HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-80-0196ter,:.:-- � ��.w.�:W,::�,�,,.._s.�:-_. REAL ESTTE RESEARCH m Slack, Slack & Roe., Jnc. eAmosddezo .40%"" 5,occowdoemp es eammewal PwAvse44 CARLTON W. COLE , INC . 9801STERED REAL ESTATE "HORED REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS AND CONSULTANTSCARLTON (LI RIA AVENUE •'` �;I W. COLE+ M, A, 1 CORAL GADLES F� ORIDA ; a�f04 TELEPHONE (a051' :47-2b21 February 25,'1980 Lease Manager' Office, ;Director of 'Finance City of Miami P. ;O: Box 330708, Coconut Grove: Station Miami, Florida ' 33133 Re: ` Dinner' Key Management Agreement 'b Miamarina Management Agreement Dear Sir This is, in response to a letter from J . , E. Gunderson dated February 20, 1980 regarding the `above captioned property. I r..egret ,that we are unable at this time to commit .ourselves .to complete: the described report within what' I think, you would consider a reasonable - length of .time. " Thank you for your inquiry. With. best regard .I am Yours sincerelyo CARLTON W. COLE INC. . By-.,'; Carlton W. Cole. M A J AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF REA,.XSTATE APPRAISERS `IETY OF REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS . MEMBER -CORAL GABLES BOARD OF REALTORS MEMBER•FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS ter The aPP 1 r' EDWARD M. WARONKER, Pres. MAI, ASA, SREA S. Z. BTN1L' TT APPRAISAL COMPAINY ;.�u=c�4: haYa::;ibk.iifd u�:t��vvsr. - ,. ��a�n� 1364ftc Haskins + Sells Certified Public Accountants �, `'0C-. `- el ,boo Ode Southeast Third Avenue Nli6mi, Florida 33131 . ` >: • 1305) 358-4141 �'-\`/telex 518814 Mr. James E. Gunderson ' March 5, 1980 Director .Of' Finance. City, of. Miami P. O.Box `330708 Coconut Grove',Station Miami, -Florida> 33131 Dear-. Mr. 'Gunderson: We appreciate receiving your request`for'a,,pkoposa1 for the financial analysis of. the management agreements. on the City owned Waterfront"Property. Due toprior,' commitments, we are unable to respond•to'this request; however, we would like to receive any future°requests`. for proposals for accounting or consulting services. Very truly yours, y DELOITTE HASKINS, SELLS T propos and Mi W render rate o evalua agreem rates belie onr Itha r Elat,Marwick,Mitchdl&Co Mr. William H. Harrison _ .. February 29, 1980 Page '3 ." City,.of"Ft. Lauderdale - PMM&Co.`is presently assisting the; Citty ,in.the renegotiation", of: the land,.' -lease or, the ' Bahia Mar:Hotel and Marina.'. 4ecifically. ,.we are.assisting the City in. researching and; estimating the fdir return, on the property to the City. Results: The tenant has"thus far indicated a willingness:; to,rais,e the, rent "by $200,000 annually each year the next'34,years'or $6,800;000 in additional.cash flow to the City. The 'negotiating teamis.hopeful'of obtaining additional 'increases ".wh'i"le enabling "the ;tenant :to earn a fair-"`re"turn and. continue 'to.provide.quality product and` service.' Expensive litigation has so`far been avoided: Contacts:. Mr. Richard Anderson,; City Manager, City of".' L uderdale 305 -' ,761-2661 Mr: Bill Duke, Attorney 305 - ` 462-2000 Metro Dade County -:!-:Our 'Miami' office has been engaged"by" Metro :'under 'a'Countywide Professional Services Agreement to provide economic;. consulting services.' = .Avation`Department = We assisted<the.:Dade County Aviation`Department"in the acquisition of.the leasehold interest of the,Miami International Airport .Hotel; by determining a`fair price using .discounted cash flow analysis. As`a part of'our work we.reviewed ands"ritiqued the management contract` which`.replaced.,the.lease. Results: The acquisition. has. been completed and"a,satisfactory management company has been engaged. '-The cash "flow to DCAD has': been increased by,.over,$l'000,000 annually which.wi"11 lead; to a cumulative increase of. nearly';$6,300,000 above the, original"' lease over the`next :,six,,years. Contacts: Mr. ,Richard Judy,. Drector.'DCAD 305 = 526-2166' Mr. John van,,Wezel,,Assistant Director DCAD 305 - 526-2315 " Ms. Jane Finley, Comptroller DCAD 305.