HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-80-0102fi From: Date: Bettye Graham, Chairperson of the Edison -Little River Community Development Advisory Board The Buena -Vista Neighborhood Association •February. 12 , 1980 Please distribute this document to the Miami City. cornmi-ssion. It was read in part by Mr. Louis Sample at the last commission Meeting January 24, 1980. To: Miami City Commission Date: January 24, 1980, 3:00 P.M. Re: Public hearing on the Community Development Block Grant Application Citizens participation of The Great Neighborhood Program under the direction of the City of Miami, Department of Community Development has been a failure in the Buena Vista neighborhood, which is the Neighborhood Strategy Area or the Edison -Little River Target Area. Community Development and the Planning Department have manipulated the residents and board members into accepting and endorsing preconceived recommendations. Residents are discouraged by senior and middle management staff in partic- ipating in the development of neighborhood programs. Problems relative to trash pick-up, abandoned cars and the lack of zonning enforcement are major topics of discussion at many neighborhood meetings. The city has been derelict in providing services relative to these problems. Our city tax dollars pay for these services and we should receive them. The Buena Vista Neighborhood Association was organized in 1978. Over three hundred residents were attending the general membership meetings. Attendance has dwindled to less than thirty. The reason for this decline in attendance can be attributed directly to the Community Development Senior Staff. This senior staff is composed predominantly of white Anglos, who are not sensitive and responsive to the needs of the residents in our community. In establishing the community block grant program, congress required that applicant cities and counties must provide opportunity for citizens to participate. In order to receive a community development grant, the city or county must submit an application which provides satisfactory assurance that prior to submission of its applications, it has prepared and followed a written citizen participation plan, which provides citizens an opportunity to participate in the development of the application. Commissioners, you do not have that satisfactory assurance. To submit an application for 6th year community block grant funding will definitely be in violation of community block grant guidelines. tc•y The 6th year community development project 'recommendations for the Edison -Little River Target Area were not approved by the Advisory Board. The Board recommended that funds for new 1 0 2 4 mmmmmmmwmm.4—q,i.ui14ismltlt.'utadVstaltAi.40a0==','"14 OK% Page 2 projects should come from funds other than 6th year Community. Block Grant Funds, The citywide local development corporation currently being formulated was not recommended by any of the the Advisory Boards' to our knowledge. It is a ploy conceived by city staff to prevent neglected black neighborhoods from becoming self-reliant and less dependent on city government. Community Development Staff submitted the citywide local development corporation concept after receiving the Buena Vista -Edison Local Development Corporation proposal that was recommended for funding by the Advisory Board. The citywideLDC will utilize $50,000.00 from each target area to provide staff and office space. The Buena Vi..sta- Edi_son LDC Proposal will not use money for staff and office space, until at which time, the monies have been leveraged. The citywide LDC will not benefit black neighborhoods. Its emphasis will. be placed on commercial revitalization and special interest groups. Citizens' participation under c?rnmunity development has been a failure in the Buena Vista neighborhood. Our specific request to you today is to reject the 6th year Community t Development Project recommendations and assist in rectifying these related problems. In the event these problems are not resolvedby the city, we will use our appeal rights under the guidelines in requesting that HUD investigates this program and/or request that Dade County administers the program. • CATHOLIC SERVICE BUREAU - LITTLE HAVANA OUTREACH OFFICE 900 S. W. 1st Street Miami, Florida (305) The Honorable Maurice A. Ferre Mayor of Miami` City `Hall A SOCIAL SERVICE PROJECT FUNDED BY DADE COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT We are presently requesting funds from Community Development, City of Miami,to be able to continue offering services to the residents of Little Havana. Catholic Service Bureau -Little Havana Outreach Office is located on the third floor of the Community Center, and due to the quality and multiplicity of serv- ices we provide, as well as to the accessibility of our Office to our clients, the number of families we serve increase constantly. Because we are in the sixth year of Commuunity Development, funding to our Pro- gram by Dade County is being reduced by 50%. If we do not receive $28,460 from the City of Miami, we might be forced to close our Program, depriving the re- sidents of the area of the services they are requesting. Since the establishment of the Catholic Service Bureau Outreach Office in Lit- tle Havana, it has received very high ratings in all evaluations. The office of C.D. City of Miami is aware of the quality and quantity of the professional serv- ices we offer, but they have mentioned to us that as a general policy, they will not recommend funding for any new social service program. Therefore, I would like to request that our petition for $28,460 be considered among the high priorities of the City of Miami, in the allocation of Community Development Funds for new Projects. We want to thank you for Sinc r ly yours • e". ',' � .e. %-""; co Mercedes Campano SW Director the consideration you may give to our request. c: Armando Lacasa Rev. Theodore R. Gibson J.L. Plummmer Jr. Joseph Carollo Joseph R. Grassie Members United Way of Dade County AN AGENCY OF CATHOLIC CHARITIES OF' THE ARCHDIOCESE OF MIAMI 8 0 - i 0 2 Vice Mayor Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner City Manager y .crnnno �� rare. National Conference of Catholic Charities or\ CT-101,10 6ZRVICE BURZAU INC. LITTLE OUTRFACH OFFICE WORK M0GRAM- NARRATIV4' . a, is a mul i service INTRODUCTION _ ., ,,_ ilavan- in_ 0 nature ° gesaerrevice Blireau' illtLleor.anan needs of any k d r unity Catholic ,..inr• hu, ,_ mee,.. 6 ..., ty nt d '°w atIona Develop .. are 'b . , • me a Outreach C)ffIc and serving Agency ,rh racena ,_ram ns o_every,„ Little the t. • f 'al ' nava L'u d floor of persons of t.ne_ nir P located et I. e heart 68,000 people. We are i"The area , . 8_, . Street' cur Ofice IS .ta a pepulati°11 of ter at 970 s.w. ,r-*Ir ut ere the highest con Area, WI ity Center Target Commun • Little Havana 1411 . 1976 by of ...i...- of done in the area the new building is located1.-"A as stated in the F3. mthe office where the social. needs are . the planning C°nsultInarge_ are: is study r of Wallace ,entration of s cl Departmenfotulalnudin this a problems c. i Planning ooial City of Miata- The main s -age _ Todd. city _-_e., Ncliar'gy Roberts end .unemploYinerit-Above averageav low city ....LIonwcriene°111e:Bnetage noy tc. pre- vent delinque tier,,e , -at percentage of elderly to ameliorate or ..,,r __ A ,,., A as was recommended such as ours h investment inobvious that a our operations inves It is we began Social Programs Program Therefore, c• in theand from the,••-egr area' time am is problems•t di.iv Our 1-1. the P ininutli Y accepted by the cogrown slea-- ". hidiooese le has been. .._ time, our _ well r clientelerams of 1977, until tnIs r., differen' _ of the ienlcss,e,laymil,ihnkavedinwsitthheoveedrvanfotragYe of the availabiliXY o all of I'Ll social Programs their services the Arc for our clients, Social services offered are information and referral,brief intensive caseriork, crisis intervention,ind iviaual , marital or family coun our clients toother aeling and casework services to the il'emigrenta and to the elderly. Due to the services we are able ue to grow and for lack of adequat:21):::(3::::: ::ma::s::::gc:::e111:::dt:a:::::1). , s ther Agencies out to provide, the number of our clients contin- . social needs o' , However, Of commu the delivery of social el 6 n that will jeoPardice ou.r' P ti°na' County Office 4 Lit 'tie- :a:7--:::e ' j-crease'des::::11!eellcr7:e:ei5113;11dcill'alira.t::E117:1:::;D:tel'avall::_:4:11?.:_ssl_Z. - ot newd and 0-era has ,“ Dade Due to the in.fluA _idellt6 with 1°14 also i will Provide' in itS sIxth year of °Peratic)n up to 5°7° in matching' fu n d selici3,1nrt Little vices in areas such as 1 Havana. .,_.