HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-80-0074• r +' '1. Ms . Angela Bellamy '"-1 Assistant to the City Manager Commissione f:i! l�nuary 29; 1980 Motion 79-477 Please have the agenda clerk" schedule the for the next. City :Commis sion meeting. Inclusion •iN �o-�y r MEETING • `rt://' F MLA WE 1 I; DATE: ALLY 11, 1979 • REVarda CITY MALL•OINNER KEY A MOTION AUTHORIZZNG AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO COOPERATE IN T I DISTRIBUTION OF PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS TO ENCOURAGE PARTI- c ::o: E:' !'ITY F'D LOYEES IN THE U. S. SAVINGS BOND PROGRAM. M 79-476 Gi/Go A tfTION AUTHimTZIhc AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO REQUEST FM 79•477 AN ACTUARIAL STUDY 3F THE IMPACT OF A S% (ONE HALF OF 0t.: PERCEN) Pl/G1 IN:RLASE FOR ELC}i FULL YEAR SINCE RETIREMENT FOR ALL RETIRED ' EMPLOYEES WITH PERCENTAGE LIMITED TO TMZ FIRST $200. $300 or $400 07 FR1:SE2.T MONTHLY BENEFITS ANT) TO REPORT BIS FINDINGS TO THE CI COMMISSION. A M' :a0:1 AUTHO:.IZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO GIVE TEE M 79.490 ?I! DOLPHi t3 Titi: OPPORTUNITY TO 37L- BEER IN THE ORANGE BOWL Ft/La S I:12; UN.TI1.:}iE EXPIRATION OF TH'IIR PRESENT LEASE (JULY 1, 1960 NOES: Pl. Go. CO;i".,IiIOI:ED UPON NO EXPENSE WHATSOEVER BEING INCURRED SY TWM CITY OF ?:LANDS IN CO.:N:i:TIoN WITH SAID BEER SALE: FURTHER CONDITIONED UPON THE PAY.'CI'T OF 32% ON BEER SALES TO THE CITY OF MIAMI IF BEER IS SOLD IN: THE ORANGE BOWL STADIUM TEIS TEAR. A MOTION INSTRI1CTING THZ CITY MANAGER TO T)* DIATELY DRAFT GUIDE- M 79.491 LTNES AND LEGAL LANGUAGE TO PUT OUT FOR PUBLIC BID THE CONCESSION Fe/La AT THE ORANcr BOWL STADIUM FOR THE PERIOD BEGINNING JULY 1980 NOES: Go. Pl. TERCUGE JULY. 1986 AND TO C0"J; BACK TO THE CITY COMMISSION FOR FINAL APPROVAL OF THE EXACT WORDING OF SUCH BIDS; FURTKER'IN- •[STRUCTING THE CITYAHANAGER TO AFFECT THE ADVERTISING OF THESE BIDS AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE (EARLY 1960) SO THAT INSTALLATION OF ANY NEEDED EQUIP)OrNT MAY BE 'ACCOMPLISHED; FURTHER PROVIDING THAT T}iXX EXPENSE OF SUCH INSTALLATION SHALL BE BORNE ENTIRELY BY THE GGt.a.:.SIONAIRE; PROVIDING THAT MINIMUM BIDS FOR FOOD, BEVERAGE A.•I) SUER BE A MINIMUM OF 35I; FURTHER PROVIDING FOR POSTING OF A ;100.000 BID BOND AND FURT} R PROVIDING THAT ACCORDING TO A CON- T°•.CT SICt:ED IN 1977 BETWEEN TEE MAY/ DOLPEINS AND THE CITY OF Y'.AMI. PARAGRAPH 12. THAT THE CITY SHALL GIVE MR. ROBBIE 30 DAYS AGC.PT OE REJECT THE RICHEST BID TENDERED; FURTHER PROVIDING THAT IF MP.. ROBBIE ELECTS TO ACCEPT TEE HIGH SID TWAT THE ESCAPE CLAUS PRESENTLY CONTAINED IN EIS CONTRACT BE BANGED FROM 3 YEARS TO 4 YEARS; FURTHER PROVIDING THAT IF 10t. ROBBIE PZ3!CTS SUCH BID PROPOSAL WITHIN THE 30 DAY PERIOD PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH 12. THE CITY OF MZAMI SHALL TEEN AWARD THE CONCESSION TO THE HIGHEST BI.DDEP.. A MOTION TO ACCEPT THE PROPOSED RESOLUTION (PACKET I{T'i:i B) COR- CERNING THE ORANGE BOWL SCOREBOARD AND INSTRUCTING THE CITY MANAGER TO AMEND THE PROPOSED AGREEMENT. GIVING PRIORITY TO ZEE CONCESSIONAIRE To TEE ADVERTISING ON >IZ ORANGE BOWL. SCOREBOARD GRANTING A PRIMARY RIGHT FOR USE OF TIE SCOREBOARD TO INSURE THAT CO!"