support Services Chief Edward Proli, Deputy Chief Chief K.E. McCullough, Deputy Chief .4i.' McCleary, Department of Fire • AUG 6 a9?s U S . Dive's Company Urvivair Division 3323 �4. Warner Avenue Santa Ana, California Gentlemen: This letter hereby formalizes the breathing apparatus agreement extension between the City Of Miami 'and Survivair,,. pursuant to your letter dated April 10, 1978. pur3uant to your letter dated July 12, 1079, the City of Miami wishes to exercise nur option to exchange our Model ii9838-22 breathing apparatus for Model #9845-22 (Mark 1) apparatus. The ,,i.recment extension and -the. execution of our option'is subject to ratification by the City of Miami Cc:ami.ssiOn.,- =_ I Jo_'; -qf; R. Grassie \ Cit-I ulager "SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS FOLLOW" `79-584 r.,!VISIOti ti C r.; E.' 4: cc ,:1111:. 12, 1979 City of Ficr:!da, Fire r..epart:Lent 316 Far. .!..mer ic an Dr iv e P.O. 7.-••::>: 3307 OS C. Grove St at• on Florida 33133 1-..tt Chief D eCh e eement Ce.ritTt : • • . • • • • er ed t o a t• • e. • T-Lre t...._•en-,•, in of .1977. *,•;e. ed 150ar :1 2-reat•*1)!•.:t:-.7.. C oi. r.e wi c-in 1 for 1-)ot.:. ir e of r cz• t o cz.e. •.• ir 1-as d s 1.rr a 3.0n" of Self - • •• • •Z'sr.r.t.;,,:tr...,?f:. . 1;' S . o e • ••-•••.• tec— :liy.in net, -„.eir:,ht, r ot r.%f 10 ?Ms , or • .. • . • c 1-d of P.1 and. (Jt,"ner , nct "7 !:t.n o cver. . • •:•!:7.. T S C-_72 S:./.311;-7 h1tJ 9 riow w iC C .; F•3e of1 onE.- • ta7.."ai:1- e • .4: n r: •Lsr•-•-•.tn*:it . r .7" •• with 1:: •!--: • n,,t !--":;t:: th co.1 1. -hi n c :r • ri ." t 13 of (.1:f 1S-TE; rd or: 1 t e ',171 7c!r 11,-+ for t*,:.•,.t. e : SU Dpo RTI v E DOCUMENTS FOLLOW" e- K t..;t• r '.'S ***********************************************# * * The original from which this microfilm * * was taken was awfully poor. N. * This is the best photograph we * I could obtain. : i**********************************************W Proposed. List Price Xark 11 Less 105 discount -0.00 ✓ Purchase Price �.720.00 L F... S S Trade A11 G',+ a?'l c D t:: J J _OO .^.,ram ce C.n Delivery ``,L=-. o0 • F,Irther, under the terms of the a,:-reement, if t'Le City of Mia7Li Fire = .. ..ems not tc bccr-tit the 1.:a. !' 11 Eys-zem after a. u t d v,:r..r.. .c 'keel; the .1". iv'-:=.r. _;'5)45.-22 1•.._.rk I Sys -,ems, :,.1e r:.._l`:i, .g aDtly. _,ir- City Of 1.'_,: i would id :y the trice :. ent7:.al ,.•( t,:ce?i h,- F r � -22 : _: -'h Li? _ Ls ._ d the OQL j-22 3,1ark 1 .on its. ? r_i ce. -9814i-22 Less 10'%. Purchase Price t.il'C!:se Price v_a-22 7.7,a.lance Due _. a, ... .. .. .._ ais.o Y7. t 11:1 t..._.. The Cam•!.. ..., e _ .c..-r:n... 2i-t a ,LO. 11 E _-00 !...ark S Unit .,... _l.c_r2 ,.!ld the proposed lark IT Unit .... _ - ..:"' -._.e. Therefore, if t:._ !i:....^.1 Fire SJ;._pert!:.ent wishes to • .rc. _ ..._ti i e' _ these .. )n _?i is a arts ...gilder the t:rr.s of - ....e .s C ,.:.Sc w rrn.1 .d be Sl, ,f, ect to a special 305 Q= 5C.>i Tit Trie = ` =' .00 ..._h Net). _ felt v __ fems� to cI , i y all C.;:.i jons available tc i.:; Fire :......:'l with .' !-: _.' C to i ! r::..: i r c: r) _'• s a . . . .....'f: -i 111,i; .. _ ., i i ...0 i•O call. #********ie*des'c**9c******************44*4t4c***::!'e9t'e* pS * The original from which this microfilm was,taken was awfully poor. This is the best photograph we * could obtain. I' ************************************************ a 1 /-• L : •• i.- • E.:- p:i10, L. 1",e C-Ity cf 1=.:x 330'i05, Coc(-...nut -7:.1-2;33 CC' De 'rrk. 11.:c2athing the following L. Ltas 7.,%-rt of this two ts to the C. of D7:11..a.int for a of 1;as 60 to . • 'Tha e).-z.rossed in te 11 Ct!i t1 this ,....,vaL:ation is ccmolete. '7ho-old to .,-at SI)rvivair 7ts offering, .