HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-80-0126F } r CYy • Joseph R. Grdssie' ,r' Februaxy 14, 19�0 `"`E'. City Manager Worksho Brickell SAM Plan P" Jim: Reid, Director Planning Department., 8: 0 �i 12 r 4414 i r Y ip A. & M ro olita ade Chi LA Ci. A F 2i : �0 L . ration Area.Design and Development, 1979 h W _ RECOMMENDED; LAND USE.POLICIES' r AREA'1. Promote major mixed.' 'high intensity development compatible with transit function. permitted uses include office,,retail ,.service residential, hotel entertainment.and cultural. maximum FAR 21.0 for residential uses maximum. FAR 2.0 for non-residential uses maximum FAR 4.0 for all,uses - floor area ratio premiums for,lot assemblage structured parking, and Urban Plaza space totaling a maximum. of 1.0 - mixed use premium of 1 square foot of addi- tional floor area -for every=square foot ;of residential floor area. provided.within':the. permitted FAR A. 0, up to .a maximum premium of FAR 2.01 mixed use premium of 1..square"-foot of addi- tional.office or.2 square feet;=of additional residential for every, square foot.of 'street level retail use mixed use Ipremium of 2,square,.feet'of addi tional area for every square foot. of .,floor area developed as a.performing`arts°theatre of.at`least 250 seats floor."area premium of FAR .25:for:_;on-site preservation of an histor"ic structure - front yard setbacks. of 10 feet for.the:"first' 70 feet of .building hPinht and .up to a total 35 foot setback"_above_that,height i building frontages along 10th.Street required to have "a minimum 70 of ground floor frontage devoted to„retail use, - open space,requirements of 12.0 square feet per dwelling. unit,NOW Niglio i t 2 1:; .i "XIX l 0% T I required parking -may be'provided on-site.or within` 600 feet of the use it is intended to serve with conditional use approval minimum required parking .5 space/residential unit, 1 space/400. square feet office, ' 0 spaces, for; retai-T, l space/4_hotel rooms, J.1 space/1000 square`feet.pub, lic"assembly space maximum parking limits.of 1.5 spaces/residential,u,nit, l space/400 square feet of,fi6e:area.up.-to..FAR.2.5' (0 spaces over FAR: 2.5) ,1 'space/1000, square ,feet retail, 1 space/2 hotel rooms,.l.space/eigYit theatre seats:, 1._space/400 square feet public assembly space AREA 2. Promote,e,xisting„character of Brickell Avenue corridor. as a prestige location for corporate -and professional. offices and.high quality _residential. maintain existing.R.-CB district include floor -area :premium of .l,,forT.providing a Through Block Connection' 1 n accordance with defined standards AREA'3. Develop a,mixed-use high, activity commercial services and residential area as a link between, downtown,.,the. river and the. high "density employment centers along Brickell and loth Street.'. Permitted uses to include residential, -retail, `service commercial, hotel-, entertainment -arid Office. - Permitted ,uses to -exclude auto -'oriented, regional. commercial, wholesale and manufacturing billboards, and -warehousing. - C-2 Community Commercial provisions shall provide basic parameters; of. district; owever,`in :addition to th6..max. FAR 2.0 - floor.area premium for lot assemblage per R-CB,or- dinance up to FAR .5 for 500 linear feet: frontage. floor..area..premium of. 2,square feet of Ming floor area,for each square foot of ground:level Urban_ Plaza space in excess of the required front yard area, up to a total FAR premium of .25. N I ig: Fly.] T T. Em FE ti Fj high intensity office/residential off ice/residential/support retail -existing intensity moderate intensity residential /office intensity bonus for residential moderate -high density residential community commercial required ground floor retail permitted ground floor retail industrial PRELIMINARY LAND USE