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3425 N.E. 2nd_Avenue
Lots25 and 26, Block 2;
Mr. & Mrs. Emerson Conger.
4490 Banyan Lane
Miami, Florida Phone: 576=4983'"
C-4 (General Commercial).
Variance Application to permit the establishment.
o£-liquor license`on.above�site,;as,,per plans,,Ohl l
file', situated'2,090' (2,500' required); £rom„ an`
established 1'icensee, as indicated by the distance
survey" on file.
Applicant states: The'cir;cumstances.causing the.
hardship,which requires us as the owners.of> 342,5
N. E 2nd Avenue to request•this variance arQ'
peculiar and unique to the lot in que`st1on.,and;are
not self-created.. Unless'the;varianc.,is:granted,
it will not'Ue possible to use the property to.
continue `to conduct" the business .in which ;�•�e have
been -'fora number `of"Years;., Granting the
variance lead toy: the improvement'of .both the
appearance and character of the.property"surrounding
it. The= building ,on the property is nor run do�an.
Ile a, husband and wife .team who owned and'ran
ourselves a small :cockil ta`lounge appr ximately
four blocks away from the property involved here.
The 'business next door"needed;expansion..and"acquired
the ;property on �ahich ours%lounge" -was located. Over
1.the year's we have developed,a`:loval,clientele in
area and afeeling o"familiarity
th�'-f comfortable
with our. customers. Thus, i.t was°;important to re-
open.in`a place close by., The only affordable; one
in ;: -,the, immediate vicinity wit' a Sul tahle.huilding
was 'the 'property which'is the subject''.of"this request.
DENIAL. There is. no `hardship' to justify the granting .
Of ;thl,s Vari'allce The minimum distance
between businesses with liquor licenses was.estab-
fished 'in order o prohibit them from impacting a
neighborhood by clustering in' one; particular area.
Deferred on September 17,, 1979 by>the ,applicant
.because there was a short Board.
Defer. red on Octolje�r 22, 1979.
Denied on November 27, 1979.
go ^�'�
CITY: COMMISSION''.,,, Withdrawn January 24,� 1980
Deferred on February 2 8, 1980.'
li L
4. 3425 N.E. 2ND AVENUE
Lots 25 and 26, Block 2;
Variance from Ordinance 6871, ARTICLE XXVII,
Section 1(2), to permit the establishment
of a liquor license on above site, as per
plans on file, situated 2,090 feet (2,500 feet
required) from an established licensee, as
indicated by the distance survey on file;
zoned C-4 (General Commercial).
Secretary:,.filed proof of publication of Legal Notice of He
and ,administered oath to all persons testifying at this Hearing.
<'There is no hardship to justify the granting
of this variance. The minimum distance
requirement between businesses with liquor
licenses was established in order to prohibit
them from impacting a neighborhood by clustering
in one particular area.
Ms. Callahan: Mr. Whipple are you going to speak on this Item?
Mr. Whipple: Yes Mme.`Chairman and for the record my name is
Richard'Whipple` Chief of CurrentPlanning, Planning Department. The
Department recommends denial on this Item based on the fact that we don't
find any hardship which would justify the recommendation in granting of
this variance. The laws are specific relating to similar type uses;
schools and churches and we have.no basis by which to recommend approval.
Therefore, our recommendation is for denial.
Mr. Perez-Lugones: Excuse me Mme. Chairman, Mr. Conger who is the
owner and applicant in this case has just told me that his lawyer, Mr.
Dan Paul, should have been here and for some inexplicable reason at this
point has not arrived. Mr. Conger would like this held until Mr. Paul
Ms. Callahan: (After Item l was heard) Has Mr. Paul come in?
Mr. Gordon: My name is Larry Gordon, 1441 N.W. 19th Street, Miami.
I was one of the people that stood up and swore under oath and I'm here
to appear `against this proposal. We were here in September, most of
the people -who are here to appear against and it was deferred on the
request of the applicant. We've been here since seven o'clock. Some of
us don't understand why we can't proceed with this Item now. We realize
that the attorney is important but we have some kind of legal standing
also: We're citizens of the City and we're here.