- from the C°malunitY De:e!:::::ss reason that we are requesting the present le:::a:x1J:tn°11t this It s for this f $28,46° to m " Little Havana social m sii, the amount o of cases outside the e,depr. ,r1.- of needed sc)c service and av°iding the reier ::1)::1:cillet:i::::eH:::n:fneighh°rh:::: ty of ia ral assistance we will be c OBJECTIVES suppressed, e . Our manrive ' to mai ' level of bjec--- Is .t. will have a - viatIng on the people s to the social . e ervLces level is reduced or s uppr t effect:ent dire c the area. with assisting the maximizing the. use In continulng * h our Program,the area impro- CommunitY Center arewe a,f Miamioinn:frfrthe andL1::1Havana re max eservl end we omic c ving the existing physical, social and econ oodIti Our services are directed towards 1- The unemployed in t.1-aeir search l'or joo. 2- The poor, t.he needly in obtaini.ng adequate assistance for their material needs. 3- The children, a • .-dult a.ndivi.dual. or entire famIlle jr, dolescent., coping with stress or wi,to the3.r emotional problems. 4- The elderly 1.1.1 funcriori:,..,a8 ad.equ,.Eately in their own home or to assist thern, I.00king for -.LI-is,..:ltutionalization if necessary. The services rendered by our Agency is geared not only to ameliorate the existi-. ing social problems, but to try to.Prevent some cf them, such as institutIona ization of the elderly, broken fam3.1.ies, etc. We maintain an excellent relationship with other Agencies in the C°rnm---unitY and very especially w ith the agencies located at the conunuLty Center. We are enclosing letters of the DIe 'r tor of the Center, who refersitcases to us, daily, as well as si ,eia. Linda Kelly, our Dade County„CommunyDevelopment Project Manager. 340 W. FLAGLER STREET ROOM 1503 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33130 TEL: 579-5416. Mrs. Dena Spillman, Director Department of Citizen ;Services. P.O. Box 33708 • Miami, Florida 33133 Dear Mrs. Spillman: IN 6 �* DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES., OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION ` October 4, 1979 Refer to: 5.-821r It has been brought to my attention that Catholic Service Bureau has requested Community Development funding from the City of Miami for the Little Havana OutreachOff.ice (LHOO). As project manager for LHOO I can without hesitation recommend funding . for this .project because it has repeatedly demonstrated that its. is aviable, much needed program in the Latin community. For the past two years, the project not only complied with its contractual obligations but also, quite impressively surpassed its numerical ;goals for service delivery. It is my opinion, that the successfulness of LIMO can be attributed to the staff's proficiency and its dedication to the. amelioration of some of the social and emotional problems of its clientele as well: as the support received from its sponsoring agency, Catholic Service Bureau. If I can be of further assistance, please i nda G. 'Kell Project Noni"to►' LK/pj 9 J:1kwo-°a.,il;ndt;J2i++�`.,:k:wi4eFns'�o•attiL1`.a�bn September Citu r: �L.til it r lariat a I would like to commend, the fine wor'k being edone byethetCatholic ttle Service Bureau Little Havana Outreach Havana Community Center. As director of thts Center,1 have edhad.e occasion to, work'. closely with the ,above ,ag staff to be highly 'cooperative and 'professi'onal." I nave referred numerous clients. to them focor acvarielyngnsieeof ryices' (information and referral, concrete s and witg-;great deli-' ) each time the clients:have been served promptly hard w ithngreat,.c di7 cation and effectiveness. The `staff is truly centered,: tered "always willing to go beyond the callcoof duty in order't"o.. serve all who come to them .requesting assistan f Doe to the accessibility of their services to thidents:o this community,, ,as well as,the quality of service,s rendered fessionalstaff,. I have found that the OutreachfOfficesoCof theviatholic Service Bureau, is -filling ` the tremendous to the many residents in the Little Havana area. ere - Agencies with these qualifications and merits are trulyprraarie, Th .Thand fore, I feel ;it is extrem�:ly i;;iportp to satisfaction for the services being provided by<Catholic Service Bureau Outreach Office and I do hope they w will be. able: t.continue,;proviaing, the necessary services for this community. Thank you for Sincerely yours,. LLLL o, . C Aleli L.'Puig. Director; Little Havana Community Center to this matter. •.CATHOLIC SER'CE BUREAU - ' LITTLE HAVANA OUTREACH OFFICE 900 S. W. 1st Street - Miami, Florida (305) 324-1104 SU/41%11A.RY OF CONTACTS FROM JUL' 1st, 1978 TO JUNE 30,1979 1. 