HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-79-0658CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INT5R-01=FICE i'fIEMORANDUM TO; FrOM: Joseph R. Grassie City Manager L(4. &vC, kLeot4, Elena Rodrigue, Secretary The Miami City Empl. Retirement System & Plan DATE: September 14, 1979 PILE' suwtcn Re: Proposed Policy and, ResolUtion by the Finance Director Regarding Pensions 11EFERENCES: ENCLO8URES: The enclosed package was brought up by Commissioner J. L. PluTflrfler, Jr. at the meeting of September 13, 1979, as an item for discussion. It was his request that the attached package be reviewed by, the Commissioners, and that the item be placed again on the agenda ,of the City of Miami Commission Meeting of September 27, 1979. I respectfully request that this item be placed on the agenda of September 27th for discussion. cc: J. L. Plummer, Jr. "SUPPORTIVE DC CUMENTS FOLLOW" 54 "ivail‘le 04e CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: City Commission FROM; Elena Rodrigues, S6cretary, Wen The Miami City Empl. Retirement System & Plan cr. w 0 n August 31, 1979, The Miami City Employees' Retirement System and f he Miami City Employees' Retirement Plan met in a joint session, as --J equested by the City Commission at their meeting of July 23, 1979. V Q'he purpose of this meeting was to discuss and review suggested 0 Llalternatives for pension funding for future years, as submitted in C/) 0 memorandum form by J. E. Gunderson, Director of Finance. The Boards' recommendations were to be presented to the City Commission at their meeting of September 13, 1979. Attached, please find a letter to you from the Miami City Employees' System with their recommendations. After due`,, deliberation and discussion, they have resolved to adhere to the previous pension funding recommendation to".the City Manager, for the fiscal year 1979-1980, without deviation whatsoever. The Miami City" EmployeesRetirement Plan also convened separately at the conclusionof the joint meeting. They made the"following motions: A motion was made by J. Gunderson and secondedryby L. De"Jesus,ofor ethe purpose, of discussion, "to instruct; the,actua'>:to' come .back t. th Board and tell them',what rateof interestthey must -use in their assumption to make up the 3.8 million dollar deficit". After'a brief discussion, this motion was withdrawn:. A motion wasmade by J. Gunderson and seconded by H. Gary, to instruct the actuary to come` back to the Board and tell them how much the Plan's contribution could. be.reduced 'by 'an.increas�e.n the interest assumption in .5"(half):% increments. This motion'failedby a 4 to 3 vote. "Yes" votes: C.`Arauz, C. E.`Cox,',H..`:Gary, J. Gunderson; dissenting: L. DeJesus, A. Harris, P. Joffre:.. DATE: SUBJECT: September 12, 1979 Re: Proposed Policy and Resolution by the Finance Director Regarding Pensions REFERENCES; ENCLOSURES; A motion was. made.bya-A.;;Harris ",and seconded by L. De Jesus, to recommend y" to the' CitCommission toaccept` the actuary's figures as presented to 1 the Board. This motion > faired b'y- a ;3 to " 4 vote. "Yes" votes: L. De Jesus, A. Harris,'P.'Joffre; dissenting:"C.E. Cox, H.-Gary, J. Gunderson,C. Arauz. At this point, the Secretary was requested to submit motions and their votes to the City Commission. A motion was made by,"H Gary that the Secretary should not submit anything to the, City" Commission;without"a=motion. This motion was seconded by J. Gunderson and failed' by a 4 to 3 vote. "Yes"`.votes: C.E. Cox, H. Gary, J. Gunderson, C. Arauz; dissenting: L. De Jesus, A. Harris, P. Joffre. a detail of the • THE MIAMI CITY EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM AND PLAN City Commission City of Miami City Hall Miami, Florida August 31 Re: Proposed Policy and Resolution Dear Mayor and Commissioners: At your Commission Meeting of July 23, 1979, James Gunderson, Director of Finance, proposed a resolution adopting a new City Commission policy on pension funding recommended by him and the City Manager. A copy of this proposed resolution and an inter -office memorandum dated July.28, 1979, subject: "Pension Problem and Recommendation, Proposed Policy and Resolution", from Mr. Gunderson to the City Manager, setting forth the new proposed policy is attached .to this letter for your information. Rather than acting on Mr. Gunderson's proposal, the' Commission moved to refer his proposal to each of the Boards of Trustees .of the Plan and System for their deliberation and recommendations. On this date, we met in joint session with the members of the Retirement Board end Board of Trustees of the Plan in a public meeting in City Commission Chambers to receive Mr. Gunderson's proposal in detail and to receive his answers to many questions from Plan and System Board members, employees, employee representatives, and other interested parties. At the conclusion of this joint meeting, we convened to formally address the Gunderson proposal as Retirement Board and Board of Trustees of the System: After due deliberation and discussion, we have resolved to adhere to our previous pension funding recommendation to the City Manager for the fiscal year 1979-1980 without any deviation whatsoever. A copy of this recommendation is attached. "SUp'O?TI E D •C;t -: Efv.`S .. L►_O�11, FV P+79- 658 -2- Messrs. Bertzel, Jaremko, Grimm, Garcia, March, and Reese voted for this resolution. Mr. Houck voted against the resolution, and Mr. Jennings was absent. Commissioner Plummer, Chairperson of the Board, was not required to vote. It was the consensus of membersthe voting themntofvi lateor the rtheirtion that to vote otherwise, would respective fiduciary andas rustees of currentTrusteLawstem under City Ordinances, State� 1 S • IIIIIINNIIIIIIIMI diSUP1:1)07719iNIE FOLLOW" p.79- 658 TO: 11110M : CITY or MIAMI, FLORIDA INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM A11 Trustees of System & Plan Retirement Boards r Elena Rodrigues, S6.6retar, Retirements Boards;. James Gunderson, Director".of Finance, the City'Commission Agenda.of:July 23 action, two rnotions were Passed: DATt. .u.JtcT: 0 July 23, 1979. Rtit11ENC[[- [NCLOSU11t£ 1) Tc refer.this item back and recommendations. placed . the , attached item . on, .1979 .Consequent =tOthis 'or deliberation. 2) 'To direct , the Board of, Trustees to authorize an `actuarial analysis . be made of the: proposals.. ` Payment far_ this' ° study is to cane from the; City of Miami: r ease ad..i.,t inwriting the earliest date you a joint meeting' °of both` Boards. A confirmed date' of this have been received. will be "available for • 1"replies n• rs 1�79-658 CITY OMMIS.SI.ON. AGENDA CITY N1LL - DINNER HEY 10600 A.M. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Discussion of proposed lease agreements with the Miami Outboard Club, Miami Yacht Club and the Coconut Grove Sailing Club. Discussion of pension funding for future years. os Florida to purchase Interam' property. D. Discuss:on of a traffic sign by Commissioner Gordon. 12:00 Noon Dedication of "Douglas Road Refurbishing Project" at corner of Florida Avenue sad Douglas Road. "SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS 200 P.M. FOLLOW" PRESENTATIONS, PROCLAMATIONS AND SPECIAL ITEMS Presentation of • cake to the City Commission by children City playgrounds on the occasion of the City's birthday.