?ET:'_VE PRODUCTS NOT SOLD BY THE ORANGE BOWL CONCEscil taror WILL 1ct i1 Innre•••.w - - • M 79-492 Fe/Go NOES: P1 ♦ • • • to $2601011Q. Mr. iiilcost Mat I was speaking of Mr, lialyor lawhere. is the $400 and $500, you lu:ow, what they would coat, but Basel, would you something to say on this? Mayor Ferre: Well, it's almost 1030 A.M., and yes, mien). Mrs. Brown: I'm Hazel Brown, Secretary -Treasurer of the Rettreed Employees Association, and I would re$0.17 voll1.4 like, whether l'OE $300 or $60D to get the 'motion passed. Mrs. Gordon: Ok, then, if you're ready frve Lhat, 11.e vmtioes still on the teble, but if wP nave reconsider vith..nber figures thea we have to have the otLer figures to know akhetc vete. going.: Mayor Ferre; Tony, T think.Rose is'right, and Mts. Brown, t think.my advice to you is set this'thing passed and tben you keep our peenLSILL you come back. again and well, lees see if me can escalate this as we.-10. move slang. We got • difficult budget coming along , I think you've get the good will of the majority of all of this Commission, and I think. you're going to be. able to get up to $600 hut letts do it one step at a time, and have a little faith. that well do right by yout Mr. Wilcox: Yes, but 7. still can get my point over. Where is the $400' ond $500, might have accepted $400, you know what I mean? Why they didu't give. the figures on the $400 and opol They only gave it on $300 and then jumped to sem. Mayor Terre: Well, let's request those and let'a schedule it again for discussion in July and in September if we have tot but iv the meantime, let's get this behind us so that we've established the. principal of it, Mrs. Gordon: c*Mayor Ferre: ought to ask And .$00 and make another Well, vhat do we do witb« ;i4rdinance then hauxice? Well, 1 think.ua ought to pass it vith.$30.0 and tLen we the Administration to come benkuith.figures from the $400 we'll discuss it again and at 1:hat point you might want tg motion. d( Mrs. Gordan: Alright, then let it go, ok. Mayor Terre: Alright. So )Ira. Gordon moves and Father Gibson aeconds item D as presented to us in a memorandum dated June 4th.as preViOusly stated. Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Gordon, who moved its adoption: NOTION NO. 78420 t A MOTION OF INTENT TO ACCEPT DRAFT OF ROPOSED ORDINANCE TO GRANT COST OF LIVING ADJUSTMENT FOR RETIREES USED UPON A 0.52 INCREASE FOR EACH mi. TEAR SINCE RETIREMENT WITH. PERCENTAGE LIMITED TO THE FIRST $300.00 OF MONTHLY BENEFIT AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO PLACE THIS ORDINANCE ON THE NEXT AGENDA FOR FORMAL ADOPLLON., Upon being seconded by Commissioner C(ev.) Gibson, Zhe.motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Bose Cordon Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Hanoi° Rebowo Commissioner (Bev.) Theodore R. Gibson Mayor Maurice A. Ferre is Mr. Wilcox: Mr. Mayor, we would like to discuss the problem we have with insurance, I think tech one of you have the letter of what the City cut out the $3.88 they were giving the Retiree!:and we would like to Kaye that taken up at this meeting or the next meeting, Rev. Gibson: Mr. Mayor, I would like to speak to this, I aav some memorandum of a kind. I would hope that since we were already,,, we had already appropriated the $3.88, is that right/ (BACKGROUND COMMENT OPP THE PUBLIC RECORD) Rev. Gibson: Some such figure, I don't remember, that we continue but that the Manager and the Legal