HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-80-0185f` No 1°1oi80 RESOLUTION NO 8............ g. ZONING FACT SHEET LOCATION/LEGAL GROVE ISLE Tract FAIR ISLE REV.. (34-70) OWNER/APPLICANT Martin'.Marg.ulke's Phone: 858-74,436.1- 1 1 1 v . 1 Grove':Is e: I G ove r Isle Blvd . 33133 ZONING�i,. 'R. 5, (High 'Density Multiple, Dwelling)..:, REQUEST- Conditiohail,,Use.appiii6�tio��'..to'permit'. 1 . 1 a: , S 1. 1 " P, 1�arina:­(Grove Is 1 1 Marina) 'onabove si e i :as:,, per. -on,, _f ile'' plan with docks°'extending 165' ':i'nto.Biscayn6:1_1 Bay. EXPLANATION Applicant states that' the.90slips,to,be i ' - will n tru'C-Le&, will, ease the Or I e�­ ure'., on. constructed s t e h —1, n municipalc fa ilities by�..�a owi�g'tne;res dents. :6f..:Giove..�ls'le'i,,who,are` .,rE"qldcihtsof - the C,,.,ity"..'of-Iliami ,ana,.wh6::dre'lDart'.,of,th4 publi 'bdv, toe'l c ..b :,maintain, oats and nave .�bbating access to Biscayne Bay rom�t e,,, I ' "' 'f ' h '' �Gk6vib Isle property;". RECOMMENDATION.- APPROVALIN ACCORD WITH THE PLANS .,ON FILE he. proposed, w T 'marina will pro v i dockage I PLANNING _'_�sp'dce,., or residents:_, f h 1: d T f the island. an he,, 0 DEPARTMENT _ad sin; ous' s h e at� eastfifty boats o various sizes so the��pse: itselfwill be, c n- �re :to nearby omparab,le�, totmarihe',, , ut`s6' Lited- properties. ',The­'.cha'n1- o approx ne % width f -1 mat6ly- 4-35.1. pro.v or t ese ides ample ,zoom 1 'h oat!�_to::,ma Th6'­airea,la Jac nt. n66' d'- e - to :the seawall: is, restricted boat �-agel. from_.,bo dockage. to preserve the, d'j �th e oun n is area. ZONING �..De f f da' t e: the-. erred or, 90.1, ys, 0. 91V .cf izens:, tllime, to'... return ,:with ::any'add;ition& acts' or studies, Denied on December 17 U;19 79 CITY COMMISSION Deferred on February 2 19 8 0. U ID IVE DV CU i`;!E_1N1TS OUz. UNY, 80 iii�is�ias •rC,,3�.a.TM9i�y)w•..: ww 's�..�.....c• xe '../y.. �� . ¢�-,•! •"tN•xf'!+'�*�t. ,,nsf. ... �t« .'.'.1 =.+i' , •. 7 ... .. .. -'i. �: ... ... •,. �:�ux.er rt,SOLUTIO"I MO. A 'P\'?'SOLU'.'ION' 011ANT11C A CC)"lI)ITIWIAL t'Sr AS ()"'il"l . CLf' III, TO 17 t` i, r 'I'1' A , � 11 II (f'►'U� 1. I.,t.l: .:C�IA) ON"!'v1("►' A FAIR IST,111, i4-70) IWI�l(: Cl)'OVF IP:[X, AS PER 1.AN ON I '1::.i: W1TH 1 ock'S 1•: '1'l:';:�LPJC 1f�5I'd'I'Q SISCAY:11: LAY; Z01N :D R-5 (UL'Olt D) ,SITY N'ITLTIPLr) . WHEREAS, the City of Miami Zoning Board, at its r.:?ctitip, of December 17, 1979, Item Plo. 1, follot.iing an advertised hearing adopted Resolution Flo. zB 243-79 by a 5 to 1 vote denying the conditional use hs hereinafter set forth; and W IEREAS, the applicant has taken an appeal to the City Commission, and I-IHEREAS, notwithstanding the denial of the Zoning. Board., the Ci"-v Commission after careful consideration and due deliberation oE this matter has determined that the conditional use requested meets all the City's requirements for said use; NOW, THEP.E ORE, BC IT RESOLVED BY THE COIyMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Conditional Use as listed in Ordinance _Io. 6371, Article IV, Section 23(2) (b), to permit a 9n-slin marina (Grove Isle Harina) on Tract "A", FAIR ISLE RMI (34-70) , being Grove Isle, as per plan on file, with docks extending; 165' into Biscayne Bay; zoned R-5 (High Density Multiple), be and the same is hereby granted. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of 1980. ,sFS MAYOR ATTEST. vV !•p + ram,��1f MI,I'iI (, . ONGIE CITY PP':PARED AND AP1'I:OVF;D BY: APP' 'T) AS TO PORM MID COPRMC'MMSS: /;, 1 ''� _ 'l::RhY W. CIE011(". A-*-;ISTANT CITY ATTOMEY CITY n 1 P GROVE-: fftt Tract "A',-- FAIR:, ISLE lt'MED (34-70) � d.it io, n aliu.: se,'o., permit', a., 90-slip Conditional marina e e ar na) on - above rove�Isl M..i v .6 ite, as per,,1plah ..on, f ile', with - docks'" ex"tendin,j 16 f eet into Biscayne B ay. :Zoned.,R-5 '(HI-9 Dens ity'Mult i'ple Defeired�f zoning ard meeting of 9 r6m totlo /7,91 sec] retary. iled proof of publication of.- Lega 1 Not ice of -Hearing and administered oath to all persons testifying'atit is,learing. PLANNING DEPARTbIENT RECOMMENDATION APPROVAL'" IN,iACCORD'WITH THE PLANS ON FILE. The,pro_ posed marina will provide dockage space ::.for" residents of the island. The adj*acent basin -,, houses at least fifty boats of various sizes,,... JIQ UP P _M/ so the use itself will be comparable ,-r_o.marine. ' use related to nearby propertiesThe channel iEN'l feet t,;"provides idth of approximately�,�ampie w435. r6om, for these boats to The 's manoeuver., .area,. FOLLO10 ' adjacent "toe, ­t�seawall', is.':,,"restricted' f r6m �:the : marine life oun b.pat, o,cage. to preserve nthis area. N: Ms ""Callahan I Thank ypu, �Mr,. �.Takdif f m ' name is yJeffrey Tardiff, 3590 Crystal View Court. With respect'..t-0-11 teml Fair Isle, I spoke to Gloria Calhoun, president of thelAa64yne' Ba I y C ivic Association, who asked me to request at this meeting :1 ithis'-.eivening that we postpone this for several weeks. The main reasonshe -,,4ivei-vis that the proponents have stated that they would contact the landowners; have a meeting with us; discuss the points of differenc'es'and see if we could work out a compromise. Most of us received, a-, let ter stating that they would try to put some form of a meeting'tbgether., I I personally called about two months ago and spoke to a representative from Fair Isle who said I would be called back and the time andpiace of A meeting would be given. We have not received notice of same,,to date. As` Gloria Calhoun, president of the Biscayne Bay Civic Association, and myself, would like to postpone this meeting. Ms tall'ahan.--It, is not customary that we postpone or defer an* Item for .the'-. opponents. mr.,.,Perez-LUgone , sv Mme Chairman, the right to request a deferral is on the.part of the applicant and it is thd applicant who has petitioned for this'.hearing. 'It is 'his right, the applicant's right, to request a deferrdllbecause of a short Board. With.reference to notification to property llowners, there.are no property owners within 375 feet. Neverthe- less, allinterested organizations who have requested the agenda be sent to them.. ., have.been so notified-. Ms. 'Callahan: so unless the applicant wishes to ask for a deferral December 17, 1979 Item 1 ZB tc) evening nours. Our plan t d b':: fire mee's.an �exceeds,t e�fire control requirements of the City' of Miami. li d 'ki a All'..vesse s ` docked t this marina will be required i ities, evacuation ac e to have, - other fa'c ion,1 iliti s in the event of hurricanes or distress warnings. :,to dwell, as staff has mentioned, on the shortage of wet storage or,wet ..do6l,,,iq6in.-our area. Certainly we all acknowledge that shoita`ge.I'm sure 7the 1opposition does as well. They'd rather have it somewhere ,,,else ,1 �.e 'Certainly, there is this shortage that we all recog- nize, of wet dockage'. :' We'll have no dry storage of boats. Boats will not be 13 -kted]:in,,:, a nd out':of the water at our facilities. They'll all be in the water. an n the position where we are today to know that thereenvironmentalimpact study conducted by the Corps o­-..