> 2:30 P.M. SEALED BID 2. Point View Highway Improvement PUBLIC HEAR NCS Regarding possible Urban Development Action Grant (UDAG) for Shell City. RESOLUTION Confirming ordering Resolution and authorizing City Clerk to advertise for sealed bids for Englewood Sanitary Sever Improve- ment SR-5461-C (Centerline Sever). City Manager recommends. RESOLUTION Confirming ordering Resolution and authorizing City Clerk to advertise for sealed bids for Englewood Sanitary Sewer Improve- ment SR-5461-S (Sideline Sewer). City Manager recommends. 3:00 P.M. PERSONAL APPEARANCES Mr. Allen Porter and Mr. Harvey Green re Portside Cafe. 7 Mr. Jack Arias re !Wilding* in the Culmer area. 6. Mr. John Baratta re Greater Miami International Film Festival. Ms. Carolyn Wilder re Wynwood Elderly Center. Ms. Pat Skubish re International Year of the Child celebration. 10. .w 79.658 CITY =MISSION AGENDA A 31. 3 "SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS FOLLOW" 35 MEETING DATE: July 23. 1979 RESOLUTION Appointing. certain individuals to the Advisory Council on Economic Development, and appointing • Chairperson. PAGE NO. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to enter into Collective Bargain- ing Agreement between the City and the Sanitation Employees Association, Inc. for the period of October 1. 1979. through September 30. 1972. City Manager recommends. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to accept the proposal and execute the contract with Jerr�ts, Inc. for operation of restaurant and concession stands at the Coconut Grove Exhibition Center. City Manager recommends. RESOLUTION Item: Custodial Services Contract Location: Building and Vehicle Maintenance Vendor: Versailles Maintenance Contractors, Inc. Continental Building Services, Inc. C i A Building Maintenance, Inc. Total: 5286,771 Funding: 1979-80 Operating Budget Accepting the bids and authorizing the City Manager and Purch- asing Agent to issue the Purchase Orders. City Manager rmcom- mend&. FORMALIZATION OF COMITEE OF THE WHOLE RECOM!SENDATIONS RESOLUTION Authorizing tht City Manager to execute a lease agreement with the Miami Yacht Club. City Manager recommends. RESOLUTION 36. Authorizing the City Manager to execute a lease agreement with Miami Outboard Club. City Manager recommends. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to execute • lease with Coconut Grove Sailing Club. City Manager recommends. RESOLUTION Adopting a City Commission policy on pension funding. City Manager recommends. RESOLUTION Approving in principle the terms offered by the.State of Florila to purchase Interama property. City Manager recommends. CONSENT AGENDA Unless a member of the City Cosmaiation wishes to remove specifi ems from this portion of the agenda. It constitute the Consent Agenda. These resolutions are self-explanatory and are not expected to require additional review or discussion. Each item will be recorded as individually numbered resolutions. adopted unanimously by the following Motion: ...t, he Consent Agenda. comprised of Items' C42 be adopted." Mayor or City Clerk: Before the vote on adopting items included in the Consent Agenda is taken. is there anyone present who is an objector or proponent that wishes to speak on any item in the Consent Agends?...Hearing none, the vote on the adoption of the Consent Agenda will now be taken." '7J. 658 vs: Joseph R. Grassie City Manager James E. Gunderson Director of Finance C1:,11 OF MIAMI. v1.01t10A $ 4TRR•CFFICZ ;1EMC:IANDUM ?ILI: Pension Problem and Recommendations [NCI.OSU11sa: Policy,•nd Resolution It is recommended that the City Commission adopt a policy limiting the annual expenditure for pension program funding to a 57, increase in property taxes each year; however, not to exceed 4 mills. (Attached) Further, that the attached resolution be adopted directing the pension actuaries to prepare a report indicating the revisions necessary to offset the increased cost to the City in excess of the 5% limitation in property taxes. Scope of Problem The table below reflects the increase required to fund the City's pension program from FY-79 to FY-80. This dramatic rise has been caused in the main by less favorable experience than predicted by the actuarial assumptions. The Plan actuary has defined the problem as a crisis because costs are rising while the employee population is declining. This can lead to•contin- ued cost escalation unless corrected. "SUPPORTIVE Estimated Pension Requirement FY-80 compared with FY-79 Cost DOCUMENT'S SUMMARY FOLLOW" APPROPRIATIONS FY-79 FY-80 Increase Percent Adopted Estimated Decrease) Chime System 11,345,461 12,737,046 1,391,584 127. Plan 4,648.884 8.906,981 4.258,097 927. I.C.M.A. 27,563 50,000 22.437 817. Total Appropriations 16,021.908 21,694,027 • 5,672,119 3 REVENUES, System Plan I.C.M.A. Total Revenues 384,093 209.500 969,259 1,231.319 •0- •0- (174.593) 45% 262,060 27% •0- •0- 1.353.352 • 1,440,819 87,467 67. ,eseph R. Crassie July 18. 1979 Base Difference (Tax Requirement) Divided Value of 1 mill Pension Millage Rate TY•79 _ Adopted 14,668,556 3,883,213 3.78 TT•80 Estimated 20, 253.208 4,020,391 3.04 Increase Percent ,(Decrease) ;Chance 5,584,652 387. 137,178 47. 1.26 33: In order to put the above in perspective, Table 2 has been attached. This shows the City of Miami's contributions toward the pension fund and Social Security benefits compared with forty other cities in the State of Florida. It is revealing to note that the City of Miami is second highest after Miami Beach in the percentage of payroll for pension purposes. The seventh column from the left shows the 'Pillage rate necessary to pay the pension and Social Security expenses. This column reveals the fact that the City of Miami is fifth highest after Miami leach, Pensacola, Tampa and Orlando. (Data supplied by the Advisory Council on Intergovernmental Relations) Since that study for fiscal year 1976-77, the City of Miami has experienced a tremendous increase in cost to the pension programs and would require 5.04 mills for FY-80, or an in:rease of 55,584,652 in one year. In order to address this problem the following seven solutions are discussed. ▪ Provide a new resource for funding. As you know, the City is faced with a 9 million dollar problem next year, and our property tax rate has been lowered to 9.79 mills, by legislative action. So, no new resource is available. Increase the investment earnings assumption from the current 77. to a percentage sufficient to offset the problem. "The importance of investment income can be grasped by considering that for a fully funded plan earning 4 percent per year on its investments, interest earnings will ultimately pay for approximately fifty percent of the benefits conferred by the program. Moreover, in a fully funded plan, an increase of one percentage point (1%) in investment yield may reduce contribution requirements by fifteen to twenty percent." (William F. Marples, Actuarial Aspects of Pension Security, Homewood, I11., Richard D. Irvin, Inc., 1965.) • Reduce benefits. Consideration could be given to reducing active employees benefits. ' • Integration of Plan Benefits with Social Security Benefits. One of the reasons for the high post -retirement income to pre -retirement income is the fact that there has been inadequate btegration of locally - IL 79-658 July 15, LY1Y l a •I• provided benefits with those provided by the Social Security system. Integration methods are