Department work out a legal reasonable way that they get the $3.88, you had already budgeted it and just work it out, And don't let us all give out it today and nor take it away from these, God knows you will make my summer bad if you do. Hr. Wilcox: Alright, thank you, Father Gibson. Mrs. Gordon: I'll second it.' Rev. Gibson: That's a motion that the Administration work'methodolo Ok. What was that a motion, Father? giving them: the $3.88... Mrs. Gordon: From the money that •.budgeted. Rev. Gib son: ..:.than was .already budgeted and bow they vork that out we will leave it toyou. Mayor Ferre: Alright, there is a.motion and a second, call the roll. 1ne fa lo:ius mot on was introduced by Commissioner Gibson, who moved its adoption. MOTION NO. 78-451 A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO DEVELOP A METHODOLOGY TO RETURN PAYMENT OF $3.88 f PER MONTH IN INSURANCE PREMIUMS TO RETIRED EMPLOYEES l WHICH WERE FORMERLY PAID BY THE CITY. Upon being seconded by Comm.'.ssioner Gordon, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Rose Gordon Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner (Rev.) Theodore R. Gibson Vice -Mayor Manolo Reboso Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. Mayor Ferre: Ea...11 it was good to see you. Hazel Brown: We would like to offer a word of thanks to all of you for going along with us and I would like to extend an invitation for you to come out and attend our meeting on September 10, Mayor Perte: Alright, Thank you, very such. Hazel Brown: Thank you, all. Rev. Gibson One thing I like about you all, you never. as small as it is some times. Mrs. Gordon: Yes, gentle people. okget_to say thanks, JUL 131978 CITY OF MIAM1. FLORIDA INTER•OFFICE MEMORANDUM City Commission l.�:cxa.0..'t���« FROM= Elena Rodrigue'Z, secretary The` Miami City imp'. Retirement System & Plan September 12, 1979 F'LE' SUSJECT:' Cost' .of Living Increase ,. To Retirees Attached, please find a copy of the motion made by the City Commission, at their meeting of July 11, 1979. Also find copies of the study by E. H. Friend Co. forhe ala5� (onen, and Ahalfnofr & Alexander for the System, of the one percent) increase for eachfull iyear since to retirem e firste t for all retired , employees with percentage benefits. 0, $300,'or`$400 of present monthly At the;System's meeting of August 30, 1979, and in light oby f the present Budget constrain�o thegCityeCommissionmotion notwas toagrant the Gary Houck to recommend "cost of living" increase. This motion was seconded by Carlos Garcia and passed by a 7 to 1 vote. "Yes" votes: J. Bertzel, C. Garcia, V. Grimm, G. Houck, E. Jaremko, B. Jennings, J.. Reese. Dissenting: D. March. The Plan, at their meeting of August 31, 1979, had James Gunderson make a motion to recommend othe et City ees. ComHimission to des ytheed by "cost :of living tor increase to 2 vote. "Yes" votes. C. Arauz, H.E. C Gary, and passed by a 5 J. Gunderson. Dissenting: A. Harris, C.E. Cox, L. De Jesus, H. Gary, P. Joffre. MEETING DATE: JULY 11, 1979 REFER CITY HALL-01NNER KEY A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO COOPERATE IN'THL DISTRIBUTION OF PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS TO ENCOURAGE PARTI- CIPATION BY CITY FK LOYEES IN THE U. S. SAVINGS BOND PROGRAM. . A MOTION AUTHO'7Zi1,3 AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO REQUEST AN ACTUARIAL S'II;LY JF THE IMPACT OF A .5% (ONE HALF OF ONE PERCEN INCREASE FOR Ea.C:i PULL YEAR SINCE RETIREMENvT FOR ALL RETIRED EX7LOYEES WITH PERCENTAGE LIMITED TO THE FIRST $200, $300 or $400 0: PRESENT MONTHLY BENEFITS AND TO REPORT HIS FINDINGS TO THE CIT COXXISSION. M 79-476 Gi/Go M 79-477 ) P1/Gi A Y.:.: i0:. Ati:8O:.I2ING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO GIVE THE M 79-490 DOLPE •+; TriE OPPORTUNITY TO 5=1.