11. NUMBER OF INQUIRIES. ......... SERVICES OFFERED: 1-- Information and Referrals...........630 A sr AL SERVICE PROJECT FUNDED BY DADE COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - Crisis Intervention......-••••••••••182 3- Emergency Financial Assistance.... • 65 (Long a ni) 326 - Case and short ter III. CONTACTS WITH. OR ABOUT .CLIENTS 1- Office In.ttehrvcileiwesn ..... 72515 ts .... • ... - • a) with ..... ) with collatera Horne2- Visits ... lients.... .. b) to collaterals... 160 • •• 3- Telephone Contacts a) with cllen • • • b) with collateral.s„........ 1,398 OF . • • • • • • ••• • • TOTAL NUMBER Member: United Way of Dade County •-•,,,,..- 1,(Ifft! -...... National Conference of Catholic Charities AC:.FNICY OF CATI-4(D11C CH APITIFS (-)F TIF oct-4rNic)rrSI: rr ki‘Ifik‘l .okklo-smto'oo&CaW•f'ii,gZIa41.4.1141.-1=, 71.32OSED BUDGiOT. 1960-1981 I.SalarySociaiworkerl•-• • . Ca • • • •••• • •_.• • •-• • •.• 980 • 00 • . ••• _ Fringe -.Benefits.••• f'• • .•.. • •..• • • ..••..f,e ••• •,•• • •'• •• •• • .• • • • • 6 • • • • 11.• 555;90.; ',J.' • . •4••••4 • •. •4' • ."..611.77--' •:••••• • _ . • • • .• Workmen Comp • _-4.••.• • • •• • • • • • II, 0: • • • • 74. 85 Unemployment. . . 150.00 • •••••••••••• • liealth & 11 Office Specialist 11 8,423..00 Fringe Benefits••••••••••.•••• 516'21 woriurten ComP••• • • • •• ••• • • 63.16 I.Inecnployalent Health & Welfare 419.52 III. Auto Expenses Reitnburselilent:(5,000 aiiles at 17 per 850.00 ....... 150.00 IV. Postage..... II • • • • • • • V V. • • • • • • • • • • • • 1,964'35 • • • 775.00 1 z VII. Publication & PeriodCa1S...•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 125.00 • VIII. Meml3ership $ Professional Assoc... • • • .•••••••••••••••........ 150.00 DZ. Professional. Services ........ 2,620.58 Psych12 & Psychological Consult...at..$50100..each 600.00 Management • . . • • •.... 460 $28, .00 4-4 1—• r WITT rU11141111 11.W. • IT. w 110( 0 0 0 CWArfiyroirej 4. kienewittravistjagariaor. ea. isR.1443,.%... row al, 0 11.11Msomalotam.1 sonitionsiimrsami warm irmairmarite ww. 17 117 LITTLE HAVANA CRICSOC:3 NEIGHBORHOOD PROBLEMS Low income Retired Head of Household above City Average Income Index Below City Average Jobless Head of Household above City Average overcrowding OVerpaylnerit Crimes against persons above City Average Crimes against property above City Average Low Income Large Household above City Average 9 Home ownership below City Average 01 Auto ownership below City Average n Drug admissions above City Average LITTLE HAVANA COMMUNITY CEN' CATHOLIC SERVICE BUREAU OUTREACH OFFICE w. 1 WT. 11111 Tod -..• ..• , • - , •,' , ; ' • • , - '_,• ' • , LE GE ND '...:1•42orisac t C. 7raotini Little Havana Hayana ost critical Tract Little Havana • C. Tract in Little Havana •,., - . 11111111M 6th Year Recommended Project Allocations. City of Miami (Revised 2/12/80) Allapattah Great Neighborhood Housing Rehabilitation Transportation for Elderly. Elderly Services Economic Development Local Street Design Sub total Coconut Grove Street Improvements Housing Rehabilitation Graphic Employment Training, Mental & Primary Health Services. Legal Services Sub total Downtown New Town In Town Lummus Park Area. Beautification Lummus Park NSA Relocation Elderly Services Sub toa Edison -Little River Buena Vista Street Improvements Buena Vista Housing Rehabilitation Economic Development Sub total $ 403,500 33�075 17,000 50 ,-000 50,000 553575 150,000 268,500 50,000 143,325 31,500 643,325 190,000 250,000 125,000 17,640' 582,640 600,000 500,000 50,000 ,150, 000 1 80-102,. 