admittedly fraught with problems, however, since successful integration can mean reduced city contributions to the plan, the issue merits.attention. In 1976 the State of Nev York enacted such an offset plan. Its basic provisions are simple. An employee retiring at age sixty-five after thirty years of service will receive a total benefit of approximately Ieventy-five percent of his or her final average salary inclusive of Social Security benefits. • Another aspect of the benefit package which merits some consideration is the disability provision. This provision should be reviewed for integration with Workmen's Compensation and Social Security. When considering the generosity, and, therefore, the cost of disability provisions, the definition of disability, the manner in which Social Security and Workmen's Compensation benefits are considered, and the periodic review practices of the pension board are important but neglec- ted factors. Shift pension programs to state auspices. The state requires a 9.1% contribution from employers. however, the liability for retired employees would still be funded by the City. Inasmuch as it requires approximately 97. to fund active employees there would be no reduction to the City. • Defer payment of the $5.6 million City contribution for FY-80 by spreading the payment over the remaining years•of the unfunded liability. Such a program could impair the City's Bond Rating. Recommendations • The City Commission adopt the attached policy limiting annu:.l expendi- ture for pension programs funding to a 5% increase in property taxes each year; however, not to exceed 4 mills. (Attached). • • Adopt the attached resolution directing the pension actuaries to prepare a report indicating the revisions necessary to offset the increased cost in excess of the 5% limitation in property taxes. Impact • The net shortfall to the pension program after allowing for a 5% increase in property tax revenues would be$4,851,225. JEC: hb Attachments "SUPPORTIVE L)C%.L} iii r S K ' OW" ler Cttr GaiaosWllla Soctled's Titusville Wert/old Bosch Pt. Lauderdale allaadale Nollyvood Oakland Part Plaatatioa ragas* Beach Sunrise flay Parbor island Coral Gables Hialeah • • TABLE 2 RETIREMENT I'IuiGMAM t XPI:Nti1:_ Snit ric;inA CiTl1S 11SI:AL YI:Aa 1976 197/ Social Populatloe Security 61,125 532,651 10.912 56,099 32,383 195.030 30,649 : 262,113 153,374 1,745.016 34.114 226.193 117,177 1,013,905 1 391 211,140 2. 41.240 54,709 29,241 4..46 4311S 124,163 344,109 Pension Plan 621.221 34.435 313.194 179.165 3,712.064 110,273 1,741,050 217..61 167,424 643,S33 161,731 20,341 148,121 467,573 235.419 47.91 3 '466,119. 1,046,343 776,956' 2,319,032 2,020,779'11,091,729 Payroll(3) 10,301,291 919.170 3,116,795 4,617,014 32,161,012 4,232,670 11,371.460 City Contributions To Social Security awe Pension Plans as a 11 ..f Ferrol) 11 1 12 10 17 17;. 14 3,116,342 74 ea 4.424.443 4.146.6AS 626,4u6 10.191.663 16.Su71S4 61.286,194 ace• 12 10 6 14 19 21 CONTINUED ON NI -if PAGE' %. ;.:��_.:..j • N1:la e bcedad To Support Pension and Social Security 2.3214 1.1990 1.0111 1.0722 1.1113 1.2099 1.5529 1.4000 .3992 1.0579 .9947 .6911 1.6721 2.2514 3.477S Operatiaj UMW. 7.7613 7.5200 6.2520 6.4342 1.7500 5.7311 S.7100 3.0601 2.0100 4.6330 5.1746 S.2S00 0.6910 5.9120 10.0000 0 us i• Pass 1 al 3 C.�Y Delray Mach hearses Wit Pals Smack Clearwater Large tlaellss tart St. Petersburg Lake/sad lake Males Pt. tierce Sarasota Millets • Ne To Sedeupd port City Contributions tension and Social Operating To Social Security Security Of Pension and feasloa flans Security_ s� c� s1 Ni �� Social flan fs colt as�f faYsell _ fopulatin� Sewrit 17 2.12�5 1.l6l6 2l.4S6 1i6.674 S72.Opl 4.739.30! 4.4:00 0 .l�36 42.022 26,000 642,466 0.150 17 1.6961 10.3630 61,560 467.536 1.427.666 16.676.767 1.l�077177 �.01�0 666.676 14.309,599 15 76.022 235.�9� 1. .1.f0l0 52.170 4,473.190 7 St 906 iS0.2S! 1.6410 6.4400 7s o6s 1.101041 13 . • 26.966 154.692 1 •sa 2.500! 0.6000 6 37,430 1.460,6N 3•490.412 22.506,01- f.0620 109fi .0- 732.517 11.601.142 0.03=0 �6.77! 7 1.2001 66 6S7 5.557 1.046.09S �12300 0.916 • 5 1.0373 32.422 276.197 631,7�15 4.676,603 l6.0336 la.2.2007 219.666 1.292.642• 9.112.036 N,�li w • tedicstes titer data was Rot available. moults be necessary to fund the cit7's retirement costs It • This cottons e so refs solely lyto property tea shillala T e sal•Iy on its ad valorem tea to fund this aspens'. It is acknowledged coat otAst rsysaw the city were to rely sources way be used. SOURCE S: Florida fepartaent of 0evcnUC. Lwpida tro A•rWare Valuations and Taa Sacs. 1977. Stale of Florida. OEEtte of t Pile Z •l 3 Cicr Miami Mach North li awl North Waal Peach Jacksoavllle Jacksoavllle Mach Pensacola Pleat City Taupe Clot/meat Ft. Myers Tallahassee Oca.s Orlando Socs Caton Povvulat iun 19.1133 43371 35117 343.542 14.693 60.336 16,022 273162 1,136 34,706. 06350 32.61S 12209 44.614 33,036, Social ►cas/oa SecuriLE Man 113,196 1.633.933 301,513 752.092 -0- 1,126,SSS 1,020.911 13,619,162 150,491 170.709 439.240 1.413.697 125.411 107,612 -0- 9,241.771 23,416 14,413 347,071 206,459 99.603.`2,170357 a47.107:: 310 144 1,40:;961,; 3,016,933 370,075" 771i2S 254,009 123,000 mat 2-3 CONTINUtO- Payroll(1i 20,760,967 3.362.067 6.427.106 41.311.991 2.611.995 13.021.002 2,095,300 S6,022.517 413.201 6.002.040 19,090.S32 6,194,990 26;0S1.6SS 7,129,100 4,499,910 City Contributions To Social Security end Peaslon Plans as a t of Patrol l 37 19 17 10 13 14 15 16 9 9 Ni11age Needed To Support Pension and Social Security Eapcosee2 4.1794 1.9644 2.5071 as 1.7270 4.3417 2.6120 3.6433 .0067 1.6770 3.2160 1.6Sli 3.7542 1.0469 1.2309 Operating N11 lei.' 9.2600 5.2620 0.6000 /a 3.6000 3.0600 7.9600 9.0000 11.0006 7.7000 3.6000 4.4000 0.9050 6.1070 6.7970 pogo 3 al 7 i CITY. OF MIAMI .COMMISSION POLICY SUBJECT: A policy providing a framework,, forcommission of„,Miami 's Pension System and Pension Plan. PM OSEs'i eeisions affecting the City In'viev Of the many requests for modifications to the City of Miami's Pension programs by their respective boards, and the need to provide some guidelines or general policy for making changes in those programs, it is desirable that a policy be established. POLICY: It should be the policy of the City of Miami to provide an equitable pension program for all its employees, a program which does not impair the City's primary responsibility to provide needed municipal services to its citizens. • Ir order t2 attain these goals, the following objectives are adopted as a firm commission policy, a framework for continuing review of Miami's pension programs: 1. To establish anu maintain essential parity between the Pension Plan for nor -uniformed city employees and the Pension System for uniformed personnel. . To evaluate, on a continuing basis, the components of both the Plan and the System for the purposes of making the benefits equitable for all employee members in each program. 