CONCEPT PLAN suti0ll AREA DES.GN AND CIEVROPMENT BRICKELL r., 9 1 floor area premium of FAR .25, when 100.percent of.all on -site parking is placed in an enclosed structure: floor area premium of FAR .25 for preserving an'historic,structure on a. contiguous lot, and .exemption of,that structure from calculated PAR .for.'new..development. t' floor,area premium of.l square foot',of.additional residential or non-residential floor area `for' every'square foot of residential floor area,pro vided.within the.basic FAR 2.0,,not' to'exceed a total premium-of'FAR 1.0. floor area preen?.um of . 01 FAR , for ,each . 20 lineal feet of .accessible landscaped bayfront of river- front public casement. for. pedestrian:,purposes.2 at least.20 feet, •in,width:.. Maximum parking allowances of 105 spades per; dwell g unit, 1 space per 400 square feet of office, one space per 800.-square feet of. retail and one space per'2 hotel rooms - Minimum parking requirements of.,.5 space per d'welling.unit, 1/1000'square feet of -office. space,.1/,150.0.square feet of retail space and 1/4.hotel rooms: Remote site parking permitted within 600-feet of theuse served. AREA 4. Preserve=character of,moderate density residential g area as a neighborhood providin a mix of housing types. ' at.. moderate cost. Permitted uses include apartments, townhouses Maximum floor area, ratio of 1.5 0 w Open space of 300'sqtIdke feet per unit required. Lo .. c . al retail -servic' es permitted onproperties fronting 'along S.W.-,lst Avenue from 9 th S tre'' e t to_11-t-h—Stre'et. Reduc6d,densities required for small lot r6develop-, i.e... 150,0 square.,foot lot .per unit.'up to 8 units :and 550,squarefoot, lot, area, for. each. unit over 8 units Height'limitation of six Stories maximum lot coverage of 25% 'Parking requirement of-1.5.spaces per unit; and 2 spaces for units over 2 bedrooms. in size. AREA 5. Maintain commer-cial:service function offth. str �et. bait upqrIadI 6I,cuali­ty. a- nId.,nat—urb of .retail uses'And development. Rezo ne, ar I ea:to C-2Community Coffime'icial' district thereby restricting liberal commercialbillboards, .and uses, -billboards, and warehotse/st6rage uses. AREA 6. Permit.diversification of restricted residential - uses to accommodate environmental pressures fkom increased, traf f ice on, 7th Street. Rezone to R-C:Residential..Office_­ district to permit. conversion -of, dwellings, to office AREA 7 d r -orientation,:Of: area to Maintain marine in dust ia,l serve needs of shipping Industry No*chan4e in:-.W-I.district AREA 8. Main tain-.industrial.servicerelationship to to marine industries on,waterfroh't No change in I-1 district t '.t i '1.. .i�� ;�. 'yy. l'� , : . S, ,4. 4;' . YARD AREAS - Front and,Side.street of ,setback ten feet for'first'70 feet of. building -height (maximum setback for- non-residential structures,..:, `s of 20,feet). Above..70' building height, no point shall be closer* a... to 'centerline of ,street than. 1/2 the height of said.point above x grade, up to, a maximum setback. of 3510 interior sdeyard.setback of. 25'..,. ` or 1/6 of building. heght,_`which- ever, is greater.,;for.resi.dential f structures (measured at level t which resident3.al:_,use.begins)., No setback required forenon-residen- tial structures but at least:l0.feet i .if one is provided. - rear year setback same as interior sideyard,setback_ Height - No absolute height limit. Openspace -. minimum,120 square feet'per -dwel-, ling ' unit,, 70 0 of'.which , must `.be , open to the sky, r Parking Minimum Required Maximum Permitted - Residential .5 space/swelling 1:5 space/dwelling Office 1 space/1000.square '1 space/400 sq.