HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-80-0250�AIIM�BI c p a "Y7N7'�is t ) x�try r .�.�: �.-� ��'! -, ..,.,,� �.. r, Joseph R. Grassie March; 25,'1980 City Manager Page 2' and -Federal permitting. authority.,-..f E to consolidate `the :coastal pprmi - tng process" '`(p. 18) 'The County ,should seek to make the review..an per mitting. process for all 'shoreline projects and activities as consi,s nt, compre- hensive and efficient as possible" (p• 19). The Planning Department views the Count orientation of the Biscayne!Bay Management`.Plan.as a.move t;o supercede municipal prerogatives in regulating control over zoning and. site plan review: Proposed Amen dment'of,Chapter 24 of'the'County,Code pertaining the ;Coastal Permitting:' The Dade: County .Department of Environmeesources Management (DERM) has proposed'to amend'Chapter 24 of the County Code (see ATTACHMENT 3 - Draft Resolution and; Ordinance). The draft resolution states that:' "Section 1. It- is he expressed ntention-of this Board.to;assume County-wi'de jurisdiction over coastal construction permitting to include the incorporated. areas within Dade County,,„and toinact,, ordinances therefore- The draft ordinance would: =.insert, for. an indeterminate: period, County permitting over all.' coastal` projects, together withmuniciPal,., State an.dFederal.permitting - assume that, for small;pro7ects.e'.g., docks.,and seawalls; the State De1.part- men `t of Environmental Regulation and Federal ,Corps`. of Engineers; would delegate 'pe.rmiti 1 n'g to the` County DERM Y i n • r.. ATTACHIMP. T i ' Agenda item No. 5 (e) (12)' 12-18-79 ,4 RESOLUTION 'J0. 11-1610-79 ( RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE I GOAL AND t PROGR101,,OBJECTIVE_5 FOR BISCAYNE, BAY'. AS- THE FIRST ELEMENT" OF THE # K BISCAYNE BAY MANAGEMENT PLAN WHEREAS Board of County Commission declared 8is- �kF, cayne Bay as an "Aquatic Park and Conservation;Area; and i WHEREAS, -the resolution declaring the Bay to'be an aquatic Par}- and Conservation, area empowered the County Manager to develop a Plan for that Area; and WHEREAS',;the County appropriated $50,000, to 'initiate` that :.process ; and, 3tiHEREAS, tie County Manager appointed.a Policy Com- r►i,ttee to oversee `the Bay. planning process; and S+IHEREAS; the Pot"icy Committee approved the _Goal. and -Program:Objectives for; Biscayne Bay'Management Plan on. '.: v0verwer `5, 1979, and:recorimended that' they` be placed before," " the Boa, rd.of County:Commissioners of :Dade County .,lorida� N0W, T!IERE F0RE,''' BE IT'RESOLVED; BY THE BOARD'OF COUNTY CO,%U-JISSIONERS OF DADE COUNTY, `FLORIDA, that this Board hereby -adopt t, e. followingGoal and Program Objectivesas the first eIement`of the'Biscavne Bay Management Plan,:. The primary ,goal of the Biscayne, Bay planning project is to develop `a unified, County-wide,management,plan_for the,,, entire bay system, including its.adjacent'.wetlandsembay- nt.s and contiguous developed shorelands in a manner that "me Will mantain.or..'enhance where'necessarythose,'physical, chemical', biological and,the qualities that provide the 'bas'ic character and value 'of this, resource. In order to effectively, realize this primary goal,".the " following program objectives.shal, be achieved:` to 'address and resolve the jurisdictional;ssues.re- lating to Biscayne Bay :in to prov,idle long -term - management management capability.; .080-250 l �,. Agencia Item ?40. 5 (e) (1?) P,gc 11o. `2 4 1� to provide a, wide array of`water,,oriented',opportunties' at thd`water's edge, consistent with the,prima_ry goal,_ " } - to, enhance 'physical and visual, access thereby,,increasing. 'the potential for environmentally sound utilization and Y i} n' € Lor,thL ublic at large; attradtiveness of Biscayne 13ay p - to identify and maintain, or'enhance where ,necessary, those biological communities<,thair..are essential to the long-term viability of Biscayne Bay; - to 'optimize the: quality and�cruantity.;of marine_'life; - tomaintain, or -enhance 'where necessary; water quality; that 'permits safe water 'cont'act recreation and propagation offish and"wildlife; . to; provide protection for endangered,. threatened or rare ,species of. plants and animals .that"exist,with`in the wa"ters of Biscayne .Bay 'or the adjacentcoastal':. wetlands; - to,avoid,.Vherever`possible,;'irreversible`or irretriev- able commitments",of the"bays resources,and - to seek.funding for activities which.