HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-80-0247CC: BIi�ED MONITOPfNG FOPI AT FOR SOCIAL SEIVITCE PP.OGR',.'•:S -2- 1 -3- -4- -5- . 0 1) Failure`'to stabilize businesses in Culmer, 2) Failure to attract new 'businesses into`Culmer EXHIBITS IINDEX Exhibit page Description L 1 New Washington Heights Chronology 2 4 , Memo from Ms. Dena Spillman to file, concerning meeting with Ms: Jackie Bell 3 5 Work Program for N.W.H.C.D.C.'' 4 13 Certificate of Amendment; of Certificate"of, Incorporationo f Washington Heights`L"ocal Develop- ment Corporation 5 20 N.W.H:C.D.C. Board Meeting, October 12,<1979 6 23 Letter from Ms. Jackie Bell to ,MrThomas Post (soliciting members) 7 24 Letter. from:Ms.:Jackie Berl. MsD to : ena:Spillman concerning deadline extensions 8 25 N:W' H.C.D:C. Client Interview, Summary (Jan., 1980) 9 26 N.W.H.C.D.C. Client Interview Summary '(.Nov.,.1979) 10 29 Evaluat,iorr of`N:W.H.C:D.C. 'conducted by; the; Ci y in November,,1979 11 64 N:W.H:C.D:C. Board;Meeting,' January 16 ', 1980 12 76 " Guidelines for Direct Services 13 77 Letter from Rolle Industries t' N:W.H.C.D.C: concern- ing,appl.ication for a commercial rehabilitation loan 14 78 Memo .from Mr.' Kenneth Foster to.Ms., Jackie Bel concerning professional services for,_Rolle Industries 15 79 Letter of Agreement concerning professional ':services between-Rolle.Properties and; James 'A. Taylor, Designer, k.E.F. and Associates 16 81 Letter f rom %.' Dena Spi 11 man .to Ms . Jackie 'Bel l approving professional services ': 17 82 CETA P00 articipant (Iuestionnaire;.Ms Rosie;Green 18 ' 84— ..:CETX Participant Questionnaire, Mr.Lorenzo`Pla 19 86 ` Culmer Advisory Board Meeting, August,l4,.;1979 • Exhibit Page Description 20 93 Culmer Advisory Board Meeting, Sept. 10, 1979 21 loo Culmer Advisory Board .Meeting -):October 9, 1979 22 06 � y -Meeting�, October'23'1979 Culmdr Advisor Board Culmer* AdvisoryBoard,��Meeting, Oc tober 25 1979 24 1''1 Culmer Advisory I'Boa'rId.Meeting.,, November,19 1979 25 27; -Overtown Advisory ,Board ,.�Meeting; November -159 1979 26 1, 3 V,� oar, Meeting, ecem er_ 11 1979 Overtown,�, Advisory Board D 2 , 7 3'T Fi r'st. Sped alJoint Meetingbetween C.D. Advisory Board andN� W. H. C b..C. '28 1,41 C D Advisory Second' Special Joint :.Meeting between d .Board n N W H C: D'. C �-,Boiar B rd 61 d d 29, 1-44: Third Joint 4Meeting between. C.D. Advisory Board and N W.H..C.D.C,.`.,-oard:. 30 1 A 9 : To I urth -SpeciaT JPJnt;-,Veeti g between C.D. Advisory visory::, Boardand 61N,.W.,H., D.,,.C'."B'olair 31 T57 ,11 Letter MsDenaSpillman o'Msac'kie Bell . lJ!- 11 concerni nga hrfreeze atN.WH-CDC 32 158, S -Letter: from Mr. Moses Fl orence toMs,'.,: Dena,,, piIlman -�bf ,�,- .:,concerningt..emporary appointment Dr'Remi B'r; to,�A "ista ti Dire t 0 e eda ss n c o .p si- 1-on 311- 1: 5 9: from .Ms.,, Dena Spillman 11' t Mr,.:,, Le'tterf o man o-Moses-Florence-, e Ir: i, in,gfree, conce'rnin,g. zrT '341 :60, Lette :from'-Mr.;Moses-Flo.6hc6 - top: :Ms. b,e.'n,'a:Spillman ,, concerning the -appoihtlent6f-Mr.Ralph'Johnson as Assisfantbirecor onanjfiterim. as'is 35� :11 16 L6tter,-.iromJ s.. Dena-Spi, man to." Mr Mosles florence be that�. C D f f� be -approved for �a vi funds would,not; anyon e,ire r anuary h- d aftb J -14 08a 36 16 1: N 4H 1pnthly Act1vitYReport," Ju.ly,*, 1979 -.37 179 N --W.M.0 Monthly Report, 'August, t, 1979 38 83',1 NA.H.C.D.C. Monthly v ty,�. Report's September, 1979 kti i ` 39: 88 ,H.C.D.C.:Mont y.. Activity.Report, 1970 40 192 N.W.H:.C2D.' prt,'Abvembers 1979 C ont hly Ad ti vity Re -10- �' '^z�,`.?$�.1.1�;.L'H.�'iii$�R`s"�,�.5►tr'tk �ex2Y:nnY.m55tlY�Y9t'- -11- `` 80-247 1 EXHIBIT I - 1 - PERSONNEL DISMISSALS June 7 Executive Director terminates employee. June8 - Employee requests meeting with New Washington; Heights oard of directors`. June 13 ` Employee and attorney attended NWH board meeting but they were'notheard because they were not part of the agenda: June -IV- Employee and attorney attend MqH board meeting but personnel hearing was postponed. July' 10 Employee and attorney, attend NIJfi board meeting. Personnel' matter postponed ti11 next hearing: July 12 Personnel committee; meeting. July 16 Letter to CD from employee requesting city. 'to assist him in getting a fair hearing by 'rn f:board. July; 18 - Letter from CD to NWH expressing concern' regarding the handling of, and future resolution of this personnel; matter:' July 19 'Letter from NIJH to CD documenting their process Aug.'" 8 - NWH:board meeting. Personnel committee.made report and recommendation that the actions taken by the executive director be concurred with .by the board. This`inotion'was made and passed. /cr, 11/26/79 - 3 - {w a i:w9 u.SJ i'KiR.'.Sv�1{f:TwdlSw,w,WNeI�Y4aS EXHIBIT II CITY OF MIAM1, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM sburse i She .we le he hat d: 10 so' -4- �Un1`,1IIP)11 (1 A`!(11.11II!;1011 111'.i Il.'(�!lllilllll ,Illlil�� �&IL` gO1'.1es ul' niemllersllihj 4. Develop a, financial. ,plan; to, mee to 'establish a Local. Dev'elopmen I I . 'IMPLEMENT ONE :Mjm DEVEi OP 1. select project the area oon :a'nays-i the altcrimti:vl LlIcement r. A page, 2 of 4 Receive .'communi.ty ,input £. Determ"in�atio`i1 ".of £i"nal project "by Local. :eveYopment Corporation in conjunction with City r. 2. 0btain'runding Commitment a:: � Develop proli`osall (s ) for funding' wi th City present_ ;tox Tunding sources ' Negotiate .best t6rnis at the; best rates Finalize appl cations or "contracts 3. :Imp'lement Project a: Develop project "wgrl.-probram and ,prop`o'sed� sc}ledule h: Ic}ettify-techilica]. assis�tance,,and' its-ava.ilaility c. Desgnate"responsi.bility for�;proj;ect, tasks' d. Develop monitoring mecllanlsm" e. 01,)'t n approvals' needed from regulatory liodiesand Comill1. s sl ons STABTLI2li EXISTING NEIG11130111-100D" BUSINESSES: 1. Establish outreach to exist-ing businesses- a. Inventory = :business "name, .type, `'location; etc. 1), ,Analy-ie`,infornlatlon-from` invcritory .. • c. btaintain coinmuncati�on with lusinesses�° 2. Develop strategies a. Idcilti.fy,"techn.i:cal and f1nancl.;1l assistan"ce needs' Of, hilsi;nesses =1). IevelOp a"SCTViCe pl:all O`r a5Si5L'anCe `COOrailldt-lOn'! 3. Im1I nit stratcl;ies Initial! sc,rceni n.l;" and coilns��l i.n ' of husi)i`cs. clients b". ('1'e.p.U'e,,llldlUl'dlL'll t' tC11I71C.11 .1SSl' 1Stane }l ail for .311sLJ1esS cl'lent ' c. Providecoordinated `and direct management` services, technical assis,talice Management Services and Technical Assistance will include: -7- �'� „ i . �� z � .. z;, � � t ✓a. Report .- hotiv many,, types, minor t}•, etc: F.eport - how many, ,, list" of clients ll'ei�elop guidelines° for use :-of direct 'service assistance _' Detielop and approve, suU-contracLs with .Service • '/ provided . Select clients to receive direct.services: a continual process �f. Monthly time and activity reporting fora. - 10 - 4'. Seminars ✓a. Copy of ad'for seminars, agenda, flyers, list of participants; to be sent to City Communi y Developme,nt to invitation ,car .prior 5. 'Follow -Up u. Submit, follotiv-up client dat"a -sheet Develop a client survey to determine client satisfaction with dew" Nashington Heights, ,�`. • .'� ,...` . c Perform business survey inventory at end'of contract year IV. ATTRACT NEIV BUSINESSES A\D INVESIMIENTS TO THE COMMUNITY 1,,,;1 By Decer'bcr 1, 1979 submit a list. of light industries the agency, feels to be suitable for`loca�ion in Cul;ner ehe Tasn le of ach'.ncludi b. Develop marketing profile �Octot�er 1,.1979 - Outline of marketing pr.otile _ December 15, 1979 - End of ii�iormation ga'tiering for proz:_c February 1, 1979 - Draft Profile and stragety- March 1, 1979`- Final marketing.Protile,'dnd strategy March, 15,' 1979 - Devcl;'op moliiLox ing method for i�nplementati: of strategy . c., Monthly reports of meetings at`ended l`;: Attendance at Office of Trade and,.Co„amerce: grant meet;: St-, those grants suitable_ for: \iYH and clients Report oil training sessions, semiitais, ;confeicnces _attended ,by staff, 'include' who:went acid' tiv,}sere " - 12 - EXHIBIT IV 4. o iiER: JP/br FLORIDA — STATE OF THE ARTS •nut. URI PI rVfrN% — cT A Te- n� T)4F ARTS �V♦e'o o-rVa•i 'YV aNVV�b 0r W,....i.�G1G� +tv..:J uvv../. ✓.r�i ..v:...::�. i✓:�.��� - 4 cvS.:Ivi+ L••GY 0 -ee rL i0 Gr L••C :JV Ja�V'b rV. Wa Ne � hall Gil t.:.2 �C:.�7 01 L�:.��•ru� I�%., :a t 01. aced O� CJiJorat-O., at 223' N A. A OJi. c..:•CHLm..••rJ YV �.•.. �+.:� r �C:.za O'er �JV�6YlG•i Va Y.•C•.L•O�jIG a.. L1V� sac_y - 15 - J - 16 - - 17 2 f� iF i` ol ►... LI.e CVZ.IL Gr l.rN4V.LLYa Va.� Vr Y.•U ♦1:1.•.r aa. rlaJ rJJL YV of IL e .. Co., G►.aYry _ � JIaY.►' o► Li1 a �. V.Ie Co►7 GlY L 10r4 'Q iJ;A 1Ck ✓V►V Yia✓u YliLL ro. Vi.l: •Ur a1.V�V G Vuilrua 61 GZ.S 1. 1.J 1. Oi Cam. o�dGi.r�l,:V L.�,r uJ rVbrf. .Vr N�.b l!L .. ' J'11:?Oies: OS 'Spec Led iii i/E'l.b�Vi1 ./\i 1. .I Vv b.: • •- .� ve:a;:e Coca o :954. S".. ht111CLZ .:r�r oa.c... Je LLui.CG : u il. v2..aaaC.:Le G_ • a..CO!:pora Llo.. a .G 6"-,a re LL'. of rUaV�'I✓ i.: 1 r^ --- SV�a..J aJ . r3%* aJ. O_.J, 'G 7 .e11 Su✓a.G u:- VV.7V ay. ✓r N a w i'Il:...1_..J_✓.. V✓1• Yf De Ve L VU rl�r ll •1.�, 1.. 1.. ,.�:y 1•V.•J Vr_ �V� JV -✓.., b:LL t:.e uu jO: atf G� po S'i rv: v a :IJ:.: C. O� LLa:�:C..v� v� T'i:1J '.VaV.\ .J ..Vl.: ./..V:...J: �. UJA u, :a 'board of director:5 .o:: rVG ,;:aZe:.Ce - $ati d u: G 486C:L C C. i97��. 1 - 18 - - 19 - -24'7 e)n — � ' Jy' ,r; - 22 - - 23 -. - ./1111111 I�1( III IIDIPI11,: 1)1' ::I:1"JII'I::: 11LIGHTS COMMUNITY ITY DI"VL••1.Ui'I•I1-1-NT COIJI'I:.IZI::IJCE F- ther, 1)ether or trot [?n ;i Hess or or tht Sevice Whe "m ;Name of. ;?usi.ire:=s Service or. Point of.,Tnfoi7nation = L7hcthcr r x Or Property Owner . .:Requested of N.-MiiI.C.D.C.. Info m anon Was Given Property 0::ner tJi ; ratisf: u� tlith Service, If Not, Why -Requesting .Service.;�.. Charles Cash P1r. Cash stated that' fAr. I'elton Smith, f•Ir. Cash and: 11 -14 Smith did' Mr. Cash expre sscd di s= ti 20G0 N.i7. '2nd-,Ave. of t7.LJ,tI:C.D.C: staff initially. all of the ::ork ,involved faction, with tJ.WJI.C.D, Miami, Fla. contacted him and presented the idea in, preparing his loan he was not pleased wit} 573-9781 of Mr. Cash trying to secure a package i•;hich caas mostly'; the,promises of'assistar rehabilitation loan for his,, business. done'.on their own time. Wade by 11.W.f1.0 b.C. tir: Cash did receive ME -loan. William Draper. 11r. Draper requested information, Although Id.4J.lI.C.D,C, rir. Draper "r:as very )ce Energy forces, "Inc, funding and f_undi.ng oorces for iris could not be of much help satisfied with the assis- type of business, Solar Energy, i.n finding other funding, tance;provided him by Harnessing. Devises. they; did provide alter- tl.t7.}fC.D.C.- fie has since native sites to house the become a member:of the tt business: r.;Draper. has organization. also r }aeen, provided other pertinent information. Jack°Lindsey Mr. Lindsey contacted N.t7 JI.C.DX. I•Ir. Lindsey stated that iir. Lindsey was atisfic 224 v.11. 21st St. to find out-: ITo:v will the ne�•i'_.Culiner N.t7.11 C.D.C, had pre= .,With, t}ie service; provide (Property Owner) Redevelopment PJ.an affect or change 'sented m the inforation to ., by ti.W.H.C.D.C. -fie said Pliami, fla-. the present zoning regulations for him. all his questions hail bcc n 576-5970 his property and` the 'i.nmledi.ate'area?' answered: What 'does ;it mean if, the area is } zoned for-C-4? 'Earl Stone., Mr. Stone �:as interested in obtaining The agency was not of much Mr. Stone feels that if Stone Rexall Drugs a IIUID rehabilitation loan,: for }property assistance to ttr. stone the agency ::oulci, apply 900 N.W. 2nd Ave. he owns on t7.[•J:i 2nd. Avenue. lie was ' in the prgcessinq of. his itself to the irnmec}iate told by N.W.11iC.D.C. that they would loan' application. needs of the community, assist him in applying for the loan, i.e., having street signs replaced, dilapidated buildings torn down, improved public housing, e they could he of much mor service to area residents Prdrirlenl: J7wi r Ylorence 7/ii•r.., 9rnuer 0al/vr OCT Zi �l 73 S 71-earurer: G'.+up/ru.r (%tlky 6vcwelury : 7,414, Co61! Q�.+Oi �i� �lij• UTY October 10, • 1979 ,� «�.A BE14EL Mrs. Dena Spillman; Director Citi"zen"Services" City of Miami" 11,45 : Northwest' llth Street . Cu/mar Jur Miami,- "Florida. 33136 "Ouerloevn " Dear Nlrs". ;Spillman`:. "The:Advertisi'ng Strategy which was due on October'l1 1979"'arid the,monitoririg method which is due on October 15', 1979 should not be prepared until the draft profile and strategy.:is complete, this should, Jac;i/oi'r.9 "come "prior to -these developments. I,-,amsuggesting the following: that on March 1,"1980, we submit;, advertising strategy plan and. on "Marcfi "T5, J�c�ller, , I980,_submit monitoring.method- `for advertising strategy. Community Draft for; Marketing Profile submitted o"n "February 1, " 19 80 ;: final Marketing Prof le " and S' rategy on . March 1, 1980 and development of monitoring. for. implemen- tation on March 15, 1980. - 2 S" - 22J N' r - � ' • _fl7riaini, 7kriVa _33136 • (305) 771-3323 hdf"01m MONITORING OF SERVICES' PROVIDED BY NEW WASHINGTON HEIGHTS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CO17FERETICE ' CO x• Name: of Business Service' or Point of"Information . " ' . 1•lhether or' tiot Service or ?7hether or Not Businessor Or Property. Owner- Requested of N.I7.H.C.D.C.:" Information ?7as Given � Property `Owner t9as Satisfied Requesting Service l•Iitn' Service., If Clot, 'why Charles Cash Spoke t ith Ilr. Cash`, by telephone - tar. Cash stated `tI t. he "and Mr. "Cash expressed a great ocz 20, 0 N.w. `2nd .Ave. ]dr. Cash stated that Mr. ;Felton Smith Alr. Smith" did all of 'the "c ork -, "of dissatisfaction with II.?7.II. Miami,- Fla. of N_t7.H.. staff initially contacted . involve( ,, preparing his a* 3 fie was, not pleased with tl 573-9781" him and presented the idea of •lr: Cash, loan pacl:agc irh ch �:as mostly Premises of: assistance mace bl trying to Lsecure a" rehabilitation .loan done "on their own time, iie II.,].Ii. ''.hick .•.ere In lived un for his business. stated that he did not get'any to andhonored•'" t,rpe? of assistance .from N.W IT.:, as, he ras initially promised.. Dana Chapman S-Po}e With ils. Chapman by, telephone - Ids. C}iapman" stated ,that .il.?7.H. The results of the study have 1790 N.17." 59 St. ISs_ Chapman stated that she w6nt to did ii fact put her in "touch not $con ccnpleted and no fi DOR-CiiA _ y N.?7.N. as'a representative of 'an " -. :pith an engneer's5ho could . determination has been mac?e. ' 1000 N:Z9. 2 "Ave: agency, to ask ;for P]t7.Ii. assistance': perform the study. Therefore,"'I•]s. Chapman was i,iami, Fla. in finding aL qualified engineer, toL unable to anscer this question. 693-9179 do a`survey and study of, some prop-< erty Llocated in the Culmer, area. Earnest Radio Spo}:e with Earnest, the oumcr, "' by & I T.V. telephone and he denied having 1219 N.V. =3 Ave. any,type of contact with 27.W Lli'. Miami, Fla. lie said that he did not go to 371-7368 II_W.Ii_ for any kind of• service' or'point of information. :7illiam Hutchinson Was unable to contact him.- 8001 N_117. ' 22 Ave. Spoke with bar. - Ilutchinson's 225 2L.I7_ 9'St._ secretary by telephone sev- 836-4700 oral times but Mr. -Hutchinson teas ;always unavailable. ?ack Lindsey — 224 t].47. 21' St. Spoke with Mr. Lindsey by telephone. Mr. Lindsey stated that I3.W.II. i•;r. Lindsey was not able to (Prp_ o a rty Owner) He contacted N.I7.1I, to fine) out: is presently gathering this answer this, in that he has Fla: flow will the new Culmer Redevelopment information and lie expects to not got the information from _5970 Plan affect or change the pre sent have it by Friday, 11/9/79. New Ilashington Heights. zoning regulations -for his property and • the immediate area? What does it mean.if the area is zoned for C. 4? OV 1)7 III1-IGIITS C01-111UN.LTY I)l,V1-,L01)M1`IJT C0IJL'*1`I)1"1_1C1` Point 'of I nform-10.on� 1 Service orr0[ .7he t icr - or I -lot Service Whether.�Or1lot:­Buslness or P )er y_ Owner s Satisfied Name, of j3usihess; , requested of N. 1-7. K. C. D. C Re -mation. Was -,Given', Information AIO Why. th S6 rvice:.. t "Property 0,xner or �Pr Pequestlng Service telephone - by tel the 'proDer.':fOrmS-,._ Njjjj.�'got: tl Since tbq:flna 1 dncision has Mayer Vatban MjaYers Spoke with Mr _1 -layers that had ex- and. papers but b6� hat., gotten..' nt-ir. -ito'answer this M&N Supermarket Mr. mayers stated interest 'in acquiring 6 e mall response Iron .-S no, res, able azis not le 645 "N. W. �5, Ave. pressed an business loan to,expan d and. n �as Business Adminis.tral io to ques-tion. small upgra de his supermarket. jether or not, he i, is,: eligible 379-7.37 gave him the proper formsandin- for the loan. turn be filled them Out Spohe with mr. Ranjattan. 1 Mr. Rzinjattan stated that he by Ranjattan has receive( no -6 to a decision on his as P tan tan Lionel aii 3 at Was inter- was brought some papers a -rd.. Lionel _I 'Auto Repair phone ''staff member and he in request. 2032 14. 2 jive- ested in finding out how to go: about turn filled them out and sent Miami, Fla proper papers t o�recei ve filing the prol in:-:-upgra -upgrading.. them back in. 576-5884 financial assistance: and possibly expanding.: As auto repair business. Jackson doesn't know :rho ks p lea ed that 'Jackson S. Ricliar0s---:�n Spoke -with Mr. Demas:z,ack.son,, who is. 1 -d him of these -p ros-, infoa.mc he.:.,as in orme 0. because he 1101.1 S CAFE the father of S. rdchardson.., t lie, : plans.�but. believes 'Was not a,..,are of: the pro jo,38 2 Ave rredevelopment' -1r. Jackson is also the 6-mcr-of the pective, tic person was from -pose d plans No Phone W. 11. business. He didn't go to N I % I I I I 11 ClD.C� -before that time. any type of service. t�.tJ.Ii. contacted him .:and nformeci nitially con him: of the culmer Redevelopm-ell,t:Plan and lie- possibility of him having. t -to relocate his business.: -ith was.unable to contact.11 m. Tried numerous times to talk -.,i th Mr. Smith by telephone but liewas never in. \iGirl m III 11OI11.'IY01(IIIC7 OF 1;1tVi�'l':: I'i'fi1.'1I K11 1:'; I1!:': :9;•:;ili;?C:'IC:II ,••� HEIGHTS CO1d1•ILUJITY DEVI L0I'IdL.1JT COIIPEHEiJCE 'Ilame Business Service or Point of Information [•Ihethcr or. clot Service or Or - whether :or Not F3usiness or of O.'ner Requested of N.U.11,C.'D,C,, nf.ormation Was Given" Property .O:?ner Was S��tisficd Or. Proper.t [Jith,Service�. If: t'0t f Why Requesting Service Leon Z�nlc7en Was unable to contact him. [.ent to place ofbusiness but aS[911I�,I'-I^1;a 703 14 W. S Ave. Mr. Walden was not there: Miami, Pla. NO Phone 1 Isaac t:Illls Spoke with 11-Ir, Wells by telephone - iiew'[•Jashington heights, indi- ' �LL'.S riEX CLE11JItJG WE Mr. [•Jells stated that he did: note. rectlS•, provided Mr. [•:ells 1 . &':LT►i,:JljRj contact rJ.Tr7.11. but e:;pressed an �:*ith the. proper loan forms 490 pJ.tiJ.; 8th St. interest in securing a small busi- , for'him to .look over but he-,: 374-88�G ness loan to'a neighbor Who 1s also chose not to apply for a.loan _ a N_t4.11. staff member. This employeelland neighbor later,. brought back some papers `and°,forms. for Mr.` .Wells to see. Lucille Willy Was unable.to contact. WILLI S GROCERY Went to place of business and 467 2Li7. 