3. To limit, until this policy is revised, or the 10 mill cap on municipal taxing ability is removed,•the annual expenditure on pension program funding to a 5% increase in property tax revenues each fiscal year; however, not to exceed 4 mills. If the state legislature reduces the millage below 10 mills, then the 4 mills will be reduced to the arithmetic equivalent. . This policy to become effective for the 1979-80 fiscal year. $N79-658 i 04%.4/ 38 RESOLUTION Mo. A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE CITY'S PENSION BOARD TRUSTEES FOR THE PLAN AND SYSTEM TO IMPLEMENT TEE ?, SION POLICY ADOPTED SY THE CITY COMMISSION ON JULY 23, 1979; AND AUTHORIZING THE ACTUARIES OP EACH PENSION PROGRAM 10 PREPARE A STUDY; AND FURTHER PROVIDING THAT THE COST OF SUCH STUDY TO SE PAID FROM THE PENSION TRUST AND AGENCY FUND. VH 1AS, an amendment to the chaster of the City of Miami enacted by the Special Acts 1947, C. 24696 provides: "that the Cos - mission of the City of Miami , shall establish a fund or funds for the relief or pension of persons is the classified and un- classified service , and shall have the right to raise by taxation such amount as say be necessary for such purpose, sot to as - coed four (4) silts on the dollar of the iisessed value of all proper- ty it said City, both reel and personal"; and WHEREAS, for the purpose of remaining within the four (4) mill limitations it wilt be necessary to engage the pension actuaries in a study to reduce the projected cost for tbs 1980 fiscal year; and NOW. T1.RE7'ORU SE TT RESOLVED SY TEE COIMISSION OF THE CITY 0114LAMl, FLORIDA: Section 1. That the Trustees of the Pension Plan and System are hereby directed to implement tbs Pension Policy adopted by the City Commission on July 23, 1979; Section 2. That the Trustee of the Pension Plan and System are hereby authorised to pay the actuarial firms fsos the Pension Trust fund the amount necessary to conduct the study to isipleseot the afosemeo- `tloned policy. • PENSION APPROPRIATIONS FROM FISCAL YEAR 1975 TO 18,000,000 4,000,000 11.6 M FY75 FY76 .FY77 * Estimate McMi1110n 253 16.8 M"' FY78 FY79 FY80 79-65S PENSION DEPARTMENTAL POSITON SUMMARY 1978-79 1979-80 CHANGE 'TRUST & AGENCY 3 1PT 4 1PT CETA 1 1 OTHER 0 0 TOTAL 4 5 1PT 0 POSITION TABLE 1978-79 1979-80 , CHANGE Accountant II 1 1. , Accountant 111 1 Executive0 Secretary 1PT 1PT • 0 Secretary 111 1 1 0 Typist Clerk II 0 3 1PT. 4 1PT. 1 • 1 , 1 CETA 4 1PT 04/9-668 11111111111M NM 254* c DEPARTMENTAL Expended 1976-77 Personnel Services $ Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Debt Service Capital Reserve Total Positions PENSION 114 $16,755,336 BUDGET AND POSITION SUMMARY Expended Adopted 1977-78 1978-79 - o- - o- - o- -0- - 0- $15,554,645 462,921 -o- -o- -0- -0 - $16,017,566 3 1PT Amended 1978-79 $ 72,336 15,949,572 - 0- -0- - o- Requested 1979-80 $ 84,663 16,670,673 - 0- - 0- -0- $16,021,908 $16,755,336 3 1PT 4 1PT The Pension Trust and Agency Fund is set up to pay the cost of t retirement benefits. Ci ty' s employee The Pension Boards administer and manage the employee retirement system and assures the provision of retirement benefits to former City employees and the actuarial soundness of the City's pension plan. BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS * This request is $733,428 or 4.6% more than the FY 1978-79 Amended Budget. * Only $15,401,984 of this request will be contributed by municipal operations for FY 1979-80, which is 5% more than last year's contribution of $14,668,556. 255 79- bo8 LEISURE SERVICES CHILD DAY CARE OFFICE'OF THE DIRECTOR 1 CHILD DAY CARE 1978-79 1979-80 CHANGE Account Clerk 0 1 1 Day Care Administrator 1 1 0 Custodian I 3 0. (3) Day Care Aide 0 `5PT 0 0 (5PT) Day Care Assistant 0 12PT 0 0 (12PT) Day Care Center Supervisor 4 4 0 Day Care Teacher 0 2PT 0 (2PT) Typist Clerk II 1 ,.~9 19PT. 6 _ - M (19PT) CETA 12 30 18 TOTAL ,.79-658 256 RETIREMENT SYSTEM The City costs calculated for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1979 for the System are $11,994,785,.as compared to $10,864,939 for the previous year (See Table 1, page 3). A portion of the cost increase ($95,604) is due to the October 1, 1978 cost of living increase. The remainder of the reasons for the cost increases are shown in Table 2; most elements of System experience were less favorable than predicted by the actuarial assumptions. Costs have also been calculated on the basis of the assumptions derived in the 1976-78 experience report. Costs calculated on this basis are $13,781,295 (See Table 4, page 10). .,ur continuing analysis of System experience results in` conclusions consistent with those of the experience report in most respects. In addition, we recommend that the Board consider further adjustments., including an 'increase in the investment assumption to 7%. This results in a 1979/80 cost of $11,601,854 (Table 4). We also recommend that the expected actual timing of deposits be reflected in the deposit amount, which increases our recommended deposit to $12,413,984 ("Additional Funding Considerations"), and that non -- investment expenses either be paid outside the Fund or added to the deposit amounts. Our review of the funding progress for the last three valuations indicates that good progress is being made toward having sufficient assets to cover benefits already earning but that the portion covered is only 58% at January 1, 1979. ("Funding Policy", page 14). 79-.658 EDWARD H. FRIENDS COMPANY CONSULTING ACTUARIES • EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLAN CONSULTANTS '+ CASUALTY RISK CONSULTANTS' COWARD M. /NIOND, /. S.A., /. C.A. ONC$IDINT armor M too .stOlr-Al U. OSu M K.Tu1WO • . oww S. t+ttttCA. Stw1001 VICE-.11t$IOENT JOMN A. MACDOUOALL,.1N. I. LA, I. C. VICE ••NCIIOLNT strata Or tit YtaKra KrDIN? Or ac,WNsa ALSO NT 'Mt, !,A A. S. A. P. C.A. Viet •,NCSIDCWr stoat, Or trs .st„CY .CYsat M aCT1/Mt0 OU$TAVt A. aNAU$t, ►. CA. S. A$S? VICE.I UCSIOENT *SOW! Or 'MI .start .Carat M AC/WMO , ASS? VICC•SNLSIOINT minuets Or not at,Krs ,Castor OP aCT.6114, DAVID I. SLNCIVCNOA. A. L A. ASS? VICE • 9NtSIOCNT .IANE D. NACtLLb A. S. A. ASS? vlCt•NNCSIOCNT Mrs. Elena Rodriguez Secretary Miami City General Employees' Retirement Plan Post Office 330708 Coconut Grove Station Miami, Florida 33133 Dear Elena: INYENNATtONAL CLUS SUILOINO SUITE S00 MOO a siOIEET, N. W. WASNINOTON, D. C. E00011 (SOO) TSS•SOSo TANTS 110SCNT.1. MTCU0, I. S. A. OP C. A.S., RCA. sass. Or tot astalCA, AMAssst M &MON SS •AUL S. L1$C0N0, P CA. meow M tit uIwtrs ACYtat M aCPUMt0 17, 1979 Miami City General Employees' Re- tirement Plan; Actuarial Valuation Report as of October 1, 1978 (6000) Enclosed are 15 copies of the Actuarial Valuation Report as of October 1, 1978 for the Miami City General Employees' Retirement Plan. The Report indicates that the City's required contribution amounts to $7,849,446 or 26.912 of pay if the contribution were made on October 1, 1978. Since the City will actually make the contribution on average as of December 31, 1979 (i.e., during the fiscal year October 1, 1979 through September 30, 1980), interest must be added at the effective annual rate of 72 for the 15 months of deferred payment,resulting in a City's required contribution of $8,542,180. These amounts do not include any allowance for administrative or other expenses which may be charged to the Trust Fund. Any such expenses so paid must be added to the $8,542,180 amount. At first it may be difficult to imagine the circumstances which would lead to such a dramatic increase in the contribution requirements from previous levels (the City's required contribution determined in the previous actuarial valuation was only $4,184,734 or 13.862 of pay). But the following facts uncovered during the course of the valuation strongly support the need for the much higher level of contribution. 