HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1980-02-28 Minutes( 1 _ rfCITY OF . � t• t � iP { Y tG yt- A MIAM;l r „ss UVES DISCUSSION ,,OF REPORT PRESENTED BY DR. JOHN CLEVELAND M-80-121 JR,.M.D_.:ON PLASMA CENTERS -REQUESTING, THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TO REVISE THEIR ORDINANCE DEALING: WITH PLASMA CENTERS 2 SPECIAL HOUSING WORKSHOP -PROPOSED MORATORIUM ON CONDO M-80-122 CONVERSIONS SUBJECT TO LEGAL OPINION M-80-123 M-80-124 2-a PRESENTATION OF DEVELOPMENT PLANS ,FOR THE:,NASHER CENT BY�,MR.�,.EDWARD G."GRAFTON DISCUSSION..'�_ INTERNATIONAL FOLK FESTIVAL. SEARCH FOR NEW EXEC. DI R Er TOR REQUESTING ASSISTANCE OF. COMMITTEE.` (6) MORTY FRIEDMAN NOT TO BERETAINED .ASIINTERIM..' `DIRECTOR ETC. 4 DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND.COMMERCE-PRESENTATION�OF: �, DISCUSSION: FINALISTS FOR ADVERTISING (DEFERRED TOIATER.IN,THIS MEETING) 5 :,DISCUSSION OF ALTERNATIVES-�-DEVtLOPMENT AROUND BRICKELL M -80-126 RAPID TRANSIT STATION,'­�_,'� 6 REQUEST, FOR FUNDS -LITTLE HAVANA ACTIVITY DISCUSS ION CENTER -STAFF; TO HANDLE -HOUSING :PROBLEMS FOR THE ELDERLY. 7 'PROCLAMATIONS,PLAQ UES.'.CERT:IFICATES OF APPRECIATION DISCUSSION AND .SPECIAL ITEMS 8 RECEIVE SEALED BIDS -TRAIL VIEW HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT *80-127 H7 447 9 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT-1979'JUSTICE ,SYSTEM:.IMPROVEMENT R-80-128 ACT-CITY-OFMIAMI'liAND,METROPOLITAN DADS :COUNTY 10 DISCUSSION OF APPOINTMENT OF SISTER CITYPROGRAM: D M-80-129 "MEMBERS:OF*THE-.BOARD .-OF,-'DIRECTORS. 11 HousING_PROBLE24S IN"THE LITTLE_HAVANAAREA-BRIEF DISCUSSION DISCUSSION ( CONTINUED'FROM THE:MORN,ING,,IDISCUSSION) 12 FORMAL.PRESENTATIONS OF:THREE :FINALIST 'ADVERTISING DISCUSSION FIRMS-(DEPARTMENTIOF TRADECOMMERCE) "MEDIA, . DEPAR TMENT SELECTED , (LATER FORMALIZED) 13 GRANT .OF.,.CUBAN..NATIONAL "COORDINATING ASSEMBLY M-80-130 .REQUEST FOR USE OF BAYFRONT, PARK: AUDiTOR.IlUM SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS 14 PERSONAL, APPEARANCE.,.Of .-MESSRS. STUART SORG'AND TUCKER DISCUSSION GIBBS RE THECOCONUT,GROVE AREA 15 EXECUTE., AGREEMENT_-AMEN,DMENT* FLORIDA :.EAST :,COAST DISCUSSION, ,..,.PROPERTIES, INC. DATED MAY4, 1972,, ,16 WAIVE FEES FOR PROCESSING -OF VARIANCE AT CITY'S R-80-131 :REQUEST-FLORIDA ,EAST,tOAST PROPERTIES, -INC. R-80-132 DEVELOPMENT.OF PLAZA VENETIA 17 PERSONAL APPEARANCE PROMOTERS OF COCONUT GROVE CHILDREN'S "PERFORM-A-THON"-ALLOCATE $7,500 IN MATCHING I FUNDS M-80-133 L-9 10-15 18-23 23-35 36 36-41 41-43 43-44 44-46 46 47 - 49 50 50-56 56 58-64 65 . 65-68 168-70 •lax PAGE 9i2 IN S910OFA AM�FIARID�AC� REGULAR -PLANNING AND ZONING FEBRUARY 28 1980 �RDIWCE REsoujT1aN o, PAGE NO, ITEM N0, SUBJECT 18 REOUEST FOR EXPANSION OF LEASED FACILITIES AT MARINE M-80-134 71-86 STADIUM -:PERSONAL APPEARANCE:EUGENE HANCOCK-REQiJEST M-80-135 LEGAL OPINION AS TO PUBLIC BIDDING PROCEDURES M-80-136 19 ALLOCATE FUNDS-$10,000 SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS "AMERICAN; M-807137; 87-91 NATIONAL CHOPIN COMPETITION" 20 INCREASE ALLOCATION-5TH YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT R7807138 92 FUNDS -ACTION COMMUNITY CENTER 21 AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO SUBMIT GRANT APPT.ICATION R780-139 92 U.S. DEFT. OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT NEIGHBORHOOD STRATEGY AREA SECTION 8 AREA 22' AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF SUPPLEMENTAL PROJECT CONTRACT,"_ R-80-140. 93 HOUSING UNITS DESIGNATED 8-7 COCONUT GROVE DADE 8-6 RIVERSIDE 23 AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT-PROFESSIONAL/CONSULTANT SERVICES R-S0=-141 93 LITTLE HAVANA DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 24 CLOSE STREETS-ST. PATRICKS DAY PARADE :ALLOCATE R-80-142 94 FUNDS SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS 25 -REFUND OVERPAYMENT FO FUNDS -JOINT PUBLIGITY:PROGRAM ORD. 9070 95 TO PSETROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY; FIRST AND SECOND READING ORDINANCE 26 FORMALIZING`RESOLUTION-DECLARE INTENT OF COMMISSION R-80-143 96 THAT BOARD/COMMITTEE MEMBERS SERVE ONLY 2,TERMS 'OR 8'YEARS &` ESTABLISH METHOD OF NOTICE TO AFFECTED PERSONS 27 AMEND CHAPTER 13 OF THE CITY CODE -PROVIDE FOR INCREASE ORD. 9071 99 IN MEMBERSHIP OF; DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENV AUTHORITY 28 APPOINTMENT OF INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE ON DOWNTOWN R-80-144, 100-10 DEVELOPMENT;`AUTHORITY' 29 DISCUSSION OF PUBLICITY DEPARTMENT DISCUSSION 105-10 30 ESTABLISH NEW TRUST &'AGENCY FUND"INTERNATIONAL FOLK ORD. 9072 108 FESTIVAL-:1980, FIRST AND SECOND READING ORDINANCE 31 CONFIRM ASSESSMENT ROLL 59TH STREET HIGHWAY R-80-145 109 IMPROVEMENT H-4392 32 CONFIRM ASSESSMENT ROLL-LE'JEUNE GARDENS HIGHWAY R-80-1'46 109 IMPROVEMENT 11--4383 33 DEFERRAL OF CONSIDERATION OF AGREEMENT FOR CABLE DISCUSSION 110 TV CONSULTING SERVICES 34 AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT -CITY & MIAMI DADE CHAMBER"OF R-80 147 111 4 COMMERCE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE CITY OF.MIAMI r 35 AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT -NATIONAL CENTER rOR MUNICIPAL R^80-148 112 DEVELOPMENT, INC.-"MAN IN WASHINGTON'! PROGRAM 4 AWES&RRAF&DA PAGE # 3 REGULAR -PLANNING AND ZONING) FEBRUARY 28,;1980 11EM ND. SIBJECT p� INANCE. REsoulrloo. PAGE N0. 36 ORANGE BOWL REPAIRS -WALKWAYS ANll RAMPS;;DISCUSSION; R-80-149 112-115 01FiBEER.DISPENSING EQUIPMENT AND INSTALLATION 37 AUTHORIZE INCREASE IN CONTRACT-SHAFFER-& MILLER, INC. R-80-150 115 CITY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING' 38 COMMITTEE FOR VISITING DIGNITARIES -DISCUSSION DISCUSSION 116 39 APPOINTMENTS TO.AFFIRMATIVE ACTION ADVISORY BOARD, M-80-151 117 ;DISCUSSES AND DEFERRED 40 APPOINT 2 COMMISSION MEMBERS TO DAD"I IE-MIAMI CRIMINAL R-80=152"' 118 JUSTICE COUNCIL 41 SUPPORT DUAL DESIGNATION OF CARRIERS ON MIAMI TO R-80-153 119 LONDON AIR ROUTF° 42 DISCUSSION I'PM: FERNANDINO/GRAFTON/SPILLIS/ DISCUSSION 119 - 12 CANDELLA 5-DAY RULE INVOKED BY COMMISSIONER PLUMMER 43 ACCEPT PLAT-NATOMA GROVE R-80-154. 122 44 CLOSE CERTAIN STREETS -THIRD ANNUAL OPEN HOUSE & R-80-155 123 FESTIVAL (CALLE OCHO) 45 FORMALIZING RESOLUTION -EXECUTE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING TRADE AND COMMERCE DEVELOPMENT- R-80-156 123 -ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE CITY OF MIAMI 46" FORMALIZING RESOLUTION -;MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING THE SALESMEN ASSOCIATION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA 124 -ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE CITY OF MIAMI R-80-157 47 SISTER CITY PROGRAM -DESIGNATE MONTES DE OCA,COSTA R-80-158, 124 RICA 48 CONSENT AGENDA -ITEMS 45-57 125 48.1 DIRECT CITY.CLERK TO PUBLISH NOTICE OF,PUBLIC HEARIG OBJECTIONS TO COMPLETED WORK-ALLAPATTAH SANITARY 125 SEWER IMPROVEMENT SR-54-33=C R-80-159 48.2 ACCEPT COMPLETED WORK -MODEL CITIES -COMMUNITY =PHASE"V R-80-160 125 DEVELOPMENT' STREET IMPROVEMENTS 48.3 ACCEPT COMPLETED WORK -MODEL CITIES COMMUNITY DEVELOP- 125 MENT STREET` IMPROVEMENTS -PHASE IV .. R-80-161 48.4 ACCEPT COMPLETED WORK -CENTRAL DRAINAGE PROJECT E-45 R-80-162 125 48.5 ACCEPT.COMPLE,TED'WORK-SILVER BLUFF SANITARY SEWER R-80-163 126 IMPROVEMENT.SR-5414,-C & S 48.6 BID.ACCEPTANCE-CORAL SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT SR- 126 54=63-C - F.J.SILLER AND COMPANY R-80-16.4 48.7 BID ACCEPTANCE -POINT VIEW HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT (2ND 126 BIDDING BULKEHEAD ONLY) POLSTEIN CONSTRUCTION,INC. R-80-165 48.8 BID ACCEPTANCE-VIRRICK GYM REROOFING-SANDRON CORP. R-80-166 126 I PAGE # 4 OF MiAMiE, CITYIO�OPi'IISSIO�J FLDRIAA (REGULAR -PLANNING AND ZONING) FEBRUARY 28, 1980 1Tla'I t+�. R& ECT INANCE sowf i oN PAGE NO, 48.9 AMEND RESOLUTION 80-11 POINT VIEW.HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT BY R%EDISTRIBUTING.THE ALLOCATION OF FUNDING R-80-167 127 48.10 'AUTHORIZE ACCEPTANCE OF 8 WARRANTY"DEEDS R-80-168, 127 48.11 BID 'ACCEPTANCE' -PLAYGROUND EQUIPMEIiT_ FOR PULLMAN MIN hPARK R=80-169 127 48.12 BIDACCEPTANCE-AIR CONDITIONING,MAINTENANCE FOR COCONUT GROVE EXHIBITION' CENTER-JOHNSON CONTROLS, INC.. 'R-80=170 127 NOTE: AGENDA ITEMS 5 AND'6.WERE DEFERRED 49 'BALLOTING FOR ZONING BOARD APPOINTMENT -deferred to` DEFERRED 128 3-18-80 50 APPOINT WILLIAM GONZALEZ, JR. TO COMMITTEE FOR TRADE 'AND COIVIERCE DEVELOPMENT M-80-171 128 51 SINGLE MEMBER DISTRICTS -SEE LATER RESOLUTION NO. 80-174 DISCUSSION 129 52 REQUEST CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE APPROPRIATE ORDINANCE POSTING'OF GAS PRICES BY GASOLINE`SERVICE STATIONS M-80-172 129 53 DISCUSSION OF -EMPLOYEE LAYOFFS. AND., FREEZE DISCUSSION 130 54 ZONING CLASSIFICATION FIRST READING ORDINANCE CHANGE_ 20-158 N.E. 41.STREET FROM R-3.T0 R-C FIRST READING 133 55 FIRST READING` -ORDINANCE -PROVIDE FOR INTERIM PARKING LOTS IN'C-3:,DISTRICT S FIRST READING 133 56APEOVE,IN PRINCIPLE-COCONUTGROVE BUSINESS CENTER ,- PUB I LIC PARK ING-FEASIBILITY.STUDY R-80-173 135 57 - APPLICATION FOR CLOSURE OF ALLEY-BISCAYNE BOULEVARD 'BAYSHORE DRIVE, N.E. 20 STREET & NA. 20'TERRACE 136-144 .BAYSHORE TWENTY SUB -DISCUSSED AND DEFERRED DISCUSSION 58 CONFIRMING RESOLUTION SINGLE MEMBER DISTRICTS R-80-174 145 59 LIFT EMPLOYEE FREEZE SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS PREVIOUSLY EXPRESSED BY THE CITY.COMMISSION k M-80-175' 145 60 REQUEST CITY MANAGER TO STUDY DUPONT PLAZA/BALL POINT AREA FOR WIDENING; OF BISCAYNE BOULEVARD M-80-176 147 61 DEFERRAL OF CONSIDERATION OF VARINACE LIQUOR LICENSE AT 3425 N.E. 2ND AVEA'UE DISCUSSION 147-149 62 DEFERRAL OF CONSIDERATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE 90 SLIP ,MARINA ON, GROVE ISLE DISCUSSION 150-152 63 APPEAL BY APPLICANT FOR VARIANCE -ON -LOT COVERAGE AND PERIPHERY LANDSCAPING-920-924 S.W. 25 AVENUE (APPLICATION GRANTED) R-80-177 152-160 64 DEFERRAL OF APPEAL BY APPLICANT FOR VARIANCE 34 ,UNIT APARTMENT-1852 N.`Bayshore Drive DISCUSSION 161 III CITYICOM�IISSIO�J OF MIAMFdRIDA PAGE '�� s rsounioN INANCE '1�?�'i N0, SmCT No, PAGE NO. — 65 APPEAL BY APPLICANT FOR VARIANCE 7,619'S.W. 8TH STREET (PACKER::PONTIAC)(APPLICATION GRANTED) R-80-178 162 f.' FORMALIZING RESOLUTION -APPROVE MEDIA,DEPARTMENT II' AS ADVERTISING AGENCY FOR DEPARTMENT OF ;TRADE AND COMMERCE; R-80-179 165 67 FORMALIZING RESOLUTION -CHANGE` DATES OF'MARCH CITY - COMMISSION MEETINGS R-80-180 166 68 FORMALIZING RESOLUTION -CORRECT SCRIVENER S .ERROR ,0N;_RESOLUTION.NO.::�79=810 167 v� t MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF MIAMI, FLORIDA ee On the'28th'day of February, 1980, the City,Commission id -of Miami,' Florida, met at its regular meeting place�in the City.Ha11, 3500 Pan :American Drive,?Miam, Florida<in regularsession. The meeting was called to order, at 9:15 A.M-, by Mayor Maurice"A. Ferre ` with the following. members of the Commission found to be present:, >'Commissioner J. L- Plummer,. Jr Commissioner Joe Carollo Vice -Mayor Armando Lacasa. Mayor.: Maurice A. Ferre ABSENT:. Commissioner (Rev.) Theodore R: Gibson ALSO PRESENT WERE;, Joseph R. Grassie, City Manager, R L. Fcsmoen, Assistant.City Manager; George-F. Knox, .City Attorney Ralph G'. Ongie; City Clerk,; Mat ty Hirai, Assistant City :Clerk An invocation was delivered by.Mayor Maurice A. Ferre who then led those present in a pledge of allegience.'to..the flag. A motion was duly made and seconded to approve and the the minutes of Planning and Zoning the, October 17, October 31 regular meeting meetings of October 17 and October 30th. .1 1. DISCUSSION OF REPORT PRESENTED BY DR. JOHN CLEVELAND, JR. Di.D. r OiT PLASMA CEN17ERS-REQUESTING '"HE 3OARD OF COU11TY CO' !t_ISSIO:'7J. TO REVISE THEIR ORDINANCE DEALI:7G 14I TY PLAST-2, CENTERS t Mayor Ferre: Two. All right. As I remember reading, there .was some concern, and there was some accusations that the plasma center was taking blood from people that were intoxicated and that the laws, rules and regulations that are supposed to be adhered to have not been adhered to. So, would you —since it is basically within your jurisdiction, and not ours, however, it affects all of the people of Miami and it affects the Police Department and the citizens that are in the downtown area,.would you address yourself, as brief as you can to the problem, and what you are doing and what you propose to do to solve it. Dr. Cleveland: All right, sir. The article that you are speaking or referring to is one that appeared the Miami Herald some month to month and one half ago. As a State Health officer with the Dade County Department of Public Health one of the areas that I supervise is the Metro Ordinance started, Plasma Forensic Center Surveillance Program. This started in February of 1974 and has been going on ever since. The ff article refers to some incidents that occurred back in 1975, five years ago. At that time, through some efforts of our investigation herein Miami with a plasmapheresis center that was a sister to one:in Immokalee, we found that there were some shady goings on. Also, there was`a Federal Drug Administration investigation which as dragged on;for these many years, which finally has led to some grand jury action. The `. blood supposedly that was not tested for the syphilis and hepatitis.that we do at all of them here in Miami and Dade County, was forged up there. The blood did make its way to the sister blood bank at the Plasmapheresis Center here in Miami. Then some of it got sent to a Lederly labs component in Puerto Rico. None of it was ever intended ,for human consumption. It was intended for chemical use, and testing and standards and that sort of thing. Nevertheless, because we did find that this firm was using' these practices, we issued them a letter that things were going to, have to be changed and they've voluntarily closed some five years ago. Mayor Ferre: oh, five years ago but...Dr. Cleveland, my concern,is` very very specific is, if in effect, what you are doing it taking blood. from perennial drunks in the area. It acts as if it were as a"magnet to bring people from all over the country and ... who sustain themselves" and survive by selling their mood, you know. And I ... I°think it`s; just... just from a human point of view it is a horrible thing to think that.. we have human beings in this community that are making a livlihood.by selling their blood and then going out and using all that money"to ;get.`. drunk all the time. And they're just...they are panhandlers, they bother people, they sleep on benches in the park, in doorways to ... you know, , it's something we can't just ignore. Dr. Cleveland: I quite agree with you. But you see, although, those are certainly any responsible persons humanitarian concerns, the only thing at the Health Department level which we can do, which is"a"vast .improvement over any other place in the United States, is assure that any blood that is taken out of the arms of whatever type people they:are, do not have hepatitis and syphilis. Now we can assure you that's the " case. And that is not the case in other counties, evenin this state. Mayor Ferre: Well don't you have ... don't you have an obligation under, your rules and law that those people not be intoxicated when they are giving blood? Dr. Cleveland: Yes„ sir.That's right. We have a... Mayor Ferre: Well all we are asking you ,to do is to enforce the l.aw,. that's all. Dr. Cleveland: 'Well, I can tell you that to the best of,my knowledge we have been doing it. Mayor Ferre: In other words...let me ask your When.an'individual comes into the plasma center and he's obviously under. the influenceof alcohol, is there a 'test where' they, can.,find out whether or not... r 2 F - U ist �2. SPECIAL HOUSING WORKSHOP- Proposed moratorium on CONDO Conversions a subject to legal opinion. Mayor Ferre: Alright, we are on Item #B, which is discussion of a Special Mayor Ferret Ok, the 4th is Good Friday, so we.'can't do it on';the 4th.; 5o r the 3rd is fine. Alright, so is'9 o'clock' acceptable to everybody? Anybody have.,any problems with that? Mr. Grimm; ,And keep in your mind Mayor, that, that's a fall back position and s z, I will try and get that eliminated by'the 19th. Mayor:Ferre; Well, I just want you to understand I don't want'you calling a _." meeting on Good Friday the 4th. Mr. Grimm: Yes;,sir, that's why we picked the '3rd. t' Mayor Ferret Alright, so what'we have is a meeting now for Apr:ilthe'3rd<and ... Mr. Plummer: Here again, Mr. Mayor I:would request. if, possible that that meeting start at 1 o'clock. It's only.a'two hour meeting. Mayor.Ferret-Alright, `I have.no`problems with that., 1 o'clock.... Joe,is that acceptable to you? 1 o'clock on the 3rd of April for a two hour session on the Convention/Conference and `all the.;'legal things that we got o approve, to. hopefully sell the bonds, right?OkCarollo moves, Gibson seconds,' further discussion? We don't need a roll call on that, ;I have got the authority as Mayor. to do than. So I'm just.., with the`<authority given tome by the Charter T am advising you that there wiih be a Special Commission Meeting on`the 3rd of April at 1 P.M. for the purposes of considering World Trade Center and`the. James.L....'City of Miami/University of Miami James L. Knight International Center, ok.' Mr. Plummer: Mr. Grassic, would.you,please get out a memo today to :each 1.,one of us'spelling out these times and, dates please? Mr. Grassie: We certainly will Commissioner. Mr. Lacasa: Mr. Mayor, when we are discussing the question of,the=housing Dena? 'One are the major problems that our community is facing, not only :here in the`City;of,Miami,-but all over Dade County is the question"of the lack of ­ rental units. Ttao cities have now gone on record on this 'particular question, the City: of 1.Miami Beach,. the other one was yesterday, the City of; Little Bay Harbor Islands and they; have passed an emergency ordinance stopping the conversion on a temporary basis, the conversion of rental.units to condominium apartments.. I'feel'that at this particular time and 'sub. ta'other'considerations that Iwill also discuss now, the City of Miami should also go along these lines, because the problem we.are`facing for people of low income', people that do not. have .the financial resources to afford down payments-on�housing is really, quite a predicament. So therefore, I'm going to move that this City Commission stop. temporary the conversion ofmulti-housing rentals 'tocondominiumswhile we seek other means to alleviate the housing charters in this location,` burdens caused by these conversions and I wi11 request from the legal department of the Cityof Miami an opinion as to see if we can do `this legally and I so move. Mr. Carollot Second. _ Mayor Ferre`: There is a motion and a second, further discussion? Mr. Plummer: Yes, Mr. Mayor, I of course,.,could take the easy out and invoke the rule. I'm not going to do that. I am going to vote negatively and tell you why I'm going to vote negatively. „I;don't.know that L`have any problem with the intent of what is going`.... is trying,:to.be accomplished.have a' `knowing poblem of the full impact.of what such �an action couldbe.';:We`know that wherever this has been discussed 'it has ,been extremely I have not, l.controversial. had the opportunity to have the full story.`and'I.would feel before I make such a vote on a -very critical issue,'that I should have all of, the,,;information before me. I have no ,problem with Mr Carollo putting a moratorium :immediately on if that's what he fee.ls,is necessary. i Mayor Ferree Well, I think we are not doing that today are we? Mr. Plummer: We11, that's what he is proposing as I understood it. Mr. LAcasa: What I am proposing is, requesting that we put a moratorium of let's say ninety days, that we request _this>subject to a legal opinion,from:the;legal'-'- department,as to whether or not we can do`this legally. I Mayor Ferre: Yes. (. Mr. Plummer:' Well, are you merely asking for a legalopinion? gl� Mr. Lacasa: No,,no, 'no, I; am. going, farther than that. Lam movi 1 �Ar t l y ti) Mayor Ferre:�` Ok, is`"there furtherdiscussiononthis item? ,y Ut4 ROLL CALL: Mr. Plummer: You know, I`m'not a lawyer, thank,God. What hap district such"asthis:being°created sold as condominium,but -ii residence, but for rental? What's been accomplished? Rev. Gibson: Well, J. L., let°me say this: The reason I woul am supporting it... Mr. Plummer: Father T'm going to support the motion.because j asking for an opinion. Rev. Gibson: Right. Mr. Plummer: That's, what L`m supporting. Rev. Gibson:. Right and that's where I am.' Mr. Pi, mmert �. And I will favorab`ly,;,but I'm saying the pit fa: such a' unit'in this zoning classification for rental onl.y; th, against,that unit being sold.as condos for rental purposes on, doesn't use: it, he speculates. Mr. Pl asac to pay Mr. Plummer: You didn't say thi Mayor Terre::* Well, but that's Mr. Lacasa:` I couldn't say, tha this point I don't know"whether it's'feasible from the Planning whether it might not be. Mr. Plummer: Ok. Mr. Lacasa: But we have to wai Mayor`Ferre: Further discussio Mr. Plummer: Ok, I will vote roll. tion er 6 . 0 Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner (Rev.) Theodore R. Gibson Vice -Mayor Armando Lacasa Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOBS: None. 2a. PRESENTATION OF DEVELOPMENT PLANS FOR THE NASHER CENTER BY MR. EDWARD G. GRAFTON. Mayor Ferre: We are now on Item PC, Mr. Edward Grafton. 81S F t V u O i�dV gl 19 F E B '121 8 ll';D30 before the City Commission this morning. Mr. Plummer: Well,... Mr. Mayor? Mr. Mayor, excuse me. I.would have Mr. and heard the report and voted for it. There is a concern and a lot of movement by the Chamber of Commerce to put a tunnel or a bridge, but mainly a tunnel along Biscayne Boulevard.that would come up again on the island, Claughton Island now called Key Bisc... Brickell Key and swing down along 7th Street and somehow tie - into Brickell and the expressway. Now, this is not just a casual thing that's going on. This is being pushed very strongly by Southeast and Hood Bassett, by �.» Chapman President of the Miami Herald and by Walter Revell who has now been retained by Southeast Bank to do that even though he is the Chairman' of one the Committees... UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER:, He maybe the designer of the bridge. �;ayor Ferre: No, their are moving... I mean, this is not a this; is not something that is light in nature,this is a serious attempt on the part of some members -F ll14^::community:in the Chamber of Commerce to. influence an outcome of a r„i.no1 to be built under the `mouth 'of the River there touching on Claughton Tsland and the main land. Now, my question to you is this. As I understand it rl,e intersection 'of Brickell' Avenue in the area that you are putting up a building, is at a level of service that is classified as "E" and "F" which is almost at a breakdown point. In other words, you `.are, very close.'to the maximum. allowed by the State. Now, if a bridge; and a tunnel at the:mouth of the River feeding into -7th and 8th were to be built, how would that ,impact thet4asher.;' Center and how do you and your client and company feel abov* such a bridge,;or,a tunnel? Mr. Grafton: Mr. Mayor, I think if there is one thing `that David';, Mr.' Stuzin and I agree upon is that any -attempt to take all :the City traffic problems'11 that result in Dupont Plaza and ��uip them on Brickell Avenue would bleIA solutely., "YYooed -.by the Brickell Avenue Association and anybody,,that ':owns �reah-.estate South o£ the River. I think "it's <a ridiculous scheme and I think that:•theGity is wisely proceeding on a course where you are getting 'a destination study: -.,I think that ought to;proceed. You ought to see what the benefits or;what. the results of>that study are .and not`be panicked into making some kind.of�.decision on that `cross. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Grafton, are you a member of the Chamber°of Commerce?`` Mr. Graf to I am a member of the Chamb er of Commerce and I'm a member'of gl 21 F E B 28 19$0 81 , 22 FEB 2 8 1980 �� liltli�Si C11 _ Rev. Gibson: Beautiful. Mayor Ferre: Alright, thank you, gentlemen. 3. INTERNATIONAL FOLK FESTIVAL- (a) Search for new Exec. Dir. { (b) Requesting assistance of committee; (c) Morty Freedman9--". , i not to be retained as interim director etc. 0 . .. .. ,. _.� �.a .r.u.•a_'., n... ,�4� .hei �CY.. ..�'f�".-a;. .�.';�'„}��: ;y` ,. •�a' z�aj;fA•.i?i, Mayor Ferre: We are now on Item #D, discussion of the International Folk Festival. Mr_ Crassie? Mr. Plummer: May I finish? That staff has the time, the surplus time to spin their wheels without first coming to this Commission asking, we would.... it would be... look, it would be logical to me that staff would come to this Commission and say ;to this Commission "we feel that the Polk Festival is in need.of redirection, do you the Commission agree and if so then we will proceed, if youdonf.t we won't , waste our time". There is obviously, with this backup a lot of time been devoted., All I'm saying is are we the Commission going to set the policy or are we not? Mayor Ferre: Absolutely and that's exactly what we are discussing now. And while we are on the subject, I will... I would like to address myself to it and I want to address,myself specifically to Morty Friedman who is here. Now, Mortylet me tell You that my opinion is not based on the fact that you were Rose Gordon, my - opposition's campaign managers, nor is it based on the fact that you were Xavier Suarezis,manager, the opposition to Armando Lacasa, nor is it based on the premise that you were Demetrio Perez's campaign manager, the opposition to Carollo, it 'has nothing to do with that and I want to say that out front, ok. Now, there w , ere 'certain things that were stated during the campaign that I thought were personally offensive because they were lies and that is something that bothered one personally, but that has nothing to do with the way the City of Miami functions, on something like this. I want to say out front that we are spending thirty-five thousand dollarsland in my opinion I am not and have not been happy with the result because.I am not satisfied that we are getting our full thirty-five thousand'dollars worth. 1,became very concerned when Reverend Nagy was summarily kicked...1 out of.that Committee. I had several meetings with Reverend -Nagy and.I havesome-very serious misgivings as to the direction, the purpose and the way this is;being'handled .and I want you to know right up front before any"discussion that I, am voting "no` for any extension of a -contract with you, because I d o I ni. t'', you are qualified to do,this job.. Mr. Plummer: Well.:1 just want to conclude my remarks Mr. Mayor. I'm not even :at this, point entering , into the discussion. of, Mr.Morty Friedman or to the Folk Yestivalln':,particular. I find it wrong that the staff does not come and say "you make the statements, you want me to dance, I you got to ask". Now,,,what :I1_1am, saying,is. that the staff should have come here and said "Commission your long. - standing policy, we recommend.that it needs,change. Do you want us todo.such:'.-, nOL^ 'control and set policy, want U,C Ill then this Commission would retain yes, we'�� to c.hange, we want to upgrade, we want to do differently or no, staff.-Ve wantit to stav as it is and as such don't waste your valijable time to make 'any :.changes. I am not speaking to Mr. Morty Friedman at this point, the festivailinparticular, I'm speaking to policy. That this Commission sets the policy ,'and '.1'stafi.."d6esn.!�t waste their time until this Commission has set the policy or changed %he policy;: Mayor Ferre: Well, my opinion.is just the opposite. .1 am very -.pleased that,you had the'.initiative ,to take something which is not functioning and ,'wasting -,-t irt five thousand.dollars ,of people's,monies of thisCity'and-addr'essing'.'.yourself to a way:to correct it and I fully intend to.... Rev. Gibson: Mr. Mayor and members of the Commission, I am unalterably`6pposed. I want to I make sure everybody understand 'this. I am unalterably opposes r-o7-",, anybody ,getting on the dance floor expecting me to tango and not.asking_mie to., tang 1 0. It takes'twoto tangle. I want to say something that I do n! t thl n k you all understand. What really.begins to bother me is, if I am the dog, I 'wag. the tail, the'tail doesn't wag the dog. Now, Mr. Mayor, usually,1. 'becau.se­% am in the kind of thing I'm in I try to be very polite, you know. :M'ore:'b , e , e' s.,. are .,caught by honey as ever... you see, if you had asked me... and I Plummers' Plummer... you know, Plummer, I don't always -1 agree with you, but you know, wheh,you::come,__with this kind of thing you know what, you have told me, the dye is cast. You are not asking my opinion. You,remember ,I told you all about a Committee that"you, appointed the other day, you go and,get a Board and... you remember -that? You remember that story I told you? Arid ,l-warned .you, I said "look, man,.'you:s,e,t,1 the policy". I happen to be in the group that developed this kind of.s sy stem. tem., I keep telling you all that., We.set the:policy and then the staff go. I just don't -think no has s s ,no,business'...Now, let me say something on:this jable that .nobody ,wants to say. The staff hasnever supported the Folk Fe'stival. wholeheartedly . Mayor.Ferre, And,I will tell you... and'I am not going to su pport.,theFolk' Festival the :way,it's... Rev. Gibson: Mr. Mayor I have nothing, -to do whether :you :support it, or. noi.­­ I... Rose':�Gokdonand,, I, were like, them - _pppa and tbemama. 14ow" let e tell" you supporte why I d-itok. Con rary to what a lot of you all, You know 0 rZ n Any) gI 24 F E E) 0 iJ )u _- - '�f " Ft'.:i:..�;y-,.� ram. .w+Tr�".i:1:ll+.. �.:, t'i �"i1'i"ilY.�65W1e �1�®1� 0 0 (MAYOR PASSES THE GAVEL TO VICE MAYOR) Mayor�Ferre-, Thatwas the intention of the motion., explicitly Mr. � Free mr.,-,,Plummer: ,...But ,_you excluded e:� Mayor Ferre: I did. Mr. Plummer: Now, if you remove that, I can -vote' ,,, gl 26 :with .,that, mol it 'front, I 'di rty you de- mnual :hat iat the %�''a'� �'A - 0 0 0 0 Rev. Gibson: All right, Mr Mayor, members of the City Commission. There are two things that bother me, I want to put those things on the table. I want the public to know that.the firm, for this activity has already been chosen., Mayor:Ferre: No, sir. Rev. Gib,sbn':, Well _wait a minute. Maybe can't read.,....,. .1 lv!ay61,Feire:� It is:being_'rlecommended by the Administration.. let the'.x, ecord refle 6t� . that,I wo I ul d � v6t e:against . Evelio.Ley getting'this­ contract, and' , m 11 putting I .it'on.the record right now,,it.is their recommendation, not, m ne..., Rev,.:,Gib66n, Well, this is all I'm saying, look -you know, all I'm, saying- is the.memo-that you gaveme with the structure 'andallof that you have chosen, not you, ,the staff has,chosen the person, okay? that's number one I can't buy that, that's what I'm for.. Number two, I like what you are saying about,thlree Ja 16ans, three Bahamian I s:, three Jews or any other composition, I havemo.,,, problem with that. But what bothers me is if you really mean what,you .say .l. that:.the Folk Festival hasn't been going and so on and so forth—doyO.kripw what I want to recommend for this Commission, for the best interests,,of1,.'.this,:'-. community, so as to carry out the real intent of the Folk Festival,-,is',to.,ge't rid, I of all festivals and have one. Have you ever thought about that7..,,,Get_rid of all festivals, Kwa nza...get rid of all the festivals and have one. 'And at' that I point in time you fish or cut bait. We are dealing with people. All ethnic groups here need to get to know each other, that was the idea ofthe­.Folk Fe6tival:and I want to say that two things about what's happening that bothers the hell . out of me. Number one, the company to do the work has already,be.en, picked'.:,_:Number two, that if you restructure it, let's have one festival,,one great., I big festival, bring this City together once and for all, let them have their eyes.looked at eye ball to eye ball, and let them that doggone it, this` is Miami and we are going to have to live here together or we will die separately. Mayor Ferre: I'd like to answer Father, if I may, on both of.those ..*things. First.,ok.all, let.me say.again on I the record that the Administration, in my. op n onhas a,perfect,right to,come up to this Commission and ,rlecbm'mend, a4y_, thing.t at they think is important that we should addres.s..That is'not a'de,ter mihati6n. of . policy.. If, they had done this arbitrarily, and, .they-.t,oid `i'lsl'that t is'had been done 'then I think you would be right. They,are .not -.do ng that. � They;are `coming here.and they are saying we think there is.a,p-ioblem.herei:,here is th,e,6_o,luti6ii,'we recommend it. Now, number two, with, rega,r, s- ,o the Execu- . .tiv e,Director'of. this thing. I frankly do not think thatEveli I oo, Le y, is in,'my - - ' "' done opipionj�,prepared at this time to do this and I think it:sho`uld�.be,,th ' at think that the Committee should decide who is going;: to- b, e '­ t e. xecut ve D I irector. Number three, I want to tell you that ifthe fiirm,.Iof Ev6116,,Ley.�were brought:up at this time I would vote against it and the redson,J.~.w against is 1,think the 'v6 got enough to do with these,trade­'fairso:and I�' � ,w, . I - I y 1. 11 1 `-I , " , 'ihihk.e:shbuld g' s of jobs out to -different organization,,.to ive:--these,-type different; groups in this community. Number four, with regards to the:,.Ad 'n* ii t do this quickly�be'causie�.M s upon understandmi. istration, ..Is trying o ay,.;i, y criticism of , what,you Ive'done is that you didfift:-do"this earlier us .my only iticism e;pe rhaps and�,I :think,' it should have. been:- done several months ago, at. least,.,: V ow , 'p you.d t want to"do.itbefore:November, but perhaps after November, you know,. when all the he_a:t,of the'.'...be'cause at that time it wouldha-yre,':been11,ap6i,itica1 thing.'.- But once- politics:gotout of it, I think it should.havebeen,done at that time. 111�'':'I�t h that 'Now,vit , regards t8'your.secondpoint about one.fe. ink, 9 festival. the -Bahamian anid'the Black'community has a perfect right to.,'cele rate_,,a,­'1_ 'BahAmi I anfestival here called I Junkanoo". I want to tell - you" that Junkanioo b 'several ­ hundred thousand people attend'itas,..I',remem er, 'had eve I I - 30 , I 1 1 several :hundred I - .thousand,people. I think the, Cuban 'community may want, � to -'go,, -, to Junkanoo and 'he dop-sgo,to.Junkanoo, if they want to, that's their choice., I ink,�,,t Cuban remind h communityis entitled to have their "Calle 8" and`I might I d youlthat.t e "Calle 8" four to five hundred thousand people -and somebody.: said., eight. hundred which,,I don't believe- but certainly the Police count are well,_1n: ' exc - ess,. ' of five hundred thousand people. They are entitled to have their Festival. I might remind you that the Folk Festival is I think a success,:and',:'dwonderful expression. It does not address itself either to the Cuban commun,it,ylbr,)the Black community exclusively and we have all kinds of booths representing .all , and Puerto,Ric o in types of countries Lithuania and Poland'dGreece,; reece,% and Italy, and the German-American,*and I think that there is I a I , ee& �or, I that. I , type ype of an ethnic Folk Festival. If we merge the Miami Folk Festival'linto,,Calle 8, gl 28 FEE 2 1080 e P with all due respects, the Cuban aspects of it would completely absorb it alLd there won't be any emphasis on the variety of this community. If you but it into Junkanoo or the Kwanza Festival, the same thing will happen, i.n my opinion. So I think there is a proper and an appropriate place for a separate ethnic fc.-sstival. I want to tell you that St. Patrick Day Parade in Miami, or in New York, does not deny me, the Puerto Rican community of New York, to have a Puerto Rican Day Parade because even though there may be a lot of Puerto Ricans that march on St. Patrick's Day -and there are- I guarantee you you won't get as many Puerto Ricans to march_on St. Patrick's Day as you will, on Puerto Rican Day. And that becomes an activity by it- self. I think we should have a Cuban activity here, because there is a; big segment of the community that is Cuban. I think we should have a Bahamian activity, I think we should have a Black activity and I also think that we :should have an ethnic fair where the people of Lithuania, and Greece, and Italy have the right to express themselves and have the -kind of festival which is proven. Perhaps we don't get five hundred thousand people at this time, but maybe we can work up to it. Rev. Gibson: Mr. Mayor, I don't... Mr. 'Plummer: Excuse me, Father. Mr. Mayor, Ernie FannoV Q sent" amessage he wholeheartedly agrees with you. Rev. Gibson: I don't want you to think that this 'is you know, between you and me. I... mine is a basic fundamental principle, basic fundamental principle. I use an e-..ession up here ever so often about don't come through the back door when you can't get in the front door. You remember that? I believe that you ought to put it out front. It must be recounted here that the staff of. this Cit:y... I have been down there now... and I want to make sure the Mayor hear me because I waited patiently to hear him. You know, I doubt seriously this Commission can say and let me do what the boys..'. you don't have this background I have, what the ghetto boys do when they... want everybody to tell the truth, to give them the bible. I'don' think this Commission on a stack of bibles could say that they have always and wholeheartedly supported the Folk Festival. Now,... Mr. Plummer: Get your bible. Rev. Gibson: Well., look, look, you know the one thing I learned when you make the broad statement those of you who are not guilty don't have to say nothing. Those of you who are guilty usually the people, you know,;and'I can tell you for certainty that I followed the Folk Festival and.I speak about the Folk Festival with a passion because I saw the Folk Festival as an opportunity and an occasion having gone through what I went through in my life time, more than anyone of you as an opportunity to melt this community together and yet be different. You can't believe this. I still like my conch and my peas and rice and my fish despite the fact, I come to all you alls function, ok. Ask the boys when we have our own little thing I get my Bahamian background thing. I never deny it, don't disown it. I say to you all there more... I'm troubled Mr. Mayor, I'm not going to stop nobody. I know the votes are here. Let say this and hush my mouth to regardless of what is said afterward. Godoyour thing, Gibson, will be back there praying that what I think I see wil not come. Mayor Ferrer Alright, I call the question.< Mr.'-Lacasa: Alright, the question has been called,. further'disc ussi,- I call .the ,roll. Mr., Friedman:, Will,Inot have a'chance 'to address the 'Commission? Mr. Lacisa: Ok, Mr. Friedman. Mr,. Friedman: I would appreciate it after eight years with this... if I can make a statement and then call on some members of the Festival Committee who are anxious to speak. I would greatly appreciate it. First of all, I would like to correct the Mayor on a couple of things. One is, I did not work cb:inst Mr. Lacasa in his campaign. I had nothing to do with his nor'his opponent's campaign. I worked against you Mr. Mayor and my business is public relations and advertising. I take many accounts, it's an impersonal' thing, sometimes it gets personal. 81 r' ;� } r. 0 irn� 0 ` t �J• i Mai+ r Ferre: Well, let me tell you that I took it personally, the ads that you Put. I took it personally. Mr. Friedman: Mr. Mayor, I never have knowingly said anything untrue about Vou. The `facts were sufficient, that's all I used. Mr. Carollo, as for your knowledge, I handled the English language advertising that�was used in your, campaign by your opponent, I had nothing to do with the Latin campaign, that was the limit of my. -- Mr. Carollo: I can say this sir, that I don't mind at all. In fact`.I'm glad it wasn't too effective. Go ahead,sir Mr. Friedman: And I would like even before I begin this otatement to correct what 'was -'said about the Festival Committee and any imbalances ,or anything. I'aive thirty-five members, they represent over twenty-two nationality and nt'hnic groups. They are approximately one-third Black, one-third Latin and cane-third<European or Oriental. About a year ago the City's Affirmative Action Office called and asked for the list of the members and their nationalities and ethnic groups and I gave it to them and they said to me... the'woman,who was making a survey of all City Boards and Agencies, said "this undoubtedly the best balanced City Board that ever has been, both in terms of race; nationality and sex". So,I don't think that we have anything that ,is unfair to anybody?. I would also like to point out to you the idea: of having three persons from every Country becomes absolutely impossible,'if you just take t:,? Americans alone and ignore Europe and Asia you are going; to have sixty ' some members, more than .that eighty some members on the Committee which would _make_it impossible to function. Now, last July 5th I reserved the night of May;9, 1980 at Omni International Hotel for the Folk Festival's 1980 International Ball .and on the same day,;I reserved_Bayfront Auditorium -for the festival use from,.SuIn ay, May llth thru Sunday, May 18, 1980. On Novembe.r,,.21st after the budget hearings for the City's 1979-80 fiscal 'year I concluded... I wrote,, 3 1.etter to City Manager Joseph 'Grassie notifying him of the date set'. the_`1980 International Folk Festival. I also advised him "we.are now',at.the point where we must print our brochures for 'the coming festival and solicit. , local businesses for support of various Folk Festival programs as we have done in,past years". I explained that in order to take any official actions 'on those matters approval by the City for the usual contract with it6ity Friedman and- Associates, Incorporated for production of the festival would be.necessary and; said the same terms as in the 1979 agreement would be fine with. me. After several weeks the secretary in the City Manager's Office advised me to speak' to Ms. Angela Bellamy. She advised.me of some problems;in ascertaining the :exact amount on the 1980 Festival budget. After several more 'weeks was advised to talk to Mr. Howard Gary.',He said the Publicity Department; had been all but abolished and that some of the festival funds were to come from there originally. Later he told me Mr. Grassie want to see a 19.80 Folk Festival budget and would later discuss it with me. I hand delivered the budget and never heard anything more about it, although Mr. Gary assured me from time to time that Mr. Grassie was going to, review it. One.day he told me.Mr. Grassie had gone on vacation and the matter wouldhaveto await his return. Later. I was advised that maybe Mr. Vincent Grimm could help since we were already, into February. Mr. Grimm was unable to give me any news, but referred me to Mr. Cecil Odio who also had no news for me. Finally, talking to Commissioner Plummer one day, which was February the 14th, I told him that it would soon be too late for this year's festival to be produced in May, since,I had been stalled for three months on our plans. Commissioner Plummer` said he would expedite the matter and we were finally placed on the agenda for<today. The following day after the matter was placed on the agenda I received a phone call from the City Manager's Office telling me to be in the office of Mr. Odin the following day. I had never met Mr. Odio before that time. When I met with him he told me that the delay in getting the festival underway.was because the City. Administration was planning to hire a consultant to handle the -festival in the future. He said Mr. Grassie authorized him to 'offer me three thousand dollars`if I would handle the folkloric, music andentertainment portion of the festival working under the new consultant. He 'told me at'xhat:time he didn't know who the consultant would be and :that several names ;had been mentioned. He wanted my answer.to the offer that was submitted by Mr. Grassie and I told him I would need to know more details of the'new plans and would.want to discuss them with my. Folk Festival Committee ueiuee giving him a'decision. I then called 'a meeting for the Festival Committee for lastTuesday night. 'I sent letters and invited the Mayor and Commissioners to the meeting and Asked in a letter to;Mr—Grassie , that he attend to tell of:his plans or.to'send a representative to do so. He sent Mr. Odio who presented us with a copy of his memorandum of February. 22nd'to Mr. Grassie in which he attached a copy of the proposal submitted by Evelio Ley and Associates gl .30 F E 8 2 8 1980 e. P for the festival. That day February 22nd was the same day Mr. Odio told me he didn't know who the consultant might be. Mr. Odio's memorandum... Is the Mayor here? Mr. Odio's memorandum to Mr. Grassie read as follows; "The- T.nternational Folk Festival since it's inception has been run by a citizen Committee which has had a moderate success. We feel that this festival might aave''out grown the present organization and now requires directions from a professional consulting firm. It is the intent of the professional group to request Mr. Morty Friedman's collaboration. I propose to hire Evelio Ley and Associates due to their huge success for the Trade Fair of the Americas to run this festival. The budget for 1980 would remain the same at a figure of Thirty-four thousand seven hundred four dollars". That's the end of the quote from the memorandum. I take great exception to Mr. Odio's remarks both as Chairman of the Folk Festival and as a professional newspaperman and advertising and public relations consultant in Florida for more than thirty-three years. First the statement that the Folk Festival has had ."moderate success" is the understatement of the year. Rev. Gibson: I would like to call the question. Mr. Lacasa: He is finishing his statement. Mr. Friedman: The festival is a smashing unqualified success that draws; , people from many Countries and has spectators numLering as many as!a.hundred fifty to hundred seventy-five thousand persons. It is the biggest Folk'' Festival in the Western hemisphere with the possible exception of Toronto." It is according to Father Gibson and many others, the greatest vehicle"for a good _community relations which this area has ever known. It is the only.