£t. feet, of gross, floor of :gross, floor area area for first 2.5'of for,first,.2..5-FAR. floor -area ratio 0=',s a p ces over 25 Retail eo 1...'pace/1000..sq', ftq of gross;.floor urea Hotel 1:space/4 sleeping l'space/two sleeping;` rooms rooms Theatre 0 1„'.space/eight seats_ Public Assembly' Hall .1- space/1000 sq`. ft. 1:,:space/400 sq'..fti gross floor -area` gross. floor area: 12 la HISTORIC*' 'PRESERVATION Potential ways of -helping owners pres-erve.historic structures: Local Historic. Site or`District Designation' Th'e principal prerequisite for propertie,'s 'to be ei.igible for his"toric- preservation benefits.`or assistance "s:-to" be officially recogn,ized,as'h"is-torically signifi.ca'n"t. The Miami Planning Department has drafted an. ordinance, which would enabl:e-historic sites and distritts`to.be designated with,a special:,overlay.'di_stri.ct in 'the"zon ing ordinance and would place special controls on all modifications -or. demolition of designated, struc— tures'.-_ If"this"enabling'ordinance is approved,by_the City_ Commission, any,�propertie.s recommen"ded in the. B"rickell SADD plan "could be -:among the first:considered for official designation a.s historic.sit'es or":dis- tricts. Transfer of Development Rights In addition :to the above ,me'nt tined historic.site and district ordi'nance,t'he Plann n'g:Depart_mentIha.s;recom mended comprehensive revisions to�the;Miami zoning' Code (to,be th"e subject o,f'public hearings during the coming year) which includes a new,provi.sion for r,ingd,vlopment._rgh.t.Thi,etransfere most.p"o.w.e'r.f.u,l incentives that could be made: available. for, hist.oric'preservation,.,because it enables a 'pro_ perty owner to: realize'theJuTl economic potential 'of his. land by 'transferring its devel,opmen.t.rights. to other- nearby. properties-.. De_v.elopment'Ti ghts are measured in perm us floor area "ratio ;(FAR);, thus for example", if_,an historic house on a 10:,000 s'.f.. lo;t has an FAR 'of .4, and: the `-maximum 'FAR .allowed -by the zoning distric:t`is 2.0, the. unused. FAR;of 16,000's..f of bu"ild_ing potential may be transferred. to another lot. within.,the:sam'e_ zoning,"disarict. ', The owner'may se.l.l these ,developme"nt .rights or use 'them'. himself to"construct a:larger building on another site. Floor Area Ratio Bonus Current regulations wou.l'd penalize a -new development preservation, the.historic,structure must at least. be. exemp.ted..f.rom-floor area and lot coverage calculations; and at best, ;the" new development could`be.giv.en a-fl,,00r, area bonus.for maintaining the..histor.ic.structure"on site. Federal Income Tax Incentives The-.. proposed local historic site and district ordinance would al so.make'.desi'gna ed histori.c properties:;el.igible for. federal income tax benefits. under: -the Tax Reform, 'Actof1976. This 1aw.discourages demolition of his- toric.structures by forbiddi,ng`.the"'use :of certain luc- rative,, t;ax write-offs and depr'eciati'on methods,, nor-. ma,lly available .to a -developer when he tears 'down a. building and.co'nstructs a new. project. Property .Tax Relief Two types of property tax incentives that could help make it financially feasible for owners-,to';maint.ain residences or small: busi:esses.in a:h'igh cost area. -such l' as";Bri,ckel, would require special legislation from both the State a, d Dade C,o,un.t :. a) Assessment based on current.use',of, the ,property rather than its:- permit-ted "highest and best uses," wi_th': subs.tanti"al' penalties'- in back tax savings; if the'.structure is demolished or inappropriately altered. b) Deferral of increases, in, assessments due to restoration improvements Building Code, Modifications Bu.i.lding,Code requirements that were Created to'as'sure.. quality and safety in,construction .of °new .b01dings' sometimes impose,physi.cally or financially n'sur mountable obstacles in`renovation or historA t str,uc tures'. Many, cvties have :tailored `spectaib.ui1di.hg` code regulations; ,to,'historic structures to avoid,forci,ng demolition and to,,encourage proper restoration Land Use-Parki"ng Regulations Many historic homes cann.ot.be ma intained:;i6de.fi.nitelY: as pr. i vale resi'denc'es. due to ri s i"ng. costs and changing. 