-ngineers, We've had extensive hearings before the State of Florida -ajid'their-,'Dep''a'rtme I nt.6f Environmental Regulations. They have now issued their .letter ,1:of our permit. The objectors have appealed that and, ' there,:-iq,a�,hearin-gc.pi�izig up on January 2nd or 3rd of 1980. That's in the form 'of an ;appeal " by : th- ,e. citizenry, which they have appealed not us - but the .StAte�of,Floridal.'s,dd.t-ermination to issue our permit which I think: is important"I for this Board Co know. We've had approvals from the Federal go:ve_r-'nm'en't.and, the.'Pos'iti the Depaktme_nt., 1 0 1 f i te:L on of the National Marine Fisheries Service n ror; and we've had the, determination of the staff of the'SO.uth_: Florid or a matter of development a,Regiona Planning'Council that we're not a D.R.I., impact 'Which required their further clearance. -4- December 17, 1979 Item 1 ZB open puoliq nearing. Many of the -same, peopiewho are'Iher,e the hearing s evening expr before and who are�,here-.'thinin'q:�Made­t eir,comments,.a. essed '0 �'f-ihe"'c chief their negative ana ysis.as, to our-. application' The.',.staff ,,,, i _ �Ii'_ ' '"� " ­' , '� ­.­­ sta"'te--uep''ar" tm6h-t- 'of envirop.me.nt-lai�'*.'agency,.'fo"r*.t the State ftc')ri'da�ie: the4,1 t rnvironmen'tal Reguiation"s''zafte"r, extensive reviews �o �,the .projec . znd,�,a s approved - ov6d the r di - myriad ofmeeting , with ,an my staff, , 11, e,,.ma r i n a,,,� as:,. , 0 as to th'etimea`h'd_,g6 the processing', and de I sign changes and the studies, �'L,the'la I st od:',whi*6h.vas.�completed.: 'n r _kiday,.and a copy of which :' ' o has been : submitted ..o.you�'Iwhich ledup;tolthe,.,Presentmodified desigp - which y6u'.have'o � in'�,front, � t you as w ell:. _, , SOW1854 ,.k ,` �..;5.,:.f`,1 �.,' ,".fit: fc.. Ci y..p�;'�'- be ready to answer them. Mr.. Pearson`: As best ,I"can and .I will. Mr. Rolle: Mr:.Tearsom, when,"I listened to the presentation I understood we re about::areduction in the length of the docks. Is there a net reduction in`the docks or a reallocation of footage? Mr Pearson: There was"a reduction Mr. Rolle,' as I understand it, from our original .application which extended almost'245-feet'. After.the review, with the"State and 'the Corps of Engineers they reduced it to 165 feet." The reason iwe say we ve�given"up_approximately 50$-6f�the length is because the back 40 feet will not be usable for boat dockage. Ms Callahan: via you :get your anscoer Mr Rolle? Mr. Rolle: Thank you 2•ime: Chairman. quiet when someone" is full of mullet. :s 'a';Drl pollute could' "walk on' t be. canal. -" ility ';of hey: make a Job,of cleaning out the <sewage. you knoW� -h_' I' some thing wrong with;=thati. So let's' go right back to, the' Ordinance. They 'must ,show that, it will not adversely.affect the neighborhood. What have they''done'to show that the -14- December 17, 1979 Item l ZB 4 adversely:, affect theneighbo Ii r oo and should bb,'denied; -','th-ef''h6uldbe'seAt, instructions' to come: back`` with ry? s thi s o T mr- Ta r(4i f f _Ta' 4: 9 m View Court:. I'.called '.� Mr..,. TerryAfe me back"` were supposed 't o se You '% bis Callahan�:,, please add,re agreement with that you've heard,so, 'far this evening 6 . Z$ N7, — �.w.l:�; _':�uk:••::.-r, ��. �^:•Yti.Y, 7eii::1�""wsiiPhw':•'�v'l• .c'i::il _�' 4 1-1 .. _ ,�.�1...._^.:F .�.�r�.sa��i�:::,Y 7 ' :•-.: :yes L' nm :++ S..�Y.i'._t.__��•'=wN-r'..(hiLfi'l�'f.�iJ•�y"'it'Y:1.e%�'vlr-5tF4=. �� II 1 . 1 t•is Callahan: Mr. Carner, enlightens us. Mr.' Pearson: Ile', enl'iahtenn you as to what. a `Ciaarntte- is_ well. _c i.a;aaxsi:aaats'�',L:r.:d: I� OM 4W N E iease, ' bargain or.,deal * the la over. �:such :, As eh, affects ', our neighbors . , I,: belie' extent that it protectsfishe there are more qualified '%age . n c. One.of the things' that:seem l,,.t, that seems to be veryadequat which frankly, I have ne'ver.s with wherein a monitoring pr until 90% occupancy of_thea' ,m of one year wherein,.:.,co 1. li, kor , ir the neighbors across I the way; the water.are monitored :for -a that should either monitoring ve . ai ries b . " enAn the D.E.R. letter is Item 7 ; I be- answered before,.and f i'.and which I am terribly impressed �qlj:Am is,: to be,.e'st.ablished that cannot begin between the status ,now , d the sty approval and apparently- step in b you can hardly, �ask f ot. more e than 1 I,. s • 1• a wi (redo Gortz of fered the.,following resolution � c moved its adoption: , RLSOLUTI01-1 ZB-243-79 RI.SOLUTION. TO DENY'R1.QUEST 1'OR CONDITIONAL Usr, AS LISTED ItJ ORDINANCE 6871, ARTICLE IV SE•'CTION"' TO PERMIT A NIIJETY (90) ' SI:IP MARINA (GROVE ISLE: MARINA)'' ON" TRACT "A" ; FAIR ISLE•' ;REVISED .(34-70 i31.IN(; GROVE ISLE AS PER PLAN of.;rlit- , tJIT11 rDOCI:S EX`IENDING 165 FEET ,INTO 13ISCAYNE 'AAY.'` ZONED R-S (IIIG11 DE1JS1TY MULTIPLE);. Upon being seconded by Mr. Idellington Rolle, `i:his; resolution was passed and adopted by the efollowinc vote : AYES Mmes., *I3aro; Basila, ,CaI!ahin hlessrs. Gort, :Rolfe NAYS Mr. Canner --Mr. Perez-,Luaones : [-1ot1on .to deny ;oass`es 5 ,. , 1 You have 15 da��s to appeal. You have the right to do so: hf you need instructiions,,.come to; my office and„I will instruct as to the procedure for' apnea to the° City Commission.' *I9rs. Aaro ati, vote ca l: I would.have`pre. ferre(I that }icy .tal}:ed some more but I. grill vote ,ye,s to deny. t a ' , -30= beccmbc'r 17;, . 197-9 Item l ZA t guess I should'state for the record that my name is Larry Stewart. My address is 1 E3iscayne Tower in Miami and I represent the applicant. Of course, I'm very familiar with the events that you have described con- cerning ,that settlement and negotiations and the matters that were agreed to in that settlement since I was involved in that. Sir, if you sit there and`tell.me you can approach this matter with an open mind and that you can be completely fair -in your disposition of the issue that is before you today, which is a conditional use p)rmit to allow,.instead of 25' piers which Are allowed under the law, 165' piers, six of them, that`I will, accept that,and not ask you to step aside as long as you're satisfied'in your own mind -that you can treat it that way. Mr.'Carner: I believe.I'can treat it objectively. Mr. Stewart: If I may proceed Mme.:Chairman, as.I indicated, this is an application fora conditional•use,permit. The -property is zoned R-5 and the1Area that we're talking about in terms of this zoning is the area that's indicated in the hatch'marks (projection map) which is basically on the west side of the Island. Again', you may not be able to see it from where you are 'seated because of the lighting and the scale but I have up here a more detailed drawing ofexactly what is proposed as far.as this marina is concerned. Basically ;;what`we're asking for is the permission.to put piers in`for,165' of length; only 125' of that total length will be used for dockage and I will explain that in just a minute as I-explain`the total scope of this application'. Basically, what these are, are concrete fixed piers extending out for the dockage and it will accommodate approximately 90 boats, most of them in the 25$ to 35' category. The Bay area from the western edge of the Island over to the adjacent mainland is roughly 700' across there. The Planning,council discussed other uses in the area and how this was not 'in conflict and you maybe familiar but it is not shown on the display up there but there is a canal leading into the mainland up there in which a large number of boats are docked up in this general area. Out of that area and out of this `Bay -area between the mainland and the Island, there is a canal channel which is not currently marked with any navigation aids but which is existing on what I would say is the north side of the Island between