=..,. •:-t "SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS FOLLOW" #**********************************************4, * The original from which this microfilm ; was taken was awfully poor. This is the best photograph we 1. could obtain. i*********************le****Ii******************** Antsrmagiamme • t BREATHING APPARATUS A(.;R17,19NT THIS AGREEMENT made rind r.nt:ored into eY (lay of 1977, by and •between the CITY OF MIAMI , rmin pil. orporn t on organ- ized and existing under the Jw ()f t:ho I;t:at•c of: Fl.ori.(1:1, hero inaftv.r referred to as "CITY'' , and Sttt-vi.va ir , a 1 on of O. S IThlriPtinY her e ina f t er,;,,,r.-efert,:ed'-te.• a •• •-•-• -• • • .• W 1 T N E S E T 11• . 'CITY .•••,d6.1.y.'-_--IdVeit • • • bid s for the aSe-,---.; • • -- • - • • • - .....:... -- • •••.• •- • • .. , - • .• , • •,• • --• • , „, ....... tus; md. the •••• „... . ••,• PC bC.1 llifl• ,•• •••. .. • . • ... iri •dn flin...„ n.T!)j.t.LPdl • -.•...„ .•••••,;,. •.• • • on- t:iie . . • • • • - • -• • • • •": •. • • • ••-••••-• for the pr.o.tect:10-n,:o,f ," • • •-, • • .•• • • . . • . ,..•, • - -••••••• ••••," ••••'. •••••-,- CITY ' S'fire • • • „. . . „.• ....• _ HEREAS , fil.111VI/A.IF: can r.).1-.ovi.(1(2 thizt CITY i !Ruled i.a e use of the ciu7rerlt typefire fighti ng breath dpi)ara tti s' tint:11 it e'.!In have the new type av;3i.labl.e; NOW , T1TETEFoRE , in cons i‘dr.21.-a tic)Ti of tile- trill rov(-11111t:" =Ind agrPeme.rIts hereinr.lfter set for Ili , the CITY and SURVIVAIR 11c!reb), as fo 1 lot4s : • • 1. SURVIVAIR agrees to siippl..1,7 to the. C1'1:.*, in mu' ti.1)1.(ls of • , , 50 units , Survivai.r part 1/983F3' - (a. 30.-11)i.tint:e Prr2ssiire 1)r2rnarld 1)rentlii.ng • , . . apparatus with a silicone f;.1cepi.e„c!c; not 1T1ch1c1.ng a C.a7-..r•yinp, clse) for an ai,,reed pr ice of $5/40.00 i)er un It If i1oti.fi.,-2(1 heforc l•lal-c11 31. 1977, SURVIVATTZ will git(IT..ant:ce dr..tli.vt?.r-y. of flef;cri.1)r,c1 b-ren rip; apparattis withi.r1 iii)pro:/....i.inat:(!ly 30 d(lys . iiSUPP OR *II DOCU /1 A 1. V E vi **********************************************9 * * * The original from which this microfilm * * * : was taken was awfully poor. i This is the best photograph we * * could obtain. * ...............* 160.1,000.7.6•1111M•1••• -1- FCLLovvei c 79-584 • r :�:u�iTj IR•.`C•i.....,t...:,:i�_ih511 twr�ir..r ...._ The payment schedule"will,; be 'Payment date, Delivery date, 12 Mos. after: delivery date 24 Mos .`after` delivery date Any payments may made in In the event thirty days of the due date,the units aut.omati.cally become the property of.. SURVIVAIR., anti:, mn.st be rc.turnedto SURVIVAIR upon demand woulii'. constitute.'a; termi.nat�iori,ofi: tiiis:.agr. eernnntr. 'by• liotti'-!,P: rtS es in volved'and'wou1S t'erminate- any' furth'er'"ob' is ation to each' other b'y either of the parties. as follows: Payment $180.00 per unit $180.00 per unit $180.00__per unit $540.00 per unit advance of scheduled dates.: In that any Of the above the event df"termination o payments made by the CITY, exceeding the will be returned in ""full." payments are not made wit bin this agreement,'any a current annual instal.lmen This action vance at Parts for the units, as needed;, will be"supplied by SURVIVAIR 30% off the.1"ist price unless the CITY takes permanent ownership of the ;}9838-22; units or terminates .