HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #12 - Discussion ItemJoseph'R. Grassie
City Manager
Julio A. Castanof Director
Department of Trade & Commer
February 22, 1980
Advertising Agency. of Record
for Commercial Promotion
Attached:please find,,for.Commission review, copies.of.thepresen-,
tations which the recommended topithree advertising firms ' _will,be:*
givin g'to theCity Comm issio . n - on their meeting ,of -:February' 28'.
The Comm-ission-is to select one. --firm to be the AdVert'i's"ing,Agency
of Record for Commercial. Promotion.
As yourecall, we initiated'a process of agency selection
included request for.proposal ads in the local media,- verba.11pre- .,
sentations to a review team, and.a finalselection-,processbased''on
cost., ex.perience, creativity and productive factors. That,review:
team recommended the firm Media Department II, Inc.-, a local firm,
to conduct our commercial advertising.,
The Request for Proposals ads were publishedlin,,August.''19,79. Six
companies responded to our request. At the same time,,we-had put
together a Technical Review Team to which presentations were':made.''.
This team was'composed of:
Bill Dowse, Vice President-2romotion,-Eastern Airlines
Randy Hernandez, Director, International:Market Develbp'ment,-,
Jordan Marsh
Tony E. Crapp, Sr., Division Head, -Commercial Services, -DTCD,
Gloria Marina, Division Headt,Marketing &:Promotioh, DT66'
I chaired those review 'tea I m meetings while . abstaining from voting`.
The review team selected thetop three: agencies in the following.',
1. Media Department II, 'Inc.
2- New ,Yorkers Anonymous, Inc.
3. 'Samuel. Crispin & Associates
Joseph R. Grassie
Page 2
February 22, 1980
Please note.that Media.Department II, Inc. nas.agreed to the
following items: