HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-80-0133r Coconut Grove,Chlldrenls Theatre :. Estimated Budget: Perform-A-Thon $80 Grant Request for'$1'0,000 REVENUE,. Ticket .SaIes $6,000 . Paid 'Advertising 1,000 ` In - kind Contributions,.- 500 Florida; Fine Arts Counci i 500 Gusman Waiver 500 TOTAL: $8,500. Grant requested herein..: 510,000 _. TOTAL: $18;500 .. EXPENDITURES Ha I I';renta 1 s . Gusman Ha It $.: 500-.00 17.4 E. Flagler. St... (.per-formance dates), U,n ion_ w a9 a s. , Professional fees „ 6,500 .:.. Theatre pro ps _ 500 Scripts,' costumes, sets, etc." I1600, Promotions: Statewide advertising; I,00.0._ newspapers, neighborhood weeki ies- -magazines, rad.io- 3 television spots, `-inter= views, posters & f I.yers w i th pr6motJon . Printings tickets, letters, fl.yers,ad '3,000 book, posters Postage 300 Royalties 500 IA.Vrl i.nes/ Miami prize 500. Mi:sc. . 10'0 TOTAL 18' 50Q: 00 ._ i' may. Aft F clutdren sTlteatr j o THE CREATIVE PERSOW 1S RECOGNIZED BY THE FACT THAT HE MARVELS , ,- AT A LOT OF THINGS USUALLY TAKEN FOR GRANTED BY OTHERS IN THE WORLD AROUND HIM. HE EASILY NOTICES THE UNUSUAL SIDE OF THINGS KNOWN TO H114 ANU HAS A- FEELING FOR F11401NG PROBLEMS. HE OFTEN .t.SEES THINGS TAKEN FDA GRANTED AS SOMETHING REMARKABLE. HE DISCOVERS. THE" UNEXPECTED.. CREATIVITY DEMANDS THE -TOTALITY OF A PERSON. A CREATIVE PER .:. •. ' ' SONAL1TY IS MARKPO BY A WEALTH OF RELATIONS WITH REALITY.' WHEN PLAYING. CHILDREN PRODUCE A SUM TOTAL OF RELATIONS. •' ► THE RELATIONS LINKING CHILDREN WITH WHAT THEY EXPERIENCE OK THE STAGE OR DURING A PERFORMANCE 1S ALL EMBRACING. I COMPLETE OPENNESS AND SENSITIVITY TOWARD AN ENVIROMENT ARE BASIC PREREQUISITES FOR CREATIVITY AND THESE TWO QUALITIES' ARE FOSTERED IN EXPERIENCES IN THEATRE.. , t.THEATRE, THE HUMAN ART FORM. 1S LIFE. IT EXISTS FOR THE MEANING OF IDEAL ACTION._ r ':y ' !N• CH 1 LDREN' S THEATRE,• WE TRY TO EMBRACE AND STIMULATE- 11 -' ' ` -- "HILt1'S AKAREM>z$r Of' LIfE. ATTEMPT• -TO' lCtE'ARLY--AND—'I'MPRES-' SIVELY'SHOW LIFE'S DIFFICULTIES, DISSAPPOINTMENTS. AND TEMPORARY SETBACKS: WE TRY TO PASS ON TO CHILDREN THE REALIZATION T14AT CONTRADICTIONS MAKE THE WORLD VIABLE. EVERY PERSON `IEEDS- TILE EXPERIENCE OF CONFLICT. GRADUALLY, WITH THEIR NEW FOUND, •_ ........am —AWARE NESSES . THEIR "MERRY" VIEW OF I HE —WORLD —ALTERS. ANQ CONSCIOUS CONFIDENCE AND COURAGE DEVELOP (TWO BASIC HUMAN NEEDS). ' THEATRE EXISTS FOR LEARNING. A LEARNING, WHICHIfS NOT OUT OF . REACH FOR OUR CHILDREN.. THEIR MINOS ARE OPEN AND CAPABLE OF COMPREHENSION BEYOND EXPECTATION.- THEATRE.FOR CHILDREN- ' . , MUST BE A LITTLE BIT MORE THAN A MEDIUM OF ESCAPISM AND'"FUN". IT MUST ADD WEIGHT TO THE MIND...IT MUST BE A REFLECTION OF VEkAC41T'I. ....IT MUST AWAKEN THE MIND AND FREE THE SPIRIT. A STATEMENT HAS BEEN MADE MANY TIMES THAT AMER ICA IS'CULTURALLY. DEFICIENT. THIS WILL ONLY CHANGE. 19 EACII INDIVIDUAL STATE -'a, .� TAKES A 'LOOK AT THEIR CULTURAL STANDING ANU RELATED, ATTITUOES N AND BEGINS TO MAKE CHANGE. THIS MUST BEG 1 N WITH OUW YOUTH.c:::' (HERE IS A CONSTANT YEARNING FOR TRUTH AND QO AL1TY 1N ARTISTRY ' ' FROM EVEN THE MOST DEPRIVED CHILD.do CHILDREN'S THEATRE. INSTILLS A DESIRE FOR QUALITY AWARENESS•OF LIFE. CHILDREN'S THEATRE MAKES EVERY CHILD AWARE OF HIS AES— THETIC WORTH AND THE WORTH OF OTHERS. CHILDREN'S THEATRE IS A VEHICLE FOR EXPOSURE TO THE MANY ART FORMS THEATRE INCLUDES. • CHILDREN'S THEATRE IS'A PLACE FOR CHILDREN ... TO SEE... TO ►IEAlt i ...TO SMELL... YO TAijE... TO TOUCH... TO FEEL ... TO LEARN... TO CREATE...TO SHARE; �• (�� 1 3 BRilcr A. SMATHERS SECRETARY Of STATE May 8, 1978 Cornelia Dozier The Coconut Grove Children's.Theatre 3215 Grand Avenue. .Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 Dear Ms. Dozier:. I.would.like to ,take this opportunity to.congratulate you and .the 'Coconut Grove. Children.'s• Theatre on:being a.: recipient of a.Fine.Arts.Councilof Florida grant: It -is through=efforts such as. those being -conducted by:' your organization that abetter cultural environment can. be established,in-Florida. Suppgrting,,this.-kind: of activity is an objective to which' I acid my entire department are 'dedicated. It is always : a pleasure for me to ,approve . gzant funds for programs that contribute so much to the arts scene,,not, only for your area but the entire State., 1-wish you every success with this and all other. endeavors. If this office__can_ ever be, of assistance ,to. you in the future, please let us know. incerely, Bruce A. ati e BAS / .abr It a 44� �' - , • Q,*du of Mind. /; - d1a Tftatzv, a noa-profit orvsois uoft &mta to theatst atts, will ;Vodoc* its first annual offering of 12 sours oLP,favocitom children's PLWS@ 4ad UDW$i* CUliken's Tba4trv. ty QhLIdr*A 4n.j for ctAldren. Provides mi'motivatial totce .k toys 4"d PlIttGrAl ftv*IDFA*3t Ma well as fostecing a C&I.musta for Lmr*a*ed mnfidaaem &A4 gt*4t*r verbal skills, and Ckildrm smp*rL.Utoq tki. th,.ter ea joy mmny hours of @d=&C1oi4 E0611W and Sm the first %Lee is their Ltwts--snd this learning Qjq?Wz.I*=ce compuftonte tb* OV09034 *4WCAIVIAsVftltur4I Wncti"S Of 10--baal &rstams. and 4v S. Af �plft afticiany thisstma J**d -IOV4 per - Air 4wavrista to ma-z N. tw z -4 40 a, rqrr,�,, N?llw atem city at maol nocm tWe.* .7 v 0WMV?j0Cx I%Tx-=w I mxqa SU, re",1466ta nt Maui to join With so to azyreeeing COF the efforts Of! the indlestUd %amb-zr3 of The Coconut cmpi Childrptu'a 'D tb4 0"'t Of this Sr'p-* NW-Uum 40`1 xuPP0ctJ-!)9 this LAIInt abow at chilarwo 7LJ5I4yI:q theft Mahy indi-40-JAI abilitiom Lo patformance calc-,Ilated to WLCjch the IJLV%o of pert#IV&tts and vievors *11%*. 41 S*t 40 hGZ4 ArA C-amoo the seal of the City at Idami to be a t f IxAkq. Imall in th* office of the Mayor of the City of HiBMI, Florida. OJAA Par REA L. HINES y AMY FEDER •adacRl was do 91 Miami Harald En una esquina de Grand Avenue, en Coconut Grove, hay un pequefio edificio color pastel que tiene cier:a dosis de magia. _ Si se pasa junto a el cualquier dia antes de las 3`P.M., se parece a cualquier otro edificio de ofici- nas Bien atendido de esa zona. ;Pero. Ose un paseo por sill despues de las 3 /Abracadabra! Parece que ha habido un.inva�-ion infantil. " .: Milos ba_jitos , .. ninos altos ... ninos media - nos _ - .. rien. chacharean. cantan ... por todas partes. Es el "Teatro fnfantil 4e I Coconut Grove, que fundb y dirige Corky Dozier. ' Y ella Seri la primera en�decirle que su teatro es algoserio. Sus ninos'estan"de acuci-do. Ciento cincuenta estan matriculados. Sus eda- y des varian entre los 5 y los 17 y, dice Rozier: "No Oa Mk rechazamos a ninguna'. En su teatro, los ninos to hacen todo: desde las clases de historia del teatro pasta la escenografia y la actuacion. Hay clases de tll!cnica, mosica, bal- le. dramaturgic y dicci6n. **Los ninos to hacen todo. Si en una obra hay f s " un personaje de 60 anos, no buscamos a un adulto para interpretarlo. usamos a uno. de los nifios. Han aprendido a ma+quillarse y transformarse en to que quieren". Dozier tiene, 30.anos: Lleva 20 en el teatro y En este teatro Ios nitlos to hat tiene un titulo magisterial en bellas antes. a activarse. En et escenario del :, no auditorio, pq Aunque hay'otros teatros infantiles en eJ sec- los ninos ensayan varias escenas del Performat- tor. D07ier dice que el suyo`es tinico porque. usa '; hon, una serie de obras que durara 12 horas y que el lunes proximo en el Gusman Cul- los ninos para todo. El teatro infantil es mas que un entretenimien- se presentari rural Center del centro de Miami. to, dice Dozier, pues ayuda at nino a estar rods Comenzara a las 10 A.M. con representaciones alerta ante el mundo que to rodea. de Winnie the Pooh y The Hobbit. A la 1.30 P.M. "Queremos que los ni>3os que vienen aqui se exnibira;Bye Bye Birdie, seguido de Harvey y 8prendan a conocerse a si cosmos, a cornisartir to Cheaper by the Dozen. ilud han aprend;Ao de si r.:smos", s'.sdi6 Dozier. i.,-Ozie senaM que el maratbn de 12 horas se '*Aqui tratamcs de ... mostrar las ci;ficuitades,^`s hara con e ;;,op4siza de baser promocicin. desalientos, los fracasos de la villa. Los ninos maduros para aprender. Sus mentes estan que i¢ c4rrunidad vea to que hace- `Qz 'ererncs q estan abiertas y son capaces de comprender mucho mas mos y tenemos la esperaw- de conseguir mayor Lo necesitamos. Trahajamos con un de to que suponen los adultos". apoyo ... presupuesto de $60.000 anuales, que apenas cubre Mientras Oozier habla, el edificio. comienzp a nuestros gastos operacionales", explicb. "lsl Ines pasado nos aumentaron el alquil' T" y ahora paga- mos $900 mensuales por el espacio que ociipamos en este edificio". Las autoridades escolares permitirdn a los, ninos faltar un dia a la escuela para asistir al Per fonnathon, indic6 Dozier. 1 El Performathon estare co patrocinado por is ciudad de Miami y Burger King. La entrada es $1 "por persona pero Dozier dijo que se podrd dispen- sar del precio de entrada a Jos estudiantes que no puedan pagarlo o a grupos de ciudadanos ancia- nos que deseen asistir. Para reservaciones, debera llnmarse at teatro. al 442-0489. M G7 00 s. us an : • applause. It's Perform -a -Thom April 30th! by to 17 will be involved in either writing. They even get in- can be seen doing plays at � Marcia hope on-stage or off-stage aspects of volved in selling tickets and schools in Dade and Broward the four productions. The 12 making costumes, Dozier says. Counties, modeling in depart- When the nimble dancers in hours of continuous en- The Perform-A-Thon, which ment store fashion shows and t their colorful costumes burst tertainment have been planned is the year's biggest single casting TV commercials. on the stage at Gasman to accommodate as many production of the young actors Dade County students, Cultural Center April 30, children and adults as possible. and actresses, is sponsored by parents and leachers will get a thousands of Dade County Although trained and a grant from Burger King chance to see just how im- Public School students will be assisted by adults, the children Corporation. It is not, however, pressive the children are by there to witness the second are really in charge of the the group's only production. witnessing _ the Perform -A - annual