`%are necessary' to" achieve the primary' goal; - to promote water transportation and enhance the Bay':s contribution to:the .economichealth,of tine,commun y through'marina`development and other„appropriate measures consistent 'with' the' primary,;goal; and - to provide continuing monitoring'of the Bay in _order to asemb e an.adequate data base,.for Bay management. The,,foregoing resolution was.Offered"%by Commissioner": k Clara Oesterle,who moved its adoption: The motion was` seconded r M by ,commissioner, ne•;erly� B.?hillips , and upon" being' put -to a ( vo.te,'the dote was as follows: Barbara td. Carey '. Aye Clara Oesterle Aye William G. O1'iver A Beverly II'. Phillips AYE James F., ;Redford,, `Jr. Aye E Harvey ,,Ruvin Aye Barry-.,.D.-Schreiber Aye Ruth IShack Aye Stephen P. Clark Aye " The Mayor thereupon declared the,re:'l-tion dulyL, passed, and adopted this pith day of• December., 1979. DADE 'COUNTY, FLORIDA BY ITS BOARD OF COUNTY CO:•LMISSIONERS RICHARD P. BRINKER# CLERK Approved by County Attorney as to form and legal sufficiency. / '�y By Deputy Clerk, OflLY 'n 11 i •�nt1 l fly' saau�r JI A itAP .1T 1�.� n,�,.,r _ Draft Bay..Manigement Guide •fines ,. I. Environmental Concerns: �1 A. Freshwater.•Discharge/Storinwater Runoff 1.` The surface freshwater and non -saline discharge schedule (fie., timing and 'amount of canal outflws o)',should, be`' designed and impieimented to 'achieve the muhtiple: objec rvation," tives.of water management (water conseflood 6 control, environmental ,protection) plus protection of` the Bay's estuarine -and biological functions. 2.' On -site retention of stomwater runoff should be designed. -. to'provide maximum reduction:in pollutant load. This is usually'acconplished through.the'retention;'of the first one inch ;of runoff from the entire drainage basin.j 3. When existing positive stormwater. outfall ,systems 'are replaced or .repaired, on site retention systems should be utilized. to the fullest extent feasible•. I imentaogramtocoronmentally etr4l` F stormwater outfAlls.should. be implemented: 5 �• I 5 Any action that would change the total,amount of fresh- water discharbed.'annually, to Biscayne Bay 'should not` be. undertaken until the effects on the Bay can'be evaluated. 1 I 6. Landward,; of the'mangrove zone, development and E alteration' should be done in .a manner' to, maximize non-. ' -ha' elized and pollutant reduced freshwater. drainagev intothe coastal' mangrove forest. '; (See related guidelines inSection H.�) .:_ E B...� Water Clarity;. 1. .During coastal construction, turbidity; levels should noC exceed background levels or 'levels which .are harmful to the environment.,:' 2.' All fill, including spoil' islands. which''has, : been: or is placed. adjacent to,,'or within Biscayne Bay; houl'd be stabilized.. I 3. a j Altered uplands'adjacent to Biscayne.Bay should: a graded" j in.such a -way `to minimize .drect;.runoff.in,to'the:'Bay. t 4 When bulkheads or other shore protection structures, are construe,ted,.physical'barriers which will prevent over- i `land' runoff, of storiuwaEer'to Biscayne Bay should be i provided. 5 Slopin rip -rap should be;plar,ed-.alon the entire length. of seawalls to `.minimize the'.resuspension-of bottom sedi ments, absorb wave energy. and increase submerged shore- line habitats. 2 ry i i 6. There should be no `further dredging and; filling in Bis= cayne Bay, except for the following: (a) minimum dredging and, spoiling for public navigation'.or public' necessity (b) minimum dredging and filling"for maintenance of; marinas, piers and., docks and ;their attendant navigational channels 'and access roads that will not adversely,a,,, ect " water quality; (c)'minimum"dredging to eliminate=condi- tions hazardo"us ,to,publichealth, 'or (d),minimum dredging which would enhance the aesthetic quality and utiliiy'of= " the Bay and be clearly in the public interest.,. 7. Suspended material`from beach erosion,should'be:prevented from entering`'Biscayne Bay. .