the Island and between Mercy Hospital, and that's what all these boats are currently using, to go in and out. As I've indicated, this is part of the overall development of Grove Isle and it is for the use of the residents and'the'purchasers on Grove Isle that this marina is con- templated. We've worked a great deal with the staff here in the City of Miami as well as with the Federal and State agencies in coming up with the overall plan for this marina. There will be no dredging required because this water area is naturally deep enough; the area where the boats will dock is approximately 8' to 10' in depth. In planning the overall marina, we,have'tried to plan it with as little impact as possible in the area therefore there will be no fueling facilities; no in and out type of service, this is strictly wet -dockage. There will be a sewer pump -out: station available for all the vessels and they will be required to use it, the vessels that dock there; there will be daily trash collection as part of the overall Grove Isle project; there will be no live-in facilities allowed there; there will be no commercial facilities as far as the boats are concerned; there will be only low-level lighting on the docks them- selves which will be 'a .low light which'will throw light basically on the pier surfaces themselves.ol Theplansa's'we`,have checkedthem with the fire control people, meet or exceeds all requirements of the City of Miami and Metro Dade County as`far�as fire control is;concerned.:.All .vesse is"'that. dock -there will Vd" requiredto have hurricane evacuation,'facilities for their boats and will be required;to leave the area``the same'.as other public marinas in the -59 September 10, 1979 Item 12 2B m please be'concise when you,come up. Mr. Talburt: t�ly.,name:is Aubrey Talb.urt,;1801 Fairhaven Place. It's located -on Pelican.Canal', the canal that is going to be most directly affected by.this' propos"al. , : I also `own "the_ property that is directly next door,; to my. home `at";1795 Fairhaven_Vlace that's- rented -out to a -- tenant. We have, on both properties, a, sea wall; we have a dock and for the purpose of 1lustrating.the, thing that I am very concerned about, I would a ppreciate.it if we,could.lower;the chart to show the relative position of ;Pelican Canal and'the thing that I am concerned about to wit: sewage. Raw sewage in our canal dumped by some 90 boats. Ladies and gentlemen we don''t have",the chart, that is, it's off of the chart but if you will 'look`,'directly across the Bay - approximately here is the entrance .to Pelican Canal (projection map). It runs in towards Bayshore Drive for oh, about'250' then it makes a left turn and it runs a distance of about.606: where it ends at Fair Isle Street. That's the access street to.Fair '.Isle': leading off of Bayshore Drive. Now that canal is a dead-end canal..` It has existed - I don't know how long it has existed - but the old house that I own that's next door to me, I was told it was built in'1931 and apparently that canal was there at that time. Now there's.a great 'problem with a dead-end canal and that is debris of all sorts comes`in and it begins to settle to the bottom. As you get closer and closer to-the.end of the canal, the debris, the filth, the sewage, anything that might happen it comes in and settles on the bottom. The canal cannot flush ,itself. Now as you approach the end'of that canal towards Fair Isle Street= and"my hoine'is right on there and it's getting close - I would say I'm'about 150' to 200' from the end of the canal. That canal overthe;years has begun to -shoal and it ­shoals very fast with a.mud bottom:" It is`.however and,'up to this time, it is a clean bottom;that is:it's��on'ly.mud: It's not sewage, it's not filth, not yet. Now this`°is the'thinh I'm very concerned about. I don't know whether any of you have. been byI'air Isle but if ;you have, you've noticed that there's an`old.`derelict of something that I'll call a houseboat. It was something -62- September`10, 1979 Item 12 ZB c c' or take any s'i pending the r In addil respect to .thE Regional Plan The last', docu South Florida is a part of 1 of Engineers,c cally that th< of the view t} Regional Impac Discayne:Bay project shoul'c surethis I3oa That has 'not `k has cnncl](�rnr it puce..,, ,cnere.- are two, .other, studies ,underway nt and which this Doar d should take 'into ng any final decision. First is, Dade County g S.tudy which is.currently underway. We've ing aboat the.need for marine spaces in Dade ion.of the factthat there'is a shortage .of no bne�would ,deny',, that. deny",;that. But I think it rgue that need .and to try to balance that need cayne Day.Aquatic Preserve Act Task Force Dade County Planning Department and the nyironmental,Resource Management is currently which is>scheduled to be completed next nmental groups, ,from marine interests, from e panoply of the citizenry and the needs of a balanced recommendation as to what the nity are;for the entire community. I believe or.this Body to make any decision with respect d further the construction of this marina hat study. rprised'to hear Mr. Stewart's comment with e said,,the staff of the South Florida' avinq given some approval to the project. record''that I saw was a letter from the Wing Council to the Corps of Engineers which and the record of the hearing of the Corps 79.which indicates very clearly and unequivo- 36ed the entire Regional Planning Council is slip marina was in fact a Development of 3 an impact on a regional resource to wit: s.such a project could be approved, the entire ze,.Chapter 300 permitting process, which I'm a very complex and time-consuming process. a Corps; of Engineers, as indicated earlier, ttlis matter on April 3, 1976. There were 26 iosition,to the marina representing every, Ln the City and every major civic organization ICoconut`Grove'Civic Club, the Bayshore Home- :ail..Association and Tropical Audubon Society. srine'scientists from the University of Miami; rine;biologis`ts; there were members of the faculty of the -66- September 10, 1979 Item 12 ZB no. quest e County ate .to `a The Dis p of :the ent of rL ed study m envirc he,' enti:r up with is ' commu biia't6l f ich woul ion of t I, was su zatio ludin M ria � Calhoun. Mrs. Calhoun­:.:�11 name:ls Glo Vm�:President f, the y.� 1 -1 1-1, 1, 1 1-4111-1 1--'­-, il--- - 11.11 a statement. Dy- ur. F%nitra -i-nornaug., wno is interna--Lundi.Ly her stddies,of�marin e, 1ife-And:,-:s6a­grasses; a statement by Dr. Renata Skinner'who is "-'expert I on fish diseases; a statement from Dr. C. Bruce Austin of,thel,,Universi'ty,of Miami who has made a very extensive study which D,ade,Cou'nt kin' advantage of now which refutes the Planning y..is,: �a_ - g.,a va,ntag DepartmbhtlS::statement :",Ab6,ut.the need for public berthing facilities because.:•as.Dr. ,".,Austin :very I eloquently points out, the public need will e s And he goes into more detail not b satisfied -:I y.,�pri private facilities. so I would:i'ikO'..t'�oturn .this l,into the record, if I may. I think that information-,is'xeally-:"c I rucial to making a proper decision. nce o The:imp.orta f p, ratecting the fragile sea grass beds which has been rebuilding in - areas surrounding Grove Isle cannot be overstressed. :� They areu ,�6r-c,il�� atoincreasing marine life which is beginning to return to the I Bay. - It, is also important to protect the marine life of Biscayne Day which - would