Burger King -Coconut production. They do their own Children's The. performers Thor. Grove Children's Theatre makeup, make and set up Perform -A -Thor, props, control the lighting and Part of the reason for their do all the other tasks involved enthusiasm will he the fact that in bringing a child's fantasy to, many of their peers and school life. buddies will be on stage as Since 1975, when ' the non- Theatre r �� leading ladies, leading men profit Children's and supporting actors in the began, children of all sizes, four plays slated for the day races, ; nationalities, per- long event. sonalities—and those - with Whether they come to watch ' handicaps —have been learn ` "Winne The. Pooh and the - ing, creating and just plain Hobbit," "Bye Bve Birdie," having ;fun at the theater on • ::Cheaper by the Dozen" or - Grand Avenue. ' Harvey," children will be "Our rimar interest is to p dazzled by additional en- make child aware of himself a tettainment in the form of as well 'as of others," says talent shows, mime and Cornelia.. (Corky). Dozier, theater games that give them a theater director. Children are chance to get into the act. "taught drama;; dance, music; Nearly 150 childret, aged five technical tasks and dramatic ; 3 , t•� Amino 21 WEEKEND MAGAZINE Saturday, April 7, 1979 NIL: I - I d*1% am Ne Smell Of Greasepaint LVAPING FOR JOY Is Slocey We%. Is. of 77M RIN nth Street in front 01 the t,oconut Grove Children'% Theater. (ccwer Stcry) She's among the troupe of *clan-orrvoon presenting live different plods. April 30. at (;%jilmon Cultural Center In a Performothon. ec 10 b j 'Inel c' ill cl ren are rthe Igor 11 ' > learttincr. Their tttimis at-*- open and capable of understanding ` far beyond adult exl)ertations.' Childn-W.% thvalcr direrti,r f:orl: Do:arr t� J Children Take a Turn '''laying Grown -Up Roles By SEA L. HINES And AMY FEDER "Or864 sts" wrows There is a small. beige -colored building on a corner of Grand Avenue in Coconut Grove that has a bit of magic about it. Pass it on any weekday before 3 p.m. and it looks like any other well -kept office building in the area. Now. take a walk or drive past the building after 3 p.m. Presto'. WHAT YOU SEE is likely to make you believe there has been an invasion of children. ,Short children ... tall children . - . medium- d children ... laughing, chattering, singing . . over the place_ This is the Coconut Grove Children's Theater. founded and directed by Corky Dozier. %nd she will be the first to tell you — her the- ater is serious business. Her children a.oree. I here are 150 children enrolled at the theater. The age range is 5 to 17. and Dozier says. 'W'e don't turn .anyone away" In her theater. children do everything — fruni cl.-i,jcs in the histary of the theater to set m.,k+rg and perfsxming. There are technique. music. dancing. dance, script writing and diction clasws. '-THE CHILDREN do it all. If we have 3 pla v lh:.t . ails for a 60-yearlold person. we don't find an adult to pray the part. We use one of our 41- dren. They ha%e learned to make themselves up to be whatever they should be " Dozier. 30, is the divorced another of two chil- dren. Cornelia. 12. and Elana. 9. She has "been in the business" for 20 years and has a master de- gree in fine arts. "It's my love:' she says. Although there are other children's theater;, in the area. Dozier says her theater is unique in that it uses children for everything. "The only other such theater is in Fort l au- derdale and is run by Nancy Yohe. Very often. I have to refer youngsters from the 8roward Cono- ty area there." Children's theater is more than entertainm:-nt. Dozier sags. It help the child to become more aware of the world. "N-E WANT THE children who come hi— to get to know themselves. to share what they hire learned about then.tselves with others. "Here, we try to embrace and stimulate child's awareness if life — to show life's di f.; i ties. disappointments and setbacks. The thr r exists for learning. And children are ripe learning. Their minds are open and capahle understanding far beyond adult espectations.-" As Dozier talks. the small building comes J i with activity-. nn the stage in the tiny auditor:u children rehearse scenes from one of several pl,i. Turn to Page tiff Col. 3 .%I,O%e, Hobbit cluracterizations transform Stacey Ras. Sarah Evoy. front ro% front left; and Franchon R ilson, Karen Nabuto%sk,# and Bahanio Magi;io. bat k roi% from left. :%t ri,11t, dark Scha�l•1-. pt1111ts makellll on Jiln�cr papillo. NaRIMCON" Nirn.Ne.dW a rs� 6-D 0000 THE MIAMI HERALD Wednesday. April 25.1979- �'��ress�.veFaces • Fps F5 %R W4 M Al I. W_ ffli i.;T A: '� Performathon PAGE 10 1 of the Performathon. a 12-hour me- ries Of plays to be presented Mon- day, at the Gasman Cultural Center W; J, In downtown Miami. The Perforniathon will start at 10 a.m. with the presentations of %Vin- Bit At 1:30 P. h and The NO v_R 11 n.. 13ye Bye Birdie wIH be nie Vie Pooh IN performed. f rmed. fo llowed by Harvey and C;iecper by the Dozen. But Ivinnie the Pooh Is All that counts for 6-year-old Trae W11an moll as he stares wide-eyed at the 'r, i tall Invisible tree and wonders bow he can yet to the honey nestled at the top. 4 "AND ONCE I get up there. how i AtWilt I ever get down?" asks Trae, ithe mischievous;:.4. who plays Winn'e bear. Trae, a first grader ats-inecrest, Elementary School, saki he enjoys the theater group so much he wants to be an actor when lie grows up. "I like Corky. the kld.i, and I - the Pei fur am looking forward to "It's inathon." he said. fun." Dozier said the ideh behind the "promo- L, 12 hour acting marathon Is "outrudch." Papino, 10 A tion" and Janyce "We want the community to see A 1. f.l. it songful Wizard %WA Rin, ,,� ,i¢M - �r A I �, � "i - V,�, � --� , net we e all AUOUL an WIM drum up more support ... And (;#Udoff. t.rt. .1y we do need surpo AVe work from a budget of $60.000 a year. which Started the thutsi-sch6ol five Y"M J r. .:r;: barely covers operating expenses. tlLust month, we had a rent in- ago to "teach youngsters every amp -'Z crease and now pay over $900 a pact of acting" from character anal pe montil for space In thisbuilding. y.sis to scene study. "we are crowing and we are Th ils year's. PerfonUthOn IS CC, Miam I looking !aKger place. To do 9 for i sponsored by the City of and King. Admission 16,S). Per Burger K 41� % A" this. wa!iave to have the commu ni• but Dozier says arrange -A 0 �� dIr 4,� ty bah Inc. us." School [claim are al !lowing chit- person, meats can be made for waiver of.. 