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Honorable Maurice.Ferre
Dear Mayor:
The.Committee for Management of"Organizatidns, which in the month; of
September celebrated the World Congress .for the.Freedom of Democracy,"
during which you honored -us with your presence, has scheduled;a"Con-
vention entitled "Cuban National Coordinating Assembly", on.the=4th;'.,
5th and 6th`of April of this_.year, with.,the" purpose of designing:a
Representation of Cuban Exile, sponsored by all of Miami's' -Organizations
and the various cities where Cuban exiles" reside . _
To that effect we have colicited the "Municipal Auditorium from,:Mrs.
Elizabeth Bush and we are expe"cting"to:receive"the corresponding contract.
we implore you and the City Commission to waive paymentof fees for the
use of same and if that would .not be possible,,to obtain a substantially
.lower rate.
We solicit.this, Mr. Mayor, because it'- is a patriotic effort which."brings
no gain, and because of our scarce: economical means."
We are grateful for_all"you can do for us, and we remain;
Very truly.yours,
Committee for Management of Organizations,
Dr.. Manuel A. Varona.,
Ex -President of the Cuban Senate
•Uflcinas • ,�►
2128 W. Flagler St.'�
Room # 201.
P.O. Box 350492.
Riverside Station.
Miami, Fla. 33135.
�-� Phone: 643 -051
I,Aami, Enero 31 de 1980.
�.v r
Hon. Sr. P auriee . Ferre .
:�7.calde "lunicibal.
I••ii ami ,
Lstimado Alcalde:
,;l Com t-e Gestor de, UrGanizaciones que celebro
en el mes de Lent. el Congreso �iundial por la Libertad y la De-
mocracia, en el clue Ud.nos honro con su presencia, tiene con-
vocada una Convencion que se titula "Asamblea Coordinadora_Na-
cioval Cuuatza" , para los Bias 4.e__5__y �o de__roximo, con el
ob'jeta de desi;nar una Lsilio Cubano reseal-
dada -or todas ].as Organizaciones de avni y de las diferente
ciuuaces doncie residen Cubano exilados.
�t -se efecto tenemos solicitado el Auditorio
! iunici )al de 499-iacayne Blvd. de la Sra, l;.lizabeth :,usb y es-
tamos en esi)era del cont.rato corresp ondiente.
i<ogar�os a .lici. y al Consistorio IIunicloal .la a1-
enci o,I en el pa o de los dereelzos que se `cobran por el uso, del
missy �er DUSib]. miy de no s e, obtener una reba.ja sustcial
Esta solicitud or. Alcaid'e la hacemos. "pprque es
un esfuerzo loatricot-ico que no canlleva ningu"n lucro.,y por hues'
tros escasos recursos 'econcomicos`
�iuy agracice:ido por t.odolo u: que Utiara en' nues-
tro obsequio y quedamos d6 Ud con toda nuestra corisideracion:
Comi;tp Gestor d&NL)r; anizaci_ones
�,L1�• •1'•1a171 el' ii. •1%ar011a.�� "
.-:-�:esideftte del- Senadd de Cube.