• BEER IN THE ORANGE BOWL Fe/Le ST,'LI;r; UNTIL SMt EXPIRATION OF THEIR 'PRESENT LEASE (JULY 1, 1980NOES: Pi, Go. COND: iIO:TED.U?GN NO EXPENSE WHATSOEVER BEING INCURRED BY THE CITY OF E T...A I IN CO::N_ OTION WITH SAID BEER SALE: FURTHER CONDITIONED UPON THE PAY:Z:? OF 32% ON BEER SALES TO THE CITY OF MIA' I IF BEER IS SOLD IN:'THE ORANGE BOWL STADIUM THIS YEAR. A MOTION INSTRPCTING THE CITY MANAGER TO IMYE DLATELY DRAFT GUIDE- LINES AND LEGAL LANGUAGE TO PUT OUT FOR PUBLIC BID THE CONCESSION AT THY. ORANGE FOWL STADIUM FOR THE PERIOD BEGINNING JULY 1980 THP.O:;GY. JUIN. 1986 AND TO CO?S BACK TO THE CITY COMMISSION FOR FINAL APPROVAL OF THE EXACT WORDING OF SUCH BIDS; FURTHER IN- STRUCTING THE CITY.MANAGER TO AFFECT THE ADVERTISING OF THESE BIDS AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE (EARLY 1980) SO THAT INSTALLATION OF ANY NEEDED EQUIPATNT MAY BE' ACCOMPLISHED; FURTHER PROVIDING THAT THE EXPENSE OF SUCH INSTALLATION SHALL BE BORNE ENTIRELY BY TEZ CONCtL'SIONAIRE; PROVIDING THAT MINIMUM BIDS FOR FOOD, BEVERAGE AN) ELER BE A MINIMUM OF 35%; FURTHER PROVIDING FOR POSTING OF A �5100,000 BID BOND AND FURTHER PROVIDING THAT ACCORDING TO A CON- TRACT SIGNED IN 1977 BETWEEN: THE MIAMI DOLPHINS AND THE CITY OF .MYAMI, PARAGRAPH 12, THAT THE CITY SHALL GIVE MR. ROBBIE 30 DAYS ' ACCEPT OR REJECT THE HIGHEST BID TENDERED; FURTHER PROVIDING THAT IF MR. ROBBIE ELECTS TO ACCEPT THE HIGH BID THAT THE ESCAPE CLAUSI PRESENTLY CONTAINED IN HIS CONTRACT BE• CHANGED FROM 3 YEARS TO 4 YEARS; FURTHER PROVIDING THAT IF MR. ROBBIE REJECTS SUCH BID PROPOSAL WITHIN THE 30 DAY PERIOD PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH 12, THE CITY OF MIAMI SHALL THEN AWARD THE CONCESSION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDEF.. A MOTION TO ACCEPT THE PROPOSED RESOLUTION (PACKET ITEM B) CON- CERNING THE ORANGE BOWL SCOREBOARD AND INSTRUCTING THE CITY MANAGER TO AMEND THE PROPOSED AGREEMENT, GIVING PRIORITY TO THE CONCESSIONAIRE FOR THE ADVERTISING ON THE ORANGE BOWL SCOREBOARD CRANTINC. A PRIMARY RIGHT FOR USE OF THE SCOREBOARD TO INSURE THAT C0M2E:: _V'E PRODUCTS NOT SOLD BY THE ORANGE BOWL CONCESSIONA P.Z WILL N BE ADVERTISED.ON TEE SCOREBOARD; FURTHER DIRECTING TEAT M 79-491 Fe/La NOES: Go, P1. 0 M 79-492 Fe/Go NOES: P1 CONSULTING •CTU•pILS `• EUoI. )TCL ec, cr1T PL•N CON5ULT•t+r7 ' CA - CONSULTANTS --NTS EDw•a: w. r•ItND, r.S •.,,r-C •.. PPC5.0(N'_ t.•t• C...S ..I. C.. •C•Dt.• DI .Ciuf•!S JO•••• 5 •cP•LC•. SWOP .vI CC •PPLS•DCNT:--' JOIN• M•CDOUG•11,r5•.r.C•.Sr.N,O0v,CL-PPLS'C Y t.•t• er t.1 t.t•, two •C.Dtr• O. .C!.•• I gileCaT •iPC. 3•D. ♦ S A..r.C•. VICE .Pets •t.•t.:r ..f ..1•:...C.:tr• C. .. GUST•VL • •a•USC, r c ♦;a. • c. A. v,C[•poLS LL!: lef• be ..l ••1 •.C•• .C.Ctr. or C't: PLTCa C VCPNC. •SS" V..E-PPc 5.CC1.-..,. •1..1• :••.1 .r[•.C•• •C.:t••• Cr IC•• t! D•V:c r et..C•VCNG•. • S- •,•55'T VICC -Pr+LS ..