79-658 CDWANO H.'F1NfND i COMPANY Mrs. Elena Rodriguez May 17, 1979 Page Two 1. The benefit payments to retired participants, disabled participants, and beneficiaries are estimated to amount to $5,950,000 during the October 1, 1978 to September 30, 1979 fiscal year. These benefit payouts equal 20.4% of pay. In addition to benefit payments, refunds of accumulated member con- tirubitions are estimated to amount to $500,000 during the October 1, 1978 to September 30, 1979 fiscal year. These contribution refunds equal 1.7% of pay. Of the 1,999 active members in the Plan as of October 1, 1978, 415 are eligible for normal retirement with an aggregate annual benefit of $2,100,000. The actuarially computed value of vested benefits as of October 1, 1978 amounts to $104,100,000. his compares with the market value of assets of $46,900,000. . Any examination of trends in the Plan over the past few years is absolutely alarming. We have attached Exhibit 1 displaying a few of these trends. With disbursements from the Trust Fund due to benefit payments and refunds currently amounting to 22.1% of pay, and with the very real prospect of a continued escalation in disbursements, it is clear that not only is a much higher level of contribution called for --it is essential! We can only conclude that prior contribution levels have been too low rather than the current contribution being too high. If this were the only retirement program of a private employer and if that employer were unable to meet the $8.5 million contribution require- ment, he would likely take remedial action in order to protect the in- terests of all participants by effecting changes in plan design and/or financing. However, since this is only one of the retirement programs of a public employer, we believe that options for a more gradual solutuion may exist, but those options involve the entire City's outlook and not merely a solution which exists within the Plan itself. We believe that the City, working with the Retirement Boards, should: 1. determine the cash flow requirements of all retirement programs (and perhaps interface these requirements with other City cash flow projections); 79-658 --......- ... v..•..... • .•••....° &WAND M. F111cNo & COMM" Mrs. Elena Rodriguez May 17, 1979 Page Three 2. determine the revenues available for funding all of the retirement programs and allocate them equitably to each program; 3. examine the investment policy and objectives of the retirement pro- grams (a high risk retirement program should not be invested in high risk assets); and 4. examine the retirement policy and objectives of the City, particularly within the framework of the revenues available for retirement pur- poses. As a result of initiating these actions, possible solutions may evolve, such as (i) a 3- to 5-year phase -in to full actuarial funding on all retirement programs, or (ii) the ability to offset City required contribu- tions by additional investment earnings. Sincerely, David F. Bencivenga P 79 658 • i i 10610111.1111111.11111111 •••. CITY OF MIAMI SUMMARY OF BUDGET REQUEST FISCAL YEAR 1979-80 u pa men A C p NSTAN e s STE/77 a P.C.i9/V PFJ STOP T811S 1. COMPARISON 0U RCQU ST 6 LfMIT: • Budget L1ntBudget Request Increase ecrease[ .. • /. / / 11/fJ • • . I /, '/,/, ; .• % - 1i II. APPROPRIATIOI b)hPM USON 1 1 3 4 �' [ 6) 1 c get ' S increase Decrease) (5l-(3).(6) % Increase Decrease) (5)-(4)•(7) Obj. Code Description. Form No. optea Budget 1978-79 Hodlfle Budget :A-79 As o��.3131/79 S Request 1979-80 001- 031 Salaries And Wages 6.2 55.274 35 s9,,Ur , _ 70 844 „ LS,$70 /4474 ,�• 1.099 _• • JP ' • 056- 199 Other Pay 6.3 12.720 _08 1.2497/ s 13.819 • 001• 199 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 67.994 13 T.z —134 84,663 -1 16.669 -. /2;.32Y ZOO• _ 799 Operating Expenses 6.4 46W21 ..._ 1162,921 4r7Voo ' il},1179 4 ao6- R99 Capital Outlay 6.6 00 nn 00 .00,. 00 .00 00 00 900- 924 Debt Service 6.7 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 00 975- 999 Non -Operating* 15,486,651 yt4115,486,651 ,,2/, 0.3i,964 AS 3/3 ( ' f, 31!23 200, 999 TOTAL OTHER EXPENSES 15,949,572 ,9pp115,949,512 2/.6og36 �! 3�9 79�- 4 (� •_- S6s9 �'9z . ,5 692 f il / 001• 999 TOTAL APPROPRIATION ,16,017,566 ,10(1J/ a/ 908 100 al, 027 l00 5,��6 �I/ ' III. POSITI0N4O PARISON '14 3 i i rP . 4 ,�,�_ ;; 1 �; 1 ,,� General Fund CETA Other TOTAL N0. OF POSITIONS 3 /Fi 1 1 1 a --- --- 4 1M 100b 4 .1 e! 100 5 1 100 1 `, 1 „ _ 0MB'6,1 *OMB Use Only. Pane 5,l.o • - CITY OF MIAMI • SUMMARY OF BUDGET REQUEST FISCAL YEAR 1979-80 00 W. • Fund Ifepartment C pFNSInH Gode I .IV DIVISIONS s srE ALL pF,�S7pp Tg[1ST AGE 1. COMP RA 1SIN 0 REQULS 6 LfN7 T: Budget Limit Budget Request Increase ecrease II. APPROPRIATIaZ &0(iP)lISON ..-r.:�-- [b) l [7) (11 [) [fit 41 Bridget Request 1979-80 S Increase Decrease) �5)-(3)•(6) % Increase Decrease) �5)-(4)�(7� /4109 Obj. Code ion. Description OMB Form No. Adopted 'Budget 1978-79 1: .Modiffed Budget :A-79 As o:' 3)31/79 >: 001- 031 ` � Salaries And wages 6.2 55.274 35, s9,3/.-r 70.844 L4,570 1 i099 - lye • 050- 199 Other Pay 6.3 12.720 8 1.2 y97/ 13,819 00r- 199 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 67.994 _,3 �►2-.334 _ 84 663 • 16.669 /2;3�r 790• 799 Operating Expenses _ 6.4 462,921 ja9 462.921 �'77�ro0 � 1I'6479 .1L4 l79 800- 899 Capital Outlay 6.6 ,y 00 nn Q0 .00 00 .00 00 00 • 900- 924 Debt Service 6.7 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 00 975- 999 Non -Operating* 15,486,651 y%41 i5,486,651 1 '24 031,965! S , 313 ,,9 ,3/� _.3 200.. 999 TOTAL OTHER EXPENSES 15,949,572 gfJ715,949,5r2 z/.6o9,3GJ 5,639, '79� ,, 6z s979! • s - 5;�72,J� 001- 999 TOTAL APPROPRIATION 16,017,566 InnJ &0a/l 908 Ivo. 2I, 69y, 027 100iS6i6,I / _- III. POSITIONAQMPARISON 3 , r. -. ; 3 / / . % 'i r . 4 / /7 s ;" ' #•• • .•r General Fund CETA Other TOTAL NO. OF POSITIONS 1 : _ s' --- --- 4 1PT _ _. 100 4 1 /- i" _ 100 5 1Fi 100 1 % 2 1 1 OMB6.1A *OMB Use Only. _ Pace .. CITY OF MIAMI PERSONNEL SERVICES: SALARIES & WAGES FISCAL YEAR 1979-80 . Fund Department (1) (2 Object Code 001 Title Accountant III Accountant Secretary III Typist Clk. Executive Sec. (Pt. Time) Total Personnel Services, Salarle and Waxes Subtotal#* (3) Modified Budget 78-79 As of 3/31/79j 20,387 *Delete as necessary:, # of Pos. 1 j Code (4J Budget Request 1970-80 24,102 1 Division # of Pos. 1 4 1pt► (5) Increase (Decrease) (4)-(3) =(5) 3715 15 570 # of Pos. 0 1 (6) ICode Explanation General Salary Increases Addition of TC IIj Position 4/79 alary.Increases: 12-31-78 4-8-79 Page of CITY OF PUAMI PERSONNEL SERVICES: OTHER PAY FISCAL YEAR 1979-80 Fund AGCY Departnmint PENSION TRST & (u--- • 121 .Object Code Description PENSION Modi �) ied Budget 1978-79 As of 3/31/79 Code (4) Budget Request 1979-80 Division (5) Increase (Decrease) (4)-(3)=(5) Code S15Ti f Ps_ PO (bj,� Explanation 100 110 120 (P$ 6.3 FICA TAXES RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTION INSURANCE -- ACCIDENTAL DEATH CONTRIBUTION TO CROUP INSURANCE 7o7i9c OMMER Py re: /UEGoeiRied /ncReAs s' Subtotal/Total* *Delete as necessary 3,388 4,343 955 Increases with Salary Page 8 of _4 4 I 1 1 Fund - AGCY Department P STON TAMP Object Code Description PENSI Modified Budget 1978-79 As of 3/31/79 CITY OF MIAMI OPERATING EXPENSES FISCAL YEAR 1979-80 a) u, co 1 CD i~ 'Code 'Division 1 C ((S) Cb)._• Budget Increase Request (Decrease) 1979-R0 4)-(3)■(5) Explanation 110 110 110 110 110 ,-------- DM 6.3 ACTUARIAL REQUIREMENT PLAN • ACTUARIAL REQUIREME SYSTEM SYSTEM OLD FIRE & POLICE ICMA BENEFITS TO RETIREES Subtotal/Total* 4,184,734 10,864,939 212575 27563 387840 15 486,651 *Delete as necessary ,syz,/St 2/, 03/, y1,4/ 4; 3s'; /'/b S•/S, 3/3 /7r VPcvoiins) A5 Pro' YphvAr/OA) Membership doubled and salaries increased approx. 