Ms. Callahan: Out of a matter of'courtesy, the owner came and asked
if we would wait.iust a fpw miniIitPG and see if his attorney would be here.
t C.
circle, was the only available site that'they were able to find in the
immediate vicinity; it's three or four blocks south.of the area that the
original cocktail lounge which they ran. That building on that particular
site now is very delapidated and greatly in need of repair and we have
filed revised plans with the Planning and Zoning Department. We originally
intended to have a small package store area but we have totally deV!ted
that now and it will just be a cocktail lounge with a parking lot. The
only reason that we happen to be here is, that there is not another
cocktail lounge within 2500 feet of this particular site but quite a
distance away on Biscayne Boulevard, in fact, over some 2000 feet away
there happens to be a package store which was built after the date that
this particular building was built. The two uses are really not competitiv;
and in no way do they meet the purpose for which this particular Ordinance
was adopted which according to the recommendation of the Staff was to
prohibit bars from impacting a neighborhood by clustering in one particular
area. The purpose of this particular Ordinance is obviously not being
violated by the type of variance that we're requesting tonight.
It's hard to read the code on the bottom of that area (projection
screen) but b . y far the largest number of individual property owners are
in favor ,of'thel,.variance. We're caught between two big property owners:
Big Re . alty . .,a o nd-M r. Leoni who are shown in red and in blue on this particula:
map. And bothlof,these propeyty owners, we are advised, attempted to
buy this particular piece of property and are anxious to acquire it. And
we suspect that,their opposition to our use is primarily because they
would like to be able to acquire this,particular site to round out their
holdings in thearea.
Mr. Fie'lds.1tells us,for,.thearea .-which*::ls,shown sort of in brown
which was or,l,ginzilly.r,6flecte'd,...as.-,.oD,jedtors:,,that : he no longer has any
objectionto-our =zippllc_atlionz. now 'that we have deleted the package store.
There_-1s:..,no,;:,.school anywhere in the vicinity at all and we're well
beyond I :over onethousand feet from the nearest church so that we have no
problemswith either either of those.
We subi th I at granting this particular variance application is in
response a I 'hardship where these people have a liquor license in this
area and have had to move their business; that it's the only available site
that they ,_could. find that's in the general vicinity where their customers
and cli6 ' hte'le that they've built up over a long period of time reside, and
in addition'1t',will greatly improve this particular area. The photos
we had_last'time and.turnbd them in, are they still in the file? May I
have th.: hi' f theexisting building? � I would like the Board to see
_e ot,0's 0
them. �:_Also:_ '. ou I t, revis I ed�;p plan ',with landscaping - if we could pass those
- t
around.:�::Y6ui can s eeI wou ld.be quite an improvement in this particular
Now,:.there-are quite: a. few. people, herer tonight to to speak.in 'favor of
- , n:
this particu aapplication: and like.',at this pointi.,-time,to
call 0 f �t�d ear:'
on:some 6 se.people i he Board would like-E6 h'
Mg:.,.,Callahan:� Jt is 46in4. to.;be, a long gh tsowill You
e ieand n t ihear them
ask them to bs' d we'll be Happy
14r Paul': Fine..
Mr.. don z-alezl:. My name : e is EdwardGonzalez. zale'z �I'm a businessman in this
area..:I've ,�-,.known.. these I -,,.people _ for 5-.' Ye ars.. They: ruii one of the finest
establi6hmehts.4n. the bu-sin6 5`6.1iddause,. I.m in same business. They run
a restaurant: previous ,plac that The. e . they, had: was not a package store.
To the I ow gof My I kn led 1 1 46' to . make �:It real -short, .:C they will improve the
neighb'o r2ho'"od and I:prove the:bui 'ding:9 - Tliank,you.
m 14y �N.,:: W,0 I
_16r; November 27, 1979 item 4
t C.