-.. event in Florida which is by and for persons of every nationality and ethnic`' group with more than seventy-five different ethnic backgrounds involved the ,past several years in one or more festival programs. Travel agents=from= many``parts of the world have written to us to form special tours to the Folk Festival here and that has received great press coverage in many nations. Your Folk Festival have brought performers here from many Countries and many_ of them sent by their governments. Including those... now, these, are the ones 'sent by official governments of these Countries. The Republic of 'China, Mexico, Trinidad, the Philippines, Dominican Republic, Uruguay, Honduras Venezuela and Nicaragua. We have also had groupsquasi official groups representing Argentina, Peru, Haiti and Columbia and we have had a group representing Czechoslovakia which are an American Czechoslovakia group incidentally. Last year the government of Guatemala sent us a PHD Professor in Mayan history who leccured in the main library of Miami oil Mayan culture ane Drought with him archeological treasures. Locally we have"."tolkloric participation always in native costumes incidentally by representatives of virtually every nationality in the Americas, Europe and Asia as well as the United States. We have presented special show featuring the folk music and dancing of Cuban, China and the United States. Miami needs more "moderate success" like that for it's cultural life. Perhaps the reason for this lack of understanding of our track record is that despite our invitations over the past several years some top members of the City's Administration have never visited the Folk Festival.. I hope that was heard. We have repeatedly invited certain members of the City Administration to our meetings of theFolk Festival Committee and to the Folk Festival itself and with one or two exceptions in the City's staff, we have never had the visits of the top City Administrators. One person who has worked closely with this event and -is perhaps the foremost authority on special tourism events in Florida and the South has known of the success of this event since it's inception. He is Lew Price, Dade County _Director of Tourism and for more than twenty years Director of Publicity.and Tourism for the City of Miami. He has had ultimate'responsibility'for'the City of Miami Folk Festival until he went over: to the County recently. Here is what Lew Price wrote to me in a'.letter... Mr. Lacasa: Morty, Morty, excuse me a minute. You have been speaking for about fifteen minutes now, this is.. Mr.. Friedman: I don't think so. Mr. Lacasa: Yes. This is not open to the public, we are giving you the privt ege because you have been long enough with this International Folk Festival and I'm making an exception 'since this is the Committee of the whole and.js not a public hearing,, but how much longer do you need? Mr. Friedman: I need about as much time as I have had already. 31 r l . i n } 6 O tJULi gl 0 KeV. Gibson: i, mr.�. Ptayor, . J. want to raise a fquestion. 1, hope, that becauss Administration,is'assigned to select it doesn't 'pr eclu'd6: TheodoreGibsc from offering 'a nomination. Mr.- Lacasa:�, �,Of course. Mayor -Terre: Well, I will amend my, motion to say three— '! Mr. Plummer: In the interim the staff will work at thebehest of gl 34 E 0 2.8 1980 F, 4 . DEPARMENT OF TRADE AND COMA'IERCE - Presentation of finalist's -for advertising (deferred to later in this meeting) 5. DISCUSSION OF ALTERNATIVES- Development around Brickell Rapid Transit Station. Mayor Ferre: Alright, then make your presentation. Rev. Gibson: So you all are pretty much together.'? FLU 2 8 1980 gI 37 13 Mr. Luf t: Yes. Rev. Gibson: Ok, that's all I want to hear because I don't want to;go to poliey;council and then have a big fight' there and you know,..: ok. Go ahead. sir. Mr. Luft: An important realization about the future of Brickell is the fact that transportation linkages and market forces are drawing it closer 01. Downtown. The demand in Brickell is:for higher intensities, quite ;"cleariy. The cost of land is escalating very nearly to that in the Downtown", - the fact that the Government Center will be tied into the Brickell area with"., the Rapid Transit System, that Dupont Plaza will be `linked through the, People Mover means that Brickell will now be as close to 'those area" s as one, Biscayne, as the Junior Colleges, anything Downtown you will be as close. to those activity centers in Brickell in the future. So it really must be thought of as part of Downtown and'not an adjunct or an .appendage to it. An important fact to consider as we look at the expansion of the Brickell Avenue, development is to think about what type of development we have there. It's really one dimensional. It's the kind of development that has in the past sought to isolate itself, each individual office tower one from the other. And we have to ask ourselfif that's the'kind'of development pattern we are seeking in the future. There is a demand for s'ix`thousand new housing units Downtown.' The Park West Study has identified an incredible market'. demand for housing in the' Downtown area. Even Park West should that materialize will not be able to satisfy that demand. Brickell, it is important -to,.,' , keep in mind is probably the most attractive area in the City of -Miami for'Downtown urban housing and we need to ask ourselves how can we 'incorporate that housing into the future of Brickell: What is the best way.?11 What. isthe best location and' how' much? We need to recognise the., fact iha just West of the.new transit station which I have two photos here transit station: being located along the railroad tracks at.lQth Street.' 'area to the West -of the"transit station is a stable resource of moderate cost housing. It's.. one of"the;few Downtown moderate cost housing areas accessible to the many,amenities in the area that we have. We feel that this is an important consideration in dealing with it's future. And finally, we need to understand that `existing development in Brickell under the RCB ordinance it will expand to the present amount of parking from the seven thousand spaces we have there today in the order of thirty-two thousand spaces by the year.2000. That means very simply that if nothing else changes, if we do not increase the intensity levels of development we have today, we are going to'b'e looking at five times as many cars trying to get out of Brickell in the year 2000 on Coral Way,, on Dixie ,.Highway, .on Bayshore Drive as we have -today. That's with no additional intensity granted. Now, this brings us to the major policy conclusions that ,we have drawn from this exercise. In"response to these policy questions and these.facts, we have concluded in our study and we have gotten the support of the Brickell Citizen Committee, again, a collection of businessmen, ;property owners in the area, that we want to continue the existing development of the Brickell Avenue office corridor as is. ' This`is'more or less a status ;quo program for Brickell Avenue itself. We are looking at maintaining the exi'ating,residential uses West of the station. We are talking about very little change in here if anything, a moderate increase in intensities for in fill development, but a very real effort to protect the housing that is there today. Ttiirdly,;we'are`going to encourage... going to recommend encouraging major redevelopment East_.of the station. I would point out that in,this area we have the :largest amount of parcel assemblage in the Brickell area today. The Allen Morris Company, has ownership or option on about sixty percent of that land in 'this yellow area. Stanley Dobb Company also has major assemblages in the Southern portion of"this area.".,,This area.is'very soft today, it is right for redevelopment and we are :saying that, that is the appropriate place for redevelopment to occur. It should be high intensity. High intensity higher than what Brickell has to offer today It should be mixed use.: By that we mean, it should be office, that is the most transit related use;.; Tt"offers us the greatest ridership the greatest compatibility with thetransit"function but it should also be in our opinion a combination of.residential and': retail services.' We should be moving away from the singular link use, the isolated - type use that we see along Brickell, Avenue into more of, f :an urban mixed 'high intensity type of development form. 'This would give us the activity center that is appropriate and in fact, I. think the market is demanding for that Brickell Station. We are looking at a predominately office as I have mentioned. It is not possible in our opinion to think exclusively in terms of residential. We do not have the Bayfront,:we do not have the amenities, we are in the interior of the Brickell area, because of that we need the incentive, the leverage that office give us in terms of economics in order to use that to gain our residential gl 38 FES 2 8 1980 development option._ We are talking about major bonuses for those residential and retail, major bonuses that are going to mean two and three times the intensity we see today in:the Brickell area in.order to achieve that mixed use and we are talking about 'a building form that's more re'lated,to the pedestrian environment in the street as'opposed to the automobile with the large parking lots and garages surrounding it. A major recommendation we are going'to be making'is'the limitation of parking spaces. I pointed out to`you.that ve are looking at thirty-two thousand spaces in the year;2000 if nothing else changes. Very; simply what we are saying is that with increased intensities that we would like to see happen next to that Brickell Station, we are going to have to make' them continguent upon a reliance, almost'a dependence upon transitias a means.of access. We cannot afford to keep building parking spaces at the rate we are building them today. It is going to simply choke Brickell." And finally, consistent with this effort to downplay the automobile as mode of access to the Brickell area. We are `going to emphasize pedestrian walkways, shuddle bus 'routes, which you saw on the Nasher Center plan and the DPP4. That is in essence the policies, some facts'and some recommendations that' we have for the Brickell area. Any, questions? Mayor"Ferree -Jack, let me just on record say ,:that `I think what you are doing here is'creative, logical and reasonable. I feel"very strongly about one maybe two elements in your conclusion section and that Is that I am very strongly for.`a mixed use. I think one:of the bad things .-_bout American cities..`. in some American cities is that,when,people build apartments they build apartments and then they b11 uild offices separately and they build shopping centers and grocery stores and drug stores in another place and as a consequence we segregate ourselves, you know, from... and'so cities.that are alive from .,in the morning until 5 become ghost towns at 6 o'clock "and I think one of the things that we have .got to be very careful of in this Brickell Avenue area, is that we don't create ghost towns. We don't want.`.. what's happening now, you go down Brickell now in the evening and with the exception of 'the hotelarea those... it's empty there is nothing going on you see, 'because all the people -have left.their..offices. And I think on the West side of Brickell`we really need to go to mixed use".and I +near.,every where. I will... I'm just telling; you right' -on the,record,now that I will not vote for anything and apartment that will be. ;just strictly an apartment building. I think the ground'floor..should have complete variety of.mix'tures that people can different elements'. Dir.'Luft I would like to make an observation in that regard At: our ;public meetings; the planning sessions we had with the community. ,The Allen`Morris Company, in particular do not disagree with 'the. mixed use concept.,` -However, they advocated very high intensity levels'as a base FAR, ;for.office' . .They wanted tos.see six or seven or eight or ten as a beginning'... as a -starting point for, office and then residential on top`'of that. And we told them.it!-was our, feeling if you start that high with floor area ratios you are never going#to:get the mixed use. You are going to give them everything ;the want, they. will:.have' no incentive to build ,the residential or retail. Mayor Ferre: I want to say something on the record now'. .Allen"Morris is going out there and buying all that land because he thinks.;he<is;going to .make a big killing.` I want to say, on the record so that ... right out front; I am violently personally opposed to the extension of.whai we have East, of. Brickell to:the'area of West of Brickell.-,' If we,do that we will doom the City and Brickell�_Avenue' for`many years to come. And Mr. Allen Morris,to.you sir, on - the record.so that when you.hear about this`you will get -it very clear from one out,of five people here. I think that the character of. Brickell Avenue on..the West side' should be residential in nature -as as possible and it should `be medium intensity. I will vote against any six :or seven or eight FAR ratios; I think that is excessive ."That's what Downtown isi for and what they are trying to do andI understand because I was in that same business is you ;buy cheap land and yuu get it rezoned and you get the use of it moved'up and that's why; Downtown is the vacant area that it is.or has been in the past. You want to. build an office buildings, don't go buy ten and fifteen and twenty dollar square foot: land and get it rezoned so you can sell it for eighty. Go Downtown,,that's where office buildings, big office buildings belong. Small office buildings,;, 1.commercial, mixed used, fine. That's just one man's opinion. The second thing I wanted -to mint!.^n here was with regard to parking. I accept what; you said, I - think that makes some sense, but there has got -to be a reasonableness'to it, 'because I`don't care what happens, you are not going to get the average;; American. out of his, car and you cannot doom in the same way :that you are, talking over here.at the UnderwoodProperty, that they have to have parking and I think that's right." 39 Ft6 2$ 1980 gl 0 0 91 40 t r o. REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL FUNDS - LITTLE HAVANA ACTIVITY CENTER staff to handle housing problems for the elderly. Mayor Ferre: Alright, we have a pocket item with regards to the Little Havana Activity Center. You are recognized. gl 41 F E G 2 8 1980 nroeram in the City of Miami to be able to meet these needs. Mayor Ferre:. Alright, can we get a reaction from the Administration? Mayor Ferre: You see... Ok, I think you are going to have to have a meeting gl 42 F E B 28 1980 V e with them and outline those, but I think the point... you know why this is happening? I have got three secretaries upstairs and Marie and Fausto. There,are five people that work., We get at least thirty to forty letters a day, between letters,and ,phorie.calls of `people pleading for housing. You see, we have an inordinate amount of poor and elderly people in this community, and there just simply is not enough housing and so the demand is so much larger than the supply that weare really at a very critical point and ;this .is what happens. This is the end result of that kind of dramatic -concern. 11And'I don't know how we are going to address it, but we really have 'to get into this. Mr. Lacasa: The same situation that theMayorhas expressed i`s the one that 'I have. That is the reason why I about three or, four, Commission hearing ago proposed that we get back. the Miami Housing Authority. That is the reason why early this morning I was dwelling again, on the question of housing and proposing that zoning classification concerning rentals and -all that. because jf you"asked me what`is,the major problem that we face here now .is precisely the'one of housing, precisely the one affecting the elderly -people. So what we are... I understand now from where you come. I don'.t know if the figure of one hundred twenty thousand dollars is feasble.at this particular point. I understand that maybe a figure in the neighborhood of 'eighty thousand dollars... somewhere between eighty and a:hundred,thousand dollars'according to previous cunversation that I have;had with staff 'could'be more appropriate. As far as the kind of planning, the'kind of proposal that you'could'develop, I feel that maybe what you ought to do is;to-sit down with your staff and work out something where there is no duplication of services and you can serve our community and at the .:same dime don'teciter into duplication and expenditures of monies we mighi,�not,;want to .expend.: ;.So at this particular time I'm going to move that we -allocate those funds pending -a proposal working in conjunction with the, C. D..'staff that is acceptable 'to`both and I am going.:. you are requesting a hundred twenty thousand dollars. If I recall correctly we might be able' to go up to about.eighty-five ;thousand dollars, so what I am going to move is for:,eighty-five thousand dollars. Rev. Gibson: Mr. Mayor, I have problems with the way .we are 'doing business Why.are you...:,this lady will leave here on no hopes-now..if you find out later on, you know,;you can't.:: you know: Wouldn',t it... Oh, my God, I... Wouldn't it be'better:.. Look,... Mayor Ferre: Alright, well, we have a motion on the -floor, is there a second? Mr..;Carollo: Mr. Mayor, Commissioner Gibson 'and Commissioner Lacasa, without `a doubt this is one area of town that--- and not the only area in our`Cityeither, may I add, but it's one area that is in very need of housing. We have grave problems there that I don't think we've faced yet the way we should. I will second that motion, however, I would like to out of courtesy to Commissioner Plummer vote upon it when we have a full Commission later on;today. Mayor Ferre: Alright, well, we will leave this motion pending until Plummer returns and it can 'be fully discussed and then I'm going to call a recess at 'this time and then we will vote upon this when we return this afternoon.` NOTE: WHEREUPON the City Commission recessed at 12:35 and reconvened at 2:15, with all members of the City Commission found to be present. j 7. PROCLAMATIONS, PLAQUES, CERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATION AND SPECIAL 19 ITEMS. 43 FEB ?8 wo gl 4 1 8. RECEIVE SEALED BIDS- Trail View Highway Improvement H-4447. gl e e e c y. INTERLOCAL OF MIAMITAND1979 JUSTICE METROPOLITANSYSTEM IMPROVEMENT DADE COUNTY - ACT r The Following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved 10. SISTER CITY PROGRAM: Discussion of appointment of mem- bers of the Board of Directors. Mayor Ferre: I now recognize Mr. Bill Chapman. Mr. Chapman, welcome to our Chambers. Mr. William Chapman: Mr. Mayor, fellow Commissioners, as Vice Mayor of Coral just came from a meeting a Rotary where I had an opportunity to give Gables I resent and future of Coral Gables, and in them a talk -about about the past, p Sister -the courseI 'I'll of that talk; obviously I had to, whenmake syou startedome coutoyourstarted City -Miami. ,You all know that ears out. you had about.;1,000 residents and wi mention this asin a �thisrt eprobablyriod of Zbecame our you. went to 11.1,000. Now, Y of spring board, a11 s our .City of Cwhichral Gables followed theprestioftthe aStatesth So we development of City of Miami,re on a have a her itaut I'm he ge.which'g°ich is alsoetied.inBwitha program that twerhave iinre lates to your program wh Coral Gables,, but Ism not appearing here as the Vice Mayor of Coral Gables,.I have another-hat'as a State Representative of the Sister City International. Now, we: are aware,ioner of the; fact that the interest shown by the City of Miami with we what's,; going on down in South American cities+been,outve kon the forefr ontat sgiving Plummer has been:very,mu, interested,and,has some of his time and energy1. and:I'm�sure others of you have participated, but what -:,,we are suggesting; in meeting with the Miami people, is that there may be that could further a dvance,thisprogram which is becoming so vital to a way „ , � 10, that President our nation. You all may have been aware ,recently, on January er. had a meeting ,up in,the'White House,dealing,with the Caribbean area. And he«appointed, who was'likewise.present.at that.,meeting, our Governor Robert standards for ad- Grahantto Chair. that me1­11eting to,showandtiwsrovingathem,sanddfacilitating what vancing our contacts and relations,,_ P ever possible a closer relationship between South America and Florida. So, at 47 F E E 8 1980 the same time, they asked that beyond that Committee, the Sister City Inter- national. So there is a direct relationship between you, as the City of Miami, with your Latin friends in Miami, with your international aspects that the r,ayur referred to a moment ago, and which currently we are much jealous of our position as a multi -national area too. So we have a cohesiveness here, and what we are suggesting in order to enable this problem to even gather greater mo- mentum, is that you recognize your Miami Sister City Program as sort of an um- brella to bring together all the various interests involved in the Sister Cities so that you can have advice and recommendation from a group that is consistent and organized. At the same time, in order to keep yourselves involved, as many of the cities have done, if you would each of you, as a Commissioner, would ap- point one person in the community that you feel would be interested in this area to the directorship of the Sister City Program in Miami. This way you'd have someone who could, from time to time, certainly acquaint 'you;with,what's going on and this would generate a renewed interest that the City is cooperating and saorking together. You know, ,there are seven hundred some odd cities in the United States involved in this Program, and nine hundred throughout the world. Even beyond that, Japan has it's,own Sister City Program reaching,into other areas of the world as does England-, and also Mexico. So .this Program has far reaching benefits based on what President Eisenhower said back,in 1957' when.:he suggested this=Program, that .the best diplomacy between.countries instead of government to govlernment,.is people to people, but we.also recognize that with out the support of the local Government,: these programs calinot functionias' of fectively So what.we are suggesting as a viable way of`keeping.closer contact a:18:making this Program move forward even to greater, directions, is.your ap pointment:to the Board of Directorship and'to have charge this group with being the umbrella organization for the various functions of Sister'Cities involving City'of Miami. We have here, and there 'is a little misunderstanding, I'm.not Vice'President of Miami -Bogota, I'm the State Representative.