•NC C P•CLLL:. • 5 •;•55'.1 VICt-00C5 __•.' ec0,5 r 5 ;A.. • `.vlcc.mt5•O[N' r1 Ytt. C • ../ .rP C•..:.Ct.. O..C•,. • t..J Ms. Elena Rodriguez Sec'retary Miami City General Employees' Retirement .=Plan Post Office Box 330708 Coconut Grove Station Miami, Florida :, 33133 Dear TION•LCLUB SUILDING SUl1LSOD MOO It`STACC?. N-w w*C6.1IN0T ON C. C.20006 402• 713S•e0e:.. CONE VT• '£ rioec•T J; MTL•s. r.5 •..rc;• s. r c • •i.st. D.' ..t .rt••Cb .: .:I.• ...:•...• ! PAUL S LiSCOAL rC.a 5 YI-.,,t. 0r ..0 ..1.. . •:1..'C. •:•.•• It Miami City General 'Employees ':Re- tirement 'Plan;,Actuarial Study on, Proposed Ad Hoc Cost -of -Living In- creases for All Retirees (6000) Pursuant to your request dated August 8, 1979, this actuarial study evaluates proposed; ad hoc coat -of -living increases for all retirees of theMiaxni City General Employees' Retirement. Plan. The proposed adhoc increasesare equal to 1/2% for each full year since retirement forall retirees, withpercentage increases limited_ to the -. first,. $200, $300, or $400 of present monthly benefits. Theattached table presents the results of the study. The increase in: the unfunded past service liability as a result of each proposed ad hoc increase is displayed in item D. The recommended additional annual City contribution.. is displayed in item F. expressed both as a dollar amount and as a percentage of payroll. It is an indisputable fact that inflation erodes the benefits of re- tirees on a fixed income Any arguments based upon the needs of re- tirees for protection against such erosion are convincing. EDwamD H. FRIEND 6 COMPANY Ms. Eiena'_Rodriguez= August 16 1979 . Page' Two However, it is alsoan indisputable fact that the current financial status of the plan is in serious condition. In order to meet its,cur rent-level;of'`benefit payments, the Plan has had to liquidate assets in addition to, using everydollar of City and member contributions made to the Plan. Any additional benefit payments, such as the proposed ad hoc cost -of -living -increases, would likely necessitate the liquida- tion of additional assets. This process could only go on for., so long before the Plan would be bank- rupt, placing even Le current level of-benefit:payments in jeopardy. Consequently,` for this reason and also since the funding of the Plan ispresently under discussion (and, likely,, a' resolution will be em braced before the end 'of this fiscal' year), we strongly recommend: that the consi'deration� of the, , granting'of::any 'ad ,hoc 'cost -of -hiving increase be postponed to alater'date.` • MIAMI CITY GENERAL EMPLOYEESRETIREMENT_ PLAN. Evaluation of Proposed Ad Hoc Cost -of -Living Increase for All Retirees A. Retirees— B. C. Increase in Annual Benefits Result of the,. Ad Hoc Cost-o Living Increase D. Increase in Unfunded Past Service Liability as a Result of the Ad Hoc Cost -of -Living Increase Increase in Amortization Pay- ment as a Result of the Ad Hoc Cost-of-Living.I2rease: [.07.39000 x (D))- F. Recommended Additional Annual City Contribution as a Result:: of ; the Ad Hoc Cost -of -Living In- crease Expressed as a: Increase Equal to 1/2% for Each Full Year Since Retirement Con:Monthly Benefits Up to: $200:. $300 $400 1,255. 