- 8. An optimum freshwater, discharge scheduler(i"e.,;timing' and amount of canal" ,outf1ows). of natural; organically, colored -'wafer and non -saline: groundwater should' be imple. men tede 9 Unstabilized`bottom.sed'iments "should be stabilized.; 10 The .nutrient.:needs of the .Bay should. not be'exceeded to:.".. .. the "extent where the resulting.al'gal blooms da not impair: the "aesthetic.,gr biologicalqualit"ies of�the resource. 3 S 0 D. Landfill Leachates ,. 1. Landfills should be locate& in'places where`their lea=� chafe will ,in.:t impact the waters of Biscayne Bay:or,its adjacent wetland areas. E. ..Boating Impacts 1. Boat maintenance operations and.faciliEies should not. contribute runof,f,',heavy metal residues,:,oih and grease or, other pollutants. to the Bay or its adjacent canah,and river.systems. 2: Derelict vessels that are aesthetically unappealing,. hazards to navigation, or that release pollutants into. BayL waters should :be removed from the, Bay and its tribu taxies, Fj 30: To lessen the. impact of boat `wakes and` wave;, action along ; the Bay ',shoreline,.wave attenuating stabilization of `the I' shoreline should.be'implemented where.'needed on public property, generally required along all',new,or repaired vertical bulkheads .and encouraged .for:existing;vate f, bulkheads or unconsolidated -shorelines. S; 5. S.r Commercial and recOP,reational boating sho !:,in, a, manner which .will not adversely im ..cause.,the sus"pension of bottom sediment submerged or shoreline -.,habitats: or neg endangered species;. iw Fishing .Impacts 1. Commercial and recreational shrimping a be"conducted'in a manner which.wll not impact benthic`communities;-'deplete fs or degrade water quality.: 2. The ,use' of fish traps 1n :. Biscayne Bay s - until. it: Isdemonstrated that they can.. manner that will not adversely impact``f and,benthic communities. 3. < The use of drift nets across .the finger be! prohibited. 6 a `be: c ng.: Id sited i I# �ces i r d r G. Other Recreational/Use,,Impacts 1. Collection of tropical flora and fauna in Biscayne.Bay, `, and 'along, the adj scent shoreline should' be carefully , controlled." H. Development Impacts 1. Future shoreline and water -related development should , take advantage of the Bay's aesthetic resources and be; compatible ' wi th ;the Bay' s natural `features, ;such' as, but not limited to, mangrove habitats, seagrass beds and_ hardground communities. J. i 2. Development within/or access into'Niable coastal:.habitats should be achieved' in a :manner. whch'.has minimum `impact j On,those _.habitats and other natural shoreline character, istcs.- i 3..� Coastal construction should,be conducted in a manner ' , which will protect the.qualities,.values-and processes of existingnatural habitats within.and adjacent to Biscayne !` t Ilia y-. 1 ;. 4.' An adequate vegetation ,buffer zone should be required between viable coastal habitats and upland ;development> ft order'to protect those coastal habitats.` ... ; . 7' i I Marina s 'hould be located and sized in'a.manner which'id-, compatible with adjacent land, in -Bay uses;and nearshore environments. Such facilities should'be tailored to, -- t r accommodate use r maril b the t es P y. y type of, craft thati')can . l dperate'compatibly;in the environs. 6 Marinas and docking facilities should be,encoura`geId! in shoreline areas which have been previously ,6ulkheaded dredged°,to navigable depths,or otherwise disturbed. :Use of'shorel'ine'areas containing viable wetland or submerged" communities and.near-shore `waters;of'nadequate,naviga- tional 'depths should generally, be ,avoided. 7 Areas designated as appropriate�.for shoreline.:boating facilities should, be developed to their maxmum,potential provided thag t. safe nav ation'and use of the area is maintained.; { 8 During the assessment of developments 'a long the :Bay. shoreline or`over;Bay waters, cumulative impacts should be`evaluated ' {: 9. Shoreline and water -related `development should,not.'be allowed. create :adverse cumulative .impacts on. the . biological,.:chemical and aesthetic,qualities.of:-the Bay. -' 8 5. . A.progiam7lof education,and:, public ,a r ues ana-F adjacent! by 0- _ be invited areas.