be greatly disturbed by the activity generated by a 90 plus,-boat:marina. :,� But it is imperative to protect the welfare and the rights of the fa*milies-who live across 'from the Island whose lives and peace and ,privac'y:will be destroye.dy ,,,b ,the noise and the lights of a large marinaonly 'a',.couple of hundred feetaway. a f= There is also a'particular public law'that I wonder too, whether N surface and they evaporate but almost aii or Lne ieau Kucttaluu sediment where severe damage is done to marine life. You've heard some- thing about boat waste tonight. Let me address it just a little bit farther so you'll clearly understand it. .Sewage, bilge -water and so- called grey -water which is shower and-galley"waste will be a continuing problem. Regulations concerning;santation.devices are difficult to enforce. The Coast Guard" has�recently d pushethe dateforward for the regulations that they passed'on.these holding tanks. These holding tanks are dumping raw sewage into this.Day ai dly. It is: loaded with it. It causes infectious matter. The toilet;c�uestiorr.and dumping of holding tanks into these waters are the major.cause of.the"added load of fecal coliform and fecal strepto'cocci found in Lay waters especially in.this area. Additives-such.as.disinfcctants and chemicals to marine sanitation devices, cause significant adverse environmental effects." Bilge -water with petroleum pollutants will be a chronic problem;in this area as a result' of continual dumping."'E'.P.A. and, Coast Guard regulations prohibiting this -73- September 10, 1979 Item 12 ZB r- ."�' r ;. i I 01 able, biit,,Mr,Stewlart,.Islogic,L,,is--,,t,h-alt.,we,appropriace ir- all Lur PLLV"61= development'*-, IL"hAvetoL traildr ouk_ o&t now-to'our magnificent facility at theend of 27th Avenue,strugg'e'dnd.risko�life, limb and property to Z� L _ manoeuver�.Lt this t SfiaSms"�,­and,::­the holes and between the sea- weed,amion among' these collapsing 111dockS1:L1t'hat1-,our..City has provided. It seems to me that's t e,., typeL, of_.Lma lne,:Icapability;.that we should be looking L L- toward ere :,.that,, in. z sense 't at aspect is being completely ignored. We !'r6 talking ..,ab6U t L -co . m ' p a tib ility in a sense I guess - with 1, L t conditi6na use -,,I don,t,wor.,:wi h.conditional use, I haven't had a case on it lately L te but`in n just L 'i st ening I in the back to the zoning presentation b that C ame,,� efore"L this.ls��rathek,a relatively unique situation here. We're not,t 11 alking about , ,: aLsituation where a property owner is asking to use his own'�p:roperty in a certain way. I submit to you, isn't that what we're talking about with a conditional use? We're considering a situation here Wfiere you all or the City Commission whoever participates in the decision',- are giving away property that is owned by us. By everyone! This is taking away a quarter of the area of this private protected cove which we can.currently canoe in, or motorboat in, or enjoy or fish in, it is taking away public use and ownership of Biscayne Bay. This developer did not*buy Biscayne Day * lie hasn't paid anyone for any part of it to my knowledge:'- it's-taki'ng.away part of the public property and accruing it to private propertyL.L11 LI think that's the essence of the whole issue beforethis Board and, the ' t request being made. And in that context, it I seems to me the conCLUSon,JS.',inescapable thathe developer has asked for too much. This L j , just , o great imp.act. Ile's asking to appropriate ' too much of �rd ry mit'L dresource And which is going to be a e more limite I & resource I rCe L L Lfor .'public ownership and Luse of Biscayne Day. Thank Lyou -very,mucn. here. in..'my -l'.hand-:'- Commerce', e Nation that any�.,advqrse we are re I sponsib s e I cts that: in ce PIa I rtment of. - ,anticipate for which ject:. to E, �%_ ' � .5 � � 1 ready hearing. Ms. Callahan:' S ir we're a �hei pubi e r -:�t . 6 'h t, fy..'_,.� 1-.:,,Would just Dohehyv. Mme.1,C airman, t:want, esti n 'that -mr-'stewart, sL-ld Af 1.� J it like 'to, comment on I M, might s a factual matter. Ms..Callab We 'don't.,want:any arguments If You wantto make a statement, go ahead and 'make a,st statement:' ateme o Mr. Doherty: 1 would us like.to I've had a chance to look at :k these photographs that Mr. 'S referred, erred, to. One of them is a photo- graph ofL,:,the .Rockerm_an�­ ana This:Is not "I e talking a'b 11 P_the canal we're talking about, we're t out: th 1 :an. CaftaL.� The R6ckerman Canal is located e:e 1( about, ha I &-mi, -e away. h''' h 4, Another- pho.oqrap s ows two large sailboats ,T This. w�; 'm le., Street tied u h" ­. is,,�,Lakem�,'fro air. s looking north. These 1. sailboats , are not 'permanently in tfiat':� . canal —'They were tied up during the hurricane. 'r You, I ,c I a n slpe-special - � ,lines.go ng out tieing them up to the trees.�, that �. are planted _��a long,, there:,, IThose-boatsare not there now. The* third :zifi 6ws'anothe'r--1V_i6w oik:-,the'same , , 6a'nal.Llookinq the other direction number in which a,::': ii6i " ­ f ,o-boats were ral.:-ted''inin e h -:canal, again, during hurricane precaution time. Ihe fourth photograph, frankly I can't re- cognize,.where :­thisvas; tak'enbut:,i, think itis, a so at the end of Rockermz Canalas well.'beca,iise, it, s ­16 end.of Fair.Isle looking n the Day., The b -iay !.back - ere' So i down h ,�, ridge" 1 11 . b� k li, againthis is Rockerman ff * is I Canal about ,.hal -a.-Mile, r6m'whe re', we're talking �: about The, statement Was `'made` by hir 7n -'4. are definitely A66k-er.man C,a-ha%L'o ".T'he_ y`ar, . Ie.,. n. r oi- It I _1 Pelican -- - c-- an- `a- J7- -_b- 67 _th!- _-e- y- , , a- r- etotallyifiappropriatethey aredeceptiveand 'they are misleading.- - Mrs: -,',.,`Reed:; Mme.,Chairman• I Can't`Sit'here and listen to this Mrs. Kolski': Yes, what are we'goi this thing comes'up, again. sure the' other people would prefer six`mo in between. tdrs."Kolski I don't think these p( more than they already know. 1 83 to learn"in"90 days? ople are going to learn anything anything about boats so ..,a:. lot SIEICTIPN�,�� 2 (9.0)�-SLIP �ANINET ISLE REVI S. QN.:1 :.rIL T!:i INTO NSITYI�� Gott, jr - , 1 4 xas' � " , rei,: "s,tead.. who.l I WITH f- - e - D I S-CAY 4ULTIPL this re olskif Gort,' le voted in r r eft the :- Chambers. Mi. :Perez!rLugones: Motion carries 7 -A. like to - see Ms. Basila'at 'call:�.. 11d it deferred A;little .1onger but I'll al wi n 'th this and vote:yes go, o g Mrs. Kola I kil-.: Yes,I'll go alo I ng with h At I :b , ut, 1 .1 d like to,,:. se e an. hone.st attempt to cutdown the h ink: I,-,canqq :Septelmh6r, 10, 19.79 ItemJ2 ZB r ..f. ..._ too....Division of Starc Plann�g ` �� o Ruubin O•D. ` d �G60 Apalachcc Parkway ium 9udina aavaa.w TAL ."mAssL� - Q ' 9 '�'�� itbic, ,T�► 1 22204 Lu Gov. J. tt. 021 m �;w •��':..�;t Q;��?rkr.i `L 0 bLt `11 ca trz zn STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMLr+T OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES PR1-OI '#4.A IFICATION AND REVIEW SYSTESYSTEM-� �,. S ! "d►CoVern rNbf1 OIA�NNIryG 1 Page Jr. a Da e: January 3,:1?79 William, J. g, fiYn�� Vela ors , Secretary 8 MEMORANDU! sAr No RE iV� REF. NO: DHRS SPDC (SAI) 79-0912E TITLE Grove IsleMarinap APPLICANT Depart-nent of the Army TOi Lt. Go.vernor J. E' Williams A'tta: L'oringl:ovell,-Ch_ef Bureau of Inter'gove`r:�mental' Relations FROM: William.J: Page, Jr. Departzent of Health and Rehabil'_tatv.e Services' i BY:: Office'of Program ?tanning and Detielopment .