8 St. I;s. Willy :•gas not there. No Phone I 'spoke` with: an employee. •<� 1 1177 . ?s - 3 - '., EXHIBIT X Evaluation of New Washington Heights Activities I T•'ormation of Local Development Corporation:, New' Washington Heights has yet to` submit to .the, city the revised by-laws, which include a plan for the expansion of the board.` This,shouldhave been submitted to the city by October ls't. it Implemen11 t one Major Development'Project: The plans for this activity are on schedule. A business survey analysis has been completed with the cooperation of the Planning Department providing computer assistance, and with technical;as4sistance provided by both the Department of, Trade & Commerce , and Citizen 5e'rvices . III Stabilize:'E..isting>'Neighborhood ;Businesses. Client businesses :•sere interviewed by Citizen` Services. (Report- attached) . ? Most businesses that;could,be' cont acted , were ambivalent or negative toward New,Washin�ton Heights. IV Attrae L �a�=a Businesses I:iveSMents r_o the `Cpt�munity: .New`Washington Heights was. to Piave complete ,anoutline fo'r a marketing, pl.rofile by :0ctober 1, 1979 . This has `not been accomplished y.et. Nse�a;Waslzington Heights has. requested an extension. /cr Attachments 11/21/79, . - 29 - al eev Was1lnylon ,7,(ei �i1s Qommunllr &?Velo' meal Con erence :• 9 .� !'; ��f ce of (ic-Dronli`c 17c�ucj�opMel =O�IIAIIIIOAIIMI- 221 I • AA31✓ yden Leon h'a Renovation of bui10.ing, & small 703.N14 5 Avenue business loan Swamp. Inn t- Luci1-le`tva ey Smallbusiness loan - `up, right: 14iLey Grocery � ref rigerator - seCU'rity bars & _ `0 4G7-Ntd 8 St. � !`�'-`���}�� burlger alarm Isaac' Wells Small business loan - 'maki`ng ' Wei 1's Dry Clening plans for conversion of cleaners �.& Laundrv. into a small "disco" 490 NW 8' Street ChazTes C-a'sh Business expansion loan 20'60 'NM 2: :avenue have applied at Capitol Bank, Sun Ban' Dan Chapman Engineering report �790 NW 59 St6 Dor-Cha 1000' NIN 2 ?venue tIilliam 'Hutchinson, App11 ing for, commerciam rehab 'loan 8o01.NW 22;'Avenue requested .pbraisal of property - 225 Nt1 9 S`treet opinion of Title - structural;encineer- _ _ r, ing report - architectural renc?ering - S. Smithrc?itectural rendering In procress of se'curirsg'. IV. ATTF,2%CZ IEl, l BUSINESSES AND INVEST..E,N;TS TO THE C0:IMIUNITY Laundry -mat, 2060 M4 2 .Avenue, owner -Charles Cash negotiating :,iith Speed i,Queen Mashing Machine Co'. for .; laundry mat supplies/machines 14th Street Bar, 156 NW14 Street, o�arier-S�,�vester .Smith remodeli'n ex.is _ g structure -' negotiating:''w.it,; Of Par}:in' Authority and Dept. of -Public t•lorks for use of area under expresst• ay to be used or par}:inc3 - .ohan to a�nly for" . HUD commercial'> rehab loan - Charles Cash has leased part of his building for, a restaurant MiSCELLANIEOUS Meetings Met with Mr. Fair, Urban League` .- Sept. ,' 4 . Culmer Ad Hoc Committee - Sept.' 12. & _l9! Technical Review Co.=jittee - Sept. 10 J.R. Cleaners Shipyard Brothers: 1024 NW 2 Avenue NW 2 'Avenue Atlanta Barbershop Artistic Barbershop 103`0. N!V 2 Avenue 910 1,1W 2 ;Avenue C S �t Restaurant Charlie Seymour 812' NW `Z Avenue 732 Ni4 2 Avenue . Merlin Package Store" & Lounge 742 NW 5 Avenue (has Sold; business) William Draper Wey.Chin' Energy Forces" Joe 8th Street'Market 711 Ml' .6 Avenue 513 NW 8 th S t . Tyne's Grocery Franks ,Grocery, 700 NW 4th avenue 561Il�7 7th S't. Ray..Gaddist? Roy ' s Market 431 NP7 '8th 'St. .' (going out 'of business) The fol-o=::i.ng businesses requested see vice`s, or gave point of,-. info. • S Richardson ,. E: is ling business want to relocate 1.: _• �J Q33 �7!•7 2 Avenue :iomn's Cafe Will: relocate `in when the Dor-Cha ' " _ build ng (.1000 .NW 2 Ave.) 1s renz0 • ___• Ernest Radio & TV Client twants to move out of Overtown. ✓1219 :14W 3 :venue Client informed of the redeLelooment a i i r plan ✓Jack Lindsey Very `interested in redevelopment, would N!d 21 St,, like ,to remoc?e existing building or ' (property odder) }wild office on property.:;: Requested ,, information ,on coning.'of his ",orooer,ty. cv" Property owner gi en copy or',zoning report from the City. I.Ionel ':Ranjattan This property is adjoining the: C!larles` 2032 N!l 2.Avenue ;Cash property. ". Fnal,:architectual, rend - Auto Repair, er.ing; from 1?UD should Jbe "readly'by October 12, 1979 !.a'�han Mayers I & N Small business loan..- !ncw building V/ Superman:et 645 equipment; .= parking lot, "small:. shopping N!4 5 .venue center - would like to .purchase. the .,,, -raj - r.� , , -•, rest of the bloc_l� ,.1O::ITORII:G OF SERVICPS PROVIDED BY 2IEW WASIIINGTOid IIEIGIITS CO:•i:itsiiITF CO1IFERI•E110E: ' Name Business Service or Point of Information ?•Jhether.or Not Service or Whether or Not Business or Satisfied of R� of 21. (; • H. C. D. C. Information was Given Property Owner Was Or Property Omer quested with Service.. If Not, Why. Requesting Service tfr. Cash expressed a great deal Charles Cash Spoke with Mr. Cash by telephone -` mr. Cash stated that"""he and of dissatisfaction with N.W.H. 2060 i1.(J.' 2nd Ave. i r. Cash stated that I•Ir. Felton Smith Mr. Smith did all,of the work ; and he was not ,pleased with the Miami, Fla. of°id.('.11. staff initially contacted" involved in preparing.,his promises of assistance made by 573-9781.' him and presented the idea of`.I-Ir. Cash loan package which wasmostly N.W.H..which were not lived up trying to secure a`rehabilitation loan done on their own time." He,:to and honored - for his business. stated that he did not get any, type .of assistance from N.W.H. as he was initially promised. Dana Chap�an Spoke with Ms. Chapman by telephone - Its. Chapman stated that N.W.H-' The results of the study have 1730 I:.?J. ' 59 St. Js. Chapman- stated that she vent to, did. in fact 'put her in touch not been' completed' and no final D7 -CJi1 J. J'.Fi. as a, representative of an with an engineer wlio''could determination has been made. 1000 .:.::. ;2 Ave: ar,��nci to ask for 'i:.?3.H. assistance perform "the study. Therefore, tls. Chapman was to this 1"a. a engineer to qualified in firdin en g q g unable answer question. 693-9179 do a survey and study of some,prop-. ert•.rlocated intheCulmer area. Earnest Radio Spoke with Earnest, the owner, by E T.V.telephone and he denied having 1.219 Ave. an%r type of contact with II `W' H: , P1ia u, Fla: Ile 'said 'that he did not"..go to' - 371-73G8 iJ.( .H.' for any kind of, service or point'of infonaation. :•:illiam Hutchinson Was' unable to, contact him. -" 3001 21.1w:"_ 22 Ave. Spoke with Mr'. Itutchinson's ?25 2J.(J.."9 St. ' secretary by telephone sex- 336-4700 oral. times ,but I-Ir. 'Hutchinson 'e:as always unavailable. Spof.e "with"t1r: Lindsey: by telephone. Mr. Lindsey stated that PJ.47.FI. I`ir." Lindsey was notable to in that he has '.lcl: Lindsey 12;,;;. 21 .St. die contacted :PI.?J.tt". to 'find:out: is presently gatherin�i this answer this, the information from 1rohertyiii Owner) Host will the near Culmer Redevelopment information and lie expects to not got New Washington Heights. . i•,iami, Fla. Plan affect or change the present have it by Friday, 11/9/79. , 576-5970 zoning regulations for his property and t112 lmm-di ate area'? r'.nr•t; In.'u, if the arLa i:, zr,nr1 MONITORING OF SERVICES PROVIDED BY NEW WASHINGTON ,:FTC,IITS COL1,11RITTTY DliNIE1,01-14,1711T C0ILIFEPXNCC tame on whether or, Not, Service,,or Whether,'or Not Business or of.Business Scrvice,or Point of,:Informati Property Owner Was Satisfied -jas Given or Propert., 0*..:ner Fcque sted of ',,Information -Ihy. :if t4ot, with..Service. t Requesting Service, S-c-1,-a with Mr. Mayers y -telephone,'.- N.1-7.11. got the proper forms 9 since the final decision has Nathan Mayers I Nx. I.'a-,ers. stated tiiat:he� had ex-_ I Aids gotten. and papers. but ie not yet been made, Mr. Mayers, Supermarket I from the. Small wasnot able to answer this , 645 5 Ave pressed an interest -acquiring a no response �� to t, on.. i *-;Iiami, Fla. smail business loan to e�.pan d�and: Business Ad. ministration as , ques 379-0237 upgrade his supermarIket. Whether or not he is :eligible ga%7e him the nroper forms and ',in. for the loan. turn lie 'filled the:, out. Mr statedithat he� 'Ranjattan . . . Mr. Ranjattan has received no decision on his Lionel I�Zln3ai- -m �Spbke with,Mr. Ranjattan by. tele-.1'. Lionell.,:. ruto, Rii:-,air ;711ane� lie was inter- w,a s brought:some papers�by�a.� word as to a wor 2032 zz:.I.j. 1 2__`vv• AI ested in finding, out'how to ,go al)ouE:. N. W. R.. s tdf f m0mber.and he ,in request. ,, 1.*,iami, Fla filing the, proper � papers to receive,., :,,,turn .�, filledthem out. andsent, :: 576-5684 -financial assistance. upgradingin. them back in. and -boss ibl—e-oandinq his, auto repair. busines s r.-'Jackson:doesn It:know who -------------- Jackson is pleased that S. Richarenl n sno'ke with Mr. Demas.jacksoz is I I I'll . Jackson, -1 1 1 . . -:these pros�_, him of informed, I" use he he�was-informed because ,1.*,0,,.',' S C.AF the father o f s. kichard'son.. 1, : '': , 1, ',the 1 1 . 11 e plans biit lie., b'lieves p -a of the pro- w s, not aware. 1.033 2; r. Jackson is also.the er. of "I 1_1 - I pective� I _. I from posed., redevelopment plans No I'll He go 'to business: I , tile, person -was - before that time. seeking `any type of service. FIJI. I.,,C D C initially contacted him:,and-'inform6d,: him of the Culmer Redevelopment Plan,� �,. and the possibi lity, of him .iav ing,: to elocate his,business.P. r S., tr- r crlii th : contact Wasunable to : con him. i,Triecf numerous.. times.totalk Frith, 1. 1-10*,1IT0RING OF S-PVICFS PRO%I!E)r-.D B'i Nrll WAS11INGTON )PilENT C01:FERE,-ICE Point of infol-mation Service. or P0 .-hether or not Service or I -7hether or Not:�Business or Satisfied Name of Business N. C. D, C In forina'CiOn Was, Given Property,Owner.Was Or Property Owner With Servic If Not Why Reque.sting Service L-con wlalrlen contact him Was unable to c S,' 1-7ent to place,'Off.business but, 703 ,!.W5 -Ave. . %,. .� jr. I.-lalden wasnotthere , miami, Pla.. No Phone o.-le with'nr4: Wells: by telephone - a �New w'shin9 tori:,-Heights.• indi— 1saac S nR y . 1.1r.-T.1ells stated�that he did not re C tly, provided Mr.": Wells LA U contact, but e--aressed am with the proper loanforms : 490 6t- h, S t interest in -securing a small, bu§i-- �,f6r, to lookover er but he,. 374-88-36 �nciss �loanto a,neighbor .who is also : -chose not � to i apply.for aloan. a] N.W.H. staff member., This employee and neighbor later t brought and , back some papers forms for, i-Ir. We, lis to see. Lucille T4- I I :?as unable to contact. V"ILLY'S G! I =-17RY wlent-to place of business and'i 467 1 8- St Ms wil lywas not there. No pho.ie I. sooke with an employee,. /cr 11/13/79 - 3 - 38 - page 2 of; 4 e. Receive community input £. bet erminati'ol of final prO3Oct. by .,Local De elopinent Corporation in conjunction %Vith"City 2. Obtain' Funding Commitment Ocvc 6j)-Pro1)0sal (s) for �-ft;nd�ing IVith City," . b.;..`I'-res oil t ,to'.Eullding sourcos' egotiate best terms: 'at.the _best,,,rates Finalize applica'tioris or 'contracts 3. : Imn'lement Pro) ec;t" a: De'velop, ,pr010Ct work pro ram 'and .,proposed- schedule h: Idbntify technical assis a.nce and:its:ava 11ab'i1ity c. I)es.gnate re possibility for project tasks.' d.' llevelop.`molii'toring mechanism . e. Obtain approvals needed froln regulatory bodies. and C.01111111.ss I Oils ' III-. S'I'AI3TI.I?Ii. LXT5'I'I\G NRIG1113O1�(1OOb "13U`SL`ESSLS' 1: Estab li h,`oiltreach to .existing businesses, a". ' Inventory business' mine,'",t"yp"e, 1"ocation,: etc-. b. Analyze.; information 'froin inventory,,'." • c.�taintail conmuncati`on with `bilsinesse's 2. Deve . Stl'atCg1CS a. i'dentlf.y tech]l.ical and f nancial assi'stan`cC''needs of hl►si'nesses b. I)eve]op ,a service ,p1an o'E assistance cob rd1nat'i0il 3. I111p101,11clit strategies a. Initial SC1'CC11711t; , a11C1 CQ1111S1'.11.l1 ; Oclients b. Pl'C1):1TC` ln(Ir1VllI11111 t'CChll1C:L1;'i1SS:1stancC buSlnesS C1`:10 V ` =c.. Provide` coordinated land `direct management"services`, technical assistance Management Services and Te'chni.cal AssistancC'I.,i11'inc1u:e 4U - rn , t 1 IN VW tV,1SI;I`:GTO�I IIrIGi1TS CO'd'•llf:dl 1'1' 'I)PVI' �L0P,`%It iT`: C0NTtil1 \CF PROPOSED BUDGET 1979 `- 80 ' SALARIES r-xecutive Director i24,000 Assistant Director for Development 22,000 13�1siness Services Coordinator 18,000 $16s,500 for 11 months Rusines.s;Serviccs Officer (2 C�`14,000ea.) 28,000 Ad(nir,iscrative Assistance 14,000 Secretory. 11500 Research Specialist: 13,006 ;dawaLement Intern CGTA` TTSD* ii�:ccpt i oni ; t CP.'fA T131)" $129,000, Fringe Iiencrits 21,000 `. FICA,,Plorkmen's Compensa-lion Unemployment Compensation,, Health Fa ' Life Insurance . Profcs,sional Scrvice s ? 6,000' :`Staff. training, studies: Accounting 6,000, r:eep all financial=records,; do payroll, prepare financial statements Legal consulting, and consulting services to 12,000 - a'ssist_withicreati:on of Local Development Corporation,',and 1`egaliwork necessary,to` implement major. projecti Travel .. 4,000' Reimhursements-,f.or. use of private vehicles and out -,of -town~travel ' CCU -17 per mine) Te 1ePlrond 3, 600 J.oc, `and, long distance' -service \ and telegraph charges Punt Rental tiof,"225 N.11.9th ,Street, including; ut i 1 i ties and building maintenance; lnsurwice 300 L'iahi11ty insurance for office RT'1) to he determined under applicahle CETA guidelines. - 43 - I: l u i p nm' u l Ito 1,11 l :, 11 llll lu:il,,1 ul ,:ul;y w;tclilnu, u;itvr 'Stipp ly C.r{uiPment pII chase/security '_ 1,500 purchase= of, nec essnry capital equipment " an& bui:1ding'security Postage 1,300 •,Costs to mail office correspondence, brochures and' packa'r,es Diroct-Services 11;000 sel-vices to.client'-businesses 'such as'-arcIitectural. renderings, minor legal assistance, 600kl:eeping Gp��ID TOTAL' 4213i409 ' Comr,u,nity Development Fund:,'5th Year y206,050. 5utplus Funds from the llth Year Ccrrmuntty.Dcvcla`metit Dollars - 44 - GUIDELINES VO!%' D R C' S VICES :,E L I G I B LE SERVICES. From the information -derived ', from the survey of Culmcl businesses, a. list of business services will be Compilod : and shall be submitted to the Cityfor, review and , approval 2 'IMUM DIRECT, SERVICES: a A busin c ss. under normal circumstances will receive no 0 11 e than $150 of direct services per ye ar Exception requires a reco, ion" rom,the Board: of, Directors and recommendation :approval f r. �_ P the: City. 3. ELIGIBILITY TO 'RECr. IVE DJ Pu CT SE 11V I CES a.:. Onlybusinesses can: apply' br The -.direct services MUSL be .considered essentia1: by Ntel%q, hash n t; n Heights ghts for t 0 'he,:viability :of.tie business C a -must,. b eme"It "anLl, The, -bus in'ess e 'receiving ongoing�manag technical' assistance New Wa sJ ington le1glts' Th:e: bus'iness . must,also :be: located i n C u 1-me r or I o c on tik n g inLO U MOr 4 SELECTION OF CONSULTANTS �:f r, proposal will'be aw..*cr tise �i I Request advertised n local - 9 d Teques,ting consultants, to,provide:d technical busine s consul tantservices. 2. The Board will select :,i firm in each category of serviecs', and .'will 1 ul mit for rcvio the fJ rini co the City, f w .".in&::approval 3.. All pavments toconsul tant . trill e made 'directly :roes 'the Netc Ila s hi n g't o n, Heights to the Consultant. ­q v, Ii7 45 4 r? - 46 - t i, f; Hold a joint mec,ting with: the NItiH Board and City Com-7,U;,i:j be��elopment, Office of 'Prnde and Commerce, and Planning Staff Apr il 1, 1980 to concur on 'selection o final report.• a. Dcvolop pi for iuniiin, 9n C011jUnCtion with fcusi1'', studies done under II' c. For --final selected 7rojcct 'rCr.i ,o feasibility study, specify financialrequirements or t- project,.obtai`n forms for proposal, fina:izc'pro?osal =c:rs working twith :.City staff. Report on above. b: Pro;ress report on securing financial cor-.,itment. c", Include in progress report. d'. Senci copy of final a7plication'on contracts. 3. a. Provide copy of work pro saris and sc' eduic b'. Report on technical assistance and availab:lity c. Send,cop> of task assignor nts, d`. Send copy of monitoring mechanism e. Sed copy •of approvals This monitoring document' should be up -dated on ';a quarterly basis by a joint commmittee of \h'H Staff' 'CI) Stafz, and OTC s,.a' f. r'i7St up -date, three threesmonths from contract :signins; -a7- 1080-247 - 48 - -gq FEIP 4.� Scminar5 a fist or i Copy of ad for..scminars; a.cndat I . I . participants; C om,,, u n, i t y: D 0 I icipa,nts ;, to be sent. to City evell PMC!,-,t p r i 0 r, to, invit a I i o i S. Follow -Up a Submit f ol 10%1- L , 11) client data i slice I t b -0 d Develop .,a client surrey L C LC mInO client" isatisfaction %�i th � New Washi gton,licight I n s c. Percorm bus:iness inventory at c n il of contract 0,:i IV, � ATTRACT,� NEill' BUSINESSES AND INVES,7XIEVS TO THE C 0,MXU. N I T 1, Y, a., By iDecember li J9 7 9 submi.t, a ,list of light in(:ust. es suitable location, in' m, c the : agen,cy. feelsto :be, su ta for locat' u 1, including.the reason for the selection of'each."' b. 'Develop. marketing profi -line -etin October , 1, 1979 Ou6 of mark g.prolile 0 1 -- .0-ile December 15, ib� 719 Endof 'inzo-,;-.,ation gatheri-n- Z Februa-r y I , :19 79 -:Draft Profile and stra.acty. Nfar'ch 1 j 1979- Final marketing Profile and strategy -to-in method for iim p I e;-,,, on z z on March .15 1979 Develop mon � torin g of strategy c. M, o n th 1 y reports of meetings attended 1. Attendance 'at, 0`4`ce.� o. Trade, and, Co erca:,, c lists those giants suitable for Ml.'11-11 and •cI i c n Z S 2. Report on' training' sessions, s em in a. s con r c Onc c S attended by staff, include who tier r, t an where.' d. To 6 :submitted to :the �City: 1 Devel6p,.brochurc format b finalise for' y Feb. 15, printing -by,' Mlarch 1 1979 -.c ubm, i t t o a t i on c n C. 0 0 C S Develop inform, s! t 0 - . C ty i .10'r. printing o% `Octobcr 15 3. Advertisipa submit an advertisin'" s r. a t c­ y by October 1` 4. ve r t i s ir. s t:r Develop monitoring for ad 4t.e."y by, 0 c. i o b c r: 15 '19 79 a d - 49 4 r4 ;, 1 1V . r.• ,,r .) 4.. � (� .. '�r� - 53 - Sl, C) 1, 4 ti,. - 54 - BUSINESSES Sn'RVED Blount's Bar Keep-U-Neat, Rosheda Stam's Cleaner Cafe::&, Bar 1 i,coParisian. Gleaners to sl Bar P�__' op Cleaners Victory'Beer Garden' J 'R Cleaners. RocklandPalace M, t: Zion, Baptist Church Moon's Enterprises Bethel AME Old Reno Bar Economy Drug.Store Ideal Liquors` Stonel-s Rexell D r u g. store Artistic :Barbershop Economy Fish.,Viar Ket Atlan'ia.Bar,bersnop B z C Fish I'larket, B andbox Barbershop jer'ry, s, Garage international Barbershop Jim Holt Ga-.rage G re en's Barbershoo ,loses :1..Garage Ulique Barbershop nsfer�S. ervi' c Willie T r a e. Dee's �B Beauty Shoo Tommy &;.Jack Vs Garage; Catherine's Beauty Shoo - - �HarlemCab 'Doro-,hy.'s Be-utv Shoo W`lson s :Grocery. Trancis's B6autyrama: M"r-t ,G in rocery, Mary s Beauty' Sal6III Libb, G S VOCery 1*faggie s House of Rpauty McDavis: 6r6cery.. Kitty, Unisex Beauty Shop cook S�,� vlar,ket �Slima. *Jackson- Beauty ...'Shop..Eddies Grocery;. Till1e-' sBeauty Salon E:.ILI.,,.Grocery S am s: Cleaners, Mars,a 1 V, s, Grocor,, Pearl,Fraficis Cleane rs, Macks, Win G-oce. Y, Becks eck Bi entennia c Hence,-.