HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-79-0880RESOLUTION NO. 7 9 880 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE ATTACHED AGREEMENT BETWEEN METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY AND THE CITY OF MIAMI FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLANNING ACTIVITIES TO BE RENDERED BY THE DEPART- MENTS OF PLANNING AND TRADE AND COMMERCE DEVELOPMENT FOR FISCAL YEAR 1979-1980, IN THE AMOUNT OF $75,000 PLUS A 25 PER- CENT LOCAL MATCH, TO BE FUNDED FROM AN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION 302 PLANNING GRANT TO METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY; FURTHER DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO IMMEDIATELY FORWARD A COPY OF THIS RESOLUTION TO THE COUNTY CLERK. WHEREAS, by Resolution 78-744 dated December 4, 1978, the City Manager was authorized to execute a contract between the City of Miami and Metro Dade County for economic development planning activities for the period January 1, 1979 to September 30, 1979; and WHEREAS, all services have been performed under that contract; and WHEREAS, Metro Dade County has proffered a contract to the City for economic development planning ac tivities for FY '79-'80 in the amount of $75,000, plus a 25 percent local match; and "DOCUMENT 11,40.X' WHEREAS, the CityCommission wishesi f i2 WH ,ter economic development throughout the City by formulating a City of Miami Comprehensive Economic Development Plan and strategy; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA:. Section 1. The City Manager is hereby authorized to execute the attached agreement between the City of Miami and Metropolitan Dade County for economic development planning services to be rendered by the Departments of Plan- ning and Trade and. Commerce Development for FY '79-'80 in the amount of $75,000, plus a 25 percent local match, to be funded from an Economic Development Administration 302 planning grant to Metropolitan Dade County. CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF 0EC27 1974 IDoLunoM NO 7 9 - 8 8 Section 2. The City Clerk, is directed to immediately forward a copy of this Resolution to Richard P. Brinker, Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 27 day of Dec 1979. ATTEST: Ral i G. Ongie, City Cl6fk PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: Eietve Assistant City Attorney Maurice A. Ferre Maurice A. Ferre Mayor "SU ,, _ .1 \ 3,.E 5. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: Geo3;e F. K Cit Attorney 79-880 as 0. t 1 10' 51 + f to li �+� i•ii'f Joseph R. Grassie City Manager Jim Reid, Director. Planning Department December 13, 1979.FILE: Agenda. Item City Commission Meeting :.r t:>r.raccc> Economic Development Administration 302 Planning Grant Contract. It is recommended that the Commission authorize the City Manager to approve the attached` contract: between Dade County and the City of Miami for economic devel- opment planning activities to be ren- dered by the Departments of Planning and Trade and Commerce Development for FY '79- '80 in the amount of $75,000, plus 25 percent local match, to be funded from an Economic Development Administration 302 planning grant to Dade County, per the attached resolution. Metropolitan Dade County has proffered to the City a contract (attached) for City-wide economic development planning ac- tivities for FY '79-'80 in the amount of$75,000', plus a 25 percent local match. These economic development planning activities would --be rendered by the Departments of Planning. and Trade and Commerce Development. The local match would be provided by salaries and fringe benefits of personnel in these Departments who are currently funded from other grant programs. Funding for this contract is from an Economic Development; Administration 302 planning grant through Metro.Dade County. This contract is a follow-on to a similar contract executed between Metro Dade County and the City of Miami for the period January 1, 1979 -`September 30, 1979 in the amount $75',026 plus a local match. All services have been per- formed under the previous contract. For your information, draft resolutions to be brought before the Board of County Commissioners at their first meeting in January are also attached. It is requested that this item be brought before the Commis sign at the next meeting; approval of. the contract is recom mended. JR:JM:mb Ends. `SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS FOLLOW" 79-880 (pr AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of 1979', by and between the City of Miami,- a municipal corporation of the State of Florida, hereinafter called "CITY" and t tetropolitan Dade County, hereinafter referred to as WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the U. S. Department of Commerce, in response to a City of Miami Economic Development expressed a wi l l ingness to CITY; and WHEREAS, the 'COUNTY', proposal under. Section 302( offer financial as-sistance ), has to the S. Department:of' Commerce would like to funnel those funds through Metropolitan Dade County; and WHEREAS, the City of Miami authorized a contract with Metropolitan Dade County by Resolution No. passed and adopted on 1979, and said resolution is incorporated by reference; and WHEREAS, Metropolitan Dade County authorized a contract with the City of Miami by Resolution No; passed and adopted on 1979, and said resolution is incorporated by reference; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual agreement`contained herein the parties hereto agree as follows.: :COUNTY AGREES 1: To solicit and accept the amount of $75,00.0 from the U. Department of Commerce for and in behalf of the City of Miami's economic development efforts. S. 2. -To pa,y those funds to the City.of Miami for the pro -vision of economic development planning activities. 1I. CITY AGREES A'brnad review of the Economic Base Study will- be conducted "C: t F, V`t i—)— 1 �-- (1..0 .f s��l R N ~F S with the participation of: a. The Advisory Council.. b. The community, through a public meetin LLOW c. The public agencies. Chambers of Commerce, etc. 79-880 2. The Economic. Elase. Study and the recommendations from the aforementioned review will be integrated into the City's. Conprehensive Economic Development Strategy.