HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1980-02-12 Discussion ItemMIAMI WATERFRONT BOARD MINUTES ::Fe-b-rtidy 6 MEMBERS PRESENT, Chairman Sawyer Vice Chairman Dixon Peter Anderson Stuart Sorg Laura O'Brien Read Ruggles Juvenal Pina, MEMBERS ABSENT Virgilio Perez Ann Ramus OTHERS PRESENT City: Cesar Odio, Asst..City : Manager James Gunderson, Finance .Director Bill Harrison, Lease Manager Al Rodriguez, Asst. Lease Manager R. L. Jerinings, Dir. Stadiurns ,ec Marinas Marjorie .Marinas Tom Post, Atty New World Marina Taylor,Richard Miami George Board, Visitor Patricia Anderson' • H - • „ . • ,••• .• The Meeting.... -Was-.:, called to order at „L:15 p.m. Minutes of the meeting of Jantiary;.'23,'„:1980„,„:,:--,were-,-amended.'„in,,,:thelast::sentehoe,,under Old Business "...that Watson Is1and may be closed by the Clty." The ChairM'ancalied-„,.t0:-theBOaii.d.1Si:-.4ttentiOntheletter-WIliChHWa6-- eenti:tO:Jthe:'SaYdr..':.-and':COMMisaiOhereCOnCerningtwO'MeMers-*b4-::haVe had eXCeatiVea.b.SenCeS:frOtthe-:80ard-',:,Meetingt,,,.The:,,BOard.',,,Wiehee--:-..:. a ruling.-bn:the-..etatef:theee'.--MeMhereandWhether''-':OrnOt::--,theYlhave a right.".to,,VOte- Mr. Sor:-,adviaed".the:Y:-BOAd'.,.that.,d::CoastGUardadViaOrynOtide.:hadThe Board will invite Mr. Kern, -,,,,, been published advising that the City is considering buliding a bridge from Coconut Grove Sailing Club over to the little island. Parks Director, to update the Board onthis Matter.: '.• There was -,sOnle-i'diactiSsion-.aotit-:: What.„--:-',ShOuld-',be:y;dOne about boat • • • . • , , „. _ • , ramps in the City. Mr. dthat ZenningsreMindedCfthe-2:Boar',COMMiSsiOneGibSon-Jeci4eatedY • „ • • ,• that:-.•theVaterfrOntBOardprOvideitsreCOmMendationtothe:.--CitY.-. ComMiSSiOn",:i..0f,;:.:.FOUarYl2',obnceringthe''.:COntraCtbetWeentheCity,* - " • and New • ''• , • • •., „ • Mr. Richard Taylor of the ,Miarili=:OuthOard -Club , was recognized and • he briefly pointed out some ofthe•items'in'their proposed contract whichthe club disapproves: City residency requirement; high rental fee; lease is too short; review of books ' too often; -cancellation: for anyrnunicipalpurpose; etc. He on February' 27 (along, with a'rePreSentative from the Miami Yacht Club) to present the club's Written objections for Board consideration. • • . ACTION TA EN AT THE MIAMI WATERFRONT BOARD MEETING OF FEB. 6, 1980 In addition to changes made at the January 23, 1980 Board Meeting.; regarding the contract, between the ,City.of Miami and New World Marina,changes: at this meeting were UNANIMOUS 1. Page three, paragraph 3F, add the ,foliowing' "Those slips occupied by New World Marina'shall 'be assessed the rates provided for in `Section 50-79 of the City Code and made.a-part'of'gross dockage ; receipts' as .defined: in paragraph 4 of this agreement." UNANIMOUS Passed 4 to 2 UNANIMOUS" UNANIMOUS Passed 5 to.1" UNANIMOUS -"1 . Page 3, ,'paragraph 311,` add the. following: "Marina users shall be charged for actual use of' these services. Installation charges shall be. borne pro-rata by users who benefit." ▪ Page 6, paragraph 9, add the following. ",In the application ,of" dockage rates, New World Marina agrees to continue the granting 'of City of Miami taxpayer discounts as provided for in Section 50-71 of the City Code." Page 10, paragraph3, change the first word in the last line from "lessee" to "user, tenant, and concessionaire"..` Page 12, paragraph .211 B4, insert in 7th line after word marinas "on`public ,lands in Dade County". ▪ Page 14 paragraph29, add "New World Marina agrees notto transfer, :assignor sell any corporate .stock :to.any principal or; stockholder ofany other corporation retaining a,management agreement with the City of Miami for marina facilities located on public lands in the City of Miami." 7. Page 16_,4paragraph 31 add. "Dockage revenues from this facility are to be considered as 'Gross dockage revenues' included in and made a partof paragraph. 4"of this agreement entitled !Consideration Schedule'" MOTIONS MADE WHICH WERE DEFEATED WERE: NO.2 NO 2 d NO 2nd No 6 to 2 NO 2nd NO 2nd No 4 to No 5 to . Page 3, paragraph 3;F,'after "five. percent" add "of the.. Class'B°slips as. defined in the City Code Section 50-79" • Page 3.paragraph 3G, add "Charges for these services shall be consistently competitive with existing"merchants in the City of Miami providing like services." 3.. Page 3, paragraph 31 add 'S1ips occupied by New , World -Marina for.: this purpose shall be included in those allocated in paragraph 3F.of this agreement". Page 3, paragraph 3M, add"Access only as for in Section 50-52 . of the City .code." provided' Page 3, paragraph 3• as'item; "0" 'add -"Only. services described in a',, e,j, . k,,m, and n "shallbe .permitted on Exhibit B(.Watson Island). of :the premises.' described herein".. • ▪ On. 'page 4, in paragraph 4,.change minimum annual, guarantee to $55',.000; change A ,from''-:$450..,0p0 .to" .$500,000.01; change B:frorn$450;000'to"$.500,"000.-01 sand$550,0.00.01.to:$685:,000;..change C from 550,000.01 to $685,000. 4,,...paragraph 4A change from $.025 per gallon to 10% of:; -profit on. fuel: Page 6, paragraph.9,in'first`sent ence after, World'!: add "_in" accordance - :withSection..,50 7:9 of the City Code to strike from"additionally", and.•insert "Additionally, New World Marina shall be:: permitted'. require:marina _tenants o pay for utility services as individually metered.foraand- consumed. -by said tenant. Installation.and maintenance of utility. metering facilities for": marina .tenants. shallbe the',, sole'. responsibility of New.World Marina." No 9. Page 6, paragraph 11, change:last sentance to 5 to 1 "New World. agrees. to maintain a, reserve; for: maintenance. fund. in. the, amount of,$15,000.in each:l2-month period to provide routine maintenance::tothe-managed premises. Monies not expended from this fund:during a 12-month period be:allocated tothe,City o£:Miami reserve for Marina :improvement fund .!' MOTIONS DEFEATED, CONTINUED NO 2nd . .1 . -.Page 8, paragraph 16, raise amount of bond to $55,000. No 11. Page 10, paragraph 23, add ...to first sentence !!theMinimum of 'which.' is currently contained In ChaPter 50 of the, City :COde.". . , NO 2nd 1 . Page 13, . paragraph 26, add "and New World shall not. •reserve than four. .spaCeSH' prinCipa1s.,