f f
approximately from 1967 and we only moved out in September. Now we
personally are involved in the sense that we lived and saw the goings-on
of what happens in the area where the prostitutes were bringing their
'Johns' or whatever they call them behind the house of the people who
are asking now for permission to have this lounge put there. They were
also going into the alleys and behind the homes in that area. The prosti-
tutes were bringing their men there and they were carrying on their
activities in -the -car in that area. This is both on 341.h Street and 35th
Street. It was not safe for us to walk out at night in the dark. I mean,
it isn't a question of -fear, it's justcommonsense. And the point I
wish to bring up, is.'I don'<t feel that we would be encouraging a better
area, a higher level of.area by approving this. I feel that we would be
negating the area more and bringing these people with more excuse and more
reason. Now I mean rio'..offense at -the people. I don't say that the lounge
itself will do it 'but one of 'their own speakers used the term 'as well
as any other beer joint' and that is what_we consider a lounge - it's
just got a fancy name;kor a bar or beer joint. That's what it is. There's
no other name,-just,made to look a little better for purposes of psychology
Ms. Callahan: 1-think what he said was, he didn't compare it with
that, he thought it was:much better -
Mr D.lAmico than the other beer joints. If you'll look at your
records in the fiinutes,you'11 see that's what he said. So I feel objected
to it, even,though,I don'tlive,there now - but I don't feel I should
abandon the neighborhood and say.'well the heck with it' and let them
struggle with -it., P7e,went through
'a lot of trouble and called the police
quite often during the years and'I feel that the areas of business in
there that were encouraging these people, renting them rooms on a short
term basis - we saw the police'; down on Biscayne Boulevard at 35th Terrace
I believe it is,.and we saw them along Biscayne Boulevard many times
picking, these`women,up. My wife couldn't even stop and get a bus on
35th and Biscayne.Boulevard without being approached. The area had gone
that bad. So'those are my words. Thank you.
Mr. Leoni: !dy name is,Charles Leoni and I own the property at
3415 Pl:B 2nd!Avenue. I wonder.if'it would be possible to project this
aerial photograph:
Ms. Caiiahan: We can't project t.but'we'll pass it around.
Mr.' Leoni: I am the,property oc4iner,of a few. of those pieces of,
property in the area there, speci`fically,. the largest holding we have is
the large ,building. which 'you will ,see in the photo which is basically .an
office building consisting of approximately'�40,000 square feet of office
Ms`. ,Callahan: liow close are you ,Mr. Leoni?
Mr. Leoni: we're .directly -next door. We own the property directly
next to this,proposed bar. As'such, over the years since I've owned this
property ,which has been approximately the last 8 or 9 years, have pur-
chased a. considerable amount of property around the area to the point
where we have reached <this 40,000 square foot office building as well as
an additional piece across the street which we recently purchased. Over
the period of years that we've owned this property, we have developed it
into an executive office center and at'the same time, have been instrumenta:
in bringing about the further growth of the Decorator's Row South so
aptly stated these days. In fact, in the last year -and -a -half, there's
been considerable activity for this Decorator's Row South, in fact, there's
been two additional parcels that recently were built where additional
decorators from the area moved in and it is now becoming a very, very
important factor in the growth and development of this particular area.
Amongst the tenants that we have in the building are: Volare Shoe Company
-19- November 27, 1979 Item 4
which has national headquarters there; we have Gordis Corporation which
uses approximately 20000 square feet and we recently rented to Castro
Convertible who moved from Biscayne Boulevard to this area. Now obviously,
if we were to go along with putting in a bar in this area, I'm sure you
must realize that it would not be conducive nor lend itself to the type
of environment that we are trying to create. Yes, it is correct that
we have tried to purchase this property with the intention of continuing
the development of the area. As the gentleman before me indicated,
there has been a considerable problem along Biscayne Boulevard which is
only a block away from here to the east, with the high crime, the porno
stores, the prostitution that has been rampant - I like to feel I'm
among those individuals who are doing whatever possible to bring about a
change in that direction. We have spent a considerable amount of time
and effort and money to try to bring this about. As you will see from
that photograph there, there is a good chance that we can accomplish this.
However, we feel that by putting a bar in this area, it would certainly
not be conducive to that. We further feel that it's not a question of
whether these are honorable people or anything of the sort because I'm
certain that they would run a very high-class operation as was indicated
by the people that knew them before. I don't believe it's a question of
whether they're honorable or not. I think it's strictly a question of
whether this area can support a bar of this nature and whether it's going
to help us to achieve .what I think everybody is trying to accomplish.
I'm sure you're all aware of the problem that is existing along Biscayne
Boulevard and we certainly don't think we should be adding to that problem.
We have'every.intention to continue to do whatever we can to bring about
a high-grade"'office.and Decorator area. That is our main intention.
I would"like to'"make. one. other,point;that most of the people that
did testi"fy for this bar apparently don't live in the area and would not
beaffectedby what transriired�there.,;"Therefore, I think that should
certainly be considered. Thank"you.verymuch.