--526-2171 f v DALE J. MASCHINO ROBERT W. LEE as to .why, Touche Ross & uo. is. un lyue l<y yuaiaa.a_cu I.Wa,vuu a� 225 PEACHTREE STREET, N.E. -SUITE 1400 - ATLANTA. GEORGIA`30303 - (404) 522.6823 ToudteRoss&?Ca OF", olk m Project'Organization.`6nd Timin TatdwRw":,Q O Tota:1 to Rays & Q Resume of MICHAEL J. BROWN Page # 3 Trna'1 ie Ross C,a ow-, /- TotJze R%s &Ca Tot die Ross &., Q o" op, ■ Tou heRoss&Cn (� ToudzeAme-G OV Resume of STEPHEN W. BURNETT Page # 5 Wilmington Trust Company,, Wilmington, Delaware' �. Operations:' daily computation and management. of the money in position, cluding participation in the Federal' Funds Market. Security'Analyst: investment securities for"both pension and individual trust`portfo1, U. S.-Army, Ft. Eustis, Virginia.and"II'Corps CZ" Republic 'of Vietnam .Communi'cations Officer: responsible fo'r:the estab- lishment.and continual review of writ"ten,. oral and electronic communications within"a"headquarters sector.' - Executive Officer and'Company Commander: respon- sible "for the.'adminiztrati"on and 'missi'on effectiveness of a transportation:"truck"company. Education University of Tennessee, MS"in Finance..,. Wake Forest Uni'versity`,"BA in Economics Cert°ifications 'Certified:Management Consultant Professional Inst'itute,;of.:Managemen`t Consultants, Georgia,Associati`on"of,:Assessing, 'Of ficials American 'Society for Public Admini's`tration" Municipal' Finance:Officers Association..' international City"Management Association ' Atlanta . Chamber , ofCommerce -, Task Force -on ;Public Finance and; Taxation (Chair,)_! Central,Atlanta Progress-.�advsory"member" National Association of'Housing.and Rehabilitation Officials" Presentations "Risk AnAlysi's"and Forecasting," American Management Association�._ "Return on Investment,:"'American Management Associa- t ikon "How to. Schedule and Purchase,";Georgia Homebuilders Association "Research and_. Evaluation in Local 'Government," Presentation sponsored by Fulton County, Georgia and The"Urban"L'ife Center_of,Georgia State University "Contingency al Government," Presenta- tion'sponsored by NCR Corporation (Moraine Farm' Seminar) "Pr-ducti'vityiIssues in Local Government," Seminar sponsored by Management ;Science America (MSA) "Commentson ;"Urban FiscalStress", Presentation sponsored by The Georg ia:Muhicipal Association e• m tlined in OP.� -3OAN - March 5, 1980 Mr. William Harrison Expert Tes imonv the conclusion of our work -.and .at the reque"st of the: U on P would be in a"'position to provide testimony"- City. of Miami all facts and opinions encompassed in our.�wor}•. on L & H"QUALIFICATIONS '-h is an internationaaccounting and manage- Laventhol & Horwa merit consulting firm with offices. in 35 cities across - the United State In addition, the firm is .associated with; gorwath Internationa]:, which has over 100 offices ,in .. Horvath & foreign countries. As one of the ten largest.firms.of ride= P endent certified''public accountants;,L & H has provided tax and management advisory services. to ` auditing,' accounting, a a ear clients in industry"and government for over 60 y"ea k is Siits inception in 1915, L & H has beer. recognzed`as a: rice �: leader. ,in the leisure time and real estate in, The placed on these in�3ustries is e:vidended ,`by the fact that L& a ac De ,q �+a ,stic' fer the leisure time industries. These - 5 - or, Mr. -William Harrison _ March 5, 1960 data, along with projections and comments, are frequently quoted im leading"newspapers, magazines and hospitality journals.: This. information and the, department's research capabilities are utilized in the publication of many studies; including the following: ...'Annual'rlorida Country Club and Yacht Club Study" ..:.;>Annual "Lodging, Industry" (United States) :.. Annual Study of.Florida Hotel, ;Operations .'.. Annual "Worldwidie Operating .Statistics of the.", Hotel Industry .:.';Annual "Table'service Restaurant;Op;erat ons'Report �. "for the "United States ..., Monthly "Trend of Business in:the:Lodgng Industry" "The; Tourism Gap: Can It Be Bridged?" . .Lodging Industry: A.Survey of.