� SUBJ: NOTIFICATION OF ""INTENT. TO APPLY 'OR FED'.iRnL FUNDS �� The project is.consiste— with the goals; and`,aJ ecttves or • the__ Department -:o: Hearth' .and'.�.ehabilitat-ive_-Serv=ces_. F,av`orable- 'ac,tioa Is .recomme::ded ., Subs tantive comments have been received .-and •are `sum•aar:zed in the ,attached Canzerence with,appl�cant is request"e, The project ,, s not 'cons is teat wi;tir the .Qoal s and; objcc`ives D he. Department,of .Health .'and Rehmb�laatt•e;Se-vices:' A oval is `not>r"eccmmeadec:_for 'reas`o, & PP:- described in.'the>: •, attached. Attachment(s) STATE OF FLGIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS DIVISION OF LOCAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 80BGRAHAM GOVERNOR i JOAN M. HEGGEN SECRETARY September 25, 1979 Mr. Ll, Frederic Blitstein' 285 Sevilla Coral Gables, FL .33134 Subject: Binding Letter of Development of Regional Impact 'Stotu. , File No. t;LTD- 1.1 HO-004 Grove Isle Marina Dear Mr. Blitstein: The Division of Lcx:u} lac :;uui u, MillIrxlumr,nt 'd yr,ur application for a'Binding better dattrd July 19, 1979, and received July26, '1979 for the proposed Grove 'Isle Marina, located in Dade County, Florida. Based on informatiun contained in the -application and "subsequent information received from the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation, the Dade County Department of Environ- mental Resource Management, the Citv of 'Miami:, the South Florida Regional Planning Council, the Arm;, col-ps of 1?ny i nours, t.hr• Bi scaync Bay Civic Association and I,ri vatt.- of I,uca 1 Resource'Managemunt t!ntUr� tli_ fall ,aliny fiIldii,r:: '-)f 1"��-t, L."llclusiOil" of .law and 'order. 1) The applicant is J. Frcderic;Blitstein, authorized representative for martin Marquiles, wno proposes ,to develop Grove Isle Marina. A binding letter application (BLID-1174-018) was previously submitted on -March 12, 1,,,79 for the Grove Isle Marina. That application was withdrawn after numerous commentors criticized the development. The applicant has revised the: design of thu marina and is now'.reguesting a binding letter on the plan for the revised d<?ve-lopmcnt. 2) Grove isle is located approximately 240 meters east of the mainland of the City of ;Miami in the Biscayne Bay, Dade County, Florida. The proposed development will provide a 90 slip marina on approximately two acres (0.9 hectares) of submerged land. The remainder of.the island, consisting of 20 additional acres (8.1 hectares), will be developed by Martin. Marquiles,`and will include a 510 unit condominium, shops, a hotel and a restaurant Approximately ?ilt: c>f tht, 510 condominium uhits are complete and occupied at this timt•. 3) Locational Evaluation: The marina proposal will consist of five concrete piers extending, into Biscayne bay on the westerly side bf the BUREAU OF LAND AND WATER MANAGEMENT ROOM 530 CARLTON BUILDING 7ALLAHASSEE, F LORIDA 3230' (9041 486 492b Mr. J. Frederic Bli_ci.i; September 25, 1979 Page two island nearest the mainland, Each pier will extend 165 foot (50 meters) into the Bay. The bulkhead of Grove isle will range from 231 to 260 meters across the channel from various points on the mainland. The effective width of the water bodv between Grove Isle and the mainland will. not be significantly reduced by the piers extending 50 meters From the island into the Bay. Existing piers on the mainland From single family residences, extending 12 meters into the Bay, also restrict the width of the channel. eo� e"N Mr. J. Frederic Blitstein September 25, 1979 Page three 5) None of the federal, state and local agencies which will review this proposed marina and issue .permits for its construction have formally approved or permitted the project to date. Therefore, there are at this time no binding conditions or restrictions imposed on this development which may be reviewed by the Division to determine whether actual or potential impacts will be eliminated or sufficiently mitigated. The following agencies are involved in the nermittina and approval process: a) U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Permit #78L-0921, requested on December So 1976. 1-,1 Florida Dopartment of Envirr)mm,-ntal Regulation, pc-rttrit #DF-13 795G , reaue tad on Marcl, l . 197 S . c} The City of Miami will require a varianc:u',-for non-c.onforminy use permit since the `fivo piers' will be ,constructed `50.mu,tL into `the Bay. 6) Information submitted. by the applicant and comments received regarding issues related to seaar.ass beds include the following: a) Benthic and marine ecology reports were submitted by Drs. F,nitra Thorhaug, Donald P. DcSylva,'Patsy McLaughlin and Peter Schroeder, all of the University of Miami. They included the following ob., ervations and opinions. Wi Criout construction, the condition of the marir)Q vc�qutation in the area su;rrounclinu Grovr I:;l.e i., improving. Thu prt!dOTninant seagrasses found in the Immediate vicinity include Thalassia test.udinum, (turtle grass) , Ha-l.udule Wrlght:il (Diplanthera, Cuban Shual Crass), Haluphila Baillonis, and (; rinjudiur (manatee crass). Turtle grass communities are ecologically the most important within the Biscayne Bay Aeuatic Preserve waters. The inter -relationship of the seagrasses to the other species of biota in this ecosystem is vital. As stated in narapraph 2.37 of the Corps Propc:�ed Final Environmental Impact Statement, "their (seaorassesl root system stabilizes the bottom and their long leaves function as a sediment trap, thus enhancinc water clarity and supplementing the same function performea by mangroves. The function of the seagrasses as food and shelter is also of extreme importance, since many species of commercially harvestable marine biota (i.e. shrimp, Florida lobster, and fish), depend upontheseagrasses as nursery grounds. These reports by marine biologists indicate that increased naviaation of vessels in the shallow waters surrounding' -the isle'' (even with limited access south of Grovf:- Isle Bridge) , will;, pose a hazard to the marine grass bees. Mr. J. Frederic Blitstein September 25, 19719 Page four f critical�- hiabitat,for--�the Florida" S: in an, area o 7,) The, �e artment ofl-'ish an6liildll manatee, according tothe U.S., "DeP The , mi a` ni ate e is -an endangered species under the, Endangere 'Specie s .Act of, area- Mr. J. Frederic Blitste:in September 25, 1979 Page five - 9) At the request of the Division, the Metropolitan Dade County Department of Traffic and Transportation submitted the following traffic assessment for the total Grove Isle proposal (marina and upland develop- ment) : a) The level of service at the intersection of South Bayshore Drive and 7th Avenue will drop from "D"-to "E" level during the P.M. peak hour. b) The proposal will contribute approximately 13o'of the daily' traffic at the above intersection. c) "The City of Miami has mandated that there will be"no- alteratians or i.nprovements to fiouth Bayshore`Drive." South Bayshore Drive is a State: Historic }iighway and as such,.cannot be altered or widened. 10) Although 'the total Grove Isle development (marina and partially existino residential development) will add further congestion to an over- burdened.intersection (S.W. 17 Avenue and South Bayshore Drive), the Division concurs with Dade County. Department of Transportation that this. intersection alone is not of multi -county significance. Since most of the berthed vesselswill be used by residents of Grove Isle, and the marina will generate only five trips in the A.M. and five trips in.the P.M. peak hour, the potential for multi -county impact from traffic 'is further diminished. 