14 neighborhood conditions. If it is to be preserved over"time,.toning regulations must permit the structure to.be adapted to other economically Viable -uses such'as professional offices or retail shops. Often,, it is:: impossible.to.pr.ovide the on -site parking required when a -.structure changes use, thus special exceptions can be made 'i'f' it is in the public. interest to save an historic structure. The tools for encouraging preservation of historic -structures descr.ib.ed above,:.should be selected to respond to .specific problems an.d objectives for: each site in the Br.ickell Area as 'follows*: oRecommended"Objectiye: Area A Long term _preservetion:of'Large.home.s"by V. adaptive .use as professional offices, restaurants and shop"s. Area B -Ass"is't current homeowners-to.maintain resAdency,.but do not;_promo.te:perma'nent." pre "servation.. Area °C Assist current homeowners to,, m"ain'tain" residency;and encourage "long-term :adaptive. redse with retail ser.vices.. Area D Ensure permanent pr.eservatio,n,of the fire. station by maintaining_City ownership, . and find a new, use that -contributes. to the "high "activity "pedestrian- corridor, planned.for 10th Street. Area`E," F"" EncO.Ura"ge'"devel'0"pers",t0.preserve on- s. i t e Area G, H i.Ehcourage"'long-term preser'vatf n as. residences or adaptive use. Appropriate Tools Area A B C" "D E. F G H Historic"D.istrict i Historic :S.i'te : % • • • • Transfer Development Rights, �. • • • • Floor Area Ratio "Bonus • • • • Federal' Tax Incentives � �. • • • • Tax.Assessment.on:Current.Us'e" • • • • Tax Defer.ra,l on Restoration • 0 0 • 0 • • • Improvements , Bui.l:ding Code "modifications 0 • • • • • • Land Use regulations •. • • • • • • On -site Parking,modificat.ions i • • • • • • 15 . MA"I RIVER Lj��UuLfl 00 11 9n, !,1:10 o ol �II ,�a0 0 OP io ,0 0 1 0 =U =01 10 0[�Go 5 w ath ST ILSI C3 '�aa' as 4�,� 01 Da El Do D E3 DO[] C:l El 0 El El Rr o �11 ci cl Cl 13011*0 0-�,l C3, C11 C3, cl �7& op =531! � cal 00g�0 :a , No IA. Bt, All PIVEPI FF AN IN, ■ '41 - ft-11 Landscaped Mail/Plaza 000 000 Major Sidewalk/Landscape Improvement 7f*,� 10 allI �n � Oav [ l� PEDESTRIAN BICYCLE CIRCULATION ��� � ,, .,•.,. , • - ��.,. -�:; ► ,. _ _ � �i.t: ���. �' �:� ^ : ! 'ice, ' � ' � • � ��� s i ' i ,,// �.yy"" � �� N's IP w1wwwwwR 0 P6FK1F19 id". iano 8' parking S' old 10th & 11 STREETS WEST SIDE TYPICAL CROSS SECTION lMPRnV;:hAI=MT-q ru 5 .� El; .r► �' '• , ail 'll El ❑ I p❑• F, ❑❑ IM „ ❑ ❑ yy ; � i � j Ii; ; ❑❑❑1__I� � -i t ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ , I� 1�.- - - _ , ... -. ❑ -p L❑� �.r_..F`• ...F.-s y.'-fir. -- .............. _..�. �.. ......... . • -------------------------------------------- , --- —_— naa_—i- -- ww•».__...___.._..—.._.._---- -- .I1 pit -• -- --'_--'••- --�•=�-''�" - =- _--- �• I r. No a At ow 1 I + n ❑� proposed streetscape plan BRicKELLSTATION AAEA VLSIGN AND CtVILOPWWKKWV 22 11111Ul10�����# �\'� u UU UU L U UU U uuuu u �o M 00 , REND U U L, y ❑ar uoonJgo00 aoa00 DO 00 Ou a Q a CY G . JUUO� ��D�c�� v DDac� �D�ac�., cJa��i JDDacJ� F I :J�Dac�c�ac�� a a ��.� aDac�aDacJD�� 1G'�0�0cJDaD�aD�c�a a 0 D D� Cl C� D C Q �.}� �oc� o� D D C,� o�> �� O � G� JfJ a D D O � O� � O O ���� � O o0 O O ��, o O ,. 00 O r� O O `\�o ;� ) �o f �l0 0 O ���`'; o V `� o n0 \, ,ti,, o t�"0,4 r7l Do Proposed Downtown People Mover DPM alignment •�■•••� station 0 STAWN APIA DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT BRICKELL \ LI\ \ \ \ N.A .