&: SonGrocery,� -1 980-047 2 Butchers Market Xenneth Lange Recreation Center Dot's _Grocery Clyde Killian Pool noon Brothers N3 Mr, Wonderful Andrews Grocery E 6 14 Record Shop Gene's Market" Busy Bee Cafe Rokers"Market'" C 6 R'Restaurant Nicks "Grocery Niaborie Stereophonic Dinner Samfs"Market mom 's'Cafe Rayon Grocery. Club Society Restaurant Bradley!s"Market• Archie Donald Shoe Shine Neighborhood Grocery Economy Shoe"Shine Joe Swan -Snack Shop; McDavis Shoe Shine . Daveinesna'Snack Odd Fellows S-hoe `Shine, ' An. ie I s llarket yet TV Herman Weaver Grocery 141,1tes Grocery Brownes Grocery Brenda's.Grocery Mary•Elizabeth Hotel Marshy Ann 'Hotel Carver Hotel Berrien hotel International`LonFshoreme'n Professional Pr eper'cy i;anaer,ent Youth Leadership Pro.;ect - 56 - Addie Cobb Elijah ;tewson Rep. Gwen Cherry Verginia Christian C.-St_anley Madelien.Haddock Eufaula Frazier Ann Marie Adker Ellen Johnson Charles Young Bill Gjibre Doretha Nichson Dana,Chapman S,H. 'Johnson, Bishop Jacob Cohen lladgd Portier' Ernest Bell, Jr.' Mary:Ford'' Rev. James H.,Wator 'Newall Daughtry Mary Ellen Samuel Al Featherstcn Joseph, .Middlebrooks lr. & Mrs.`Peter Williams Lewis Polite Ali Akban ;loses Florence Fra; cena :Calmer Marvin Samuel-`'`A"trs. 'John E, Culmer Ralph Johnson t Abdur Bey Elvin Dean Brenda ?,ivers Katie Dean Rev., °Gipson Gloria Perry Judi'Sherman Doran G, Cooper Rose Gordon Os on J.- Allen Janet Woods ;Ir. & Mrs. Arthur '(.inb. Reginald Burton' Glover.Walker Paul`Cejas' Em.-,a Be11 ',; Jacquelyn 'Bess Mr` & Mars. Hutchinson Eudry Gray Fred Thomas 1'tiarnas tfoGriff . Powell .. . Victor :1c6ur, Nick Washington.'Laura Bether ' 1 57 - • Joyce ?ark James Blackman Nancy Bahn E.C. Biist Frank Castenda Bappo Tony ,Crap Nerny Bradley Dena'Spillman Reginald -,Brown* Dorothy Fields Terrael Brown J. James Constance Battle Sidney .Cox' Fu Chin Johnnie Daniels` 4Jey Chin Odell Eland Bishop Jacob Cohen Willie VIest Willie Cernogg Laura O'Brien Kathleen T,3Clori. Rose T. Afitche11 Vince Colombo Lotti=_ nines Mormon Choen Dr. E. Or:as Addle Cobb William.Sernac`er Anna Cook Charles Casn F.lizabeth,Cotton Duran `, Cnarles Cash e-Barnes Bennie Dawson Irby 11cKnight Arthur Daniels Jorge Aldeon ,7illian Draper L. ticIntocn Dana Chapman :Bill:E Bernice Sawyer Phillips Feldman Dr. Poiter: 4iilorea 'dowers Attorney Eddie Fields fierman`Flu tt Aggie Wallace. E.i„ Ford CLIS;ITS 'Todd Aronwitz Elizabeth Frazier.' Marvin Armsfron Robert Foster Arthur Bell.,Moses Florence - 58 - Roy Gaddist Louise Johnson John Gaitor Samue 1 Johnson,� Carley Ghalstan.,- Hubert,Jones, Floyd -Glass jimmy Jones�. Marvin Gofdon Thomas Gordon_ Cleoni, Green Henry Kendrick -.Charlie & Rosa Hall Barney Lee Harris Foster George,.Lewis_ Gary Harrison. Robert Lofton Charles Higgs Eric Logan Morris Hayes McMurray 'Scott James Howard :John McArthur J -tie Hines James McQueen. Frank Husta Nathan,Sayers y rs� Everette Ingraham Gve-1-1artin" Robert Ingraham Helen . McClain &.'Virginia -Johnson, Bessie Jackson,' Jeanette ,MPDavis, Bobbie, Jackson E.D. Demes Jackson:. Lawrence Moore - Floyd JacksonA, nma- da: Miann James'ja6kson. S-t Nash 6 N11 Arthur Johnson Nequss-lic Art Photoes, Inc Selina Jac':son North.' s 'Travel- Bureau, - 59 Willie Patterson Jean Telamague Jose Perez Willie Thomas Gloria Perry Joseph Tarver Dr. W.A. Patterson Griffith Thurston Rodofo Gonzalez Feldman Tren:hner Rahmins Samuel David SJalthour Z Alfr'edo Rayvon Ben West Leon Walden Arthur Rollins Carlos Aybur R Rau-mond Eros Roger Ciendining, Catherine; Richard Aletha Odom, Leonard Rickard Warren Jabali Johnny Ragin Charles Russell Rev.r FJinston Rudoolh Herbert Davis Thous Scott, _. , Edith Hudson Johnny Siith Albert Chandler Joseph Swan Ora .Brown Janes Shannon Davi& L. Perkins Daniel Seldon John Hunter Charlie Seymour Jes se ',McCrary Lovell Singletary Joseph Picus Joe Smith I Sacks Mary Smith Pearl Jenkins Sylvester Smith Heather.Brown Edna i•iingo Clinton Brown Ceaphus Stanley Norva Eason: Siaith Theodore Thomas mid°Sussr.,an Herbert Smith A.L. Symonette'. Penelope Acherbacker Troy.Dest Manuf. e i 1 � Isaac Wells Edward Hardy. Jake Wright James Shannon James B Sarah Wright Ed Walker Herman-4Jeaver Lionel Ranjattan Ed Waller Coleman White George Whitehead Annie Whitley Ronaly White Laverne Wilson Lucille Wiley Bobby Wimberly Willie Bell 4imberly Sam Sallace Henry Williams Willie William E. Wilson:' Howard Wall Co. I-lar.va Collins Tenant.nducati'n Association Max Bauer Meat,Co. Caroline Cot Corp . Dairy Queen Cox -Copeland & Association 1140Corp., Frank Dyer Korean Vets; Inc. Mobil Oil'Corb'_ Dor-Cha, Inc. A.L. Ne11•j s E 'Associates 61 _ i Property owners Ili llie Slater hlizabeth'Frazier Jeanie Vitae Smalley Everett Ingram A.L. Symonette Kenneth Sokolsky Cleomie Bloomfield it Thompson Clyde Killens Joseph,Smith- Rudolph Pullom Ear1 Stone.: Lewis Polite Harold Long Janet Woods Thelma Lucas . Alonza Sharpe Professor Mitchell, Rosa 1'vill'iams Lucile Reed Cecil Sweeting Harcourt Sweeting 19ilhelmia Jennings Judge Thomas W.F. Butler Ben' Lampk' Madelyn Thompson Villiam Johnson Juluis Smith. Harold Bra) Vera 1�'ilson Max Blumenthai` Allen Maidal, Robert Blake" william Sawyer Frederick Martin Wit 11iam Serna' r 'Edith Hudson Kelly Barket' Mary Bruno Dana, Chapman John'Bur`oughs Barney Lee Bernard Hnull Bishop Jacob Cohen, Elmer N'a'rd Joseph Picus t•tadeleine Portier: Sarah Scott • Ma'ry Ford -62- 4 P:I:h' litlSliI1\'G'I'0?: IUiIGi1TS COi•it•tUMI'I'Y UGVLLOF�IIiiJT CONFERENCE ACTUAL �?IIllGI:'I :L'SPENDITURES For t iscal Year Iincl&l June',30, 1977,. 197.8 and .19T9 Actual Actual _ Actual ' Line Itctn, 1978-79-: 1977-78 I976-77 Salary 66,360.05 633S7.56 32,583.77 Fringe -Benefits 4,719.84 4.498.34 2,186.4S Traicl 1,SG5.27 2,703.17 " 604:45 lnsurancc 3,404:�10' 1,219.72.; 1GZ.00 Pro�£essional .Services 4,085.00 7.,304.34 2,834.02 .; Rent,.(Utilities.E i_Iaint.) 6,801.6C 4,800.00 2,400.00 Office Supplies 2,G43.82`, 2;143:25 953.14 247.ZZ Fulilications ' Telephone 2,716:75 3,314.41 1,093.43 Postage - 3 54.35> 233.24 ' 131.00 748.80 Equipment. Equipment ttaintenanee 373.55 Rental of Equipment 1,364.90`. 1.474.10 Outside Printing 434.14' 436.83 Equipment Purchase 1;252.G1' S,340:14 2,866 6Z It Aaiertrise.ment ' 128.50. Sj,ccial Services~ 1'ntnrr•c' t'r 97,3.19.6S a: I it Mrs. .Davis: Suggested s rips of,'paper with the names* on it. t: Mr. Florence: L think that,'s the most appropriate, because in that way, the other people that come in"(of the. four that are absent) would be able to draw when they came. Three strips, with .a one ; (1) ;on them, four strips with a two '(2) ,:'four: with a three (3) , and we .will' then fo l them up One other observation in. the By -;Laws, Regular Meetings of the`.Dirlectors,,.page 5, Section"4.; 'Ile are" 'going to erect the. officers and paragraph 4 outlines the Regular .Ate eting,of the Board of_Directors, and id'enti'fies "''that the meeting ;will` be held quarterly- " on the thi"rd Ilednesday in. January, April, July, and October., So, we are'set:for'Board Meeting for the year, mean here can not. be special meeting but that does not called. For,pu"rpo,s'.es of normal operations four'(4) Board , �le.et ng are set up for the year . 1.,LS',e-c­tion 5 , Committee have regular i�denti-fies t ie,�Executive .w,ihl meetings",on the "thrd"�Vednesday=of�eac}i month_ DurinI the interim meets to conduct the business of:the orgy �- zation'and at the quartet Board.t"teet1ng"the report f:^� the Executive Committe"hill presented. Their activiti—= will be,"ra ifled.byy the"entire Board." The .Executive • Coinmitte i made up of the officers"` so"the °0fficers here this. evening,will ute- the that we, elect ,consti Executive Colnm`it,tee, who will 'g the per—,function,durin b`etiveen. Board Meeting bir. Burton,:'- One other. element relevant'to "that; lvhich is not cone.:: that I "have 'found to: be,.very_-".effective in our By -;Laws in some of the other. operations, is: trying to s"tructu:-e thc.Chairmans}iip of your",membership; committee around your ) xCCU tivcCommittee-as wcl`1, s;o "that yeti can-pro- V�1(IC �aI1.Oil-goi-Jig C�0111f11uI11Cat1o11 �bC.ttiveCll, .thC Vili'lOUS COminitteeS all the executive COinini.ttee ,"that,; operates �Q the organization. P•1r. Fi"e�lds`: In Tine with ",that; "w}iat you may required is ""that the Chairman `of .e"a c}i_co.mmittee,:make a periodically report to th'e Executive Committee. Mr.Burton:;" Ultimately, "it has "to go: above.`.and h"cyolid th�t.`> I thin} if": hc'Cxecutive Com,Ini"ttce itself "takes "an active part in the Colnnlittee "struic UIe, w lettler. as Chairman, " tee or as a. respo'risiblity for that particularcommit alon to.see that. the reports ormation'is,",pass and inf the ,'Execut ive'"Committee Meetings. Mr. Cox: To . interject 'in view of the many. decisions ,that will of" th"e�different th.in� probably have to�.be made. b,ecau"se we will be involved in, -what methods should we"use wher. we do not have meetings and their are major decisions �T • I7 \ rr. 5. #.. that have to be made, that really involves the total organization. Ye,_use quorums, poll ing,sand 'etc. for major decisions, but there• is going to b`e `a. number of them. The Executive Committee could be the `decision. Mr. Florence, The Executive Committee. would either make the decision or call a special meeting of the Aoard. Mr: Burton: IVith the kinds of things we -are moving into, espediall at this stage of.the game, h6.LDC,?hotel, and some other things that. Will come about. I think it"�is`going to be important that.we understand that there maybe a `necessity to,, meet, more than .that quarterly mandate. In the'iniaial stages, 'we might�in faci meet every Mont until we have .gotten ;settled and everybody knotitis what is going on. Ms. Bell: 1`agree with Mr. Cox, Reginald .,and the. Chairman', with what i, e, are faced tivith"°"now, I would:, like to see�`the Board meet on `a monthly basis`, to hold the unity and the. direct ion ,in whichthe, office is headed,; for the next six'(6) months iris going`,to be very critical. Mr. Florence: The By-laws"re,qu.ires the Executiye.Comm 1ttee to meet on the third tiV,cdnesday; of every month, -.why don't we ask all Board. Members, if they poss" b1y"can come to those" mooting ': I ;gym siding this fdz, a r,eason,' ;w�► have to make d.ecis"i+on' :and 1decisions . ire .based on quorums and we have ha'd problems in .the past.. The Executive Committee `is. the body that s`: meeting, 'but we will invite all members and: the `members there. would, parti- tipate. Ms. Bell: I think we can do it in a two -fold position that is. the:E.ticcutive Committee .look at maybe.havin'g to meet twice a month for 'a least three (3)" months": I need that support:" -� . ,wiPni�is —— We ,have _read the By -Laws that identify the Officers, of the Corporation, which consists of: President, Vice -President, Secretary,`Treasurer., ' Parliamentarian`and I think it would be appropriate to open the floor,.at this.time,for. the nomination of Officers. "The`offIcers`,serve for term off one-year—, Mr. Fields: We have to declare a11. positions open. Mr. Florence: iUe official Ty declared the positions of officers of the "Corporation'now,open for President,:Vice =Pre sident, Secre- tary, Treasurer, sand Parliamentarian. N1r. Fields: Keep in mind, structures for President and Vice -President, they have"to,have had one year experience. Mr. Florence: I.w ll_ identify those. eligible: firs.; Cobb, tilr. Post, Mr. Cox Nir. Burton, Mr. Florence, and Dr.. Poitier- who,, is" one of the original incorporators ,,which`serve'as President. tiVe are going. to 'open for, 'Nominations .` NIr. Cox: I tivouldlike to. -.lie one, of the first to "nominate.Moses Fl.orC..z for President", for a number of reason's . Dr. Poitiers I, second the nominat1orn.` �fr, Florence has.been with it since the' time I left.' Isfrs. Davis: I move that -the nomination be closed.. Ms. Hines: I. nominate" Reginal"d.Burton fo"r Vice -President:, Mr. Cox:..' I seconded th.e motion. Mrs . Davis,: I moved tha the. nomination, , c closed oii the: said..name'. MS. fiines : I second the motion.` Nis. Hines I nominate lrs,. ; Davis for-: Secretary . Nis. Bcll: Mrs: Cobb, staid,. shc'would like to accept„ if,.given to her, the Treasurer position. Dr. Poiti`er: . In absentee,. iF someone.seconds" xt. Mr. Burton: I §econd the "motdon. Mrs. Davis: I nominate ;`is: Mines for Parliamentarian. Dr. Poitier: I moved tha the nomination'be closed on"sai'd"name..`: w Mr. Florence: Al1 officers have' be"en elected on. unanimous ly basis . Moses Florence, President rlddie Cobb -Treasurer Reginald Burton, Vice -President Lottie Hines- ..I)r" ''f'" Secretary Parliamentarian Dr...Po' itier- I would hate to have a conflict of nte'rest'in anything that Dr. Cox an,d I do with the organization. -our 'interest is„to s,tdbliz6 and do the right thing for this'Community. Mr. Fields : The swearing iri of Of i s no't neccessary but if the Board has'adoptedan oath of 0ffic'e', for each of you to take, I'will�-have to prepare one. tilt. Florence:' To allthe officers that'ur just el`ect6d', we want to thank those of you w'ho are present 'and 'the others for expressing their confidence in -us and all of us . are going .'to` do our il utmost to,,.carry, out 'our officers" `in the best ;manner possible, to the .;best interest of "the office. If there are no more questions from the Board on the,Electicn we will move to <the next item on the agenda. ' To chose o.f 'you who were, not ' ' th us last .year`, we had'' an audit of th.e,or`g'anization performed by: the City of'. Miami t a' was completed in November or Decem}�er, and part..Of the requirement 'by the City: is an ex,it,audit.confe.rence; where the auditor `would 'come'.befor-e the Boa<rd to explain t}ie. audit "and findings . We fiaire„Atr,. John' Farvet: and Paul ' f;o�� 6 Who`ia t}!2rE or. 'p-de+v0u11tE111rpl1}1 AUI�i � dui ���i�.u�i'• Mr. Farve.t: I:- c'ongratulate `the new officers and Directors, .and l ish, you every. success in. the, coming year.. I have prP ared,,an audit on ;financial activities through June 130`, 19 79. I -did not bring a cop: of the audit because everytfiing is,.summarized, ahl information'is accumulated here.' The repor starts,out with`General descriptions. Wfe have examined the records of `NW}}CDC :for the period ended June 30. 197,9, .,to ascertain whether o;r-not expenditures .incurre in 'acco;rdancc,l�r .th the budget for that. period. N1,,'HCDC is chartered as. a .cor.poration, not, for profit -under the laws Of `tlie 'Stave Of `F10I'ida 071 �CtObC2' 2�1, 1973. PrlJlC.lp�llly, for the purposeof: relief of .the .poor, di'stre'ssed or,_ the jot underpriv11CgCcl ,advallCeinCI1 Of rel'Ig1Ori ' edllCatli�il Or SCle::� direCtipn OI' malntCilallCC Of 1)ubl'1C b1111ding-5 montwieilts or w T1:s, ,1,CsSCn1ng' the bur,dCns.• Oi, gOVCI'ilmeilt, 1C�"s,-•nlllg'.nei(,h- b02'}10001 ,teilitiOnSe1i111inat10n Of' 1)I'L'jllC}1GC f!.IId, Ci1�CI'lmination dc£ensc`.of human and. civil rights, secured by ; al��c, cor�lbatin�, COmi1111111ty deterioration `ancl juvenile delinquency; all d`;any O.t}1Cr aCt�V1t1C5 persuing t0 t}1C'>'abOVe.pllTpOSeS,' including but not',`liinitcd to -Co mmunity= deve-lOpiTlCnt�,"ldcal,economlc devclopment,employrilent jobass�istance,;_and:housinn activiti Direct funding by the City. o'f 1�liami inconjunction` with the federal Corninuni't.y Development„Prograni, began 'on August 13, _9 The contract r"or"the fiscal year ended JUnc.30, I979, calk:. for a budget of $100,965. Minutes of the Board of Directors for January 13, 1973, acknowledged acceptance of sponsorship of the Cultural Advisory Council Of 01fertown (CACO) cundiag %i-tich commen he rec e; nr of 42 400 from the Ci r- o ,. .,. . . . :i<. .: �. ;>� �:�:� p��Y:. t: 7V`r :��j �:.� • a?: d � ��"+� � r ��µ� '��� i Mr. Florence: Wha t . Q1 6 d 1 i ty�:,Courts bas ically...'do'1s es.- 1. operation­,,�:wh , or ,e .as: -,-a: developer I or,,ownei inI accordance their specific, "with deveiopbyEinancesthe 4otei pos., -.,tanc&,,.but,.,.not. through them.` Ms . Bell No. That " s,,tie ,on. ekey!, factor t] anQualityInn doesnot inani —h avethe 1 financial market. � M-1. Cox:," 1.0 L ISO 9 111`1 111 1he"'P, 1 0! forthis circa i e r e a nyw,h'e r e a Black Hbt LCI chain or franchise? Ms. Bell: These is one. Alaramb e, j-lous e by,', Blacfolk. Mr. Burton, t How'are arc I we going ing o :p I a y orthi s.:; Mr. F.1.,b1r-e'ncc'::L That is the-reason-i, t has, come: " 1) e t c, x 1) c n a i t u r ol li,a's to, 1) c, approve Direct Services �of, Dr. Poitiers.' It Is: a waste slo time and'�.m'oncy Mr. F 1 of once::, " i The purl0 Se ortj i s is, a,-P T, Or cq U,,, of the ect., 1-Ir. Burton:. Tn -:d c . r to - et funding, ' t "will 0 t C 11 Ill'i, Tic d whethat the project ,,.':Il- hiy j primary c o n c o I rn jS icticr o usal)-I.c do cumcht w icn wo arc - .1111.s study Is onL1 Part o I minor " f- :the you I i haVcio present. to. a' a r, Th'C11 $ .SOLO we arc a K i n it that t I al nortionaF thfit-1 he plans' M i gj L 1) iT W 1 tn, to ei theinitiia ore—th6,"BO by th 0 !Bb anchis in Hotel er or as s is - on do I lit) t f, I 'States at e d ;-turfy? t, :,becaus o rom 11riancing peen 31, C A V.0 41 ?-i.J.ity h a t nonies. is only 07to $.30 0001., Florence: Let me give 111 overview of h o %.j I see it functioning. .First, it all starts with the redevelopment plan; with out the redevelopment plan the nossibility of even epttjng the money would tut exist. Secondly, -7 no t�i Wc14 1 • J County or City has al'readly, approved expenditure for clearing the area, of course,;with the plan - that has just been approved from 6 to 9th".Street, from the Ra'llrond track to 3rd Aventic. That: `s what` the City .is 'doing under, Govcrnmeiit, funding. iVhat IVashington h}eights is doing, is looking at that total package, in.wh'ich,`the City has already began to and we are saying out of that'total pac}�age 'this portion 'of it, we can do.' That portion being tho hotel.,: We are 'saying this only -because NIr. Sawyer has indicated his willingness to.d`evelop it. ' Where we come in, we' start out with the 57,500. We determined that is feasibl'e., If it is feasible, the next step is for'the land', which the hotel now sits on,° to be p aced in -the LDC. Mrs. Davies: 'Do you 'all have, this in writing or documented? Mr. Florenc"c:' That was the' first step. The'' hind goes in. the LDC in a partnership :pith '1r.' ;Satidyer.Sccond.Step, .-obtainii g part of that money '��hicI thee. City. nohas, or "requesting it` for'the 'demolition "of-the'.existing building: Now it is part of a non profit;orgct'nization. An'd`the -money can "come i1 fo :demolished "the land'. Third s6ep, obtaining an. 'EM grant for "the.planning `funC.tinn. Dr. . Poit'ier: ` Are you'askiog f.or,' Board approval. DMr. 'Florence: iVe rant to .make. the Board aware of .this, so,,,.fir. Forster can come and,, talk to -'you'. Thc.,-ingred��icilts. for the project" seems to`' be 'a better'mi.Y right now. than any - thi'ng. Mr. Burton: Do we have $20000 ih Direct`"Services. Ms. Bell: NO:. 11.1c "have 511 „000 Dr.` Poitier: I thihkz; -,re shotilld entertain the" t}�ought of Hart is" kerr, Forster, and CompanyO. Nis. Hines: h" second the motion.;. Dr. Poitier: I.,think wc. should invite: him'' at the ne\,i'..Board"" �}i�eting. Mr. Florence: The mot}on IW' made by llr: Poitier and" second "by Ms. }}.i.ncs=. that.