11) In a letter received on April 19, 1979, from the Dade County Environmental Resource Management, the agency advised the Corps to include the following conditions: a)Marina piers should extend no further than.150 Jeet (45 meters) from the bulkhead of Grove Isle. This is'25% of'the distance between the mainland and the, Grove Isle shoreline. b) ,Turbidity ;shouId be monitored during construction to assure levels do not exceed 50 jackson units`(JCU)'. c) The channel from the project to deeper water in Biscayne Bay should be marked and the use should be enforced to prevent boats from straying into shallow areas. This will be ;a precaution against seagrass habitat destruction. d) A chemical monitoring program should be'established"to determine the eFfects of this proposal.'upon the water quality of this section of the Aauatic Preserve. Mr. J. Frederic Blitstein September 25, 1979 Page six 12) The Division received a letter dated September 11, 1979, from the South Florida Regional Planning Council_ which indicated that they can- not find any Impacts of regional si�i"f "" "cance_which.will result „from the project as redesigned. 13) The Division review has found that the proposed marina is not AOW. I* .7 Natiunal Oceanic NATIONAL (OARINE and Atmosplieria Adminisurn-tion FICHNIES SERVICL Environmental Assessment Branch 3500 Delwood Beach Road Panama, Ci.ty Flor''ida 32,1107r i a i i u a ry 12 1979 C`James` ,R Adams 0 i s, t r i c t r. n g i t i c o. r`, J 'a C S 0 jl V i .1 �j LZ D i tr Ct 0 e 1) t 0 f t h L, Army, Col_ of Engineers PrS P.O. r, C) Y' 49 0 Jacksonville, FL 32201 De a r C o 1 6'ti e I Ad a mSI: T he ona i Service h a s n e Fisheries ,�q e d e p rb j 4 c 6 plans adVC1,cd in ic 'reVproject" :� o lotting" public notices..e an Icipae thatahY ,adverse : CfFec I s t' I I a M i g I i occur on f i s h e ry -.resources ,: o r,,- which we,:, are responsible d b� �jrll and, Therefore 'onot ooject to'r issuance of the (permits -NOT C E DUE 0-1 'r.l. N C J'j 0 APPLICANTCAiT DAZE DATE 78C 1 9 8 C 0 Crystal t a 1 R i ver 1 ;'y -7 2 9/79 7 F"oJ I 335r - fqu I ty , John fin , �1 1-1 c 1 2 /7 8 7 / 7 9, .11 1 7 8 J 1 6 6 3.:!- Ho" %%,a rd -Painmen t 11 1 2/06/78r. - 'r I � ) I 1 2017 9 L. X 6 r 78' 5 7 '3 VlL A k r u ori I., Y J . , ac to n P6 11; Z/ 0 78 2 1 7 14 2 6 John lamr 1 2/06/78, 20/7t� (2 L 41 2 '1 Grove I S 9 7 K- "1 684 Expe i t i onS Unlimited 2 08 _/78 3 /7 I di I t 780- 1756-� ' L' )'14 0 0 Mo r a,0.r 1 2/ - 08/78 1 2 3 7 9 7 8 r0§ .6 rJ � F1'daib 7, 1 2/rj 3 7 78L Jupiter. Fish _ma 6 S Marine na 7 8 L-1 7 31 Jupiter I . n j t D' i,s,'*r 1 Ct- ',r ' I. . , 1 2 7 1 2/7 9 78G- 17 6 2 St..auq'ustine Trawlers, Inc. T 2 1 7 78C - 1 7 5 1 Pawson 2 2/1 0 /7 8 1 2 2 7 s C 1 7 1 3 Mr R�. IVI S b m ars 1 2 20/,78 :1 j, 2 2 Th'. t k y0 1 j for the ppor tumt'y t 0 continent on the. , proposed p r o j er C' S Sincerely, jr, I for W i I L e c n s on CC: Aria n a AX S' UPV' 14 L W R I P i c GA run s%,, d S11 0:V . P, 17,1.IS W'i dP C. r V u p FWS L W D P: B c h F F Vero 0 r R FGF i' C rSE61 United states Department of the Interior • '1 FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE. P.O. BOY 26-6 Yero Beach, 171orida j2960 Janu, 1 5, .1979 . District En;inecr Cor- , of ..nine ers P.Q.. Bo% 4970 Jacksonville, ^lorida 3ne)01 Dear sir: It The rish anti i7ildl ie Ser71c'C has reviewed the project ,plans ' ad* ertisad_ by tl o followin; Public notiCMs. ;Fo signiIicant .aciverse :erects on Sisk and'iI'd liXe resatuces are ea-Pocwad to the :proPosc pro-hs.. Thcreoret we have no objections to issuance of; i:iese peiits: The above. -aCv.,s also constitute the :enort. aJ.- the 1) ' 'cut o� .1ze Interior PuLIi`c 1T0tice Notice Data 1:bcri�nlican_ t D Due ....- ~ 78C-ll; 96. Go,or"c Sutton 02/78 :W /78 78ZrQIG� Aloe: o Cotn.-o.n 12/2U/78 78L-0421 Grove Isle.22/8/78 1/32/7 9, 78G-1773 lSaaatee County,.` 7locciz. I2/2Q/78 78Z-1773 i'la..Dept. of. Traapor..a ion .1:/2Q/73 1/�?,/79. %/r ��� - 79APR 6 A9:37 METROPOLITAN DARE COUNT` F0_O.RF IDA 909 S.E. Fire Awr>w ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT, SrlCkall Plata. Sw1411`10 • Rm. 302 Ularnl. Florida 33131 Colonel James W.R. Adams 2 April 31 1979 A qualitative underwater biological survey of the proposed marina, was conducted by ­ our department on May 2, 1978. The survey re-­,�' vealed a 30 foot wide band of dense seagrass (Thalassia testudinum dominant) adjacent to the existing shoreline. This dense seagrass area is supporting a diverse population of in vertebrates and juvenile fish.. Beyond this 30 foot zone, a,20: na foot wide band of sparse seagrass (Halodiale wr iqhtii dominant) was present. The remainder of the area survi-yed (ie..from 50" feet offshore to 300 feet offshore) was a fine silt -mud bottom'� with no vegetative cover. A copy of our complete report is attached. With, 11 proper turbidity controls, proposed work should cause no significant impact on water quality and, the marine organisms in.thissection of Biscayne. I Bay.,­lActualloperation of the marina of water ualit"y*..''in' this section of Biscayne may cause degradation project - Bay. Seagrass beds in the area may be affected if the operation of the marina causeswater quality degradation or if boats stray into the shallow grass bed area along the shoreline. if a submerged land lease is obtained, and the Department of Environmental Regulation and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers decide to issue a permit for ,.his project,`Dade County Environment -al....", Resources Management recommends the following conditions be in- cluded in the marina permit: 1. The marina piers should extend no further than 150 feet off of Grove, isle. This is 25% of the distance between the mainland and the Grove Isle shoreline. piers in excess of this length would, in this De- partment's 11 I'llartmentI -- opinion, infringe excessivelylo of on the or- s . ton Grove isle and the main- Bisc' land, create a Biscayne Bay_ between G navigational hazard and be aesthetically -unacceptable for the mainland residents. Adequate contra's are taken during construction so turbidity levels beyond 50 feet of the construction area do no,%-. exceed So JCU as per Section 2112-11 of the metro Dade County Ccde. Turbidity should be monitored visually during construction by the con- tractor. Turbidity curtains should be erected around the work area if turbidity reaches 50 J-C.U.11s'-' beyond a 50 foot radius of the work area. 30 Written notification is forwarded to Dade Count-ty Environmental Resources management, Florida Departnen t:, of Envi-onmen-al Regulation and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers .prior to. -the commencement of construction., 1 Colonel James W.R. Adams - 3' April 3,.1979 kS •J�1aiG�. lai':LP.:-'s _- _ M�'c � , 'w �.'' FOO.1A 4 MEMORANDUM OF VOTING CONFLICT )ATE ON WHICH VOTE OCCURRED: ,19 _. PART A Name: ¢-- r r4- A /� LEA .1/l� Telephone: (LAST) (FIRST) (MIDDLE) (A/C) �( —M'BER)) Address:.Qrzi�7 (STREET) (CITY) (2IP,C DE) (COUNTY) PART B Agency is a unit of [check one] : ( 1 State of Florida; (County, City or other Political Subdivision Name of Agency: Position held in Agency: PART C MEMORANDUM OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST IN A VOTING SITUATION [Required by Florida Statutes § 1123143(1975I] If you have voted in,your official capacity upon any measure in which you had a personal, private, or professional interest which inures to your special private gain or the special private gain of any principal by whom you are retained, please disclose the nature of your interest FILING INSTRUCTIONS This memorandum must be filed within fifteen 115) days following the meeting during which the voting conflict occurred with the person responsible for recording the minutes of the meeting, who shall incorporate the memorandum in the meeting minutes. This form need not be filed merely to indicate the absence of a voting conflict. Florida law permits but does not require you to abstain from voting when a conflict of interest arises; if you vote, however, the conflict must be disclosed pursuant to the requirements described above. YF PERSON DISCLOSING ED NOTICE: UNDER PROVISIONS OF FLORIDA STATUTES §112.317 (1975). A FAILURE TO MAKE ANY REQUIRED DISCLOSURE CONSTITUTES GROUNDS FOR AND MAY BE PUNISHED BY ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: IMPEACHMENT, REMOVAL OR SUSPENSION FROM OFFICE OR EMPLOYMENT, DEMOTION, REDUCTION IN SALARY, REPRIMAND, OR A CIVIL PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED $SAM. CE FORM 4- EFF. 1/1/77 To'construct six`(6,) concrete fixed piers .(five one(1) "L" Shapedwith a .boat dock`in g"capacity ofboats. The piers will 'extend a'maximum.of 165 feet offshore frow.lan existing concrete bulkhead. Width of the ,pie'rs ;,;All. be `eight (8).feet"from the bulkhead to .41 feet offshore and then Page 2 Dr. J. Frederic Blitstein - Grove Isle October 23, 1979 Regulation (DER) and the Metropolitan Dade County. Environmental"Resources Management ;(MDCERM).` 3: If turbidi y exceeds so'J.C'.U.'s beyond a 50 foot radius the of work area, turbidity curtains shall be placed around the work area and MDCERM notified immediately. ;'. Turbidity"samples shall be collected as per -stipulation t No. 211, later than one hour after the installation of the turbidity curtains. If turbidity levels do not " drop ,below 50 J.C.U.'s within one hour after instal"la`tion," of the; curtain, .all construction shall be'halt.ed. Construction shall not be resumed until the contractor has 'received authorization from MDCEFlM. 4: No liveaboard vessels (permanent:or transient) shall be docked,:atthis facility unless di�rectsewage,--pumpout.- connections are provided at each liveab'oard slip.'- A" permanent pumpout station shall `be installed;and.> maintained;for.`the removal of -sewage-'an was es'from, the vessels using this:facility.;. Compliance?with'this requirement will .'entail the .applicarit contacting; the. Plan. Review"Section of MDCERM for details concerning connection to an approved -sewage disposal"system".; 5.". Boat traffic to""the shallow"30 foot wide 'dense seagrass area which parallels.the;shorelne shall'`be restricted by'the -placement'of<wooden piles .on"six foot"centers along the entire shoreline facing the mar"ina. 6."'The channel from"this`marina'to deeper, water"in Biscayne Bay shall be marked;to prevent.,: boats, straying: into adjacent shallow areas.This ,will prevent "habitat des truction, 7. A.chemcal_monitoring program'shall be established to determine the effect'of this`, marina uality on the water q- of-this'section 'of Biscayne"Bay.; Surface and mid -depth samples,shall be collected at three points in the project" urea and at one background station. Parameters shall' include, but not be limited to, dissolved oxygen, pH, salinity, temperature, total coliform and fecal coliform and fecal streptococci bacteria, oil and ,grease,..; biochemical oxygen demand and turbidity. Background samples shall be collected prior to construction and quarterly. for a minimum of one year after 90% occupancy of the marina. In addition to the chemical monitoring program ,.a; benthic community monitoring program is to be established".'' Samples of the benthic seagrass community within and adjacent to the project area are to be collected.prior to.construction andquarterlyfor a minimum of one year after 90% occupancy of the marina. Should either CI ` Page 3 petition is filed ,`for a hearing pursuant' to ;'the prov'isions� off Section` 120.57, Florida Statutes. At such 'formal hearing all paraies shall have an opportunity to present evidence andargumenton al'l.,issues involved, : to con duct cross-examinationacid .s,ubmit. 'rebut taL .e.vidence, Ook STATE. 01: FLORIDA 4 rpartment of Obininiaration :D Division of Administrative Hearings Govet Bob Gtahat ' n not (i00111,10,lj CnIlim Ilmithottl Chris H. Bentley Nevin G. Smith Dtiector 'ALL A 11 ASS I .',L-' I A.4 -1 � • r your attention to tnis mai Yours r", 1.:n..JA -. WLI'AV*-"L _ ./`� �Zc e"ll el -I 71� STATE 017 FhORlDA DIV7.SION. OF 'ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS i 13AYgHio E . 110JiEOWNERS 'ASSOCIATION, ) Pctition'ers, �. CASE `NOs.' 79-218G " j 79-2324 STATE'OF FLORIDA,..DEPARTMENT OF 79.-2359 . EIMRONIMENTAL REGULATION and ) GROVE ISLE INCORPORATED, Resnondents. RECOIiI,iFNDED ORDER Pursuant .to Not3.ccr the Division., pf Administrative:" - llearings by its designated 3learing Officer,. Michael Pearce. Dodsn held a PuUl.ic, ]1e'aiing in, this case on iani ary 2` t. 1980, in arni Florida. The foll.owin,g appearances were en ered : ,�r1rA17ANC1S llavid,'A. >lohen}�,. Esqui►.-e Randa11..E. Den}cei'Esquire 1111 South' B��yshore Drive Assistant General:Counsel Florida 33..131. Department of Environmental For � Peti ti.oncrs : Fegulat err 26010 Blair. Stone; Road. Tallahassee; orida' 323011; Bayshoi:e Homeowners. Asso. , Inc. -Fur-_ Respondent. Department Coconut Grove- 'Civic. Club,._= of..Environmental" Regulation. David'A. & Carmen T'. Doheny. `I'igertail Association" Tropical Audubon Society, Inca Larry S. Stewzirt, Esquire Fxates, `Floyd, Pearson,- . &.Greer.: Cleare Filer.Stewart,•Richmond One Biscayne Toiger . 3095 ;N. ]•:': 7th Street 25th Floor • t�] am' Florida 33125 Miami, Florida.`33131." Pro Se as a Petitioner For Respondent:: Grove-I"sle, Incorporated Joel Jafter 2479 S. "W:.13th Street I7iami', Florida 33145 For 'Pctitloners Bayshore 'Alert: Yes 7� 2 ..,,.,..,A,e: 3.�r• �.i`C.w..�,.��.�u�y,..,�>;.sts�.zviai::- •' •�1.. f r, PI f r, 0 st'a t i oils , nER anCi,I�t �ii;fl .l be r the results. The monitoring progri reviewed and approved by PER, and anatecs;_ be taken 4. �e is; an constructed many ye��rs' ago.Teo changes. i.,n, he hul.}:head line are proposed.` the clam beds nearby. WIA1e'lobsters'may have` once. frequented feet i C tisec] rt , r;uf ti ci ci�l �.�tuanti.i tiy, ;t.o harm marine life. "!'}i� fueli.ny i 1.0 11 Chosen. is one which has already: in the P(-Is,tb'ecn dredged„and has I :� '. e little or no-valuab'le marine ]if- t e 3-0foot,strip,.: of' gra . ss- bed vlrh i 6 h receive ', more -..than adc".,quat( OVI's 01V;OF 17 u j- I h e rno''. r e the Wo.1, )ro'tcctiom.' jclj,can .,the. north �y 12 requested water quality control permit and certification be, isstied: subje'ct'to the conditions contained in the. Notice of.. Intent to Issue Permit and that the Relief regU�sted by the ied d Pe ti ti oners be den�ln their Peti"pans lac' cii sm1S-SC(I t.i DONE 'and ENTERED this day oC Fehruar.y; 1,9801 in Tallahassee, Florida. tI H11�B PEA 1C DODSON' Hearing Off-iccr Division of rlc3ministr, -D Aicarings. Room 101' Collins Puildi.ng Tallahassee, Florida 32301 904/4£33-9G75 Copies furnished. Da.vj d n Dohen), ," `l sc3'ui i:e' 11 ll . South 133yslorc Drive mi , '171or. 