20% •Included in valuaticn Page _•_ of 14 CITY OF MIAMI OPERATING EXPENSES FISCAL YEAR 1979-80 op OD Fund AGCY beoartmcnt PENSION TRST. _ PENSION I Code 1 Division sc .."• "%r., ` n_ P eu I Code (1) L_. (4 ) _ (5) MI. , ' .Object Code �.. Description ; Modi �d Budget 1978-79 As of 3/31/79 _ Nudget Request . 1979-80 Increase (Decrease) (4)-(3)=(5) 4,875 00 /7 A-0• 0? /? 4.3 0, 00 . Explanation Rea mbuRSEmErui to T tusr Ex pc&sE Addition of 2 consult ' 3L,oco icnu.,.rnnirs ,3/9,oco mmi:Cy ; motv:)(./ 'le,ee4. :4tI1F R ( t g yen'c_y PUbfr • lye 4le:h. 210 250 26Q 270 280 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE3 (ACTUARIAL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICE3 (LEGAL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (MEDICAL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICE (OTHER). ACCOUNTING AND AUDITING 'fit. 25,125 40,000 35 000 337,700 12 000 30,000 40,000 / , roo b/,00a .12,000_ ..` Subtotal/Ta1sl* iif), - •-" OMB 6.4 *Delete as necessary Page 10 of 14 CITY OF MIAMI OPERATING EXPENSES FISCAL YEAR 1979-00 Fund AGCY Department PENSION TRST & (11 Object Code 4 410 485 510 670 680 Division {Si Increase (Decrease) (4)-(3)=(5) Sy=rFm * PL/>P) [6kka r.. L� Description TRAVEL & PER DIEM — TRAINING POSTAGE COMMUNICATIONS SERV. TELEPHONE -- OUTSIDE REPAIRS & MAINT. SERVICE — OUTSIDE PRINTING/BINDING - OUTSIDE PENSION Modi i3 ed Budget 1978-79 As of 3/31/79 3,516 'Code (4) Budget Request 1979-80 3,500 Subtotal/T Vi * 11.3, /29 Code s 4A es Explanation Cost of postage increased Older equipment requires more repair Cost of envelopes •and check printing h increased ors 6.4 *Delete as necessary Pagel]. of 14 s. as CITY IW MIAMI OPERATING EXPENSES FISCAL YEAR 1979-00 00 a Fund AGCY lepartment PINION TRST X ZL 'Object Code (.00 760 773 PENSION Modif33 ied Budget 1978-79 As of 3/31/79 2,000 Code Nu get- Request 1979-00 2,500 Division rn' 1 re_r Increase (Decrease) (4)-(3)=45) 500 Description OFFICE SUPPLIES PUBLICATIONS & MEMBERSHIPS INTRA—GOVERNMENTAL CHARGES -- PRINT SHOP Subtotal. 0 Prp:xa xl62, 9.z1 //4/,y/79 ICode [61.: Explanation Increase cost of supplies Wes/rose Cc:'rnF n!F')fl*'T•: S1agP OMR 6.4 still ,)L= orH£R EXP. /5:.7.14 Page 12 of 14 00. • • CITY OF MIAMI TRAVEL REQUEST FISCAL YEAR 1979-80 urn AGCY Departmen PENSION TRST &I Traveler's Name and Title 11 RETIREMENT BOARD MEMBERS E. RODRIGUEZ, SECRETARY TOTAL t PENSION (2) Name of Official Meeting Or Reason for Trip International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans Annual Public Conference State Treasures Retirement Conference Miscellaneous travel, attend hearings of the Committee of Retirement Code (3) 'Division Destination Hollywood, Fl. Tallahassee,F1. Subtotal/Total* (4) Modified Budget 78-79 As of 3/31/79 s't rE►n ' i 1, �). Budget Request \_ 1979-80 3,516 1, 500• 100 ' 1,900 3,500 Code �• (6) Increase (Decrease) (5)-(4)=(6) tMB 6.5 *nftl ebto Dine+ 1 ) of 1II 1("' CITY OF MIAMI GENERAL REVENUES FISCAL YEAR 1979-80 Fund PENSION Department ac r t2� Actual • Revenue 1976-77 Revenue Source WATER & SEWERS :. re..,0 1 DADE COUNTY .,", LLv � "OFF STREET PARKII4G'a2 STATE OF FLOR-DA I, / 9 5- DEPARTMENTAL-CONTRIBU7i Plan .? r•tt, RF7 System I.C.M.A Actual Revenue , 1977-78 IONS: 3,6�7, S1 `7 . ,o;ny,• I, /0,973ii 2'4563 (4) Adopted Revenue 1978-79 321,393 160,579 16,332 �4+56 :RETIREMENT SYSTEM &PLAN TRUST *CCOUNT: (Money Managers Subtotal/Total* *Delete . as necessary Code - Revised Estimate 1978-79 321,393 160,579 16,332 1,456.s; sion SYSTEM & PLAN 6) Budget Estivate 1979-80 674,819 335,227 32,914 4215 /2,547.5-464 50,000 • (7) Increase (Decrease) (6-5) (6-4) (5-4) 353,/ !2A /6,5R2 2,7S9 •/r 4�,H ,` 2/; i•9` , 9 7 6,/4•,''1 —D- 0 eta ICode (8i2 Explanation F.01fer;,je Is n �a.•�. ,;.�,.:r..�r Page of FROM: CITY of MIAMI. FLORIDA 1NTER•OFF CE MEMORANDUM Elena Rodriguez, etary Miami City Employees Retirement Plan & System. ntrERENcEss I was requested by Mayor M. Ferre, during a budget hearing, held in the C.O.W. Room on September 11, 1979,to supply -the Miami City." Commission . for" .their meeting of September 27, 1979, with a copy of that part of the pension meetings dealing ,with alternate investments. As requested, I respectfully September'27, 1979. I have highlighted the items: for them. request that this item be placed on the agenda o 79.658 0/2z.) Minutes of May 4 1979 Special Brd. of Trustees Meeting ALEXANDER & ALEXANDER (Con'd):. . . A motion made by J. Reese, seconded by March, adopted the recommended 7% assumption, proVidingtheretiteMentpenalty factor did not increase from 6%. Thevote:'4d6ttlAV,-:GriiiiM dissenting). A motion by E. Jaremko, seconded:bytetei to set up a separate account to be administered bY:thejenSiOnBoard for administrative purposes, was substituted by a motion by D. March, seconded by J. Bertel. The Monies for adMinittratiVe expenses should be paid by the City to the Trust, set 110in-:a:teparate bank account, and administered by the Board. This motion failed by a 4 to 5 vote (disbentitigCGarcia, G. Houck, V. Grimm, B. Jennings, & Commissioner of 3 E. Jaremko Moved. to accept the recommendation that the Money Managers be contidered expensesof the Trust. This motion passed by an unanimous vote. A rnove:- by , E. Jaremko, secondedby G. Houck, that all remaining certifications ' be approved, brought an ' Unanimous vote. - ' - J. L. Plummer informed the Board Major .J. :Reese-had:applied and was one of the finalists for the job of:exedutive- director of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, A motion by E. Jaremko, seconded by D. March, to write' a letter to the Governor, supporting and recommending J., Reese!A. appointment, passed Unanimously! ' • The Secretary was instructed to prepare such a letter for. the Chairman's signature. J. L. Plummer brought up the fact the Board should expand its horizon and should look at other types of investments. It should take advantage of the present high interest market. A committee, consisting of D. March, G. Houck, and E. Gong, was asked to look at different investment possibilities and report back to the Board. Being no further business, this meeting ne at 4:25 PM W/ 40007"b.lummer, r., iarrman Attest: Secretary Elena 9-658 c y. 5,4 4 /3'7 a CW / 7 Minutes of May Th , 1979 Board' QUARTERLY REPORTS (Con'd): Coopers & Lybrand: T. Jennings represented the auditing firm of,Coopers• & Lybrand They have been our auditors Tor 'the. past three "years Mr. Jennings; rendered an unqualified or clean opinion. The Fund has grown in the last year,approximately;!10 million. The:investments :are:'reported as of 9-3.0-7.8 D. March wanted to know if the auditors.,: had any observations to makeregarding the validity of the assumptions"that were"currently made .T.-.Jennings answered, "That would be but of iis.:field of expertise. °His firm`has an actuary division"that reviews the:"assumptions,.j: If they:had any particular disagreement, they would-have,:stated"so." E.:.Gong explained he saw a problem with,the vested benefits being 'reported as of 1-1-78, and the investments as "of ;9 30.