- • rare iutton- lyne <i= :es of. F ;1 �cayne 3 f: • iii 111 1� I L Major Bay User -Related Concerns' - A. .. User" Conflicts management, of the shrimp re"source"in Biscayne Bay should address the cumulative impact of; and potential.: conflicts among the three principal user"groups ('e..g.. _ commercial, recreational frown boatsrecreation from ' land) on'the resource.,.' 2 The'use"of drift nets from bridges or"across channels"'' should be prohibited., = 3.1 An''adequate buffer';zone-,'should.be�established,around bridges .'and causeways,"where driftnetting or."netting. from boats shall be prohibited. 4 Snorkel or SCUBA�diving,should be pr.ohibited.und: or'" adjacent to bridges.or within major ,navi'g"ational channels i except for authorized. bridge repair work. , S 1aaiina,s,'.should:"be located and sized:," so.. that their",expected sound levels are -compatible with,'existing:ambient sound levels. 6., Facilities for.•berthing and:,launching'of sailboats should, be encouraged ocations where bridge openings will be minimized. 11 v5v C ii. 7. Alternative transportation systems should be'established ` among. major or ,and' destination points,:along .the Bay' in order to :reduce the number of bridge openings and 1. resulting; traffic problems. f 8. Areas where chronic shoalin 'occurs should ',.be`marked`and.. ma. intenance.dred ged'regularly." 9. °Trap lines and bouys should be" prohibited in recreational management areas (see A14)'and within designated naviga= tiOn channels:' 10. The; poten tial,conflicts between commercial shipping.and ' pleasure.boaters should be'resolved. 11 A personwho is cited ,for..operating a boat in an `unsafe manner should'; at a minimum", b' required to complete a. certified boating-`safety'course. , 12 Management` areas `should` be designated within the; Bay, for . uses, such as.water,skiing, skin diving; hobble cat . launching,an& sailing and swimming. Be Physical:and°Visual Access i rt 1 12 ! f $a } ` � t • 1. Pub'`lic access to Che Bay should be, made more readily available to all segments of Dade's population though° th'tranetworks'such abike coordina.tion'winsportation s 1 trails, bus '.routes', and"park' and: ride" facilities. I ` A" wide range- of, public water.` -oriented opportunities, which would enable large ni6bers of people . to "see ,and. use the Bay `should be `provided at the waters:edge along ' Biscayne Bay and the adjacent.embayments'within Dade.; County. Site selection should"be based upon environ=.."" mental'_�nd social as well a&'economic 'considerations.' 3...Traditional public Bay'uses that provide public access . (e g: stationary~.shorel'ine fishing, wa-ding,viewing,.> boating) should be given high priority: when developmenta41 changes are"r_onsidered for theBay or",shoreline.' 4 Causeways, road rights-of=way and` canal easements at ,'the shoreline<should be used to ;provide, physical and; visual public access to the Bay. 5 The ,6unty.should;coordinate the development of a regional;: marina system ,including adequate, ;facilities" for" :repair i and hauling of boats; wet'and. dry..ber6s' .. and boat ramps 'indl,hoists with attendant parking.., 13 The,mix and..number of,facilities.at individual marinas , including bshouledetermineut .not Limited.: to, access to the ocean.; and the..,Intercoastal Waterway; a and;.nature of the surrounding, region. 7. .Maj:or emphasis should be placed upon providing ramp hoist access"at:convenient.and appropriate locations throughout the County. 8.` In all new. shoreline development or redevelopment set- backs or public easements should .be provided:, Wherever possible`, 'public'.walkways of:shoreline walks should be". included; with n the scope- of the' project. i 9. In presently developed. areas,. public shoreline access, ` should 'be obtained ,through the.extension of;boardwalks,, f docks or piers from the existing .;public right-of-way in i appropriate.,locations.:' 10; Nor=water dependent or incompatible uses of°the shoreline (e.g. garages', trash;pick-up.areas, warehouses; gas stations)� should: be located `as .far- back from, the:water's '3 edge as necessary to minimize their adverse:visual ;. effects and to reduce negative impactson the Ba" natural :resources. 14 15 I r r ions marine oriented organiza- for Biscayne Bay'should be r fety sF along-theJBay shoreline. 