HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1979-09-27 Marked Agendaalmaggsamaidisardio- soeC0110 ORATED Ib 96 CITY CO MISSION GEND A mEETING DATE: September 27, 1979 :00 A.M. A. B. C . D. E. F. G. H. .2:00 Noon Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance Approving Minutes of May 22, 24; June 4, July 20, 1979 , • „ „,, , ..r. , ' , • • COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Discussion of the right turn signal on South Bayshore Drive at the entrance of Bay Heights for use of residents of Bay Heights only. (Deferred from 9/13/79). Discussion of Additional personnel for the, Wednesday night Golden Gloves Boxing matches. CITY HALL - DINNER 10E Discussion of a Tourist Information Center and tourist Discussion of proposed policy and resolution regarding pension funding; and alternative investments. Discussion of Cost of Living Increase to Retirces. Discussion of transfer of the City's title Off -Street Par'esir.,3 GaragE No. 2 (See Item No. 35). Discussion of problems previously brought before the Commissior bv William Hutchinson reference New Washington Heights Community Development Project. Discussion of licensing of private school buses used for transportation of children. "DOCUMENT INDEX ITEM ADJOURNMENT FOR 1.12.1%.1Cli ... S esgntno RkiSEN'iAli010;;•'PriCiCL., AMA:ri°h. ,•••.;:.--i-:;.:--:-:.:,_-.-'.::'.',...-;';`..-1-1..,..':'''-'...,,.,:,,..,:.tii.0-..,:„.,,,,...,-... :::::.:,4i'i:e:';'1::Ef::::;..,s1.--;,:.,..,,,,:.,,,,-,,,....,:, L-i:11,:.•(..4. 0HPr:.661#„.iii, ,ail..i...,:iii"1e'ci:Pgii:r.,,,,,,::..4,1,,,..!71,,, ...:9:-:;.+-.,..,,t. 1.. Reese ., . i, ',-d----.1-•nat.ig,-0Ct...0h,,..e.,..r,:7.._,.,,•!,....:..... ..,..,,... P1 ree' 9 c4ti_._(:)n : P.,.::a-Pr°c ia1111 ... ati:(.7:-.,.,p . F ., 7 e c i i: . . 7 H. : , - 14 ! . . . ::Brice , .. - , ::: - ': : • - :. . i ,' ' --- i ghat ing.:.the,,t.?ee1C-..of.:.. "Fiie:-...P:ife 'vn Weed.t1on,......,,:...,., ,. . .,... ... .. ...„... . • , ... :, ..,., ..•.....,.. •...-.. ,.:-.-,:.: •••. ':.• - ' ' ' - '. ...' ... ' . :..,.,_,,,..,.....,••.r..- ..„ ..- -..., '. - • ..- .,..,-...'.•......,.. ...,; .. .. ... .......,,' • .•.-, .....,, . .-..-.,. • . ,..- APPROVED Gi/La ABSENT: P1 MOT.: 79-636 Go/Gi ABSENT: P1 mar. : 79-637 La/Gi ABSENT: P1 MOT.: 79-640 Go/La ABSENT : P1- G i (See later R-79-671) -657 Gi/Go PI MOT.: 79-658 La/Gi ABSENT: P1 ABSTAINED: Go NOT DISCUSSED DEFERRED MOT.: 79-639 Gi/Go ABSENT: P1-La MOT.: 79-638 Fe/La ABSENT: Pl-Gi SEE SUPPLEMENTAL -AGENDA a (TY COMMISSION AGi:::rrA MEETING DATE: September 27, 1979 IMP :30 P.M. PUBLIC HEARINGS 3. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING Approving appropriations for the fiscal year commencing' October h 1979 and ending September 30, 1980 for the Department of Off -Street Parking. y, ORDINANCE - FIRST READING Approving expenditures required by the Department of Off - Street Parking for the Operation and Maintenance of-Gusman Hall and the Olympia Building for fiscal year ending September 30, 1980, and approving enumerated sources of revenue from said operation. 5. .4.9 •.. • =ORDINANCE (FIRST READING) Defining and designating the territorial limits of the City of Miami for the purpose of taxation; fixing the millage and levying taxes in the City of Miami for the fiscal year beginning October 1 , 1979. City Manager recommends. :00 P.M. PERSONAL APPEARANCES 6. 3. Fred off-shelialli Miami Rc toring shoreline on an Fl -.junction with University of ferine and Atmospheric Sciences. 7. Ms. Grace Rockefeller re discussion of Anti -Solicitation:` Ordinance and the duties of Edward Carhart, Attorney appointed by the Commission, reference pornographers.' 6. Presentation of members of the International Film' Festival:. 3:30 P.M. PUBLIC HEARINGS 9. RESOLUTION Transferring and replacing certain Certificates of Convenience and Necessity issued under the provisions of Chapter 56 of the City Code. City Manager recommends. 10. RESOLUTIO Pre osin and Neces • City Code. i 11. Certificate of Convenience Dns of Chapter 56 of the ends. CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING ON BUDGET xpQ1C3Q(X R ORDINANCE (FIRST READING) Making appropriations for fiscal year ending September 30, 1980. City Manager recommends. PAGE NO. 12. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Amending Sections 5 and 6 of Ordinance No. 8858, Annual Appropriations Ordinance, by increasing the appropriation for thr Trust and Asencv Fund, Pension, in an amount of $]00,000 from tho 1978 fund balance for Pension, to offset charges :41.111: t 1978-79 appropriations for professional services. City Manager recommends. FIRST READING La/Gi ABSENT: P1 FIRST READING Gi/La ABSENT: P1 FIRST READING La/Gi ABSENT: P1 ABSTAINED:Go -DISCUSSION. MOT.: 79-653 Fe/La NOES: Go ABSENT: P1 R: 79-656 Go/La ABSENT: P1 FIRST READING La//Gi SENT: P1 STAINED: Go EMERGENCY ORD. 8989 Gi/La ABSENT: P1 1 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: September 27, 1979 13. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Amending Sections 1 and 6 of Ordinance No. 8858, Annual Appropriations Ordinance, by increasing the appropriation in the amount of $1,879 from Fiscal Year 197E-79, Planning Department Revenues, from the Self Insurance Trust Fund to reface stolen typewriters. City Manager recommends. 14. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Amending Sections 1, 3 and 6 of Ordinance No. 8858, Annual Appropriations Ordinance for the Fiscal Year ending September 30, 1979, by increasing the appropriations for the Enterprise Funds in the following amounts: Miami Stadium, $46,000; Orange Bowl, $5,135; Marine Stadium, $43,393; Melreese Golf Course, $2,093; by increasing the appropriations for Intra- governmental Service Funds in the following amounts; Property Maintenance, S1f6.927; Computers and Communication $11,381; and by increasing anticipated revenues in the same amounts, respectively, from the retained earnings of each account to offset the charges for_purchase orders issued in;; Fiscal Year 1977-7E and paid in Fiscal Year 197E-79. City. • Manager recommends. 15. ORDINANNCE - SECOND READING Amending Section 2 of Ordinance No. 8977, Civil Service Rules and Regulations, in accordance with Collective Bargaining Labor Agreements. This item ;as passed on first reading September 13, 1979, after being moved by Commissioner Lacasa and seconded by Commissioner Gordon. City Manager recommends. 16. ORDINANCE - SECOND RE.ADT x Amending Subsection 2-24.1(2)` and Subsection 17-26(a) by establishing an annual Fire Safet•, Insr'ection Prograrto be conducted by the Fire Department for buildings and premises. This item was passed on first reading September 13, 1979, after being moved by Commissioner Gibson`, and seconded by Commissioner Gordon. City Manager recommends. 17. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING Ameneing'Section 38-16 of the City Code providing for the increase of fee charged for the issuance of identijication cards by the Police Department from S5 to $8. City Manager recommends. 18. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING Establishing authority to deposit and disburse interest from monies which are in the custody of'the '`Police Department and to convert unclaimed monies from escrow into the General Fund. City Manager recommends. 19. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING Amending Section 54-6 of the City Code providing a $15 fee for the issuance of permits to hold parades and processions upon public thoroughfares and public property. City Manager recommends. PAGE NO. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING Amending ing Section ion 54-3 of the City Code by Frovidins a S 15 fee for Police and Fire Permits to obstruct > anv street, sidewall: or impede vehicular or pedestrian traffic. City: Manager recommends. MERGENCY RD. 8986 La/Gi BSENT: P1 MERGENCY RD. 8987 a/Gi SENT: P1 RD. 8988 a/Go SENT: P1 RDD/. 8985 ela OES: Go BSENT: P1 (See related MOT.: 79-654 a/Gi OES: Go SENT: P1 IRST READING a/Gi SENT: P1 IRST READING i/La SENT: P1 IRST READING i/La SENT: P1 IRST READING a/Gi SENT: P1 CITY an...MISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: September 27 1979 PAGE NO. 4 21. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING Amending Section 61-1 of the City Code by providing, for a fee`' of $5 for the registration of firearms and making it unlawful for persons to provide false information in the course of registering firearms. City Manager recommends. 22. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING Creating Chapter 69 of the City Code entitled "The Burglary and Robbery Alarm Ordinance". City Manager recommends. 23. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING Providing for the assessment of a $5 fee for one police office for one day for one location in the administration of special off -duty police services performed under contract with private persons or firr.s. City Manager recommends. 24. ORDINANCE - FIRST READINC Amending Section 43-8 of the City Code by increasing the fee FIRST READING for taking and furnishing fingerprints; authorizing the Police La/Gi Department to take and provide photographs of persons upon ABSENT: P1 request for $5/photograph and to notarize. signatures for 50c/ certificate. City Manager recommends. DEFERRED FIRST READING La/Gi ABSENT: P1 FIRST READING Gi/La NOES: Go ABSENT: P1 25. ORDINANCE - FIRST READINC RepealingSections 39-6 and 39-7 of the City Code which pertai IRST READING to' procedures and retna. i rates at Municipal Auditorium and La/Gi Dinner Key Recreation Center/Exriibition.lHall, t and, providing ABSENT: P1 new procedures and rates: City Manager recommends.' 26. RESOLUTION Item: Refurbish one 1965 Pumper Location: Fire Department Contractor: Pierce Manufacturing, Total: $81,307.00 Funding: Fire Fighting, Fire Prevention: and` Rescue Facilities. Bond Funds. Accepting the bid and authorizing the City Manager and Purchasing Agent to issue the Purchase Order. City Manager recommends. 27. RESOLUTION Item: 24 Fire System Modems Location: Fire Department Vendor: Rascal-Milgo Information. Systems Total: $24,066.00 Funding: 1976 Fire Fighting, Fire Prevention,; and Rescue Facilities Bond Fund. Accepting the bid and authorizing the City Manager and Purchasing Agent to issue the Purchase Order. City Manager recommends. 26. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to accept grants for a cultural program based on Afro-American Heritage entitled "Kwanza Festival-3rd Year" from Metropolitan Dade County, the Fine 'Arts Council of Florida, and other revenue sources, and further authorizing the City Manager to execute the necessary implementing contracts and agreements upon receipt of the grants. City Manager recommends. R; 79-643 Gi/Go ABSENT: P1-La R: 79-644 Gi/Go ABSENT: Pl-La R: 79-645 Gi/Go ABSENT: Pl-La CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: September 27,;1979 PAGE NO, 29. RESOLUTION Approving the expenditure of a sum not to exceed $10,000 to the firm of E. H. Friend & forthe purpose of providing a Cash Flow An4ysis of funding requirements for the Miami City Employees' Retirement Plan. City Manager recommends. 30. RESOLUTION Approving the employment by the Board of Trustees of the Miami City General Employees' Retirement Plan of the Firm of Co2pers & Lybrand to perform a study of all brokerage trans- actions completed. City Manager recommends. 31. RESOLUTION Conditionally a' 1 the Great Cocon• j 11, 12, 13 and 1 r'i ' g of certain streets for Wto be held on October 10, ,� er recommends. 32. RESOLUTION Allocating $4,330 cash support from the City's Quality of Life Program for the Second Annual'Oktoberfest. City Manager recommends. 3:. RESOLUTION Allocating $5,000 cash support from the Quality of Life Pr.oc for Re-Encuentro Cubano 1979..City Manager recommends 34. RESOLUTION Allocating cash support from the Quality of Life Program for the Seventh Annual Hispanic Heritage Week. City Manager recommends. 35. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to transfer the City's interest in Off -Street Parking Garage No. 2 to the Off -Street Parking Authority for sale by the Off -Street Parking Authority subject to certain conditions. City Manager recommends. 36. RESOLUTION Authorizing the Director of Finance to pay to the Law Firm of Shutts & Bowen the sun of $17,500 in full and complete satisfaction of its claim for fees for services rendered during its presentation of Florida East Coast Railway Company against whom the City of Miami unsuccessfully initiated eminent Domain proceedings. 37. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to meet with proper Dade Countl. officials to expedite the resolution of double taxation issues and further authorizing the City Manager to recommend a double taxation consultant to the Commission at its next meeting. City Manager recommends. R: 79-659 Go/Gi ABSENT: P1 R: 79-660 La/Gi ABSENT: P1 R: 79-655 (AS AMENDED) Gi/Go ABSENT: P1 R: 79-646 Gi/Go ABSENT: P1-La R: 79-647 Go/Gi' ABSENT: P1-La DEFERRED R: 79-648 Gi/Go ABSENT: P1-La R: 79-649 Go/Gi ABSENT: P1 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: September 27, 1979 PAGE NO. 38. RESOLUTION Approving concept of permitting certain employees of the Dade County Department of Tourism the alternative of remaining with the City of Miami Retirement Plan or joining Florida Retirement System; and defining County's contribution thereto. CONSENT ACENDA Unless a member of the City Commission wishes to. remove specific items from this portion of the Agenda, Items 39 - 47 constitute the Consent Agenda. These Resolutions are self-explanatory and are not expected to require additional review or discussion. Each item will be recorded as individually numbered resolutions, adopted unani- mously by the following Motion: "...that the Consent Agenda, comprised o Itms 39. 47 be adopted." Mayor or City Clerk: Before the voteon adopting`. items included in the Consent Agendais taken, is there anyone present, who is an objector or proponent; tliat wishes to speak on any item in the Consent Agenda ?...Hearing none, the vote on the adoption o 39. •RESOLUTION GrantingQuit Claim Deed to Dade County for City of Right -of -Way along N. W. 32nd Avenue: City Manager 40. RESOLUTION Items:' 159 Police Hand Guts Location: Police Department Vendor: Jones Equipment Co. $18,682.50 Funding: 1978-79 Operating Budget: Accepting the bid and authorizing the City Manager and Purchasing Agent to issue the Purchase Order. City Manager recommends. Total: 41 RESOLUTION Items Location: Vendor: Total Funding 42. 1,100 Gallons of Paint Culmer Revitalization Program Glidden Coatings and .Resins $6,630.52 Trust and Agency Fund, Culmer'Interim.Assistan Program Accepting the bid and authorizing the City Manager and e. Purchasing Agent to issue the PurchasOrder. City` Manager recommends. RESOLUTION Items: Printing and Mailing of Notices for Zoning Hearings Location Planning and Zoning Boards'Administration Contractor: Ace -Parker, Inc Total: S30,959.00 Funding: 1978-79 Operating Budget Accepting the bid and authorizing the. City. Manager, and Purchasing Agent to issue the Purchase 'Order. City` Manager recommends. R: 79-674 Go/Gi. ABSENT: P1 R: 79-661 Gi/La ABSENT: P1 R: 79-662 Gi/La ABSENT: P1 R: 79-663 i/La SENT: P1 : 79-664 i/La SENT: P1 10 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: September 27, 1979 PAGE NO. 43. RESOLUTION Authorizing the Director of Finance to pay to Israel Gonzalez and Marie Gonzalez the sume of $8,685.10 in full and complete settlement of all claims resulting from vehicle accident. City Attorney recommends. 44. RESOLUTION Authorizing the Director of Finance to pay to Geneva Daniels the sum of $16,000.00 to Minnie Jackson, $4,000; and to Geneva Daniels the sum of $1,000. in full and complete settlement of all claims resulting from an accident involving a City of Miami vehicle. City Attorney recommends. 45. RESOLUTION Authorizing an increase in the scope of the contract in an amount not to exceed $29,000 for the Buena Vista Community Development paving project - Phase III - Bid "A" from Community Development Funds. City Manager recommends. 46. RESOLUTION Ordering North 59th Street Highway Improvement H-4452 and designating the Property against which special assessments shall be made for a portion of the cost thereof as North 59th Street Highway Improvement District H-4452. City Manager recommends... 47. RESOLUTION Accepting the completed work performed by M.E.T. Construction, Inc.,'; at a total cost of $257,434.00 for the Fire Station No. 10 Addition :- 1978 and authorizing a final payment of $2,765.26. City Manager recommends. R: 79-665 Gi/La ABSENT: P1 R: 79-666 Gi/La ABSENT: P1 R: 79-667 Gi/La ABSENT: P1 R: 79-668 Gi/La ABSENT: P1 R: 79-669 Gi/La ABSENT: P1