-78.:He believesthere. is'asignificant:difference. �Itwoul3:tie-very valuable for the Board;of."Trustees"to have'.a-true picture.,. T. Jennings. suggested that -next year, his. auditing. firm would provide the Board with comparative statements. `They were unable to do so this,'year, because; of, the -change on the;year-end. Last -year, they had only a nine -month year. f 9 T. Jennings was requested to produce"a.follow -up report, now that the actuarial report is available. This report should show both the unfunded liability'balance'and the as"sets available as of 9-30-78. A brief recess"was called at 355.PM. This meeting was reconvened by the 'Acting, Chairman, E.:;Jaremko, at u : 05 PM. INVESTMENT COMMITTEE REPORT: D. March reported for this: committee. "They have agreed in their discussions that: their...methodology,needs to be looked at. The criteria given to.`theMoney Managers has to be reviewed. They are looking to a better way in which they, can evaluate their alternatives. De' Marche gives -us an excellent summary that describes the Money Managers' activities. However,the committee does not feel comfortable with their expertise on evaluating the information provided in these',reports." What the committee is ;looking into is a series of workshops. That would help them lookat all the legal investment activities that the Board can enter into; tracking the experience through the investment fields from 141=7;L► to _date; seeing how our current approach stacks 414..1o411e various' alternatives, and going from there. Hopefully, after all"this,they can come up with a methodology available to all Boards in the future, regardless of who their members are." 79-658 eftN of.August'.30, 1979 Board of Trustees' Meeting QUARTERLY REPORTS: (Con'd) De'Marche Associates (Con'd) S. De Kinder answered "Most Managers negotiate trading methods in advance. The trading department works out some arrangement that describes the type of trade and the approximate discount you can expect. Montag & Caldwell's discount is reasonable. There are probably other firms that would quote you maybe 60 or 70%. The problem:is that perhaps the firms that quote you the lower discounts might not be available to you on a particular kind of trade." J Bertzel asked "Is it possible for De'Marche to report on how well the Money Managers ?cute on their trades?" S. De Kinder answered "Yes,and it's usually reported in two parts. One is the trading effectiveness. HowAmany.dollars can they trade for x amount, of money? .In .other"words, how did we, do with the commissions? The other. part is how 'effective are they.on purchase and sales in terms of profit and loss on longtermbasis, or how did the trading over-all affect the' value of fund?"" J. Bertzel.-inquired as to what the cost of this job would be for all three.Money Managers for a .6`month period? S. De Kinder answered that between $5 000 and $7,000. The Secretary was asked to Special >'Jorkshop Meeting. COM4ITTEE`REPORTS : a) Investment Committee D. March reported the Committee has not met as often as it would have liked. They will be circulating a workshop format as soon as possible. Several people, including the Money Managers and De'Marche, have shown interest in this workshop. The Committee is trying to schedule the workshop during the time that the Money Managers will be in town. What they are planning is schedule a day for discussions and presenta- tions without an agenda. He would like to have some kind of a commitment from all the parties involved before a date can be set. MONEY MANAGERS' COMMISSIONS: J. Reese moved to have each one of the Money Managers report, at no cost to the Board, for the period of six months (January to June, 1979), each stock trade, the shares, the commissions paid, and the commissions per share. His motion was seconded by J. Bertzel and passed unanimously.• 79-658 Minutes of April 6 INVESTMENTS: Ed Cole represented Equitable Insurance Co. He explained he had been asked by the.Director.of Finance to make a presentation. He would like to propose a guarantee investment to the Board. R. Gordon asked if Mr. Cole was trying to become a Money Manager.. Upon his affirmative answer,she proceeded to explain that at this time the Board was not looking for any addtional Money Managers. If in the future,they should be in this positon,they would advertise publicly. ATTORNEY REPORT: 1) Insurance: R. Silver; reported he hadbeen in contact with Aetna Insurance Co. recently. They are the only firm offering this kind of coverage we are looking for. At, the. present time,they.are still trying to put together our requirements and the fee they will be charging. 2)Legislature: R., Silver explained he had brought with him ,a package containing the most .recent bill proposed in.Tallahassee.. He 'would make available copies to all the Trustees of the Board. A. 'Harris said this bill required the Board to hire an administrator, otherwise the Plan sponsor would be considered the Plan administrator. 3)Other:(Consolidation of Bodth Boards) R. Silver explained he favored this move, to consolidate both Boards and their legal counsel. The Boards would be placed on a more advantageous position. They would be combined under the. Board of Trustees and as one board handle investments aswell as administrative functions. 1979 Board rbi f Trustees Meeting No increase in posible liability is foreseen; By, consolidating both Boards in no way are we shutting ,out:: the.City,`Attorney,; simply the ultimate responsability to the Board would be vested on the one attorney. REMOVING THE FINANCE DIRECTOR FROM THE BOARD: Several of the Trustees expressed their concern that as two Boards, certain members, wore one!': hat for the Board of Trustees and another for the Regular Board. They felt the Finance Director had placed himself in this position_sev,eral`times. There was also the feeling that he hadunlimited.powers,since he alone could stop a check for a retiree from being issued. No other trustee,including the Chairperson had this authority. The posibility of ammending the ordinance to remove theFinance Director from the Plan Board was discussed. After a brief discussion this matter was tabled temporarily. 79-658 p c. t1 .80 (-) h?/) • 0 Minutes of the May Board of Trustees' Meeting. RECONCILIATION"OF: BANK STATEMENTS: The Secretary'explain,ed she had discussed this item with Ron Silver and`.they had agreed it should be brought -up at the meeting.. m Several years ago, at the request of;the auditors, the checking account reconciliation was doneby someone in the Finance Department not connected with the Pension Office. Now that the Pension Office is no longer a part of the Department of Finance, the -Finance Director announced this reconciliation will no longer be made. She had spoken to Pan American Bank and inquired what the cost would be for them to perform a full reconciliation. They should be answering shortly. Approximately $14,000,000 in checks are issued a year between the ,System and the Plan, all bearing the Director of Finance's signature. After a brief discussion, the Director of Finance volunteered to have the: -Treasury Management Section reconcile the, checking account at no cost to the Pension Offices of 9 II. Gary offered a' motion to accept this unanimously: The balance of the agenda (see. below) was deferred until the next meeting, because Ron Silver was.. not present. BUDGET: COMMITTEE REPORTS:;. a) Report on `Legislative C bL Comprehensive Booklet ITEMS FOR ,DISCUSSION: Investment ATTORNEY REPORT .........'