Mr. Hhite: Ladies and'gentlemen; my name is Allen White. My
address,'is 1000 Brickell Avenue. -, ,Ply involvement this evening is based
on the fact that I'm a real estate broker. I've been working with tor.
Charles Leoni. for the past year. I work for the Allen Morris Company.
One reason we're active in this area is that we view N.B. 2nd Avenue as
Decorator's Row itself. We were instrumental in persuading Castro Con-
vertible'Corporation to establish a large, ground floor display facility
in Mr. Leoni's building. This was a very significant up -grading of the
previous use of the property. I have been asked by Mr. Robert . . .
who's the executive vice-president of Castro who thought he would have
somebody here tonight personally but who could not make it - Mr. . . .
called me long distance from Ocala and lie did ask me to specifically
convey to the Board,,Castro's strong opposition regarding the institution
of a bar'next door to Castro's new facility.
I'd like to.amplify very concisely and briefly if I may, some of
Mr. Leoni's points as to what is happening in this area. The problem that
we have'in this zoning issue is the fact that there is a zoning require-
ment for a 2500' minimum distance requirement between liquor license
locations:' This`is.obviously a point of contention in that the Mardi Gras
property,has some type of licensing status and there are others in the
vicinity. But the; philosophical issue is simply one of minimizing the
congestion of liquor establishments in this area whether they are package
stores'or whether they are bars. We would submit to you that this parti-
cular appli"cation is in diametrical opposition to the philosophy behind
this zoning requirement. It is also in diametrical opposition to what is
happening in"this area Iand in amplification to what Mr. Leoni was saying,
not only,*ha's Castro Convertible come into this area, there is a new design
facility just two. blocks further south of approximately 10,000 square feet
that was just recently constructed catering to the design trade. There
is a little building -across from the Volare building which was erroneously
indicated'on the "map. provided by Mr. Dan Paul as being in support of this
-20- November 27, 1979 Item 4
application. That property was acRuired by Mr. Leoni, so that there
isn't any confusion, he is in opposition. That property is scheduled.
for demolition with a new building to, bet built. I go by this area every
day and I can attest to the fact:tllat,N>J :'.:.2nd Avenue.is a highly congested
very busy street. You can see from the indication up here, that it is
not a street that is conducive to a lot of additional thoroughfare
placing a lounge on this particular street'khich has poor access to`the
lateral streets would be a negative factor.for that area.
The only thing I have to say; then.i will allow the Mardi Gras
people to add their thoughts, there's no concern I believe on the part of
the neighborhood residents, many of whom who have contacted us and many
of whom are very concerned about what is happening in their neighborhood.
There's no concern about the Congers and their character. I've heard a
lot of nice things about them. If there was some feeling that the Congers
would be `operating this bar for the next 25 years, perhaps some of the
owners would feel less opposed to:it. ey Th're still opposed, but maybe
less so.' The concern 'is`not with,the-Congers. The concern is with the
idea that this is a step in th`e opposite -direction; that it is in oppositie
to the rule ,of, having 25001' between licensees which we feel is a very good
and very prudent guidQliner'foarea development. Thank you very much.
Mr Garcia: 14y name is Raul%Garcia, ;,228 �I.r. 35th Street. Until
now we have been -'listening. to a lot'of people, with a lot of money and
big enterprises.. I am,.a:poor,person. i:am a tenantof that apartment.
I've been living for.ten years'im.that.area and it is decaying. You should
know that from the ,newspapers. Those people appear to be very respectable
persons but in my°opiniom after three or four `days in the lounge they
are going to;be.afraid,to come over because they have to put three bouncers
there because. that place,-:'it is,awful The only two blocks that still
is clean is where we are living..right:,now. I'm not a saint. I used to
go to bars -and I, know:�hat.is,going,on - I've seen what happened in the
Irish House bar; I-know-what",happened,in the lounge - those
people are„looking for a place to'go'.but by the same token it looks to
me that ,they're going.to Abeafraia' after a -while - I'm not afraid - but
other people ?will be,.afraid and won'ti go there anymore. This is my
Mrs. -'Bradley: My name.is Mrs Bradley , -I live at 228 N.E. 35th
Street..,I havean,uncle.that's,an invalid.tiim.a.wheelchair; we don't drink;
we live very close to-whe"re.:this party;..wants to build the lounge bar -
package 'store,.whatever. ZVe are against it for the simple reason I have
been a victim,of;living near the same..`setup and I don't wish to be victim-
ized and -left scarred for the second time. Also, I represent some of my
neighborswho, are too old�tocome.They're senior citizens and they asked
me if I would please do their a favor and speak for them. I'm also speaking
for them too Tiis..ndighborhood has a,lot of<bad girls and bad boys.