-'. ...'"Financing"the �� Lender `Attie udes "" ..: Co-authors of.",The Uniform System of Accounts for Clubs" ..; Co-authors of."The Uniform Systern: of Accounts for Hotels and Motor Hotels" Z &;H's,.National"Leisure Time',Industries Department is actively engaged in compiling and evaluating.mark6t and.;operational data on:hospi ality related enterprises,'including tourist and r r. O' - 7- Or, Mr. William Harrison March 5,-;1980 ESTIMATED 'TIMING".AND FEES We are prepared to :begin this engagement.' within two"weeks of receipt of your, authorization. We will present our final report within 30 days from the commissioning;date. We will, findings an1tehoweverbe prepared.to discuss our compd conclusions"with you prior to the issue of, our final.report. 'In conformance with the Accountancy Law an `Rules relating .to the practice of'publi, accounting. as published by the Florida State Board of'Accountancy.,` under Rule 2TA-7.OS,.we are not permitted 'to quote, fees in 'a competitive bid for, a professional engagement. For your 'conven ence, we have attached,a copy of this rule :which not only 'outlines the bidding.: procedure, but' the negotiation rule as well. Should we be .selected; weare "prepared to negotiate a satisfactory contract.." Our fees will be based': upon the time requirement"s,outlined herein and will be, calculated on an"�hourly basis plus out of= pocket ehpenses.incurred. trust"thi`proposal accurately defines,your.objectives and . We s are certain that our methodology will provide the basis for a comprehensiveiand'accurate analysis`.of, the city' rate of return:. Please contact Mr Michael A. Stein of our firm for -8- r or," " : , I 1 (") "CPA Competitive Negotiation Pule" :1A4.05 Bidding j (a) prescribe ;a manner in which (1) A practitioner shall not make a competitive bid 1 -Purpose—To practitioners ma;' participate, in 'a .negotiation fora professional engagement. Competitive binding process o prot-ide professional service to potential fo-_ public accounting services is not in the public 'in- consumers of such services alloaznF the" quotation terest, is a ?or--i of solicitation, and is unprofessional of 2. basis of fee, (2) As used in this rule, "competitive bid" means 'the (b) Competitive negotiation submission of an offer to a prospective client, as dis= / (i) A. practitioner may respond .to any request tinguishea; from `an existing client, or representative for proposal from a person or; entity -giving thereof, by a practitioner, either orally,or in �ritine, qualifications and 'other factual information es• directly or indirectly, as either a prime contractor, a eluding any; quotation as'to basis of fee. subcontractor, or, a subcontractor using a .prime con• 60 L a practitioner's proposal in (i1'above is tractor as a conduit, to perform a professional 'engage• the 'on)y proposal: received or `accepted by a ment for an estimated fee, a axed fee, or a,basis of fee person or entity the practitioner may negotiate when"the'`surrounding facts"and circumstances 'indicate a basis of >fee for that engagement. L a per• that another firm, professional service corporation or son or entity receives more than one proposal person kill be asked to make an offer, has been asked for the same" en)agement,. the person or ent:ag to''make an offer, or has male`'an offer which has not mar; ranl:,;in "order ofpreference, the practi- been'reiected, to perform the same professions] engage• tioners to perfo:m said engagement.. The prac- ment for `an estimated fee, a axed fee, -or basis of fee titionez ranked first mav•then negotiate a con- as'defined; in this'ruie.. ?he perfornance of an engage- tract. arith ahe person of entity giving. among meat for.'a specific purpose, which engzgement by. ;its othe,-Ahings, a basis cf>fee for that ;,engage- natur a is, not expected to recut, does not create an "ex- . meat. Shoulc the person or en:irr be unable that •++ isting: client relationship. to "negotiate "a .satisfactory contract sri-h " practitioner. negotiations with that practitioner (3)The I terra ,"Subcontractor" as used in this Rule" shall be formally terminated and the person or means a subcontractor"whose actions, together with the eat tv shill, the-''under✓,ake negotiations