HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-80-0204i Joseph R. Grassie March 6, 1980' "= ' City Manager City of Miami/State of Florida i Agreement u Sul o A. Castano, Director ir r,c!L Trade Fair Of..' he Americas Department of Trade & Commerce Import "80 Development" "It is recommended that an agreement ;be executed between the .State. of Florida; and the City of -Miami',; whereby, the City. of Miami accepts a.,grant in the amount of $175,000 to be incorporated -.into the Trade Fair.of the Americas. -'Import 180 Trust and `Agency account:"; It has been the City":s intention to continue"the annual`Trade Fair of 'the :Americas `in collaboration :with Metr;opolitan.iDade County, and, the State of Florida, in order, to I urt erb Miami's image 'a s a center for interamerican and'U. S. busines'ses. This, year's Trade Fair. of`the,Americas--Import.'80.is to ,take place March 23-30,,at` r the Coconut Gove Exhibition Center, .as an official project o'f the:.City-of,Miami., Metropolitan Dade' County and the State of�Florida, under;the:auspices of the. Organization of -American` States. This year, the State of Florida .is providing the City with $175,000 to assist in defraying the cost o`f.the+ 198;0"fair. Au- " thorization 'is required from the .City Commission to formally accept such grant.' JAC` zf "SUPPORTIVE DOCI 144 ENTS FULI CW" ��t 04 s' Fw C • " A G R.`E. F m r. N T THIS AGREFr1ENT "made" and entered' effective this day of 1980, a`t Tallahassee, Florida, by'an'd between' the State of Florida:Department of Commerce,' Division of. :.economic Development (he r.einaf.ter referred to as 'the Div -is ion)`and;the' City of Miami, Florida', (- hereinafter referred to as, the City) 14VCNrSSETH; WIIEREAS, the legislature .of Llie State of Florida ,has' appropriated $175,000 for "fiscal year 19.79-$0," and $1'75,000 for fisca`1 year 1980-8'1 in' Section 1, Item "L82A,` Grants" and Aids; "Chapter:.'79-212, `Uaws' of Florida,,1979" " for " the Inter- nat"i6na1 Trade Fair (Fade County), and WHEREAS,;, the Division is authorized by;Section 288.021(8), Florida Statutes, to 'plan and"carry out programs designed"to `w ' enl.arge.and,"improve trade with other states and,,foreign, countries, and particularly with countries in,the Western Hemisphere, and t WHEREAS,` the; City ha"s entered 'into, an agre11 ement with. the organization of American States "(OAS) to co"=sponsor a Trade.,Fair >of the Americas, the main . thrus"t of which. wi11. be to ehpand "an;d `'� diversify"trade.among"the Amercan;Republics, and (n WHEREAS, the"City through;the Trade Fair of the Americas. © can,:`assist the State of i Florida in becoming the'focal, po3nt"of Inter -American commercialexchange` :NOW THEREFORE, ii1 consideration of the for egoi;ng "and ,the mutua]. covenants and promise s"'her,ei.n.contai,ned it is'agreed between the ..parties as ofollows': 1.O PARTIES.`, The parties, to this Agreement are the 5tate upon ec.t30, shall 80-204 A. 3.2 City of. Miami Office of the CityManager City 'Hall.. 3500 ;Pan American 'Drive Miami., Florida 33133 4.0 DU1'IrS OF` T11r CITY. The .City agrees to pl.an; coordinate, and conduct a'Trade Fair of the Americas which will take,;place during March, 1980 in the Greater Miami area'. The, thrust!,of the Trade`. Fair wi.11 be to expand anddiversify 'trade among the American Republics through, ,a,spec ia•1 emphasis on development of markets' and the export of capitalgoods and 'technology ,among member countries of the OAS.- Special emphasis shall`a1'so` be given to promotin`fi foreign sa:Les of:]'lorida manuEactured,products Ind the development of; markets`Eor surh.;sales; promoL-ing;Florida as the ideal location. for foreign firms in servic.ing;:the United States and Latin American and Caribb'eanmarkets;'and'.to otherwise assist the Division in'strength,ening Florida's economicbase through development of` international trade and investment., 4.1'FINAL, REPORT. The C"ity agsees`to subm1t.,a final report within .30' days of the conclusion, of the Trade Fair outlining in detail theuses for which these funds •wer-erexpended,.and expected benefits to be'received by, the'City "and _State of Florida as a result. 4,.2 ANNUAL AUDIT.' The City agrees: to. makeiprovision for and have ;an annual audit o'f all records.of the..project relating to expenditures which are the subject o`f this agreement by either the State Auditor', General or, a certified public+accountant. A copy; of such audit report.shal]. b,e_forwarded to the Division upon its completion, ,but, no later °than December 30., 1980 . 4.3'TRAVEL EXPENSES. The•C1ty agrees as,. required by Section 287-.057 Florida Statutes, that bills for, fees or` other compensation for services or expenses shall be submitted in.detail sufficient for a. proper preaudit and post -audit thereof and bills for any,travel expenses shall :be submitted ;and paidAn,accordance with the', rates specified in Section 112.061 Florida Statutes, governing payments by the state for travel expenses, insofar as the use 'of stat•e.funds: which are the subject of this agreement .,:are concerned. 4.4" RECORDS. The City'agrees' to maintain financial records and reports relating to state funds paid to any parties'for,work in connection with the Trade Fair`and submit reports to the' 1) visi.on as requested. 4.5 ?IAINTr;7ANCE _OF RECORDS,. Tlie City agrees t'o maintain -2- other, state personnel. authorized by the Departincnt of Commerce, Division of" Economic Development. 4.7 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. I he' City understands its role as an independentcontractor and not as an agent`or".employee of the Division.` Further, City agrees to be liable for,' and shall idemnify, defend, and 'hold the D"ivision. harmless, from,all, claims, suits, judgments or damages," including court costs"and attorney fees, arising, from the; performance of, this a'greement,' subject' to limitati'ons of Sect ion`768.28, Florida ::Statutes 'and- `further agrees that no funds acquired from ,the Division under this agreement sha1.1 be used in>' legalar.t:ion';against the. Division.' 5.0 PAYMENTS BY THE DIVISION. ;`The Division agrees to reimburse the City for expenditures incurred in connection with tile "hosting of: the aforesaid trade fair in an amount not to exceed $1'75,000 during the"term of -this agreement. 5.1 MANNER OF REIMBURSEMENT.' The Division agrees to, reimbtir.se the` City" for` the aforesaid expend iture s within 45 ,days of receipt:"of'"third party documentation of su"ch expenses, p"r'o- vided all` such evidence of expenditures is siibm"i`tted no " Ia"ter; " than May !15, 19"80. 5.2 `AUTHORIZED EYPENDITURES. All expenditures for which" -3- 80-204 -4-