HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-80-0066• r*, RESOLUTION NO8 0 - 6 6. A RESOLUTION GRANTING A VARIANCE FROM ORDINANCE NO. 6871, ARTICLE XI, SECTIONS 3(2) (a) (c) AND (5), TO PERMIT CONSTRUCTION OF A 204-UNIT HOTEL (GRAND BAY HOTEL) ON LOTS 9 THROUGH 15 AND 28 THROUGH 40, LESS DEDICATIONS, BLOCK 41, NEW BISCAYNE AMD (B-16), BEING APPROXIMATELY 3209-31 AND 3301-03 S.W. 27TH AVENUE AND APPROXIMATELY 2667-75 S. BAYSHORE DRIVE, AS PER PLANS ON FILE, WITH 1.79 FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR) (1.5 FAR PERMITTED), 21' (75.75' REQUIRED) SOUTHEASTERLY AND 51' (75.75' REQUIRED) NORTHWESTERLY SIDE YARDS AT THE POINT OF LEAST DEPTH AND SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION REVIEW BOARD; ZONED R-C (RESIDENTIAL OFFICE) DISTRICT. WHEREAS, the Miami Zoning Board, at its meeting of November 19, 1979, Item No. 2, f ollowing an advertised hearing, adopted Resolution No. ZB 224-79 by a 5to0 vote (1 member abstaining) denying Variance as hereinafter set forth; and CityhasstakennoanahPsPteaWHEREAS, the applicantcityicantf 1 from the denial of said variance to theCommission;Commisionand it wHEREAS the , notwithstanding the s matter, ndingthedeof denial b land, practical difficulties and unnecessary hardships wouldmpair the the Zoning Board, and after carefulconsideration tw finds that due to peculiar circumstances affecting parcelthis owner's right to the reasonable use of the property withoutvariance ranted as hereinafter set forth; g NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE coA4mTpsi9NOF I DCCU1, CITY OF MIAMI' FLORIDA: yr ITEM NO Section 1. The request for a variance as Per Ordinance No. 6871, ARTICLE XI, Sections 3(2) (a) (c) and (5), to permit the construction of a 204-unit hotel (Granc3 Bay Hotel) on Lots 9 through 15 and 28 through 40, less dedications, Block 41, NEW BISCAYNE AMD (B-16), being approximately 3209-31 and 3301-03 S.W. 27th Avenue and approximately 2667-75 S. Bayshore Drive, as per plans on file, with 1.79 floor area ration (FAR) (1.5 FAR permitted), 21' (75.75 required) southeasterly and 511 (75.75' required) northwesterly side yards at CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF JAN 2 4 1980 ROWT1ONNo 8 0 - 6 6 RUM& the point of least depth and subject, to review by the Environmental Preservation Review Board; zoned R-C (Residential Office) District, be and the same is hereby granted. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 24 day of JANUARY 1980. CITY '_CLERK PREPARED AND APPROVED TERRY V. PRCY ASSISTANT CITY ATTRNEY APP GEOR 7 CITY . KNOX, JR ORNEY AND CORRECTNESS:;: MAURICE A ` FERRE MAYOR 2. 80-66 tits /1144, LAW OFFICES GREENBERG, TRAURIG, HOFFMAN, LIPOFF, OUENTEL & WOLFF, P A. C£SAR L. ALVAREZ NORMAN J. BENFORD TMOMAS R. BLAKE ROBERT K. BURLINGTON JOAN BURTON ALBERT G. CARUANA ALAN R. CHASE SUE M. COBB KENDALL B. COFFEY MARK B. DAVIS ALAN T. DIMOND BRIAN FOREMNY WILLIAM A. FRIEDLANDER RICHARD G. GARRETT MARTIN J, GENAUER LAWRENCE GODOFSKY ALAN S. GOLD HARVEY A.GOLDMAN MATTHEW B. GORSON MELVIN N. GREENBERG. CARL W. MAR tLEY, JR. LARRY J. HOFFMAN MARTIN KALB TIMOTHY E. KISH BRENT D. KLFIN STEVEN J. K, AVITZ STEVEN B. LAPIDUS • DEXTER W. LEMTINEN PAUL-A. LESTER JEFFREY A, LEVINE NORMAN H. LIPOFF GARY D.-LIPSON JUAN P. LOUMIET PEDROA. MARTIN • CHARLES B. PEARLMAN BYRON G. PETERSEN' • ALBERT D. OUENTEL. DAVID R. ROGOL DAVID L. R05S • ROBERT' M. RUBENSTEIN CLIFFORD A, SCHULMAN, MARTIN B. SHAPIRO" MARLENE K. SILVERMAN • ROBERT M.'SONDAK .. LAURA-P. STEPHENSON ROBERT H. TRAURIG EILEEN, TRAUTMAN- DAVID W. TRENCH"-. STANLEY H.WAKSHLAG JONATHAN H. WARNER- WILLIAM A. WEBER- • ZACHARY H. WOLFF; City of Miami Planning and: Zoning Board ,. 3342 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Item 2 on Miami Zoning Board Agenda November19, 1979 Gentlemen BRICKELL CONCOURS 1401 BRICKELL,AVE4UE P.0. BOX012E190,. MIAMI, FLORIDA33101 'TELEPHONES MIAMI.1305) 37773510I BROWARD (305)523-9111 TELEX 441272 The City of Miami Zoning Board on November `19, 1979,.denied the application referred to above relating to the property at. 3209-31 and 3301-03;, S. W .: 27th Avenue and approximately 2667-75 South Bayshore Drive, which had requested variances from Ordinance 6871, Article XI, Sections 3(2) (a) (c) and (5) Please consider this letter as an appeal to the City of Miami Commission.in connection with such zoning requests. In connection herewith, we are enclosing our check in the amount of $500.00 as the appeal fee. RHT/blr Enclosure A '�G6 LOCATION/LEGAL,., OWNERS APPLICANT ZONING REQUEST 4 ZONING FACT SHEET Anprox.