(CEDS). The elements to be included are: a. Policy formulation. b. Program design. c. Project evaluation criteria and procedures. d. Project development considerations. - I) timing 2) cost 3.) relationship to goals and objectives e. Linkage to other Federal, State, County, City, and private programs.' A technical review will be conducted on the CE'DS by:. a. The City staff b. The City/County Task Force Circulation of the'CEDS will be authorized and assisted by the AdvisoryCouncil. . Review and comments'will be solicited by: a. The business community b.. Operating agencies c,. Public agencies DOCUPME TS RTWE FOLLOW . Policy boards, committees, commissions The adoption of the program and the establishment of ongoing processes for policy assessment, planning and program coordination, and project monitoring will be executed through: a. Establishing a public action impact assessment procedure. b. Maintaining a program planning a'nd coordinating mechanism. t 79-880 c.• Creating and operating a project monitoring system. d. Creating new institutional mechanisms as4needed. For continuous monitoring of conditions, CEDS assess ment and updating, policy analysis, and program design and development, the following steps will be taken: a, Establishment of economic indicators to monitor conditions. b. Assessment and updating of CEDS.. c. Continuation of 1) policy analysis and formulation 2) project designing 3) project developing d. Refinement of small area data. e. Continuation of sector studies.. f. Study employment areas. g. Study commercial areas. "SUPPOR1VE OCU DME FOLLOW" 8. To utilize the $75,000 in the following manner.: (I-) Economic Development Coordinator (1) Senior Economic Analyst (1) Economic Analyst To be applied towards fringe rate* Total $25,450 21,998 18,099. $65,5.47 $ 9,453 $75,000 •*Fringe rate at 24.55% of $65,547 equals $16,09.2. The amount to be applied represents 58.74% of -.that total. To provide ,at no cost to this project the following which exceed the required U. CO5ts . Department ,of Commerce match of 25% for grants of this nature. (2) Economic Planers (@ $13,38.1) $26,7.62 Fringe benefits for 3 Planner positions as detailed in No. 8 above (difference between required 24.55% and federal provisian) $ 6,639 79-880 10. To provide such documentation as may be deemed necessary by the Couttity proving that allowable expenseshave been paid in full by the City. This documentation provided to the County in sufficient time prior to the required financial reporting periods so that such reports May be submitted in a tirneiy fashion. will be III. CITY AND COUNTY AGREE 1. To assist, compliment and support each other in the development of the Economic Strategy for the City of Miami. 2. To assume the specific responsibilities assigned each under the Work Program included in this (Section II, 1"7). 3, To comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, and codes of the federal, state and local governments.- Specifically, to comply with the Housi-ng and Co.rnmunity.Development Act. of 1974, Section 109; with Executive Orders 11246 and 1.1063; and with Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Devel-: opment Act of 196C ("Section 570.303). to agreement LLI (,,f) 4. To .refrain from any discrimination against any employee Lu o �.' 0 0 ( the receipt of evidence of such discrimination, either: a CD or person, served on account of race, 'color, sex, religious creed, ancestry, or national origin in the performance of this Agreement; and it is expressly party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement. That no official or employee of the CITY or the COUNTY may be admitted directly or indirectly to any share or part of this Agreement or to any benefit to arise froin the sane nor own or acquire any personal interest in any properly, contract or proposed contract which would conflict with or relate to the performance, their duties or responsibilities under this Agreement. If any such person presently or in the future acquires,' owns or controls any such share,H benefit or personal interest, he shall immediately disclose such share, benefit, or 79-880 person -al interest to the CITY and the COUNTY. Upon such disclosure, such person shall not conti,iue his participation unless it is determined by the CITY and the COUNTY that his participation is not contrary to public interest. Both parties will comply with all federal, state, and local conflict of interest laws and requ i rements. 6, That in the procurement of supplies, equipment, construction, or services to implement this project shall make a positiveeffort to utilize small business and minority owned business sources of supplies and services, and provide these Bourses the maximum feasible opportunity to compete for contracts to be performed pursuant to this Agreement To the maximum extent feasible these small business and minority owned business sources shall be located in or owned by residents of the Community Development Target area(s).designated by the City of Miam in the Community Development Grant Application approved by the U. S. Department of,Housing and Urban Development. 7. That all reports,- plans,maps, brochures and other data developed as a result of this AgriforLDPORf1l/E ent shall becoi,ie the property of both parties. S DOCUP4N -S. IV. TERMINATION FOLLOwff This Agreement may be terminated by either party at any time upon submission ofthirty i30) days written notice if there As: I. ineffective or improper use of funds. 2. Failure to comply with the terms of the contract.' 3. Submission of incorrect or incomplete reports. 11 Occasion Wherein the input of the contract is rcnd,cred impossible or unfeasible. 5. Failure to provide documentation that allowable expenses have been paid in full by the City prior- the financial reporting deadlines. i 1iiiui!!!! ! P U!ogg 79-880 V TIME OF PERFORMANCE This Agreement sha1 I be deemed effect i've as of October '1 ,. 1979 and sha'1I terminate on September 30, 1980.' V I .'_ AMENDMENTS The C 1 TY and the COUNTY may , at their discretion, amend this Agreement at any time to conform with any contingencies which may rcquire'such amendment. Amendments, i f required, shall be incorporated i n writing to this Agreement, upon review,, approval and execution by the parties hereto. VII SIGNATORIES IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City -of Miami and Met ropoli`tan Dade County have entered into this Agreement as of the date first above written. METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY CITY OF MIAMI by COUNTY MANAGER CITY MANAGER ATTEST: COUNTY CLERK CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORF1 AND CORRECTNESS COUNTY ATTORNEY' CITY A ORN Y '' 79-880