6: Berthing.at the Port o4'Mia.m sh RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION DECLARING i THAT DADE,,,CO1UNTY,, ASSUME ALL COASTAL,,, CONSTRUCTION PERMITTING IN BISCAYNE,­.,BAY-ASSUME,� JURISDICTION OVER 131SC AYNE: BAY,FOR - THAT PURPOSE AND ADOPTING X SCHEDULE FOR, IMPLEMENTATION-. BISCAYNE BAY, MANAGEMENT PLAN. d -Biscayne :, ay to be:, an:, tic, park an WHEREAS,. this,Board:has 8eclareB d qua ie - conservation area f or the',use--an benefit of: all -the citizens :oU.Dade county, said Ordinanc h said ordinance empowered the County Manager'to, develop a management,at area; an , plan: for' d WHEREASj', this Board by 0 1 rdinande: No.. 74-1-3 has declared ,that, it 'isin the interest of the public . welfare-16 protect and preserve 'unique, natural, aesthetic uni I i4and ,­I recreational values of Biscayne Bay- and e nty� as,� d 'money t h e process o WHEREAS, th' Coil h appropriate o .:initiate: t f development of -,a "management plan for the. area, County :Manager:. has ,Appointed a BiscayneBay Volic Advi y sory, Committee to oversee te: 'ay.4nning., process- an WHEREAS, this Board support B6 d sthe rn enhanceent,, and judicious management of Biscayne. Bay; and: WHEREAS existing jederal,:state and m unic DaI reviewproce ures of 'projects within: Biscayne' Bay are, not -of'.' the.., appropriate `'scope; and comprehensive" nature to adequatelysaf eg6ard thedelicate� and important values.'o _Biscayne .Bay 'and::..'. fo -eshore i h a, m anher is, consistent with the Biscayne Bay.Mahag'ement Plan,and forthe timetable � WHEREAS, it, is the desire of this Board to establish a firm r,-, Ode. thin my sof and !ntal inty., ution nning; to a vote, the vote was as follows: Barbara M., Carey Clafd.Oeisterle William,G. Oliver Be,%Orly.5:—Ph,fflips, Jdmes:,F Red,ford',' Jr. Haer. ey RuVin. Barry D'. Schreiber R6th 'Shack. Stephen P. Clairk� e.Mayor thereupon declared the res oir ution duly 1ul'' passe d d'6pted, this .— and a., DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA :BY JTSBOARD. OF 'COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, RICHARD: P. BRINKER CLERK Approved by. .CountY'Attorney as , to forh.and legal sufficiency._ idency. Deputy y: Clerk. i amendment proposed. Remaining provisions are now in effect and remain unchanged. 2 iniruslon;;Ior:preserVing Deacnes`.ana snorellnes; for manaRing,coastai. wetlanasresources-, for 3 4 � `^ Triglochin striata 5 � 3uncaeae merlanus Rus ljncUsro e h)' Plumb,a ina eadw 0 9 Ceac:- L ' _ -c r ilnlanum� 6a: Lavender) Lim-oniurn carollniandm var. a o I -(SeaLimonium car6linia-nofn var. angust aturn ea. Lavender) Poacea6. - Grass Family'. Distichils spicata', Seashore saltgrass (Key G rasO al grass Nspaldf-h vacinatum (Salt 3-oin't 5p�rtinaalternlflora.(Smooth Cord (S itftieadow'. Coidgrass),,, Soartina �Patens a 5p6robolus virginicus 6r0pseed) fvl6hle6bergia.caoillarls, (Muhly Gra'ss') Prirhuldceae,­Primrose Family 4, Samolus. ebracieiatus (Water' Pimpernel) 01 Pteriddiceae -Brac en Family Acrostichum au eum''(Coastal Leather: Fern) r, -Acrostic um-danaeaf6li6m (Ledth6rF6rn a' e ang'' Rhizo�ho� ce�e` Red M rove.Tami y Rhino' bhora mangle (FledM40grov" Rub g piaceae- Widgeon Family Ruppla m'aritima (Widgeon Grass) q d Nightshade rnily Wanacea6,_� eTa _7 -ycium.,ca o n anum7(Christmas Berry) Physalis viscosa var.:r'narltima6Ground CherryY. Surianaccae-, Suriana rharitima. (Bay Cedar), (57) . Work shall Mean ahy,'pro*ftacfivity,,or:,any: artificial or man-made alteration of he environment including, but not limited to the construction and/or .1 maln= 1 I clearing i tructionror, tenance of roads;ng of vegeiaiionie filling,' cons plac6mefit' of. �structures, ,:facilities; .dwellings, excavations. 1 (58) "Right -of .way', As a strip of ground dedicated by th6lsubdivider, or;1 d eede'd.by the owner, for:publlcuse. 6 i Sec. 24-4, No Change. 7 or. connedfing, any., Ori 0 .............. .......... ............... (C) c , la I ss, III -permitsare required for workin,:6n;uoomor,.contiguous -,t6non-tidal lakes. other water, areas-awaterfronts der thie", direct :control. of Dade can�!'