... a) Insurance b) Authorization of.Signatures c) Reconciliation of Bank Statements d) Other The next meeting was tentatively set This meeting was adjourned at 3:40 PM. Attes Elena Rodriguez,) SeJretary Note: This meeting is recorded on tape and; is available for listening purposes in the Pension Office. This resume''was"prepared by the Secretary. which was approved for June 22, 1979. R. Gordon, Chairperson 7 9,• 6 5 8 iii i �uI IIIII Minutes of the June ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION: a) Investments There had been a Workshop Meeting following the meeting of Plan Board of Trustees on June-22, 1979. The members that were in attendance reported to those that were not there. A. Harris inquired how the Board should proceed should they decide to invest in "options". R. Silver answered "First, .we would have to check and see if this type of investment is one permitted under the present Ordinance. If it is permitted under the Ordinance, a simple direction to the Money Managers is all we would need to do. If this is not one of the investments permitted and the Board wishes to pursue it, then a change to the Ordinance should be prepared and presented to the City Commission for consideration." D. Bencivenga added "Options are considered a very speculative type of investment; however, he has seen some very favorable reports from pension systems that have employed them." R. Silver said that there is also another area he: would- recommend the.Board look into. Interest rates on mortgages=,have exceeded -the 10% figure, real estate is a good hedge against inflation, and second mortgages provide a good yield.Perhaps-theBoard would consider having a presentation in this area,.:' A motion by A. Harris, was seconded by H. Gary, to request the. attorney examine the Ordinances and:to report, back to>the'Board with a list of the investments that would be,.permissible:under the present guidelines. This motion was passed unanimously. of 4 ATTORNEY' REPORT: Insurance R. Silver; reported more information *as required ::by the Insurance Company, which he promptly ;supplied. This is the only company-: writing this "kind: -of _insurance', and they: are`' still . debating " if they should give us coverage. b) Other R. Silver requested authority, from the'. Board: to. attend the; negotiations currently being held, regarding settlement. of. the "Gates; -suit". Any settlement that_is instituted on behalf of the, System, naturally will be applied to the -Plan. A motion was made by A. Harris to authorize the attorney to attend the negotiations_ and make assessment of .the situation, and report back to the Board. This motion was seconded: by H. Gary and approved unanimously. 79•658 Minutes of the July 271:197.9`Board of Trustees' Meeting Page 6 of 7 ATTORNEY REPORT (.Con'di: e) Variable Annuity (Con' d ) The attorney asked that this item be deferred until the'next' Meeting, so he would have a chance to review it. f) Possible Negligence of Kruse, O'Connor & Ling R. Silver reported that when the Board's actuary appeared at the System's meeting, he suggested that perhaps the reason for some of the deficit, might be the actuarial methods that were used by the previous actuary in their computations. This might or might not be the case. He believes that it would be prudent fot the Board to instruct him to look for a. possible liability as to any negligence on the part of the previous actuary. A motion was made by L. De Jesus, and seconded by B. Smith, to instruct the attorneyto look at the possibility of any negligence on the part of the: previous actuary, Kruse, O'Connor & Ling. This motion was approved unanimously. g) Investments The attorney reportedthat he is looking at the possibility of alternate investments, and will be reporting to the Boardshortly. R. Sil ver said he had received some information regarding the PERISA bill. It has been re -drafted, and;it's going to be re -introduced to Congress. i) .:Merger of Boards The attorney explained>that_he had met with E. Gong and G. Knox. They are inthe=process of drafting anagreement. As soon as it is completed, it would-be ;presented to theBoard:-for their approval. The Secretary was requested that in the future, the -attorney report be placed onthe agenda right, after the approval of the minutes. );, Other L. DeJesus asked whether J. Gunderson, Director of Finance, was within his right,or acted in violation of his Trustee duties, by drafting a resolution and placing it in front of the Commission without consulting with the Board. R. Silver answered J. Gunderson wears two hats. He believes when he placed the resolution in front of the Commission,.he was acting as Finance Director. 79-658 FiliM 4 MEMORANDUM OF VOTING CONFLICT DATE ON WHICH VOTE OCCURRED: September 27, PART A Name' Address' (LAST) 1 ,{fIRSfFT) 111 �t4 'j �IMIDOLE) 3500 Pan American Di:.. UU�� Miami GORDON REC ROSE (STREET) (CIT.Y PARTS l'..^, t : i • City: Cla7 is i F Agency is a unit of (chcck one) : 1 1 State of Fl fii�;of (411ateo0ntyla., City or other Political Subdivision Telephone. (305) 579-6017 (A/C) (NUMBER) 33133 Dade (ZIP CODE) (COUNTY) Name of Agency. City of Miami City Commission Position held in Agency: Commissioner PART C MEMORANDUM OF CONFLICT OF IN TEREST IN A VOTING SITUATION (Required by Florida Statutes § 112.3143 (197511 If you have voted in your official capacity upon any measure in which you had a personal, private, or professional interest which inures to your special private gain or the special private gain of any principal by Whom you are retained, please disclose the nature of your interest below. 1. Description of the matter Agenda Item D, Committee of the Whole portion of Mtj held 9/27/79- "Discussion of proposed policy and resolution regarding pension funding and alternative investments." inre M-79-6513. 2. Description of the personal, pri. ate, c r professional interest you have in the above matter which inures to your special private gain or the special private gain of any principal by whom you are retained' 3. Person or principal to whom the special gain described above will inure: a. ( ) Yourself b. ( 1 Principal by whom you are retained' (NAME) PART D FILING INSTRUCTIONS This memorandum must be filed within fifteen 115) days following the meeting during which the voting conflict occurred with the person responsible for recording the minutes of the meeting, who shall incorporate the memorandum in the meeting minutes. This form need not be filed merely to indicate the absence of a voting conflict. Florida law permits but does not require you to abstain from voting when a conflict of interest arises; if you vote, however, the conflict must be disclosed pursuant to the requirements described above. PART E SIGNATURE OF PERSON DISCLOSING DATE SIGNED NOTICE: UNDER PROVISIONS OF FLORIDA STATUTES §112.317 (19751, A FAILURE TO MAKE ANY REQUIRED DISCLOSURE CONSTITUTES GROUNDS FOR AND MAY BE PUNISHED BY ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: IMPEACHMENT, REMOVAL OR SUSPENSION FROM OFFICE OR EMPLOYMENT. DEMOTION, REDUCTION IN SALARY. REPRIMAND, OR A CIVIL PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED $5,000. CE FORM 4. EFF. 1/1/77