We don't have to'make.-it a honky-tonk.�.. I'we been around. I know what the
score is:._ No matter how good youare, yourstill can't run a church.
Thank you:, very. much.
Mr. Majesk : my name is Frank Majeski. I live at 253 N.C. 34th
Street. I've lived there, for 34'years and I believe the only person
who has'''lived there longer than I`have, is the people that sold the propert•
At the present. time,' my wife and I manage,a 12-unit apartment. We're
right bet ween'-the Mardi Gras and Volare Shoe Company. Roughly, it's
about 150' to the back end of,this new saloon or lounge. I don't have any
objection to these very nice people. I just have objection to the lounge.
It will actually be'in my back yard, about 150'. Thank you very much.
Mr. Gordon: Good evening, my name.is Larry Gordon. I was up here
before and I gave my address. I'm here to speak against this proposal.
It'll drag down a fragile residential neighborhood that still exists on
two or three blocks in this area. There's no hardship here. I under-
stand this is the prime basis and criteria for approval of a variance like
-21- November 27, 1979 Item 4
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f 4
this. As my brother stated }:reviously, our family has owned and worked
on this block for the 'last 26 years. We have property that's less than
100' from the applicant's,property. There are.a number of homes and
—apartments-in this'block.-' You've heard the people who live in these homes
and apartments come here and speak against it. The applicants are
apparently very nice people who have had their friends and customers
come here and speak for them but nobody lives in this area from the
addresses that I've heard. We have some occupants in these homes who
have lived in them as long as 15 years or longer. We try to maintain the
residential -type of much of this neighborhood. We also own the Mardi Gras
motel and as my brother stated, we already have a liquor license that
was granted by the State but does not appear on the applicant's liquor
survey. I would be happy to document the number of the liquor license
for you. There is also a,private club called the Dade Athletic Club
which does not appear on this,,survey and it's where it says '36' on the
top of the map - just to the .left of that and on the north side of 36th
Street, the Dade 'Athletic Club which also serves liquor.
A..2nd Avenue liquor store - establishment - will be injurious to
this neighborhood. There are `a number of othe.r'places on 2nd Avenue,
and Ilm'sure.at various times they've been owned by well-intentioned
people but unfortunately when they get in there, they seem to attract a
bad element and drive out the people in the immediate area who live in
residential properties in the immediate area and the neighborhood has a
lot of street crime. There'll be people coming and going into this lounge
until 3:00 in the morning and they,,wll;lz,be the kind of people unfortunately
who frequent 2nd Avenue further down, and that's not a good element.
There is no°hardship here. As somebody said previously, it wasn't
the City or any government that condemned the land that the people owned
a few blocks 'north of here,and,had_their liquor license on, they sold it
I presume -.,for a profit motive --and now,have a liquor license which is
moveable and-,which'is;also saleable and wish to find another place to put
it. That.',s; hot, a Yardship We already have.a,4-COP license and have had
one since July: or August of 1978.
Ms. Callahan: Where -are. you located Mr. Gordon?
tdr. Gordone We.ownl_.theproperty`on. Biscdyne Boulevard going west
on both the north and 'so,uth'side >of the street. On the south side, we
ownLots? 17, 18 `and; 19 of`Bever ly sand on „the north side, we own 17, through
22 of Sandricourf an6 four.,of`those:lots.contain people who are residents
there. You've.heard from a,few of them. That`is a residential neighbor-
hood and'we have tried to keep ii as such.'
Your City planners have recommendedagainst this variance and
people who -live in this neigfiborhood have spoken against it. We would
ask'vou to follow them and deny the application. We have nothing against
the applicants.; P7e're,sure they.'rE nice people and we're appreciative of
the fact that they urere'able to bring.so many nice people and also to be
so well' ,represented legally. But we came here just as citizens without
legal represent ation:'because"_we felt our case had a lot of validity and
was strong enough to stand"on its own merits. Thank you.