`3209-31 & 3301-3303 S. W. 27th Avenue Approx.'2667-75 South Bayshore Lots 9 through 15 & Lots 28 through 40, less less dedications Block 41; "NEW BISCAYNE, AMD. " (13-16) !liana and Saul Rosenberg 2001 Tigertail'Ave. _ Miami, Fla. Phone: 854-7178 Joseph.. Rosenberg. P. O. Box 775 Coconut Grove Naomi S.;`Rosenberg 3080 Kirk St Miami,Fla. Phone: 858-6830 Est. of JosephM. Kolisch 2721 Greenwood Road Miami, Fla. Bobette B. Kolisch' 2721 Greenwood Rd. Miarni, Fla. Phone: 858-4506 Robert H..Traurig,.Esq. . 1401 Brickell Ave. R-C (Residential -Office) Phone: 858-3074 Phone: 377-3501 Variance application to permit construction of. a 204-unit hotel (GROVE HARBOUR HOTEL) with 1.79 floor area ratio (F.A.R.) (1.5 F.A.R. permitted); 21' (75.75' required) southeasterly and 51' (75.75' required) northwesterly side yards at the point of least depth and subject to review by the Environmental Preservation Review Board. Applicant-. states: The parcel is irregularly shaped with frontages on South Bayshore Drive and S. W. 27th Avenue, inducing siting problems. Although the property line extends an additional 20 feet, calculations have been made from a base building line due to the need ofthe City for additional S. 1+T. 27th Avenue right-of-way.` (continued on next page) n n 66 The troperty .is actually 6500 square feet larger than the square footage for which credit is given. The existing heavy vegetation dictates that the best interest of the community will be served by a building location which imposes setback problems on the building. Existing vegetation is being retained where possible. The setbackvariance is ' m6re -technical than real and results from an effort to plan a building which is, architecturally better for the. community. The bulk of the building ; is a function of the applicant's effort to provide larger units and ~a full range of facilities. F.A.R. bonuses and side yard setbacks have been granted on other parcels similarly situated. Recognition should be given to covered,parkinq and overall ambiance. RECOMMENDATION DENIAL. Although the proposed hotel offers a very appealing design, the design in itself PLANNING. does not justify granting the requested variances. DEPARTMENT The site has more than adequate dimensions and area to allow for reasonable use of the land whilemeetinq the zoning regulations. There is no hardship which justifies granting the variances. If the floor area ratio is reduced to the 1.5 permitted ;(a'29,044 sq.ft. reduction) the setback variances would also be reduced as the building height would be lowered. ZONING BOARD Deferred by the Board on September 17, 1979. to have. the Environmental Preservation Review Board review this project first. ;Deferred on October 22, 1979 to NovPmher:19,_.1979 at the applicant's request due to a short .Board.• Denied on. November 19, 1979. 0 6 6 l �7 6. '/', EG VIMMISIONEMNUOINSIONN eNgy ai`/r, ,offo 3:09- 3/ �' 530/-0-9 # 2T "1'� ZG67- 7.S �,�. 66 City of filitttui, Mayor. & City Commission Attention: Mr. Joseph R.; Grassie City of Miami, Florida Gentlemen;' larii i VARIANCE - DENIED` BY ZONING BOARD APPEALED TO CITY COMMISSION `BY;'_' APPLICANT: Robert H.."Traurig Appr. 3209-31 & 3301-03'.SW 27th Avenue & Appr. 2667-75 S. Bayshore Lots 9 15 & 28 -:40, less dedic,- t ions ; Block 41 NEW BISCAYNE AND (B-16) The Miami Zoning Board, at its meeting of November 19, 1979,.,Item 42, following an advertised Hearing, adopted Resolution No. ZB 224 79,by a 5 to. 0 vote ; (1 member absta ininq) DENYING Variance from Ordinance 6871, ARTICLE XI, Sections 3(2) (a) (c) & (5), to permit the construction of a 204-unit hotel (Grand Say Hotel) on. Lots 9`..thru 15 and.28 thru 40, less dedications, Block 41; NEW BISCAYNE AMD (8-16), being, approx. 3209-3.1 & 3301-03. SS^. 27th Avenue & Approx. 2667-75 S. Bayshore Drive, as per plans on file, with 1.79 floor area ratio (FAR) (1.5`.FAR, ; per- mitted),, 21' (75.75' required) southeasterly and 51' (75..75' recuired) northwsterly side yards at the point of least depth and subject to review by the Environmental Preservation Review 3oard;. zoned R-C (Residential Office). Ten objections. received in the mail five,: replies in favor received: in the mail Eighteen r-ro.orents present at. meeting, Six ,objectors present at meeting. A RESOLUTION to provide For this Variance has been prepared -by " the City "Attorney's office and submitted for consideration'of the City Commission.. Z. M. 46 cc: Law Department Planning Department S incerely,�. < lure Lo E.ire z--u`got mac'! ng Director Planning and Zoning Boards Administration NOTE:, Planning Department recommendation: DENIAL. Tentative City- Commis; io.n date December 27, 1979.