1,255 1,255 ,946,439 55,946,439 $5,946,439 73,700 $ 94,364 S 109,536 595,914 $ `765,426 $ 889,998 • Dollar Amount [greater of (C) or (E)) ` $ 7.3.,700 $ 94, 364 $ 109,536 • Percentage of, Payroll [F(a), f .:$29,169,114)'_ .; .253% .324% .376% 1/ "Retirees" includes pants. 2/ retired participants, beneficiaries, and disabled part.ci- The Ordinances call for the amortization over 35 years from October 1,1976. iability Alexander i Alexander Inc. Consulting Actuarial Derision Two Puecmont Center 3565 PteemOnt Road N E Atlanta Gedrgia 303 5 Telephone 404 261,34:: TWX 610451•S43 August 23, 1979 Ms. Elena Rodriquez, Secretary Miami City, Employees' RetirementSystem Retirement Office Post Office Box 33.07.0E Miami, Florida 33183 Dear Elena: A • lexander lexander BENEFIT''. INCREASE FOR RETIREES` The purpose, of this letter is to. provide=the: increase in annual Retire:-ent.` System' costs for a` one-time adjustment in benefits to currently'retired'e ployees, as outlined°ire the City.Commisson Motion:79-477. Our :understa,-iding ,of.: the adjustment- is that present:,retirement'benefits would be increased by`.5fton the first 5200,.s300,•or,5400 oftcurrent:,mo th benefits.'for each full, 'year. Since •.retirement as'of January 1,-1979 There` will be no` increases. for• partial years Followingare the costs`' and cost components A. Unfunded Supplementa Liabilit. E. Increase in (A) C. Amortization _ of (8) over 35 years from.' 10/1/76 D. Annual Benefits.`:. E. ;.Increase in (D) for each Chance:, :urrent $200`> $3CC $40^ $. $ $ 70,368,000. 70.967,000 71,248,000 71,511,0.00 +599,000 +860,000` +1,143,00 + 47,365 + 69-,589- +" 90,3e4 ,594,784 6,660,406 6,690,530 6,716,291 + 65,662 + 95,746 + 123,57 Consistent with our recommended funding approach for the 1978 increases, we recommend.'" that:. the additional contributions for this benefit liberalization be at least equal i.n magnitude to the amount ofinitial increase in annual benefit payments. These are the amounts shown in line E, the level annual payments of wh3.ch would amortize the increased liabilities over approximately a 16-year period. Page Two Ms. Elena Rodrigues, Secretary Miami City Employees' Retirement System August 23, 1979 Texan&& Iexano€ The actuarial basis used for calculationof -the additional liabilities and amortization of the additional costs is the same as that adopted, for the year beginning October 1, 1977 (i.e., 7% interest and 1951 Group Annuity Mortality Table). We feel that two points should be noted witb respect to the,proposed changes. The first is.that the form of the change does not reflect the',,, pattern of inflation since a participant's retirement.. For example, an;. individual who had been retired 10 years wouldhave received an increase of about 5% both last year and, this year, while one who hadbeen retired 5 years would have received only half that amount in each year Since some increases were granted last year, perhaps a better approach wou1 be to consider a flat percentage increase for all participants who had beer ret', ized .at least one year. The second point, to. be noted is that the additional deposits.; associate with ;the cost -of -living increases are,included in the: total;System costs for comparison to the 4 mills:` limit, in the analysis and proposal of the Finance Director. If you have questions, or. if we may help: further, please let us know. Sincerely, Randall L..Stanley, F.SA Assistant Vice President; RLS.:`3 m 11 I