HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-80-0232c r.� FROM Attached is,the.International Folk Festival Commission's recommendation for.the;position of•Executive Director of the Internatioval,'Folk;Festival Their choice'is Mr. Gui L. P.Govaert, Whose; resume is: -enclosed" The `memorandum .did; no, reach my office 'until; yesterday;. March 17', too. late to be includetl in'the:agenda for the -March 19 City Commission meeting: March 14, 1980 cll` 're 1 e phone ;r 6 3 -1- 5 3F3 4 `-''��,� `:2 �� r\ Uni tt-d B.�rikin Group) . Vf'A� CIVIC HIGHLIGHTS: C m 'I j%,(�cjpj(,jjL of Dade Count',.'s International Man of the Year Aw, rd in 1972. Decorated with the: "ordur of the Crown,' from BelgiuM., Received Certificate of Appreciation from: , - � I-) - - - r 'k marrind to former Lois' e'rl;,.I:ns., fou .,children ''G,uii,, an&'Yolandib - one Crand child,* Erik. int' 1,1'join. a t e;t, Inter r ng >erek:, 7055 S.... I.4 DAVID BALKIN ?�l ami, ; 1��: ici� 3�'_": . (.305) 332 1517 EDUCATION!: Boston ;University Associate in.Ar.ts" 1961 B.A., Public Relations . Syracuse Uriiversity` 1957 Tilton `School 1956 Et,1PL0Yt�1CNT H�ISTURY,: Managcm0nt Safi- Uards, Inc. S.D. Astor, Pre"side`nt 347 Fifth Avenue 1963-19G9 New York, New York. Position: New England t ; . , Vice-Pre`sident Summary of Job Duties: Began as investigator trainee, resign'ed`volunta i`1``y as New England Vine -President. Was primarily responsible for bui-ldi'ng the tlorth- eastern Division from 'six investi- gators in 1963''to seventy -five' investigators in 1969. Later added "staff s`ix account- executives'to .the of the, corporation tAy .duties included ,al personnel selection, managementtraini'ng, testing,, report writing;, se,,ting.up.new areas for ,salesmen,ahes.managers,adver- t%i�sing° and ad and. s,et up ;depart- .ments_., Also wrote: advertising copy. Bicycle Relat"ed Experience: Carolo ic Bcle !Near. y Carol�o' (Moreno, Pre"sident 1i0„Nor.thwest'24th"StreetT976-i977 laiami,Florida 33145 ,. 'Position Marketing Consultant The Tour. Of Coconut Grovenc. Post Off ice, Box , M . Coconut Gr.oye, Florida 331'33 Posit'ionPresienf 1973=Present Dade ;Cycle Shop t,iainHighway1. Coconut Grove, Florida' 33133 Position -Partner. 1971-1976 The:',.. Bicycle Depot 2838:0ak ;Avenue, Coconut Grove', Floridd, 33133 Position: Sto'ckho 1 dc"r1977-1973 'T.he Miami 100. City;. of �iiam tAiami, 33133 .. .Florida Posi ion: Race'.Promoter 1974-1973 Coco'plum Development Series co'.plum'; Co_ Coral Gables, Florida- er <. Position=: Race Promo t1975-1976 Rickenbacker-Florida;Time Trials R.ickenba'cker%Crandon`Boulevard f,cy'Bisc,aync', FI,orida Pcs,ition: Pace Promo:tcr. 1973-1977 Aae 39, Heightight : 1 65 PERSOtJAL c Health: Excellent REFERENCES ON REQUEST