`this agreement Factory ,"training in,normal maintenance and repair will "b.e provided by SURVIVAIR. with city 2. -During' the two-year period from 1977 to 197 commencing the date ofdelivery in 1977, SURVIVAIR . will .accept from the one Survivair Part 119838-2.2 (a 30 minute Pressure Demand apparatus) : as a trade-in toward' each unit fire fighter's apparatus with b breathing of SURVIVAIR'S NASA type breathing system (a 30-minute pressure a " 4500 PSI capacity.) .Under "the' provisions to a ].0% discount from time of purchase. demand bre.athin of this agreement the CITY is entitled the list price of the NASA type unit at the In order to be acceptable for'. n he :units mist be in usable condition.`` Trade-in allowance is as follows: I. Trade-in made ``withi.n 12 months of II. Number of months from delivery date: trade-in date date 12 Plus Number of months from trade`` -in date to next. payment, d 3t ` Pius. any,: ad4mnoe• payments-, made. Trade-in made after. 12 mont of the delivery •date: Number of months from last payment date to trade-in date 12 Plus Number of months from trade-in date to next payment date 12 Pius any advance payments -;made. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement Merit V E DOCVME C►-...... :rt: ~79-584 • • on the day and year fi.rst above set forth. VIE CITY OF MIAMI. a munici.pvalr, corporation of the/ tate of.7 1.6rida ...........- / et-2 , Bc,---"°:e-2-••—______,1__........ -2----0-----t----------* • CITY MANAGER -ES • ATT CLERK Asst. Secretar Frank Davis Authorized by Resolution No. PREPARED AND APII1RO\FF4D BY: • jldith lioll;Inder, Asst. City Attorney a. By e-r• Vice I'reside.y.nt Lnwrence Runyon APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: George 1111111 11111111•111111111.11Piniiimmemseari 7 fire fighting: breathing state of disrepair; and Y.' RESOLUTION NO. 77-'' A RESOLUTION APPROVING IMMEDIATE ACQUISITION FROMSURVIVAIR, A DIVISION OF U.S. DIVERS CO. OF 150 UNITS OF THE CURRENT TYPE OF FIRE FIGHI'rERS' BREATHING APPARATUS WITH THE CITY TO RETAIN AN OPTION TO TRADE IN THE A13OVE- DESCRIBED APPARATUS; AT A COST OF $540 FERn5 UNIT FOR A TOTAL COST OF $81,000, THEREFOR ALLOCATED FROM THE FIRE DEPARTMENT BUDGETED FUNDS. WHEREAS and considered bids the City duly advertised for the ing 'breathing apparatus and WHEREAS two bids that were in Resolution purchase of the. City submitted on "the basis of the facts enunciated: for, received' a new type of f i. re fight - January 13, 1977 rejected the onl - No. `'77-49," a copy of which is attached hereto, and • WHEREAS, an emergency situation now oxi.sts."in that the e isobsolete and apparatus now in u WHEREAS, further delay in acquiring current fire fightin' pparatus will vitally affect the life" and health of'the; breaching a citizens of the City; WHEREAS, Survivair, a division of U.S. Divers Co. , can p rovi.de the City with immediate use of the current type fire fi.ghti.n breathing apparatus until..: it .can have they new` type available, and WHEREAS, theimmediate procurement_ of new:, equipmen• and necessay for. the protection of 1 i.fc - of the citizens essential of the City and and ,the safety of the City' WI!EREAS, .515-27 of the Mi.ami City Code provides for Manager where t:hr. situation emergency purchases by the City 3 requires. THE CITY OF MIAMI,. NOW, TIiE! CF.ORE, FLORIDA: Section 1. The ? mmerli.,zte ac:qui.s:ttion of 150 t e of fire fighting breathing apparatus, at`'a fire fighters, and.:. SO of the currentyp cost of $540 p'er unit, AE IT RESOLVED 13Y THE COMMISSION O una 1S- for a total cost of $81,000, from Survivair, 79-584 a division of U. with the City:to.retain described apparatus available allocated ATTEST: from Fire Department budgted funds. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 24 Lh day of March, 1977. RALPH :G.:ONGIE' CITY „CLEF} ` PREPARED AND APPROVED ROBERT F. CLARK: .ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED A? TO - FORM AND'COPRECTNESS::• GEORGE F. 'If - CITY ATTOR II 11 IIIIIIIIIIII11II1111.11•Parmuni meimoemmm.m