with surrounding' facts and circumstances; are in such- a the :seconc''ranked. practitioner. Failing accord manner as'to, make him a party to" a competitive bid :o: a-ith' the second .'ranked; practitione:, negotis- bids, elth,erwith respect to a specific engagement or, as tions shzl?' oe terminate' and undertaken vnt= a result; of a'series of engagements with the same prime the' third •ranked practitionez,' etc. Once negu- con .actor. and without regard to whether a subcon- i• tiations have bee.n uncle' -en vith a subsequent tract is entered into before or after the bid. practt ioner, a p^ actitioner shall no: `contract (;) All "applications for special permits required br si•ith the, requesting person or entity: for the Section 3 :131(1) , F.S. " shall be accompanied by a same engagement.• . statement ,of the rapplicant, or if it is a partnership `o: ' '. (6) A practitioner, may ask to be placed or. `"request a",professional service corporation, by a partner ;or for ;a„proposal" mailing, list of any, agency; indicating stockhoidez of 'he applicant, to the effect that the cur- a desire a receive reovests for proposals from said `•"", rent contract for the public accounting services to be agency git=ing oniy.t e tame.and mailing address and performed in Florida was not obtained by competiti� a telephone =,number For"" purposes of this ` rule, "an hid"as defined by this Pule. agency"'means any federal state,' municipality, school (5) No Florida practitioner who is an agent for as district, school boarc,,or political subdivision thereof ,.; out-of-state practitioner as pro -ided in Section 973.3 1, and•a "request for;proposa] , is the request made by an F.S., shall perform public accounting .services .in :the ' agency for"e proposal to provide professional services. State, the contract for which was obtained • by such General ': authority 47?A;, F.S.; Law implemented, out-oi-state practitioner,,unless;he has ascertained with 473.30, F.S. reasonable certainty that the, current contract for such services was .not obtained by, competitive bid as .de=" fined" by this Pule. (6) No :Florida practitionez who has. a permanent or.,. continuing correspondent relationship': vnthi an out-of- state practitioner`shall,perform:pubiic:accounting sere• ices" in: the State"" for" such out-of-state practitioner, un- - less he has ascertained R'i:^ reasonable ce.^.a ' the current contract for 'such services was not obtained ' by'compe'titive bi' as aefine d"by;tl,is Pule. " r` r: LIST OF APPRAISERS 1.. Ralph A..Lips President 11. John,E. Milloway, MAI Peninsula Federal Abbotf Management 200 S.E. First Street 9095 SW 87 Avenue Miami s Florida 33156 585-0234 Miami, Florida 3313E 12. F. Robert Quinlivan, MAI 2. S. Z: Bennett, MAI 1102 Ponce Leon, Blvd:, S. Z.;Bennett Appraisal Co. ,de Coral Gables, Florida: 33134 Ainsley Building RN:` 1407 444-1652 14:NE First'Avenue Miami, Florida 33132371 1639 13. Charles Fa 1 l a, r MAI 3. Leonard A.Bisz,°MAI 111D Brickell Avenue Miami, Flor.'ida 33129 Appraiser. 2511.Ponce de -Leon -Blvd. ;Coral Gables,'FTorida' 33134 W;:Slack, MAI,.ASA :Slack, Slack, &_ Roe. -; �.4. W. Bates Cole,'MAI- 1620 West Flagler-Street 129 Almeria Avenue, -Mi_am Florida": 33135 ' 443-0443 Coral Gables', Florida 33134 15. State wide�Appraisal -Services, Inc. 5: -Howard Delahanty �269 Giralda Avenue. Delah'anty :& Associates Coral Gables, Florida 33J34 444-621: Cor6°1' Gables 6. Harry D. Flen ral Gab 1 es,.i, F1i 7.' uite �ociates r e CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 1. Arthur Anderson & Co. 1,Biscayne Tower Suite 2100 Miami, Florida 33132 2. Alexander -Grant & Co. ;1000,BrickelI Avenue. Miami, F1or.ida 33131 3.` Coopers & Lybrand First Federal Building Miami, F1ori'da 33131 4.' Laventhol & Horwath 201 Alhambra Circle Coral Gables, Fla 33134 5. Price Waterhouse &'Co. 330 Biscayne -`Blvd Miami, ,Florida .,33132 6. Peat,.WarwicK,.Mitchell IVC E ,1000 Br;ckell Avenue - Miami Florida 3313 . 3x. . 7 Touche.Ross & Co.: Rivergate Plaza Bldg. 3rd Floor _. 444`Brickell Avenue Miami F1 on da 33131 8 Haskins; & Se11s First Feder.al.Building ,. Mami,Florida 33131'`