`wC - J1v1tC }}arris i�crr, Forster .anci Compan} to attancl the .next s'chcduled ,mectIlib on innu, 30 80 to discuss their proposal for the feasibility.study_for the 1}ot:cl. Nis. Bell': I think the mectirig'should be in the morning or the early afternoon. The City of Aliami is talking about a Shopping Center at 14 Terrace to 16th Street 'on 3rd Avenue, ••^.Y.iLWN#if aS4'rt'Sj„IVEL'd'. I 1 very much on the way. As of last friday, we hired the consultants who`are•going to do this project. When I said we, ;it was done ith the :City of Miami Planning Department and' tieiv` Washington Heights: The consultants have Ibeen hired. The, City is ;picking, up thetab.' I= think- this ;Board and.LDG needs to bethinking of who is going o put that (Supermarket in,there`. That A the_secondmajor., project that we 'are involved in. The, only weakness in -our contract, is stablizing the existing businesses in this` Community. Dr. Poit'er:` I suggest we des-inate Dr'. Cox to'get the Businessmen togethe;r.. Mr. Burton: If the major Supermarket; is .,going'.to `happ'en in the Communi, v, 'it should' be .Community control ed.We`- can not afford to p ut,that. kind of dollar' in 'a bus'i- riess, and take the money'- out` of this community. Mrs. Davis : In ';regards to Air. Cox. s .comments , . the accountant }iad mentioned that we could transfer some` monies into certain line -I ems such as Dues, and if we could transfer, we can become a member of the Chambers.` tits. Bell: You are talking, about $20�.Ud. Mr. Florence Ais. Bell ' wi i get •approval .from t}ie. City for us to become'a,co:rporate membership. Air. Fields: The City has adopttod a plan for.:.the'Culmer area and. we 'are go1n'9 t'o; have to work within it.. Mr. Burton: The plan itself� has a number:of:factors,;something is: ;in..it for'everybody,;.from ,t}ie,rehabi itation of the existing structurcS: to } u"ilding. major structures. nISC(1SSIOV ON RACT' Ms . -Kell: Larry James`, a consultant. Air: James has been working with us •:trying to find •other mollies.. I `would ike for yot. to give' nie th.01, authO ].tV` tO 00 10.Air.; i fields, Ind draft up a retainer 'contr:�cf` to hGlh` us pull together the LD(:. Mr. Fields: Right now,,'t he legal work of the LD& is being dolie Once, that is"done, you need to.��star.'t hooking for ;., financing' znd,`a tracting ot}er sources of'=capital into t} c LDC. This is w crc°his� expertisc, come'in. He`s knows 'ot federal,` grants arouricl the country, and ,he has his own consulting firm. : Ms. Bell: Mr. James said he would work for us for a minimum of price. I'rn .looking at e'S0-$300 a•_•mor.".. tl,, that 01, EXHIBIT XII GUIDELINES r0 R DIRECT SERVICES" 1." ELIGIBLE SERVICES. From ' the informa"lion derived from the survey .of. Culr►er, . businesses, a `list o,f husin`ess services will'. be comp"i:led. and shall 'be" submitted to "Lae:City for review and apl rovai'. 2.. MA\INUM DIRECT SERVICES " A business under normal circumstances will receive no more than $1510,'of .direct services per year. Exception ,requires a. recommendation from the Board'of Directors and approval from the City:: 3. ELIGIEILITY TO.RECEIVE DIRECT SERVICES a': Only`ausinesses can apply b<: The direct'services must, be considered essentia"1;b; Nei lVashington Heights 'for t}ie viability of: the :business C4 The business ;nust be receiving ongoing, management and' technical assistance from Ncw Wasliin`gton Heigh"t's d The business must also_ be located ,in Culimer or .locat `nCT into Culmer 4. SELECTION Ol, CO\'SU.LTi1N'I'S Rlropos,awil dLecucst Eor, .pl. re"in local papc;rs requesting,consultants'to provid technical business consul tun t services . ? The .Board wi 7 1 sc] cct ti , f ir;n in c icl•,; cat.c;;orj of =S011'Vices and t. i l ] ,tiiih;nit the 1'i.rms t;o :the (;ity for., i"t'ti" rc% iI'C � and approval. " 3. Al payments to consultant trill he "made directly" from tide \ea "IV? ashington:1-10i'ghts to "the Consul ant EXHIBIT X1V � yL t• T0: Jackie Bell, Executive Director. ti`h�Foster, FROM:;. Kenn Business Service Coordinator DATE: January 4, 198.0, t' RE: Direct Services This is to acknowledge; the,fact that Mr. James'Taylor of Ron Frazier F, Associates has been chosen as the: .ar,chitect to be responsible for rendering professional services for the Commercial. Revitalization of Rolle Properties 1_ocated at 241 'N..W.; 17th Street. Since we>had cclmm, tted ourselves%to give Direct Financial Services for architectural rendering'of this project, I:wis11 to re commend that the amount.of onehundred- fifty dollars ($. 150.00) 'be .granted to :Rolle Properties. Thank you. 4 4 - 78 - F - ix CETA PARTICIPANT QUESTIONNAIRE f (11`) Have you experienced any problems recng your earned salary on a regular `Ves basis from this Agency? No (If Yes, please'describe this Pro5lem) .�tjrsce ��_t�1Srt fv' (12) 41hen'you first here intervi'eOed and hired for this position, Were you (A) Aware it was a;temporary, CETA position. Yes."✓ No (6) Given a Job Description 4hich b 1. duties you have been responsible for? Yes to (If _ No, Please describe the major differences) " (1S) Has Ith—Agencl/j,ept you abreas of CcTr, Regulations trhich might.ha`ve a direct effect onjou? Yes No (If Yes, in which manner): you are having a problem with th=_ Agency, do you feel th`ve is an ' aceouate grievance;prodecure to excess` this problem? Yes ✓ tlo' (briefly describe appropriate steps taken to resolve the pre�lem): Co��:•1_�N•�—�La_t • 1►trrsL�t� (15) In"genera l, ho,•r would you"rate the follo;•ring'aspects of your C T e�oiovr.,ent ,•rich this"Agency?r;(Circle the appropriate item: G=Good; F=Fair;'P=Poor). GQP (A) On the Job Training G F P (D)Additional Training µ A G F.P (C)` Supervision F P " (D) 4lorl:i ng Environment (lc) Ilan anency supplemented your salary? �(a , stsi' 6't '7a��tv+eitr 7177 wl.. i�r�ass �•� ��• 1 (17) If -so, by how much? OGd►•rtA (1C);' Are you- at•rare that tho maximum a CETA participant can he paid is S11,n'o t'rith a �l X supp1einert? ��;, - 83 - S0.247 cf ' ik EXHIBIT XVIII CITY OF MIAMI - 00."•1UNITY DEVELONMENT OEPARTMENT CETAPARTICIPANT QUESTIONNAIRE RQ CETA PARTICIPANT LprewZo JOB TITLE �"�—'aNeaw►�M� �ii�w� EMPLOYING AGENCYt1rJ wiSh,. �h ge19%�l wd. as AODRESS OF WORKSITE '1 2 t N . W 4 Sr; l 4b Y• O.�t. SUPERVISOP,(TITLE) Kil le-�uSIMrl1 COeidlw'�Tr� (1) Briefly describe your Job Duties _[e�.wuw��y1s16�IMy , S4weyf_� j Hier«afpN e�Aev'�u►i st f�¢ �otsfi. Co..�...s d�opN.,w± �e � i�� blcc .�1.4i�rt_�..�5 �ss►sr� C��rlta� We�hl t N e itGT�br dlSpl�v.�e�.�G uar (2) 4•lhat program or unit of this agency do you work in? R1ei��y s+s o- �.�-9 (3) Has this agency provided you with an organised training_ program during your participation in the CETA program? Yes' No 1f Yes, please describes' 1�+sic* rs'T (a) Do:you perform the same duties as anv one else in`the agency who is,not a CETAparticipant? Yes No. ; (5) Do'you think -that the >Experience;and Training,you received with this Agency will be beneficial in. obtaining future emoloymen? Yes., no (5) Do you feel your CETA position has provided you (check applicable item): A) Valuable Training and Job°Experience (E) Insignificant Trainina, but va 1 ua bl er Job experience (C) Valuable Training, but.insigniT•icant.�o5 experience ' (D) = No more than, :a regular job With steady income (7) Has CETA ��or}: experience with Agency (chat}: appropropriate item): . (A) ? Helped you develop `ne.•v skills (C) Helped you polish up old skills — _ (C)'; Deen more or less a continuation of previous job experiences ' (D); E3een insignificant in terms of developing mar}-.etable.j skills (0) What are your work days, and hours? M_ F $, (9) 'Do you record your daily work hours on a time sheet•proyided.by, the'aGency?,. Yes ; No f1Ike 4%PCIV4 (10) To. your kno.vledge, has this Agency attempted,to transfer you to a non-CETA position within the organization' or attemoted nlace-you in:a more `permanent Position outside the Agency? Yes No lf Yes, please detail the Status of this attempt at this tir-e — °�'�.�1-• • `a�..,.e� � i � Tim _ t�t , ..i.o. ..tom r...Sli ..Q a.a ri.r� u.l liva � .�.4r.iAad 1....J��. il�►�-.y♦ .. r , I240-79 Pg. 2 ' CETn PhP.TfCIPAN QUESTIONOTR.E Y h• (ll) ,Have you experienced any problems receiv' g your earned salary on a regular basis from this !Agency?, Yes Go;(If Yes, describe this please problem). (12) When you first were interviewed and ,hired ;for this posit ion were you a (A) Aware it was temporary CETA position?Yes V No (6) 'Given a Job Description which, adequately. describes .the�,� b duties have, been you responsible for? Yes tdo ✓(If .' No, Please describethe major differences) S Qeu e� �d a cr i ph t.� Gt T4� .-1�%s Has the Agency kept you abreast of CETA Re ulations,which might have a direct effect on you? Yes ✓ No (If Yes, in which manner): (14) If you are having a problem with the Agenc do you feel'thQre an adequate grievance prodecure to excess this problem? ,Yes .� �Jo. (Briefly describe appropriate steps 'tal;en .to resolve the -problem). ` C%6ih Ot CeM.�.tK (15) In genera ,`how could you rate the .following aspects of your, CETA emo:lo meat with this Agency? .(Circle the appropriate item:. G=Good, F=Fair,.P=PooI). P (A), On the; Job Training G F P, (6) Additional Training b%F P (C) Supervision OF P (D) .Working Environment 11F,1 I{ac an�nry cunnlranontnri vmFr�aalarv?' ��fG' ix,i,mUm a LL• I/! part!cipLIn can`: -J EXHIBIT XIX CITY OF MIAMi NOMINATION MEETING FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY BOARD , D IX i e Park -` 1200 N. W 4th Avenue ` .August 14; 1979 -7.30 p.m The meeting was called to order at 7;30'p,m.`by Mrs. Cathy Leff, Assistant Director of 'Citizen Services. Mrs. Leff announced that j candidates nominating themselves;at, the -meet ing'have,unti"1:�Monday, August'.209 ,19790.`5,00 ;p.m. 9 the close'. of the business day, to,presen,t proof of.,eligibility. She also stated tha a schedule 0f,'daily voter re- gistration hours were on the table for distribution.' Mr.:'Leff announced that registration would be held ;at ,the CAA-Culmer Center,490 N.W.IIth.St'. Eligible voter can register to vote from August 14th` thru September 8th ' at various ime et the same location.; She'.reminded he audience of the . voter registration schedules available on thetable end"urged them to take a copy;. She stated that the City of'Miami'guidelines for citizen pa'rtici= pation were available_on the table. She announced the election date. September 24, .1979, from 8-00 a.m. - 8;00 p.m., at the Cu`lmer Center;CAA 490 N.. W. I'th. Street. h1rs. Lefif and her ,staff `distributed nomination forms .to.candidate's to. fi I.l out., she stated that, 'the board would;_ be 'composed offifteen (15) - . members. Any.vacancy,on the board Mould be fi.l ed/appoin.ted by the City Commission. Mrs:. Leff and her staff',coI lected ,:the nomination forms as" '. they were completed. Mrs. Leff responded to a request for clar.i.fication of rules on' participation by.non-profit corporations' She reviewed ahe major 'points. She. stated that the principal operation of„a non-profit cor- poration would be.eligible:,to vote provided that that corporation does not receive CD :funds. A principal operator that receives CD funds':is prohibited from participating as,eithe ra member or as a. board member`: Mrs.. Leff 'fur-. theclarified eI b,ility;of' CD recipient eligibility; If a person lives i"n"the community, he qualifies'to vote as",a resident ;. But, she..expIal ned�, if that'same person .al so works for an agency that re-cei"ves CD funds, he is ineligible to:pa'rticipate as a boar&member, or a member..-He.couid partici- pate, ;but. could not vote. Mrs. `Leff lcoI Iected for `comple'ted ,nomination forms Mr.` William Hutchinson,;Chairman,Community,;Development Neighborhood Forum announced the rules b'y which candidates would abide `in making thei,r`present- ations/speaches to'the audience:. Each candidate"woul'd begi"ven`two=,minutes to reveal tvhy he/she was 'seek i ng office. The candidates were:. 'I Fann',ia Austin= Resident 429.'N. W. 22nd`. Street 2), Laura.; BeLheI - •Principal 1801'N.'W. Ist Place 3)` Margret Brow ri - Proper.ty Owner " Res i`dent,;; Bus iness-owner `-operator"° 269'N. W.; 8th: Street a page 2 4). Benjamin Brown - ResidenC 218 N.:W' 14th. .Terrace 5). CharlesCash L 1 ,t 2060 N. W. 2nd. Avenue' 6). 01Conner Clark- property owner/Busines'sman 911 N W..3rd. Avenue 7) . Sidney T. Cox Property owner, Business man 1300 N. W. 3'rd. Avenue' 8). Cl nton Brown-resident/property oumer, 218.N. W. 14th. Terrace i am L.:Johnon -Chief o'pe''rator Culmer, Federal:Cred i Union 400 N. W. 5th. `St'ree`t 10). Ivy Kearson-Businessman 217 W. W. 11 th. 'Street 11). Kenneth ticDuggle - resident 718 N'. W. 8th. Street - `12) . I rby Mcl<n i ght` = =residen, t 218 N': W. 8th: Street n9. 13): David L. Perkins - resident' Businessman, 1710 N: W.''1st.ct .`. n2 14). Gloria. A. Perr.y''- res.iden t. 460, N'.1 W..l0th.. Street, 15)..Att. Thomas R. Posh - Property owner 25 W. Flagler Street Suite r1021 16). ;M 1:1 iam N. Hutchinson,, Property owner " 8001 N. W:, 22nd'. Avenue . �17): Y.elly'Pace-Businessman 14o N. W. lst.. Avenue 14th_`Streea N.' W.'zIst. Avenue. 18). Eula..Mae Thornton -Resident 2212 N. W:` 5 th. Avenue Bishop.George.E. Johnson -resident, property o►Jner; businessman 1413 N. W. Miami Place - - 87 - r,: Er c i page 3 1 t (\ 1 '20Tom"Jordon'-.:own property 21. Dana (Dorsey) Chapman 185-195 N. W. 14th. Street Property Owner Twenty-one (21) candidates were nominated The chairman !reviewed the require - I, mentsneeded inorder to nominate or be nominated as a candidate. He.stated that a person is eligible if he,. 'Downs proor perty; commercialres.idential, or, 2) 1 Ives 1n-' the areaor ^" 3)own's and operate a'business or., 4),is chief; operator of"a non-profit corporation in "the'area that does not-r`eceiwe CD`funds. The chei'rman expaa,ined tha"t�some- form -of proof of eligibility must be provided no later, that August 20;.1979, next Monday, at the CAA-Culmer Center, 490 N. W.11"th. Street: A deed, voter registration card, occupational liscense',;br something„indicating your address, a m/thing of that. nature to prove yoi'r eligibility; the chairmen sta es. '.He announced that -.proof of e 1, i g i b i l i ty must ;be provided no 1 a ter than Monday, Augus'.t,20,,1979 The"chairman=stated that theelection will 6e onSep`tember 24; 1979,.between 8:00 a.m, and 8:00'p.m,;.Th6 chairman announced that anyone tdho is not a candidate has until Sep'tembe`r 8, ,1979, "to register to vote.: He announced the Culmer CAA-4 N."W.` b th. Street as the place to vote. Respond- ing`to a question from the audience; Mrs.: Leff;explained'that,;a person could vote for up"to fifteen cand,idates.: `Anyone voting for mor6 an fifteen candi- dates bal lot wi 1 .be,:wi thdratim She' stated, that" each candidate .wi I receive a Hst'of al'1 registered voters prior to the election: Aga in,'Mrs. Leff announced that, 'anyone "the t d i dnot reg i s"ter or. attend the; meet_i ng,, can check' tji.th .the CAA Culmer Center-490. N.'"41. llth Street 'for the hours of -registration, , She announced that the center would be open some evening hours a"sl.well as Saturdays fo;;r regis- trati'on. Candidates will be brie.fed.pr,io'.r..to ;the election. They rill be made av,a re` .that they` stand a t leas t three hundred (300) fee t" 'away rom""the po`l es during the election. The pre -election b riefing of candidates usually"fakes place' about"ttvo=days; (2) prior;to the election, she;sta.t,ed. Someone asked if they,coulduse. their regular voter registration card tovote.:,Mrs:. Leff res- ponded no.?' Mrs: Leff encourag"ed anyone with quests rionto�cala`heat.579-6862. Chairman Hutchinson thanked Mrs. Leff on behalf of.the task for. attending the meeting and,proUiding information in respect to the -City of Miami pa'rtic'ipation guidelines'. Chairman Hutchinson<introduced the,next,'item on the, agenda. He stated 19-INE 1 -• age p4 should provide the informationrather than' Mr, ,`Kearson• alone.. Mrs. 'Dana ' Chapman,; oard Member:of.New Washington Heights, said that she ',opposed his termination because the termination procedure was income"ct. She summarized :-/ what happened as follows: I All employees of New Washington Heights presented a grievance;to"the board. 1t has ,not .been resolved Two days (2) later, Mr. Kearson was fired. He should not. have been toiched, she said, becauseentire,staff-wa's in grievance. She stated that Mrs.Jackie Bell l�"(the Director of,New.Washington Heights) called,Mr.�Kearson down in the presence of 'other staff.. Mrs.'Cijapman stated that that eliminated his due process.. She stated that the -Director, Mrs. Bell,,typed Mr. Kearson's Ietter of dismissal in the. presence of the other staff which`also;violaaed his right to d,ue process. She,said he.had`several hearings and that one was cut off. ` Then;' she sa id .i t was turned over _to a personnel 1. revie;� committee of the board. 'She stated that the personnel review committee came k bacwilth 'a` recommendation and the Board voted `as i.t' saw, fit. Finally, Mrs. Chapmen said, she had:no qualms with:decision of the board. O'ther than that she felt that the procedure ;,ies handled incorrectly. Mrs•Adker voiced, -a des ire,to know. what'was happening, -within (dew Washington Heights. Mr. Johnson' stated .that he;.shared Mrs. Adker'.s conce'rn...:He stated that he did not feel" that the Neighborhood -Forum could vote intelligently either ;gay Without- knowing ;wha t ,the, i s sue �wa s . - Therefore, he taco"mmended' that ; oppos i,ng sides">;be given .equal time to p'resen their side of'the""argument. Then",.the Washington '°Forum wou1a be able to decide one way or another, he said.' Mir. = Brown agreed with Mr. Johnson's suggestion' A'.question was raised as to whether this is the proper forum to "dea with this issue. Chairman Hutchinson stated that op inions.vary. However, he stated that in his opini,'on this wa"s the>.proper forum'. Chairman Hutchinson stated that employees receiving CD`funds should be entitled to jh& same srights as any,o.ther empI iees.empIoyed.by- the - City of Miami. He cited -the 1972 Community Development Act as `a reference. Based upon this act, chi arman, Hutchinson=stated, the task force can make any recommendation .pith respect to spending or failure -to spend Community,Development`funds. Mr. Cox addressed the audience. He stated that task force was wasting- tim e. Me Cox urged 'the task 'force to move forward. He asked Mr. ,Hutchinson to expIainwhy he"was wasteing the people's time. Cha.irman.H6tcHinson"'.stated that he would- Like to move on Mr. Johnson Is suggest -ion that the°task.•force listen to both sides of the - issue, and vote. Mr. Johnson restated:hi's=suggest,ion`in the. 'form of a motion. Chairman Hutchinson,rai`sed a question. -.He.recommended that both parties be, a lot -red to present Itheir ide of the. issue. However, if Mr. .Bel l-.refuses to answer the charges°brought ,gaInsther, he said,' then" it means she agrees with everything tha was. sa ids"on ,behaI fof ,hfe audIence,reminded Mr. Hutchinson that the motion was nOt,Voted upon. Mr. 1vory'fearson addressed' the task force. He stated that; on., June5, 1979, the entire staffof"New"Washing on. Heights ,rent befare the Board of Directors complaining about theincompete'nce of, thee -director. T;:o=days;(2)1�ater, hes•�id,. he ;•gas fired, lie stated that lie c,')uId produce"a le'Eter slgned by, the' staff ,entire Mr. `I,vory Kearson,asked the Neighbor.hood'Forum to"help him ge,t a review'from the City:;Commi sion The chairman offered Mr._s. Be�11 or=anyone 'el se` from'New;-Washing- ton.Heights the opportunity to -speak. Mrs., Ja`ckie`Be11,..,Director of New Washigton Heights, did not respond. Mr. Benjamin, Brown `stated that Mrs.. JackieiBell''S failure to respond to Mr.. Ivory. Kearson's charges- left him no":Cho ice but to assume that Mr.:lvory Kear.son was telling the truth: The group should support Ivory Kearson, he said: Mr.s. Daha Chapman, New Washington Heeghts, made :a, motion that the task force support Mr.'