�;,:iiv6rs,a6d,oth under County, by :virtue of ownership, � dedication'by'piit,.right-,of-wdy.., casement; ,,.reserva- tion, or right-of-way . and access agreement or instrument, including canal 10 right-of-way as herein defined; provided however, that Class III Permits shall not apply to Sections 33-13(e) and 33-16(a) of the Code of Metropolitan Dade County, Florida, nor shall they apply to the construction,. installation, and/or "alteration of ___� I • uYk! T _ 1 a. Construction of dock(s) provided that the proposed dock(s) extends less than 15 feet waterward of the existing seawall or t shoreline, and together with ' associated tie-up facilities does _ not rotrude into the water more than 2596 of 'the' width :of the waterway or 35 feet" whichever extends the least into -the 4 _water, provided no ' dredging and filling is associated .with the 4 'project b.' Re�air: or restoration of; docks, limited to "their original dimen- sions and which do not 'exceed 'the previous 'restrictions in 2a r above. e Installation of mooring piles' and/or buoys, when rt .is' deter- mined that the proposed installation will not= present a hazard Ad navigation. 3. A11 work requiring a Class II permit"; providing however that if the — — water body being .affected by the 'proposed work,is tidally "influenced, an intent to issue or .deny the Class II ermit will be ublished in a newspaper of .general circulation in Dade County.' Should an ' appeal be filed with the Department of Environmental`Reseurces tilanage- ment within ten (10) days of said 'publication, a public hearing `will be held`for the proposed project. �C 4: All work reQuirin� a Class III, Permit: B. ShortForm, A plication Procedure (Class I, Class II and Class III Permi1.ts). �t The a plicarit or his agent .will submit to the Department of Environmental Resources J` Management an application form provided by the Department. 'When applying fora* Permit, such.forms shall be suoplemented.by: } r� c 1. Two.or, more-com lete sets of construction plans andJorcalculations for,,. the ro sed work re aced by an en ineer registered'►n the State of r -Florida; provided, do"wever; " that said plans and .specifications: are subiect to review. and approval by the Department: 12 in - land will >.not 13 a a (1 9 1; () 14 12 15 16 + [�, C. I- - ! - I 17 19 agency whether this work 'is performed :bv employees of 'said agency -or by a private :firm or corporation under contract with the agencv. However, such Federal, State or'. local governmental agency or private :f irm or' corporation under contract therewith'' shall not e relieved of .the responsibility of obtaining a permit for work covered under the provisions of this Section. The Director of said Department also may waive all requirements'.concerning posting of a,` performance bond by. any Qovernmental agency whenever the work is to be performed by employees of said agency, ` provided that in. lieu of . he posting of 'a performance bond said agency sliall furnish sal& Departmentsatisfactory written assurances that the Work performed by_ its employees will comply fully with'all requirements' of,`the permit; and provided further that'the Director of said Department may, waive the posting of a performance bond by any private firm or corporation. -under ' contract witanygovern- mental agencv when said firm or- corporation '-shall have posted a,satisfactory and acceptable bond with Ithe said governmental agency,. proof of such. bond having been Ifurnished by said agency to -:the Department of Environmental Resources tilanaQement. Sec. 24-53.9 Time of completion of .work: new permits. . The tirime.-allotted to:comolete the work for afiich a permit -was. issued under';.this Section, shall be limited to :the period stipulated on the permit- unless the person', firm or .corporation to whom the petrnit ;was issued requests an extension 'of tirne from 'the: Department, and provided the request is received prior to the time of ;expiration. If a time extension is needed but not :recruested until' after the expiration: of the -time originally allotted, anew permit, will be required for -the uncompleted.work. The fee amount for .the new permit shall be based upon the uncompleted -work. Sec. 24-53:10 . �&1 intenance Any privately owned work' or structure. authorized by 'a , permit' issued pursuant to .the 20 21 5 22 23 L . ___ ._ ___�1i__.. _ _ _.-.__ . 25 80-250