` We have;,the Presi- dent, Mary Mills here, along with two Vice Presidents., residents and"a member of the -Board, Gary Malfell and Peter Erlich. I'm always having trouble rememberng: name s,. Frank Fernandez, and would like Gary just to say a few..words in suppor tJJof this so you recognize that it isn't just coming from our direction; but from 'the City. Mayor Ferre:. All night. Mr.Gary D. Mallfelt My name is Gary D. Mallfe1,..Vice President, Miami -Bogota Sister City Program. I am here to reinforce the words that Mr. Chapman, although we had come here with a specific proposal which we'll make as soon as'I give a brief background for contextural_purposes. First of all, we have come here at the request of our own Board of Directors which consists approximately,of 21 persons at this time. The Miami -Bogota Sister City Program was initially formed in its present format approximately 8 years ago, in 1972. In the last two years we have become far more active with far more program orientation which is cleat- ing-increasing demands on our personnel`. Among other things, we have in the project a Youth Exchange Program, a`Children's Art Exchange Program, a Technical As Program which is basically drived'from the admiration which the: Bogotanos have seen for the emergency medical services in Miami and they have requested our Program's direct aid <in helping-them`,form an Emergency. Medical System in Bogota. We have responded,.we are in that now, there was doctor fiere from Bogota that we took around to see how the system works:heie.``We are seeking a Technical Assistance Program Grant from the `Sister Cities'rInternational in Washington, D.C. to help facilitate that. In, addition, we have a very important program regarding the Street Children of Bogota, the ''gamines" as they are called in which we are trying to provide material 'and economic support for a program run by priests and nuns but a largely secular fashion to take street children; off the streets and bring 'them into a more integrative role in the Bogota society and to'make them social as .opposed to anti -social persons in Bogota. This program has been met with considerable enthusiasm among our members and among other people who have attended some of our fund raising events for them. This is named'after'Bob Rogers, the Bob Rogers Memorial Project, he is the past Presi- dent:of tile.Miami-Bogota=Sister'City Program and his interest has inspired the Project. In the past there have been very limited demands made by our Program an.the City of`.Miami to support.. our Program.In all instances, however, Com- missioner J. L. Plummer, your liaison with us, has responded with every means at his disposal to our benefit and for the benefit of the people of Miami, I would add: Now, however, because of the growth of our Program and the increasing burden on everyone involved, we expect that our request for assistance from you ��??. i.ncrease. Our Board of'Directors feels thatit is unfair to leave the entire burden on-J. L. Plummer shoulders, even though those shoulders be very • broad and`very strong, and has asked us to, present, the specific proposals to you to increase your participation `in our activities, which is very simply, that each of you, and the mechanism is certainly up to you, appoint ...either appoint one member to our Board or nominate one member for consideration by our 48 F E 8 8 1980 r general membership to elect that individual to our Board. This does not mean that we intend to let J. L. Plummer off the hook as our liaison. He has been Amkbl AFTER ROLL CALL: Mr. Hill Chapman: Mr. Mayor, may I make one last remark? I've heard in the past -and as I journeyed down here saw the beautiful setting you have on the City of Miami- there has been talked in the past of the possibility of your moving Downtown. If you do so, would you cede this property to the City of Coral Gables? Mayor Ferre: Lots of luck. 11. HOUSING PROBLEMS IN THE LITTLE HAVANA AREA - Brief discussion. (Continued from the morning discussion) Mayor Ferre: All right, so now we are on item No. H. 12. FORMAL PRESE►QTATIONS OF THREE FINALIST ADVERTISING FIRMS - (Department of Trade and Commerce) "MEDIA DEPARTMENT II"selected - (later formalized) Mayor Ferre: We are now on item H which is presentation by the three finalists re exclusive on advertising for.the Department of Trade and Commerce. Mr. Castano. Mr. Julio Castano: Mr. Mayor, Commissioners,.as I said earlier, this is the item that the City Commission requested the three finalists selected by the • Selection Committee to make presentations. You have before you written proposals FEB 2 8 1980 51 FEB 2 81980 Mr. Plumm r:'. How much did,the*book cost?' UNIDENTIFIED,�SPEAKER: About $40 000 :all' totalled included all the Photography and i I n I them. , Thank you very 1, much. Mr,.', Julio Cistano:'':.Mr. '.Mdyor,'Cori6issio'ners,,�,the.second 'agency to be present ing..this a - ftern6 ; on%wil be. Ne . wY ,o rkers, Anonymous, I n , onymous ftI. David -Wise. .­ ­ I Mr. Da11vid-,Wis.eI M1y'na­m:eI ,i's._David. ­ Wise, Pr' '6id_ ' nti,New Yorkers Anonymous. We are'an,advertis ng agencyln�Coral'Gab es.and we were founded January 1976. This for*` refresher, time ..does not,permft... Vve handed out a recap, a synopsis of Our. agency-, Very ery,bri6fly,'.we h4ve,been the advertising agency for the City oUMiimi,,,�Tride andtommierce for the -period April through September, approximate- ly.--,,j."wiil..try. to ' present the*various,visuals although I did not bring a slide presentation, I'd like i0 .�briefly��convey some of the stuff that I have done on a first :ha­hd'.likebasis to brie'_ for the,City I . of Miami, if,.I may. IdXh4 what s o at we:havedone. This was a the initial ad for ',' � briefly the "City .of Miarhi'whichran"in'two 1particular issues. One was Miami Magazine i . n ­ 04:_ International, , -,Iis-sue" .,and the other'which we came close to breaking a res v record in , ponse,'w ch�I�ha e,a.letter to pass around, was from Fortune Magazine, the itit6rriationall-Edition,,.,4hich includes Latin America and Europe. W6. are re .., very:. proud of thi , s on 1, e just awarded an ad as first place p4otogr.aphy.,in"Chapter Four of,the American Federation for that particular ph tog-11 I ra hy. Th is'w'ais an" a I d that , I , I we e ran in the Journal of Commerce, the South h particular Florida -edition`, and wi th this ,part c Ar ad, we did a first time ... I guess thifig. We,got :onthe,ciove , r, , with less than a full page ad and we also got edi- toi I 4i.response fromMr'-.,Casltino. This was the second submission, we call it the-Bacardi.Ad. Miami., ' Wh6re.Tomorrow is Now. This is a cover to present the. new 40g I e of Miami, it wd's" 'or a research study done by the City, the �- Gla s oneStudy,' Mr.Mayoi.This is a brochure we did in both Spanish and 'English.for theCity. We wanted to come out. with a very subliminal soft sale t 1. o I c . o I me I out with- a :Swiss':, Bank' 'look. Some of our accounts, if I may say_ • are.CCT which is aCoordinated-Caribbean I .. ' Transport and the the agency has made�, ,ex t e I n I s I i ve .11 tr ips last .year .toLatin America. r_W9% 04 r E G or", 8 1980 c, r1 is thi n s ie It per. ce of.Trade isbelieve, `Miami to aiat ,"car► t; people �utheast Further- on' ; them spend -.a That's d,:_thatis latter we .are imendi:ng :eve it I n has .t is these people Aiayor Ferre: Your time is out: When,the"red light comes out...wnd it up. oMiami and I'd r-ink- you. kedery cloewith theCity M like.to,be given an opportunity of any questions asked of our `people I,have my art director and copywriter: Thank you. all ri oht . next' presentation.; almost insigniiica«L L.ua� --- t11 o leverage those"dollars out, that too. becomes. because what we would do is'tie in to their.`idvez saying in our advertising, just ior-the..:sake'of t this as'a copyline- but if we are'.saying these,ki would work..."Come on down to Miami and see'why � to earn his wings every -day from the City,of Mi- Ryder Rents Trucks out`of Miami"...and:.the point` tying in then to their budgets. ;It goes further rPSnnnsesand :.would .:indeed' 54 F FE B 2 8 '980 C, ri Mayor Ferre: All three are ,the isame? , 1 15% Mr. Sam Crispin: Jim Sam ,'Crispin —The Media st-andlar �Media' c"ommissio.P.Jos: Mr. Ongie: First ballot: Commissioner Gibson - voted for Media Department II; Vice Mayor Lacasa - voted for Crispin; Commissioner Plummer - voted for Media Department II; Commissioner'Carollo - voted for Samuel B Crispin b' Associates; and Mayor Ferre'.. - voted for Media Department II. AFTER ROLL .CALL:.:; Mayor Ferrel' Let me explain my vote on"that. .I think all three of these aom- panies'could do the job. I; think you,are all excellent and, as,;a matter of fact' <I want to tell you that I was most. impressed -and I don!t'want_ o hurt any- body's feelings- I was most impressed with Sam Crispin's previous work,l.think what they've done is exceptionally good. -It .seems impossible for -me, however, to in five ;minutes make a','judgment in ;something 'that is as' complicated and I just follow' the, Administration's advice in his case.;., I don'.t always follow the Administration's `advice but usually in'areas.of-selecting architects,, engineers advertising; and other things like that, unless I've gotta real good reason,'And we the right to vote any way we want. With all due respects.t. I thought the best visual presentation is the work done by Crispin but I followed the Administration's advice,...you better be right. 13. GRANT REQUEST OF CUBAN NATIONAL COORDINATING ASSEMBLY for use of BAYFRONT PARK AUDITORIUM subject to condi- tions. Mayor Ferre: The next item before us is the ... is there anybody here representing the Cuban National Coordinating Assembly? Mr. Lacasa: Right, - 1 move that their request be Alted. Mayor Terre: All right, there is motion that -provided that this organization, I assume, meets the requirements- that the established policy of the City of bi*;i:ib them .thebreak be done.. Ts there a second? Cazollo: Second. Mayor FerYe: Further discussion', call the roll. i The following motion was introduced by Commissioner.Lacasa,,who moved its adoption., MOTION NO. 80-130 A MOTION TO GRANT THE REQUEST OF THE CUBAN NATIONAL COORDINATING ASSEMBLY FOR THE USE OF BAYFRONT PARK AUDITORIUM FROMIAPRIL.4-6,.1980, PROVIDED ALL REQUIREMENTS ARE MET. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. ;. Commissioner (Rev.)'Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner Joe Carollo Vice Mayor:Armando:Lacasa.' Mayor 'Maurice 'A. Ferre NOES: None.'" ABSENT: None. �57 FEB 'Z 8 1980 V CJ 14. PERSONAL APPEARANCE OF MESSRS. STUART SORG AND TUCKER GIBBS RE THE COCONUT GROVE AREA. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Sorg, you say you have a time constraint. What's your problem sir? (BACKGROUND COMMENT OFF THE PUBLIC RECORD) Mayor Ferre:" Is that,a City... that's a City of'Miami Waterfront Board Meeting.. } Ok go ahead,,I.will recognize you now., Mr Sorg?, Mr. Stuart Sorg:. I'm Stuart Sorg, President'of the Coconut'- Grove Chamber of _ Commerce. My; presentation today is an overview ,of what is going on in Coconut Grove at this.particular time.., This proposal is directed to the waterfront area, the 'Downtown Grove business,`sector, the Bird Avenue business sector and the Grand Avenue/Douglas Road,.business sector. Coconut Grove in it9 hundredth seventh 'year is undergoing:.a retail residential, waterfront, art and cultural transition that's distinctly affecting the longstanding`patterns of residential living, waterfront activity and .retail marketing. This transition has been brought about by the influx.of predominaritlywealihy, Latin American and European shopper/investors who's.` financial `.influence has played a'major part in the current redevelopment of :Coconut Grove. Past merchant marketing -techniques no longer casual are being redefined or replaced by international, sophisticated retail marketing concepts brought about.by the retailers housed in the architectual artistry of Mayfair. "With property values reaching the highest in South Florida, this residential transition no longer encourages the classic family structure of young child raising', in the Grove. This past concept of easy living is being replaced by professional, single,married couples, Latins and Europeans who's extremely high income levels make Grove living both desirable and affordable. Me artistic and cultural' rebirth anchored and. enhanced by the monument of art, Mayfair, is encouraging a more affluent, worldly, successful artist to settle in the Grove•;and is gradually replacing the struggling, aspiring artist of the past who is characteristic of Coconut -Grove.' .On., the waterfront from Peacock Park to Alice Wainwright Park, residential, retail :and boating pleasures, activities once enjoyed by all classes`'and income structures soon will be enjoyed almost exclusively by those individual1.s who have reached high income and economic levels.` The ;geography of Coconut Grove with it's history, beautiful waterfront and unprecedent proximity can anticipate future growth and development problems and to this overview the following sections will outline current long range problems ahead for the Grove`, pragmatic.solutions and recommendations of new concepts:and`ideas. "Immediate Action And Long Range Goals For Coconut Grove". To establish and identify formerly and geographically the land and water boundaries of Coconut Grove for the purposes of signage, and entrance areas. This is to be`a joint project by the City of Miami andthe Chamber of Commerce to restore to the Grove the promotion activity Iand common effort an'attitude and philosophy once dominant of art and culture and to establish an artist and residents program for noted and aspiring artists with physical housing facilities and a nominal cost of living reimbursement`: To,unify the business sectors, principally the Black Grove, by providing a balanced economic growth and development opportunity and to encourage financially stable- retail, financial and customer service Investments compatible `with Coconut Grove zoning standards. To encourage and solicit the return of local'and contiguous shoppers to Coconut Grove business sectors through the immediate solutions to _parking, shoppers security and traffic congestion. •Parking is a critical need and requirement for economic survival in the business sector 'and"the waterfront is a priority issue that must be dealt now with the Coconut Grove Chamber Commerce and the City of Miami. To meet specific expansion needs an to, remedies... to offer remedies to specific problems covered further in.this proposal we will recommend the creation of a special taxing district and a revenue sharing plan. To initiate a workable merchant crime prevention and shoppers security program to be jointly undertaken by the Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce, individual merchants and the City of Miami through the mse of an independent patrol system supported by the local Miami Police,Department., To identify local, County, State and tax revenues receipts that have been generated by Grove merchants and local residents for • the purpose of assuring the return to the Grove of a fair share of funds through City and County services. These funds to be proportioned by taxation as well as geography ;and demographics. To design upon completion of the Downtown 58 F E B 28 1980 gl business district, Bird Avenue/Road, Grand Avenue and Douglas beautification projects a four color promotional brochure for world wide distribution, focusing on the incredible natural beauty and the charm of the Grove's unique retail ehopping sectors. To appoint and establish a Coconut Grove Planning and Development Commission with appointees approved by the City Commission for the purpose of guiding development and growth of the commercial, residential, art and waterfront of Coconut`Grove. Representatives of this Commission would come from all factors of the Grove, business, recreational,; residential, club and associates and waterfront and the art community. To form a youth assistance programto be located in the Black Grove for specific purposes of encouraging', athletic, artistic and occupational development: The success of this program will rest on the merchant and residential contributions, participation by 'top professional University; and High School athletes and assistance from the City of Miami staff and the use'of City facilities. And to initiate a youth awards`,program by the City of Miami and the Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce recognizing outstanding young people in this community, similar to the program. To initiate the use of.a motorcycle patrol system in Coconut Grove business sector supplementing the mounted and the car patrols with the motorcycle patrolmen. The motorcycle patrol division displays a high degree of professionalism commands greater attention from individuals and brings credibility to the Miami Police Department. The Chamber will work to assure Grove merchants and residents of obtaining and continuing regional goals through efforts and the representation of elected officials on the City Commission and to the Florida.Legislature. Specific recommendations, the waterfront. Consider establishing a mini vita - course at Peacock Park to remove some of the overload on the present vita course, enlarge the trailer boat dock launching`facilities -at Siminole Docks, go ahead with remodeling of Dinner Key Piers by the Biscayne .Rec., go ahead with placing sixty moorings at Dinner Key, go ahead with the mall `development in front of the Coconut Grove Sailing club, remove the'Virrick Gym, provide parking for trailer boat sailors, overhaul the ramp launching facilities .to,provide launching of two boats. Include a small dock for teaching of sail boat, handling, row boats and so forth. At the same time providing.necessary parking for. the -vita -course people, the naval reserve and limited parking rentals for.Monty's restuarant and his boat shed project. Remove the City Administration Buildings on Pan American Drive- retain one building for the artist -and residents, program. This building would.' -contain twenty art studios, workshop areas where classes could be held on a regular basis. Ten recognized arts would be in,residence receiving cost Of living funds.` Ten aspiring, young artists would be.given.studio space'. Quarterly art shows would be held, individuals`in business would contribute five,hundred to a thousand: dollars annually supporting"the studios.:.The City.", would,provide matching funds for twenty thousand,dollars annual ma inten ance"and cost 'of living expense. The vita -course which is used'by,Ahe Dade County;. residents needs critical parking right now: Don't put skate rentals;in'th"e ,vita course put .the skate at Dinner.Key:under;the auspices of the concession program of Biscayne' Recreation. Tram'Seryice, In the arealwhere the'Arts,'s Building will be located construct an attractive, in expensive tram terminal to coordinate a tram service running,;regular, a,'sch'dule of seven days a week through Coconut Grove. This tram service 'would solve only a part 'of .the, parking -'problem in the Grove area, handling'Mayfa r complex shoppers from.Key Biscayne, Omni,;as.far as. Palm Beach. The tram around the Grove servicewould be a' tremendous tourist attraction if traffic"would permit.it.. A;second;,terminal would be located.on the Ellenberg lot between.Main Highway>and"Grand,Avenue, it'would be the Downtown tram terminal. Additional, trams` would alleviate some, of the parking. It would 'provide transportation for the boat people, it would also"provide a fun trip, see it``like a'native ride through Coconut Grove. The fares could be twenty; -five to fifty centsfand local.and.national advertising 'could `"long way in supporting'it. We recommend the potential of a water; taxi as a real possibil"ity and it- should be operated: from the Dinner Key area and it should run to the Rusty Pelican.and to `the Sea Aquarium, Planet Oceanand to the Dade County Marina.: 27th Avenue should�be widened and sidewalks placed to accommodate the riders of the rapid transit System, when that system takes place. Downtown Coconut Grove;,parking here is' the -°element of vital discussion. I will skip around some. First of all, the Grove's,Elementary_School, teachers, school administrators ersonnel and' p :;persons doing school business should ,park on school property only. School parking should be.placed at the North ,'end! -,of' the school yard against the fence along Oak Street providing thirty-five.to fifty new parking spaces in the Downtown business sector. Full er.Street''.should be designated to small car parking only with two hour meter limits: Five:` to.,. seven new parking spaces will be generated for that., TheiPost Office;. The U.S. Post Office officials should be contacted regarding local post;office, officials,inability to manage the... and police the Coconut,Grove,station, ,.: parking.lot. This lot is used by retail and the restaurant employees:for,all.~ 91 59 E [ ` 8 1980 t day parking. It ties up space for the Coconut Grove post office customers. The exit area where it says stop and do not enter, people come and go through that one particular exit, they should prohibit it. The recommendation is the City of Miami or an independent contractor should take over that Coconut Grove station lot and manage it and provide the necessary parking to use that Post Office. The Ellenberp, Lot. 71irough the creation of a special taxing district, the City of Miami should purchase the El_leriberg parking lot. It is an extremely desirable lot located forth behind Come-ndort, Plaza with Grand Avenue and Main Highway entrance and exit areas. lic price would never be cheaper. The debt service would be accomplished through providing two additional levels. On the third level would be constructed very ,t.r:sive professional offices for doctors and lawyers. Ou the second deck would be space rented out for customers and parking of t.lie third dur..k. The trxound level would be maintained for in pop in parking and empl.oyut:: park-hig., rr,crcliant. parking, church and school users, tourist and Playhouse c_ustomcr,_ 'l'his would be a management contract t.ssued by the City of "Band. to build tl;ic, a..on.-truci: it and manage it with a lie City maintaining runt structure on the lower level. Dieter Maid . A Meter Maid should be hired to keep traffic RIL)Ving, :issuer parking tickets and monitor and supervise parking meters in the small car parking recommended for Fuller Street. Revenue Sh ii . Parking meters in tl:e Grove should be increased by fifty percent premium over other parking raIUters in the City of Miami. Parking tickets in the Grove should be having a rive dollar additional over other parking ticket costs in tine C.it:y.-nic�se additional fun{ts will be returned to Coconut Grove. throll�ii 21 .Lt.Pub:ictd synLcm to aSSi° t. l i liayl.rag for Meter Maid services in the Downtown sector. To acid to tl­! color and the cleanliness of the Grove, the City slivaa:Ii eiiip1oy In,,nt>tiiatc,ly a w;i11C1ng street sweeper again to keep the Downtown sector clean. Sidewalk ar<i tree box cleaning responsibility is a merchant resl,oatsit i.i:it:;; , but Lonld be delc•tated to this walking broom sweeper as was there before. Grand Avenue... I'm sorry I'm hurrying, but I know you time is limited. Grand Avenue/Douglas Road with their Bahamian motif. This priority Black busi.nuss sector must have economic credibility. A bank and a savings and loan or the_ creation of a new bank on the corner of Douglas and Grand Avenue would bring economic credibility to that particular area. With sixteen years experience in i:,anic ni;irketing and feasibility studies my personal opinion is the potential for a financial institute succeeding tremendously is greet. The wealthier'', persoris in Coconut Grove live up Douglas Road and it could be an easy ftacility to u,e, lv,ith a faciii.ty there it would increase area business and let,::;"l i a i,':ent s wotild eumc� ancl ; iutp in the area. Real growth would come hack in the ret<i:il and the residentials areas, new stores would encourage new shoppers, g—uwia, and financial development would occur. The Shoppers Security. Thu establishment of a local shoppers security system through the hiring of a conscientious 'local Black resident who would walk the beat in the two !block art,a would effectively curb the daylight street crime in the area and soon the merchants would assist in the security program themselves. The independent on the beat would know the residents and would be known by the residents an' no side anus would be carried. This simple system should also be offered in the Cotm,uadore Plaza area also. The continuation of the beautification program is vital, residents should be encouraged to keep the vacant lots clean, concrcte lb(- -;es built by the City should be painted. To compliment the beaaatificlti:r,a project, ap:ryrrment buildings in the area should be painted also to corrplimtint the same. project. Vital to the entire Coconut Grove community is the estahlishment of a meaningful program for Black youths. The old incinerator should be removed and the Elizabeth Virrick Gym should be rebuilt in that particular area to coincide with the activity programs already established and rnaciea: way at t:he (,arver School. At this location with easy access by Black youths the pre>fessionalinstructors would assist youth in their development ant] ­,,)tivational programs. A major reduction in the area crime would be rcco iiz'ci. Will, as:,istance from the Chamber and the City officials Black residents w;: uid *hen l,e•t an to feel a pa_ri_ c;f the community. We must make that a part of. their ; ormraani.ty. Att;i l iidus gourd change. There would begin' to be a united Cocoanut Cro%,e. ?;r : nnot: continue to let the Black residents and merchants down. 1 t'e btrl;'d the Black residientlal conmaunity in Coconut Grove. The post t i v, be a:,_ fi t:: would be increased taierchants sales which is the key to the whole ;:r� rar:, property and street bc-,nitification in the residential area, better youth identific•atlon of tht?ir home life and their neighborhood. Undesirables would :;lowly be forced c„t duc to tl;c- increase in the cost of living and they would no he act�ept.ed in the art_a. Now, I'm going to skip to Bird Road. Bird Road is in need of siciowal.ks and so forth. This is a very viral nrninrrt to the Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce and I have gone over. There or twenty-seven or thirty items which I will have typed up and submit.'to the City Commissioners. But as I leave today, I would like to close with a' philosophy. A philosophy which I fecal is a foundation upon which all upward, gl 00 F E B 2 8 1980 F LB 2 81980 81 �i������ Mayor Ferre:. Alright,' thank you',very much, Mr. Gibbs. gl ::ikd73J£SII$1ij6'�u^.: �"'�:,..`'"�"- �%XS��hf.::t1':Y9EIs:u:Itfi%�' ti`.•'�i+s'' C t Mr. Gibbs: Well, I'm almost finished. This is my last sentence. 41 V, 15. EXECUTE AGREEMENT -AMENDMENT - "FLORIDA EAST COAST PROPERTIES, INC., dated May 4, 1972. Mayor Ferre: Item 14 is recognized. All right, Mr. Hollo, the Chair recognizes 16. WAIVE FEES for PROCESSING OF VARIANCE at City's request - FLORIDA EAST COAST PROPERTIES, INC. - Development of "PLAZA VENETIA". Mayor Ferre: "Waiving the processing fees." Now, I've got a note here... ig Mr'. r- you der. nd bro- r t 17. PERSONAL APPEARANCE: Promoters of COCONUT GROVE CHILDREN'S "PERFORII-A-THON" -Allocate $7,500 in matching funds. Mayor Ferre: All right, we are now on item 17. Coconut Grove Children's Theatre. Go ahead. Ms. Joan Mann: Thank your Honor. Vice Mayor hac.asa, Commissioners, Mr. Grassie. We are the Coconut Grove Children's Theater, a non-profit organiza- Lion which teaches the performing and visual arts to children. We'd like ' to thank you for the opportunity to present to you our proposal for monetary assistance for our third annual Perform-A-Thon which will be presently at _= Gusman Cultural Center this year on May 19 and 20. Fifteen hours in two days of performance by children and for children of the City of Miami. This highly successful project in the last two vears has grown, we feel, with the cultural growth and awareness of the community at large, In our first year 12 full hours one day, 6,000 people attended the Perform-A-Thon. Last year, 1979, 8500 people attended the Perform-A-Thon. They joined, in a multi -ethnic group, 150 talented and creative children in their efforts. Children's Theater instills the desire for a quality awareness of life. Children's Theater makes every child aware of his aesthetic worth; and the worth of others. Children's Theater is a vehicle for exposure to the many art forms theater includes. Of course, this would not have been accomplished without the cooperation from the Dade County Public Schools and of course the City of Miami and all cooperating agencies with special interest in the low income culturally deprived, the yourn, the senior citizens the physically and mt�nt:ally handicapped and the tri-ethnic community at large. The Perform-A--Thori c -)nt i.nnes to be a landmark in entertainment by children and for children. Our schedule includes this year Aladdin and his Lamp, Free to Be You and Me, an English and Spanish _Alice in Wonderland, Just Appearances by com- munity people involved in the arts, theatre things, with audience participation, and, of course, a talent show which we are doing new this year, and of course, much, much more. The change, $1.50 per child with a reduction —of $1,00 for a group of 100 c:r r;::, c. lio person in retrospect has been turned away as Perform-A-Thon ve feel. is for every one to serve as a means to facilitate the articulation at:d education and to create a day of learning, feeling and sharing for all of t2:i t;r,i's, children and the young at heart. Mayor Ferre: Okay, questions. Mr. Plummer: What are you asking 'for? Mayor Ferre: Ten thousand dollars. Mr. 'Plummer: Oh, I thought it was: something brig. Mr. Lacasa: What is the recommendation of the City: Manager?. Mayor Ferre: Well, wait, waita minute..,How much 'did we help you with `last ,year,. Ms. Mann: Well, of course, $1`,500 but of course in kind' donations' Mayor Frre: Fifteen hundred of in kind donations. All right'; how , did .you"make it last year? - Ms."Mann:> There were matching funds from Burger King Corporation. Mayor Ferre: Will Burger King match whatever, you do. this year? Ms. Mann: I did not approach them this year I wanted to approach the City of Miami directly and to ask you first'. I Mayor Ferre: Well, you are very kind and we are awfully grateful but I wish youAidn''t think so highly of us and perhaps go into Burger King first and j then come back to us. Is the County going.to give you any money? F E8 22 8 1980 . 18. REQUEST FOR EXPANSION OF LEASED FACILITIES AT MARINE STADIUM - Personal Apperance: Eugene Hancock REQUEST LEGAL OPINION AS TO PUBLIC BIDDING PROCEDURES. 71 F E8 � s ��Bo ist ist nPF ••-FG.i2,u%i.;'�'^'iei: _a�,na�.aue —. ..would anybody in his ht man , money. ` I- want ng that, you, have, pieces 1..until`.three years okay?, Mayor Ferre: Fight years. Father Gibson`: Huh? Eight years!, IAl we !going; to say that we.aren, going 4 0) FEB%2 8 1980 ist /4. V k this. Father, Gibson,. All right. Lot me ask -Mr.,,Grassie: I have to tell you ou one further thing. . Father Gibson: Okay. Go a head. I'm sorry. Mr. Grassie: In the process of investigating for you the location of4. you asked us remember that y to locate the, the Velodrome, do you reme Velodrome out there, we ran into some very strong opposition on the part of the County, because if you remember, the city line is over by,the stadium and the property that we are talking about is really in theCounty, although its owned by the City, we ran into some strong opposition on their part because of the scarcity of parking. We are already under the legal requirement. Now, nobody is making much fuss about that because ny times a year. B I'm But the Marine Stadium is not used that ma simply trying to give you the full information so that you understand one, we have not gone out to seek other uses; two, there have been other people who have come to us and asked to use the property; and three,'.'.,, in my estimation, if we were to go out for bids on a marine use for that property, we would certainly get more than one interested party.,: Father,. Gibson: All right. Then, I'm not a business man.preach for `a living, okay? if I ... if I were this administration I'd offer that an who has any money or, sense, 'piece of land t o the public. Any m know how, 6 knowing that those two pieces are there and, I mean, don't open 't e:1 ' street now. You have a responsibility to the man who isnow ,.. because he went there, he went through the hard times, he,went there in faith. Don't open it now. offer it to the public. Let.him bid, let the public bid 'st� in :, the Mr. McCreary: Father, let me point out that we have nointere road if we can't get the property. already opened. the ibson: No, no, no. My brother, they have Father G � road by motion. That's the point you are overlooking. So.., I'm saying close the road back. Now, that's what you dowith most . people. we want. t , to help.piece Isn't that right, Mr. Grassie? Then, you'll put:.th land up for ... exactly the .way 'I,*see it..Now,_. Mr., Mayor Ferre: Look. Let me put it e Hancock here and his company have a lease on the a rea lw- (a) He s doing end his lease...he he wants to exp4nd-, T;', beg: .your. and he wants to extend .well t I stand corrected. Let m e finish my thought., He wants,, o :pardon. the exp and his lease. Now, he control s that boat ramp. All:.right? And f f .: e hoist. it's his hoist and it's his boat ramp in effect sir. No, he does' not. -have contro I in Mr. Grassie.: That is not true,i ,d the sense that that must be operated as a publicboatramp: , ' to - anybody in the public. hois't`�,as �a` service. What he does is he simplyoperatesl:the'' .But anybody without paying can use that ramp Mayor Ferre: And the hoist. 'Mr. Grassie: No, the hoist has a charge as -it did, when, t.., operated, e o ple dollars or whatever.it but, he' simply; it. You have to pay a c u -operates it. ,. Mayor Ferre: Okay look. My interest in this is numberone,ink,the 0 . boating community have the expanded need ... we need a .1 t more.spaces.l Number two, it has to be legal. I mean, it has to bewithin. the, i law. I'm not about to vote for something that the City Attorney says is illegal. And number three, if its legal and if we can do it, and if ye.get an appraisal, we have to get ... we have to have an apprai,sal,asIto what the value of that is. Two appraisals. Then I don't have'anyproblems with extending the territorial area. But those,are the conditionsas I see it. One I don't have any problems with. The boat ramp,.,,spaces ar e needed. !'5 .76 FEB Z 8NQU ist 77 F Ee 2 a »ao ist Mr. Grassie (continued): one of those two items and I can't remember for the moment whether it's racks or gas, but one of the .two items,." is specifically...both of them are specifically prohibited"in his " agreement. He cannot do them. Now there are other things that are`; permitted which have already authorized him to do so. Mr. Lacasa: That is specifically prohibited in the agreement between him and the City? a Mr: Grassie:."Yes. Mr. Lacasas Okay. But that could be, renegotiated? Mr. Grassie:, Yes, if the`City's willing to renegotiatethose`, provisions, it could be. Mr..McCreary: Mr. Mayor, let me point out in a letter from this administration... Mr". Lacasa: Okay. Just a•minute. Just a minute. So actually, we can renegotiate the agreement on the.existing lease to allow him to put this, gas and to put the boat racks that he is requesting.There is no impediment as far as —from the legal standpoint of view for the City, to enter into that kind of negotiations. Mr. Grassie: There is one impediment and that. is a companion agreement or a"neighboring agreement which we have with a marina facility which is also on City property which is immediately adjacent to this one. And it, has provisions which are agreements between the-City;and the developer: Mayor Ferrer And would this violate... Mr. Grassie: Which affect...yes, one,of the things that was donel inf.that ' set of agreements is that trailer storage was provided for this particular lease and rack storage for the other. So that if you.., .. ,: Mayor Ferrer. Are you telling me that we are legally bound by another. : contract that would preclude us from reopening this contract... Mr. 'Grassie: No, you are not legally prohibited from reopening this contract. What I am saying to you and, you know —don't... I can't trust that I remember every phrase of both of those agreements, what I am saying to you is that we have to go back and look at what you have agreed to to determine what else you might be able to do. Mr. Carollo: Mr. Grassie, you just made a statement that kind ofMac, me seethe light beyond the trees. For the record, you stated that. 1. there was some other parties interested in that particular property. there. Can I possibly have the names of those parties?' Mr. 'Grassie: Commissioner, what I said to you and I gave you'the parties, what I said to you was that we have had'other'groups interested in " using parts of the Marine Stadium just ,like this is a part. Mr. Carollo: In other words, parts but not necessarily this part here.`. Mr. Grassie: Not necessarily that. specific piece of ground. ',I told you : that one''<:of the uses was the Big Five Club and the rowing clubs.' I told you another use was one of the concessionaires that.we`have"out on " Watson Island that runs helicopters. Mr. I;Carollo: For, the record again, you have not had any, particular party wanting that same particular piece of ,property there? Mr. Grassie: No other party that I am aware who has come in'with'that 10 ' ' specific piece of;geography, ;no.78 i F E 8 2 8 1980 ist .1sion? ion? Call .the: roll please. at, the present,time is,there urther discus CC, The.following.,m8tiontwas: introduced,by Comissioner Lacasat who`" moved its adoption's MOTION 'NO 80-135 E AlMOTIONAUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING, THE.CITYMANAGER .4.VO:.REOPEN:.NEGOTIATIONS OF EXISTING LEASE WITH,�: MR. ,:EUGENE'RANCOCK, CONCESSIONAIRE F R TRACT -A AT.'THE,MIAMI MARINE STADIUM FOR POSSIBLE.AMENDMENT TO HIS. LEASE TO PERMIT: THE SALE OF GASOLINE; 2 -INSTALLATION OF BOAT RACKS; . R: 3),:PERMISSION TO BUILD A FACILITY �L' FOR,MINOR IEPAIRSi TO BOATS PROVIDED THE CITY ATTORNEY DETERMINES THAT: SUCH -RENEGOTIATION IS LEGAL Upon being,seconded'by Commissioner,Carollo the tiofiiqAS e p. ss,� d and .adoptedlby theJ61lowing vote: Sr Vice -Mayor Armando L AYE acasa *Commissioner (Rev.) Theodore R. Gibson Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plumm6r Jr',, *Mayor Maurice A. Ferre., ON THE:ROLL.CALL-. *Father 'GibSOn I'm going to vote because,that',,swhat, theY�wC t f *Mayor. Ferre: I'm going .to vote because.it , makes .sense: or. the'.: . ,. City to get,additic,nalrevenues..­ An&l "hope that ,youl hav e _vd,rsuccessful negotiating session. ist so F E 3 8 1980 the l8th he will be able to decipher what,he-said and,`come"back ,and or'_ s S. inger ompetitive Father Gibson: Wait a minute. Wait am.inute. Mr. Plumnert :For access'. & o f land.' and they got. the,�,p, piece got the piece�.o­ Father..Gibso They That h alli-AhWs all::I. m saying. ah&, overere.,:: An the. access you went back...well' Okay., oint that t atpp rtion. Mr. Plummer I.still...!I make, my motion at this P h It 8�h and the City 6 deferred e t be e erred until the 1, Attorney, remaining of the request hopefully can come back with an,.answer, ol h third` �motion that it' a e o item one..t, Mayo Ferre: All right. There's.,a m r def ihition from,',.,, port ion be deferred and that 'we,get a clear-cut.legal , the City Attorney anda recommendation romthe.Cit y, Manager: Mr. Plummer: Fine. Mayor Ferre: 0 kay?Is there -:a second? Mr. Plummer. ,Asit relates to l(d)-1 in Mr. What is the motion,. again, Mr. arblio, - Mayor? Mr..,:,plummer: To defer.. e t a c ea f rr duntilwe ge MayorFerre,:.,: That 'this tem':be'de e YO Mr.;: Plummer: That, portion. h endati6�'�:i from both.t e, Mayor Ferre: CU legal definition andla:�recommr and the City, Attorney City Manager. Mr.., Hancock: May I just say one thing? 1. think the need. so, great 'f would ,go th t giving me these rights and what I have now; i you, WO A re _�,yqu We've 4head'and let me ... all we are talking aboutis-pu �tin'g­a.�Ience��upl.,­�,.. there. put,boats,over"ve, I d start got sixty-two people that would like to and putlingin t, there; got a I list of them. Whether they go ahead ,t.the thing out for bid and if someone else' is��better.tha.n 'I ypupu %think am," an d they pay me for what I've spent,there-0 they'ylp:'Igot the public needs it. 14r.Grassier Well, in view 'of the fact that we,are :talk ngabout :think 'wol -think that by-the;.18thg 1'would" to you with the recomn, endation coming mean, I have that recommendation so, that.., you now'..,.,., I you qught,to enditur e and expose doesn't,make an y sense to-me,to ask,him to make anexp,­ himself to that at this period l of time, Miiyor Ferie: Gene,look, I'll tell you, I do think at this stage ;game anyway for this tobe.done,.t he way this is now, .:I;don'tsee except L� om 1.e I k I ind:of a competitive negotiation or competitive b k id,'process.And I think it ought to besomething that whoever is to bid, So that thespeople aren't,clowning around, have got to A I bingbe I post a. I ondf.you know, and come here and gol-through public purpose. 1--don.l. t:: seeh.ow,.,6is'e we can do it at this -point Unless George Knox can. n ve me I very,, simple andvery., clear I _:premise that this is legal, and it'can be done legally and this is...now i f George Knox tells me - Aommis,sio n is under Charterf.and.I rule as City Attorney t C he that: . yot . , canextendcontract ofsuch ,and such a company into the x �additional territory,:Vveo,, k'got n:prob ems, -doing that. And I'll vote for.,it provid . ed we get two I apprais I als to make sure that's the going price rice.of what these things ,.are .worth. :-�.Now,%,Knox you come out with that and you've got my vote right now., Okay? Absent that, I think you've I got t 1 0, . go, to competitive bid , or r, cc mpetitiv6 negotiations. Whichever In MY 'I think.you are better off with a you think is best. opinionp ; - 11 _ I I A front of comeptitive bid so that .we.,openup.'the bids right here in everybody and everybody knouts exactly what it is.: If you'd rather- FEB 28 1980 int q li g,. Mayor"Fevre"(continued):' go to competitive negotiation, then lets 'no ! discuss''t. I think whether.:.if it's a competitive bid, any there accusation that somebody "saw' anybody else's'offer or of ..that:, stuff.' Do you know, what I, mean?" Father Gibson:. Let' me ask this so_I can bethin}:ing right up'here.' least I thought"I If are going"to go to competitive bidding ,you heard this, that i means that "he starts from day one? Mayor Ferre: No, sir. Mr: Plummer: On that"additional portion. On"the additional piece of property. Onthe"property he Mayor"Ferre.6 .has, he has a"contract for eight years and that s that. Mr.. Gra�ssie: May I "correct"that because it'.s not true," optio„ Mayor? "' He iswith the does'not have a"five:year"option. ` The five year City"not with the lease holder:" mr City has the option to extend it 'five years . " F E Q 2 0 ist t 1 r ML • C7r]mI[l:; zeuuu5e -:l.i1C yu-L j-�-y- ,goesto the.Waterfront,Board. M=yor Terre: MY -matter dealing with the waterfront goes to the Waterfront Board. Now,, we "send it tothe Waterfront.Board4and instruct them that it is going to be bid and;.it.will be before us by May 1st. so.if they", have any problems and objections, let°us know. .Okay? FEB 2 8 1980 !.4 ist a f � Perre: ` ^ ^ Oh. you're a mind reader# then? 'Mayor w�IPt,�mRf�rrn9R1AN�i� _ 6 0 19. ALLOCATE FUNDS - $10,000 SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS - "AMERICAN NATIONAL CHOPIN COMPETITION". Mayor Ferre: All right, Mr. O'Reilly, it's your turn. Mr..F. Warren O'Reilly: My name is F. Warren O'Reilly, I live at 2950 S.W., 3rd. A,-C;ue in the City of Miami and I'm President of the Chopin Foundation of the 1,r4.red States located in the City of Miami. In 1975, the American Institute of Polish Culture and the University, of Miami held the First` American National Chopin Competition Year 'and the, First Prize winner of that competition went on to Warsaw to,.theInternational Chopin ` Competition and was the only American to be a prize winner there. Three years later the Chopin Foundation was established and in January of ahis year it became the first organization in this part of the country to be admitted to the National Music 'Council. Our organization.is chartered by Congress in 1957. I want to,pause for.�a moment and give you the of t;ir se"condAinerican . :rational Chopin Competition which is being held in, a very. substantially, larger scalei than the first. This is thel only project in the community .culturally speaking this;year which is ofnational importance and significance This' is, the largest.cultural event that has ever occurred in the State of Florida and hc.-have _the, backing ar.J endorsement of every: "reallyimportant`group 's concern:] c.r%mmiatPP_;its .Cultural Mayor Ferre.: Twenty five hundred,, there any conditions for the $2,500 Mr. O'Reilly: No but If ,you are; p f -epared to add the matching addition, I'm 87 F E B 8 l980 C � 0 0 in a much better position to not even have to ask, this commission unless we hit an emergency because we've just become part of the prestigious whatever of National Music council and all that sort of thing. tie are now eligible but it is too late for us to get on the grant list which takes years. And if you .look at this as seed money for a prestigous event that has a Miami date line world wide I think it is one of the most.... MEIER ....... MEN The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner plummert who moved its adoption: NOES: None. 21. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO SUBMIT GRANT APPLICATION U.S. DEPT. OF HOUSING & URBAN DEVELOPMENT NEIGHBORHOOD STRATEGY AREA SECTION 8 AREA. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 80-139 22. AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF SUPPLEMENTAL PROJECT CONTRACT HOUSING UNITS DESIGNATED 8-7 COCONUT GROVE DADE 8-6 RIVERSIDE. NOES: None. r 23. AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT - PROFESSIONAL/CONSULTANT SERVICES LITTLE HAVANA DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY. _ rt 24. CLOSE STREETS - ST. PATRICKS DAY PARADE; ALLOCATE FUNDS SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS. Mr. Grassie Are you actually voting $10,000 for that? ilvAUDIBLE COMMENT FROM AUDIENCE j ti771c�r Ferre: I said that you can get it ahead providing the County goes bn ! rt=card that they're going to give you $15,000. Now if ,they don",t go on' rccord you don't get $10,000. They've.got to say,' "Hey, we're going to give you'15, we can't give it to you for four months or five months or six munths or something but you're going to get your $15,000." Okay?_ And you've got to get it matched. Okay? Very good, congratulations and I' won't be here for St. Patty's Day so have a nice parade and enjoy it for me and have a lot of green beer. a Air. Plummer: I'll take care of it for you, Mayor, don't worry about it. 25. REFUND OVERPAYMENT OF FUNDS - JOINT PUBLICITY PROGRAM TO METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY; FIRST AND SECOND READING ORDINANCE. Air. Plummer: This is giving money back to them? A 26. FORMALIZING RESOLUTION - DECLARE INTENT OF COMMISSION THAT BOARD/COMMITTEE MEMBERS SERVE ONLY 2 TERMS OR 8 YEARS & ESTABLISH METHOD OF NOTICE TO AFFECTED PERSONS. ' Mayor ,Ferree- So. -I think what we neec Lo ao, L„C,1, to . one �r even though,' Plummer, I think you may `be right, we can't appoint" anybody ... „ir...:...... mho,-n10 'nn wav vou. can aDDoint Until it becomes effective., rt 27. AMEND CHAPTER 13 OF THE CITY CODE - PROVIDE FOR INCREASE IN MEMBERSHIP OF DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - r278.APPOINTMENT OF INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE ON DOWNTOWN ' DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY. Mayor Ferre: Yes. The motion is_a resolution appointing -;and reappointing certain individuals to serve as members of the'Board of 'Directors of the Downtown Development Authority of the'City`of Miami for designated terms, to wit William Wolfarth June 30,,1982,'Harry:Hood Basset'- June 30, 1984, Tony Alonso - June 30, 1984, Martin Fine - June 30, 1984, George Greene June 30, 1982, Tina 'Hills -..June 30, 1984, Garth Reeves - June 30, 19830 Ofelia Sherman -: June 30, 1983, Charles Stack „- June 30, 1983, Alberto Vadia-` June 30, 1982. May I'strongly recommend .to this Commission that if you want to maintain the viability of the Downtown<Development Authority that; you not tamper with the original intent: The.,original intent of this as..passed by the legislature was very serious in nature. Robert King High was the Mayor:" of Miami at the time. He requested to be the Chairman of',the:,Committee and,. therefore, the Mayor was appointed as the ;Chairperson of that particular,eon=:' mittee known as the Downtown Development.Authority..,At the,urging of Mitchell Wolfson who came down here himself and said do not tamper`with.thisspolitically, there is a purpose for creating ';a Downtown Authority in this fashion and, therefore', it was in the image and it was similar to;the Off-Street:Parking Authority of which Mr. Wolfson was and remains still the Chairman`of Mr'. Wolfson on.several occasions has said over and over ,'again, "Do'not_t'amper:with that, let it function the way it was originally, set up,to do, do not tamper, with that. You're taking,a lot of chances that doW t make any long ;term 'sense Mr. Ray Goode for the Chamber of Commerce along` with- Alvah Chapman ,,,:the, Presi dent of the Miami Herald came ,up with some very strong recommendations tore vamp the DDA-and revamp the Off -Street Parking Authority:: Again"Mr:'Wolfson came back and said, ':Do not tamper. with this, it funct,ions' ,'it;works`, don't tamper with it. Let it be a non -political body, let it be"self-perpetuating and leave it alone. Now I want to tell you that,back in`ithe early was where you are now, Plummer, I wanted to tamper with it and"I listened to 101 F E D .21 8 1980 rt a 0 Mr. Kenzie: Of 'February. The specific names of recommendation went out ---- Mayor Ferre: Roy„ do you remember that the City of Miami Commission met on the 12th of February, do you remember that? Do you recall? Mr. Kenzie: No, but as you go on I might. i Mayor Ferre: Well, we met here az the 12th of ebruary. Do you recall that I told on the Friday that we met which was the 8th day of February to get that letter out that evening so that it could be considered. Mr. Kenzie: No, that was the first, the second Friday of February which was the 15th and we sent the letter out that day. That was the day of our Board meeting. Mayor Ferre Roy, do you have a copy of the letter? Mr. Kenzie: No, I don't have a copy of t.:he .Letter here. Mayor Ferre: Didn't Marie ask you to bring a copy of the letter down? Mr. Kenzie: No. All right. When was the DDA meeting in February? 2iayor Ferre: She didn't? -Mr. Kenzie:" It was on the 15th. Mayor Ferre: I would :1 '.� t.o show you here..a letter which is dated February the 8th, Mr. rienr.i. Mr. Kenzie: I'm sorry, I'm one week late.- To Armando Lacasa, Dear Commissioner Lacasa, The Mayor Ferre: And it says, Board of Directors of tiie DDA did such and such and here are the names and that is February the 8th. Now is your memory a little better? Mr. Plumper: In tide rush of the matter it is confusing, I agree. Mayor Ferre: Now Rol, this letter went out on February 8th. Mr. Kenzie: That's correct Mayor Ferre: Was that the day that we met? Mr. Kenzie: Yes. Mayor Ferre: It was Friday, February,8th? Mr. Kenzie; Right. Mayor Ferre: Okay.; Mr. Plummer: Twenty days. Mayor Ferre: And Mr. Plummer, in 20 days you haven't had time to find out who Tony Alonso is? Tony Alsonso was one of your supporters in your campaign, in case you forget. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, there were a lot of people supporting me in my campaign who I do not personally know. There were 21,763, as I recall, who, supported me in my campaign and I readily admit about 19,000 of them I don't know by'a first name basis, I admit that. Mayor Ferre: I will not repeat that tc Tony Alonso. Mr. PLumuner: We't , Mr. Mayor, ,you know, is he a businessman? Mr.Kenzie: He's the President of the Downtown Miami Business Association.` Mayor. Ferre: you've met with him at least...... lei Mr. Plummer: You are correct, and I;now know who Mr. Tony Alonso is and I'm glad that he is one of the names. Okay? Mayor Ferre: You've met with him at least 10 times. rt 0 Rev. Gibson: Is it the intention of this Commission to ----(INAUDIBLE) Huh? Well all right. NOES: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. 29. DISCUSSION OF PUBLICITY DEPARTMENT. IT, 10. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I move that Items 5 and 6 be deferred. Mayor Ferre: Again? Mr. Grassie: What the City Commission has, in fact, actC on, the question of a budget.... (Mayor Ferre: Cont 'd) Excuse me, Grassie, don't understand what Plummer Ots. Would you tell V.a what it is you want? Because I still can't get it into my head that VV-11re clowning about, I mean what is it you want? r t. Mayor Ferre: Okay, let's go to Item 7 while we wait for the memorandum. 30. ESTABLISH NEW TRUST 6 AGENCY FUND INTERNATIONAL FOLK FESTIVAL - 1980, FIRST & SECOND READING ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - 0 SAID ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE N0. into the public record and announced of the City Commission and copies The City Attorney read the ordinance that copies were available to the memgers were available to the public. 9072. 91 31. CONFIRM ASSESSMENT ROLL - N.E. 59TH STREET HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT H-4392- NOES: None. 32. CONFIRM ASSESSMENT ROLL - LE JEUNE GARDENS HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT H-4383. i. a 0 33. DEFERRAL OF CONSIDERATION OF AGREEMENT FOR CABLE TV CONSULTING SERVICES. Mr. Caro"llo: May I ask that 15 be deferred, Mr. Mayor? F EB ^ 8 1980 rt 34. AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT - CITY & MIAMI-DADE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE CITY OF MIAMI. Mr. Plummer: Does the Department recommend this, that they process ----? 35. AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT - NATIONAL CENTER FOR MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT, INC. - "MAN IN WASHINGTON" PROGRAM. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 80-148 NOES: None. 36. ORANGE BOWL REPAIRS - WALKWAYS AND RAMPS; DISCUSSION OF BEER DISPENSING EQUIPMENT AND INSTALLATION. Mr. Grassie: They are contracting, they are paying.... Mr. Plummer: They are paying for the walk-in coolers? bechangedto comply with the system we were told would not work before., Mr. Grassie: You understand, Commissioner, that what is described in the ' agreement is a so-called pumping system. Mr. Plummer: in your back Yes, sir, I-understand.that-and it was very clear and explicit up material as to how that would be accomplished._ Mr. Grassie: Yes. Now, what is going to be installed under the currentpro- posal still involves some `pumping, much less. Mr. Plummer: Well, you know as long:as it,complies with that back=up ,material that;you sent'us before. ' Mr. Grassie: No, it is a change, there is a definite change in, the design.. Mr.. Plummer: 'Then.the contract is null and void. You change 'a contract`'; you `. change it FEB ". � 8 1080 rt Mr. Grassie: Commissioner, design is nota part of the contract. i Mr. Plummer: Excuse me? ;Sr. Grassie:: The design, the lines on the. paper'that'design the system are riot apart of the contract. Mr. Plummer: Well, I ask fora legal opinion and I would hope that the City. Attorney, would be willing to come back with that: Y Rev. Gibson: Mr.,Mayor, not to belabor the:'point• Mr. Grassie, you know you have to',,have pretty good memories. Do you. remember that argument we had here earlier this afternoon about that stadium business over there? It is.lik e`. x changing the rules of,;the ball game. aY. Plummer: That's.right. x Rev:.Gibsone You know I get very disturbed about the z.nterpretation of law around here; It'bothers me. If when you all, I happened to have Deen one of t the guys who voted for beer in the stadium.Do you remember that? After we got. that then we went on to the otherand .went on to ttie other:' Do you remember that? 'At that ime we were promised a pumping system. That was so much better, different than anything else---- Mr. Plummer:Far superior. Rev.'Gibson:: Far superior. And then; of course, after we--gotgoing I think we got a 13-2 vote, you know, we're not getting that now. It seems to me that we.need torenegotiate that contract somewhere you know based on the rule over here..... Based on that rule I just wonder. Look,-I'm.not contending but I just want to make sure that you all understand that I'm not deaf and I'm not a fool. Okay? Mr. Mayor, you know I remember what,you said. You said, well, you remember that comment you made? I want to make'sure;now the same comment is true in this ''deal. And man, those guys rib us to death. I don't want to do anything,. I just want to make doggone sure that if we live by law the law fir the Dolphins gets to be the same law for that man in the stadium. Mr. Plummer: Dot the is and cross the t's. Rev. Gibson: Doggone'-right, that's,all I'm ,saying.. And`you know, don't 'inter- pret the law when it's convenient. Mr: Commissioner, you need to. know that the question' of the original I'llGrassie. pumpi1''" I tem is still an option. I mean we: can•.choose•that.: We are conclud- ing bused on�all of the work that isbeing done, when-you�getdown to.start to 'design it the departments that are working with tliis-ar'e concluding that this is a.`better alternative. We don't have to accept this other alternative. Rev.. Gibson: You ,.see; Mr. Grassie, what bothers,.me.'is when those people came here,to ram that thing down our throats they made,it_unequivocally clear that. was why ;i Mr. P Rev.. Mayor Ferre: Now it's almost 7 O'Clock and I think we've thrashed this one,. Tong enough now. What's the will of this Commission? :a Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I'll move 28. i Rev. Gibson:Just bring the change back tows. The following' resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved f its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 80-149 V. A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID CF 14E`I' CONSTRUCTION, INC. IN THE PROPOSED A14OUNT OF $527,888.00 THE BASE BID OF THE PROPOSAL, FOR ORANGE BOWL REPAIRS - WALn'7AYS P.ND R71wIPS; WITH MONIES i'HLREFOR AT_,LOCATFD FROA1 THE ORWNIGE BOWL ENTER- PRISE FUND FROM AIvTICIPA`I'rDri;;:JF;": `ih'r, i JI�1 ZN THE AMOUNT OF $527.888.00 TO COVER THE CONTRACT COST; ALLOCIyTING FROM SAID FUND THE AMOUNT OF $58,067.00 TO COVER THE COST OF PROJECT EXPENSE; ALLOCATING FRO:.i SAID .UND 2c:E AMOUNT OF $10,5415.00 TO COVER THE COST OF SUCH ITE"S AS ADVERTISING, TESTING LABORATORIES, AND POSTAGE, AND AUTHOI.IZING THE CITY MLANAGER TO EXECUTE ri CONTRACT WITS SAID FIRM, SUBJECT TO THE AVA-1:1LABILITY OF FUNDS. (Here follows body of resolution, omi,t:i here and on file•` in the Office of the City %­.terk.) Upon being seconded `1 �.:urrunissioner Lacasa, the resolution -was passed; and adopted by;the following vote- AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer,>Jr. Commissioner (Rev.)- Theodore Gibson Vice -Mayor Armando Lacasa Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES• ;; None. Rev. Gibson: I'm going to vote yes with the understanding that you!re going to bring the change back to us. Mr. Plummer: No, well Father, that's 29 and it's only on the agenda as a report. Mayor Ferre. Any further reports on 29? All right. 37. AUTHORIZE INCREASE IN CONTRACT - SHAFER & MILLER, INC. - CITY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING. Mayor Ferre: What did we have, an overrun? Mr. Vince Grimm: No, sir, this is an adjustment in the EDA Fund so we can spend more of their money. Mr. Plummer: Is it in line that we ask what that increase is? Are we back to 1 silo? what is the addition that's going to be done? Mr. Grimm: Frankly, Commissioner, I don't know what they are. They're addi- I tional changes in the building, it has nothing to do with the silo -parking.:. Mr. Plummer: Well, that motion, of course, passes subject to the approval of the.administration figuring out what that money is going for and letting"us, the Commission know. a a rt ' 7 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: f. RESOLUTION NO. 80-150 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING INCREASE IN THE CONTRACT IN THE ` AMOUNT OF $137,021 BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI AND.SHAFER AND MILLER, INC.FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE ADMINISTR�,-,, TION BUILDING, SAID FUNDS TO BE PROVIDED ENTIRELY BY ., ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION APPROVED ADJUSTMENT WITHIN THE FEDERAL AND LOCAL PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT GRANT :! FUNDS PROVIDED FOR THIS PROJECT. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here'and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being econded by Commissioner Lacasa the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- AYES:' Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner (Rev.) Theodore Gibson Vice -Mayor Armando Lacasa Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. 38. COMMITTEE FOR VISITING DIGNITARIES - DISCUSSION Mr. Plummer: Is that just to create the office or are there already members that have been named to that? Mayor Ferre: What is this anyway? What is this visiting dignitaries, I mean don't we have enough committees? Mr. Grassie: These really are here, -they should be, her1.e for your.information to get,you.started in -the process ­11of :;nominating people -and we"will b`ln thi` back to"you. So this is really`to.bring i up;;for.your,discussion-,so that you;` will go through ;the process of nominating :'people: Mayor Ferre: In other words we're going to have a committee that if. we have the Minister 'of Finance of Peru that can go out; to .tine airport and be "nice .to him and take him out ,to dinner, is that it? Mr. Grassier You'have"the committee if.you remember your first":chairman was. Bob Paul and he' had' a co-chairman. Mr. Plummer: Obviously this was a very active committee:< Mr. Grassie': No, .they were not'very;active. Mayor(Ferre:. Well,.you know what they were doing, they were supposed to meet all these---- No, I'll tell you I remember, I just remembered'it now. Bob Paul was the Chairman, Blanca Rosensteil was the vice=chairman and we had one big blast on her yacht for some German visitor or somebody, Prince of something or the other. Huh? We11, that didn't work very well, why, are we continuing it? Mr. Plummer: We like to ,perpetrate a mistake. ,t`Why don'we defer it for more information?" Mayor Ferre: Yes. h don't have any; problems with it. if you really ,feel, strong ly about having „`a.... Mr. Plummer:. Who requested that this be put on.the agenda? Mr. Grassie: It's just that their terms expire, Commissioner,. and we routinely bring theme things to your`,agenda so- that =;you'llgive us:-new�nominations.: s1s F1 4 a 2:ayor Ferre: Well why defer it, why don't you make a motion to dissolve the committee? Why do you want a Committee for Visiting Dignitaries for? Are you for this, Mr. Manager? Well don't look so pained. .:r. Grassie: Well, i look pained because the initiative came out of your office. Mr. Plummer: I know who the new Chairman is. Mayor Ferre: Well, that may be, I will on the record stipulate that my. office once in a while makes a mistake. Now, the question still is on the . 4- floor. Do we need a committee or not? i Mr. + Plummer: Why don't we sunset them and ask them to .come forth before the ' { Commission and tell us why they should exist or continue to exist. Mayor Ferre: They don't exist, J. L., that committee hasn!t'met in five years EF. or four ,years and they could care less.` Plummer: If there's nobody to come forth to justify their existence"they're , j out. '.; Mr: Carollo: I move that we dissolve the committee unless there is a need for it I don't see one. Why don't we get a written.report from the Chairman, maybe they "'. Mr. Gra.ssie: feel the same way? Mayor. Ferre: Okay, out of courtesy to the Chairman let them report in writing, he doesn't have to come her,:, dust let us know if he thinks we ought to dis- solve. Nir. Plummer: So this is what, deferred? Thereupon on motion of Commissioner Plurm-ner, seconded by Commissioner Carollo the item Has deterred by a unanimous vote of the Commission. _ _ _._ .�._ ..._....,...s..x.rwxs.arm n•istnNVFt's.'98Y��TS 39. APPOINTiI:HNTS TO AFFIRMATIVE ACTION ADVISORY BOARD, DISCUSSED AND DEFERRED. who else is on that board. 1 .1 FEB 4j 8 1980 rt 40. APPOINT 2 COMMISSION MEMBERS TO DADE-MIAMI CRIMINAL JUSTICE COUNCIL. kc AW MUM SA41. -UATI Z' 4ILM2 U2W k9 tZ The following resolution Was its adoption: NO. 6!3_-_1S3 by C'Ommissioner Plummer, who moved -C 0 rk THE' 6rN 1 T ED 'N'D CON' UPEPOIR` .'0- 1, A, 111,4UEj3 L STATES TO a TkiE iiUAL AIR U 'CE I 'D X ARY(. BY Tflt�, ��l T TE K! NGDL,,! OF THE MIMI- JUjT 'CTING THE C=Y 0 L r),Nr,) j) N DlYU, 0 ARD COPIES C '1�9 'JZS. z"NXIED PUBLIC OF TI HER IN rT.SOLUTION T, .1, _'AIN OFFICIALS - kj04"Y Of rr-1403-Utic,11, omitted here and on file. in the C)ff3.cc, (.)f t1ha City Clerk.) Upo.-I _c;ec:vndad bv L.acasa, the resolution was passed and adopted by tne 1�0-11C)W;',13 AYES: L Plux"I'mer, Jr. ';'heo(2ore G ih S o n Vice.-Ma',,-'c-r An-tiando Lacasa Kavor Maurice A. Ferre E R NAN D I NIO/ GRAIF 70NI/ S P 1 L L I S / CAND E L LA 42. DTS'C`J_5SJ'-'-)N r "If INVOKLE��') E-Y U'MMISSIONF-11—� PLUMMER. 5 — Mo I Mayor Cl':: r n. Ar e We %:G!!a dv- 1-1 OV/7 OZI, 4-1-11s S Cct-, Tj recognize you. Mr. Plummer Which t' na, ?,x, Mayo-r? Mayor Ferre - 1.4 a c�uestio--7 thai- s keen di.scussed all day with relation to, and even thous e the -se -CwO :lave been withdrawn I told them I would recognize Mr. Fine 11'ar 'che pixr.:,oses of this at this time. Hr. Martin Fine: For the zecc.-_d, my nane 4-.s Martin Fine, 2401 Douglas Road and a resolution was preseated earlier in the day in reference to architect- ural serv-1ces.... Mayor Ferra. it wits never presented.. Mr. Fine- Fx=e W& have a resolution that had been prepared in r6fer- ence to the! Of Fenand_`17,0's firm in connection with the existing Convention Cc;, the hot e 1_c? is 4 W'hat h-Dd Previously been done and t a k i 7 o,; -a t in addition .-In the, neW portions Sections 1, 2 and 3 setting forth the .-ork to be done by that firm .1,-1 cor,nection with the archi- tectural services fc)r the design Of t" 0 9,-race a':-.,64 World Trade Center. Mr. Candelia and Ntr- spi!2is cf that aurn` Mr, le �rh is here and ,Or, am they have, si_-!�Accz to this Cortanission's approval, agreed on the format of this and if a—, are 4rl" 'd to '?o so c.,., arin favor of its passage. Mayor F,::rx­. 'vN-111., MV _J s of the City Attorney, has he seen this document? Mr. Kno".c.: Yes, si:�, our office, Mr. Alvarez has Signed it on my behalif, J ",vas in Uo'a York V,7ien it was', done. Mr. Fine: Ey'. p;.jgC_'. A. Lp:l three has been amended and .1' want to draw Vour attertiOr, to that and in the other por' ion it is specif a;,-J thPartias th t -h er- vices are to be ij-mit-ed to a.y.-chi-*Cecti_,ral servicer> and the mechanical, F E r ate mechanical,; structural, electrical engineers ana-,oLner *YYLVL+L+aa.c consultants to provide 11, fees for service. ,to'F.G.S.C. and I. M. Pei and partners are competitive,- reasonable and,properly reflect the market for such services. Joe, can we live with that? Rev. Gibson: Do what? I didn't hear that'. Mayor Ferre: Can we live with that?; Mr. Grassier The basic question I guess, Mr. Mayor, is whether or not this creates any conflict between the architect and the developer. And since Marty R Fine whoAsretained by the developer is here presenting it I have to assume that ;it does not create a problem. € Mayor,Ferre: Well say it on the record. Mr. Fine: .I'd like to clarify the record, for example, the proposed reso- 1�.•ticn, we'd like to in the title strike the word "and engineers for the project" (1) because in connection with this they're to render architectural services only. For the record, the position we're in, and it's not an easy one to explain very quickly but I will attempt to do so as follows: The City previously hired this firm to do the architectural and engineering work for the Convention Center and it has done and is doing it. Mr. Worsham as a private developer hired this firm to do the architectural and engineering 1,20 f EB 8 3�s� Mayor Ferre: This has nothing to dodirectly with the items that. were with drawn on Items 36 and 37, I just told Mr. Fine out of courtesy to him, they,Ve. been here all afternoon, that when those items came up that I would recognize him to discuss the subject of.the architects because there has'l,been-a battle going on. Okay? Mr.'Plummer: Mr. Mayor, you know we're not talking about a $10 Item,.we`re talking about multi -million items and i don't want a little gentleman coming down `here`shaking a finger saying that says that this thing,.came out the clear blue sky, not an agenda item, the administration admits.that,they have'not seen ;it prior tothismeeting, that's just no way to run 'a fortune cookie Mayor Ferre: I've got no problems either way. Rev., Gibson: Mr. Mayor, when this,project first came up :my understanding was that firm was, they proposed what was to be and my understanding that they would be there and they will be there with the understanding. in: the; back; of my mind that they would be looking at Miami's interests. You ;know, I want .to put this in the record. It disturbs me that an outfit would even,,_say, out „ of New York and I'm not prejudiced to New York, I just don't want them to think that they have all the know-how and all.the sense.; You know? And I thought the advantage of, at least why I was voting, that these people were. local, they were quite qualified, they know some of the pre culiarities of ' this area and we would be protected. Then Marty, I felt'that,you,.;I have yet to find you not you know, up, here and I Just felt that you all ;were go ing to be doing our thing, you know, looking out. And I think that if you all have decided to work it out don't let's holdup this work,' .I'd just ;', soon let you all do it, you know they ct that you have an understanding 1 FEU ao rt r Rev. Gibson: All right, I understand. Mayor Ferre: so that means it automatically comes up before the next Commis- 43. ACCEPT PLAT - NATOMA GROVE. rt 44. CLOSE CERTAIN STREETS - THIRD ANNUAL OPEN HOUSE 8 FESTIVAL (CALLE OCHO). The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Lacasa, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 80-155 A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE 3RD ANNUAL OPEN HOUSE 8 FESTIVAL, ;MICH IS TO BE HELD ON MARCH 9, 1980; CLOSING CERTAIN STREETS TO THROUGH TRAFFIC ON THAT DATE DURING SPECIFIED HOURS AND ESTABLISHING A PEDESTRIAN MALL; SAID STREET CLOSING SUBJECT TO ISSUANCE OF PER1ITS BY THE POLICE AND FIRE DEPARTMENTS; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A SUPPORT AGREEMENT SETTING FORTH THE CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THE CITY WILL PROVIDE SERVICES AND CASH ASSISTANCE. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being econded by Commissioner Carollo, the resolutionI'was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner (Rev.) Theodore Gibson Vice -Mayor Armando Lacasa Mayor Maurice A. Ferre 45. FORMALIZING RESOLUTION - EXECUTE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING TRADE AND COMMERCE DEVELOPMENT - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE CITY OF MIAMI.: The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 80-156 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE ATTACHED MEMORMIDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI AND THE INTERMIERICAN CHAMBER OF C01MMERCE OF GREATER MIAMI IN ORDER TO COOPERATE AND COLLABORATE IN THE TRADE AND COMMERCE DEVELOPMENT OF THE AREA, PROCESS C=4ERCIAL OFFERS AND REQUESTS RECEIVED TO GIVE INFORMATION ABOUT THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE COMMERCIAL COM- MUNITY AND TO IDENTIFY PROGRAMS AND PROJECTS RELATED TO THE ECO- NOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE CITY OF MIAMI. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Lacasa, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner-J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner (Rev.) Theodore Gibson Vice -Mayor Armando Lacasa Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. a v ~� J cr.0 1�& rt ,I 46. FORMALIZING RESOLUTION - MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING THE SALESMEN ASSOCIATION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE CITY OF MIAMI. The following resolution was introduced L-y Commissio:ier Carollo, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 80-157 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE ATTACHED MEMORANDUM OF UIMERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI AND THE SALESMEN ASSOCIATION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA IN ORDER TO COOPERATE AND COLLABORATE IN THE TRADE AND COMMERCE DEVELOPIiENT OF THE AREA, PROCESS COMMERCIAL OFFERS AND REQUESTS RECEIVED TO GIVE INFORMATION ABOUT THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE COMMERCIAL COMMUNITY AND TO IDENTIFY PROGRAMS AND PROJECTS RELATED TO THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE CITY OF MIAMI. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Lacasa, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner (Rev.) Theodore Gibson Vice -Mayor Armando Lacasa Mayor Maurice A. Ferre 47. SISTER CITY PROGRAM - DESIGNATE MONTES DE OCA, COSTA RICA. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Lacasa, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 80-158 A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE CITY OF MONTES DE OCA, COSTA RICA, AS A "SISTER CITY" OF MIAMI, FLORIDA. rt Unless a member of the City Commission wishes to remove a specific item from this portion of the Agenda, Items 46 - 57 constitute the Consent Agenda (Item 46 was withdrawn). These resolutions are self-explanatory and are not expected to require additional review or discussion. Each item will be recorded as individually numbered resolutions, adopted unanimously. Mayor Ferre: Before the vote on adopting items included in the Consent Agenda is taken, is there anyone present who is an objector or proponent that wishes to speak on any item in the Consent Agenda? Hearing none, the vote on the adoption of the Consent Agenda will now be taken. The following resolutions were introduced by Commissioner Plummer, seconded by Commissioner Lacasa and passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner (Rev.) Theodore Gibson Vice -Mayor Armando Lacasa Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. 48.1`DIRECT .CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING - OBJECTIONS TO COMPLETED WORK - ALLAPATTAH SANITARYSEWER` I14PROVEMENT SR-54-33-C. RESOLUTION NO. 80-159 - A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR OBJECTIONS TO THE ACCEPTANCE BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION OF ALLAPATTAH SANITARY SEI.ER IMPROVEMENT SR-5433-C (CEIZTERLI2IE SERFS) IN ALLAPATTAH SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT SR-54-33-C (CENTERLINE SEWER). 48.2 ACCEPT COMPLETED WORK - MODEL CITIES COMMUNITY DEVELOP- MENT STREET IMPROVEMENTS - PHASE V. RESOLUTION NO. 80-160 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE COMPLETED WORK PERFORMED BY TA4IAMI CONSULTANTS, INC., DBA TAMIAMI PLANT SYSTEMS, INC., AT P TOTAL COST OF $37,240 FOR MODEL CITIES CO11- MUNITY DEVELOPMENT STREET IMPROVEMENTS - PHASE V - BID C (LANDSCAPING); AND AUTHORIZING A FINAL PAYMENT OF $3,724. 48.3 ACCEPT COMPLETED WORK - MODEL CITIES COMMUNITY DEVELOP MENT STREET IMPROVEMENTS - PHASE IV. RESOLUTION NO. 80-161 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE COMPLETED WORK PERFORMED BY HARKS BROTHERS COMPANY AT A TOTAL COST OF $668,610.83 FOR MODEL CITIES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STREET IMPROVE- MENTS - PHASE IV; AND AUTHORIZING A FINAL PAYMENT OF $91,130.92. 48-4 ACCEPT COMPLETED WORK - CENTRAL DRAINAGE PROJECT E-45. RESOLUTION NO. 80-162 r A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE COMPLETED WORK PERFORMED BY GARCIE ALLEN CONSTRUCTION CO., AT A TOTAL COST OF $143,022.22 FOR CENTRAL DRAINAGE PROJECT E-45; AND AUTHORIZING A FINAL PAYMENT OF $14,962.82. F `SO 2 8 1980 rt C 48.5 ACCEPT COMPLETED WORK - SILVER BLUFF SANITARY SEWER ruMn^%)M MklT co_chih-rr_c rt 48.9 AMEND RESOLU N 80-11 - POINT VIEW HIGHWY IMPROVEMENT. BY REDISTRIBUTING THE ALLOCATION OF FUNDING. NOTE: AGENDA ITEMS 5 AND 6 WERE DEFERRED r 49. BALLOTING FOR ZONING BOARD APPOINTMENT - DEFERRED TO 3-18-80. The Commission cast seven ballots without any applicant being chosen, therefore, the Commission deferred any further action on this item until after the Planning and Zoning matters had been discussed. Mr. Perez informed the Commission that the alternate position could not be considered at. this time and that a letter was going to be sent to each applicant for the full term notifying them that if they wishes to be con- sidered for the alternate position that they would have to so notify the City Clerk. 50. APPOINT WILLIAM GONZALEZ, JR. TO COMMITTEE FOR TRADE AND COMMERCE DEVELOPMENT. 51. SINGLE MEMBER DISTRICTS - SEE LATER RESOLUTION NO. 80-174 Mr. Carollo: Yes, sir, I will. TE 52• REQUST OFGAS TTPRICES BTORNEY OY GASOLiNEPREPAE ASERVICE ASTATIONS. ANCE- That'`s what this proposed ordinance says, 'that's not the general.... Mr. Knox: Mr. pl'ummer: That's not the accepted. This proposal, they're ruled,on this proposal 'already. Mr. Carollo: Mr. Plummre Now.I'm not the lawyer,,but you can make a law more restrictive than,�what.the ' County 'ha`s . made but ' it does ',not supersede the County law. M. Carollo: This `is what I'm getting, this is the intent,"that we---- 1294 rt Mayor Ferre: Do we have a second to your motion? NOES: None. 53. DISCUSSION OF EMPLOYEE LAYOFFS AND FREEZE. Mr. Plummer: You can't do that, Mr. Carollo. Well wait a minute. 3 ;r Mayor Ferre: Can he do that legally? t M-. Plummer:No, legally you can't. Mr. Grassie:' I don't understand, are you talking about the people who a're in k" `t►e.,sp ecial funding category who=were otherwise going to ,be laid off? Mr. Carollo: That is correct. If I recall correctly,`maybe.you can find a' for copy of the motion, it was a joint motion to include the freeze ;and ' those;peopleno-,:to be laid period: Mr. Grassier At this point.we have 14;people left, as S understand, .as of today. Plummer: Does that include the people"of Publicity? Mr. Grassie: Oh yes.. Mr. Plummer: Those that are proposed to, there are some there that are pro- ` include whatever;is posed to be laid off from Publicity. Does `that,14 number to be laid off from Publicity? My understanding is that it includes all of the employees, yes,. Mr. Grassie: We have hundreds of CETA positions, of course, thatarein the process of know automatically reducing the number. That's been true.,for six months, you is General Fund regular that. I'm assuming that what you're talking about City employees. Mr. Carollo: What I'm talking aboutMr: Grassie, to be precise is the.same last Meet- group of employees that were going .to be laid off at the Commission ing that we voted that they would not be laid off. Dir. Grassie: There are 14'of them at`this;point as of, this morning. Mr. -Plummer: May I ask a;point of clarification? Was: -this, as:',,,'I'm trying to very quickly read because I was absent, was this an absolute freeze except. for Police and Fire. Mr. Plummer: It's subject to that, is -that 'a legal mol rt 131 d I wasn't' 'm'reading and Fire. for E the s of Y can- eems F on? Mayor Ferre: I'm going to find out if I get a second, Ak-hat a motion? v1L. Plwtuner: Well, I'm not about to second a motion unless it is legal. Is that a legal motion? Can he instruct the City Manager to do that? Mr. Carollo: These areAll ;iecommendations,,Mr. Grassie, ao you rnow:wna--i `" 54. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - CHANGE ZONING CLASS- IFICATION - 20-158 N.E. 41 STREET FROM R-3 TO R-C. P!N AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE AME14DING ORDINANCE NO. 6971, THE COMPRE- HENSIZE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF MIAMI, BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF LOTS 3, 4 & 5, BLOCK 7 PLUS S104.6' OF WOMAN'S RELIEF ASSOCIATION (UNPLATTED), AND LOTS 15-24, BLOCK 6, LOTS 1-19, BLOCK 9, AND W20' OF LOT 4, LOTS 5-12, BLOCK 10; BILTMORE SUB (6-67) BEING APPROXIMATELY 20-158 NORTH- EAST 415T STREET, FROM R-3 (LOW DENSITY MULTIPLE) TO R-C (RESIDENTIAL OFFICE) DISTRICT, AND BY MAKING THE NECESSARY CHANGES IN THE ZONING DISTRICT MAP MADE A PART OF SAID ORDINANCE 240. 6871 BY REFERENCE AND DESCRIPTION IN ARTICLE III, SECTION 2, THEREOF; BY REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES, CODE SECTIONS, OR PARTS THEREOF IN CONFLICT; AND CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. - Was introduced by Commissioner Carollo and seconded by'Commissioner Lacasa and passed on its first reading by title by the following ute- AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner (Rev.) Theodore Gibson Vice -Mayor Armando Lacasa Mayor Maurice . Ferre NOES: None. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were_available to the membors of the city comr.•iission and to the public. - 55. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - PROVIDE FOR INTERIM PARKING LOTS IN C-3 DISTRICTS. instituted those things were for the safety and welfare of the community in the downtown area. How in God's name can anybody propose that we turn rt FEB 2 81983 40 r AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 6871, AS AMENDED, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF MIAMI, BY ADDING A NEW SUBSECTION (6-B) TO SECTION 2, ARTICLE XV, CENTRAL COMMERCIAL C-3 DISTRICT, AS HERE- INAFTER SET FORTH; BY REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES, CODE SECTIONS OR PARTS THEREOF IN CONFLICT; AND CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY PROVISION. Was introduced by Commissioner Carollo and seconded by Commissioner Lacasa and passed on its first reading by title by the following vote AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Vice -Mayor Armando Lacasa Mayor Maurice Ferre NOES: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner (Rev.) Theodore Gibson The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the city commission and to the public. 56. APPROVE IN PRINCIPLE - COCONUT GROVE BUSINESS CENTER PUBLIC PARKING FEASIBILITY STUDY. rt F E Or,, r NOES: None. 57. APPLICATION FOR CLOSURE OF ALLEY - BISCAYNE BOULEVARD BAYSHORE DRIVE, N.E. 20 STREET & N.E. 20 TERRACE "BAYSHORE TWENTY SUB` - DISCUSSED AND DEFERRED. Mayor Ferre: I what does the. C Ms. Maer: The which will be 'a question os,y y is,deve see wnat your clienL.geLs, Loped,a very, nice building rt 136 F EB ' 8 19801 4 rt 0�` Mdyur Terre: Please. Mr. W'hipple`:' They will have Ito,provide,the necessary radiuses ,`or -larger ning movement. un by the'Fire Department? ed -it? s hear from the opponents. eyPt : dnwn will decide, as far as c that in the first place. But where you come in and turn it down and take it, get 11 in there now I and "I' to this but things that night ' and ''as far as 'a f rt into'`20th Terrace on 20th Terrace now,;you can't sent ',letters in'time and time again not in reference sppen all the time. It's filled up all day, all truck getting in there I don't know how they're FEB 2 S 198O rl 40 Lne suggesting...,The red;°porti we have ssed various North Bayshore Drive, perk ation and.`things of that s or wingout , going around ' t ae-sac LO Lne SLs-c— aac oVY..• a.... .. .. ,r-�_- ----- . property further south of that cul-de-sac to tie in then the `alternative exits JL39 F E B 2 8 1980 rt I y 'T\ "V 1141. F E 3 2 81980 rt Rev. Gibson: To me? rt rt J0 Afterall, we do own a lot of property there. We are very concerned about it. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I move this item be deferred. The matter was deferred upon on Motion of Commissioner Plummer, seconded by Commissioner Carollo by a unanimous vote of the City Commission. 58. CONFIRMING RESOLUTION - SINGLE MEMBER DISTRICTS. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: 59. LIFT EMPLOYEE FREEZE SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS PREVIOUSLY EXPRESSED BY THE CITY COMMISSION. Mayor Ferre: All right, Joe, on the question of the freeze now, have you worked out your situation? Can we get it clarified? Nlr. Carollo: I think that the situation has been clarified quite consider- ably. The motion will be, and the City Manager can be restate the previous motion that he made, keeping in fact, that the concern of myself and 'I think the majority if not all of this Commission is to protect the employment of these people that would be laid off. Mayor Ferre: All right, is there further discussion? Is there ,a second to that motion? This is:lifting-the freeze under the conditions as expressed by Commissioner Carollo. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I'm going to vote`.in the negative but I want to say" to you that before when the matter came up about the=Publicity,<the.Leisure and the Parks that matter was continuously deferred txying.to"accomplish a goal. I hope mr. Carollo remembers that this matter relating to the 14 employees has now been running since 'October. Surely more time.than was . ever ever necessary has elapsed and the problem still persists.' This Com= mission could not legally go on record any stronger in telling,'the Manager, what we were desirous of setting a policy. Now once again we`find that"the • policy or what we tried to set is not being adhered to. It was;; not"adhered" to during the so-called freeze.: Now I'm merely, putting that"on.the record.' As Father says, "when it's convenient we speak to the law in one way a nd,"when it is convenient we speak to the"law'in another. I'm merely putting that:on_ the record. 145 FEB � s 1980 rt a Mr. Carollo: J. L., I agree with most of what you stated. My concerns which I brought out at the last Commission Meeting and my ,concern now is to protect the employment of those 14 people that are left. There was a lot more -than that whe"n it 'originally started if you recall. Mr. Plummer: - .I hope you're right. Mr.-Carollo: There's 14' eft,that,'s what I know to my knowledge now at this moment. Now. I don't want ""to'keep a'freeze that's going to hamper other; departments within the City and.if'it j s going to hamper the function of certain areas of the City that we need: Now°if after a reason aIble''.amount of time we see 'thet we're'being,played with then I'll be more than'happy'to present another motion for anew freeze and then we'll really; keep thei1reeze then. Mr. Plummer: When you come out of the driver's seat, Mr. Carollo,, you come out of the; driver's'seat. ." The ;following motion was `,introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: " MOTION NO. 80-175` A:MOTION MODIFYING MOTION 80-115 PASSED AND ADOPTED FEB_ RUARY 12; 1980 BY LIFTING THE FREEZE ON THE HIRING OF NEW `EMPLOYEES EXPRESSED IN SUCH MOTION AND FURTHER EXPRESS - ING;TO THE ADMINISTRATION THE STRONG DESIRE OF THE CITY COMMISSION THAT JOBS BE FOUND WITHIN CITY GOVERNMENT FOR '.THE REMAINING 14 EMPLOYEES STILL SCHEDULED TO BE LAID OFF. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Gibson, the motion was passed and adopted'by the "following vote:'' AYES: Commissioner Gibson, Commissioner Carollo and Mayor.Ferre.' ". NOES: Commissioner Plummer and Vice -Mayor Lacasa. Mayor Ferrer You just`barely;madeit,-I hope'that telis,you'an awful lot of stories.' Mr. Plummer:-. Time -will tell. 10 146 FEp 22 8 9,�M NOES: None. 61. DEFERRAL OF CON AV ERATION OF VARIANCE LIQUOR LICENSE AT 3425 N. E. 2ND Mr. Lacasa: Jack, you are on Item 5. Do you want to be heard? a:. Jack Rice: Well, I have thirty people here tonight and I need a continuance because T shouldn't -go without a full board. 10 Mr. Lacasa: It is your choice? Mr. Jack Rice: Yes. But I would like to be first on the agenda. I'm last... I'm first on it right now. Mr. Lacasa: You are. 147 FEB 2 8 190V OIN Mr. Rice: And the next one on the 18th I would like to be first. Mr. Lacasa: You are next now, if you want to be heard now. t, ::r. Lacasa: That's what I said. Do we hear a motion? Father? 62. DEFERRAL OF CONSIDERATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE 90 SLIP MARINA ON GROVE ISLE. hr. Lacasa: Item #6? Item #6? Mr. Stuart: Mr. Lacasa in view of the fact that... my name is Larry Stuart and I represent the applicant in Item #6'and.in view of the fact that the Mayor is not here and .we do not have a -full Commission, I request deferral to March 18th and I would like to be "number two on th e. agenda, on March 18th if that's possible. Mr. Lacasa:' Do I hear a motion? Mr. Carolloc Motion..`. Mr. Lacasa: Moved... Mr. Doney Mr. Vice -Mayor? Mr. Vice -Mayor? Mr. Lacasa: .yes, sir? Mr. Done y: ;Can I ask... (BACKGROUND COMMENT :OFF THE PUBLIC RECORD); Mr. Doney: 'Can I a David 'Doney and' I'm item 6at'are pre is e1 Mr. Plummer: Correct'. 3tioti` on Mr. Stuarts, comments? ; y:My .name is rney representing a number of the objectors on 31.eyening: My question is; -as I under' sand the tled to g1 1.50 erral . Is 'that 'Correct? FE9 2 8 19v� �t .� This 'is the property in question: This is a two unit....story .I live Up stairs.; I have a. ketch which I may`show it to you. I want to . express to`the Commissioner, please, that this is... IL would like to emphasize this" L for a family purpose, ok. I live up stairs. My Aunt and cousin' live ;dowm s tairs and I'm proposing a new unit... another unit next to it for my own family. The one on top which I'm living now on the flight up 'will be living my mother-in-law with her daughter. I have two children ,:wh{ch they are present. My wife which is now presently 10 expecting, she is two months, I want to emphasize the need that I have for this unit. 'I.able to construct as the percentage required by law thirty percent.. I am `asking at the present time only a four to a five percent gl 152 FED ^ • �� r• - Mr. Gonzalez: No, they are not adjacent to my property. They are on the opposite corner one block away. Mr. Plummer: Why don't we try to hear first from the.... Mr. Vice -Mayor, from the objectors and see what their objection his and Let's go from there. Mr. Lacasa: Ok, are you through Mr. Gonzalez, with your presentation? Mr. Gonzalez: Well, yes. If there is any questions I would like to continue expressing. Mr. Lacasa: Ok, we will call back on you later. The: objectors, please. Mr. Gary Bond: My name is Gary Bond. I resi6 at- 90! Soi.c.hwest 25th Avenue which is across the street, which is the corner Tot .it the end of the block. First of all, I would like to mention that in all of the Zoning Board meetings myself and Mr. Gonzalez were the only urLes •present... Mr. Carollo: Excuse me, sir, I'm sorry to interrupt you. Is that the lot DL, the one that's being pointed to up there? Z'm sorry, go ahead. Mr. Bond: As I started to say, during the three Zoning Board hearings myself and Mr. Gonzalez were the only ones ever present for- any discussion and 'I`think it's interesting that now at the final discussion before the Board of Commissioners, I think it's a little lat- for everybody to show up, because they never heard what was discu,;ae(2 at Zoning Board and never heard the problems and the reason why the Zoning; Board denied it three different times. And each time when somethin,; was presented by Mr., Gonzalez it still wasn't enough to satisfy the Zoning Board. Mr. Plummer: Well, sir, can I try to help you and help me? Mr. Bond: Alright. Mr. Plummer: Alright, sir. You know, tell us why you are objecting. Let's don't go into the history of spilled milk. Really here before... you are here on an appeal, ok. As Fuch appeal you are only to bring out items that were not brought out that you feel. that are very important to this particular application, that were not brought: out in the earlier hearing. So let's stick to the zoning, you know. Mr. Bond: We are asking for the denial fcr two reasons. The first reason is that during the last three months there have been at least three proposed or in the process of construction three buildings in the adjacent area and one of which is right next door to the property in question. All of which 'met the Zoning and Planning Buan-?s requiremee:ts for construction. Either they already met them or they vent b--fore the-: r:oning Board and they met one hundred percent the Zoning Board's requirements, so their variance could be granted. Now, we have been to the pl.an)ing Board three times and the Planning Board denied the variances for Mr. Gonzalez. Mr. Plummer: But sir, why are you objecting? Mr. Bond: Alright, I'm only objecting because I ,could like to see the property that the additional acquisition be w,7at the Zoning Board feels is the proper requirements for our area. If is is zoned and the building is too large for that area, I would like to see the area reduced in size to meet the Zoning's requirement which is why it's been denied three times. Every time they started at a larger figure., they kept going down and every c time itstillwas denied by the Zoning Board because it still was too large. ;He is trying to build another two story additional unit on. They gave him three different proposals how it woulct fulfill the Zoning Board's requirements and he still never met up to what they requested. My only objection is I would just like it to met.t the City' S rt,cui---,-,endation, which it has not on three different tries. '11,1is is not a hardship piece of construction. I mentioned the other bu_1.d:in;s because weryone else met the City's recommendations meaning the City asked reasonable requires or reasonable reduction in lot size... That's my only objection. is that it navcr gets down to the size of the Zoning Board's feelings or requirements. Also, as Mr. Gonzalez ientioned that this is r'or his family use and I certainly acknowledge that fact. I don't 3u10k7 iii1;; o,; a personal basis, I only looked at it based on the fact that it is a two story dwelling and his family ,lives down stairs that in the long.. in the road to come years gl 154 FEB 4 8 �� CJ • Mr. Lacasa: Yes, ,sir. �1 155 - F EE Z 8 1380 original proposal that he was requested. Now, he had reduced the proposal when it came before the Zoning 'Board at: the last time to the point that the coverage was tt-,irty-three pl*c), 0sd coverage and allowable rather than by the twenty-eight perc -xt as ;aefirie(i t,ere :ia,; aet.ermi.ned after reevaluation So his statements Department and the Bilild:ing T)eparrment ne thirty percent. tonight are three percent over what: is allowed. Mr. Lacasa: 'Three pi�rcent over"' Mr. Whipple: Ttat is COrr.:=c. . and this is after a reduction. Mr. Lacasa: i�i�1C _c+ _ whale w� have racing us here? Mr. Gonzalez: Mr. Whipple: Sv:: , "t ,r in. you: motion that you ., c;ottJ.0 rt specL,,lly rcyquc clarify what >>ercc: L— ; a a'_:' covrrage you are. giving him, because he is going with the ari.F;irir;l afire .ir. , ion ;)ezoz e t,,c_ 1'1. ,nni,.I , and Zoning Board as he was denied, not wir.11stan,Iiri� C'ne modificat•ioris he was suggesting to the Board, he is La,.k c: i :,� oYar3 sa.on wt, i:i,e r.r. is;ir�al application. Mr.. lJaca:;a : �c ,..j - . :h� U 'p" i _,; t. i o:: that you are presenting '. li. l here today'? .::c . > k*i3 t yali are zaotr. us here today? Mr. Gonzalec.: Tl;c. e pei.cent: over I,-i l.ot co•vYrage. Mr. Lacasa: Mr. Gonzalez: Three percent lot coverage over. Mr. Lacasa: Three percent. over, that: is clear. Mr. Gonzalez: It used co bey.