'da .3313�1 3095 N. N 7th Street M Equal OpportunityEmployer A p►im9e ia&perdenf. internatiamf w"Waily page 2 Q111A %-%.i liV liu ierein as° "plaint'iffs i -2- -3- action be finally and forever settled without disturbing the legal efficacy of the'ex"isting building permits and to that" purpose the terms and conditions of this settlement are being made subject to Court approval as to reasonableness and fairness as hereinafter "Set; forth in Sections 4.2 and , s 4.3. 2. Ownership Interests. 2. 1. Defendant owners represent` tliat Defendant Sun Bank of',Bal Harhour,,'N.A., as'Trustee, is the legal title owner. of Fair Isle'in fee simple,`more particular y described ase Tract "A" Revised Plat of FAIR;I5LEJ according to .the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book;34, Tage '70, of the Public Records of ' Dade ;County, '= Florida. (hereafter referred to as "Fair Isle':) 2.2 Defendant Owners represent that Defendants. BM .and b]artin 'Z Z. Margulies are equitable or beneficial. . owners of Fair Isle; that the First National Bank of Chicago, and I MG have an' interest: in said `real'"property :by reason. of: ' mortgages on said property; and that -no person .or entity has... any l`egal,or equitable interest or rcPub of use therein, whether contingent or, vested', except.as,may consent :in . writing ,to'the terms and conditions of,ths Agreement. i 2. 3 ..Defendan`t Owners `represent -that all j i Owners and all persons and legal' entities having: or claiming' -,; ai equitable, 1 gal'or beneficial interest in`Fair Isle,,as- of tha date of. ;this Agreement, have been joined."as parties, to this Settlement Agreement. Prior to the entry of the consent judgment 11 described in paragraph 4:2,',pefendant Owners agree to deliver`to Plaintiffs' counsel a copy of a current title binder on .the subject property for title information purposes only which shall verify the represeiltatiois of paragraphs 2. 1, ;2. 2 and 2. T. � Provided ,that there is no additional cost to`Defendants owners °and that the same is obtainable from the title insurance company issuing tic said binder, the Plaintiffs <in tliis Action will; be named 'as a beneficiary of said. insurance. If there,:is an additional cost therefor., the Plaintiffs will bear such cost at their -4- 3. 2 11r'; prior conveyance .of a of Pair isle to sailboat. E'.ey coi dorninium Assc -5- tun a po.- atioii, ire and sz �L• riiam kly -G- -7- 1 -9- to"'N' r3, Doc minimize the impact of noise and light cieated;by these, facilities on the mainland resid.ences•of individual: Plain w ='13'- w • Ao �, JV, 3 ,uch disputo shall be resolved within 10 clays rT,l is herein expre"ssly being waived is the, dated bruary, 17 Group emen t either te ' any ` Yia1f of t <N6'Lional ed and 1':i�1.71_.l:Jly -'.CIl1UVi. '. '. C.I/C'�--.LU1f7: Vl ,'•C:114" -. V.1311.. C+U ♦J 1.41.. C.N v1 r.�ri�V a. .a_�u� ,,.. .-.,� -23- r having its of s at `and carrying ,on business in Chicago`, Illinois is the owner and holdor. of a Mortgage securncj" a Notefor $ . 000, 000. , dated May" 19,' 1971and recorded may..2G, 1977 inm`Official Records .Book: 9693 at Pack 70,1",,` o.f the Public Records of ;Dade County, 'Florida, encumbering .Fail:.•; Isle. In consideration of the execution by'PIainLiffs of this Settlement P.greement and the settlement, of'this litigation_ and cons'icleration of Plaintiff's forebearancc of, instituting litigation in which it would be' a defend"ant',bl ,First'iQational of Chicago hereby e:tiecutes thi's Settlement Agreement and ac}:nowledges'the terms thereof solelyfor the purpose of k subordinating and subjec"ting the lien .of said i-,lortcjage to. I the terms, conditions` and covenants"of said ''Scttlement _! Agreement to the same and sole extent, ,but wi, 11 the same' force` and effect; as',to it, and its Mortgage as" if said Settlement 1lgreement ,lrad.,, been fu11y . e::ecuted by` the,„parties, r confirmed by; Court Order and recorded among the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, prior; to the .execution and delivery of ;said:rortgage. The 'subordination.expresscd"in this Section subordinating Na t . ionale of C11: is limited to and for the sole purpose of " A. subjecting °the said . mortgage,' -Iien : of '".First` :ago to the covenants, ,terms and conditions of -'this' Settlement 1lgrcement and is, not intended nor; shall it cons a--, tute a subordination' to any other rigll.s " of" any person.; -24- V the Public ilec:ords of Dade County, I'lorida prior to the -25- 1 ,. .. � � �` 1 _ �, STATE OF FLOI1ILO ) SS COUNTY OF ) I IIEr2I3BY C1JR'i'II Y, that on this day of ► 1977, before 'Ile personall�l appeared) of 13aysliore homeowners' Association, Inc., a corporation under the Incas of the State of Florida, to me }:110%111 to be the person w110 sighed the foregoing instrument as such officer and acknowledged the e::ecuL- ion thereof to be his free act and deed as such officer for the uses and purposes therein mentioned and that he affixed thereto the: official seal of said corporation, and that the said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and'official'seal at in the County of and 'State of the: day, and; year last aforesaid. Notary hubli.c bly Commission expires: STATE OF!"FLORIDe� ') SS: COUNTY OF ) I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on" this clay . of ► 19771 before me personally appeared of . Goconui Grove Civic Club, o 'me . known to be the person . who signed the foregoing instrument as sucll officer. a21d; . acknowledged the execution thereof to Lbe. }Zis free "act and , deed as such officer: for the .uses; and 'purposes therein" mentioned and that lie I'llaffixed thereto, 'the official 'seal of said Club, and that `the "said instrument i.s: the :act `- and deed of said Club. jVITNESS my hand and official. seal at: " in the. County oa an State. of th'c day and. year. last aforesaid". Notary F.ublic 11y: Commission e .p1res S'i'AlfE OF FLORIDA ) SS: COUIJTY; OF ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that o21 this day of" , 1977, before me personally appeared of . Tropical Audubon Society, I Inc. , a corpor.ati.on under the 1a:as of the State of. Florida, to-ine k110111 to •be the person' who Signed the foregoing instrument as such officcrL and ackno,aledged the execution thereof: to be his" J_ree act and clec'd 1s such o.Ef:iccr foi: L-}1c uses �121d purposes i:hereiii mentioned and that he affixed thereto the L6fficial scat. of + f:,21:Ld corporation, and that the said insL-rumenL- is the rlct 111d dee-cY of said corporation. WITNESS my, }land and official sealL aL in the County of and State of the day aril year last jlfol:esaid. Notary Public my Commission expires: -29- -30- 1 24. ._' 4 . ,4 10 1 PTTTTON TO MIAMI CITY COMMISSION -, . - 31v,? /sv 4 A 3 �.i `GYM` "��. va., �. r. wrJ�aipaJgJjR %J+vi+x�1�:. •.Y^•,�Im _ F-- — 7WARompooft- 0 "him. I`' f .ram_- .__---�--• - - - _ -- O'k- 4f- v �- .. �. 5 a n n . �+., s-afi t�. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. f 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 1. 2.' 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 24. 1YfO1�iW �•{•r- "aR+YetiM r, JNlt' - _ PETITION TO MIAMI CITY COMMISSION We, the undersigned homeowners in the City of Miami hereby petition the City;Commission to DENY .the application of a