+ Ivory Kea�son in going be fore `the C"'' Commission in order to get' him a review of his `total'' employment situation:, Th'e motion was seconded.Chairman Hutchinson restated the motion. He stated, that this body � � Rf I � • yfi 34 �. RESOLUTION The Culirer Task Force demands the imadiate resignation of ris. Jackie Bell, . m%ecutive Director; New Washington Heights, Ccm6unity Develogrent Conference, ,;. Office'of Econcmic Development. This action,is,necessary for the good of the Cu.1r,Er corirninity. Ms. Pell is both inconoetent and insensitive to the needs of the ccxtmuujcy. Apparently, lacking training and exper'�.ise in Econaxa'.c be'velo�p Tent, n Pell in 4 :years`as, Ex ecutive Director has ,not accc�nplished even the most basic task; required to lead this ccrturiity to the ultimate goals of 'redevelo-amnt and revitalization. Positive projects initiated�in the area have been systematically sabotage3 or curtailed by r?s. Bell+ she has sucessfully alienated good citizens of "YyhttefathcuLmr to tre e:tt thattconfidence in the organization under her, dir:ction. Pe it further resolved, that thi,.s or(4anizati on urgesthat the Eoard of Directors, of the NIL -a Vlashington Heights Cc munity L velo r nt Conference, Irce,. accept the resignation of Jackie Bell, E::ecutive Director', ,of its! ',Office of Econcmic Develolr-nt, effective, August 14, 1979. tine:,urgently request tlmt the Cite of Miamcr i Canunit_y Services' office and the Poard of Directors together select her rep, comer t ndi.ately. . IVe further request that tier Ar tiriistrative Assistant tIlke over her daily responsibilities until a ciu.-�lifiedke replacei nt if found. . spccific.incidents related to unsatisfactory performance are available upon request. A partial list includes the follC' FV ng: 1. Inability to plan routine taork so that.office functians,smoothll 2. Ir:capable of managing:a 5 man staff without the uniecessary in��olvement and subsequent alienation of Board rrcTnbers, City officials and _. concerned Ci,.t•�zens of Calm- r ' y. 30 Tz:{ Exempt Status -,Needed to raise funds for expanded operations and to provide services_for local businessmen. r3ormally applied for Within 15 months of incorporating anon -profit organization. New Washington Heights Ccmrninity Develog�t Conference, Incorporated in 19731 Tc-c Mremgt Status not applied for until'1979 4 Failed to prope.rly;coordi.nate an Educationdl'workshop for the benefit of el schcol`kids `of Culver. 5 Creates'a continuous at-�iosphere of dissension, chaos and animosity bet<,reen Residents of the ccrrmunity, local Government and other organizations and institutions atte.*'ting to assist with,the Econoac Eevelor_ment `of! the Ccmrnunit<y. 6. Incapable of `malking budgetary decisions on -the it terest,of clevelctii.^g the CuL ex area.; 7.' kfter being resronsible'for Economic DeveloE74*nt-for four years'," Ms.,Bell. failed to provide information=on tfie needs of area busi ess- men to interested'local Goverrurent Officials, S.B.A. ,and Banking a cutives. ALdtonally, hfailed tw`the co;nnuriities ,concepts for ecohci c develognent. 8. els Bell failed to keep r nst ccrrmuunity residents,. property ocmers and businessmen adequately infozir�d of plans and efforts to redevelop - 92 - y EXHIBIT XX ` r 3' MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF'. 'CULMER COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 'September 10, 1979 PHYLLIS'WHEATLEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1801 N.W. 1st Place;: CITY OF MIAMI STAFF ms: Nancy Bahn; Assistant Director. Ms. Cathy,Leff,"Assistant Dire -tor, :Citizeh'Part'icipation Mr. Ne4el1 Daughtrey; Assistant'to the City Manager Mr. Lloyd 'SPooner, Planner r Mr. Ai'Chan.d1er, Director, Culmer Interim Assistance Mr. James London, Community --Involvement Specialist Officer Alexander,, City of Miami Police Department, Crime Prevention Division COUNTY STAFF Ms. Francena Culmer, Planner At approximately 7.-45 p.m. the Culmerl Community Development Task' For Cornmun;ity Development meet i',ng t��a's called to order by acting Chairman`, Mr. Aeli I l iamHutchinson. The Bishop George ,. Johnson gave the invocational message fo, o,;ring:opening remarksby'Mr. Hutchinson. The purpose of the meetingti�as a.Public Hearing to revieti;,the per-formance.of the Community Development Program and`to hear public comment. Agenda`s delineating the meeting ,'and status ,report explaining City 6f hliami and fletropol itan` Dade County Community" Development projects, and .programs"".; were available to all interested. The -attendance roster indicates. hat (42) ,forty=ttiio 'Cu11mer residents were'in attendance. Afthe'r the invocatio"n Act n9.Chairman Mr. Hutchinson introduced the,CulMer Cornmmi ty. Devel opment:(, Planner from the .City of Miami;; Mr : l oyd ,Spooner:. Mr. Spooner.:,'stated that the audience hou1d carefully f61:1ow,along as.,he reads and P-plains ,the City of Miami's - Culnier Cornnrimity` Development Status Report of programs -and projects_du, ring "the':lst�.through 5th.year "planning.� (See.attachmeht 71 - Culmer Community Development Status Repo., Item J Under .the category•of Public :Improvement; several community meinbers'asked specific qu'estio,ns regarding Project' 5; Instal''lation-of Trash ReceotacIes;> (page:=2 of Status Report attachment ;1). - - 93 - 94 Ms. Leff .remarked tha efforts Were. being mace Lo szaa ti preraL IUTI I U LII= . annual K,ianza Festivi;ties cheduled,'for mid -December` 1979 .;Again, there be a 'fo11Gti�-up at the next 'meetng. s one do ,to�follo_WA .80-247 4� - Item l Chairman,Hutchinson then.stated'that in light of the comments' -made: by the commi Furti resp expel UNFINISHIED Item 19 ie'Performance RevieWhas been one of 'complete dlissatis'i time Culmer residents have not been properly informed wi me frames involved with 'the 'various ;projects and actual ,...,, took the floor ai id member of :New ipport the follow d stated tnat.as a taxpayer ands ashington Heights, there was a ne,E ng requests: -97- ion,-- a rs, to have . t he. 79, he; ' Culmer resident, P1s..,Hines of 1479 N.!,1. 3;Avenue"requestedminite,s from•:ihe last meeting so that.shecan be brought up-to-date on the Nearlashington Heights issue. NEl,1 BUSIidESS: Item 22 The Calmer Interim Assistance• Program and the City of hiiami,Police:Department - worked jointly to, in,stitute"a.Cr.irne Prevention,Pr•ogram geared tb'wards the betterment of the CuImer"Community. `Mr.Al ChandlerDirector' of the Cul rrer Interim Assistance Program and Officer Alexander.; City of Miami t held a 40" 'i Police Departmenhdi ra ning "'session from ;Angus 23=27, 1979,. Individuals"who participated ,and_-conipleted;this- program were commended. The program encompassed,.."crime definition"s;`home and business securi y surveys, and 'preventative.resources.."The following"participants received certificates of mer,1itand congratulation"s .from Pir "Netirell Oaugttrey; Assistant to the City Manager: Andrevi Thornton' Ora Jane Grown Timothy Geary, Martha Brown Edti�ard Knox,' DAV"id Hall ,. Carmen Tanile Alice "King Plaude B Ham7. Randol ph D. MobleyJr. Clara ,ilels StubAl bent McCraney .; Thelma Wright Ronald M' Lop`ez Maria Candelaria Katherine Elliott - 98 - EXHIBIT XXI 1 Item II review of Citizen Participation Procedures !•lr . Br( on Com Overtc� the Ad - Mr. Be the.AdvisoryBo that she)would ity L10.1delop,*ht Advisory Board C and resolve the diff ply the Bpard,with a ;where those ftuids we 11 `came up, the re. njamin Bracn, r made 'a notion: That if this Cormu ttee `has any plans or 'corm up with future .plans that . these plans do not be approved until this Advisory Board has a chance to go over those plans." - 103 80-247 1 Mr. Schwartz resumed his report around the redevelopment plan, he also informed transit, , but, in their Lblace there are plans for new housing- . apartmbhts reducing Bishop Johnson, Chairperson adjourned the meeting at` 10:20 p.m - 105 - EXHIBIT XXII 'r - 106 - WINDE )pment Mr. Spooner informed the Board that City Administration through the City Commission, made it their objective in setting up Advisory Boards for not only the purpose of - 107 - �.. _,r „,;. - --���� ' C � C I LJIC RCUCVCIUPIIICIIL Clall. - - 109 - 43. j Board. It the a development corporation to'rovide :busines's loans toexi ti ng,and and Dade County might be. presented to t'he;,C'uliTierCo'n'itn'unl,'ty'-:Dp'velo,piTient 'Advisory Board before acquisition takes pl,6'ce. Mr. .Cash called fora motion on the P1 an.. - 110 - Ifl ng Mrs. Chapman, suggested thatcitizens not::on the -Board should serve Onsoi.n,,, - 112 - EXHIBIT XXIII - 113 - Mrs. Brown made a recommendation that the Board.ask the City Commission to Mrs. Chapman infonned the Board that the following people signed the original charter - they are as follows: Joseph Poitier, William Meadnws and Addie Cobb - 114 - a.Lr._....__ecJ.Y•fY�:4'.'.'t6.lj.ieSE4YiiiYd'��_ rwide�' — __— WiY •� � •�' a '• � leJtl U f - 116 - Heights Boa'rd..meet on. November.'7t I I public., it - 118 - e, , of . Economic ty, request t ,muni or. ,19 - EXHIBIT XXIV MINUTES OF CULMER COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY, BOARD MEETING THURSDAY', NOV EM BER 1 :1979 PHYLLISWHEATLEY,,ELEtIENTARYSCHOOL MEMBERS PRESENT,. -MEMBERS: ABSENT:.,,:: Bishop George EOA ohnson Mr. W. Hutchinson Chairperson 'Mr. W. Johnson (111 'Charles,.Cash. Vice Chairperson r B.,,Brown Mrs. Ma - rgaret: Bro Wn Mr. 11; C :Br0 wn: secretary, -CITY:STAFF,::.'.: Mrs. Laur6, Bethel Mr. Jerry* erea ux I Mrs. Dana Chapman s's i s - t I an I t Dire ctb r r' us%i:ng A f o Ho, Mr. Sidney Cox Fran k Castane a,, ssi s Admi nj itrative fl I n A : fir. IrbyMcKnight 11r. Dave"' .Mr. Kelly'Pace ­bra! Senior. Housing ,.Specia, i.s t' Ms. Gloria Penny Mr. Lloyd Spooner, :�: Planner I, Mr. Tom.Jordan '., Mr. RonLopez Mr. O'Connor ,:Clark Mmuni ty InYo vement-,Specialist The Advisory ,j,Board meeting was opened with .`an 'inVocati,on-bY,-,Bishop qohnson, Chirp erson W7 45 pm. or I the �roi i roll call o e The Bishop" o nson ca e �,niem,bers,. call i df at d that n ic e : 6-1- , n., v e b an( 't Lay -were, Mr. n::mem ers,��vjere presen -four:absent, , Cl i nto-ft, Brown'. J4'r. .Be"n I : ' r. I , aHutchinson-'i d`;M_ " - I ;Johnson. i anviln",, Brown j''M Willi -an r,. William The.Boardliness, wa , s- I informed and,�AhOtl e was th a't-'I.l r. , Jolins" . o n" wa s abse6t,:fdue Ab.,J. h e hosp,ilta1i zed: Mrs. w�Brown;' ecre ary, forwardeda -,l'( to 'HUtchinso'w-. 2,tter. requestitigr,hi 's b 'from t , wo,- , consecutive' meetings;: on -for -being -a -sent ,me note that"this is Mr. Hutchinson's­t i r sence., Item III Minutes '.,read the rlrs.�,Margaret, Brown'. Secretary, minutes of bc'fober._23"j,, 1979,. h1rs. Brown also read aresol uti on, :pr esented to the City Commission tegarding New_Washington • 121 - - 122 - mr. Castaneda informed f-Ir. Cash that there s $150.000 do would be classified as abandoned and tiie. property ti�ould be;; upon Mr. Castaneda was asked if there were and 'other. alternatiVE in l t dated for Culmer for - 123 - '� 1 - 125 ' - 126 - EXHIBIT XXV Minutes of the Overtown community Development"> Advisory Board Meeting Thursday, November 15, 1979 Phyllis Wheatley Elementary School 1801 N".41., 1st Place MEMBERS PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Bishop.G. Johnson,:Chai"rperson Depa"rtment"of Community Development 1•lar6aret`Brown- Secretary- h;rs. Dena Spillman","";Direc"tor Charles Cash,"Vice Chairperson plr, Jerry Gereaux, Assistant Director Benjamin ;BrovIn �ls., Cathy" Leff,; Assistant Director Clinton.Brovm P1r. Dave -Abrams'; Housing Special s"t ` Dana Chapman ": Ron Lopez;"Community'Invo'lvement S"pe'cialist 41i 11 i am; Johnson Irby McKnight Planning,Department" - Kelly Pace Gloria Perry `Mr. Jim Reid, Director"... Tom Jordan" ;Mr. Lloyd Spooner, P anner O'Connor'T. Clark". " The fol Tovii ng is a ,summary of the Over. tovin Advisory " Board meeti"ng hel d. ors November. 15,, 1979: Item I-Call`to Order The Over;tovm ;Advisory Board"meeting was call "to';order by Bishop George L 'J.ohnson, Chairperson -,a 7:.with an invocation. 45 Item II- Roll Cal Mrs. ltergaret" Bro:vn called" the,"roll of. the" Board: All members alere in attendance with,the exception`. of 11rs. Laura Bethel, M ..Sidney Cox."and P1r. William Hutchinson. 1 i Leif] V i r- rField b Mr. William Joh "That the Advisory them that` the Cull recognized.as the City Commission t The motion wassecond Item VIII - Announcem Mr. McKnight 'offered Community Development intentions are. Mr. Advisory: groups and chairman informing them of what o Johnson offered the second and the vote was unanimous. arming be' the er ur - 129 - -13D~ EXHIBIT XXVI minutes Of The Oljertmm'CCTUUUML'ty Develo#*t Gloria Perry Jim Ditec'tc =Planning Tcxn Jordan Ll' d oy.Spooner . plann er Ymrbers absent Sidney Cox Gtie'st,Present William Hutchinson Mr claren e"Patl So1.> d Waste".. -pa3 Kelly Pace, Mr'..Is"real .. Clinton Ermn CdmuutySer Ms. Francena iD ade' Countv., =san,, Director =.ent i m aaaicionai reporr-was pre Georgi_:? ati January 10, 1980.; or the CDC be 'sent to this No vote was taken on thisre Item V - Special Orders- C.ul Mr. Willim Johnson,:Preside for £ dir in the 6th Year LI"&loll L6 I proposal requiring a sun o£ $117,456 :senative ..uimer recerai, L,reaiL. union ,pre5ec«c�+. �L�r�Joy cle`. �Ir Johnson delineated the ingredients of t. 3. The project proposal indicams that ;the CD i 133 - - 134 - Mr. Cash, -called fora vote on - .,the motion to approve the ;total plan; except for the prey mcdification of`the plan.. :lotion: :'is approval of the plan in' principle ;withh mcdification stated earlier, that tr�.- 1 and 2 sections .of the plan, dealin? with land acquisit1.ion; that.: the money'do not cane of CD funding. that money should come out of the housing bond issue., The The rnotion' was >carried. The ne:•:t item 'under;Special` of the Overtown Interim Ass: about the 'Overtvm Interim j the CTAB,hadr sane questions Waste Department wa's also ; pi denartments efforts in the program. Froaram rd ,'andC mvnl idler! s present _ = ector of the 1er's si-ice hi teri.-n Assista^.:o - 135 - - 136 - EXHIBIT XXVII Special Joint Meeting of Overtown Advisory Board and New Washington Heights Board Wednesday,..Novemb2ev 8,1979 Phyl,lis,Wheatley 'Elembntary'� School: I 1801 N,.W., st� Place Roles Nel. Washington Heights A series of questions arose concerning the rdlesi,oflth6BoaHs: - 138 - Question - - 140 - EXHIBIT XXVIII . �- K - 1.42 - - 143 - fit No, (M. Florence) C� We tilant that statement put' in the docunient, that should be a dart of. the pact': (D. Chaprian Woul d you.-1 i ke to sit ,down an discuss it wi th your board ni'einbers? (H: ,Gary) - �F - 148 - : EXHIBIT XXX SUMMARYrOF-MINUTES OF THE FOURTH SPECIAL JOINT. MEETING OVERTOWN ADVISORY BOARD AND NEW' WASHINGTON.HEIGHTS 'BOARD TUESDAY FEBRUARY 5, 198'0. PHYLLIS WHEATLEY ELEMENTARYSCHOOL 1801;N.W1ST. PLACE :. OVERTOWN-BOARD .MEMBERS PRESENT NEW WASHINGTONiHEIGHTS Bishop., George Johnson Mr. Reginald Burton Chairman' Vice'Chairman ' Mr. C�iar.les Cash' Dr. Joseph W. Potier Vice Chairman Mr. Clinton Brown PUBLIC MEMBERS' PRESENT Mr. Irby McKnight Dr. Michael`Biance Mrs. Margaret Brown r10: Joycelyn A. Park Mrs. Dana-D:`Chapman Mr. David Perkins` Mr. Willi am'Johnson Mrs. J a6kie.rlBell Mr. Si:Cc' dney Ms. Gloria Perry CITY 'STAFF PRESENT Mr. Howard Gary, Assistant Ci;:y Manager Ms. Nancy Bahn; Assistant Director Community Development, M.r. Lloyd Spooner; Planner Mr. Ron'. Lopez Community Involvement.Specialist - 149 - - 150 - The aforementioned recommendations.came' from the Overtown Community Development Board". There was no concurrence of the New Washington Heights'Board.. A represenative of the New Washington Heights Board raised a concern related to the notification process for meetings. Mr. Gary ;asked the Community Involvement Specialist to give the "chronology" of the esta- blshment of this meeting'. The Community Involvement Specialist provided those gathered with this chronology: January 10/80'- planned'monthly meeting cancell,e'd due to planned City .Commi'ssion meeting. Monday, January. 21, 1980 - OCDAB meeting scheduled and held.' Nancy Bahn made request of CDAB to meet once again with New Washington Heights. The CO AB ,agreed. Thursday,,January 1. 24,,1980 -'City Commission meeting held 6th'Year, CD -public hearing'. Friday,. January 25, 1980 - CIS`.informed to.set.up­ joint meetina. Dieeting ;set ;up for Tuesday, Januarys 291 1980 . Monday; January 28, 1980 - CIS contacted;NWH. Left 'message with NWHstaff ; person, . for Ms ., ;Bell at':, aporox- im`ately.10:00 a.m. Tuesday, January 29, 1980 - received call from Ms: Bell who stated that she didn't"receive message until '5:30 p.m..,January 28 1980. (meeting cancelled) Wednesday, January 30, 1980 - Received list of NWH`,Board members. Prepares: letters, for; both boards;' called Mr.'' Cash, Vice Chairman. Thursday, January 31, 1980.= Contacted Moses,'Florence'to establish confirmation. Mr."Florence;stated he would -call .the CIS Friday wit ::ananswer. Friday,;, January 1, 194,0 - Mr.' Florence called and. informed, me that he;had, discussed the` pending`;Meeting with the NW Board and he informed the CIS that the13oard was not prepared.to meet on the date in"question. He -informed the,CIS that the Board, would; meet on Thursday',' February 7th and that the .NWH Board, would be,,prepared to 'meet Friday evening_ 8th. Te CIS c3 led Mr. Cash. to "inform him of sir: Florence's decision - sir. Cash informed the CIS that a Friday meeting was not possible. - 151 ��Z - 154 - rf e ,0z ,, �QCJuw ..l a�, Ln l.ii'..� �i t, I�ii uc.J ii icn h I on it c} hf (v I +, rr i� 1'� Lc TI 1. :Ul. Lh0 h� 1��:� s i;;n� 11' ,�- ,)�, L ISs , , i^. Pcic� t L ,lutI.I. Unc!�t:.�,7hc1 ;� L'hi.c; 11 i�� ATTEST1.1 cw.,o:n�-iisr c:F 2?.5 Xorlflzves1 9iti c5lreel • l 'a,ni, t orich 33!.36 q, - (3.0.5 ) 3'1-332 - 158 J EXHIBIT XXXIII'� n✓• c o ;BSc' ASSIE !anaget' • I4.AI• ; January 17,:1980 Mr. Moses Florence, President New Washington Heights Community Development Conference; Inc. 225 N. W. Ninth+Street hliami, Florida 33136 Dear Mr. Florence: As I stated in'my recent 1 dtterL ito, you, be'cause'of proposed.recommen- . dations for; Citywide Local -Development Corporation ,because;of;the Land staff 'recommendation for reduced funding to PJew Washington Hei;ghts,. it is inappropriate.at.this time for you to hire an assistant director. After our six-month evaluation of your program. and after "the'Community Development,Publ1c Hearing; tye tii11 be in:'a better. position to discus"s future,act1vities of your organization. Therefore,,until further notice please observe the freeze on hiring.that has been imposed on your organization. Sincerely,; Dena' Spi11man,.Director .. Department of Community Development DS/rjf , cc: Frank'; Castaneda °�- • 4 !i• . rAt�c`•a; v , . ,.:1;�`i' 3r07IV3 / 11NM1, (tonda 33133 , ,�Tti III Jill -111 Mrsr Dena Spillman, Director Citizen Services' Cu/mer J ark: City of Miami .1145.>Nor;thwest llth Street Miami;" Florida ." 