•, originally it was thirty-nine percent and I reduced it as.much as we could have... Mr. Lacasa: Ilnd ;,ou ha":e reau4 �!(, it'? Mr.. Goriza,ez. :;>i ltn ill_ 1p of Mr. ITrsi.pple. (BACKGROUND C,.."KMENI -''gAUI):LB1?:} Mr. 4h i.pple, ,vO, is_ , I. :;�:.:�iw�: the applicant just suggested ll he wi`. abide by a thirty -•three j)ercent .Lot coverage. Mr. Gonzalez: Yes, Mr. Plummer: That's three over or five over? bl Mr. Whipple: Three percent over the thirty percent permitted. :I am correcting for the record... Mr. Lacasa: It,-,- ti,isty percent permitted and he' is asking for thirty three,, percent? Mr. Whipple: I cLni correc:t.ing for the record as I did with the' Zoning Board' that it's been cict rcnined "hat his permitted coverage is not twenty-eight; but thirty percent:. Mr. Lacasa: Thirty percent? Mr. Whipple: So we are talking the difference between thirty and thirty« three. Mr. Plummet.: How much smaller would the second structure have to be to comply -with the law? Mr. Whipple: How about a good guess? Mr. Plummer: I can't.... Mr. Whipple: I would say another two feet. Mr. Plummeri Two feet? 40 FGU 1� , Mr. Carollo: If I may at this time I would like to present a motion. Mr. Lacasa: Yes, sir. Mr. Carollo: I sympathize with what the objector stated for the record. However, number one, I see that the neighbors closest to him, the people that have to live next door to him are not ob ectIng to it, those are the people that I'm most concerned with. He has already reduced the size by two-thirds from what 1. can see here, T rri,7ve tnat the motion be granted. I think that three percent, approxituitely three percent over is 'not that great of'a request that ht.! is making at this moment. So I move that his request be granted. Mr. Lacasa: We have a motion, do I. hear a second? Mr. Plummer: 1'oY' purp)ses of being able to discuss, I will second the motion and does not preclude my eight to vote against. Mr. Lacasa: There is a motion and there is a second for discussion: Mir. Plummer: rt2'. Wji.pple, c<in you give me an estimation of square footage? Mr. Whipple-: 2 �• : :t est;.mate it be re.diaci.ng between the buildings which is the width of. appr�iiximately three, and a half additional feet for the two stories. Now, ti;at three-! and a half that's nine... that's three to four hundred square feet. Mr. Plummer: Of an overall how big... now many square feet proposed? Approximately. Mr. Whipple: There, is... there looks to be roughly in round numbers twenty- five by thirty-five... twenty-five by twenty --five would be six twenty- five - plus another three: hundred fifty that would be approximately a'thousand square' feet per floor, two thousand square footage... Mr. Fosmoen: So two thousand square feet and you are reducing it by. three percent, that's sixt square fret.. Mr. Plummer: Three percent would approximately sixty? Mr. Fosmoen: 'Yes, sixty to a hundred feet, Commissioner. Those are... Mr. Lacasa; Anything. else'? Mr. Plummer:'illy questions are answered. Mr. Lacasa: Please call the roll. ON-ROLL'CALL: Mr. Plummer: I don't think sixty feet is going to make or break it. I don't think three percent... the man has in the spirit of compromise reduced from thirty-nine to thirty-three. I think there: is demonstrated, even though I readily admit that your argument a strong argument for your family is not a criteria for zoning, it is a criteria in my book. I don't see it being that' much harm. I t-tinK _'here i:: a need and I gore "yes". Rev. Gibson: To the members of the Commissio.7, I'm going to vote "no". Let me tell you, I have no assurance that this man will be living in that house one year from coda,;, two years fret.: today and I need to protect... if we are going to uphold zoning, protect these neighborhoods. So I vote .no Mr. Plummer: .lust t,c., that, that record is very clear that is based on a lot. coverage of thirty-three. Is that very clear? Mr. Lacasa: Ok. Mr". Plummer: Now, wait a minute. No. no, no, sir. Nothing ,like getting up; there Habloing in front of the microphone. Mr. Gonzalez: So to state on the record we are talking about a twenty-six by thirty-seven foot. ���. _�GV L.1V IJOV �ry Mr. Plummer: You didn't understand me, sir. Mr. Gonzalez: Yes., three percent over. Mr. Plummer: Thirty-three percent.. Air. Gonzalez: Yes. Mr. Plummer: Thank you, sir'. Mr. Gonzalez•. Thank you. Thank you,,very. much. The-following,:resolution was introduced by Commissioner Caiollo, wrho moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 80-177 A RESOLUTION GRANTING A VARIANCE FROM ORDINANCE NO'. 6871, ARTICLE Vill, SECTION 6 AND ARTICLE XXIII, SECTION 2(5), TO PERMIT AONE-UNIT ADDITION TO THE EXISTING 2-UNIT STRUCTURE ON LOT 14, BLOCK 2; HAZEL PARK (13-19), BEING 920-924 S.W. 25TH AVENUE, AS PER PLANS ON FILE, WITH 33% (2$% PERMITTED) LOT COVERAGE, AND 5' (7.5' REQUIRED) PERIPHERY LANDSCAPING ON THE 25th AVENUE SIDE; ZONED R-4 (MEDIUM DENSITY MULTIPLE) DISTRICT. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on`file in the Office of the City Clerk). Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed,and adopted by the following vote: AYES:Mr.; Carollo, Mr. Plummer and Vice -Mayor Lacasa. NOES: Rev.' Gibson. ABSENT: Mayor Terre.- Mr. Lacasa: Now, we are on Item 8, Packer Pontiac is the 'applicant.'`We,.`.. don't have a full Commission because the Mayor is absent. -,Therefore; you'iiave the privilege.of requesting a deferral if you see fit to d04,that., UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: We will proceed if it's alright with the Commission. Mr. Lacasa You will proceed, ok. Mr. Plummer: 4.Are there objectors? Mr. Zacasa: Are there any .objectors an 089 Are there any objectors. on Item #81;No.objectors. UNIDENTIFIED .SPEAKER: We have had no objectors what;so ever. 91 160 F EB 2 81980 j 64. DEFERRAL OF APPEAL BY APPLICANT FOR VARIANCE 34 UNIT APARTt4E',NT - 1852 N. BAYSHORE DRIVE.' Mr. Lacasa: Now, on #8 and final item on the agenda. Mr. William B. Roman: My name is William B. Roman, 542 Pan American Bank RiAildi.ng, I'm the attorney for Packer Pontiac. I think that the Zoning Board when they heard this did not have a full picture of the situation and I have , some pictures that I think will clarify that for the Commission. rir. Plummer: Excuse me, sir, I think I know the answer, but I am one who likes to be over cautious, because I buy quite a few automobiles from .your company and you are probably aware of it. Mr. City Attorney, I do business,; have done business with these people in the past. The history is I buy one or two cars a year from these people and will continue to do so in the future. Do you feel that there is any conflict of interest on my part under that relationship? Mr. Percy: Not unless Commissioner your judgement and review of this application can be impartial. If you feel in your mind you can't separate the objectivity, I think that you would... Mr. Plummer: But there is no question that I can;and.let me go one step further and say that I personally do not, but my corporation is the one that purchases those'automobiles. I have no problem with voting on this independently without my judgement being altered, but I just want it on the record. Idon't want., anybody coming back pointing fingers at a later time. Thank you.; Mr. Roman: This is a small photograph of the block wall and this_'is the. adjoining property to the East. The John Turner Warehouse. (BACKGROUND COMMENT OFF THE PUBLIC RECORD) Mr. Roman: Well, let me explain, we own-all_of the property: in -.that block with the exception of the John Turner Warehouse and lots 9 and 19'and:20..and;hand 2 are occupied by the John Turner Warehouse and goes.. It goes through, the street? Mr. Plummer: What do you want to do? Mr. Roman: We have started to put up this block wall and we thought..we were complying and now they tell us that we have to set it back an additional five feet. They object to visibility coming out of the entrance and ,I'think.that photograph will demonstrate that there is plenty of visibility after you„get out before any automobile will enter into the street. Mr. Plummer: Let me ask you this. How far is it from this wallo.,this wall? Approximately?. Mr. Roman: Well, this is a fifty foot lot and this is the entrance or exit from our service department_ coming out this way. Now, we did not get to put the; decorative block on top of here because were'stopped before we were able'.to-do,,'', that. So this is not completed. There will be'decorative block across the top here. Mr. Plummer: Well, but what I'm asking. How far; -is it from here to here? Mr. Roman: From where?. Mr. Plummer: From the ,edge of this wall that's there to the'edge of. this wall that's 'there? Mr. Roman: About forty-five feet. The exit is twenty-five.feet. Now, this is not something new because here..is the associated abstractors; parking where th:y h=ve done the same thing, put a block wall right up to the side wall. Here is the Western Union Building right across street where they put a block wall right up to the side walk. Here is a motel on Southwest 8th, block wall right up to the side walk. Now, our property is going to be used for the storage of new cars on the front half because it's a C-4 zoning and it's for 162 F C.i 8 g ,yOV the employees parking on the rear... on the other lot, lot three, so there will not be a lot of traffic going in and out o,f there. There will be very little traffic, sometimes maybe a few cars in the morning and a few cars in the afternoon and that's it, but there is no blocking of visibility on cars, coming out of that entrance. And we just feel that... we had setback our wall twenty feet on lot three because it was in an R-4 zoning and we just feel that to set this block wall back five feet deprives us of the use of that five feet of property when we have already be deprived at twenty feet that we can't use for the purposes for which we intend to use it. And we ` just feel that there is no problem as to the visibility and that it should ` be granted. Mr. Carollo: There is no objectors here? Rev. Gibson: Let us hear the staff. Mr. Whipple: Mr.. Vice -Mayor, Commissioners, I have no argument with what the applicant has stated as to what might exist. However, the Planning Department in their study approximately two or three years ago with respects to walls, fences, and edges, it was indicated that there was a problem with our existing regulations at that time and also the proposed regulations with regards to vision clearance. Now, vision clearance becomes simply a question of safety. In other words, we have a pedestrian street, Southwest 8th Street the side walk is immediately adjacent to this wall and the ordinance is designed to the extent to provide some kind of vision clearance as a car enters or exits that site and with the wall. right on the property line a car would have to cone out, let's say to the wind shield length before they could really tell whether there was any pedestrians or any other traffic involved. So therefore, that's the nature in which the regulations were designed to provide for this vision clearance. It does not have to beset - back. the entire length of the wall. It has to be setback five feet for -a'. distance of fifteen feet and can actually be angular just so there is vision clearance for the traffic entering and exiting the property. We,; feel this is a safety factor. It's been concurred in with our Public Works Department and that's our problem. Mr. Lacasa: Dick, I have seen a situation similar to this. Actually there. is one very, similar in the building next to where I live and what they have is those,convex mirrors. A mirror right here, you know, and that allows them to see before getting to the... even before getting to the entrance, the exit, the 'coming traffic if any. So I understand the question of safety, but I believe that, that can be easily.corrected by doing so. Rev. 'Gibson: Is the wall built? Mr. Roman: The wall is there, ;it has not been completed as yet. Rev. Gibson: Well, let me ask.Sir, you know,-1 saw the problem. Mr.`Whipple, all the people who are responsible, let.me put `this in the mike. A11 of you' who are responsible. Did this 'man get a building permit? Mr. Whipple: There seems to be some.question as to what the permit was issued` for. Not necessarily in violation. The wall does exist and evidentially,`: there was a previous approval granted. There is a possibility' that the permit was granted in error. However, it was caught and cited and therefore, that is why they applied for the... Rev. Gibson: I didn't that last. Mr. Whipple: I would assume that the wall constructed was cited as :not having the appropriate permit or not meeting the required.zoning regulations and therefore, they are before this body with an existing wall requesting,a . variance from this wall provision. I do not have the specific details as to which of those two problems' caused the application before this body and the Zoning Board. Mr. Lacasa: Thank you, Dick. Mr. Carollo: Let me ask the gentleman a pragmatic question...Is.it feasible to put a mirror there; so that before you even, get,oui pf your parking lot' you could be. seeing the in coming traffic.` 81 r E O 8I iydu 66. FORMALIZING RESOLUTION Approve Media Department II as Advertising agency for Department of Trade and Commerce. Mr. Lacasa: Moved by Carollo and seconded Plummer, please call the roll. gl 0 Mr. Lacasa: Moved by Carollo and seconded by Plummer, call the roll. Mr. Plummer: That's right. Mr. Grimm: Well, that's ok. I don't care how you do it. Mr. Plummert Beautiful. 68. FOR-IALIZING RESOLUTION Correct Scrivener's Error on Resolution No. 79-810. Mr. Lacasa: Moved by Carollo and seconded by Gibson, please call the roll. d DOCUMENT MEETING DATE: February 28, 1980 INDEX ITEM NO A DOCUMEtrf IDENTIFICATION 1 CODE NO* Nm 0070 COMPREHENSIVE 6UNING' UKV11NHiNlrn rvr. ins vj-.: , 0071 OF MIAMI 4 DECLARING THE INTENT OF THE'MIAMI CITY COM=. -MISSION-TO JOIN�WITH METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY. AND ENTER INTO AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT AS PART,�OF,ITS ENTITLEMENT AREA UNDER'THE RE QUIREMENTS OF THE 1979 JUSTICE SYSTEM IM-.s. R_80-128 80-128 PROVEMENT :'ACT 5 AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO..EXECUTETHE..' ATTACHED. AMENDED'RESTRICTIV&.COVENANT ON. BEHALF OF THE `CITY OF MIAMI' WITH FLORIDA... R-80-131 80-131 EAST.'COAST.PROPERTIES 6 WAIVING THE NORMAL PROCESSING FEES INVOLVED IN THE VARIANCE PROCEDURE INITIATED; AT . ;THE , CITY'S REQUEST.BY FLORIDA EAST COAST PROPER- R_g0-132 80-132 TIES. 7- AMENDING SECTION 1 OF RESOLUTION NO'. 79-430 R-80-138 80-138 8 AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO.SUBMIT AN APPLICATION TO THE U.S`. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (HUD) FOR THE NEIGHBOR- HOOD'STRATEGY AREA (NSA) SECTION 8 SUBSTAN- TIAL REHABILITATION DESIGNATION OF THE OVER - R-80-139 80-139 TOWN AREA 9- APPROVING AND,At1THORIZING THE EXECUTION -OF A SUPPLEMENTAL PROJECT,CONTRACT RELATING :TO TWO HOUSING PROJECTS IN THE CITY OF MIAMI DE- .IGNATED DADE 8-6 (RIVERSIDE)'' AND DADE 8-7 R-g0-140 80-140 (COCONUT GROVE) 10 AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTOIA, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR CONSUL- TANT SERVICES IN CONNECTION WITH THE DEVELOP- R-80-141 80-141 MENT OF AN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 11 CLOSING CERTAIN STREETS TO THROUGH TRAFFIC ON MARCH 15T►�, 1980 DURING SPECIFIED HOURS R-80-142 80-142 12 'DECLARING THE INTENT OF THE CITY ConfISSION TO LIMIT THE UNINTERRUPTED LEGNTH OF TIME AN INDIVIDUAL MAY SERVE AS A MEMBER OF ANY BOARD, COMMITTEE, OR COMMISSION CREATED BY R-80-143 80-143 RESOLUTION OR ORDINANCE CONTINUED TEN NO.I DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION 13 APPOINTING AND REAPPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVI- MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DUALS TO SERVE AS DIRECTORS OF THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AU- R-80-144 80-144 THORITY OF THE CITY OF MIAMI 14 CONFIRMING ASSESSMEICTION GHWALIMPROVEMENT FOR UH-4392 R-80-145 80-145 OF N.E. 59 STREET 15 CONFIRMING ASSESSMENT ROLL. CONSTRUCTION OF LE'JEUNE GARDENS HIGHWAY"IMPROVEMENT R=g0-146..' 80-146 H-4383 16 AUTHORIZING THE CITY 11 MANAGER -TO EXECUTE THE OF BETWEEN ATTACHED MEMORANDUM UNDERSTANDING THE CITY OF MIAMI AND THE MIAMI DADE CHAM- R-80-147 80-147 BER OF COMMERCE. 17 AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER '`TO -ENTER INTO THE ATTACHED AGREEMENT,WITH."THE NATIONAL R_80_,14880-148 CENTER FOR MUNICIPAL"DEVELOPMENT`, INC 18 ACCEPTING THE BID OF MET CONSTRUCTION, INC R-80-149" 80-149 19 AUTHORIZING INCREASE IN;THE CONTRACT IN THE AMOUNTOF"_$137",�;021BETWEEN.THE CITY OF MIAM R_80-15080-150 AND SHAFER:'AND: 'MILLER,'INC.- 20 DESIGNATING.TWO IMBERS OF THE,:.CITY COMMIS- "AS"CITY OF MIAMI REPRESENTA- SION TO ,SERVE TIVES,ON�THEDADE:MIAMI"CRIMINAL JUSTICE R_80_152.'80-152 COUNCIL 21 STRONGLY URGING THE PRESIDENT,.OF THE UNITED STATES TO`GIVE FULL.AND CONTINUED,SUPPORT FOR THE DUAL AIR:CARRIER DESIGNATION BY KINDOM OF THE"MIAMI LONDON ROUTE R-80-153 '. 80-153 THE UNITED 22 ACCEPTING ;THE PLAT ENTITLED NATOMA GROVE, R_80-154 80-154 ASUBDIVISION .IN THE CITY OF MIAMI. 23 CONCERNING THE 3RD ANNUAL OPEN HOUSE 8 IS TO BE HELD ON MARCH 9, FESTIVAL,;WHICR T980;.CLOSING CERTAIN STREETS TO THROUGH SPECIFIED HOURS R-80-155, 80-155 TRAFFIC ON THAT DATE, DURING 24 AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING THE.ATTACHED BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI AND THE INTER AMERICAN`CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF GREATER R_g0-156 80-156 MIAMI 25 AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE TH ATTACHED MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BE- TWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI AND THE SALESMEN 80-157 ASSOCIATION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA 26 DESIGNATING THE CITY OF MONTES DE OCA, "SISTER CITY" OF MIAMI R_g0-158'.; 80-158 COSTA RICA, AS A 27 DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NO- HEARING FOR OBJECTIONS TO TICE OF PUBLIC THE ACCEPTANCE BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF ALLAPATTAH SANITARY R_80-159 80-159 SEWER IMPROVEMENT SR-5433-C -- 6UMOCENT•rNDE CONTINUED mm� yV NO.1 DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION 28 ACCEPTING THE COMPLETED WORK PERFORMED R-80-160 80-160 BY TAMIAMI CONSULTANTS, INC. 29 ACCEPTING THE COMPLETED WORK PERFORMED BY MARKS BROTHERS COMPANY AT A;TOTALCOST OF $668,610.83 FOR MODEL CITIES COMMUNITY DE- -PARSE IV. R-80-T61 80-161 VELOPMENT STREET IMPROVEMENTS 30 ACCEPTING THE COMPLETED WORK PERFORMED BY CONSTRUCTION CO.', INC. R=80-162 80-162 GARCIA ALLEN 31 ACCEPTING THE COMP.LETED,WORK PERFORMED BY INTERCOUNTY CONSTRUCTION.CORPORATION.AT.A R-80-`163.,, 80-163 TOTAL ;COST OF '$2 ;107 , 914.94 32 ACCEPTING;THE.BID OF: F.J. SILL. ER AND. COMPANY OF­$1,191,283.50 R-80-164=`: 80-164 IN°THE PROPOSED AMOUNT 33 ACCEPTING THE BID OF POLSTEIN CONSTRUCTION, R40-165 80-165 34 ACCEPTING.THE..BID OF SANDRON CORPORATION OF $391300 R-80-166 80-166 IN THE PROPOSED AMOUNT 35 AMENDING SECTIONS 2 , 3 , AND '4 ,OF',RESOLUTION 10", 1980,'. 80-167� 80-167 N0..80-11' ADOPTED JANUARY 36 AUTHORIZING THE .PROPER°OFFICIALS OF'THE CITY OF MIAMI TQ.-ACCEPT: `EIGHT;:(8) WARRANTY DEEDS ; AND APPROVING THE,) -RECORDING OF SAID DEEDS. OF DADE COUNTY. R-80-168 80-168 IN:,tHtl PUBLIC RECORDS 37 ACCEPTING .THE BID, OF LANDS CAPE, STRUCTURES, INC. FOR FURNISHING PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT FO R_g0-•169, 80-169 THE :;DEPARTMENT OF PARKS. 38 ACCEPTING THE BID OF JOHNSON CONTROLS, INC R-80=170'' 80-170 39 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL IN PRINCIPAL OF THE. COCONUT GROVE BUSINESS CENTER PUBLIC PARKIN,, R_80_173 80-173 FACILITIES FEASIBILITY STUDY. 40 AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY ATTORNEY - TO FORTHWITH TAKE ALL POSSIBLE MEASURES, INCLUDING LITIGATION IF NECESSARY TO SECURE: APPORTIONMENT OF THE FLORIDA LEGISLATURE R-.80-174 80-174 41 GRANTING A VARIANCE FROM ORDINANCE NO.; 6871, ARTICLE VIII, SECTION 6 AND ARTICLE R-80-:177 80-•177 -XXITI , SECTION 2 (5): 42 GRANTING'A VARIANCE FROM ORDINANCE N0, 6871'. R_.80-178. " 80-178 ARTICLE IV, SECTION 17.(2) 43 AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN', AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND MEDIA DEPART R-8�Q-179 80-179 MENT II, INC. 44 RESCHEDULING THE REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF MARCH 18, 1980 TO MARCH 19, R-80-180 80-180 1980 DOCU MENT NDEX CONTINUED- :TID4 NOJ DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION 45