Ms.,D'Amico: My, name.is Olga D'Amico._ I have lived for 16 years
at 219 N.N. 35th Street. Now.I 1`ive''8850 S.«. 74th Street. Since I
came from Cuba we have lived in. that property but we have moved because as
my husband said, I couldn'.t walk down that street - Biscayne Boulevard -
without a solicitation. My mother is 74 years old. 'She used to go to
Biscayne Boulevard by the Bay every afternoon. She was attacked and that
was one of the reasons we moved out of there. I still own the property.
I love the place and would dove to be able to move back there. I'm
sorry for the applicants '.because this is a free country with free enter-
prise but in that neighborhood we don't need any more of those situations.
-22- November 27, 1979 Item 4
V 4
Mr. Paul: Members of the'Board,;first, let me say that we agree
that this is certainly ,going to be a continuation in growth of Decorator's
Row and that's exactly how we fit into this particular picture. The
Congers operated`for a number of years, a high-class lounge and eating
place in Decorator's Row area and those were their customers. That's
exactly why they will be an aid and a contribution to this particular
area. In fact, the Cordis people that the gentleman said was one of his
tenants, were frequent customers of Mr. Ccnger in his other location.
They came all the way four or five blocks up the street to go there. But
I must say, this is a very strange Ordinance that could be interpreted to
permit these people to have cocktail lounges on the Boulevard; by all the
testimony we've 'heard tonight, these are the places where the trouble is
being caused. The trouble is on the Boulevard. It.doesn't exist in a
high-class cocktail lounge of the type that my clients would run in that
particular area.' This Ordinance cannot stand constitutionally if the
purpose is to keep out competition - but the Ordinance is drawn so that
motels and private clubs are exceptions. They don't have to be 2500'
from an `existing'liquor..license. .You could have ten of them next door to
each other if.you.wanted to under this particular Ordinance as its drawn.
And I th°ink. the City of Miami had some experience once before with an
attempt to space filling stations and the Ordinance was struck down. And
I think if this Board should interpret this Ordinance considering the
configuration of what's already in this area, where we have two people who
are excepted from the Ordinance in the 2500,' requirement who are operating
motels on the Boulevard in the area - there's an enormous problem along
the Boulevard, but nobody has indicated that anything the Congers would
do but to help improve this particular=area.
Z. think the future of this., area is,:.Decorator's Row and the type of
facilities. that are being built.there. 'Private residences are rapidly
being boughtup'n that.area,but there's certaiuly a_place for a high-
class lounge and eating place, in this particular mix.
One gentleman alluded to the fact that they ought to make some other
use of this building. Do you know what the other use would have to be?
It would have to be a beer and wine bar. You don't need any variance for
a beer and wine bar but that's not what we're anxious to put in this
particular area. We want to build the kind of high-class lounge that we
operated in the Decorator's Row area. But it shows you, if you really
want to guarantee the improvement of this area, you now have an operator
that nobody on either side can have anything bad to say about - if this
variance were denied, you put them in a position where it would be the
kind of establishment no£ necessarily run by the Congers, but by somebody
else, but then, that's all it,would be suitable for if the variance were
denied. We would not be running into :anybody's beer and wine license
within 2500'
I think the answer is, we cannot be caught between two big property
owners who want to gobble us up and they're here for purposes of thinking
that if they could defeat this particular variance, that we'd then sell
the property. I can assure them tonight that we will not; that the
property will then probably be in the hands of somebody who desires to
operate a beer and wine bar in this particular area. If the building is
going to be -improved, that's what it's suitable for. What we're asking
You for 'is to give us the opportunity to operate the same kind of high-
class cocktail lounge that was operated in Decorator's Row and for which
there is a need as an extension of Decorator's Row in this particular area
for that type of establishment. We're not eager to give the two big
property' owners a monopoly to run every cocktail lounge or bar that happens
to exist in.this area particularly since they're well within 2500' - it
seems to me they don't have good graces to object to the technicality
that we:have here tonight that this Ordinance creates. I strongly urge
you to construe the Ordinance constitutionally. Thank you.
-23 November 27, 1979 Item 4
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_ __ _ , r.