� L Preliminary Shuttle Bus Routes 5 minute peak hour service CRICKELL 2 - — - — - — - — -- �, �kvsw 77T H I E, T� F* t;j,— Ej V\ Preliminary Bus Routes routes buses/hour AM peak OMCKELL 2 17 2 is 2.4 69 --- 12 29 Citizens: Committee Identified -Problems, Issues and Needs and'Staff Recommended Plan Responses Problem/Issue/Need; Plan Response`. URBAN DESIGN -Control Minimum,lot sizes disincentives for. small,lot,develop- ' for redevelopment. ment west of station -,incentives for large lot development east: of station -Encourage high,rise..to maintain incentives and lot, coverage achieve.max.iinum ground level. provisions "along Brickell that foster open space urban,plazas . -Control Commercial Advertising eliminate billboards along and, north of 'Eighth. Street -Preserve bayfront"with setbacks incorporation of recently."adopted and views Citywide; ordinanee..controlling water- front setbacks and view corridors -Preserve historic flavor and nine'separate preservation :programs context of certain areas proposed as a part-`of',,zoning"code amendment's: 'in, Brickell area LAND USE:CONTROLS -Unify area east and west of.. proposed retail,services along east station=both. in functional and_west station ';facing properties and circulation' relationships, and, design ".of three separate pedes- trian:paths across station site. types in moderatedensity residential west of 'use separega ate p station separated from commercial and office.,corridors along 8th and 13th Streets -Taxesmay rise, due to specula- plan firmly establishes areas of no tion and zoning zoning change -and areas of major change .-' less ;than 25% of "_study area proposed for "major zoning changes -Maintain existing zoning.we,st existing land uses maintained (except of station for retail facing,station which is less than 6%'of.,are;a) and safeguards added to prevent overbuilding.of small lots and;high.rise buildings from occurring. -Cons ider_.opportunities for plan calls for;:"maintaining elementary developing school site school but broadening .its relationship to community-needs"through community school program 28 �r Problem/Issue/Need RETAIL DEVELOPMENT -Protectexisting retail areas and expand if possible -Provide retail services near the station -Provide high,quality retail shopping in the area -Develop standards for assessing retail needs -Balance_ retail._growth.with market potential SOCIAL/CULTURAL Attract and keep diVersity;of people living in station.area Encourage regional cultural facilities near' transit Preserve certain,histori.c buildings CIRCULATION-VEHICULAR- -Improve.the three bridges across, the Miami River -Extend Brickell Plaza to 6th Or 5th Street 29 M Plan Response existing retail areas maintained and upgraded - required retail along.10th Street and new permitted retail adja- cent to station .Y facing properties along station front- ' age, permitted to develop retail ser- ,vices. plan requires,retai.l development along new pedestrian mall on. 10th Street and offers incenti.ves to mix retail with major new corporate offices plan estahlishes'new station -area retail growth based on economic sup- port capacity of new.office and residential development plan establishesnew station:. area retail growth based-.on,economic support capactiy;.of new office and residential` development ` plan :offers potential for new urban high density.housing near station, promotes..quality garden high-rise on waterfront,ct .protes,existing moderate cost housing west of, station and low density. housing south of 15th Road plan promotes community school cultur- al arts program -at ' S6uthside Elemen- tary and offers inentives for new performing- arts'.,theatres adjacent -to station plan,proposes'.transfer of development rights to allow.,for„perpetual main- tenance of certain historic sites 2nd_Avenue Bridge is adequate, Miami Avenue and