33136 Dear Mrs:. Spillman: ;New .PJashington.Heights Community Development Conference Board of Directors have come to a -decision on employing 9 an applicant for the position of Assistant Director. 'On January .,17 , 1,980, Mr. Ralph Johnson was, hired" �as` kssistant,Director on an interim basis. We felt that 53eiler Mr.;Johnson`aas qualified to fill this position, because - of.his previous leadership role in the formation of. . Con:murllf Negri �;7ashington Heights, and his academic training at the University of Miami. The Board of Directors felt that it was imperatiVe' that this position be filled immediatelvI so .that we can . continue the -development of the 1979-80 work -plan._', Sincerely' .;r Li lttili `11Y '•.-: • "0. --us ?1J'J+! 1 btyRN, Hufrua )Sl;! b f Mr. Moses Florence Page two January. 25, 1980 ;r l' This action is di sal1oWable At' this, time for':the ,f611owl ng reasons: 1) ..Your agency submitted no new resumes of the'topfive candidates for the City's review. 2) 'The changes in your recommendations i6'the space of two days casts some doubt regarding your agency's revie�rI procedure of applications for this position. , 3) A fre'eze'on hiring has been in effect since January 14, 1980. Please be advised that .no City Community Development funds t(i11 be approved' for payments to anyone hired by N!1HCDC'after January 14, 19$0. ' This' action by NWHCDC has placed you in'direct violation of,your 'contract. Sincerely, Dena Spi';11man, Director Department"of Community`Development DS/ rJ f cc Jackie Bell George F;. Knox, Jr'. Ho',,yard Gary +i - 162 - ''. ' ' - 164 - lgr, oil ,7. Identification of potential business candidate. t Ethnic ` : Necessary U- r A�'� iVc Akl-, BJS tiES5�, ,';►eb5�et�tt�e Judy 1`, 1979) AIMUSEMENT CENTERS Liberty Garage 19'U N. :'20th.STREET Linda's Service 'Station 8 O 1 N. W. 2 nd AVENUE, %ioc `s Garage 1G3 N.W. llth S`I'ItEET doses Garage 150 N. Vi- 10`t11 STREET TOmmy .Jack's R61)air 375 N.W. 22ndSi REc`f BARBER SHOPS iBEAUTY SALONS'cont`: Artistic Barbershop Francis Beautarama 910 N.W'. 2nd AVENUE 712 V.iV. 2nd AVENUE. Atlantic Barbershop Katherine-'s,Beautyshiop 1030 N.W. 2nd AVENUE 221,`N.iV. 8th STREET Broadway Barbershop Maggie's ;Beauty. Salon 1133 N.W. 3r.d AVENUE' . 1022 N.W.2nd': AVENUE Green &,Ford Barbershop Mary',s House 'of Beauty 1047 N. V. 3rd AVENUE 805 N.W. 3rd AVENUE International Barbershop Selina Beauty Shop 1035 N.W._"3rd;.AVENUE 1205 N:W; 3rd AVENUE Thor►as Barbershop Tillie IS Beauty Shop. 926 ��1.�V.':2nd"AVENUE 1043' N.IV 3rd AVENUE Our Beauty Shop BARS y'LOUNGES��`1029 N.W. 2nd AVENUE Blount'.s Bain 'CAFE_' S 142.N.W. 11th STREET Bro4.vn's Liquor ,u Lounge Bess'ie's Restaurant. 20'00 N.W. nd 'AVENUE 1100 N.W. 3rd: AVENUE Sth Street Bar, Busy.Bee Lunchonette 4�50 "N.'jV". 8th STREET 9 50 -N 3rd. AVENUE' 14th. Street- Liq�uor.s.. Club Society,` 15'9 =N".W. bath STREET, 212 'N'.W. 11th STREET, Hall Brothers Bar C u.R Restaurant ,>> 73`51 Nr.�V. lst COURT: 8L 'N.IV. 2nd"AVENUE.:­. Honeys Beer Gardcn> Hardy,Takc=Out; 1131 N.W. 3rd AVN U E 157'N.W.' 14th, STREET. �to,'s Good:Luck Bar ' tilotn's Cafe' . G'3.5.N..W.2nd AVENUE 1035 \.W..2nd t1VE\UE Rockland 'Palace, �taina"'°s Cafe' - 8.29 N.W. 2'nd AVENUE 1333 N.tiV`. 3rd AVENUE Victory Garden Nairobi's;.Stereo'phonic.Dner ,Beer 641 N.W. 2'nd AVENUE 732' N . IV; 2nd :AVENUE Rah"wings Ca£e' BEAUTY': SALONS 1211 N : W . 3rd. AVENUE Christalee's Beauty Shop 845 N.W. 3rd AVENUE m.: DRUG COMPANIES (wholesale) GARIN%NI T DISTRICT Hat on Drugs Co. Inc: AtIocha Sewing Machine Company 2200 IN Il 2nd AVENUE 143 'N.V., 23rd STREET Condo Electric. Motor, Repair DRUG STORES (ret`ail) 2251 N.IV. 1st AVENUE Don Allen Chevrolet' Economy Drugs 2000 N. Miami AVENUE 1101 N.IV. 3rd AVENUE Freckles _`of, bliami. Stone Rexall Drugs. 65 NIV.2'lst STREET .900' N'.IV. 2nd AVENUE Giralda bleat ;Pro V1sions . 2336 N.IV. ' 1st ..COURT DRY CLEANERS Muriel SportsJear'..Inc. 2200; N.iV. lst AVENUE Big Star Cleaners 1305 N.W. 3rd AVENUE' Sout}ieast Trading -Corp. 2127 N.IV:" Miami, COURT, Glass Cleaners 137 N.j�l. 14th STREET Southern Comfort Diaper Service 1931' N:IV. ls� AVENUES Cleaners 10.4.2 .N.IV. AVENUE _ Standard Electric' Fix1tures Co. ... „2nd 62 N:R'. 22nd STREET Keep-U-<Neat Cleaners 1111 N.IT. 3rd,.AVENUE Sunny Furniture 2229 N.11. 2nd AVENUE, Pop's Cleaners 1539 N.IV._;3rd AVENUE Sun Rav Products, 'Inc.. 169 AW W. 23rd STREET.,' Sam's Cleaners 34`5N.l'l. 22nd STREET i'1'rop:tx Togs -333 'N.IV. 22nd LANE _. Stan'�8 ,Cleaners = 937 N. W. 3rd. AVENUE c: 2214 N..Miami AVENUE.: IVe1T.'s .Dry Cleaners y Laundry ., 490 N.W. 8th STREET . ;City__ Laundry: ; _L,i'nen.Service : 2160 N .IVY .l saCOU P.T _. PISLI 11ARKETS National` Linen,Servic'c 1950 N.:Iti'. ls't AVE\UE B i C 'Fish ;Market San tarv; Linen Scrv1 c . . 169 N.tiV: 8th'SI`REE'C 253 N:IV: 22nd LAME Economy, Fislv Market-Market-1 National. Freezers .- 111'S. N.IV. '3rd, AVENUE 1849 `:Iv'. 1s AVENUE H Fish``Markct 1745 N. W. 2nd AVENUE mt1I1 t f GROCERY STORES. !Andre�v''s Grocery" I�fary Martha's Gr,oce,ry 253-N.W. ` 2 2nd STREET 1479-1`481 N.W. ' 3rd AVENUE Bradley's" Grocery ckey "A4eats 1433" N.}J'. 3rd AVENUE 363 N.tiV. llt}i STREET i Brenda's;Grocery,_Neighborhood Grocery'. 1033 N.IV. 2nd AVENUE 1701 -N.11 2nd AVENUE Brothers II Grocery Tick's Grocery 243 N.1q.., lith STREET 232 N W.. 8`th ,STREET ■ Cox's Grocery Orange Market 1300 N'.IV:_ 3rd AVENUE �� 271 N:W. l�lth STREET Dew Drop' Inn' LStrvco Market 1117-N:IV. 3rd AVENUE 25"3 N.W. 22nd STREET Di"tie Cash Market .R'ayvon's Itarket. 139''N'.IV: 14th'STREET _ 2`36 �C 14t}i STREET T lo!sGrocery Roker`,Grocory, _ 1701. N, 3rd AVENUE' 1`SOS .N".}V. 1st-. PLACE" Gene's Grocery Market Sam',s'Grocery 1201,N.IV. ls't PLACE 643 N.11. 3rd AVENUE' . Cordon's Market S}iipy'ard Brothers. Grocery 1042 .N.:;V.: 2nd f1VBNUE` 313-820. N.W. 2nd f1UENUE Honey's Quality Grocery Stewart's Grocery 233 N;W: 9th ST}ZEET," 2238 ,N.R'.` 2nd `,"AVENUE"' Joel's 8th Street �}ar',cet - Tiger 'Stop 518` N.P.. 8th STREET-,,1S43 "'N..W. 2n&.COURT" Joe '"s''"Grocery Town `Part:" Grocery 1502 ,N. V. lst_.COURT 1700 N.W:� 2ndCOURT, . Lenod's Grocery Two Butchers , Stipermarket 1553 N.;V. lst COURT . `. 2060 N:I;`'. 2nd', 4VENUE. Libby, Grocery . :W, Woo Grocciy_ ' 914 N.IV: _2nd _AVENUE- 1024.' N:W. 3 AVENUE" Lyon.'.s Grocery tVeaver "T, Sons`' Grocery . 353 N.IV: ,22nd STREET 1110. N:W "3rc� f'1VENUE Mac Win's Market, �Wlvttc's„Grocery 2115 N.W. 2ild_AVENUE ;..1045°N.W: 1st COURT: Mart inIs, .'Grocery Wiley's Grocery,' 938 N.V. 2nd AVENUE 467 N.W.'8th STREET Marshall's Grocery Wilson's Grocery 271 N.W. 21st STREET 1001 N.W. 2nd AVENUE - 171 - ie Hi -Grade Meat Market Berrien Hote1 1123 N.W., 3_rd AVENUE 260 N.Y." 8th STREET bt F, N'Supermarket Carver Hotel 645 N.W. Sth AVENUE 899 Ni1V. 3rd AVENUE Moore's Grocery 1�1ary' Elizabeth; Hotel 122-126 N.IV.. 14tF STREET 6 42. N.W. 2nd AVENUE R,G,Grocery Owasco Hotel 1303 N.W. :3rd AVENUE 307 N:IV. 1`lth STREET Roy's Market' ; Holiday Inn (c;ivic<'"center ) 431 N.IV.' 8.th STREET 1170 ;N.IV..11th STREET LAUNDRY -MATS GOVERNLIENT 'AGENCIES F,. OFFICES B.B Coin :-Laundry, 1201 N.W. 3rd ::AVENUE, Bailbondsman'-Charles Trammell S;.:&$ A.,Coin Laundry;, 1049 N.W. 3rd. AVENUE 1659, N.IV. ;3rd ;AVENUE Citizens ServiceS Department. 'SupersCoin Laundry 1145 N.IV.' 11th STREET N. 745 N IV. 3rd ::AVENUE.,-­ Community Relations Board Sweet E1 Coin 'Laundry. 102`4. N.;W. 2nd AVENUE; 1525 N.IV. 2nd 'AVENUE Culmer:Community Center Art's`Coin.Laundry 490 NQ'W 11to STREET= 2260, N:IV, 3rd 'COURT Culmer Revitalization Program 451'. N.hV Sth STREET LUMBER ' F, SUPPLY Dron:11 -Office 1108 "_i`;_.1V.: 3rd. AVENUE P, fie:.Lumber u .Supply Co. 601 N.ti nth;'STREET , ' Dr.' Taylor's '0f.frc.e . 1028 N.'W. .2nd AVENUE'; PACKAGE STORES InterimAssistance Pro aram 45.1 N:IV:. .Sth STREET - Ideal Licluorl Store Dr.., F,erdle.Pacheco 173 N.W. <llth STREET 94.6 N 'IV AVENUE New I�'as'hington-Iieifihts Office of_`Econ'omi�c' Development. 22`S N.W. 9t'h STRIiE'1'` Tenant -Education Association` of %Miami' 64`2 'N.I9. 2nd AVENUE L . E . T1iomas Jie rl in' s 'Package ,Store. U Loungie 'Attorney.- 10'21 N:IV. `2nd AVENUE 742 N.Iv'; 'Sth AVENUE:-, Dade County Child Development Center 1.7,36 N.W. are COURT PHOTOGRAPHIC MURAL SERVICES Photo Arts -,Murals i •t' RECORD STORES 11AREHOUSES, Dread.Shack / Record Shop Howard iVall Company. ' 2030__N:�V. rid AVENUE_ 2029 N.11. 2nd_AVENUE E N1 Records Roberti James Inc . " 1099 N.tV. 3rd AVENUE ` 227 AN.IV. 21st ;STREET Earnest 'Radio T.V: Troy. Desk Manufacturing 1219 N.IV. 3rd AVENUE ' 21I N.1V. '21st STREET World Mart o£- �iiamr SERVICE GAS STATIONS 201 N'.W. 20th STREET Linda's 'Service Station. , 801 N. W. 2nd AVENUE Shamrock Service Station 1400 N.IV. 1st AVENUE SHOE REPAIRS Economy Shoe Shop 1109`'N.IV.' 3 r d AVENUE' Odd -Fellow Shoe -Shine.• Fj 7162nd AVENUE Roy Shoe Shop 102' N. VV 1"4th STREET Shoe Shine Parlor 716- N . }V'.Z n'd AVE;JUE Shoe Repair Sh`ine Shop , 2n6, AVENUE SOLAR `1ANUF'ICTURING So ar Energy Inc. 711 N.IV. 6th AVENUE - 173 - LEGAL CLASS.IFICATI0`'5 OF' BUSINESSES Incorporated 1' - Single Proprietorship 48 Partnership'' 10 Corporation 12 OTTER 12', NUM BER 0F E%IPLOYEES FULL-TIME i 37 PART-TIME 101: :1itE:\ 'RESIDENT E IPLOYEES I \ AI:E:1 2 S` OUT OF ARLF A i 14 PART-TIA1E 0 INSURAN E,S BurrV " $ :. i'r e 11, In'divi'dLia 6 Eauipment S Public Liability 11 Federal Criie, 2' G roun '' 2 Auto 10 Li£c S - J'.edical f` Salary"Replacement 2, N0\E ;g - 174 - SUN•}fa}tY bF BUSINESS SURVEY TYPES OF BUSINESSES NUN.BER OF BUSINESSES Solar Manufacturing 1 , T::V. Repair Shops 2 Shoe Repairs 2= Bars F, Lounges 7` Package Stores 2 Drug Companies:(wholesal'e) l Garment Manufacturers 2` Barbershops 6 Beauty -`Salons 4 Cae's.: Grocery, Stores 21 Fi"sh Markets 2 Drug Stores .(reaail) s. Service y Gas Stations Photographic ; Mural Services l Lumber'u Supply Companies 1 Auto Repair Shop (paint body) flmusen'dnt 'Centers Record Stores = Launary-Niats `* Dry Cleaners 6 Govern-mbnt'.A) encies 1 TOTAL S? -175- � • AVE?':1GE NUMBER OF .YEARS ' IN' BUSINESS INDICAT IONS"FOR FUTURE PLANS 16' CERTA'IN 1 UNCERTAIN CRIMES ' CONT,l4ITTED' BurJlaries 30 Armed Robberies S Strong .Arm Robberies 1' Slop- Lifting 12 Confidence Games 2 B a d' C li e'c': s Stolen Food Stamps 1 Couriter feit?oney 1 SECURITY MEASURES: Burglar Alarm 19 Close -Circuit Camera 2 Eu'rglary. Bars -.Fire f�larm 7 Steel Doors 10 Other .ii 0.`L- .. 40 _0I';NE1, 1SrIIP .0F MlLDI`'G. ' 0gncrs: 14 Lease lr Requests for Leases a 176 M WILLING'TO RELOCATE TO MORE FAVORABLE LOCATION = 24 LENGTH OF LEASES" Life -Tine 1' Year Lo Year - Open End 1 Indefinite 5 Years 2 2 Years; ` 2 ` 10 Years 1` BUSINESS LOANS Reques Ls 5' Loans approveu 4 Loans Disapproved 0' NUJiEcROi LAWYERS.. = 24 NU"IBERS OF ACCOUNTANTS. ME`•SBERSHIP'S Merci�ants Association iVllin to Join 3 (inaybc) 4 Facade Treatment Program 7 TvPES OF IMPROVEMENTS DESIRED: BY BUSINESSES OVER-ALL PAINTING 25 ENLARGING STORE 11 ADD PARSING AREA I2 SIGNIMPROVE.IENTS 1`'7 BETTER LIGHTING 15 ADVERTISE MORE 1`2 IMPROVE INTERIOR 16 REPAIR BUILDING 21 INCREASE VARIETY OF MERCHANDISE 8 SECURITY 13 - 178 - 25 9111 (51reel 2riazni, glorio(a Jar?" ..I 174 - 180 - 7. Identification of potential business candidate. Et:uic 2lecessary ., Type~ 0f Name: Background Capita :Business. P.eferred To Outcome Lionel Ranjattan, Black Auto Repair County Community Development William Hutchinson „Black undetermined Office/Boarding ;house' compiling necessary info for Commercial Rehab Loan Sylvester Smith Black undetermined, Bar. compiling necessary info for ;Commerc i z Rehab--negot: ting=°for rentz Of.space for parking William Darby Black Recreation help: to negoti. rental of space Charles Cash Black seeking bank com�ileted final 'for ?financing packages presentc `of business loan to.2Commercial banks A.L. Symonette Black undetermined compiling necessa information fo! Commercial Reh<-2b Loan, William Latimore Black none Met with Rolanc. Security to di' - comp i l ed a list .of properties,:.be f -8 Street 1 st Ave &' 2nd Ave- of owner's name, cuss `security address, size -of property,,value, property description', property`addresses`• measures for llub - Commercial Sent-70 letters to property owners with questionaires 9/7/79 - structures. 3/j& (3 0-7) 71 V. ZII. STITIII.IZE E:'.IS'i'T:�G I'EIGII13OI'.IIOOD 'II USIcIFSSES Leon t4a den Renovation`o8,building �, small 703Nta 5 Avenue :• business loan - Swam p-Ynn •. - LUCiZTe`ZVi1ev Small bus iness ' loan - up right Grocery refrigerator, - security- bars' & ^r,l 467-idt7 8 St N ('{'=`��y,��• burlger alarm —Cly�i Isaac SVells Small business loan -. making P7el'1's ,Dry Cloning plans :for conversion of , cleaners Laundr.y into a small discoIt 49,0.NW '3 Street Chaff r�s C'sh Business- e' pansion loan 2060 NNW 2 Ave nuehave applied.a't Capitol.Sank' i- Sun Bank cirJc Dana Chapman Engineering report k/i 79 O'..ViV 5 9 St,, Don-Cha' 1000• N1W 2 Avenue t•7i11iam Hutchinson ana11 ing for commerciam rehab loan 8001 N22 .venue.: rec-uested-�.ppraisal of.`proaer- - 225 NIl 9 Sheet opinion- o'f Tit1e - structural enaineer- _; - : •• f r in report - archi tectu_al rende1-ing CI' J -- S.'Smith ArciitecturalrendeYing p rocress of securing. ICI. -TTP. CT NEN BUSINESS S ' ND I �iVEST' NITS TO THE CO'a aU::ITY Laundrv-mat, 2060 N,1:' 2 ?ivenue, o:aner-Char les Cash,` negotiating :with Soeed Queen' P;ashing ''.active ,Co: foz laundry mat su'pplis/machines 14 th S IL- eet Bar, 156 M'I ' 14 S'tree't, comer-S •ve'ster Smith remodeling e:.isting structure - -negotiating arith "Of f-Street Parf:ing %uthority and Dept. 'of Public tVorks , for ,useof area under e nressr:ay to be used 'for. parking - •elan to apply for HUDi. co-m!iiercial re, In' can: - Charles Cash.has leased part of his building for �� restaurant' FiISG LLANEOUS t•le'etinas t?et with Mr. Fair, Urban League `- Sent. a Culmer, Ad; Hoc Com i'ttee' =' Sept. 12 & 19 Technical Review Committee - Sept. 10 J.R. Cleaners Shipyard"Brothers 1024 "NW 2 Avenue 81,8 :;]69 2 Avenue Atlanta Barbershop Artistic.Barbershop 1030 NW,2 Avenue 910 ZlJ.•1 2 'Avenue C & 'R Restaurant Charlie Seymour. g12 NW 2 Avenue 7"32 .NW ,2 :Avenue Merlin Package Store & Lounge 742 NW 5 Avenue 1 (has sold' business) �9illiam Draper Wey Chin< Energy Forces.Joe's 8th Street Market 711 i]Ti 5 Avenue ` 513 N.i 3th "St. Tine's Grocery Frank-'s Grocery, 4th Avenue Sol ,itl 7ah St`. P.ay Gaddist s :•Iar'-.et 431 Nlw 3th St. (going out of business) T:,e follo.,. i ng businesses requested 'se `�. i ces, or `gay. e" point -:.of -info. ��= S .chards"on Existing business - want to relocate r NW 2 Avenue 'I" mcs relocate in ,hen the Dor-C: a: j'"" _ �'' (`,�✓�' - building (1000' Nav 2 Ave ) is rah I zD �.rn st ;Radio & TV Client wants. to move out of Ove' `own. 1219 till 3 Avenue Client imrormed of` the red'eve"locment plan ✓Jac.- " Lindsey '21 Very interested "in redevelopment",. would _ .:, 224. N;1 S't, li}.e .to remode e.:istincj build"iny" or: (property owner) build office on proocry. Requ'�ested" in Formation on :.oning 'ot his" oroonrty. •J Propertf" owmcr given cop,J of ,zoning;," report from the,,'.c' y. T�ionel 'Ranjatt-a,•, 1��032 fir" � s t This .prone _ t� i� adj.oi Wing tine C �arles " N[] 2 A venue Cash property.' b inal ,arch:it"ectual rend= Auto Renair _ t t eying" f rom I U saculd be ready b_" - 5 ctober 12', 179 C].3'ilan Mayers i V -is N Supermart;et Small business loan . - no, building . �..0 t►`5 6•l5 'r]:: 5 n.Venue° equipment" - p"arkin lot; small.sho pin^" g g "crould ��,_, center - like to purchase tho J :�� -+i ^►7 rest of the block -.186- r EXHIBIT XXXIX •., ew D in ion .{ei�ils 'Co ommun!`!Deuelopmen! Conference oe of conomicc l evelopmeni A NON RROPIT OROANQATION �i�.crr/eri: / o.rd: 7/orenrc Dice Na4vr !OD Nov 3.9 L7r?uyurvr.* VE (+rf/)hUs (31an/dyclacre/urr : Wdclie� Curti DI).i V. �. vc. %�i,..:.?r,rliv i�.// November -19; 1979 Mr's. Dena Spillman,, Director Citizen Services Department Gufiner Jcrr� Citv of. Miami "(7uer!omr."` 1145 R.W. 11th Street iami, Florida 33136 Dear Mrs. Spillman: Enclosed please find New Mashinat6n Heights. October monthly report . Iflthere are_any questions-, ple,ase call upon ;. u s. ✓»rl��r incerely,` CO, 412U1.11r J ekie'Bel l, Executive Director 22-T or lialesi ^' ;�Ir��c�l • J(i:rmi, /orl�/r 33136 • (305) 371-322,3 . � t NEW WASHINGTON HEIGHTS COMUNITY DEVELOP;,GNT CO.iFEPZk!CE PROGc` 4 QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Community,, civic, and business organizations contacted to participate in the outreach program. Contact Oraanization Person. Telechone Florida Memorial College Dr. Robinson,, Pies. 625-41u1.. Interim Assistance` Program :-MrL. Chandler; Dir. 579-3472 City of Miami S 0 idL MAste Dept. Mr Patterson, Dir. 579-6721 Tri-Citj Mrs. Daisy Davis, Dir 2. Advert sing'in the media (send sample oZ all advertising:,newspaper, radio,�l.a__ Media Dates' E::cendltures 3. Companies contacted to locate industrial complexes and branch offices in'the Culmer :area . f Company Name ;.Contact Type .of 6 L, Address Person Business Outcome Hol-inn Dade .Smith, HOTEL Dendi.- Re'glon aJILFranchise Dor Quality Inn ,' �� HOTEL - pend in: Sheraton` . General ffana7er. HOTEL . oendin - 189 - 7. ` Identification of potential business candidate. Et:�nic tl��ess,�ry 'ripe of . F.e_`erred Too'jt'�Qr Name � Backyround .C��ita-L I3us iness -- Earnest 'Bell Black' 50;000 Taxi CaU �nntral Bank/ i perk}. w. Willi.am'Ingraham Black S0,000 ' GlasteCollec- SBA pcncl: tion Charles Cash.Black - securinB anis for, inp f. Lionel Ranjatten Black HUD cost' est: in -Froce: Sylvester Smith" Black Bar/Lounge pend Miami Times Novembsr 29 Establishment of, branch of ;Florida Memorial Collede, { Annual Membership,meeing 3 • Comtianias conzQC. l ed to �. ll cacCam: Industr ial compl.L:xas and .drir• C '11 rb 6 s Culmer ;area . Company %ame Contact .vne o`; FLOMI Inc. Pepper Johns"on Cosmetology pending i93 - .00 { 1- _ _. f,.- • .,; . �.• l�C:+ 1J �. %1. �:.I.f'r Ci41 .. 'M_.,, u 4u$r.. u-rica :i�+ l`:Gu�:1'. r.. v:: i:.r L.V Jr WIIiJ rYr fIr11 �/w eIk Cu-.des lia V.1e al aS 0 Wi� /f14 �.i.t+Vri11J �' �IVu� �1�JJ w �W�r+�Cr1•C••�� s alns and 2inrazca p;:o -Qaa ::oc t:,c auifl0 0�= :iWf:.e: ?r J�r U11\ 1 UU�. (w��V.1 �..r ilur.1 _J 'S 1r ..:1 •..fJ. j .7• Ctif r111 Vfr .l, Jfrr rl.r rf�1•�. Vtr.�\ 1.4 •`I.I V w.r rV, yf,.Jr �c'S.�-• o. ::ar;cat survey studies per:c�..Iec. businle-S-5 C,-tndjdzIte. Identification Of potential Y�' YPCI visfor re-( :Tcb Out pendi .i , 3U' TIiE`l11Al11 TIi•IES.Thursddy. November M 19 9. E' 6 s q; J ii The New ' Washington' lease ii: the builrlin� liieated of Ne.ights ;Community`, 23tiNW7IhSt`fortniscollege, . Development ` Conference' of` Tile Co log, '.will ; e car cd ` 225 NW 9th Street, is in the ,a to ' teachses , courin process of estabii.shing Business Adniinistr•atiun branch of Florida Memorial U r; 0a n S l ( i e .College in "Overtown''. Drub; ,Job "rehabilitation " Nv H IMern bets ip�, Tile main purpi)se for, this; programs, and more: educational institution is,;to' R�ryisftG 331� up•Ill rnilc the, edueatioil, 11opeftllly ' cusses will " v standard of the people of this conlli ence by Jan. li, Or .,'a;�"; f V�a�,'�a and surrounding communities soon `Ifter. If %ou i-e in• so that they :can be better; terested-to learn Inure about New %Vashinkton 'heights equipped to cope with today's this 1're,;rarn IIL:<,se contact Community ' Development problems and meet the New 1V,Ishin;ton tl i ,nts Conference will he tiolding its chailem„es of.the futures Community;; Develo,lnient . c ill be r'h i.