6th Year Recommended Project Allocations City of Miami (Revised 2/12/80). Little Havana Latin Riverfront Park Little Havana Lummus Park NSA Relocation Child Care Residential Homemakers Transportation Program Community Center. Day Care Industrial Home for the Services of theBlind Elderly Services Economic Development 320,000 375,000 58,300 93,712 37,000 63,000 40,000 23,000 50,000. ub total $ 1,060;012 Model City Local Street Design King Heights Redevelopment King Heights Great Neighborhood Rehabilitation Model City Economic Development, Agency Recreation Program Tenant Education Program Sub total Overtown Local Street Improvements Job Training & Development 0vertown Housing Revitalization Interim Assistance Program Economic Development Cultural Arts Program Sub total 50,000 250,000 400,000 50,000 55,125 22,050 827,175 35000 175`000 175000 200000:' 111,352 2,050 718`.402 2 4 6th Year Recommended Project Allocations City of Miami (Revised 2/12/80) Wyrkwood Great Neighborhood St. Improvements 100,000 Great Neighborhood Land Acquisition 100,000 Great Neighborhood Housing Rehabilitation 244 396 Senior Citizen Recreation Sc Transportation Program 84,984 Economic Development 50,000 Sub total $ 579,380 Citywide Tree Planting ,000 Garrnent Center Expansion 1,000,000 Miami_ River Specialty Center 550,000 - Removal of Architectural Barriers 63,000 Dinner Key Island Park 400,000 Historic Preservation 0 Building Demolition 200,000 Citywide Local Development Corporation 200,000 Sub total $2,463,000 Other Projects Planning & Management 798,1300 Administration 1,032,546 Contingencies 967 , 945 Sub total •$2,798,491 $11,376,000 3 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM ta:?, TO. FROM Joseph :R.Grassie City Manager Dena Spillman Director Community Development DATE, February 12 , 1980 FILE; SUBJECT: Overtown Recommendations for 6th Year Community Development REFERENCES City Commission Meeting February 12, 1980 ENCLOSURES, The Overtown Advisory Board met on Thursday February 7, and discussed the staff recommendations for the Sixth Year Community Development Block Grant application. Because of the lateness of the hour and the necessity to come to decisions prior to the City Commission meeting, the Board authorized a subcommittee to meet and formulate recommenda- tions for the Commission meeting. Following is a summary of the committee recommendation expected to be presented by the Overtown Advisory Board to the City Commission. 1. The Committee feels it does not have sufficient information regarding the economic development strategy andthe staff recommended special loan fund to comment upon the feasibility of the recommenda- tion. Therefore, they recommended that the $111,352 be identified for economic development but not split into the $50,000 for a community - based organization (CBO) and the $61,352 for the loan fund. Further information is desired before a CB0 or loan fund is established. STAFF COMMENT - Identification of the $111,352 for economic development in the application would be sufficient at this time. Staff will work with the Board to provide the necessary information so further recommendation can be made before the funds become avail- able in June. 2. It is recommended that the $175,000 now identified for Sixth Year Land Acquisition be used instead for a job training and develop- ment.prograin for Overtown in the Sixth Year. STAFF COMMENT - Staff accepts this recommendation and will work with the community to develop the jobs training and development program. At this time it is the opinion of staff that stipends for trainees are not an eligible CD expenditure. However, this question will be pursued with the HUD Area Office for final resolution. Also, staff will seek other funding sources to obtain funds for this program. If CETA funds become available, these funds would be reprogrammed into land acquisition. Joseph R. Grassie 2/12/80 Page 2 3. Future program income from the sale of CD acquired Overtown landis recommended to be returned to the Overtown community for addi- tional jobs training and development. STAFF COMMENT - A final recommendation on the eligible uses of program income would be premature at this time. However, when land is acquired and appraised for reuse, the disposition of Program income would be a timely topic. Rather than make a decision now, staff would like the opportunity to discuss with the community the full range of eligible uses for program.' income and set up 'a mechanism for the use of those funds.