Brickell Bridges will be .rebuilt as 6-lane bridges by the State of Florida I I negotiations with Doran.Jason Company are being held to open Brickell Plaza north to 7th Street Problem/Issue/Need CIRCULATION -VEHICULAR: -Widen 7th.Street to'thre6 lanes -Possible one-w ay,s . tr ' ' eets near' station to help ,'traffic�flow CIRCULATION -PEDESTRIAN -Avoid pedestria'n-auto' conflicts' -Consider pedestrian malls on local streets -Transportation services neede d. to connect station to Brickell -Improve pedestriam crossings at major arterials CIRCULATION -PARKING -Plan for.off-street 'parking. needs -Transit patron, parking needed at station :site -Providefor ,parking .needs of adjac6nt-buildings'where tran- sit displaces Parking -Cons-sider,guarant ee exterminating, site for parking' -Examine alternatives to parking. meters 30 r. Plan :-:Response.. plan calls for, ,t hree-lanes. I on �7th Street; and County;. road -improvement program -,has it. scheduled for,41dening pianproposed one-way.,traffic-,-on 9th and 12th: Stre'et's, east of .station tion and on 10th and 11thl:Streets on:�both sides of station. .plan,:identifies..sidewalk�w'idenin . gs on se veral , -.st reets' n'e arls �t a , ti , on: - and cross - .Walk signaliz'ations,,,on:major street ,crossings', recommended ped'estri an- [trans it.. mall ,J .to. -be built onOth Street :'from 1st Avenue to Brickell Plaza� ,extensive feeder.bus and shuttle bus ,services :to Brickell and downtown are proposed widenedsidewalksat intersections �and,crossing signals proposed-., maximum amounts off ,park ing ing are per- .mifted'_con'sistentwith traffic cap- acity,oflocai''.street system extended is s-and-rid6 (I short -term parking)- -provided- along east, side of Station o , n.e ..way, s treets will allow for parking on'both,sidii's of local'streets west of.station , recommendation to study feasibility of site as,public''parking garage to inter- cept rush'hour'fraffic and link to DPM .plan proposes alternative of permit parking -to accommodate resident parkinc needs �i Problem/Issue/Need SPEC.IAL.CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS AND.PUBLIC SERVICES -Provide-adequate lighting and security .for station and sur-. rounding area. -Improve.Southside Park -Public park space need near industrial along river -Improve appearance of.`station entrances . -Beautify roadway along.People Mover Route -Retain and improve Southside Elementary -Storm sewers,' curbs and side- walks needed west of station TRANSIT-STATION/SYSTEM DESIGN -Patron.:parking needed on station site" -Provide more green space around station -Preserve rock out-croppings and .trees ;on station site. -Provide bikeway and'vi-ta course on transit right-of-way. Plan Response: station plan requires.securing light- ing and.full-time. ath sta- tion -new pedestrian'lighting.for 10th :Street recommendation to.install'active sport facilities for adults (handball, squash, etc.) and entrance plaza for st at ion proposal to develop under -expressway space as active sports facilities and Miami Avenue Road water, frontage as retail/entertainment. plan recommends expanded: landscaped plazas at both"llth.and-loth Street entrances and at 8th-Street frontage proposed.landscaped'-mall along loth Street" DPM route. plan calls for retaining elementary school`to serve,children.of parents working in Brickell-area"" complete. street,.'improvements_:proposed for"10th and".11th:,Stre,ets:and.lst Ave- nue west -of station 15 short-term, parking spaces,available at station but,emphasis on bus access :guideway,"1and.being.lef.t open and landscaped with bike path .guideway`, aligned "'.to; preserve,;.rock out -crops and trees along sides bike path will link.to-transit station from south And river',to'north. Vita course,recommended for park Od 31 .t I of.