�i iilr. Miiliam:Sawyer, of the Con;ei•cnce al 37;•; Meeting on January 91h, prominent Sawyer's i amily of ,lackie " Bell, i �acutive 19l110 at, ; p.rn. this community, has agreed to Director. Mvinbershiit""Itet Stration has begun Iilld will Continue' � until Deceinher, Zlst. NJem; 'hership Classifications: In- d i v i r I t i, i I - V; i i i i i I v - C o rpi j r a t I o r i. MI Can ;,pply, and send, replies to 225 N%V 9th St:, Miami. Florida. - 196 - 777-1, 1 NEW WASHINGTON HEIGHTS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE 1 PROGRAM QUESTIONNAIRE 1 Community, civic, and business organizations contacted to pattic pate..an the oistreach program. Contact . Organization"- Person Telephone CAA,NJ at Zanders Sig-5?31 CMI-IS Tlieodore Thomas 325-7'201 YlVCr1 Roy Herbert 573-1375 SCLC Ray Fauntroy 371-SCLC NfIS Rejinald, Burton 836-2162 OTA HerbertSmith 57.9-5643 NA,aCP Dehr"a IVi11iams 751-6079 Fainily Project Rebecca: Koch 358-5780 Culmer `Federal `Credit Union William' Jo}inson 754-9`236 2 Advertising in the media (send sample of all advertising: newspaper, radio,flyers; Media Dates, Expenditures Miami 'Dimes' (Overtolan Unity Day) ., Dec. '17, 1979 . . 3. Conoanies contacted to locate industrial complexes"and branch offices in the Culmer :area. Company Name' Contact Type of Address Person: Business Outcome LUt}iet Rolle prop;( (24 N.IV: er I'nc . rtics '7 ti t: C 1, tr . Lutircr i cl� fI". <1.1V112gston mport_LExport 011-g0i11_ -PL-al Estate SUsiness Cstabli 7.: Identification<_of potential ---?siness candidate. Et..em c Bachgzound; Necessary Caoi� tat_Business�ReferredTo Type of , Outcome Name llulda Frazie2' Black $ 50,000.00 Apartment llll� going l:ent'als . Ada !Mae =Paschal Black Undecided Undecided, "HUD �.On-going Attorney:Barket Black None 'Legal services Securing Office Location I Daisy Miles '"Black Unknown - � Unknown. - llUll On=.going o .. -... N ` I Mr. Cash Black Noiie 'None, Peoples Gays " Gas Deposit rlzac�` I ARTICLE iI GENERAL OBLIGATIONS 2.1= OBLIGATION OF CONTRACTOR The Contractor agrees and understands that the agreementshould be,completed and approved within 60 days of appropriation. Failure to comply gives the City the right to withdraw and re - appropriate funds. The Contractor agrees to carry out the program as prescribed in its attached Work Program in •a lawful, satisfactory, and proper manner, in accordance with the written policies and pro- cedures. and requirements as prescribed in this agreement, as set forth by the United States Secretary of Treasury, and Office of Cor-unity Development, and all other state and local laws. The Contractor shall not perform in a way inconsistent with the terms of the Work Program, except as authorized in writing by the City. Such authorization by the City shall be subject to and in accordance with prescribed guidelines. 2.2' MMPLiA.NCE 'WITH FEDERAL. STATE AND LOCAL LAWS Both parties shall comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, and codes of Federal, State, and local governments. Specifically, the Contractor agrees to comply with the Housing and Commnunity Ueveloo- ment Acts of 1474 and 1977. Section 10 : witn executive Order 11246 11053; and with Section 3 of the Housina and Urban Development Act of 1968 Sections 570, 303 2.3 CONT-ACT MODIFICATION The City or Contractor may, from time to time, request changes in the scope of the services to be performed hereunder. Such changes,` including an increase or decrease in -the amount of Contractor ccmo- ensation, which :are mutually agreed upon by and between the City and the Contractor , must be incorporated in. written amendments to this Agreement, following aoproval thereof by the City Commission. . ARTICLE III 3.1 WORK PROGRAM,• A description of the Contractor's Work Program is 'attached, hereby . incorporated and made apart of this"Agreement. ARTICLE IV M-TrilSATSON METHOD, CON DIT101S OF PAYMENT AND TIME OF PAYI!ENT 4.1 ; BUDGET SUI9MARY The total Contractor budget summary attached hereto, is hereby incorporated and 'made part of this Agreement. Within the.sixth month of the contract year, the Evaluation team and Agency Control will meet with the Contractor to=review its program and .budget.and - recommend .necessary changes at that time. All contracts or addend - ums'must include detailed budget narratives, -broken down'by line- item accounts. Adjustments in the Work Program, 'amendments thereto, or revisions thereof. as may hereafter be prepared. shall be effective:• for•any purpose only to the extent concurred in by,the"City and cons-. istent with applicable Federal regulations and guidelines. -2_ ibject to'reduction for amounts 'r which are found,by the"city to constitute alloiwable;cost.. or increased for :underpayr^ents',- m 4.6 R TE 'TMI OF pfC--=D5 Contractor agrees to retain all financial records, supporting documents. statistical records, and all other records pertinent to this contract, for a period of three years The retention pecind starts fron the date of the submission of the final expenditure report. Records for'non- expendable,property acquired with funds under the Contract, shall be retained for a period of 'three years after its final disposition, Said records 'shall be retained' beyond the three year period if the audit findings have-not been resoived. 4.7 ,BO1DiPIG AND INSURANCE The; Contractor shall maintain during ,the term of this Contract, 'the A nsurance'and bonds specified below:: (a) Insurance coverages should reflect sound business • practices by the Risk_hlanagement Division _as_;determined of the City of 41iami.. (b) P.riorAo the disbursement of funds to th e.Contractor:e the 41 Risk Management- Division shall receive assurance. that all persons handling funds received!or disbursed under this Contract are covered by Fidelity Insurance in an amount consistent with sound fiscal practice.i' (c);' The Contractor shall furnish certificates of insurance And bonding;to the Managerprior to g6mmencing any - activity under. the Contract.•. Said certificates.shall clearly indicate the Contractor is in strict compliance with,,provi'si'ons of this Article.= ' 4:8` C0-IMITTEEsMEI.IBERSHIPS The Contractor's Board must approve all cor,lnittee•memberships (both external and internal) offered;to and/or solicited.,by the Executive Director of,'the ;Contractor. Board approval must be obtained -before any �committee.membership , is obtained and/or accepted:. "..- 4.9` OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL All travel requests must have approval of the Board, as indicated by`a copy :of the minutes of the meeting where.it Gras approved. Travel will be reimbursed •accordina`to State of Florida'Statutes 72-217, General Laws of 19721_and City Administrative'Directive 2.5. Travel on City Business(as set forth'on October 9, 1909). All 'out of town 'travel must indicate the nature of the trip, lencth of.time out of the City, breakdown of estimated expenditures, and anticipated value to the Agency and ;the City. 4.,M' CONDITI0iIS ON 1dHICH PAYMENT IS CONTINGENT The Contractor warrants that no person -or selling ;contractor or`. other organization has `been'employed'or retained to solicit or secure this contract upon an agreement or Understanding for a commission, percentage, brokerage or contingent•fee.. For breach or violation of this warrant, the City shall havethe right.to annul this contract without liability or, in.its discretion, to, deduct from the `contract, or otherwise recover, the full `amount; of such commission, percentage, brokerage or contngent,.fee, or to,seek such other remedies as legally may be available.'' 4.11! SUBCONTRACTS Contractor agrees to give advance notification,,in writing, to the City of any subcontract. ,None of the work ordservices, including; but not limited to consultant work or 'services, covered by this contract'shal] be subcontracted. .4_ - 205 - 5.2 EOUALOPPORTUIIITY The Contractor agrees that there will be no discrimination against any ;employee or, person served on account of race, color, sex, religious creed, ancestry, or national origin in its performance of this contract;; and it is expressly :., - understood that upon the receipt of"evidence of such discrimination, the City shall have the tright to'terminate this contract. 5.3 CONFLICT OF INTERESTS No official or employee of the Contractor may be admitted directly or indirectly to any share or part of this contract or to any benefits to arise from the same nor own or acquire any personal interest in any property, contract or proposed contract which would conflict with or relate to the per- formance, their duties or responsibilities under this contract. Ifanysuch person presently or i.n the future acquires, owns or controls any such share, benefit, or personal interest, he shall immediately disclose such interest to the City and (other appropriate agencies). Upon such disclosure, such person shall not continue his participation unless. it is determined by the City that his participation is not Contrary to public interest. The Contractor will co -ply with _all Federal, State and local conflict of interest laws and requirements. 5.; LN D ';11 1C.ATi0?1 The Contractor understands and agrees that it is indep end- dent contractor that agrees to indeminify and hold harmless. the City from liability of any kind, including costs and expenses for or on account of any or all suits actual or threatened or damages arising out of.the contract. .The Contractor will present proof of coverage of liability which is acceptable to the City. In addition, the contractor will hold the City harmless and will indemnify he City for - funds which the City is obligated to refund the Federal govern. —rent arising out of the conduct of activities and ' ad^inistration of the Contractor. 5.5 L 'V71 Oc cr.v Cc It it expected that funds are provided to insure quality service to City residents. Should start-up time for a program be required or any delays in'service occur, the Department of Citizen Services is to be notified in writing irr^ediately giving all pertin.eat details and indicating when service will begin and/or continue. It is understood and agreed that the level of services, activities and expenditures by the Contractor, in exis- tence prior to the initiation of services hereunder, shall be continued and not 6e reduced, in any way ar a result of this Contract except for reductions unrelated to the Provisions or purposes herein stated. It is further understm d and agreed that the program funded through this Contract will in the not result displacement of employed; workers,, impair. existing ccmtrarts for services or result in, the substitution of funds allocated under this Contract for other', funds in connection with work Which would have been performed even in the absence of this contract. 5.6` PUPCPASiNG AND iNVENTORY (NOT APPLiCABLE TO CETA CONTRACTS) The Contractor agrees to use its best efforts to obtain all supplies and equipc:ent for use under this contract' at the lowest practicable cost and three (3) bids for the purchase of Capital Equipaent to accc:-oany all requests and, agrees to use the procure,:ent of sources available to it to the extent applicable to all Federal, State, and ' - 21) - local 1aws.' All non -expendable property acquired for the program .with _LOC,,%j3 Y •�,.:, ���. cu^,; Will revert to the (; ty uniess otnir:iise provided for, such non -expendable property being properties which will not -be consumed or lose identity. The Contractor shall be responsible to the City for any damage or destruction to said property and shall reimburse the City for such damage unless the City or its employees shall have caused . the damage. .The Contractor shall establish and maintain aproperty control system and shall be responsible for maintaining a current inventory on all capital items purchased with Funds. It should be clearly understood that all Capital Expenditures over $50.00, must be approved by the City prior to purchase. It should also be understood that all items purchased remain the property of the City and should be. inventoried as such. This will include listing on a property record by description, model serial number, dale of acquisition•and cost. Such property shall be inventoried' annually, and an inventory report submitted to the Department of Citizen Services.: 5.Z DISCLOSURE OF FUNDS The Contractor shall disclose all sources' (Public and Private), and amounts of funds rerlecti•na the total budcet whether they be real or in -kind at the co= encerent of the contract period, as well as any changes<in the'arount of funds received durino the term of agreement, within thirty (30) days of such change. ,Examples of in -kind funds to include free rent, labor, office equipmtent, etc. 5.8 FINAL EXPE iDI T UR= 'R'PO? T A final budgetary report should be submitted to the,City thirty (30)-days beforethe expiration of the contract period.. This report should reflect actual exoenditures, by line -items, versus proposed expenditures submitted at the beginning of the Contract year.. All persons employed - and paid pursuant to this Contract should be listed by name, title, Social Security nw ber, date hired or term- inated, ethnic background, and total salary reflecting both City and other funding sources. 5.9. A,'ct!u. t?ITS The City and the Contractor may, in their discretion, amend this'Contract, to conform with any contingencies which may require such amendment. Amendments, if required,,shall.be . incorporated, in writing, to.this,•Contract upon approval and concurrence of the City and the Contractor. ARTICLE VI GE,1=RAL`iASSURANCES AND CERTIFICATIOtlS THE CONTRACTOR ASSURES AND CERTIFIES THAT: 1) It possesses legal authority to enter into this Contract;, a resolution,' motion, or similar action has been duly': adopted or passed as an official act of the Con h actor's governing body, authorizing the execution of the Contract, including all "understandings and assurances contained' herein, and, directing and authorizing the person identified :as the official representative of the Contractor to act in ` d -'- . - 208 - 1 connection with the Contract and to provide such additional information as may be required, 2) It will comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, (P,L.88-354), and in accordance with ;Title VI of the Act, no person in the United States shall on; -,the t ground of race, color, sex, national origin, political affiliation or beliefs (Sections 703(1)'and 712), be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any; program or activity for which the •Contractor:receives'' Federal financial assistance, and the Contractor will ` immediately take any measures necessary to effectuate' this assurance. 3) It wi11 comply with the provisions of the Hatch Act which limits the political activity of employees. 4) It will comoly with the requirement that no program under this Contract shall involve political activities (Section 710). 5) It will establish safeguards to prohibit employees from, -using their positions for a purpose that is or gives the appearance of being motivated by.desire for private gain for the -selves or others, particularly those with whom, they have family, business or other ties (Section 702(a)). 6) Participants or employees ,in the program found pursuant to this Agreement, will not be employed on the construct- ion, operation or maintenance of that part of any facility - which is used for religious instruction or worship (Section 703(3)). 7) ' Appropriate standards for health and safety in work and training situations will be maintained (Section 703(5)). 8) Persons employed in public service jobs under this - Contract shall be paid waves which shall not be loaner than whichever i•s the hicnest of (a) the minimum wage which would be applicable to the employer under the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, if Sec_icn•6(a)(1) of such title applies to the participant and if he rrere not exempt under Section 13 thereof; (b) the State or local minimum aac=_ for the most nearly comrara"ie covered ecalo_ment, or (c) the prevailing rates of pay _ for persons employed in similar public occupations by the same employer (Section 208(a)(2)). c I ARTICLE II GEhEPIAL OBLIGATiONS 2.1' OBLIGATION OF;COIITRACTOP. The Contractor agrees and understands that the agreement should be completed and approved within 60=days of ' appropriation. Failure to comply dives the City the right to withdraw and reappropriate funds. The Contractor agrees to carry out the project as prescribed in its attached (Particpant Utilization Plan), and/or (Work, Program) in a lawful, satisfactory, and proper manner, in accordance with the written policies and procedures, and requirements as prescribed in this agreement, as set forth by the United States Secretary of Treasurey, and the provisions of CETA. of 1973 and all other state and local lams. The Contractor shall not perform in a way inconsistent with the terms of the (Participant Utilization Plan ), and/or (!%ork Procram) except as authorized in writinq by the City. Such authorization by the City shall be subject to and in accordance with prescribed guidelines, 2.2 Cr"?r I ACE 10ITH FEDERAL. STATE AND LOC-L LA' -IS Beth parties shall comply with all applicable laws, ordinance, and codes of Federal, State, and local governments. Speci- fically, the Contractor agrees to comply with the Comprehensive Emplovment and Training Act of 1973, as amend-d and all other lass and orovisions of this Agreement. 2.3 CD..T=ACT'MOD IFiCATIO}! The City or Contractor may, from time to time, request chances in the scope of the services to be perfor•med here- under. Such chances, including an increase or decrease in the amount of Contractor compensation, which are mutually agreed upon by and between the City and the Contractor, must be incoraorate-d in written amendments to this Agreement, following approval thereof by the City Commission. ARTICLE III A description of the Contractor's iParticioant'Utili ation PI an is attached, hereby incorporated and nracr•part of this Agreement. ARTICLE I:' CO.'PEf1SAT10:1METHOD, COIIDITIONS 0E- PAYML.1T Ai1D Tiii oOF PAYIIE-IT 4.1 BUDGES sUM;IAR5 The total Contractor- budget summary attached hereto,, is hereby incorporated and made part of this Agreerreht.' Within the sixth month of the contract year, the Evaluation team and Contract Control will meet with the respective COrrtractor•s to review` their program and budget and r•ecor:Mend necessary charrnes at that time. All contracts or addendums must include detailed budget narratives, broken down by line item accounts. Adjustments in the Celork Program) and/or (Participant Utilization Plan) amendments thereto, or revision 46 "`� -213-� r 5,2 EQUAL OPPORTUNIT'i The Contractor agrees that there will be no discrimination against 'any employee or person served on account of,race, color, sex,,religious`creed, ''ancestry, orjnational origin 3n its performance of this contract, and;`it is expressly understood that upon the receipt of evidence of such,'`;; discrimination, the City shall have the right to'terminete this contract,' 513,CONFLICT OF .INTERESTS N6 official or employee of the Contractor; may be admitted , directly or indirectly to any share or part of this contract or, to any benefits to arise from the same nor awn or acquire any personal interest in any property, contract or proposed contract which mould conflict ,with -or`relate to the per- formance, their duties or responsibilities under this contract. If any such person presently or in the future acquires, owns or controls any such share, benefit, or personal interest, he shall immediately disclose such interest to the City and (other appropriate agencies). Upon such disclosure, such person shall not continue his participation unless it is determined by the City that his participation is not Contrary to public interest. The Contractor will comply with all Federal, State and local conflict of interest laws and requirements. 