'a off dren tq miss a day of school to a or fees I students who cannot pay Or i tend the Performathon., Dozier said. for senior citizen groups who; 4�, 'i which to attqnd. DOZIER, WHO HAS been acting For reservations. calkthe tlze�W.. i professlo naLW since she was 10. at442 Kids' Theater A Sizzli* n' DICANDICIERUSSUL L9 Abner. Peter Pan and Charlie Brown are oomtng W town on Tuesday. to be followed shortly P. Mary Poppins and p ppil Lougstocking — sand his gicyour children can meet them. No. we've not talking about some spectacular new movie cartoon or a long trip to Disney World. Children's theater is the name of this game. and its summer season begins in earnest this week when the Coconut Grove Children's Theater presents a daylong "perform -a -thou" of four popular shows. The fun at Gusman Cultural Center. 174 E Flag - Mr St., starts at lga.m. Tuesday with Peter Pan. foi- lowed by You're a (,cod MQn. Charlie Brown at coon. Our Town at 2:30 p.m.. Peter Pon again at 4:30 p.m and U7 Abner at 7.30 pm. A fashion show of children's clothes and a talent show also will be beid. in use the kids tire of seeing 150 of their peers. ages 5 to 19. perform. The cost for all this is only 50 cents per person. Sum, mer .in The Magic IMorld byRayL�ng 0 i'tlhII��E�,S II��c����' pr- r;;7 A A 7 Pf �Z _4. 6V W . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �7 ,•s' :'.�`_ �R � . i ' ', NY 1' .� .ram -� �� `t s s_ �'•` `" ✓ r '' r ^+'``� ">'Tkr'� . 974a 3— _,Lz THE P1. N '-S THE I'llING for �4 un—'. ' I ' "p _tiisoarmjng up .1 KhAl. Allison Este.� for the Perfi.rinath.iti. Xpril:lo. at f left, THE ii Oil Lf) utchildren's [heat er prings to life in Coconut ;1­1�11­11 Cultural ('enter. of 21W %%% h4th Terr., is pri,babh the nicest Spider* you Grove. As riall a, 160 children, five tol I vears old. learn .,in the left are Nancy Sails. .57:1', Riviera Dr., Coral -ill e'-er find. With her are. as a bunny. (runt ru%4, their craft. In .able;: ArthurNIver, among them are, left. %anria Kat7. 12. fill s 9:4.5, SW Street., and Kilnbrrli, Chauncey Zalkin. Coconut Grove; back row. from left. Santander .1 e.. and lngrid %*i7(jU­'.-a. 1555 Palinero Ave.. Foster, 2!J96 NE N:trd Terr.f Ingrid Vizquerra. I— palrV erm, .X . ve.. and Shobita part, both of the Gables. ,4405 SIA Mist Terr, The manic world of children's theater is spinning a 'goals bcofiie hi.,ht-r. It's Some!hing rit­.k for them to "Miami's been call: cultural desert and I saw it in ;o Marvelous transformation in the- lives -of dozens of tiliarr,i identify -ith There is nv-,; gru..;th youngsters. your a waref:1--s-i many mou"n, Defter way than t to start with a has changed." said AN Dozier children-s theater"" said Ms Dozier. Mike suffered a severe reading disability• u hich hC has Theater goers .�!11 ha%- a chance to see Corky Dozier'; The YOU!IiG�WS, 164D in a!l, get extei,�sive expe._fence. no longer. te - - , voun.--, charges in acli-ri du!_ !,j j 12 hou er` :-natholl". Each Sunday at 2:31) p rzi* :rl the theater- at Grand A,-t:n-ue Little Billy lintiped, one leg vnca,Cd it, a bf-al.t. N i, ' ir ­P or f)%4. he 10 a Ti to 10 p in April :�;, at Gu-.,;!i.w Cuk-lr:d Center im and Mcl)-ina_ld Street One block xrst of the post .)ffice... loves to lap dance -with his pals Fla,-!t-r Sircel, in Another type had withdrawn into hi; o,-%n pri,.aPe .itjrijj With 11L:k:t, ore doi!,.r. .nc!uilt is free and -mild' :1 4, ;peals Now they call rot kvvp han t4l.lie' fantasies iuch as -Wu !t;:t: !hv P—h­. and "The 11AA01t D . uriv-1, the year. "t,cpertory" com.ptnjt7_ visit area /7r Cliddren's .- L) ficatre c O;fw* Gait M ApuLlaftemawk A TdEg 3215 GRAND AVENUE COCONUT GROVE, FLORIDA 33133 � wm&R""t L8 -