5.4 INHE?hIIFiC,TI01t _ The Contractor understands and agrees that it is independ- dent contractor that agrees to indeminify and hold harmless the City from, liability of any kind, including costs and e:-penses for or on account of any or all suits actual or threatened or dar„ar_,es arising out of the contract. The Contractor will present proof of coverage of liability :-rhicn is acceptable to the City. In addition, the contractor - will hold the City harmless and will indemnify the City for funds which the City is obligated to refund the Federal govern^ent arising_ out of the conduct of activities and ad.-ninistration of the Contractor. 5 5 LEVEL OF SPVI'" It is expected that funds are provided to insure quality service to City residents. Should start-up time for a program be required or any delays in service occur, ;the Department of Citizen Services is to be notified in uniting immediately giving all pertinent details and indicating when service will begin and/or continue. It is understood and agreed that the level of services, activities and expenditures by the Contractor, in exis- tence prior to the initiation of services hereunder, shall be continued and not be reduced in any way as a result of this Contract except for reductions unrelated tothe provisions or purposes herein stated. It is further understood and agreed that the program funded through this Contract will not result in the displacement of employed workers, impair existing contracts for services or result in the substitution of funds allocated under this s'Con butt for other funds in connection with work which would have been performed even in the absence of this contract. ~5.6 PURCHASI11G AND INVENTORY (NOT APPLiCABLE TO CETA coNTRACTS) The Contractor agrees to use its best efforts to obtain all supplies and equipment for use under this contract at the lowest practicable cost and three (3) bids for the purchase of Capital Equipr-ent to accomoiny all requests and, agrees to use the procurerent of sources ay.4ilable to it to rr,- °Ytent applicablc, '.o all Federal, State, and -217- a c connection with theContra t and to provide such additional inform.'ation'as may.be required. 2)1� It till 11 comply y with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of: 1964, (P,L, 88-354),,,and'in*.6ccordance with Title VI t. of the Act, no person i.n,the United States shall on the ground of race, color, sex, national origin, political affiliation or beliefs (Sections 703(1) and 712), be. excluded fron i participation in, be denied the benefits of or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any: program or activity for which the Contractor receives Federal financial assistance, and the Contractor trill'` immediately take any measures necessary to effectuate this assurance. 3) It r.4ill con -jl' with the provisions of the Hatch which ply % limits the political activity'of employees. 4) It wi 11, comply withh the requirement that no prograim under this Contract shall involve political activities (Section 710). 5) ploy esfrom It Ylill establish safeguards to„prohi.bit err e using 'their positions floriapUrpose that is or givesthe appearance of being motivated by desire for 'gain appeai 6 I h! for themselves or others, particularly those ,-jith w on they have family, business or other ties, (Section 702(a)), .6) Participants or employees in the program found pursuant,,, :to 'his Agreement, will no,' be employed on the construct- ion operati ovor maintenance of that part of any facility whichJs used for religious instruct -ion or worship (Section 703(3)). 7.) Appropriate standards for hq.-Ith and safety in t,orand training situations will be maintained Section 703(5)). 8) Persons employed in public service jobs under this Contract shall be paid wages which shall not be I o-.-.-e r than whichever is the hic77est of (a) the minimun, wage which would be aunlicable to the er.l.-lover under the Fair Labor Standards Act of 193S, if Section 6(a)(1) of such title applies to the participant and if he %..-ere not exempt under Section 13 thereof; (b) the State or local minimum viace for the most nearly comparable covered employment, or (c) the prevailing rates of pay for persons employed in similar public occupations by the same employer (Section 203(a)(2)). 219 h xk 4 7. i' (CETA) ` ARTICLE VII is 7.1 T11ME OF PEP,FOR'•lANCE ( This contract shall become effective upon execution by the r City Manager on behalf of the:City of Miami, as of the day of 197 The services of the Contractor are to commence as soon as practicable after the effective date and shall be completed. i rn light of the purposes of this contract, no later than the 30th day of September 1500 7.2 OSLIGATIOt! TO REFUND Upon termination of this Agreement, the Contractor agrees and understands that the,City has'no obligation to refundany " Contractor or Program with (CETA) funds. ARTICLE VIII` F ' ASSURANCES AND CERTIFICATIONS r i THE CONTRACTOR ASSURES AND CERTIFIES THAT: z= 8.1 CETA"participants on the payroll rior to October 1, 1978, may retain their full salary and are eligible for further anniversary and/or cost -of -living increments. However, the same employees are not eligible for any promotion to classifications srnicn " exceed`a rate of $10,000.00 per year. 8.2 Employees hired since October 1; 1973, are not eligible for promotions to job classifications exceeding a rate of 510;000.00 per year in Title II(D) or 510,000.00 + S1,000.00 supplement 'in ; Title V:I. Beginning April 1, 1979, the wave rates of all ne•;:lv hired participants must not be more than 57,177.00 per year. 8.a It Will 'comply with Title VI of the Civil. Rights Act of 196a (42 USC 2000d), prohibiting employment discrimination where (1) the primary purpose of a grant is to provide employment; or (2)`'discriminatory employment practices will re_ult in Unequaltreatment of persons who are or should be benefittinc from the grant -aided activity. Conditions of employment or training will be appropriate and reasonable with regard to the type of work, the oeograpnical region and the proficiency of the applicant (Seciion"703(4)):' 8.6 Training will not be for any occupation which requires less than two Creeks of pre -employment tr•aininn, unless imrediate emplov•ent opportunities` are available in that occupation (Sect)on 703(o)). 8.7 Training and related 'services will, to the maximum extent pract- icable, be consistent with every individual's fullest capabilities . and lead to employment opportunities which will enable participants to become economically self-sufficient (Section.'703(9)). B.B The program Trill, to ,the. maximum extent feasible, contribute ,to the occupational development or ups•}ard mob iIity of indiv"idua V participants (Section 703(13)). -9- - 220 - (CETA) 8"9 Individuals receiving training on-the-job shall be compensated ' by the employer at such ratest. including periodic increases, as may be deemed reasonable under regulations prescribed by OOL, but in no event, at a rate less than that specified in Section 6(a)(1)of the'Fair Labor`' Standards Act of 1932, or, if higher, under any applicable State or local minimum wage + law or ordinance (Section 111(b)).- 8.10 It wi11 comply labor standards requirements set out in' ,with Section>706 of"the Act, 8;11, Special consideration will be given to the filling of jobs which provide sufficient prospects for advancement or suitable continued employment by'providing complementary training.and manpower sere- ices designated -to (1) promote the advancement of`participants. to employment or training opportunities suitable to.the'individuals { involved,;whetKer in public or private sectors of the economy;- (2) provide participants with skills for which there is an`antic- '; ipated'high demand, or (3) provid' participants with self - development skills; except"where.exempt under:the,provisions of Section 604 of the Act, provided however, ;that nothing contained in this paragraph shall be construed to preclude persons or programs' for whom the foregoing ooals are not feasible or appropriate (.Sections'205(c)(4),'and 604). 8.12 To the `extent 'feasible, public service jobs shall be provided in occupational fields which are most.likely to expand within the . public or private sector as the unemployment rate recedes, exce^t where exempt' under' Section 604. 8.13 Special consideration in filling transitional public service jobs will be;given 'to unemployed persons who are the'most disadvantaced in terms of the length of time they have been unemployed without `assistance, but such special consideration shall not authorize the .hiring of any person that is on lay-off from, the same or any substantially equivalent job (Section 205(0(7)). 8.`14 No funds will be used to hire any person to fill a jobopening created by the action of an employer in laying -off or terminaiina the employment of any other regular employee not supported unc=_r the Act in anticipation of filling the .vacancy so created by hiring an empioyee to be supported under the Act (Section 205 8.15 Due consideration will be given to persons who have participated in-CETA training programs for whom employment opportunities v;culd not be otherwise immediately available. ;(Section 205 (c) (9)). 8.15 It has undertaken or will undertake,.analyses of job descrip.icns and re-evaluations and, where shown necessary, revisions of>quali- fication requirements at all levels of -employment -including civil service requirement and practices relating thereto, in accordance with regulations prescribed by DOL; with a view! toward removing artificial barriers to ;public employment end occupational advancement •'for those whom it is the purpose, of the Act to`assist-(Section 205 (c)'(18)<) 8.117 Where appropriate, it will maintain or provide linkage with upgrading and other manpower, programs for the purpose of (1)' providing those persons employed -in public service .jobs who grant to pursue work with the employer, in the same or similar work; with 'opportunities `to,do'5o and find permanent, upwardly, mobile,career•s in thatifield-,-and (2) providing those persons so employed who do not wish to pursue permanent careers in such'field,;wiUr'opportunities to seek', pr•eoare for, and obtain work in other fields (Section 205 (c).(19) and 604), p- - 221 - r�. (CETA) 3,13 Not, more than one third of the participants in the orooram will be employed -in a bona fide professional capacity (as such term is used in Section 13(a) (1) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938),,except-that this paragraph shall no t be applicable>in the case of participants<,employed as classroom teachers, and DOL may waive this limitation in exceptional. circumstances (Section 205 (c) (19) and 604), . 8.19. The jobs in each job category inno way infringe upon the promotional opportunities which `wnul& otherwise be available t0.persons currently, employed in;public,service jobs, not subsidized under the Act, and assure ,that no 'ob,will,be filled in other than an entry level position in each job category until appl,icable`personnel procedures and collective bargaining agreements have been complied with (Section 205 (c) (24)). 8.20 ; Only persons: residing within the areas of substantial un- employmentqualifying for assistance 'will be hired,to fill jobs createdrunder Title.II-D of the Act and the public services provided by`such�jobs shall, to the extent feasible, be designed to benefit the residents of such areas (Section 205 (c)(31)). 8.21' Special .consideration shall be -given to eligible disabled veterans special veterans, and individuals who served in the Anmed;Forces and who received other than a dishonorable dischar^ within'four years before the date of their application. Each r Contractor:selectina participants for orograms funded under Title II of the Act, shall tare into consideration the extent that such veterans are avilable in the area. Specific effort should be -ade to develop appropriate full or part-time opportunities for sucIn veterans. In order to insure special consideration for veterans, all: public service employment vacancies under Title II, except those to which forger employees are being recalled, must be lis_ed with the State Unemployment Service at least 48 hours before such vacancies are filled. During this period, the employment servi will refer those veterans specified above. If sufficient numte of veterans are not available, the emoloyment service, uoon rc_.as., may also refer members of other significant segments. All of ?r apolicants are to be referred after the 48-hour period (Section 205(c)(5)). Each Contractor shall, on a continuing anc timely basis, provide information on job vacancies and training oppor_:;r,- ities'funded under, Title II(0) of the Act to State and local erans employment representatives and to other veteran oraanizations for the purpose of disserninatina information to eligible veterans (Section 104(b), of the Emergency Jobs and Unemployment Assistance Act of 1974). 8.22Only persons residing in the area served by the Contractor under Title VI of the Act will be hired to fill jobs created under the Act and that the public services provided by such jobs shall, to the extent feasible, be designed to benefit the residents of such areas except that funds allocated under Title VI of the Act (Section 603(a)(2)(b)) to an area of substantial unemoloyment shall only; be used to provide project and program opoortunities to persons residing in,those 'areas of substantial unemoloyment (Section 603 (a)(2)). 8.23 All persons' employed under any program, other than necessary tecn- nical',.supervisory,and administr-ative personnel, will be selected' from among. unemployed and underemployed persons and that under Title VI, ;preferred consideration shall be given, to the maximum extent,feasibl'e, consistent with provisions of the Act, to une:ro loyed persons who have exhausted unemployment insurance benefits, to unemployed persons who are not eligible for unemoloyment insurance benefits (exceot-for persons lacking work experience) and to unemoloyed persons who have been unempioyed for fifteen (1:) or more weeks. - 222 - i CITY OF, F1lntli CETA"Allocation to Nor:profit Contractor " The follo-wing information describes and sununarizes the present'City of rliami allocation of p�;itions to the nonprofit contractor indicated. "below.- 'Funds for this aliocationare proviiled.andcr'the.Comprehen�ive.Employment and Training nct,`(CETn) Title =Y1' Note: Each Tine,trm allocation'is fixed andivill'not:be changed. Name of>Contractor: New lJashington fleightstCommunity Development Conference;`Inc '. Effective Dates of Agreement:: October 1; 1,979 -.September 30980 Position Yearly 6.13V FICA 5% !dorkmen's $46.00/mo. Total Alloc. 8i=meekly, Monthly. '. Salary ., Comp. Yrly. ins. per iposition rate rate Community Ag?ncy Aide (Community Wcrker) $7,177.00 $439.95 $353.85 $552-.00 $8,527.80 $276.04 $598.08 Community Agency Aide (Community Worker) 7,177_00" 43995 358.00 .552.00 8,527.80 276.Oa. 598.08 I 12 months' S14,35400 $879.90 $717:70 $1,104.00 $17,055.60 Date Prepared: 100/29/791 Maximum Compensation: $17,05560 City of t•1iami 9epartinent of.Citizen ServicFs!;dainisirative and,Contr•ol"Division" R } Position Yearly 6.13o:F1CA '.' 5� Workmen's ` $46:00/mo. Total Alioc. 8i-weekly` M ntnly. 5alary Comp. YrIya,Ins. per position rate rate Community Ag?ncy Aide (Community Wcrker) $71177.00 .$439.95 8358.85' 8552.00 $8.527.80 $276.04 $598.08 ro Community Agency Aide (Community Worker) 7,177.00 439.95 358.00 552.00 8,527.80 276.Oa. . 598.08 CITY OF riiniil. CETA PERSOIINEL' IllIDCET FORM _ Suh-Contractor : -,deF� lJashington heights 'Community Development Con Effective •Dates ofAnreement� October 1 1979 ='September 30 198 NAPE OF S.S. -CETA `F1A{. CETA' 'ETA SALARY SUPPLEM POSITI011 PAPTIC.' TITLE AI1ROPR.. SALARY SU 1I SOUP TITLE Community Agency Aide (Cnwnunity-Warker_1— =Besi2LGr..een " 26749-4639'_YI— S7 LL00'$?.117 a O - Community Agency Aide (f'nmmunit"orker I .Lpr�IIzo p1a ?r)7t:_?q_ 2B2._1JI— 1,1ZD9 7:177.00 O - Date Prepared: 29/-79 • By: O.J Drpartrrent of Citizen Services luliniiii:tralivc anrl`fnntrol llivision- ference, _Inc'. 0 t � 6 � i i I Y I � r .r •d.. �•.i.a•/f. Ar- 1 AVO-ele <1jt _ +, /ty .w.r_ 1 . .J)r.,..s - --' i. _ -, - Y.•,. _ o "��•��1�-;'�r�f� - -t 1_i E-=t- 4 i� ' - " i.: 1 '�. 16 I •r� b} - ..�- :1 I �,J:o!-. ,. i t "1-r .: f•••:-� �� . �•_Frte.t7.a�e-.wcJR.....:Dn._-----.ilYeee-: t — a _ i r •I I .�-1 F ' ,.<i- t�• /pe, ••� I 1 _ : _11 Sic �l 1 T'- >..Jit7f .4 �•-` ! /qnr. 11.AisR i•w Dl'•r••.L +aA " - L � ' - �- 1 i -_ 1. + � �0. I t�.: I __ 1 - 1 ir_-' Ir��. u__ctt[ I •.-,.I St•. Q•Jo._Mei...r_F•Iar ___ _�I li)!e �, ._1. 1 �- I It. -�,'I Crf „L_� ..Plr _ ,fa I ebo. • - t I I .,.:e1. rr __1c: `=.5 1: 1 �,c• uiY �. IPt Ft LLb _ y Ya,.razS[/�OfnvlL.7efrtir�./.a•� 4} — FZ .. _ Fis•N.Sn...--:.1 Ne.e'_.1-1_. t.�� -{ lt'- - - • . r r 1 10 Iy - +i •• I-�,9 1 ,i t;r�.lS <: { 1 _ t•?.'_ L+1 tL4 �li�, 4 t��, iQo,..,.rfanwn••/4ut._Ea.a_dw•..!•., al ltwe 1 ; -� -�- -1 . -tv ,'_1 -}- INr J � it . _t v i _ S.e.s.• 4.1-/t.n L-.1_., -- -,r.-. st._1 'n !_.t��e ti�.a1�r_I;r_: I S•aw•rA e1 .. 1�F arlw_ i � � S• I _ ♦i i :. 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"� _ - t--t"_- { I ' i- • 11+� 3• I 1 1 I i-1-_.1' va .:.1-? �z Ij�a r- ; -- - - •'/O_—r}}.» � ..� I ill. 1 � ?�-1-- '�f_1. K} I 1• I� �Y' �_ -- - - -.�__�- _- - .1 ..J:d' 1 I !, L+1 j1Y✓.7 y_'L',y 12=�1iflu �]:L►.1-- + _ I 1--t !1- .y i a) wewill identify and investigate the appropriate academic courses offered by ,'the educational system in Dade` to select;academics that tyill be useful and beneficial to the CETA trainee. The type of duties and responsibilities that the CETA trainee t��i11 be exposed .to riill offer them an opportunity to accumulate imvaluable t��ork.experiences b) our'Agency will commit itsElf to assuming the responsibility of attempting to secure.permanent`employment opportunity for the, " trainees ti�i th Agency,'or be` di redly responsible for placement .our. vii'th another agency wi thi n the pres'cri bed time. The exposure and experience that the CETA trainees will`acqure wII ithin' the prescribed information Wi11 be`augmented by: 1) academic course' -Job -training2) on -the : bitiefe3)' Wel1 dds, and responsiies 4} experien"ced supervisory personnel timely and constructive evaluations . MEASUREABLE -OBJECTIVES 1)` evaluation of'academic course.wor,k, grades, transcripts;; and,, instructors comments 2)' evaluationby �'on-the-job'supervisor '." 3), effectiveness in carrying out -duties and assignments" 4) attce endana rid, relations, with`client population 5)` communicati�ie skills and use of the tools of - he p,rofes5ion 6} retenti"on of diss"iriulated technical information 7)' "abi ity to work with people, staff member, and clients f. 4. . ,.' - 229